Good morning and welcome to the ride! Be grateful that you have a hand to play today. Let's win!!! Our family Sister O'dell still can't stand 45's behind. She also reflects on the fashion from the inauguration. Eric Trump and his family went from Air Force One to coach. DAMN!!! We ask the crew if they remember their favorite neighbors from back in the day. The Chief Love Officer must address mean girls, being boujee, retirement and not getting kilt. We have a new gymnast on the rise from UCLA! Nia Dennis is her name. Around end of summer or early fall is when 46 plans to have enough vaccines for 300 million vaccinations. Coconut milk has been pulled off of shelves by certain retailers due to forced monkey labor. Today the show wraps up with Big Dog talking about forced monkey labor and the coconut milk crisis.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back all looking back to back down, giving them like themzing bus things, and it's not good at Steve har to mother for stunt joy. You gotta gotta turn hur run, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn out to turn turn water to the water. Come come on your baby, sure will the good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, come on, dig me now want and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o man. I thank God for it. I thank God for all he's done for me, for all the little things that are oftentimes failed to thank him for that I take for granted for you know, I was. I was talking the other day to a buddy of mine. We had gotten to this conversation about God and and and in the conversation we had narrowed it down and we were talking about changing the way we are as people. You know that everybody has to change. You know, nothing stays the same. Everybody changes, and a lot of these changes can be for the good, and a lot of them are just they just come with time. You know. Sometimes it's aging that changes us. But no matter how old you get, you still have the ability to improve as a person. You may not have the foot speed you used to have. You may not be as agile as you used to be. Your energy level may not be what it used to be. Your desire to do some of the things that you used to do may be gone. The thing that doesn't have to change and will not change is you. You have the ability to continue to grow as a person, even when far the time and nature has taken its course. We were talking about everybody can change and everybody has the right to reinvent themselves as they get older, and I equated it to jumping out of an airplane. You know, there are some people man who get to a certain point in their life and they and they jump from the airplane is now almost a stunt of some kind. It's almost like they life then got out of control. You ever seen somebody jump out of airplane and the parachute don't open, and they lifestart and it seems like they start spinning and tumbling and they can't get it together. And I've seen some mid air rescues before. But then there are times when you know when it hasn't worked. You know, you jump out that airplane and and and at first it's fun. I've never skydived before, but I would imagine when you first jump out of an airplane that they people describe it as a a sense of being free. And it's exhilarating when you first jump out the plane. But if you pull that cord and nothing happens. I never happened to me, but I can only imagine the panic that's got to set in, because no matter how fun it was a moment ago, the flying over to one another, the holding hands in the air, the breeze, the descent of the feeling of all of a sudden, if you reach for that cord and that's not there, you're suddenly spinning out of control. And that's what happens in a lot of people's lives. When you first start your life, you jump out the plane. You're free, you're young, you ain't got nothing to where about it. But then you get to a certain point in your life when you go, okay, I'm gonna pull the cord now. And pulling the cord is an important thing because here's the analogy my friend gave me. He said, man, use your mind like a parachute. It works better when it's open. Well, see what happens with a lot of people, is they in life. They jump out the plane and and and they and they having this free fall and it's fun for now. But they get to a certain point in their life where they got themselves in a situation, or they've had a little bit too much fun a little bit too long, or you know, they wasn't open to nothing and they just did what they wanted to do, or they started getting involved with drugs or drinking or started running with the wrong people. So you jump out the plane. The first you're free falling, is fun, but then after a minute, man, something happens and they realize whoa and they reach for the chord, and the chord don't work. Well, now you're in a panic stricken situation. And my suggesting is what I've learned from the analogy that my friends shared with me, is that we all the sooner we can open our mind to God, the sooner we could develop that relationship with him. It's like pulling the cord and opening a parachute. If you open up your mind to God, God is like a parachute. You know, God can slow your descent. God can turn this out of control free fall into a nice ride for you. See, that's what happened to me. I was spinning out of control. I had gotten myself into a point. Man, Why I wasn't doing real good? Oh, y'all would look at me and think, man Stevie, man, Nam, I wasn't doing real good. I had spun out of control. I was. I was in a free fall, and I reached for the court, but I was so far away the cord didn't open. Then I went to him and I pulled the cord. When I went to God, I pulled the cord and open, and he slowed my descent. And this is what I just believe. I don't believe now that I aged as fast as I was aging, because I got that parachute open. Now, you know, I take better care of myself, eating, I work out more. Now you know I'm not out of control. I have a direction now that when then got up under that parachute a little bit, you know, And now I'm I'm I'm going you know, I'm still getting older, you know, so, but the descent is so slow. Now I'm able to enjoy the ride. I'm guiding my parachute over. Sometimes we go over to to a vacation spot over here, we float back over to it. But you know, I'm still getting old. I'm still going down and but the descent because I've opened my mind to God, the parachute has slowed my descent. And now I'm rocking back and forth. But I ain't spending out of control no more. You know, I'm able to enjoy the view now. You know, when you jump out that plane and you and you pull that cord and it don't work, you ain't looking at the view no more. You're thinking of only one thing. How can I slow this down? When now I'm able to enjoy the view. I'm able to see all the beautiful things on the horizon that God has for me. I'm able to see all the beautiful things around me that He's provided for me over these years. Because I've slowed my descent. I used my mind like a parachute. It works better when it's open. Open your mind to God, and so you can see the view, so you can slow the descent, so you can stop the out of control freefall that you've been on, that you can get your life together and see everything out on the horizon that God has for you. You know, it turned out to be a very true statement your mind. If you use it like a parachute, it works better when it's open. Y'all, you're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, let me have your undivided attention. Please, this is another glorious morning in the world. The Bible verse my mama used to give me every day on the way out to do today as the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. I chose to be glad in it. Fight as well, just the one we got this your hand today. This is your hand. Everybody got cards in it. Got to play your hand. The one thing for show. Be grateful you got a hand to play. Hello, Steve hard morna show. Shelly Strawberry, Amen, Steve, Amen, Good Morninging and their years, ladies and gentlemen. Carla Farrell Amen, Amen again, Good morning Steve. What's up crew? Looking for that damn junior boy? Morn everybody. If the Lord for you who could be against, think it about time that ain't high he would start his morning. I just want to let y'all know that everything King of prank's nephew Tommy top top top frankings in the Bill and blessed in high they favor. Yes, excuse me, excuse me for now, for now. Oh, we gonna do that today. Let me tell you. Okay, I wait, you know we got the story coming up? Oh yeah, we have stories coming up, sir in the news. All right, okay, I'm at a loss. I don't know what y'all talking about. Guess coming up? Steven's coming up entertainment news top of the hour. There we got stick around. Oh oh oh oh, he entertained me news. Now. No, it's not me. Now, who you think I'm being upstage? I'm being upstage. Tommy is the king of pranks. We all agree. We all agree, Tommy is the king of pranks. Not in your mind though not. No, mot oh you're the king. For now, we're going down. You know what? Got a lot going on today? I guess so, I don't know. Wednesday all is calm? Yes? Yeah? Than a nobody tweeted nothing, Well, he can't. It's going good. It's scary, ain't They didn't shut down to my pillow, guys, ceo Twitter. I want to know what it is because I don't know. To my pillow store, I said, what do you do? Twitter shut him down because of his false claims about the election. And Biden has already been sworn into office and he's in office, and they just shut him down with all these false claims and things that he kept tweeting out, so it violated their policy. So bye bye. You know how this guy really loves this guy? He gonna message a little pillow cup Neil. He did all right. Listen coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, it's woman Crushed Wednesday. And guess who's in the building, The one and only sister Odell. Right afterward you're listening to show. Well, guys, it is Wednesday. That means it must be women Crush Wednesday. And our girl she's been am I a four minutes, but she's day. You can you had I needed the lord whoa whoa Jesus, my lord, my lord. Well good mard is everyone. It's been so lone since y'all have me. How's everyone's senior since last year? Yes, Happy New Year's, Happy New years to everyone's. We just I just been going around. It's just it's been a wonderful you you know, Trump. They finally got Trumps out of there, you know, yeah, yes, ma'am Trumps. You know. I know, answer Christian, you ain't supposed to hate anybody, and you post love you enemy. I'm still working through that one. I ain't standing his hand. He's gone. You got by yourself, You got by yourself on. Now he's out. Yeah, So what's it your mind? Anything you want to ask me or something? Well, I mean, you know, I'm sure you watched the inauguration, sister Hotel. I'm sure you did a lot of talk about um, you know, the fashions and everything. Did you see Michelle Obama's uh, burgundy pants suit? Let me tell you something. Come on, girl, shit shell came through the rocking neck thing, didn't She was up in here. She she what you know, in the words what my grandkids say, she were ripping it. Let him know. I'm the fur lady, you know, you know, because you know the lady that was in the White House. What's her name, Melanie, Melania Trump. Oh, she had white name, that's right, Melanie. She just black. I'm sorry because she was white. Milagna was in that now, Milagna. I didn't care for her because she had a little stank ass attitude. But she can dress though that that healther could dress. She man get the wrong man, and she looked she looked concerned all the time. She ain't looked wrong. In the end she stood by her man though in the end, that's any minute now that that that that marriage ain't worth a damned it wasn't worth a quarter. And never seen I ain't never seen a loving picture of them nowhere right right, said so them right m you're right, So go ahead ask me. Yeah, you said you had something Carla, go ahead, Well I was gonna ask this stir All Dale. You know, since quarantine and everybody's been home during pandemic on social media, have you seen on tick talk to different challenges like the busset challenge. Have you done any of those little fun challenges you talk you're talking about where the women show the butt, Well, you know, they drop down and they do a little dance. They don't have to show your butts. I just want to know if you have been you know that bust the one you know, the incanet, you know the insidet. See you know you know something, Thomas, you know you just stayed respectful. Now it's been a while. First of all, you ain't spoke to me. That's what your ball head, that he realized you ain't said a word to me. Ain't he spoke to me? You're right, I'm sorry, good good morning. And that first thing you want to do a snap on somebody, you're snapping over the wrong ones. Or you don't want just hit a little man. You don't want that smoke you bought that I'm checking right now. I don't want here. You don't want this here, you know, girl. And you know you know they called me life on suction. I take it out. You you know they got Infagram out then night everybody will Infagram look stupid Infagram. It's Instagram. I ain't talking about coffee, sweet, I'm talking about the Internet, the coffee. What do you think about our first female since this is women Crushed Wednesday, vice President, who happens to be a woman of color. Girl, let me tell you something. I was so proud of Kamala you know, just when a band representing falling there. Her speech was beautiful talking about all the black women's should and she stood on and everything, and it's just it's just good to see her, you know, just good, you know, she got, she calmed, She keep herself nice and everything. You know, had a beautiful cream nursing outfit on when she came out at at night. You know it was yeah, yeah, that's what all us wore for the past. His fiftieth anniversary or the nurses. Girl, that's who we wont you know we call it, you know, whinny white. Oh, yes, man looking good, looking good. I was gonna ask her about Harriet Tubman and girl. You know I'm already on that. You know, my sister gonna be on that twenty. Bust them off, That's what I'm talking about. That. That's that's who you won't on the twenty. Huh. Yeah, you know, put somebody on the twenty that done something. Pistol packing. You know, they're putting all the dead white men all money. Might well put somebody on that. Why not? What I know, the horror story, y'all ain't told the story. I'm just I'm standing there with him. It ain't the reason to put on you know what, this is real black. You don't know nothing about her. Yeah, her movie's coming out. But anyway, we gotta go, Cisterdale because it's time for nephew Tommy you can introduce him if you like. Run that prank back with The nephew is coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna's standing by with National News. But right now the nephew is here, the King of Franks. Run that prank. Okay, well, this was for everybody and especially for Morgan Freeman Patty Party. Let's go cad Dog. This is what we do. Morgan, you don't know what you're doing. Hello. Hello, I'm looking at a wrong number. Um'm my name is Marcus. I'm trying to find Is this the person that lives in um in nineteen eight? Yeah? Yeah, nineteen eight Gary. What's up? Um, I'm trying to find the lady that lives in in nineteen eight? Am I calling the right place? You're talking about? Bree? Bree? That's yeah, that's a Bree. Is Bree available? Uh? Nah? Man, she she's probably at work. Oh okay, all right, well listen. I'm I'm I live in UM I live on the eighteenth floor. And then some of the guys on the eighteenth floor are throwing throwing a party on the rooftop and we were gonna we were inviting a few people. So I was trying to see yeah yeah, yeah, so we was gonna invite Bree. I've never seen you before. I didn't know you. So you live in the building too, Yeah yeah, yeah, man, I was the nineteen eighth there. Yeah, that's my girl. What's up? Wait? What's the party? Uh okay, the parties Friday night? All right, parties Friday night. So yeah, like I said, we was we were reaching out and um, you know, we want to invite I never Yeah, I've seen Bree coming in out of the building and um and uh you know, the doorman told me that you think she lives on the nineteen floor somewhere. So so yeah, I was trying to um, um, come and get one year on the eighteenth floor. Yeah, I'm on eighteen four. Yeah, I'm at eighteen half. So the parties, um, you know, is on Friday night, like about ten o'clock, ten to ten to one. We're inviting a few people out. So but but um, like I said, you know, I didn't I didn't know you lived U with Bree. But this is a this is a cool thing, man. But so we're having a um, we're having a panty party on Friday night. What a panty party? Yeah? Yeah, on on on the rooftop. We're having a panty party. You know. We got food and drinks and all that kind of stuff. So I was wanting to see if she wanted to come out. So so that that's what you do, Margaret, that's what you'll do on the eighteen four, y'all just hit up folks and try to get those girls come to a panty party. A panty party. We have a party once once every you know, once every it's a quarter. We throw a party. So you know, keep up this bullsh brother to me, the last party you throwing? Matter with you calling me after the language? The language? Bro? Hold on? Hold on. First of all, I didn't know Breathe live with someone in nineteen Hey, I've never seen anybody other than Breathe. Okay, yeah, because I worked my ass off. Dog. Who are you Marcus? Okay? So so okay, I'm Marcus. But let's just calm down. Like I said, I'm trying to do is invite Breed to um, you know, to a party. Now, Bree ain't coming to the penny party? Boy? What the what the matter with you? Okay? So let's let let me ask you this, sir. I called for breath I don't know, yeah, and you got Gary. If I don't know, I don't know nothing about no Garry. Okay, so Breed would have to let me know that that she doesn't want to come to the party. But um, I since I thought I had to write a number for Brie, well I'll do is find out how to get in touch with Breathe directly, because once again I didn't know I was getting in contact with a Gary. I thought I was get in touch with Breathe. Yeah. Yeah, you're gonna be worth much to Breathe man when I cut that golf, who for you to call me? That's my girl, that's my girl. Okay, so it's your girl, all right. But like I said, I didn't know she had a boyfriend or anything. But that doesn't stop me from asking Brief if she wants to come to the party. Yeah, well, she ain't single. She's not single. The only the only thing single in nineteen ah is that single barrel. That's the only thing that single up in nineteen eight. Okay, So let me answer this man. How long have you Breathe been together? And I don't worry about what the guy in with my girl? Who the are you? Hey? I think I think Bree can make her own decision or she want to come to the party. I just called her directly. I just got the wrong number mixed up, that's all it is. No, you got the right number, Marcus, you got the You got the right number and the wrong mother. So like you're trying to say, brief can't make up her mind on the she want to come to the party, and nine you can make up. She can make up her mind if she wants to. I think she has made it up, Marcus. I think she has. Well, how do you know that? I haven't even asked her to come to the Pandhi party? Hello? What do you want, Marcus? What you really want? I won't breathe at the panting party. That's why you won't. You can't have breathe at no pandy party. That's mine. Listen, I'm not I'm at work right now. Don't come in here with this boat. I've been in that building for years. I've never heard no pandy party before. Are you gonna ask her to come to the panty party? Or do I need to ask that Penny party, and you marcus my girl coming to no damn panty party? All right, all right, I see what I gotta do now. I gotta go to the doorman and get Brihanna's get Breathe number. And I asked her to come because you're not gonna pass on the message, but I want her to have Let me let me tell you something. You better not come to the doorman. You better not come to nineteen eight. That's my girl. Stay then away from her. Okay, okay, okay, all right, cool. So I mean, I don't know what else is saying parties in a few days, and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna let up until I can at least give Brie and I'm an invitation to come out to the panty party. Your invitation, Brian coming up. The only mother you can see there is me. So let me ask you this, are you as saying the brief panties? Do you not want her? You do not want us to see her in the in the in her panties. I mean what, we don't worry about me or my girl or her pennies. You got me, you got me? Okay, all right, man, I'm not if I wasn't never work. I crossed mother, lucky you caught me at work. I know you were at work. And because somebody told me you were at work. You know who told me you were at word? Gary could have told you that I was at work. Mother. You know Bree told me you were at work. This is a nephew time me from the Steve Harvey Morning the Show. You just got I told you see three? What the hey, Hey Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, listen to me. This is nephew tim me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girl Brianna got me to plank phone call you. This is a prank. You are right, mane you are man. I'm in the broom closet right now. Your ass out, man, Get your ass out the broom closet. Man, you may come home. How you doing me late? That at work? Man? I need this job. I got bills the fade, yo. Man. Your girl got me to prank you. Man. She said you gotta brank my boyfriend and get dead in his ass. All you gotta do and say something about me. He gonna go straight crazy. Oh my god, out of here. Oh come on, broh, my god. I love y'all. Show do me like that. It's what we'll do. Baby. It's twenty twenty and more to come. And I got one more question, man, what is the baddest, not mean, the baddest radio show in the land. That's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come over, I'll see that now. All right, thank you of you coming up at the top entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Eric Trump is no longer one of America's first sons, so guess what, he can't fly on Air Force one anyway. The ex president's son, Eric, his wife and kids all flew commercial on Delta in what coach whoa whoa world. Yeah, I'll be back there. Yeah. They were on a flight from Florida back to New York. But they did get escorted to the plane by Secret Service. They got on board and put their stuff in overhead bins and Trumps they did mass Wow. They don't say anything to the did they took a couple of selfies out? Yeah? Yeah, what you say? It's over precious sit on that in Florida, all right. So right now, though that's hard to go from Air Force One all the way down the coach off like that, how they get in first class? At least get on the other side of that curtain. You ask from Air Force one down the coach seat the Secret Service, where were they in first class? Hey man? But you know what that's equivalent to. That's like living in the penthouse on Fifth Avenue and then living on top of the liquor store on Wade Paul, Sorry for them, yeah, and other entertainment news. According to People magazine, one lucky winner will get We'll get to team up with Morgan Freeman. Okay, you know you don't come on Freeman, you guys all right? I love him? You know I love him. Uh. It's the charity fundraiser site. Oh May's it's making that happen with the contest to win a video call from Morgan Freeman. Okay, you can win a video call from him. The winner will then get to team with Morgan to prank a loved one. As a bonus, you'll get an outgoing voicemail message recorded by Morgan Freeman. The charity's benefitari style I can do. Look that's who I like. The charity's benefiting from the prank or the Tallahatchee River Foundation and the ACLU ac LU Foundation. So cal don't you Why don't you get into content. Don't think I haven't thought about it. I mean how to voicemail and go time. Don't think I haven't Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Charity Strawberry. I I'm caller ID I knew I was you call it. It's him. It happened day. Yeah. So anyway, it's for charity. It's for a great cause. It's for a great cause. You don't have to worry time. But anyway, Um, yeah, I think that's great. He's making it happen for people. Yeah, you thinks for charity. That's good. We all give back. I love it. Come on, Andy de Frank, come on, will be excited. Yes, listen to prank phone call. You just got dranked by Morgan Freed. What what I just prank? I like harmony. People are gonna be talking about, well, where the hell is Tommy at dope, Ladies and gentlemen, without further a dude, please welcome miss an trip. Okay, good morning everybody there. This is a trip with the news or. More than one hundred fifty people are facing federal charges in connection with the Capitol Hill riot earlier this month, dozens more face charges in Superior According prosecutors are saying there'll be more suspects charges. You can expect that. Acting US Attorney for Washington DC, Michael Sherwin says there's some four hundred cases, as a matter of fact, are open and under investigation right now, and the FBI and local law enforcement have reportedly been collecting more and more evidence every day, which includes stuff like when material from grand jury subpoenas and even search warrants, so investigators could possibly build more complex cases which would then involve much more serious charges. Okay. One hundred senators were sworn in yesterday for the Senate impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, although the trial won't begin actually till the week of February eighth. Actually it is the ninth, the Tuesday when it is supposed to start. Trump is charged with a single count incitement of insurrection, and that's for allegedly provoking the Capitlohill riot. Seventeen Republicans would have to join Democrats in order to convict Trump, however, and President Joe Biden says he doubts that's going to happen. Meanwhile, it looks like there's been a meeting of the minds between Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and the new Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer about power sharing in the Senate session. I'm glad we're finally able to get the Senate up and running. My only regret is that it took so long, because we have a great deal we need to accomplish over the next several weeks and months. Governors across the nation, meanwhile, are expressing frustration with the supply of COVID vaccine, saying they can't keep up with the demand, and President Biden says his administration is trying to catch up. Apparently there wasn't enough, he says, ordered by the Trump administration, Mister Biden says that the US has gotten commitments from vaccine producers to make more serum as quickly as possible. Lay this week, mister Biden will reportedly reopened the federal marketplaces for buying health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, and also lower the barriers that were set up by President Trump to receiving medicaid. Yesterday, the President focused on racial equity. Mister Biden says that the candidate he said that racial justice would be one of the major problems that he wanted to tackle, along with COVID nineteen, climate change, and the economy. Today, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a new report says that anti Semitica incidents in this country continue to climb up by nearly one hundred and twenty four percent between twenty fifteen and twenty nineteen. Jewish sadies point to swassikas on street corners in California and Virginia, the shooting of Jewish worshippers, and the chance of white men carrying tiki tortures in Charlottesville, screaming the Jews won't replace us. Apparently, one of the most looked up words that year was lockdown. They even made songs about it. The way she sings it makes it sound good, right, lockdown Down. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show. Are your neighbors asking you for more favors? Because with the pandemic everybody is at home more? You know that, So are your neighbors asking you to do favors like um watch their kids, loan tools, pick up or check to see if there's a package at the door. Helped them move, help them carry things, helped them shovel snow. So, Steve, I gotta ask you this, what was the worst or what was the best neighbor you ever had? Wow? But I guess I guess the best neighbor over head was when I lived in Cleveland on Hunting twelve Street. Mister Cook, next dope, Mister Cook was the best neighbor over Heady Bobby Q. Usually let me come over and taste it. You know that nice? Where I live now, I ain't even seen no neighbors. I don't know where they at. You don't know your neighbors. Why not? Well let me tell you why. I don't know how they know the neighbors. Yeah, because the next neighbor is a mile and a half. It's when you got that minute acres, that stretch. He can't see the next house. Girl, plead, I just don't think I live in a neighborhood where neighbors, you know, having neighborly relationship is like really open and welcome. It's not that type you know. You know, ain't no sidewalk, you can't walk down, let none of that. So call it. They don't have h o a where he lived. Okay, ain't ain't none of that. They don't have that. No, ain't no, can he do something? Ain't none of that. They'll have neighbor who watch where he lives. Neighborhood he got neighborhood, No not people that own these houses in his neighborhood. All their staffs get together and they meet. But there ain't no h O eight ain't know. We're fena talk about these streets like yeah, I know. Wow. Do you all know how Tommy knows all of this? Because because Tommy lives in the chateau and when you live in the chateau. Yeah, now okay, things like this, you know, you know all this type stuff. See, he knows how I'm living because he right there. Oh god, you knows I have. I've been talking. I know something. I ain't been over there? Who who is? What's his name? Pierre? I know one? Yeah the hell you know? Got a damn neighbor name? Pierre. I'm saying, is he French? Name? My neighbors and Bill all right, listen coming up At thirty four minutes after the hour, a quick round of asked the CLO. Right after this, Pierre, you're listening to show all right? Time now for a quick round of asked the CLO. The Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey is in the building. Steve, you're ready. This one is from Domino in Las Vegas. Domino says, I'm a twenty eight year old single female and I'm engaged to be married, but my fiance's mother doesn't like me. His mom and my mom went to high school together, and his mom said my mother was popular and referred to her as a mean girl. My mom is a little bougie, okay, but that has nothing to do with me. I'm nothing like my mom, but I'm a respectable young woman. I don't want to live the rest of my life with a man who can't persuade his mom to stop holding grudges. Is there any way to get through to her. It's your mama, dog now now now, it ain't nothing you can do. Something happened between her and and his mama. Something happened between your mama and his mama back in school. Something DA ain't talking about it. She mistreated. I think your mama probably saying something bushi to or talk down to her to the boy's mama, and he ain't forgot it, and she taking it out on you. That's all it is, and we can't help you on this show with that. Okay, See you can't get through to her to his oh mom? All right? Moving on w D and Baltimore says, I've been working for over thirty five years and I'm past a retirement age, but I can't leave my job because it covers up my double life. My hours were reduced four years ago, so now i work eight am till noon, and then I'm off to my girlfriend's house to relax until it's time to head home around six pm. Wow, my company is forcing me to fully retire in June. I knew you'd like this, Tommy, and I'd be sick over it. I've been sick over it. I've been married twenty six years and I would never leave my wife. But I'm sure she suspects something. Should I be honest with her and hope for the best. Well, listen to this man. I don't know how you didn't fake it this long cause you work in half a date. I'm pretty sure they're not giving you a whole check. So these years that you've been working half a day getting that half a check, I guess your wife ain't say nothing about that. All I can tell you, dog, is when they fully make you retire, I think then you can act like you've been at work and just go over that all damn day. Just stay over there from eight to five. What happened when though Tommy, he's not divorcing his wife, but he's not gonna leave his girlfriend. See, he's not looking for a solution. He talking about shit. He come clean, fool? What the dog? Dog? Dog? What are you fitting walking there and say to your wife? That's gonna sound anything like, oh oh oh, that's what you've been doing. Oh okay, you're gonna mess around and get killed? Ki l what he kilt? How would he say, Steve if he did say, hey baby, hey baby, look can we talk? Um? You got a minute? Um? Hey, you remember when UM don't know how I can say this here? You remember when I told you that we we weren't gonna hand no lights on for a while, and we had to cut back on grocery shopping instead of going every sad day. Remember, we had to just start going, you know, two sad days out the month instead of every Saturday. Um. You remember that. You remember when I you? Yeah? You you remember when I told you that I was saving for retirement, and I wouldn't. I wanted to surprise you with the money, so I was taking half of what I was making and put it in a special account. You remember, Remember I had told you that, Yes? Remember? Okay, Well I've been I've been going on the work half a day and then the other half. I've been going over this wom's house and wait until six o'clock to come home to you. Coming out back for nap. For your real praying phone call. Right after this, we're dead. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject my husband is a thug and a prominent pastor. What but uh, right now, the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Nap? Diva lounge, Diva Loud. Let's try come on cat, Yeah, Lornette, I'm trying to um. You don't want to own the Diva Lounge? Right? Yeah? All right? Okay, my aunt trying to um. My ain't phelish. Was trying to get an appointment. Say ya already rejected her or something like that. On getting an appointment for this pass said that she wanted to get get in and get get her hair dead. I'm sorry, sorry, no one rejected her. Right now, I'm not accepting any new clients. Hold on, so what do you mean you're not accepting no clients. That's the part I'm not trying to understand, because my ain't philis. You know, she didn't call up there like two times. And what she's telling me about she can't get in there, uh de allounge, that she can't get in there and get her hair done, because every time she called, they saying that they you know, ain't wan't nobody take her give her an appointment? Sir, I am the only salast at the dev Allounge, and right now I am not accepted to a new clients. I am so fard for your aunt, but there are other ones in the area, But right now I am not accepting any new clients. No hold on, hold on, wait, wait, man, my ain'ty one that she want to come there? That question. I'm just saying this here trying to get ain't trying to get her. We've done. She can excuse me. You just cursed me out for nor apparent reason. I just I just live because basically, what I'm trying to say is I don't understand how it is you can't get my any hair done. She trying to get her We've done so she can be right for church. So I don't understand the problem. But the problem is you're attacking me. You're gonna call me talking about your damn all right, what's the bamned apartment? But you're cursing me out. You don't be You're an appartner with me talking to me like dinner now, okay, so what excuse me? Let me talk because you just cursed me out. Now he's gonna hear what I have to say. So I'm not accepting any new clients at this time. Now she could have called, but right now I'm not. I'm just not accepting any clients. I apologize because there's nothing else I can do. I work because you know what, I already know the deal because I didn't already asked round town. You you got all the everybody over there, got all these big time cards, beamers and rains rovers, so them to people them only the people you do. You can't do, so my ain, you can't listen. Let me tell you one damn thing. I don't discriminate. I don't give a damn what you dry out down four, piss off all I care. I got to wipe outside of my damn said his book. And I cannot take any more you lud. There are a thousand damn towards in Montgomery that you can go to. Let me, let me, let me, let me say, let me say this to you. Uh what's your name again? Law? Let me tell you this right here. Bringin. I'm gonna bra up there. I'm bringing you you. You're gonna shut up while I'm talking. Hey, look, I'm gonna braying my anti up there, damn talking. I'm sorry, n no, but you ain't gonna just reject my anie. She's trying to get her hand different. Okay, hold on, Professionalism is about to go out the door with your Now. I have been fright to be professional with your that you just called me. But you you insist on hurting me out, and I haven't done anything to you. I have said so I cannot take on any new clients, but you insist some cursing me out. I assist. I assist on somebody doing my any hair, somebody, damn it. I have not the damn salon. You won't get it done here. I'm trying. Oh no, you're gonna you're gonna do it, because I'm gonna bring my Anie up there on side to do it. I'm gonna do it how you're gonna make me what you're gonna You're gonna do what you're gonna do with. Somebody gonna put somebody's gonna put this. I'm telling you now, I can go from debo to one hundred real. I'm trying to be professional with yours. But right now that's the one out the door, because right now you been so disrespectful to let me say this again. Said, I'm coming up there somebody putting my Amie weaves and huge weed. Sorry, I don't do weed. I only do short hair. That's what I specialize in. That's my strength. So you definitely have to find another salit. I don't know, we've killing it. Who got a hansel of don't do no weed? Who do this me? I don't do damn. You don't make no damn said, we're kind of damn hairstyle. You just a short hair style that don't make no damn sense. Well, that's what the specialized me as a matter of fact, on damn good at it for around. If you you research me, you've already done your damn research on a round. Google me, that's what you do. Google me. I'm a bed. Can't hear you what I tell I. Let me say this, look at it. Don't come for me now because I'm ready for you. You know what, I'm not even gonna be sitting here going back and forth with you. I'm gonna say it is sad that I'm coming up there and somebody gonna do my ain'ty weed. But bottom line, how we are gonna be done for church on Sunday? Oh do you think you're talking? Shoe? You listen to me, I'm so time of your pocket. If you don't went about asking everybody about me you're talking to know that I don't do nothing but short hair. I don't who know? We fat not as to do your damn your hair? You dr eyes can go to hell, that's what you can do. Because I don't know about you. I caused to be professional with you, which is stupid? Isn't his tail? And then your bell? She gotta requested to self, what's your stupid? Don't call me no more? Because I don't. I don't appreciate you calling my damn sail. I don't know who to who. I clearly don't get any my damn knock because this is a damn farther the number I hadn't even given no damn by then he signed damn carding my damn fick a lot. I listen because in my part a lot, I don't not a show. Ward me watch you let me you know what. Let me just tell you this here. Tommy one gave me your damn number, told me that if I talk to you, you would do my eighty hair cool Tommy, com me one, I don't know, Yes you do? Yes, you do? You know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Marty Show. You know him, don't you? Oh god, nephew Timmy from the Steed of Harvey Show. That be me Miss lonetto Oh lord Jesus, you are so Let me tell you something. Dammy and Paul told me Lonetta is real cool, but she's twenty five percent ghetto. Oh my god, but you I tell you this. Why you're Tommy, you from this is because you told to me. I don't know. Listen, I'm from this lood. So I am. I'm gonna my partners to come up there. Start with my brother, right, you know all of us would have been I'm sorry, but this has been a crazy serious for me. But I love you and I love the show. You know what, I'm coming to Montgomery. I'm gonna stop by this. Steve Allowns, you got over there. We always a hardest one up in Montgomery. You gotta do this from me. What is the baddest radio show in the list? Steve Harvey Warning Show? Yeah, you play short hair specialist? What do you mean about your nephew, Steve? You know that that wasn't you. That was good ass prank. That was good prank. You know I liked it, you know, especially the angle he took about because she's short hair specialist. Yeah, that was it. I hope you're listening to Morgan Freeman. I hope you're listening that. Yeah. Yeah, Morgan Freeman is doing frank phone calls now for charity. Tommy. He ain't gonna be good at this dog. Yes, we're gonna don't don't even worry about him. Yes he is all right, thank you. I'm nice Strawberry letter. My husband is a thug and a prominent pastor. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. See that buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject my husband is a thug and a prominent pastor. Okay, Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been married for seven years. I'm forty three and my husband is thirty eight. But he acts like the world owes him something and always has a chip on his shoulder. He is argumentative and I want to be thug. He grew up in a rough area and he had to make it out of a hood on his own, but he won't acknowledge that he's in a much better place spiritually and financially now. He will preach a good sermon on Sunday, but Monday through Saturday. He curses, drinks, and he's a womanizing thug. He curses like a sailor, and he loves to brag about fighting and who's behind. He could whoop if he had the chance. He's cheated on me twice. The second time it happened, I checked out of the marriage. I would love to divorce him, but I can't because he is my sole source of income. I got laid off in April of last year, and I'm having a hard time finding a full time job. He stands in the pulpit on Sundays while I sit amongst the two or more women he slept with at the church. A few Sundays ago, a female church member approached me and said my husband made inappropriate remarks to her. I told her that she should tell her husband. A couple of days later, my husband came home and said he got into a verbal altercation with the lady's husband, and I acted surprised. My husband was flustered and embarrassed. I'm thinking all of the men in the church need to know what he's up to. The two church members he slept with are married, and I think their husband should know what my husband has been doing. Should I start a war at the church or leave vengeance up to the Lord? Well, I'll say no, definitely, don't start a war at the church. And the first lady, you know, the Bible does say vengeance is mine. You know that vengeance's mind saith the Lord, so you already know the answer to that. The question is what are you going to do? I mean, I'm trying to figure out how you're still with him. He's a hypocrite. He's supposed to be a changed man, and you know all of that practice what he preaches every Sunday. And you know, of course, I'm not saying that he should be perfect, because you know he's still a man of course, but nothing in the letter says that he's a man of God except for that he goes Sunday and preaches and preaches a good sermon. But after that money through Saturday, you know he's all in this thug life or whatever he's been trying to do. You say, he's a womanizing thug, but then you're dependent upon him financially, so that makes it hard for you to leave. He's a cheater. You've been humiliated every Sunday when you see these women's faces your man is sexually harassing women at the church, and it just wrong. He's just wrong on every level. I mean, you can't change him. But I guess, you know, I guess you should be planning your escape. I mean I say escape because you got to get away from him at least for a little while. You gotta do something. I mean, he's not showing any signs of stopping, not showing any signs of remorse or anything, and he's being very disrespectful and self destructive, you know, really trying not to. I do ask you this, Try not to make any emotional decisions like telling the husbands. You know, like you said at the end of the letter, let God handle that. You just continue to look for a job because you know something's going to give eventually. See if you have any friends or family members you can trust that maybe can help you. And in the meantime, maybe you could suggest counseling. I doubt if he'll go, maybe you can suggest that. But definitely you have to change your situation, your pattern, what you're doing, so to start saving up if you can, you know, get a little part time job or something you're looking for full time, but you've got to get out of there, because this is not healthy, especially for you, Steve. You know this letter right here, it starts off as a major conflict, just the subject. My husband is a thug and a prominent pastor. What Okay, let's just deal with that. He's a pastor part because he's really not a thug. He's really really not He's nothing in this letter he does is thuggish. I'm just but we but he's supposed to be a pastor, So let's get with the conflict right away. He acts like the world ohs. And first of all, you took forty three and he thirty eight. What did he say to you to get you in the first place? I don't even understand this here, but that ain't what the letters about. But let me show you the conflict of him being a prominent pastor. The first thing, he acts like the world owes him something. Here's another one. He always has a chip on his show. Here's another one. He's argumented. And last but not least, he's a wanna be thug. How to hell did he get to be the pastor? I mean, just these four qualities right in here. How did he become a prominent pastor? He grew up in the world in the rough air, had to make it out the hood on his own. How many you know, how many of us got that story free on this show, on this show, that damn to everybody I know, that's anything damn near got that story. Every hell all us on this show got that story. So what is he talking about? He don't acknowledge that he's in a much better place spiritually. What I can't tell? I'm just let it just too much for all? Right, here we go. He will preach a good sermon on Sunday Bowl Monday through. He cusses, he drinks, and he's a womanizing thug. Okay, now, let's let's let's go back. He's your husband and you're putting up with the cussing, the drinking, and womanizer. He's just like a sailor, loves a brag about fighting, hold on and who's behind he could hope if he had a chance. We'll have part two of Steve's response twenty three minutes after the hour subject my husband is a thug and a prominent pastor. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter, the subject, My husband is a thug and a prominent pastor. All right, the prominent pastor has these following quality the world. Oh he acts like the world. Oh him something. He always got a chip on his shoulder. He's argumented and he's a wonner. Be thug. You're married to him. He worked his way out the hood, but he won't acknowledge that he's in a better place because he wants to hold up this little thug mentality for some dumb ass reason. He'll preach a good sermon on Sunday, but Monday through Saturday he cusses, drinks, and he's a womanizing thug. So he has a lot of women. And obviously you know this because is like a sailor. He loves a brag about fighting and who's behind. He could whoop if he had a chance. You always got the chance to jump on somebody. If that opportunity is available twenty four seven, you're just going over there and start to fight, if that's what you want to do. He just talking, He running his damn mouf. He whooping nobody ass. But this dude right here is worse than that. Now you said he's cheated on me twice. The second time it happened, you checked out the marriage. Then you say I would love to divorce him, but I can't because he's my sole source of income. Okay, now we have to deal with this part for a second. So I understand that. I mean, look, don't don't think I don't. So I got it. You You ain't got no means of taking care of yourself and everything. I get it. I'm not naive to that. But now let's go with what you have to swallow to have this roof over your head and cartage dry. He acts like the world owe him something. He's argumented, got a chip on his shoulder. He's sleeping with women at the church. You know about it, And you got to deal with all that if you want to keep having the key to that house. I just I don't. Is it worth it? Is it worth it? You know? I would love to divorce him, but I can't because he's my sole source. Synfig I got laid off in April last year, having a hard time finding a full time job. He stands in the poor pits on Sundays while I sit amongst the two or more women he slept with at the church. Who you. You're a bad girl. You you you're a bad girl. Man. You use a bad girl, and you gotta swallow a lot. Look, I don't know where your relatives at. I don't know who you could move in with temporarily. I don't know if you think you're walking away from something leaving it to somebody else. But you ain't got nothing though. I mean, he's doggish, man, This dude is doggish, but he're the one that got it. A few sundays ago, female church member approached me and said, my husband made an inappropriate remark to her. You told her you should tell her husband. A couple of days later, my husband came home, said he got into a verbal altercation with the lady's husband and acted surprised what happened. All that ass whipping. He was gonna die, remember that? Remember that. You know, if you really wanted to whip somebody ass I this was a perfect opportunity. Dude up in your face, accusing you of something, you probably gonna act like you didn't do. So you're gonna act like you didn't say it. You got to because you're the pastor because you can't admit it, because you know if you admit you did what you said, you know this dude gonna light into you. So your little husband is a little coward. Now my husband was flustered and embarrassed once again. What happened to this ass whoopen he'd been wanting to do? See the man approach you? Now you flustered in the back. Where is all these ass a man? When you come on? Give me one? Come on, Jack Johnson, show me something. All right, I'm thinking of all the men in the church and that need to know what he's up to. The two church members he slept with, a married and I think that husband should know what my husband has been doing. Okay, now your husband has been talking about whipping a lot of people's behind. But if you go to these women, husband and telling this hen he showed gonna be involved as ass what was then? And he ain't gonna on't neither one of them. But they're gonna do something to your husband, see you, They're gonna do something to him. Man. So I agree with Shirley. I don't think you should say it to them. I think the bigger problem for you is what you're gonna do. I think that's the bigger problem. I think your situation. You should start focusing on you. You've already checked out the marriage. It ain't much of a marriage. What you're willing to lose you don't have. You don't have no cause. He's disrespectful, he's misleading, he's overbearing, he's the bully poor pit, he's abusive to you. He treats you any kind of a way. And if I were you, I would just find a way to remove myself from that situation. All you got to do is gone about your business. You ain't. You ain't got to do nothing. You can't stand in the poor pit claim to be God's man and be doing what you want. You might be getting away with it to them people, but you ain't getting away from God. You can walk away from this, Go set yourself up, Go stay at relative's house. Get out of that situation, because the London Bridge is falling down. All right? Post your comments. Thank you Steve on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after Junior Sports Talk right after this you're listening show. All right, guys, get ready Junior is here with sports talk. What you got, Junior, Okay, surely may ask you something? What dude, Dominique Dolls, O Gabbie Douglas, h Simone Biles all having comment. They're all grumnists. Of course they're exactly because we got a new one on the rast. I tell you right now, we got a new one that's here right now. And this girl love. I don't know if y'all seen this though, but it was display of black girl magic and black last u c l a gymnast Nia Dennis. Yeah for a routine that girl there. Let me tell you something. I watched it by twenty times. This girl was cold. Yeah, it was all about our culture. We all have seen the viral video on social media where this young lady Nia Dennis did her routine to music by Kenji Lamar and Missus Elliott Tupac and she also saluted to the Greek fraternities and sororities. I just thought it was absolutely awesome. I've seen it by ten times. Man, this girl is gonna be the next gold medalist for you have to see this girl. Maybe she is the next gold medalist for us. I'm telling you she was deaf phenomenal man. And I mean just her routine alone. Though, when you say this routine, you'd be like, oh yeah, once you see is your word. Oh yeah, she got it. It's over, it's old. But it's just so proud watching her. Yeah, just saluting black culture and black pride. And you could just tell she was just proud to be a black woman at you see LA though. Yeah. Yeah, And we got to talk about her talent. Wasn't that Gramley, No you see that late? They didn't know sound great, let me yeah, but let me straighten your town. And I wasn't saying that in a negative way about Gramling. I'm saying she did this in a platform where you normally don't see it. You dun't school like UCLA or something like that. No, no, yeah, it was a gymnastic competition and they beat out her team beat out Arizona State. Uh yeah. Their gymnastic team at UCLA is a very good gymnastic team full of talented tumbling. Yeah, she's so talented. Her templing is it was it was, It was crazy. It was now switching gears now and other sports news. Days after the UFC lightweight uh dustin Port beat Connor McGregor. McGregor just woke up. We just heard word. He just woke up yesterday he said he want a rematch. He just woke up and the first that I hit my world when everybody was gone, lights was out. He didn't want to rematch. Of course, when you get your ass hoop, everybody want to fight again. Because we was all watching, we saw it. I don't suggest it, Connor, I don't really suggest it. I just think just take that ass hoop and then move on. They's just five pick a key in or somebody who show. All right, Junior, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some more trending news for you right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending COVID nineteen news. President Joe Biden just like the sound of that. President Joe Biden is working hard in his first one hundred days. According to CNN, yesterday, the president announced a measure aimed at ramping up coronavirus vaccine allocation and distribution, including the purchase of two hundred million more vaccine doses. With those additional doses, the president said there would be enough to fully vaccinate three hundred million Americans, which is the entire population by the end of summer and early fall. Wow, he's on it. Yeah, you gotta get that done. Yeah, you know, I did some research. I was trying to figure out how much the vaccine costs. This is just on the internet. The Fiser price and the Maderna price is two different prices. Now they don't cost you to get the vaccination, but how much Fiser and Maderna is making off this vascination is unbelievable money per dose. There's nineteen dollars and some sent one of them is high. I can't remember which one it is, but on the internet, I just looked it up. Each dose is nineteen dollars, about twenty You gotta get two doses or that's forty dollars a person. Yeah, three hundred million times forty dollars. Do the man? Yeah, yeah, Weller is making some money. I think Madernas is more expensive. Now they have one that is a one shot dose. Haven't figured out what Johnson and they've also said that this new strain of coronavirus that's in South Africa, they're now saying that it does work against that strain. I just read that today. Yeah, so you know there's a lot going on. But yeah, and another COVID new Steve doctor Foulci says that wearing two masks is better than once. When I asked whether the practice of double masking offers more protection, the White House Advisor said, doctor Foulci said it likely does. During an interview on The Today Show Monday, uh Foulci said, so if you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on, it just may common sense that it likely would be more effective. That's the reason now you're seeing people uh better either doubling up their masks or doing version. I'm just gonna say this about it, Shirley, and I'm not trying to be contrary or anything like that. I'm just wearing one. Damn man. I'm too hard to breathe. Man. Yeah, man, there's no way I could put another damn mask on, because now we're talking about we don't even I'm not wouldn't even be worried about COVID. Then I'm wearing about killing myself and just mask. It's hard. But I wore two masses past weekend when I went to Dallas that I was hot. Yeah, but I have the thing you get hot when when, especially around crowd. You're gonna be around a crowd, you know, try to up. He talked about too man, but when foul he said it. Hein't had no mask on. I'm not wearing too eat. I'm witch it's too hot, but you ain't doctor it's too And I'm gonna tell you another thing too. Let me tell you something. We got big ass lips. No more you can't tell you. Yeah, I didn't stretch my mask out to the point where you can't even it's it's snow more fabric to be stretched. Yeah, Yeah, I'm with you when you're right mask. I don't man, he chained rule. Yeah, I never get my drive through order right with one mask. High in the hell, I'm gonna he'll never get you right with one. I'm gonna wear the mask though, I just I ain't fitna wear I'm sorry to wear the mask. You gotta wear it, you gotta wear it. Yeah, but some people are wearing double masks. They're trying to Pete Boodha Judge is one they were seeing. He was seen at the inauguration wearing two and Amanda Gorman, America's poet laureate wore two masks. So it's catching on slowly but surely. So we'll see, well in a crowded I mean, you know, like when you're a crowded situation. I get it, but I ain't you going to be around that movie? Yeah. More of today's trending stories on the Steve Every Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, some bad news for fans of child cut coconut milk. I hope I'm saying that right. The product, which comes from Thailand, has been dropped by Costco. It's been dropped by Target and Wegman's. Where's Wegman's What City following revelations that the company has been using check this out, Steve. They've been using forced monkey labor to pick coconuts from trees. Okay, ain't I paying the monkeys? So what is? Peter has started an investigation, uh into the alleged alleged animal exploitation. They did this back in twenty nineteen, and apparently nish the hell out stop drinking my favorite damn coconut drink because they have made some monkeys go up in the tree to pick them. Who else supposed to go up there? They asked, No, They weigh up that tree better than anybody else. All this cotton, black people and pick. Ain't nobody from my bread t shirts. I wish the hell I would sit up in here and quit drinking coconut juice. Cost A monkey went up game got it, you said, Every monkey in the jungle up there to get it if you want to. How you think we're getting all these bananas in here getting him damn banana. Ain't nobody said nothing about the markets picking up them bananas and everything in the way. Be damn man, Peter can kiss my behind. I do how many damn monkeys they sent up there pick cotton for four hundred damn years, all these cotton brawls and stuff everybody wearing. Ain't nobody boy cotton that give me my damn coconut milk. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minut It's after right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show all right. Time Now for a quick round of Ask the clo the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey is in the building, Steve, You're ready boy. This one is from Domino in Las Vegas. Domino says, I'm a twenty eight year old single female and I'm engaged to be married, but my fiance's mother doesn't like me. His mom and my mom went to high school together, and his mom said my mother was popular and referred to her as a mean girl. My mom is a little bougie, okay, but that has nothing to do with me. I'm nothing like my mom, but I'm a respectable young woman. I don't want to live the rest of my life with a man who can't persuade his mom to stop holding grudges. Is there any way to get through to her? It's your mama, dog, now, ain't done you can do. Something happened between her and his mama. Something happened between your mama and his mama back in school. Something Dane talking about it. She mistreated. I think your mam wall probably saying something boos you to or talk down to her to the boys. Mama, and he ain't forgot it and she taking it out on you. That's all it is. And we can't help you on this show with that, Okay. See I can't get through tour to his own mom. Moving on w D and Baltimore says, I've been working for over thirty five years and I'm past a retirement age, but I can't leave my job because it covers up my double life. My hours were reduced four years ago, so now i work eight am till noon, and then I'm off to my girlfriend's house to relax until it's time to head home around six pm. Wow, my company is forcing me to fully retire in June. I knew you'd like this, Tommy, and I'd be sick over it. I've been sick over it. I've been married twenty six years and I would never leave my wife. But I'm sure she suspects something. Should I be honest with her and hope for the best. Listen to this man, I don't know how you didn't fake it this long because you're working half a day. I'm pretty sure they're not giving you a whole check. So these years that you've been working half a day getting that half a check, I guess your wife ain't saying nothing about that. All I can tell you, dog is when they fully make you retire, I think then you can act like you've been at work, and just go over there all damn day. Just stay over there from eight to five. What happened when Tommy he's not divorcing his wife, but he's not gonna leave his girl for years. See, he's not looking for a solution. He talking about shit. He come clean, fool? What what dog? Dog? What are you fitting walking there and say to your wife that's gonna sound anything like, oh oh oh, that's what you've been doing. Oh okay, you're gonna mess around and get killed kil killed. Coming up, it's our last break of the day, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this you're listening show, All right, here we go, last break of the day, last break of the day on this Wednesday. And it's been a good day, good day. Yes, you know what, don't I don't want to keep harping on this story. What story? So the whole thing about the coconut milk and coconut water, isn't it not two my favorite day of coconut water out of Costco, which is where I wouldn't getting it from nohow. But they didn't took it out because they didn't found out that they had had some forced monkey labor. What this forced monkey labor? Who came up with that damn turn? It was? We just killed no silly. They make me sick. He makes me sick. They care mobiut animals than they do people. Black lives matter. We got to get shot in the streets and all this to try to get some attention. But make a monkey climber damn tree or hell. Now, we gotta stop all this tree climbing. Now, you the monkeys was over that resting and watching TV. They got to go to school in the morning. And you're sending that monkey up that tree. Get your ass up that tree and get all them down cooking outside of there. Yeah, you're singing in a funny way. But it's really true. I mean it's it's it's really serious what you're saying. I don't give a damn with Peter, don't think it's funny, Steve Harvey, don't give a damn. Say never, monkeys up down and get them damn coconuts down here so we can get this coconut milk forced monkey label. We call this slavery. Yeah, force people labors call slavery. Now all of a sudden, you mad, cause the damn monkeys got to do something him. The monkey is getting fed. Look hill, Look hill. All the monkeys got some weather stay, they get fed. They probably get you. Probably eat all the coconuts you can bring down, you know, if you you know, if you bring down ten coconuts, probably get to eat one. I don't know what the situation is, but I'd be damned if we got to stop drinking coconut milk. Yeah, because it's a forced monkey label. I bet if they were sending people up there, they wouldn't even open they damn mouth. Right. Where are the people for the ethical treatment of people? Yeah? Come on, this is crazy? Yes is Yeah? What else is the monkeys doing? They did, but they didn't ask for that job? Man, Okay, but they let me tell you something. You can't make them go up the damn tree. Monkets go up there to get cocon up. See. I bet you, I bet you, And let me tell you something. How you think man got their first banana? Probably saw monkey eating one? And you think made friends with the money. Okay, I'm gonna take exactly how they did. They did it like they did America. They were sitting over there, they were started. A monkey was sitting up in a tree eating a banana. They called the monkey down and made friends with the monkey. Then they ate the monkeys bananas, and then they told the monkey to go up there and get him some more bananas. And they're time. The monkey went up there and got him banana. They had them come back down and they took all the bananas from the monkeys. And then they told the monkeys, this is our jungle, and I treat that you can't go up that unless you check it up. This sound familiar, You just sound like something that happened. Sound like how America came about to me. Now, all of a sudden, they're all over in Thailand or whoever, finding all the damn monkeys they want to take sides with, not not monkey rights, a monkey march, now though it really is. This is crazy, man. I'm just really and I don't give a damn, but I don't care numb about what Peter say about me. Look this president, we had set up there and told some people at a podium to cat ass down to the Capitol and go down there and and you. We gotta be combat ready. That was Giuliano made that and we cannot show weakness. The president said that y'all won't impeach his ass, but you want to take all the down coconut water off to shell. How some monkeys had to go up theren against they damn wheel and get it. Man, this country canney miss me with the way they beat man the stuff they take a side on it be so damned ignorant. And don't email me text me about what I said about Peter, because I promise you I don't give a damn until you start caring about people more than you care about animals. Look, I'm for the ethical treatment of animals, but I'm for the ethical treatment of people. I have a pen. I always treat animals good. I don't believe in abusing animals. But damn you didn't pull them out the stores just like that Costco and target all people that ran into the damn capitol. That was Trump fans. Who the ass that I want all the ass locked up in prison? They ain't got tired of you say much? No perform for tours. That's hey, that's a good ass work right there. That's called the organ grinder. He got the little cap on making money and everything. Some of the monkeys that's say, that's stay entry level into show business. That show business to you don't know, You don't know, you don't know how long I Mucky have been waiting on this opportunity. This could have been an opportunity of life with the organ grinder. Just in my shot into the big lights. I'm going to Hollywood, damn news, I'm going to Broadway, Thailand. Monkey on Broadway, don't stop me. Let your monkey's gonna take the shot. Munkey had been waiting on this chance his whole lights and here you asked, stopped him from climbing and dancing up in the tree. Oh man, I'm gonna go over there and get the same damn markets and go up in that tree and get up. And I'm gonna call it mucking milk, and I'm billions of dollars on it. I'm setting fucking milk. We gotta go home. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.