Sister O'dell, Reparations, Greg Abbott, Dr. Seuss and more.

Published Mar 3, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! This is the start of something grand and spectacular. Boom!!! Sister O'dell is back on WCW and she talks about Tiger Woods. Dolly Parton got her Moderna vaccine. Evanston, Illinois is the first city in the country to offer reparations to Black Americans. The Chief Love Officer has some truth for a woman who has an issue with an algebra teacher. In Sports Talk, Junior's heart broke. "The End!" Could there be a deflection in Texas or nah? Believe it or not we get a funny Steve story when he did not even really care for our near and dear Shirley Strawberry. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reflects on the $15 federal minimum wage discussion.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like the mosing bu bu things. And it's not good ste to mother Star, don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water. Come, come on your thing, I sure will A good morning everybody. You are listening to the VARs, come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o man? How good is God to me? And part of the mission and the reason that I have a radio show is to become a share of more and more of a share of you know. I used to hear my mother say it to me all the time. But God blesses you to become a blessing. And I think the more you understand that about yourself, I think the more blessings will flow your way. I think that once you understand the principle that you know. But it's kind of tied together with some other scriptures, and I'm not too knowledgeable about them, of course, as usual, but I do know what I've heard you know, and you know if you look at something simple as do unto others as you would have them do unto you, wouldn't you want somebody to help you if you needed help. I just know how to get it down there to where I've been able to understand it. If there's a scripture similar that it says do unto others as you would have them do unto you, or if that's you know, in a prayer, would not you want somebody to help you if you needed help? You've heard you reap what you sow? Do you understand that if you so discord, that discord is gonna come your way. That if you hate, hate gonna come your way. If you blog nothing but negative comments about people, your life will be filled with negativity. If all you do is talk about people, then guess what somebody got to turn that gun around and talk about you. See, it just stands to reasons. So what I've learned in my life and through all the trials and tribulations that I've had, is to take those lessons and share them with people in case you ain't heard it from somebody else. See sometimes and the reason it seems like I'm redundant at times. Is what I am is because I'm always trying to find a different way to say the same thing, because it's a funny thing. Man, you got to hear it a certain way for it to click with you. How many times have I heard a saying and then I heard it a different way that it clicked with me? You know, I've heard of this saying right here, remember this now, everybody's not happy for you. We've all heard that, right, everybody's not happy for you. Well, that's very simple that I don't need no explanation. That simply means of all the people you know or do not know. When something happens to you and you celebrate rating it, everybody's not going to join in on the celebration. That's all that is. But then you take it one step further. My father used to say something to me all the time. He says, son, everybody come with you can't go with you. I didn't get that when I was fifteen. Everybody come with you can't go with you. He said, you're gonna lose some of these friends you got along the way. But I don't care where you get in life. No, this right here, everybody can't go with you if you are constantly trying to improve yourself, you constantly have to take assessment of the people around you. Because if you are going to continue to go and continue to grow, then guess what you got to have people that's on the goal and willing to grow, or else, guess what you're gonna learn the valuable lesson. You know, the late boxing promoter Butch Lewis. I was talking with Butch Lewis one time, and man with a good brother man, he say, every successful man is what I call He got rope work to do. He got rope work to do. He got to put in work on rope. And I'm sitting there listening to Butch Lewis and all the money he had made and all the people's lives he had changed, and all of the moves he was made, and his incredible skills as a negotiator on behalf of some very very wealthy people. He was just an amazing man with no education. But he read everything. He butch Lewis read all that, all the papers, all the periodicals. That brother knew everything. He said, you got to put in rope. And I was sitting there listening. He said, here is the analogy, little brother. He said, you are on rope. There's a thick rope. You have on no shirt, you have on some tattered clothes. You have on no shoes. Your shorts is cut off just below the knee, and they tattered, and you got dirt on you and you're sweating. There's this huge, huge raw rope over your shoulder. That's burn marks on all of your shoulder. Connected to that rope is a wagon. That wagon has all your weight on it, all your responsibilities, all the people you're responsible for, all your children, your wife, your family members, your employees, your coworkers, your friends. They are all on that wagon. Man, they're just sitting there. He's saying, what you gotta do is you gotta pull that wagon up the heel. Now. The only thing with it is, can't nobody help you pull your wagon? You pull your wagon alone. He saying, Now, what you can do along the way of pulling your wagon, as you can find yourself a good wife, a good woman. He's saying that what that woman does is she get down off the wagon. She fan you while you pull it. She put water on you while you pull it. She puts stuff in your mouth while you pull it. She kicked rocks out the way while you pull it. But she but she pull it for you. But she is equally as important as you are on the poor love the rope, he said, you hear me clearly now, young soldier, He said, NA get this hell, he says, people on your wagon that you're responsible for. But you want the people on your wagon to help you get your wagon to the top. So what you hope is that they got their foot hanging over the side pushing. They got one leg over the back, or maybe both legs over the back pushing. They got they might have their butt on the wagon, but they push you with both legs. They're back facing your back, maybe some of them facing you when one of them got left leg hanging over trying to push. And you hope that all the people on the wagon you pulling its back there at least trying to help the wagon get to the top of the hill. Here goes your problem. Though everybody ain't pushing, everybody ain't pulling, ain't bar everybody ain't pulling, Everybody ain't kicking rocks out the way. You got some people on your wagon that's just laying on the wagon drinking lemonade, looking at you, talking about how long it's taking you to get your wagon up to the top, looking at you telling my whitest wagon, so slow. Then when you start picking up picking up speed, they want you to pull harder, you to pull faster, you to pull mole. Then they want you to throw what you then earned on the weight up the hill, backed on the wagon so they can have mo. But guess what, they ain't helping you get more, but they got a sense of entitlement that since you got mold, they should have more. Everybody come with you can't go with you. Sometimes you gotta kick the people off the wagon that ain't pushing and pull it and say, hey man, I'm sorry. I thought I could do this with you, and I thought you was going with me. But it's clear to me you ain't nothing but dead weight. And it ain't my responsibility to carry dead weight anymore. I have carried you as long as I have to carry you. You are no longer my responsibility. I'm responsible for my family, my wife, my children. I'm not responsible for you. You got to get off my wagon because I'm a man on rope. I'm on a mission. Baby, I'm pulling. You're listening ladies and gentlemen, it's about to go down. What you're talking about, Steve, What I'm talking about every morning, the start of something grand, the start of something new, the start of something spectacular. You know what I'm talking about, because it's about to happen to you, ladies and gentlemen. It is on and cracking. Here we are the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Give it to me, damn it, give it to me. I don't love it crazy whoa thank you? Hi? Two counts, But it is what I'm talking m I can't stop him. I'm much. They won't shut up, shut up the back then they won't. That's the only thing. The only thing I miss about stand up is walking out and walking off? Wow, what does that feel like? Make you feel? It's like it's the most incredible thing because as a stand up what can never replace stand up? It is simply the purest form of adelation that you can get from a crowd, because it's only a base on your ability to provide enjoyment for them. You're not you're not pulling that their hard strings. You're not you're not taking them back down memory lane with their favorite song. You're not doing sing alone ain't no such thing as a joke alone. Come on, come on, do this one with me, y'all. Two to three people walking the bar, come on, you know everybody. Come on, black man, white man, Chinese man, come on, y'all. Y'all know this is a joke alone. It's none of that. It is the purest form of adelation that you can get from a crowd. And when you kill it, and I mean a ninety minute set, just you, and you stand there for ninety minutes and you deliver gut wrenching laughter and you walk off, Oh my god, Oh my god. It is unbelievable. It is unbelievable, man. And when you do it well, and then to top all of that off, God has given you the incredible gift that you can earn a living at it. Oh man, oh man, oh man. Wow. The applause. So let me just say quickly, good morning to everybody on the show. Thank you for right now, Good morning, Give one more time, give it to me. Clap, let's clamp it out. Let's just clamp it all the way out today. Let me set up the show for you. Keep on day, don't stop. We got the cello coming up, We got women crush Wednesday we got Oh, we don't know. We'll be back when it just show give it to every day. Wow, you're listening? Show all right, Steve, Here we go our girl sister Adele is no it him? You know that organ when it come Jeanie just does something to me. You know that's a Hammond, don't you? Oh? Is that's a Hammond girl. Ain't nothing like a whip over Hammond olkid foot pedals in all Lord Hamlets. Lord Junie Harden used to be the baddest aging player I've ever seen. Junie Harden really Cleveland Judge Christ James Harden junior. He passed a son played ag in that church. Oh I didn't know that. Come on every wash. Yeah, what what we're doing today? What y'all talking about? Any questions? Well, um, I mean I could say this. You know you're a sister, a mother in the church and everything you heard about Tiger Woods. Um, I'm sure you've been praying for Tiger Woods. Surely you don't. Well now so you know you know it's too gently? Well? What what what? He what? He recovering? He had a car accident, Sister Odell, I thought you knew I apologize Tiger Woods, the greatest golf. I don't think she knew. I don't think had a car, yes, ma'am. And on the cart, No, ma'am. In the car on the on the one of California's freeways, on a freeway, yes man, yes man, he were driving. Yes, he was the only person in the car. Was him on the one? Yes, ma'am. His car flipped over fil yes? Sure, Okay, Well she didn't know. I thought, you don't know what this prof How do you don't know? One knew this? The voice that came out of stupidity, I didn't come out of stupidity. I'm just asking you. Everybody knows his information except for you. Why do you not know that this took place? I don't play no damn golf. I don't have to questions. You don't have to play golf to know what happened to Tiger. Everybody knows you ain't tired, and you can't dump. You see the time that that that has nothing to do with anything you see the people on TV duncan Yeah, can you dump? No? I can't. You know why because you're not a dunk call Now, I don't know about golf. That's why I didn't know about time what the problem is. Okay, but there's a lot of things I don't know. But there's a whole lot you don't know. You didn't You didn't have to humiliate me. You don't have to humiliate you if you stay in your place. I was talking with Sherley Neil. Yeah, sister, I just wanted to I thought you knew. I apologize for that. I just wondered, if you and I didn't know the man had accident, why would I know. I will pray for him, but where is it now? He's still in the hospital. He's recovering. Yet you know he's doing well. He doing well. Well, he's recovering. Yeah, he's recovering. He had some serious leg injuries all Tiger, he had come back from all that. You know, when I was with his father, Earl, you know, we used to talk about him all the time. You know Earl? Now you know what I know? I know Earl's daddy, Gerald. I don't know Gerald Wood the wait wait, wait, Tiger's great grandfather is Earl? I mean Tiger's grandfather. It's Gerald. What is you talking about? Great grand she there you go, now, who don't know that tiger father as father would be his grandfather. Who don't know that? It's like I didn't know time you know him? You didn't know that information right there, But I just said I didn't. Well, we know who didn't know one for show? Don't you best read? I know we know you didn't know it. You ain't know who it was. I know it name Jia any on the record, anybody ever talked about it? Now because you haven't know it? Well, well, Jaronny was trying to go hate. Really, I was gonna ask you about doctor SEUs. You're familiar with Doctor SEUs, the author of children's books. Yeah, well, some of his books had to come off the shelves so they wouldn't be sold because they were kind of racially offensive. Um, you know they depicted African Americans and Asians and unfavorable lights. So I've never seen that. I didn't know that. I'm sorry to hear that. I just know that I didn't read the book called they had green eggs and ham, and you know black people don't food eggs. Won't they turn what? Yeah, we won't be eating any green age. You ever seen scramblededgs in the chafing dish too long. Yes, that's where we get off the line. You need a refreshed as red eggs and hamm is a white folks. I did that right now. You're keeping in one hundreds of you just all of it off the shelf if you want to, Well, did you why they just now discovering this? Ain't doctor SU's been out for how many ears long, since we're all were kids and before I suppose, Um, but yeah, um, you know some people look deeply into it, I guess, and that's what they found. Uh. There's there's a there's a book in there are called If I Ran the Zoo, If I Ran a Zoo. It has images of African American men wearing what appeared to be grass skirts and you know, with their hair tied above their head and no shirts on and no shoes. So they were like, that's this is offensive. Let's not sell this, take this home, get him on off the shelf. He ain't. Don't need to teach and guess that nonsense. Yes, damn yes, man. Last time my head on the grass skirt, it was for a man I had met in Hawaii. We was at a luau and we had just finished off a pig, and I'll put that skirt on a turning mouth apple in his mouth. We ain't a whole pig, just me and him was a little baby pig. We just sat there and just got to tan meat off. The next thing you know, we were finished, well was full. I got this grass skirt on, might well see what's going on? And we get a little private luan. Who jesu he broke back in five stitch and all hell broke Loue, thank you, sistero Dell. We gotta go run that prank back it up next right after this you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour. In trending news, six Doctor Seuss books will no longer be published due to offensive imagery. Plus an entertainment news Dolly Parton gets a doseph her own medicine literally, and in national news, it has been two weeks two weeks since the winter storm, and some residents in Jackson, Mississippi are still without water. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew is here, would run that prank back? What's you got for us? Next? Law and order, sirly, okay, law and order let's go. Yeah, Law and Order. Good morning, Law and Associates office. Hey, how you doing? Um? I'm trying to speak to the lawyer, mister Ben. He's not a star, but I can help you. Um. So I can get all the information, um, and also get your actual complain at hand, and then I can get your scheduled. Okay, what's your nice My name is Joel. What's your name, Joe? Well, my name is Dwight Dwight Turner. I'm trying to file a file a lawsuit on somebody. I ain't never done this before, but I'm trying to file a lawsuit on somebody, and I don't know. You know, everybody tell me Vin a good attorney or whatever. So I wanted to talk can talk to him and see how I was supposed to go about this right here? Okay, Well, can I get all your information and then I can get your schedule. He's not in the office right now, okay, but is he coming back to day though? Am I gonna be in the talk to him today? I'm not sure. He's in court all day and I'm pretty much his three things. So when am I gonna get to talk to him? Then he's pretty good on getting back to you. He would get back to you probably tomorrow, but it's actually better to schedule as the only way you can meet with him, and you will actually meet with him face to face. The conversation is free. You can sit down with him and have that one on one and explain everything that's going on. So what you what you need? What you need from me? Because I want to come to see you in tomorrow if I can get on his schedule tomorrow. I need your full name, the day to birth? My name is okay, my birth, my day to birth? Okay, hold on, let me say, let's get that. Can you just take down what's going on with the whole situation as can we get well, I'll give you out that all that other stuff later. I want you to write down what's going on first, because that's what's bothered me. I didn't get this all my chicks and what is the actual print? What is what's going on? I want to file a lawsuit on my girlfriend's HUDs. Excuse me, I want to file a lawsuit on my girlfriend's husband. Are they still together? They're still married? Yeah, I'm trying the thing. They know they're still married, day together and everything you know that's gonna bother me right there. But I want to file a lawsuit on him though. So you're her boyfriend, she's still married, they lived together, they're still they're not legally separated, not like no, they little together, they got kids all that. You know. I ain't tripping on that part right there, But I'm chilling. You're her boyfriend, yeah, okay, And you want to sue her husband for what we're messing up our relationship, for getting in the middle of me and hug got going on. I'm sorry, that's not a crime. That's not ground for a lawsuit. Hello, he messed up everything we got going on. You know. Now he's taking the phone from us, taking my name out of it, you know, he ahsk And when I fell a text messure, he answering the text menshion, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry that you. I'm sorry that it's all going on. But that's not suited for our type of law. We don't handle any cases like that. Infidelity, which it sounds like what's going on, that's not ground for a lawsuit. We don't address that type of thing. Okay, So what you're talking about it infidelity Look, I know you're speaking with the married you're sleeping with the married woman, and you have a relationship with her and you want to suit her current legal Yes, mess up your relationship. Actually, you're the actual outsider. You're the actual person that's in the wrong. If you want to make a what's your name again, I told you it's Joel, Sir, I ain't ask you for your phone, Oinon. I called this this isle for cursing. Hello. Hello, there's no need for cursing. I cannot help you, That's what I'm trying to tell you. I don't even know how to card you to the lawyer. No, sir, I don't even know how to give you to the lawyer. There's no lawyer. It's not gonna do this. Please don't call me with this I want. You're trying to tear it out of my pocket. Man, you cursed somebody. You called me by somebody husband. Now you know my job is to have some common sense. My job. You are the old last man, the married a married woman. You need to have common sense. Who I know, Joel, that's who you're talking to. Not cursing me, do not hurting me. How can I take this call sir, Sir, I don't want to hang up on you, and I don't want to misrepresent at this small office. Let me okay, let me tell you what. Let me tell you something has some morals and know what lawsuits are. Don't call me with this dumb sir. Let me like you. You know what list office. You're lucky. Nobody in the office got me cursed off the languages and I don't even know you. Okay, I'm about to hang I'm about to hang up. You're gonna make me come to that law office and whoop something to a point three seven bloods? They will you up off the seven one through seven? Whoop that? Okay? Let me let me okay, what yo, sir? Go taking your kids. Don't find some woman who who're gonna yo une counseling, sir, my relationship, That's what I'm trying to do. You got me cursing mention the pastor on the one. Please do not war here ever, ain't. I ain't gonna stop tilap talk to Benjamin which someone I mister Benjamin us in here because he will let you know he do not take cases like that at Oh, sir, you cannot sue for infidelity. You cannot sue. You can't. You can't dream how long you've been working at me? How long you've been cheating with the woman? Know your man for your old age? That ain't now. I've been working here for ten years. Keep a job, walking it. You're black at Okay, Okay, I know we're just off. Okay. You you're wasting your time. You are completely You're wasting your time and you're wasting my time. You know what? This is what I already know about you? Joya already know about you. How you know me? You don't know about me. I know you don't know a dam date about me. I know about Joe rag me people and women who got the husbands? I know you go to man he's whoop your I got where? Excuse me? You go to boot camp every morning? Don't you excuse me? Don't you go to the workout? Don't you work out with a boot camp group every morning? Who the fuck is this? Do you sunderstand? Who is this? Me going up the boot camp? Do you know Vella? Excuse me? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend got me to drink called you. I think it fire fire, it's old man a man you yo he No, I'm not good you like Yeah? I love you y'all. Hi that you Tommy y'all is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Tommy nephew nephew Tommy Steve Harvey in the Morning Show. I love y'all for the last forty years of my life. I love y'all, feel leader. Am I a genius? I mean, I mean you know, you know, y'all never tell me I'm a genius, But am I really in there? There's a reason for that, all right. You don't have at the top of the hour while we have this debate entertainment and national news right after you're listening to the String Show. Well, guys, six Doctor Seuss books will no longer be published due to racist imagery. The books are and to think that I saw it on Mrberry Street, if I ran the Zoo, uh MC Elegant's Pool, No On Beyond Zebra, Scrambled Head, super and the Cat's Quizzer. According to Doctor Seuss Enterprises, these books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong. Two images in the in particular, are from the book and to think that I saw it on Mrberry Street, in which the images are offensive uh to Asian American. The other imagery is from the book If I Ran a Zoo with the images of two African American men where what appears to be grass skirts and no shirts, no shoes, and their hair tied up on their head. Doctor Seus's enterprise and said they listen to feedback from teachers, academic specialists, and educators and pull the books from being sold. Doctor Seus's stepdaughter, however, Legray Diamond, doesn't believe her pop's works need to be censored. So there you go. Well they ain't you know the amazing part. She don't feel like it needs to be sensible. Okay, but it ain't got nothing to do with you, right, it's not a fensive to you. Yeah, you know you don't have to explain this to your children, right, you know. It's it's a new day now. Yeah, this book's been out forever, you know, just like the Me Too movement came along and it started really shining a light on a dark part of what's been going on to a lot of people. Well, Black Lives Matter has to and whether you want to acknowledge it or not, it's very part of this thing, and we've got to charge start changing the way people think and view everything at the least lowest level all the way up to the top. Now, we got some work to do with that law because the Republican senators they not understand it. The people are more understanding than than the leadership is because they got to play this bipartisan positioning bullcraft that they do. But no, man, we just got to attack it at every level. Yeah, yeah, I just think they do understand. It's not that hard. It's just they don't want to. It's like they refuse to. They like things the way they are. They don't want to change it. To a lot of people, what's the big deal? Yeah, exactly, Yes, they have no ideal. But I was watching Molly Quinn on First the other day. She was talking to Max Kellerman and Perkins and stephen A Smith for the other two guys on the show, and she told Max, she said, Max, I don't think that you and I can understand what Perkins or stephen A is talking about because we're not black, and no matter how much we want to, we can't possibly know how black people feel about these things because we're not black. It takes a person like that to make that statement to be able to move the needle. It's no needing you pretending like you can't. Now you can empathize and you can feel for us, and you can understand this and reverse it and imagine if you were in our shoes and make you want to do something about it. And that is more than appreciated. But at the end of the day to a difference. But at the end of the day, you got to walk in this skin twenty four seven, yes, with no days off, no opportunity to lay it down, to understand what it is. And Black Lives Matter, it just happened. Black Lives Matter came along and it helped a lot of non African Americans allowed to participate in this change. And it's just top because these old ass people up top ain't hear it, ain't trying to hear it. And the poison they've spared to their children, they're not trying to hear it. Because you listen to these young groups out here, man, they're just as hateful as they stink ass parts. Yes, and I'm heading what I said. They dressed as hateful as they stank ass parents. All right. Another entertainment news, seventy five year old Dolly Parton got her first jose of the MODERNA vaccine yesterday at the Vanderbilt Medical Center. As she posted, Dolly gets the dose of her own medicine. Now, if you recall, Dolly Parton donated one million dollars last year to Coronavirus Research, which was used to fund Maderna's vaccine. Why did Dolly wait so long to get the vaccine even though she had donated the money and everything. You would think she would be in the front of the line, but no, Dolly said she wanted to wait her turn and not just jump in line because she donated the money. Okay, good at our Kelly, he's a prison so he got he got all the stuff he can't keep off him right now. And finally in national news, many residents of Jackson, Mississippi, have been without water since the winter storm hit the state about two weeks ago. And this is the same storm which affects it affected Texas and Louisiana. Now, some residents in Jackson are suffering and have no water. Public water works officials said their system basically crashed and residents are very angry at the state's government for not fixing the water infrastructure in Jackson in the path to Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves has deployed the Mississippi National Guard to help fix the problem. And uh, you know, this is a mess. This is a real mess right here because it could have been avoided. It looks like if they had fixed the water infrastructure in the past, Like the residents say, what is with these leaders that wait and react to things when they break and shut down in these states instead of doing things to prevent it from politics and having the state and citizens and people suffer without water and power and electricity. You all need to remember all of this when you're going to the policy right exactly. And you know some college they're aware of everything because they're briefed on everything. Yeah they're politicians. But if it if it ain't broke, dow don't try to fix it. Then when something happened, then they come up with a story to cover it, right, because it didn't affect them. Yeah, all right, coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we'll tell you which city is the first in the US to fund reparations for blacks. What right? After this, please see it. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, during last night's documentary Soul of a Nation on ABC, it was revealed that the city of Evanston, Illinois, Evanston, Illinois, which is right outside Chicago, that will be the first city that is using tax revenue ten million dollars in reparations for black people. Now, this is according would you say you're moving to day Evanston? According to ABC News, the first phase is twenty five thousand dollars payments for eligible residents for home ownership assistance programs from the city's recreational marijuana sales and private donations. Recreational marijuana sales, okay, in private donations twenty five geese. Hey, well, I got a partner this living it right up there in Evansville, and I know him for a fact, and he is a weed smoker. And I know for a fact if they give him twenty five thousand dollars, he not even broke even yet. What do you think about the repas though? I mean, for those that are fighting for reparations, I supported. I have zero faith that this country will pass any bill for any form of reparation at all no faith in this country for that. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? The seventy two million people that voted for Donald Trump? Are you kidding me? The Republican Party? I have no faith that this government or any logical movement is gonna support giving anything to black people. I will not be waiting on this. I wish it were to happen. I support anybody that has a great reparations package or proposal that makes sense, but getting it past this United States we live in. What That's interesting because some people would say, why is she being so negative? But you're not. You're not being a pessimist. It sounds to me like you're being a realist at this point. I'm not being negative in the United States. They listen to me. This government won't even give regular people fifteen dollars minimum wage. You think they're gonna write a damn check to just some black people this America that we live in? Are you kidding me? Are you? This is you? Watch the tapes? Who are you almost customed to know? You? Then? Yeah, And they've they've moved past the voting has happened. For this to happen locally, it's going in the right direction. But federally, yeah, Nation, that's where it is. Yeah for sure. Yeah, and Lord only knows what you would have to do to qualify for the twenty five thousand dollars. No, you have to be a resident, all right? Yeah, a certain time period, all right? Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, a quick round of asked the CLO. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, time for a quick round of asked the CLO with the chief Love Officer you, mister Harvey. This one is from Special K in DC. I'm thirty seven with four beautiful daughters. I'm seeing a lady that has four children. She's a great mom, and she loves my daughters like they're her own daughters. The problem is that she wants another baby. She will be thirty eight in two months. I'm not sure why she wants a baby now, but I don't want or need another kid. I could lie and say that I have a medical condition and can't have children now, or I could break up with her. What's a brother to do? I think y'all can talk this one out. Eight kids you've ever seen the TV show Eight is enough? I think, yes, I think, I think I think she might be able to be talked out of this week. Foe and Foe is eight. Yeah, that's a lot. I got seven, you know. Yeah, I'm telling you that's two. Damn Eddie Murphy has ten. All right, here we go, Jean and Charlotte, I've married a woman and her son has finished college. Oh, let me start that over. Jean and Charlotte says, I'm a married woman and our son has finished college and moved back in with us. He's an introvert and his home all day, every day unless he's at work. He's crapping our style and making life miserable. My husband and had basically become a two old nudists walking around the house. Now I have to wear clothes around the house. Even our sex life is weird because I'm normally very loud, but I'm more of a whimperer. Now our son is twenty three and we love him, But how can we encourage him to move out for good? The encouragement is get out. It's like that, No, it could all mine gone went to twenty three. He can't stay here. You can't stay here because you you know, but mine none of my kids introverted, they out. The reason they can't stay here is because they stay out, and all this coming in late and all this here. I need a key. Naw, hell no coming over with friends and stuff now, no, no, hell no, you got to get he got to go. He twenty three, He working get an apartment. You got ninety days save a matter of fact, he'll he'll go the first most written last more by let him take his introverted, quiet ass somewhere in his own apartment so they can walk around the house naked and free. Please all right? Moving on, Shelley and the Bronx says, I'm a twenty nine year old female and I ran into my college algebra professor at a cigar bar last weekend. He cut right to the chase and started flirting with me. I told him that I've always had a crush on him. A few hours later, we went into the bathroom and locked the door. He tried to pick me up, and I fell and landed on his ankle. I had to get some men to help him get to his car. To help get him to his car, and he was very embarrassed. He's not returning my calls, and I was just trying to make sure he's all right. Should I let it go? Well, now we got a problem him. Yeah, he tried to pick you up. You fell on his angle. See now see two things happened. What I'm gonna go with this one? Hire Professor old ass probably should have never tried to pick you up. Okay, Yeah, that's a good waited because he ain't had a strength for it. Now, he didn't get you up. He didn't had a strength for what he saw. You know, he bit off mold and he could choose. He grabbed you. You think you nice girl? Picked y'all in the bath room, locked it dope, He picked you up, dropped you. You fell on his ankle, so that means you had to fall straight down? What nou y'all tilted? You hit the tarlet nothing When you fall on his ankle, that mean you fell straight down. This is a total collapse of strength. Wow, Now he in bass because he weak. That's probably why he not calling you back. And you're too much woman for him. So she should let it go. She's asking, should she let it go? Yeah? He probably ain't gonna he ain't. He ain't gonna be He can't even pick you up relationship. He didn't know how to do it, he algeable professor, He didn't know he do numbers. He didn't calculate that. Right in the physics coming up next to the nephew with today's frank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, the subject I have become friendly with his wife. After it's my Strawberry letter for today, the subject I have become friendly with his wife. Oh, we'll get into that in a little bit, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his neff? Your wife is fine? Is hell? Let's hello Hello, I'm trying to read Daryl. Yeah, this is Aholes It and tell how you're doing. My name is Alonzo man Um for liquor Distributing Company. I do a distric liquor distribution. How you doing today? I'm pretty good. I'm pretty good man. What can I do for you? Hey, we're putting together a big biggie vent Man with vodka and they're throwing a they're throwing a huge pool party and like I say, I've been I'm in the liquor business man. I've been doing it for for quite some years now. And you know, we're always trying to do different type of publicity and really get to hype up. And what we're trying to do, man, is really get people to come out to this fashion party because it's the first quarter twenty twenty. We wanted to be a one to remember. And uh, I know, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no, no, you're I go to the bank. I go to the bank where you're where your wife worth set kindred. Okay, what we're trying to do is have I mean, we want our fire and Slash poster to be something really really memorable, something that's gonna really draw people in. And you have this. This thing is gonna be all over social media the whole nine yards. So we're trying to see you know, buddy of mine told me that he kind of knew of you or had a had a number on you, and I was like, cool, let me reach out to him. He was. He told me you were Kendra's husband, So I want my husband. So I don't understand what my wife's got to do. It this whole thing. Okay. What I'm trying to do is see if you were cool with Kendred being on our flyer. Man, I mean because your wife is finish, so we want to put her on the flyer. And what you mean my wife just finish? What you mean we want you gonna call me up and talk about my wife? Vin, it's wrong with you, brother, brother, it's this. It's a respect thing I'm giving you. I'm giving you crops. It's crowds and I'm giving bucking out what you need man, because you don't sound right, dude, We're trying to get your wife. We want to give her to a photo shoot in a porkini so we can put it how. No, you ain't using my wife and no PEKINI to put on no fly you want your damn mind. It's my wife's man, respect me. Okay, okay, okay, okay, hold on man, hold on, man, Why are you tripping like this? Bro? Why are you tripping like my wife's My wife ain't gonna be no damn no the flying for no party man with the things. This is what's wrong with you. Okay, bro, bro, you know what man, I tried to call you and give you to respect. I mean I didn't sound like what well, okay, look I didn't call form no argument. I just I'll just talked to Kendal when I go to the fake depart and see if she want to do. Oh oh, he's gonna throw to my wife's job at the bank. That's what you're gonna do. Okay. I'm I ain't gonna do this because I'll be there too, and I don't make a deposit with my foot, you know, go ahead, okay, Okay, hold on, man, we were playing. We're playing five thousand dollars for the photos. Okay again, what you're paying? No amount of money's gonna let me put my wife, the mother of my children on the posted And no for Kenny. I don't care how much you can kiss my ass, befall, Let you do that, Okay, okay, bro okay, So I ain't gonna really go back and forth with you. Man, I was calling you trying to be a man. Same Okay, Well, I'm trying to be man to man with you. Just you know, throw the opportunity at you. Now you're throwing it back up. He was with disrespect. I wasn't showing me for my wife to be a side. Now, No, I don't want none of that. Okay, man, No, your wife fining is hell? People are you need to quit telling me how fine my wife is? Okay? Who gave you my phone number in the first place? I've got? Hey, man, evidently that's all Mulling pointed, Just all right, that don't even matter. Just one the boy do. The issue on the table is I want to take some pictures of Kenny. Let me know when you plan on going to my wife's job at the base. Let me know. And you're gonna bring your black down there so I can be there. Okay. Nobody calls another brother a fuck about how fine his wife is. Okay, I told you no. Now, you shouldn't get stopped right there. But you're gonna keep all talking about my wife. Okay. So let me say this though. Tommy is the one that said your wife was fine as hell. That's the one brought all this to our attention at the meeting. Tommy is the one that said your wife was fine as hell. Dog Tommy, Tommy, Tommy said your wife is fine as hell. That's what Tommy get here too. Who is Tommy? You don't you take your wife to work in the morning, let me know, and he's gonna bring your black down there. Okay. And what y'all be What y'all be listening to on the way to work? What radio stakes and y'all be listening to? We've been listening to a nephew, Tommy, baby, harm your work. You wouldn't about to get your Hey, man, your wife tender got me to prank you, bro, wait till I see my wife. I see that. I got my blood pressure up. Oh man, she told me, she said, we listen to y'all every morning on the way to work. He drops me off and he goes to work. She said, Tommy, you've got to get it. I said you. I mean, what what do he love the most? She say, mate, I don't know about that. Right now after it's calling man a man, we love you back, baby, keep listening to the steam off the morning. So tell me this problem. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? What is it? Darrel? It's Steve Harvey with nephew talking who you was about to get it? For real? He was not playing trying to put the man's wife on a fly and a bikini, though so inappropriate dude. I love dudes reactions though, Man, I love dudes reactions about it. I'll be telling people, Man, once a dude married, it's different. He ain't trying to hear nothing you say it. It's did these dudes be serious? But the wives? Man? Yes, sir us. But was it good? Though? Let me just ask that? Was it good? You come on? Ask where you're a genius? So again? And I am, but you're not gonna give me that. And I understand it was good. You're king of pranks, Tommy, you are king? Was this one good? That's all about? It was better than good? Yeah? Every day? Every day? Yeah? Need ye, yeah, you need some of you was missing growing up. But I'm fine. Everything is fine. I get what I wanted to ask for what I wanted. I get it what every day? Was it good? Dude? Am I good? It might have been? What? What? Am I a genius? That I had stopped that? That was too far far? Yeah? Am my genius? I was? I put my foot down on that. Yeah? Ever heard? Go ahead? So? Am I not a genius to you all? No? No, I didn't ask you, Jim, I didn't ask stupid ask him? But you know what, Tommy, you're like the people that was at the Donald Trump rallies. Donald J. Trump is a genius and the jaus the genius. Yeah, hey, Tommy, let me ask you a question. Maybe maybe maybe we need to work the bath of some ladies. Maybe this okay, what is your definition of a genius? I am so far above a average than most of the majority of I mean, I'm smart. I think from the left side of the brain. A lot of people don't even know. Wait wait wait, wait wait wait wait wait what was that called? What was that? On the nation of you? That's how all most vomiting and how he's sang it too. You know, you know, you take the intelligent tone offer the dumbass with mall. If you knew anything about the brain, the left side is when people use for reasoning and the right side is for creativity. If you do anything, my creativity is on the left side. You have you well, look, well, you had sixty seconds to describe genius and you fail. So well what you want us to do? My strawberry letter is up next subject I have become friendly with his wife? Will get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Bugle ump and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Lid subject I have become friendly with his wife. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a twenty seven year old single female and I just moved to my own place and started a new job. I liked my job, and I have a few associates that I hang out with after work. There's one guy that I am the closest with. He's forty seven and married, but unhappy at home. We created a bond and we could tell each other anything without judgment. The first time we made love, he made me feel like a princess. Right after we started seeing each other, I met his wife at the office. She asked me where I got my hair braided, and I told her that my cousin did it. I arranged for my cousin to braid her here at my place. The wife came over on a Friday evening with a bottle of wine and we sat and talked for five hours while she got her hair braided. It felt awkward at first, but she's really cool and easy to talk to. She's thirty three and said sometimes she regrets marrying an older man. We were vibing and enjoying the wine, all while some of her husband's clothes, shoes, and toiletries were at my house. She didn't suspect a thing. Her husband texted me a few times to make sure everything was going okay while she was at my place. The following week, she invited my cousin and I to meet her out for a drink. She was flirting with men, and she left us early to meet up with a male friend. I texted her hubby my boyfriend, to tell him she might be cheating on him. He told me that he doesn't want us hanging out anymore. I've been aborting her since then, but she won't stop calling and texting me. I think that she and I are friendly enough for me to tell her the truth about what's going on. I would want to know if I was married, should I be honest with her? Or not. Okay, really, come on, you're kidding me right now? Right? I mean, I gotta ask you. All of a sudden, you get morals and a conscious you know you want to be open and honest, because you certainly didn't have them when you decided to sleep with her husband slash coworker. You're a coworker. You fell for the tired cheating husband line or I'm not happy at home? You fell for that. Uh And now, after deceitfully befriending his wife, you want to tell her that you and her man are having sex. Okay? How is this sounding to you? Because, as you say, you and wife are friendly enough? Now you know you had a bottle of wine with her. Uh No, and just because you drank a bottle of wine with her doesn't mean that she will she will now whoop whoop you behind about her man? Okay, you are being messy and petty. Just beyond messy and petty, you're you're hurtful and delusional right now? Uh? No good? And what good can come of this if you run your mouth to her? No, leave these people alone before you destroy their family. Okay, And we're not buying your line about you would want to know if it was you, if you were, Come on, stop it. You sound really silly, you really do. And this is Women's History Month. I just want to let you know that. And we're not having that. Okay, we are not having it, all right, Steve, Wow, this letter, it just took so many sharp turns. I know, I mean, you know, I couldn't even figure out how we went from what to what. This woman is twenty seven years old, obviously don't know nothing about life or marriage. You got to be kidding me. So you meet this, I have a job, and you got some associate you hang out with. There's one guy that I'm closest with. Okay, we're going along with it. He's forty seven and married but unhappy at home. Off of course he is. Okay, we created a bond and we could tell each other anything without judgment. Okay, y'all just hanging out. The first time we made love? What exactly when that comes from? What? Y'all was just talking and he was unhappy at the house, and y'all was sharing stuff with each other without judgment, and y'all was just associates, and it happened the first time we made love. What you face that's a hell of a jump, lady. You just you don't even know how to write letters. You're just anyway. First time we made love, he made me feel like a princess. Right after we started seeing each other, I met his wife at the office. And then she asked you about how you got your hair braidy, and your wife came over with a bottle of wine. You got your cousin come over, Brady, And it felt awkward at first, but she's really cool, easy to talk to. God, Okay, how much wine was just more than one bottle? Now? And then she's thirty three and says sometimes she regrets marrying an older man. Oh, so, I guess that made you feel better. Then we were vibing and enjoying the wine, and all the while some of her husband's clothes, shoes, and tarletries while at my house. Wait a minute, what exactly he got clothes, shoes, and tarletries at your house? What? What's happening? This story just took some big turns in here. She didn't suspect the thing. Her husband texts me a few times to make sure everything was going on okay while she was at my place. Ed, this dude is so damn concerned. Make sure everything Okay? What is he saying though, Steve, Hey, when we come back and I finished the letter, I'm gonna tell you what he's saying in the text after I do the rest of that. All right, all right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hours, subject I have become friendly with his wife. Will get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today Strawberry letters. Subject I have become friendly with his wife. Okay, this twenty seven year old woman and got this new job, moved into her home place, and she made some friends with some associates they hang out with after working. This one guy close to h forty seven and man, but he ain't happy at the house, and so and they bonded and they started telling each other anything. Anyway. After the first time we made love. What That's where the letter just took us. We was just talking, passing no judgment for we just saw we was doing. We used to go out to drink and the next thing you know, he just we naked and we just and he made me feel like a princess, and then right after we started seeing each other. So now right away were seeing each other. This ain't no one time we well ite them. And uh, you know, she asked you met her wife at the office, asked where you got to hebraid you told your cousin. Didn't she invited? You invited? She said, couldn't your husband do my half? You invited overdue the half. She bought a bottle of wine. She thirty three years old. She used to talk to She really cool. Y'all got to talk and she admitted that she wished she hadn't married older man. I guess that made you feel okay with seeing him. We were vibing and joining the wine. All the while. Some of her husband's closed shoes and tarntrues was at my house. And she didn't suspect a thing. No, no woman with thinks that a woman that's seeing her husband would invite her to her house to get her Damn, hebraided. It ain't like stupid, She just that's nothing. You can't even think that exactly. You know, that's like a thief invite me to the basement and he got all my stolen stuff in that. Yeah, yeah, that don't make no sense, all right now, she didn't suspect the thing. Her husband texts me a few times to make sure everything was going okay. I'll tell you what that would text us about later. While she was at my place the following week, she invited your cousin now to meet out for a drink. She was flirting with me, and she left us early to meet up with a male friend. I text her husband parentheses my boyfriend to tell him she might be cheating on him. You got a lot of nerves. Yeah, you got a lot of damn nerves. I mean your youth and inn experience with life, relationships, marriage and just how to deal go. You got a lot of nerve to text her husband to tell him that your wife might be cheating on you. That's nerve. He told me he don't want us hanging out no more. Then here we go. I've been avoiding us since then, but she won't stop calling, texting me this way to let her. I think she and I are friendly enough for me to tell her the truth about what's going on. What are you stupid say that again? That she and her are friendly enough for me to tell her the truth about what's going on you. Thank y'all that damn friendly fit to get stabbed? Are you nuts? Have you lost your rabbit ass man? What is wrong with you? See, you're too young to have an affair because you don't know HI supposed to go? Hello, umfairs are wrong. We all know that, but you are too young to have one because you don't even know HI supposed to go. You have a delusionary view that somehow you and this woman is so damn friendly because y'all haven't been and had a drinking and drink wine. She got her hair braided that you've been to tell her I'm screwing your husband and some of his shoes, clothes, and toiletries is at my house and they was over there when you was over that getting your hair braided. What man, it's inconceivable. You can't tell this to no woman of no race and this go good? Right? Then she says, I want to know. I'd want to know if I was married. Should I be honest with her or not? Wait a minute, if you would want to know if you was married, let me ask yourself something. You knew she was married to this man when you bought her over to the house, and it was awkward at first, and then y'all got cool. So now your stupid side, your stupid side came up when you invited her to the house get a hair braided. That that's the stupidity then all this. But somehow you think that if you were married, you would want to know, you would want to know what, Like Shirley said, where did you get all these morals from all of a sudden? You didn't have to know when you're screwing the man keeping the stuff at your house, know when he got a wife. So I don't. I don't got no advice for you. I don't know what you're gonna do, but I'll tell you what if you do go over there to tell this woman, can you record it for us and send it to us because we want to see it. We really want to see I really do now real quick. The text was that he sent to her, Hey, everything good, Yeah, how's it going? She said anything to you? What y'all talking about? That's what dirty works saying? Like right there? Hey, let me let me ask you something. She ain't been in the bedroom in closets. Hey, where going going in and get my toothbrush? Because I think I left it on the cabinet, put it up under the put it up under the plump, plunge your as a matter of fact, throw it away, all right? Coming up next Sports Stock with Junior and forty six minutes after right after this, you're listening Dave Show. All right, it is time, ladies and gentlemen for the one in them, the junior with Sports Talk. What you got Junior? Thank you, Shirley uh Well. Little NBA news in the NBA, the Atlanta Hawks fired head coach Lloyd Pierce. Assistant head coach Nate McMillan will serve as the team interim coach. Now, a lot of coaches around the league are not happy about the firing, but some players from the Hawks are in favor of bringing in a new coach. You know that the Hawks are fifteen and twenty, so you know that's not Nate mimillan is is a good head coach. He had a head coach experience, so you know, it's not a it's not it's not a bad move. Just the fact that Lloyd Pierce was a young coach. He's, you know, young black coach in the NBA and it's his second season, so you know, like, well, you know all the time, others, other teams, you know that way, Hey, he can get more than two years? Can he get more than two years? You know? So that's what the up said about that. Yeah. So also in the NFL, this gonna hurt timing. This gonna hurt dog in the NFL for me, you used in text defensive player j J. Watt has in history agency questions after he posted a picture of himself working out together in um in an Arizona card. The shirt M what one of you crying for Junior? Because we ain't get a grind? Because he knows what you obviously don't know. We ain't got nobody, got nobody? J J s one million dollar deal? What three man guaranteed? Yeah, cried Junior. Let it out? Come on? You know the next step is what the show wasn't gonna be. Yeah, y'allpen to be Cleveland this. I don't want to be Cleveland. I don't want to Cleveland. Hanging at you? Sorry, see hey, Junior, Junior. Note, notice how the genius ain't smart enough to figure out why you crying? You don't have a clue. Yeah, team, let me just tell me this about the team. We also released two cornerbacks yesterday. Y'all released two quarter cornerbacks yesterday, released two quarterbacks yesterday. And then we sighed. We said, David Johnson again, Who the hell is David Jump? That's why you ain't got nobody because you signed people. Don't nobody know. This is who we got for the Audrey Howkins. He's a wide receiver. Don't you don't even a genius. You don't know a damn thing. All right, Junior, we gotta go. Thank you so much. Coming up at the top of the hour. More Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's office topic, here's a question. Have you ever been told just be yourself, just be yourself and you'll be fine, and it ended up being horrible advice for you. Maybe it was on a first date, Maybe you were told to be yourself on your first day of a new job. So, Steve, I gotta ask you, are there situations that you should avoid just being yourself? When you were comfortable enough to just be yourself in your relationship or when were you comfortable enough to be just being in your relationship? Those are two different questions. My first first gig on the radio in LA. Would you, oh the dude, ain't me the job to man? Just be yourself. Three days later they hied surely said we had enough being himself. We need to get a radio person in here to control some of it. We need surely get in that when yeah, do a time talk. I didn't do time check. I'd never announced what the station you're listening to. If you hear my voice, ain't you listening to the station? I got to come in and say this fault. You have to say the call, let us to let them know. Boy, how's you hearing me say the call letters? If your station ain't on this one, start to you. But just checks and then and then and then and then. In the LA the traffic, I didn't understand that it's rush hour, the four five. It's packed every damn day time. Two days, Hey, we have to go to a commercial at eighteen after. But I'm talking though. Yep. They put Shirley Strawbery on the radio. When I first met Shirley, I thought she was attractive, but I didn't care for her because I said, you know, I went me trying to tell me what to do. Yeah, he didn't like me, because he had nothing to do with my hiring. They it's exactly true what he's saying. No, they just put her in there. They ain't ask me nothing. I looked at him. They asked me for a while to come in to listen to the show, to listen. So he actually had no control over you, Shirley. Let's let's not let's just call it what it is. Shirt. He had no control over you. You were hired by somebody else. He had nothing to do with your hiring. No, no, come in there, love it. I had to do radio radio show. What are you doing? So, I said, baby girl, baby girl, stop saying all that I'm talking. She said, we have to go to break. We ain't going right now. I'm doing something. And you know what the sad part is, not much has changed, not much here we are now some time now because it's still what sponsorships me. Yeah, yeah, I didn't get that obedient. You fought it, fuyeah. You still want to You just say, almost another job. Don't see what they asked you to be. Just be yourself. I really, you know I lied to get all my other jobs before I got in the show business. If I have told the truth, I'd have never got hired. I couldn't beat myself. Y'all wouldn't hide me like a criminal record, criminal background, I've been at court. I don't know how many times I'm own probation. Ain'tybody couldn't hire me? So I lied? Why I lied on all my applications. I tried to get a job one time at a jewelry store. What question was? What kind of jewry stole? Though? What we're talking about, like a jewelry store in them all South? Yeah, something like. It was a little little jewelry store. I just saw some watches I liked. Now I'm living, going in and try to work here. And uh, the guy was sitting at the interview, he said, have you ever stole anything? Before? I said, like what? Yeah? But I went, you know, have you ever stolen thing like like what like you talk tater chips or something like that. I would admit to that, but like, have I stole jewelry? Now? Not yet? That's that's trying to stay. So I was just went with it. Now like what he said, anything he saw When I was little, I used to steal potato chips and stuff. Okay, you get the job. Oh, no, he said, we thank you for coming here. All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up a twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to show. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has announced get this, guys, that he's lifting all coronavirus restrictions. You heard me, right, He's lifting all coronavirus restrictions. Abbott said yesterday that it is now time to open Texas one hundred percent. But the thing is that COVID has not just suddenly disappeared and gone away. But he's just saying, no, it's a deflection, that's all it is. Because of the one he's saying. The state mandates are no longer needed. All businesses will be allowed to operate one hundred percent capacity, and the mask mandate will be lifted entirely. County judges can issue local orders if hospitalization rates exceed fifteen percent hospital bad capacity for seven days, people are going to die. We're just now trying to get a grip on it. With the vaccinations and you know, on all this and now you're going to ruin the progress we've made. Teachers haven't all been vaccinated yet, Yeah, teachers, this isn't keep making it. How are you smarter than the scientists? How are you smarter? We have in this country critical issues. Some of the dumbest elected officials of any nation that have the freedoms and the ability to make decisions about people's lives without even using scientific fact. It's ridiculous. Yeah, people that they're supposed to be serving. All right, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this you're listening to show. All right, Steve, time for a quick round of ass the clo with the Chief Love sir, you, mister Harvey. This one is from Special K in DC. I'm thirty seven with four beautiful daughters. I'm seeing a lady that has four children. She's a great mom, and she loves my daughters like they're her own daughters. The problem is that she wants another baby. She will be thirty eight in two months. I'm not sure why she wants a baby now, but I don't want or need another kid. I could lie and say that I have a medical condition and can't have children now, or I could break up with her. What's a brother to do? I think y'all can talk this one out eight kids? You ever seen the TV show eight is enough? All right, here we go, Jean and Charlotte, I've married a woman and her son has finished college. Oh, let me start that over. Jean and Charlotte says, I'm a married woman and our son has finished college and move back in with us. He's an introvert and his home all day, every day unless he's at work. He's crapping our style and making life miserable. My husband and I had basically become a two old nudists walking around the house. Now I have to wear clothes around the house. Even our sex life is weird because I'm normally very loud, but I'm more of a whimperer. Now our son is twenty three and we love him, but how can we encourage him to move out for good? The encouragement is get out. It's like that, but it cause all mine gone went to twenty three. He can't stay here. You can't stay here because you you know, but mine, none of my kids introverted. The reason they can't stay here is because they stay out. And all this coming in late and all this here, I need a key, naw, hell no coming over with friends and stuff. Now now, hell, no, you got to get he got to go. He twenty three, He working get an apartment. You got ninety days, say a matter of fact, he'll he'll go the first most written last moment by let him take his introverted, quiet ass somewhere in his own apartment so they can walk around the house man naked and free. All right, Moving on, Shelley and the Bronx says. I'm a twenty nine year old female and I ran into my college algebra professor at a cigar bar last weekend. He cut right to the chase and started flirting with me. I told him that I've always had a crush on him. A few hours later, we went into the bathroom and locked the door. He tried to pick me up, and I fell and landed on his ankle. I had to get some men to help him get to his car, to help get him to his car, and he was very embarrassed. He's not returning my calls, and I was just trying to make sure he's all right. Should I let it go? Well, now we got problem. Hire. Yeah, he tried to pick you up, you fell on his ankle. See now, see two things happen. I'm gonna go with this one. Hire Professor old ass probably should have never tried to pick you up. That's a good waited because he ain't had a strift for it. Now he didn't. He didn't had a strength for what he saw. You know, he's been off molded. He could coming up our last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to show all right, here we are, guys, our last break of the day. It's been a good day, a good hump day, good Wednesday. Hunt. I was gonna say, hopefully the stimulus checks get passed, the package pass. Yeah, it's at the Senate now. You know it's going to pass. But like in my closing remarks, you don't let me say this. You know, I've I've really been watching this thing and I just want to say something to people who have good sense. You know, the stimulus package. They tied in the package as a part of relief to include fifteen dollar minimum wage. To this day, I haven't heard anyone give me a good reason as to why it's not a good idea to allow the common man to make at minimum fifteen dollars an hour. Oh, I know why they're not saved that it quiet is not a good idea. See, rich people objective is to stay rich and get richer. If they are forced to pay you fifteen dollars an hour minimum, it cuts into their profit. That's fast food restaurants, that's grosser restores, that's giant retail places. That's gas stations, that's every outlet, seventy eleven quick trip, all of it, truck stops. I'm talking all the way down to school, job offices, lunch room ladies, everything. It would cause every single business to cut into their profit. Now, the part they're not telling you is they would get that money back in taxes because it would also increase the taxes. But the Republicans can't allow that to happen because they kind of keep selling you the lie year after year that they're trying to raise your taxes. This is a cold trick that they run it discovernment this country that we keep saying this is not who we are, but it's a large percentage of this country who is exactly that. And now we get into this part of this COVID thing where this vaccine is now out and I guess what these governors are talking about. They're gonna stop these mandatory mandates of mass Listeners of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, use your common sense and your better judgment. Don't let nobody talk you into being stupid just because they are, just because a person as an elected official, what has made them all of a sudden the go to what has made them the most sensible person? I am stunned at the leadership in this country. I am stunned, first of all, at the ignorance that I see coming from leadership. I am stunned at the hypocrisy that comes from the leadership of this country. And I'm stunned at the cowardice I've never seen the Republican Party. And I'm talking directly to Republicans right now. If you are sitting up in here and you won't hold Donald Trump accountable for nothing he's done, you've turned a blind eye to the porno stars, the playboy bunnies, the sexual allegations. That he has the best lawyers in the world, and he keeps jumping through them. Hoops Cuomo get accused to something, he gots to go. The every politician that gets accused, everybody gots to go except Donald Trump. The cowardice of this party man is shameful to me. And then he went to c Pack and set up there and called out each one of the people in the House and the Senate that voted to impeach Hump said their name at Cpack, blasted him out. It was written in the teleprompter. He read all these people's names to publicly should be public chief publicly just brandished these people, make them like if you're these are the people who are against me. And you know why he did that, to throw fear into the other ones who might try to jump ship. And Donald Trump has come up with the master game of all master games. I'm gonna pretend like I could run again in twenty twenty four to keep my hand and my thumb on the neck of the GOP party. Are y'all kidding me? And so now all of you who have had the ambition of being president of the United States today, you just you're gonna forego that because you're gonna let this dude possibly run again. But let me tell you something, he won't win again. He won't win again. And I'm gonna tell you why he won't win again because we locked and loaded. Now we didn't figure it out. We are a part of the solution. We are a viable voting block. And through all your voter oppression and everything that you will come up with over the next three years, we're gonna be prepared for it. And we're gonna vote, and we're gonna vote and vote, and we're gonna register more voters, and we're gonna get to these people who didn't vote. We're gonna get them to the polls, and we're gonna turn him back in twenty twenty four. And if you try to run against him, you're gonna be a coward and you're gonna be scared. Trust in your God, trust in your gut, and do the right thing. Y'all. Stay safe out here where these masks wash your hands. This thing ain't over. This thing ain't over, y'all. Y'all be careful. See y'all tomorrow. For all Steve Every contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.