Good morning and welcome to the ride! The commitment is real and Big Dog all about getting finer. Let's get it. Sister O'dell stopped by and made some not so stunning admissions. Rihanna hits Daniel Cameron with her candor on social media. PETA is going way too far and Steve talked about them. LMBAO!!! The Chief Love Officer gets put on the spot with a question about cussing. Someone is feeling some type of way because Houston might lose Deshaun Watson. Tommy's anxiety and curiosity is getting to him and he voices his thoughts about the new vaccine. The show wraps up with Tommy and his W's along with Big Dog reminding us to make the right choice in regards to the vaccine.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a giving them like the million buck things in it to me true goods to the other for I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turning you are you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you love, got to turn them out, then turn the water the water go. Come, come on your thing. I so well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only, Steve Harvey, I got a radio show. Somebody sent me an email one day that, you know, kind of a nasty little email, you know, I think I said it wants to before Steve Harvey trying to be a preacher. Man, I'm so far from being a preacher. Man, I can't even tell you. But what I am trying to do is share information. I understand how haters work, and I understand how the devil works. Believe me, I do you know? Sometimes even heat the devil surprises me at the level and the angles of attack they use, you know which, I go, wow, man, I didn't I didn't see that one. Oh that was pretty slick. I gotta get credit on that we try to get me, but every time you try to get me, I get saved. I get saved every time, man, because because God got me, God got some angels camped around me. That's what my mom used to always say as Sunday school teacher. Never really understood it, but you know when I was growing up as a kid, but I got it. Now, he got some angels around me. And angels come into form sometimes with people, people who pull your coat to this, or introduce you to that, or reveal some information to you like this. He got them all around me. So see, having a relationship with God has been beneficial to me, y'all. It's not just that what he gives to me, but what he protects me from. And you know, some some people wonder, well, if you were God, why he letting people do that to you. Now, that's not how it works. See, there's two forces in this world, as good and as evil. And if you succumb to good, that's what you become, that's what you do. But everybody don't succumb to good. Some people succumb to evil. Some people's mission is to hate, to destroy, to tear down, and so that forces at work in this world too, and when that force comes up against me. What God never promised me that I wouldn't see none of that, that I wouldn't see the attacks, that I would not come under fire, that I would not be falsely accused. He didn't say that. A matter of fact, he for warned me that it would happen. Or what he does give me in those moments on moments of comfort in peace, knowing that He's with me, and no, no matter what my enemy does to bring me down, it ain't gonna work. It ain't gonna work. So come if you want to fight, if you will, I have a man that has been attacking me since I owned the comedy club in Dallas. He has been on a mission and that if I don't give him five million dollars, he gonna do it. He didn't done everything, man, he has done everything. Now he've messed around and got itself now claiming in his letters physically ill and his illnesses and what's befalling his family. He's blaming that on me too. As Steve Harvey not stressed me out and paid me this money he owed me, we were you coming with this, He just has kept on it on, it on, and you know what. He the messed around, got itself sick. He'n messed around, man, got himself in some situation. And can I tell you something. It's been going on since nine teen, maybe ninety seven. He started the attack when I first went on, No before that, probably ninety five. He started the attacks in ninety five, every nine and he even got six lawyers. All the lawyers didn't drop the case. After they come in and they discover the fact. But he steady trying. But it's too angels that's around. And I forewarned him several times. Man, and man, if I was you, I go head on because what I'm not gonna do is being because see, you cannot break me because I happened to be a soldier for Christ. I happened to be an imperfect soldier or Christ as nothing, Man as nothing. And oh it ain't like a bunch of people and tried. Now, Oh y'all all been on YouTube, y'all been on the internet. Oh they didn't try. Oh they didn't put some dirt on me. Man, that ain't true. But if you keep looking at me though, and I'm not the prize, but if you put your eyes on God, it's where you go, but if you look at me, He's covered me through it all. And that's been the importance of the relationship I formed with God, is that I know that I'm under his wings, that I'm ever under his ever loving protection, that he got me. And I just wanted to share that with you that if you got If you're looking for some protection, if you're looking for a way to have the strength to get through what you're going through, get some God man. If if you want to weigh out, get some god man. If you've been gangbanging and you're sick of gangbanging, get you some god man. If you're tired of being on drugs and you're tied to drinking, get you some god man. If you're tied to being If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, get you some god man. I'm just telling you now. If you're trying to make your dreams come true and it looked like you ain't gonna make it, and you still believe that that's for you, get you some god man. If you're setting a new gold dream of aspiration and you're trying to get that and you're gonna start out today, get you some God. Man. I'm just telling you. I'm just telling you. See it's real what I'm saying. Man, I ain't on faith. Dude, with it. You understand. I'm just telling you real. Get you some God, man, and be patient, have faith, believe, don't doubt, but Lord have mercy. Get ready to work your tail off. Did you hear me? Get you some faith, Believe, don't doubt, and get ready to work your tail off. God can't blessing you. See a lot of times we go to God asking for prayers and stuff, but we go to him and we don't give nothing. God nothing to bless We won't blessings, but we don't give him nothing to bless. You make one step, he'll make two. You start, he'll finish you come, He'll go you dream it, He'll build you started, He'll finish. See you see you trying everything your way. I'm gonna go to court. I had a conversation with a man yesterday, just sitting and just call me man, and was just talking about but Steve. You know, man, I've just dude been on me twenty three hundred dollars for four years. I just asked him, have you survived the folk without the twenty three hundred. Yeah, man, how much you think you have spent trying to get to twenty three hundred? Just a few hundred? Now, let me ask you something. Do you have a few hundred mold to try to get this twenty three hundred that you've been trying to get for four years? Yeah? I could do that, But do you want to? Man? Do you have the time to dedicate faux more or your years to try to get twenty three hundred? But Steve am out of work right now to fell on some hard times. I could use that money. And I've been praying to God to help me. Yeah, you've been praying to God to help you. God probably got something way greater for you. But you gotta let go of your own thinking to let God have his way. You understand you feel me? Morning Show, Ladies and gentlemen, Without further ado, let me have it. I need your undivided attention. This is the unmistakable Steve Harvey Morning Show. Feel me now, ladies and gentlemen. Without a full accompliment of compliment of players this morning, we still have a wonderful show. Because here we here, we've proven time and time again that we can do it without them, So let's do it again. Shirley Strawberry, What ye take off when they want to? You know? Carlin Pharrell, Oh I'm here. Hi, We're always here, Carla. That damn Junior. You can't miss me at workman, gotta be here. Wow. Man. I worked the entire year last year, first time without taking a vacation from anything, and then went away from my birthday and steel work. Yeah you did. That is what they call ladies and gentlemen commitment yea, and travel commitment in cos I'm traveling though I've been there, I'm getting out. Oh you was kicking it in um January for your birthday. I was king, I'm not supposed to it looks like looks like being headed to Africa in a few weeks, that's what you're just looks like. And they ain't got no vaccine in Africa. How many mask are you win? Not? Damn? Oh man? Careful? Yeah, but I mean what you're saying is like you said twenty twenty one, you're doing your thing. You're living your life. You're living your life, and you know, of course, I mean you know you still got to take precautions. Yeah, you know, I worked out you know this morning, you know, with a mask on. Yeah, what So let me explain to you this program mama. Uh Now, while I'm out in Los Angeles, I can do it, only do it one day, but once I get back to Atlanta, it's two days. You have to wake up empty stomach, one hour cardio, then waits, okay, one hour cardio then waits. Then you're on the special eating program. You just eat six meals a day and they tell you exactly what to eat that night. One hour cardio and waits. Okay, you can do it? Or are you working twice a day? So what you're saying is you're trying to get like fine, Yeah, that's what it sounds like to me. Carlin Nerve, Fine, nerve? Oh put that. I left that out there for you. Yeah, I left it out there for you. That for you, nerd is ner I left that out there. I'm not gonna sit over here this program fail. I'm not gonna thank you, just fall all the way off. Yeah, Nerve is the word you're looking for. I got all right, thank you, sir, coming here forgive me straight right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour. She is here, sister, Odell in the building. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. It is women Crush Wednesday. Sister Odell is in the building. Stuff. By the same time, what I treated you bad? Who my dear? Who find Lord? Michael jam telling you everything has change? My Lord always gets to that one part in the sound. It just throws the Holy spirit it took. You can hold a sister, that on the whole note. I can't hold anything, alright. I can hold a secret too. I don't had a lot of secrets over my life. How's everyone doing? Just knowing? Hey? Black history, Mafie black history. Yes, yes, yes, all this is my month. Oh you don't even stand You can ask me anything, not a fact. Let's go. I'm even lied to tell some of the secrets. But I have held up. Look what you want to know? Fredrick Douglas. Frederick Douglas had it handed me, scared him, slept with him. Girl, you heard me, Frederick Douglas aboliiousness. I used to do his hair. That's when he get that part from He didn't his his his daddy was indeed his hat and stick out like that till it one after one morning he woke up and I had him half just blew out like halfro I put the kink in his hat. It was it was girl, tell me now the blockers macaul Me, Marcus Scarvey, Marcus Starvey. He was you know, he was a little wearisome. He had a little different spirit. I couldn't spake him. You know, he's all this going back to Africa and everything. I ain't ain't head no nobody over there, So I don't know what we kept talking about this here. I was just looking at Marvel and hey, Marcus, you know we need back to Africa. We need to just get a place uping off somewhere. You know, we ain't got ticking money for all this. I ain't hearing nobody w a ticket back over there. Yeah, these is one ways. I don't know where she's fitting to start a travel agency or what you're trying to do. I got one go go come on, Nat Turning. Now, that was my main girl. I love me something that. Yeah, I'll talk about what about Well, you know he was always leaving at night and then he kept coming back with blood on him and stuff, and I was going that, what is you're doing? And there's just saying he would call it just killing chickens. But I was curious because I was going where the legend stuff we could have a chicken fry, you know, but he didn't never have none. You know, Nat would give. He was mad at white folks, laundy Nat stade, mad at white folks. Yeah, he was all one up. Yeah, And I remember when they finally caught up with old Nat. It was sad lord, sad day. But he was a hero though. You know, Yes, I'm turn this man. Yeah. Why used to call him fat turning? Why? Why? That ain't your business? I went too far? That? Ain't you me? And you were free? Yes, ma'am, I learned my PLO. I told you I keep some secret. What are anything else? Well, I wanted to ask you about this last week and then we're gonna talk about love because this is, you know, coming up to Valentine's Day and everything. But there's going to be a movie out about Mahalia Jackson. And I just wanted to know sister Odell if you knew her, and you know, if you if you knew anything about it? Well, I asked they called me to ask me that I want to play home whatever that Now they asked you to play. But one of the white people's that was in the room said, I wasn't out on key. You can sing, come on sing. That's what I'm saying. I'm climbing up on the rough side. Who the mountain every day? She ain't. That's what the white people don't understand. Ain't the note if they're motion, if you're healing behind. I love my hell. You know me and we me my hell. You got in a little tit for tat one time, though, you know, did you You know she saw James Cleveland talking to me one time that she got a little side of as me, it's been a good day. That was my song. Ja, you know everybody James, big old dog man, Lord Jesus, he knew him too. I know him, James. James was so dog James coming the room and we need more life. James, well, um, just a big strong man. Let's move on. I tell you one thing, my James though he loved the Lord. He'll kick your ass though, all right, sister Odell, So, like I said, it is February. You know, can I make one comment for you? Go and start talking about that, Yes, ma'am, go ahead. Can I tell you when I saw the white people storm in the Capitol, climbing over the walls and everything, thinking what were your thoughts on? I just went in there and started making popcorn. It was a pop corn TV moment for me. The folks, sure, I don't know how to protest. They didn't protested to the ass was sending to go to prison following up stupid ass Orange man he at the White House. I had a word. You're gonna listen to him? Were going down to the Capitol. Well, where was his on? Before you go, sistro Dell, just give us some love tips. You know. It's it's the romantic months where the biggest kid. I'm getting your Lord, the one you went, hey man, Shit, there's love. The one you went two many people you're gonna get caught, the lot of one you went, Lord, the one you went All rights, ro Dell, Hey, next you run that breakback? Right. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and Miss Anna is standing by with weather and national news plus an entertainment news applies with his new teeth, is getting ready to get his COVID vaccine, and Rihanna, our girl rere is slamming Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron's Black History Months social media posts. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now Junior is here in for the nephew. We'd run that prank back. What you got for us, Junior? Well, Charlie today to Frank running back is we need you to be a slave? Oh? My lord, lord, Black History Month, we're doing this again. You don't fig a slave running again. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a missus Glinda. Please speaking miss Glenda. This is Gary. Gary. I'm with the Black History Okay you you you participated last year in the in the Black History Parade? Am I right? Yes? I sure did. Okay, I got your name from one of the members on the committee and we're trying to see if you can actually build some help for this year's Black History. Um, for this month, I sure will be glad to help. Okay, listen, Um, we're having an auction tomorrow and wanted to see if you could actually maybe build some help with the auction that we actually have going on tomorrow. Yes, do I need to donate anything or but no that what you need? No, We're not really trying to get some donation from you this time. We're trying to see if you have some time tomorrow to come out and actually help out with the actual auction. Okay, what time tomorrow? Probably like about nine o'clock in the morning. I can do that, Okay. Now we're asking that you wear something that you'll be comfortable in all day tomorrow possible, okay, Okay, pretty much an all day event that we're trying to get you to do. Okay, I can be there around nine, but then we have to leave about four. Well, I'll tell you what. We'll see what we can how we can work it out, but we definitely want you to come and be a part of what we're doing. So what is it that you really need be to do? Well? Actually, you know, we we we got a lot of people doing different things at the you know, at the auction, you know, so we just want you to come out and be of some help with everything that's going on. Okay, Well, I want to be prepared. So what exactly do I need to do? Work the concessions stand something like that. No, really, what we had is actually you being a part of the auction of being a part of the auction such as, well, what we're doing tomorrow is we have already we already have fifty people who are signed up and you would be you know, one of those people that are that are that are signed up to do the actual What is is we're having slaves for a day and what we're gonna be doing is auctioning you off and somebody's gonna buy you tomorrow and you will be the for the day slaves. Yeah, you will be the slave for the day. That's what That's what we've decided to do with the Black history. We decided I didn't mean I don't I want to participate, but being a slave no, okay, But see what you what I want you to understand that this is a word that calls though you know, we want were the call, but I'm not gonna be no play. Well well you I mean you don't have to call it a slave. I mean as a servant, you know, a butler. You know what I mean when you want to call it, I'm no slave. Okay, Okay, man man, Miss miss Glenna. What I'm trying to explain to you this is a word to call for the Black history and we're trying to get you to be there. Somebody may buy you for five hundred dollars tomorrow. No, I'm not gonna do it, okay, are you? Are you? Are you turning us down for a word and calls mister Glynn, Yes, I am turning your down. Don't call me with that kind of no more. I mean, I don't understand what what the problem is. You know, sometimes we got to repeat history, so we don't go back to the history. Sometimes we got to do it again so we don't go back to what you understand. But it isn't seem like you you acting like a housene grow or something like you two up at your housene grow housene grow. Who's the chairman of this? Excuse me the chairman? Last time I spoke with mister Wilson, and we didn't have no like this, okay, and I understand that. But what I'm trying to explain to you is this is something that I don't want you to explain a thing to me. Do not call me with this kind of again. Are you gonna show up tomorrow so we can sell you? Do you understand me? Are you gonna show up tomorrow so we can sell you. We already have. You're gonna say it. I mean we aren't all listed to be sold tomorrow. Sayo, we've got you listed to to be sold tomorrow, ma'am. Can we please make shoot on be sold and you not call here again? Hey, listen, if you don't show up tomorrow, then we will come to your house and sell you there. Come too, if I got to come out, you will come to my house over here. If you want to listen, I will come there to sell you. If you're not gonna come out to the auction, come on to my house. You're bad. Come on to my mouse. Okay, I'll tell you, and you know what I need you to do this. You need to start saying yes sir and no sir to me right now. Okay, I need to get you in the in the frame of mind just being a crave for to day. Okay, I didn't hear what you said. Kiss my black I'm coming to your house tomorrow and I'm gonna sell you in front of your house. If you want to come down to the auction tomorrow morning nine o'clock, you better not bring you my house. Do you better not? Do you understand me? I had a March for civil Rights. I don't have time for no like that. And we got a black man for president. You I understand, we got a black man for president, but right now we're trying to raise some money for black history and we need to sell you tomorrow morning. You're not gonna sell me. You're not gonna sell me. You don't call my host no more? Do you understand? Do not call? I understand exactly what you're saying. Can I tell you something else? Who else gonna be sold tomorrow? Tell now? Don't tell me. I got one more thing I do need to tell you. What is it? That is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your sisters. My sister, my sister. I can't believe that I'm gonna get Huh. I can't believe you to did clemda? You all right? Oh all right? This is so crazy. I can't believe it. I'm gonna I'm for this. It doesn't sound like you're gonna get stold. No way. Hey, no, you wouldn't getting on this auction block. Huh, No, no way, because Misslenders have been there. I've been at the city end the marches. I've done some of everything. Man. Well, I tell you what, Missus Glendon, if it wasn't for people like you, we probably wouldn't be where we are today. That's right. We showed. Thank you, We showed thinking. I just wanted to play a joke. And did I get you? Yes? You did you? Sure? Indeed I got one more. I got one more thing to ask you. What is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning showed that the nephew Tommy. We love you, missus Glendon, Okay, love you too. That is, we need you to be a slave. You know something, man, that's like I wish, I really do wish somebody would call me with something like that. That's the same thing LI said in the prank. I wish I would somebody would call me with with with that and and and y'all just catch it on tape. Now we're probably gonna be able to add but I wish. Well, let's try. Let's see here, try what Let's just try. Hey, it was mister Harvey. Hello, mister mister Harvey. Hello, Hey, how are you doing. My name is Todd. It's Black History Month, we like to understand. Excuse me, excuse you want to second Todd? Yes you you sound white? Yeah, yeah, I just want to ask you a question. Um, it's Black History Month. We just want to miss Harve. We can just pay you a little bit of money for you to be a slave for day. Hey, Tom, let me ask you a couple of course. First of all, where do you live, Todd? In your neighborhood? A little around the corner and a problem. Just give me an address so I can come around there and something for you go coming up entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening In today's entertainment news, hip hop artist Applies says he's ready to give the COVID vaccine. He's ready to get it a sap. His logic is pretty simple, and he tweeted, I put things in my body every day. I don't know where it came from. If I trusted the weed man who I didn't know, ate food from the truck outside the club and drank Hennessee and red Bull and survived, I should be straight. Yeah, you know, yes, just attitude sometimes hood logic, It just works, man. I mean I'm really technically I'm winning because Kate, hear you the stuff I've ingested, yea on purpose or it just meds from the doctor. Here, we are some of the food hitless. If you eat chitness, you out of line. I'm just gonna tell you, I don't even know what the nutritional value is for chitness. It then it's not lean. It don't look like proteins. It don't strike me as a veggie. It doesn't come across that star. But chi man, I don't even know what food group. It ain't meat, So I don't even know what food group it is. So you're with clies, all right, all right, yeah with his new teeth, new attitude, right, yeah, all right, another entertainment. Knew Steve Rihanna send a message that pretty much said Happy Black History Month to everyone but Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron. Rihanna called out cameeron in his response to his video tweets celebrating Black History Month. He said, today marks the first day of Black History Month. This month, let's take time to remember and celebrate the contributions of black men and women have made to our commonwealth and to our nation. Well, Rihanna replied to the Kentucky Attorney General tweet to remind him how he failed Brianna Taylor by simply retweeting with the message the caption sup in word, sup in word, hashtag justice for Brianna Taylor and what's this guy's name? Daniel Cameron? I want to ask Daniel Cameron a direct question. Did you get permission from white folks to do your tweet? Did you get permission from the Republican Party to say this? Did you get permission from who supports him? Is it Lindsey Graham or Mitch McCom McConnell. Didn't Mitch McConnell tell you you could say something about black history more? Your ass best to get in line, man, Now you be down there. You was in line with what they wanted by acquitting all those police officers, because you could not possibly have heard the story and knew the facts as we all heard and knew it as a black person, and come to the conclusion you came to, well, he did. He knew everything without following the guidelines of your party and your mentor. And you know what they're starting to kill me with. There's a step stet out that more white people are killed by police than black people. True statement. Do you know what you don't know about that statement is we're talking about killed, unjustifiably choked, shot in the back, shot for no reason. That talking on the phone, paying live music, walking your dog, knocking on the door and answering your damn dog. That's how we your couch, Yeah, ice cream, playing in a park. Yeah, yeah, ladies in general, miss true, Thank you very much, everybody in good morning. The US Senate voted fifty six to forty three yesterday to confirm Alejandro Mayorkas to be the new head of Homeland Security. In light of what happened January sixth, He made a promise, I will do everything I can to ensure that the tragic loss of life, the assault on law enforcement, the desecration of the building that stands as one of the three pillars of our democracy, the terror that you felt, your colleagues, staff, and everyone present, will not happen again. Majorcas is a former federal prosecutor, and he becomes the first Latino and also the first immigrant, to lead that department. Meanwhile, President Biden signed a series of executive orders yesterday aimed at reversing some of the hardline immigration measures. Put in place by the last administration. That includes putting a task force together whose job it is going to reunite children separated from their parents after the border. That seems like that will be really a herculean tax to find the parents and the children together. But they're going to have put on something together to try to do that and reunite these families. Donald Trump's brand new impeachment legal team is now denying that the ex president, by the way, had anything to do with last month's riot. In their papers followed by yesterday's Noonday deadline, the attorneys argue that the whole idea of an impeachment trial for a former president is unconstitutional. Houses impeachment managers though their argument is that they say that Trump, excuse me, bears unmistakable responsibility for inciting the attack against the Congress, which left five people dead, including a DC police officer named Brian Signek, and their brief goes on to say that it is impossible to imagine the events of January sixth occurring without President Trump creating a powder keg, striking a match, and seeking personal advantage from the ensuing habit. House managers say that Trump should be convicted and barred from holding any future federal office. By the way, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's wife, Jinny just wanted to put this in went on social media January six, expressing her love for the rowdy pro Trump crowd just to that police officer signic his body. By the way, he has been lying in honor beneath the Capitol Building's historical tuna since last night. Members of the Congress are to officially pay their respects later today. The President, Biden and his wife went last night to pay their personal respects. The website set up in Brian's sis memory includes memorises from friends and colleagues, like former officer Jason social Mill, who trained with him. He's been one of those people in law enforcement who are not in there for power, and they're not in there for any other ulterior motive. He never wanted to hurt anyone and wasn't very careful about that in training as well. That he wasn't overly aggressive, but very much the kind of police officer that every officer should aspire to be. Sicknicalize in honorable day to day. He used to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery now back to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. You're listening Harvey Mourning Show trending animal news to people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are at it again. Peter is asking people to stop using language that denigrates or insults animals like filthy pig or dirty rat, or using derogatory definitions of snakes and dogs. Another example of this is when someone calls you a chicken for being a coward. Are you freaking kidding you right now? What is your punk ass gonna be there? Let me tell you something, Peter, We're not removing animal names to describe nothing. You stink like a skunk, that's how you stink. Your ass is big as a cow. That's what you are. The cows of beet, you know. So we're not We're not changing that now. We're not get you know, Peter always got it. We're gonna stop using this. So I'm not gonna stop a damn thing, matter fact, matter of fact, I just bought brand new pair alligators shoes. Oh they're gonna get matching. Don't give a damn what they're gonna do. Alligators killed kids. I killed alligators where we at Saban didn't kill the alligators. But yeah, you have I support the killing of alligators. Peter got a problem with that. Yeah, Now what y'all want to do? Peter need to go on and stop all this here? Hey man, where is Peter when it comes to black lives matter? Yeah, I don't want you don't You don't hear them? But no, see that ain't your call? Your calls animal lives matter? Well, damn it. I eat animals and we love animals too. It's not that we don't love. Yeah, I ain't crazy about animals. I love chickens when they fry. Yeah, but I just careful chickens walking around. I love my dog, my dogs. Family. We don't need dogs, no, But everything else that's animal you can't be. You can't be a family pet. Good as steak is good. All right, Cows, you guys to go, they're saying, instead of using the word rat, Peter suggests you use the word uh snitch. I was saying, saying, somebody's a rat. Yeah it's a rat. I got one for you, Peter. Instead of using the word rat, how about like four fathers instead of using the word thief. Let's go with four fathers. Happy Black history. Yeah, understand you know you don't want to use animal names no more. If you if you want to use words like, oh, what do they call somebody else? Yeah? You were Dolly. What's the dude in a Kentucky sactly? What's his name? Daniel Cameron? You are Daniel Camera? You are dirty, Daniel Camera. Well let's go with that, all right, Hey, with Peter, if you let us call it what it is, let's call a spade a spade. WHOA We see your point coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, asked the CLO. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for a quick round of asked the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building, Are you ready, sir? Here we go? I know you are. This is from Honey in Chicago. Hey, Honey in Chicago. Honey says, I finally met a very handsome man that is my age, and he has great conversation. The only problem I have with him is that he curses in every sentence. He's called me bro a few times and I reminded him what my name is. I've been to his house and met his eight year old son, and he curses around him too, and affectionately calls him a little in word. I know you brag about being a good cusser, but I also know you don't do it all of the time. How can I get him to be more respectful in my presence? Well, it's a good one. I like that one. Excuse me, I'm gonna have to be a little bit honest. Hell yeah, come on. I well, I do cuss most of the times, and I have referred to my grandchildren that way too, and I have been reprimanded by my wife. She told me, you can't call him that. Well, you know, I try to just bring him, you know, on into where I am. You know, But I don't think that's good for the kids at that age. I don't think you should do it at the four, But when they are about ten, I think it's okay. Oh, I don't really have a good answer for her about this custom. Don't if you got a good man, just going with a good man, ask him to just be a little bit more respectful with you around the language and just remind him of it. But that's all. But don't throw him out the window, because a lot of good people. Because she didn't say it was good. She said it was very handsome. That is her age. And he is a great conversation, well, any conversation, any cussing, so obviously the message is coming through the custom. Great conversation, I'll be dam yeah, yeah, all right. I don't know what the answer to that one is, no answer, just he's a very handsome man, your age, great conversation. But he cuts a lot. He cuts, so what but she doesn't like it? Okay, you know what. Ain't nobody fin to check off all the blocks? Okay what? No one's perfect. No, nobody checks off all the blocks. If custom is all he doing, that's all it is. You can fix that, work with him with it. Okay, all right, all right, Well, don't get all Why are you all tim calling yourself down, sugar honey? I Monique and for ford Hood, Clo says, I'm a thirty year old single mother and my my son thinks he's the man of the house since his dad left us a year ago, I've started dating again and hanging with my girls. Recently, my girls and I did the bust of Challenge and the Silhouett Challenge on TikTok and I posted my videos on Instagram. My son is twelve and I don't allow him to be on social media yet. But his dad showed him my IG page and said terrible things about me. Now my son thinks I'm a thought. His dad has a big influence on him. How can I fix this? Okay, hold on, what? Let me back up? She said she's thirty. She's Thirty's son is twelve, so she had him at eighteen, right, Okay, you do have to watch what you do as a mother. Yes, I mean you're somebody's mother. I mean, at one point in time, dad has to filter in. I think everybody who's ever had a child will admit to you that the moment they had the child, it changed everything in their life. Yeah, and Monica, I'm the bust of challenge. Her son tells her, you ain't busting nothing. You somebody's mother, somebody a singer, Monica. Yeah, yeah, but you know, I mean, come on, how can you not expect this boy to feel it? He twelve? He going to school his mom online doing the busted challenge. You ain't. You ain't in the bust of challenge? Right? You somebody's mama, that's right? And if it's embarrassing, I mean, I know the challenges are fun, and you know you want to be young and fresh. You're not old. But if the challenges are going to embarrass you or your child, try it. All the challenges ain't for you, right dad, And his dad is the one that showed it to him and now his son because of what is well, his dad is wrong for that, very wrong, very wrong, out of order. But but but but your dad can't show him nothing that ain't there, right, So both of y'all wrong on so many levels. Yeah, they need to fix their relationship and how they're raising their son. You're absolutely right. And dad, let me saying terrible things about your son's mother, all right, Steve, Wow, Tasha told me I couldn't do none of them. Challenges to sit down without hood. Coming up next, Junior is in for the Nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject somebody's got to break the news to her. But right now, we'll get into that in a minute. Right now, Junior is in for the nephew with today's prank phone call? What you got for it's junior, Yes, Shirley, today's prank phone call is number two's need Valentine's two. I don't know what number twos need Valentine's two. And this is a true statement. Run again. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to speak with mister Andre. He's actually not here right now. Can I take a message for Yes, my name is Zach and I'm calling from the Seasons Hotel and I'm following up and trying to make sure we got you guys straight or Thursday. We have you all scheduled on Thursday for our junior suite and we have champagne that's already been ordered, and I just wanted to follow up and make sure if you guys wanted any other amenities in the room. We definitely have you got scheduled for lunch at noon and the couple spa treatment is at is at four. I'm following up. I'm kind of like your concierge, and I want to make sure that, um, if you guys need anything, we can get you taken care of. Wait you think wait, wait you say your name is Zach From where I'm zach Man. I'm from the from the Season's hotel. I'm calling about you, guys, reservation that you have here at the hotel on on Thursday. Guys, what do you guys? I don't have a reservation there. So you saying Andre has a reservation there on February thirteenth in a suite and lunch in a couple of massages. Who's a couple? I'm not. I don't know anything about this. I'm his wife. Um can I can? I can? I can miss? Okay, I'm sorry. What's your name? Man? Destiny? Okay, Destiny can pause? Pause? Pause? So you're calling from the Seasons because my husband Andre has a reservation for the evening starting with you're saying like lunch and a couple, so inside a couple's massage on the day before? Um can I okay? Okay? Hold on? Man? Can I can I get you to hold on for a second. I can't believe that. I'm sorry, that wasn't even meant for you. Oh my god, I'm I'm gonna beat it. Can I get you to hold on for a second? Yeah? Yeah, okay, I'll be right back. Oh my god, I'll be right back. Okay. Uh miss Destiny. Yes, and you don't even understand. Oh my god, we've got to cancel that room. Okay, we're canceling the lunch, for canceling a couple of spy treatment or anything that is booked under his name. I would like to cancel it at this planting time. Okay, but I'm not. I'm not. I'm not allowed to cancel. Only the person that has made the reservation can cancel. I just can't. I don't if you don't mind me. I don't normally get personal. How long have you guys been married? Man, we have been married for eleven years and we have two children together. So what is this the day before Valentine? Does this jump off day or something like that. Oh my god, Oh my god, thank you for this call. I can't even oh, oh my god. He told me he had to go out of town for work Thursday morning. He wouldn't be back to Friday afternoon. Okay, Well, let me ask you something. Let me let me ask you something, Miss Destiny. I mean, you're gonna see him on the fourteenth, ain't you seriously? Are you? Are you kidding me right now? I mean I was just trying to look at are you cladding me right now? You're talking about my husband is bringing some tramp to the seasons. He must like her. Oh my god, oh my god. Okay, but like I said, don't ask me those two like that about and I'm gonna see him on the fourteen. Don't even ask me. No, don't like that, y'all that I hope y'all see him back the fourteenth and stuff y'all want to be looking for his because I'm about to get in that act for sure? Is he crazy? Oh my god? Can I play something, miss Destin if you don't mind, don't say nothing stupid back, okay, because I'm really on the edge right now. Okay, I understand, I understand. I'm just playing. I guess Devil's advocate here. Don't number twos need love to goodbye? Back? Did she? She didn't hung them? Callback? Callback? What did you hang up on? One? Didn't? Did you hang up you damn white? I hug up on you, you little on professional. I can't believe it. You call here, get me on the phone telling me some out wage about my husband cheating on me, putting something to the policieson's and alish. You know I'm not to go whoop his I want to come down there and whoop yo, and you're gonna turn around and ask me like, don't don't number two me out? You better hope I don't run into you. Okay, if you see an angry black woman coming your way, no that it is me. I'm coming for your wo dude, don't ask me no stupid like asking my husband out here cheating on me. We got kids and shot. Okay, okay, let me ask you something. Ain't your sister Latricia? Ain't that your sister? Wait? What you're saying that looking down there with my husband? No? No, no, I'm not saying that at all. But I'm Atricia. True. Do you know my sister? Actually? Who is it? Who do call you? Do you have to know who I am? Hell? Yes, because I want to make when I come down there to whoop y'allshop out. Well, when you come down here, look for me, look for Tommy nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister Latrecia got me the prank phone call you. Oh, you dirty mussel. Oh you're putting my boots all right to go and act follow us? Okay, Okay, that's how we go play today, okay, nephew Tommy, Yes, yes, okay, get hurt though I'm gonna go get hurt though that was you should feel my heart. It's just a minute I was. I was fired up. Restico man, whoop, somebody's dog. You know what you up? You know why is gonna be a woman? You gotta let me know what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, That Steves Harvey Morty Show. And it's crazy Tommy. Whoa, here's what, Here's what I think it's gonna happened. I really like Tommy. Tommy gonna take it off. You know, he gonna take it off the hook, right, he gonna let the people off the hook. But somebody man gonna see Tommy somewhere and they're gonna just conjure up the feeling they had during the prank and they're gonna forget about the prank part. They're gonna they're gonna Timmy he didn't want to call me and told me, oh he thought it was funny. Well how high he he held? And I think I really do think man, Tommy gonna get jumped on one time. Yeah, I can see it. Come, I don't want him too. I kind of do, though, sure, because I knew you well, See, I told him when he was young. I told him, I said, Tommy, somebody gonna beat your ass one day. I was right. I was like, yeah, I was like I had to go down there the same Timmy a whole lot of time. But you know, but you know, when you're playing basketball and football and baseball and stuff with other dudes, we don't care about you being lived. That ain't our fault, you know, because you know, well, he's so little, he's so cute. Dudes don't feel that way. So tom would take advantage of that, and he would get up in people's face sometime, you know, because he would love he thought, wasn't that gonna happen. I can't tell you how many times I had to go pull somebody off Tommy and get in the fight for him, what, especially after he found out how old he was, because you ain't thought it was a little cute. Yeah that' oh man, Hey, y'all, y'all tripping eighteen? Wow? All right, Steve, thank you guys. Coming up next, Strawberry Letter. Somebody's got to break the news to her. We'll get into it right after this you're listening to show all right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please, baby, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Strawberry Letter. My good friends, Shirley straw Berry. Okay, we might be good friends, but you don't tell me everything alright yesterday. You know it, you know it, all right, Love you, kier, Love you, junior. Subject. Somebody's got to break the news to her. Dear Stephen, Shirley, I'm a forty one year old woman needing advice on how to deal with my thirty nine year old friend. As you all know very well, we've all been dealing with and being isolated in quarantine. And while my friend was in lockdown, she decided she wants to be a pop star. She's got laid off from work, so she's got a lot of free time, and she says it's time to pursue her dreams. She's a bit too old to be just starting out, but no one can tell her anything. She said she saw Shier, Madonna, and Tina Turner performing into their sixties and seventies, so there's hope for her. At age thirty eight, she hasn't well is she thirty eight or thirty nine? Okay, I'll say there, yeah, yeah, she's thirty nine. She hasn't had voice lessons and doesn't plan to take any because she and because she can use auto tune and creative editing to sound like a superstar. I don't want to be a dream killer, but she sounds terrible and she's not a great dancer. I held my tongue at the idea of her realistically thinking she'll be making videos. But I feel like I shouldn't give her false hope either. She is so sweet and a good mother of her two girls, but she will never be a performer, let alone a famous one. At age thirty eight or thirty nine. She's been posting videos of her self singing and dancing on Instagram, reels and YouTube. She writes her own songs and the lyrics are nasty, because she says that's what sells now. Most of the comments are terrible and hurtful, but she just wants But she just says they're haters and can't steal her joy. Her husband wants to do a virtual intervention with her, but I don't think teaming up on her is the way to go. Her daughter's a very embarrassed, but they support her. Do you think she has a chance. I need your honest opinions. I mean, who knows. Okay, whether she has a chance or not, it's highly unlikely. I'll be truthful with you, but I do believe that anything is possible. But anything is possible if you have, you know, some sort of talent. You gotta have a little bit of talent, and good talent at that. If you want to stay her friend, though, I say, tell her the truth like you've been doing. Don't hold your tongue. If she asks you, tell her the truth. If she doesn't, just let her be her. I mean, you're right about everything you've said. She's older, just starting out at thirty eight. I mean Tina Turner, Sharon Madonna. Yeah, they've performed in their sixties, but they were famous in their twenties. Okayy, so they've just had a long career. They didn't just jump in at sixty. So auto tune, you know that it's not for everyone. You gotta have something to give auto tunes to play with and make better. And you know, singing and dancing lessons that would be good. Why don't you encourage her to do some singing and dancing lessons. She doesn't want to do that, but you're right. You just can't, you know, kill her dreams. She'll be mad at you. She'll be mad at you. Her husband doesn't like it, her daughters are embarrassed. Maybe that's what you're going to have to do. As a team, get together and tell her, because if you tell her, she'll be mad. If her husband tells her, oh lord, they might get a divorce. But as a team daughter's husbands, you sit her down and tell her, you know, maybe let her just do it for fun karaoke, Steve, somebody's got to break the news to her. I'm assuming that's why you wrote me. I am here to break the news to her. Let's start I usually never do. Let's start with the last line of the letter. Do you think she has a chance? I need your honest opinion on cool? Do I think she has a chance. Hell now I knew it. Hell now, she ain't got a shot in hand. She ain't got a snowball chance in Arizona in the afternoon on one hundred and twelve degree weather. How how first of all she want to be a pop star? Look? But see, how does she come to this? You got a thirty nine year old friend and everybody been in quarantine. You know, quarantine was rough, we all got it. But while she was in lockdown, she decided she wanted to be a pop star. We ain't made a pop star in how many years? I don't remember the last pop star we've made. That name is outdated. Her dream is outdated. Pop star lady? When I come back? Okay, here we go. All right. See, once you got laid off from work and you had free time to pursue your dreams. When did you start having this dream? You already thirty eight? Don't nobody to hide, no old ass pop star, And thirty eight is old for a pop star. Shelly said it right. You're talking about Sharon and Donna, Tina Turner. They were performing early in life. This a new this a new day. Now we got Instagram. Everything about hind your old ass, and then you sit up here talk Mark. You don't wanna, you don't want to take no singing and dance lessons? What the hell do pop stars do? Sing? They sang and they dance. You can't do either one of them. All right, we'll come back at training, all right, Steve. We'll have heart two of your response to your lovely response at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject Somebody's got to break the news to her, And we'll be back right after this. You're listening Morning show. All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject somebody has got to break the news to her. Yeah, well, lady, it's gotta be you. Lady. You know, she forty one, she got this girlfriend. As thirty nine, she hadn't been in quarantine. So while she was in quarantine, she decided she want to be a pop star. And she got laid off from work, so she got a lot of free time, and she finally say this time to pursue her dream. And so well, I guess one of her dreams, you know, was be a pop star. Now the lady thinks she's a bit too old to just start out but can't nobody telling nothing. She said she saw Sham Donna Tea turn to performing in the sixties and seventies, so that's hope for her. They performing in the sixties and seventies. They didn't start in the sixties and seventies. And I'm just gonna tell you something. You know, somebody got to break it to her. That's what Onca Steve is here for. Yeah, the question is do you think she has a chance. That was the last line in the answer. My answer, hell noll when you seeing them higher old ass pop stars can't be thirty eight and come out with nothing. First of all, party year old people ben quit going to the stove buying stuff. Let's just go in your age group, we stay out to sixty club because I don't even. I don't even. I just found out record stores was closed, so I know you're in the hell. Well, I ain't been in the damn record store and it really don't know how to download much and nothing. No how so you in an age group and then you say, you know she she hasn't had voice lessons and don't plan the making it because she said she can use auto tuning, creative editing to sound like a superstar? Are you familiar with Milli Vanilli? Just trying to throw some stuff out there. You know you're gonna auto tune so you can sound like a superstar. Can I tell you something that I've learned about being what people think of as a star. Stars are not made in recordings. Stars is made on stage. You will not be a star until people are repeatedly willing to pay to see you live. Because once they see you live and find out you ain't what you was on that record, your stardom is over. Now you can't sing a dance and you don't want to take no lessons because you can use auto tunes and creative editing to sound like a superstar superstar sing and dance. Yea, Now I ask you, did you know Milli Vanilli? Are you familiar with this woman? I don't know if you've heard her or not. Beyonce, I'm sure she is, who is like the biggest star in the world today. Yeah, there's not a bigger star in music today than Beyonce. To me, I don't know a biggert star than her in music, right, I really don't. I know some legends it's still like they're doing it ron as brother. You know, I more joy from their music. But but Beyonce is a star. Is anything abount you? Anything about you? Beyonce is no just I'm at talking to the lady now, not her friend that wrote the letter ass cur is she familiar with Beyonce? And then ass cut is anything about her? Beyonce is? Okay? Steve, let me ask you this. You used to host the Apollo for many many years. She will be naked. What does that mean? They booed, They booed, people clothes off. Ask k Auto to the damn thing at the Apolo? Oh no, no, no, no, no no. And one thing about the Apollo. We didn't have no money for those two. They didn't say nothing. You came to rehearsal. We told you what your minute forty five two minutes was gonna be like. We got you to the hook in the song real quick. We did the thing. We had the coldest band. Frank was the band leader, then Rachel was the band leader. They had two cold bands. Your ass come out there. You have eight seconds to convince these people that your ass need to be standing. And they hear real good too. Oh, they here real good and they've they've seen the best of the best and have them out there. Got talent. The audience is made up of people with talent who just couldn't get on that night. Now hear your ass, Yeah, they already upset. Yeah, eight seconds of when your voice opens, not to intro to the song. They listen to your voice for eight seconds and they pass judgment right around nine, So they start booing at nine. You're saying, it don't take long. Now they might hang in out a little bit with you, because like, here's the most famous Whitney song. Fine, I could have sanen that like shoo, but everybody can sing that part, oh yeah, and wads love you and here's on our part. And surely the look on your face, the shock that people have when the booing starts alarm me. Tell this old ass lady, go sit down somewhere at nobody fits. They no ticket to see her old lass being No damn stop, She's gonna lose her family and her husband. Yeah, man, all right, thank you. Steve coming up Junior in Sports Talk right after this. You're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show. All right, come on, junior, he is here with Sports Talk. What you got junior. Hey, let me I just want to say hey first from you, just hey in the world saying hey, hey, we started six just y'all. I do know y'all, y'all don't have memories of hot as you used to go all the time up damn nine o'clock. Yeah, where you being? Hey? Yeah he's been sleep probably hey hey yeah, well you be in time. This endemic just stuff just has taken it told on me. So I just what, Oh you've been the only one in it. Yeah. Mentally it's just a lot on me. Okay, we don't want to hear that. It's a lot on you mentally, well okay, and so what does that mean? So you can't come to work? I mean short, people have mold pressure only doing the hell? Yeah, what is it? Is it? Gravity? Is it mold pressure? Down? Now for you? I mean, y'all don't go through a few withdrawals doing that. I mean we've been we're going through this since March. What's this one day? And I ain't and I have I haven't missed the day all year. We only lie what what you're not gonna let's coming here late and lie January out here all of January, right, Hey, y'all, ain't all the jail January. It's called work. Don't You don't get a medal for me being yeah all of January it's called work. Okay, you don't get parade for being here all of January out of February. Hey, Junior, yes, go ahead. This cool super Bowl Sunday sports have to wait. You got me here doing pranks for you with stuff? Have you just come in and hey, okay you did pranks. I appreciate it. Thank you. I've been going I'm going through, man, I appreciate what you going through. We gave tell us what who your family? Come on, Okay, I'm gonna tell y'all what it is. I think that Sean gonna leave and it's just send me in the Sunday Sean Watson, you stay. I just I mean, it has really set me back three day. So so why you just got needing today to find out that the Sean Washington. It turns out, Junior, this see a sports relations nor stupid ass. Thanks Sean Wasson. Deshan Wasson don't even know you. I know you don't understand what it's doing to me that he probably gonna leave the text you don't understand what No, no, if you're crying all you don't understand what that's gonna do tod this city? Are you? I don't see Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. We'll be back a lot. You're listening to show, all right, Temmy, I know you just got here, but you did have a question you wanted to ask your uncle. Yeah, I'm reading up on this stuff, so you know, when it's available for me to be able to take this I read up. Sure, it's when it's available for me to have, you know, take this vaccination to hear a little stuff down level after So so I'm just I'm just curious. Why is it that, like I'm reading up, I want to take this vaccination, but I'm reading that Blacks and Hispanics don't want to take it, and I can't wait for them to call my name to give me the opportunity to take it. But you know, I talked to a doctor. He told me the whole Hispanic community and the Black community or shine away from it and don't want to take it at all. Well, you know something, man, I've been thinking about this, and for me, it's it's sort of a thing. I think blacks, a lot of blacks and a lot of Latinos. I'm not speaking for all of them. A lot of blacks and a lot of Latinos have natural suspicions about this government because, I mean, let's let's admit it now, this government has played us on so many things and done some horrific things for us. That's well documented. So we as a people, we have a natural suspicious especially for anything that comes from this government. This government from day one has not been kind to us. So, I mean, you know, they slavery was an excellent idea to them. You know, it was just an excellent idea, and it was such an excellent idea that it lasted for four hundred years. The idea of what they did to the people in Tuskegee, the one hundred black men testing for syphilis. They thought this was an excellent way to find out more about this horrific disease. Let's infect these black men. So, you know, we have a culture at a background of this. The problem that we're facing is that this thing that they're testing and looking at is not just for blacks and Latinos. It's a global pandemic. This is something that is happening around the world that is not a culture, a country, a county, addition strict that ain't dealing with it. Every island, everybody's dealing with it. So I find it a little hard to believe that they would come up within vaccine to get rid of a certain group of people. Right now. So now, now with that being said, because it's such a widespread problem that we have, and how do you how do you do that? It's just like them foods saying the election was stolen, Well, how how do they do that? How do they come up with seven million votes? Ain't nobody find them out? How would they get certain vaccines to certain areas? I don't understand how they could do it. But but but but the sense of it doesn't doesn't make sense for me. And as a radio personality, and we have a show on an obligation to give information out to our listeners, you know, I've been a little bit torn between it. But I'm just going to say this for me, when giving opportunity to take the vaccine, I will take it. And were going to take it, oh, you know, don't take it? Even like has a better has to do a better job we're getting the message to us, Steve, because of the lack of trust that we have for what's going on, they have to do a better job to get us to trust them. Well, that's what I'm saying too. That's what I'm saying too. And a lot of black doctors, the Surgeon General, a lot of black nurses are coming out saying it's safe. They get it, get it, get it, get it, get it on TV. But now listen to me. We have to we have to come into twenty twenty one two. Now, you know, we can't keep dealing with all this what happened, I got, I got, I got. History has a tendency repeat yourself. You don't know history, but y'all, at one point in time, you got to look at this thing. And I guess it's an individual decision. So I'm not gonna say everybody has to take it. I'm just going to say that if I get the opportunity, I'm taking the vaccine. Yeah. Yeah, that's all I can say to you. You have to play it for yourself because too many people are dying from this thing called COVID, way too many people. Yeah, and we wanted over at some point, all right, more of today's trending stories. Uh, and we'll be back on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening Morning show, all right. When we left off, Steve, you were talking about the fact that how so many black people, based on a question that Tommy asked you and Hispanic people are not lining up and signing up for the COVID vaccine. Listen to me, what was what was you feel to say about applies on? I didn't hear what plies I mean, applies said that he's put stuff in his body. He know what it was. He said, he buy we from we man. He don't even know who the we man is. The red bull about food truck, food on food truck after the club at night, I mean or it. You know, it's a comical way to put it, but you know, I mean what he's saying is almost real. You know, It's It's another thing though for me, you know, because I'm on the radio and I have friends who have different theories. Uh, Steve, you shouldn't tell people to get the vaccine or Steve, you got to do a better job of telling people to get the vaccine. Now what you know. I'm just gonna say, you know, this ain't on me. This ain't on me. My job and our job was to get everybody to the polls to vote this vaccine. You have a choice in this. You don't have a choice in voting when you get a choice with who you vote for. But voting is an obligation to So you know, Steve, you don't look for you. So let me just put it to you this way. For everybody that's telling me you shouldn't be pushing this or you should be Steve Harvey, when given the opportunity, will get vaccinated. Period. But I've had a couple of my kids say they don't want to take no vaccine from the government. Okay, don't. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for a quick round of asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Are you ready, sir? Here we go. I know you are. This is from Honey in Chicago. Hey, Honey in Chicago. Honey says, I finally met a very handsome man that is my age, and he has great conversation. The only problem I have with him is that he curses in every sentence. He's called me bro a few times, and I reminded him what my name is. I've been to his house and met his eight year old son, and he curses around him too, and affectionately calls him a little in word. I know you brag about being a good cusser, but I also know you don't do it all of the time. How can I get him to be more respectful in my presence? I'm gonna have to be a little bit honest. Hill. Yeah, well, I do cuss most of the time, and I have referred to my grandchildren that way too, and I haven't reprimanded about my wife. She told me, you can't call him that. Well, you know, I try to just bring them, you know, on into what I am. You know, but I don't think that's good for the kids at that age. I don't think you should do it. I think for when they about ten, I think it's okay. Oh. I don't really have a good answer for her about this. Custom. Don't if you got a good man, just going with a good man, ask him to just be a little bit more respectful with you around the language and just remind him of it. But that's all. But don't throw him out the window because a lot of good people cuss. She didn't say it was good. She said it was very handsome. Well, any conversation, any custom, so obviously the message is coming through the custom, great conversation, I'll be yeah, yeah, all right. I don't know what the answer to that one is. No answer. He's a very handsome man, your age, great conversation, but he cuss a lot. He cuss, so what but she doesn't like it? Okay, you know what. Ain't nobody fin to check off all the blocks? Okay what? No one's perfect, No, nobody checks off all the blocks. If cussing is all he doing, that's all it is. You can fix that, work with him with it. Okay, all right, all right, Well, don't get all Why are you all tied up calling yourself down? Sugar honey, Ice Team Monique and ford Hood Clo says, I'm a thirty year old single mother and my son thinks he's the man of the house. Since his dad left us a year ago, I've started dating again and hanging with my girls. Recently, my girls and I did the bust of challenge and the Silhouette challenge on TikTok, and I posted my videos on Instagram. My son is twelve and I don't allow him to be on social media yet, but his dad showed him my IG page and said terrible things about me. Now my son thinks I'm a thought. His dad has a big influence on him. How can I fix this? You do have to watch what you do as a mother. I mean, you're somebody's mother. I mean, at one point in time that has to filter in in. I think everybody who's ever had a child will admit to you that the moment they had the child and change everything in their life. Coming up, it is our last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this you're listening to show all right, guys, here we are last break of the day on this Wednesday. Yeah, it's been a good day. It's been a good day. Well we didn't work to day boy, oh the whole hour O you just got here tripan. So I'm gonna be honest with y'all. Jathon Ne Brown, tell me quit putting all the hours in, come in and do a cold hour and get out. Okay, cool, cool, The ain't no problems. They're no problems. I got something for you and mister Brown, two of your high I can fix it where you ain't got to put in all the mourn do that. Well, you know everybody worrying about that hours, you know, you know, you know really what it is. Can I tell you the blessing that it is four hours a date. It's four hours a date now, so you've been more for you you're talking to your nephew. Well, but the four hours a day other than Carlin Monica, because Carlin Monica do show prep, They organize the show, get the show ready to so it's more than hours in the day for them. The rest of us just own a personalities, that's all. He is. His own a personality. But we ain't on the air. We ain't what and have these as commercials when they sang it in commercials, I got new thing. I ain't doing a damn thing. Yeah, if it's a song on the radio, I don't like. I take my head sets off and our damn show don't listen to commercials. So are you trying to save? We are blessed and fortunate? Yes, yeah we are. Oh, I know you're not talking, just getting to talk about five minutes ago I knew your most fortunate food. What Steve, that's harsh? Be nice? Surely that we just came to work at nine o'clock. Did y'all get a call? H? No? Okay, And now you want me to be nice? Why would I call y'all when I know y'all at work, work, y'all? Why would I worry y'all y'all doing? I know y'all working. I call y'all y'all work, I worry y'all. How does that make sense? Right? Minute? What Steve, Tommy did you say? Why would I worry y'all when I know y'all are working? WHOA? Did you get it? Oh? My? Did I say it right? He did? Didn't get it? I don't think so. I thought I heard it, but I don't think I heard it right though. I don't think he said it. I think I said it. I think he said without without an h chapter I say it when I don't think about it. I think I said it said No, you did say focus. Why would I hurry hurry y'all? Who y'all at what? He can't do? Find the pressure? Why would I? Why Tommy can we get? Why? Why would I whurr y'all when when y'all at work forget it? Why? Why would I when you suck at W stop? I did it earlier though I didn't even know it. I heard you. I didn't. I know I didn't. That's why. That's why I did it. Because I knew we couldn't do it on purpose. I know good well if I put it in his head, here't gonna do it. But you gotta say now Tommy has going gone to w class to try to get rid of it. Steve, when we're still in LA, he was going to do Yeah, yeah, I mean my daddy that girl named Juanda when her daddy who William mean her mom and hied him? They was not when me and all I can say to you, Steve as you hired him, Tommy, what was that is real? Miss miss miss uh? Who? I needed mister Whilliam And I asked, mister Willie, I say what you do for work? He said there at the Queen Meal Place? I said, who when meal all right brother watching. Yeah, they called him well Quest because he can he talking for your quiet quest Let me go to work with you and watching windows? Man at me. I don't even know about the talking to me like that. I just I just talked. I didn't do nothing crazy. Wow, what a day, oh man on a wednesdayday? Yes, yea. So y'all, hey listen before we get out of here, let me let me say one more thing about this vaccination. Come on, just to be clear, I think this fascination. Vaccination is a choice, and everybody it's you know, it's not a mandatory that you take it. But I'm pretty sure that all of us know someone who has died from COVID. And even though the vaccine isn't one guarantee that you won't ever catch it, it does lesson severely the symptoms becoming severe and causing hospitalization and death. Yeah, I just I just don't know that I'm willing to roll the dice and not take the vaccination. So I'm taking it now. For all of you all out there that have theories of why you shouldn't take it, that's your decision. But sometimes, man, see, times are changing in this world, and even though they haven't changed to our liking to where we really want it to be. That's change coming in this world, you know. I mean, Steve, we have a black woman that helped created the vaccination dot mornment. That's a change, right, Yeah, Georgia turn blue changes a change. Yeah. I would. I would be very careful with with allowing our natural suspicions to guide us into the future. Just be conscious everybody. Everybody has decide for the vaccine for themselves. Steve Harvey's taking it for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steven Show.