Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today is a great day and your relationship with God got you covered. The Chief Love Officer addresses a home issue between two best friends and there is also a Bluetooth situation that is out of control. Lil Uzi Vert is trending because of a diamond in the forehead. Just in time for WCW and Ash Wednesday our family Sister O'dell is back to talk about her Valentine's Day and she revealed to us who she is dating right now. The Los Angeles County DA is investigating several officers from LAPD for a tasteless Valentine's Day card circulating around. 45 was acquitted in his impeachment trial, however, a civil lawsuit was filed against him by Bennie Thompson on Tuesday. Vincent Jackson, who last played with The Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2016, was found dead in a Florida hotel room. A huge storm causes a deep freeze in Texas and Tommy gives us his personal experience right now at his home. Today the show wraps ups with the crew talking about putting each members worst features on one body along with busted pipes.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu bu things and it's not good. Steve to mother for stay, don't joy. You gotta use that turn you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Yall, come come on your baby, I sure will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, man, boy, God has been good to me. Man, I can't really count at all. You can't either, you know, it's all in perspective. You really can't count all that God has done for you if you look at every little thing. It's unbelievable the things He's done for us. How many times you know, we got through something without even talking to him about it. He just he just blessed us with it. How many you know? It's just it's so much that the fact that you wake up in the morning, the fact that you still have a place to stay, the fact that you know may be struggling out here, but guess what, you're still going to work. You you know, you live in check the check, but you're making it all. You got all the plates spinning. You know it's hard. You got a lot of plate spinning, but you keep him up there somewhere. Every now, I near one break, but he put two more back up there to look a little bit better. And you got to get to spending them so it all works. And then you got a lot of people who just can't seem to mentally put it together as to you know, why their life isn't in a position that they wanted to be. We talked about this oftentimes, but I want to try another angle with you today. You know, maybe it's you. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe it's you. Maybe it's no external force that's at fault, like you keep making the excuse to be You know, so many people I hear, well, if this hadn't have done this, if he hadn't have done that, if she hadn't have done that, I would have been further along. I wasted all my time, my years with this man, and he did this, and I could have been here, and I could have been there, and this woman she did this to me. If she hadn't have done that I could have been here, and I could have been there. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's not really that external force that you keep making it out to be. See, I've done this to myself before. Once again, I'm talking to you about something I know about. I've done this to myself before. I've had the reason I wasn't where I wanted to be. I had it figured out as some external force. I had worked it out in my mind. Clearly it wasn't me, because if so and so, or if this hadn't happened, and if they hadn't have done this, I would have been further along up the road, That's what I was saying. But WOLDO hold on, man, But I learned a valuable lesson. Man. See, if you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. If you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. I was listening to Bishop td Jake's one day, and I heard him say, you can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. You go outside and try that, Try to drive your car, but keep your eye in the rearview mirror. All you looking at is where you're being. All you're looking at in that rear view mirror is where you're passed or should have passed, something you should have moved on from. All you're doing is looking in that rearview mirror at what happened back there. If you don't stop looking in the rearview mirror, you're gonna crash your car over and over and over again. All you got to slow it down so bad in order for you to keep looking in that rear view mirror. If you don't learn to let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go forward because you keep reviewing the past. The past is the past, and I know it's hard. Man. I watched a show and this lady said, well, I just can't ever forgive them for that, or guess what. Guess what God may have already forgiven that person. That person may be extremely remorseful, could have gone to God and godd and forgiveness for it years ago. But you you sit here and you keep hanging on to the back. I can't ever forgive that. M Then I heard Bishop Jakes come on the show one time and say something that really really struck on. You keep drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. He said that. I just shook my head and went, wow, you drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Revenge is poor to you, you know, if hatred is poison to you. Unforgivingness, when you won't forgive a person, that person could be going on with their life, made the right with God. Don't know how you're feeling. They're skipping through life. Now. You make adjustments every time you see them, and it takes energy. Man, it takes so much energy to hate. It takes so much energy not to forgive too. That ain't come in the room. You got to avoid them. Stay over here, Oh here they come. Now you got to make a situation over here. They come into the house. It's family reunion. Oh here they come. And where they're gonna be in the basement. I'm going up on the third floor. I want to go ahead and get some barbecue. She out there at the barbecue, staying, oh lord, I don't want a barbecue. I just eat to take the salad. People man take themselves all out of position, trying to make adjustments, when if you it would simplify your life, if you would let just let it go. Maybe you ain't where you need to be because of them external forces altogether. Maybe you're not where you need to be cause of you. Because you won't let it go, you won't move forward. Look at this, ladies. Let's say you've been in a situation with a man for years. It didn't work out for whatever the reason, it just didn't work out. I got, I got what you say he did. I got what he did. I got he anor that, YadA, YadA YadA. When you get through, did not God get you through it? Did not he allow you to survive it? I got you, got some cuts on you, I got you been a little bit bruised, But did he not get you through it? So, now that he's freed you from it, now he didn't went on. He got a whole other family over that somewhere. He now he trying to make it right because maybe he learned the mistake he made and now he trying to be a better man. He just trying to get it right now. But you're sitting there holding onto it. You're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. So now instead of you enjoying the blessing of finally being free from a situation that was not healthy for you. You create an even more unhealthy situation in your mind by hating, by having revengeful thoughts, by hoping he fall on his face. Maybe you're even doing something to the other situation to make sure they struggle. Oh man, you're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Maybe you ain't where you ought to be in life, not because of your external forces, but maybe it's you. If you don't let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. You can't keep driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Come on, man, Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for you to show. Ladies and gentlemen. It is a Steve Harvey Morning Show. Now listen. I don't know what you had planned today, but let me give you a strong suggestion plan to have a great day today. Put it in your mind set that today is going to be a great day. Now, if some problems or some situations beset you, that has no reason to stop it from being a great day because God is in the problem solving. Situation be set business you did, so whatever befalls you today. Your relationship with God will cover it. And you know how I know, because it's covered every other situation you've been in. So why not make today a great day. Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Shirley Straw Bully beset me, Lord beset me. Good morning, Steve. Ain't nobody here this morning. Houston is swamped under the weather, but somehow can of Prankston managed to fight through and find a way to do that. Here, I'm here, Steve, I'm here. I'm on a shoestring. I'm on a shoestring, but I'm here. Poding got some stump stuck in Houston. Yeah, no power, no water, So we're pulling form. Yeah and Stevens, let's go ahead and say this now at the top. According to the National Weather Service, over one hundred and fifty million people are all under some kind of win winter weather advisory. This is all due to extreme cold, the snow, the ice throughout the country. The storm left at least five million homes and businesses without electricity, and the icy roads led to pile ups on the highways around the country. So we are praying for all those affected by the winter storm and just telling everyone to be safe. And Tommy promises he's gonna get his generator this year. We get this generator. No no, no, no, no no, not as your Friday. I'm tired of gam and man is he talking though? Tell us Tommy, what happened. I'm asking somebody else's house. I'm ask somebody. I can't stay in it, but I'm asking mad. My friend brother said, come on, I came on, so me and my family all your friends were radio station in his Who is powerful? This is my ride to die? Baby? This Mark Boodroux right here, bib and um, well, I brought my little my little you know, I got my little radio portable box and it's working. Hooked it up at his house. That took an hour and a half, but we finally got it together. You know, Black people trying to hook up electronics. It is not good. We don't know what we do right now. We don't know what we do, but we we got it hooked up. But we've been up. We've been up. But let's see what time is it. It's fire something here. We've been up some about three o'clock this morning trying to get it on. Actually got on at the last second. Yeah, it sounds good. So we're good. We're good. We go, But let me tell you what the roads really are bad. I drove them. You know what they always say what they always say when you go when you go overbridge, that's bad. But you know what, when you go under that's just as bad. It's slippery, man, it's slipping. Your car can turn out and you think you and there's people that be flying like why what what hurry you're as seeing? Why are you flying by everybody? Man? That makes no sense to me because people in the South who don't get snow that they don't realize that you can drive differently in the snow. They can stop, you can flip your car. All right? Coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna do ask the CLO the Chief Love Officer with Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to Steven show time for CLO the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey the cloth as the nephew calls them. You're ready, sir, I know you are all right. Lakeisha and Hampton, Virginia says, I'm in my late twenties and my best friend and I bought a home together her boyfriend moved to our city a month ago and he's been staying with us. She said it would only be for a week, but he's still here. He's chipped in financially and that's all finding good, But I don't want his money and I don't want him to get comfortable here. I told my best friend he's got to go, and she said it's her home too, and it's okay for him to stay another month if he needs to. How can I get him to leave asap? Please advise? Well, I don't think you can, because you all own the home equally. You have no agreement that you can't have guests, overnight guests. You have nothing in place that says how long you should have guests. So I don't see how you can make him leave. On another note, whom, Yeah, this is why you don't do things like this, man, This is probably the biggest per of your life, and you do it not with your fiance, not with your husband, but with your best friend and all y'all want to have all the lives. Yeah yeah, so I mean, And her best friend Cello is correct, it's her house too, right, that's the deal. So how right? It's my house? And le So you're not going to be able to get him to leave until they're ready for him to go, and he might stay forever, all right, Uh Felicia walking around naked though, I'm just walking around naket it helps, Felicia and Charlotte says, my husband and I have been married for eight years, and he recently got an SUV with cameras in the headrest for our four and six year old to watch movies when they take road trips. Yesterday, he drove me to get coffee, and as soon as he cranked up and plugged in his phone, I heard sex sounds coming from the TVA. Yes, he started fumbling to turn it off, and he turned bright red. He said, it must be a glitch in the entertainment system. I think he had a woman back there watching porn. Am I jumping to conclusions? God, split a minute, But you said it was connected to his phone. Yeah, he plugged. Yeah, as soon as he cranked up the car and plugged in his phone, she heard the sound. Well, I mean that's the bluetooth. I think. I don't know if it has anything to do with him having a woman back there watching pawn. I'm thinking he's got pawn on his phone and the Bluetooth picked it up and ran it through the system. I mean, you know, because unless you have that stuff downloaded in your car somewhere, I don't see how that can be. It's the Bluetooth is what comes into play to me. I mean, this is terrible because if the kids were with them, you know what I'm saying. I mean, yeah, I know that, but I mean, the cold thing is supposed this was a video on right exactly. See, I don't know, I don't she's a little slow. Let me think about was he sitting in the back seat watching poor with another one with another woman? What are you talking about? Yeah? Yeah, he could be there back there watching it by himself or I mean it didn't have to be shu. But to get on the headsets, to get on the headsets in the car has come from somewhere. Yeah. Yeah. So if he was fumbling with his phone, it was the Bluetooth phone. This phone all right, So there you have it. Man, what's my name? What's my name? Anastasia and Seattle says, we're moving on. I'm a thirty year old married woman and I love my husband, but I fantasize about his handsome brother. He's forty, with a six pack of carved out back in muscular thighs, And when my husband and I are intimate, I'm imagining myself and his brother's big old chocolate arms. I've even mumbled his brother's name under my breath once during sex. I watch his workout videos online and I get all tingly. This all started a few weeks ago. Do you think it's just a phase or should I seek counseling? Please help me? What do you want us to do? Is it just a phase or do I need counseling? You need to quit, won't your brother's your husband's brother, lusty? You know? Hell? Stop watching his damn video? Yeah, getting yourself up? Quit calling his damn name. You know that? Ain't your husband? How about that? What do you want? Yeah? Yeah, this is something you can control for sure. You're right, all right, and we're moving on. Paula in Boston says I'm seventy one and I'm i am back on the dating scene. I've been a widow for twenty five years, and said, Okay, she's seventy one. Her name is Paula. She's out of Boston, seventy one, she's back on the dating scene. She's been a widow for twenty five years, and she was casually dating a younger man for the past two years. She said, we had sex a few times and he stopped calling me all. I'm attracted to our younger men between the ages of fifty and sixty, and getting one is not a problem. I don't want to be just a fleeing for these men. How can I prevent that from happening? That's a younger man. Why don't you stop being a flame? You will fleeing because you allow it. You allow yourself to get flawed. Your your body, or your relations or whatever you want to call him at seventy one comes with a price. What is this? You have every right you're too old for this. You're talking about how you you've been screwing a dude for two years and then he stopped calling you. What you think was gonna happen? Y'all? Wasn't in a relationship? Wouldn't nobody defined anything. I don't care how old you get. If you can't define the relationship you in, you probably ain't in one m she said me, though she ain't got about fifteen years left, you gotta least have some fun. That was profound. Say that again, because now what the cello said before we run out of tide, come on, come on feel us. All I said was, if you can't define the relationship, it's probably because you ain't in one. There you go, all right, coming up, And what I said is, if you said me, you ain't got a fifteen year left, gonna get it in. Run that frank back with the nephew right right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, miss and will be here with our national news and an update on the winter storms across the country. But right now the nephew is yere, would run that brank back. What you got for us? Naff Your child support is late? Okay, it's late. Your child support is late. Let's go Hello. Hello, my street called? Yeah, what's up? What was this? Just prester man? Uh me and uh me and men your your X man me and we uh we've been kicking it for the last three months. I'm man, I don't care about you and we're not together. We're not together, so why are you calling me? Okay, you're no that's cool right there. I understand all that you call me to tell me the child together something with you. I don't care about what you and do me not together, I don't. I don't give a damn about what you do. Okay, okay, no, no, no player, I understand that what I was calling you about was, you know, you kind of behind like two to three months on the on the child support man, and I told how I was gonna handle this what well? I told her I was gonna handle this situation, you know. So now I don't need you to handle nothing. You don't need to be worried about about how many months I'm behind? Who the hell telling you all this? Anyway? When when? When can we expect another payment? That's what I'm asking you. First of all, don't you ever call my phone with that. You understand me. Don't call my phone man, because I don't try about my daughter. Man, I ain't trying to ain't trying to handle. I don't need you all my back, and I don't need see all my back about no damn child sport because I do for my daughter, man, So don't call my phone with that. Okay, Okay, Well, looking is you're working right now. Man, you man, say, listen here, what what? What? What's your name? Priston? Real pressure. What I'm saying is you're working right now and I do whatever it takes to take care of my daughter. Man, So don't you worry about my my job security and what I'm doing. Okay, Well, can I just come when? I just come by there whenever you get paid next time so I can pick up you know, the child. Man, you don't need to come. I know where. I tell you what. Yeah, you bring your around. You come, I'm give you directions right now. You bring your phone over here, because I want I want to see your calling my damn phone talking about my damn daughter. Hey man, we're looking out for the well being of the baby. Man, that's what you think I've been doing ever since she came in as well. That's what I've been doing ever since she got here. I've been looking out for her well being. And somebody come just getting a picture? You want to tell me about my daughter well being? Quite where? You three months for her? And then? Man, matter of fact, I do everything I can for my daughter. So for you to sit up here and call me talking about it, I'm three months behind. I don't even keep up with that. I send money when I can. I do for my daughter. I do for my daughter for I do for myself. So if I ain't got it to send, that means I ain't got it at all. But give me a second and I'll go get it. But don't be calling me about my daughter man talking about them three months behind. Okay, well look here, further of all, I ain't you know, I ain't working right now, so we really need you to go on and get the money. Hold on, hold a hold on. You ain't working, but I might here hustling you calling me about some money. But you over that land over most of y'all need to get out, y'all and do what the hell I'm doing. That's what I can't understand. It's true you, but it's one of me, and you want to come to me with that. And I told I was gonna handle this situation back being behind on this. You know this at little child to pull situation. That's all I'm saying. I need you to going on and give me a date man on when we can expect a paytent. Okay, I'm giving you a date right now. Bring your over here right now and come pick up the paytent. I got it for you right now. You just tell me what kind of car you drive so I know, because I don't. I don't want to. I don't want to bust the wrong to pull up in my driveway by mistakes. I do everything for my daughter. My daughter don't have no walks on the knees. I put shoes on her feet, colds on our back, food in us something. I do everything for her. I don't need you at. I don't my daughter don't need you at. I pick up from school every day and take her to her grandmother's house. So a year about, no, two or three months behind because she ain't with eye. I can see if I went two or three months and she with eut. Okay, listen, man, that's another thing with me and I can't talking about. We're not gonna need you to be checking her from the school no more. I'm gonna be getting her from the school when she I wish I would catch you up with my daughter's school. You ain't picking up my daughter. Man. I don't even know who the hell you are. I told you my name is Preston, man, but I know Preston. I'm telling you what, man, I don't want you know where Neil my daughter that I'm gonna talks right now because I don't want you know where Neil my daughter. Man, you understand me. I don't want you know where near my daughter. Man. If I can't Neil my daughter, I'm gonna whoop ya. I'm gonna let my daughter knows if she leaves me and to me and the baby is getting a long firm man. All I'm saying is we just need you to send that rendy man. You hey, y'all. I'm glad y'all doing good because she anyway, but don't put my daughter in the middle of man. Man, I'm just happening to be in between jobs, that's all. Man. Well, you need to get out your and look in between your cheeks and go find you something, find you a manhood. Sitting up there probably on the couch eating up all up pop tarts and I've only had two of them pop toards man, that's all. You ain't sposed to be having none of them because I bought that for my daughter. Man, and I appreciate you eating none of that over that. You need to get off and feed yourself like I do. I feed myself and my daughter and probably still let me tray this here. Man, I just want to talk to you about our child. Man, our child. That ain't your child. That's my I'm taking you ain't got eight sake. Man. Don't you ever say that. Man, Don't you ever say that to me? Man, that is not our child, man, my child. Let me tell you something, man, Let me tell you something. Put your here to this phone real close. Man. I'm literally about my daughter. I'm trying to handle this like me. Is what I'm trying to do. You ain't been here the whole time. You're trying to walk up in here and talk about an hour. I'm her daddy. Man, I'm just trying to be a good stuff for the man and get them with a child. Poor father. Yeah, I gotta get married past. You ain't no man, say, man, say, I'm gonna talking in Helen this. I guarant no, no, no, no, no, no no no. You don't talk to me no more. You understand what I'm saying. You talk to me. You're dealing with me. I told you I was gonna handle it, but you're gonna make me mad. No, like I hadn't told you. Now you don't talk no more. I talk to whenever. I won't. We got a child together. You're just gotten the picture. Don't you call no amos. You don't talking, Camper, you talk to me? From now? You talk to Preston. I'm gonna talking. I'm gonna had it. Help with trust me? Hey, man, let me tell you something. You don't call man, you deal with me? Do you understand what I'm telling I'm not dealing with you with him? Say you hear me? The only thing I'm gonna deal with you is my foot up, Yo, that's a man to deal with many. I got one more thing I need to say to you, man, I don't want to hear nothing else. You got the same player. I didn't heard everything you had to say. Let me tell you something, man, you want a job? Were hiring right now. I'll put you in with the man in charge. I'll get you a job. Don't nobody want to work with you? Man, I don't like your attitude. You need to work with somebody because you ain't working with nobody right now. I got one more thing I need to say to you. It's you listening, man, Say what the hell you got to say? Man? That's his nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning don't give him? Say, man, I don't care who you are. I don't play a boy my daughter. Man. Do this, nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin Kendrick. Man. Oh man, I'm gonna kill you all right? Oh no, man, because I don't play with by my daughter like that. Man, I don't. That's my worm, Man, that's my heart. Man, I don't that. Man a right. Let me let me ask you this here, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, man, the Stieves Harvey morn and Show. All right, thank you, Crazy entertainment news in our National News Update with mss Anne Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, sir, guys. Rapper lil uzi Vert went viral recently after he posted a picture on Instagram of a twenty four million dollar pink diamond that's implanted into his forehead. You guys have all seen the pictures. It's a full diamonds, yeah, twenty four million. It's a huge diamond. It juts out of his forehead, and of course it's going to be the topic of conversation, but he hasn't spoken about it until recently. On his IGTV video, he explained how he spent the past few years paying off the diamond, so we put it on layaway. I guess you could say paying off the diamond. And now he came to the and how he came to the decision to put it into his forehead. He said, Now these are his words. I'm a b real so I'm picking out a diamond and we were going to put it in a ring. But I'm gonna be honest, I'm a little oozy, I'm turned up. So twenty four million on a ring is the stupidest idea because I'm gonna look down in that ring ain't gonna be there. I know me. I wake up in odd places and different sceneries. What so since he don't, now it's stupid right here? Man, No, see, that's that's why he got that, dude, the same reason he gave for putting it in there, exactly why he got it. First of all, look, man, not to sound like an old fogy, but can I tell y'all something, Pete, If you get your hands on twenty four million dollars. Come on, do you know what you can do for yourself? But that ain't got nothing to do with a diamond in your forehead. But let me know the homes you could own. Do you know the fun you could set up for your future? Do you do you? Do you understand how you could travel? I can't twenty four million for something to sit in your forehead that is of no value sitting there. It's man, that's you saying. Do you know? But do you know if my cousin see this, dame, he gonna reach for it? Do you know that? Dog? I'm just trying to tell you. Do you know if my cousins see this, damn damn he reaching for that one? I know you're talking about. Yeah, see us ass he getting got I'm telling you right, no, no, but I'm telling you it ain't no where you're going through certain hoods and now you're they know you got twenty four million stone. But because you gotta understand he's twenty six years old. With that, that's fine, But when my cousin see you, my cousin pulled out the needle. No applies, That's it, he said. I hear, I hear what you're saying. Surely, he said, he put it in layaway, which means you don't have twenty four available, right, people with available money. I know rich people, and you ain't got to do that. But I'm saying, but the thing is that twenty six he's not even thinking on that level, obviously, But surely this is when you should have gorilla glued the diamond in there. Now, that's what you should have did. If you want to make sure it don't come out of there, you should have rella glued that damn diamond in there. Now, you straight, you can go, you can get you put the rella glue on your half or the back of a twenty four million dollar ring. Both y'all just as stupid. They should be together, the two of them. This man, this dude is just like, Yeah, I don't even know. I wish I could talk to Yeah. The jeweler said that Oz is a trend setter and he won't be surprised if it becomes a trend. Uh. We don't think so, Sara. All right, so let's move on because it is time for miss Anne. Come on, Steve, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne true, thank you guys, this is Anne trip. Well, the big story, of course is the weather. Let's get that out of the way. Authorities say that some two million people are without power today in Texas alone. Some twenty people have died due to the storm. Four people killed by tornadoes in North Carolina. They're also tornadoes yesterday in parts of Georgia and Florida. It also snows in Chicago the last eight days straight. Now the war begins. Donald Trump is lashing out at GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell. He's the Senate leader, but he's not the Senate majority leader anymore. McConnell, of course voted to a quit Trump on Senate impeachment charges, but he made this statement soon after. There's no question don their President Trump is practically and marley responsible for provoking the events of the day, no question about it. Well. Trump released a six hundred words statement yesterday calling the Kentucky Republican ad quote a dour, sullen and unsmiling political hack, and he add that the Republican Party can never again be respected or strong with leaders like Senator McConnell at the helm. A former Trump White House official tells Router's News service that Trump and McConnell stopped being best buds when McConnell openly declared that Joe Biden had won the presidential election in mid December, despite Trump's insisting that he won. And now in just one term, the Republican Party has lost the White House in both houses of the Congress. Meanwhile, the US Center plans the whole let's first hearing is looking into the January sixth insurrection at US Capital. They're making a date for that. The Biden administration is pushing to make the federal minimum wage fifteen dollars, up from about seven. Federal prosecutors say that a white North Carolina man threatened President Biden in a series of her being phone calls. Twenty seven year old David Kyle Reeves has been charged with threatening a president. No word of Freeze belongs to any white racist group, but if convicted of threatening a president, Reeves faces up to five years in prison at a quarter of a million dollar fine. By the way, he says, he was just expressing his free right to say whatever, and he won it. You know whatever, You may want to put down the Quaker oats for this one. After cops in Philadelphia say they arrested a guy finding deep fried body parts in a U haul track and a dumpster. The Philadelphia in Choir says forty seven year old Terrey Herring another person pulled over by cops investing a robbery. After searching a truck and then a dumpster, they say they found a dismembered body in a trash bag, along with a person's hands and feet that have been deep fried. Finally, a signed at times and rather disgusting. The Los Angeles Police Departments launched an internal investigation after an officer reported a photo of George Floyd used to make a sick and racist Valentine's Day card last week, with the caption you take My breath Away, apparently being circulated among cops. The chief there is embarrassed, he says, and disgusted. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it's women Crushed Wednesday and ash Wednesday as well. Uh, and sister odell is in the building, came in right up to women's Crushed Wednesdays. Yes, ma'am, that's what it is. Good mornings everyone, Good morning, Hodel. Hello Thomas, Yes, ma'am, good morning. Oh, my mother's fine. I haven't talked to in a couple of weeks. Okay, yeah, well she's doing well. I'm you know, I'm still taking care of that's my call as soon as we get off. Well, he does do a good job of taking care of huh. She brags on you all the time for what I don't know, but you know Alicia takes care of it though. Yes, ma'am, good old boy us a good boy. That's good. Comana Shelly. Well, good morning, sister Odell. All. How were you wonderful? Wonderful? What's going on? Well? I mean, first of all, before we get to anything, I did want to ask you, how is your Valentine's Day? Girl? Just candy? I ticked candy and flowers from everyone's Oh really? Are are you dating anyone in particular, Sister Odell? These days? Of course? You know I keep the man you know who, your dad, Al Shopkin's dad Al shops Daddy, big al big, oh big al. Okay, So he's the one that gave you the candy and the flowers. Yes, yes, yes, gage me candy and roses got him from that company you did on the commercial front, one hundred flowers. They were pretty, and he added an extra ten dollars, got twenty nine. Oh and they were lovely. Right, I didn't call him. They made a mistake and sent thirty two. But I didn't say nothing. I figured they was making enough. They ain't on midfo flowers, I said. I wasn't fending saying it back that for a show. That's right, that's right. Well, I'm glad you had a good, lovely And was it romantic your Valentine's Day? No? Not really, just you know, I sent the flowers and everything. You know, Uh I was. I wasn't really in home, you know, because I got the vaccine. You know, because I'm an essential worker. Oh you got the shot. I didn't know you were in I say so, Shirley, Oh well that is essential. That ain't essential, I went on. I ain't even signed up. I just told her I'm cential. They said, what did you do it? I said, I say so? They said, well, when that's not essential, taps more essentially getting to Hiven. If I don't get this shot, you're probably gonna go to him shook in her old game in the shout coming back twenty one day later, same woman, she said, I know, just come on, yeah, come on, you're essential, You're essential. Well that's a good thing. That's a good thing. Well, well, thank you, s still Dale. We appreciate time. Coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, we gotta tell you what's going down with the LAPD. So we'll talk about it when we come back. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office is investigating several lap D officers after they allegedly get this. Guys circulated a Valentine's Day card with George Floyd's picture on it and the words you take my breath away Now. This was to mock the final hours of George Floyd's life as a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck and repeatedly cried out George Floyd did, I can't breathe. I mean, what a horrible story, what a horrible thing to do. George Floyd's family released a statement to the LAPD saying this is beyond insult on top of injury. It's injury on top of death. The type of callousness and cruelty within a person's soul needed to do something like this evades comprehension and is indicative of a much larger problem within the culture of the LAPD. We demand that everyone who was involved is held accountable for their revolting behavior and that an apology be issued to the family immediately. Amen to that. I just you know, the people, the spirit of some people, man, is really sickening. You know, Like I get tired of hearing people now say this is not our country. Our country is better than this. No, this is the country we live in. Yeah, this is exactly This is exactly who this country is. It's not those people that climb the capital wall. That's who. This a big part. That's a part of this country. It's not everybody but that, and that is a part of our confuteral. This sickness that pervades the internet is a part of our culture. It's a part of our country. I mean, you know when you see this sickness, when people walk in churches and kill people, walk in schools and kill people, it's it's not who we are. Okay, then why I keep happening? Right? You know, we don't want to admit that that is a part of what this country is about. But that is the deal. You know, we don't want to admit that we need real gun laws. We don't want to admit because we have this stupid thing called the Constitution that we think is such a righteous document that allows for this president that got away within citing this riot. It's because they read one word in the constitution you can impeach a president. But then they went to he's no longer the president. We ain't got to do it. We constitutionally can't do it. And they jumped through that loophole, just like they jumped through this loophole of not all of them, just ten ten. But but but but you know another thing, you know, you you you, you sit up and you say, we should have freedom of speech. But if your freedom is speech hurts, kills, defiles another human being, why should you have the freedom right? You know? And they they used that in President trump defense, he's the freedom of speech. What are you kidding me? But now Kathy Griffin, oh says what she said about Trump and does this what she thinks of funny how it showing his head cut off? Now the f B I visit her and George Lopez does a joke about it. The FBI visits him. But now when he do his freedom of speech that causes deaths. Yep, he off right, And even the people they arrested say they got their orders from Trump, exactly right. This is the country we live in. Yeah, it's a part of it. It's not everybody, but it's an element. It's like half, you know, it's almost like the half who voted for Biden. Those are not those people, you know. It's just we're divided. We're just divided. And everybody that voted for Trump is not that way. No, they're just Republicans. But Trump took the Republicans to a whole nother level. Yeah, he bought out the dirt Republicans. Yeah, he he bought out the dirt, the dirty side of the Republican Party. He really did, He really did. Glad he's gone. H do not look forward to him trying to run in twenty twenty four. But they are gearing up for twenty twenty two, you know, they are gearing up for that to try to get more Republicans in the House and send it in the house. All right, Coming up next, the prank phone call. The nephew is here with the prank phone call. Right after this you're you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right about four minutes after the hour. As always, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is I don't think we're really cousins. M we'll get into it. Don't worry, we'll get into all right, we'll get right now. The nephew is here with today today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now? I got repo man, Shirley, I got repo man. Everybody's had a repossession at some point or another in your life. You have at something you walked outside of your driveway and it was gone. You know, it's happened, it's already got did like what I know? Good down gone? Well? I fucking righty, repo man. Let's go cat though. Hello, I'm trying to reach age. Please this hell SORR. Yeah, my name is uh Robert. I'm with the collection agency. You do on a Sierra two thousand and three GMC truck. Am I correct? Yep? Okay. We don't show that we've had any payments within the last I guess about three close to four months now, and we want to try and stop having to come in and repossess it. Maybe we give you a chance to bring your payment in. But we haven't had a payment from you in about four months, siRNA financial with the other another thing. I don't, I don't. I don't know what's in the moment. Yeah, I'm playing all time. It's directed product from our call. We're about that. Well, I'm with they've they've turned you over to us. I'm with collection agency, and we haven't gotten anything from me, don't. I don't show any uh any paperwork here on the computer at all that we've had any payments made within the last four months. So that's why they've been paying it already turned it over to y'all without my permission. They can't never tell tis my truck over to y'all to pack y'all. I don't even know it. Well, I understand that. Sure. What happens is if you haven't paid it in a certain amount of time, it actually comes over to the collection agency. And that's what they've done. They've actually sent it over to us. Uh. They've given us uh pretty much all the information on you. I guess it's a gold this type of color uh. CR two thousand and three GMC truck from my understanding, Am I correct? Yeah, that's truck. Okay. Now, what I'm gonna need from you today, Jeremy, is for you to come in uh and make a payment to us this evening for four months so we can see, so we don't have to come in and repossess your truck. And I don't want to have to do that. But if I have to send a record out there to you, I have your address on file as well. I don't want to have to send anybody out to pick it up. Paris learning y'all not coming here my truck. And I'm not paying y'all for for new full months. I'm paying my truck, not all time, every month. That's a done deal, sir. I don't want to get in a back and forth with you, but I'm telling you exactly how it's gonna go. Now. I come out there and repossess it myself. But I'm telling you what the tight look slow, look, that's not that's not even where we gotta go with that. Don't be you don't need to be screaming and fussing it and chaotic and come get it yourself and all that stuffy much truck, much truck, that's gonna be that? What? Hang on, let's back up, because I'm a man just like here, man, what do you mean it's gonna that's gonna be that? What are you saying? What are you? What are you? What are you saying to me? Son? I'm telling you. Look, look, I'm telling you that I'm paying my truck note and and that's a fun I don't know, I don't know what. Let's get I've already stated to you before I'm with an agency. And let's get one thing straight. You don't tell me I tell you now. Hey, hey, dude, calm down on the phone. It don't make no sense to it, you know, over the father whatnot. You can come, you can come get the truck, my truck right here. I work. I'm right here. You can come. You can come try to get my truck. You come on there. Sure, I'm already aware of where you work in the whole nine yards. Now I don't I'm trying to be as uh cordial with you as I can. Now you can you're telling about conna get my truckle and I'll tell you I'll be say much so you know you should have dropped it and being like, all right, I'm gonna check with somebody. I don't check with somebody else to make sure I'm right. It didn't call me back. I'm telling you you haven't paid anything. That's what I'm telling you. I've got it listed on the computer. You've been turned over an agency and you haven't done it. You haven't done a thing. What are you? Stupid? You? You you're waiting your press scream in the hall over the phone like that today, I'm gonna do me. Are you no good? You ain't get no money from me? Then you ain't coming from my truck? What a matter of fact, you could come from my truck. I'm gonna be on my truck. I'm gonna wait on you. What It doesn't make any difference, sir. You gotta get repossessed tonight. If I don't get four months payment brook, Definitely, If I don't get four months payment brought into me collection agency, your truck will be taken care of. Lord. Hold on, listen, man, hold on with me. You kind of kind of serious truck horror part. You quick cursing at me. That's what's rung man. You look my right outside. You come over here and get it obviously on that way for you. Look, you know what. I'm at the point. I don't give a about this job. I'm ready to come kick your That's what I'm ready to do. Call him back, Kay, I don't need a little scared hanging up the phone. You're standing here like a man, and you handle your problems. Hey, I'm man, I make a bro. Stop calling. I'm at work too, doing my job the same way you're doing yours. We'll make your money to do your job. Come get truck. I got one more thing I want to say to you before you go. Are you're listening. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by you got you got all my teacher? Man? You are you all right? Man? Right, I'm gonna talk this roof. Man, I'm talking about cool. I'm got me about the job I'm trying to get. She told me, she told me, man, she said that boy loved that truck. Yeah, that's my choice, my ownest repetation. Man ain't man. Yeah, yeah, you gotta, but you gotta pretty good. I gotta ask. I gotta ask you. Man, Tell me, brother, what is the baddest. I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane. Steve, I get it, Yeah you did. He sounded a little bit like Junior to me when he got Really I think if I remember, I think he knew Orleans. I think he Louisiana. Yeah, that was crazy. What you think, Steve? Well, I do understand where you're coming from, especially when I lived at it. Not only was it your transportation with your home, and they was looking for it too, So you had to park. I mean you've been You've been reposed before. Me just wants now, how men till you didn't dig? How long have you dodged? Just but let me ask that quarter two years or you were skillful two years? So you had to park somewhere different all the time. Then I catch your bus home. I had a bike rack put on the back of it so I could park it somewhere and ride the bike home. Didn't ride the bike back to it, hold a work park it somewhere else. You do better, paint. I ain't what you were in shape. I was outstanding. And back then Shirley black people they had no bike rack on the back of their car. You were very creative, Steve got part of a friend's house. Huh, wake up, couldn't remember where the hell my car? You're gonna come get your college driveway so I can go to work. Oh, I don't went to the wrong house. Oh wow, Steve, Wow, what was all in there? What did you have in you? I'm gonna closing. I mean, you know, just a little stiff huh. I was. I was just financially wasn't fit there. But when I lived in it, I just drove out of state. Good luck. And you know this was before you had all you had to have with license plate. They hadn't come up with the sticking system yet. Oh yeah, okay, wow was your plates? So was your plates really your plates? Or was the place? What does that mean exactly? I know? But well I had like three Ohio tags in my car. So even if they did find the car, you have three different lives of plates in the coast, like uh huh. And I think they saw me. Uh huh. I go a little bit and change your tags. Okay, let's get out of here. Um we'll be back with more of the well you can't hold on public office, right, Strawberry letter coming up. I don't think we're really cousins. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the String Show. Well, guys, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and just click submit Strawberry Letter and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Okay, buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject, I don't think we're really cousins. Dear Stephen Shirley. In high school, I liked a girl and she liked me. We talked on the phone and hung out together all the time, and her mom and my mom were close too, so she always was at my house or I was at hers. By the time we graduated from high school, we were even closer, and I told her that I wanted her to be more than my friend. She's always been really close to her mom and tells her everything, so she told her mom that she and I were dating. Her mom told her that I was her cousin. When she told me we were related, I felt strange because we had kissed a few times. We never questioned it. Though we stopped dating and remained very close cousins, we still did everything together and told each other everything, and by the time we were in our mid twenties, we both had a bunch of bad relationships and always ended up back together. I realized that I loved my quote unquote cousin and she's a perfect woman for me. So I finally asked my mom if we were really related. My mom said, we're related somewhere down the line, but there is no way for us to find out now because all of the older relatives are deceased. I told my mom that I'm in love with her and I want to be with her. My mom told me to follow my heart. I couldn't wait to tell my cousin how I really felt, and I was relieved when she told me she's been in love with me forever. Since then, we've made love a few times, and I asked her to marry me. She wants to do a search of our family tree first. I don't think we're cousins, and this is only postponing our happiness. Should we search for answers or not? Well, I'm with you on this one. I don't know. I just don't believe your guys or cousins. I don't believe. I think maybe you know, her mom told her that because she didn't want you guys dating for whatever reason. And you know, I don't want you guys, not because I don't want it to be true or anything. I just don't believe your mom. Both of them are telling the truth. Even your mom said you were related somewhere down the line, she didn't even know, and she said there's no one in your family to validate it. But I mean, there are ways you can search to find out. It's just I don't know, suspicious the way they handled everything and the way they told you. And for that very reason, Yes, I think you should find out if you're related. I think you should do the search. I mean, knowledge is power. The truth will set you're free. What if you want to have children down the line, you know, this is something you should know, whether or not you're related. There's a lot to consider. You need the fact so you can make an informed, a clearheaded, right decision, and nothing just based on your emotions, like your mom told you just to follow your heart. It sounds like you don't care though if your cousins are not and your mom certainly doesn't care. But your girl wants to know and it's important to her. So I think you should do the search, and you know, whatever you guys find out, let the chips fall you know where they may. I don't think you're really cousins. I don't know, and if you find out that you're not, then you can move forward. Steve, Well, this is a short response for me because I don't even understand. There's no advice to give in this letter, Like you don't know him. I have sections while I break down what somebody said and what the other person said. It's none of that in here. And he just wants to know should they search. That's his question. Anyway, It ain't about that to me. If your mother, if the woman that she's really close to, and y'all up in over each other's house, if that ain't your mother's sister, and and that woman that's not for the sister, this girl that you're dating, and okay, let me let me put you the woman and your mama are not sisters, and then her daughter is the woman you love that ain't your cousin. So now that's established right down. Now this, y'all cousin somewhere down the line. Black people know who it's happening, lamb. If all of them is dead, black people know who it's happening. Now. What didn't happened is one of them men in the family and straight off somewhere had a child out of wedlock, and one of your aunts or mama's is them? Now there everybody dead stuff. Y'all got bibles, opened up my old bibles and read who who? You ain't gonna see your name? And now now once you don't see your name, just an open and shut case. I don't know all the old people dead, well, hot man, So what are we talking about here? So I don't really think it's a case of if you do the search, what you're gonna find, you're not gonna find anything. And y'all you in love with the girl, she in love with the girl? I mean she in love with you. I mean what, y'all, what if they want kids? They're too far down the line for that to affect anything you're saying. I think they're way way down. Let me tell you something it was something dangerous. The boy's mother would not have said follow your heart, but the other mothers was the one that said their cousins. I think she said it because she didn't want them to day. She just said that, Well, okay, tell her mom asked her, ask her mama how. But she can't didn't even tell how these She can't even tell how these other two is related. The two women want their relationship. They're just they're they're just really close, you know. Only Okay, well that ain't your cousins. Yeah, but they did it, you do know they did it right? They said it in the letter, Yes, in the letter. We'll have part two of Steve coming up at twenty three minutes after be our subject I don't think we're really cousins. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's interesting Strawberry Letters. Subject. I don't think we're really cousins. This guy was in high school. He liked a girl and they she liked him, talked on the phone, hung out together all the time. Her mom and my mom were close to so she was always at my house. Never once in this letter, does it say her mom and his mom was related. By the time they graduated high school, we were even closer. I told her want to be more than friends. She's always been really close to her mom and tells everything. So she told her mom she and I were dating. Her mom told her I was her cousin, but your mama ain't related. This to the boy's mama, they're just climbing, So now where that come from. When she told me we were related, I felt strange because I had kissed a few times. We never questioned it though. We stopped dating and remained close everything together. Then they went through a bunch of bad relationships and always he ended up back together. And then he said, I realized I loved my cousin and she's perfect woman for me. So this dude go and ask his mom if they really related. The mother said, y'all related somewhere down the line, but there ain't no way to find out because all the older relatives are dead. Well, okay, what was we talking about? This folk? I told my mom that I'm in love with her and I want to be with him. My mom told me to follow my heart. So then he ran and told a girl who as he thinks his cousin how it really felt. And he was relieved when she told me she'd been in love with me forever. Well then since then they'd have made love a few times, and I asked her to marry me. Yeah, she wants to do a search of our family tree first because she don't want to come up and getting bad. You know, then I half of these people you think it's dead gonna show up at the wedding. Well, ain't this strange? You know, I'm esther's us least inside. They all have old slave names and everything. First, all of you Frederick, you know Frederick was your aunt great great great great uncle, Frederick Frederick Douglas. Boy, you got an afro just like him. You don't be a good So she wants to do a search and to think. And he said, I don't think we're cousins and this is only postponed in our happiness. Should we search for answers or not? Okay, let me explain something to your son. When you get through searching, it ain't gonna change one thing you feel about this girl. Come on board. When you get through searching, it ain't gonna race the fact that y'all in love with each other and y'all been together. It ain't gonna be racing up no matter what the search say. And if you find out you somewhere way down the line, how far down the line is it? Now? How many people got to die? Sell? All your evidence is dead? Down the line is dead. But your mother and her mother ain't even related? So what are y'all talking about? See? I think her mother didn't want them to date, because immediately when she told him that, they stopped dating. If there's no relation between the two friends, well that could be happening because maybe they're just friends and the two kids is in other families. Yeah, I mean, yeah, that's a possibility. You know. That's why I don't think their cousins. I don't think it will hurt anything to do the search because well see the problem with that is we're talking about two mothers. Though. See, once you have mothers involved and ain't know you ain't in the family. What you mean? This woman is the mother of the boy, your heart is the mother of the girl. Right, So how are these two kids related? How am I missing something? It could be through? Could it be through marriage? I don't know. Two women were married to the same brothers or some friends. That could happen. Yeah, I don't think they're I just don't think they're related. That tests you take due. We had a test one day. What the name that ancestry doctor. That's it right there. I just did one. I just did a test. I just did it. I had people do mind from me. So that's what I'm saying. You don't have to have living relatives, you know. So his mom said, everybody's dead to prove whether they're not there. I can find stuff on my mother's side, but he goes back to my father and it stops. So if down the line ain't here, you can steal a fan out. We're going, Yeah, he loved her, though, what's what's gonna Yeah, yeah, she loves him. She wants she's the one that wants to know. I mean, you do have to consider. Yeah, you have small to the children and everything. You know, are you out, steve, You're done well, I'm told yeah, because you got awfully quiet right there is hard to raise anyway. Ain't that the truth? You said? Yeah, you're gonna have a situation with him. It ain't nothing wrong with him? Yes, all right, listen, guys, you can leave your comments on Today's Letter on Instagram at Steve Harvey FM, and check out the starby Letter podcast on demand now coming up in ten minutes. We'll have some headlines and some trending topics and we'll do that right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, we've all heard by now that on Saturday, the US Senate voted to a quit Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial. This came one month and a week after the deadly insurrection at the US Capitol on January sixth. Now, Donald Trump and attorney Rudy Giuliani are being accused of conspiring in the far with the far right groups Proud Boys and Oathkeepers to incite the insurrection. A civil lawsuit now was filed on yesterday. Ruddy and Trump, they steal freenes even though Trump hasn't paid him. Right, I'm just asking you won't pay me. We ain't rid of free at all. We're no longer friends, um anyway I was saying. A civil lawsuit was filed on Tuesday in federal court by Democratic Representative Benny Thompson. Okay. Thompson points to Trump's words and tweets in the days before the insurrection, accusing Trump of mobilizing supporters to attack Congress in an attempt to prevent Congress from certifying the twenty twenty election results. Trump will be subject to discovery and depositions, which may potentially expose details and evidence that weren't released during his Senate impeachment trial. So they're still trying to make someone pay for, you know, all the damage and the deaths and everything that happened on January sixth in the Capitol, which is a good thing. You know, A lot of people said they may have more luck, let's say, in the courts than they would in the Senate. I mean, that's the only way to make this work. Yeah, A civil is just like you know, you've got it. It's a different it's a different set of law. When you file something civil, you can be held accountable for other other levels of accountability when it's civil. Example, the O. J. Simpson case, he got off with the murder charge, but he lost in the civil court, right because it's a different level of burden of proof and you can go at it from different things. He has to be held accountable for what happened on that day, and you would think, and as we talked about off the air, that since there were so many congressman senators lives at risk, he has to be accountable. But guess what them same senators whose life was at risk voted to acquittal. I know that's that's the weird part to me. But they're still holding on to that base. And that's all about. That's the cowardice of the publican leadership. Yeah, they're more afraid of Donald Trump than anything, and they think these votes are going to convert. They don't. I don't think that. I think they misplayed this myself. Yeah, I do too. Well, Okay, we're moving on. Coming up at the top of the hour, we have some sports news for you right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right, we mentioned at the top of the hour Junior is out today. The nephews in for Junior this time. That sounds now, I say, you know what. We got some sad news today. We have a thirty eight year old former NFL wide receiver, Benson Jackson, was found dead Monday in Brandon, Florida, hotel room. According to the Hillsborough County, Florida, Shelf's office, Vincent Jackson last played in the NFL in twenty sixteen with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Police said there were no apparent signs with trauma and there is an open investigation to the cause of his death. Buccaneer's owner and co chairman Brian Glazer said in a statement that Jackson was a consummate professional and his greatest achievements as a buccaneer were the four consecutive nominations he earned as Walter Peyton Man of the Year. So our hearts go out to this young man right here. All right, we don't want to mister Benson Jackson now, uh oh, watch me flip the script and other sports news. X NFL star pac Man Jones was arrested early Monday morning in Cincinnati after getting into a huge fight in a bar. TMZ Sports released at the video of the wild bar fight that led to the arrest of thirty seven year old pac Man Jones. The video shows several people throwing bar stools while by standard screen for everyone to stop. Oh yeah, this is bad. It wasn't clear pac Man was throwing bar stools or not, but he was visible in the video as the fight calms down. One witness stated that pac Man's entourage left there around one am, and when they tried to return, all right, security wouldn't let them back in, so pact Man aggressively pushed his way in and then knocked the security guy out. You also allegedly kicked the security guard in the head multiple times before staff. Before the staff stepped in and broke it all up. Pac Man was booked on one count of misdemeanor assault. That's what's happening in sports right now. Well, that ain't the only thing happening in sports, And how dare you overlooked the grievous, sad news that's coming out of the Texas. Let me point this out to you. Not only have to quarterback Deshan Wasson requested a trade that J. Watt we know that asked to be released by the Texans. The Texans have released J. J. Watt. They have your best offensive player gone, your best wide receiver gone, and now your ask defensive player and man of the year. Such a schellar outstanding student. Everybody wants out of Houston right now? What the hell is going on? Let's go down to this Westbrook is gone. Chris Paul is gone, James Hardness gone, yes. D Hop is gone. D Hop gone. J J. Watt is gone, yes, And and the Sean Wasson is gone left the Shan is not left yet. I'm sorry, will be gone. He will go, yes, but it has it's not official yet. He took all the text and stuff, all his Twitter feed and everything. Okay, that's fine, that's fine. Was you holding on? Let's let's let's let's let's let's do this. Where about Joe tem what is Cleveland doing? Where about that was playing in the playoffs when y'all ass was at the house, he at first team? This all the time. I need damn you try to do sports. Yeah, gloss over of course, happening with the Texas, that ragged ass football team. I'm not gonna do this. I'm not going to do this with you this morning. Man, I'm not going to do this with you this morning. I'm not the same thing. Okay, don't do it with me this morning. Okay. No, all I'm saying is is this, we're by Cleveland. Let me figure out what we're gonna do with these Texas. Let you figure it out. What is you gonna do? He's the coach. You ain't got no money to keep nobody that, Shelley, You ain't gonna been to being in sports anyway. Be quiet right now. You need to get your money and go over there and buy a damn generator. And quick word about the damn Texas. All right, thank you for sports, and have you coming out. We're sending it. We'll be back in twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening, Steve Harvey. Morning, a brutal winter storm has hit a huge portion of the country, dumping large amounts of snow. If you've been watching the news, you've been seeing below freezing temperatures, icy conditions all over, millions of homes or without electricity, and the icy roads led to pilots on the highways around the country. Also, a deadly tornado ripped through southeastern North Carolina late Monday night, causing major devastation and claiming three lives. Sad to say, so, we're just asking that you guys please stay safe, you know, as you wait for power to be restored in your homes. Uh, Tommy, you know something about that firsthand. I do. Power's going out several times in my house. Um power, water has gotten really, really low. The roads are really bad. You don't know what slippery you think you know, and that you know, that's what they call black ice. Man. Yeah, people out there driving, and you know, you see people who got their as us on and they're scared and they're just trying to get somewhere. You know, I'm assuming it's something that you gotta get to. And people are driving, you know, trying to be careful, and then somebody come up on the side of you hit it. They haul in sixty sixty five miles an hour. You're like, are you kidding me right now? Are you seriously driving that fast? Come on, man, If we if we all could just be safe and look out for each other, we'd be a lot better. But you got some you got some idiots out there that just do not want to play the safe game. Yeah, and that's true. Please stay safe while you wait for your power, contact your support network, let your people know that you're okay, check in to see if they're okay. Just be safe, Be safe. Please. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time for CLO the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey the cloth as the nephew calls him. You're ready, sir, I know you are all right. Lakisha and Hampton, Virginia says, I'm in my late twenties and my best friend and I bought a home together. Her boyfriend moved to our city a month ago and he's been staying with us. She said it would only be for a week, but he's still here. He's chipped in financially and that's all finding good, but I don't want his money and I don't want him to get comfortable here. I told my best friend he's got to go, and she said it's her home too, and it's okay for him to stay another month if he needs to. How can I get him to leave asap? Please advise? Well, I don't think you can because you all own the home equally. You have no agreement that you can't have guests, overnight guests. You have nothing in place that says how long you should have guests, So I don't see how you can make him leave. On another note, right, whom, Yeah, this is why you don't do things like this. Man. This is probably the biggest purchase of your life, and you do it not with your fiance, not with your husband, but with your best friend and all y'all want to have all the lives. Yeah, yeah, So I mean, I don't know how you can leave. And her best friend Celo is correct. It's her house too, right, that's the deal. So right, it's my house. And so you're not going to be able to get him to leave until they're ready for him to go, and he might stay forever, all right. Uh, Felicia walking around nicket though, I'm just telling you walking around naket it helps, Felicia and Charlotte says. My husband and I have been married for eight years, and he recently got an SUV with cameras in the headrest for our four and six year old to watch movies when they take road trips. Yesterday, he drove me to get coffee, and as soon as he cranked up and plugged in his phone, I heard sex sounds coming from the TVs. God. Yes, he started fumbling to turn it off, and he turned bright red. He said it must be a glitch in the entertainment system. I think he had a woman back there watching porn. Am I jumping to conclusions? God? Wait a minute, but you said it was connected to his phone. Yeah, he plugged it. Yeah, as soon as he cranked up the car and plugged in his phone, she heard the sounds. Well, I mean, that's a bluetooth. I think. I don't know if it has anything to do with him having a woman back there watching pown. I'm thinking he's got pawn on his phone and the bluetooth picked it up and ran it through the system. I mean, you know, because unless you have that stuff downloaded in your car somewhere, I don't see how that can be. It's the bluetooth is what comes into play to me. Coming up. It is our last break of the day, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this you're listening show all right here, we are our last break of the day on this Wednesday. Um again, we gotta tell everyone to be safe out there if you're you know, somewhere where the weather's really bad and it's black eyes out there, all of that. It's really good to get somewhere to do his show from Houston. But you know what we've been doing because the COVID is having everybody do it from home, and so you know, nobody's getting on plane. So carl a junior day out. Tommy got rich friends, so you know stop dead. Well if you're a rich uncle, you know he got rich friends. So he went on one o day rich ass house and they got whole radio set up in the house. I'm working. You want to add to night. You know the chateau chateaus is around other chateaus, so ain't like you can just had the projects and then the chat told and there's some partment buildings you know, don't work like that anyway, Be safe out there, please. And it's also ash Wednesday, by the way, Yeah it's ash Wednesday. And you know, and Monica put that in show because you know she cathocked yet she had to you getting the thing put on your They put a bigger one on Monica's forehead. They say they putting them on with qcause, well, on Monica's forehead, they're gonna use a paint brush. Would you stop? And why are you saying that? I know why cause the size of her forehead. You know, you put a qute tip up there, you're gonna just think she frowned. You know so said unless she put them bangs on her forehead and you have a big forehead. I didn't notice it, and you got Okay, should we go down the list of what everybody has? All right, you got big ass right right after the foehead. You got a high butt. If you put all our worst features on one on one body, my eyes are cut. Let let me go down the line. Okay, Monica's fauehead, Shirley's big guys, let's see what we're gonna take from your high all right, my hot but now what Paul Steve, you gonna take? Pick lips or nose? Pick which you ever one? I say lips, pick the lips. Yeah, okay, okay, let's go with your profile. We are heady, got my butt. Okay, we're gonna keep moving. Well, we can't see your high ass until your turn sideway. Okay, so wait, let's picture this person though. Okay, big forehead, big eyes, big lips, you know what I'm gonna get it drawn up watch and a high butt. That is crazy sounding. We gotta get. We gotta get junior and callers features. What's what's what's what's Let's be careful Julia got good head. I like Julia. We're gonna put Junior hell on there. What he has left of it? Yeah, good hair in places, we're gonna put time for him to let go and let god, man, what are you doing? Yeah? And he has a high voice, so you gotta put that in there when you Okay, yeah, what y'all gonna pick from? Calling everything? Everything? Okay, we're gonna have a pair of keys in a hand because she'll kill a car. We're gonna have that in Okay, let's just use her criminal record. Okay, she does not have a criminal record. See, all her stuff is allegedly every allegedly a crazy looking person. That's gonna be one crazy getting drawn up. Yeah, the South is going through right now, you know. Then the biggest thing I don't think y'all know about it. Pipes are bursting in all these houses. That's what's really going on. Pipes are bursting. So you got people like especially if you got upstairs downstairs water just you know, once a pipe burst, that's it. And then especially if you don't know how to turn it off, it's really bad. So it's it's not good. Right now, we had pipe burst in our house one time when we were out our house for a year. I believe, I believe a year the whole year for them to fix it, because they have to go inside the walls. It happen, you gotta pull out all the sheet rock. We were out out of town. What happened in the kitchen when we were out of town for a weekend. So that means the water just going down down down our kitchen on the third floor of our house. Really okay, let's go back to that right there. See this is what a lot of folks are relating with you when the hout, when the pipers it turned, when you got to the third floor and your kitchen was on the kitchens on the third floor, see that when it turned. We were with you, wet when the pipes busted. We were with you when you told them when you said the kitchen was on the floor. Go ahead, the kitchen. It's the main level of the house. M it's on the main level. That's the third living room, down the room all that but the third level though, but there's two levels under that and how many levels above that? Two more that side. You're doing the man with me, see your busted pipes, We're not going to accept them when when that's what the insurance come to see, sir? What? Oh my god, that's crazy, Steve. Oh and by the way, I saw your Instagram uh for Valentine's you and Marjorie. That was yeah, I surprised. I flew into Aspen and you really did surprise her because she jumped on you like Whitney jumped on Bobby that time he got out of jail. Can we not be? Can we not use that as a company? Canake? She can't sing? And I angel gonna go Keenan Thompson our special guest tomorrow. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.