Good morning and welcome to the ride! We all the way up and Steve gives us a little lesson on pulpit etiquette. Sister O'Dell put out a warning about what may happen on the 4th. Cardi B is happy and she don't care who know! Tommy called Steve short. Junior gives us the latest with Serena Williams in Sports Talk. We give you the lazy way to transform your life. Questlove has The 5th Dimension on his podcast and he also has an upcoming movie. Steve and his nephew wrap up the show with stories.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them like theming buck bus things and it's not good. Steve Hartley, I don't join jo. You gotta use that turn hur You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Ya come, come on your thing, I show well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and all is Steve Harvey got a radio show particular me this morning. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Feel with nothing but joy and hope about it too. You know, it's a great thing to be able to wake up in the morning with peace in your heart and joy. Peace and joy is is immeasurable. It has a value attached to it, and I have no idea what it is. It's invaluable. It is worth so much more than any amount of money you can make. Peace and joy. I have not always had that. I have not always been a peaceful person or a person who lived his life in a joy spirit. It took an arrival at this moment. Some people arrive sooner than others. I wish I had arrived at this point sooner, but I think it was necessary for me to learn a few things too. That's the amazing thing I've learned about life is that instead of reflecting on your past incidences and calling them failures, instead of focusing on the negative and calling them bad times, I look at them now as experiences. I had to have those experiences that were negative, that were good, positive, wrong, even I had to have all those experiences to become to shape who we are today. We all have to have them. If you look back at all the negative experiences you've had, all the things that you called failures, all the businesses I started that went under, all of the jobs I had that I was fired from, all the shows that were canceled, all of the times I thought I was gonna get something happened in my way and turned out I didn't get it at all. When you look at all of it, all of it, hopefully along the way, what you have done as a person is you've taken those negatives and those failures and you've used them for what they actually are. They are experiences, and they've now created in you an experienced person, and you know that is worth something. That's then it becomes a positive. But what too many people do is they let the negative things that have happened in their life. They allow the failures that have happened in them lives never to manifest themselves as experiences. And you sit up there and you dwell on it, and you dwell on it until you have this woe is me attitude. Stop looking at it like that, y'all. You go through things in order to become the person that you are today. I'll tell you who you sometimes have to sit down and talk to. Sometimes you ought to sit down to an inmate that really gets it. An inmate that says, man, I've actually heard inmates say it to me and write to me, and they've said things like, man, coming to prison, save my life. Now those of you have never gone, how can he say a thing like that? But some men, no, Man, I was so far out there that if I'd have stayed out there, I wouldn't even be here today. This actually allowed me to stop, spend some time with myself and learn some things about me. Now does that happen for everybody like that? Now? But here's a person who was taking an experience that could be considered a failure or a negative and turning it into a positive and using it to enrich their lives. You can do it no matter what your set of circumstances is. I recommend to everybody that you try changing your outlook in order to change your outcome. Everything that happens to you that's negative or you could said a failure their experiences. You've got to go through these things in order to have the knowledge that you have today. So I wish that I had come to this arrival, that I may now this place of peace and joy. But then guess what I would not know what I know. I could not share some of the things that I'm able to share if I had not gone through some of them. And sometimes that's the purpose of them, is to teach you a lesson because you know, God has a plan for you, He really really does. And eventually he can use you no matter how old you are, and he can use you no matter how young you are. If you just say, Okay, I'm ready to hear your plan. I've tried mine, mine ain't worked out. What's your plan for me? God, what do you want me to do? That's why I say every day Steve Harvey got radio show, y'all, because Man, I ain't see it coming. I didn't see that coming. I ain't see this book coming. I ain't seen I ain't seen it. Half of the amazing things that are happened to me, I didn't plan them. I was sitting there, man, asking God for some direction. And then I got smart enough to stay watchful, be a hard worker. Now because faithful, our works is there and it came. And I'll remind you of this. God has given all of you a gift. Every last one of you listening has a gift. God has never created a soul that he did not provide a gift to. God gives everyone a gift, and a gift is not just singing, rapping entertainment. The richer gifts are much more than that. Teachers are gifted people who really have the gift of sharing information. That's a gift, you know, and in that you can become great. You know a lot of people people think that successful and greatness is the same thing. Cornell West said it at my daughter's graduation. He was a spokesperson. He said something so pointed. He said, don't ever confuse success with greatness. The two have nothing to do with each other. See, people determine success about money and fame and all this here, but greatness. Greatness ain't got nothing to do with your money. It ain't got nothing to do with your fame. It's how you conduct your life. It's how meaningful and significant you become in your community, at your church, on your job, to the club scout unit that you run, to the little girls lives that you change, that that little center in the hood. Who are you just one place of hope to so many people and they come back. And I used the example of Lou Danzler who passed away in La who had the Boys and Girls Challenges Club out in La. And he wasn't a rich man at all, and if you walk by him, you wouldn't even know who he was. But if you look at all the people who have gone on to become politicians, who have gone on to become CEO's, who have gone on to become athletes, that have passed through this man's small building in the hood in La, he was a great. Trust me man prad changes things, I said all time. But when you see will become successful or great, that somebody praying somewhere may not even beat them. Maybe it's day mama. You know, I think of Tiger Woods and all the greatness he's accomplished. You know they always talk about as farther than all this here, somebody somewhere praying for Tiger Woods. I got cash money riding on that Tiger Woods. Mama is a praying woman or something. My mother was. She prayed me into this place because she should call me all the time. Praying for your boy, and prayer changes things. It really does. Try it today. It can change you. It has changed millions of people. Open up yourself to the greatness that's in you, because God is giving you a gift, not the fact that you ain't using it. Who fought you think that is? I'm just telling you you got one, and if you start praying about it, it'll manifest itself and you can become one or two things, successful or great or both. You can make the decision. Today the morning show. Everybody, now have your attention because it's about to go down, all the way down. I'm all the help. Now it's about to go down, but I'm all the help. Why does it sound like a gospel song when you sing a gospel leader? I'm all away all the rough side. Charlie Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Preacher Steve Harvey. Yeah, that ain't my calling. My calling has been to do the Lord's work, but not not in the pool pit. It's too dangerous up there for me. I'm not gonna be able to uphold the standards of pool pit isn't okay? Is a caller for real? Good morning? I love that adverb. You made a pool It's it's a poor pit etiquette. I'm not gonna be able to maintain. As soon as you say something I don't like. Now, I'm gonna have to say something you ann like. M h and uh. You know, we'll work on the forgiveness later. Ladies and gentlemen, Junior, best level one Christian I know and have no interest in advanced Christianity. Well, you've certainly leveled up since we first met twenty years ago, sir. Oh phrase him Carler, nephew Tommy in the building. Carler I used to come in because we were doing radio. He did a small syndicated version. We did Dallas Ann La. So we did two hours live at four a m. From LA, and so we did six hours of radio a day. And so we would stop at six o'clock and go live to La after two hours of live in Dallas. Uh huh, I was staying up all night, coming staying up. You were scared you go over sleep? Yeah, I was sleep I was upsenting wa wa yeah. It was the w Dog. It was the l Ray that Wednesday night at the l Ray, I would lead a l ray, make one stop, then come to work. Sure to be one day. And she said, Steve, what is all that glitter on? It was so wild back in those days, so wild back in those days. I asked so much glitter on me. It was only for three days. I couldn't shower at glitter all I had hell annam mustache. It was I can't see that. I can't see you like that man. Praise God that he is gone. I think the my heavily father that he is no longer. Oh boy, oh we were wilding. Okay, all right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour. It is Wednesday, So sister Odell is in the building right after this you're listening to string show. Well, guys, it is women crushed Wednesday, and sister O'Dell is here. We will sit himky like that sub is the wheel, the wee, the s Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, who are you feeling it? Today's strug show? Whis how's everybody doing this? My winding wonderful, beautiful beautiful? Well let's get started. What y'all talking about? Well, um, we were kind of talking about off air, like Fourth of July. You know it's coming up this weekend barbecue plans. We don't celebrate the fourth in our family, not at all. I mean we Bobbie Q. But you bet not hang a flag on the front of this house. You're looking for the Jude teenth color flare. Now we're gonna have a celebration, but we missed that. But you hang a red, white, and blue and the stars up there that ain't never represented all us, it's gonna be a problem. Nobody on our street waves of flag, well excepted one. It's a white family up the street. They pushed their flag out, but some black kids are told them if they put it up this year, you won't have a porch, just direct So I don't really think they're gonna hang it up this year. Yeah, well, well we'll just move on from that. Um, I wasn't gonna ask you. Well, they had a they had a Trump sign up in front of their house, and then the black kid went out in took the whole yard out yard. So it's this house in the streets. They just walked and they just seeming everything. You little drive another steak in the cloud out here. The Black Lives Matter kids are different. Yeah. And then they took all the WiFi off their house and took the Netflix from him, and they want of the kids learned how to get their Netflix. And now that they run their own Netflix, I don't know why they still living Hill. You're not gonna run them out. I heard the Black Lives Matter kid tell the wife found the Trump come back, were coming back? I said what I said, Yes, I mean what I mean. All right, Um, okay, you have any vacation plans for the summer, Cestra del you know it's moving quickly. Yeah, I'm going to my sister's house. You know in Washington, we goes up there. You did not Washington State. That's not enough. My people would never stay there. Okay, all right? Cool? Um, you know Tommy's gonna be filming the next two seasons of his show from DC. Ready to Love. Really, yes, ma'am, congratulations on that Timas. That's really good of you, you know. I like that show is cute. I like the way they're dating everything on that show. I don't like that little board at last. What's his name, Christopher? Yes it is Chris Kate Kate Kate kg yes, yeah, Now he really just really needs to stop. You know, Oh what is he lying about? You think it's the thing about what are they talking about? Seeming retention? Yes, you have to watch the show ready to lie? You don't believe that time from More Style, I think he coined that phrase. Yea coin did and ain't worth a coin? Sister, I tell would you pay on the dating show? Yeah? Well, you know, I was thinking about it because online dating is big now. But I don't you know, people's my age don't know if we didn't know how to log in, you know, Well that's when you get a young person to just come in and do all that stuff for you. Sister. Yeah, but you gotta have people on that that's you know that you got interest with, you know, and who is on that? You know? I was on our time, you know, our time, you know, and all them old as people on that they're to change the dating site that any time Now I was on there gonna lord, they're too old. You know. I date you, but I ain't fitting to push you around. Now you don't need a date. You need a nurse. We're not I'm not fitting to be a help. See, you don't see nobody pushing me. See, because I care myself health wise. You know, I get you know, I do a dtox once a month. You know, I call it the Christian dtox. Okay, A yeah, I just do. I just do communion every day, four times a day. I just do wine and crackles. Just man. I called it a Christian d talk. Yes, okay, all right, And it's because you look great, but it keeps you young. And you know, you don't know you're hungry because I don't just do a communion cup of wine. I do you know, I do two glasses and a pack of saut tunes. Yeah, it's Christian appetizers. Who's called the Christian dtox? The Christian man, Get you one long stack of salt Team's premium, uh huh, and get your two glasses of wine. It's a wonderful thing. It brings me a lot closer spiritually, you know. Oh I like hearing that so you're gonna be at your sister's house. You're saying, yeah, I'm gonna go to my sister's house. You know she does something every year with just the older women. We has a bunch of male strippers coming in on Friday. Nothing. Oh now that sounds like a party, all right, you better know it is. I hate to cut you off, sister Odell. But coming up next, the nephew would run that brank back. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne is here with today's national news and an entertainment news. Curdie b is a opening up about her marriage and her family after her pregnancy reveal on the Beet Awards last Sunday. Plus Andrew Day talks about rumors she's dating Brad Pitt. What what We'll talk about these at the top of the hour. But right now the nephew is here. Would run that prank back. What you got for us? Nav? Yo, baby got my babies name? Did you hear what I said? I said, your baby got my baby's name? Let's go care. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a patrician. Patrician, who is it how you doing. Listen, Um, my name is Floyd. Floyd. I want to give you a call. Your your daughter she all teens middle school? Right okay? What's your name again, Floyd? Okay? What can I just fight you? Well, like I said, your your daughter she goes she do go to middle school, right yeah, okay, Now her name, her name is Dereka. Why you need to know that? Okay, Well, it's something wrong or something No, no, no, nothing wrong. I mean I don't mean to alarm you're nothing like that. But let me see what you're calling me. Well, here's the situation. My daughter actually goes to middle school along along with with your daughter. Okay, and and it's it's a bit of a problem that that that has arisen that me and my wife just found out about. Okay, some issues Derek and your baby in in some kind of like trouble or something. No no, no, no, no, nothing like that. But I think you don't fool with nobody at that school. She don't mess with nobody. She owned the honor roll and everything. I don't have no problems out of Dereka, right like none. Okay, I no, call me, let me know, let me tell you miss miss Patricia. What's the problem is, See, my daughter name is Dereka. Okay, so, and and it just blew me and my wife away that it was another Dereca that went to school. Okay, all right, I don't know too many Derecas. That's the nickname that okay, right right, Well, here's the problem me and my wife. Actually, you know, when it was time to name my child, we thought we was really picking a name that nobody would have a chick out for their daughter. And to have another Dereca in the school that blew us away. And I guess the real reason why I'm trying to call you, miss Patricians. See if if, if there's something maybe we can work out, you know, maybe uh like your Dereka does middle name or nickname she can be called by in opposed to both of them being Derek. You really want our child to be the only one with this name? Okay? Wait wait wait, wait, now you calling me and you asking me to change my baby's name. Well, I mean you you ain't really got to legally change I mean, but just start calling us something else, you know. No, no, wait a minute, so what you naming police or something? Do you know how many and Louis and Patricia's out there. What if at everybody in the United States change a name from Patricia. You're not crazy, that is, and I understand that you must be on drugs. Not. What I'm trying to say is you know this, this is something that we really have. Our baby girl was this name and we didn't want nobody else to have this. So does your Dereka have a middle name? She can you? No, we're gonna call her Dereka like we've been calling your name, your baby d D. Let's call your baby d D. Did you change y'all? Y'all change y'all baby name at the school. I'm not calling I'm not calling my only name. I don't give me what you call it, but I'm not changing my baby name. Hey, listen, Okay, Look, I'm trying to call you and handle us like adults, you know, but you've seen to see you're gonna push my funt to take me to another level. Obviously, you ain't calling me trying to handle us. It doesn't ask me to change my baby name, call my baby something else at the school because y'all want your baby name to be Derek and the only Dereka in the school. Hey, you know how many other kids at the damn school got the same name. I understand that, but from my baby girl, it ain't schools to be like that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to good baby girl and your wife, but you know I'm got changing my bear of the damn name. Now call your baby. Do you know what I'm trying to do is get it rectified that we can call you? Get my phone number. I'm not a school. Ain't good of you my number? I got your numb Don't worry about how I got it. The problem is that what we're talking about right now. If call we what can we start calling your Childibber? I know that school ain't called you my damn number. Listen, man, all I'm trying to do is think out what can we start calling your daughter? Danner cut less she's been doing? Call you and you're right down to the statistics office and gets all they of the name? I kind you sum out the kind of name beha, but more day to keep the same damn name. Let me explain something of you. I've been trying to be calm with you. Nor shall put if you are firing something else to call on and I'm gonna go. I'm gonna get all the kids number. How do you get my number? Don't worry about how I got the number. Listen to what I'm trying to tell you. If you don't find another name, I'm gonna start getting the kids to call your daughter something. Melse. You justing to call my buddy stidding. I I'm with an everybody who called my buddy stop. Next, you're trying to change your baby names. I want my baby name to beat the Dereka John get him. It's true. My princess is supposed to be the only one named Dereka. Had a chain calling your baby stopping else at the school. I'm going out of these kids starting tomorrow at school calling your daughter. I'm going else. I'm not staying. I'm just starting with you like this number. Hang him off my phone and don't come on my right nor let me tell you something. I got one more thing I need to say to you. You listen to me? What are you listening to me? I'm listening to you. What this is? Nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. Good I would get her. Wait, oh, that little Oh yeah, girl, ain't ain't you brak me on this? I'm so sorry. Solid Yes, I'm gonna give her that is. Oh, I'm so sorry. But you got my nerves bad this morning. Lord have mercy. Lord, I gotta kiss my breath. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, darling, what is What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Hart, The Morning Show. I listen to y'all every morning, crazy, y'all crazy, and not have mercy. Y'all got my blood pressure this, but I love y'all. I listen to y'all show every morning. I'd be stupid, man, Can I can? I? Can I share something? What you don't tell me? True? Sir? Like after every print, you really don't have to say you be stupid. I didn't want people to get confused nothing. You know. Do you think somebody thank you smart? I think I'm intelligent to a lot of people. Name okay, the girls outside of your immediate family. Tell me who you think thanks you? And tell girls on this show they think, all right, well, let's just gonna take a survey. Shirley, do you think he's never said that? I don't what. This is new to me? What what? What? What? Girls are you talking about? Okay, well, that's true, as Monica. I mean, I'm intelligent to some of these people on this show. Now, Mississippi Monica refuses to answer. I'll tell you what. Let's ask junior. Junior to hell? Now what what? What? Somebody asked me, Hey, Steve, do you think Temmy's intelligence? Well, look at the you never heard him say anything intelligence. All right, I'm thinking of you coming up at the top of the yar. We'll have some entertainment in National News right after this. You're listening. Well. Now that Cardie B has revealed her pregnancy, she is also opening up about her marriage and her family. She had an epic maternity shoot and shared a couple of shots in the process, and one Cardie is tastefully nude with offset draped around her from the back, saying, we listen to each other, communicated, prayed, and then God blessed us and our family with another little blessing. That's what she said in the caption. And then she said, our home feels so blissful and very busy, but we are ready and oh happy. I like that. That's sweet. That's sweet. Yeah, you know, growing up. She did the reveal on the BT Awards. I saw a lot of people on social media just trolling hers, saying having a baby from him again, a young cheater. And I'm like, if she's working it out with her husband and they are together and she forgives them and their family, just let them live, y'all. Yes, he said, we communicated and prayed. Okay, people grow, they grow in relationship. The trolls act like they ain't got problems that they own. Yeah, problems, true, Yeah, because trolls don't have no life. You can't be that concerned with somebody else and taking care of yours at the same time. That's not possible. I don't know if it's gonna go away anytime soon, because it seems like it's getting worse. Trolling, the trolling. Yeah, yeah, no, no, it's definitely not gonna go away. But you don't have to be affected by it. They have no power over you, exactly, unless you don't give them power. Who are there. They're not shakers and movers, they're not powerbrokers, and they're not decision makers. They ain't in none of the meetings at your job. They ain't down at the bank. They not in know that they're not in you and your family discussions unless you drag them in. That's true, because you know what I do. Half the time, you know, somebody had to tell me something about me because I don't. I don't know what you mean. I mean, you know, somebody to go man, hey, man, you hear what they said about you. That's almost ninety nine point nine percent of the time to get ball to me because I don't after I'm not sitting on nothing. I'm not googling me. I'm not I'm not googling you. I ain't got no search for what you're doing. You know, y'all tell me something about somebody, say hey, send me a picture please, And and y'all keep me informing about what's happening. If it's not on seeing in and headline news, I don't know none about it. And if I don't know what take all right. Another entertainment news Contrary to popular belief, Andrew Day is not dating Brad Pitt. In fact, she doesn't even know him. She says, Andrew Day, Yeah, you know. She was an Oscar nominee for her role as Billy Holiday in the US versus Billy Holiday was asked about their rumored romance on the red carpet at the Beet Awards. After her strong denial, she added, it's hilarious. It was thin air. Somebody was bored that day. All that being said, she had nothing bad to say about Brad. He's great, super talented and wonderful. All right, sleep better enough, you were losing sleep. All right, we'll talk about the golf tournament that Harvey. Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Tripp, Okay, thank you very much. Good morning everyone. I get to the seriousness in Miami. Yesterday, more bad news about that collass beach front condo building, delivered by Miami Dade County Mayor Danielle Levin Kylie. One additional victim was recovered, so the number of deceased is now at twelve. Mayor Levine Cava says she would support a grand jury investigation to all this. A letter day to April ninth on the building's condo board to the residents describes deteriorating concrete pillars and foundations for the building that had gotten worse since twenty eighteen, and now three lawsuits had been filed. The latest accusing the Condo Association of reckless and negligent conduct, and yesterday's briefing, Surf Side residents also ask for additional search and rescue help from the Feds. The White House says that the President and the First Lady are scheduled to arrive in Surfside to marl to see the damage for themselves and to visit with the victims, families and first responders. George Floyd's murderer, former Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin, reportedly close to working out a plea deal with federal prosecutors about the civil rights charges he's gonna face. Officials say the deal would involve Chauvin admitting a court in front of everybody why he killed George Floyd, in exchange for a twenty five year term to be served concurrently, not consecutively with his twenty two and a half sentence for murder, served in a federal also and not a state prison. Get this. Donald Trump says that former NFL player Herschel Walker remember Him, has told him. According to Donald, that he plans to run for the US Senate seat one last year by the Reverend Raphael Warnock in Georgia, Essentially putting it back in Republican hands. The US Senate. If herschel Walker decides to run, he would be the presumed front runner, given his name, recognition, and endorsement by Donald Trump for the Republicans. Anyway, again, herschel Walker may be running to put the US Senate back in Republican hands. Fox News has been slapped with a one million dollar fine by the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the largest penalty ever levied by that commission in its history, because it says Fox violated laws against sexual harrassment and job retaliation. Oh, here's one to crowded. You have talking about the expressway right, really really crowded. Well, guess what. For the first time in nearly thirty years, Los Angeles has lost to its title as the most traffic congested region in the country. New York Area now tops the list, where the Transportation Institute says, motorists in New York City in that area, on average, anyway, spend a collective four hundred and ninety four thousand hours stuck in traffic last year. That's a lot of traffic. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the string show. All right, So Steve, you had your golf tournament yesterday. You're having another round today, so tell us about it. Give us a recap double tournament. That's I mean, bro, I had to add a day because today loaded up so fast that so many people wanted to play that I went on and I added eighty players yesterday. So you know, Chris Tucker came through yesterday, Vernon Maxwell Vernon to play for Houston. My dude, man, we had a great conversation. Lawrence Taylor, the greatest linebacker to ever play in the National Football League. Matumbo not in my house. Yeah he was there. We all took a picture together. And you don't tell you something, man, I don't can high street. You stand up. You have to put your hand around uh Matumbo's ass. He's that talk, I'm talking. He had his all around the top of my head. He was holding the top of my head and all I could do was hold his ass. I was very uncomfortable. I don't like when a man had me under their breast and pull me in. You know, don't don't don't push my head under your nipple. Dog dog. I'm who the short person is. Nah, I guess where you do. Yeah. Yeah, I was up under his chip, up under his nipple. Let's let me tell you where you would have been about well, I think about about like third te feet talk. Yeah, he felt like, man, such a cool dude. Man, he was funny though. Here. So we're doing some great gifts and stuff and h I did not I did not give my shoes. I said, what what? What? What side you got twenty two? I said, just do dog, We're gonna take two elevens together and you wear that. I don't know nobody gotten on twenty two. I looked down at his foot and no one Jesus twenty two? What Man? One of the coolest dudes though. Man, when I tell you he's a cool dude. Yeah, I love his commercial. Yeah yeah, the guy yeah congratulates, was spare and cool. Everybody everybody was good. You know, those are most of the celebrities. I was and the rest of them is like, you know, brothers from one hundred black men. So what we agreed to do was next year, we're gonna do two out of the city events, one in the Bahamas and one in Vegas. And I'm just gonna throw golf tournaments, man, skip that, you know, parties, clubs, none of that. Just go play golf. Care you asked your room all right? Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. A quick round of asked the cello with the Chief Love Officer right after this, you're listening to show all right? Time now for asking cello with Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey into the building. This one is from Carlita and Richmond, Virginia. Carlita writes, I'm in a marriage that's been over for years, and my children constantly pressure me to leave their father. It's a weekly struggle of me having to defend my actions to them. They see their fathers stay out late at night, ignore me when I'm talking, and not lift a finger to help me around the house. They constantly taught me by saying, if I don't leave, they're going to run away. They're fifteen and thirteen. I don't have any control over them or what my husband does. What gives should I leave for my kid's sake? It seemed to me like you will want to leave for your own sake. Yeah, you have no dignity. You've allowed this man to strip you of your dignity. He don't listen to you, He stay out when he wants to your kids saying if you don't leave him, they don't run away. They know they daddy ain't nothing. They're thirteen and fifteen. The problem is you. You're trying to explain your actions to them for what what you're trying to do is you're trying to and you got to be careful the message that you send to your children. You can't embed in their heads that you should accept sub part behavior, because they're gonna grow up and they're gonna see that, and they're gonna see one of two things. They're gonna see you accept sub part behavior, or they're gonna watch your father be abusive, watch their father be abusive, and they're gonna emulate one of those things. I promise you they will. They are going to pick up one of the traits. We are either going to be the abuser in a relationship or we're gonna sit around and take a bunch of abuse. And ain't neither one of them good. I hope you're listening, Carlata to the CLO. You have no reason in the state. Are you sad it's over? Why are you still there? Yeah? Absolutely all right? Moving on Schuler in Kansas City says, I'm planning a trip to Jamaica for me, my son, and his wife, along with the woman I'm dating. My son, nor my daughter in law have any idea who I'm dating and bringing on the trip with me. It's my son's wife's mother. We've been keeping a secret for months, and we feel like Jamaica is the best place to let them know. We know it's a little strange, but we couldn't deny the connection we had. Do you think our kids will be okay with it? Out of sight? Myself? That's really fly, man. You know, I ain't guess what so bris that's crazy, Mamma. Why is you're asking this hot time with us? Me and Herbert? You know, it was just kicking it. I think it's gonna be cool. I think I can't be okay with it. Well, I mean if they ain't. Yeah, your son's wife's mother. Damn, Pop. You ain't want to say nothing to me? Mama? How could you you're dating his son you're married to the son. Why? I mean, that's not like they're not related. They're not. It's just a little weird. Yeah, it's a little strange. In law to in law. They're not related. It's the son and the daughter. They they man and wife. They wasn't related. Remember that the man that the mom and the daddy really ain't related any anyway. It's like, yeah, that's y'all. Y'all, it's a little strange. Strange if they want all right, so, you know, I think it's gonna be dope. Man, they have no idea who I'm bringing. Yeah, write us back and let us know how it turns out. Please, Yeah, Okay, when y'all at the first dinner, it's gonna be real tricky. Hey, we've been in love for years and we just thought we're going to tell you all. Oh my god, I got this is so weird. Yes, oh, the first night there would be no sex at the young couple's cottage. They're gonna be up all nights. She's gonna be up all night talking about this. You think they aren't let doing it, especially day in the room next door? Say an old store, rocking me like a bag of cotton, spank me like a wet piece of spring. All right, up, we gotta go. Coming up next, it is the nephew with today's bring phone call. Right after this, you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. You're not gonna believe the Strawberry letter for today, the subject the ladies at the church love me. We'll get into that in a little while, but right now, the nephews in the building with today's praying phone call. What you got for his nap Apartment three sixteen, Apartment three sixteen, let's go cat down. Hello, I'm trying to reach a deal. Yeah, this is deal. Hey you deal? How are you doing? Man? My name is Vaughn. Dude. Uh, you're living I'm trying to make sure I got the right dude. Man, you're living Court right apartments? Yeah, I live in going on Okay, you live an apartment on three sixteen, right, Yeah, it's something I need to be worried. What's going on my part? Oh no, no, no, everything cool with your apartment? Man, I got your number from lady at the at the least in office regarding what's in? What's it in regards to well, actually, what's going to happen me is I'm going to move to Court and what I wanted to do, you know, uh, see me in every apartment I've always heard I've always lived in an apartment three sixteen, and I know you in three sixteen, so they you know the girl at the office game, you know, because I don't want to move nowhere else where. I can't be in room three sixteen. I gotta be you know. It's just real superstitious, I know, but I kind of gotta held you. Say your name Vaughn, Yeah, yeah, I'm right. And who gave you my number? Again? One of the ladies at the leasing officers when I was over there. Who was it? I can't really remember her name? Man, Uttley, Well, listen to and I'm gonna tell you like this, man, don't call me for nothing like that. Man, Now, I ain't moving out of my apartment. Man, I've been standing up for four years when I moved out to the partment and I moved in the house. You understanding all this back gone with you? Which whatever it is, you're three sixteen, one three two, that's on you. Man. It ain't any one. I gotta stay in three sixteen, man, See that, That's what I'm trying to say. I didn't signed the least, so I'm stuck with it. I got to get that apartment, so I'm gonna trying to tell you would you like to what's your apartment? Would you like to move to? And I don't get them to move your stuff. Nothing ain't nothing moving on. Don't think it's gonna move with them numbers. You can add them up, divide them, do whatever you want to them. But I ain't move. So you're gonna have to get that to your head. Man. And really, I'm because I don't know. I gave you my number, was like this, I meant working called me because I don't even know no vaughn, No, no, you don't know me that. I asked them who was in three sixteen? They told me, none of your business going three sixteen. Man, Hey listen, man, I'm trying to do this as respectful as possible. You know, Like I said, I really can't function unless I'm living in them. Disrespect me then doing disrespects for then because I'm gonna show do this for you. Called me was like this, I don't get a favorite now, I don't care if there was your favorite scripture. Okay, tell me with like that. Man. See now you're gonna make this hard, okay, so let me let me tell you this to you. And I'm already told the lady I want to be in three to sixteen. She told me I needed to deal with dale. Nah. I'm trying to deal with you in a polightweight, okay, because like I say, I can't function, man, I left up an apartment three to sixteen. I can't. I can't even get them go to work. I cannot function. Okay, I have to have that apartment number. Right. It sounds like you got a problem on your hands. Man, Whatever your problem is, that's your problem. Ain't got you with me? O coll You know like that? Like I say, I've been staying in three to sixteen, I'm gonna stay in three to sixteen until I moved to a house. You need to find something else to do. And really I'm starting that gave you my number to call me with is I can't believes like the way you're talking to you talking to me first to come at me with come at me with a number, looked like you man, three sixteen? What excuse me though, what you're saying You called me with this? I tell you what, man, come at me or come at my problem that you're gonna seed? Man, you understand what I'm saying. Hey, man, I'm trying to handle this respectively. Man, Okay, all right, I'm trying to do listen to him. So I'm trying to tell you, honestly, dog, I cannot function outside of them three numbers. I hamp to live in apartment three sixteen. It ain't my business, man, Yo. I don't want to come move, Yo, but I do it. Hold on? What's running back? Which you say? I said I don't want to have to move? Yo? Said it down? Got me what You're gonna come move? I want? Hey, matter of fact, come yeah, come on, come move three sixteen, three sixteen. I had a three before you. Come on, man, come on, come move my man, Come on two teen silence, come on, move yet. I'll kind of going on the world with number. They've got three under sixty five days. I mean work you want. I'm on my nine to five and you come in and you boy some three sixteen. I'm gonna move somebody. That's all I got to say. Man, it's gonna be you for I did fo. I deal with you though I'm gonna get the least, and I was even giving you my number days. Hey, man, I'm I'm just trying to tell you I have to stay under them numbers, man, I have to. I'm superstitious like that. I know, I know everybody ain't like that, but I just happen to be like that. You don't say nobody ain't like that. Man, I ain't got time to be dealing it. Really, everybody ain't got time. You sit up listen like this, and you looked up with Christian other than I've been out this job looking what what apartment number did they give you? They gave me like three twenty nine or something like that. I don't I can't stay there, man, That's why I'm gonna meet you. Man, me did it three twenty nine, six o'clock to night. How about them numbers? Okay, okay, So how about these numbers right here? They sell them, Sell them twenty nine, Steve Man, they sell them, sell them pointy nine, Steve Eye, sell them seven twenty nine. Sex. You ain't never heard that number before? What it's soundful? Man's that's the number to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Because this is nephew Tommy, and you just got pranked by your coworker, limbito. I me make that listen. It's it's just sounds crazy. I believe it for us to had me rolling, got me about to take off and go to the Lisa off and call it height? Now who you say got me? Now? Ain't you got a co worker at Linda? Linda acted about Linda covering for Linda right now? I wonder what else she takes so long she put here? Man, God, yeah, I ain't going no, man, Hey, del I got one more thing to ask you. Man, there you had worked for real, ain't you? Yeah? Hey man? What's the bad radio show in the land? Man? Steve rother Martin show? All right, man, get back to work, man, your phone off the hook over there? All right? All right, right back to numbers. Man, He was trying to meet you right since fifteen? Meet me right there? How about how the numbers work? That funny? You know? The thing about us, man is and you know it's it's just a part of it. If you're from the culture, this this culture that we have to grow up in over of defending yourself and and and scrapping and fighting, it's so many people that are part of that culture. Even if you, even if you've moved on from it, you can't put you just can't put certain people that had it in a background because it's gonna resurface. Man. Yeah, you know, my mom used to say, we anticipate some bs all the time, the black people. We are, right, that's what I'm like said. The joke was I wish a blanketing blake. Yes, I wish ready, I wish you wood ready said Okay, okay, okay, that's what you want. Okay, cool, I got that for you. Plus, so I got something you ain't counting on when you want it. I know it's true with you, Steve everywhere. Surely I'll be trying, I know, and like I'm gonna tell y'all, Oh something something that happened at the golf course. Seeing yeo jumped off at the court. That's a that's that's a gentleman's game. Yeah, it wasn't possibly happened at the golf course. All right, Well listen, Uh we'll be back with more of the Sea Harvey Morning Show and we'll get to the Strawberry Letter as well. Subject the ladies at the church to love me. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Buggle love and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is Strawberry letter. Subject the ladies at the church love me. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am an ordained minister and I've been a pastor at my church for thirteen years. I've been married three times, so I'm singled by choice now. The church had a problem at first with a nice looking and swab single pastor, but I managed to keep them out of my business until recently. My first wife went public with the details of our divorce about a month ago, and that's snowball into an all out investigation into my dealings with other women in our church. They try to sanction me and give me a reduction in my duties, but none of the women I was messing with were bothered enough to speak out against me. That's because I handle them with TLC and I'm good at what I do. I have repented for cheating on my wives, and that's why I will never get married again. I have a problem now though. The ladies in the church are coming at me in alarming numbers. I have notes slipped to me after service, and I get note slid under my office door. I'm not on social media and I don't check my email myself, so they're getting to me by any means necessary. So I have turned to you for advice on what to do with my social life now that I'm single and not trying to be in a scandal. At my age, I do still have needs, and so many of the ladies are in great physical shape. They say they just need counseling, But I'm not good with being alone in my office with a woman that needs counseling and comforting. I pray that this spirit is removed from me, because I know right from wrong, and my mind is moving toward doing wrong. I often wonder if it's me that the women are into, or is it the idea of me? How can I resist these temptations? You heard it, You heard it, and I got to ask you, mister minister, why are you a preacher, a man of God asking Steve and I about what to do about temptation? Why did you rus you, sir, are a pastor of thirteen years. Is right here in your letter, so you know way more, way more about this subject than we do that both of us combined. You even say you know right from wrong. You set it right here in your letter too. But I get it. Knowing what to do and actually doing it or two highly different situations, we all fall short. I get that. But you know the Bible says, you know, flee from the very appearance of evil, and resist the devil he will flee from you. You you already know the word pastor, but you know the word So so what is this letter? Because I ain't got none of that? But wait, but what is this letter really about? Though? That's what we want to get to. I think it's to, you know, take a moment to tell us how sexy and fine you are or something like that. You know, all these church ladies are all over you. I mean, why else would you tell us that you're nice looking and just swab and you handle them with TLC and you're good at what you do. We don't care about that. The problem is you, mister, married and divorced three times because of cheating. You say you've repented, but you haven't changed your behavior. The only thing you plan to do differently now, you say, is to get married again. You say you still have needs and you're leaning toward doing wrong. So what you're you're saying is that you know you're gonna be sleeping with some of these ladies at the church real soon. That's what it sounds like. We all know it. What you really need to do, mister pastor, mister minister of thirteen years, sit down, humble yourself and try to get your life back on track with God. Pastor Steve, the subject is the ladies at the church loved you. My question is what Shirley proposed a little earlier. What the hell you come to me for? I mean, Pastor, listen to me. I'm badly saying save like I'm saved, but don't don't come over here with too much because I'm I'm on constantly on the struggle. Yeah, now, boy, sir, I'm an ordained minister. Now I have a question, Sherley, because I don't know the answer to this. Is ordained minister different from a minister that's called to the ministry by God? Because I don't know what that difference is. But I get to that I think the ordainment part of it is Tommy, you can help me out. That's the ritual to go through, yeah, because he was raising the church as well. It's the ritual and the you know, you know, Tommy knows stuff like this, but it's kind of like the ritual and the ceremony that you go to to say that you're okay. Skip anyway. Anyway, he's what I'm saying, ordained a call. Maybe that's a difference. I've been a pastor to church for thirteen years. I've been married three times, and now that's why you call me. Oh I see now, oh see. It didn't pop right out into beginning. But maybe you thought since Steve been at it three times, me and you could talk and well, pimp. Here we go in and I say pimp with everything in me because that's what I'm reading. Dog, I'm not reading a letter from a pastor now, Pardner. I gotta just be real. What you you call the wrong dude. I'm finn to read your letter when we come back, per line, and I'm gonna give you as I go my exact feelings on it. Now, Pastor, this letter is man to man, you know, I know so I don't know why you write into me man and think now I'm gonna talk to you real regular now. So when we come back to the past, y'a't Finn talk to the pastor real regular because he act like some dudes. I know, I'm set pastoral behavior in him, So why we got to talk as past All right? Cool? You call the right place? All right. We'll have part two of Thieves Response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject for today the ladies at the church love me. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject is the ladies at church love me? Love right, let's go. So now let's go through the left. Don't leave nothing now, Steve Stephen Shelley. I'm an ordained minister. I guess that's different from being called I guess I've been a pastor my church for thirteen years. I've been married three times, so I'm single by choice. Now. I was wondering why I passed would right in to us about his temptation and love life. But I guess it's cause he thinks I've been married three times. We got some in coming. Well, imp here would go. The church had a problem at first with a nice looking at suave single pastor, but I managed to keep them out of my business until recently. Oh so your description of yourself is suave single pastor. Okay, you came in with with the swag in the game. My first wife went public with the details of and I've kept and I've managed to keep them out of my business until recently. My first my wife went public with the details of our divorce about a month ago, and that's snowballed into an all out of investigation into my dealings with other women in our church. Okay, pastor, Now I watched this. They tried to sanction me and give me a reduction in my duties, but none of the women I was messing with were bothered enough to speak out against me. That's because I handled them with TLC and I'm good at what I do well, pimp. Problem is game recognized game. See the problem pass it is you forgot that you was married and you didn't handle your three wives with TLC. So there's other talk about these women didn't bother to come out against you because you treated them with TLC, and you good at what you do. It's the reason you have three formal wives. It's because you forgot you was married and you didn't treat your wives with TLC. Pimp. So let's scratch that. You're good at what you do. Your ass is fitting against sanction, So don how good are you? Everybody in the church know your business. You're good at what you do, what pastor? And I have repented for cheating on my wives, and that's why I will never get married again. Oh, because you're not gonna get married again because you have to repent for cheating. Is that why you're not gonna get married again? Because you've repented and now you've decided you will never get married again. You know why, because you're gonna cheat again and you don't like having to ask for repentance for it. See, pimp, I see y'all through this letter. Man. I got a problem now though. The ladies in the church are coming at me in alarming numbers. I got notes slipped to me after service. I get notes under my dough so they getting down. You ain't on social media, nick, and they check I don't check my email myself, so they get into me by any means necessary. So I've turned to you for advice on what to do with my social life. Okay, passion. Now that I'm single and not trying to be at a scandal at my age, I do still have needs and so many of the ladies are in great physical shape. What yes, yea? So this is all about your sexual gratification. That's all this is about, dude. They say they just need counseling, but I'm not good with being alone in my office with a woman that needs counseling and confidence. Have you ever thought about this, dog? Maybe you ain't really passed the material, this ordained thing that you've got. Maybe you ought to just get unordained because of your dog. Maybe you ain't passed the material. If you can't comfort and counsel people in a room by yourself, then your ass ain't really pass the material. Damn dog. I pray that this spirit is removed from me because I know right from wrong and my mind is moving towards doing wrong. Dog, you ain't praying about this. You're righting into a morning show. Okay, so you're not. I pray that this spirit is removed from me because I know right from wrong and my mind is moving towards doing wrong. What I often wonder if it's me that the women are into or is it the idea of me? How can I resist these temptations? Hold on, man, brother, you ain't really praying about this because you're righting into the morning show. And then the next thing, you know, if you were called your problem is you answering too many callings? Can't nobody slip you a note? Can't nobody come in your office? Can't nobody getting no confident? Can't nobody getting no counseling? You can't get mad no more? You're repented from cheating you to hand at three wives, befolk. You suave, and you nice looking, and you dapple, and that's all it is. Pimp. So when you say I wonder if it's me that the women are into or is it the idea of me? Dog? You tell us? You tell us because I think you more in love with the idea of you than anybody else. You like the suave, nice looking past, and it walked in the door. Are you in the ministry for the right reasons? Is the question? Because it sounded to me like you in the ministry for the women because you don't do no counsel. So can anybody come in there and talk to you and set me in because of a woman coming there that's in good physical shape. You got needs yo. Man, you're not gonna marry again because you know you're gonna keep cheating, pimp. Let's be real. Booster Commins done Today's Strawberry Letter Steve HARVEFM and Instagram and Facebook. Check the Ministry podcast on demand coming up with play six minutes after Sports Talk with Junior right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, it is that time time for Sports Talk with Junior. What you got, Junior? Sad news out of Wimbledon. Everybody's sad news. Um Serena Williams had to withdraw to a leg injury from Wimbledon yesterday, man, um Man, she is out of Wimbledon. But you know what it was. It was just the fact that she tried to keep on playing even with the leg injury. She slipped on the grass. It was raining and she slipped trying to return to serve and tweaked the muscle in her in her leg. So she had to withdraw and she was hard a whole back tears. I mean, I know Wimbledon is a big event for her and I really wish she could, but they gave her a round standing ovation anyway as she left the court. That's how much people appreciate Serena Williams. Man. Serena Williams career is Hall of fame, right. That girl is the baddest of the baddest of all the lad tenness true transfer. She's surpassed Billy Jean King, She's surpassed Chrissy every She's to pass Martina, not LoVa, whatever her name is. That's that's we know what we're talking about. You know what I'm saying, Oh girl, old girl. I mean, she is the goat. She's to go to tennis. Tigers to go to golf. I don't care what nobody records. Is what Tiger played golf better than anybody I ever saw. Now, you can roll out all the tapes of Jack Nicholas and Honor Palm and they're great and all like that, But when you play the tapes, Tiger Wood better near body, hands down, hands down. Also, man, we gotta give a big shout out. This is big, big shout out to my man, Chauncey Billups. He is the new head coach of the Portland Trail Blazers coach in the NBA. Detroit. Yeah, world champ all time favorite city to perform in Detroit number one, Washington, DC number two. I didn't hear something else. I got to tell y'all about that. This disturbed me. Okay, surely the Espies are going to a July tenth on ABC. Ok eSPI. The host is Anthony mackint Like, Uncle Steve ain't sitting right here. I'll be there. Anthony mack the falcon in the Marvel movies, Like, yeah, I like macintwo, but he ain't Anco Steve hosting the Junior I host NFL Honors. Baby, I know why the NBA don't see this? Thought is everything? Yeah, you can't see. I don't really care about sock and all that. They don't need, they don't need to bring him be down there. I don't give a damn by lacrosse. Congratulations Anthony Mackie. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about the lazy way to transform your life right after this what you're listening show, Well, guys, being lazy doesn't have to be a bad thing. M I never heard that before, and it can actually help you transform your life now. Polly Worum is a life coach and self proclaimed lazy girl. Polly says, you can lean into your lazy nature and use it to create a life filled with joy. So see if you agree, Steve. Okay, because you're completely again to this, I'm sure the premise. Anyway, here we go. She says, be lazy enough to relax and laugh a little at yourself. That is number one. She says. Don't take yourself so seriously. Okay, okay, okay, you agree, Okay, be lazy enough to relax and enjoy yourself a little bit, laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself so seriously. Yeah, I don't mind you laughing at yourself. Do that sometimes? And I don't, and I don't, and I stopped working to relax. I'm not finding you see. It's hard for me to get a positive out of a negative because every lazy person I know is sorry. And my father narrative. No, well, you can't flip it on me. My father fifteen did something to me. Man, I was supposed to take out the trash every winsday and one and one win shore. I heard him dragging the garbage cans down the driveway. I'm upstair asleep. Mother went rolled black open. He came upstairs, sat on the edge of my bed, shifting. He said, you know something, Sun, I didn't raise you to be like this, but you one sorry rascal. You just a sorry rascal. He got up and walked out of that room and went to work. Man, he was disgusted. I set up in and my father had never done it like that. He just said, you were sorry, rascal. I didn't raise you to be like this, and this was just me missing taking the garbage out on Wednesdays, but that was his unacceptable nature for excuses and not doing what you're supposed to do. And my father walked out their room. Man, I was devastated. Do you know every sense that day I have been trying to prove to him that I'm not sorry, that I'm not lazy to my father died, I was That was my one thing to prove to him, and I was so happy when he said he was proud of me. Boy, you Scott. And so now this woman who hires her, Yeah, yeah, I get what I got out of it. I didn't get that part of she said, I think it's cool. What she's trying to say to let go a little bit. Yeah that we just didn't. Yeah, she just shouldn't have used the word lazy, and I think you would have been fine with it, Steve, She says, allow yourself to welcome change. You know, I agree with that. Yes, I agree with that. Okay, we'll say something. I agree with it. She says. One of the best parts of laziness, Steve, not wasting energy on fighting change. Let your lazy help you become a master of allowing. That's igniti again. Let your laziness allow you to master allow it. What. Yeah, it sounds crazy though, so Jesse, you sit around and watch it happening. See how I go? Man? Okay, all right, she says, pay attention to your ratio of hustle versus allowing. Okay, the rule of thumb is seventy percent work and thirty percent allowing. This means you do groundwork, let go of expectations, and allows the universe to deliver. That's her philosophy. I'm the work. How much hustling are y'all doing? I got the hustle falsett wide. I think you're I think you're gonna really like this one, though, Steve. She says, listen to your gut, trust your intuition, and don't waste time and energy getting other people's views on what's going on in your life. I think she nailed that one. I agree with that. See, I think what's keeping her alive? She say a couple of things that just trips and she falls off. I agree. All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, Carla is here with today's podcast Alert update. Carla, Thank you, Charlie. All right, guys, check this out the latest episode of Quest Love Supreme. You know, we love Quest Love from the roots. He has a podcast and it's called Quest Love Supreme. And then on this latest episode of the podcast, he is talking to the legends Marilyn McCoo and Billie Davis Junior Fifth Dimension. Yes, Quest is talking about their first Grammy nomination. And this is right on time with the release of this movie that Questlove is producing. We talked about it on the show Summer of Soul. You know, the documentary about the nineteen sixty nine Harlam Cultural Festival. So it's in theaters July second, so make sure you check out Quest Love Supreme's podcast podcast Alert. Check it out. Also another podcast Alert Jill dot Ill Jill Scott's podcast. I love the title Jill dot Ill. On the latest episode she's talking about black ChIL aldren in the education system, so make sure you check that out. Jill dot Ill. And this is Jill Scott's latest podcast. All of this is good stuff and you can check it out wherever you get your podcast, Questlove Supreme Jill dot Ill got it good. So that's the latest on the podcast we want you guys to check out. Thank you, Betty. All right, thank you Carla very much. Coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, thank you Carla. Coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So Steve, you had your golf tournament yesterday. You're having another round today, so tell us about it. Give us a recap double tournament. I mean, bro, I had to add a day because today loaded up so fast that so many people wanted to play that I went on and I added eighty players. Yeah. Today, so you know, Chris Tucker came through yesterday. Oh, Vernie Maxwell vern used to play for Houston. My dude, man, we had a great conversation. Lawrence Taylor, the greatest linebacker to ever play in that in the National Football League. Matumbo not in my house. Yeah, he was there. We all took a picture together. And you don't tell you something, man, I don't. I don't can high straight. You stand up. You have to put your hand around uh, Matumbo's ass. He's that talk. I'm talking. He had his arm around the top of my head. He was holding the top of my head, and all I could do was hold his ass. I was very uncomfortable. I don't like when a man had me under their breast and pull me in. You know, don't, don't don't push my head under your nipple. Dog dog, I'm who the short person. Nah, I guess where you're doing. Yeah? Yeah, I was off under his chip, up under his nipple. Let's let me tell you where you would have been about well, I think about about like thirteen feet talk. Yeah, it felt like man, such a cool dude, man. He was funny though here and we're doing some great gifts and stuff, and uh, I did not I did not give my shoes. I said, what what what? What side you got twenty two? I said, we just don't do dog. We're gonna take two elevens together, and you are that. I don't know nobody gotten on twenty two. I looked down at his foot and I went large, Jesus two man, one of the coolest us. Don't man when I tell you he's a cool dude. Yeah. I love his commercial. Yeah yeah, the guy yeah, congratulates, was spare and cool. Everybody. Everybody was good. You know, those are most of the celebrities I was and the rest of them is like, you know, brothers from one hundred Black Men. So what we agreed to do was next year, we're gonna do two out of the city events, one in the Bahamas and one in Vegas. And I'm just gonna throw golf tournaments, man, skip that, you know, parties, clubs, none of that. Just go play golf. Care you ask your room. All right, coming up, it is our last break of the day, and of course we'll have some closing remarks or closing remark type story from The One and Only Are Fearless leader Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to show? All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day. Who okay on this Wednesday. Yeah, it's been a show. It's been a show today. Thank you guys for a little hang out every day today. Oh yeah, you're going out there. You're coming out today. Yeah, and you don't play dad, Oh no, I'm gonna look like it though. Yea. Man. You know my stylist was talking to him, mister horn't want you to change the way you tress when you play golf, and said why He said, wants you to be more stylish. I said, look, man, maybe you don't know how golf go. I'm finning walk up in the woods. I'm finding to climb down and saying tramps. I gotta stick my club in the water pool and pull my ball out of water. I gotta, I gotta. I'm Damn'm damn fitning go to work. So all it pretty as outfits you trying to put me in. Mister haven't want you to wear white pants? I said, dog, it rained, it rained. If you dig that club into that mud one time. White. I said, bro, not on rainy day, mister Hervey. You shouldn't let things like that affect us. So he came out there yesterday. I'll show you how to dress on the golf course. You know, he little skinny in shape asst dude. Some black slacks, bail box, ain't spectators, some spectator shoes, black and white shoes, and a skin tight long sleeve, real knit like sweater shirty, but its skin tight arms, chest, stomach, everything, I said. And you're prepared to do what? Yeah, he said. I think they'll give me some clubs and I can come out here and play. I said, you've never played before. I'm looking at down. Ain't doing I'm but hitting the ball. That's okay, cool, Go get some clubs, Go get some Go out there and go over there in that little area over there where you see them little balls, and see how far you can make that ball. Go. Just go and then take and pick a spot and hit the ball over to that area area. Yeah. Oh, another thing, the ball has to fly in the air land now, yeah, oh, mister hoody, it can't be that difficulty. What Yeah, and Hawaiian I playing this on the weekends on Sunday on TV. All right, but it's gonna be another great day to day. Man. I really appreciate all the support man for people who support the Stephen Marjorie Harvey Foundation. I want to send a special shout out the Mississippi Monica who was out there yesterday supporting. She's not even a member of the foundation, but she comes out there every year and helps out and just supports stuff. She was real nice. Oh you know, you know, you know, I mean, just made a boss a plate. Boss. You ain't got time getting the line because I'm gonna go get in the line. No way, Why I would I pay for something and then go stand in line to get it. She takes a bunch of pictures of herself and you know, she'll stop and do a whole photos. Oh you're gonna be on the Instagram. Oh you feel to be on the storyline. Oh you're gonna be that this this Monica, this missing Monica. And I was real nice in the story. No I'm not. I'm frustrated. Yeah, yeah, but you know, well, you know she got some followers now, so you know it kind of got a little you knowing it. You know, I didn't I didn't really like it when it was Foy follows, but that was good. Always for a good cause, you're always always giving bad. So we got a short week coming up, I mean while long weekend, the holiday weekends a little oh yeah, absolutely, yep, I ain't doing that. Gonna be barbecue. No, we're taking the kids to the to the Bahamas, Bahamas beautiful. My little girl told me, haven't we done the Bahamas already? I mean, just something else we can do. I was like, oh my god, our kids today, man, oh you picking vacations posible? Haven't we done the Bahamas? Dad father ain't paying for a soda pop all My son though, is daddy. They got twenty four slides, were about to hit it. Yeah, he just read he ready, it's twenty fourth slides. That's all I need to know. And how long he's gonna take us to get there? Right right, that's all he has to worry about, not even packing. Yeah, I am grateful. Yeah, like you all calling Tommy, y'all got kids where you still you know you gotta you know, be active in their life and stuff. Yeah you know where you got you know, participate go to games and all my dinner I'm really grateful that's gone. You'll want to be mom going to watch win and play basketball. Who was this boy? I said, this isn't Can I tell you something good my daughter is doing? Can I tell you something good? Uh? Shardan my one and only baby. My daughter has her own skincare line. It's called Sincere Skin Sin. Sincere Skin Sin. Okay, so go check it out. Nice Sincere Skin Sin. Yeah, it's it's um cleansers and moisturizers and things like that, thanks, you know, to help you get your skin together. Lay. Yeah. So I'm proud of her Skin Sin because the stuff makes your skin feel so good. It's like a sin, you know. Oh, Okay, you get it. Welcome, Hey, y'all be safe out there and we'll see you soon. Y'all be good later. 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