Sister O'dell, Russell Wilson, Promises Made, Amazon and more.

Published Apr 15, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Thank you to all in the front line. Is there panic on the show? Sister O'dell talks about The Clark Sisters. Russell Wilson and Ciara are expecting a baby boy. Joe Biden gets the endorsement of Barack Obama. The Chief Love Officer talks about dating, divorce and high sex drive. When this pandemic ends, what promises have we made to ourselves? Amazon is at an all time high and let's just say thirteen figures. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog goes into depth about what faith really is and how it will work for you.

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Today's show is pre recorded, y'all know what time. I don't know, y'all giving them like the million bucks things and a good Steve to the mother. I don't join Jo. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back now. Uh huh, I shore will good morning. Everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me not one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man, Yeah, I do. Man. God been good to me, man, he been so good to me. Wow. You know why I say it like that. What makes it amazing is because it's been in spite of myself. I mean, you know what I mean by that. I mean I mean that he's been good to me in spite of all the craziness I've done, all the foolishness I've gotten myself involved with, and not only got but knowingly got myself involved with, all of the stupid decisions I've made. Put all that to the side, and he's still been good to me. Bring it all and put it on the plate and he's still been good to me. Man. That's amazing, man, And I'm sure there's a lot of people that can say the exact same thing. I mean, come on, man, I got you, ain't famous, I got anybody, got no microphone in your face, I got nobody, ain't got no spotlight on you. I got nobody, ain't got no came in your face. I got nobody problem. Ain't your body blogging about you. But let me tell you so if you break it down and be real about it, Oh, you haven't done something outside the box. You haven't done something ladies included. You've done something out the box. You woke up and went what did I do that for? Oh? We've all done it. So with all that said and done, God still loves you, man, God still loves you, still wants you the best for you, still considers you his child. And it's willing, it's willing man to show you your future. He is willing to show you your life. He is willing to let you take a peek at the blueprint. Man. That's an amazing God right there, because I don't I know, I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I'm glad it's him, you know. Today, Man, I want to encourage brothers out there and when I say brothers, I'm talking to everybody that's of the male species. I don't care about your color. I really really don't. I don't even have time for that in my day a matter a matter of fact. Sometimes when you get to discussing races, I just get tired of it. Sometimes I just wish, you know, some days I just want to wake up, just do me. You know, I got what what the skin tone is, I got that, But I just want to wake up some days and just going by my business and do me. I don't want to have to deal with it. Somebody. I get tired of talking about the issues. Ain't gonna make them go away. But sometimes I get tired. So the damn talking to brothers, all the brothers of the male species. I'm talking about men today. Man, If if you ain't doing it all, if you're feeling empty, man, start today completing your process and your journey. And you know what I'm saying by that, if there's a part of you just missing as a man, and and now, man, I'm talking to you. So you know, some ladies listening, but you know what I'm talking about. It's it's some part of you that's missing. As a man, if you ain't really been in touch with your kids like you supposed to now for whatever the reason is. And please no, I do understand how sometimes women can use children as pawns. It happens all the time. I've been through it. I've been through it, man, I know what it feels like, man, to want to do something. But because you ain't got this or you ain't doing this, then I ain't gonna let you have this. You gotta fight through, fellas, you got to fight through. You got to fulfill your end of the deal. And I got how difficult they're making it. I got how man, it's gonna come with some drama, but you gotta fight through it, because man, we need fathers to be fathers. That's really what we need. If you're a man out there and you are a father of a child, we need you to do your job. We I'm talking about the our community, our situation, us as a people, all of us. We need you to be a father. Period. Hey man, I ain't coming down on you. I'm just your boy. I'm your man, And I've been in the same predicament, in the same hole myself where I couldn't get to them where they were used as pawns, where they were told things about me that wasn't even true. I've been through it. You can't see them, you don't come on okay, okay, I got all that. You ain't sent this. You ain't okay, hey, hey, got all that. If if you can call them sometimes, tell them you're thinking about them, tell them you love them. If you can get a letter to them, if you can get a message to your children through one of your relatives, start the process today. Be a father. It's your job now. Because you ignoring him, or you acting like they ain't over there, or you to back him out of your mind because the situation got too difficult. I got that. I got that. But you got to step up and be fatherless. You got to write a letter. You gotta send the money if she talking about it. If you don't send all the money, you ain't gonna see him. Send what you got if she if taking it over there's too much drama, Send it through a relative, Give it to a mama, give it to her sister, ask her to take it over there and do something for the baby. Because okay, okay, you can't deal with the drama. I got that, and I know it's much to pay when you had to deal with that, because I clearly I know hell have no fury like a woman scorn. Please know. I know that. Please know. And that's a real statement. That ain't no saying. Steve got that, that's the truth. But do what you gotta do. Sometimes you have to apologize. Sometimes an apology goes a long way to your children. Just hey, look, because I've made this apology before. Hey man, look I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you. I was out grinding and hustling and I wasn't paying attention to you, and I should have been. And I apologize now. I imagine, man, there's days where you was telling people I was your father up at the school and they wasn't believing you. I apologize for sending you through that. But now, man, I tell you what. I made some mistakes, and I got it together. I want me and you to move forward as father and son. I want me and you to move forward as father and daughter. I want to be in your life. I ain't got a lot, but guess what, I know a lot. Because if you're a man and you a father, please know, you know something that child don't know you have information, you have experience. That's all they need sometimes to have somebody to talk to. That daughter yours just needs to know from her daddy, how should a man treat me? Dad? What should I look for in a man? See, they'll take that information from you because they know it's coming from the right place. And then you know that your son needs you because you know how difficult it is if you're trying to be a man without your daddy. You already know how funky that is right there. So come on, man and match your mistakes and move forward. Call your kids, write a letter, get a phone number on them, send a text, drop a message, send a note up to the school. Do something. Man. If those of us that are fathers would just be fathers, I could shut the mentory and camp down. Now. I will say I apologize because I don't want you to think I'm coming down on you. But I've been through this myself. I ain't really coming down. I'm just reminding you this is our job. These are our children, this is our responsibility. We all men. There is no excuses. You don't get you don't get cut a break on that one. Sorry you're listening, got it? Had it won't it, did it? Groan Now, Steve Harvet mourn the show grow now. Good morning everybody across the country. Welcome to the Steve Harvey Barning Show. Just starting a little bit different today. It's another great day to be alive. Yes, it is another great day, another opportunity to take advantage of all this free time that you may have if you're not a frontline worker and out there every day putting it in the grocery store workers, especially the medical healthcare first respondents, fire department, police officers, all of you that's got to go out there regardless, stay safe, watch yourself. The rest of us is at the house, all right, and it is what it is, and make the best of it. You can do it, Yes you can. There's a bright side to this situation. But you do have to be a bright minded person to look forward, live your life in great expectations, and that's what will come your way. It's the law of attraction. It really does work. It's called faith. Lay and gentlemen. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Shirley Strawberry, good morning, Steve. You're right, Thank you, front liners, thank you so very much. Appreciation call, Thank you very much. Good morning, crew. What's up? You're too hot? You wait, too hot? Yeah? You hunted girl? That dad, damn board that dog, old Junior? What up morning everybody? Thank you to all the front line work. Hey hey, hey, dog, did you just clear your throat? Just now? I heard panicky name. We turn on everybody. We'll turn on each other in a hot time of tom big dogging dog. We're in the building. Man, we're in the building. You're a little hot dog. I'm hot too. It was get a little hot. It's like a little hot today. Is it your headphones? No, my headphones don't move. Is it your throat? No, Dave got it now my throat fine? Thought I had had the little allergy with outside. My eyes started each and there I did, like just that one. I said, you ran in the house, dog. I ran in the house and leaned over the sink, looking in the mirror, just stared at my house see if I could see it. You know, you know, I started just in the mirror, just looking trying to see if I could see it, the same thing they be showing on CNN. Man, I got quiet, you know, I'd be looking for that big round dot with them red suction cups. Man I was looking at I said, man, God, come on, my wife can and said, Steve, you know your allergies. You have you taken your clarton? Oh okay you oh yes, Lord, yes, something we're up in here. Yea. You know, I didn't want to be the coronavirus headquarters on this show. I wanted to open up and give some laughs, enjoy the people. But my god, we've got to stay serious about this in diligent and watch and informative and encourage each other to stay home and wash your hands and practice social distancing. Man, it's the only way we're gonna flatten this curve. Man. So, sir, absolutely, And it seems to be working when people do that, you know, in some places. But um, coming up, she may have some words of wisdom for us as well. Sister Odell in the building at thirty two minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening to the Stry Morning Show. Well, guys, it is Wednesday, so you know what that means. It is time for sister O'Dell. She is in the building. You hear her. Here she comes. Let's you be coming from social distancing? You bad? Who holding it back? My jeez, my Geesus. H whoa, my lord, No, Jesus, ain't damn the morning. Good morning's everyone, Good morning, morning, sister dead Hello, good, how's y'all doing today? Hey Collie, Hey, Sister o Dale, how are you doing? Good? Happy Corona? Hey Shirley. Hello. I mean it ain't a holiday, but you can't go nowhere with that one. Just be excited. Hi boys, Hello morning, sister good good. Well yeah, well you know I'm not happy as hell, but it's not going anywhere right now. So we're just dealing with it, just trying to add some joy. That's right, Sister Dell, right off the battle. I have to ask you that I have to ask did you see the Clark's Sisters movie, Gil, the legendary Clark's Sisters? Yeah? Did you sing? How hard did you see? Yeah? You brought the Sushart, you bought that sun Shah, Lord Jesus, I couldn't hardly wash it movie for shouting. Uh huh. I was just praising him a whole time. Man na na um some shinging this, shinging this him? Could I get away all the high notes everything? There's a bomb and gets my living in vain? Yes, I saw it I couldn't believe they did that movie. I want to thank you May J. Bligeing and Queen the Tefa and a missing girl. Them girls right there, them girls know what they were doing. And that older girl to all the one to be producing kick. What's her name? Doctor Holly yes? Or doctor doctor Holly Carter? When when? Yes, a long time ago or doctor yeah? You know it's getting so now people just you know, you know, yeah, you know you had a title. Ain't that we check them? I think you could check on that. But anyway, Yeah, the movie was great, Yeah, it really was. It really was so sid. Can I ask you, like Steve asked us, who is your perfect singing group if you had to pick four when? All time favorite? Yes, ma'am, Mahiah Jackson of course, James Cleveland, yes, men or women? Yeah, this is just a quartet, yes, ma'am, Mahaiah Jackson, James Cleveland. Need a good piano player, Andre Crotches Crouch and then all let me see one more, yes, ma'am. Oh h oh. They sang don't good at Landa Adams. No, Jesus sang a circle around her. She sang a circle around a circle. My holding up so wide teeth. Yes, she's pretty. Jeff be singing, Lord Hammer, said Jesus, but I on the all time. And then a Clifford Wilson, Clifford Wilson, Reverend Clifford Wilson. I'm not familiar with him. Ah, you you ain't gonna be familiar with it, but you know him from church. Oh, Clifford Wilson was No, I wasn't famous. You to know them, then, wouldn't you just said you wouldn't know him? Okay? Reverend Clifford Wilson. He died from polio nineteen thirty eight. Jesus, he could say we almost got married too, you know almost what happened? Why didn't you? Well? I liked the singing and you know, some other things. But you know he died so oh at the counseling plans, you know whole Cleford, you know, but you recovered, always recovered, just because you die, what you want me to die? That's actually the last thing they cured. What is that? Oh? They kid way more stuff after that. Food. They got vaccines, but they ain't beuty well, they ain't kill stupidity. That's the shore fresh cation that every time I comes in here, pop. But you'll be fine. Ain't no pop team that dead in the mouth. I don't do pop team Sweden. I hit your dead in your in your forehead and bust your teeth out with mine. Here this boy, no, hold on, hold on, hold on, keep on? What What is you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Now? We ain't gonna go on here? I come because you gotta shahead. Miss hear me it ain't It don't take much to get over here because I ain't going nowhere? What you want to do? Ain't got time to food with you? I ain't got it, toler But I tell you what though, I tell you what I do got though. I got this cane over here, I got this walker. And let me tell you something else I got right here. You got a cane and at walker. I got a cane. Well, hold on, hold you ain't got either one. So now who looked like that at the disadvantage right now? The person on the cane and the walker is the soon as I'm sitting here, and I got both of them in my hands. Who you ain't gonna win this? I told you you were stupid. I break up this love match. But um, since your O'Dell as always, nephew, tid of people that ran over here and ain't made it run that ain't here, no more coming out, I hain't right up. Hey, I'm I'm I'm all you want. I'm a case for Corona. Now you want it out. You're listening Morning show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna is standing by with today's national news. Also an entertainment news, celebrity baby news for Sierra and Russell Wilson. Plus tell me something good, some good news. A black female doctor is leading the charge to find a cure for COVID nineteen. We'll talk about all these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for the nephew to step in and run that prank back what you got for his nev don't leave his house again. Don't tell what they're doing back. I'm still hire. I've about been over with time and nursing shoes. Why do you win nursing shoes? You're not a nurse because I helps people, Okay, but you can wear any kind of shoes. You're not a nurse though they're comfortable. Oh okay, any more questions? Are you just gonna just stay staby I'm not Wow, you need some of these nursing shoes. Look like to me, I gotta high he come in a wedge. You need to get you a path. Let's get to the prank now, all right, let's go, Uh, don't leave this house again, Let's go catch doc. Hello. Yeah, I'm trying to speak to Angel. Please listening, Angel? How you doing? My name is Randy. I live in the in the apartment building that you live in. How you doing today? I'm doing? Okay? Something wrong? Well, we got a little bit of a problem. I know it's a lot going on right now, you know, with the with the virus and all, but it's been brought to my attention. I talked to the doorman and he was telling me you're the only person i've really seen going in and out of the building. Where exactly do you work? If you don't mind me asking, miss Angel, I actually do mind you asking? Um, can you tell me why you're concerned about where I work and where I'm Okay, So here's a deal. Like, you know, we're all concerned about, you know, this whole virus thing. I'm noticing you going in and out this building every day. Every day You're going in and out, and I noticed that. So I asked the door man about you, and he said something about that you had to go to work or you you know, you got one of those jobs that you you gotta be there or something like that. I don't know, but yes, I'm an essential worker. But wait, so where did you get my number from? I asked around to a few of the neighbors that live on your floor, and somebody I just told him I was concerned. I wanted to talk to you about. So my problem is this. We're trying to keep this whole apartment building safe, but you're going in and out of it does not make it safe for us. You know you you kind of need to stay at home right now until all of this is over with. Are you telling me what I need to do? Is what I'm telling you what you need to do in the safety for the apartment building. That's what I'm saying. You don't need to lead this. You don't need to lead a house no more. Oh I am not the one today. Listen. Unless you are going to tell me that you are going to pay my rent and my bills and take care of my daughter, you need to mind your don business. I can come and go as I did. More. Please, now you're not going to keep bringing to see. See that's what that's my problem. And see that's the attitude I don't like. See if you're coming in and out of this building bringing we don't know if you're bringing something in here or not. That's the problem I have with this. And that's why I'm calling a problem with eating food every day because I work in a grocery store. Do you have a problem with making sure that the shelves are stop you work at the grocery stough. I do work at the grocery store. So you around all them people, and then you're coming back to this apartment building, and I'm also around all the food that you probably eat. What's your point? The point unless you're hauled up in there eating cantuna from two years ago, rice and beans, I'm pretty sure you're wood came from the grocery store. So as central workers like me are crucial to keep those stores open. Listen, listen, I understand. But as far as you know, I'm I'm I'm part of the team that that that controls all the people in the building. As far as the neighbors, I think I think you misunderstand who you might think you are to me. You're nobody to me. You're just a neighbor. You don't control anything. You don't control where I go, who I go with, when I go, when I come. You don't control any of that, So I don't know what you think you might control. Let me say this, end of the day. You need to keep your ass at home until this is over with. That's it, that's not You're gonna make a waiting for you. I'll be waiting for that check, for the rent and for my bills. So when you fly that underneath the door, I'll do as you leave. I'm not coming, don't I'm not coming nowhere, nea exactly. Let me say this. If I if I see you lead your bid again, we're not letting you back in. You are Is this you have lost your mind? Are you kidding me? No, I'm not kidding you, because we see, see, see, and see. This is the attitude I don't like. Is somebody not taking a serious attitude you don't like? I pay rent here. I have always paid rent here, and me and my daughter lived here, and we mind our business. You weren't gonna tell me when I go income, and when I'm gonna get into my own apartment out of here? What a wrong you? Listen, I'm gonna say this to you. If you're not gonna abide by what I'm telling you that I'm you already know, is you and your daughter Christie up there? I would tell how both of you. I don't have you and your daughter Christie? What what? Okay? I don't know who you think you were talking to, but I know you are not saying my daughter's name. You need to mind your mother's business. Me and my child are my business. You and whoever is your business need to stay over there and leave me and my family alone. I cannot believe you up and here talking about my kid? Are you wanting you wash your mind? You must to wash your mind? What you need? Did you say you listen to say what unit I lived in? I didn't say that. Okay, Well go ahead and tell me because you got so much to say and you got such a problem and attitude. Okay, Well we can have conversation face to face. How about that? Whatever? Why you was at work the other day? I already talked to christ I was at work. What if do you know my work schedule? Cause I see you when you leave, but I talked, I talked to you. I talked to your daughter Christie when you left the other day. Okay, all right, so this is clearly a problem. You got me stup because you need to mind your business. And I don't ed ber want to hear anything about you think anything near my daughter. You clearly have a stuff. Okay. But your daughter, your daughter Christie, is the one that told me to call you. I am sorry what your daughter Chris told me to call you. Matter of fact, she told me to prank call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morty Show. Angel, you just got pranked by your daughter Christy. Girl, Wait a minute, it's a joke. Angel, It's a joke. Baby. Your daughter Christie got me to prank you. Baby. M Okay, y'all ain't right for this. I'm gonna get oh, okay, okay, okay, this is not the time for this book. People are on edge right now. I'm trying to I'm trying to loosen up to edge, miss Angel. That's all I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to lose Tell me twenty twenty, Baby, twenty twenty. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The show. All right, thank you. Next coming up up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Celebrity baby news. Singer Sierra and her husband Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson did a gender reveal for their new baby on social media, and they are having a boy. Congratulations, congratulation. So they already have two children here, Hush, that is a boy. Oh yeah, so exciting for them. Congratul They had a kid already. Yeah, they have a little girl and she had a boy from the future, you know that. Yeah, time for tell me something good. Here's some Steve Harvey Morning good News. Okay, Morning show good news. A black woman is leading the charge to find a for COVID nineteen. Her name is doctor Kizmekia Corbett. Okay, kiz Mikia Corbett. She's one of the leading researchers working toward a life saving cure of COVID nineteen. This is according to The New York Times. Doctor Corbett and her team at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda have already started clinical trials. Doctor Corbett has been working NonStop, seven days a week with hope of having a successful vaccine available by early to mid twenty twenty one. Doctor Corbett said there was and is already a fair amount of pressure. A lot of people are banking on us or feel that we have a protect a product that could at least be part of an answer this world needs right now. And well, phew, just say that out loud is not easy. Saying that out loud is not easy, she said. She explained about the trial currently underway in Seattle. Thank you, doctor Kismikia Corporate Black Girl Magic all right. I was watching her on TV yesterday. Really she was really really poised, and she's very optimistic and hopeful about what can happen. And she was saying that they're trying desperately to try to come up with something possibly by the fall, that frontline workers can use, you know, to protect them. Yeah, yeah, but you know, I think that's great, and I think the sister headed up was really really wonderful to see. Also, Man, what are the things? Man? That's really disturbing is everybody's somebody's always trying to make money off of the despair and the plight of other people. These masks. Man, there's companies overcharging, trying to run scams. They're doing everything trying to benefit from this crisis that all of us in. And then Los Angeles, man, the the mayor is pressing charges in everything. Man, I mean, this dude is not playing around. If he catches you with any scams going, they're actually you know, sighting people. They're going after them. They just did did a list of people on tvdo well you know during disasters they do that too. They run scams during natural disasters, you know, hurricane tornadoes, and they're always trying to scam people and down all they're vulnerable people. That's really sad. This is really a shame. They're trying to profit awful airline do it all the time, called m Tommy, what do you mean? Well, explain yourself, Tommy, what do you mean the airlines Jack Day prices up all the time. That is what I'm talking Is that something completely different? Well, sort of the show we sister Old Dale was here for a product, all right, seem time to get cut up on today's years. Thanks and gentlemen, miss A and Trill Okay, thank you very much, everybody. Okay, here comes the seriousness. There are now over six hundred thousand confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States, six hundred thousand confirmed cases, more than twenty five thousand American deaths. And it looks like President Trump is making another about face. He's got to. On Monday, you may remember, Trump said that as president, he had the absolute right, his words, absolute right over the states governors to order schools and businesses reopened across the country next month if he wanted to, and he was getting ready to do it. Well, New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo reminded Trump that he was elected president and not king, and that the governors were tasked with making such decisions. Also quote astounded legal scholars wondering where Trump got that idea in the first place. So now Trump has changed his tune. The governors are responsible, they have to take charge, they have to do a great job, and we're going to just suggest that they check people through tests or otherwise coming into their states. Yeah. Meanwhile, Trump says he's holding back on US payments to the World Health Organization. He's seeking to place the blame for the current pandemic on the International Health Group. He's claiming that it withheld crucial information on the coronavirus to the rest of the world. However, the WHO says the real situation was just the opposite, that it in fact issued repeated warnings that the virus was likely to spread globally around the time that Trump was saying that it was under control and going away. Of course, the big news of the day yesterday was former President Barack Obama's endorsement of Joe Biden, because he simply says, Joe gets things done. Joe helped me manage H one N one and prevent the Ebola epidemic from becoming the type of pandemic we're seeing now. He helped me restore America's standing and leadership in the world. Joe has the character and the experience to guide us through one of our darkest times and heal us through a long recovery. And I know he'll surround himself with good people, experts, scientists, military officials who actually know how to run the government and know how to work with our allies, and who will always put the American people's interests above their own. Donald Trump claims that mister Obama was forced into endorsing his form of vice president. Here we go again with Florida cops. This time Miami brass claims to be investigating the case of what looks like an ignorant white coop handcuffing a black doctor who was outside of his own home merely loading medical equipment into his van to help the homeless. Thirty four year old doctor Arman Henderson's a physician internal medicine at the University of Miami Health System. He'd been profiled for his selfless work in the Miami Herald only two weeks earlier. The cops scene on video screaming you call me sergeant when I'm talking to you and blah blah blah again mister Headison. Doctor Headison had nothing to do wrong. According to latest Harris poll, America making like a Super Bowl Sunday every day since being ordered to stay home, eating a lot of chocolate and stuff and eating more candy bars and you guessed potato chips. I love that. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show well our forever President Barack Obama endorsed Joe Biden for president yesterday. Take a Lisbon. The kind of leadership that's guided by knowledge and experience, honesty and humility, empathy and grace. That kind of leadership doesn't just belong in our state capitals and mayor's offices. It belongs in the White House. And that's why I'm so proud to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States. Choosing Joe to be my vice president was one of the best decisions I ever made, and he became a close friend, and I believe Joe has all the qualities we need in a president right now. Joe has the character and the experience to guide us through one of our darkest times, and healus through a long recovery. And I know he'll surround himself with good people experts, scientists, military officials who actually know how to run the government and care about doing a good job running the government, and know how to work with our allies, and who will always put the American people's interests above their own direct body blow, body blow sounds so presidentious. He would have handled this COVID nineteen pandemic completely different than the current occupier of the White House. Well, we never find the people that got fined that Pandemic Task Force still been in place. Yeah, but he's busy trying to deflect all of this awful film like he uh was on it from the get go. He even released that ridiculous promo tape of himself handling the crisis and it's just And then at the press conference State when the reporter asked him because he left out the month of February, and when she asked him about that, he shut her down so hard. It was a reporter from CBS News. He shut her down so hard, it was just so mean and nasty. He talked about, that's why your ratings are low and you have no rate. I mean, what does that have to do with the question. She was like, what, mister President just answered. You just answered the question. All he cares about is a rating. Yeah, that's why your ratings. Nobody cares about the ratings of what TV show got ratings? Right now? People? No one, yes, man, all TV shows is down. I don't know if he noticed or not. Production Yeah, Hollywood's clothes partner. Yeah, anybody making no new nothing from the world World well, World Health Organized Organization. Yeah. He took the funding away from that yesterday because he wants to take the funding away so he can blame them. They did nothing to stop this is an amazing But what are they going to do with that money? He said it was like five hundred million dollars a year. What are they doing with the money? He didn't say that part. So anyway, Steve, coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna switch gears, have a little fun. It's time for the CLO, the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey, that's coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Time now to ask the CLO Chief Love Officer. You can submit your questions to Steve Harvey at Steve Harvey FM dot com. All right, this one's from Dedra. She's an iHeartRadio app listener, So thank you for that, Dedre. Dedre says, I just turned fifty and I'm going through a divorce. While going through the divorce this process, I re connected with an old friend that I've always had a huge crush on. We've become close and he confessed that he has always had a crush on me too. He said he wants to have a romantic relationship with me, but he's giving me time to heal. I have healed enough and I don't need any more time. But I don't want to look eager and desperate. Is there a way to tell him how I feel? Or should I just be patient? No? All you got to do is start the dating process. See, it's not an exchange of words. You have to get involved in an exchange of actions. Start the dating process, find out if he really means what he says. Now, I understand you just got divorced, but what people have to admit though when you get divorced or going through a divorce, the marriage has been over for quite some time, so you might as well just let it play out. Go to dinner, get to knowing better, find out if all these is just actions instead of words. Because we will say anything we want we think you want to hear in order for us to get what we want. So you got to stop listening to the words and get into the action. Start dating the man, and give yourself some time to get to know it. Now. Sound to me like you hot and heavy, but you need to slow it down for a little bit. For you just pass out something that ain't got no no, no, none, no return fact. So it's it's okay to date even if the paperworker finish. Yeah, I mean what you get the divorce? Yeah, I mean why not? You know people people, some people do not agree with that. I understand you don't have to, it's up to you. But in a but in the real world, people see other people while they married. Yeah, so I don't understand why we're having a problem with the dating. Why are you going through the divorce because people see each other while they be marriage full blown Damn relationships ain't filed. Ain't the disgusted the bull at all. So that's why. And you know people don't agree. You don't have to do it. But I'm just talking real life. If you listen to her letters, she going already feel it. Yeah, I'm just being real. This one's from Serena and New Jersey. She says, my husband can't get enough of me, and I'm tired of ducking and dodging him in this house. He has always had a high sex drive, and we have sex anywhere from four to six times a week. We're both working at home right now, so he has gotten worse. It's like his favorite pastime. Now. I could be on a zoom call for work and he'll whip out his boy and tell me it's on. As soon as my call is over, I'm ready to go back to work because I can't do this all day. I'm gonna get him to watch TV or do something else. I don't know how long y'all have been married. You know that's a lot. Six times a week, six six times a week. That's a lot. Though, that's a lot, especially if you've been with a person for a while, and that's a lot, a lot. That's a lot. Yeah, it's a lot. Now if you're dating, that ain't nothing. That ain't nothing. That's six times in a day. That ain't nothing. Back when I was in college, out you we go, Jack Rabbit Junior. Here comes Peter Cottentel. What should she do? How can she get? I don't know what she can do? Yeah nothing, It ain't nothing you can do. It's your quarantine. Ain't nothing to do. We don't watch TV. Hell, I get, I get you know what, man, I don't watch so much TV. Now, you ain't no work. When you get off this phone call. You see me working phone call? See what I'm over here doing. As soon as you get off that call, it's on now she on that just talking to the computer screen. Now exhausted watching videos. I have one more quick one. This is from Daryl in East Texas, my girlfriend and I. Oh, I can't cat to it. I will come back to ye. All right, all right? Coming up next, we're going to us switch ears again. The nephew is here with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. Wait till you get a load of this Steve Mo money, even Mo problems. That is the subject. Remember the kitchen lover, the guy who was fifty six. He was having relations show, we say, in the kitchen with his wife's niece. Well he's back from Monday's show. He heard he wrote another the letter Wait people a little bad. Yeah, yeah, we'll get into that, right sir. I think we should do a special edition this today. I think we should read the old Leather Old Leader so we can get an understand it then and extended a couple of breaks a special strawberry addition today on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh my god, we got it. But right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. Nephew, what you got brand spanking new shirt? I got? You're not a good homeschool teacher. Oh you're talking about you. You you're not a good home school teacher. Let's go, kN let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Nikki. How you doing, Nikki? I am, I'm mister Daniels. I'm calling from the E Learning department. Hey, all right, your daughter is is Jasmine correct? Sixth grader? Yes? All right? And you've been um, you guys have been corresponding back and forth with Miss her teacher. Yes, all right, So here's my I'm calling. Uh. Miss has brought some things to my attention. Uh, Nikki, if you don't mind, who's who's actually helping Jasmine with her schoolwork every day? What a task? All right? So I hate to be a bearer of bad news, but let me let you know what's going on. No, that's not anything wrong with her computer at all. I've spoken with Miss several times about Jasmine and we've just bawled it down to whoever's helping her with her work is just not doing a good job. You should not be the person that's helping her with her schoolwork. Okay, hold on that. What what do you mean? I said, be helping her? That's my child. I understand. I'm saying whoever is teaching her is not doing a good job as a teacher, you know, And this could affect Jasmine to the point where from the looks of what I've seen and what's been turned in, I truly don't see Jasmine going to the seventh grade. I mean, this is this is Is there anybody else there that can help Jasmine with her work? No? She got she got me what's wrong for her work? Got to say? Because I just taught to her and she could have told me this, what's what? What? What's the subject? What's the problem? Well, it's all yes, it is, yes it is. What's the problem. What's what's the problem? Give me the assignment because I'm I've been working with her, so what's the problem. Everything is coming back. I think the last paper I looked at she got a forty five on it. I looked at some math work it was a sixty two. I mean, if you are the person that's teaching her over there, you're just not good at that. Admitted Now you hold on, and you can get missing on the phone too, because I don't y'all don't got my baby work. And then she got a problem. She can come tease the child. She can open up the schools and get them back. There's no opening the schools at this point. Right now, there's no opening of the schools. So she got a problem. If she got a problem, then she could come teach my child. That's what she's supposed to be doing anyway. Okay, But the problem is right now, you're the person that's at home teaching. You're the person that's at home teaching the girl, and it's not helping. So I don't want Jasmine to not make it to the seventh grade. But at this point, that's what it's looking like. Well, look, if I got the teacher, then she gonna learn it. How ilering it? Okay, we're just math. Isn't do math they got these kids doing though. She's gonna learn how five times five twenty five. She gonna learn her time. Okay, But we can't learn, man, you're undoing what we've taught already. You can't take them back. Y'all need to teach it to y'all need to teach it a better way. I send my child to school for this. Okay, I'm not getting paid. I gotta cook, I gotta clean. On me here with these kids, I'm being a mother. Throw all these kids and my husband. I don't have time for all of this. So if the teacher, well, let me say this, miss nick. Let me let me say this, miss nik. I don't have time for a parent not realizing that they're not a good teacher. I don't have time for that. Whoever, who are you, whoever you are, E learning department? Whatever, you need to come eat learn my child sauce. I'm not doing it right. Then y'all need to come get over here and do this mother work. Man, if you go to the seventh grade, if I gotta come up, does when it? When the school open? Back, old chum, you will see me. We'll go this. We got okay, we're going on. You are not a good homeschool teacher. That's the baby. My child is going through the seventh grade. Oh, chest, No, what's your print? Who is the print? No? No, let's be talking to somebody else. My child is what's the seventh grade? She gonna get this? She get this works? If y'all. Y'all gonna get this work too. I'm not accepting U forty five and sixty two's on papers, ma'am, and gonna let you your daughter advance to the seventh grade. That's you're right. I'll check it over, but John need to go to check. And if she's no, no, no, no, once once again, you checking it over is the problem. You're the problem, sir, sir. If she got a problem. Once you got the most piece first, what's you got the first? Let to check the work. What's the difference. Let you tease to check the work. I'm not calling you no more. And you hold on. What's your name again? You're talking to me. My name is mister Dani Okay, I'm from the E Learning. Okay, I don't give a damn vot I care. I care. I'm the first answers me, and you get off this phone. I'm calling her so right immediately, so she could tell me all this stuff you got to tell me. She don't gotta hide behind you. She can call me directly. So thank you listing damn letting me know. Oh it's about to go down. I don't even dare I don't care no more. Just cool. If y'all got an issue, when the way I'm teaching, take your kids back, come teaching the front yard. I open up my dot. You could talk to teach my time from my side. You got a problem with it, but that's it from right now. I'm all she got. I don't what she got. I'm a teacher. She gonna learn it the way I'm teaching her. If y'all got a problem, y'all got a problem. But she going to the seventh grade, or best believe my baby going to the seventh grade. Okay, maybe maybe I just maybe I need to talk to Brian, your husband. Maybe I need to talk to Brian. I'm like, what you were talking to me. You were telling to me, Ya'll need to talk to him. You were talking to me. I speak for both of us, so now taught to me? Yeah, okay, Well I just woke with Brian a couple of days ago. So can you say nothing to me? So as bank? Okay, but but you know what what Brian said about this nothing? What Brian told me to call you. He told me to prank phone call you. This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Nikki you just got pranked by your husband, Brian. These kids been driving me up the wall. Understanding this up? These kids driving me? Nay, what man? Look, Coronavirus gonna have to see me after it? Is this too much? I decided drinking? Oh Lord, can get these kids? Tell me one more thing, baby, it's twenty twenty. Tell me what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. It's the Steve Harvey Morning So love her. Going to seventh grade, my baby time five? Okay, Oh this new man y'all doing. Ain't nobody got to her? She's a damn teacher. She supposed to be teaching. Oh my baby going to seventh grade. When I come down now, seven grade, he's me and my boy Jay Anthony Brown Today at the TNJ Stay at Home Coronavirus Comedy Show. Catch us to day on my YouTube channel, The Nephew Timey Experience. That is today at three pm easton acting a damn food. Sure, all right, thank you, Nephew. Coming up next Strawberry Letter, my money, even my problems. We'll be back with a special edition right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time Now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. And Steve, you were saying earlier that this is a very special edition of the Strawberry Letter because we have heard from this person twice. Now. He wrote us Monday, and we're gonna read that letter, and then he wrote us again for it today for this letter. Okay, so Monday's letter, Tommy, go ahead and introduce some ladies and gentlemen Strawberry Letter. Let's go. Thank you, all right. So Monday's letter subject was more money, more problems. Okay, this one said Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a fifty six year old man with lots of swag, and I have a fine I have had fine women all my life. Eight years ago I decided it was time to get married, and I found a good woman to settle down with. I've always fooled around with a lot of and bought scratch offs and a year ago. I got lucky and won eight hundred thousand dollars. My wife and I retired, paid everything off, and traveled a little bit. My wife's twenty six year old niece is in culinary school, so we hired her as our personal chef, and she came three days a week to cook. My wife volunteers at a senior daycare most afternoons, so I was left home alone with her niece when she was cooking. The niece is slim and fine, with long legs and a nice butt. We talked and sipped wine while she cooked, and whenever she left, I'd give her a nice tip and she'd give me a hug. One day, the hug turned into a kiss, and the kiss turned into sex. She initiated it, and after that day we had sex several times a week. She was real freaky and she always wanted to do it in the kitchen. I got caught up and I started giving her a lot more money. This made me feel like the old player that I used to be, and I was not thinking straight. This girl had been filming us having sex over and over again. In the beginning. She told me that she likes to film herself in the kitchen so she can use her cooking videos for extra credit and class. Well, now she is demanding that I give her fifty thousand dollars or she's telling my wife. I can't move this much money out of our account without my wife knowing it. To make it worse, I can't fire her without my wife questioning it. I haven't slept in days, and I'm a nervous wreck. How am I going to get out of this? Please help? Well? Our response was, sir, we can't help you over this pad right here. Sure. Our response and even all of the fellas was in the total agreement, we can't help you. Oh this one right here, Dog, you've done something that we ain't got no responseful, We're gonna be here in case you need to place to stay. You know, you need to come lay down some night over here. You can crash in my house. But that's all we got for you. So that's basically where we left it. It was a lot more to it than that. But now here's the new letter, Part two, subject MO money even MO problems. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm back. After listening to all the advice you guys had, it lifted my spirits a little bit. Even Jay, Anthony Brown and Tommy were trying to help. But I've had more drama and my stress level is even higher. Steve, I thought I still had some player left in me, but no, I don't. My wife's niece still comes to the house to cook, but still I steer clear of her. I have stayed in the basement or left the house just to avoid her. She was there recently and I told my wife I was going jogging. When I came back, I went in through the basement because the niece was there. I heard my wife and her niece arguing and my wife's sister was on speaker phone. My wife was yelling, so I had to go to the top of the stairs to hear what was going on. Apparently, apparently my wife is having an affair with a guy at the church, and she confided in her sister about it. Well, it looks like my wife's sister told the niece about it, and the niece mentioned it to my wife. My wife's sister apologized over and over, but my wife ended up hanging up on her. My wife and her niece kept arguing, and I heard the niece tell my wife that she would need her weekly payments doubled, or she was going to tell me tell her little secret. I can't believe that my wife is a cheater, and I can't believe her her niece was talking to her that way. This may sound unreal, but none of this happened before I got this money. Do you think my cheating will be overlooked if I confront my wife about her cheating? Maybe I should just file for divorce. It looks like my wife doesn't want to be with me anyway, and I thought we were solid. What should I do again? I can't help you, all right, Listen. I don't know how much time we have, Steve, But this twenty year old, I mean, she's just playing you again. Used to be players. She's playing your wife, her blood on. I think she's a horrible person. You're all pretty messy, the whole family. Your marriage is a lie. Everybody's cheating on everybody. Please don't try to play the victim here though. By saying your wife doesn't want to be with you anyway, I mean because you didn't think about your wife when you were doing her niece in the kitchen. You didn't think about that. I just I just say since you were both cheating. You and your wife if either of you, if she finds out about you, I think you too deserve each other. Now that way think about it, you don't have to split up the money the divorce, and that no good ratchet niece of hers won't have to get a dime of your money. Okay, again, we cannot help you, Steve. I'm gonna have such a good time with this one where we call bad. First of all, Oh, I just can't believe this gift that I've been given. Letter number two from dog Dog. This time, I need you to pay very close attention because we have a new situation here and I will address it right after that. All right, Steve, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's letter, more money, even more problems. All right, we'll be back at twenty three minutes after the hour right after this you're listening to show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter, Mo money, even mo problems. Here we go, let's go now, homeboys. Back after he been having sex with his niece all over the kitchen on video, she told him give me fifty thousand. I'm gonna go to your wife. You've been avoiding her. So now we get to the new letter. After listening to all these guys, and if you guys, it's kind of lifting my spirits a little bit. Even Jay, Anthony Brown and Tommy was trying to help. Yes we was, but to know a vail, there's nothing too few, dog. But I had more drama in your stress level that got high now, Steve. I thought I still had some player left in me, But no, I told you you didn't in the letter. Your player days is over you. You are sugar daddy. Now see when you got eight hundred thousand dollars and you paying a girl big tips and having sex with her that you're a sugar daddy. You ain't a player. You're sugar daddy. Dog. I still have some playing, but I don't. My wife's knee. Still come to the house and cook, but I still clear stayed in the basement or left the house just to avoider. She was there recently and I told my wife I was going jogging. When I came back, I went in through the basement because the niece was there. I heard my wife from my niece arguing, and your wife's sister was on speaker phone. My wife was yelling so hard that if y'all had to go to the top of the steps just hear what was going on. Now, he didn't find out that his wife is having an a fail with a guy at the church, and she confided in her sister about it. But it looks like her sister told the niece about it, and the niece turned around and mentioned it to your wife. Can I say thank you, jeez? Can I say holleluke? Can I say that the Lord works in mysterious way? She threatened to tell her wife. He yes, No, no, no, no, no, what you mean? He threatened? No, no, she My wife and her niece kept arguing, and I heard the niece tell my wife that she would need her weekly payments doubled. No, I ain't got to that part yet. No, don't just stay with me, shall now. I'm talking about the fact that he came up there and his wife's sister had told the niece the girl he was sleeping with and screw it, and the niece mentioned it to the wife. Now I'm thinking, oh glory, this is because my wife's sister kept apologizing over and over, but my wife ended up hanging up on her. My wife and her niece kept arguing, and I heard the niece tell my wife she would need her weekly payments double or she was gonna tell her little secret. Thank you Jesus, God, Glory, boy, you need it out. I'll be damn if the phone, if the red phone ain't just rain and you gotta reprieve from the governor. Boy, No, it ain't just you, Clor, Clor. This is what you needed. But we got a bigger problem now because your wife is a Cheatah, and now you messed up. And you couldn't believe that your niece was talking to her that way. Wait a minute, hold up, wasn't she talking to you the same damn way? What a surprise at dog? This health for tricking? She tricking, And I got news for you, he said, none of this. This may sound unreal, but this never happened before I got this money. Now, player, See you were stupid before that. See money don't change people. I say this all the time. It makes you more of who you really are. So now you got this money and you just got real stupid. You were stupid before because you've been thinking you as a player, and you had all this swing and you don't now let me explain something to you. Could it be that your niece had this information, which is why she started flirting with you and y'all started having this a fan in the kitchen. Maybe your niece already had this information and then she gonna play two sides. She bought it up because her conscience bothered her because you ain't mentioned the fifty thousand noble, So now she hadn't bought it up to your wife and now had gotten in your wife faced teboey. Either you double my salary, I'm gonna tell your little secret, Well, hold up, partner, you can double the salary, because if that's the secret she gonna keep, yours is off the hook because she didn't found out she can't get this fifty because you said you ain't got no way, So a little young girl, she's stupid. She didn't went around the backdoor to try to get her money, since you can't get her the money without moving that kind of money. So she didn't found a way now to get more money from your wife, who ain't really your wife, because she's slipping with the dude down at the church. I can't believe you ain't asked about who the hell he is? But none of this happened for I got this money. Do you think my cheating would be overlooked if I confront my wife about cheating? Hell? No, don't see you, stupid dude, don't you This ain't hundred thousand dollars ain't your problem. It's your rationing you think? Did you think your cheating will be overlooked if you confront your wife about Hunchie? Who is it you've been seeing at the church? Yeah? Well I was screwing your niece? Wait in my house? What boy boy can get you? At least at least I wasn't in our home. Yeah, it's gonna be to come back. We come back hard. Three More Money, even More Problems? Part three. This is damn near good is in the closet. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right? Come on, Steve, Part three of Today's Strawberry Letter. We're doing a special edition of a Strawberry Letter today, subject More Money, Even More Problems. It was written by the kitchen lover Quickly man were was saying Monday, talking about he had a problem. His niece was the culinary school. They got this eight hundred thousand dollars lottery ticket. Retired, they've been traveling. Both of them quit their jobs hirday. Little niece from the culinary school, his wife's niece from the culinary school. She'd been cooking three days a week. She tall, fine, got nice, but they started looking at each other, minded up kissing. One day they winded up having sex. But they've been having sex in the kitchen. Come to find out, she was recording all her cooking till she was making videos, and now all his sex compages in the kitchen is own video. And told him, if you don't give me fifty thous, I'm gonna tell your wife. That's why he wrote us. He was sick, he can't sleep, He about to lose his marriage. He don't know what to do. We told him we can't help him, stupid. The only thing we could tell him was illegal, and we could never say none of that on the air. So he wrote us back today and saying here he'd been avoiding her. Appreciate y'all trying to help me. Man, I felt me a little bit better, but I was avoiding her. I came home one day in him and her niece. The niece and his wife was in the kitchen arguing because his wife had confided in her sister that she was having a fare with this man at this church, and the wife's sister told the niece, who was to cook her had been screwing her husband, and she mentioned it to her, And then they got on the phone and the wife apologized. Wife's sister was apologizing, but the niece was arguing with him. When they hung up, she told this dude's wife that if she don't double her salary, she gonna spread her little secret. So now he's standing there. He can't believe his wife is a cheatah, But here a cheatah too. So I don't know why he shocked about that. And then he couldn't believe that her niece was talking to her that way. We can't believe her niece was up on that kitchen counter with you either, So it's a lot of unbelievable. Then he said, this might sound unreal, but none of this happened before I got this money. Oh, it just didn't happen because you didn't have availability. And now, now do you think my cheating would be overlooked if I confront my wife about her cheating, and she ain't getting overlooked partner, especially when you screwed the woman's niece. Now, ain't nobody overlooking this now? Dog? Now, I appreciate you like, but you can't get a pass on this right now. You got to keep you got. Don't open your damn mouth about this thing. You got to let all this go if you confront your wife, man, or hell gonna break loose. Get the phone. Man. Now looks like my wife don't want to be with me anyway. And I thought we were solid? What should I do? How you thought y'all was solid? Look one more damn time with this food? Okay? Post your comments on today Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FMI Instagram. I got I got a soul for two women coming up at the top of the hour. Promises to ourselves right after this you're listening to show. So since the COVID nineteen pandemic and everything, we've all probably since we've been at home under quarantine, we've all probably made a lot of promises to ourselves, like I'll never do this again, or I can't wait to do that, or I'll never talk to him again. I'll never talk to her again, whatever it might be. I want the guys. I want you guys to finish these sentences. Okay, I thought we were still doing this letter. Oh you still want to do the last school but let me let me just say this and we do this party No, No, part eight. This is all kitchen love. That's what we are. We're all up in here, all over the count top. I know this saying, right, but I can't let go this cold I feel because a counter stainless Steve kid, you love Okay, go ahead, alright, I like it, though, Steve, I like it all right. So you know how we make promises. We've been at home. We're getting board, so we'll make promises to ourselves about what we're not gonna do or what we're going to do during the quarantine. So I want the guys to finish these sentences. Please. Uh, here's the first one. When this is all over, I will never blank again, Junior, Come on, when this is all over, When this is all over, I'm not looking at this window. No, damn, this is not this one, not this window. No, all right, come on, tell me. When this is all over, I will be in the house with these people again. That long you control that. I'm if I see it happening again, next next season, next Corona season. I'm not gonna be at home. I'm not gonna be at home. I'm not gonna happen to me. I'm sorry. When this is all over, this the last damn time I'm washing my hands. Oh wow, gonna wash your hands. That's forever. That's funny though. All right, here's another one, and the first unless you have more on this one. The first thing I'm going to do when the quarantine ends is Junior. The first thing I'm gonna do is step on the other side of my dope. That's I did that the while. I'm gonna step out the side. The first thing I'm gonna do when this quarantine ends is what Tommy. Get in my car, gassing up and get on it ten and head west and don't look back. Don't look back. I'm gonna well, you can't say that, Tommy. Why can't I say it? That's what I believe. You cannot say that. Okay, tell him. The first thing I'm gonna do when this quarantine is over is I'm speaking to everybody, mister damn happy congeniality people. So damn. How y'all doing? How you moming them? How's everybody today? How y'all doing? Man? Good to see you. Man. Hey, I'm Steve Harvey. Hey, how are you? No? No? Really, I am no all right, here's the next one. I'm never gonna eat another blank for as long as I live, Junior. I'm trying gonna eat another piece of chicken salad. Not another piece of chicken salad. I'm tied to making chicken salad. I'm making it for the three days I needed to laugh, but I'm not eating the more. Come on, tell me, I'm I'm never gonna eat another one of my wife omelets again. As soon as we get through with this, Hi, it's the same damn omelet every morning. It ain't ahead. I ain't ever I'm gonna eat another damn peanut butter salm. Man I ate two today, Steve thirty nurse last week counting. Coming up. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show with some trending stories at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Amazon stocks hidden all time high yesterday. Shares of Amazon, the world's biggest online retailer climbed over five percent, giving a company a market value of more than you guys ready for this number, Steve, one point one chillion with a tura dollars. Okay, that's a lot of money right there. Amazon announced an additional seventy five thousand employees and is increasing hourly pay. That's good news Amazon. You know, Amazon in the past has been criticized in the recent past during this pandemic, as the company's warehouse workers have protested conditions at the facilities and demanded better protections against the COVID nineteen. Amazon fired one protest organizer. But wow, one point one trillion dollars. That Jeff Bezos trillion, y'all, a trillion t that's almost that's half of what the government is gives, you know, in the stimulus stimulus package they're given two point two he's he's wow, he's got one point one trillion. Quiet, Steve, is a trillion zero a trillion. That's a trillion is one is one thousand billions. M We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening, well, our forever. President. Barack Obama endorsed Joe Biden for president yesterday. Take a Lisbon. The kind of leadership that's guided by knowledge and experience, honesty and humility, empathy and grace. That kind of leadership doesn't just belong in our state capitals and mayor's offices. It belongs in the White House. And that's why I'm so proud to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States. Choosing Joe to be my vice president was one of the best decisions I ever made, and he became a close friend, and I believe Joe has all the qualities we need in a president right now. Joe has the character and the experience to guide us through one of our darkest times and helos to a long recovery. And I know he'll surround himself with good people experts, scientists, military officials who actually know how to run the government and care about doing a good job running the government, and know how to work with our allies, and who will always put the American people's interests above their own direct body blow body blow sounds so presidentious. He would have handled this COVID nineteen pandemic completely different than the current occupier of the White House. We'd never find the people that got fired that the Pandemic task Force. But he's still been in place. Yeah, but he's busy trying to deflect all of this off of him, like he uh was on it from the get go. Even released that ridiculous promo tape of himself handling the crisis and it's just And then as the press conference, Steve when the reporter asked him because he left out the month of February Arry and when she asked him about that, he shut her down so hard. It was a reporter from CBS News. He shut her down so hard, it was just so mean and nasty. He talked about, that's why your ratings are low and you have no rate. I mean, what does that have to do with the question. She was like, mister President, just answer you, just answer the question. All he cares about. Yeah, that's why your ratings. Nobody cares about the ratings of what TV show got ratings right now? No one, yes, man, all TV shows is down. I don't know if he noticed or not. Production. Yeah, Hollywood's clothes partner, Yeah, anybody making no new nothing from the world, world well, World Health organized organization. Yeah, he said the funding away from that yesterday because he wants to take the funding away so he can blame them. Blame them. They did nothing to stop this or this. Dude, it's amazing. But what are they going to do with that money? He said it was like five hundred million dollars a year. What are they doing with the money? He didn't say that part. So anyways, coming up, it's our last break of the day, This last break out a day. That's how you do it, jail Denny Brown. That's right. And also we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to all right, here we are. Last break of the day, guys, last break of the day. Right, He's been a good day. It's been a good day. Yeah, we've met fun every day. Yeah. That was a highlight my day. That was a four parter today three parter. Yeah. And then Steve made a song out of it and everything kitchen that's what we are. I wanted to hear it again. Be so together. I love it, man. I enjoyed this. It's hump day. Yeah, it is yea at the house. Yeah, day dat Where do you guys do your um? You're the show from I do mine from my bedroom? Oh what room in house? What room I'm sharing my husband's office? Oh yeah, you said you're off. Come in the kitchen. I love it where I got it. I got a studio, I got a studio. I just I just say love about your kitchens and living rooms. Bedroom, I got a studio, a studio. Were you at office? Okay? Yeah? Yeah? Which is which is a damn studios? No? I got five place in here TV. I watched a lot of movies. Five place one too when I open this other always you got five place too when I opened this up. And you will not be outdone for Christmas. Hard to set some logs on the dope when you're opening put man and have a little fan blowing some paper machine maker look like some flames moving. Man, Hey, y'all listen, uh Clover remarks to day. I wanted to. I just want to keep encouraging people during this time. Man too, all keep your head up. Uh. There is a thing that you can apply here that's called faith, because faith can change everything. Now, faith is the substance of things hope for. That's a scripture. Faith is a substance of things hope for. So, in my estimation, the way I've always been taught what that meant was faith is really just serious, very serious hoping, and to the point where you take your hope and you just simply instead of hoping, you just believe it to be so. And that's what makes faith being the substance of things hope for. And so even if you're not a powerfully spiritual person or you're not really sure, sometimes you just got to start with the basic thing called hope. You can hope a lot of things, man, but if you keep hoping, sometimes you get signs along the way. What has happened to me, it's when I hope for something, or I believe in something, or I ask God for something and I apply my faith to it. Then what I also ask for is during the waiting period for these things that I'm claiming to have faith in, if that I'm asking God for. Sometimes I ask God to show me something that is in the works. I'm not saying God, show it to me today, show it to me tomorrow, Make it happen tomorrow now if it's gonna be a while before you give me the thing that I'm hoping for that I have this faith in. Sometimes I just ask for a little sign, and do you know that He'll give you one. Because everything that you're asking God for, it's gonna happen for you, but it's gonna happen at an appointed time. The problem with us is we give up on the appointed time. We give up believing, we give up hoping. We lose faith when it don't happen in the time frame that we want it to happen in. Look, man, that's not how this works. The things that I've asked for, I have never asked for anything, and it became so easy to me. Oh, I get a lot of what I asked for. But it comes with challenges, it comes with lessons, and the challenges and lessons get you prepared for the next level. Every hardship that you've ever come in your life has prepared you for something in your future. Because as we get older and we level up, we actually level up to a higher level. It's called growth. It's called growth. And so as we level up, we get our faith goes to another level, or the way we hope goes to another level. Even the things that we start believing, we can get goals to another level. When you practice faith, it increases over the course of time. But remember this thing now before I get out of here. Faith without works is dead. You can't just want and believe something and not be willing to put in the necessary to due diligence that comes with it. Faith without works as dead. We have got to apply the work, y'all. But but what else you got to do. If you're gonna ask God for something, and if you're gonna believe that He can give it to you, why would you not be willing to do the things that's necessary to make it come true. You got to work hard man, getting the things that you want and desire the life. It's not easy, but if you have faith, it's doable. I had a T shirt that I sold one time that says, faith don't make it easy. Faith makes it possible. Have some faith. Use your faith, y'all. Talk to God about God is in the giving business, and be ready to do the work to make it happen. Faith with our works is dead, but you got that least at with the faith. Faith a substance of things. Hopeful, keep hoping, y'all keep hoping. Those are my closing remarks. Man, Hey, y'all stay safe out there. Wash your hands, everybody, and remember quarantine does not mean if you know them they can come in. Keep people out your house, stay home, wash your hands, stay safe. See y'all tomorrow. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.