Today's show is dedicated to all the single dads that be gettin' it in. The things that fed up women say. The disrespect is real with Trump. Illinois declares Obama Day as he celebrated 57 years of life. Tom Cruise is still on top of the box office. Miss Ann gives us National News. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Rhonda VS Tommy. Weekend Confessions are back. Who is Bernard? Is 2 jump offs and a husband on the side ok? Is wanting the batteries from your ex desperate? You will get those answers here. Miss Carla gives a spoiler alert for Power. Today the fellas to Closing Remarks and it involves a side piece wives summit plus much more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all suit all looking back to back dog giving them both just like theming buck bus things. And it's tough, y'all, do be true. Good to tea Steve hardy guy listening to me toach other for Stu barn quickly to listen mony, why don't you join yea yeah by joining with me? Honey said you gotta you gotta turning in a love go, Yeah, you go, you run you you gotta turn to turn turn lovey got to turn out to turn wan go. Come come on your thing. Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Oh man, oh man? How many times I got to say that before I get tired of it? M I think it's gonna be a minute, folks. I gotta be real with you, because boy, that Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Clear indication of how God can do some unexpected wonderful things for you, how he leads your life in directions that you never ever saw coming. You know, I was talking with somebody the other day, and they were talking about how man they were young and they were doing things and they never knew that the things that they were doing as a youngster would come and and hell help form who they were today as an adult. This guy's fifty years old, and uh, you know the same thing for you. If you look back on your life and all of the things that you've done, it helps shape you into who you are now. This is provided now that you take the positive approach. Now, when I say look back at your life and see what you've done, that doesn't mean doll on the misfortunate moments, because the misfortunate moments were necessary. I know it. It's hard to see that when it's happening to you, But the unfortunate moments are necessary. You know, what really makes you appreciate summer vacation is winter work. What really makes you appreciate a walk on the beach, it's when as cold as raining outside. What really makes you appreciate when you're up, it's because you've been down. See if you are up all the time, just the nature of us as human beings, we would lose our appreciation for because it becomes case surah, whatever it is, well, it is what it is. I'm just what what what you take it for? Granted, it becomes expected. But what happens in life's is it has so many twisting turns, and then you learn how to deal with those twisting turns, which makes you now a more experienced person. And then when the sunny days come, man, you go wild. It's really nice outside. You really want to appreciate how warm weather. Just stay in a bunch of cold weather all the time. I'm you know, you know what I'm saying. I'm just this is really really simple and now analogies, but it helps you along the way. Now here's what I came to say today to everybody out there. And this has helped me in my life. I can't tell you what it's done for me. But a lot of people are struggling with moving forward with their future, their future plans, their future goals, their future aspirations, their future hopes, their future dreams, just simply your future wants. A lot of people trying to having a hard time mapping out their future. Even what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna be, what I'm gonna make, How will go about it? What do I do next? I want to share something with you that I had to come to terms with the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your past. You know, It's like I said at the beginning. You know when I say it's it's wonderful to look at your life and review it, because if you look at it, it'll tell you, uh it. It really helps shape inform you today as the person you are now if you look at it in a positive sense. But if you dwell in harp on the negative that's happened to you, then that keeps you from seeing the good in the incident. Every bad thing that's happened to you, there was a silver lining behind it. I know people who were on drugs who finally man just got sent to prison for still in because of their habit. I know Catas sol Dope. Well, he went to prison. He told me one time, he said, Steve, it's a man. This is the best thing ever happened to me to save my life. Now, most people would think, how in the world is going to prison helpful for you? The brother said, it saved my life. First of all, it got me clean. He said, I've been cleaned for five years from sitting in here. That's for starters. I'm cleaned. I ain't still in no more. I ain't putting myself in jeopardy, and I ain't jeopardizing nobody else. He said. Now, man, I don't went to college. I didn't got a college degree while I'm in him. Then he was released from prison, and the brother's life was completely turned around. He married, he got a family, he got a great job. He go to work every day. He's a productive citizen. I mean. So he looks back on his incarceration, even his drug abuse, and it taught him how to appreciate the things in life that he had can for granted and was missing because he said, man, my life was just in a blur. I didn't even know what was going on. He said, Now I appreciate every day I wake up. That's what I mean. Even in your missteps in life, there is a purpose for the missteps. Every time you fail, there was a reason for the failure. See what I had to do was I had to learn that all of my failures taught me how to get back up. So I became a very strong and tough person in getting back up. And then I was down and out. So long that it taught me how to really appreciate the up. And so I've taken all of that and used it those experiences that happened to me, and I became a more experienced person. So next time when people talk about me who don't know me, it don't shake me, because everybody's not gonna like you. Man, you might as well gonna get on this train right now. And so what I'm saying to you out there is the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your path. Let it go, man, go forward. It's over. You made it, you got through it, You're beyond it. Yeah yeah, yeah he left. But like I told us lady on my TV show the other day, sometimes the breakup is the blessing. I know, it's hard to break up because now you're loaning you by yourself. But man, but when you in misery, when you was in that, weren't you in complete misery in that? Now you kept asking God to fix it. But it takes two people to fix a relationship. It don't just take one. It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight. Say you know, that's that's that's a song. But man, that's so true. You really do have to have two people wanting a relationship to work. It can't just be one person, one relationship. So you can pray about the relationship all you want. If the other person don't want you no more and ain't gonna act right, you can't make him do that or you can't make her do that. So, man, the relationship, the break up sometimes it's a blessing. It's over. Let it go go forward. Quit looking at how much time you wasted. Man, that's that kills people from getting the next if you're constantly dwelling on how much time I gave him and how much time I gave her, and now here I am lost it alone. Oh, you ain't wasting no time. Some of the times was good, a lot of them was bad. So what you're gonna do now? You You ain't gonna have no future because you're gonna keep focusing on your past. Are you serious? So now you're asking God to give you another relationship when you don't even have enough sense to appreciate the fact that you are now available for another relationship, But you steady asking God for a new relationship. But you are yet to be grateful that you are in a position to have a relationship, and you keep harping on the past. You don't think you hear that. I'm just a dude with a show, and I hear it all the time. Let it go, go forward. It's over. You made it, He bought you through it, you conquered, you survived it. Why are you dwelling on it and making it the cross around your neck when clearly he had removed it for you. Now, all you got to do is come on. So if you're sitting behind them walls, brothers and sisters, I'm talking directly to you sometimes. Man, you just got to get it right. All this repeat of fit the business that's for? Who is that for? How ignorant can you be to keep giving your life back to the penal system? Be free, man, walk the streets, do the right thing. Ask God to help connect you. He could do anything. You think he can't give you a job? Are you serious? Man? Put some faith on it. Let's move forward, y'all. Let it go. Let's move Steve Hart Morning Show. Right alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, al right, and right and right. What a way to start a Monday, baby Monday. I hope you enjoyed your twenty minute weekend, because I so the weekend. Come fast. The show right here, dedicated today today to all the single dad's out there, dads with daughters, the dads who do it, doing the damn thing. I've been a single dad a couple of weekends. I know how that is. All right, shout out, tell y'all, man, shout out to what we a couple of weekends and my daughters I have. You know, I'm a single dad twice. I don't understand, but I had him. I've had him a bunch of times. All right, how about there you go clean? Yeah, you're you're running number one for the Dead be Dad Year a prize. I'm just telling you. Trust me, you'll I've done that here. They will tell you one ponytail going that way. Yeah all right, but we're holding it down for Mr Steve Harby, who's still on vacation, holding it down all up. I love a single dad. They are really dedicated. It's nothing like seeing a dad with their with their daughter or their son out on an outing. It really warms my heart. Yeah it does. So holding it down on Steve's on vacation. Call it for real? Baby? What's up? J Anthony Brown? I tell you what single dad's My husband's gonna be holding it down working and watching his daughter while I'm in Paris Sex week ship can he's gonna be at work? Like, who's gonna watch your back? Said? He ain't a single dad, but he's a single uncle. What and that that was some single nephew? What out, junior? What's up? Man? When we're gonna talk about single dad? What's up? Torell? Single day? Why see you getting it? You're getting its real beginning it in being well. I taught Torell take your son to school one morning, right by the job, and then I humped at him. He swear to God, he know he he all about his son. That's all. He would be on a mission when you with your kids? Boy? Yeah, what what would your mama do if she was here? Because you don't know what to do? Makes Mr shout out to all the single dad holding the day getting ready to school doing pony Chael like you said, should it won't go this way? Your dad did your hair today, your your mom's a vacation. Your dad did your head. DA's don't do well in control. They do not know how they control everything. Jay hollering, holler and money and money. Here's some money, get yourself somebody. Hey, hey, right, what's that doing? That's it monet the situation. That is a good dedication, good dedication. Right, yeah, so single, Hey, we love you. Hey, hey, listen, coming up, the President insulted CNNs Don Lemon and Lebron James. We'll talk about that and then we'll do when a woman's fed up inside of something funny. That's all coming up at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, well, President Trump was busy bashing Lebron James over his interview with Don Lemon. His wife, the First Lady Milania, was joining the masses in praising Lebron um. As we told you, Lebron recently opened his I Promised school in his hometown of Acron, Ohio, and while speaking with Don Lemon about it, Lebron called out President Trump for dividing the country. Trump responded with a tweet, Lebron James was just interviewed. This is so disrespectful. Right here, Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, really, Mr President, really, yeah, by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn't easy to do this. Uh. Then, in an attempt to add insult to injury, he added, I like Mike, you know, talking about the whole Mike and Lebron. Who's better controversy? Okay, we like, we like Lebron right now because you just built a fabulous school. Yeah, I mean, you know, yeah, stop this but wait a minute. Now, it gets better. It gets better because Don Lemon being who he is, and we all know Don Lemon, we watch him religiously because he's one of the best. Added um. He clapped back, right, yes, he clapped back. He said, you know that's what that's what we love about him. He said, who's the real dummy? A man who puts kids in classrooms or one who puts kids in cages? Oh, that's what everybody in the circle. Come on, come on, Don dunh. Yeah, so I know anyway, so you know he didn't Oh my god. He added the hat tag be best, a reference to an initiative by the First Lady Milannia Trump that aims to help children. So there's a second, second clack. That's why Milannia is talking about a black man in the White House. You know they ain't sleeping in the same you know, sleep together. You know, it ain't nothing happening in that. He's so sick of him. I mean, come on, you're the dumbest man in television. That's such a one. Who I mean, even even in Fox's worst days with Bill O'Reilly and all of that, I mean, no one ever said he was No one ever said anything like come on, come on, when Lamar said that you don't have no friends friends, who are you? You? Things like now, it really really is you. You take it to just such a low, unpresidential level when you do things like that. Yeah. So, first, the First Lady Maglania Trump is so she she she's on Lebron's team. Okay, team Lebron all the way she released the statement, it looks like Lebron is working to do good things on behalf of our next generation. So there you go, Dave Lebron. Yeah, Tam Lebron put kids in classroom. She's run and walked right back. He could say nothing. She said, you know she's walking about the bed room in a month ago. How's the family? Yeah, craziness. Yeah, that brings us to this segment J you have for us. It's called when a women's when a woman's fed up? Here these phrases right here. You know your lady is fed completely up. Run them down, y'all. Do? Oh, here we go. I love I love this one. Mama's boy who out the gate? Out the gate? Use a mama's boy. Yeah, with your mama. But wait, you don't see me. Point my finger in the air. Use a mama's boy. I got one, I got one. Here we go, truly, you know this is my favorite child. Please, I don't know. That's me. I'm gonna follow up. I'm gonna follow that up with boy buy Okay, what about this? Put on your big boy pants? Oh okay, yeah, how about this one? I'm done talking about it? Yeah, yeah, I'm done that. There's not another word. Come out. Stop feel like a baby. There is no cloud back for that one. Boy like you thought it. They call you that baby, Oh mama, a little baby. These are these are things that a woman says when she's completely fed. Okay, alright, alright, man up, here's that's one man. They don't have a snappy comeback for man up. It really does what you got? I got? I got one. I love this. I love this segment. Jay boy, boy boy, if you don't go on somewhere, boy, you don't face your yeah, year ain't no, damn you got kids? Are just say I got kids? Damn boy. These are things women say when we're fed up. I love this one, Carla, I love this one. Guys, what you guys? What when as you're you're trying to make the point, see what happened? Okay, you don't understand what we're going explains what you're gonna respect me in my house? Hey right? Everything in him such a nervous I got one that really kind of Maybe you've heard it before. I've heard it all before, but this one's hurt in the White House. I'm with team Lebron. Okay, I'm the present him. Okay, come guy. I could give a rats, Oh rats, rats rats you go dinner's Rodman on him? I got you. I don't give a rats. Or if that goes with a flying you know what, flying flying, We're mad, We're mad about it. When that happens, we're mad about it, all right. So there you go when a woman sped up, all right. Coming up next, it is Monday, Deacon def jam Reben atnoid in the building with church complaints. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we have a lot to discuss, some serious breaking news. Violent weekend in the city of Chicago, a lot of killing. It must stop. It has to stop at some point, please, yes, yes, yes. Also at the top of the hour. In entertainment news mission Impossible Fall up still the number one movie in the country that saw yesterday, j yeah, good good. Ving Rheims eight last. I thought maybe by now he's moving around. But in the one I saw, he damn he had eight. If he didn't have a chance every scene it's only one mission, impossible, Satan every s sitting down. He was in one scene where he ran and I was tired for him because oh man a right. Singer Demi Levado addresses her addiction. We're gonna talk about that. But right now the guys are here to make a put a smile on your face. I guess you should say, make a smile, make us laugh too. With church complaints and announcements. Deacon Death jam in the building, Deacon Death jams your partning taking depth Jim, Good morning everyone, it's still morning. Yeah morning, I am here, Thank you, blessed in highly favor. And it is the that J P J J. That Jack Pott joined the jerusale Hallelujah high lu yah along with me is the one and only Reverend I add, no sitting in. Can't you hear it? Reverend nor? How are you this morning? Everybody? That's the start A boarded without saying good, voted everybody good, voted everybody. You are you all right? This is good? You don't sound all right. You said yesterday I was clogged up, but today I'm clear. Yesterday it was a horrible day, but today, thank god he cleared me up. Thank you so much. Did that thing? Yes, she did, Go right ahead. It does not sound clear to me, but I might let you have it that I don't on your hand. It don't sound clear, but I'm talking about right here. I can breathe again, said again, breathe again, breathe again, breathe and We'm gonna put one of those things on your novels that they sail and it allows you to open up. Have you tried that? Try to? Did it? Did it? I've tried it and I've did it, tried to? I did it? Vixen Hailer did it? Minified? Did it? Steamer? Steamer? Did it? Send Bluster? Tried it all? Deacon, go get it. You've done it out all right. Let's get down the business terms up said that and pay good money for the right ahead. Uh. I don't condone this, but lit'ten. Let me say this. The weed Ministry UH wants to have a meeting with the millennials. Please do not bring that new weed into the meeting. This uh, this coming to they do not bring the new weed. Uh. And it's not the same as old weed. They're having a problem with that. Thank you, somebody that's from the wet the two weeds up together. Yes, we already here we go, Here we go, come on. Due to heavy registration, the Headed Christians Looking for Love meeting has been moved from the eighth floor down to the basic Put the load, put the load on the basement. If they we should move it from the eighth floor. The heavy Christians Looking for Love meeting has been moved from highball to down low because we just want to be on the safe side. A lot of heavy Christians are there. And let me tell you this, the Missing Teeth Ministry is asking that we take out all whistling segments, all whistling segments in the heims. All right, that is the Missing Teeth Ministry. Please it's too much for them, all right, we want to take out all the whistling segments in the heim can hit real loud in the back. We still have plenty of tickets for the bow legged not need all white party one more time, any old legged not need all white party. You don't have to be either one to attend, but we've got plenty tickets. Little did enough need on white buddy, miss it. You don't want to miss this. It is e sade to see when they do the electric slide, I need a check and the wobble, and when the wobble, oh my fitness. Here we are ladies and gentlemen, all mean ushers, All mean ushers are asked to report to Customer Service training with chick okay, all right, that the ChIL are the nicest people, how to treat others, help our ushers. All mean usshers are going to report to Chick for l for customer service. They make a chick late knows how to treat the night. Amen. You know what, can I say something to that deacon? Yesterday I was at church and it was a mean ushering there. I'm so glad you got my We need to send him a Chick fil A, get your chicken salad with a pickle on it. Damn don't that do you right? Oh? Oh my god, that sets you right. Whoever came up with the idea of putting a pickle on some chicken reverence. We're trying to move some tickets right here, so we still have plenty of tickets for Deacon Arthur's one night, one man show, The Last Jerry Curl. He'll be putting right after service. It's it's a musical. You gotta save it. There's one song and then I say this a little bit of just look jerite, thank you Jesus on to hold on for my life. I got to let janitor, thank you Jesus, hold on for my night. The last you got to see it? All right? Let me see I can get this in. The whooping class has gotten off to a good start to whooping class. But Brother Danny Quick won't stop whooping. Every time he talks, he's whooping. Let's take a listen to Brother Danny. Brother Danny won't do you do? I got two eggs in the skillet, I got the beacon in the fan, and I've got some biscuits in the love Oh God on the side. I've got some Bro Rabbit shirt that I got Bro Rabbit shirt. My good old bit get sick put in between moms. Entertainment news coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up in twenty minutes, we're going to play our favorite game. Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? I used to laugh when I said that, but it turns out, yeah, Well if you are. If you think you are smarter than Nephew Tommy, you can get a shot at winning Steve's one million dollar grand prize. That's what we're giving away, one million dollars. You can't play, though, unless you register at Steve Harvey f M dot com. All right, come on, somebody out there smart. Yeah. And today in today's entertainment news Saturday, was President Barack Obama's fifty seventh birthday. It was declared Obama Day in the state of Illinois. They know how to do it real big everyone man, Yeah, everyone, including many of our favorite stars, took part in the hashtag Obama Day on social media. And yeah, can we say, can we say we certainly do? Can we certainly say? Yeah? We can certainly say that we miss it? Number forty four, Number forty four, number forty four weekend box office news. We talked about this earlier. Mission Impossible Fallout was the number one movie at the box office for the second straight weekend in a row, with thirty five million dollars. Thank you very much. I saw it yesterday. Ethan Hunt can run, I've never seen I thought I was fast, you know what. I compared it to the equal lesson. Don't get me wrong, Denzel did damn good ran? Did he run? And Tom Cruise does do most of his own stunts, right he ran? Yeah? Shape? Can Tom ever get an oscaral? But with the kinds yeah, and with the kinds of movies when they don't get him Oscar? He did look at his bank account. Yeah, he gave that worried about Yeah. In ten days, Mission impossible Fallout has earned one hundred twenty four and a half million dollars one to four point five million. When you got Benjamin each done a million, each million, and Christopher Robin that was the Winnie the Pool movie opened in second with They were expecting it to do more, but it did twenty five million. Uh so yeah, yeah, but still congratulations. That's not bad. Who didn't grow up with family Winnie the poo Right, we all know about Winnie the Pooh and other entertainment news. Singer Demi Levado posted an open letter on social media Sunday saying that she hasn't beaten her addiction and wants to focus on sobriety and almost certainly rehab and does. She thanked God, her friends and family, and her fans for supporting her. Yeah. Also some sad news. Actress Charlotte Ray remember Mrs Garrett from Different Strokes, From Different Strokes and the facts of Life? Yeah, she reportedly, Yeah, she passed away. She passed away. He was two. I think you loved you loved Mrs Garrett? Yes, Judy ye alright? J on that note, police switch gears and pass it on over toms and for our national headlines and news. It's time for the news and trip yo very much everybody. This is and trip with the news, and here we go. Let's start with Northern California right now. In Northern California's massive car fire continues to burn today. It now covers more than two hundred and forties square miles two forty square miles. President Trump has officially declared a disaster area, there by releasing federal funds needed to bring it under control. Other Western states are also battling dozens of wildfires, supported by the extreme heat and winds. And that's what's keeping it really really going in the wake up. President Trump sweet last week about CNNs Don Lemon and his interview with Lebron James, that the Lebron James had just been interviewed by the dumbest man on TV and he was quote, I like Mike, seeming reference to Michael Jordan, who has long been criticized in the black community for never saying anything about racial injustice. While two things have happened, many things, but these two, Michael Jordan has had said something through his publicist, quoting saying, I support LJ Lebron James. He's doing an amazing job for his community, and on Saturday night, Randy Moss brought the fight against racial injustice to the NFL network for which he now works, and the occasion was his induction into the NFL Hall of Fame. Randy Moss wore a special tie with the names of unarmed black men and women killed by white cops and others. Text me about my tie. We all know what's going on. You see the names on my tie. You know I'm not here, you know, voicing, But about these names on my tie and a big platform as the Pro Football Hall of Fame. There's a lot of stuff going on in our country, and I just want to let these these these family members know that they're not alone. Some of the images of the names on Mosses tie with Trayvon Martin, Kai Gurley, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, and Jamir Rice. According to the results of a recent NPRPBS news our Marist post, seven out of ten Americans disagree with the president and say they believe that Russia absolutely interfered in the last presidential election and that they believe in U S intelligence over Putin's denials. That includes a majority of Republicans. By the way, two thirds of those asked say Trump hasn't been tough enough on Moscow. Majority thinks that the president has done something unethical in his personal dealings with the Russians. Nevertheless, of Russians like so like a Trump's job performance so far, while fifty of women approve of the job he's doing, of the women disapproved Right now. Sharpton calling on a President Pross the prosecutors in Florida to file charges against a white man who shot and killed the black man during an argument over a handicapped parking space, citing that stand your ground thing and on a much lighter side and much more fun looks like crom Cruise Mission Impossible Fallout is tops of the box office. How many times as Hunt's government betrayed him, disavowed him, cast him aside? How long before a man like that? We'll be back with more entertainment coming up in twenty minutes after the hour. You're smarter than Nephew Tommy on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time to play Are you smarter the nephew Tommy? Hello Tommy, let's meet our contestant. Please, all right, good morning. Who is this? This is Rhonda? Good morning, Hey Ronda? What you called him from? Baby? I know? Coming from Los Angelo's our way of Inglewood? Right? You got Lebron James in your city? Yes we do, Yes we do, King Day. That's right, girl, appreciate Lebron. He's gonna bring something fresh and new to the city. What you are, what you do for a living? Baby? I paid the dolts with developmental disabilities. Oh she's real smart. Here we go here, alright, what's your thing? Ran? Do you think you're smarter than me? Now? Come on, nephew, come on now you alright, alright, we're gonna see here's high work. Sureley is gonna ask both of us from trivial questions for sixty seconds. Whoever gets the most questions correctly in sixty seconds, they are the win. It's just that simple. You're ready. I'm ready, all right, And before I get kicked out, I'm stepping out. Get out beat it by Alicia. Come all right, Ron the girl. Here we go. Are you ready? I'm ready? All right? The clock will start after I read the first question. What is the national sport of Japan? Baseball on Which popular telephone app do you send tweets? Um? Twee Twitter? Which college basketball team did Michael Jordan's play on North Carolina? According to the Bible, who is the disciple that betrayed Jesus? What is the yellow part of an egg called yo f e? F e is the chemical symbol for what element? Oh? My goodness, um fine, I don't know. What is the Spanish word for hello? Uh? One of the what legendary movie had the character Scarlett O'Hara in it? In What state was President Barack Obama born Hawaii? You got a girl? You got tam heard that? So what do you guys think? Jay? What do you think? You're real good? She was slow but they were right, Yeah, yeah, yeah, alright, alright, guys listen, Um, Tommy's coming back. We're gonna see who's smarter. Is it going to be Rhonda or is it going to be the nephew? We're playing Are you Smarter the Nephew Tommy? We'll see who wins right after this. Come on after you're listening to show. We're in the middle of playing Are you Smarter the Nephew? Tommy? Tommy is back in the studio, Tommy, are contestant, Rhonda? Pretty smart? Yeah, pretty smart, young lady. Right, yeah, be ready as you would say, nephew, and are you ready? Let's go? Let's go, boy? All right? The clock will start after I read the first question. Please give me sixty seconds on the clock. What is the national sport of Japan? Pass on? Which popular telephone app do you send tweets? Twitter? Which college basketball team did Michael Jordan's play on North Carolina according to the Bible? Who is the disciple that betrayed Jesus? What is the yellow part of an egg called f e? Is the chemical symbol for what element? What is the Spanish word for hello? Hold on? What legendary movie character? What legendary movie have the character Scarlett O'Hara in it? In? What state was President Barack Obama born? Which NFL player uses the nickname our g three? Uh Griffin the third complete this popular phrase for bride? Something old, something, something borrowed, something blue? Time's up? Yeah, you don't let finish? You know what? The question was answering fast and wrong? You're fast and wrong. Know what you do man? And when you have a sick, when you have a sick, Christis, I'm never for you. You do this, though you do it any day when you got your diabets. Let me ask you questions as the tally okay, and the answers Here we go. What is the national sport of Japan sumo wrestling? On Which popular telephone app do you send tweets Twitter? Which college basketball team did Michael Jordan play on University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill According to the Bible, who is the disciple that betrayed Jesus Judas? What you can't say that together, Junior? What is the yellow part of an egg called the yoke? Fe is a chemical symbol for what element iron? What is the Spanish word for hello, olah? What legendary movie had the character Scarlett O'Hara in it, Gone with the Wind? In What state was President Barack Obama born Hawaii? Which NFL player uses the nickname r G three? Robert Griffin the third complete this popular phrase for brides. You did not get this one, but I'm going to do it. Something oh, something new, something borrowed, something a blue? Thank you very much, Carry the one, carry the one anymore? All right? Rhonda? You got six? Congrats Tommy, you got six. Guess what this means. It's no time breaker? Yeah, alright, Randa, Yeah yeah. So Rhonda and Tommy listen carefully. Shirley is going to ask you a question. The first person who answers the question correctly, we'll win. All right, here we go. What late great singer lived in the mansion Grace Land in Memphis, Tennessee. Chris, No, damn priss Randall Presslet Tommy, but we're not gonna laugh that, Tommy. So Chris late, listen to some prince the rest of the day. Did you have fun? Rhonda? Yeah, okay, everything, it's Paisley Park. Okay, fine, thank you're smarting at me. And you want to shot at my uncle's grand prize of one million dollars. Go to Steve Harvey FM dot com and get registered today. You too can have a shot at one million dollars. I will play another loyal listener tomorrow. Bring phone called coming up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh, looks like we have a winner again. You know who it is, Rhonda, our girl. Rhonda lost in a tie. She did and we played the game. Are you smarter than nephew? Tommy. So prince is from Mississippi from great No from stop yeah, print print Elvis. It was Elvis. Yeah, yeah and wrong. Yeah she did. But she she was good though. She was good. Yeah, she was good. She was a formidable opponent. She was. Oh, of course she was. Yeah. You know, when you're you're you're nervous, sometimes in your mind plays tricks on you. I think that's that's just case. Yeah, that's why I think when you you we always when you're sitting at home and watching family few, you think you can be and you think you can do that. Yeah, the fast month, I bet when you're standing there, trust me, it's probably harder than you think it is. Yeah, especially if you come in at number two, number one, it's okay. Yeah, but the second one. Yeah, especially you say something stupid. He's gonna make fun of that man. Yeah, he gonna drop that lip on you. Yeah, and then lip drops on his own. Yeah, he wanted that, you said. Well, coming up at the time of the hour, right about four minutes after it's today's Strawberry Letters subject, he's double tapping her sexy pictures. Oh you do, do you? We'll talk about it after the prank phone called nephew, what you got your up? King, I'm gonna dedicate this to Burmingham, Alabama. They came out and saw the nephew in droves five shows so loud. I'm gonna give it to back to Burmingham. I appreciate you all coming hanging out with your boy A matter of fact, caller, you know what, I'm gonna let you pick this prank, go ahead called what do you okay? May I speak to Let me tell you something of you. My name is Wayne. You did my auntie's have ys today and now I don't know what you did. I don't know what kind of glue you'd used with weaves or whatever. But my auntie had and fell out in church today. But I don't I don't even use because I don't even know why you're coming at me on the side anyway about your auntie. My auntie is. My auntie is Debrek, and I have felt like you saw this nine two you come com some glue po you thank you're tripping with Look, let me tell you look, let me say this to you all. I'm saying you gotta say some you gotta say because I'm I'm serious about my week. You're coming at me with some glue. It's for some glue that be that messing on the side of you. Ain't well, that's what happened. And I fell off in service and all the church member is sitting there laughing now where she shouldn't have been. Maybe she's trying to keep the devil out of because she had not been this shouting come hard anyway, But I don't with no glue. You ain't in the city and talk about my ain't it? And her Jesus, don't you talk about how she shout? I don't even know you. Don't they call her miss Deborah. I don't don't know. She just got her hand done from you yesterday. How you gonna sit here and act like you ain't cutting yesterday? God woman? And call me and tell me like, how do ma'm because I don't have and I'm going to tell everybody in Atlanta, Georgia not to come to your house minute you like wait minute, that's my lifelihood you I don't need you? Is this? My name is Wayne? Look your white I know you don't know Wayne, but you you I got her broken name, big Jeanine. Look, Look, let me tell you something I don't want no problem, but I will throw these hands if I got to look here, look here, I ain't got time to tell your aunty whoever you hate the mistake and what need now? Look you don't get me out here on good Sunday. I just came from church. It's hot as hell that you're telling me you ain't got no joint today? Do you ain't got nothing to do? I got to find out why my ain't and half farther night in church, ain't me so called somebody else in that land? Because I am the will you ain't you from you must not be in right now. If you've got people have father night in church and glue following all off on the pew, don't a glue her own. And that's how the white fella not gonna tell you right now. I'm the hottest est ist, so't if I if hey, I ain't do a hat, I don't up you call in and everybody in the lamp that tell you the same thing. Look all I'm saying else, you're the messed up my ain'ting hell. I want to get it rectified. I need you, first of all to call and apologize to her. Apologize. Have you got a rotial human drinking on some Jesus juice with y'all ain't And that's why I felt you want Michael Jackson and see you or wherever her name look. Let me tell first of all you go you're gonna respect my ain't it okay? Whatever you say? Her name is put. I want you to redo my ain't it half for free and get all her money back from the first time she paid you. I don't know who hold on, I don't know who this who? I don't know who you are. I'm white. Are you coming Waine? Looking your Wayne? I'm gonna go ahead. I'm gonna hang up in your face. Now hold up, I'm debril nephew Wayne. No, my ain't fit two years old. Now you ain't gonna respect your elders? How you expect to be blessed? You say you just went to church. There's see, that's the problem. You're calling me on Sunday, got me coping like this. I got one more thing I need to say to you before I get off the phone. He had a shake because you waste one minute. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morton Show. You just got Frank from your girlfriend. What's up? They your girl told me, she said, trust me going off the first twelve second. Hey baby, let man, you don't do no, you don't do no glue. No, I don't know glue. I don't, I don't. It's too high, all right, baby, ain't nobody, ain't nobody half fell out of church that you still? They say you're the bomb down there. So I just wanted to call and make sure I prank my girl. Shed one all right, baby, answer one thing from me. What is the best, I mean, the baddest radio show in the world, The String Show Deborah Ka, Baby, it is too hot for glue time And she's right. That was a good Let me put it out there. Burminham, did we do the dog on thing? Did the nephew come down there and standing in the little Did I do it? Yes? Yes, yes. Up next on deck is Nashville, Tennessee. We got a little tad. That's September twenty seven, eight and twenty nine NaN's Feels Zanies Comedy Club. If I was y'all, I get my tickets. Now called anybody in Burminham and ask ask some how stupid I could really be? I did it? I did that I did that. I did that a matter of fact, I wish I could. I wish I could take Burminham calls, so you can understand how stupid I would cletus thank your nephew. Up next, it's the Strawberry Letters subject. He's double tapping her sexy pictures. That's right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, attention smart people. Did you hear me? Attention smart people. We're talking to the smart people right now. Tomorrow morning at seven twenty eastern, six twenties Central, we're giving away a chance to win Steve Harvey's grand prize of one million at Dallas. That's a whole lot of money. People. Yeah, we're gonna play our favorite game. Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register right now and switching gears. It is time for the Strawberry Letter people. If you need it, fine, we need everybody, not just smart people, everybody. We're talking to everyone here. Okay. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry Letter today to Steve HARVFM dot com click submit strawberry letter, all right, and we'll try and read your letter, just like we're going to read this one today, all right, So let's buckle up and hold on tight. Here it is. It is the strawberry alright. Subject he's double tapping her sexy pictures. Dah, dude, Steven Shirley. I'm a thirty year old woman and I've been dating a thirty five year old man for a little over a year, and I need your advice about an issue. When we started dating, we were already following each other on Instagram and Facebook, and I noticed that we had one mutual friend, a female that I went to college with. My boyfriend is following her on Instagram and Facebook. I asked him how he knew her, and he said that he was interested in her before we started dating. He said they never met and he has never sent her any messages on social media. I told him that I know her personally and although we don't talk often, we are good friends. So then I noticed that he started making her pictures on Instagram. He only liked the pictures of her in a bikini or a short dress or short shorts with her behind poking out. I told him that it was shut up, Tommy. I told him that it was inappropriate for him to like her pictures because he is my boyfriend and it sends the wrong message. I thought he would get it and he would stop following her on social media or at least stop liking her pictures. But no, he's still double tapping on her pictures to this day. He told me that it's not a big deal. He told me that it's no difference than me enjoying my workouts with my trainer, who happens to be in tip top physical shape. I told him that he was a bad comparison. That was a bad comparison because I was never attracted to my trainer. I feel like my boyfriend is trying to justify his actions by turning the situation around on me and making me sound like I'm being petty. He has no respect for my feeling. Stephen Shirley, please advise before social media ruins my relationship. Hip. Hey, listen, I agree with you one percent. You're exactly right in everything you say. Your so called boyfriend is very disrespectful and quite frankly, not very smart. Okay, because he's doing this, and you know he's doing this and doing this, and yet he won't stop. I think he's playing a dangerous game, lying to you and trying to turn the situation back around. Come on, you know what he's doing. It just makes him look even more guilty. And yes, social media is breaking up a lot of happy homes, you know, for stuff like this double tapping. So it's up to you. Now, you have to speak up for yourself. You have to let him know in no uncertain terms that he is wrong and you will not be disrespected. And either he stops double tapping her or you guys are through. It's called tough love. Okay, that's what it's called tough love. You don't need him if he's double tapping her, all right, I mean really all right? Jay? I mean when will these men learn, these millennial men. When when they learned? Millennial millennial men? When will y'all learn, Once you in a serious relationship, stay your ass off the grid? Okay? Him? Me? Okay? Once The most dangerous words on the phone is sin. Okay, say listen to me. I know what I'm talking about. You can't text, you can't tweet. They see, first of all, the internet was invented by men. Put it together. But women have perfected it. They can see your Texas a mile away, double tap, triple tap, likes all of that. They know they can be in another town and know when you like in a picture. Remember, millennial men, listen to me. Stay your ass off the grid. Flip phone guys have no problem at all. Okay, flip phone guys that like a thing. Flip phone men had problem in their life at all. Get on the grid, flip phone guy myself, but off the grid if you want to have a relationship. Okay, that's all I got, damn bred off the grid. Okay, thank you, Jay, good advice, Jr. Don't come over here, what you got? What you got? Don't come over here. Uh be honest with me, Yeah, why you'll be open with me. I need to know what you want to do. Be honest, tell me the truth. Now he he is, he'd told you the truth. He doubled tapping on the pitch. Now he's open and honest. Somebody and now you stand up. Set. Every man, including Jay, Tommy and my self, has one woman picture we don't like. Don't ask me why I'm folling, Tony Brack. Don't don't come over here with that ask me what I'm doing with Ja Piket pictures. Don't ask me about that. Don't ask me why me and Nil Lowe he's always on the same like star as me. That. Don't ask me about with me and Gabriel You you guys don't I don't. Don't ask me about that. I've got some people I'm gonna like you like and don't you Yeah, Hardwick faith Sagent, I don't say that, see me all that? You over that? And Joseph the Car of Faith. I don't say he like me. I don't say nothing. I don't say nothing. So on a few people I like, let me like, I can't help you your friends. That's different. That's different because they're they're stars. Okay, we're talking about regular people that we go like. We're talking about regularly. She finds she a star. I would like, I can't have your friends, That's all I'm saying. Don't ask me. You would be open, won't be at least you know what I'm doing. Well, I'm not. I'm not gonna ye can't do none of that. I'm not gonna stop double tapping Morgan Freeman. Now you could forget that. She goes he knows shut like the picture of Morgan Freeman and he will sleep. That's different. Morgan Freeman is the celebrity. That's different. She started me, don't ask me that's different. Well, well, yeah, it's always a double standard, Jake, Come on now, standards for double tapping, Yeah, for double tapping. That's right, all right, We've we've heard from me, We've heard from Jay, we've heard from Junior. We haven't heard from the nephew. We'll be back to hear from the nephew. Yeah, he's double tapping her sexy pictures is the subject of today's Strawberry Letter. We'll be right back with more of your with more of our responses right after this at twenty three after you're listening to the Steve al right here, we are back in the middle of the Strawberry Letters subject he's double tapping her sexy pictures. The thirty year old woman wrote in She's been dating a thirty five year old man for about a year now, and um when they started dating, they were already following each other on Instagram and Facebook, and he noticed that they she noticed that they had a mutual friend, which was a friend of hers. Actually that she went to college with and although they don't talk much, she and this other woman, uh, they are very good friends. Well, the guy was interested in in her friend before they actually started dating, and now he's into double tapping her pictures. Only the ones where she's in a bikini or some short shorts or you know, a short dress or something like that. So that's what his girlfriend noticed. He only like those kinds of pictures. He he, you know. She said. She told her boyfriend that by him double tapping, its sense the wrong message. You know, they are in a relationship. What are you over here double tapping some other woman for? He didn't get it. He tried to say that it's nothing different than her admiring her trainer who's in tip top shape. So he's trying to justify his actions by comparing her situation with her trainer. She says, Uh, don't try to flip it and make it seem like, you know, it's the same thing, because it isn't. You're double tapping this woman. I'm asking you not to. It's making me feel some kind of way because we're in a relationship and you need to stop. That's basically what's going on. Yeah, that's basically junior thinks it's okay uh to double tip. Yeah, she doesn't like the trainer, Jay saying, Jay saying Yeah, social media, UH is ruining relationships and you do need to stay off the grid. Yeah. I say she's right and everything she's saying, and she needs to let him know either leave her alone or their relationship is over all, right, nephew, what you got. I hate when I hear situations like this because it's a it's a brother that don't know how to play the game. I hate a player that don't know how to be a real player. So if you're listening, I'm not trying to help the lady. I'm trying to help the player because the player don't know what he dealing. So here's the deal. Listen. Always tap on ugly people to tap a lot of ugly people. You gotta do that, all right, dumbling, triple tap ugly people like you love it, Ugly people with dogs, ugly people working out. You can tap fine ugly women. Do that. You got to throw the dog, throw the sit off what you really like, But make sure you tap a lot of people when you tap ugly people. Oh my god, she's if she can see what you didn't tap. When they see that little heart, come on Instagram what you didn't like? Make sure it's about it for every fine person. Make sure it's about thirty ugly people that go with it. Tap ugly people. When you tap ugly people, you can get away with it because guess what you can throw off. She don't know what you like. I know you think that's really cute and smart and everything, but don't play us. Okay, we know you were you not be able to see through my if you just started double tapping ugly people, We're not gonna be on. Come on, ain't been tapping ugly people now? Purpose tap ugly people? You try, Matthew, try ugly, try and working ugly people. Ugly people. We're starting. Yeah, so that's how we're gonna know. Started with thank you, thank you so so surely if I start with ugly too late, too late, you already regnant people with cute outfits. Yeah, look good, ugly. You guys sleep cheating to the experts. Okay, um, you guys are so dumb when it comes to cheating. That's why you always get caught. I'm the best in the game, okay, the best in the game. All right, Are you a better cheater than nephew? Tell me that'll be our new game. Whoa whoa if you win, if you win the weekend with your boots, Yeah I know. That really is that commentary on everything. If you tap ugly people, you throw it all, you throw everything off. You don't they don't know what. They don't have no clue to have no clue. Its brilliant. You have no clue ugly people give give it what? B yeah bro, yeah yeah yeah, let me here, bro yeah bro. Brilliant people with nightcloues, ugly people with nightcall about real ugly though really ugly people for the night. She's not gonna know top crazy, you're gonna yeah people all of a sudden, all of a sudden, You're just not all of a sudden. That's when he should have ugly people from day one. No you're not. No, you're not. He just said it. No, you just said it. No, you just asked me, No you're not. That's that's that's brilliant. Though it's not brilliant. You can't one to day. You're guessing. Bro bro bro bro, bro bro, You're stupid. You're stupid, You're stupid. Ugly people make some noise. Only you and Jack and Jack we get Hey, listen. Coming up in just a few minutes. All right, about forty one minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk power talk. Okay, it's our Power Hour we like to call it. We're gonna talk about all things Amri Hardwick fifty cents Cora. We're talking ghost Tom Kane and talk about all that. Uh, we talk about power. Coming up at about forty one after the hour. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, listen, guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, Nephew Tommy is here with weekend confessions. Weekend confessions because what nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. That's all that's obvious. And can you please tell them no customs you called eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Make sure you don't lose You don't use your real name, not the yeah you usually a fake name, you know, camouflause that thing to show you play a player on this got to be playing a player that alright, eight seven seven twenty nine Steve is the number to call, right now though, let's talk about Power. Carl like, come on, this is something it Mr? Oh yeah, I know it was good. So spoiler alert, spoiler alert if you did not see Power last night, what is your talking about it? Yeah? Yeah, so here Crystal hit that for me. So listen, Consulman, Tate, you know so much, so good, it's so good. What about when he looked at Drake, he said, James told me you used to see he knows everything? How does he know every? He knows everything that goes on in his district. He knows everything. I like, I love it? Shot out everything you know? No, wait a minute, you mentioned Dre Carla Dre. I have to say for my taste is the flyest this season? Have you noticed his gear? Yes? Yes? Did you see that black kashmere with velvet collar? Oh my gosh, yeah yeah, I liked right. All right, so listen to this. Ghosts and Angela, they may be trying to rekindle things. Yet it's a different but Ghost wants to control himself. It's a different way. It's different. Question. And what world? Please tell me what his world is because I want to find it? And what world does your wife and your girlfriend worked together to save your ass where that happened? Please, because you will still be married. We need more of that. We do. Come to your world. Does your wife and your girlfriend worked together? They just don't want to go to jail. They're trying to save themselves. They want to go to your world. You didn't see world even better than that jail? And what world did your wife walking your girlfriend and you standing there and nothing happened? This is called taking one for the team. That's what this is called the crew talking about. Wasn't it crazy? When Tasha showed up at Angela's apartment? It was ghost was there. He was like, what is going on? Y'all want one more world? I got one more? What world? Are you at your girlfriend house? And you'll ask st naked? That's what I want to work. How you stand there? Come your wife and come here, stupid? That's true. We love this show. We love this show. Check this out. I love how Tasha. I love how Tasha st Patrick will stop at nothing to protect Tyrek nothing. That's her thing. Right in the interrogation room with Blanco, she's getting on my nose, Blanca bl Blanc is good. Yeah, she's good. She's still on the heels what you know. I wonder how many people are writing in Tyreek need his behind? How many people a little actor? He's such a good actor. He's a good actor. But we wanted to get that. If I'm down Ben Tour and I see him on the street, Treek that school, straight up, he's smarter than everybody at the school. You're doing a good job, great actor, good job. But Tasha is not a snitch and we knew that. We knew that in the interrogation room. I knew she wasn't gonna say anything wrong. Tasha is no g with that. But block got Tisha to thinking did she really trust Angela though? She started thinking about that, and she played some mind tricks on her. Now let's talk about Tyrek. You guys mentioned him. Tyreek st Patrick his disloyal behind. He is hanging with Kanan being a thug. He's selling drugs and pills at his school, and then it all off. He told Kanan he killed Ray Ray believe that. I could not believe he was running his mouth like that. So here's my question. I got a couple of questions for social social media. You can hit me up at lips by Carla, And remember y'all. My account got hacked, so I gotta get my followers back. So follow me at lips. Two questions, Yes, it did. Two questions. Who do you think is going to take the fall for Tyrek? Do you think it's gonna be Angela? Ghosts Tasha his mother? What do you think? And then part two? Do you believe Ghost is a changed me? Yeah? For the moment, I do. That's why I feel so much better last week. You know, I was hurt because I couldn't stand seeing Ghost fall. I couldn't stand. So he's back and I'm back. But the real kill call to pay ties? Does that make him bellance? I'll tell you what we can do. He can't get madded Trek. Okay, Ghost did not get mad. What you do is selling dope. I got it from you, like father, like son. Absolutely, yeah, you see. Absolutely. We can talk about it socially. All right, Well, thank you Carla for that trending power update. We love it, We love it. Um Okay, nephew, it's time for your weekend confession calls. At the top of the hour eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve called a nephew and confess, because what, nephew, Quick's not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Get on the phone. We're waiting. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. Tommy is here with his weekend confession segment. Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, Because what, nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Give us a call. Alright, what we got a lot of people are on the line, so let's just get straight to it. Let's go to line ten and talk to Jay Jay. Hello, j Yeah, no, not Ja, but my name is but not but even got to give a fake name. Sorry, confession. I'm calling on behalf of Domal Trump's Jr. Because you know the way that man through his sun. But I'm not only under the bus backs up on it. I mean your time, Bernard, don't. Trump ain't got nothing coming for Father's Day? Wasn't that boyn't picked out a bunch of them long red ties that he was gonna give him, But he took him back yesterday, so he he do that boy up under the bus with a muffler, as you know when you get up all the fun we that muffly hit your face. Man about Russian, he said. The boy knew that the meeting was about spouting, and he was there, and then at the end he did, but not me. I ain't know nothing. That was damn. That's daddy for your beds. Thank you for calling. All right, Jay, I mean Bernard, thank you. Let's go to line one and talk to Tony. Let's talk. Yeah, enough year, I'm in Nashville. I'm real depressed of going through a divorce and I just can't stop eating. I'm not working anymore and running through my bank account. I'm older and delivery all the time, and like ten thousand dollars in the last month. Okay, wait, wait, hold on, hold on, let's go. That's bad. Up, that's bad. Okay. So you're going through a divorce. Uh, you said you just you keep eating? You just you You're depressed. I'm a summer right. Yeah. You know, some people get into the bottle drinking and drugs or something. And food. Food is my thing, and and I don't like being out in public since I don't have my wife anymore. I just wanted delivery. Okay, so you're getting food delivered in and you're just eating. You ain't you a up the house at all time? Yeah, I'm getting a lot of weight. Weight, My weights getting so like it's affected my you know, it's affected me. Like it's getting so bad that I'm even having trouble, you know, like taking care of my daily functions. You know, I get close. They were married and we gotta we gotta infant son, you know, and and she left me, like she filed for divorce when our inftant son was only four months old. So I'm even having trouble. I'm even having trouble with like after using the bathroom because I gained so much weight, can't you can't can't get it get in the shower, and you know that you use the hose. Yeah for number two, that over sharing, Tony. Really, why did you leave? Man? Why did she leave? What's up? Why did she leave you? Some people wore me before we got married. Like she was just saying because she was like an older first time parents. They were saying, she's just one of the babies. Now, if you think about it, like if someone leaves you that quickly after having a baby that might have been truth. Wow, got me? How much you spending on food? Those wolves, those wolves and sheep closes in and deceivers like best friends and something like her best friends second week and we were dating supposedly best friends second week you were dating through a big old fit and stuff and all like texting like constantly just because she chose to hang out with me instead of you're doing their normal Sunday night dinner, telling her I got with her just for money. She doesn't even make that much money, and that's just ridiculous. But you know how much money you spending on food being delivered the blood You spend ten grands food, no wonder he's going through his bank account. Meal. You know these plays started like four or five dollars just for delivery feed meal called like fifteen twenty dollars. Yeah, three times a day. The tip. Yeah. So you know all the drivers they run to my house. They get here for they pulled up like what's happing car? What's going on? And your little you know, you know the stickers on the back of the cars that have like dude and stuff for the for the how far they run? Yeah to the fridge. Yeah, I'm trying to see why she left. Wait, what safe when we met? I wasn't safe, Jay, Jay, Hey Tony, Man, get you and get yourself together, Tony, get back with you used to be get your weight together? Calling buying all that food coming in your house? What am I doing? I'm not supposed be helping. There? Are you helping? You helping to turn into stee Haller. Let's go to the next car. Can give him a website? Yeah, he needs some counseling. There is a national eating disorder. Webs overeaters anonymous. We are Tommy's No, No, we're not not in my segment. You want to help some people? Try domino them? Wings is good. Let's go Oh my god. Let's go to line three and talk to Fred quickly and then we'll come back. Hey Fred, what's going on? Man? Man? I just want to say I've seen my ex this weekend. We've been broken up all year. Man. I just she was looking good, man, and I was just like, no, we ain't body do that. That's not what we're about to do. And what happened? Hold on? Hold on, hold on Fred? Yeah, okay, Fred, hold that thought. We'll be right back. Don't don't leave me, brother, We'll be right back. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back in the middle of it. Weekend Confessions with the Nephew. I think when we left Tommy, we were talking to Fred on line three. Let's go. If you have a confession, by the way, you can call us at eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve. Please free what's going on? Fred? Let's let's let's recap. Tell me tell me again? Man, listen, man, I've seen my extrame. We've been broken up for a year. Right, she was looking good, but she was looking real good, and I don't just like no, We're just not about to do that. So I gave her a call and I was like, Yo, you still got some play remote a year ago. So I'll meet throwing back. That's what you wanted to battery from the remote. He couldn't think of nothing else. Yeah, I need some barries form the remote back. She gonna hang up for me, like I asked the dumb questions. So you know what I did? What I would? I want your house with some flowers and said you owe me some double aid door and said it's because of throwing me. I ain't thought to it though, but she I wanted my eggs back. I ain't gonna live. I kind of wanted back. Nothing happened, though, hunh Fred, Hell now no, I mean I got a girlfriend. I got a girlfriend. I want my eggs back. No, Fred, that you want your old girl back. I mean, have you told a new girl that you want your eggs back? I mean she kind of she kind of filed out, and I got mad at her for nothing when I said, you don't even know how to make peanut burns jelly like I just got married for no reason. You got a girl that can't make peanut butter and jelly. Yeah, because she put the peanu bird on before the jell time me. He told me that. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on she did what with the peanut butter and jelly? Fred? She put the peanut butter on first and dinner jelly? You serious? What's wrong with that? It don't matter which one going first. The man like it like he likes it, I the man he want jelly first. Wait wait wait, so freak, if you put peanut butter on one piece of bread and put the jelly on the other piece of bread, I don't make him. Ever, that just tastes different. It tastes different hearing. Then we're breaking up. If you do that, we're breaking up. Put But what about if you have a hot dog, you put the mustard down in the bottom of the bun and you set the hot dog on top of that. That's messed up. Huh no, no, no, you just put the catch but mustard on first and then you put the bread on. Everybody, don't do catch up. Everybody, don't do catch up. If you're in Chicago, they really on food with the catch up. I'm not from Chicago. We actually see why she ain't coming back. We are that. Don't your face got closed? Thank you? Yeah, he's from New York. Bottle heard it all. Now, I didn't know peanut butterhead Jelly hadn't he liked the way he likes it? Okay, jelly fool, it's Tommy's Weekend Confessions. Let's go to line five and talk to Candy. We are taking your calls at eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, Good morning, Candy, Good morning. Oh alright, right, yeah, come on, Candy, what's what's going on? Okay, So I've been mad for like five years, but my husband has not been doing his hustandary duties. Jelly up bedroom. So I got me two little young five pieces and I had me a great time this week. Did you help both the side pieces at the same time? No, not at the same time, but in the same day. Wow, and your husband be what will he be at? What? Don't you hang up? We got to go to I want to talk to you some and talk about these SI. This is this is my thing. Me and you can have a side pek conversation. Okay, Candy, So don't go nowhere, baby, I'm not judging, but I can't like a picture. Kenny. Can you make peanut butter and jelly? All right, listen, Candy, hang on the line, Okay, we can. Confessions. We'll be back at eight seven seven twenty nine Steve right after this. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Alright, Uh, it's weekend Confessions with a Nephew eight seven seven twenty nine on Steve. When we left, we were talking to Candy online five Candy Girl. Candy Girl. Okay, So, Candy, we got two side pieces we're working with because our husband is not doing Stop changing the way you talk and just talk normally. Yeah, listen, ladies, I'm talking to Candy right now. So Candy two side pets and um and a biscuit, I guess, But so talk to me, Candy. How long are you're gonna carry this on until I'm satisfied? I just one? How was your How was the weekend? My weekend was wonderful? So where was your while you was having this weekend? Where was he here? Or here's that work? So he had worked? Walked me through this day, this great day we had? He had worked? Well, how didtand what time he left? And then and then walked me through everything? Was you there? My first piece, which was the youngest, he's twenty seven, he was about twenty a half hours worth, and then later on about six to thirty one year old, and he was about an hour Yeah, and then your hubband got off at what time? Ten o'clock at night? Ten o'clock at night? He working along? So so let me ask you this here? So so did your hud But did y'all partake? Was he got home? No? He got it in the morning. God, you you clowning a, ain't you? So you got to s Yeah? Just como, but hold on, every man, that's works it. I came home last night at ten exactly. I'm like, aren't you afraid your husband may who's kid? Oh? No, never, he has no clue, he has no clue. The women are the best cheaters, guys, and all this is going on at your at you in your husband house. I don't know, you know what. It's weird. Everybody goes to cheat and cheat and cheating, but then you know the house, Well, thank god for that. We don't want anybody to die. Leash you got some sense? Yeah, let you had six with three men all of a sudden, Well, thank god, it's not got the house. All right, let's take another call. Let's go to line. Let's go to line. Let's go to line. Let's go to line. Uh, let's go to line six and tales to James. James, good morning, crew, how y'all doing. We're good, We're good. Brother talks to me. What's the confession this morning? Oh man, my sunfessions. Over the weekend, I went out with a lady friend of mine and we always know on each other about ten years or so. So she asked me why we never hooked up, and instead of you know, being smart and telling her why I told her the truth. I told that was attracted to her sister, so brought it in closing everything, Jack we we Bow younger sister three. Now I've known all of them. Like I said about ing Is, but dude, oh my god, man, Don kid, and I'm blessed. We gotta go, We gotta go, James, I wanted to hear some Oh yeah, you'll have time when you're talking to a white woman. I see. We gotta go to close out the show right after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Before we get to the guys in their closing remarks for today, we have to revisit something we talked about earlier on this show. And I think everybody's talking about this across the country. Uh, the President Trump calling Don Lemon the dumbest man in television. Um, you know, yeah, Don Lemon was doing an interview with Lebron James. We talked about that last week. Um, and uh, you know in the interview, Well, I'll just say what Trump said. He said, he tweeted this. Trump responded with a tweet, Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television. Don Lemon. Uh, he made Lebron look smart, which isn't easy to do. Don't you have something else to do? Yeah? Yeah, like how to get out of this Russian probe situation you're in. You're trying, but it's not working. Come on, you're the president. How dare you call Don Lemon one of the best that's ever done it? You know, well, this is what I love. I would you say, yeah, he doesn't say that about the news, the anchors at Fox or the journalists at Fox. But but I love Don Lemon's clapp back. Since you brought that up, Don Lemon said, who's the real dummy? A man who puts kids in classrooms or a man who puts kids in agent Oh yeah, down he did, yeah yeah yeah. And Melania Trump the first lady. You know, she even separated herself from those ignorant statements that the president made. Um. You know, she's saying that it looks like Lebron James is working to do good things on behalf of our next generation. So she she's on team Lebron. For sure, your wife go back, she ain't coming back and she had walked right, Yeah he saw her right. Yeah, But I mean this is to me, this is just too petty for a president. He's making America hate. Where's that head at Trump? Yeah, make America hate again, make America hate again. Wow, that's that's what's happening for sure. Definitely. All right, guys, it's been a good day. It's been a good, wonderful day. Yeah. I think this is our last week without Steve. Steve will be back next week. I'm vacating from vacation to join him in Paris. We will a millionaire would be back next getting a little bit of Steve time. And let me here, man, just give me, give me a little bit of man. God. So so I'm on my yacht right closing. You know what, we gotta get your serious clothes, all right, We're gonna sometimes sometimes we gotta we gotta knuckle down and really get help deep at all. But today our closing remarks, we're gonna take a page out of the book of the hit TV show Power. Yeah, because I think it's something that needs to be said. I think it's something that it needs, it needs to be addressed. So what we want to focus on is wives and side pieces coming together and working together in the unity. And we saw that we saw that on the in the world. We really, we really want women that are married to come together with the side piece and be like a yeah, we want to be united. Is one we want you to get along. We want me to work for one calls at the stress that eliminates this eliminates stress. And Jay and I and Junior, we're putting on a summit, you know, the first one. Yeah, it to be the first side piece wife summit um that we're putting together. And we want you to all to come together. Bring if you know who the side pieces bring and let's you know, Uh, Jay, you're gonna be talking. You're gonna be doing a certain class, and Junior you're gonna be doing doing a certain consss. I'm doing that mass my class, my first class. I'm doing several classes, but one of the classes I'm going to the wives inside the summit. The first one is is you once you come together, you don't have to go on his phone because you know what you know what's in this, you know you I mean, that's that's my that's my first summit, you know. And you know, once once we get that together, and it's gonna be so that we want to have problems. Put the side pieces on one side, wives on the other side, and then everybody will have badges like I'm such and such a side piece, I'm such and such, so everybody will know idea, you don't know who they are. You don't know who they are. I got class registration. I got a class that's gonna benefit a lot of us. This class. Peop will have your time that will be taught at the summit, at the Girls and Wives something. This class here is very important to a lot of men. But shopping for me, I love it. I love it. Y'all needed to get together and discuss my gifts. I have time and on birthdays. That way I know that y'all both agreed on what you're handing me. And then I have another class that I'm teaching right after Junior's class. Is that everybody get the same damn thing. So that way, I ain't got to be going. I had to be going at that remembering your fragrance and yeah, get the same down and I'm teaching. I'm teaching scheduling, you know, so you'll know when your time he is and when the other person sam so we can all work for thee. You know what I mean side pieces every other two days. You know, you get your time. You know just we just gotta work. Look at the time. Hey listen, please join us tomorrow for are you smarter than Nephew, Tommy, than Jay and Junior? Because all stupid? We love you, Thank you, Bye bye. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.