Sister O'Dell Comes Through and Keith Sweat Gets Got - 07.27.17

Published Jul 28, 2017, 12:56 PM

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Y'all know what time if y'all don't know, y'all back at all, suit all looking back to back down, giving the b like theming buck bus things. And it's tough y'all to me, true good to Steve Hoya listening to me? Toach other for sto bar quickly to listen money. Why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, by joining me, honey, say great turn Yeah you're going to run in you you gotta turn to turn turn lovey got to turn out to turn turn want to go, comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harley got a radio show. I was. I had my head down then it was thinking of what I wanted to say this morning. But it kind of uh, it's kind of be something I've lived for a long time, and uh, you know, for a long time. You know, I had a lot of faith in people. You know. It's strange too, because you know, you know, my mother was a Sunday school teacher, so of course I grew up around it, knowing the scriptures and things like that. Not not a lot of them, but you know, the ones I retained. But having her as a mother was it was a huge help and understand about faith. But even with that, as I grew up, I began to put a lot of faith in people and and um, you know, I figured, you know, just like everybody else, you know, man if I could just meet this person, or if I could just sit down with that person, or man if I could just get this person to hear my ideal, or man if just if this person could hear my track, or man if I could just get this in the hands or somebody in the know. I was, like everybody else, I thought that way. You know, I actually thought that if I could get in a certain situation with a certain person, that if a certain person were to meet me, that you know, it could change everything for me. Oh man, Oh how wrong I was? Oh how wrong I was? How long did I spend feeling that way? And how many of you out there possibly have felt that way before? You know, like even in a relationship, this is the person for me, And you know, you just lay claim to that, you know, not necessarily being a fact, but you just lay claim to it. This is the person for me, This is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You know, sometimes you know, we just lay claim and stuff, and it's not always what's in our best interests, or it's not always a fact. It's just what we decided we wanted. And I was guilty of that, just like anybody else. And I spent a lot of years in my life putting faith in people. Man, if I could tell you anything this morning, it's to stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God where it counts the most. I mean, you can get something out of this one. See, here's a deal about the relationship with God. It's it's the same all the time. He never changes. His word is one absolute. His word doesn't have loopholes in it, none of that. It's this is what it is. He's very clear. Now, you can deviate off your end at a bargain, but it don't stop what he says from being true. But if he asked you to do something, If if God asks you to to be a certain ad, to do a little something a certain way, and you don't do it that way, then you know you could still possibly get by for a while. But don't you understand that his end of the deal stays the same. And as long as you're not doing it the way you're supposed to, the results are not going to be what you wanted to be. And I did this for years and years and years, and I counted on people, and uh, you know, I got myself in a lot of situations. And I got out one a dire situation that I've been in for a number of years. But he had protected me from years prior to that. I didn't even know what was going on. And then he made it away and made me aware of the problem. And then, man, Lord have mercy, I was in a dismal situation. And then at the end of the year, I was free, free from it all. But it was a decision that I had made that led up to that, and in and in going through that process, I had to learn something. Man. I learned a lot about people. See, if you want to learn about your friends, if you want to learn about your people people around you, Get yourself in some trouble, get yourself in a situation. Oh man, you start looking around, man to feel get real clear. When you're in trouble. The field clear is out when you're in doubt, when you don't know what to do when you need help. It gets real clear on the play and field, then don't it. But when things is going right, it's time for a party. Were throwing the celebration. We we we were gonna We're gonna do one down here. Oh man, there's plenty of people on the field. But but but but get yourself in a situation. You find out rather quickly that old no, old no, everybody ain't here. And that's when I started learning and I and I'm telling you, I had to start learning this for real until I finally got it to stop putting my faith in people and put all of mine and God where it counts the most. Now is that to say that there are people that you can't trust. No, that's not what I'm saying. I ain't say you can't trust him, but you can't dump your faith in him. I got it all righting on what he say. I got it all righting on what she say. No, no, uh uh no, I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna keep my on this situation because I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna take this faith of mine and instead of putting it in people, I'm gonna put it in God where it counts the most, because his word is absolute. What he says he's gonna do, he gonna do what he says. He's not gonna tolerate. He's not gonna tolerate. Now, you can make it, you can make it tolerable for yourself, but he's not gonna tolerate it. And that's just the end of the line. And so you know, I'm i'm I'm wondering how many people out there find themselves in a situation like me, or maybe you've gotten yourself in a situation because you put your faith in some people and now you wound up in a different type of situation. Now, let me ask you whetting people at see every person that I had put my faith in when I got in trouble, when I got down, I couldn't find them people nowhere, nowhere, nowhere. I didn't see a lifeline. I didn't say, hey man, we're coming to get you. I didn't see none of that, No, sir, No sir. The only one that I found when I was in my deepest trouble, when me and my wife were in our darkest situation, was God is the only one was the only one who was just right there, right there, all the way through. I mean, comforting us, consoling us, putting us, putting his arms around us, tucking us under his wings, all of that all it was just him. It was just him. And I'm asking any of you to just do the same. If you look around at the people that you put your faith in, and you got in a situation because you had some faith in some people when you got in that situation, where were those people? Where were they? Nowhere to be found? I have not. I've yet to find those people when I get in trouble. And so I'm asking you why would you put your faith there when instead you can put your faith in God where it counts the most, and He's always there. Now, let me explain something to you. Because you have this relationship with God, it does not mean, it does not mean now that it won't get it won't still be a situation, you understand. But what He will do is protect you during that period. He'll cover you during that period that it is a situation. He will give you the strength to overcome the situation when it turns into a situation. Then when he when he cracks it open, for you and the sun is bright and shining. What he don't want you to do is when he gets sunny again, to forget about him, who was there when it was dark for you. See, I used to do that too, you know I was Oh, man, I did it. I'm telling you right now, I did it. But I'm telling you man, when I learned a very serious lesson and I watched some people I thought were friends of mine just sort of casually remove themselves from the situation. Then I said, okay. Me and Margie looked around. We said okay, it's just me, you and God, and we started conducting ourselves accordingly. So when it's sunny for us, we remember God. We stayed prayerful, We keep talking to him. We thank him for the sunshine, We thank him for the dark days that he allowed us to do, who allowed us to survive it and turn it into sunny days. And we talked to him constantly to protect us of our future enemies. And that's what the deal is. So if I was everybody, I would stop putting your faith in people and put your trust in God where it really does count the most, It really really does. We are here live on the radio Steve Harvey Morning Show. They're all new Steve Harvey Morning Show. The excitement is here, the levity is here, the entertainment value is high, the encouragement, the uplift, keeping the haters at bait. Y'all, do yourself a favor, shake them haters. The internet now is the breeding ground for anybody who wants to create a story. If the story about you is not true, why are you concerned about it? Let them say what they want to say. Let them lie, y'all, keep stepping. Good morning. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Yes it yes, it deals such words of inspiration. Good morning, Good morning, get Thursday morning to the crew. Hey Steve, Hey, what's happening? Good morning? How's everyone? How's my voice today? Huh morning? Everybody? Morning morning number one. I'm here, I mean my this is going on day. Let me see. Yeah, this is two weeks of not shaving. I haven't shaved in two weeks. James Harden comes to mind. What you know I know? Okay, yeah, Jay is off today. Okay, yeah he has all. Don't say it. They did it to me, you know, well, I don't know what it is. I just think it's so good. They did it to me when I was here, got here when I'm off. Sometimes y'all talk about me. We don't know what's wrong with you. Mess your head even if even if something wrong with me, ain't nothing wrong with here, he complained problems take off to make another twenty anyway, Yeah, good morning, morning morning. So let's let's inspire people today on thirty something funny. How about this? You can ask me anything that might get you to the next level. You can ask me any question about getting to the next level. It can be financial, it can be a philosophical anything getting to the next level. I will spend the next eight minute break sharing anything you wanna know. Got it. It can be whimsical. It could be sincere, I don't care ask me anything and I we don't answer the question. Put his whimsicer? What is that? Would you just did it? Know what? When it's not what you just it's just like funny off the cup, different from the just from the dignity you gotta he's gotta be able to say it first. I said it whimsicer. That sounds a lot like popsicle. Alright, so a different sort of version for of ask Steve. Yeah, so just come back inspiration right after this. Whatever you want to know, let's get started. You're listening, all right, we're back. Let's go. Come on, y'all. I want to inspire, I want to help. I want to uplift. I want to share. It's not so much teaching as it is for me with just share it. Your are the gift that just keeps on giving, trying to be. I want to ask a question. Go ahead, when you get to a certain dollar amount, is there a dollar that you don't lose anymore? Let's say you got a half a million dollars. Do you never go below something? Do you never go do you pick up? Do you pick a number and say, okay, I can never be below three hundred? Well, I mean you should try to do that. You should always have breakpoint, a breakpoint. It's like your weight. It's like I can only get so big, and then I got to going back to the gym. Right now, I'm on the topped out. Okay, I just every day. So now it's like that with your finances. You want to keep yourself because you gotta understand something. If God blesses you to get to a certain point, why would you go back? Why would you go back, you know, and you gotta understand you go, Okay, well I've been there, done that. I know what it's like to live mouth to mouth, check to check and not saying it takes a long time to stop living check to check. I want you to understand it, so don't feel bad if you do, because it takes a lot. Even after you make a lot of money, you still be living check to check a lot of times because you're still you're trying to get a lot of things, acquire a lot of things. It's hard, but you want to try to get Once you cross a certain threshold, you want to try to stay on that side of it. Nevin not in there. You may dip it low, but you want to try to get back, so fight as hard as you can. That's a good question. Okay, here's my question, Um, how much and what should you invest in? What's a good investment right now? Well, land is always landing property, It's always a good investment because it's always an appreciable asset. Cars are not an appreciable asset. Don't think you've invested in there's nothing. Land and property always appreciates because somebody is gonna always want that land or somebody will always need a house. Now, does that include like a things like just yes, condos, apartments, a home, a piece of land. If you buy a piece of land with the intent to build on it one day, just having that land, I promise you in a couple of years that land gonna be worth more than you pay for and somebody will be willing to give you more. That is the guaranteed. Now, there are some more things that you can invest in, stocks and things, but that's always a little bit more risky, risky, always a little bit more risky. But there are safe stocks, you know. There are stocks that ain't going nowhere. You know, that's expensive. Apple ain't going too many places. Facebook ain't going Colas ain't really going nowhere. You know, general electric ain't going nowhere. Certain things okay, yes, okay. See what's your best advice, you know for keeping focused on important things? You know, when distractions in our lives are are kind of constant and kind of throws you off a little bit, what's your best advice to keep us focused? Well? I learned this from Eric Thomas, to be honest with He's one of the greatest motivational speakers I've ever heard. Eric Thomas is a guy that I listened to. You know, I have some great speakers out there, but Eric Thomas nails it for me because he talked like I talked. You know, he mad most of them. He swept to a shirt in a minute, won't he. I love the intensity what she talks. When you have your visions and you have your motivation, your dream board, the why, you gotta write down the why, the why you want it to happen. Because Eric Thomas said that the why eliminates that I quit that I can't make it because the how it coms to be why are you doing it? Like I have to do this for my family? Well, it's it's harder to quit when it's more than just you on the line. You have to create a why. These big dreams you have, they have to have a why behind that will help you stay to it and fight through the discouragement. Also, your dreams have to be bigger than the consequences are the problems. You gotta want something so big that no matter what it takes to get there, or what it costs, or what the factor is, this dream so big I got to go on to go for it because Okay, Okay, cool. So I'm gonna lose time with my friends, but I'm gonna be a millionaire. Okay, cool. So I won't be able to go to happy hour no more because I'm trying to on vacation of a dream of a lifetime. Okay, cool, Yeah, you know what I mean. Vacation for the dream has to be so big that it outweighs the problems, all the consequences. Okay, all right, that keeps you motivated like that. Here's one more I want to ask you this, because you live this, do you ever feel guilty or have you ever been made to feel guilty because of your success? Because you're so successful, lute one, you will go through that period of feeling guilty about your success mainly because the people closest to you are usually not experiencing your success, and they make you feel obligated to them because of your success. Because I knew you when I got You knew me when, But do you know me now? And Duster, you knew me when I got to do with where I am now? And my obligation is not to you. My obligation is to my wife and my children. It's really not to my brothers. And sisters and my cousins and my homies that I grew up with. It's really not. And then what you try to do when you're successful, you want to share your success and they know it, so they call you it a man, I know you got it, and so you go yeah, yeah, yeah, what you need. That's where I am. I know because they all got you. Oh man, I know you got it. And now here you go being a good brother. You're going, yeah, man, let me try to help you out. But that ain't your job. That ain't your job. And if you get into loaning money business, you're gonna lose a lot of friends and you're gonna create a lot of drama in your own life loaning money. So you don't loan money. Do you get I'm gonna give it to you or that's it. If y'all want to continue this conversation, we can, Okay, I want you want to continue the conversation when we come back most Steve Hart Mota Show. Right after that. You're listening, stew All, Right, we're back. Wow, what an interesting conversation. It's it's the Morning Show. We're asking Steve questions because I think it's important for people to hear directly from somebody who doesn't have an agenda with their life, Like I don't want y'all do this because I get a piece all this here. Genuinely want to share this information because I know it's important to people. The average person out there really does want to know how to make it. And unless somebody who has made it gets down off their horse to share the information, well you're gonna get the information from it. And didn't have this. I was just gonna say that we as a as a race, we don't share this type of information. We're starting to, maybe more now, but growing up, the only thing we knew about money was money doesn't grow on trees? Or do you think I'm made of money? Things like that that are parents told us. So now we're getting real information. Jay Z is doing it. In is he's doing it. Let's go, Let's go back to where we were for U. Tell us how we deal How do you deal with the guilt that because I'm constantly I'm I loan a lot of money. Let me ask you something, Loaning money does it not create tension? Yes, Loaning money creates more problems than it's solved, and it's creating issues not only with the person that you loaned two, but then in your own home, because now you have loaned some money that belongs in your home, and now somebody in your home may have to do without because we didn't gave what we had over here to help someone. And usually money you loan. What they don't understand about people that's climbing up. Money they loan is money they need. Think we all have no extra free money. And then let me explain something to you about Let me explain something to you about loaning you money or giving you money. Whatever I give you money, I'm actually giving you that. Plus if you ask me for a thousand dollars and I give you a thousand dollars, what I'm actually giving you is one thousand, four hundred dollars. Because Uncle Sam is taxing me tax breathe, he don't give a damn what you do with the money. So now I didn't give you a thousand of my dollars. Plus I gotta see in the government four hundred of that thousand I sent you the whole partner. Oh so now I really hate that simple So when you're gonna pay me back, you really didn't jaim me now, well, in your case, people don't think you need it. You know, Oh he'll he'll be all right. That money money, he's got money. He doesn't need that money. I'll get it. I'll get it to him when I get While you are coming up, people think that you have a reservoir of money. But that reservoir of money you had to work for. The only reason you have a reservoir a little bit of extra money or more than them, is because you usually work more than them. So now you are asking me to take not only my money, but my time that I've given to make this money and just let you have that because you know I got it. Well, that's foul and you should not suffer from guilt, because let me explain something to you I've learned about guilt. Guilt is the most useless human emotion that there is because guilt serves nothing. Guilt is the most devoid, the worst human emotion there is because it serves no purpose. What what this guilt serves when you feel guilty? What? It don't help you, It don't benefit you, It does nothing for you to feel guilt. But people take advantage of the guilt for their own self entitlement. And self selfish needs. That's what they use. They use guilt for that. So guilt serves no purpose. So stop feeling guilty because you're blessed. Stop feeling guilty because God has given you grace. Stop feeling guilty because you go to work and nobody gave you nothing, nobody mails you free money. Stop feeling guilty. Yes, that guilt when you talk about that guilt, because Tommy, I think we've all kind of been in that boat. When you're loaning money and and the whole guilt thing. You don't want to be the bad guy or whatever. It's different when you loan friends money, and then when you're taking care of family. You understand what I'm saying. I think there's a different level of guilt with that when you gotta look out for mom and them and Grandmama and them, and and it grows when you get to a certain level. Do you understand what I'm saying? No, I do, because when it gets to a certain level, here's what you can do. You have to wait till you get to a certain level. I got so sick of my family, Nickel and Diamond, me the phone calls, that having to duck them, the phone call to trying to tell them no to making it happen. The constant phone calls. Now, you gotta wait till you get to a certain level. And I've talked to a lot of people like this. I put all of them on salary. Okay, that's all that, and then here's your monthly cipher and you can make it whatever you want to make it. Here's your five hundred a month. Here's your two fifty for the month. You know, I'm off on another bracket with mine. They're getting off the thousands. But here's your money for the month. I love you, I am successful. I know y'all older than me, y'all being struggled. This all to help. Guess what it alleviates the phone calls. It alleviates that you ain't nothing. You forgot about us. But you gotta wait until you at a certain level. But if you want to help your family out, your mama, your sister, your brother is constantly nickel and diamond, you man, let me get a hundred fifty. Here, let me hold two fifty. Put them on salary to two d a month. He go your two hundred. Guess what that that really does? Slow down there, I need fox Hunter. Hold up, partner, I sent you my Yeah she has because Steve, I mean, while we're talking, there are people out there that do need help. I mean, you know, legitimate help. There's some people they do need help. I mean we all have been there and thank god there was something. All yeah. But I mean I'm just saying there are some people you know that need need help. I mean, how do you determine. I'm not saying you don't help. Nobody know what I'm telling you right now, listen to me. Get out of the loaning money business, all right? Got it now? If you're not gonna give it to him, so you ain't gotta worry about it no more. My philosophy is I'm not gonna give it to you, then I ain't got it. Broka, I ain't got I don't have it, I don't loan, I don't loan, don't don't come to me, So just say no and don't feel guilty. I had I had a wealthy friend who got in a real jam and kind of got publicized with his business, and he came to me for a loan. But he's and he's been wealth and I knew he was gonna come back. And I loaned him a healthy amount of money, substantial amount. He came right back to me when he said he was with the check. Okay, he had done things for me in the past, not so much money, but phone calls put me in touch with this guy. That guy, so we had a little bit going on. So when he came for that substantial amount of money, you know, I had to go now because Marge and I have a relationship where she has some of her money from her allowance and I had my money from my allowance. But this money he came to me, I had to go to my wife and go ahead, baby, can we do this right here? That's a lot because it's kind of stepping outside of what I have the power to do without confiding in you. So forth and so on. You know, she's had family members that's needed help and she comes to me and then, but but she'll tell them for any amount of money, y'all, you gotta go to my hub that takes her off the hood. She go. You gotta, Mardie, just tell you know, y'all can't come to me with that, You have to go ask my hub. Now speaking, since you brought Marjorie up, well, talk talk quickly if you can. We have about thirty more seconds left. You always say you need four bank accounts. For bank accounts, we have the bank account where all the money goes in that pays for bills and everything, necessity, house, electric, car, know anything. We have another account that requires both of our signatures. It's a savings account. We cannot have touched that unless Marjorie and I both signed, and then Marjorie has an account. I have an account. That money go to her, that money go to me. I can't tell her what to do. She can't say nothing of that. She wanted to buy jewelry, she brought jewlry about Cuba, Cigar cigar. Can't say nothing to them, and we'll be we'll be that. You're listening to the Steve al right, miss Anna standing by with today's national news. But did you guys hear about this Justin Bieber? Everyone knows who Justin Bieber is. His fans were shocked and upset after he abruptly canceled the remaining dates of his Purpose tour. First, it was said that Justin pulled the plug due to exhaustion. A lot of entertainers do that. No problem there. But now other sources are saying that Beads acts the rest of his tour in order to rededicate himself to Jesus Christ. I love that, Okay, I love that. Okay, that's what he said, Jess. Yeah, yes he is, thank you very much pointing that out. Yeah, and then that of course would be fine if that was truly it. But Bieber was seen on video saying that he needed time to relax and ride bikes, so that maybe he gonna ride up in the mountain seat. But Justin's come to Jesus moment. As upset the tour crew, Justin made the movie uh the Move without any notice, leaving close to two people out of work. Now that's not cool. Sources also claim the crew members aren't buying the exhausted excuse, especially since he just had a month off and spent the time partying. So, for the record, while that's exhausted, I ain't know party for a month, but I didn't watch Tommy though he didn't have some hell of fa Tommin came in here stretched out. You can't imagine a month. But you know what, though, I understand the cruise position on it, but at the same time, it's sort of crazy because the reason you are working mm hmm. You know, but you affect a lot of people's family when you just drop off the map like that. You know, people and your fans, you people. People need these jobs and they really do because they went all, Okay, I got a contract, I'm doing this, be all some I'll be able to pay for this distance. Then you don't come, you mess, you upset the plans. Yeah, I understand. Yeah. So he's been hanging out with Pastor Carl Lentz of a Hillsong lately, and the pastor apparently does not kind of in line with what you just said about those times, does not advocate canceling his tour at all. So Justin issued an apology, but that may be too late to even say, you know, for the fans and the crew members to say sorry. So there you go. Yeah, even the pastor doesn't want him to cancel the tour. You know you're doing, Justin? How did you ride on your bike? Phone? Yeah? I know you're young and everything. We gotta pa Toronto tonight, trying to bike rab Where does bike cut off time? Though? How far you ding? We gotta be fun over hereuldn't have been here? Because we had a building fun at our church, he says, our a little boy know at least eighteen years of building fund. We hadn't put a dough now, but every Sunday, faithfully, you dropped something into the building. Where's it going. We're gonna get a new window. How about just some seat cushion, a couple of more older ways to get hard by because I'm gonna tell you one thing. What I'm not gonna do is watch service in the overflow room. I'm not that committed. Once some down in the basement in the overflow room, I lose all interest in the service. It's just who down here? Is that not the most undecorated rum? But the man we're late now we're in here trying to act like we loved it. Man. Man, we're listening to man. We're listening to the crown. This little speaker. All right, we have down here now, Steve, they got screens, video screens. What they got you to that room? We gotta bring in. Good morning, everybody, Thanks a lot. This is a trip with the news. Okay, well let's go to Ohio. First of all, catastrophic malfunction on a ride at the Ohio State fair has killed one man and injured seven other people. This is Ohio. A man who was killed was one of several people thrown from a ride called the Fireball. Again. This was at the Ohio State Fair. Now the fair is open today everybody, but officials say that all the rides are closed down. They're going to check all the rides. I don't want anybody on the rides. Yesterday's White House press briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Huckaby Standards was of course asked about the president's transgender military band, specifically about out to what would happen to people already serving in the service if they were going to be automatically dismissed or something. However, her answers seemed somewhat general, but she did stress that the President felt the current situation had to be changed. The Department of Defense and the White House will have to work together as implementation takes place, and has done so lawfully. He's awes that this is a very expensive and disruptive policy, Sander said. Trump consulted with members of his national security team before reversing President Obama's policy. Some groups already say they're prepared to go to court to fight the White House on this one. Meanwhile, the US Center voted down a proposal yesterday they would have repealed most of the Affordable Care Act and allowed the Congress two years to come up with a replacement. That went down the flames the Minnesota Police Department. The Minneapolis rather Police Department now expanding the use of body cameras after an Australian woman who called nine one one ended up shot and killed by a police officer there earlier this month. Acting police Chief Madera Aredondo says the problem is that too many officers hard to use the technology at all. It is not being used when it may be needed the most. From this day forward, in the Minneapolis Police Department, body warn cameras must be on PILs goes into effect in two days. Michelle Obama has opened up about the racism she faces first Lady racism so many of us saw at the Women's Foundation of Colorado's thirty anniversary. She discussed the shattering the glass ceiling and the shards that cut her the deepest, she said, with those that intended to cut her, She says, quote, we are living with tiny cut, small cuts. We are bleeding every single day, but we are still getting up. Meanwhile, on a much much lighter note, everybody, Today's National cranborough A Day, National Chili Dog Day, and National Brown Liquor Day. Not that dry. Okay, this is nan trip and we'll be back with Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hour. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, he's here. But one last comment, Eugene, for I bring and I'm gonna bring you out big, thank you that much, thank you, and I'm gonna bring him out, asked Anthony Brown. But I'm just boy cotton the overflow rule, sir, I just wanted to always say that. And this is not a question, this is a statement. I'm boy cotting all services in the overflow room on video coming out of a mono speaker. You no usher down here, and the usher that's working the overflow room they knew anyway. They ain't even't qualify because they're not working the main sanctuary banding over there. He ain't got his hand behind it back, he ain't got no gloves that No, they ain't gave him nothing. He got a yell on band on, and he'd the nurse too. Ain't nobody shouting in the overflow rule. We ain't that connected. Ain't nobody saying amen while we're in here. Let's cut this out, lady and gentlemen, why the game? Put your ass agether get your mand right, yes, carlor my asy and I'm about to get out. Jane up very much out he did get. Good morning everyone, Stephen, Timey, Shirley, Carla Junior, Good morning to everyone. Here is the question out of the day. Ready, Yeah, what are some things that sound like compliments but are actually insults? Oh man, that baby looks just like yeah, that's well, that's a comment. Oh man, that that I look good it on the squirrel. You know that don't look good on the squirrel? Let me too tight? Wow? Your eyes really are that big? I get that a lot one on my Instagram page. Wow, I see what Steve means about your eyes, Tommy, I think the one I get that just trips me ideas one day you might be good at Steve's compliment. Yeah, it's a d gonna compliment the same he just did what we're talking about, comment made. Okay, what come on, man, your hair look nice today. Huh yeah, that could be a complimented, Carlo, you good for your age? Yeah, that's the one. That is how you just gonna bring them pants back like that? Sometimes you a compliment really isn't insults, so think about it. That's just that's my school proNT today. Stephen, you want you want? Coming up next to good Nephew will be black? Thirty four after the hour, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve. Maybe you feel like you're stuck in a relationship or a marriage that's broken. Maybe you're not getting enough attention. Maybe you're just not in love anymore. Let's talk about the five most important things to consider if you're tempted to cheat. How about that five most uh? Five most important things to consider if you're tempted to cheat. Yeah, I have a list. I have a list. You can come in up again. Five most important things to consider if you're attempted to cheat. Okay, you want to hear my list. You guys make your own list. Okay, yeah, I know you do. You may yeah, alright. Number one, no good can come of it, So remember that if you're attempted to cheat. Number two somebody's going to get hurt. Someone's gonna get hurt. Number three. The guilt will stress you out immediately, the guilt. Number four, The fling is not gonna last. It's just a fling. It's not gonna last. And number five, Come on, now, there's a better solution. You don't have to do this. Should I go back down from from take it from the top. Number Number one? No good can come of it? Why not? That's why I'm doing it. Just's some good coming immediately. Number two, somebody's going to get hurt. You're not gonna find out what I'm finishing doing to find out nothing about this. Let's keep from number three. The guilt will stress you out, and definitely it never has before. I have gone on with my life back number four. Number four, the relieving strip. Number four. The fleet we're not laying. Most of mine have gone three four years. I call that pretty good life, that life expectancy. Number five, there's not a there's a better solution. What's solution looking for? I'm not looking for one now and I just named it two. What is the subject? Again? The object is the five most important things to consider if you're tempted to cheat? Number one. Number one, when they see who you cheating with, will they say okay, really crazy, that's good. And then here's the second most important. Asked the question again, Okay, what are the five most important things to consider if you're tempted to cheat? These are Number two? How much is has you got? You got to consider that, how much he is? You got paid? You got it could go down? Can you lose? These are things that you really got to Oh, this keeps me at home? You got paid? You got to consider. I don't have no money. So do you think that I got to consider? Do she have somebody? Just the case we get called? Got to go down? He to kill me. I need to know and to do she live on the same side of town I do. I need you to be across town. We can't be seen together at the same stop us now can't work together. Dri drive a bout the house, see your car in her drive. If I'm on the east, she got to be on the west. If I'm on the north, I need your south. See the things for me to consider. I don't know what this no geek can come of it. I don't know about that. With them two things I got to come on boy, do she have brothers as well? Number three? Come number three. It's being seen in public? Important to you? You, that is my favorite series in public? Important to you? Oh my god, because if it is when talking about last week about some cheating and they never went out of the house ever a day. They never went on a day. All right, thank you guys. Now we see how your minds work. Coming up next, it's the nephew prank phone called the Ignorance never stops on this show. You thought I would. We'll be back you're listening to all right, coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after the hour, Get ready for today's another one crazy strawberry letter. Okay, but up next it's the nephew with the prank phone. Call what you got now? You know it was your birthday not too long ago. This is my dude. This is this is unc dude too. But I pranked. Keep sweat right, oh you Frank Keith set just keep sweat alright now. Celebrities, Oh wow, we have a long list to day. Hello, I'm trying to reach Manny. Is this Manny not in the same mann? He man the sweat? Who's this man? Hey? This right? Here, man, Uh wow, this is what okay? Uh, Mr Keith you we we got we got people down here. You're supposed to be here at that record store, man, right here on Arloman and we got people wrapped around the building. You're supposed to be here sign in these CDs. Man, But it's been over all these people have been standing there waiting on y'all. Yo. Man, I don't know nothing about no record store and uh and number two, I don't know nothing about doing no signing. Man. Who set this up? Man? I don't know. I mean the name I was giving was Manny? Who was who was? Manny? Man is my road manager. But he don't set things up. Man. He's a road manager. He's not my manager. He just handled my stuff on the road. But I was never told I was supposed to be nowhere to do anything. Man. I mean normally on was toobody telling me and them have an understanding that I book what I'm supposed to. So I don't know nothing about this, my brother, Okay, Well you know we gotta get this taken care of. We got people wrapped around the building. We got a table here laid out, we got pins and everything for you to sign these CDs. Man, we got a hundred people outside of the store. My brother, nobody told me about no no signings or no nothing. Man. I mean I don't know nothing about no signing for real. Okay, Well are you hearing what I'm saying to you? Man? We got people outside the building waiting for you to arrive to sign some CDs. Now what I'm supposed to tell these people? I don't know what you're supposed to tell them, man, I mean, you know, and and and it's kind of like you're raising your voice. Dude, I don't. I don't furst of all. I don't know even know who you are calling me like this. I told you, man, I don't said nothing, man. And you know, I mean I don't even know who gave you my number. You know what I'm saying for I mean, I don't handle all this information was on the fax machine. I got this as a contact number. Man, he is the person I'm supposed to be talking to. And Mrs Smith was supposed to arrive here at twelve noon. Now here it is. It's it's one twenty man, and you ain't here. And we got people wrapped around the building. We've been advertising this with the last two weeks, I mean our dropping down. I don't think you I mean no disrespect to you, but I don't think you're hearing me. Man. I I don't know nothing about a sign And if I knew about a signing or knew I had a sign in session, I wouldn't have a people sitting around or standing around like that. That's not what I do. But no one informed me that nothing like this was going down today. You know what I'm saying, So okay, But look, man, now that you realize people are here waiting, what are you gonna do what I'm supposed to tell them? Man, there's no where in the well I can get down there and do a signing at this time late time, right now. Man, I mean, you need to get so big that you need you need to get try to try to get yourself down. You know, first of all, I mean, you know, what did you just say, y'all? I think you just called me I'm a name or something. Man. What did you just say to me? Man? No, No, no, I'm saying. I'm saying you need to try and come on down and sign sign these CDs for these people. Man, these people are here, They're waiting in line. You've been waiting over an hour on. You know that that's not gonna work. The day dude, we got your we got your CD. Almost on every show, I'm feeling you, and I understand that. I understand what you're saying to me, but there's no way I can get that there. Man, were you just gonna have to reschedule this. So we're gonna have to reschedule this. I apologize for the you know, misunderstanding, but bottom line is, I knew nothing about on only on a second hold on And this is mrs what he's saying. He don't know anything about being I'm telling him, we got people all wrapped all around the building. He don't care. Yo, Yo, dude, I didn't said I didn't care. I said now I could do I instead of I didn't say that. Man, don't put words in my mouth, my brother, What do you want me? All you gotta do is reschedule it for another time. Man, I's what you do. I don't know. Man, I'm talking to my boss. I'm trying to figure out again we got people from to get mad Man because you're not here, Okay, you never man, he man, he needs man. He does. I don't say. I don't know nothing about that, man. I ain't got nothing to do with that. Man. All I know is that nobody told me about that. You know, I call him and he and I who said, Because I don't do things unless I know where where it's coming from. It, I ain't no way you can get you. You can get yourself. Now. You keep further of all, Man, you don't talk to me like I'm your child. Man, No, you keep saying there's no way I can get my You know your back up on what you're saying. Man, Man, we're having a problem. This is supposed to be one of the biggest days of our record store. We got your CD on every shelf, and you do just so calm and collect like it's not a problem with you what I'm supposed to do? Man, When I didn't know nothing about it, I understand there's a problem. Is a problem because it makes me look like I'm a no show. But dude, I'm telling you again, I knew nothing about this. Man. Oh no, old I want to second take all his damn CDs off the shelf. Every yo, Yo, I don't know what you're talking about. Man, You're losing your dark mine right now. Man. I'm not trying to disrespect you, dude, but you're really losing your mind right now. You're doing something you ain't got no business though. Man, I said, reschedule a situation. Man, you know tomorrow to day we rescheduling when the album drops today. Okay, well, well there's nothing I can do about this, dude, nothing's ther Wait. Wait, sounds like you're raising your voice. That made my voice man, because you're now now you disrespect me. You don't call my phone going on like like like I'm somebody's chat like I'm your child, dude. Think you don't talk to me like that. Man, So you can't stop what you're doing and bring your butt down here to the record store. What I'm doing. No, no, no, no, I can't start what I'm doing. Man, what you're doing right now, that's so important. You can't come. Man, It ain't none of your business what I'm doing right now. Dude, I'm saying, I know I knew nothing about this, man, So I'm not gonna keep going back and forth with you like like like I gotta explain to you why I can't. I gotta start what I'm doing to come down there. I knew nothing about it. It's not my fault. Dude. You need to take this up with somebody who scheduled this because I didn't schedule it. That's a right and a wrong way to look right and the wrong way to do somebody. Mr Sweat, Man, come on, now, you resign my songs, Man, Come on, many problems. I'm just gonna go out here and tell everybody in the line. Mr Sweat don't want to come okay, And I'm taking all of the damn CDs off the show because you don't want to stand up and be the celebrity that you're supposed to beat. Man. Okay, now you know what, man, You do what you gotta do. Man, at this point, you do what you gotta do. Man. But who am I talking to anyway? Man? I work here at the store. Okay. Well, I'll see you right heim. You go ahead and do what you give me, do and I'll come and see you do. What what? What what you mean You're gonna see me? What that means? I see you. I'll see you, y'all see you. That's what it means. I'll see you, okay, because because the bottom line is man, Tommy said, you was gonna come here. Once said you was gonna come sign Tommy Who now you brahin Tommy? Who the who the hell is the Tommy Tommy Man nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning shows what I got you? Boy? Man? You know what? Man? Y'all tripping boy for real and you you don't even understand what you give me? Make speak to dude. You're crazy boy. I mean you know what I man. You don't have anything better to do than from me. And that's me man. I knew the album was dropping. Man, I said I'm getting in today. You're good. Yeah, I'm good. I'm good man, boy, you crazy boy? Man, Let me get off this phone. Man, y'all do what you don't even understand? Sweat Man, I had to get you do look at it. You know, I know you got your show, but you got to tell me what is the baddest radio show in the morning, Steve Harvey, Monty's your man. Get off my phone. Every time, somebody got to do it. And I chose myself big else to keep sweat happy to later. Birthday to you, brother, and you're gonna be seeing Keeth. He's gonna be doing this thing and saying and so let me write a wrong Yeah, yeah right, I wanna show and he don't sound like Keith. It looks good. Well, ain't nobody run up on now? Noddy? I like about it. He already second he's maying on ready to be a healthy? Yeah, keep man is actually a game. I don't want to put that out there. It ain't the safest group out of trop Wood. They didn't play that. You didn't jump on this back. They were from Ohio, Tropwood, trop Wood, Ohio. Right outside of dating Man. All the boys went on how players were from now to all of them as was from now? The whole group Old James whip on the board, Cleveland Man, they turned them out? Was the Seveness were vertils neo? Ain't they ever been free? Al Right? Get ready coming up in about an hour, she's back, sister, O'Dell will be here in the building. Yeah. Do you want more data with not a huge wireless bill on a blazing fast four g l t eat network with Simple Mobile you'll get more speed and more data for fifty dollars a month. You're listening, Let's buckle up, let's hold on tight. We gotta Joe Barry Let thank you, Tommy subject childless, manless, clueless and hungover at forty, Dear Steve, Harvey and Shirley. Currently, I am separated and over forty. Can't have any children's main reason for my divorce. Anyway, I met a man, Mr. Man, who was also separated, and we became very close. It was great. After a year, Mr Man has his divorce. Once my divorce was final, this summer, I thought Mr Man and I would be together. Well. Mr Man told me that he was going to New Jersey to get his ex girlfriend, the woman he should have married instead of his wife. I had to ask what about me? He said, I am a beautiful woman, but I had three problems. Number One, I am too emotional. I cry at the drop of a dime. Number two, real women are mystery. Once that's gone, nothing is left. I'm an open book. Number three, the big one I should not have I should not have fallen in love with a married man him. I missed all the signs of this rejection. I tried to be open and honest with this man. Of course, the sex was good, but I am truly hurt. So as I watch him take his ex girlfriend on a romantic weekend to the Poconos Mountains this weekend. Last night, I had my brown liquor, my brown liquor song Anita Baker no more tears and cried myself to sleep. I should have known better and controlled my feelings at forty. So I'll say it's my fault. I am not perfect now. I am out of two men in one year at forty. I pray that God heals my heart and my mind. Childless manless, clueless and hungover at forty. Wow. Uh, dear dear childless manless, clueless and hungover at forty. I mean, yeah, you know, Uh, God, will you know, protect you and heal you and all that. But you have to do your part. You know, you gotta do your part um and that is not jumping into something when number one you're still married to this uh, to your husband. Uh and uh number two, you know, just jumping in, not getting to know this man, you know, sleeping with him right away. That's exactly what happened. That's what he means by the mystery. You know, once the mystery has gone, then it's over. I mean telling him everything you said. You're an open book. You don't have to tell this man everything. He's not even your husband, um, you know, and then being so emotional and needy. You know, you gotta learn from um from your relationships so this won't happen again. And as far as not being able to have children, um, you know, if you want to go this route, adoption is always an option, and it definitely is always an option. You know, think about that in your next relationship. But I don't advise you to even get in a next relationship, a new relationship until you know you learn from this particular one so you won't keep making these same mistakes over and over and over again. So take your time, know what you want, and don't settle uh anymore? Okay, and make these men accountable, you know, talk about their plans, find out what he wants to do. You know, why should that have even been a surprise to you that he wanted to go back and marry someone else, Steve, This letter is classic, is classic, classic example of how women get involved and not know upfront her whole life is that one. First of all, she's separated right now, can't have any children. Main reason for my divorce. You're getting divorce because you can't have children. Who didn't know this in the beginning. How was this not talked out thoroughly in the beginning. So you get to this point with your husband and he finds out you can't have children, or he just his sizes he won't children, or this is the reason he's telling you that he got to leave. All it is, all it is. All of this could have been handled up front. You were surprised that your marriage is over because of the fact that you can't have children. You've been knowing this a greater part of your forty years, especially in your adult life where it really counts. Okay. Secondly, um, you met a man, Mr. Man, who was separated, which means he was still married to Mr Man gets his divorce and once your divorce was final this summer, I thought Mr Man and I would be together keyword, I thought you once again, ma'am. And I'm just not trying not to be too hard on you, because you know you made a mistake. But you said I thought Mr Man and I would be together once again? Classic classic not knowing up front. You could have found out if you and Mr Man was gonna be together before you broke off the cookie with this man. But now you're passing out cookie like it's like like it's a business card. Now you're sitting up in here and found out that Mr Man, after his divorce, is gonna go back to Jersey and get his ex girlfriend. He could have told you that to begin it, had you inquired. Ladies, you have the right to inquire. It's not being nos it ain't being pushy. You ain't gonna run no man off. If a man really want you, you can't running him off. You can't run us off. We scary, We won't you, we want you. We are not scary people me and are not scary. You don't run us all, and we won't you. Come on, come on, pimps and players. Didn't put it in your head that you will run us all. Men can't be run off. So here you go. He goes to the ex girlfriend, the woman that he should have married instead of his wife. Oh, this is conversation you could have add, why are you getting the best? Who would you have married if you didn't marry your wife? I would have married this girl in New Jersey. Matter of fact, if I ever get out of this, I'm going back and get hard. You could have found this out and saved yourself to them, so you had what about me? What about you? It's too late. He going to get the girl in Jersey. Ladies, you have every right to ask up front, see what about you is first? You gotta get the what about you out first, or when you get to the point where you gotta ask what about you? This ain't about you no more. This about him and the woman in New Jersey. Now he got us the boys, he gone. He's going back to who we should have married in the first place. You ain't asked none of these questions because you was swat having a good time, feeling good. Y'all was pleasurable. You all had so much in common. The only thing y'all had in common was both y'all were separated. His plans was not your plans. You have every right to know of a man's plans. You especially have the right to know, ladies, if you are not in his plans. There always to go about finding this out. We come back. I'm gonna open up a few more cans in the uh in this letter. A few more items in this letter share with you, especially the three problems she has. I'm too emotionally, he says, he's too emotionally cried to drop down. Real women are mystery wants. That is gone, nothing's left. I tell you what me and mean by that. And I'm an open book. And the third big one I should have should not have fallen in love with a married man. I'll tell you what I mean too when we come back. You're okay. The man told me that he was going to New Jersey to get his ex girlfriend, the woman he should have married instead of his wife. I had to ask what about me? He said, I'm a beautiful woman, but I had three problems. Let's go over these problems late. Number one, I am too emotional. I cry at the drop of a dime. Well, here's the deal. If a man don't love and don't have emotional ties to you of any kind, which is obviously this man don't, he's not buying into drama. Tears to a man is drama because guess what if your man loves you and he sees you crying, he has to fix something. We got to spring into action and do something. Since it's it's it's the only reason we like to talk to you. We don't want to talk to you if if we can't fix it. So now you're just crying at the drop of the dying. He don't know what the hell going on. He can't fix it. That's drama. I'm not in love with you, and I ain't really feeling you like that. So gus, what I ain't buying into this drama over no cookie, which is all you are is some cookie. Second, real women are mystery. Once that is gone, nothing is left. He told you that, Okay, you know what that means. That means you told everything in the book. I will tell you what to tell a man and what not to tell a man. See, y'all go about this the wrong way, y'all. Y'all think it's being honest and open. Hey, hey, y'all better understand what this really is. Now when you're talking to us, when you give us information, we're taking this information to use it a certain way. That's what we're doing. We're not gathering information because we care for you. We gather informa mation because we can use it in our quest. Third, the big one, I should have not she said, I should have not fell in love. That's what she said with the married man. I miss all this, all the signs of this rejection. No, no, no, no, no, you didn't miss any of the signs of rejection. You didn't ask for the signs, You didn't ask any questions. What was his intentions after his divorce was over, whether you fit into the plans? How does he see you? What the big one is I'm gonna give you is that you fell in love with a married man. You know what he says to him, You had no standards. That's all that says to him. Man, you had had no standards. Now you won't do what now you wanna start practicing standards with me? I'm not really sure if you have any, because what you ain't gonna do is start practicing new standards with me and my feelings. I'm gonna going up to Jersey and get my old girl back. Man, Holly, at you we gotta go email or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my girl? Surely? Now, come on, Steve, introduce that girl from the top. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, military personnel, everybody around the world. Girl on the world. Come on, Cheryl, what's doing? That intro was too much for Sorry? Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Hello, Hey, Okay, Okay, I'm sorry I missed all of that. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What's happening, family, Okay, let me tell you what's happening since Okay, let's just talk about it. Okay. I think earlier this week they talked to about ugly wives. Oh yeah, the guys. Yeah, you know why here, I need to clear up some things. None of us like to be called ugly wives. We prefer handsome. Let's I'm gonna be real now, I'm I'm a member of the ugly wife club, you know, because some men like that woman to look like y'all fat, something like that. They do because you know, sometimes it ain't in the face, it's character, it's wisdom. You know. I give my man confidence because I know we're walking together. Some people thinking, how the hell did that happen? See I'm before see up, Shirley. Am I right? You see a fine dude looking like peeling Michael Thomas walking with somebody should have been on Planet of the Apes. Pleas, I'm so uncomfortable right when ugly women walk in the bedroom, we play Bubba sparts because it's about to get ugly up and I'm the perfect woman any man. Why Because men loved the Steve Harvey Mortner Show. And I got everything that's part of the Steve Harvey Mortner Show on the male ugly side. I got multiple personality like Tommy. I got a smile like Junior. I gotta mustache like Steve at a body like Jath the brown flick. Stop what some women gotta face and everybody look like you, Shirley, I gotta face and men like that. Call men like a woman with character with sticktuitiveness, you know, look like an old hound dog, look like dude. Likely sure you're gonna stop. I'm just telling you the truth. You know that there's handsome women in the world, call them. So I'm just know what I'm saying is on behalf of all the women that are not printing in the face, but beautiful in the ways and got that nice boute that nice on young don't worry, that's something they out there for you. And Steve harving them bad. And I talked about no more unattractive women because there's somebody out there for everybody. Don't y'all believe that, Yes, yes, that's right, that's right. So I'm not lied to know about everybody. Know what I look like without a wig and make up. Everybody know that I know you got to beat. Let me tell you something. Let me tell if you're a woman and your feet look like you should have been on the flintstones sticking them out of car, you need to know that. You need to just said that somebody's gonna love you, you know, because all men don't like what they say. If you're gonna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. From my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you. That's what the song I'm saying. Y'all don't know them lives. Yeah, see, should see the win you won't co sign is because you was pretty. Some women out there, well thank you for that, But because I love you challenged you gotta fight that. Why do you think make that wasn't venting to enhances up, not to cover up. Thanks. People texted me going, did you say y'all fat cooto? Okay, all ugly women, raise your hand. I do solomly sweat to accept the face that God gave me at work with what I got because I'm really fine in my mind. I'm Steve Harvey. Don't be tripping I'm finding my mind. You're beautiful. I don't know what that's right. You're beautiful inside, beautiful inside you handsome, that's what you are. You handsome alright, Cheryl, thank you as always. I think I don't even know you're listening to Steve made good day in the moon. It's all right now, yes it is. Yes, he's coming mad one day and I should wanna be ready, wity go. I'm gonna be ready even if you ain't. I I gotta go to heaven and I'm done the same. Well, it will just be me, all right. It's a ges be me and Jesus my dollar. Good moneys everyone for brutal, for brutal for Hi calling, Hey, sister Dale, how you doing? You know the delay? Yeah, I'm sorry, okay, junior morning, sister old Dale, Hi boy, I'm good. How you doing? You know what the show pick up for you? If you get some bass in it, yes, ma'am, to get some base in your voice. You ain't gonna you funny though, good good day in stay that hate Tommy, Hi boy? How you doing good? Good good dude? I Shirley, Well, hello, sister Odal. Aren't you a good movie to that? Brutal for you love ter hally favorite, he said, Usually am I mean? She said? She said, usually call me here again. See what happened, big get hitting one of them? Big as cain't missing? All right? Well, sorry about on the back of your line? Is I know you ain't checked out the donor call for them. You'na able to fit them in nobody's head. If you get one of your eyes on the back of your driving line, if you put it in the man's head, he's gonna be able to see too much to take the one chill out of the car so he can dry. Okay, we got it. Hey, what I'm just saying you you call me. We're back on the end of the back already. We just had out from the back first place, right back on the flot. You can't keep your damn mark shut. Yeah, you're just drinking water. You're down, said, come on, what y'all got today? What are we talking about? You know what we're kind of discussing off air like slang, you know, stuff that we used to say back in the day, like for instances your odal, like we take advantage of the opportunity, maintain success. Huh, take advantage of the opportunity maintain success, said this joker. Right, Yeah, that's slang that ain't slanger. But you didn't say that. Okay, well I'm saying it now. Well, hey, you cann't say it after you just said it? How you want to get you down? Now you know she'd be able to read read didn't go to the next one. Sho you're supposed to be saying. We're gonna say, I'm gonna say something. You tell me the best way to say it. Okay, I'll say this, and you tell me the best way to say it. Shoot your shot, Shoot your shot, shoot your shot. Bring it yet? Should bring it? It does to go after something or someone that you want. Okay, we'll bring it in that close Okay. Um, we ain't snatch snatch I know you know this one to be put together together or in shape. No, that's what your mama do when they're snu your not in you, when you show it out at the church and your mama's snatch you. Now, next thing you know, she snatched you sitting there looking like a pressure. That's where that meant, because when we say snatch, it means what you ain't Aboudy asked you what you said, Shelly, you're messing the joke up and keep going back over. I gave a punch line. What is your reiteration it for? You didn't reiterate? Huh, not reiterate, reiterate, reiterates. I'm not iritated with you, but I'm back to be because reiterate. You want to real this situation banging it back up? Tell you to re entity always conversation, you can't talk? What else you got? All right? Secure the bag, meaning take advantage of the opportunity, maintained success. Now that just hold my purse. That's all I mean. That's only time, only time I have the holy baggs when I'm on baptism committee. And now I got address him. Let let's read the fraglan once you get paid. Back to Teddy Pendergraph, Huh, I don't feel comforable discussing her paint is? I don't. You're a big fan of his back in the day, did you granddad? I was gonna ask you, Yeah, did you know anyone? What was his grandfather's name? Mogetty Mott, pend Mogetty Pendagram, Oh oh Pendra. And how do you guys meet where that they're called him Getty called the more you want the more he gave you. They call him, you want some more? Here? Can you get it? And him't get him? Don't get it? Pendigran and I mean here you ever run out? The man was something else, had a rough old voice. You light. He couldn't sing though, not at all. I'm gonna get it. Sound like everybody in there. Get the blowing out candle. Oh it was candle. It wasn't like, wasn't no lights back there? What you guys right after service one time? Oh? You guys went to the same church, I said. After service, I went down to the new Chickland spot later that fried chilans. After serving, I went out. He was the one lighting the fire for the grease. And Lord Jesus, you're listening to show. Well, it's ten. Everybody put your hands together. It's time for reality reality Baby, let it in. I love it. I love it. One more time with the reality Park. Here we go. It's time for reality update. You're fired, nephew, he don't give it hit all Hire Jr. All right, here we go, Reality Update. Alright. Love and hip hop Hollywood is back, ladies and John Yeah, and I love me some Ray Jay and Princess in three. Yeah, that's the season three ended with them finding love and they got married last season, but they were not They weren't on the season premiere of I guess it's a season four. They went on the season premiere episode. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of them as the season episode started airing every week. But new cast member my girl, I Love Love Loved Me Some Kesha. Yes, Keisha has joined the show. And you know what, we all know that Keisha has had a lot of drama in her life. You know, she had, you know, the issues with her mom, Frankie and her sister, and you know we've seen Keisha Col's life play out on reality TV before so and this time it's no difference. She has joined the cast of Love and Hip Hop Hollywood, and she had a very public and being tough breakup with her husband, Daniel Booby Gibson. Now we all know Booby. He played in the NBA for I think it was about maybe what seventy six years junior. He played for the Cleveland Cavalier years back in the day. Right, yeah, yeah, he is from Houston. I know some people that mama went to school with my mama, and then she gonna act like she didn't know my mama because her son was Mama checked that situation. Then I said, I know you ain't sitting up here tracking like you don't know me, Booby Mama that I don't like them. I love your mama and your mom. I did not know your mama, dude. Mama held Booby. Mama grabb me helm Booby. My mamma graduated together from Jones High School. Come on, classmates, class of seven to six. She said, Oh, you're gonna okay. I remember you were praying it with Booby. You're not gonna get in Hollywood. We had this kind of world shout out to Houston right about now. You said, Jones High School. That's South Park, baby, if anybody from Houston you o the area? All right? Well, Daniel lied and cheated on Keisha, you know throughout their marriage and that breakup. It was heartbreaking for Keisha. I mean that they broke up and um, it devastated her. But despite all of that, Yeah, she was just really really hurt by that. But despite all that pain and drama, Booby and Keisha, we discover are still living under the same route. They are still still living together. Keisha still cares for her ex, and so she wants them to co parent together. Booby and Keisha, they have I think he's seven seven year old son, DJ together, and we know Keisha's family's history. Keisha didn't know her biological father growing up, and you know, she's had some serious, serious family issue dramas, and so Keisha feels that DJ needs his father, he needs his father there, and so they are coming together, living under the same rout. You know, Booby is not playing ball anymore. It's I guess he's trying to get himself together and get his career together. So there's still some tension there. It's just not all a bit of roses under that roof. When you walk into the house. You see Keisha coming in working from being on the road and being in the studio, and Booby is there being the dad kind of handling the domestic duties and you know, taking DJ to school and that kind of thing they worked out. Yeah, they're trying to work work it out for the baby. And I don't think they are legally divorced, so surely I don't think technically they are. I'm not sure. I don't quote me on that. But I don't think they are legally divorced. But here's my question. Do you think that you could co parent with your ex and live under the same route. Do you think you can do that? Come on, Strawberry, what was the inside boys? Outside? Move on? What about you? Junior? Do you think you can do that? No? No, No, I can do that? Why what? What fun? I mean debate? You could just be hugging the baby and not hugging me. That's my problem. You'll be wanting to get back together. Come on, no sense, How can he get all the husband kids? And I'm standing over here by myself. No, I think Booby is still wanting to get back with Keisha. I think he's trying to fix it. Yeah. I think he's trying to fix it. But she's just she thinks of them and get coparing on the same house with you. And I'm like, surely when it's old, you don't want all of it, it's no more. Yeah, you do make sacrifices for your child every single day. Yeah, that's what love is about. Sacrifice. Yeah. Yeah, Well hit me up on Twitter or Instagram if you're listening right now you want to join in this conversation. Do you think that you could co parent with your ex under the same roof like Keisha Cole and Booby Gibson are doing right now, lips by Carla, hit me up on the Gram or Twitter and we'll talk about it now. On the scripted show Let's Move On Power, Yes, Kendrick Lamar said, this is the best show. Yeah, yeah, I said game with Rolls Power. You know, I love both of them. So your girl Angela did not see Ghost hide the gun at Truth. She got a copy of the surveillance video. She watched the video. Yeah, and so she saw that Ghost did not hide the gun at at Truth. And so Angela, you know, she believes that you have to do the right thing no matter what. So she shared with Ghosts and his lawyer the prosecution strategy to come forth and frame Ghosts with that seven million dollar check that they said that Tommy paid, that Ghosts paid Tommy to kill Greg Knox. Angela did the right thing. And the hardest scene to watch was Ghost fighting US Marshall Williams played by Charlie Murphy. It was a tough that was a tough scene to watch the timing of it all due to Charlie Murphy's being deceased. It was tough, and it looks like the my boss is uh might be Tommy's daddy. We're gonna see you saw that the mob boss and we can't stand Tyreek. Everybody hates Tyreek. We'll be back. You're listening to the stew all right. I want to ask you guys some questions. These are some questions, uh, that we found on reddit dot com. Steve, what job do you have zero experience in but are confident you could do successfully? President of United States? I could do it now. I used to didn't feel that way when Obama was in. I didn't say got to do it at all. But now keep going there right off the top of my head. And then you didn't even make that in a question. I love that this is I don't need that in I bet you I could do it. I can't do it no worse. Damn. Now, I'm gonna make some mistake, but I take a couple of things I wouldn't have done, Like I wouldn't have done the travel band. I ain't saying nothing about sexuality in the military. Damn. A matter of fact, if you want to come in here shooting come on, I don't give a damn who in that kid? Yeah, I don't making stronger. And then I wouldn't have asked myself to come up there in January if I knew I was gonna be all type of huncle terms and coons. You've told you to stay. Hey, yeah, I'd have never asked I asked to come up there if i'd have known what y'all was gonna do to me. I just said no to your self. I called the Obama transition team and everybody and saying, hey, I'm not I thought I'm being a good American. I got up, you ignorant slave got through with me. Actually with damn what I come up. I didn't know you. I thought I was doing the right thing. I really feel in my heart I did the right thing. But you know, after that, knowing what I know now, but you wouldn't asked you, I wouldn't ask me to well, I was nephew cool after that. I didn't ask a lot of people that come up there. They went to President man. Right. You know, people don't even understand how God, you don't even understand he takes what looks like your darkest moment and if you just keep the faith. He got something. All things work for the good. Who love the Lord God? No, I love it now. I ain't perfect, but I do love him though, and he keeps showing up in my life, man, just like you do yours. I mean, look at all the wrong stuff you've been done, and then look at where you are at today. Now, technically we have no business being here, Lord Lord, that's grace and we all benefit from his grace. But we act like we don't. But you know, didn't here come them hate us? That you ain't got room for nothing in your life like they life? Just like the crystal staircase. Right, all right, here's another question, Steve, What item completely changed your way of life after you found out about it? That's a good question for you. Say it again? What item? What things completely change your way of life after you found out about it? Well it wouldn't, cavyall it? Okay? One more time? Asking okay, what item completely change your way of life after you found out about it? Like that? Tomas? Thomas? I didn't? That was Thomas say, I'm sorry. There's now see if you ever get some real cash, maybe we'll continue this when we get back. You're listening to the string show. All right, here we are back to the questions crazy guys that I'm working with the time. Okay, So what item completely changed your way of life after you found out about it? When you say item, like like you know, like a thing, like you know, for instance, you're into yachts, you're into cars, you know, just things whatever, Yeah, whatever change your life? Like, was it the what's the thing? The alexa? Whatever it was vacationing. Vacation has changed my life because you used to just go to Vegas. Yeah, I didn't understand going to wed in the first year we was married, Marge from timing, I want to go to Paris. Well, hell, they we get that's in Vaga. They got over there. You ride on the Gundol. You will just go to Vega. You go to Pyramis? Is there? You go anywhere? What are you wanting to go somewhere else? Why? Why did I marry her? Why do you always want to go some damn where? All this is in Vegas? But now vacationing has changed my life. Exposure to the world. It is not just the United States, y'all. It is some amazing places to see in this world. God did just not create the United States of America. It ain't Vegas in Hollywood in New York. It's the French riviera, the Italian riviera. It's it's Sicily, it's the food. It's the Marfi coast, It's Porto Fino. Africa's Dubai. It's Africa. Safari's my recommendation. You can save your money and put it together. You have to see the continent of Africa. You gotta flyer in an airplane different and see the vastness of it. It's just hours and hours and hours and hours of flying and not see a building, wow, but fly and see the animals and the vast ways. It's so vast man, I mean, it's the most Africa is the most amazing continent on the earth. So what would be the first Like if you go over you can't see it all at one time, but what will be the first stop to me? It's Africa's huge. Can't see at all. And you know, everybody in different countries in Africa. I mean when you say you go to South Africa, people in Angola and Nigeria, they go wild. You got to come see us South that But Johannesburg, what's so alarming for me to get off the plane and see black people in charge of everything. Oh yeah, everything, Oh yeah, what they see when you what they say when you get off the black Oh man, he is here, he is here. It was amazing being famous. There was amazing in charge of everything from the highest office of the presidency on down. Huh. I mean you see him in charge of everything, and it's like the airport is filled with people in charge. You go with your supervisor e Africa. That I saw animal. We didn't know what that was. It was it was animals. You ain't And the size of him, a lion, is not what you see on TV. Oh I bet that roar is something I gotta works. Would nobody ain't sick? He died? Let me take a chance. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Now it's time for just one more thing. Researchers have discovered that Americans are having less sex than they were twenty years ago. I know, I am years ago. Yeah, Jack, rabbit Jack, you were bringing it stick repeated, I'm talking about he didn't that ramage? Sun j R. S everything up. Boy, You should have seen that. You should have seen well to be exact. They say about nine fewer times per year than they were in the nineteen nineties. Yeah, that's what they're saying twenty years ago, nine fewer times a week per year, but you were per week. I'm talking about performances that that had no meaning. Is it a performance? Though? We have to put on a show. What what did you say? Wasn't in love? Which stage? You're just? You're not on stage? I will sunds on stage. Rabbit, gentleman, rabbit sunshine come bouncing out the bathroom with a bitter with a white tail, rabbit dog, lights, lights, sunglasses and a cottontail. One rabbit didn't kick the energe as the funny. I have to wait. I was in the I had a drum beIN and muscular, hard ass looking rabbit dog, nothing but veins, muscling, ski is, six pack ass, muscles, hard sim I'm strange. Everything but rain skin, just some massive I ain't never had no real girl, but you just saw vain man. I'd like to do yours. Nobody fat. You have to bring him up. They had to bring him out. Ladies and gentlemen coming into the room right now, the holy rabbit that makes bugs. But it's not that funny. The only rabbit that can tell Peter cotton hand on go ahead, it's Jack rabbit. Fun Jack rabbit, back rabbit came in with a pair of gold boots on purple sues. Shine. Yeah, that rabbit, Johnson man telling you man, the only rabbit to stone roch the rabbit girl dog Jack. Wow, I'm getting ready to tell you right now. The researchers believe that this is because Americans are getting married older and starting their families later, so that it's called jack rabbit. Ain't give a damn back beach. That's why I was. I had nothing to lose. So if you're older, you know, you might be more tired as a parent, which means less sex. No, I had no money. I wasn't working regular Yeah time time, okay. In technology, they say, is also a major distraction in relationships. Now, hell yeah, I didn't have nothing back no self, I have none but time. You couldn't text me, You can't find me, all right, you couldn't call me here. I am dang, I'm tech with these folk glass sides. Everybody looking at me. I'm trying to trying to do it, but the phone booth I'm standing up the don't not it grew in here the doors over there. I gotta do to my say saying little man, what is you in that talking out the grew in I'm should have been here, man, I don't. Yeah, I got excited. Now I'm bad and back out to do a little bit. Man, stupid. Oh man, I had Troub'm trying to get it all in technology. Technology, None of that not here. Know that that pay phones hard? You have the phone saying you got long distance, you got putting the quarter in there? Oh my god. You got to hear up and say this. The greatest invention they had was when they started dropping them pay phones down where you could put up your car and then let the window down. That was the greatest inventure. But I used to look for them. Wow, pull up over there, man, I could arrange for phone calls. Call me back at this number. In four hours. I'll go over there and wait. I'll be right there at that fact for the rest of it. Now, I loved your commitment to everything. How you doing well? I'm going. I ain't got no house but keep rolling though. Dog. I told a girl where I leave my home? It was paid for. I signed a ship. Let no girl told me one time you need to answer just ring, I got one. It ain't on. I forgot. I used to give away pay phone numbers. Tell a girl where I live, because I can tell me I was home. Man, every time I call you ain't never that. I can't even leave you no message, as long as I know you're thinking about me, all right. And on that note, syb, you don't live Jack Rabbit, sunshine you thank God place jr Rabbit. Tell the people by Jack Rabbit. Hey, y'all looking here on behalfer Airbody that's ever been a Jack rabbit in their life see you tomorrow. Have a great weekend, and keep your Jack and your rabbit forever with the sun shining on. Long live Jack Rabbit, Jackson, and the sun is shined on. Thank for all. Steve Harvey Contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.