Good morning and welcome to the ride! We woke up today. Thank you Jesus!!! Too blessed to be stressed. Sister O'dell talks about Aunt Jemima, Butterworth, Magic City and more. We mourn the passing of Mary Wilson who was the founder of The Supremes. Tessica Brown spoke to TMZ to clear things up about her Gorilla Glue problem. The Chief Love Officer implores a woman to understand the rule involving 3. Superbowl LV set a record for number of live streams. The CLO returns to give ideas to singles for V-Day. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve shares with us the importance of being in touch with our spiritual side.
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Today's show is pre recorded, y'all know what time. I don't know, y'all have a suck down giving them like the million bucks things and its not true. Good together for st Please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn out. Then turn the water the water got come come on your h I sure will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice come on dig me naw one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. I was. I had my head down and it was thinking of what I wanted to say this morning. But it kind of, uh, it's kind of be something I've lived for a long time, and you know, for a long time, you know, I had a lot of faith in people. You know. It's strange too, because you know, you know, my mother was a Sunday school teacher, so of course I grew up around it, knowing the scriptures and things like that. Not not a lot of them, but you know, the ones I retained. But having her as a mother was was a huge help and understand about faith. But even with that, as I grew up, I began to put a lot of faith in people. And you know, I figured, you know, just like everybody else, you know, man if I could just meet this person, or if I could just sit down with that person, or man if I could just get this person to hear my ideal, or man if if this person could hear my track, or man if I could just get this in the hands or somebody in the know. I was, like everybody else, I thought that way. You know, I actually thought that if I could get in a certain situation with a certain person, that if a certain person were to meet me, that you know, it could change everything for me. Oh man, Oh how wrong I was? Oh how wrong I was? How long did I spend feeling that way? And how many of you out there possibly have felt that way before? You know, like even in a relationship, this is the person for me, and you know, you just lay claim to that, you know, not necessarily being a fact, but you just lay claim to it. This is the person for me, This is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You know. Sometimes, you know, we just lay claim to stuff and it's not always what's in our best interest or it's not always a fact, it's just what we decided we want it. And I was guilty of that, just like anybody else. And I spent a lot of years in my life putting faith in people. Man, if I could tell you anything this morning, it's to stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God where it counts the most. I mean, you can get something out of this one. See, here's a deal about a relationship with God. It's the same all the time. He never changes. His word is one absolute. His word doesn't have loopholes in it, none of that. It's this is what it is. He's very clear. Now, you can deviate off your end at a bargain, but it don't stop what he says from being true. But if he asked you to do something, if God asks you to to be a certain way, to do a little something a certain way, and you don't do it that way, then you know you could still possibly get by for a while. But don't you understand that his end of the deal stays the same, and as long as you're not doing it the way you're supposed to, the results are not going to be what you wanted to be. And I did this for years and years and years, and I counted on people and you know, I got myself in a lot of situations, and I got out one a dire situation that I'd been in for a number of years. But he had protected me from years prior to that. I didn't even know what was going on, and then he made it away. It made me aware of the problem. And then, man, lord ha mercy, I was in a dismal situation. And then at the end of the year, I was free, free from it all. But it was a decision that I had made that led up to that, and in going through that process, I had to learn something. Man. I learned a lot about people. See, if you want to learn about your friends, if you want to learn about your people people around you, get yourself in some trouble, get yourself in a situation. Oh man, you start looking around. Man, the field get real clear when you're in trouble. The field clear is out when you're in doubt, when you don't know what to do, when you need help it get real clear on the play and field. Then don't it. Ah. But when things is going right, it's time for a party. We throw on a celebration. We were gonna We're gonna do one down here. Oh man, there's plenty of people on the field. But but but get yourself in a situation. You find out rather quickly that old no, old no, everybody ain't here. And that's when I started learning. And I'm telling you, I had to start learning this for real until I finally got it to stop putting my faith in people and put all the mine in God where it counts the most. Now is that to say that there are people that you can't trust. No, that's not what I'm saying. I ain't say you can't trust him, but you can't dump your faith in him. I got it all riding on what he say. I got it all riding on what she say. Na, Na, No, I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna keep my own this situation because I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna take this faith of mine and instead of putting it in people, I'm gonna put it in God where it counts the most. Because his word is absolute. What he say he gonna do, he gonna do what he say. He's not gonna tolerate. He's not gonna tolerate. Now, you can make it, You can make it tolerable for yourself, but he's not gonna tolerate it. And that's just the end of the line. And so you know, I'm wondering how many people out there find themselves in a situation like me, or maybe you've gotten yourself in a situation because you put your faith in some people and now you wound up in a different type of situation. Now, let me ask you, whetting people, at the only one that I found when I was in my deepest trouble, when me and my wife were in our darkest situation, was God. It is the only one, was the only one who was just right there, right there, all the way through. Now, let me explain something to you. Because you have this relationship with God, it does not mean, it does not mean now that it won't get it won't still be a situation, you understand. But what He will do is protect you during that period. He'll cover you during that period that it is a situation. He will give you the strength to overcome the situation when it turns into a situation. Then when he cracks it open for you and the sun is bright and shining, what he don't want you to do is when he gets sunny again, to forget about him who was there when it was dark for you. See, I used to do that too, you know. I was Oh, man, I did it. I'm telling you right now, I did it. But I'm telling you man, when I learned a very serious lesson and I watched some people I thought were friends of mine just sort of casually remove themselves from the situation, then I said, okay. Me and Margie looked around. We said, okay, it's just me, you and God. And when we started conducting ourselves accordingly. So when it's sunny for us, we remember God. We stay prayerful, we keep talking to him. We thank him for the sunshine, we thank him for the dark days that he allowed us to do, who allowed us to survive it and turn it into sunny days. And we talked to him constantly to protect us of our future enemies. And that's what the deal is. So if I was everybody, I would stop putting your faith in people and put your trust in God where it really does count the most, It really really does. You're listening to, ladies and gentlemen, we are here in this morning time. It is a time for gratitude. It is a time to say out loud, however you choose to say it. But please start your day by saying thank you. I appreciate it. I shall do appreciate another day that you have given me with whatever measure of help you may have, the fact that you are here means that you are still on time, in time, and in some measure of health, and for that alone you ought to be grateful. This is Steve Harper Morning Show. Make no mistake about this now. And if you don't like the way that show started right there, it's something wrong with you. How can you not be okay with saying thank you when you didn't have nothing to do with waking yourself up this morning? It was not your alarm clock. Do you understand that, you know a lot of people's alarm gonna go off this morning and they're not gonna They're not gonna answer it. A lot of people alarm clock will go off this morning and they will not answer you. You heard George, You know why, because he shook you and woke you up so you could here. Thank You'll thank yah, Frank Shelling Strawberry, Hallelujah, hallelujah, Thank you Lord, Amen, Amen again, thank you Jesus I ain't in a while, but wanted, Yes, come on, yes, so King of Pranks, nephew Thomas who blessed to be stressed, who annointed to be disappointed? Right, hump dayDay? Yeah, yeah, that's what it is, hump day rolling them out here, rolling we can come. Ye. Valentine's Day, weekend, Valentine's baby, Let's don't get it, that's yeah, CLO got to thank or something. Yeah, we'll here a little later this morning from the CLO on how to do a romantic Valentine's weekend on a budget if you're staying home and stuff, you know. Yeah, you can tell them us all week. Yeah, some good suggestions. Yeah, really nice. My wife ain't here any Valentine's Day. So, yeah, you got Netflix, you got Discovery Plus. You didn't you didn't put him off on TV. He just didn't watch TV. What is he gonna do? Round you and watch the Netflix and Discovery Plus? And I remember my little later around Nigga with her, you know, but she's not there. Didn't you say that? Y'all just said she wouldn't hit Donald stop me from what I want? Oh, okay, you know what, Charlotte, I don't like you handing me like I'm a strawberry letter. I didn't like her advice. Yeah, I ain't like that advice at all. Don't do to me what I do to others. Okay, but wait a minute, Steve, of course you want to be with her. That goes without saying I won't too with you. We'll be back with Sister Odell in the building right after this. Hey, you're listening to show this woman crushed Wednesday and our girls. Sister Odell is in the building just in time. Yea moreing time, my lord, my lord, my lord. Good mornings everyone. Than morning morning, Shirley, Good morning, miss Sister Hotel, Hey Collie, Hey, Sister Odel. God bless you? How you doing? God bless you too? Junior mornings is Odell, Tommy, Yes, ma'am, good morning morning. Where's that boy? Oh Brown? Oh? He don't you don't come in? He come in? Seemed like every time he cames y'all on Wednesday, yes, yes, yes, when I come on Tuesdays here, Thursday, Monday and Friday, yes, Wednesday. Yeah, wasn't it well? Steve hired him, Steve, That's how Steve wanted to talk to Steve about that. Yeah, well, you know, he's made some stupid decisions in his life. Oh, Steve, he's just keeping Oh he didn't do he hadn't done something he regrets like we love Jay. Yeah, what's going on everyone? Well, I just wanted to know you sound good? Have you been staying safe and everything since you will tell you yes. Yes. I went down there and got the fascinations. Oh good, I don't know time. I got the one that you're doing him down at the gas station. No serious, uh huh no, ma'am, that's a day now. He's not gonna do it. Yeah, that's why was giving the thirty five hours. They charged your Yeah, they charged you. Okay, Um, did you know you know what, sister Della, I'm gonna take this conversation in a whole different direction. We're gonna get away from the gas station. And did you know Anjemima they're taking her name off the box, her likeness, her picture, this fictional character, Unma, Well that she ain't fictional. What is your mean? Fictional? Jamama? Yeah, you talk about Jamama Jackson. Yeah, her last name is Jackson. She ain't fictational. That. I never liked the hell of getting on the box anywhere. I told the wild ass, I say, you know, you're gonna piss a lot of black people off when the bandanna and everything talking about some slf and pancakes. Good thing we got it off in time for black history. Changed it till what there's a white woman on the box? Now, oh god, what car? Uh? No, man, it's a pearl. The Pearl Milling Company, Pearl Milling Company. They put a pearl bailey on a pancake. No, well, why not? They're putting Harriet on a twenty Oh well yeah, yeah, I wouldn't be made at pearl on the cold pearl be clean colored pearlies and went a ray, I d that not pearl on pearl and a pulling. Can't sail pancakes like that, though, you gotta look like the kitch you working. Yeah, the Pearl Milling Company, you know, they they're the ones who created it in the first place. Where as they're taking uncle being off the rice. Yah, perhaps yes, uh, they're gonna put a white man on the rice, and they're gonna put a white woman on the pancake, and a come, they're gonna close what white man? You don't know how to make? Right? Have you? Ever heard a white man. I'm just asking Butterworth, there's butter work out here. She might be stepping down. Well, you know it's Butterworth. I didn't know that was that fictitious boyster. Where are you looking for? And that's what's a pancake lady? What's cool? Sister? Because I take missus Ja Mama, Jamama Jack, Mama Jamma Jack. That's her sister, Butterworth. They all got in the pancake business at the same time black history. I didn't know she didn't things. You don't know. I know because I know these people. Yeah, how did you mean an' jr? Mima? I made ain't Jemima. We was down there at we was in a cooking contest, and uh they he had a white man back of her. You know. So she had a whole kitchen and everything, you know, just just turning out products. And she just turned out more products than the rest of us. And then they gave her own pancake mix. And then they told her they took the pancake mix and just made her the face. Then she wouldn't got a fat ass system. That's how they came up with the said for the word butter word Butterworth. All right, now, now we can Her name is Bathesma, but so they called a Butterworth. Oh this ain't funny to call it. Oh you go, I see you're preping your little lips something because you don't like to hear the truth about history. Oh that's the truth. And if he's Titian, then who was? I'm pissing out? Stay with us? Why what you're doing for Baltie going down the Magic City and saying some songs going down Magic City masking it. I'm taking mask brawls, panties, everything, because you know Valentine's Day on the Sunday, you're not gonna be stripping on the large day. Put some problems and anybody to go with you to help? Yeah, it needs help, you know, passing out the clothes and stuff. That Magic City gonna be hard. You got anybody in mind, I'd love to go help if you love them. One food. Thank you, mister O'Dell. I hate to interrupt, but we gotta go take you run that prank back as your wife. Can't you coming out? Next? You're listening Stave Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. We got miss Anne. She is standing by with today's national news and in entertainment news. We are all still so sad about the passing of icon legend, Miss Mary Wilson. We'll talk about her legacy at the top of the hour, but right now, time for some laughter. Come on, nephew, you're here with running that prank back? What you got? I got it? I got Valentine's Day gift card. Valentine's Day gift card. If you missed it, here it is. We're running it, bad cat dog, let's go Valentine's Day gift card. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Bryce. Yeah, right, hey Bryans, how you doing, man? My name is Alvin, bro. How are you doing today? I'm good man. What's up? Hey? Listen? Um, I know you're you're you're married, Jatricia? Right? Yeah, who who's this? Okay? Like I said, yeah, my name is Alvin, and I'm just trying to make sure I got the right person, man, because you, um, you have black half white, right from what I understand, Yeah, I'm gonna have black Who who the presidents? Why? Why are you asking me questions? What's going on? Say? No, no, no, everything's cool, man, everything's cool. Um. Uh, Trish so check this out. Man. Listen, I'm at work, man, say what you need to say? What's happening? Okay, listen, I actually dentally I sent I sent Trisious some flowers for Valentine's They're gonna get there on Friday. But I accidentally put a you know, I ordered the gift card along with it, and they put this gift card in tricious gift bag. And really that's that gift card should really be for my wife, and I was trying to see it. Maybe if you get to the gift bag before, maybe you could get it out for me so I could get that gift card. Oh okay, so you said you said my wife flowers for Valentine's Day? Right, yeah? Yeah, But that that's not the key. The key is that it's a gift card in there that I need. You know, accidentally sent a gift card and my wife. You just want the flowers to go to her. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I said the flowers man. Yeah, no problem, No, yeah, no, that's cool man. I'm this happens and we make mistakes all the time. How about this, how about you come on over and I will be more than happy to give you the gift card because I'm sure you know if you send with the flowers all, I'll just have to hand those that the gift card over to you, ain't and probably a nice uh speeding to you, stupid mother. Why enough would you ever call me about this? Hey man? And I didn't expect I didn't expect all this, Alvin, is it out hostility? Hey? Bro? All I'm trying to do with Like I said, I said, I ain't your bro. What do you mean you're doing? You didn't think there's gonna be host You send my good white flowers? Mother, But how do you even know my wife? How do you know trash? How do you know trait? I work in I work in the building with that Trish works in. You work with her? Okay, good, you don't work I don't work with her. I don't work for her company at all. But my you know, my floor is on a different floor. I work in a different company, but she works she works in the same building. So yeah, dude, I'm just trying to get the gift card. Man. I ain't even trying to trip dude, I ain't. So let me. So you sent some flowers when the flower's gonna be here. What time the flower's supposed to be here? The flowers getting there sometime Friday? Yea on Valentine's Say, okay, good, good, So how about you come down here on Fridays okay, and I will give the flowers a tresh and I will give you the gift cards. And you mentioned if I was half flack or half white, and I'll go ahead and let you know that both sides are gonna beat your mother, because you're gonna be the most ignorant mother I've ever met in my guy Like, I don't care if you're green, blue, yellow, lavender, I don't know what the you are, but you are the dumbest piece of sh I've ever met. You come here Friday. You come here, and you're getting your wife will get her great gift card, and my wife will get your flowers and everybody's gonna be happy. Hey, dude, what's what's all that's about? Man? Okay? Have you gone an hour with treds to you guys wanting for the lunch or you know, maybe a movie or I mean, how much how much time have you spent with my wife? I ain't, I ain't, I ain't spend no time with her? Why are you set her that? What do you mean you ain't spend no time with it? How you you seem to know all about her? You haven't gone out one time with my wife? No, I ain't never went out with her, So you just have a crush out my wife's Is that what you're trying to saying? You just actually sent them your bulls her? Is that what I didn't? Actually I didn't actually dentally send the flower. I sent him because I wanted her to have. She's a pretty she's a pretty lady. I wanted her to have the flowers, but I didn't want her to but I didn't want her to have my wife's gift card? Though? What did you think I was gonna be there? How did you think? How did it in your fucking crazy bulls mine? Did you think this this was gonna be? Okay? What if I called you right now, I'm like, hey, I set your wife? Can you send it back to me? How would you feel if I did the same to you? Well, I mean, you're talking about something different from flowers, and that seems that sounds like a little bit offensive. Don't you think? Oh, oh, that's defensive. Yeah, man, you know, I'm sorry, Albert. You're is Albert. It's not Albert, it's Albert. It's Alvin. Man, it's alb I don't give us what it is. Alvin. Come see me on Friday. I'm gonna have your gift card. I'm super excited to meet you. This is this is gonna be the best Valentine's Day of my can life? Come visit me. He sent the flowers to the house, right, I got the address that Tommy gave me. Who the is Tommy? He the one gave me the address he once told me, Tommy, Come, how about you and Tommy come over to the house. We'll have a we'll have a guys that I'll put on a game. I'm gonna have some pretzels. Why don't you both come over here? Okay? But why? Why? Why a hostility when somebody's showing your wife's No, there's no hostility whatsoever that you hear hostile. I just invited you and your boy Timmy to come to my house. That's not hostiles. I'm being hospitable. That's what it is. It's hospitable. Come see me, Come see me. Okay, So let me ask you something. Man, don't you take don't you dropped Trish off to work every morning? Yeah? I do, I do. Okay, Now, when y'all, when y'all riding to work, ain't y'all listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is not to see Harry Morrish. This is nephew timme me baby, come home, Bryce. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey morn Show. Your wife Trish got me to prank phone call you home run? Oh yeah, there's no way. Oh now I'm back. I'm pissed it again. And now I'm gonna through somebody as I'm like, who me this? Oh? Oh man, I am boiling. Holy she's gonna pay for this one. You gotta tell me, Bryce, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land above the Steve Harvey Bay And now you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Stupid and it's best gift car It's best. Yeah that's what he said too, Yeah about I love him? Man, Why don't you come on over him? Because you asked me was I'm bixed? Right? And the black and the white side, both of them gonna kick your okay, so you bought my wife some flowers though, right, okay, okay, and you put you up a gift card. Okay. Hey, hey, hey man, what's with all the hostility? All right? We got national and entertainment news at the top of the hour. You're listening to show. We're all still so sad to hear about the passing of Supremes founder Mary Wilson. Mary died suddenly Monday Monday evening at her home in Las Vegas. According to her longtime friend and publicist Jay Schwartz, she was seventy six years old. Mary, along with Diana Ross and a late Florence Ballard, co founded the Supremes and a Detroit housing project when they were just fifteen years old. This was back in the sixties. While Diana and Florence left the group, Mary stayed until the end. In nineteen seventy seven, Diana Ross everyone had something to say, and Barry Gordy, Motown founder, released a statement saying I was extremely shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of a major member of the Motown family, Mary Wilson of the Supremes. The Supremes were always known as the Sweethearts of Motown. Mary, along with Diana and Florence, came to Motown. Like I said, back in the early sixties after an unprecedented string of number one hits, television and nightclub bookings. They opened doors for themselves, the other Motown acts and so many more. Man. Yeah, I mean you know, Dinna Ross and the Supremes was the original girl group girl group. Yeah, because before them that were female acts in groups. But I think I think, well, in my lifetime, the Supremes was the first one to get out there on a national level. It was doing TV, Ed Sullivan and all of that. Yeah. Yeah, they were right where the first Yeah, and then they were next level though girl group. They were so fabulous and beautiful and that spawned all of these in vogue. Yeah, that's w child, the girls emotions, that name emotions. Yea, let me tell you something. The girls, Oh yeah, thank god, thank you. Quit playing with them now, the Jones girls, all of yeah, all of the girls. You've gone. Girls. Don't make me love somebody else. Keep on you keep her treating me the way you don't do it. I don't want to do it. Man. Yeah, baby loves stuffing the name of love. Where did my love go those? H Yeah? Absolutely. Mary Wilson leaves behind a daughter, a son, and seven grandchildren. In addition, she survived by a sister, a brother, cousin, three grandchildren, and a great grandchild. Our deepest condolences going out to the Wilson family. Yeah, but you're right, Steve. The Supremes, they they broke barriers. You know. It was yeah, because I love the Temptations so much, so I used to just love they at the same time they was Motown, yes, sir, Yeah, yeah, but see Motown had a stand. Yeah, you had to. When you signed with Barry Gordy, they taught you how to be a star. You know, you had to follow rouge. You had to you had to do things the Motown way. You had to dress a certain way, to a certain kind of way to do interviews, choreography. Because they met kings. Yeah, they met kings and queens. You know they really you know, they were all over in England with the Queen and all that stuff. So they had to know, you know, proper protocol and all of that. So yeah, they don't make a woman. Well, it's time for news. Everybody here, it is miss and Trip. Thank you very much, everybody. Good morning. Former President Donald Trump's second in peachment trial gets underway later today after a Republican senators joined with the Democrats in deciding that it is constitutional try the final president on charges of inciting insurrection. On January sixth, Democratic impeachment manager and Congressman Joan A. Goose said he was there. What we experienced that day, what our country experienced that day is the framer's worst nightmare come to life. Presidents can't inflame insurrection in their final weeks and then walk away like nothing happened. And yet that is the rule that President Trump asks you to adopt. Trump's legal team argued that, well, whatever the President said, even if it might have been a little reckless, that it only amounted to free speech. But impatient manager and Congressman Davis Cicillini said that free speech is one thing. This situation was something different. Plenty of other politicians have used strong language, but Donald J. Trump was president of the United States, and he said that made a big difference. The final Senate vote was fifty six to forty four in favor of starting. The trial is going to start at around noontime today Eastern time. Both sides will get each of them will get sixteen hours like two days, basically low over two days to make their case for conviction or acquittal. Donald Trump was reportedly not watching the proceedings when he was asked earlier he's not watching. He's not watching, But of course he was, and he says he's very very He said to be very, very angry and very I mean, like angry is like a mild word to describe how he apparently feels. President Biden, meanwhile, is said not to be paying attention to the impeachment travel but rather knuckling down on his quote American rescue plan. The President still holding firm on wanting struggling Americans to get fourteen hundred dollar COVID stimulus checks. He wants to make sure he keeps it to middle class people and not rich people. The National Transportation Safety Board says that pilot error was responsible for the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and six other people last year. The NTSB says the pilot was prohibited by federal regulations to penetrate the cloud. He wasn't supposed to do that, but the pilot, they said, intended to go up and over the clouds. He said he was going to do that, but he apparently he became disoriented once he got in the clouds and ended up crashing into a hillside below in Ohio and now fired white Columbus police officer claiming innocence and a point blank killing of an unarmed black man named Andre Hill. The judges said bail for this cop or former cop at three million dollars. A court record show Adam Coy, charged at one count each of murder and felonious, has sold two counts of dereliction of duty. And it was Mary Mary Wilson yesterday and sad news. We've also lost boxing champ Leon Spinks, who'd been fighting prostitate and other cancers for months. You know, he beat Muhammad Ali for the championship back in nineteen seventy eight. It was an incredible upset. Leon Spinks, though, was only sixty seven years old. Now back to Steve Harvey warning show. You're listening to Steve Harvey show. All right, here's an update on Tethica Brown. Remember Tethica Brown. She's the woman who put gorilla glue, yes, gorilla glue in her hair to slick it down because she didn't have any more of her spray that she normally uses. She's getting help now. Well, she finally cut off her ponytail, but her scalp keeps hardening, and so here's some good news in this story. She's meeting with a Beverly Hills doctor who says he can remove the rest of the gorilla glue off her hair. Tessica also spoke to TMZ about her haters, saying she put her ordeal on social media to cash out and to chase Cloud take a listen, and they got some people out there saying, oh, well she did this for cold. I wouldn't have never put this on my head. Oh well, let's see, I mean the followers. I guess never. I put it on social media to get help. That was it. That was it. I didn't think for one second. I look get up the next morning and that many people looked at this. Never never thought it was gonna get this far. Well, I believe that. I mean, she she wanted to Yeah, she wanted to help people. Don't do this at home. Yeah, she wanted to help people. She wanted to get help. She well, she said in that particular moment, in that interview, which was with TMZ, that she wanted to get help. She wanted suggestions and people to you know, maybe this could work or that could work. She was desperate. Of course, I'm okay with her doing this video. I don't believe she did it far attention that you you can't because she could not help. Nobody gonna put themselves out there like that trying to get no followers. I believe a young sister, you know, and and she looked in pain. But but like I said, you know, you ain't got to put this on here to tell nobody to try to the house, you know, I want to find something to do permanently to my mustash ain't got to worry about it no more. But it won't be in home depot, right. Yes, I won't go down the dude dude to do that because that's not as sallis. Now. If there is a product called Gorilla Snot, yes, it is a hair product. Yeah, that's that's at home. Yeah, yeah, that's in the hair eye. Yes. Yes, I don't want to buy nothing with snot in the title. I'm sorry, I don't want that. It's just a really don't it's well, I don't want to buy nothing with glue and the title you did at my head? Yeah, coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, a quick round of ask the Cllo right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, it's time. Now we're gonna do a quick round of ask the Clotty, sir. Let's works all right. This one is from anonymous in Brooklyn. I am a thirty eight year old man and I'm dating a thirty six year old divorce woman. We've been dating two months and we had an m depth conversation recently about our past. She asked me how many sexual partners I've had. I was honest and told her my number. She told me she's been with nine men. She told me she got married in twenty two at the age of twenty two, and her husband was the first man she'd ever been with and she never cheated on him. She's been divorced four years, so that means she's had sex with eight men in four years. Done. Girl, That seems a bit excessive to me. Isn't her body count too high? I have said this to women. It's too late for a minute, but I have told women this number when a man asked you how many sexual partners you have had, and you have to give a number. Your maximum number is three dot. Don't give a damn if you work at Magic City in the back room, whatever happening back there in the in the back room, and you having conversations after the dance is over, I don't care what. I don't give a damn if you work after massage Paula doing way more than massage. When a man asked you, what is your number? Your max is three two two very bad mistakes you made a marriage and one more and you regret it deeply. If you're twenty five, that's your number. If you thirty five three forty five three three, don't not have no honest ass conversation, No man you've been with, no damn nine man, shut your ass up. And I don't know how dog, well, I don't know what number he gave her, but it was way more than nine, which is what made her comfortable saying that right exactly. Oh well, let me call it because you know, because like, okay, like you just can't get that number out, dog, I could never vote that damn number, not the real number, Lord Jesus, No, some stuff sometimes because I'm telling to see that. Remember I told you that old saying everything in the dog come to light. That ain't true. That's not true, mouth dog. It's a lot of stuff stay in the dog, and it's meant to be. It's called forgiveness. Move on, shut your mouth. Nine right, let's go. Let's help out. Parah in DC. I'm a fifty two year old single woman and I recently had sex with my brother in law. He walked the end or my sister having sex with their manny at home, and then he came running to my house to tell me what happened. We had a few drinks, he got touchy feely, and then we had sex. I felt terrible and I told my sister everything. She said she didn't care. I told my brother in law to stay away from me, but he won't stop begging for more. My best girlfriend told me that if the sex was good and my sister doesn't care, then definitely go back for seconds. What do you think that's some bad advice? Wow? Okay, I don't know who your girlfriend is, but you feel weird because you're sleeping with your sister's husband. You wasn't supposed to do it. In the first place. I don't care what Two wrongs don't make it right because he walked in ms see why is his podcast over that crime to huh about walking in on his wife's sleeping the manny? Why why? First of all, if I come in the house, nanny is a man nanny man. If I walk in the house and my wife's sleeping with the manny, it's gonna be hard for me to do anything. You can interview me downtown behind that glass. But yeah, it's gonna be all type of yellow tape around. Is damn how choking. They're gonna be picking shells out of plywood. They're gonna be picked man far to two shells in here? All right, Steve, you all right? Time to go? Coming up next to nephew went today's prank phone call right after this You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter. The subject is he's too boogie for my church. Right now, the nephew was here with today's frank phone call. What you got for time? I got h p P. That's Husband Protection Pro Brand protects. You know, somebody got to protect you. Husband's out there calling. I'm sorry HPP. Let's go cat now. Hey, hi Morgan, my name is Josh. I'm with HPP giving you a call. You are married to mister Sean to mic correct, Yeah, yeah, you're with who Now I'm with HPP. We actually pick your husband up from his job today. I wanted to give you a call. Are you pick him up for one? Okay? You're you're his wife, Morgan? Right? Okay. I actually just wanted to make sure that he's okay and we're worried about his wife. Hey, what happened? Well, nothing's happened as of right now. We've had a conversation with him and we've checked him out. He's definitely okay. But why why are you picking him up? Though? I don't I don't understand why? All right, just just just calm down, Hang on a second. I got a couple of questions for you. Your husband he is about what five nine? Correct? Right? And you would agree that Sean ways about one hundred and seventy five pounds? Is that sound about right? But he ways? Yes? Okay, here's another question. Now exactly Morgan, how tall are you? I'm five nine as well, okay, And if you don't mind. I know it's a little different type of question, but if you don't mind, how much do you weigh? I'm like two hundred? Wait, wait a minute, what is it? What is it? What is how much I weah have to do with it? I don't what is wrong with him? And where is why? Where is he right now? We actually have him? We have him in our custody. Him where we have him in our custody right now here our headquarters at HPP. So what heck? What is what is then? HPP? Ma'am? HPP is Husband Protection Program? Husband protection? I've never I've never heard of such a thing. Why why is he there? Well? The problem we have and we've been getting some actual complaints or whatnot, and not necessarily from him, but that you've been bullying your husband. Okay, you know what. I'm at my job and I'm gonna need you to hold all one second so I can go in here. What what what did you say? Have you and uh Sean had any arguments at all lately? How we had we're married? Have we had arguments? Of course, you had arguments? What what does guy have to do with anything? Have you guys had any altercation? Any altercation. Yes, what kind of altercations? Have you been bullying your husband in a physical way? How I've been bullying him? Bullying him? You've been have you been happened to bullying him? For somebody to turn in and give us some who? Who? Who? Who? You need to talk to him? I can't put him on This is what I'm talking about. When this is we're talking about. You called me at my gas put off like an htt crash and thenbody turn somebody in for some arguments. We're married. Who do you freaking know who's married and does not argue? I understand you mad, but it is my job to protect husbands that are getting bully fight and wise. This is okay, Let me speak to him. I'm not at liberty and let you speak to him right now. To you what you're not And it was bullying me as well, and I'm trying to bully you. I want to know what coming old? And why do you calling me? And my dad was some crap about him being at some headquarters with ahppy app isn't a hunt of AHPP and my husband's I need protecting from anybody's sucking that make it is a husband protection program you've been bullying your husband. You've been using bad language with y'all. Got to tuck him. My husband when he said I do, he said I do. That's whatever she said to me. Whenever he talks about how iris he said this, and never he gets and if he has the problems with arguing me, sitty to start his craft and he won't being an argument and you tell him that, you see, this is what we're talking about. This is why he's been picked up today and brought into our custody so that he would be definitely protected from you. You know what if he needs a protection and he's in your custody, as you can keep him there. How that, Well, here's what we're gonna do. Somebody's gonna be picking you up, bringing you in so we can have a conversation. Bringing me now there. What what do you think this is? We're bringing you in so we can have a conversation with you. Let me explain something to you, ma'am. We will be bringing you in having a conversation. What are you ringing the shot with you? You're gonna be coming in and you're gonna do it company where we go anywhere anybody want to are you physically or mentally abusing your husband. You know what, you don't have to pick me up? Tell me where you I will come to you want to pick me up, I will. I will come down there. I will hand you you in him. At the same time you tell me where you as out? We ain't. I'm going to ask you a serious question. Is it sounds like a consequence of he doesn't listen to you. They see a consequence? I mean, I mean, what are you doing? Are you're treating your husband like a child? What are you doing to him? I asking like a pill? You treat you like a chat. If he's the problem with how I see him, you talk to him about he asks. Let me ask you something, miss Morgan. What do you do for a letter ahead of secharity at this building and about to cross the charity on me because I'm loud in this room? Because you're head of security, so you don't know all about putting people in choke calls and and how to apprehend the person. Don't that is my job? Yes? I did? So are you doing that at home? What? I'm not gonna tell you again? I don't harm that man in any way, nor I ever. What I ever, nor has he needs. He needs to get him behind in his car and got to work. We have builds, some things. Don't have time for this crack. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you're listening? You have nothing to say to me, but did you want to put my husband it's trying to Let me talk to him about this, Shan, sit down, sit down, Sean, get him hitting him the phone. Let me talks. I need to understand what had I got it. Let me finish the talk conversation with Okay, no, you don't need to sindish. Let me finish on his phi on the phone. Hello, I have one more thing to ask you. Are you listening? Are you listening? Go ahead? This is Nephew tire me from the Steve Harbor Him Morning Show. You just got branked by your husband, Sean. Hellogat believe what are you? What are you at right now? Man? I was worried about the people at your job where you were. I'm back here in this closet swearing like a freaking pig, in heat, dripping makeup everywhere. I cannot believe that. Oh God, man, Okay, baby, I gotta ask you what is the baddest. I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Morning Shows. What I do, what I do? I was so mad. I mean her ass was mad. She was because she she was hot. You ain't picking me, I'm taking me Nowhell yes, you ain't. The po police. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Tell me what? Yeah, I'm gonna come down there. I'm gonna I'm gonna come down there for his ass and your ass. Come on, she's get a husband for show? What man? Couple? You know? Don't argue? Yeah? What? Yeah? Don't? Oh man, but that was good time. We are Your husbands don't need protected from me. Hold on, hold on, I'm at my job. I'm head of security. Me hold on second. Let me well you had I'm in a closet tripping makeup. You play way too much? Yeah? Oh man, I went down that I know was There were some different kind of breaths that they so you know how to put people in choke hole? Are you doing this at home? Oh my gosh. Nobody touched him North. He asked me, come on the phone, man, I got a shown, sit down, I got it, I got a showan don't worry about this. Here, I got it. Let me talk to Sean. She was coming to find you. Nephew, boy, I wish I wish you to handle that phone to show that's another prank. Hello, yeah, yeah, baby, back to work. We got back to work. Coming up next, it's my Strawberry Letters subject He's too bougie from my church. We'll get into it right after. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Buggle up and hold on time. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject, He's too bougie for my church. All right, Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a forty six year old woman, and I need your advice. I'm dealing with the man i'm dating. He was the first in his family to graduate college and now he is a successful doctor with his own private practice. I'm a doctor too, and I work in a public health clinic, which is not in the safest community. My boyfriend loves to joke about me working in the hood. He is opinionated and arrogant at times, and to dry it was me crazy. I should have known better, but I took him to my parents' church anniversary service last week and it did not go well. I drove and picked him up, and as I turned into the neighborhood, he asked why we were heading to the ghetto. He saw the church and commented that he should not have worn an expensive suit and shoes, and he hopes no one breaks in my car while we're inside. I rolled my eyes at him and told him to chill. During the service, one of the older members of the church read a Bible verse and my man corrected him under his breath. An older lady motion for my man to be quiet. Then pastor spoke and he started mispronouncing names from the Bible and hollering and sweating, and my man chuckled out loud several times, and I had to nudge him to stop. At the end of the service, the pastor came to say hi to me, and he said he couldn't wait to meet the rude person I brought with me. My man didn't mind being called rude, nor did he try to be polite. He told pastor the church needs to get security for the parking lot and only let members that can read well do the scriptures and announcements. He embarrassed me so badly that I almost broke up with him. What's funny is that he's from the worst hood in town. So why why is he like this? Is this something he can change? Well, you know right now reading this letter, the only thing he needs to change is you. I mean, you need to wake up and realize that you can do much better than this guy. And it's always these kinds of guys, you know, they forget where they come from. You. I think they're better now because he's a doctor in doing well and all of that. So now he's looking down at everyone else. I mean, why would he go to church and embarrass you like that and be rude to the pastor and correct every I mean, who does he think he is? And in a relationship the priority should be you. Okay, you should be a priority. He acts as if you and whatever you got going on is just so beneath him. You know why am I here? Oh you need security? Why are we going to the hood? Well, that's where you came from. Something worse than this. Okay, you're a doctor too. I just want you to remind you that you are a doctor too, and you don't act like that. His problem, like I said, is he forgot where he came from, and instead of trying to help the community and being a shining example to them of you can get out, you can become a doctor. You can, you know, and maybe going back and helping some of the people in the community, you know, do something. He's looking down on them, he's being rude to them, he's turned his back on them, he's being nasty to them, and he's making the slide snide remarks and comments to you. I don't know how you can put up with this. I'm sure you can do better. And you know, he needs to just move on. I just think he needs to move on. You need to let him go and let him know why you're letting him go. Wow, let me just start by This doctor that you're dating is atypical of what happens. See, a lot of people think that their current position removes them from their former past. I'm gonna say that again. There are a lot of people who think that their current position in life removes them from their past. The problem that they fail to realize it. When you become successful, it is your past. It is that that you were that helped you become who you are. See, let me explain something to you. If it wasn't for the Hood, there's no way I'm in the position I'm in today if it wasn't what the Hood taught me and showed me, that's no way I'm who I am today because that Hood gave me the fiber, the starch, the grit, the guts, the fight to fight this other war on the other side of the world that I've been on. Now, this is the serious part that I'm giving you about this letter. You, there is no Steve Harvey without wanted to love he. He don't exist. He doesn't exist. My former self a character, an image of me that was created in the past that helped me survive who I was. Well, that thing right there, it's very reason I got to be who I am. See, And that amazes me how people get bullshie like that and all that they try to lead that from behind. You can't run from what you were. I embrace it. So that's the serious part of the letter. Now, do you have a problem with this man? Yes? Yeah, Are you gonna be able to fix him? Probably not? Now can you stomach him? I don't know. I don't know. It don't sound to me like you like him, because don't nobody reading this letter like him? I know, I don't now. When we come back after the break, I'm gonna give you a demonstration of what happened at the church that through it. All right, thanks, and ask Deacon deaf Jam to join me because I can tell you what happened. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up with twenty three minutes after He's too Bushee from my church. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to morning show, all right, I'm on Steve. Let's recap today's strawberry letter. He's too bushy for my church is the subject. This girl, forty six year old woman, done dealing with this man. His first family to graduate college and he's successful, doctor, got his own practice. She's a doctor too, but she works in the hood. He always joking her about working in the hood, and he didn't forgot who are here from? Like I said, a lot of people think that they current position in life removes them from their prior life, of their past. When people don't realize it is your past. It's how you got where you are in the first place. If it wasn't from the conditions of the hood that I lived in, I don't get to be successful because I wouldn't have to fight the start I didn't, I wouldn't have a tough skin I got. You know, when they talking about me, when they make it fun of me, when they behind my back, when they stabbing, when they jump on me for no reason, when they when they come out to bushes see see see it's see see what mess people up to see social media At the first set of bushes out of had somebody to jump out on me on see so see so se se se see even though social media is new, it's new level, new devil. But he's the same bushes though see Herman will Herman Wilson jumped on me from behind the bushes first time. Every time I walked past bushes, Herman Wilson, and I look for people behind the bushes now, so when they jump on me, I got what it takes. It's a whole lot from my past. But now what happened was you picked your man up and you took him the church. And as you turned into the neighborhood, they asked why he was heading to the ghetto. He saw the church and commented that he he shouldn't have worn expensive suit and shoes. And hope don't nobody bringing his car while he inside. You roll your eyes at him, told him chill, and they did. She passes your mama and them past anniversary. So you know, they had little sheets over the two chairs up front. You know the usher boy wolf White. You know your little hood church. They decorated it best they could, but there ain't a lot of money, we get it. Some one of the older members of the church read a Bible verse, and my man corrected him under his breath. Gods, Deacon Jeff Damn, want you to help me out. Yes, we are reading from the book of Joel round the Book of Joe where it says he was sus sus squattle by the whel and as he laid in the underbelly or the whel it must have it must have stinken that huh you're feeling. And I guess I'm assuming that the whirl regurgitated him back up on the beach, and when he got up on the beach, he was faced with temptation. Called some girls on the beach with bikini's own can you see what I'm seeing? And I'm standing. But that's why the temptation that was on that beach is the same temptation that followed them into the wilderness for forty years. Jonah Job was in the belly of the will A lot of people think it was Jonah, but they called him Job. For Sean Job is the same person. Now her boyfriend corrected that it's Jonah was in the well. Joe had boils and was tested by Satan. That was there was no desert for him the forty years. That's what he's just corrected him. But now here we go, this is what. And then the pastor spoke and started mispronouncing names from the Bible, and hollyand and sweat did and your man started laughing. Let us go, Deacon, read a verse from the Bible, please, Daniel. Daniel went down to the lions den, and we're reading from the Book of I don't know, I just knew that Daniel down in the lions Den. We must be reading from the book of Dannelle. Come on, now, from the Book of dan I yale read, man, I'm not in the book. I changed book. Well, I go ahead and change fun I follow all right. I read something from from a thepalonass. Yes, nobody preaching that numb over. Okay, that's a Loonians. Well then if you don't want to read from that, read from ex sold Us. That would be Exodus. I think you don't. You don't correct me. You must thank you the doctor in this letter. Now now, now, I just know I'm here for you. And I read from the second book in the Bible right behind Jenias read from do that day. I runner stuck on. I'm still stuck on Jenias. I've got to find that. Indeed, I want Yrl to get ready to turn to first Clo Clo, ride first rocks. Okay, I'm gonna say this. I know that the doctor's over there saying a lot. But we gonna have to start having no baby. And then we're gonna turn to the Brook of Proverbs. We're gonna read from Proverbs and be the end of the book. And then we're gonna and then We're gonna close out with peace psalms and that ought to do it for that will be all to date post you're comments und today, Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Junior Sports Talk coming up in forty six minutes after the hour right after this, I think you'll buy. But different than man you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior is here with sports Talk. When you got Junior? Okay. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers versus the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl drew a total audience of ninety six point four million viewers. The most watched Super Bowl was in twenty fifteen the New England Pages in the Seattle Seahawks. That game drew one hundred and fourteen point four million viewers. So CBS said Sunday Super Bowl Championship was the most livestream NFL game, averaging five point in seven million viewers per minute, and that was up sixty five percent from last year's Super Bowl. So it's pretty question. Yes, sir, y'all still hal DeShawn. Yeah, that's the next thing I want to talk about. Two. I wouldn't want to say this because this is something that causes me. How Come when it comes to black players that quarterback position, how come they always have a comment about they need to stay with their team. I don't really like that. I know the shawan trying to lead to Houston UM Texas, but he has a right if he don't like the team he owned, just like Jared Golf and Matthew Stafford didn't like the team they was on. Hear no problem out of that when he got drafted refused to team. So I don't really appreciate the comments that Dick Bremill and Brett Farr made about Deshaun Watson. Man, I know he on my team. Well they would say that because you know he just needs to stay and play. There's no this whole this whole world. Oh that's along the lines of shut up and drink. Yeah, but hold on, fab, didn't you want out of Green Bay and we went to Minnesota? Okay? I just want to make sure now we're talking the same thing, because even if he is uncomfortable, I mean, we gave him reason not to feel comfortable us to mean, we gave away the Andrea Hopkins. Oh that ain't all you know. The year before that we get Let we let the jail clowney walk out back up, you know, and then j J watch stay hurt. Yeah, and the new Folk games y'all won. Y'all ain't win fo Ye not helping out. So you know with the Browns, the Browns every year, I know when they won't out, I know on their face. But right is right and wrong and wrong. Now all you gotta doing the music, you know how many'm gonna be out. There were on the football feeling they don't even bucklela chanze trap no, because it's one thing they said that you know, like they talk about now. You know, when he was doing what they wanted to do, his character was fine. He was a great guy. He was a team player, he was a leader. The minute he won't out, Now that's a problem that he ain't got the same character. Well, you know, people a good character when they get done wrong, they don't want to talk to nobody. That don't make a person. Junior Jalla two games next year and who is our backup? Right? Good point? All right, coming up, we'll have some love advice from the CLO. Right after this. You're listening to Stow passing on big plans for a night on the town in favor of a quiet night on Valentine's Day night at home. Lots of us are this year because of course, of the pandemic, but that doesn't stop us from being romantic. It doesn't mean, you know, you can't do something really special for your your lover. All week, our chief love Officer, Steve Harvey is here to give us tips how to create Valentine's Day romance and that ambiance we love on a budget. Okay, well, Steve, we want to talk about, Uh, put some honey on the thighs and lick it all. Oh, I just any particular honey. So that's cheap honey, ain't honey, can't cost it? Mother and I moti pote dolls a bottle. You ain't it ain't gonna really good. I just saw honey food nobody. So one more time, Steve, do what now? I just said, get some honey, put it on the thighs and nick it all. Any more questions? Well way, that wasn't a question here. That was a vone bonus. And if you allergic the honey deal with you just take the half because its a drill and fight through it. I know you have a love question for our clo junior. Well, you know, I'm trying to figure like you know, like bad room stuff, you know, like the candles that you know is there's certain candles we get because you want to put wax on somebody, how we yeah, yeah, you might want to do what you want. You can't get the ones down in Walgreens. What I'm saying what you want to do is you want to get they call who are you? Chrisco candles? Chrisco candles and most chelfs know how to make them. So you've got if you can get your hands on the shelf that I got a little extra Chrisco. Just drop a wick down in it and you got you gonna do it? You know what I'm saying. Candle, get some Chrisco. Chrisco candles, you know what I mean? Okay, tell me, come on, I know you have one. Okay, how do you let the hall time? I'm sorry, how do you let the happy time? You know these are for the me and that's trying to last hour and a half. How do you take us through that? How do we last hour and a half? But now that's gonna require that you go no, no, no, no, really now, you you got to really focus to last for hour and a half. And it can't all be built around it, just one activity that we're famous for. It's gonna you're gonna have to work on the events that occur leading up to it. I want to call it something else since Shirley it this ain't your segment and you just got your damn internet working. Soup all in the damn segment now a minute ago, zoom withn't even working. Okay, But I'm just telling you there's some activity. You got to get a lot of pre pre show game. It's like a super Bowl. You know you gotta have coin toss. Yeah, you gotta gotta have somebody saying the national anthem. No, you got you got a plane fly overhead. You know you gotta got it. You gotta have a color guard, come out with the flags, walking pass and you know you gotta do all that. You know, you gotta come over the pama, a couple announcements. You gotta treat it like the super Bowl, super bowlers build up. It's two weeks before what's gonna happening? How are we gonna do it? And what out betting? All this here? And you gotta talk, and you gotta run bath watering. You gotta throw pedals in the flowing you know, you got the vacuum, hearts in the carpet. You know, you got the being there, you know, you know, I mean you gotta you gotta light candles all over the house without burning it down. It's dogging and not. That's about an hour. That's about it. I'm just trying to get your two out. And then you got ten minutes and just hard loved it. Yeah, okay, can hard minutes? All right? Look, thank you tied. After that, we'll be back in twenty minutes after roll Pedagan stuff on the ye you're listening to, all right, Steve Carla has a question. We have some questions where you go, okay, so what about some Valentine's Day advice for a single person, single person, you know, Mississippi Monica. Just quickly something quickly, well just real quick, you know. Then Valentine's Day for you, it's just gonna be like another day. It's just Sunday, you know. Yeah, find Joel Oldstein on TV or something. You know, can you buy yourself againt? What about sport? You can buy yourself a gift? It ain't gonna be the same thing. Though, it ain't gonna be the same you know, you can put it in a box too and say this is from someone who loves me very much. If yeah, yeah, that didn't really no good ass suggestion, but go ahead, though, I think Valentine's Day as a time to remind yourself, well, you know, look yourself. Yeah, you do have to love yourself, but not every year though. You do want somebody, you know, PRIs said, I just want to be somebody. Somebody. Valentine's Day can be. It could be hard, but everybody, everybody's not in love on this day, and it's just a day of love. Love yourself, love your friends, you know, you know, give with some of your other friends, and y'all do something on Valentine's Day. Single people know other single people, you know, get together and go you know, well you can't get together no more. Zoom have a Valentine Zoom party, the wine gathering on this one, aren't you. Yeah, all right, we'll have happened thirty three minutes after the hour you're listening morning show. We're all still so sad to hear about the passing of Supremes founder Mary Wilson. Mary died suddenly Monday Monday evening at her home in Las Vegas. According to her longtime friend and publicist Jay Schwartz, she was seventy six years old. Mary, along with Diana Ross and a late Florence Ballard, co founded The Supremes and a Detroit housing project when they were just fifteen years old. This was back in the sixties. While Diana and Florence left the group, Mary stayed until the end. In nineteen seventy seven, Diana Ross Everyone had something to say, and Barry Gordy, Motown founder, released a statement saying I was extremely shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of a major member of the Motown family, Mary Wilson of the Supremes. The Supremes were always known as the Sweethearts of Motown. Mary, along with Diana and Florence, came to Motown, like I said, back in the early sixties after an unprecedented string of number one hits, um television and nightclub bookings. They opened doors for themselves, the other Motown acts and so many more. Man, Yeah, I mean, you know, Dinna Ross and the Supremes was the original girl group Girl group. Yeah, because before them that were female acts in groups. But I think, I think, well, in my lifetime, the Supremes was the first one to get out there on a national level. It was doing TV, Ed's Sullivan and all of that. Yeah, yeah, they were right where first and then they were next level though girl group. They were so fabulous and beautiful and that spawned all of these in vogue. Yeah that's w V child the girls emotions, that name emotions. Yeah, let me tell you something. Girls, Yeah, thank god, thank you. Quit playing with them now, the Jones girls, all of yeah, all of the girls. Girls, don't make me love somebody else. Keep on you keep her room treating me the way you don't want to do it. I don't want to do it. Jas Man. Yeah, baby loves stopping the name of love. Where did my love go? Yeah? Absolutely. Mary Wilson leaves behind a daughter, a son, and seven grandchildren. In addition, she survived by a sister, a brother, cousin, three grandchildren, and a great grandchild. Our deepest condolences going out to the Wilson family. But you're right, Stee, the Supremes, they they broke barriers. You know. It was Yeah, because I love the temptations so much so I used to just love time. Yes there was motown, Yes, Sir, y r I P Mary Wilson. We'll be back with our last break of the day and of course some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this you're listening to all right, Steve. Here we are last break of the day, and uh we're looking for some closing remarks from you, our leader, fear leader. I guess I could take it in so, you know, because I've been a little different today. I've been more of a straight at straight to the mark guy today, you know. So I guess my closing remarks should be more of all I should not put it to you. I want to talk about h just how important it is for everybody to just be in touch with your spiritual side, you know. I think, man, Look, I've grown up as a person spiritually, you know, and I've really really come to understand through travels and everything that there's a lot of different ways that people culturally worship, and I've just come to respect that more and more and more. And my mother was a Sunday school teacher, and she always taught me to be respectful of other faiths and other people's methods, because she says, Steve, this is working for us. This is what we believe to be true and real, and don't let nobody talk you off this, She say, But I would not think that there's not another route to where we're trying to get to, because it's other sections of the world and other other other different people from cultures and raised up a different way. So she said, as you meet these people, you have to be mindful. Don't be so stuck on your way that you want it your way of the high way. You want to be so unforceful of your faith and your beliefs that you don't that people get uncomfortable being around you. She said that ain't your job, She said. Your job is to be light, not darkness. He said you, she said, you don't know. Just live your life. Who are a person that's living in darkness? Might say, man, how can I get some of that light you got as opposed to walking around passing judgment talking more, I see you over there in that dark. This is the light right here. She said. That ain't how you do it, Just be a light. And so I've always kind of managed to kind of navigate myself through the world like that because I got friends from that's Jewish friends I have, you know, Muslim friends. You know I have friends man all around the world. Man, and that are some beautiful people. Man, I'm talking about kind live by the same moles, got the same values I got. They love family, they love peace, they love God, they leave joy, they love sharing, they love light, they love hope, they love kindness. They do unto others of you, they would have them do unto you. All of that and so I become comfortable with it. But I think everybody that hears me should just get in touch with your spiritual side. In twenty twenty one, make a commitment to get a little closer to God, because God is so necessary. Man, I just don't. I just don't know how you make it without Him. I really don't. Oh. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm human. I've attempted it before. I've spent spans in my life not talking to God, not pray and not not not confiding any And because of his grace and mercy, he allowed me to survive those moments because he loved me and and he knew I knew better. And you might be that person that's going through that too. You might be that person that really knows that there is a God and was really raised up by your grandmother or your mother, and you just slid off to the left or to the right and with just doing your thing. But you can always come back. You can always walk towards the light. You can always pray. You don't have to go to church to pray. You don't have to go to no certain building. And here's an important thing about prayer. You don't need permission. You actually can have a relationship with God just yourself. Man, you should try it, because if you're feeling moments of confusion, uncertainty, doubt, if you feel alone, if you don't know what your next move gonna be, can I tell you something. God knows exactly what your next move should be, because He has a plan for you, and if you talk with him, he'll unveil it to you. Now. I'm gonna tell you right now. He's not gonna be easy. It's not gonna be without opposition, it ain't gonna be without challenges or setbacks. But He'll be there with you the whole way. It's the only explanation I have for my existence today. I wish you would. Man. It's just a real simple thing, you know. And I ain't that dude where you know, look you look at me, and I'm always shouting up, got my hands up, praying or telling you this and telling you that I'm not that, I'm not that person. But boy, I got a real good relationship with him though, I really do, and it's personal and it gets me through every crisis I've ever had in my life. If you follow my career and you know me from this radio show like I have fans, man who listened to this radio show every day. If you know me as a person, you've seen me survive something Hella hits. You've seen them come for me. I've seen y'all defend me, the real people that really love me and know my spirit in my heart. And you've watched them haters come for me. And you've watched every single time he picked me up, set me on solid pathways and directions, dust me off and next thing you know, I'm rolling again. You've seen them and heard them write me off over and over and over, and every time you look up, I keep shining because that God I served, that merciful, forgiving, loving, understanding. God has promised me that he would never leave me, and you know what, he ain't ever in my darkest moments, he has never ever left me. He has been the one constant thing I can count on my entire life. What he's done for me, he will do for you. All you got to do is talk to him and confide him. Get your relationship with God. He loved to hear from you. Talk to him. He really would love to here from m and he don't care to This better for try for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.