Sister O'dell, Lebron James, Dherbs, NFL Honors and more.

Published Jan 29, 2020, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Make no doubt about it number uno! Uncle Steve shows his bilingual side. Sister O'dell talks about her 117 year old friend. Lebron James finally breaks his silence on Kobe's death. Steve returns to host NFL Honors on February 1 on FOX. A.D. Dolphin stops by to help us reclaim our health. Uncle Steve gives us a friendly reminder for Sand and Soul. Have you ever been too tired to sleep? What is the most fun you have had at work? Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about changing your environment in order to grow and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all all suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the milking buck bus things and its cubs, y'all me true good it. Steve har listening to together for stun Please, I don't join join me, be doing me. Honey. You gotta use that turning. You gotta turn the turnout. Got to turn out the turn the water to the water. Come come on your baby, I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only, Steve Harvey, I got a radio show. Somebody sent me an email one day that, you know, kind of a nasty little email, you know, I think I said it wants to before Steve Harvey trying to be a preacher. Man, I'm so far from being a preacher. Man, I can't even tell you. But what I am trying to do is share information. Now. I understand how haters work, and I understand how the devil works. Believe me, I do you know? Sometimes even heat, the devil surprises me at the level and the angles of attack they use, you know, which, I go, wow, man, I didn't I didn't see that one. Oh, that was pretty slick. I gotta get credit on that. We try to get me, but every time you try to get me, I get saved. I get saved every time, man, because because God got me, God got some angels camped around me. That's what my mom used to always say as Sunday school teacher. Never really understood it, but you know when I was growing up as a kid, but I got it. Now. He got some angels around me. And angels come into form sometimes of people, people who pull your coat to this, or introduce you to that, or reveal some information to you like this. He got them all around me. So see, having a relationship with God has been beneficial to me, y'all. It's not just that what he gives to me, but what he protects me from. And you know, some some people wonder, what if you were God, why he letting people do that to you? Now, that's not how it works. See, there's two forces in this world, as good and as evil. And if you succumb to good, that's what you become, that's what you do. But everybody don't succumb to good. Some people succumb to evil. Some people's mission is to hate, to destroy to tear down, and so that forces at work in this world too, and when that force comes up against me. What God never promised me that I wouldn't see none of that, that I wouldn't see the attacks, that I would not come under fire, that I would not be falsely accused. He didn't say that. A matter of fact, he for warned me that it would happen. Or what he does give me in those moments, on moments of comfort in peace, knowing that He's with me, and no, no matter what my enemy does to bring me down, it ain't gonna work. It ain't gonna work. So come if you want to fight, if you will. I have a man that has been attacking me since I owned the comedy club in Dallas. He has been on a mission and that if I don't give him five million dollars, he gonna do it. He didn't done everything, man, he has done everything. Now he've messed around and got itself now claiming in his letters physically ill and his illnesses and what's befalling his family. He's blaming that on me too. As Steve Harvey not stressed me out and paid me this money he owed me. We were you coming with this. He just has kept on it on it all and you know what, he a messed around, got itself sick. He'n messed around, man, got himself in some situation. And can I tell you something. It's been going on since nine teen, maybe ninety seven. He started the attack when I first went on, No before that, probably ninety five. He started the attacks in ninety five. Every nine he even't got six lawyers. All the lawyers didn't drop the case after they come in and they discover the fact. But he steady trying. But it's too angels that's around. And I forewarned him several times. Man, and man, if I was you, I go head on because what I'm not gonna do is being because see, you cannot break me because I happened to be a soldier for Christ. I happened to be an imperfect soldier or Christ as nothing, Man as nothing. And oh it ain't like a bunch of people and tried. Now, Oh y'all all been on YouTube, y'all been on the internet. Oh they didn't try. Oh they didn't put some dirt on me. Man, that ain't true. But if you keep looking at me though, and I'm not the prize. But if you put your eyes on God, it's where you go. But if you look at me, He's covered me through it all. And that's been the importance of the relationship I formed with God, is that I know that I'm under his wings, that I'm ever under his ever loving protection, that he got me. And I just wanted to share that with you that if you got If you're looking for some protection, if you're looking for a way to have the strength to get through what you're going through, get some God man. If if you want to weigh out, get some god man. If you've been gangbanging and you're sick of gangbanging, get you some god man. If you're tired of being on drugs and you're tied to drinking, get you some god man. If you're tired of being if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, get you some god man. I'm just telling you now. If you're trying to make your dreams come true and it looked like you ain't gonna make it, and you still believe that that's for you, get you some god man. If you're setting a new gold dream of aspiration and you're trying to get that, and you're gonna start out today. Get you some God, man. I'm just telling you. I'm just telling you. See it's real. What I'm saying. Man, I ain't on dude with it. You understand. I'm just telling you real. Get you some God, man, and be patient, have faith, believe, don't doubt, but Lord, have mercy. Get ready to work your tail off. Did you hear me? Get you some faith, believe, don't doubt, and get ready to work your tail off. God can't blessing you. See a lot of times we go to God asking for prayers and stuff, but we go to him and we don't give nothing God nothing to bless We won't blessings, but we don't give him nothing to bless. You make one step, he'll make two. You start, he'll finish you come, He'll go you dream it, He'll build you started, He'll finish. See you see you trying everything your way. I'm gonna go to court. I had a conversation with a man yesterday, just sitting and just call me man, and was just talking about but Steve. You know, man, I've just dude been on me twenty three hundred dollars for four years. I just asked him, have you survived the folk without the twenty three hundred? Yeah? Man, how much you think you have spent trying to get to twenty three hundred? Just a few hundred? Now, let me ask you something. Do you have a few hundred mold to try to get this twenty three hundred that you've been trying to get for four years? Yeah? I could do that, But do you want to? Man? Do you have the time to dedicate faux more of your years to try to get twenty three hundred? But Steve am out of work right now. I'm fell on some hard times. I could use that money, and I've been praying to God to help me. Yeah, you've been praying to God to help you. God probably got something way greater for you. But you gotta let go of your own thinking to let God have his way. You understand you feel mere Morning Show, ladies and gentlemen, Without a doubt, it has arrived today as the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. I know I am. I hope that you are, and so should we be. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Make no doubt about it. Number I start awagol Va dutchy. Yeah, you're bilingual. Yeah, Ganamo wow, Hanama Canal. That's what we're talking to. Somebody that don't know no Spanish, but be said, yeah, Guagamala Mexico City. Sherlety Strawberry. Hey, good morning, we're number one, Steve, thanks to you. Yeah, uh, Carla for are real? I like that? Good morning, Steve Harvey. What's up? Crew, Ladies and general eight hundred million, wonder other world Junior boy morning everybody, morning up, but moving up the list, classic number one without a doubt, biggest fool are all radio Nephew Tommy, you're sid in the building baby top top Yeah, day babies, hunk day, it is hunk drk you know what Today's what? What's today? To damn camel On? That guy called that's my dude. Came through that man walk just like my sister in law. Yeah it's Wednesday, It's it's Wednesday. Yeah, she don't want to be bothered at all. And your breath off my back man had that could be making some commercial. Man they got some Google. Yeah. Hey that Pinocchio motivational. Oh yeah, that's good. You A lot of people a lot of you're gonna be and you you you're gonna be. A look around the room. I see a lot of potential around the room. That was it. Yeah, you got potential rowing really and the dude just standing there just oh he's sitting there knowing he knew getting here. Well, he wasn't done when he signed up for the claim. But Liberty Mutual brings it too though, Oh yeah they do. No favorite commercial is that actor man? Yeah, yes, live hey product name he an? Can we riff hire? Suppose I come up on the word just get this damn line right? And nothing? But you know, the funny party is. I know people, I've seen people like that man on the set. You mean, oh dog, good looking dude. Case say fol line. All right, guys, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour inside something funny. Sister Odell will be in the building right after this. You're listening to morning show. It is time now for something funny. Sister Odell is here. Only one thing won't come on. Oh no, she sounds so sweet. Pray for me praise I know, I just love pray him. Good mornis, good mornis Everyone was good morning Hiday. But hey, Carl, Hey, sister Odelle, how you doing brutal for brutal for Junior? Great morning to your sister Odell. Good, good high boy, Yes ma'am, good morning side, Good morning Harley. Well, hello, sister O'Dell, welcome, wonderful, wonderful. What's going on today? Uh? Well, let me ask you this first off? Go ahead. Did you hear about this person in Japan? Kane Tanaka from Japan proving a person is just never too old to achieve life's goals? Okay, Kane Tanaka celebrated her You ready for this one? Sister Odell? What one hundred and seventeenth birthday? Once she's one hundred and seventeen years old? Wow? Yeah, yeah, stretching out the record as the world's oldest woman. You know, you know you never really asked a woman her age, And now you know me and hood homie, he knows I'm the snocker girl. I've been knowing knocking for you know, being knocking Harry. You know you don't call the that's done Harry movie. Yes, man, you know being knocking Harry. All us used to run. Yeah, we don't run no more. We just get drung. Yeah, when I'm going to gospel too. I stopped in a soul knocker. I said, hey, girl took a wild an. So I waited, like nask me though I've never seen at me, sweeting, What does she look like, sister Dell, I've never seen her. How you think she looks? She looks old? She good looking woman? Though you know, okay, you know we have all you know, communications bared both of us loved and Lord, so we got that in common. I can't understand it that good. We got shits running, does sign language and everything. You know. We know when they're time to eat. How do you know? Well, I get a falcon, she got them sticks and me and we figured that ought to be something. Really just two old people. If you need a falkin some sticks. She don't like the falcon. I don't like the sticks. Uh well, who does the cooking for the for the food? Sometimes she cooked, but I had to I had to see, you know, oh you know, and I don't know what she tried. One time she had some fish. She hadn't even cooking. We're just shooting over there, just eating it. I said, what didn't he doing nothing? You gotta put that in sup oil. So she gave me a couple of pieces of frieding on phone. She couldn't stand it. She was just cushing me out. What did he doing? I'm fixing it obviously, you do, old you can't. She ain't no bad on him. The cord attle, you know. But after that we got all right, you know. Oh good, that's good. Yeah, that's good. You do you do? Go ahead, Carla, yes, since it on down. Let me ask you this, since we're talking about Naki, Miss Naki one hundred and seventeen years old, what would you think is what would you say is the most I don't know, the most important invention of your lifetime? Oh, as you've been here see Venten m Well, I think I think the bullet brenda was probably one of the greatest inventions. And because you could do a lot of things with a bullet, watch yourself like, yeah, well you can make a small man, you can make a lot of other things that motor. But here we go. That's the bullet. The bullets probably wanted, you know. I like the bullet. And I'll tell you something else that I thought was question invention. Oh was what I thought to pacify Pacified was a was a wonderful invention. For babies. Oh well, when they first came out, they wasn't for babies. That's what I used to get one of the mens once I was done with us and put them asleep. Can't you're gonna wait tucking up till you calm your nerve. You're something else good? And then they finally said, you know what, we ought to try this own baby. Yeah, that was made for men though, you know, uh with the ship on the end of it and everything. You know, yes, man, I was gonna ask. You know, this is a big football weekend. The super Bowl is this weekend, the big game in Miami. Are you are you going? Cister? Girl? I ain't. I ain't missed a super Bowl. I ain't never missed a super Bowl. I didn't know that girl out of men, never last wanted to show super Bowls. O man, been every last one of them down there, just trying to save souls at the super Bowl. Oh, hold on one of my kids by Sweden? All right, since you Rodell, you know it's coming up next. Letting people know timing is fitting the Ull play something that he already played yesterday. See me when I comes on, you know, I come to our fresh every time you see me. Everybody don't have that, they have to go back a day. It's called run that prank back Cestrodell. It's good thought because a lot of people when they misses the prank, they counts on us playing it today from yesterday. And that's right, that's right, and we'll be back to cestro Dell. Right, that's what you call feeling time. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is Steve Harbin Martin Show Man. If it wasn't for that light in the refrigerator, uh, we put it never got caught. We put take all these lights out of these refrigerent rates. These lights are ruining, They ruining friendships, man anything, Yeah, I want what you think? It's a light to all of your problems. Well, I probably shouldn't have been in the house. You're listening stry Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here. She's standing by with today's national news. Also inside of entertainment news, we'll tell you what sports fans are suggesting that will really honor Kobe Bryant. We'll talk about that at the top of the hour, But right now it is time for run that Brank. Back with the nephew. What you got for his nap? It's time to make that love deposit, sir, love deposit? And what is this again? Tell me see love deposit is? You know, we've been thinking about going out with each other. We've been on long lane chatting. We be thinking about it. But you know before we go, Wow, I'm gonna need two fifty deposit in my can. Yeah, case just don't go right, you know what I'm saying, Well, I need a little love deposit. If you go where you get your money back? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach Tiffany. H This is Tiffany, Who's quality? This is Karan. How you doing? Hell, I don't know, I didn't know what I know. We've been. I know we've been going back and forth on the site talking and we haven't you know, really talked yet. So yeah, okay, I'm just going to expect in the car. But yeah, it's good to hear from you. Um, it's good to hear from you know. You know what I mean. We've been we've been talking for well a long time, well, texting and on the site for at least what five weeks now. Yeah, it's been really I'm glad you called colonel seriously and I love the voice, so I'm exciting. Hey you know, um, you got anything going on this weekend? Um? I don't think so. I just have to, like you know, go grocery shopping or whatever. But like, other than that, I'm pretty helping. What's up? I was thinking maybe we get together, get a get a drink or two, just you know kind of yeah, hang out a little bit, feel each other out and if you if you're feeling that, you know, I don't want to. Yeah, that's cool, we can get together. I'm interesting, you know, like I'm hot to you call. Then I would love to see this weekend. Um, you gotta place in mind? Like, yeah, you know, I was thinking about letting you pick something because you know, i'd rather go somewhere where you're comfortable, with an atmosphere that you're used to. I think that would be the best thing to do. Okay, well let me work out. I'll go back to you on that. But yeah, I'm down sure, just want to hang out a little bit. Yeah cool, I'm excited. Good, good, what's good for you? Um? You know, if you want to, so let's do what Saturday is? It's up to you. Yeah, let's go. Let's do Saturday to give me, you know, some time to like, you know, get myself together. Six or Satura text me on you know, the location or whatever wherever you want me to you know I'll be there to see you one. Okay, let's let's do this first. Tell me this what what are we wearing? So I'm not I don't want to be old with dressed or underdressed. I don't really trip on that first day could be chill like I'm not. You know, we don't have to do like a or nothing like that. You don't need onna touch This ain't the rock Nation brunch, all right, all right, but if you don't mind, if I could get you to do something for me, could you? Um? Could I give you my cash app? So what? Well, what I want to do is, you know, sometimes these things actually go wrong. You know, I don't see it going wrong with me you because we've had you know, the way we've been chit chatting and going back and forth on the site. Things have been really really well. You know, you know, I would like to get you know, like you know, I love deposit of two hundred and fifty dollars that way of just go wrong. At least I haven't wasted my time, you know what I'm saying. Hold On, I'm just passed saying what was happening? Um, you said you want me to get your CONSP and send you a love deposit of two hundred and some dollars two fifty two fifty, like you know that way off? Just if this don't go right, you know, then at least I haven't you know, I love. It's like a love deposit, you know, if it goes if it goes right, you know, then I give it back to you. If it don't go right, you know, at least I haven't wasted my time. You see what I'm saying? Crying? You serious? Right now? Yeah? Like yeah, okay, Uh this is super weird and uh yeah this is a weird and uh you know I'm coming. I don't really know what to say, like other and um, you could probably lose my number, like you a week due, like don't call me like you're corny, I'm not interested. You're a bum, Like I'm straight, Like I don't know what. Hold hold on, I wouldn't all. Let we've been talking. We've been talking for five weeks. Everything's been good. We've been we've been on the site talking to each other. But two weeks though, you're trying to ask me for a cash ask for real a love deposit? How corny are you? Are you serious? Seriously? Like, if you believe listen to tip tip on the real. If you believe in yourself, you you you know? If I believe in myself, you're so full last out of your you have lost your in mine? Okay? Would you please like gather your thoughts because I don't know who you think you're talking to. For real, you know what I'm saying. So I need you to do two things. Lose my number and don't don't look for me for real? Shot up? Like this is ridiculous, Like this is stupid. You were ignorant? Real, Okay, okay, show me, show me where I'm wrong. If you believe in yourself though, if I believe in myself, that dude, what do you mean? If I believe in myself? If you believe in yourself, your past will move around. Get off the phone. It stop wasting my time. So real, I'm about to hang out right now for okay, okay, okay, listen to my face right okay before you hang up, Joe, Hey you can you can go you you could go your way, I can go. Mind you don't want to care me to two fifty cool? Got that, dude? Okay? Okay? You know what? Is this your loss? Though? Kiss? This your life? You gotta be out to your rabbit ass. Mine ain't no loss this here, ain't no losses, ain't no losses. Okay you know what? You know what? I knew this was gonna happen. You know, I want a brother try to be real. When a brother try to real, Hey, hey, you might as well, Hey, turn around go to other direction like yourself. Seriously, we want to talk about black black men and brotherhood like it's a rap for you. We don't need you out here, a good youth less straight up like, don't call me destroy yourself for real. I'm done with that. Can I tell you something else for you? Leave real quick? What I just want to let you know that this is Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister shave, let's shave got me to prank fall call you. Your sister le Sha said you gotta get my sisters. She's been on the line this dating site talking to this guy. We got you, baby, we got you good. This is trazy. I'm gonna get her. I'm gonna get her. This is It's twenty twenty. Baby. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. A feeling this kind of love? Who are you going to be lonely? Yeah? I love deposit. I'm putting them twenty twenty, but I'm stupid all over in twenty twenty. Comedy lad Fest. I'm coming at your February fourteen, fifteenth and sixteenth, Cleveland on the fourteenth, Cincinnati on the fifteenth, and the sixteenth is Memphis, Tennessee. Just tell them, Steve said, what was that? I do that? That's all you got to say. All right, nephew, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So, Steve Lebron James has finally broken his silence on the tragic death of Kobe Bryant and his Instagram post. Lebron wrote that he was heartbroken and devastated by the loss of Kobe and his thirteen year old daughter Gianna. Here is some of what he posted. He said, I literally just heard your voice Sunday morning before I left Philly to head back to LA. Didn't think for one bit and a million years that would be the last conversation we'd have. Wow, to lose a friend like that, I'm sure everyone listening was crying. If you got a chance to read Lebron's entire emotional goodbye post. Lebron went on to say that he would continue to honor Kobe's legacy. Wow. Man, Yeah, I read that post. Yeah it was, Yeah, it really really was. Did you see it's Steve? Yeah. I mean, you know, the reason I liked it was for different reasons. So I'm not you know, I just like when people appear and honest, you know, the custom that he typed in nails what hours? You know. I know that sounds crazy, but it's being real. That affected me more than anything. I went, Okay, now that's really how you feel, because he typed how he felt. Yeah, and sometimes you have to say and it just it just it kills me. The judgmental people. I can't believe the language he used. What what are you talking about? Hey, man? If if, if somebody's grieving, you have to be careful how you how you tell people how to grieve. Don't judge, no, but you have to be careful. Your grief is rough, man, There is no woo to this. This thing. Man. Have you sitting up somewhere doing doing it, saying and feeling something you never knew you was capable of feeling? Yeah, make you feel like you're losing your mind? Hey man, I remember the doctor told me when my mama passed. He said, you know, because my mother had a stroke and she was really she was really gone. You know. When I got to the hospital, she was on a ventilator, and the doctor said he was just telling the family member and me and my brothers were sitting there. He said, well, she's gone, She's she she won't live through the night. And my brothers stood up and said, well you ain't either. Whoa God, because that's where he was. You know. She said he ain't gonna live through nothing. My brothers stood up and saying, okay, then you ain't either. I want you to understand he was dead serious. It it. It took my older sister Mona to calm his ass down because he was dead serious. Yeah, ain't yeh, ain't no problem. I'll tell you what. Okay, cool, since you over here talking freely, let me give you something to think about. And then the cold part was me and mather Brother. We was good with it. Wow. So you know, man, I'm just saying that it sounded in a humorous way. But you know, people deal with grief differently. Man. People they so quick this society. Even in this tragedy, people got looked cute things they want to say. You know, you'll be going, wow, man, inappropriate. You know a lot of people are affected by this room right here, A lot of people absolutely tragic loss. It is. Yeah, I don't I don't recall hearing as many men openly talk about the passing of somebody until I mean, I'm but I've been around for yeah, yeah, you're really grieving about it. Yeah, well, Steve, it is now time to get caught up on today's headlines. Ladies, A gentleman, miss An Tripp, thank you, Thank you very much, everybody, Good morning. Donald Trump's impeachment defense team chose to quickly wrap up its case yesterday rather than deal with the possibility that for Senate Republicans might jump ship and vote to override Mitch McConnell's and no more information or witnesses position or before they could finish or laying out their case and thereby opening the door or for Trump's former National security chief Robert Bolton to testify testifying about the charges he makes against the President. In his upcoming book, So White House Counsel Pat Sippoloni explained his decision to stop trying to defend Trump from the two impeachment articles lodged against him, and just he deflected the whole argument. The election is only months away. The American people are entitled to choose their president. Well, that's what he made the whole thing about. Next up, two days of questions by senators are going to be questioning each other, and then after that there will be a vote on the possible admission of extra information and witness testimony. And that's something Leadhouse Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff is really hoping for. I don't see how the oath of impartiality can be interpreted any other way than demanding a fair trial that includes witnesses and documents, and a final vote on that is not expected until this Friday at the earliest. And then after that down the line will come the overall center vote on the articles of impeachment. So all is still has two unfold. We'll see how layout. According to the LA Coroner's office, now all nine bodies have been recovered from the scene of the helicopter crash to kill Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and seven other people. Doctors say they're going to update the public when all the identities of the victims are officially verified. Now the Dennis have already been mentioned because family members have said yess my loved one was aboard that flight or whatever, but the victims still have to be officially verified in that is what the current Corner's office is about this morning. Meanwhile, investigators from the National Transportation Safety Boards say they expect to be on the scene for a few more days, really trying to definitively find out what happened and why it happened. By the way, is an example of what many people have come to feel are the sometimes really wrong British media. A lot of folks feel that in the wake of of the Meghan Harry mess, the British Broadcasting Corporation is under five for running a news clip about Kobe Bryant's death using a voiceover outlining the world class athlete's achievements while actually showing scenes of King James on the court, not Bryant. Social media is criticized the BBC for the arrow or, some accusing the media outfit of incompetence, others saying it's an example of their racism. The opposition labor parties David Lammy tweets Kobe Bryant and Lebron James don't Knowlion looks similar. The BBC has hired If they hired more black producers and editors, appalling mistakes like this wouldn't happen. It wouldn't happen if a black if a white star had died. According to reports, ethnic Minardi's are severely uppresented. It's underrepresenting the British media. The total number of journalists mostly white. Over there. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show you're listening to show it's been fifty years since the Kansas City Chiefs appeared in the Super Bowl, and the family that owns the team is making the most of it by throwing a huge, I'm talking huge Super Bowl party. The Hunt family is hosting close to two thousand staff members, friends, families in Miami for the Big Game. I love it. We can't get it. Yeah, that is how you throw a party. Okay, now, who's doing that? The Hunt family, the owners of the Kansas City Chiefs, because it's been fifty years since they've even been in the Super Bowl. Yeah that was you see the one Cleveland goal though. The family. That is a lot of wings. There's a lot of nachos. Okay. Yeah, so you're going to the super Bowl, right, Steve, Yeah, leaving right after this. Oh okay, okay, head him down there on. They got some things to do. Gonna do first take Steven ain't gonna do the Rich Eisman show. I got to go to a walk through for the honors. Yeah, they play golf twice. A couple of ball players invitament go down there and in Friday, live your life, do the rehearsal, and then Saturday, I'm going on there and try to clown. Yeah, that's when you talk about it. Abody got platts. You gonna let him know how you know what time? I forgot about that, But I show him that we need to talk, make a vote on it. If we think you should do this tonight. We really no See I always do a joke I'm not supposed to do. Oh see, they took out last year to Tom Brady joke I did because I said, all this money in this room, all y'all got money, All y'all sitting around because you know, last year Tom Brady wasn't at the NFL Honors because he was in the Super Bowler next day, I said, ain't y'all tired of Tom Brady going to the Super Bowl? Ain't I'm the only one time? Yeah? Yeah, Roger Goodelle came back and talk to me about that when he said that I ain't gonna make it, you know, thank God, But in your mind it was brilliant. I'm trying to figure out what your podcast is over here talking to me about the football play off. Holly, all right, we're moving on Steve coming up there are minutes after the hour the Steve Harvey Morning Shows Health and Wellness segment sponsored by d Herbs coming up right after this. You're listening to show well many of us made New Year's resolutions to lose a little weight and get back in shape, as you know a lot of people do. At the beginning of every year, and well many of us have already given up. But hey, we know it's rough. We all fall short. But right now we're about to help you get back on track and reach your twenty twenty goals to lose weight and just live a healthier lifestyle. And joining us now is a CEO and the president of d Herbs. We love him, he is family. Please welcome back to the show first time this year in twenty twenty, mister A D. Dolphin. How are you guys doing this morning? Hey, we know you by your Hey, well, welcome back a d Like we said, we have missed you. We're going to get right into it. So eighty percent of Americans have made New Year's resolutions to lose weight this year. That's always how it goes, right, right, exactly. Yeah, So we want you ad to tell us how the d Earth's Full Body Cleanse can help them stay on track and get clean and lean for this new year. Well, the reason why I can help them stay on track is because it's easy. It's really easy. All you have to do is follow the instruction. It's easy and it works, and probably the best thing about it is the results itself. You're talking about weight loss between ten to thirty pounds, a huge boosting energy, stronger immune system, clearer skin. You'll be able to focus and concentrate a lot better. The d Earth's Full Body cleans is truly a life changer. All that is true, and it is important that we educate the listeners and how different the Derb's Full Body cleanses than other cleanses out there. So ad, let's talk about that for a minute. Okay, Well, most cleanses they kind of just focus on your colons. The Derbs Full body clans focuses on your entire body. That's your gall bloody, your heart, you deliver, your colon, your spling, your lunch and kidneys, your adrenal glands. You're blood in your skin, your entire body, not just your colon, because that can give you the illusion of cleansing. And also our formulas which are one hundred percent natural down to the capsules themselves, which are vegetarian capsules, so it's easy for your body to consume. I love that. And one thing we've left out, we've all done it. Basically, you can eat on the DRS Full Body cleanse absolutely, so you're not drinking some weird concoction. You're not starving yourself. You can eat you know what, long as you stay within the diet itself, you can eat as much of that as you want. Absolutely now now, ad for our listeners that are struggling with diabetes or let's say, high blood pressure, they really should try the DearS full body cleanse and tell us why that might as well well. Ninety present of all diseases today are diorelated. We're literally eating our way into sickness. And surely people actually believe, since their parents had diabetes, since their parents had high blood pressure, that God has predetermined those diseases for them, and it's true, simply not true. You determine that by your eating habits. Yes, you have the same genetics, if you eat the same same diet, you're definitely gonna give yourself a better chance of getting those things. But if you if you take a different path, a healthier path, if you start to cleanse, you can change your life, you can change your existence. You are in control of that, and it's so important that we get that message across because people think that God has predetermined that for them, and it's simply not true. They do it now, wary concern and it manifests itself into high blood. If you stop worrying, man and start doing some breathing exercises and change your diet where you ain't beating yourself up with the food you put in your body, you could make a huge difference in high blood. You heard it right here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. If you are looking to see lasting weight loss and better health this year, then you need to start by cleansing your body from the inside. As Ad has mentioned, the de Herb's full body cleans will flush out those toxins that are dragging you down and will have you looking and feeling better than you have felt in a very long time. To get started, go to d herbs dot com right now, that is d herbs dot com and enter promo code Steve at checkout for a real nice discount, Or you can simply pick up the phone and call eight six six four d Herbs. That's eight six six four D Herbs a d as always, we thank you so much. Coming up next the Nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter. You guys are not going to believe my letter for today. The subject is over seventy and selling sexiness. Wait almost, wait till you hear I just wait till you give this one is crazy, right here? Come on his head. That was my grandmother's name. All right, uh, right now though, the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call, what what you got for us? Nep God ain't through with you, but we are. Ok God ain't through with you. You you're asking for it, but we are. This is it? Okay? He may not be through with you, but we are. We through. Which let's go cat th Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach our sister Takara. Who This is Brother Brinkley from the church. How you doing? Oh? Hey, how is it? It's I'm at work. Can I call you back? Well? This is this is kind of urgent. I called your your house phone and I didn't get an answer, and I had this other number on file, so I wanted to reach out to you. But what I won't take long. But it really is a hurt. All right, Well that urgent matter. If you don't man, all right, hold on, hold on, Let me let me step away from our tubercold on Hello. Hello, Yeah, okay, so what's uh brother Brinkley speech? Truly Okay, we have a bit of a problem here and we're gonna try to We're trying to clean up a lot of things here at the church in twenty twenty. You know, I hate to be the one to bring you some bad news. Let me just start by by saying that God might not be through with you, but we are here at the church. It has been brought to our tension, Uh, sister car that you guys are halfway coming to church. You you you might come once once out of a month. You're not tithing as we expected. You know, the church can't really depend on you. Um, it's you. You got you know, you bring your kids. I think your brother comes to the church, but everybody is coming every now and then. We cannot depend on you all to be the members and have the expectation of what we're trying to say. You say your name is yes, and you work, you work under the dan. I'm sorry, I've never heard of you before. I have been officiated by the pastor as I'm over actually to finance and we're going through all of the books and looking at all of the numbers of the of the members of the church and directory, and we're noticing what people are pan tide, what people aren't fans I who's coming to church, who's participating in different in different uh ministries and whatnot. And Sister Dakar, I got I have to be honest with you, you would maybe once every one of the mind we might see you might not see you, you know, and like I said, God may not be through with you, but we are well, okay, you been saying that this. Listen, why I don't understand, like, like y'all monitoring my my my church going like I can't. I can't. I have to go every single week. I mean when I came, why are you absence so much at the church explaining that, I mean, I have three kids, you know, I mean, y'all, sometimes I don't. I mean, I still pray. I don't understand how a church can are you y'all stars, you got two jobs, but we're not getting ties like you got two jobs. You're not tiding like you got two jobs because I can't afford you just you just said I got two jobs. That's what you just said. And that those two jobs are in supporting my kids. I mean, I can't support the church and my kids. It's the same trum kid you both. I mean, I I give when I can. Let me ask you something. What are you making on that other job? Are you serious? Are you really? You? Really? You? Really? As I didn't know the church? God? Is this deep with you really asking me how much I make and my second job that I hate to support my kids? Cool? Now? Did this got to be something? This is I'm gonna say this to you again. God may not beat through with you, but we are thank you. You are gonna pay your tides. If you're not gonna come to work on a consistent basis, then what what do you gonna fit the church? Is that what the church is about? This can be I'm gonna say this. I'm gonna say this to you. You let me tell you what the church is all about? The churches? Hey, and you say we done with you again? One more time? I'm serious. No, I'm gonna tell you this you're talking about? This is that what the church is about? Let me tell you what the church is. The church is a hospital for cripple souls. You understand that that's what. That's what the church is. But when when we have the souls that are coming in to be saved, we are doing our job. And guess what those people that are coming and you know what they're doing. They're tithing. That's what they're doing. They're tithing. You, sister Dakara, I'm sure your soul it's crippled. You're not coming and you're not tithing. You may give us a little something something when you show up. If you show up, Am I right? A wrong? Okay? Hold up, let me get worth the straight. This is what you call me for in the middle of my day to tell me that you're kicking me out the church because I don't give enough money to the church while I'm asking my job that I can barely afford to pay my bills with. Not a fact, I don't even know who you are. I've never met you in my life, and I don't know what this church. You know? This church. I hate to say it, but if that's what the church is about, you had the nerve to call me. I'm the plan people, I'm sho okay na na na, na na. Let me say something now, you're being very unchristian like. Nah, just to the car where you're gonna watch it done in your language? Him, this is not Christian life. Well, well do you do? You know? Brother Dwayne? Isn't that your brothers? Okay? And my brother Duaye is who told me to call you? Really my brother? So what? So what is this about? M brother? Whatever? I don't know. We can buther your name, My name is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your brother Dwayne got me to prank phone call you. No, Oh my gosh, yo, he's about to get me fire you from this job. I'm a lobby screaming um looking at me. Oh mysh, you are right? Yeah? What's up? No? No, normal? Oh my god, Oh my gosh, my heart is racing. Tell me it's the car. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey. God may not be through with it, but we are ain't. Steve. Get your nephews cussing in that libbary. I'm let him go ahead, but see, but see that's what it is. Let me get away from my cubicle because what I don't want to do is losing my church and my job. Okay, may not be through with you, but we are. You're gonna quit all this halfway tithing can o when you're coming here, we don't want you here no more. That's how we're doing. That's how twenty twenty week we're cleaning house twenty tw I'm telling boy, some churches did that. Yes. Uh, Montgomery, Alabama, y'all getting ready to Nephew coming to town baby, March the fourteenth, Saturday night at the Montgomery Performing Arts Center. Tickets donna sell right now. The fool's coming to town. It's that twenty twenty food, that twenty twenty straight up ignorant. Oh my god, food, get your tickets, come see me up close, and personal ignorance comes around wash every three folk, y'all come, Will we get it all day? Yeah? And your luck every day spreading some of us, spread some of it around. God may not be through which, but we all say you had in no ministrs. All right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next, it is Today's Strawberry Letters, subject seventy and selling sexiness. We'll get into it right after this. Do you hear this? You're listening to show time now for Today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. You all are not ready for this one, though, I'm going to tell you I'm ready. I don't know what it'd hold on take. We got it for you, Strawberry letters. Oh you may think you're ready, nephew. Subject were seventy and selling sexiness. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm desperate for some sound advice. I'm a thirty six year old divorced female with two kids. My mom is in her early seventies and recently widowed. Her life changed drastically, so the kids and I spent a lot of time with her. About six months ago, I saw that my mom was getting back into her normal routine, so I backed off a bit and let her have some space. When we visit it with her, she seemed to be in good spirits. She wore jazzy new wigs that were longer than she normally wore, and she started wearing very tight and revealing clothing, which was shocking. I asked her if my dad had a secret life insurance policy that she cashed in on because she was spending a lot of money. She said she was able to save a lot of money over the years, so she's fine. A week later, she had a new Jaguar in the garage and she had bought a new living room and bedroom furniture. I insisted that she'd be honest with me. She just came right out and told me that she was doing porn. Oh, I'll missy. She came right out, and I told her, I told you, I told you you weren't ready for this one. She came right out and told me that she was doing porn. I nearly lost my mind and asked her to repeat what she said. She said it again. She's a porn star, she said. She live streams videos of herself on a porn website for men who are attracted to mature senior women. She said it makes her feel very sexy because all kinds of men pay real good money to see her goodies. I told her that it's disgusting, demeaning and trashy and she's too old to be doing this. She to come on, Steve, I need your help right here. She too old to be there. She told me to kiss her way bilders exactly, thank you, sir. Turn Come on, I told her that's disgusting, demeaning it trashy. She too old to be doing this. She told me to kiss her old way and mind my old damn British, which YO broke. I was crushed and we haven't spoken for weeks. My kids miss hurt, but I refused to take them to visit her because only God knows what she's been doing on that new furniture. I am ashamed to be in her presence. This is unimaginable and I don't know what to do about it. Stephen Shirley, how can I talk some sense at her? Please advise every time I think I cannot be surprised anymore with these letters, because we have seen and heard it all. Here you come with this believable story about a seventy year old poor star who just happens to be your mama. What imagine I mean, just imagine if this were your mother, I mean, all of us your mama? Right? This is crazy, Gay, You're right, I mean, this is this is unimaginable I can't. I mean, the only thing I can think of at this point is that maybe she, I don't know, snapped a little bit after your dad passed away. My condolences, by the way, Uh you know, I mean I think she's still going through I think she is in a way. My advice to you is you gonna have to, I guess, because she's in her seventies and you can't tell her what to do. She's grown. Uh you know, wait this one out. I mean, you know, I say, what do you say? What do you say? I mean, you can you can shut up. She got some new furnitures, she's good, she's feeling sexy. How much we make it, mam, Yeah, she didn't say that. I mean, you know, you got to continue to talk to her, tell her how this makes you feel, how ashamed you are, you know, and all of this. I mean, the kids don't know what she's doing. Necessarily, you didn't say how old they were, but to her, to them, she's still grandmother. So I don't necessarily think you should keep them away from her. Maybe have Grandma come to your house and them not go to theirs. But this is crazy for the family, and you really have to talk to your mother, sit her down, try to continue to try to talk some sense into her. I mean, yeah, this is crazy. This is your mother. Your mother is a born Steven to make this great. Yeah, I feel for you, I really feel for you, Steve. Yeah, lady, Jimmy, he'll go come. You know this lady thirty six years old, divorce, got two kids now her mama and her seventies and recently widowed. That means her daddy died while back. Her life changed drastically. So you went over there spending some time with about six months ago, you saw that your mama was getting back to normal, so you backed off in your let her house from space. Then you went over that a visit and she see season good spends, but a couple of things with them. She has new wigs see this the beginning of it. Some new wigs that was longer than she normal. Your mama got had down to her. But you just trying to figure out where you start growing this at seventy then she started wearing really tight and revealing clothes, which was shocking. Then you you tried to did your did daddy leave your secret life? And should now need you? Night of money? She said, shoot, I'm saving money. Hold on right there. Hold on, We'll have part two and Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letter. You don't want to miss Part two, subject over seventy and selling sexiness. Who will be back right after this? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Three things people think about life insurance. You don't think you need it, you don't know how to get it, you think you can afford it if something happened to you, would your loved one to be protected. Globe Life provides financial security to millions. Call eight hundred two five one fifty four hundred or go to Globe Life Radio dot com to start coverage today. There's no medical exam, just a simple application with rates as low as three dollars and forty nine cents a month. Protect your family today. Check out Globe Life Radio dot Com or called one eight hundred two five one fifty four hundred R. Come on, Steve. Let's recap today. I got your brandcap for you. Lady Mama seven and grieving over her recently deceased husband, but she back on her feet now. Hundred kids, Lady quit going by that. And then she went by that one day and she had these brand new wigs on it the jazz. They was long wigs, way longer than she normally well, but she had had down to her. But then she wearing tight clothes, which was shocking. Oh man. I asked her her daddy had if dad had a secret life policy. She says, she don't need her dad and money. How did she say, I don't need I got money. He wasn't the brand winning him. She said she was able to save a lot of money on the year she was fun. A week later, you go over there, Mama got a new Jaguar in the garage. She didn't bought new living room and bedroom furniture. I insisted that she be honest with me. She came right out and told me, I do the pawn, Mama, what I D a pawn? She that's an old ladd stape. I nearly lost my mind, and I asked her to repeat what she said. She said it again, I d the pawn. She is a pawn star. Wow. She live stream videos herself on the pawn site for me who are attracted to mature senior women. She said it make her feel very section, because all kinds of men pay real good money to see her goodies. See the reason they do that just because they're in something they've never seen before. See you see, lady you said, is sick. You don't even have one of them yet. These men is paying for something they've never seen before. I'm sixty three, I ain't ever seen it before. I'm curious, my damnself, what if it? What do it? Do? Nah? I do the point. I'm trying to figure out what condition is it in men pay money to see stuff they've never seen before. Man. I told her it was disgusting, demeaning and trashing, and she was too old to be doing this. That's when she told me, yeah, come on, hold on, let me bring sister old day all in here. Please. Thank you, Steve, thank you. I was just sitting in the sitting over there, thinking to myself, they need somebody in here, sperience. You need experienced women in here, cause shut lly don't know nothing about this. Him. Chilly is a good little Christian girl, and I thank you for that shit, But lett me handle this girl. She told her, mamma, it was disgusting, demean and trash and she was too old to be doing it. She told me to kiss her ass and mine your bid. Now, sweetie, I didn't want it. You know, I'm trying to be trying to answer this nothing but you thirty six, You shouldn't ran up on your mama. Man. Now, your mama told you to kiss her whole ass, and there's a lot of men that's paying to do it. Oh, that's your fun, That's all I wanted to say, Take it away, stave. So I was crushed, and we have her spoken four weeks. My kids miss her, but I refused to take him to visit her because only God knows what she's been doing on that new furniture. She bought the new furniture because she am on film now see these is live stream videos. She had got a couple of negative comments on one of her live streams because she had the sofa with the plastic and she had the plastic on her head and tanned, and she was trying to be sexy and that plastic cutter one time, and then that's when she said, oh damn it. And then that's when she had to get some new furniture. And when she doing the bedroom scenes, you know, she don't want to be in the same bed that her husband was ore. So she was being real respect guy. I am ashamed to be in her presence. This is unimaginable and I don't know what to do about it. Stephen Shelley, How can I talk some sense into it? You can't. She said, clock is ticking, and it's ticking different from for her. Yeah, he actually said that though. The key to this whole letther is she told me her mother told her to kiss her old ass and mind my whole best. Yeah, and that's probably one of her go to lines when she las that ain't a line she just came up with that really gets the cash register ranging. When she said you could kiss my old ass, they just money, just poee and said again more deal. That's what they She probably got a real sex ass. Old name. Ladies and gentlemen, I say hot. Post your comments on today Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand two now coming up at forty six after the hour, Steve will tell you all about the Sand and Soul Festival coming up right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, what you got what's going on. It's time let's quit playing, y'all saying, and Soul is back, bigger, better than ever. Just go to Steve Harvey sand andsoul dot com and reserve your all inclusive package today. It's all inclusive food, drinks, events, fun, hotness, everything. It's gonna be special this year. It's gonna be Labor Day weekend. It's in Putacana, the Dominican Republic. I got a letter on the website in case you're curious about it. While we're back. We're back because everything is cleared. Got a letter from the FBI explaining everything. I wouldn't go back if it wasn't safe. It's all good. It wasn't what everybody said it was. We've did all the checks and everything. Poota ConA, the first one we threw, it was live, it was sold out. We halfway there already, folks. It's gonna be an event you don't want to miss. We're gonna kick it off with an all white, candle light dinner under the stars out on the beach. We got live bands, we got the casino back, we got Kid Capri, we got showtime with Dean Apollo on the beach, Saddy gonna be one of my favorites because we throw on a live cash tournament. We're playing Domino Spades, bid Whiz. I know what you want. I've been listening to y'all. I got what you want. Douge Fresh Kid Capri. We got it working. And then last day we got something for the ladies. We got Margie's Beauty Ball, where all y'all can come and get your makeup done, your hair, drake champagne, get massages. All of that's on the house. Y'all. Fellas were smoking hand rolled cigars and then m girl Lisa Ray gonna host a pool party. Let me tell y'all if y'all ain't seen the videos of Lisa Ray hosting last year's pool party. Them women was in now cutting up, acting a food and I'm proud and shamed to say it. At the same time, my wife was dead in the middle of it. Sit your ass down somewhere. They was having a good time. So we're gonna do it again or we all are heading out that night. We're gonna end a night with a concert. Last year was Anthony Hamilton. He was off the chain. It was incredible. I can't wait to tell y'all more about this. You will not be disappointed. It is live. We are halfway soul. Everybody's excited about it. So I'm gonna tell you right now. So Labor Day weekend in September. If you want that number two, give us a call eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five, eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five, eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five, or just go to Steve Harvey sandisoul dot com. Let's get to eat, all right, Steve, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour. We're gonna switch gears here. Today's office topic is it possible to be too tired to go to sleep? We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here's a question for you. Is it possible to be too tired to go to sleep? It's perfectly possible to feel tired and at the same time have trouble dozing off. Certain life stresses and health problems can leave us feeling exhausted, but at the same time make it difficult to relax and go to sleep. Also, missing out on sleep can disrupt our natural rhythms, which can make us feel wide awake when we usually be sleeping. So here's the question. You've ever been too tired to sleep? I've heard people say that before. I'm just I'm I was so tired I couldn't even sleep. What do you think cause that? Well, I know for a fact you can be tired and not be sleepy. And then sometimes, man, you can. You I've done myself like that many times. I just pushed myself to the edge and then it's so much adrenaline that it takes a while for the adrenaline to go because you've just been exerting yourself. Yeah, yeah, you know, and then that adrenaline is flowing and you're up in your hype because man, it's sometimes, like Tommy Junior tell you, after the show is kind of hard. It's kind of hard to go to see you're seen excited. Yeah, you're tired. Yeah, just yeah done. A show is run. So you just be sitting in the morning. Yeah, just So what do you do in that case when you know you have to get some rest? I packed his bags all missed this flight, is what I do? You sleep on the plane? Yeah? I try to get sleep on the plane. I love sleeping on the plane. Yeah yeah, but Steve, when you're not too tired and you're getting and you look forward to that sleep, and how do you good sleep? You know you're about tom I'm I'm talking about when I know I'm sleeping, like you know, like I'll be talking to somebody and be looking dead at their ass, but don't but don't be listening, right, but be rocking back and forth just a little bit, you know, but not side to side, back and forth like closer to him, fall away, close to him, fall away, and just be rocking like that, so it don't look because you don't want to rock side to side because that throw people off. But when you rock towards them, that just lures them in. And be just talking and I don't be hearing nothing. They say, I've shut my eyes completely while somebody was talking. Okay, at lady one time at this meeting, she was talking and I was just looking at how rocket I fell asleep. She said, are you okay? I'm fine? You right? What's wrong with you? See? I really think you hold the record of getting on the plane and falling asleep the fastest. Yeah, yeah, but I go to sleep on the plane in the heartbeat. I don't guess you will on the plane. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no no no. Sandy Entertainers boy KB kp KB KB snor We just on the plane one time, king to him. KB was snoring so loud. The white dude next to him said, hey, are you serious? Are you really serious? So k KB say, hey, man, my bad, but I do snore. So Kaby went back in again. Now we crossed the aisle, KB snowing so loud. We on the other side of the aisle me and said, just holly. White dude said, oh my god, for crying out loud, mister, can you please set up kbl KB saved. Hey, man, I just told you I snore, So listen to this right here. If you wake me up one more time, you ain't gonna believe what else I do. Real loud too, causin my ass whipping skills is just as loud as my soul source. So Kaby went back over there, and ten minutes later k' be with ripping them in again. That dude got up out of first class and went back coaching set out. Wow all right, coming up mar of today's trending stories on The Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. We'll be right back. You're listening to show, all right, So guys, yesterday was National Fun Day at work. That sounds like something good. But we have fun every day at our job, every single day, right, And what makes our job fun? And uh, what is the most fun you've ever had? Those are questions I'm thinking about. Well, it's fun. I wanted to laugh every day. The most fun alb had at work? At work? Yeah, it's National Fun Day at work? Oh okay, I say the most fun albuhad were not a hill, but you have fun here, right, most fun I had? Almost you cussed on a man? Oh jewish or yesterday? Yeah, about ten minutes ago. You're talking about one time we was live in La Yes, at the Crenshaw Mall. Oh my god, I thought we man your nerves calling me man. I couldn't take it no more. It was one of the first times we came back after we went national, Right, we came back like a homecoming for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, that is a true statement. That is a true statement. And coming up mark The STEA. Harvey Morning Show and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right? So Steve Lebron James has finally broken his silence on the tragic death of Kobe Bryant and his Instagram post. Lebron wrote that he was heartbroken and devastated by the loss of Kobe and his thirteen year old daughter Gianna. Here is some of what he posted. He said, I literally just heard your voice Sunday morning before I left Philly to head back to LA. Didn't think for one bit in a million years that would be the last conversation we'd have. Wow, to lose a friend like that, I'm sure everyone listening was crying. If you got a chance to read Lebron's entire emotional goodbye post. Lebron went on to say that he would continue to honor Kobe's legacy. Wow. Man, Yeah, I read that post. Yeah it was so felt. Yeah, it really really was. Did you see it's Steve? Yeah. I mean you know the reason, I like, there was a different reasons. So I'm not you know, I just like when people appearing honest. You know the custom that he typed in Eils, what hours you know, I know that sounds crazy, but it's being real's No, that affected me more than anything. I went, Okay, now that's really how you feel, because he typed how he felt. Yeah, And sometimes you have to say that and it just it just it kills me to judgmental people. I can't believe the language he used. What what are you talking about? Hey man? If if, if somebody's grieving, you have to be careful how you how you tell people how to grieve. Don't judge, no, but you have to be careful. Your grief is rough, man. There is no woo to this this thing. Man. Have you sitting up somewhere doing doing it, saying and feeling something you never knew you was capable of feeling. Hey man, I remember the doctor told me when my mama passed. He said, you know, because my mother had a stroke and she was really she was really gone. You know. When I got to the hospital, she was on a ventilator and the doctor said he was just telling the family member and me and my brothers were sitting there. He said, well she's gone. She she she won't live through the night. And my brothers stood up and said, well you ain't either. Whoa God, because that's where he was. You know. She said, he ain't gonna live through not. My brothers stood him said, okay, then you ain't either. I want you to understand he was dead serious. It took my older sister Mona calmed his ass down because he was dead serious. Yeah, ain't yeh, ain't no problem. I tell you what. Okay, cool, since you over here talking freely, let me give you something to think about. And then the cold Paul Well, me and Maula brother, we was good with it. Wow. You know people deal with grief differently, man, I don't. I don't recall hearing as many men openly talk about the passing of somebody. Coming up next to our last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks of course from Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this. You're listening all right here we are, guys, last break of the day. Steve, you have some closing remarks for us. I know you do. Yeah, you know. I want to remind everybody of something that God created us all for greatness. All of us were created in his likeness. All of us were created to be an example of what God can do in people's lives. We were all created for this. What happens along the way is we make decisions. Because God gave us the power of choice. We make decisions at people as people that counteract what God really intended for us. And one of the reasons we counteract what God intended for us is because the devil's main job the opposition is to not allow you to reach your potential. See the devil don't ever want you to reach your potential because then he'll have another child of God out there spreading the word and showing off and being an example of what light can do and what love can do, and what the power of prayer can do. So his job is to make each and every one of us fall by the wayside. That's his constant mission in life. To make us think we're not worthy, to make us think we can't, to make us think it ain't possible, to make us look at our environment, to make us feel like, well, it's because I'm this, I can't be that. Ain't none of that truth, None of that is true. I bought a book the other day by Joel Oldstein because I was listening to him over the weekend and he sent this. He was talking about his new book called Next Level Thinking, and I bought the book. And because I constantly try to reinforce myself. As successful as you may think I am, I still have a ways to go and I will always try to improve myself. And people like Joel os To, Bishop Jakes, Bishop Olmer, Bishop Getties down there in North Carolina. My boy, you know it's a lot Charles Jenkins up in Chicago. There's a lot of dudes, man that called me to make sure I'm okay. Check in on me. Tyler, check in on me, doctor Phield, check in on me. I got a lot a lot of people check in on me, man, make sure I'm okay. I was reading his book because it's just I just needed some more information and one of the things I had learned from his book. But in the first chapter, the title of his chapters be a barrier Breaker, Be a barrier Breaker. And throughout the book it just talks about your surroundings, your environment. That because you're from a family who ain't nobody never made it out, don't mean that you have to not be one of that. You have to be one of those and not make it out because you come from a hood that don't have a whole lot of millionaires made from that hood. That don't mean that you can't be a barrier breaker and be one of the millionaires from the hood. Just because nobody on your block ever went to college, don't mean you can't be the first one. Maybe nobody in your family ever went to school, you're the first one. Maybe nobody in your family ever became a supervisor at a post office or the FedEx or UPS or anyplace else. Don't mean that you can't. You can become a barrier breaker. But see what a lot of us do is we get so immersed in our environment that we adapt to our environment, and we must we act like this is it? Well, if God had wanted me to be rich, I'd have been born rich. What what did you say? I heard of guy say that if God had wanted me to be rich, I would have been born rich. So let me ask you something, brother, all these people that have gone from poverty to riches, what was their excuse or what mindset did they use to become a barrier breaker, to break the barrier poverty to become well off. I chose to be a barrier breaker. I knew what my family was. I loved my family dearly and still do. But what my family had I didn't want. As much as I loved my mother and father, what my father was and how hard I saw him work, I didn't want that. I wanted something else. Now, do I appreciate the work as to keep putting, most certainly do that. I appreciate the faith in the fear of God that my Mamma put in me. Oh, I most certainly do. But I didn't want to be the warre sitting at the church on the usher board. I didn't want that. I didn't want to work as hard as my father and make the same money as my father. I wanted to something else. I wanted to be a barrier breaker. A barrier breaker. And one of the things he talked about in the book is that so often we led our environment and how we were raised, and other people's expectation of us set limits in our life. He was saying that we adapt to what's around us. So what he said in the book I wanted to share with you all. In the book, he said that if you take an oak tree seed, the seed of an oak tree, and you plant this seed from this oak tree, in a two foot pot. That oak tree will never become what it was created to be if you leave it in that pot, not because there's something wrong with the seed, but because of the environment is in. Did you hear what I just said. There is nothing wrong with you. The problem is your environment. If you stay in the environment, you will never grow. But you can choose to become a barrier breaker and get out of any environment that you're in. You can escape poverty, you can escape the hood, you can escape bad thinking people. You can escape the dope game. You can become non addicted to drugs. You can stop being an alcoholic. You can stop with God's help. If you take an oak tree seed and you plant it in a two foot pot, that tree will never become what it was created to be if you leave it in the pot, not cause there's something wrong with the seed, but because the environment is in. You got to change your environment. You fine, You got to see you got everything you need to grow? You did. Those are my clothes for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest, rules. Visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.