Sister O'dell, Naomi Campbell, Cheetos, FAA and more.

Published May 19, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! It's the dawning of a new day, it's Humpday. Our family has something to say about virtual service and Zoom wardrobe mishaps. Congratulations to Naomi Campbell on becoming a first time mother. Prosecutors in North Carolina have concluded that sheriff's deputies were justified in fatally shooting Andrew Brown, Jr. and will not face any charges. Who should be the MVP of the NBA this season? Did a janitor invent Flaming Hot Cheetos or nah? The FAA is considering weighing in passengers before a flight to make sure that the plane is not overloaded. Today Big Dog wraps up the show by talking about how proud he is of his kids.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the Milian things, and its not true. Good oft listening to the other for st Please, I don't join me. You gotta turn hur you, you gotta turn to turn out. You got to turnmount then turn the water. The water got me? Come come on your baby, Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on, jig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I thank God for it every day. I try to remember that too, you know. I try to remember to be grateful. I think gratitude is one of the things that helps keep me grounded. You can go as far as you want in life. If you don't mind who gets the credit. Well, that applies to God too, don't it. I mean, you know, really, if you don't mind who gets the credit. I'm surrounded by very competent people. I'm surrounded by a lot of people who work hard on their jobs on their career, who are dedicated employees and also just dedicated to their families and you know, dedicated to their own set of aspirations. I don't expect anybody to work for me forever. I always look at my opportunities are stepping stones because I want everyone around me really to aspire to be more. I mean, that's really the way I am. I'm not any other way. I'm not trying to hold you to this position. You know, tell you there's no room for growth any of that. But even though I'm surrounded by these people, I'm grateful that God placed them in my path in my life. But in my mind, in my spirit, in everything in me, the credit still belongs to God. I'm sorry, the credit still belongs to God. See if you would, just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself, just for a moment. I know that's hard, but just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself and realize that maybe you are who you are because God is who he is. Maybe that's the case. Have you ever considered that? That's the strongest possibility I can give to you? You know, how do you think you're the one that made it through? How you think you the one after all of the ignorant decisions we have made? And oh my goodness, let's all be honest. Ain't we made some crazy decisions? I'm talking about, man, I have made decisions so adverse to my destiny and career, my promises. I've made some decisions man, knowingly you hear me knowingly do something wrong, and in spite of all that, I'm still here standing. Okay, come on now, really, really, all the dirt you've been done, everybody done dirt, all the mistakes you've made, You're in a position you in today because of what? Because you all that? Because you work harder than anybody else. Look, I work hard, I'll be there. I'll tell you in a minute. I work hard, but I don't think I'm the hardest working person out there. I'm pretty sure somebody didn't work way harder than I have. So okay, so you work hard? Okay, cool, I got all that. But man, what about his grace and his mercy? What about his favor? How many times, man, you didn't rely on that, even when you ain't know you was relying on it? How many times man, God hadn't shown you mercy? You ain't even deserve it? Do you know how many things I've done wrong? I just ain't get caught at it? You know. Let me see how simple I can be? Here? You speed you jaywalk. You lie to police when you get pulled over that you wasn't speed and you go to court and I argue you wasn't speeding when you was, You make you turns. I'm just doing traffic violations. Now, let's get off traffic for a second. Let's get on human violations. You talk about people when you're not supposed to. You indulge yourself in gossip even when you don't really have all the facts. You pass judgment, You lust for people that don't belong to you. You say things to people that you're not supposed to say. So, look, all of us, we all, we all guilty. Now see I'm not saying you do all of that, but I'm saying I'm pretty sure I hit you somewhere in there, just somewhere in there. You to lie before you know you lied recently. I mean, come on, And I'm just saying so with all that in mind. See, I'm just looking at the little things that we do that we don't get busted for. Not to mention the chips you stole when you was a kid and nobody caught you. Well, that elevated, didn't it. And some of y'all just didn't stop stealing. The next thing you know, you was in a car. Now you're sitting somewhere you don't want to be sitting because of a decision you made. But through his grace and mercy, couldn't it have been worse? Though? Without his grace and mercy, could not it have been worse? I know two dudes it got caught in the garage one time, trying to break in somebody's house, and the person in the house they broke into just happened to have a gun and held them into garage, caught them and hailed them to the garage to the police car. That's Grace and Mercy right there, because they had all full right to shoot these two people, but they didn't. The Grayson Mercy. See, all of us have benefited from his grace and mercy. All of us have done a wrong, committed a sin, broken the law, and somehow, through his grace and mercy, got by, doing drugs, buying drugs, slanging drugs, doing something, got by, jump on somebody for no reason, got by, you know. So see how you figure with all that that can go on in your life? And then hold on, let me throw a couple more at you. You can't wake yourself up in the morning, mister big shot. You don't have the ability to control the breaths that you take. Really, mister big shot, really, let's get real basic with it now. You can't wake yourself up in the morning. That's favor, that's grace, that's mercy, that's Him allowing you to wake up just hoping we get it right. You know, God spared me through all the dirt I was doing just hoping. One day, man, can you just straighten up a little bit? When I finally straightened up, And I'm gonna just say it, straightened up a little bit. See, I ain't straightened up all the way. Say, I ain't gonna sit here and tell you that I just straightened up a little bit. He started blessing me. So the more blessings I got start going, Man, maybe I'll try straighten up a little bit more. So I straightened up a little bit more. Now I still got a long way to go, but I'm straighter than I was now. When people judging me, and as they will, and they do, because that ain't right, but they do, and I ain't walking just the way they walk, then here comes to criticism. I get it all the time. Stop wanting credit all the time, and give out some credit where credit is due instead of get having somebody patting you on your back all the time. Why don't you tell God, tell people it was really was God? Man that you don't really know how you made it? That really man, you have no explanation for your success or you have no explanation why you still existing today. Why don't you tell somebody was God today? Don't be ashamed. It's the truth, ain't it. I mean, really man, Let's give God some credit. Hell, give God the credit and the glory and the honor. And like that plaque said, you can go as far as you want in life if you don't mind who gets the credit. All right, you're listening, ladies and gentlemen. Here it is. It's the dawning of a new day. It's hump day paper. Do you know what today it is? Do you know what remember that Kimel or that that lady was so aggravated up du boards day? Yeah boy, that damn Cammell coming through, that boy, one of your favorite. Yeah boy, that Caimmel came through. That walker knocked me looked just like my sister. This is your last reference to that, Commerson, I didn't have to say all of that, right, Yeah, So everybody doing Sherlett Strawberry. Are you good? Hey, good morning, Steve, I'm great, thank you, And one time Calin Pharrell, good morning, hump day, midweek, all of that, and the Bill is sitting up and then junior morning, I'm bring everybody back again, nephew timing right here. Oh Whackett Whinsday. That's day after your birthday. So how you feeling. I'm feeling good, feeling good, feeling healthy and all that. I think my kids make me feel more healthy. They keep me up. Yeah, yeah, you know, that's that's really true. You know, and I work around a lot of young people with Like everybody I work out in the gym with me, it's young. The oldest person that works out in my gym's thirty eight. Oh wow. Yeah. So I'm in there doing stuff I have no business do it. But you can do it though. That's what's crazy. Like the exercise was he I got a smith machine. So the trainer puts the smith machine up. Then you grabbed the smith machine above your head to pull up the barber that's set in the rack. You know, the the bar that you press up to do it like bench press. You just rack it. Okay, you hang with you from it with all your weight hanging down. You hold your legs out in front of you on the ground, and then you lift your legs up and put them down. That's one. But the whole time you're hanging from the bar. Well, I weigh a lot. It's a lot, so I gotta hold my big ass up. So I got my dup. He said, no, no, no, man, strain your legs out. What hold on? John? And then he jumped over it and he'd do it. But he thirty and you the trader and you played in the NFL. Why are we doing this. I'm gonna be hanging and gotta lift my legs up. He said, if you ever go over a cliff for one day, you're gonna appreciate this. I said, duh. If I go over, do you know how hard I will be customed out? Whoever drove me over this day? My damn surely walking over there. Yeah, man, sorry, it's crazy working out, so you know I'm staying young that way. And then laughter. Yeah, we talked about that yesterday. We talked about that. Yeah, you need that man. You absolutely do. And it's a blessing that we're on the show with all these comedians, Carla, because you know you and I we will hollow we love. Yes, it makes what we feel good. We have a good time. Absolutely lust all right, coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, asked the Cello Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Well, it's Women Crush Wednesday, and sister Odell is in the building. I want to know how you start singing? Do you love him anything like I do? I bet you don't. Ain't no way, I ain't go deal to the day, Dad, go mornings every walls, y'all today, Shirley hows you? I'm good? Thank you? Sister Rodale? All good over here? Thank good? I call it hey, Sister Rodale. How you doing? Google? Google? Google? Sweetie Junior more, This is all Dad, How are you feeling? Hello? And every day every day? Yeah, you sound like you're in a good mood. Today's sister, Well, you know, might as well be. You know every day ball ground is a blessing, Amen that you just had a custom lights one and he was kind of dark about it. Miss paying the bill? Oh not the red notice pink. So what's going on? Well, it's so much going on, sister of Odel. You know, like since the mask mandate is off for people who've gotten vaccinated and all that. Um, you know, a lot of churches are welcoming their parishioners back in, so no more virtual service. You can actually go to the church going. Yeah, I'm actually miss virtual services, my son. Oh well, yes, yeah, I was enjoying just putting the blouse on. No bob, I'm girl. I ain't had on my white panted holes and almost ill, no girdle. I ain't had on the girl a bra panty hole. I've just been doing head shots on the zoo. Yes, many barbery. One time the camera went back, Lord Handerson, I didn't have on my bra zill. What happened to boarding things? Losing wi Yeah, professional bull riding rodeo looked like a professional bull riding rodel They were losing jar running. Well, I hope no one saw you, sister Dell. You correct. I think they did, but they didn't know what it was. What did they screen? What did they say? They didn't know what it was? You know they ain't as tall as they used to be. They low now Oh yeah, yeah, so they didn't know, you know, they thought it was I don't well, don't feel badly. That has happened to a lot of people, A lot of people. Zoo wardrobe, mishap, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Yeah. Well, um, you know Memorial Day is coming up, so you have these plans for yeah, any No, I don't think out that far. You know, give us this day out daily bridge, you know, I just get it. I don't wear about Memorial Day one day at a time for you, huh Friday to be nice for me? Well, how old are you still? Tell you? I like here about a hundred or something. I don't think you're that God, I've been good. I'm older that you ain't. No, you're older than a hundred day. What I thought you were like in your eighties? Girl, I just look at well you look good. If you're look good, you wear it well. Yeah, yeah, hundred and twenty four at lee last, But really it ain't funny a hundred and twenty fourth. Well you're doing extremely morning nineteen, I mean eight nineteen eighteen. I forgot eighteen ninety seven. Wow, so you've seen a lot. Huh. I'd have seen everything that, mam, the recession, the depression, all that. Well, you know, you saw our first black president. A lot of people didn't think I was gonna see that. I didn't think that. You've seen the first food president right after him. I damn this saw Abe Lincoln. I damn this saw him. Oh what happened? I don't know where you know booth huh? Now he was born before that. Yeah, i'd have seen him. But bootshotty Oh oh, I see, Okay, after theater, sitting in the back of we know the history. No, sir, kiddy, how to hes you the president sitting up down the front row and the back and you're like, ain't nothing gonna have them? Well, anyway, since hotel, my mother was a maid in the back and she knowed it was going down. She saw she said, I know, the white folks up to some she she got a person left. Next thing, you know, she heard on the news, Abraham Lincoln shot dead. I'm just telling you slave news. You don't know nothing about slaves on our news, and white folk didn't have that. Right with you, I'm with you. It took them so long to sign the paperwork. They said, well, whatever, So you've been voting for quite some time. Huh, you've been voting for quite some time. I was voting for blacks could vote. Why did you do that? I just went out there, you know, I gave or the white laid hours watching, gave our sleeping peel, went out there and voted for Oh okay, Democrat. He voted Democrat. She was Republican, a straight, straight taking all the way across. Well, I am gonna try to change the subject. Here is sister Oldale, because you know, Bill Gates one of the richest men in the world, you know, right well, you know he and his wife are splitting up. I heard that. But the lockdown getting rid of some some things, don't it. Yeah, and now there's a rumor he has a love child because you know earlier, yeah, it came out that he was, you know, messing around or trying to mess around with some of the women he worked with. So he got a billion dollars. I ain't got no little chat. Who you know got a billion dollars? Got a little chat. We're gonna leave it right there, sister Odale, because coming up next the nephew would run that prank back. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna standing by with today's National News. President by Aiden visited the Ford plant yesterday. We'll talk about that, plus in a trending entertainment news. Supermodel Naomi Campbell is a mother now at fifty years old. Wow right. She made the surprise announcement on Instagram and an other entertainment news wow Ti and tiny some disturbing allegations of drugging, drugging and rape about them. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew is here. Yeah, would run that prank back. What's you guys for us? Nevuh? Deborah kay is what I'm sacking? Love? Yeah? Come on, hello, man, I speak to him. Let me tell you something of you. My name is Wayne. You did my aunties have us today? And now I don't know what you did. I don't know what kind of glue you'd use with weaves or whatever. But my auntie had and fell out in church today. But I don't I don't even use glue because I don't even know why you're coming at me on the side at anyway about your auntie. My auntie is your ainy. My auntie is Deborah, and I have fella you jus clue nineteen eighty two. You come coming on me with some clue who you think you're tripping with? Look, let me tell you what. Look, let me say this to you all. I'm saying you gotta say some you gotta say because I'm serious about my hard week. You're coming at me with some glue. It's not for some glue that be that mounting on the side of ya. Ain't well, that's what happened. And I fell off in service and all the church member and sitting there laughing out. Well, she shouldn't have been marby. She's trying to get the devil out of it because she hat been this shouting. Let come anyway, but I don't switch no clue. You ain't in the city and talk about my ain't it? And hut Jesus, don't you talk about how she shouted? I don't even know this lady doesn't just talking about good don't do glue. They call her miss Debra. I don't know Miss deb She just got her hand done from you yesterday. How you gonna sit here and act like you ain't cut it yesterday? God? You just said woman and call me. Tell me it's like i'd a mate. I'm because I don't have no and I ain't glue. I'm gonna tell everybody in Atlanta, Georgia not to come to your house minute you like wan minute? That's my livelihood? You. I don't need you? What is this you? My name is Wayne, I don't know why. Look you're white. I know you don't know Wayne, but you you know I got her broken name Big Jay and Bryan Twine. Look, look, let me tell you something. I don't want no problem, but I will throw these hands if I got to look here, look here, I ain't got time to tell you any who ain't some mistake it? What in't me? Then? Look you don't getting me? I hear them good Sunday. I just came from church as hot as hell? Did you telling me? Michael Glue? You ain't got no joy got do today? Dude? I ain't got nothing to do. I got to find out why my ain't it half far to night in church? And it ain't me? So called somebody else in that lay because I ain't. I'm I am the finished just at too? Will you ain't you from you must not be in right now? If you got people have far to night in church and glue following all off on the pew, don't y'all ain't it pobl glue or own that's not the white fellow. No, but to tell you right now, I'm the hottest pilot. It isn't a nap so deb shit. Ain't nobody if I if hey, I ain't do a hat. I don't up hair. You call in and everybody in that lamp da say you the same fight. Look all I'm saying else you're the messed up my ain'ting hair. I want to get it rectified. I need you first of all to call and apologize to her. Apologize. Have you got a rose show human drinking on some Jesus use what y'all ain't And that's why I you want Michael Jackson and you ain't debral See or whatever her name you look. Let me tell first of all, you go you're gonna respect my ain't it? Okay? Whatever you say? Her name is put up. I want you to redo my ain't it half for free and get all her money back from the first time she paid you. I don't know who. Hold on, I don't know who this is who. I don't know who you are. I'm white. Are you coming? Wain? Look your Wayne. I'm gonna go ahead. I'm gonna hang up in your face. Nah, hold up, I'm Nephew Waine. Nah My ain't fift two years old. Now you ain't gonna respect your elders. How you expect to be blessed? You say you just went to church. Then see that's the problem. You're calling me. Oh sundays alone, got me cussing like this. See, I got one more thing I need to say to you before I get off the phone. What's he's had a fight? Because you waste in one minute. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morton Show. You just got frank from your girlfriend? Got me? What's up? Your girl told me? She said, trust me going off the first twelve sucker. Hey, baby, let me ask you don't do no, you don't do no glue. No, I don't know glue. I don't I don't tell you glue. It's too high, all right, baby, Ain't nobody ain't nobody? Half fell out of church that you still they say you the bomb down there. So I just wanted to call and make sure I prank my girl. She the one. All right, baby, answer one thing from me. What is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the world show? Now you have it? Depk WK Yeah, damn broke? Alright, alright. Birthday was good, had a good time, went out with him with the family. It was all good. Restaurant called True Lux and he you know I used to go to the True Lucks in dollars sir, Yes, real names. What you're supposed to say when your wife say we're gonna take you out for your birthday and then they put out your credit card? I mean, I mean, I mean, how are you supposed to look at that? I'm just a how'd you think you was going out? We thought you wouldn't gone. You get whatever? Get whatever you want, baby, get whatever you want. I guess so, I guess so. But now we had a good time. That's good and a little my life like it's golden. M That's what Jill Scott said to do. Did you run or work out or anything? I did the most ignorant thing yesterday morning, just because I'm turning fift So I got it in my mind. I don't know what yesterday. Let me just say this and I don't say this that off yesterday. I was stupid, I really was. Anyway. Wow, Wow, he's over here, Steve. Yeah, alaship turn of fifty four and something told me, you know what, you know what, just to represent with your you know you you're turning fifty four, run five point four miles today. And that's what I did. And I'm paying for it this morning. So if you if you hear me, fade out any time this morning. That's what that is. Five point four months all right, nephew coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening Stave Harvey Morning Show. Wow, what a surprise this story was to everyone. Supermodel Naomi Campbell welcomed her first child. This was in a surprise announcement on Instagram yesterday. Naomi posted a picture of her hands cradling the baby's feet with the caption, A beautiful little blessing has chosen me to be her mother. The message did not include any details about the birth of the daughter, but Naomi has made it known that she's always wanted to be a mother. It's the first child for her. She is fifty years old. We want to say congratulations to beautiful Naomi. Yeah, I want to say congratulations. And you ain't finn to believe this. What oh oh oh, it's a beautiful occasion. I mean, really, congratulations. I know Naomi always been kind to me. Lord Jesus, buckle up. Oh for the baby. Yeah, yeah, you're gonna need everybody at dead house. Your mama, everybody got to go. Everybody call her Sarah. That's what we're gonna call hus. Sarah. Oh, because she's fifty and had a baby. Oh Sarah, Sure, she was ninety. Yeah. In the Bible, you're talking about Abraham's Yeah, all right, and the other's got something do it about. We'll go here. We won't do that. I would go say all of us have something to do with the Bible. But I would do that. But it's his birthday. Let's Chris keep it all right. And other entertainment news, as we move on, some new and disturbing allegations against Ti and Tiny. An anonymous woman claimed that she was drugged by them before they raped her during three way sex during a threesome. They're calling her Jane Joe. She believes that back in two thousand and five, Tiny spiked her tequila. She was drinking tequila, she awoke completely naked in a bed with both Ti and Tiny in the bed. She attempted to stop the unwanted sex, and Ti and told T I know. Los Angeles police are investigating her claims. TI and Tiny denied any wrongdoing through their lawyers, saying, quote, we are confident that if these claims are thoroughly and fairly investigated, no charges will be forthcoming. These allegations are nothing more than the continuation of a sordid shakedown, and that's been their position all along. This don't sound good, right, A serious allegations, So this is serious, This is very serious. So I'm sure authorities will be investigating, because you can't take these kind of charges lightly. No, no, no, And then right after them, then get over there to Congressman Matt Gates too, you know, see what's up with him? Yeah? I walk up and yes, the one that's got they're talking about has sexs and trafficking, and that he is here in real trouble right there, but he hasn't in charge with anything yet. So yeah, since we're investigating and everything. Yeah, let's investigate everyone. M hmm. Yeah, but this is serious, It is really really serious. Yeah. Well let's hope, let's hope it's all false. Yeah, that's what they're saying. Sort shakedown, a continuation of a sorted shakedown. No wow, investigation And like you said, Steve and the victims, they deserve their voices to be heard and investigation and justice as well too. And this case is in Los Angeles, by the way, all right, Steve are going to move on now, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp, thank you, thank you, Good morning everybody. In North Carolina, Elizabeth City District Attorney Andrew Wanley says the police involved in the killing of Andrew Brown Junior will face no charges. Mister Brown's death, while tragic, was justified because mister Brown's actions caused three deputies with the Pasquotane County Sheriff's Office to reasonably believe it was necessary to use deadly force to protect themselves and others. However, the family points out that the police body camp shows mister Brown driving away from the cops attempting to arrest in one a drug warrn't not towards them, and that an autopsy shows the Andrew Brown, who was unarmed, was shot execution style in the back of his head, and they say that pruce Is killing was not justified. Meanwhile, in Minnesota, Brooklyn Center CEA Council has passed the resolution design to significantly change that city's policing policies. The measure replaces cops with unarmed civilians who are trained professionals in mental health and social work when it comes to minor minor traffic violations, also for mental health distress calls, with the aim of cutting down or own arrest and stuff. Yesterday vote comes a month after a white cop killed an unarmed twenty year old black man named Dantee Wright during a traffic stop over just expired tags. The now former Brooklyn Center cop, Kim Potter, says she meant to fire her taser, but instead drew her gun and fired repeatedly. Potters, a twenty six year veteran. She faces manselor to charges in Dante's death. Dante's a families says, well, why was he going to be tased anyway for expired tags? Or was that about? In Arizona Republican party leaders are arguing with each other over that stage twenty twenty presidential vote recount. Local Goop officials called the count of sham, saying it's time for old Republicans to stand up and stop it. A Democratic member of the Maricope County Board of Supervisor, Steve Gallardo, says the artists really about a group of saw losers. The election wasn't in question until a couple of days after the final vote count. That's when all of a sudden, WHOA, there might be problem. We don't like who won the election, So let's call into question. Let's start rumors and unfounded statements and conspiracies. Meanwhile, a judge in Michigan dismissed a Trump back lawsuit yesterday designed to force a recount of last year's election votes in a certain Michigan county that just as a suit, had no merit. Sad news, first, Purvis Staple of the famous Staples Singers has died. He was eighty five years old, and actress Jessica Walter has passed. And Jessica Walter was perhaps best known for her part as a Clint Eastwood's crazy fan in the movie play Misty for me. Get off my back, Evelyn, Get off my back. Now back to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. What is going on? Here we go again yesterday, the district attorney says in North Carolina, deputies who fatally shot Andrew Brown Junior were justified and will not be criminally charged. The State Bureau of Investigation found that Brown recklessly drove at the officers on the scene while trying to flee arrest. District Attorney Andrew Womble said mister Brown's death, while tragic, was justified because mister Brown's actions caused three deputies to reasonably believe it was necessary to use deadly force to protect themselves and others. His illegal conclusion was labeled as an insult to the Brown family, and the family attorneys, Benjamin Crump and Baccari Sellers issued a statement saying, in part that the DA tried to whitewash the killing. No, they executed him. Yeah, of course, it's not unbelievable. Yeah, yeah, right, but you know it's I mean, you know, we take a step forward with the George Floyd case and then we get a reminder. Now, I don't know all of the particulars, right, and we haven't. But when Baccard, Sellers and Crump look into something that's something going on, I just don't understand how they come to the conclusion. Normally, Normally these things, these investigations take a lot longer. This one hasn't been long at all for them to release the tape. Remember, I mean the family only saw twenty seconds of a first right, Yeah. Then they demanded to see the entire tape, and then they saw that, and then now the prosecution yesterday announced this that there to be no charges against the deputies. I mean, they this is horrible. They were justified. Yeah. Well, you know a lot of times, you know, when for a case to get brought up by the prosecution, they oftentimes work hand in hand with the detectives and the police because it's hey, look you don't have enough for a case here you need more, or look I got this, I need this, and a lot of times it's hand in hand. So when you have these buddy system packs in place, it's hard to get charges brought against an officer. And that's but here's my on going problem. This never ever happens to a white person. It always and only happens to black people. White people flee officers all the time, all the time, Steve, because all the time ye refused trying to fight a harror, resisting arrest of it. Get your hands off me, perfect, You've sol right, Steve, All right, coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll switch gears for a quick round of ass the CLO right after this. You're listening to show all right time now for as the CLO chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This is from Tony in Pittsburgh. Tony writes, I'm married to a man that is a cheater, and he keeps telling me he's going to do better. I hate that he has female friends because of this. The last woman he cheated with was a so called friend of his, and she had been to my house several times. I am ready to call it quits because he keeps begging me. But he keeps begging me for a third chance. Yes, he's cheated three times. He's only twenty nine and I'm forty years o. So is age a factor in this? Should I have the three strikes rule for him? Well, age is a factor. The biggest factor is you don't get it. That's the biggest factor. He's twenty nine in you four, You with a man who ain't ready to settle down, and he wants a third chance and a fourth chance. He gon want another one, and that ain't counter chances. You ain't caught, So I mean system once again, in the words of Judge Lynntoler, she said her grandmother told her, don't let a man have to tell you twice he don't want you. Now, he'd have told you three times. I don't know when you go get it. Are you that desperate to be in a relationship that you keep accepting this bad behavior? I mean why you're not married? Oh yeah they are, man, they're married. They're married for sure. But you're married to a Cheatah yeah, you could get unmarried and find date somebody who don't cheat, and get a more mature man, because this ain't hill all right. Everybody in the twenties want another chance and another chance. We got kids in our twenties. They all want more chances. Absolutely. Gail in Rosemunt, Illinois says, my sister and her husband came to visit for the weekend. My husband and I gave them our bedroom and we slept on the sofa. The first night, I was lying on the sleeper sofa reading a book and my husband was sleep. My brother in law got up to go to the kitchen and all he had on was a rope. He flashed me as he walked by, and he was naked. It happened so quick that I froze and didn't know what to do. The entire way very awkward after that to tell my husband about this. Wow, okay was it her her sister? It was her sister and her brother in law. Yes, well, what you're not gonna do is in my house be flashing me in disrespecting my husband. Right, I'm would tell my husband. I tell the husband me personally, I would right here? Who he thinks? Now this was her sister's husband. Huh, So you gave him y'all's bed. What else he wants? Yeah? Now he in here flashing flash as you got. You gotta go though, Yeah, I gotta go in the role and we got the master bearing room. I don't know. Yeah, I gave him my bear probably her husband role. Y Am, I supposed to tell my husband about this? Yes you are, says to Clo. Yes, oh, Steve, you said tell her, tell the husband. Yeah, yeah, go to your sister. I'll go to your sister, asked him to leave, and then tell your husband, and then tell your husband. Now he's gonna go stead because what they do is flash my wife in my bed though probably got my robe on too. That's what tell me, all right, here we go, marry you even got no money from no days. Rode, thirty four year old divorced woman. I have a son in the third grade, I'm dating a teacher, and people in the town to found out my divorce was final in March, but it's not public knowledge or anyone's business. A few of the other class moms have shunned me, and when I was at the May Day program there were they were downright nasty. Is it my place to let them know I'm divorced and clear my name? Or do I tell them all to go to hell? Well, just so you know, I'm divorced and I'm dating a teacher. What's y'all's problem with that? Unless they all would like to teach a teacher? Most be handsome. So a bunch of bitter healthus bitter old biddies like yesterday's strawberry letter coming up next, Thank you, Cello. The nephew is here with today's prank phone call. Right after this you're listening to coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is girlfriend, fiance and side chick. We'll get into that a little later, but right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call, which you got neaf where you know, it's time to do a little exercise, and I think it's it's a wonderful time to do some naked yoga. What's y'all? What? No time? Y'all? Don't feel like I'm naked out afraid? Oh I'm the only one done naked yoga. Yeah, Okay, you know y'all. Okay, okay, one. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh is it Gordon? Right, It's Gordon. How are you doing? Gordon? Listen, my name is Let me let me turn down the TVD you call them about the apartment. Yes, yes, I was trying to see about maybe coming over to take a look at it, or and seeing if it's still available. Man, I got a newspaper, but I didn't know if this is still available or what no, no, no still for rent. Um, let me be straight with you. Um uh you know, no pets and uh no no smoking of any kind. No no, I understand okay, if I'm understanding the listening here, it's like eight hundred fifty dollars a month, right, fifty and you got a parking spot, um your private bathroom with a shower and uh a fifty I'm gonna need first last month and uh really, um let what what's your name? My name is Darnell? Okay first um so yeah, um, first last month and so security number. I can do a background chet. Okay, okay, Now let me ask you this. You guys got out like a back backyard area. I teach classes in the mornings, and I want to know if you have that that that's pretty much what will kind of locked me in if you gotta If you guys got a backyard that I can use, We got a backyard? What do you teach? I teach yoga. I teach yoga in the mornings from from six to eight. Hopefully I won't be a problem. You make make money when yoga? Yes, sir, I definitely do. I make enough, definitely to cover the red that's for sure. Dad shouldn't be a problem. I know, I know a little bit about yoga. That's that. I mean, really, if it's y'all, you know you're not making no noise as yoga, that's that's not a problem. A good deal. Well, how quick can I actually get moved in? Man? I'm trying to get something. I just moved in from the from the East Coast. I jumped on my yoga pretty quick, and I got a quite a bit of clientele built up, and you know, I'm just just ready to get started, get moved in man, something that I can actually call home, you know. Uh yeah, well you know we're looking at rent, rent it out pretty quick, you know, because we want to try and get it filled as soon as possible. Because if you said, we are you you you got a roommate, you're you're man, it would be me and my wife and uh it's a three bedroom home. You would have the room in the back with the bathroom and uh yeah, like a fifty to do a credit check, you know, we meet, Um, I can do the background check and uh no, no no check? What what what? What? What? What? What? What do you necessarily need to do that? For? Well, you gotta know who you're into. And then you want to know what the credit they got, so if they can afford the rent or not. You know, I got I got real good credit. Man. My credit is fine. I'm not I'm actually eight hundreds on my on my credit scores. Oh damn. All right when you get here is how you feel that application. But you know, if you if you're ready to get it cracking, I can do. I can do a background check, and you right not just give me a SOB security number, okay, but let me let me go ahead and just do this. Man on that background check, because you know that what I want to say about that is this, it might be something there about like when I was on the East Coast. You know, I was actually teaching uh, naked yoga. You know what I mean, naked yo. Uh. You know you may see something on there about me being a nipple o naked yoga yo. See, that's what us kind of yoga I was teaching on the East Coast was naked yoga. You know what I'm saying. And everybody with my tea naga yoga. Here we see it's in the backyard, it's closed in you know, in the my backyard and you what what what other glitz you got? You said, just some glitches, Michael, Well, what are the glitz you got? Well you might see that I'm in the Farmania. But see, but see, I took some I took commend for what I took counseling for that, though, what do you need to take some counseling over somewhere else? You ain't taking no counseling and doing no uh naked yoga in my backyard. No, man, all that's behind me now, that's on the east coast. Man that that's that's all behind me. Now I didn't put that thing down. Man, I don't care if it's behind you, front of you, on the side. You're doing some naked yoga in my backyard. That ain't happening, man, a matter of fact. Man, hey, man, listen, that's got all your lichens that qualified and move in there. And now you're gonna sit here and tell me I can't tell about doing some naked yoga in my backyard with twenty thirty people. Then my wife's being on. Man, you look well froend of your wife. Do just right that one off your list and just move on to the next one. Because they ain't no ned yoga is going down back here with no nip from maniac. I don't know what else y'all might be doing. I don't know what. I don't know who does next yoke we all it's just it's just it's just a serene moment, man, where you find yourself. That's all this really is about. Were you being to find yourself somewhere else? That's what I know. You ain't doing no nat yoga in my backyard. I'm surprised you even cast somebody with that. He Man, I'm gonna come over that to this address and start looking at this place because I want to set up shop right here in my backyard. I don't even know you talking about you got some lynches in your past. You're gonna have a foot in your How do you know that this isn't something that your wife might really want to get into. But my wife, I don't even missing my wife's name. Man, he don't know me, don't know even know my wife. Take my your listen. You come out there. You're gonna have another glitch. I'm coming out of what you just stand room and you're gonna show it to me. Thanks showing you. You come come out of here, I'm gonna show you something else my back. I am damnna recover lim from maniac. I'm recovered. I have a cover for many. You're about to get your buying maniac. I'm the maniac. Please believe darnes. It's gonna come over that right now over here. When they come over that now, man, so we can say the fifth I ain't having that. Do not man, come over that place. You can just matter like man, look this. You can do whatever you want somewhere else, but this right here, this ain't the place for you. I'm gonna tell you that right now, darknew to your wife, man, your wife, whatever fire you don't want to talk about, this ain't the place for you. Go SOMEWHEREL take that for your wife. Please let me talk to your wife. Do not even trying me, darnel. Dot me talk to your man that kind of dude. Remember you're about to bring this out of me. Do not bring this over here, darnel. So so as far to your wife, man, let me right, your wife, this right here is over for real. You're gonna come out here and catch your case. Okay, Can I can I say one more thing to you. Man, you can't say darknew because this conversation is over. Man, Okay, how about that? Hey, man, can I say one more thing? Man? What you got to say, man, is what this is Nephew me from the Steve Harby Morning to show you just got cranked by your brother. Oh, get out of here, man, This is nephew Tommy. Who who told you to do this to me? Man? Your brother, my brother. Oh I'm gonna good. Oh my god, Man, my heart is all beating off fast. Man. Oh, get out of here. Man to man, Oh all right, man, Man, I was gonna whoop your butt naked if you came around here. Man. You just don't know. Man, I'm so glad it's a joke. You have no idea. I'm so glad it's a joke. Man. Man, Man, any limit, any limits, and you're out me n yoga overhere in my backyard. O, my god, this is a serenity thing. You find yourself. Let me talk to your wife. That's what you kept saying that though. He just that that's the left side working left side of everybody has the left side, y'all. Just don you y'all stay on the right, use your left side I would be using my left side of the brain in Orlando, Florida, Memorial Day weekend eight But fifty tickets left? Who shows Friday three on Saturday. That's it, not adding noose shows. My wife said, gotta help my butt back home by Sunday. Get the last fifty can be done, Orlando, Florida. Yes, I don't have to be work on Monday because we off. Okay, thank you. That's why I had to be to work on Monday, because we all even if we weren't off, you'd be off. Yeah. What I got to do with it? Because any other Monday on Monday, Steve, you are to messing. Nephew does regret steal a regret? Oh that's what he says. Oh all right, well this way a regretful assid. Thank you, Thank you, nephew. All right, Coming up next Strawberry Letters subject girlfriend, fiance and side check. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. It could be yours. You never know. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you nephew. Subject girlfriend fiance say inside chick. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a twenty nine year old single female and I'm in love with a man that I can't have. We started out as friends ten years ago, and one thing led to another and we made love. I must have the magic touch, because he was stuck like glue to me. After that, I moved to another city, and before I left, he asked if I would be his girlfriend. He came to visit me every weekend, so I never in a million years would think he was cheating on me. I went back to my hometown to visit my family, and I stayed at his apartment. On his couch, I found a few long strands of hairweed and there was a tube of eyelash glue in his kitchen junk drawer. I didn't mention it to him. I went to stay at my mom's house instead, and I ignored him the rest of the weekend. When I got back to my city, I asked him if he cheated on me, and he confessed to having a girl at his place, but nothing happened. He said she knows about me, and I told him I needed some time to think about everything because I didn't believe him. A monk went by without us being together, and I did go on a date with someone else, but it only made me realize how much I loved my boyfriend. I called my boyfriend and asked him to come see me. He came the next day since it's only an hour's drive. He bought me a big, beautiful diamond, and he asked me to marry him. I said yes. Fast forward to present day, which is three months after he proposed. I got a call from a woman that said she's been with this man for two years and I've always been the side chick. She was on speakerphone and he was there, but he did not open his mouth. He won't talk to me at all. Now, how could did he pull all of this off without me knowing it? How could he do this? I just want closure. Okay, Yeah, this letter is crazy right here, but but this isn't hard because everything you need for closure is right here in this letter. You started out as a girlfriend, then he came to see you on the weekends after you moved out of town. You know you fell in love with him. Did he fall in love with you? Nowhere in your letter did you say that. Did you ever question where he was during the week Did you ask any questions about anything concerning him? It doesn't sound like you did, because from the sound of your letter, he was just a weekend boyfriend. Then you found evidence of another woman at his house, and instead of asking him about it, you ghosted him and waited until you got home to check him. You didn't believe him, but you still accepted his proposal of marriage when you called and asked him to come and see you. And like you say, fast forward to three months later, which is now, and here's this woman calling you saying she's been with him for two years and you're the side chick and always have been the side chick. What. Meanwhile, he's in the background, quiet as a church mouse, not saying anything, And you ask how did he pull this off without you knowing? Because it sounds like you just accepted whatever he told you whenever he came by. You never asked him anything about himself. Where was he going? You know, he could have he told you anything and you just accepted it. However he dished it out. That's how you took it, no questions asked. Your letter is aptly titled girlfriend fiance side chick because sorry to say, you had all those roles in this relationship, you just didn't know it at the time. Make sure that you don't get caught up like this with another man. Okay, you got to find out stuff, what they do, if he's with someone, if he's married. Any baby mamas, do some digging, ask some questions, investigate. That's how you find out. Steve, Well, I think have all been avoided. But here we go a couple of things. I'm gonna stick my chest out a little bit on this letter, cause here we go some things I've been accused of. Here we go, twenty nine year old single female. I'm in love with a man that I can't have. Here we go. We started out as friends ten years ago. One thing led to another and we made love. How is it that friends, y'all friends now ended up making love. I hadn't told y'all your ass can't be friends. A man is incapable of being a friend with a woman he's attracted to. I'd have told you that now you can be friends, but it will not stay that way. If the opportunity presents itself, get aloan somewhere and be talking a couple of glasses of wine. It can't stay that way. I've told y'all over and over. Now y'all go online and talk about uncle Steve like he old fashioned and stupid. I may be old fashioned, but I ain't as stupid though. I might be old fashioned, but I ain't stupid though. I'm a real smart dude. And you listening to these dudes online talking about Steve don't know what he's talking about. You can have a girl that's your friend. Show me, show me how that works. So now here we go, you friends. Now all of a sudden, y'all love us? Oh okay, now y'all made love. And I must have a magic touch because he stuck on me like glue afterwards and asked me to be his girlfriend. That don't mean you have a magic touch, do you think so? Oh? But if you want credit, all right, you can hand the magic magic touch. Man. He might uh fifty cents say he got a magic stick. He could have a magic stick because you did say you be his girlfriend. So everybody in the relationship got a magic show. We'll come back everywhere. I'm gonna tell you what else has happened to your sister. All right, We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject is girlfriend, fiance and side check. We'll get back into the Strawberry letter right after this. You're listening to show, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letter subject girlfriend fiance and side check. Here this twenty nine year old girl was friends with a man started out as friends ten years ago, which one skin skin just provels, proves what I've been saying everybody online. Want to beat the old uncle Steve. Like I said before, you know, he old fashioned and stupid. No, no, no, I may be old fashioned, but I'm a far stretch and a long way away from stupid. I can promise you I'm not stupid, ain't ever been stupid. So now here we go. Oh they're friends now Now she thinks she got the magic to us because he sprung on her and ask him to be a girlfriend. Uh. Then you moved to another city. But before you left, he asked you to be his girlfriend. Okay, that ain't nothing. He came to visit me every weekend, so I never in a million years would think he was cheating on me. Can't to visit you every weekend, that's two days. It's five days on accounting for you got to to somebody. You don't think nobody else got to getting them five He just waiting on the weekend. Oh I forgot, that's right, you got the magic touch. My bad, My bad. Anyway, Uh, I went back to your hometown to visit your family, and you stayed at his apartment on his couch. I found a few strands of hair weed and that was a two but ee lass glue in his kitchen. Junk junk drawer. Now, when stuff gets in the junk drawer, it's because it's got brushed in that one. Everybody got a drunk drawer when you grab stuff right quick and throw it in there. You threw that in there because you was coming to town. They couldn't get the we've do with just something there. We don't do cracks real good. So we've have gonna know what to do. Start checking crack. We're gonna do cracks good, and so I didn't mention it to him when you found this eyeglass glue, I would stay at my mom's house instead, and I ignored him the rest of the weekend. When I got back to your city, I asking me to ever cheated on me, now, listen to this. He confessed to having a girl at his place, but nothing happened. The reason he confessed is because he don't know the information you have. So, yeah, I had a girl over my house, but it ain't nothing happened. See But the only reason he admitted that was because he don't know what information you have. But since you was at the apartment and then started ghosten, he met your mama's house, he knows something is up, he said. Not so now he confessed having the girls in his place with nothing help he said. He said she knows about me, and I told him I needed some time to think about everything because of you know, I don't believe him. While a month with mine without us being together, and I went on date with somebody else but only made me realize how much I love my boyfriend. I called my boyfriend and asked him to come see me. He came the next day, since it's only an hour's drive. He bought me a big, beautiful diamond. He asked me to marry him. I said yes. Fast forward to present day and he wasn't what the whole letter is about, which is three months later after the proposal, I got a call from a woman that said she's been with my man for two years and I've always been the side chick. She was on speaker phone, and he was there, but he did not open his mouth. Okay, so I got to think and how did this happened. Well, I'll tell you how it happened. She busted him with your number in his phone. She got his phone and called you from his phone and put it on the speaker that that's why he in the background ain't saying nothing, because I've been in that spot before. I just went home. I was eighteen. Get in your car and drive off. I had to get on the bike and ride off, but left. Now you got this call from this woman saying she'd been with this man for two years and I've always been the side chick. She was on speaker phone. He was there, but he did not open his mouth. He won't talk to me at all now, Well, because he busted Gig, he got to stay with his girl he'd been with for two years. How could and did he pull all this off with out me North? Because Shirley said you didn't do your research. And in this day in time, y'all got too many items at your fingertip. Facebook, you can Facebook, anybody, follow their Instagram, get on social media Google, you can start looking up information. You can tract air friends on Facebook. You could do some research. It all comes back, all these likes and stuff like that for forensic science. It's all it too. And you wouldn't even be in this and you twenty nine, I know you text have it. You could do this. So ladies, all of you have the ability to explore and research handle your business. Right, whether you have an England about the man or not, you should know who you're dating, right. I just want closure. Men don't do closure. He would have woman? How did he pull all this off? Because you was gullible? You thought them two days was good enough. You ain't ask nothing about the five days. You just assume in a million years he would never cheat on you. Why because you thought you had the magic touch. You're the only one got the magic touch. Everybody's heatable get the ring appraised and sell it. That's that's real. If it's work, not all right? Thank you, Steve. Poster comments Cony wrote all over season. Poster comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM dot com, on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour of Sports Talk with Junior. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, ladies and gentlemen, Junior with Sports Talk. What you got Junior? Okay, Shirley, Timmy. It happened every year at the end of the NBAC, same discussion happened. It comes up every year at the barbershop. I'm sick of this dude at the barbershop, the MVP. Who should be the MVP of the NBA this season? In anybody? That's what I said. That's what I said, because he had a hell of the season. Let me just bring the stat line for you. Thirty two points a game, five point five rebounds, five point eight a sist. He's the highest scoring. He gonna fourth floor. He won his second scoring title. But he's the highest scorer since Michael Jordan hands down. Now, why do you tell me that you think somebody we didn't even know what's gonna be MVP? Who he talking about? Somebody I don't even know he even watched. But why as you talking about Kevin Durant need to be the MVP for what he was out? Yeah, I don't say Kyle ree befo him. He said there's more important things in basketball. You know, he used to convert the Muslim now and now he would he talking about the Palestinian thing over there. My people died. I was just sitting there looking at him, going, man, okay, well like I got you I feel for you know, like that Black Lives Matter over here got me a little tied up right now. So yeah, yeah, yeah, boy right there. But is it the most? Is it the record of the team and the player on it, or that the person that means the most to the team were determined? We should say with termines the MVP. Who's having the season right now? That's showing out. It's Steph Curry period. Lebron been out. Lebron ad been out. Yeah, there's a lot of people been just sitting on the sideline, Steph Curry being straight clowning, and you know who that's who? Lebron and John Moran, they both they both endorsed Steph Curry for that. Hey man, Now did all the bron Did the Lakers win that last game? Junior? A right? Uncle? Well, actually the Lakers and Awards play tonight. Okay, Well that's for the playing and they're playing against Golden State. Yeah, so we're gonna find that now if Stephi win this game to night, he got the bed VP. Who's playing though, Junior is a D and Lebron gonna play? Yes, everybody, all hands, Golden State ain't gonna win this game. Just did all that? Steph Curry didn't go cry all the way up down? I ain't saying, oh Steph gonna cloud Steph gonna have thirty five points? Okay? They got nobody stopping? All right, Junior and Steve coming up at the top of the hour, we'll tell you about the flaming Hot Cheetos drama surrounding flaming Hot Cheetos. We'll tell you about it right after this. You're listening show, all right, So for a decade, guys, former Friedo Lay employee, Richard Montenez has told the story of inventing flaming hot Cheetos while working as a janitor for the company. A biopic about his life is even set to be turned into a movie soon and directed by Texas native and actress Eva longoriav There's just one problem, Friedo Lay says the story isn't true. Montenez has tens of thousands of dollars. He's made that much money in speaking fees for appearances at major retail events and large universities where he shared his story. Now, according to the Los Angeles Times, per his own story, Montenas pitched the CEO of Friedo Lay on the concept for Friedo Hot Cheetos for flaming hot Cheetos while working as a janitor for the company in a facility in Rancho Cucamonga, which is a suburb in California in Los Angeles. In the statement, Frido Lay told the publication that the facts do not support the urban legend, and a former employee for Frito Lay's corporate office in Plano by the name of Lynn Greenfeld is responsible for developing uh Flaming hot Cheetos. Okay, m So this man is just out here collecting money, and you just you ain't got the lie Craig about Yeah, a lot of him. Yeah, you know when I invented flaming cheetos as a janitor? What good story though? Ye, it's a great story, right. What'd you say, Junior? What? Oh? No, it's a true story to him. Oh story. He all flaming flaming kids, you know, all the teenagers, all the kids. They love them. Yet, all the kids, all the Fatasha's friends when they come over, that's it, that's what they like. What's your favorite? What's your favorite? Uh snack or chip? What do you like? Cream? Lake chip? Dude, a team chip? What do you like? Steve? I like ice cream, don't like chips. We're talking ship chips. I don't care about chicks. You was named tator chip. That you didn't eat them? That affected you? Oh because your nickname you called tater chill. Why would I want to eat? No? But yeah, I mean I just not never really been a big potato chip eating guy. If I had to eat them, I don't know salty vinegar, but I don't investetator chips. I ever had was wise out? Oh is that a local? Yeah? That wise you gotta be a countortable to know about the wise apotator. Chip. I just know about y'all. Don't know nothing about that. In country, you do what you did, Like portskins going on. Now, they always got caught in my chest, and now I was always running eating them. Now I was a little more stupid on a bike, get a handful of postings, chewing swallow and get caught in your chest. But damn they have a heart attack at nine. I wasn't a heart attack. Yeah, yeah, I'm just taking it down my snack. We just lost it. Don't eat potted meeting no more. Then gave up spam. You know, I've cut a lot of stuff loose, you know, and used to mean stuff to me good and plenty. Wasn't more of a damn. I stopped in at football, sitting up there on the plane with just black stuff running down the corner of my mouth because I couldn't even shoot the stuff just taking you through some things I'm going through. That's all damn either. Clearly I can tell you that Mary Jane ain't what he used to be. That's a little bitty piece account. It ain't nothing in the middle of it. No, damn more used to could eat that to it got to the peanut butter middle nine. Ain't nothing, know what that is in the middle, Just a little colonel and nut sawdust in the middle of your Mary Jane. It ain't nothing nor more. Steve's mad at his snacks ever asking him about snacks. I tell you what. The whoppers is still good though. That coming the milk carton that came on? Who oh you mean back kind of candy? All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show twenty minutes after. Right after this, you have a skin, Steve, you're listening to morning show. Being called to the side for an additional security screening is aggravating. We all know that, but a potential new part of the boarding process for airlines could be even more stressful. That's because FAA is considering weighing passengers before they board a flight to make sure the plane isn't overloaded. And yes, it's mainly due to the increase in obesity in America. The last data reported by the CDC says the obesity rate in the US is roughly forty two point four percent. That was as of twenty eighteen, and the FAA says their weight estimates are outdated. The good news is a passenger could refuse to be weighed, and no word on when this could go into effect. These are just some things they're thinking about and tossing around. They might as well not even put that scale in there. If you got the option to getting weigh You know what, if anybody, anybody you ever side in the middle between two big people, you have to side in the middle. Yeah, long Ida and her arm was on top, Mom, she was sweating. My whole sleeve. Would dog have them all had on a blue shirt and my left arm wouldnay today plane that breathe real hard? Yes, yeah, yeah, all right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to what is going on? Here we go again yesterday, the district attorney says. In North Carolina, deputies who fatally shot Andrew Brown Junior were justified and will not be criminally charged. The State Bureau of Investigation found that Brown recklessly drove at the officers on the scene while trying to flee arrest. District Attorney Andrew Womble said mister Brown's death, while tragic, was justified because mister B's actions caused three deputies to reasonably believe it was necessary to use deadly force to protect themselves and others. His illegal conclusion was labeled as an insult to the Brown family, and the family attorneys Benjamin Crump and McCary Sellers issued a statement saying in part that the DA tried to whitewash the killing. No, they executed him. Yeah, of course it's not unbelievable, yeah yet, right, but you know it's I mean, you know, we take a step forward with the George Floyd case and then we get a reminder. Now I don't know all of the particulars, right, and we haven't, but Whencari Sellers and Crump look into something that's something going on, I just don't understand how they come to the conclusion. Normally, normally these things, these investigations take a lot longer. This one hasn't been long at all for them to release the tape. Remember, I mean it took family say seconds of first, right, yeah, then they demanded to see the entire tape, and then they saw that and then now the prosecution yesterday announced this that there would be no charges against the deputies. I mean they this is horrible, were justified. Yeah, well, you know a lot of times, you know, when for a case to get brought up by the prosecution, they oftentimes work hand in hand with the detectives and the police, right because it's hey, look you don't have enough for a case here you need more, or ain't look I got this, I need this, And a lot of times it's hand in hand. So when you have these buddy system packs in place, it's hard to get charges brought agains an officer. And that's but here's my own going problem. Okay, this never ever happens to a white person. It always and only happens to black people, white people. Fleet officers all the time, all the time, Steve, because all the time ye refused, try to fight a hard resisting arrest, all of the get your hands off me, perfect line. You were sol right, Steve, coming up, it is our last break of the day, and at forty nine minutes after the hour, Steve will also have his famous closing remarks right after this you're listening to all right, here we are guys, our last last that's the last break of the day. Wednesday, hump day. Yeah, and it's been a good day. Yeah, it's really good. It's been real huh yeah. A lot going on, Oh yeah, a lot happening. I'm fifty four. Now you feel day after side. I feel tired, just tired, you know. He said he ran five point four months. Yeah, I ran five point four miles yesterday morning. That I'm gonna get off this radio. I'm gonna lay myne behind down. That's what I'm saying. Wow, I'm not sure to try nothing. That's crazy. I shouldn't have tried that. What made you get up and Sammer run five miles on my fifty fourth birthday. I just said, I'm fifty four, let me run five point four five in the fourth said he don't normally say he's stupid, but he said, he said, I actually here something stupid. All right. No, no, no, don't don't say it like it's new. It seems the price to us something stupid. No, no, no, no, no, it's the first time you're admitting to it. Most of your stuff you don't even know it. That's the shocking part. Yeah. No, uh but anyway, trying to stay healthy though, that's what I'm trying to Yeah, yeah, why don't you instead of running your age, why don't you run your height? Oh god, I'm that's further. I'm five teen. That's further. What doctor funnier though it is truly funnier. Nor doctor told you your little lass was five nine? Told you so? Then say that, Yeah, I told you about that check up, Calum, we got to check up, you know, they weighed. Then he said, get on up there. I said, I ain't gotta get up then? Five teen? No, no, no, get we We got to make sure we measure it though, maker, come on, get up there to get your height. Yeah, you measure my height? Ain't getting in here? You say you what now? I said, I'm five ten. I think I'm five ten and a hand, to be honest, ain't no damn fid not ten nothing? Five nine in a fall to look like what I'm looking fires like. I like you. I'm the hand, to be honest with you. Why why then all the nurses is chuckling at me? I said, how anything? Why? Why don't you haven't measured how high you? But would probably couldn't have picked up a little bit physical wellness. You got that high? But you know so and my water. Actually what you needed to do. Yeah, you was gonna be the closing remark. Really not. We did a nice Tommy story yesterday, so we ain't got to do that. Oh yeah that was really So who birthday is next? Yeah? Tommy? Who's next? Junior? Junior? Ste Steve's first? Yes? Then what is yours? Carl October? And don't ever ask me that again. I'm gonna need you to you win Junior. I think I'm next, man, but I ain't tell you like eighteen, okay, or like that Winter's birthday? M hum, oh junior Winter and your son same day. That's cool. How will Winton be this year? Steve wouldn't be twenty four? Man went twenty four this year. That's one of my great accomplishments. Is Winton? Now? He's so cool? Just like got I got some really good good kids, Yes you did, But winch is one of my great accomplishments. Brandon Carley doing real good too. I sent him a text. Hell, they told him. I'm proud. I was up. I popped in on the Twin Talk. I saw it. I saw it on social media. You popped in. I saw that. That was cool. You know that's great. Yeah, let me ask you a question. When when do the kids start being ungrateful? Because I think my nephew is at that phase start being ungrateful. Yeah, I stopped to start start being ungrateful? Age? Is that? Because I think he at that age? Some of them begin at thirty? What I think it's in the teams. I think it's in the teams. Who Yeah, Now let me tell you what he's problem was last weekend. Okay, you know this problem was last weekend. I rented a limo for this food for about seven miles. I ain't gotta call thank you yet, get you to it. It must just be started. Yeah, but you have to tell them. You have to tell them certain things. They go and then they have relapses m meaning you know they can be okay through their teams, had a moment, get all right, and then and then get un right again. I can't. I got seven I'll see you all the cycles, all the cycles. I got one going on right now. Boy, it's just amount of time. Well, I say, okay, enough of this. Hell, I'm sigu. He sent me all the pictures. We're posing in the car, but I don't say thank you for it. Well, you need to tell him. Yeah, I mean seriously, have to tell him, junior. And if you don't feel like talking, that's it. That's right in the thoat right there. And didn't say you're welcome. Yeah yeah, why b Yeah, So they won't take you for granted, because they will take for granted that they're entitled. These kids are entitled. So a lot of them has got them one for a party, but for birthday just two months ago. Nothing. Well, see hear what you do? Yeah there you gonna see stop it's our fault. Yeah yeah, yeah. Well, y'all have a great day, y'all, enjoy yourself. Talk to God. Don't worry about ungrateful people. Use the Bible says pride cometh before fall, and it ain't never lied. So just sit tight, y'all. Have a great one for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.