Good morning and welcome to the ride! Sister O'dell is back and she is loving Steve's new anthem! The 72nd Annual Emmy Nominations are in and 34.3 percent of the acting nominees are Black (#winning). Joe Biden spoke in his hometown about racial inequality. The Chief Love Officer puts his foot down about a crazy baby mama situation. Trump makes a stunning admission about the handling of the coronavirus. Lebron James has an organization that is helping former felons in Florida. Trump's son is banned by social media for misleading information. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us that we do not need to let this nonsense from 45 to continue because we have the power to go vote.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time? I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million buck things in it stubing good to other. Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn be hurting you are? You gotta turn to turn them out, turn you love, got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your back now, h I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. It is Steve Harvey. Yeah, I got a radio show. Okay, this is timely for everybody. I'm sure I want to offer you all or some encouragement because everybody needed. Let me tell you something. You strike out on your goals, you strike out on your aspirations, and so you strike out, as it happens to all of us. Here it comes life. Life just hits one of them bad notes as it always does, as it always does for all of us, for everybody. Now, when those bad notes happen, when the haters come out of nowhere, when the setback comes up, when when the out of nowhere appears, when I didn't see that coming comes, Here's here's what you have to do. Here is the thing that I have been teaching myself for years that I used to not always understand, so I'm trying to give it to you. You have to be encouraged anyway. Now that's difficult, Okay, Steve, what you're talking about? You just told me all this discouraging stuff that can happen, and you said you got to be encouraged anyway. Yeah, man, you have to because what's happening to you right now, the thing that you're going through right now, the thing that everybody's going through right now. Ain't nobody on smooth sailing. Man. Everybody got something and if they if they don't smooth sailing, just notice is coming. There's nothing I'm wishing on anybody. It's just that this is life. This is how it happens everybody, So please stop stop getting on the old woe is Me bandwagon? Old Lord? Why met old Lord? Something always happened to me, something always happens to everybody. But here's what you got to do. When you get in moments like this, you got to be encouraged. You got to remember in those times, in those times when it's going wrong, you got to remember all that you've been through. You got to remember all that you've come through. You have to remember those other times when you felt like this, and somehow, unexplainably you don't even really stop to say nothing about it. It just changed for you. And the problem that was is no more. And the situation that seems so insurmountable, you got over it, You got around it, you got over it. Sometimes you just got to slide right under it. Sometimes you got to plow through it. But in those times when it's discouraging for you, when you feel like giving up, those are the test. Those are the moments that will determine whether we make it or not. I'll tell you one thing for sure. If you give up in these moments, right here here is a foreshow you'll never make it. That that's that's unquestionably the deal. If you give up in these dark times, if you give up in these what you think is insurmountable moments, if you turn turn back now here is the one thousand percent for shure you ain't gonna make it. But there's a bright side to this situation. If you keep your head down, if you keep forging, if you keep pressing on. Sometimes if you just stand there and sometimes get knocked to your knees. But if you stay in that place, if you just stay there and ride the storm out, my head is bloodied but unbowed. If you can just stay there, if you consider in that moment and ride it out, you will win. You will pass the test, and you will get to move on to the next level. But there is no next level without a test. You can't get to grade six without passing grade five. You can't be a senior without first being a junior. You can't graduate without fulfilling the hours and requirements. You see, I don't care what you do in life. Look at it. It's all set up on levels. W You've got to accomplish the thing before in order to get to the next level. And when you've made those level accomplishments, you get to graduate. Now you can go on and get the masters in a PhD. You can go on and become rich, you can go become wealthy, or you can go or you can go somewhere and think yourself in another set of circumstances. But you got to go through something to get to something. There ain't nothing free. So you can stop that notion about being successful. That is easy. Come on, man, if it was easy, what we are, what we're talking about, It is not easy. Stop thinking it is. It is difficult. But I'll tell you what's even more difficult than becoming successful. You want to know what that is, Try not being successful your whole life. That's hard. You are listening to a person who has done them both been successful and really really been not successful. And I got news for you. Both of them hard. But I would rather deal with what it is to be something, to make something out of myself, to force myself to go to work when I don't feel like it. This morning was a rough get up for me, but I got up and I said thank you anyway. Never give up. And I don't watch this dude too. He even mess around a guy close to me because he just never gave up. You can never ever give up. Never. It's not an option. Giving up cannot be an option for you. You cannot do that. It's out of the question. It's ain't conceivable in your mind to quit because to quit as to what what you get when you quit? Nothing? That is a reward for those who hang in there, who never give up, who forged through, who see it through, who get knocked down and get back up. Who gets trampled but somehow gathers themselves and get back to your knees. But stay in that place, man, don't ever give up. Don't let go be encouraged. Think of all you've been through, Think of all you come through. Think of all He's done for you. Think of all the times you thought you wasn't gonna make it, but somehow, without you ever even saying thank you, he got through. He got you through it. Anyway. That's that thing called grace. Now we kind of need that in our life. All I need is a little more grace. You can't give God no money for grace, man. Grace is absolutely free. It's available to everybody, but you can't get none if you quit. Don't give up. I'll just tell you that flat out. Don't ever give up. You're listening show. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Two one, two three. Try Jesus, not me, because I throw hands. Try Jesus. Please don't try me. Because I find that's my new theme song. I will be using that to the year twenty twenty five. Yeah, that's my theme soho to twenty twenty five, Steve Harvey Morning Show, y'all, we're live and well, Charley Strawberry, Happy Bert. I mean yeah, I'm still celebrating and accepting gifts. It's okay, um, okay, well yeah, good morning. You still say you want to them people. I don't like them people, Shelly, they have birthday month. You heard the part about it. I'm still accepting gifts. Don't just brush over that part. And Kim, you don't like what kind of gift you don't? No, no, no, no, no, Tommy, I can handle. Listen. You see once you have a husband. Yeah, so all these gifts, you'd be one. You got somebody you can tell it to directly. That then reeps benefits off his guilt. I'm out that business, Steve. We give each other gifts. You're married, I give you gifts. What what is the problem? Would you get out for birthdays? For what? Christmas? I think it was Christmas? Anyway, Good morning, Steve Harvey. Good Carlin Pharrell, who good morning. My birthday and I told her what's up. I'm saving now for it. Carlin. Thank you. And you're married and I'm still gonna get your gifts. See how that works. Thank you, girl. Yeah, that's what you say now because you're still looking for somebody kill Junior spates morning. Ug, I better even ask you for no gift. I know. Are you gonna ask? Are you doing you? You can send a list of your favorite items. You tell me your son. I'm in the building. I'm gonna give you my cash out so you can just send it straight. Just cash at me. Yep, come ten, ten dollars. I love it. I did that to my son his birthday. I sent him five dollars for his birthday. But I ain't saying that. I just sent to five dollars. Now you can lead a message. I said, happy birthday, son. He didn't even talk to me the rest of the day. I know that. I know that stunned his ass. All right, well, listen, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, it is women Crushed Wednesday, Women Crushed Wednesday. And guess who's going to be in the building. Sister Odell coming up right after this. You're listening to show it is women Crushed Wednesday, and it is time now for sister Odell. It's been a minute age us, but don't try me call I thought hands really now ified try Jesus fact Nord, Jesus highs everyone out. I'm feeling the spirit is got good to me. Good mornings. Everyone was good. It's been a while, y'all on Harly invisement, No mo. You know, Steve be just hogging everything, you know, you know, I know it's his show, but you know, he just gots to be the clo every day. He likes it. Cistro Delle. He's helping h you know, he's helping people. Some people like Donald Trump. But what that postill means for the rest, Well, don't be mad. Cello is coming up later anyway. But you know it's funny you started singing that song Cistro Delle t j by um Toby new Wigwi. Toby new Wigwe. Yeah, he's from Nigeria, lives in Houston. The name of the song is try Jesus. I was wondering had you heard it already? Well, you know, I know his last name is what new Wigwi. You know I dated an Africa man. Oh dude, no wig We the big Wi. No, we just leave it much. That African child he can put on you. He had a little thing that he did. You know, he'd come in the bedroom with a long color phone and he stand up on the dress and snatch it off in large Jesus. Right after that, Lord, I can't even tell you what happened with him, with the relationship. We had to break ups were too much. It was just too much. It was just too much. I couldn't keep. So every night you're gonna wait helong and call and climb up on that dress every night, every night. Some night, you know, you just needs to go to sleep. No, that's all that was that at the end of that, you know what else is going on? But oh, okay, I was gonna ask you if you like but I think you do. Yeah, I just sang it, you know, Okay, okay, I sang the Himmel version. You know there's a hip hop version and it's and it's a blues version and a Himmo version. Yes, that's what her look the little big headed Catholic girl on the show. Because I know she don't get to at the place of worship. She goes to you Dan, they're reading books and washing feet. Name shout out to Mississippi Monica. Well have you been watching your president since r O'Dell? Regretfully so ninety seven days till the election, you know, ninety seven days he got to go. Y'all this we can't do no more time with him. He just a bigger fool. And that little line Pence, I want to slapped the little I want to slap both of him. He just crammed so far up the dark pene. He so Trump's would behind that you can't hardly see him. I'm so sick of the ass just lying. You know, they just gets together, they last for it. You know, we ain't got time to be lying to him talking about take hockey hockey drox chlor roxy. You know everybody can't take that. What's the name of hockey drags it chlor roxy, you know, the one the president talking about. He take right, gonna mess around and get awesome because you put some Chloe Rocks down there. Y'all got news for you. Yeah, what, well, you ain't gonna do good, sweetie. You just ain't gonna do good. And he the president, he can't be spread rumors like that, right, Yeah, yeah, you're right, you're right. Yeah. During quarantine, girl, I'm so tired of being quarantine. I've been locked in, you know, I'm down at a home, you know, and you can't get visitors at the home, so I leave. You're not posting to leave and come back, but I does. Though, where do you why you want to do well? Like y'all dressed up? Ask the mainners man and I go down like I'm going down in the ballroom and get a bucket. I just walked my ass off and I leave my missionary off. It in the basement next to the furnace, and when I come back in and out, I put it on there. Don't know where I've been there. I tell him about down stairs praising it. He were you wearing your masks? Though? Right, oh girl, I'm mask up. I don't let nobody's around me without a mask. Yes, MANO, I had a fine man came up to me the other day, loud Jesus. I just had to back up. He didn't have no mask on. He was on the other side of the hedges, and I couldn't see when he came around. I didn't want him know where he had a walk up. You're gonna do walk? I thought he was cool away he was sliding back. He came running, and I said, this fool is hanging o't a walker rolling? I knew your man got both his hands free. Yeah. Oh, listen, Sister Odell is always a pleasure having you come by. We're gonna have to get out of here now, though, because we gotta make way, you know, for the nephew to run that prank back. Remember that. Yeah, yes man, we still have prankie yesterday, yes man, because some people missed it and they don't get a chance to hear it. So yeah, listen, that's what's coming up next. Run that prank back with the nephew. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Today's National news and an entertainment news. The Primetime Emmy nominations are in. We'll tell you about the nominees at the top of the hour. You're gonna be surprised. But right now the nephew is here with run that prank back. What you got for his neph The church parking lot. Okay, the church parking lot one more time, the church parking lot. Let's go. We got it here. Uh yeah, Brendan, Hey, I'm trying to reach you. How you doing, Uh, Brena, I don't want to make sure I got the right person. You're the person that, uh you work at the at the first of all, I go to uh my name, my name Calvin, brother Calvin. But I go to h Saint Missionary Baptist Church where you okay, yeah, so yeah, so everything already, everything's fine. Well, I got a little issue and I'm trying to get to the bottom of it. Now. You work in the before service start. You work in the parking lot on yeah, yeah, and you tell people where the parking stuff right right right? Were you looking for some employment? You want to you want to join us? Nah? Nah? Nah? To see the issue I got, Man, I've been dealing with this probably about the last two months. Nine Okay, hold on, I'm trying to tee. So the problem is when I come to the church last couple of months, man, I've been I've been coming like my my my my regular card and broke down on me. So I had I got an old van that I've been yeah, yeah, you know, I got an old van and I've been using to get around in so nah for the last two months, I've been riding in it when I come to the church. You know you and I find out who you were, But you keep sending me to the back of the parking lot. And then but you know I noticed now nah bro, no on the reel. So you're sending me to the back, and I'm noticing when I see cars that's like two thousand and ten, two thousand and fifteen cars. We'll listen. We don't have new uh set place where we put model car. You know, I just I just direct the traffic. Brother. Okay, So so you're trying to tell me for the last two months you direct traffic, but you got but you directed me to the back every time. But a car behind me or car in front of me, it'll be going to the front. Na. Where you getting this information from me? I just I didn't seen you man or send people to the front to part. I haven't seen you do na. No, I just I just put you know, the bigger vehicles in the in the back, and uh certain you know it's really no scatter if if you come in, I just I just direct you to the right of the left. It's really nothing to it. Really, So you're not trying to say so so my my vand being a raggedy ain't the reason why I'm being no bro, no bro, no, no, no, I would know that's not what we're about. Nah, okay, I'm sorry you feel that way. I mean, so I guess this Sunday. Let me let me I'm gonna tell you about this Sunday. Make no, no, let mena tell you right now when my van pull up there, Sunday. I'm gonna tell you right now, if I get sent to the back, I'm gonna tell you right now, it's gonna be gonna be No, it's gonna be a problem if I get sent to the back. Now, you don't have to cuss, brother, just just calm down. It's it's not it's not that serious. No, it is that serious, because see what's I don't know. I know I got a ragged ass, man, I know that. I know that, but I see that's the reason why I'm getting sent to the back. And I know it because the car I had before y'all were sending me up front. So already. No, I'm just saying, I'm telling you right now, Brendan, I'm telling you right now, it's gonna be a problem if I get sent to the back. Brother. You just singled me out, And no, no, you know I didn't single you out. You you are the person that has been sending me to the back. Dude, No, No, I haven't. Hey man, why are you keep Why why are you sending why? Why are you accusing me? I ain't got because I hadn't seen it. No, you are. You're calling me. You're calling me out of the blue, and you're accused me of something that I'm not doing. No, No, you just sent my ragged ass may into the back. You didn't done it. You didn't done it two months straight, Brendan, you have done it. Yes you know I have, Yes, you have. You send all the pretty cards up front. That's what you're doing. But I tell you what comes Sunday gonna be a problem threatening me? I mean now, now, listen, we can meet up at it. We can meet up at before any cards get there. How about that. I don't care how you want to do it, Brenda. You actually do know how you want to do so bring it then. Okay, I'm letting you know my card. Yeah, my band gonna be front comes give give band. It's me and you. How about that? You want you want? You want to talk tough tony stuff. Oh oh okay, so you are. You're sweating out up now, you're all right, so so cool now like you already did, so I guess I'm matching you. Okay, well, no problem. I'm listen brother, brother, listen, You're not gonna call my phone and threaten me and tell me what you what you think I did when I didn't do it. I'm told you, man, you've been sending me to the damn back man as we passed. What you thought? Okay, what it is? No, it's what I know. It's what I know, Brenda, it's what I know. Okay, you didn't you didn't see you right now? Okay, you know you know what you got working? What I'll tell you what you come come Sunday. That's your's damn no, no, no, no, no, no, no, hobo. What you're doing right now? What you mean what I'm doing right now? I'm at work right now? Oh oh, so you at work calling me about some bulls parking spots? Oh okay, oh look at the custing Christian now look at you. No, look at the custom No, no, no, matter of fact you Okay, if you want to do something, let's do it now, parking lot. I don't I don't care. We'll be at okay. Okay, that's one thing you're not gonna do is disrespect me. I'm telling you that right now. Brother Calvin, you bring m gonna fold you like a wet piece of paper. You don't know who you're fucking with. Okay, I hadn't been locked up six seven years. I'm just being a chi try and get my life together. And you you're just gonna talk to me. You got another thing coming, brother, I'm gonna tell you that right now. So if you want to get it on, meet me in the parking lot right now. I give you an hour to get there your piece tonight. Now you're trying to scare me with your with your background. I know you're trying to scare me with your background or something like ever. Then you I ain't know you have been in jail with the wrong one. I'm just say this. Do you know, Lester that that also he also had the cards parking Would you try to buy yourself out of this? Now you're talking about I know a Lester? Okay, Okay, Leicester is the person to tell me to call you. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Boring and Brenda, your boy Leicester in the parking lot got me the frank call y, I brought the lockdown out of you, man, that I bring the lockdown out of the strangle lester. Y'all got me out here talking reckless? I should who cast it over here? This boy hanging there, brother, and and do this for me, man, tell me this is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man is Steve Harvey radio. Man. Hey, man, if you see somebody Sunday pull up in a van, show them some love. Baby, so I'm love, I might have to call out this my heart take and then you have it. The parking lot baby, the church parking right. We want all calls to be treated, to be treated equal. That's what we want. O treated equal. Okay, nice cars in the front though, no, no, anything hooped is in the front. Whatever. And whoever get there first. We do same thing at the church, they do at the club, same rule. Yeah, they shall do it at the club bar. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National news. Right after this, you're listening morning show in today's entertainment news from the Black Information Network b i N. The seventy second Prime Time Emmy Award nominees were announced yesterday. Here's some of the nominees. Insecure, This is Us, Blackish, Pose, Little Fires Everywhere. Best Actor in a Drama, Sterling Kay Brown for This Is Us, Billy Porter for Pose, Best Actress in a Drama, Zendea for Euphoria, Outstanding Actress in a Limited Series, Kerry Washington for Lomayers Everywhere, Regina King Watchman, Octavia Spencer Self made Um Outstanding Lead in a Comedy Series, don Cheetle for Black Monday, and Anthony Anderson for Blackish. Outstanding Lead Actress Comedy, Isa Ray for Insecure. Did I say the Primetime Emmy Awards right? Yes, an awful lot of African Americans. This is really okay, Okay, I'm just really okay. This is not a movement. Okay, I just have to check myself. Okay, this is okay. Primetime usually one, maybe two exactly. Steve because you used to call him the Vimmis, remember that, remember that? Yeah? Outstanding Talk Show The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Outstanding Guest Anchor Comedy Series, Eddie Murphy for Saturday Night Live. Yes, for the first time and in seventy one year history. Black actresses dominate the category for Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie Kerry Washington, Octavia Spencer, and Regina King. Okay, for real, the seventy second Primetime Emmy Awards. Okay, it's gonna be yeah, just not to be Walds just saying the soul train anyway. The Vimis didn't want no backlash none. Okay. It's gonna be held in a virtual ceremony hosted by Jimmy Kimmel on September twentieth on a B see wow, you know, yes, it's very good. All these people out standing. Eddie Murphy was outstanding on Saturday Night Live. Yeah, I mean A Spencer is a self made about Madame c J. Waper. Yes, excellent movie x yes, yes with Blair under yea Everywhere was good too. Yes, Tommy got me watching that. That was so good. Yeah, you guys had me watching that one too. Yes, I mean just Insecure is my show. I love that show. She's so talented. Yeah. So congratulations to all of the Emmy nominees. And uh wow, now that ain't Secure. That ain't the movie, is it? No, that's the TV show. Tommy's the biopic No on Tommy No, this is our HBO. It's secure. Oh your girls on there too. Wendy Raquel Robinson. She plays the sa Ray's mom on the show. Hey, hey, say to Uh went to Wendy's school when she was Oh did she? Yeah? Amazing? Talk about yeah, talk about full circle coming. I mean the thing about this is that everyone we named is so talented. I mean, don Cheeto, come on, I'm watching that now. Black men y Yeah, black money is good with Regina Hall. Trevor Noah is funny on his show The Daily Show. I mean, just so many people that's the show, right, Yeah, you love that show. Yeah, it's so funny. He needs to have you on the Steve Yeah, well again, congratulations. We will be watching September twentieth on ABC Time Now Steve for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much, everybody. This is a trip with the news. The Trump administration reportedly plans to turn down all new applications for DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program people. DOCA, of course, is the Obama era program that blocked the deportation of immigrants who were brought here illegally by their parents too, no fault of their own, they were kids. A Trump administration official has told reporters that while the administration will continue renewing DACA status for the six hundred and forty thousand or so current Dreamers, it will only be for a year and not two years, which has been the case under the Obama administration when they instituted it. US Attorney General William Barr was on Capitol Hill testifying before the House Judiciary Committee yesterday, months after Democratic lawmakers asked him to. Barr defended the president's use of federal agents to put down civil unrest resulting from Black Lives Matter protests on rest, which locals, like Portland's Portland Margin's mayor says has actually been made much worse because of the way the fetes have handled demonstrates. Barr did at least acknowledge that the quote brutal police murder of mister George Floyd and I'm quoting him jarred the whole country and forced us to focus on long standing issues which obviously relate to the relationship between law enforcement and the African American community, and saying you're going to do anything about however, a bar diverted the conversion the conversation when asked why the president sent no troops in early this year, when white men armed and wearing swastikas stormed a government building, the United Nations, by the way, human rights officers issuing a stern warning to the United States about having to do with how the black lives matter of protesters are being treated. The UN is voicing concerns about what they see as a disproportional force against protesters and journalists as their quote involved in the anti systematic racism protests across the country, and they especially condemned practices like the police officers and other law enforcement covering up their badge numbers while they assault people. President Trump has signed a memorandum that calls for an unprecedented change in jess who's included in the census count and who is not. Schol will say the constitutions as account is to include every person in the US. It's the fourteenth Amendment. But Donald Trump wants to change that. He wants unauthorized immigrants to be excluded. Expect some legal action behind that. Here we go again. There is a video out there of a white woman in Santa Barbara, California. She's calling the police on a Latino man who asked her for her insurance information after their vehicles were involved in a mind of fender bender and a supermarket parking lot. He stopped, He says, what's your insurance number is? She calls the police, claiming she felt threatened. And finally today is find a better lawyer to day, or more like it, better find a lawyer. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show what's going on in trending politics. Joe Biden delivered a speech on racial inequality yesterday in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware. Mister Biden said that he will choose a running mate the first week in August, which will be next week, okay. Folks on Twitter noticed a picture of Biden's speech notes that included Kamala Harris's name on the paper. Biden said he is running for president because he thinks our democracy is at stake. Take a listen. I'm running because Trump is the president and I think our democracy is a stake for real and what seems to be the case as many Americans, those who don't like me and those who do view me as the antithesis of Trump, and I believe that I am. And I when I announced, I said I was running because though it's essential to restore basic decency, the soul of America. But I really meant it. It wasn't you Remember I got criticized early on for saying that. Now everybody's talking about the soule American decency, honor, respect. There you go, Wow, he's sounding presidential, that's for sure. Yep, yep, ninety seven days. Say it again, Steve, Come on, what were you going to say? Unlike you know the one we got. It's nothing presidential about Donald Trump. Nothing presidential. You know. I'm watching the ad campaigns and it's just ridiculous. Man, Donald Trump is right for this country. Who thinks that, who is base in their right mind, who is a well thinking person can think that Donald Trump is right for this country. I don't care what party you're in. If you look at morally, if you look at the people he surround himself with, everybody's convicted of a crime. He bought all these people to drain the swamp with. And like I said in the beginning, he drained the swamp all right, He just filled it with new creatures. Everybody he bought to Washington is in jail. If they ain't in jail, he pardoned them. And all of them work for him, and all of them are directly affiliated with him. These are not people he's known in passing. He handpicked all these people. They know him. There's the corruption, there's the moral issues, the way he talks about women, two women, the things he's done with women. I mean, man, come on, man, I don't see how ninety seven days you can call yourself a patriot and then want to vote for this guy. Yeah, the stuff he's done. Man, So to the Steve Harvey Nation. Steve requests your vote by male ballot early. You can do that, send it back early. Go to vote Save America dot com. Slash every last vote. So go to vote save America dot com. Slash every last vote and coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, a quick round of asks the CLLO. Right after this, you're listening to morning show. All right, guys, time now for a quick round of asks the CLO. If you have questions for the CLO, you can go to Steve HARVEYFM dot com to submit your questions. Ready CLO let's go. This one's from Howard in Oakland. Howard says, I'm a thirty three year old man engaged to be married this fall. My fiance is threatening to call off our wedding if I don't handle a situation with my ex girlfriend. Years ago, I dated a girl that was pregnant when we met. After she had the baby, I was in the baby's life for three years. I have an attachment to this little boy, who's eight years old. Now. My fiance has no problem with me dealing with the child. She just gets mad when the child's mother acts like I'm required to do certain things with and for her son. How can I resolve this issue and keep my fiance and this child happy? Wow? Yeah, I don't know how to do that. Son, You're in a tough spot because obviously she's jealous of the relationship and the baby. Now it's not your biological baby, but I mean you've you've entered into his life. You're what he knows his dad, and you're attached to it. Man, I don't think you should take that from the child. I think you gotta sitt your girl down and just work through it. You know, now your ex putting things on you. That's not really your responsibility. That's a whole other thing. That's her trying to stir the pot in your life now, and you know that's being a little bit messy. And it's not necessary because by law you won't have to pay child support or none of that. So I think you should sit her down explain to her what it is. But I think you have to set your ex down and go, hey, look this making me feel obligated. That won't work. I'm in a situation now, I'm in a relationship that's really good for me, and that's what it is. I can't have her set what you're calling over him making demands. So that's your last demand. You know. I want to see him, and I'm gonna help with him because I'm lost. Ain't im damn demands though this is all volunteer. I love the dude, he loves me. Let's leave it at that. Yeah, all right, thank you, Steve. Tanya and Rosemond, Illinois says I'm in the process of having my grown thirty year old son evicted. He will not pay me to live here, and I have asked him many times to leave on his own. I recently purchased a new home, and I have some minor repairs home repairs that I need him to help me out with, and he refuses to help me. He won't keep a job, and I feel like I'm enabling him, so I want him out. He is upset with me, and he posted a very nasty comment about me on social media, and several of our family members sided with him because they know he has nowhere to go. Am I wrong to legally put him out? You put it ass out? You could legally change them locks, and you could legally beat everything he said you was in that damn post. If that's how if that's what you won't hear it is? And to heal with them family and those Hayton family members, Yeah, let him come stay with you, right because we know when he ain't got an away to go, he ain't got a way to go because he don't want to work. You ain't gonna be talking to me crazy, and I'm taking care of you. You're a thirty year old man, get out of here. But you're posting nasty things about your mom on social media? Your mom? That's crazy. You know there is such a thing as dead beat son. Yeah, yeah, I guess we just got an example of that. This one's from Cortez and Teanack, New Jersey. I'm a forty four year old married man. My wife is a negative nancy. She's pessimistic about everything. When I come in from running errands, I have to get in the shower as soon as I come in because she swears I have COVID nineteen on my clothes. I work from home, and she constantly nags me to check in with my boss to make sure I'm good. She read an article that says husbands are getting bored with sex during the pandemic, so she cut back sex to once a week. That's the only thing I enjoyed with her. I want some peace and positivity in my life. I told her if we had sex more often, she'd be more relaxed. How can I fix this? Sex is the only thing you enjoy with her, That's what he said, Steve, Not even a cup of coffee? Would you say you can get once you get tired of the person Getting tired of these sex is gonna be easy, all right? Thank you, cello. Great advice as usual, coming up to nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, You're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Subject You're single unless you're married. That's it. You're single and unless you're married. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for is neph the postman. No, man always rings twice. The postman can you can't hear you? The postman always rings. Fan, The postman always rings twice. Let's go kid dope. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Carlos. My name Benny Man, Benny Phipps. Hey you. I want to make sure I got the right person. You. You you work for a post office, right, Uh? Yeah, okay. Do you deliver mail off of Murphy Row? Uh? Sometimes? Yeah, yeah, okay, I live it. First of all, I wanted to make sure I had to write postman. Nah. It's been brought to my attention that there's a postman that has been stopping by my house and I'm what I'm not understanding is why are you bringing mail to my door? A post to just putting mail in the mailboxes on the street where everybody got their mailboxes at what you say, he's there again. I live in Murphy Road Road. Yeah, I deliver over there. Uh, but he sain't delivering package at your house. No, I said, you've been bringing mail to my house in the polls. Here's what I'm trying to tell you, Carlos. My wife is at home all day. She don't work. And my understanding is you've been stopping by there on more than one occasion, on a daily basis. You're coming by there two three times, you know. But what I'm understanding it ain't no mail being brought over there. I'm trying to figure out what are you doing at my house? Now? What really didn't then brought all this to a head because you already know what's going on. Let me go on. Let you know that. Call o, I do know what's going on. I picked up the clothes from the cleaners this morning, and to my attention, it's a man's post office shirt in my packet. What color was it? It's blue, light blue and I got a bluer. Okay, but explain this to the me. How your shirt get in my house? Do you have my name on it? Because that can mean anybody's shirt. Okay, So so oh hold on what you're trying to say. It's some it's mo post me and stopping by my hume. See it? Man? Sometimes sometimes you know, we do have different guys in that in that neighborhood, you know, because I here's my problem, man. My problem is this is that my wife is at home all day, every day. And my understanding is that you stopping boy springing morning. First of all, you can call you can call the one A one hundred numbers, because how do you get my number? That? Hey, I don't worry about that. I find ways. It's how you how you how you getting my address? That you stopping by that every morning? I just delivered what they give me to deliver, and due I put another in the box. And this is a package. I don't get out. Excuse me, I don't do that. That wasn't me, dude. I just this morning and pick up clothes. And it is a post office shirt in there that belong ever done. It belonged to a man. That's got to be it must be yours. That's none of mine, man, that's not mine. I have all mine. Okay, okay, okay, I'll tell you what this is what we're gonna do Carlos. Carlos, see what, let me tell you something. I know you're lying. See, and what you're doing is you're delivering more than mails at my house. And I know it. Carlos, You understand me, So excuse me. That's not me. It can't be me. Let me let me tell you something. When you come on Murphy Road tomorrow, okay, I'm gonna be out there at them at the mailboxes waiting on you for what for? What was me? And you gonna have this problem that we got tomorrow morning when you bring the mail. So when you bring the mail, bring it to Okay, Carlos, Hey, hold on, Then you threatening me. I'm telling you, when you bring the mail, bring y'all to. Dude, Dude, I didn't come at you like that. You ain't gonna come to me like that. Dude. Hey man, you came up in my house and I know you said off the shirts in my house. Dude, that was not me. I don't know where you live, I don't know who you are, but you're threatening me. Dude. Dude, Hey man, I'll see you in the morning at the mail boxing. Bring your car load. I'm out tomorrow, but I would come to your house with playing clothes on it. Whoop, y'all? What you say for me? Hey? You it's own where rub the road? I would roads bring your because what you're not gonna keep doing? It's running up in my house while I'm out at work trying to earn a living for my family, and you up in my house laying up and you're leaving your clothes. I found some mason now, I guess that's what you use when you spray on them. Dog. I found that too. I'm gonna bring some extra mads. I'm gonna spray you with that maid. I will not killing out, so you're I'm gonna be at the car. I can't wait till tomorrow. Excuse me this. I told you I wasn't the one. But if you want to put me ron for real, okay, cool, I don't get when I see you. When I see you tomorrow, it's old. It's whatever. Hey, you threatening me all that. I tell you what. I will come over there some playing clothes and because you're not gonna make me lose my job. Dogs, but whatever, it's got to be. I don't care if you if you're in the post office uniform, I don't give a damn of you and your pot Jama's Carlos. But when you come to that mail box and I find you out there about the mail boxes, that shows man, because I know you've been in my house, Carlos, I'm telling you I'm there. Okay, so be it, then, so be it. I got I got one more thing else I want to tell you when you before you get there, tell me what you know I recalled me. What is you listening to me? Yeah? His nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your co worker. You You ain't this a my road? Scholars? You all right, man, dude, I'm driving put on to the side of the road. I'm hanging out the truck. I'm about to go cray. I don't want my way to your house right now. It's on my way to your house. I took God for work, Damn man. I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land Steve Harvey Morning Radio? Sholf, no doubt all the way. Now you have it, Okay, keeping it stupid possibly as I can, pity always rings face, do your job. I'll tell you what else on the show. Does their job? You do yours. I'm telling you you get any yesterday I was a man yesterday day. Why was they chastise and Elton John? The hold? Did you see that? Elton John? Yeah, Tommy, we're talking about I say, why are they missing with the rocket General William Barker? Are you saying, Elton that that wasn't Elton John? They don't look like Elton John. Mute, Like, why are they to find me to it before the Senate Judiciary Committee? Tom If they give Boss some red glasses, I think you got it a damn show. Look a little bit like Eldon put the ear ring on it, you ring and repair glass like Betty in the Jets? Like, okay, what were the times? So Tommy? What so you look? I had? Mute? I was like, well, John, that's a nice man. He goes. They chatising you know that the rocket Man ain't done nothing wrong. I don't know, we ain't done that, Rod, But I like the rocket Man asking this man a question, going back and forward. He's a ready queen. She's got a lectures us. You are a mos sued. You know. I read it in a magazine for the house. It's your committee, just Chantis and the rocket Man. This was just him alone you really like too much. But his uncle, who's usually against him, agreed. They favor black people, they favor Oh goodness, welcome to the UFL rocket Man All rocket Man, Baby, I saw the movie. Oh my god. Well he shouldn't have been up there talking because he was saying stupid stuff. All right, Thank you, nephew. Coming up next Today's Strawberry Letters. Subject You're single unless you're married. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it ease, Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject your single unless you're married is the subject. All right. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am thirty six years old and I've been in a great relationship for four years. A year ago, I noticed a change in my man and changes in our sex life. If I initiated sex, he made up excuses like he has acid reflux and he's scared sex might give him a heart attack. Then I saw a text on his phone that said I love you too. I asked about it and he said he texted her some relationship advice and was only responding to her. He said it's no big deal to love a friend without romantic involvement. I told him if he continued to send messages like that, he was going to need some relationship advice too. After that, he changed his password to his fingerprint to access his phone, so I had to be creative to find out if he was sneaking around with another female. I checked to social media direct messages, and all of the proof was there. His advice in quotations to her was to leave her man and be with him. I found out he'd introduced her to his mother as his future wife, and that broke my heart. I sat and wrote him a note telling him what I had seen and told him i'd be at my sister's while I figured things out. He called me and said he loves me, but he's not in love with me. He also said he is not in love with the new girl, but he's very close to it. He apologized to me and said I have every right to be hurt, but I shouldn't be upset because we were just dating, not married. He said, Technically he's single, and so am I. Why did he stay with me with four years and use me until something better came along? We talked about marriage, but I guess he had other plans. I was blindsided and I feel like a fool. I am moving out of his house and his life. Where did where did I go wrong? Whole? Technically he's single and so are you. That part is true, and you do have every right to be upset. You can be upset if you want to be upset. I'm sorry this happened to you. Four years is a long time for this to be the outcome. And you know, I'm sure you were hoping for way more, something a little more permanent, like marriage, since you mentioned marriage and your letters that you guys talked about it. But you know, I say this better late than never, because it is clear that this man is not for you. He said, he loves you like you can I guess love a pet or something. But he's not in love with you. So the best thing for you to do is to let him go. The quicker you do that, the sooner you can get on with your life. But the learning process is gonna be gonna be hard for you. You say, where did you go wrong? That's the hard part. He was getting everything he wanted from this relationship, sex with you, all the benefits of marriage. You were living together, you know, and even with that, he still considered you guys single. So these are the lessons that you gotta that you gotta, you know, watch and learn so you won't make these same mistakes again. You weren't getting anything, You weren't moving toward a commitment from him, So you know, I just don't. I mean, you know, how did you play a part in this? I guess is what I'm trying to say. You played a part in this because you allowed this to go on like this. You just dating a man and living with him for four years. You were hoping for something more, but you didn't get that. You wanted to marry him, you know, you guys never disgusted only when when he brought it up. What about what you wanted? And what about you know what he thought about what you wanted. You could have found these things out a little earlier in the relationship if you've just you know, done some digging like you did when you were trying to find out if he was sneaking around cheating on you. So I guess what I'm saying is let this be a lesson. I think you should let this one go. Hopefully you have since you moved out and everything. But next time, you know you have a right to speak your mind and let them know what you want. And like Steve says in his book, act like a lady, think like a man. Makes some standards and requirements so you won't end up in the same position giving four years of your life to a relationship that really is going nowhere and you're not getting what you want, but they get everything they want. So learn from this and move on. Steve subject you're single unless you're married. That's complete and utter bull Every adult knows that if you're not married, you can be in a relationship. You're not single, y'all live together. Single people can do single things. The problem you have is when you're not single, but you're performing as though you are single. If you're in a committed relationship. Living with a person is a committed relationship. Marriage is a commited, committed relationship. So y'all in a relationship. He ain't single. I'm a thirty six year old. I've been in a great relationship for four years. Boy, this one went down here pretty fast, though, been a year ago, changing your man's sex life. If I initiated sex, he made up excuses like he had acid reflex and he scared sex might give him a heart attack. This is called pre existing conditions. Who let's acid reflex stop them from having sex? I've vomited and won't it sex? I've had die real sex on that night. On that note two, we'll have part two of your response, sir, get yourself together coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject You're single unless you're married. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject your single until you're married. Well, okay, that's how you want to go with it, but I think it's bogus the way he played this woman year agold had a wonderful relationship. She thirty six, the sex in the chance had a change in a sex life. If she initiated sex. The dude made up excuse like he had acid reflux and he was scared that sex might give him a heart attack. You thirty six, First of all, how old is he? Because if he's the same age as you, he in bad shape. He's scared sex gonna give him a heart attack. I have had sex to try to have a heart attack. Prince wrote a song that says, when we make love crazy in love having a hundred million look to heart attacks. Damn you. That was a song When we make love is like having a hundred million little heart attacks. That's a song you make love to have a heart attack. Now he don't want to have sex because he's scared attack my heart. This is not about you, sir, No, I'm telling you how wrong this dude is. All right, Then you saw a phone. The text on the phone say I love you too. Then you confronted the man about it, and he said it ain't no big deal. He was giving her some romantic advice, which he was. But the thing of it is is you told him if he continued to see a message like that that she was gonna need some romanic advice too, all right, So he changed the pass where he put his finger on and everything right now. So now she got creative and went through his messages and found out on social media that he had advice to her was to leave her man and be with him. And you find out he induced her to his mother as his future wife. That broke her hard. Then you wrote him a note, You told him that you be at your sister's house while while you figured this out. Then he did it hit the whole crux of the whole letter right here. He called you said he loves you, but he's not in love with you. You need to be in love to marry somebody, and everybody on this show could tell you that you got to be in love folk show. Definitely you got to get to marry somebody. So that that's a bummer right there. He also said he's not in love with the new girl, but he's very close to it. Did you not get a text that said I love you too? That's right, it was in the text. So now he just trying to let you down soft. But then here he goes he apologized to you and said you got every right to be hurt, but I shouldn't be upset. See this, this dude right here, he knows how to draw the difference between upset and hurt. Like them two ain't the same damn thing him right, You got every right to be hurt, but you shouldn't be upset because we were just dating, not married. Fool, We lived in your house. This ain't dating. We live together. In some states that's called common and law. So technic he's singling? So am I? Why did he stay with me four years and use me until something better came along? First of all, sister, stop beating yourself up. You don't know that something better has come along. That's true, you don't know that. Let me tell you something else I want you to do. We had talked about marriage, and I guess he had other plans. I was blindsided. I feel like a fool. I'm moving out of his house in his life. Where did I go wrong? You didn't go wrong? Nowhere, you didn't go wrong. See that's what happens to a lot of ladies. A dude becomes an a hole, and then all of a sudden you take the blame and like you did something. You got a man that the lied. We wasn't we wasn't we were single? Food? She lives in your house. You find a message that say I love you too. He tell you he ain't in love with her, but he closed. How the heir? Are you close in love? What is excuse there? What is that? I'm not in love with her, but I'm close? Kind? There ain't ain't no songs about now. It's songs that say I believe, I believe, I believe I'm falling in love. That's a song. But the key word he said, I believe I'm falling in love. Did the Ain't no song out there going? Stay with me? I'm almost damn I'm almost in love with you. Hey, come on now, stay with me. I'm almost there. I'm almost in love, which you almost almost? Damn nedam kind of kind? But I don't know when? Oh don't Okay, wait a while, lone, I'm almost in love. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letters after you hit song I'm Almost in Love on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand as well. Coming up at forty six minutes after the hour and trending political news, President Trump said no one likes him because of his personality. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show and trending political news. Yesterday, President Trump questioned why it is ductor huh shell it before you do that. Yes, Steve, I'm gonna finish up the hit song I'm Almost in Love with You from Strawberry Letter. Yeah, you're single unless you're married. Part three. All right, I'm almost in love with you almost. It could happen any day. I'm kind of in love with you. I thought about it, being in love with you. It could happen girl, any day. Two more, that's all. It could be in love with you. I don't know, but it could happen any day. Well, let's see if I'm in love come out today, go ahead. I just all right, Well, you know, we got to talk about this president yesterday, the Trump question. Why does doctor Fauci, uh you know who he is, government's top infectious disease expert. Why does he have a higher approval rating with the handling of a corona virus pandemic than he does? Take a listen, a man works for us with us very closely. Doctor Fauci and doctor Burke also highly thought of, and yet they're highly good of. But nobody likes me. It can only be my personality, that's all. Yeah. Yeah, now you know he's so he's not mature at all. Uh, immature, it has to be my personality. Yeah, that's when people don't like you, and it's okay. But he has a higher approval rating because he's trying to help the people through Corona. They don't approve you because you ain't doing nothing. You gonna keep taking this other day, I'm drug with You're ignorant. But he's going against the people that he says works for him. So when you're confusing the message, Yeah, what about this African doctor? Uh all he tweeted about yesterday. I mean she was saying that she's treated over three hundred and something patients with this drug and what what what's the name? What's what's the first drug? He ain't been believing black people? Yeah, and and uh so you know he's touting the drug again like he was before. She's saying it works. She she was very passion about. Yeah, she's saying yeah, all right, uh coming up, coming up at the top of the hour, tell me something good right after this. You're listening Steve Harping Show time now for tell me something good news. Here's some good news. More Than a Vote is a collective of black athletes and entertainers that focuses on voting rights and calls attention to voter suppression in the community. The Lebron James founded group has pledged one hundred thousand dollars to the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition to help pay off court debt for former felons. For the record, ex felons were banned from voting in the state in twenty eighteen. More than a million Florida residents with prior felony convictions had their voting rights restored with Amendment four, but any outstanding court fees would make them ineligible. Your right to vote shouldn't depend on whether or not you can pay to exercise it, said Miami heat forward Udonis Haslem. The partnership will help ensure that formally incarcerated American citizens, many of them black and brown, are able to pay their outstanding lines and fees and registered to vote in the twenty twenty election and beyond. We have ninety seven days until the presidential election. Wow again that it's called more than a vote, more than a vote, and we have got to vote, and we all need to go to when we all vote dot org. Everybody, please listen. This is very important. We've got to turn out at the polls in a big way. We're going to be giving out information about early voting. When your state can allow you to early vote, We'll be giving that information out to you. But right now, it does no good if you're not a registered voter. True. The most important thing right now is to get people registered. They say registration is down. We're not going for that. I got a couple of friends I'm having a meeting with next week so we can all have the same messaging. I got some Fred listen to me. This is Michelle Obama's website wants us to go to when we all vote dot org. We got to get registered first. Don't worry about the early voting. Return your on line. Let's get registered first. That's the mission of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, because there are still a lot of people that are unregistered, Steve, people have moved, they've changed their address, things like that. A lot of people don't even know that. When you do that, you should reregister at your current address. So all these things are good. This is step one. When we all vote dot org. We're gonna take a strap by step because voting, you know, it shouldn't have to be this complicated. It should not have to be this complicated. Republicans make it this complicated because of voter suppression. Right, yes, they got it. Jokingly said at that fundraising event that day, what's the number one thing we work on? Voter suppression? He said that because it's very important to them. Yeah, but they do it in really slick ways. If you notice at the primary in a lot of cities they had closed a lot of voting polls. Absolutely, yes, yeah, yeah, and they made it really, really tough. So we're gonna be on top of that this time because they're gonna try everything. Because right now, Barr yesterday the other day when he was speaking before Congress, Barney General, Yeah, the attorney general, they're making a pitch that this year's having a mailien vote could set up for enormous amounts of voter fraud. Okay, that's crazy, because we get our mail every day and it's fine, right, but see they're already setting up for some for that game they play, right, a mail gonna set up for major He's he's a conspiracy theorist, so he loves to have these. You know, there was a lot of fake votes. He started that last year. Yeah, he said voter fraud was the reason he didn't win the popular vote. He said he would have won that but because of voter fraud. But can I also say this, Steve as an aside um, your brilliant nephew. But Attorney General Bill Barr testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I think it was he thought he was Elton john It. Come on. Nobody else said, Hey, tell me, I'd be mad at you. But if ball had on some red glass, ain't gonna lie to you, Johnny. He had ear ring as a red glass rocking man. All right, coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Stry Morning Show. Well yesterday, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube temporarily restricted Donald Trump Juniors social media account after he posted a video of a doctor saying it was a cure for COVID twenty nine, for COVID nineteen and misleading people about the drug hydroxy chloric quin. And oh, by the way, Donald's father, the President, retweeted this tweet. That's that doctor. That's the doctor we were talking about earlier. Yeah, the doctor. Yeah, she was speaking so passionate. She said she had treated a lot of patients with hydroxy chloric quin and uh and some zinc and it works. Was that delayed with the hat on the African Yeah? Yeah. And another video she had and another video I think she had a hat on stage she was talking about aliens and yeah, that's why I'm little confused right there. Once you have on a church outfit and say everyone, you know, if you're gonna have on the church outfit, I'm gonna need you to discuss scriptures in print. What does all this with the talk about hydroxy chloroquint at all? Like that? You know? Good? And will you don't take that? That was peroxide and you know it? Same amount of let us, I got you, same amount of let us? All right? Um? Yeah, coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show in today's entertainment news from the Black Information Network b i N. The seventy second Prime Time Emmy Award nominees were announced yesterday. Here's some of the nominees. Insecure, This is Us, Blackish, Pose, Little Fires, Everywhere. Best Actor in a Drama, Sterling Kay Brown for This Is Us, Billy Porter for Pose, Best Actress in a Drama, Zendea for Euphoria, Outstanding Actress in a Limited Series, Kerry Washington for the Players Everywhere, Regina King Watchman, Octavia Spencer Self made Um, Outstanding Lead in a Comedy Series, don Cheetle for Black Monday, and Anthony Anderson for Blackish. Outstanding Lead Actress Comedy, Issa Ray for Insecure. Did I say the Primetime Emmy Awards right? Yeah? An awful lot of African Americans. This is really okay. I'm just really okay. This is not the baby team had a movement. Okay. I just had to check myself. Okay, this is okay. Primetime two exactly Steve, because you used to call him the Demi's Remember that remember that film? Yeah. Outstanding Talk Show The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Outstanding Guest Anchor Comedy Series, Eddie Murphy for Saturday Night Live. Yes, for the first time and in seventy one year history, black actresses dominate the category for Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie Kerry Washington, Octavia Spencer, and Regina King. Okay for real the seventy second Primetime Emmy Awards. Okay, it's gonna be just not to bed now. I'm just just saying the soul trained anyway, the Vimmis didn't want no backlash none. Okay. It's gonna be held in a virtual ceremony hosted by Jimmy Kimmel on September twentieth on ABC. Wow. You know, yes, it's very good. All these standing. Eddie Murphy was outstanding on Saturday Night Live. Yeah, I'MAA Spencer is a self made about Madame CJ. Walper. Yes, excellent movie X Yes, Yes with Blair under Fire. Yeah, Everywhere was good too. Yes. Yeah, Tommy got me watching that. That was so good. Yeah. You guys have me watching that one too. Yes, I mean just it secures my love. That shows so talented. Yeah. So congratulations to all of the Emmy nominees. Wow, coming up, it's our last break of the day. It's the last break of the day. Okay, thank you, And we'll also have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after some closing remarks. But it's coming up right after this you're listening to all right here we are, last break of the day. Super water there, Steve. Yeah, uh, it's been a good day. No, you have large lips. You have to you can't let them dry. You have no idea how much licking you gonna have to do. I can't let these puppies dry out at all. Ain't gonna just do lip jokes now party. No, we're gonna now where everybody gonna have a commercial. Everybody's flower is gonna be out on this show. No one can the comedians cannot take a joke without jabbing. We can't take it just for like a second. Return Yeah, the return, this kid is happening immediately. So you know, I was thinking, I don't know about you, and I'm talking to the crew this morning. I don't know about y'all, but I can't do four more years of this. No, no, no, I'm out and especially sit here and do four more years. It is when we could do something about it. Thank you. See this that's happening right now. We don't have to allow it to continue. We can actually do something about this. Look, this ain't your boss down at your job and you just got hired and he and he'd been there and until he gets ready to retire, and you had and you don't like the way your boss runs the division or section of the company or just runs the company overall, and it's it's and it's his company, and you got to wait till he retired. No, this is a situation that we can do something about in just a little bit over ninety days. The way I'm looking at this situation everybody is I don't have to be sick of this dude in a about ninety days. It's simple as that Barack Obama put a list on his website and a website to go to that would give us information on whintel when we can start early voting. His wife first Lady, has an website when we all vote dot org to get everybody to register to vote. These are two people that the majority of us, not everybody, but the majority of us deeply miss and cared about. And they're still in the background going, hey man, y'all can do something about this. What would sicken me is after all of the complaining that we've done over the four years, all of the lies that we've set to set through, all of the discrimination, all of the racist remarks, the bigotry that's been displayed openly, the race, the white supremacist groups and hate groups that have reared their head wearing their Trump paraphernalia, and they read caps all of this that we just set through for nearly four years. And you mean to tell me that we have an opportunity to do something about this and we're not gonna do nothing. You mean to tell me that people who who who? Who who? What's the word I'm looking for, who try to garner our vote, People who rally for our vote just so they could get in, people who know that this vote can change the course of the election. And we're gonna sit here with all this power that we have, and we're gonna sit here with it and hold John Lewis, congressman got his head beat in so we could vote Mega Ever's Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglas, Mata, Luther King. And it's it's a list you can't even begin to measure. And we sent Opinion with the power in our hands in twenty twenty. They can't even stop us from voting no more. We have the power in our hands in twenty twenty to do something about it. And listen to me, you all, you can believe me when I tell you this, that you have the power to change this. And they know it, and they know it. That's what all the distractions are about. That's why they want you talking about anything but this upcoming election. That's why they drag out this unemployment. That's why they're trying to I'm gonna tell you something. This is just a theory, right, so you ain't got to do worry about this. You can label this whatever you want. But if you but if coronavirus is the number one theme, it's a distraction from the election. If unemployment is the number one thing, it's a distraction from the election. Where your baby gonna go to school and whether your baby gonna come home safe without being infected, that's a distraction. This administration specializes in distractions. See, we don't forgot that Russia interfered with the election. We forgot that he was impeached in the House. We don't already forgot that this dude paid a stripper one hundred and thirty thousand dollars to shut up. Y'all don't forgot that he had to playboy in the house, showing him Milanie's room. Y'all forgot that. Trump said he can grab a woman by the p We forgot all that. See, he just distraction after distraction, a distraction. Are you forgetting that? Everybody he's bought up there to the White House when he said he would drain the swamp is either in jail or heat and pardon. It's a criminal empire. You're gonna do four years of that. No, we have the power in our hands to vote. Go and register and go to vote, and let's stop this. We have the power to stop this ourselves for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void, We're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening tow