Sister O'dell, Census Day, April Fool's Day, Stacey Abrams and more.

Published Apr 1, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today is April Fool's Day and Census Day as well. Sister O'dell stops by to discuss social distancing. Michael Cook talks to the crew about Census Day and more. Tiger King is still the talk of Netflix and Steve has some encouraging words for anyone. Stacey Abrams who served in the Georgia House of Representatives stopped by the show to speak about 'Fair Count' initiative and more. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us to stop asking God to guide our footsteps if we are not willing to move our feet, plus more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know, y'all a sun giving them like the milk bu bus things. Y'all good to mother, don't join joint. Turn you you gotta turn turn turn, you got to turn them out to turn the water the water. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I shore will come on to everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio still. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Sometimes when I chuckle like that reminds me of my oldest brother to pass or where he used to laugh like that. It's kind of funny how jeans get passed down through the line. I don't know why I told y'all that just son't to share with you, that's all. As always, always kind of ask God to help me, you know, um and and and and I had I had gotten off track a little bit because one of the principles of success I want to share with you all today is a law of attraction that is a very very serious principle. It cannot be ignored, the law of attraction. And I'm not going to be able to explain it to you as well as the book Secrets can or as well as some people. I can only articulate it to you the way that I see it. The law of attraction is very, very real. The law of attraction is a principle of success. It is something that everyone has to adhere to. Now, whether you know the law of attraction or not, it does not make it not exist for you. This is the case where ignorance is not the excuse the fact that no one told it to you. There is no pass for this one. The fact that you never heard it before. It does not allow you to do it any other way. So let me see if I can put it to you best I can. The law of attraction, the law of attraction, to put it real simple, is the thing that you focus on, the thing that you talk about, the thing that you think of, is the thing that you draw to you. It's what you attract to you. That's basically the law of attraction. The thing that you talk about, the thing that you think about, the thing that you focus on, whatever it is that is what you attract. The law of attraction does not differentiate from positive and negative. It only does what it does. What I am saying is this in the law of attraction. No matter what you think of, no matter what occupies your time, no matter what you say, or no matter what the focus is, positive or negative, the law of attraction knows neither one. It just attracts it. So let's use some examples here. I can just best example always uses me. That way. I ain't got to figure out nothing. I can just tell you my side of it. I was in a lot of debt one time in my life. This is before any of you knew me, so you can understand. In case you're not think I don't. I don't want you to think that this conversation is about your income level, cause it's not. It doesn't matter what the income level you are. The law of attraction works in all aspects money, family, relationships, job, career, love. It just works that way. Okay, here's the deal. I kept saying, man, this debt is killing me. I got to get out. That's what I thought was a good goal, to get out of debt. But what I kept saying was, you know, I kept talking about debt, and you know what it kept doing. It kept attracting debt to me. So guess what I could get out? That's all is that crazy? That is an amazing law to understand. What turned it around for me was I started claiming a life of abundance. God, I am seeking a life of abundance. I want to have more than enough. I want to be able to help other people. I just want to have a law of attraction so that I be able to provide my family the lifestyle that I want to provide them. I want heavily, father, to be able to be an example of your goodness and your grace in my life. That is what I started saying. And guess what, that's what I started attractive. I'm going to have a great relationship with my children. I'm going to be the father that I always wanted to be. I'm going to be a good father. I'm going to be a good husband, and now I am going to do the right things. I Am going to be the type of example that my sons can look no further than go. I can be like my dad. I want to be able to be a place, a beacon of light and hope for my daughters to come to. That's what I started saying. That's what I started attracting to my life. The law of attraction does not care if you want it to be positive or negative. The law of attraction just attracts whatever it is you focus on, what you think about, the words that come out your mouth. You cannot overlook this principle of success and expect to make it because of the fact that you've never heard of the law of attraction, because of the fact that you don't know how it really operates. It does not make it not exist in your day. You can start today attracting the right things to your life by changing what you say, what you think, what you focus on. Change the focus, change the thought, change the words that come out your mouth, and guess what you change what you attract to yourself. You have got to ask yourself, why is it? Man? Man, let me tell you something. Somebody said the Bishop Jake's one time. They said, man, everything you touch turns to gold. He said, no, I just don't touch everything. Man, This is crazy. Come on, man, he has a focus. He has a focus. See, he ain't just everywhere. Bring me any idea, let me try that. No, no, no, man, he has a focus. He has a law of attraction that's working. Where he's attracting things to his life that that's positive. That he can't ask not to say, Bishop James, don't have problems because we talk often and man, he have them. Oh, please understand. And he not trying to attract the problems. But what he will attract is the proper solution for the problem. And ain't that all you need? Sometimes? God did not say that it would be easy. He just said he would be with you. And if God is with you, who can be against you? God will make your enemies your footstool. God is powerful man, His word is true. He do what he say he gonna do. Now, all we got to do is do some of what we say. We ain't gonna do everything, just do some of what we say. Okay, here's a deal. God is going to do everything he say he gonna to you, and I just got to do some of the stuff we say we're gonna do because he already know we ain't gonna do all of it. Yeah, he clear on that, He clear on that. All right, thank you, you're listening, ladies and gentlemen. Here we are again. Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome one at all. There's a Steve Holiday morning. Shall I have I changed my voice in the middle of it? I didn't stop this way, but I decided to be this way. Is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Y'all turn your radio up and call your mom and them tell them it's about to go down. Yeah, I switched. I do that. Charley off and on, Okay, off and on offing home. We all dealing with everything. You ain't the only one. Welcome to the ride. Charley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve. Just thankful and grateful, thankfully, Oh dank, calif Relindy blessing favorite, good morning, Good Morning Crew, two thousand and nine hundred and ninety fifth one to other World, that duke old Junior, that boys Space Morning everybody, Morning Crew, Morning up, bread making a comeback at my house, bread making a come back and the food King of Pranks. Nothing the Tommy. You're in this house? Did y'all see that little baby on social media that was screaming said I hate the house. I didn't out jaid, Yeah, I hate this house. Oh man, man, I love being in I love being at home. I love being in my house. I don't too. Yeah. The fact that you can't. But the only reason, yeah, the only reason that I even think about it is because we can't go out right. But you know what I did to day though, You know what I did yesterday? I dressed, drove to the mail box. You hit me. Let me tell you something. I went somewhere, you drove to it. I love it. I'm called absolutely nowhere and don't and have nowhere to go because all I do is work, so they ain't no work. So where I'm going? Yeah, you know, thank god they got this radio set up this way, lord him mercy, ain't it a blessing? And a lot of us yes, yeah, And a lot of us ask for time off and vacation and you know, and stuff like that, so be spending more time with the family and things like that. So here's your opportunity. Yeah, yeah, circumstances it just don't hand no end to it right now? Ain't no you need an end dating I need? Well, well, well tell me. The national quarantine is April thirtieth, I think sating us to stay at home policy and edit far you have that date to look forward to. Just look forward to that day. Everybody pray for that day and let's let's let's see if that could be today, and if it's not, they'll give you a new date to look forward to. Yes, we'll pray. Keep pushing it back, pushing it back. All right, Today is Wednesday. Uh, coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour. Guess who's gonna pay us a visit? Sister Odell will be in the building right after this. Yes, you're listening to show. All right, it is Wednesday, so it's time for something funny. Uh. And guess what Sister Odell is here? She yeah, she do not care? Oh back up? Oh yeah, social distance out here. If you won't kill now six you know you don't know, you don't know. And I'm full of pride conditions. Hello, come on everyone, Good morning girl. I know the pride conditions. Don't don't come on, don't come breathing over here, don't lean on me, don't touch me, don't try to hug me, don't help me, you don't even want to help you. Get your hands off. Get welcome. Sister down, Sister down, were on the air. I'm so sorry. I don't know why this food is listening to social distancing. Yeah, well, I'm glad you're practicing it. Oh, I'm practicing. I'm here. I like it. This is permanent. Got nothing to do with them. Turkey there. I don't know the neighbor you d in the van with me, I don't know van riding in the van together for years. If you knew him, get in the van. We need to check out. Yes, ma'am, I know that's right. Kind of is here going down to the groceries stowing everything with the coroni you know he's sitting in the head and people got on mask and stuff. Yes, yes, man, yes man. I think you know how I treat everybody like you got it? Well, that's kind of what they say, concern you got it, you're right after and the reaction I'm gonna give is that or a person who ain't got it and don't want it? Well, so tell I have to ask you since you brought that up, have you have you ever been quarantine like with one of your husbands for period of time? We was quarantine one time, me and which one you want to know about? Eleven twelve and me and Sata got quarantine one s Sata page he broken off. We got quarantine one time because we was hiding black criminals from white police officers at the house and so we couldn't go out of nothing. You know, uh, I remember that time, and then we got quarantine. I got quarantine one time with Ralph Abanaff's daddy. Okay, Jack Jack nabber Jack Jack BABBERNAFFI and me and him were quarn came together one time we was writing a speech for Frederick Douglas. I knew it. Steps uh huh. I've been through it several times. You know, it ain't never bothered me, you know. Okay, all right, what are you doing while you're at home? A lot of people are watching the Tiger King. Have you had a chance to check out the tiger? Girl? I saw that foolishness watching the Tiger. How you ain't seen it? I just have to tell me about this fool last man got time husband and ain't a cute man in that bunch. One I'm skinny, one of them ain't got no teeth and all the one looked like he don't want to be and when he went he ain't on my heir, he went on, yeah, girl, I ain't never seen nothing like this. And it's just, you know, it's just it ain't a black person in it. No, it's not not in not in the reglas, you know, cause we ain't fooling with no tigers of animals. Yeah, ain't anxiety the miss tigers right? And liger? What about the liger? Did you see that one? You know I misunderstood him when he said he's gonna had to end this thing right now. I started get some people to load up the church fan to dry down there. Oh no, you didn't call us that day. And then one of my friends heard it beether because she had a she got a new ball tone. Oh she said, calm down, he said, ligar, Oh okay, you was ready and no down Now I'm gonna get one of the ball tones because I can't tell you how many people ass out of whoo because of misunderstood di. But that tiger, you know, I just it's a it's just it's just a ye, it's so much on the tiger cane. Yes, man, you got the tiger, can got two Hugard, you got the other fat man. They got five women in there, don't none of them look like they belonged to him? Then you got the rich man that disappeared the white Did I tell you the white woman killed me? Oh? You think? So? Named Carol Basket? Oh? What did she keep laughing for every time to ask about it? So silly. She white both laugh when they killed people. They did it. They just be chuckling everything. Funny that a black person on trial for murder laughing better not grinning asses gone anyway, you know, well, yeah, um Joe sided did say that she killed her husband and fed him to the tigers. He did. I don't know if she did all that, but she killed the man somewhere, and he ain't He ain't there, he ain't want the plane, and he wasn't down in Costa Rica. So where I yeah, where he killed? You gotta me? You know, I watching this buff on the after look at that, I'd have disappeared, but you know you're just staying. I'm just say I went down in Costa Rica, Warner and put the Costa Rica women. Time is up, man, We never have enough time with you. That's cause y'all put me on. The first break is the shout it? Oh it is this shout break? Wing up? Well, you want to tell people what's coming up next? So cist roodell. Well, as time is coming on with a prank that you already heard that back, can I ask you a question why me and Tim is switched times? Because I'm at least because he got the good prank. Come on later on the New when the Freshman. That's the one I'll be waiting on. I want the freshme because I hit the one yesterday. Just hit it twite. I'll be I'll be staying along with it. I'll be cushing when they cost him. All right, running that frank back after you're listening Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and Entertainment News, We're gonna talk a little bit more about the Tiger King. His producers are responding to the criticism, the stars criticism and CNNs. This is really sad news. CNN's Chris Cuomo has tested positive for COVID nineteen. Well, yeah, we'll tell you more at the top of the hour. Yeas working, Yeah, m get after it. But right now it is time to run that frank back on this April Fool's Day, Nephew, we got boris. Doctor Petrie. That's the name of it, Doctor Petrie. Let's go kid. Hello, I'm trying to rich doctor Petrie. Please. This is doctor Petrie, Doctor Petrie. My name is Jared Jared, and I was open you could help me. I would have would have a problem that I have. Okay, hello Jared, um, I would love to help you out with a problem. Unfortunately the peat you right, I am, but this is my personal number. How did you get this number? Somebody gave me this number so I could call you and and and try to get some counseling from you, because I gotta I mean, I'm I'm, I'm, I'm I'm really in a bad situation right now. Okay, I can I can recognize that that you're in a bad situation. But how did you get my number? This is my personal line? Who gave you my number? Are you? You're the doctor, You're the counselor to help people with with with with with situations and problems and stuff. Right, yes, I am Jared. What can I do for you? Jared? Uh? I got a problem that I just seemed like. I'm just you know, I've been married to my wife for six years. Okay, wait wait wait Jared, Now this what you're what you're about to get into. You're about to you want to go into a counseling session. And so in order to do that, I do that through making an appointment all that. But to you, you all understand, I'm trying to what I'm telling to tell you is that I gotta situate. And I know it's gonna happen again to night because it's been happening it all the time. I'm just I just need something. If you could just give me a little bit of help and then I'll come in next week. But I mean, I just need you to tell me how to handle my problem and then I'll come in next week. I just I just I need this bad right now. Jar, Jared, Jerry, I need you to focus. Okay. I don't do this over the phone, However, it sounds to me like I need you. Can you can you be there for me just for a week. Yeah, I'm here. Rights for calling you and disrupting your weekend, but can you help me out? Calling back? I don't know what's going on? Hello, Hell calling back. Hello, I'm here, Jerry, I'm here, doctor Patriot, I'm here. Tell me, tell what's going on, Jared. I'm here to listen to you. Okay, Listen. I've been I've been married to my wife for like six years now, and and I don't know what it is. But whenever whenever we intimate, you know, I guess scared and I'm going to the closet and I got a TV in then I watched old TV shows because I'm scared. I'm scared of the intimacy between me and huh. Okay, Jared, this this sounds like a particular case. Um, it's different from anything that I've experienced thus far. And I want to make sure that I address you were up in the big league. Get not turn it back? What Lord? Will we live? You will leave? Baby? He ain't nothing long with that. Okay, Jared's focus. You called me and you need me. I'll be going I'll be going through it to be bothering me. Okay, Jared. What I need to do is I need to make sure we have three o'clock, four o'clock Rock, five, six something o'clock and o'clock Rock o'clock. What's rock? We're going to rock? H the clock to life, win the clock right through, you all win the band going down? Right? But too? Oh? How did you get my number? How did you get my personal number? They gave me a number and said you you would be the one that would that would that would that would that would take care of me. I'm here, Okay, let's take a difference. And you knew where you were, the girls were girls and men were men, wishing we could use a man like her. But Hugh, but right again, let's sup together. I want to help you. I want to help you and I want to help your situation. I want to help you with your wife. But you you called me, and I mean, if you're looking for a lifeline for an anchor, I'm trying to do that. I mean to help me. I knew me. I know my wife is gonna leave me if I don't quit doing this. Here's this story of a lovely lady, three barely lovely girls. Jared, My technique is a little bit different, isn't and maybe a little on the docs not I got to feel less crew, the minto would be lost, the mood would be lost the minute. Look here, look here, I need you. I need you to help me. I need to get you into my office. I need to schedule an appointment with you. You need to erase my personal number from your cell phone because he knows your name. Jared. Focus, Focus, focus, Jared focus. There's a lot more going on here. But once you're making fun now with me and all the game learning from each other, why we do our thing? Gonna have a good time. What Jared, My patience is said up, I have no more patience with you now. I need you to face suckers and get it to get Why didn't you call me? Why don't you how did you get my number at me? Why do you supposed to be the doctor? You're supposed to be the doctor and a doctor, don't question my credentials, young man. You called me. I want to help you, but this has gone on too far. This is Tommy. Tommie gave me your number to Steve. You know Steve, don't you now? Look I want to help you, but you are not allowing me to do so. So who is Tommy? Who is Stephen? And how did you get my number? Is on the radio? Don't know what's Stephen on the Steven on the radio as in see on the radio, as in Tommy, Matthew, Tommy Dotty. You have been Pike. You know you didn't go? Oh, my god, do you have a colleague named Charles? You know what I'm gonna ki Ooh look that I can't believe Charlie did this to me? My god, do you know what time you got? You got me flustered? I was recording you. I hope you know that. I gotta ask you something, though, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. That's Steve having Baby My goodness is the story of a lovely lady so silly you play? She was mad at you? Sit right back, can't you hear it? Till? Oh? Man, that Brady Bunch though everybody knows your name. Come on, boy, that was perfect right there? His was perfect. Oh nothing be good times in the jeffersis far nothing good times. That's what Junior has been watching while he's been Yeah, I've been watching isolating the hottest theme saw to me? Now were gotten my turn back? Because that was my jail man. I say that because I wanted meet a series of cleanse it alright, coming off at the time of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you. Right after this. You're listening to morning show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour. Today is Census Day, ladies and gentlemen, and our special guest will be mister Michael Cook. He is the chief of Public Information at the Census Bureau. Today we're gonna make sure our community is counted. That's what today is all about. Okay, people with sense? Right? Yeah? So why are you talking talking? Why are you talking right now? Do you have to destroy every serious moment on this show? Did I destroy it? What is it? Is it your goal to just exhibit just how stupid a person can be? Yes, that is my and and completely unapologetic. You mean apologize for asking its census about people who need to have some sense. Now obviously it's not because you got into conversation. Okay, all right, I'm gonna be quiet. I don't let the census people do the census. I want you to be counted. Yeah, all right, Time for some entertainment. Now, if your children count you the way around, damn school, they've got the good education. Now let's let's let's sitney them do thee at all. Let's talk about The Tiger King, Netflix's latest documentary. We've all seen it with the exception of you think nephew, Yeah, you gotta check it out. It exposes a world of some of the biggest exotic wild animal collectors in the US, and it tells the story of a rivalry between Joe Exotic, who's the star of the show, and Carol Baskin Apparently, Carol wasn't happy about how she was depicted in the show. She's the owner of Big Cat Rescue. She slammed the production and called it salacious and sensational. She claims that the documentary was pitched to her as a big cast version of Blackfish, the documentary that exposed abuse at Sea World, but according to co producer Eric Good, Carol talked about her personal life, her childhood abuse from her first husband and her second husband, the disappearance of her ex Don Lewis. She knew that this was not just about a blackfish, because all of that is like blackfish. Yeah, all of that abuse, that's what they do to the Wales. Her husband's coming up missing, that's what happened when you take all out of while somebody husband, somebody dad had gone. The whole thing was like Blackfish. I enjoyed it. I thought it was thirdly entertainment and like I said, what you you have to watch it. It's because listen to me, thank something is wrong with you. After you watching, you're gonna be all right, right, good, you gonna be right because I don't care how your life going. By the end of the third episode, you can go well, he said, ain't that. Yeah, you see these two dudes, these three dudes that got married to each other. When you see this set up, it's gonna throw you a little bit because none of them mut mm and kitchen man, That's exactly what he's saying. Man, I was just struggling with this whole thing. Man. Meanwhile, Joe Exotic, the star of the show, is thrilled that he's famous. He Shannon, Yes, he heard him. He wants this fame. He loves the fact because that's what they said on the show. He always wanted to be famous. All right, Steve, time now to get caught up on today's news headline, Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne trip, Thank you everybody. This is a trip with the news. Let me give it to you. President Trump says he is extending his social distancing guidelines for the next thirty days now to stem the flow of the coronavirus. Finally kind of coming in line with what the doctors and health officials have been trying to tell him. Trump's no touch, no closeness extension comes as a US death toll now stands at over thirty seven hundred people. Thirty seven hundred people have died, more than one hundred and eighty one thousand people have positive infections or Tornado, by the way, touch down to Alabama yesterday, ripping up about fifteen homes and scattered damage. They thought it might be worse because so many people are home and not at work, but they said not a lot of damage was done. Health officials meanwhile saying that New York could be facing its highest number of coronavirus cases thus far, in between the next seven to twenty one day so now. Governor Cuomo says he's tired or always having to pay a game of catchup as he tries to battle the virus. He's asking for more federal help. Now help, he says, he's going to need to have it ready. We are planning now for the battle at the top of the mountain. That's what we are doing. Get a staffing plan ready now, equipment stockpiled now. We're gathering equipment that we don't need today because today is not the day of the battle. And Cuomo shared some personal information yesterday that demonstrates his point. His brother, seeing an anchor, Chris Cuomo, now has tested positive for the virus. Everyone is subject to this virus. It is the great equalizer. I don't care how smart, how rich, how powerful you think you are, how young, how old. This virus is the great equalizers. Cuomo says he's confident, though, that his brother will recover. Chris Cuomo says that Americans can defeat COVID nineteen by being smart, tough, and united. Louisiana's Governor John Bell Edwards says he's extending his stay at home order through the end of April because his state's coronavirus infection rate shows no signs of slowing at all. Governor Edwards says that they are now more than five thousand, nineteen cases in Louisiana. At least two hundred and thirty nine people have died. Numbers like we're reporting today keep us on the very steep trajectory in terms of our case growth, and we know that that puts us firmly on the path to exceeding our capacity to deliver healthcare. In fact, Governor Edwards says his state faces a shortage of, for instance, ventilators by this week end. The Detroit Auto Show has been canceled, that venue turned into a giant makeshift hospital there. Meanwhile, how Speaker Nancy Pelosis. As legislators have begun getting proposals together for the next coronavirus relief bill. And very appropriately, that's right the top of the Empire State Building in New York lit up in red lights represent an honor emergency lights used on vehicles of cops, firefighters, and other responders. Very appropriate. Now, black to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening. Today is a National Census day, and we've talked about how important it is, especially for our community to be counted in the twenty twenty census. So we have somebody here today that's gonna give you a lot more insight on why the census is so important. We've invited the Chief of Public Information Office at the United States Census Bill to join us. He's got a lot of great information to share with us about this year's census, and we had him on the show ten years ago to be exact. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to the show. Mister Michael Cook. Welcome, well, thank you, thank you. Sorry, hey man, how you doing. I'm doing well. It couldn't be better. You know, it's a census day. It says time to celebrate, time to reference the fact that the once every ten year account is here. We just want people to know why it's important and what all the benefits are from responding to the census, so that they are not missed. Well, here's this is important because I want everybody in our listeners to the audience to understand how important taking the census is. It's important because for the first time ever, we have an option to respond online or by phone. So tell us more about Census Day. This day Census Day, it's the reference day for the twenty twenty Census. We use this day to determine who should be counted and where you should be counted in the twenty twenty census. So we're asking everyone to go to twenty twenty Census dot gov and to respond. We have sent invitation mailers in the mail across the country to invite people to log on to fill it out the form online. They can also call or they can mailt a questionnaire back if they prefer not to go online to fill it out. So on this day and any day going forward until you can finish in respond to the twenty twenty Census, you should think about your household on April first and fill out the questionnaire representing everybody who's in the house, So it's not just the people that are related to you, but everybody that resides there. So if you have a cousin and uncle, someone that's a roommate, they should be counted on the form. And please please count count the young children because they are historically undercounted on the census. How long do they have to respond to this survey? From now until August fourteenth they can respond. As of right now, more than fifty million households have responded to the twenty twenty census, so thirty four point seven percent of the households across the nation have stood up, have been counted, they have responded, and we need everyone to respond. Given the current situation with COVID nineteen, we are practicing social distance just like everyone else. And so if you respond online, if you respond by phone, or if you mail back your questionnaire, you can do all of that without having to come in contact with a census taker. Census dot gov. Everybody go online and fill it out. We are going to be more counted than ever before. And we'll be right back and we're gonna talk about why right after this You're listening to all right, we're back everybody. We have our special guests today from the Public Information Office at the United States Census Bureau. His name is mister Michael Cook. He's back with us again and we're talking about it because today a census day, and for the first time, we have an option to respond online or by phone. Now, all you got to do right now while we're sitting at home doing nothing, and call everybody to get them to complete the form because I'm gonna tell you why it's so important in just a second. But go to twenty twenty Census dot gov, twenty twenty Census dot gov. Just two zero two zero twenty twenty Census dot gov and apply and fill it out today. Now, Michael Cook, let me ask you this man, why is it important, especially in our communities to fill out this census form. It's important for two reasons. It actually comes down to power and it comes down to money. It's important to your community, and your response matters because getting an accurate count result in representation in the House of Representatives, and it informs how legislative districts and boundaries are then drawn. Voting districts are drawn, school districts are drawn. So it's about representation, it's about power, But there are intrinsic benefits that stick to your community for the next ten years. By an accurate and complete count. There are hundreds of billions of dollars in federal, state, and local funds that are spent in our communities each year, including funding for local hospitals, emergency services, where they put bus routes, where businesses are developed. So all of the decisions that come down to the local level that benefit your lack and impact your life are based on an accurate and complete count. So if you are missed, your community misses out on those benefits billions of dollars spent at the local level every year for the next ten years. Yeah. See, folks, I want you to understand how important that is far us. When we complain about the lack of facilities, the lack of resources, the lack of hospitals, schools, the moneys that's put into the schools, the roads, the bussing systems, whether businesses would even bother to come here, Why there are no jobs, jobs, grocery stores, stuff like this. They can always use the fact that, well, there's only x amount of people here and based on the percentage of people. We only should give x amount of funds for that. Hilaria. Well, now we've heard ourselves. The census buier is not isis. They are not coming to pick you up and take you away. They have to count all the people in the house for districting, for power, for voting, for school districts, for where first responders, how many we get there? What fire stations, how many ambulance services? All of this, man, this is they miss lacking and hurting in our neighbors. Mister Cook, when you're doing this time, you do me a favor. Feel my cousin Ryanny Cooper. This ain't got nothing to do with his court. They are his child support. He tell him that so he can feel this paper where I got Plea Rodney. The information that we collect is covered by Title thirteen. Title thirteen protects that data of that information from life. I will go to jail, I will get fined. I take a lifetime oath in anybody at the Census Bureau that looks at your personal identifiable information, they have to have a reason to look at it. And when we release the statistics, the information is only released in aggregate, so it doesn't identify you. That information isn't shared with any other federal agencies, any other enforcement agencies, IRS, no one. That information is only used for statistical purposes, so decision makers at all levels of government can make informed decisions that will impact your life. Yeah, I think everybody that's perfect. Man. Everybody has to fill out this form. It's twenty twenty census dot gov. Everybody go there. Everybody fill it out. Man, Let's get counted. If we get counted, we make more of these funds, these billions of dollars it's available over the next ten years, can come here more freely. We already in a dog fight. So okay, I need everybody feel out, Go right now, twenty twenty centses dot gov and fill it out. Michael Cook, thank you so much, sir. I appreciate you, and it's important. And then it's their time to be counted. I appreciate you. Coming up next to Nephew and today's prank phone call right after this You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today subject my husband belongs to the streets. But right now, Nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. On this April Fool's Day, this is your day. This is your time to shine, Tommy your day right here. You know, I like san and s and I like I like calling men about a wife. You know what I'm saying. It's just like that, It just it just I just get just adrenal minsa. You know what I'm saying, Just man about his wife. Adrendal them adrenal, get the adrenaline, you know, yeah, because I like when I can just break a man down to his knees because he can't handle it. All right, So this phone call is your wife is fine? It hey, that's the title of right, your wife is fine? Is hey? You know? How does a man accept it when you when you hit it coming from another man? And that's what I's I get. I get a drendal them off. Let's go. Can your wife saying it like that? Though? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach Darryl. Yeah, this is Darryl. Who is it? And Joel all you're doing? My name is Alonzo man Um. We're poor liquor distributing company. I do a district look at distribution. How you doing today? I'm pretty good. I'm pretty good man. What can I do for you? Hey, we're putting together a big, big event man with Vould and they're throwing a they're throwing a huge pool party. And like I say, I've been I'm in the liquor business man. I've been doing it for quite some years now. And you know, we're always trying to do different type of publicity and really get to hype up. And what we're trying to do, man, is really get people to come out to this fashion party because it's the first quarter twenty twenty. We wanted to be a one to remember. And uh, I know no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no, you're I go to the bank, I go to the bank where your where your wife work set Kindred and Okay, what we're trying to do is have I mean, we want our fire and Slash poster to be something really really memorable, something that's gonna really draw people in. And you have this. This thing is gonna be all over social media the whole nine yards. So we're trying to see. You know, buddy of mine told me that he kind of knew of you or had a had a number on you, And I was like cool. Let me reach out to him. He told me you were Kendra's husband, So I want my husband. So I don't understand what my wife's got to do it this whole thing. Okay, what I'm trying to do is see if you were cool with Kindred being on our flyer. Man. I mean because your wife is finish, so we want to put her on the flyer. And what you mean my wife just finish? What you mean we want? You're gonna call me up and talk about my wife? Vin, it's wrong with you, brother, brother, It's just it's a respect thing. I'm giving you. I'm giving you props. It's crowds. I'm giving what's it out? What you need? Man? Because it don't sound right, dude, we're trying to get your wife. We want to give her to a photo shoot in a Portini so we can put it how. No, you ain't using my wife and no Porkini to put on no fly you want your damn mind. It's my wife's man, respect me. Okay, okay, okay, okay, hold on man, hold on, man. Why are you tripping like this? Brother? Why are you tripping like my wife? My wife ain't gonna be no damn no, the flying for no, the party man with the think this is what's wrong with you. Okay, bro, bro, you know what, man, I tried to call you and give you the respect. I mean I didn't sound like what well okay, look I didn't call it from no argument. I just I just talked to Kendal when I go to the spake depart and see if she want to do. Oh oh, he's gonna throw to my wife's job at the bank. That's what you're gonna do. Okay. I'm just ain't gonna because I'll be there too, and I don't make a deposit with my foot, you know. Go ahead, Okay, Okay, hold on, man, we were playing. We're playing five thousand dollars for the photos? Okay again, what do you paying? No amount of money's gonna let me put my wife, the mother of my children on the post and no for Kenny, I don't care how much you can kiss my ass, will let you do that? Okay? Okay, bro, Okay, So I ain't gonna really go back and forth with you. Man, I was calling you trying to be a man. I feel the same way, man. Okay, Well, I'm trying to be man to man with you, just you know, throw the opportunity at you. Now you throwing it back up. He was with disrespect. I wasn't showing me for my wife to be a sought. No, I don't want none of that. Okay, man, No, your wife fine is hell? People are Oh, you need to quit telling me how fine my wife is. Okay, I gave you my phone number in the first place i've got. Hey, man, evidently that's all nulling forted. Just all right, I don't even matter. Just one the boy. The issue on the table is I want to take some twitches of Kenny. Let me know when you plan on going to my wife's job at the bank. Let me know when you're gonna bring your black down there so I can be there. Okay, nobody calls another brother a fuck about how fine it's wife says, Okay, I told you no. Now you shouldn't get stopped right there. But you're gonna keep all talking about my wife. Okay. So let me say this though, Tommy is the one that said your wife was fine as hell. That's the one brought all this to our attention at the meeting. Tommy is the one that said your wife was fine as hell though from me? Just Tommy, Tommy said, your wife is fine as hell? What Tommy get here too? Who is Tommy? You don't you take your wife to work in the morning. Let me know when he's gonna bring your black down there? Okay? And I wat y'all watch y'all be listening to on the way to work? What radio stakes and y'all be listening to? We listening? Mate, Tommy, baby, you want abody to get your Hey, man, your wife kender got me to prank you, bro, Wait till I see my wife see got my blood pressure up? Oh man? She told me, She said, we listen to y'all every morning on the way to work. He drops me off and he goes to work. She said, Tommy, you got to get it. I said, you can't let me know what? What do he love the most? She say me, I don't know about that right now? After it's man, oh man, we love you back. Baby, keep listening to the Steve off wanting so tell me this problem. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? What is it? Darrel? It's Steve Harvey with nephew talking. Ain't pro fool? Come on, man, I got to get a prank a sun. Sometimes y'all got don I don't really get it up for me the way I'd be wanting, you know, sweet, what should we just don't cranks? Yeah? This is my date, This is this is this is like my second birthday. You know this ain't my bad, but this really, yeah, this is my day. So say her, load of the food. Huh, get a fool, sun, get a fool John Man? Wait, boy, who appreciate frank? Don't? I did? Not? You did? Yeah? Yeah, I'm not. There's a voice I'm not hearing. Didn't I say, get the fools up? Huh? Hello? He grunted. I just don't see the need for every day, I know, just carrying you down the street on our shoulders every day. We ain't gotta keep it. But but there are some fools out there that think that they want to try me, and I'm just letting them know who I'm that wool. I don't, I don't know who. I've never heard anybody say they want to be Tommy. Not see now that Now, my spirits was real high. You know what. That's all right, that's all right, you know what, Me and Jay gonna take it from him. Me and Jay gonna take it from him. We've teamed up together. It is called the T and Jane Coronavirus Stay at Home Comedy Show Live. It jumps off April first, which is April fools Day. All right. It is the only comedy show that you can watch in your draws. Are but as naked made no difference to us? Okay. They tell all the comics out there how they can send us their videos of them doing CEOs two minutes or less, two minutes or less the TNJ stay at Home at gmail dot com. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up, it's the Strawberry Letter subject my husband belongs to the streets. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up to one and only. Stacy Abrams will be our special guest at forty six minutes after the hour. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like going to read this one right here right now, Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is. It's the Strawberry Letter. All right, thank you, nephew. My husband belongs to the streets. It says Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a married woman in my mid forties and my husband is too. We've been together a total of five years, and we've been married three years. Early on, he explained that he had some medical issues that sometimes kept him from having sex. When we got married, we had only had sex once, but he had found other ways to please me, so I was happy and our marriage was great. I hoped and prayed that he could get his libido back and we could have sex, have sex, you know, like a real married couple. My husband, my hopes and prayers were shattered recently and I found out he had been lying to me for five years. I got a call from a woman saying she has been seeing my husband for for a year, and she found out that he has a wife. I was curious to know if they had been having sex, and she told me that my husband is a beast in the bedroom and that he is the main thing. That's the main thing that God are so hooked on him. She told me that he is several girls that he messes around with, and he tells everyone he is single. After the call't I decided not to say anything until I could prove it to myself. I started noticing that he keeps his phone close to him all the time, and he works late a lot, and he's been hanging out with his boys on the weekend. More. These were things that never stood out before. I even drove past a woman's house one night and saw his car there, but I still haven't confronted him. He didn't want me sexually, but he wanted to marry me and share his life with me. Please help me make sense of this. I love him and I don't want to end my marriage, but this is a major blow to my self esteem. What's wrong with me? How should I handle this? Wow? First of all, you know what, don't blame yourself. Do not do that. I mean, we as women seem to always blame ourselves when things go wrong in our marriage. And that's not to say that, you know, sometimes we don't have something to contribute to the fact that our marriage may be going wrong or it may be ending. But don't be so quick to blame yourself. Okay, there are two people in this marriage, clearly, and this is an awful situation you're in. You said you've known him for five years, you've been married for three. Early on in the marriage, he told you that he had medical issues and that you know, he may not be able to perform. Did you question him at any point? You know, if anything, you know, perhaps you could be blamed. I don't want to use that term because it's so harsh, but because you didn't really question him, I mean, what did he say his medical issues were, Was he making moves to get help? Was he under a doctor's care. I'm just a bit surprised that you didn't go more there with him. Maybe you thought, like a lot of women, that he would change after you guys got married. Clearly that did not happen. It seems like you got less sex after you guys got married. But when the woman called you found out that he was really, really really not given it to you, but he was given it to her and a whole bunch of other women according to her. So you haven't confronted him yet. What are you holding onto this information for? What do you think or hope is going to happen if you don't talk to him about it. I mean, he's cheating on you. He's not the person he said he was the only thing maybe, I mean, nothing about him is real. He lied live live, live live. You gotta confront him at some point. You gotta get to the truth because your whole marriage is a sham. Your whole marriage is a sham. And I know you don't want to deal with this, even though you said you know you still love him. You've fallen into someone you think he is. That's not who he is. You have to get to the bottom of that. You have to have a conversation with him. And and there's no time like the president, Steve, don't I don't understand the letter. This is a This entire letter is written by sister. I gotta tell you that you just in denial. This entire letter is about it. Now. You've been together five years, been married three He explained to me that he has some medical issues that sometimes kept him from having sex. Yeah, the medical issue is he can't drive tween these houses fast to know, that's the damn medical issue. He can't get his foot to mash on that gas pedal and get his reflexus to time these lights to get back to the house in all this hell. When we got married, we only had sex once, but he found other ways to please me. That's because he had to save up. So I was happy I married his great I hoped him, prayed he would get his libido back and we could have sex like America. Real couple where you got your dream shouted. Recently you found out he'd been lying to you for five years. Got a call from this lady says she's been seeing your husband for over a year, and she finally found out that he got a wife. Then I did see this the woman in you now, and I understand. I was curious to know if they had been having sex. She sex, he said, Hell base at having such base brain just I'm slave Lode, Wow, captured, can't go We quarantine Lode. Huh, Well, well I finished the letter. When we come back, it ain't gonna be good man. Nah, all right, you heard, I'm Steve. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject of today's Strawberry letter. My husband belongs to the streets. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. My husband belongs to the streets. The end of the letter says, please help me make sense of this. I love him, I don't want to end my marriage, but this is a major blow to myself esteem. What's wrong with me? How should I handle this? Well? First of all, let's get out of denial. Your husband lied to you about having a libido problem. So before y'all got married, he only got married. Y'all only had sex once and he moved in. But he found other ways to pleasure you, and he knew he could and that would satisfy you. You were hoping he'd get his libido back, like it's a magic trick or something, and he can get it back. Well, he didn't need it back because he was using it all over town. So you gotta call from this lady saying she'd been seeing your husband for a year, finally found out he had a wife. Then you was gearious to know if they had been having sex. What what I ain't gonna at whatever? Yeah, you've been you seeing my husband? Are y'all having sex? Here? Brief dropping the hard and bridge bringing it wa the way, knocking lamps off to stare. Come and get it, Come and get it, don't stop bringing anyway, and said that's the main thing that got us so hooked on him. And then she told him that he got super girlfriends that he messed around with, and he tell everybody he's single. Now. He wouldn't let it get real cloudy. After the call, I decided not to say nothing. What are you blind? This cannot be a sister, I cannot be said. After the phone call, I decided not to say that. All the reason her sister ain't saying that she's busy loading the rifle, other than that they got something for you. I decided not to say nothing and to get this next line until I could prove it to myself. Wait a minute, I'm trying to what does that mean. I decided not to say nothing until I could prove it to myself. But you already got to prove because listen to this. I started noticing that he keeps his phone close to him all the time, didn't I tell you at the top of the letter, this is a letter about denial. He keep his phone close to him all the time. He works late a lot, but y'all ain't got no more damn money. Though he worked later a lot, but it ain't no more damn money. He's been hanging out with his boys on the week end, more his boys. What ain't women that y'all said, you're in your forties. All my boys got women. They can't hang out all the damn time. He's been hanging out with his boys. There were things that never stood out before because you was in denial. He'd been doing this the whole time. He's been hanging out with his boys. Boys, he's been he's been working late. He'd been keeping that phone strapped to his thigh. He'd been doing this the whole time. You never noticed it to that lady call here. I even drove past the woman's house one night and saw his car there. And he could drive his car after that, Right, Yeah, wait a minute, what the police ain't getting involved at this point? Ain't nobody had to call him? But yeah, I ain't. Nobody wanted to get busted out, right, But I still haven't confronted him. The car was in the driveway. I'm saying he didn't want me sexually, teaching part he didn't want me sexually, but he wanted to marry me and share his life with me. No, he needed a home base. Hello, he needed a place to set up his operations. Sister. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to break this too. He's a dog as dude. He needed one woman who would let him freely hang out with his boys, say he working late, walk around with his phone on him and all his hell and and all of this here and have all these women and believe that he had a libido problem. He needed that so then he could have a home base to set up his operation from. And you happen to be in you and you're probably a really really great woman, a really really good woman. You've just been taking advantage of him. Please help me make sense of this. There is no sense to this. Your dude is a dog. Now here's the part that you're gonna have to come to terms with. I love him and I don't want to end my marriage. Let me let me help you understand. So you do not have a marriage. You're married to him, but he's not married to you in any way sexually, financial, actually, commitment wise. Nothing. He's not married to you. Now your marriage been over with, but this is a major blow them up. What's wrong with me, Get out of denial, pick yourself up, realize that this is not your fault and you have every right to move on with your life. Wow, he's not gonna change. Poster comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. She is here. It's time to get serious. Democrat politician Stacy Abrams will be our special guest right after this. You're listening, hey, listen to everybody. As promised, we got a very very special guest on the phone. This is all in line with what we've been talking about and keeping with the National Census Day twenty twenty, our very special guest is here today. She is the former Democratic leader in the Georgia House of Representatives, the twenty eighteen Democratic nominee for Governor of Georgia, and the founder of Fair Fight Action and Fair Account. Well. Today she's joining us to tell us about Fair account and how impact a community for this year's census. Please welcome back to the shore everybody, the honorable Stacy Abrams. Yes, morning, Thank you. I hope everyone is staying safe and that our thoughts and prayers remain with those on the front lines. Yeah. Yeah, Yeah, it's some challenging times, but we're looking for the upside. Absolutely. Well. I'm here to tell you that today's National Census Day, and it's a day where we can start to get access to money and power for twenty twenty one and beyond. Sat down again, we get access to money and power. Yes, So census data is used to allocate one point five trillion dollars every year for the next ten years. It's used to allocate four hundred and thirty five congressional birth and it's used to draw all the political lines from school board to city council, the county commissioner, the state legislator, all the way up to Congress. So that's money and that's our Yeah, and it's not hard to imagine why people are scared of census because we only talk about it once every ten years, and when we do, it's with its urgency and it's often without good information. So first and foremost, the census is confidential. The information you turn in cannot be used for seventy two years. So if you've got a warrant, if you owe somebody some money, any information you give that they can't use the census to find you. I'm forty six. I cannot see a census that I'm included in, and so there are four of them I would have been included in. So far I can't see a single one of those. Number two. If you have a utility bill or a cell phone, they can already find you. The census is about making sure they count you and you get allocated the resources that you deserve. Because what the census says is, here's the community you live in, here's the race that you're a part over, the ethnicity, here's your age group, and here's your income bracket. And so when we're allocating money for roads and bridges, or for snap or for hospital beds, they need to know who lives where and the composition of the community. And if you see good communities or communities with nice things getting nicer, and communities that are struggling getting worse, it's because the communities that struggle tend not to respond, and so every ten years they lose not only the money that time, but that's on top of the money they lost the last time. And the communities that get better. It's the money they've already gotten and then they get more money because the money doesn't disappear, it just gets reality. So with money and its political power, stay hang on one second. We're gonna come back. We got a few more questions we're going to ask us so we can get fully informed, so we can participate. Everybody's got to participate in twenty twenty six. Yeah, okay, we'll be right back. You're listening to show, all right, everybody, We're back with Stacy Abans is our special guest this morning. She is she hasn't implemented the Fair Count initiative and it provides resources to the community to find out what this is. So it's a couple of things. I want to talk to you about about the about the faith based community partnerships, the initiative that you have, and then I want to talk about the most underserved population in the census program are black men. Let's talk about those two things. Sure, So I launched fair Count at the same time that I started Fair Fight. Fair Fight was because I knew we had to pay attention to access to voter protection, and fair Count is because I know the census is the most effective and the most dangerous tool that we don't pay attention to because the story that it's told in twenty twenty is the story that gets repeated between twenty twenty one all the way through twenty thirty. And we know that one point seven million Black people are likely to not be counted in twenty that's more than three billion dollars per year loss to our communities, So thirty billion dollars taken from our communities. And Black men are the hardest community to count because often they are the most distrustful of the census and they are the least likely to be contacted. And so fair count launched Black Men Count, and we've been working across the country, specifically in the South, but everywhere trying to make sure that black men know that if they get counted in the census, the resources go directly to their communities. But we also know that the safe community is the best truth tellers that we have, and so we started with an initiative where we have an app. So if you go to faircount dot org, we have an app for pastors who are trying to communicate with their flock. If you work with us to make sure they sell out the census, we can work with you to make sure they pay their tithes, but we are also doing work to ensure that in communities that didn't have access to the Internet, installed more than one hundred and thirty five Wi Fi units across Georgia. Now with sheltering place, that's not as useful, but we know shelter in place will end, and we want to make sure that those communities have access to the Internet because this is the first time that eighty percent of the census will be conducted online. Yes, to me, what Miss Abrams is telling us, We've got to get super on top of everything. We got to get this out on our social media platforms. We got to make this important to young people. You gotta make this important to your grandparents. This has to be important to everybody because it's never been really explained to us this way. No one has really explained it this thoroughly. Now, I mean, Michael Cook did a great job, don't get me wrong, and so listen everybody. Now, last question for you, Miss Abrams. The census website that Michael Cook gave out to us twenty twenty centis dot gov. Do you still find your information then? Yes, So there are three ways to solve the sensors. So if you if you go online, you may have gotten a form in the mail already. Some folks aren't checking their mail, but it's there. But if you don't have the form they sent you go to my twenty twenty census dot dov. You can also call one eight four four three three zero twenty twenty and you can fill it out by phone. And for rural communities, and we have to know in the South, about a third in Georgia, for example, a third of rural communities are black. So we can't leave out rural communities. And a lot of us come from families that still live in rural communities. They have delayed the hand delivery of their packets until April fifteenth, and that might get pushed back even further. And so part of what I want people to remember is we can't just think about it on census day. We've got to think about it through the end of the year, through the time they stop the census, because if they don't, if we don't, they're gonna do what's called imputation. Imputation is when they decide to guess, they essentially impute what the race of the people are depending on who the majority of the community are. So if you're in an area that gets gentrified, or you're in an area where you're in the minority, it is likely that they will just guess that you were white. And that's how white people get overcounted and black people and brown people get undercounted. All right, we're changing that this year. If if you don't have internet access, here's the phone number eight four four zero, twenty twenty. We want to ask you a couple of questions. Yeah, so stick around. We'll be right back with more Honorable Stacey from Abrams right after this year. You're listening to show all right, we're back to everybody. We've got Honorable Stacey Abrams with us today and we've been talking about the Sisters. Bill. I just want to get a couple of your thoughts here, come on, thought the political climate today in this country? What we could do better during this time right here? Do you have thoughts on that? Absolutely? I think unfortunately the Trump administration has fumbled the response and that for the last forty years, we have watched the Republican Party in particular demigrate and speak ill of government officials, speak ill of the roles of bureaucracies play in our lives. But what's happening right now is that we need our bureaucracies to work. And when you sequester their funding, when you cut them, when you slash their spending, and when you slash their staffing, it becomes harder, especially when you're cutting public health investments. And that's part of what we're seeing happening here. And so one thing I encourage everyone to do is to make sure you're asking not only your federal leaders, but you're state leaders to pledge to invest in public health. Because COVID nineteen is just the first round. We're going to face new and different diseases in the future, and we don't know what's going to happen, which is why we've got to be prepared for anything. The other thing I would say is that we have to be prepared for our elections. If we want different leadership, I personally am a Democrat. If we want different leadership, we have to have safe, insure elections, and that's why we need the next stimulus package to include the full funding a vote by mail and safe in person voting, so that every eligible voter in America gets to be heard in November, so we get the leadership we deserve in January. We'll be right back with more honorable Stacy Abrams right after this year. You're listening, all right, everybody, We're back with Stacy Abrams is our special guest this morning. Just one last question, listen. Would there be any possibility that you would be open to accepting the offer as a running mate in the presidential campaign this year? If Joe Biden said, miss Abrams, would you join me in this fight? How would you feel about that? I would be honored and I would say that here, let me say this. I've been getting this question since last year and during a primary at the beginning, when I was figuring out what I needed to do. My answer was you don't run for second place and a primary. But I also said, if people listen to the whole clip was I would be honored to serve as a running mate. I get a little bit of flak because people think that I'm being too ambitious and obnoxious by answering this question this way, But as a black woman, as a woman of color, and as a woman, I believe that it's my responsibility to live my patriotism and my patriotism says that you don't pretend you don't want to serve. There's nothing noble about being falsely humbul What's noble is being willing to do the work to serve the people. And that's what I'm committed to, and that's what i would love to do and I'd be honored to do that with the nominee for the Democratic Party. Yes, yes, yeah, you ran an amazing race here in Georgia, and you were everything the public really wanted. Man, it was just amazing the race. You ran, your your your platforms, the way you articulated it, the way you the way you presented yourselves in terms of a plan. I think that's very much needed. Congratulations. We'll just see what happens. We don't know what's going to happen, but a long as it's Joe Biden, I'm cool because and just as a Democrat my whole life, I just wish that Democrats fought like the Republicans fight because they fight dirty. Man. Well, I don't think we have to fight dirty, but we do have to fight smart. We know how to win elections when Democrats do the right thing, when we organize, when we fight back againsider suppression. When we invest in every community and we don't cherry picks the people we're going to talk to. When we recognize that black voters are more than just an add on. When we invest in our communities early, when we treat them with respect, we win. That's how we won in two thousand and eight and in two thousand and twelve. It's how we won run over again in twenty eighteen. My campaign. You know, even though we didn't get the prize, we turned out more voters than any Democrat in the history of Georgia. And so if we run smart campaigns, we don't have to fight dirty. We can be the good people and we can win our elections. But we've got to be willing to fight hard and fight smart. Thank you so much for taking that road. I'm gonna go hey, thank you for Hey, everybody, Stacy Abrams, everybody, thank yeah. Coming up, it's our last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this. You're listening all right here we are, last break of the day. Time for Steve's closing remarks. Okay, um, today, Tommy sent me, so send me a caption that I'm gonna keep because I oftentimes keep quotes in my motivational folder in my photo stream, and I just look at him from time to time when I'm feeling a certain kind of way. Sometimes i just need a little uplift myself, you know. And Tommy sent me this today, then I'm gonna share it with you, and it's gonna call me cause me to expound on it a bit because it's something I really do believe in. It says, do not ask God to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet. Do not ask God to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet. You know, folks, it's very simple. God can put his finger on something to bless if you give him something to put his finger on. But you can't. You can't ask God to do something. And you're making no effort. Lord help me get a job, but you ain't putting in no applications, Lord help me do right. But all you ever want to do is wrong. You're you're just committed to wrong. You know, you gotta make a move in the right direction. You know, faith without works is dead. So what timey sent me? Do not ask God to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet. It's something all of us, and all of us are guilty of it. From time to time. Sometimes we get complacent. Sometimes we just get the feeling side by ourselves. You know, man, I guess it ain't meant to be. Oh Lord, what now? You know? Look, man, you can complain your way through life if you want to, but you really have to make an attitude adjustment. You gotta get two things moving, your attitude and your feet. Those two things have to get moving. You gotta start taking steps. You may not know the way how to get to the finish line, but the finish line is somewhere. It ain't where you at. The finish line is never where you're standing. So you gotta start taking some steps. And once again, you may not know all the steps necessary to get to the tape, but you gotta start the process. Man. So, like the caption says, stop asking God to guide your footsteps. If you ain't willing to move your feet, you got to put it into motion. Look, it's just a dream when you're thinking about it, but you gotta put some you gotta put your dreams to work. Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes. You gotta take your dreams and put work clothes on the man. You gotta start stepping in the right direction. You've got to make a move towards the light. You've got to step towards the finish line. You've got to start to get the way you're trying to get to. You gotta get to go. You gotta go to get period. You cannot stay that wherever you're trying to get. You can't be right where you at. It can't be. It can't be. I give you this is this is a silly example. But let's say your family reunion is in Wyoming, which I know it's not. That's why I said, And you drive to Wyoming. When you get to Wyoming, and you reach Wyoming, the state of Wyoming, you still got to do something because what where is the family reunion at? It just can't go to Wyoming. Well, I'm here, Lord, you here, you wom you Even when you get the way you say you're going, you got to move around. Let's say you get to the park where you're holding the family reunion and you get to the park. Once you get to the park, what what you gotta do something? You're gonna play softball, volleyball, You're gonna sit there on the tree, play domino, You're gonna bob kill, You're gonna make lemonade. You constantly gotta be doing something. There is no when you get there, you there. There is no more movement required. There's a movement required throughout your life, because whenever you're trying to get to it ain't where you at. I can promise you that it's never where you at. I'm doing very well in my life. It ain't where I'm going. How would I be just I'm here now? This it this, it what? No more dreams, Steve, no more visions. You want nothing else? You hear this? It for you And it doesn't matter MEI that people look at me and go, man, you gotta all this. I don't even see what you're tripping for. I ain't tripping. I just want to be more than I am. I'm really trying to be a better person. I really really am. I'm not content with the person I am. I could improve. I could actually be better person. So I'm in the process. God ain't through with me. Yet he's working on me. I'm trying. I'm better than I used to be, but I'm still got my feet moving. So I'm asking God to guide my steps. But I got my feet moving. Man, Stop asking God to guide your footsteps. If you ain't willing to move your feet, can't happen. It's what you want. Come on, man, stop that. Dude, you're being unreasonable to God. Guiding your footstep and moving your feet down the path. That's too different that you got to do that. You make one step, he'll make two. So if you don't make the one, you cannot expect him to make the two. He can touch you and bless you, but you gotta give him something to bless. You gotta do something. Case of the house watching TV. That's it. Stop asking God to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet. Thank you, Tommy. That was my closing drop it Okay, Now that actually sounded like a mike. That was encouraging. Yeah, a good way to start the day. Keep it going all right, y'all, have a good one. Have a great weekend too. I'll be working. I'll be work, yes for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to show