Good morning and welcome to the ride! It is Monday so deal with it. We will get through this together. Fool #2 has a lady who is caught between her aunt, uncle and the strip club. There is an alternative for Patti Pies if you cannot afford them according to The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem. COVID-19 indirectly is the focal point of Entertainment News. J. Anthony Brown has a new company with a new app. This here is The Steve Harvey Morning Show and we help people. Sidepieces included! LMBAO!!! The fellas give us the best holiday breakup advice. Fool #2 drops the biggest gem though! Junior asks the crew about their Super Bowl predictions in Sports Talk. Colin Kaepernick and Ben & Jerry's have partnered up to release a vegan ice cream. Who will take the COVID-19 vaccine? Will you wait or get it as soon as it is available? The show wraps up with the crew sharing with each other their plans for Christmas and how to stay safe.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the milling bus things in the stubbings not true. Good Steve listening to the other for st Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn be hurting you. You gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got the turnout the turn turn water to the water. Go. Come, come on your thing. I sure will a good marning everybody. You'll listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, today is simple. I want to tell you. I want to just talk to you about effort today. Just about effort. You know, it's it's it's it's a word that people use to describe sometimes trying. But what I found out about trying is trying is just a noble way of saying you didn't get it done. I tried when and then everybody go, well, he tried, that was the best. Well that's that's not exactly true, though that that's that's not exactly true. You are and I want to talk to you about that because I don't want you to be one of the people who just tried. See trying, I mean, I gotta tell you to attempt something. You're gonna have to first try, but I want you to change your mindset from trying to getting it done. See, that's a big difference. I'm really more apt to listen to the person that says to me, I'm gonna get it done. I'm gonna try. What try does is it allows you to fail. It's the person that has the mindset that I'm gonna get it done. Is the person who changes the complexion of things. I'm gonna get it done. It's very different than I'm gonna try. You know. Look, man, I know this sounds a little harsh, but you gotta stop feeding yourself these little old wise sayings that ain't it was a valiant tribe. Hey man, you talk to anybody that took second place in the super Bowl and see how they feel about their valiant try. The only way to gain God's real blessings is you have to try something. Steve your backpedaling, now, listen to me close. You have to put forth an effort to allow God to put his finger on something to bless on your behalf. You must start to attempt now, insane getting it done and I'm gonna try. That's a difference of two different faiths to me that I'm just talking about me. Now, you may be different, so I can't. I can't say this about you, but I can't say this about me. If I say I'm gonna get it done, I have a lot of faith in it. I am going to get it done because I just don't see failure as an option. A lot of times now, if somebody says to me, like the Olympic team invited me out to curl one day, which is throw these stones on the ice. If you're not familiar with it's very simple, and so I said, man, I'd like to give that a try. I went in full well knowing I may not come away from this little curling lesson as a person who could make the Olympic team. I just wanted to try it because I thought it looked cool, and I always wanted to get it done. Well. I failed twice. I threw a stone completely into the other lane. I lost that little ice shoe. It shot out under me. But you know what, I kept trying though. I kept trying until I got four of them stones in that circle right where I ain't. But now had I give it up after I failed, after I threw that stone in the other lane, after I shot my shoe down all the way to the atom side, the little ice shoe they give you, I never would did it. But because I was trying. Something got me together a little bit because of my effort, and it caused me not to fall the next time, not to throw it into other lane, not to shoot my shoe to the back of the wall. All of a sudden, my trying became something. Now had I stayed out there and it wasn't so cold, and I went back week after week after week after week, I promise you I could get it done. I could at least know how to compete in a game of curling. Might not be the best. I might not win the championship, but I could have got it done to the point where I could have competed in the game of curling. So sometimes if you're scared to say I'm gonna get it done, just go out there and get started. You know, learn from every attempt that you make. See, don't quit writing yourself off as a failure every time. Don't go right. When I failed on that ice, I could have said, man, I can't curl. But hold up, man, I'm watching four other women out here curl for other dudes. Iut hit curl a little kids out d curling. Hold up, Pardner, You know, man, So I learned when I threw that stone on the other ice, when I when I fail, when when my shoe shot off, I learned from every attempt a little bit more about it. And then I said to myself at one point time, man, I'm gonna get this stone in that circle. I'm gonna get this stone in this circle. And guess what I got it done. Now what you're saying to me, Steve, I'm saying to you that you gotta get started, that you gotta put forth an effort. Give God something to bless. Oh God, bless me, Oh God, bless me. Bless you? What? Bless you? Where? Bless you? How? Stop basing your results on what you're thinking. You gotta think higher. You get God in your life, man, He allows you to think bigger, better more. I'm sitting up in my debt. I came up with a plan to get out of debt in five years. I came up with this plan right. I was sitting up and I was tripping on it now, I said, wait a minute, man, hold up, this is what I came up with. I said, God created heaven and earth, all of it, the mountains, the sky, the valleys, the oceans, trees, the birds, the Indian Ocean, all of it, made all of it in six days, and then he rested on the seven. So why am I taking to God the five year plan? If he can create heaven and earth in six days, why am I walking in there talking about helped me in five years? How is it gonna take God five years to getting me out of debt? And he made heaven and earth in six days? Due the math? Hill, man, I ain't that big. You ain't that big. You ain't in that much trouble. I ain't in that much trouble. See, God got a way of showing you some things, man, but it's gonna take some faith, and faith gonna take some effort on your part. Man, Get out and do something. Man, you God will bless you a little bit, and he give you a little bit more courage. And then all them attempts you making is gonna and all this so I'll try you know what that turn into. I'm gonna get it done. And at the end of the day, that's what you have to do, because trying to pay your rent and not paying your rent, it's two different things. You can try to play or pay your rent, or you can get it done. Now, how long you think you're gonna stay in that house trying? You got to go with the mindset of getting it done. And if you can put some stuff out there and give God a chance to put his finger on it and bless it for you the most stuff he can do for you, quit looking around what everybody else got and gonna get some of it for yourself. Okay, all right, you're listening to show. Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, we have nothing to do with it. It is Monday, deal with it. Okay. I know it was short. I know, we know, we know. We're gonna get through this together, Ain't that right, Charley Strubbery, We're gonna It's like it was just Friday. Chill, I know where We're back again? What's up, Colin Farrell? What is going on? We're back again? Baby? Here we go, all right, this one more time. But grateful to have a job. That's what I'm knowing about this Monday That's exactly what I'm gonna say, Junior. What about it? Man? We right back at it? What about it? Man? What about it? Man? Jay? I've been sitting in the same spot since Friday, so they are running again to me right in that chair. But did you at least get up and go to the living room. I've been everywhere. I've been back in the same spot, all right, to help us hold it down? Also is the king of pranks? My man? Timing? What's going on? Stop? Top baby? I told y'all, Friday is overrated. It's too close to Monday. Here you are now right back, So what is your favorite day of the week? Then, Tommy, Oh, call them that nobody ain't like Friday. Yeah, struggling with you. He's right, he's rights team I like for somebody not like Quinn. That is the middle of it. Even say it. I like Queens twins. I've heard it all. You ain't been to come between me and my twins. But it sounds like everyone had a great weekend. Good. Yeah, like you said, we got a job with a line, we got out help, and I mean we got so much to be thankful for. You know what I'm learning to do. I am learning to rest, which is something I used to didn't do it, says Mark. I've been resting since March. For me. For me, I'm a king piddler. I'm I'm piddling. Oh my peddle and a lot of peddling. Man just folding stuff, putting stuff up, arranging stuff like me to go, sit your hands down. I saw that in the morning, though, Jay, when piling. Yes, yes, yes, like if I'm like lately, I've been painting so in the morn, get up in my pj's. I'm painting on the weekend in the mornings. Yeah, yeah, yeah, really absolutely, I'm in the morning. I'm firing morning filing stuff. I'm throwing stuff away and throwing stuff away and going out and getting that same stuff and bringing it back in. Do you have old files from the seventies and eighties? How about all back that I go back than that? Man? Right? When? When? Where can you throw those old files out and say, okay, I don't need this no more? That ain't gonna afraid to throw him away? You're really are afraid to throw him out? Well, Jay, it's not like you're a criminal. You're gonna be called to court and you need your records. But what about that irs stuff he got? Throw that stuff away? That's just sixty nine all right, listen, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna we're gonna talk a little more and then we're gonna get into ask a Bitter Man that's coming up right after this. You're listening show, all right, So here we are talking about our weekends a little bit more. Jay likes to piddle. He has a lot of stuff that old files and stuff. Jay, you are a hoarder, okay, just that as paths in the little house you can walk around. I've been yet, so I'm not a warder. But if you're keeping the stuff, you're hoarding it. Okay, this all right? I accepted. Do you have to turn sideways and scoop down some of your homeway? Have you talked to a professional about what you're going to do with these papers? You're a horder? Yeah? Alright? Hi, Hi, Hi, my name is Jay and Day Brown and I'm a'm horder. Just put that dirt on there, all right, listen, Um, let's do ask bitter Man? And what's what's your disclaimer? Oh? I'm not here to help none of this. None look, you're not gonna go walk away with this going. That's a good way to look in or no philosophying. Thank you, bitter man. I never thought about it that he's so wise, so wid All right, here we go, bitter man. This one is from feel free to jump in when you see the spot. Okay, here we go, let's do it. This one is from Tan Tandanna in Miamidna says, or yeah, I know, right, Tandanna or Tandanna says. My aunt is rich and bougie, and she and her husband consider themselves socializes. My aunt and uncle paid my college tuition, and I'm grateful for that, but I'm sick of my aunt judging me. I have a degree, but I can't find a job, so I work part time as a waitress at a strip club, which is an embarrassment to my aunt. What she doesn't know is that her husband comes in the club often. Should I tell her so she can really be embarrassed up in the building of a First of all, I want to tell your aunt and cutting that uncle money that's coming in. You don't want to don't want to uncle, You don't want to hurt that. That's that's not good business at all. That's not smart jack, that's not that's not that's not the smart money right there. Yeah, she's bringing in top dollars each week. You don't want to cut that out, so you don't tell your aunt nothing that ain't gonna her. Damn, b where he going? All right? That ain't his business that he gotta go down and see a little nice ice. Fred booty, you know, you know what, you know what, you gotta do what you got. You can make a little more money if she quit waiting on them tables and start dancing on them. I'm just a He's what a big money is. Here's what a big money in time, and she's missing this whole thing. Tell your uncle that if he don't increase his tip, you tell I mean, you ain't gonna you know what? Okay, how about the aunt, judge and though so golden Correa won't her huh, chilies didn't do nothing? Athlete just to below you there you go, there you all right. We're moving on Joseph and hate Ville. Georgia says, I'm a retired married man, so I'm home all day while my wife still works. I noticed a new female moving in across the street. So I went to say hi and welcome. My wife drove up as I was standing in the lady's yard. She walked across the street, and instead of greeting the lady, she told me to get my ass back across the street. I had never seen my wife so jealous. My wife said she used to work with the lady and she can't stand her. How was that supposed to know? How can I fix this with my wife? That's crazy right there? That is no, no, that's more embarrassing than your mama telling you pass somebody playground, telling about go home when your wife pass. But you don't get your hands back across the straight. It's wrong with you? Tell me. It's something that if you don't bring your ass back over here where you live, you don't live over there. Over there, get out of her damn face and bring your ass back home. On alright, But are we are we still that neighborly jay that we walk over Dave, she can gree a fine If a fine neighbor moves in, you've got problems. Yeah, Ain't anybody ever walked over there for unattractive? Ain't nobody exactly ever greeted the unattractive neighbor. Yeah, he should have stayed his butt in the house. He knows, Ye, he should have. But you know, when you find and you move next though, you got problems. Okay, that's on you. That's on you. That's fine. We do know she find we don't we? I noticed, We know you. Yeah to see hi to the ugly neighbor. You just this very telling. It's it's very telling. I noticed a new female moving in across the street, so I went to say hi and welcome. Attractive you get away from the driveway. That's all. Yeah about it walking across the street. And you're right, you're trying to build some headges so you ain't got that looking get some heads all right? Here we go. J g. And Vegas says, I'm a single, thirty year old man with three girlfriends that live in different states. I have a big problem because all of them want to visit me in my hometown for Christmas. I'm ready to get married and settled down, and I'm dating the lady, so I can choose one. But the holidays of this year could ruin everything. If I pretend to be out of town, they're gonna come where I am. Should I schedule time to see them over the Christmas holidays in New York. Don't stretch yourself. What is COVID? You've been to catch COVID? Do what you need to do is though the holidays really depressed me. It brings me down. And this is the time I just don't want to be around nobody. Don't take the personal I just don't want to be around people around the holiday. Okay, so just lie did this COVID? All right, we gotta go. Coming up next, Thank you, bitter Man Digon, Jeff jam and Reverend ad Noid are here with today's church complaints right after this. You're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna's standing by with today's national news. Former aide of our New York governor's Andrew Cuomo, allegedcy sexually he asked her. Also in national headlines, the Electoral College meets today to cast their votes for president and vice president. And entertainment news. Yeah, we are all still very very hurt about the passing of actor Tiny Lister. Um. We're praying for the Lister family, of course. And uh, last night's versus battle was canceled. Um, while a lot going on very busy day. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is Monday. Time to have some church complaints, have some fun with Deacon Depth Jam and Reverend Adnoid in for Reverend Motown. Yeah, well, ill come at you you do. I'm sorry, I let me step in here. I'm Deacon death Jam. As you know, I Reverend Motown is out, but Reverend Adnoid in the building. Do you know what Motown is? Do you know what he's up to while he's done? I don't know what? No, I don't he did he tell you he was leaving? I had I didn't hear anything. You just like that, just just but to say, Monday really knew he could just go and come like that. Don't say that nobody. Man, God that you deal with it when he gets back. But yeah, yeah, he's out. He wasn't at service yesterday, so that's but don't worry about then. Let's get to the complaints and now you can tell me how you feel about him. All right, and I have a dumpments you have come. I thought she would have some announcements. Let me give you this first. We got to do something about this. Sister Rodanda Gateway has decided to freeze some of her eggs so she can have kids later. Problem to me is, she already got six kids from six different baby Daddy. She don't need to freeze. She need to freeze something else. That of these eggs. It's not the edge baby on those like say this, But she needed free them legs, legs, freedom, freezome clothes. That's what throws. You throw close them and then freeze them. That's what. Wow, that's funny right there, All right, here we go, All right, go ahead, here we go with the church announcement. The church adouns if you do not have the money to buy Paddy pies, they're very expensive, but they're good you want to save little Patrick pies will be on soul and selves and preach reached gas station doing his break time. Now he asked you don't come down there on his job asking about them pies. You'll you'll know when he's outside of the gas station he'll be selling them pies. But if you want to save a little money and you can't afford them paddy pies, Patrick will be selling his pies. This is the ideals. Trying to be cool. Patrick didn't have to praise. Go right ahead, go ahead, We got a problem here. Brother Titus has election cuted his face for some reason. He decided to hook up some Christmas lights to his end ninety five masks. It's gonna be six months before he can eat regularly, but he's wearing. He wants us to figure out how to get some shittlings through a straw for New Years. It is so many that I've seen him, and we just see him in the huspital. He has a permanent smile on the space. So what we're gonna do is make him a greater done at Walmart. You're gonna be too greed because he's always smiling so well, you know, his eyebrowsers burnt completely later off his face, so he looks he looks surprised when you see him, he looks surprised. He has a butt neeked face. Really that your head? That now? All right? Santa Claus has decided to be real with the kids. Just be real. We're gonna cut talking to Santa on zoom down the thirty seconds. Thirty seconds. That's listen, listen, listen thirty seconds. First of all, ain't nobody working and you ain't getting that much stuff, So ending out, all right, there ain't nobody working. You ain't get that much damn stuff. So thirty seconds ending out on zoom. Keep it moving, keep it moving, go run ahead. What you got. We got a problem here. Brother Cedric Banks has been wiping his hands and face with Cloe Rocks whites, not his entire facing his hand and turning white. The members are asking you to stop him from attending zoom service because they think it's a white man that they don't know, so they standing the heall out of him. So in the church, scary looking, that's Cedric Banks. That's look at that ere Cedric. Okay, yes, sick, go ahead at now all right, the church has decided since Kamala Harris has been elected as vice president vice presim should the ladies will be very happy with the decision. And in the in the Christmas play that we're doing them soon. Instead of doing the Three Wise Men, we're gonna go with the three wise women, the three wise women, and these are guests. So far, we got Megan, the stadium has agreed to be a wise Oh yeah, and we got little So that's gonna be great. That's gonna be a three children, three wise women who got laughing shiite women, go right here? Which else? The condor Lewis, better known as sugar Booty has started and go find me for her kids Christmas tord Since the strip cleric been clothes has he ain't been able to work. She's asking to could she do a virtuous show for the mayor church members and we took through cash out. Yeah, Junior, would you like hut would you like? I've seen such a sugar booty and uh yeah, I will be there. You didn't have to ask me. Sugar Booty going on. Man, call sugar Booty for nothing. Ain't like getting regular booty, suar booty. If you want something sweet for the holiday, dial up sugar booty, boy, Oh man, she's not regular, Junior. She was about there with that candy cane throng one man. She knew what she doing and she she gotta go fund man, So you don't have to worry about anything. Just dial up her money. She liked to get up. Christmas gonna be fine. Yeah, if you're there by yourself, Booty. Yeah, I'm telling it's so sweet. It's a that X game handling. I'm telling you that they're gonna go ahead and out, okayend no, ohhh, okay, thank you, no, thank you for church complaints, Reverend ad no it and for Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf Jam. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment National News right after this. You're listening in today's trending news and entertainment news. Everyone is still sad about the death of actor Tommy Tiny listener. Yeah, I mean really, but you know what was wrong. He didn't really realize how strong he was. We choke you and so he played choke you and he forgets how strong he was, and you like, here's playing and hurt. He was cool, though, man, real good, real good. Yeah, yeah, he was a very nice man. Um. Yeah wow, I mean, twenty twenty has just been a rough year. It's been a rough ye word that a tiny lister passed away over the weekend. He battled COVID nineteen earlier this year, and it appears that those COVID symptoms had come back. Uh so to his family, we want to just say rest in peace. Debots, Yeah, yeah, very much. Yeah, we're sending our condolences to the list your family, um and now switching gears this speaking of COVID. Carla, tell us what happened with the Versus Battle. Well, the Versus battle was supposed to be last night, you know the R and B the I said nineties the other day, that's in correct, two thousand from the you know begin in a two thousand era R and B. But Ashanti tested positive for COVID. Yes, yes, she says she's yeah, she says she's doing fine. She did a live video, you know, a live on Instagram and Keisha Cole popped on the live and just you know, Ashanti was like, well, I could do it from home or whatever. Keisha was like, noah, let's just wasting and you love since you know, they want to be you know together like the other Versus battle, right, So it's been rescheduled to January. But coming up, yeah, coming up next Saturday, I should say this Saturday the nineteenth, Get ready too short and eat the air the yay area. Yea sprankle may sprinkle Man too short, Life is too short? Yeah, that's gonna be fun. Yeah. Yeah. So that's the next Versus Battle going to Saturday, December nineteenth. Today you're going to music News all right, Well, thank you, Carla. Also now j Anthony Brown. We touched on this a little bit last week, but it seems like there's a drum line battle brewing on social media between you and uh or Orlando Jones, who plays doctor James Lee and your character mister Wade from the World. I was definitely robbed from the movie. We should have won that hands down. We had the best band. I mean, buddy, if you want to do this again, I'm game. I'm ready. I'm ready to come on. Trash talking going on, Come on, Doctor Lee. If you want some of this again, you know we're ready. I just let you know. I'm putting it out there if if you want something, if that's what you want to do, if you hey, you feel froggy jump, come on, what's gonna play? Jack? What's your band playing? Oh? Man, I can't put my secrets out there, man, you know, because then the he gonna go out, he's gonna sheet music all his stuff. But no, no, but I'm blowing some funcky white stuff that he ain't ready for. It's gonna be in the movie. Man, y'all. Was Jamie so hard when he turned around and said hit them with a little flight of the bubble bee. I got robbed, Yeah, got out the call. Stay all right, all right, Jay, it is that time for today's headlines. All right, everybody's time for the Newsmith and trip. Thank you, thank you very much. Good morning. A constitutional ritual that most Americans rarely notice or even care about, takes place today. Five hundred and thirty eight electors are scheduled to a gather in states all over the country and the District of Columbia to cast their Electoral College votes for president and Joseph R. And Biden is expected to be officially named the rightful forty six president of the United States, with Senator come out Kamala Harris as as vice president. Now attempts by Donald Trump to try and force local GOP legislators to actually assemble electors who would ignore his massive loss and claim that he won re election anyway. Those attempts have failed. Nevertheless, the Donald still refuses to concede. He insists the election with stolen and claimed that there is still a legal path available to him to get the Biden win overturned. So we'll see about that. The first doses afis the COVID nineteen vaccine being delivered to every US state today vials of the virus fighting serum loaded up on ups and FedEx trumps over the weekend for shipment to hospitals around the country. The FEDS are coordinating distribution to a number of predetermined sites, and then local health officials takeover and actually get the shots administered. There a few problems. Apparently, people need to be trained on how to properly inoculate folks with this stuff. First of all, the sirium needs to be kept at ninety four degrees below freezing, it only lasts a few days after its thawed, and it has to be diluted before it's injected. Claire Hannon is the head of the Association of Immunization Managers. He tells NPR they're definitely facing a learning curve. We're going to learn so much from the first hospitals who are vaccinating. You know, what is it really like to get this box. How long does it take to mix the vaccine with the diluant, How long does it take to actually vaccinate someone? And then there are questions about possible allergic reactions, whether pregnant people or people with immune disorders should get it or they shouldn't. Right now, what's being called Phase one A. These centers of these control has prioritized healthcare workers and residents of long term care facilities. Worda was that members of Trump's White House staff are going to be immunized first, but Trump apparently said he stopped that. Meanwhile, the FDA considering approval of a second vaccine, this one by Maderna on Thursday, So hopefully vaccines against the coronavirus should widely be available by either late spring or the summer of next year. Meanwhile, believe it or not, according to Fox News, President Trump is now demanding to know the names of those congressional Republicans who say they recognize Joe Biden as the winner of last month's selection. He wants to know who they are, sad news. Country music's three time Grammy Award winning Charlie Pride has died of COVID nineteen. Charlie probably the first black American inductions the Country Music Hall of Fame for most of his career, as fans didn't even though he was black. He had hit after hitting listening angela Good Morning. That was one of his big ones. Charlie Pride was eighty six. I met him once. He was a semi pro baseball player and a wonderful gentleman. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show. All right, guys, it is time to look into the crazy mind of Jay Anthony Brown. Oh lord, well, I'm glad you did that. I'm glad you're doing that. You are a lot of time. I have foolishness and craziness, a lot of time. What you got today? What's in there to day? Something I have that spirit will put I put together a little company that's called Sidepiece Helper. Now you won't for a piece, you won't be able to get in touch with who you want to get in touch with. I don't know. Holidays it's starting. It's gonna be tough for you. But with side Piece Helpers like you can call and get out all your frustration. They're not gonna judge you. That's because you call a friend. They're gonna judge you. What I told you, We're not doing that at Side Piece Helper. Side Piece Helper is helping side pieces get through the holidays. They're listening, they're quiet, they got good advice. Tommy knows about it. I mean you we talked about putting them together. And so Timmy, what what you got now? Well, I mean, you know, they help us and we all help us, you know what I mean. We're gonna try to do what we can to get the message to your love war right, Okay, So what you have to do is if you watch the movie Harriet, go in your backyard and start singing it, and then the people next to start singing, and soon or later they're the message. We get wade out on the way to the person that you wanted to get away, you understand, get a message to the one you loved. Let them know beca as I know these are with everything in us, you know, you guys. One thing about this show. We're always helping people. Nobody out. Now we kept we helped to get them to the polls. And now this wow we help. Wow, this is this is this is ball up in a knot time. This is time you ball up in a night. You didn't you didn't tell j about the side piece helper mobile app. You didn't tell them, Yes, go to the app. Yeah, Like, if you need like a side piece on Christmas, you can't get it to it, we will take a plate to her from your house and we take the plate to her and we put you know, her gift, we transport that, you know, whatever it is. And know what we got. You know what else we got? We got side piece Hamburger. Help them. You see, that's the for them to have, you know, because they can't have with everybody else. You see what I'm saying. Now you're thinking, huh, do the app and get that harmony? Who told her how good your wife cooking is? Well, now she can taste it? I hate all right, Come, I have a thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk about holiday breakups. This kind of all goes together right after this. Oh no, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're listening show. Well, the second largest peak of breakup season is here, that's right. Relationship experts say the largest peak it's during the spring, a month or so after Valentine Today. Anyway, white breakup now? Is it to avoid meeting the family? Or is it time for a refresh start, for a fresh start? Uh? Yeah, because of the new year. So I gotta ask the guys, when is the best time, When is the best time to end a relationship? And what advice do you have for anyone going through a breakup? Right now, I'll go, I'll go. You If you had been planning to break up and you ain't broke up now by now, you're a damn fool. You just straight because you missed your window of opportunity to break up. It's too close to Christmas. Let me have it, not to act the fool. Go ahead, man, you're gonna. If you're gonna break up, you should have broke up by October, right Halloween. You should have been You should have. Matter of fact, you should have scared the hell out of her Halloween when you know you shot right around me. And then you you don't go through Thanksgiving and Christmas by yourself. But because I'm telling you, if you don't have the money, you should know it by October. You know you ain't got love, money for gifts and all this kind of go ahead, Julian. And if you knew you was gonna break up with huh, then you should have. You should have really did it by back to school, because yeah, because you already knew you didn't want to be with us. So after you about the school closed, then you get out that when you leave on a good note, that's how you that's what you do, and what happens when you break up at this time, when you bring them und we got days before Christmas. I don't know what you expect to have stupidity at your front door, okay? And if you're not ready for that, to have craziness at your front door, you should have broke up a long time ago. So breaking up now brings all that. Your cog gonna be messed up. It's gonna get ugly. You waited, you you veteran, You're getting veteran time. But listen, but listen if you said today's December fourteen, eleven days before Christmas? Right now, y'all? Oh, you can pull it off calling it off, but it's gonna be a rough one though. This was This is gonna be a major argument because she has locked in. That's yeah, I don't care, bring up with me, but have me again. It's hard, it is and let them days. It's hard to get people. You're gonna have to get like to break up now, you pretty much gotta get kidnapped and then yeah, you just have to get You have to be gone and come back on the twenty six is what did I miss? And did you face it? New Year? You want to you maybe this you can do this now. No, I'm friends with people in Hollywood. So whenever I'm really ready, I really I'm gonna get I'm I'm gonna get shot in front of my family. It's gonna look like a real da and stop that time. They gonna roll me right out on that gun in front of everybody. They gonna see that and roll out. And when you laying on that thing, they're gonna pull that your lance over. When we get down the street and let me out, I'm gonna be fine, But your family he's gonna be heartbroken and devastated. I have another question, and me didn't have to go through this relationship again, so you know I why should I be heard? That's what I'm saying. What's your question? Carlo? Go ahead? So now how are they doing this? Are they breaking up on Zoom? Do they mask up? Zoom is the best way to break up? How is zoom is a zooms? Don't turn You don't have to be in the room. You break up with Zoom. That's the best. Brilliant see your face and know you're lying. That's don't see my man. I'm gonna tell you through my man, I ain't gonna break up and get sick. I'm telling you through my man, and don't turn your camera on because then she seen you make eye contact, she's gonna feel like you're gonna get weak. Don't do that and youll you will, So don't say it, don't even look at well, then you can just use the phone break up with zoom. You ain't gonna be in the room. I love that. Don't follow him, stupid follow I ain't got you know. The purpose of you, guys breaking up is so you won't have to buy a gift because you're cheap. Okay, because you're cheap, all right now? Coming up, coming up next, the nephew with a prank phone call. Right after this you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today. Subject I text my wife and said goodbye. All right right now, nephew, uh huh in the building with today's prank phone call? What you got for his nev Well, I know you think it probably can't happen, but it can happen. Okay, it can happen. It can happen to day's title is one of the twins is mine? One of the twins. Man is man happened? Wow? What I'm yours one of them? Man, Okay, let's go, come on, can't hello. I'm trying to reach Tony. Yeah, this is Tony Tony. What's going on? Man? My brother? My name is Kendrick. Man, I'm trying to reach out to you. You um are you? Are you the Tony that used to used to day? Man? Yeah? What about it? Man? I was trying to reach out to you. Um who you say? This is again? My name Kendrick, Kendrick. I I got, I got, I got a little problem, bro. Hopefully we can work this out. Man's man, I ain't got nothing to do with no damn no mote. Man, that's the path to don't even call me about her? Man. That just you know, I don't want to hear. Do you and do you? Um? You do y'all have kids together? What do y'all? Do you do? You all have children together? Yeah? I got kids from kiper Man. How do you get my number? Man? Say? Yeah? How you get my number? Hey? Bro, I ain't trying to hand no beet with you. Man. It ain't anything like that. I'm just y'all do y'all do you have a set of twins. Yeah, man, we got a set of twins. Man, But waving hold on, now, why are you calling me? Man? Whatever you and did? Man, that's you know, but what you're asking me about my kids? Fun man? Okay, Bro's I mean, I don't even know how to break this on you, but I'm just gonna just put it out there, Okay, just and just hit me out, man, just hit me out. Um, it's been brought to my attention dad, there is a strong possibility that one of the twins is mine. Oh are you crazy? Them? Man? Who you say you isn't being man this Kendrick Man. Man, look, man, don't call my house with this. Man, Hi, twin gonna be yours? Man, ain't my twins? Man? Hey man, I found out and I thought I thought the same thing you thought, Tony. I was like, okay, man, they doesn't even biologically possible, and that's what I thought. But I found out that two seeds could actually join together create twins, and each one of them could have a different Daddy. I'm finding this out for the first for firsthand myself. Oh man, you ain't fun man? Look man, whatever man, I'm telling you, dog Man. The kids is mine. Man, You ain't got nothing to do with this dog. You ain't got nothing to do with this man. Hey, listen, man, I'm trying to do is get to the bottom of something. Let me let me, let me, let me tell me out and listen to them. Let me ask you to your set of twins. Are they are they? I mean? Are they the same shade of color? Are they different shades? I mean, I'm just asking. I'm never telling. Look dogs, Let me tell you something, man. I want you to get this through your head right now, man, whenever you got that's on y'all. Man, This ain't got nothing to do with my twins. Man, ain't got nothing to do with my twins. Man, one of them dogskin? What I'm like skinning? Right down right there? Man? What right there? What? Okay? T Let me ask you what shay to color you? Are you dark? Here? A light skin? Now? I'm dark skinned? Man, I'm light skinned. Man. The light skined twin must be mine. You know what, man, I'm not even continue this conversation, no moth I'm gonna just tell you something. Dog. You don't know where you whipped because I will you up. You're understanding that dog, Man, listen, I just find out that this this is a fluke accident that it's possible to happen. You understand that you talking about my kids? Man, Man, I understand the passion that you have for your children. Man, I know you wanted the kids call don't eat mouse talking about my kids and showance man. One of the twins is mine? Man, they ain't no man. Look man, look dog, I'll tell you what. Man. I'm gonna let you make it. Dog. You know what, because don't call here or no mo man. Whatever you in for doing, that's what you in. That crazy it's doing. So she with you, old crazy stupid. You're stupid enough to call here talking about one of the kids here. I guess she told you that, stupid. Now, dog, don't call me no more. Manntony, listen when you when you consider, I mean, I got us an appointment tomorrow the doctor. Would you consider bringing the kids if we can see which one is yours and which one? You are? Ritarded? Man, that's what's up with you, dog? You retarded? Man. I ain't meet your neck. Well dog, that's what I'm talking about. Man, I'll tell you what, dog, I'll meet you. Man to man, man, Man to man, me and you dog Man the man, I'm gonna kick yourn so when he got to fight, Tony, I just want you to give me my child. Man, I'm gonna give you up. I got me a little bell a slugger. You stupid, that's what you is. Man. You're an ignorant man calling me Sunday morning talking about my kids. It's your kids that that can't happen. Man. I understand the man, but it's a fluke accident and now you're trying to deprive me or man, I'm having a relationship with my child. Man, I've been raising these kids for five years by my damn self. Man, I get him up. I take him to ballet, Man, I take him to literally you understand me. Man, No, my man, Tony, I understand it. Dog. It was heartbreaking the meat too, Tony. Tell you what, Man, I'm gonna get up phone and uh, I'm I want you man, I want you to never ever call my I don't call me with new ignorant like this. What you say your name is? What? What? What? What's your name again? Doc? My name my name Kendrick. Man. Listen, listen, Tony, I'm a fine You dog. You understand that dog. We're gonna settle it with you. Understand you with dog. Okay, Tony, I got one more thing I want to say to you, okay, and you ain't got to say to me. Many Let me say one more thing to you man, man, Man, hold on now by all right, Yeah, y'all gonna play. I'll be out there in a minute. Man. See dog, Oh man, you didn't got to everybody around here, all man, curse like it's around my kids. Man. Okay, sure, I say one more thing to your man. All right, man, stay with them you want to see and don't call me a no more man, Tony, This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey on the show. You just got planked by your homeboard. Oh man, you know what, Tommy, Man, Man, that's the man. You know what, dog Man, you was really about to get your man. Man, you can't be nobody about their kids? How they no man? Oh man? Okay, okay, you all right, all right? See you what man, don't don't don't even tell you did it? Man, because I see we're meeting. We're meeting later tonight. I got something for you many. Hey, nephew Tommy h you in one faithful man? Was that? Watch the ten o'clock news tonight, Man, you're gonna wat mockets on there, man, watch dog. I can't believe it, man, oh man, all right, hey man, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Oh Man, Steve Harvard Morning Show Man. I listened every morning. Man. I just can't believe y'all got me. Man, we got got trial. He was crying up. Yeah, and then the baby came out. He had got him out, y'all what he had to be got It don't matter who come out crying that. We were not. We here to get you. We're doing this to get you right there. It's because you got you whippering in your voice. Whipping that opened the voice and good God, something to cry. I love baby. That really dude. That got me. Yeah, it got his ass too. So I don't know how you think of it. I know all the left side of the brain and all that, But genius, that's how you think of it. Oh, thank you team Tommy for clearing that up. Yes, life seeking twins. Hello, No, I was filling him, I really was. I was filling him. He takes care of them. He takes them to ballet and little league. But you know what, he is the thing. At any point you can hang up the phone. If you stay on the phone, you all right, nephew, thank you so much. Coming up next my strawberry letter. The subject. I texted my wife and said goodbye. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening today. Early voting starts for Georgia Senate runoff dates. Uh. The race is wow, this is a tough one right here, but we can win this. Okay. We won, Yeah, we won last months in November. Yeah, that's right. We do need a jay. You're absolutely right. You can early vote today through December thirty first, and please don't forget. January fifth, twenty twenty one is election day, Georgia. We need you to get on it. Let's finish the jobs. We want you to vote for Reverend Raphael Warnock, who was our special guest last week, and of course John Ausoff. All right, those are the two can at Warnock and Ausof Warnock going Ausof. That's what you think about when you going to the polls, Warnock going Ausof. Okay, go to vote dot org to get more information on Georgie's polling places. Please, we gotta finish it. We got to do our part. We have to send these two in. So then we'll have fifty Republicans and fifty Democrats in the Senate, and then Vice President elect Kamala Harris will be the tiebreaker, Okay, and then Joe Biden can get some of the work that needs to be done done, all right, because it is a lot. Yeah, it's all ight, is full, Yes, yes, I mean COVID systemic racism, doing something about that healthcare. I mean it goes on and on and on, the stimulus package, all yeah, all of this stuff. There's so much to deal with. So you know he needs all the help he can get, all right, So please let's go to the polls. Early voting starts today, Georgia. All right, switching gears here now time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Bug A lappin hoold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a strawberry letter, Thank you nephew. Subject. I texted my wife and said goodbye. I texted my wife and said goodbye. In case you didn't hear me, Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a fifty four year old married man and I had an affair with a twenty seven year old female. I texted my wife of seventeen years to tell her that I've met a younger woman and fell in love with her. I let my eighty percent happiness go for a woman that only provides twenty percent of the love and happiness I need. I have a five month old daughter with the younger woman that I'm seeing. She already had four children, and I help her with the other kids too. When I told my wife goodbye through text message, I told her that I had to be the father be a father to my new baby. I was tired of being with my wife and hearing the same nagging all of the time, with the same sorry sex and bad cooking. I didn't feel like she deserved an explanation, so I did it by text message. I'd been telling her that we needed to work on our marriage, but it didn't seem to matter to her, so it felt good at first to be with the young woman that can really cook and who's amazing in bed. I don't know if I made a big mistake at all, but I'm wondering if I'll regret my decision when I get older. The younger woman asked if I was planning to get a divorce anytime soon, and I told her I didn't need that pressure right now. We should just enjoy what we have and raise our child together. I don't plan to ever divorce my wife. We have made up and I apologize for the way I broke it off with her, and i'd let her meet my new baby. I feel better since I know my wife doesn't hate me. Do you think I should go back home and keep my younger woman on the side since my wife has approved everything, or do you think there will be drama in the long run? I think you're stupid. Okay, that's what I think. Hello. Yeah, you loved to out quite a bit in this letter. But one thing is for Yeah, one thing is for sure. Your wife doesn't want you either. Okay, she doesn't want you. Nowhere in this letter did you say wife. He asked you to come back nowhere? And why should you? Why should she? You texted her after seventeen years of marriage. Seventeen years you've been married to this woman, and all she deserved was a text message from you because you didn't think she deserved better. Well, I think you're wrong for that, and maybe maybe you, maybe you, sir, were the one with the bad sex. How about that? Because she's not picking up the phone asking you to come back now, is she? I think people treat their dogs better than you treated your wife. But now you're really catching it, aren't you? Five kids now, pressure to get a divorce, worry stress, You're already fifty four, you said, will this be your problem when you get older? I bet you're getting older fast. You've heard the saying you reap with your soul and the grass always is greener on the other side, etc. Etc. But you blew it. You left crazy, You really left really crazy. How you did that to your wife? So now your life is crazy? Um? Will there be more drama? You ask? Oh, I'm sure of it. A wife, five kids, a side piece, baby mama, never divorcing. You're fifty four, she's twenty seven. Yep. The drama has just begun for you, and we do not feel sorry for you because of how you did your wife of seventeen years. And again I'll say it again, she doesn't want you back. She doesn't want you Jake. Okay, h Normally I don't. Normally I disagree with everything Shirley said. But on listening right here, dude, dude, dude, happiness and five kids don't go together. It just do not. There's no way, there's no way you can make this happiness. Okay, five kids, four me ain't Joel, and they ain't gonna listen to a damn thing you say. Not one damn thing you say. Today ain't day. And you old and your your blood press. You're gonna be high. You'll be tired of chasing them, and you're gonna be out of rev Five kids and happiness. I don't give a damn if you are together with five kids. Five kids and happiness don't go together. Get up, go look in the mirror so you can look at a damn fool. You need to see what one look like. Get up from wherever you are and go look in the mirror. I'm talking to the man in the mirror. Five kids and happiness do not. There's no way you can move that around and make it happy. Thank you, Jake. We'll have part two of the Strawberry Letter coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. I texted my wife and said goodbye. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, we're gonna recap today's Strawberry Letter. The subject is I texted my wife and said goodbye. A fifty four year old married man had an affair with a twenty seven year old female. He's been married for seventeen years. He texted his wife to say he found a younger woman and he had a baby with her, and he's leaving. Okay, yeah, the woman, the twenty seven year old woman that he's with, already had four kids, so that makes a total of five. He told his wife in the text that he wanted to be a father to the new baby. He's taking care of the new baby and her four other children. The young woman wants to know when is he going to get a divorce and leave his wife. He says he is never leaving his wife. He wants to know if this was the right decision and will he regret it when he gets older. He said his wife was constantly nagging. She had bad sex and bad cooking. But this woman has good sex and amazing sex and great cooking, and she's starting to nag him now about getting married, getting a divorce and everything. He says he feels better now that he's made up with his wife, and he's asking do we think that he should go back home? And he's glad that his wife doesn't hate him, and do you think there will be more drama in his life in the long run? What do you have to say, Junior Shirlette, This is stupid. This, This is nothing else to say. I ain't even married, and no, this is stupid. The question is do you think I should go back home and keep my younger woman on the side since my wife has approved everything? You, sir, have a problem with titles and numbers. This is Joe problem. Because look, if you think you're asking us, do you as you go home to your wife or younger woman? Wife? God, younger woman? Seeing this is this is what you can't think? It is brought out and it's always greater than twenty I don't even so why are we even talking to your stupid ass? This is simple to me. He has a problem with titles and numbers, titles and enough, but he choose the wrong one every single time. Yeah, yeah, I'll tell you what do what you think is best for your life? Did he did? Do what you think? We're not going to help you. We don't even got these problems. The people on this show that's married stay married, ebody at that time. If it is shut about, no sad pieces. Don't have a problem with TODs making attend you coming home? What is you asking us? Fun? Thank you j single junior. Okay, all right, come on, nephew, thank you junior. Nephew. What you got? I send my wife and said goodbye. You know, when you this stupid, you got to keep on coming from stupid. You got to keep being stupid. You can't stop now. Okay, okay, you can't say when you're in the middle of stupid, you can't stop and try to wise up. You ain't gonna fix it. So listen, you got to file a stupid all the way out. This is what you should do. Put everybody, everybody, boy, kids, new baby, girlfriend, wife in you. Everybody now needs to live under one rule. It just put everybody in the If we're gonna try to get to the bottom. And listen, let's just get everybody together. We canna get through. Okay, guess what. Guess what? What's the young girl doing. She knows how to cook right, She makes love good. The wife is not good at neither one of those. She can help her. You see what I'm saying. If I can tell friends, sometimes you gotta learn what you don't know. Now, literally, the young girl know how to cook, and them and a woman don't know how to cook. Now, you got to get these lessons on this cooking. Okay, you're not making love well, you don't really know that. But when a young girl moving in, you're gonna figure out what she's been doing in there, because she's been doing something right, you see. Yeah, she got five kids? What she got five kids? She know how to do something exactly. She got that down. She knows what she doing in the Okay, and make sure you know which kids listening on them? Other folk kids putting numbers on the one, two three, Get them t shirts with numbers on the one two three. Your baby is number five. Put the five on your baby shirt. Know your baby when you walk in house, so you have to be looking around with man, well, man, look for the five you'll find your child. Okay, eight eight people under one roof, and let's get the figuring things out on how we all gonna live together. You say you're not gonna divorce your wife. Okay, so you're not going nowhere. You can't get rid of this, this little young thing. She knows, she knows how to make love, and you got a baby with it. We might as well get all under the same roof. Now, eight people. I don't know how. I mean the bidroom leads his craziness under one roof, so it's not spread out. His wife doesn't want him. You'll go look at it this. She ain't got the cook all the time. Now, yeah, you can learn watch the watch the young girl when she cooking, just sitting in the kitchen and talk to him and figure out what's going on. Learning how to cook? You getting that down? You see what I'm saying. I gonna have to have sex with him. I mean, come on, we got that department cup again, right, it's a simple fix. This is a win win. You don't see the win win for everybody's wife doesn't want him, she's not gonna be there. She don't even his wife doesn't care about him. She we've been man seventeen years. Call it ain't nothing wrong with a little change at this point. And would you choose to be by yourself or over to the house where something's happening by myself? And certainly that lady, that lady on fences, she had no problem with that baby when that man brought that baby Homemember. Yeah, yeah, but it wasn't five. Okay, that's a It wasn't five, babe. Oh you you count it? You can't, ye, My babies are supposed to one? Are you kidding me? Right now? We gotta go, We gotta go. Coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, Thanks guys, sports stock with Junior right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, get ready, Junior is here with sports stock. What you got for his junior, Shirley, I know Carl is having a rough day. I know Tosh is having a rough day right now, my husband, Yeah, Tod got to be having a rough day. Um. Let's give a shout out to Jalen Hurts for when of his first career start the quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles, he won his first start. Yeah, man, he played a great game. Man. And you know, Carson Wentz, you can start packing up. You're not gonna go back on the field no more the backup quarterback for the Eagle. You can just start looking for a new team or whatever you gonna do. You're not going last pads, no, he quick putting his pads on. He's not going back out there. That's not gonna happen. Hey, let's also congratulate the Washington football team. We're winning the game too with Dwayne Haskins, another black quarterback. Didn't want a game again. Uh, that's good. Yeah, okay, okay, And I just wanted to say that so man. And also we hadn't said this in a long time. How about them Cowboys They actually Sunday, Oh my god. Yeah, the Cincinnati Bengis on thirty seven, but now courting the Cowboy fans, they on their way back to the super Bowl. Every time win, win, and all of them is going right back to the Singer Bowl. And heard, so god, let me ask you all this though, Do y'all have any Super Bowl predictions? Do you know who's gonna be in the Super Bowl? Yeah, j who ain't gonna be? I don't know a damn thing about football that Cowboys will not be there. I put money on. Yeah, and then just in case you yes, I'm a hater. Okay, so that then you got that? All right? Yeah? Your city, man, Kansas City one multime? That's good, okay, can I guess go ahead? I think Kansas City. And you know I got to ride with the Saints. So Kansas City, okay, in the Saints from the NFC. That's are you doing that? Because who have been only way to work? And ye right, and I'm all about that. Who that nation? Now? You know and you and you know I don't care, but I'm filling in for Steve. The Browns, Yeah they're gonna play though. The Browns. I mean they got to beat Cans. I don't know. Yeah, they got to beat Pittsburgh. Yeah, yeah, Pittsburgh. It could be okay, well the Brown Browns, the Browns when they could tell Steve I called it, I can't on the Saints. I could see that. I thank you, thank you, I said it, and and and the pound it all right, thank you? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. All right, here we are, guys, vaccinating America. We all saw yesterday the first cases of COVID nineteen vaccines are being shipped across the country. The vaccines were placed into freezers and loaded onto trucks. We have to give a big shout out and a big thank you to all of the truck drivers that includes the UPS and FedEx and everyone working in the big warehouses and the airports, et cetera, for all of their hard work. This is hard work right here. How cold? How cold is this kill that? Yeah? Yeah, it's called yeah really really cold? Yeah nine normal cold. Yeah, there is no room for era with these employees that are working for the UPS. FedEx reports a lot of pressure. So we thank you off. We thank yeah. They could keep it cos he ain't got nothing by it. She can get it across country. Jay, Oh my god. Well we still got people that say that they're not gonna take this vaccine. Yeah, oh yeah, oh absolutely a lot. I mean it's about half have say they will and have say they won't. Uh. Speaking of that, Today is Rapper Offset's birthday. Um Offset from the megoes you know him? Uh, And according to TNZ, Offset said he is not going to take COVID nineteen the vaccine, he says, Um, it just boils down to trust and fairness, which is a lot of people's issue, especially in the African American community. There's a lot of mistrust going on. Um, you know, a lot of mistrust. This is also the reason, if you've noticed, doctor Fauci has really been putting it out there and making a point to remind us that the COVID nineteen vaccine was developed in part by a black woman. Her name is doctor k Corbett. Um, you know, she had a lot to do with it. So yeah, you know, yeah, it really is good news and maybe it'll put some people who are skeptical at ease. You know, I got a big I gotta fix for us. Yeah, well, how to make sure everybody get the virus? Virus are the vaccine, I mean the vaccine, the vaccine, vaccine. Make sure everybody gets the vaccine. Here's what we do. Oh really, okay, what we're gonna get a group of people at one time. What we're gonna do is we're gonna put it in chicken. You know what, chicken. Don't tell him it's in there, but there, you know what I mean that you got it. We're gonna put it in. We're gonna put it in the coffee. When you don't drive through this spot you go through, put it in there. This's gonna get everybody right here. We're gonna put it in. We're gonna put it in tarlet paper and wet wipes in that way, everybody. You got fat wipes, You got me, yea, every al right, I ain't take it. You took it already, Chicken, chicken. You don't want to put a little bit in the toothpaste to j oh, yeah, I know. We can put something and just get everybody. Put something right across the little edge and put some in lace fronts and you man, Yeah, that will get everything right. It's black white everyone the top of a scene. That's the scene. What about what about patty pass? Yeah. Health experts are warning that it's likely the US won't see any meaningful impact from the vaccinations until well into next year. So keep that in mind as well. Wait a minute, what put it in the crown role? Put it in the crown role? Okay, every time there's every time there's a nice game, it means somebody can't heal it laced the bag with it. So if you passed a bag to somebody. We got you, all right, guys. Coming up more of trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show. Okay, guys, did you know that Colin Kaepernick now has his own Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor. It's a non dairy dessert, which is great news. Uh, and it has been named change the World. I love it. Change the World. That's cool. Yeah, it's really cool. It's made with a well, okay, that part is cool, but check it out how it's made a vegan sunflower sunflower butter basset half the south right now, okay, we're exactly exactly exactly. Then it features caramel and fudge chips along with swirls of Graham crackers and chocolate cookies. It sounds good, though, No though they missed it names, I'm not. The name is excellent. I love the name. It should have been called taking knee. You haven't had ice cream, so damn cold yours? Taken knee? That's another good one. Yeah, y'all gone take a knee. Take a knee. So what would be your flavor of ice cream? What would you want to call? You said, take a knee, Jay, what about you? Nef Junior ice cream? Sit the sail, sail, sail? All right, we gotta go more of the sea Harvey Morning show coming up in thirty three minutes after right after this, crazy you're listening to morning show? All right? So here we are talking about our weekends a little bit more. Jay likes to piddle. He has a lot of stuff that old files and stuff. Jay, you are a hoarder, okay, just hods, paths and houser. You can walk around up in the answer. I'm not a hoarderer, but if you're key being the stuff, you're hoarding it. Okay, this all right? I accepted. Do you have to turn sideways and scoop down? Have you talked to a professional about what you're going to do with these papers? You're a horder? Yeah? All right, all right listen, um let's do ask bitter man and what's what's your disclaimer? Oh? I'm not here to help none of this. None. Look, you're not gonna go walk away with this. Go that's a good way to look in or no philosophying, thank you, better man. I never thought about it. That lay he's so wise, he is so wide. All right, here we go, bitter man. This one is from and feel free to jump in when you see the spot. Okay, here we go, let's do it. This one is from ten Tandanna in Miami. Tandanna ten Danna or Tan Donna says. My aunt is rich and bougie, and she and her husband considered themselves socialites. My aunt and uncle paid my college tuition, and I'm grateful for that, but I'm sick of my aunt judging me. I have a degree, but I can't find a job, so I work part time as a waitress at a strip club, which is an embarrassment to my aunt. What she doesn't know is that her husband comes in the club often. Should I tell her so she can really be embarrassed up in the building. You don't want to tell your aunt and cutting that uncle money that's coming in. You don't want to You'll want the uncle tip money. You don't want to her dad that that's not good business at all. You don't tell your aunt nothing. They ain't nonna her damn been in? Where he going? All right? Coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour, it is our last break of the day on this Monday, I tell you last rate man. We all barely hear me running up in here. Now I'll get a nice break, dude, We done, Jamie, give him last break. We'll have him all done. Yeah, no, one last break. But you and I on that on and fussing. We don't have Look look behind me. You're seeing him all No, you know what we are. We are. That was the last one. You missed it. You missed it all right, as as Jay said it so eloquently. We're out of last breaks, coming up, and we'll be back in forty nine minutes after right after this. You're listening show, all right. Another reminder that early voting starts today. Early voting starts today, uh in Georgia for the Senate runoff races. Okay, we want to pick Reverend Rafael Warnock and John aus Off. That's who we want to pick to send to Washington to help Joe buy and do his job effectively. Okay, you can early vote today, starting today, going through December thirty. First, don't forget. January fifth, twenty twenty one is the general election in the state of Georgia. We want you Georgia, please be mindful. We we got Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in there, okay, even though the President doesn't want to get out, we got him in there. Now. They need all the help they can get. Okay. It's a big, big, big job they have to do, and if we just go and vote and do our part, they can do it effectively. Okay, So please sit do that again again. That's right, that's right. And before we get out of here, Yeah, we did want to mention the passing of country music great Charlie Pride passed away of COVID nineteen over the weekend as well. He was eighty six. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of people do don't know him, but I mean he was like legend, I mean true legend. You know, he was a black man who did yeah country music, uh huh and inducted into the Country Music Hall day. Yes, so he is true legend, true right. They don't talk about him a lot now, but Dolly Pardon he was one of her favorites. Yeah, yeah, I love Dolly Pardon. She's the realist man. Yeah, she said that was really cool. She said a lot of people call me dumb, blind and doesn't bother me. Because I'm neither one, right, I'm not dumb or blind, right yeah yeah, and I always love you is not stupid at all. That's right, that's right, that's right. So our condolence is going out to Charlie Pride and his family of course. Um, and you know, wow, twenty twenty, what a year? What a year? You know what I saw? I saw something this past weekend that said, um, your biggest Christmas gift for twenty twenty is the people that you have left on this earth. That's the biggest present because we've lost so many people you know. Oh yeah, yeah, I have three family members that are dealing with COVID right now. They just got it, like a couple of days ago, they just found out they had it. So yeah, wow, my prayers and going out that happened to us, that happened is where you don't know anybody that that happened to. But with COVID, we all know somebody, all know somebody with it. We lost some one that we knew. Yeah, so many people around us. Yeah. But in spite also reading that, UM, for New Year's resolutions, you know how everybody, you know, we always do these resolutions and I've been reading for twenty twenty one, a lot of people said they're going to focus on self care and mental health and wealthy and really focus on your health because you know, like we were saying, twenty twenty has been such a year. Usually at the end of the year, any year, we always hear about a lot of people passing away. Thinking back, you always kind to hear about it the end of the year. But this year it was from beginning yea, yeah, and then the pandemic with COVID and all that, exactly, surely exactly, so it has been a lot. But we have to, like you said, be grateful time. Yeah, and thank god we're still here, you know, and we're you know, we're going to you know, try to have a great Christmas, as great as it can be, you know, um and and all of that. Yeah, if you can't be at home, zoom with your family and your friends and stuff, you got. I think you guys have your trees up right, yeah, yeah, yeah, the Christmas. Yeah, I'm in the spirit, you know, I'm trying to be right at the same time trying to be safe, you know, the whole I'm still paranoid, yeah, rightfully, so you know, and get out before you before you have zoom. Can you have zoom rehearsal, Just have zoom rehearsal, how to get on and all of that with the family members. Yeah, you get on the day before and say something with that the real quick dream. Let me say this though, my mother law, so for Thanksgiving we did that and my mother law it says, host won't let me in, Let me in, let me, you don't wait, let me let me? Who was the host? I was? Yeah, yeah, my mother law. They can't like sometimes you just can't get in. You get right. I'm gonna ask my family dude this year for the zoom for Christmas, if you have more than three children, don't jump on. We don't want you because you can't participate in the conversation because every time you be talking. Yeah, it's good to see it. Sit down. Sit yeah, yeah, you know. Just Christmas, we so hold on Latians sit get off. Okay, you can't be on. Yeah, you can't be on the zoo because you can't participate. Just raise the children. You need the kids to help you get on zoom. Though you do, it might be and it also might be wise to clean up the room before you zoom. Man, and you're right, and let the other people in other members of your family know that you're on so they won't be in the camera naked and all of that. You know. Yeah, I'm yeah, that happened, not to people, I know, so you're heard. I read a lot, you know, yeah, yeah, but yeah, but I mean there's still a lot, you know, to be thankful for, like we said, a lot, a lot of hope, you know, for the White House. We have a new president, we have a new vice president, you know, a new cabinet. Yeah, so you know, we have a lot of hopeful things going on, and we want to thank you everyone for listening. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the st