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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them back just like a million buck buck things in its tub, y'all to me, true good to the hardy listening to me, to each other for Stu Barnaby, why don't you join yeah by joint give me honey sat turning, Yeah, you go do you You gotta turn to turn out, turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn the water the water go, comey, come on your thinga uh huh, I shill a good model. Everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on, dignon now what it only Steve Harley got a radio show today. I want to just share something with you. Um along your way, um to wherever it is you're trying to get to. You know, every everybody has a different definition for success, and I'm not I'm not here to tell you what yours should be. I mean, please pursue whatever you think success He is aim as high as you can though. Uh, that's for sure. My father used to say all the time. I'm sure you all have heard it in different variations, but he used to always say aim for the moon. Just in case you miss, you'll still be amongst the stars. Just say that to me all the time. So that always was in me to aim high. Now he wasn't and aim with the intent to miss. He was just saying, aim in case you miss, you're still amongst the stars if you aim for the moon. But if you just aim for that first flow wind and you miss it, you know, usually run into some type of wall and nothing happens. You slither down. But a lot of times I think along the way, folks, you know, we just don't understand what all it takes, and so we give up along the way. But there's a couple of things I want you to prepare yourself for. You know. In my book, act like a lady, think like a man. I told her people that me and love three ways. They profess, they provide, they protect, and that's the core essence of a man's love. Well, there's some other peas in life too. And uh now, the number one thing you have to understand about trying to be successful. And I guess I call this the four piece. I may come up with five along the way. I don't know. I'm just talking as it is given to me. So I'm gonna summer. Start by saying, as these are the four piece of uh success that you have to get ready for it. Number one, it's pressure, pure pressure. Being successful is just pressure. A lot of it is applied by the circumstance of what you're trying to go for and what you're trying to do, but a lot of it also is self imposed pressure. It's um, it's it's what you put on yourself to make it. It's it's a sense of urgency, it's it's a sense of necessity. But pressure is the first thing I want you to be ready for. And pressure is in a lot of different forms, but it's gonna be pressured. As an old saying that pressure bus to pipe. See, that's why most people turn around because of the pressure of trying to be successful. I want you to get it in your mind that it is going to be a pressurized situation on your rise to the top. Pressure wise, it's gonna be pressure. It's gonna be difficult to do. It's gonna be moments when it seems like it's real heavy. It's gonna be moments man, when it feel like you're gonna burst us. All comes from pressure. Pressure buster pipe pressure, but understand that that is what it is, is not going to change. That's it. Prepare yourself, get ready for there to be pressure. The second thing I want you to understand is when you receive this pressure, you have to persist. You got to stay at it. You got to develop dog itness has a there's a song out he says, why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat? Nothing but the dog in me? That's a funny line in that song, because really I was thinking about it one day. I was humming it and and and it, and it occurred to me, he said, why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat? Nothing but the dog in me? And you know, now you could take it into literal sense that the cat chases the dog because it's innately is in his spirit that cats and dogs are a lot of times enemies. Now people have pets and help proven that if you show love on both sides, they can exist. And that happens too. But naturally, innately, when your cat goes by a dog and your dog don't recognize him, that some balling going on. I'm talking I just walking through the neighborhood or something. So but the reason that this dog's so persistent towards this cat, it's just cause it's in him, it's innately in him. And what I'm saying to you, just using that as an analogy, is that you got to be you got to be persistent in that. You got to develop some dog in you now, because pressure take some fighting back. See if you don't fight back against pressure, pressure buster pipes, So what you're think it would do to you? Pressure crack walls, pressure calls, explosions. So if you don't fight back to hold it in, you understand pressure does most people in the simple thing called pressure, the weight of what it feels like to want to be successful every single day, over and over and over and over and over. It's just too much pressure. People crack. You got to persist. You have to persist. You can the thought of giving up can come, but you gotta get it out. You gotta persist. The next thing I want you to think about, there's another something that I've been thinking about for years and learn for years. It's called perseverance. See, to persist means to to to to to insist. Keyword in insist and persistence insists you must You must insist that this is going to happen. Now. The persist I'm assuming means it's a pro action. It's some type of pro action that you go towards it to make it. You know, persist, you gotta be persistent, You gotta be constantly at insisting that it happens. You gotta constantly at it. But the next thing I want you to remember is perseverance. Perseverance is important. Perseverance means that when you've done your best, when you've persisted, when you're fighting back against the pressure. Perseverance simply means I'm gonna I'm gonna hang in here now. I'm going to hang in here. What if if a crack come into pipe, I'm gonna hang in there. If the pipe bust, I'm gonna keep going. If I gotta put duct take silly glue, bondo mud, whatever I got to put on this thing. Man, I'm gonna use perseverance. I'm going to stay with it no matter what. So we're looking at the three things again. You got to understand that it's gonna be pressure that you're gonna have to persist. Keyword and persistence Insist. You have to insists that no matter what the pressure is. I'm gonna stay with it, but then perseverance. If it goes wrong, Man, you got to get in there and keep fighting. But then, Lord her Mercy, nothing helps you handle the three peas better than the fourth Peace. You got to pray. You got to use prayer. You gotta talk to God. You gotta use faith. You gotta have some conferences with him late at night, early in the morning, in the middle of the afternoon, when you own the train, when you're driving, you got to talk to God. Man, you gotta get yourself some help along the way. Nothing is bigger than prayer. There is nothing bigger than prayer. Prayer will help you overcome the pressure. Prayer will help you stay persistent, and Lord her Mercy, prayer will help you persevere them is the foe pas that just came to me today. God gave that to me. I'm passing it on. You're listening there. We are, Yeah, we're back back in the States, back off vacation, back from Paris, back for holidays. We are live, live, live, live, and mo live. We stayed live. We're like, who, I don't know what time it is. My body is completely meeting Jack, not seriously because I don't know. I've been overseas for over a month. You've been a lot of times. Yeah, but I've been overseas for over a month, so my body is completely huh. Well, my wife and I we celebrated our anniversary, so yeah, congratulations, celebrated ten years. So we did the south of France, we did the French Riviea and the Italian Riviera, and then we went to Sicily, Palermo and we did the Month Coast, which was pos Tana Capri. See right there, po Tana pos Tana, your Mafi Coast Capri, Naples. Then we came to Paris. Yes, when I bought the crew over as just a token of my appreciation for all of you guys, hard work for holding it down for me and supporting me and everything. You know, we're already playing in the next week. Go ahead, just your first time making it to tune you yeah, heah, there ain't a lot. He went back to that anniversary talk, but limitation and that's a good thing too. That's a good thing too. That's at first time making to him. But if you told it though, I've been married. All the marriages on this show. Yeah, it's in double digits. Nine years. But you can't group. That's half your life. I won't credit sir. Yes, put me down. So good. Everybody a good mood today. Yes, had to hold me up to day because I'm a little bit. I'm gonna be a little bit all week. It's not day, it's Wednesday. It's Tuesday. So I'll see. I'm often that. But in Paris, guys, it was nine We were nine hours ahead of you, nine hours in Los Angeles nine hours. That's why I just said the wrong day. Yeah, don't hate because you ain't go. It's a nationale. How much money y'all spend that? What I wanted? Tell me? Let your husband's know how the morning has spent um fifty dollars and some change with tax and everything. Jay, I think, Yeah, I'm not in this conversation. You've been shopping a long time. He was so tired the other day from shot. Okay, when we come back, we come back. Junior is on tap. He's on board with his segment truth be Told for us, something funny segment. We'll be right back. You're listening to Steve Harpy Morning Show. All right, here we go, Junior Europe. Hey morning, everybody, man, let me just tell the truth right now. And I'm just mean. I don't mean this dispitch nobody in there. I love all y'all, I'm really do, but I just want to let you know something, man, truth be told. I won't be related to Steve for real? What's wrong? No? Because I ain't got no money in my family. You don't I need somebody else beside me money? And I just found it over vacation. Steve, boy, do you been looking to me? Do you know how much? How much? I'm not gonna throw number that? But I actually no, No, I don't know this. But we've been working with him every day. Y'all are so disrespectful. Man? Did I go with him? What? This man? What? We're supposed to treat him different? Yes? Because he broke people you treat better than him. Oh No, I gotta ain't it. I sweat. I never talked to the same No, not long was I know? I'm Steve ain't hill If you don't get your broke gass away from me? Not I'm ted. I'm tired all the pro people I got to be nice to a hid on Stephen. We treat him like he ain't worth nothing. This man he could change our generation. We treat him regularly, treat him like I don't want to treat him. I love you now if you mean giving him, I'll tell you what he bought more than a hunted me. Did you know that? Did you know he was the highest paid? What I want to saying that dude, I was winning when he was working a hundred hollet that I would through. I knew it when he wasn't was nothing but but but now he didn't pass everybody. We're not tripping on you. You don't want to sound like I didn't know he was just rich? Yeah, oh my god, do you need your shoes because you know you're gonna be on teth You're not. We're not doing this for him. We're not to listen and make him work. Forget that. Regular folks got thirty dollar that REGs all right, okay, y'all quit this regular folk, regular people. If may I take yourr that re people two honey million. Yeah it is a little different, but let me tell you something. People with two honey men, you still have to tell you tell that sitting you do this regular time. He don't do nothing. You do know he don't. Okay, So how you regular. You have to sit in a regular chair. He though, Man, that's it, stop it, that's it. You're Henna trying to call you dry. Tommy, keep bothering, Tommy. Drive. God said, you can say just what? How did I get called up in this union? I won't be up now if I can go ahead, just start getting paperwork done today. Change going to be a Harvey. No, you're not getting in this family day. Stop stop you've been You're not getting it. I'm getting my lips and side today. I'm getting my bluffed out today. Every day, Collagen, a whole lot of difference about the buff yours. I'm about I'm on my mustache shot and I'm cutting all my hell and I'm about to bend my knee someone I'll be mobo legged. You look just like, yeah, if I need a mini me, everybody need a mini me lift thing going wrong? And then you're gonna look ridiculous. I'm bleaching myself to get You're gonna send your right in the something I'm telling Okay, when you're healthy and you still ain't there. And that's to see I just see one side of that much day, taking just one side one watching me, watch me, be just like Steve by tomorrow, y'all get on out here with this. It's man worth money, Junior. After you do all of that, that don't make that don't make you worth more money. I see if the closest image I got, I see the bottom lift, real thick in the top lifting. Yeah, you're gonna miss itself. Okay, look like there's my kid. You ain't gonna tell me. I don't see nobody said I want to be like no, ship ain't down. I used to want to be funniest jo Ain't gonna lie to you. J He was my goal. He was my whole girl. I wanted to be that funny on stage. I really did. I wanted to be that funny one. You want the funniest dudes I've ever met? Yeah on stage? Dog? When when the boy ain't gotta go to bathroom here to tell you something? As out there you're gonna make your freik. You're nervous. I'm nervous to the show I got to do this weekend and August already already day. I know or can't tell you something about JR. What's that up? I mean? My this is going on day? Let me see. Yeah, this is two weeks of not shaving. I haven't shaved in two weeks. James Harden comes to mind. What you know, it's it's fool, but it's it's not thick. I need about two more weeks. But you know about two more weeks coming in, you know, I mean about two more weeks. George Wallace's mama has the same look when I saw you, I'm like, oh, Steve, I thought it wasn't. Yes, y'all, don't fight about this now, because I'm telling the truth. I'm not lying lies. When you louse somebody and then when you fuck his mother's day, I gave his mama a weed, whacker said, let me see it, really, ja, I hate you? Oh God, alright, alright, that was truth be told. You want to be joy differently, And I refused to fall on the bows because you need to ride down to to the TV show today because I'm going that way. No, no, no, I'll be I'll be on TV in the car about no a little, about two weeks week and about two more weeks I'll be back. Why will you take your car if he just needed it? You're just giving them all your stuff. You're gonna get around. I don't have to. Oh you go, all right, we gotta go. We'll we'll be back. You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss and will be here with today's national news. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that brank back. Now running back, my roommate, Batty, Yes, my roommate, Beatty. Hello, my speak to Devin. Yeah, okay, hey man, this is Chris. I live a bum of you. I ain't ever met you before, but you you you have. You've been calling the leasing office about complaining on me about I'm making too much noise away. Yeah, man, I'm my bad, bro. I was trying to catch you, man. I could never I could never catch you at home. Man. It's like you know, Brian, I work a knife, I work at night. Yeah. Yeah, you're saying it's work in a day, but I can't sleep at night. Broke it. I'm I don't know what's going on your part, and I'm saying I ain't trying to be in your business. I'm not trying to be your business player. I just can't get sleeping night, man, because it'll be a lot of noise, a lot of noise, a lot of talking and what you do is your business. Bro. I'm just saying, man, please, man, but you ain't have to go to the leasting office. Man, oh you have to do. You know it's hard at me, you ain't. You know they got me written up, like you know what, one more complaint on me, they're gonna put me out of something. Well. Yeah, like I say, though, I was trying to get I was trying to find you. You know what I'm saying. But we guess we miss each other because you you work at night. I work in a day. So you know when you're going, I'm coming, and when I'm coming, you gone, I'm saying, Brian trying starting on. I'm just trying to, you know, go to work and pay my pay my bills. Man, I'll be at work at night. Man. You know what I'm saying. I'm trying to get my monks alone, like you're trying to get yours on doing hol on, hold on, okay, okay, let's make it make sense. Bro. If you at work at night, somebody in your somebody in your apartment talking loud in them keeping me up where I'm betting it. Okay, you've got a roommate us long, nobody, I ain't got no roommates. Many to hitting the talking loud, holding a conversation. It's like two people in there talking loud every night. And that's brother. That's Penny man Benny Be talking. Okay, you said you ain't got no roommance. Who who is Beatty? Who is Benny? Benny is my bird? My parents? That's Benny Be talking like man, want me to die? Listen mind what why Wait a minute, you're trying to tell me, um bird? That's being man. I don't have been in two years. That's my bird. Bird don't even live that long. So so now I'm suing night. I'm that's the word cause cause a bird. That's what you want that that's what you called me to tell me. I'll call you to tell you. You ain't gonna be putting these complaints on me. Man, But I'm that I'm good And that's been in talking man be it in yo yo, beeny. Wait a minute, hey, look, I'm telling you, now do something with the bird then or that's gonna be some consequences and repercussions. I'm talking about some fried chicken around it, and man, plenty of It's like a family remember to me bird too. Can't sam the chicken on the car flake box can tuck a chicken? Just all that. Brid Hey, man, you don't tell me nothing better about my birth. Okay, brother, you know what, maybe man, you need to square off from front of you because you don't you don't disrespect Betty. Man all right, all right, you're taking some alright, alright. I bet that be on my table when I get home. If it's a bird, then I'll bet that be all on the table. Man and man, then you ain't been the city and disrespect me and try to tell me what you're gonna do to my bird. But you ain't gon to do nothing stupid to Betty. Tell you what I tell you what you can date you a hund right now. What you got to work tonight? I bet you bet it. I'll be that tomorrow. I bet you we'll be fingering dood tomorrow. Man, ain't ald on a minute, Man, wait a minute, dog, what you play due and start talking about what you're gonna through to my bird? Not and told you you file for going to the listen office calling me out and now you're on the phone. I'm trying to work this out with you. And now you ain't trying to work. Now, I first stop you. You called me and tell me that it's a bird holding a conversation with yourself. I'm I'm a stupid right now, but I'm a hold of stupid. Even continue this conversation, think of me, I find a night. Are you serious, man or something like? Man? This broy whatever it is, this is a bird or recording whatever. If you gotta do, stop to wait and it was a bird. Man, I'm gonna be sotlard soft. And if this is a bird, I'm really a bird. It's been it, man, it's been it you. All you gotta do is come to me and we could have had a little like me. Hold on, hola, hola, Okay, okay, okay, we're gonna have it like me. And the first off leasting office wouldn't give me a name. What's your nine? My name? Chris? Okay, Chris, I'm dead. There we go, there we go. Listen, dog, I ain't for the past three months. You know what I'm saying, I ain't really been getting no sleep because of this bird. I'm saying it's a bird. I don't believe that, but a bird a bird? My mom dog. That's for ten years. We'll take to work with you. Did I don't care figure something out, but whatever going on up there with you and your fire need to come to an immediate house or it's gonna be something now. He man, hey man, what you couldn't do is threaten me by what's going on in my own home. Man, Look, kill you ain't been it being in ninny whatever the nine meals. You need to do something with that. That's gonna be some Really, it's my why not going back and forth with you about this? You keep telling me something about a bus? What's the problem with it? What's the problem understanding that people have pet birds? Say? Man, I don't give if you have a pet bird? But really, this all night long? How do you? How do you? How do you live with this? Come? They'll never shut up. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what being it told me to tell you, though, God tell you what being a wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait waite white Chris White, White, bro I don't want to hear what I'm bird told you to tell me? Can I tell you what? He told me to tell you? What? What? What? Then? They told me to tell you this that this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You took your prank by your boys, Sean, Uh did I get your man? Got me? You got it man, that guy, I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I have to wait to this dude. Get hound out and talk to him line talk to much you about some posing bird. I don't know what's the stats man. I'll be up our night and I'm saying I'm missing I'm missing my sleep. I'm missing I'm saying I'm missing y'all in the morning because I'm proudly hitting a slow But I got one more thing as what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane? Man, Steve are more in the shop, y'all. Ain't never had a bird rommancything. I like about that boy right there. I didn't give damn and look, man, first of all, I don't believe I love the black facts though when you told him years he said, without checking with anybody Bury that don't leave that crazy. We know a chicken, don't not at all. I don't think they go back six months now. We know a chicken. I got a chicken ten years old because he wants you to get a certain age. The chicken stop laying. And then if you're not gonna be a producer, to help out and we got right, absolutely right, yeah, and that's it. Your career is done. Huntsville, Alabama. The Nephew is coming to town. That's this Friday and Saturday, brand new comedy club Stand up Live right there in Huntsville, Alabama. Stand up Live. Tickets are on sale right now. You want to come to see all these people in my head they've been talking about, get your tickets. Come watch me. I'm ignorant, I'm crazy, and I'm certified certified. It's get so with a hum humorous twist to right there. That's all. That's all I need to tell you. Been diagnosed. Okay, pay money teaching teachers. Nobody gonna pay to be stupid. They were so wrong. They said that your teacher has said that to each one of you each Yeah, you're looking at folk class clowns right here, Yeah, class clowns stuff. All right? Well, Mrs and is waiting in the wings with our national news and headlines. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. Alright, miss Annah standing by with today's headlines. But first Coco. You know Iced Teas wife, Coco. She has a new hair jew sparked unwanted attention and as she took to Instagram to defend her look. Okay, in case you missed it, Coco was accused of being a culture vulture and eliminate thief on social media after she got a braid style you know, one of those braided hair styles that are similar to Beyonce. Yeah, alright. She even caught more heat after she named the look the Coco swoop. I see Iced Tea now, being the man that he is, came to his wife's defense. Uh huh on Twitter, but apparently it only made the situation worse. In new video message, Coco responded to the backlash with recently, I got social media's panties in a bunch because I did braids to my air. This is so stupid. I can't believe I'm talking about it, and I believe this shouldn't be turned out to be a race thing. Coco also explained that she named all her hairstyles, whether it's braids or not, by dubbing them a Coco ism. She then argued, why is everyone claiming something they shouldn't. I know, braids have been around for thousands of years. Don't you think I know that if I want to wear a pineapple on my head, then I should be able to wear a pineapple on my head and call it the pineapple Coco oop whatever I want to do. Yeah, yeah, I just I don't. I don't get that. I mean, really, what's wrong? I mean, well, because she's white and she's wearing braids, so you know a lot. But they're trying to say I guess that she was trying to be original with this hairstyle and Beyonce had rocked it for lemonade. But I mean it doesn't matter. Somebody somebody care. This is lady, what's coin rolling their hair? Now? Call it what you want to call it. But I think it's ridiculous, man, that we get on everybody about everything. It just don't make no damn sense that that are white people reciting rap lyrics with the N word in it. We got ourselves concerned with Coco got some coin row. I'm sorry, man, I got I got other things to do. I really do. Congratulations and if she want to name a handstyle, she should be allowed to just like you should do whatever you wanna do alone. I'm rocking to Steve Harvey cutting clean. Ain't the first one with a ball head? Yeah, okay, remember so, I mean, what's the problem you said, George wat's his mama? One month you hired him. Whenever I'm looking at it as much as it, Jo, Mama got a much that think it in that you ain't doing nothing. I heard of the desert, but you go way over the life telling the truth for that mom for no reason. Well, I think that's why people are making a big deal. See, because she is white. I don't understand. I don't understand because it's a culture thing. But a black woman when you go on vacation, Yeah, do you not see white women getting their hair braided on the beaches? Bo Derek did a damn movie. Where was where? I wasn't get it out. You should have been calling as she was. Okay, Jay, back away from your mike, yes, okay, Oh yeah, y'all need to back away. Good morning, everybody. This is entered with the news. Okay. Federal prosecutors have officially charged a sixty year old San Antonio, Texas tuck truck driver with illegally transporting immigrants to the United States, and cops in Texas say that more than one people were packed into a sweltering tractor trail and no ventilation authority say ten people have died. Another twenty or so people are hospitalized in serious condition. The driver, James Matthew brad Bradley, Jr. Claims that he didn't know anything about the contents of the truck until the people started knocking to get out. Then, he said he tried to help. Bradley could nevertheless face life in prison or even the death penalty for the President. Trump's son in law and see your adviser, Jared Kushner scheduled to meet behind closed doors later today with the House Intelligence Committee, as both houses of Congress investigate possible links between Trump associate and Russian officials during the presidential race. Kushner met with the Senate Committee yesterday, where he answered questions, and afterwards he spoke to the White House Press Corps while occasionally glancing at a printed state. The record in documents I have voluntarily provided will show that all of my actions were proper and occurred in the normal course of events of a very unique campaign and Kushner went on to say that the reason his father in law is president has nothing to do with any foreign power. Donald Trump had a better message and ran a smarter campaign, and that is why he won. Suggesting otherwise ridicules those who voted for him, Kushner took no questions afterwards. Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill have unveiled new legislative agendas that they call a Better Deal. They say that the proposed measures designed to be flexible enough to make life better for Americans across the country, especially by providing new incentives for companies to hire more workers and raise salaries. Uh Democrats say they are also going to be pushing for lower prices on prescription drugs and stronger anti trust laws. They say they've been doing all this stuff for a long time, but somehow the public did not get it, did not understand what the Democratic Party was doing and what the Democratic Party was really about. The fatal shooting of an Australian woman by a Minneapolis police officer not long after a jury acquitted another Minneapolis cop of shooting an innocent black man named Philando Castiel the deaf, has prompted somebody to start posting a couple of official looking black and yellow traffic signs in that town that read warning twin cities police easily startled. And it's accompanied by a drawing of a cop with guns, guns blazing like it can't control themselves. Today, by the way, is National Cooks and Chef's Day would leave me and Shirley out and National Wear Red Shoes Day. Me back with Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hour Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve har All right, come on, Jay introduced the Butterfly big intro for no reason ahead. Hey everybody, it's time for but there really is. Oh my god, Good morning everyone, Stephen, Timmey, Shirley College, and your Jay Anthony Brown. Good morning to all. It's Tuesday, and Stephen, this is what I'm calling Tuesday. It's Eugene's sit your waition around so I have my own situation room like to have alter. Yeah, but I'm I'm the woof. I'm well anyway, I'm the I'm holler. Watch what happened in this room? Go ahead? This is I have a question for all of you all. If you had to wear the same set up clothes for the rest of your life? What would you wear if you if you would? First of all, my answer, it's gonna be my romper. I want my room. But then I went my romper and my rubber at the show in Delaware. But anyway, so we're gonna go around the room. We're gonna stop with it. Lady Shirley, if you can only wear one thing the rest, you're like, what would you wear? Uh? Probably um, one of my white shirts. I like my white shirts and jeans and nice pear of pumps. Okay, Carla Ferrell, black top, black pants, black belt. So no dresses, lady, I want to go with the jeans. Y'all going with paintings. I'm thinking A yeah, I'm thinking. We're comfortable at work. We're comfortable. You asked this at works. I'm in work, moved okay, Junior boy overalls. I'm await in proprest of my life? Right? Yeah? Yeah. They didn't get it. They can't get in anything overall. Did you see him at church? Don't you see him at restaurants? Can't get it in with If you got it, let me analyze and seeing how much I have to pee, it's gotta be something with a veil crow flat So again sharing too much? You think, No, I mean he asked for the whole year. Yeah, I mean we're close and everything, but I'm telling you what I need for me. That's what I need. So not a button fly crow fly and oh and then the draws gotta be let's see brown. All right, we're moving on shore too, stupid, I can't a few time. What would you be wearing? Uh me personally? Just just a T shirt? I don't really want nothing and just naked. Just it'll just covered me down, you know, it'll covered me up with But there ain't nothing that's easy to do. What do you mean, hey, hey shirt? Okay, okay, thank you, Tommy Stephen. I want to wear a pair L T. D Wings with the old J's red suit that they had on at the Hoodies and with a Larry Blackman cameo se coorse for the rest of your rest of my damn every time you see me gonna break out? All right, Well that notes we'll be back. Oh my god, you're listening. Alright, it's time for comedy roulette, guys, and uh yeah, you want to explain it quickly? Jay, al Right, here we go. Comedy roulette, very simple. Day after day, our comedy gets tested on this damn show. You ain't that funny, You ain't that brilliant. Well, we're gonna show you how brilliant we are. We're gonna take five subjects, put them on the wheel. Spin the wheel, were stop. We're gonna riff on it one at a time because we that damn funny. That's what we is. Damn fun Here we go, alright, alright, we'll see how funny you guys are. Here the topics. Number one girls with big heads. Number two bossy women whatever. Number three high butt men. You're not doing the number four men with ugly wives. Number five old guys who live alone like that? And then number six people who clown at funerals. Let's go cat spin the wheel please, Okay, it's not done. Number four men with ugly wives. Let's see what you're getting. Easy, easy. First of all, how do you tell a man that his wife is more manland than him? How do you say that to him? Man? How do you bring it up that your wife's hands look like gloves? How do you say that? I don't mean no harm, but your wife's hands look like baseball? Mitch I don't mean to be disrespectful. How do you bring that up? You know? Sometimes you just got to tell him man, Hey, man, I don't mean no harm. But I'm almost certain when your when your wife was born, the doctor slapped everybody. You know what I'm saying, you don't, I fig what I'll tell you what like this, This is how you know your wife. When they started complimenting other body parts, they just bring up, Hey, I really like their knees. Your wife got some really regular knees. What kind of want when some help to ask me when they say that resting voice in your wife does she's smoking? Has she always had that? I don't know that I should do this route, but I'm gonna just give you some facts about men who have ugly win. Fact Number one, divorce rate is higher. It's just how you got to get out. You know, as soon as they present you with papers, you're gonna sign another thing. I found out a man with got real fine wine just shopping in the gym that you lit overweight. That's a fact people, men who have ugly wine. Here's the biggest fact. Think about men with ugly one. Men hate the night. And we got right hill and get in this baby only thing they hate more than the night in the morning if they wake up and look over that, and she's still and yet man men with ugly and get mad. This helpful still him? She would run away by now. Yeah, yeah, you're going to the mom with her. You don't give a damn wet yet ain't nobody as I left all the damn does and she's still. She's supposed to be online shopping once again, you guys, nail once again. All right, that's it for comedy, re lett Rue. We'll be back with Nephew Toimey's prank phone call right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter subject my husband is never satisfied. But first, nephew, you are on deck. What do you have with the know? How we huh? No hair? What's up with that? Yeah said no, no, Here you go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Resa. Please reesa. Hi Resa. My name is Byron, Byron from the job. How are you? I'm okay, how are you buying? I'm good. Listen. I hate to call you after hours at your home, but there has been some new issues that will be going into effect. That was just tomorrow morning, and we're calling everyone letting them know the new changes have been um issued that will take effect first thing tomorrow morning. So we're giving everyone a call, So don't be alarmed. It's just give me a call letting you know what the what the higher ups have changed. Okay, okay, there's no problem. Okay. After tomorrow, what's gonna happen is when you guys come in, you'll be issued a new key card and that particular card will actually registers when you come in and go out. Okay, okay, all right. Second one is there will no longer be any personal Internet at the job any longer. You won't be able. They're actually putting a block on all computers. All the computers will no longer be able to go to a lot of these sites that you guys go to that you've been um that's been available here in the past. Okay, okay, all right. The last one is reesa do you um, do you wear a hair weave? What do you wear a hair weave or a wig? Okay, well, here's one thing and hopefully you can get this change about tomorrow there's no weaves or hair. Are wigs gonna be allowed? Uh? At the job site from this point on? So as of tomorrow morning, everyone must be wearing their natural hair. You're joking. Uh. No, these are the issues that are gonna be that are in stated, and these are going to take effect as of tomorrow morning, seven o'clock. What does hair we to have to do with any of these changes? The first two I can understand punching in and being on the internet. Yes, that's something that that corporate. But how are we even you're getting into changing? Here? Are they're looking down upon it? Uh? Wigs and hair weaves they have to go. So I'm assuming that if you, like you said, you do have one, I suggest it doesn't come out there taking it down now and prepare your hair to be natural as you come into work tomorrow. I'm not taking my hair down. I've been here seven years and I've dealt with all the changes that y'all have made. But there's no way that I'm taking my hair we've down. I'm sorry. I wish your name Byron? Uh if my name is Byron, and I'm sorry. Let's get back to your weed. This has you're gonna have to do something. Is there's someone that you can call tonight to help you get your hair down and so you can look presentable with your natural hair to mom, No, my weed calls over two or three hundred dollars and I'm not about to take that down. I mean it takes along to them to take that down. Okay, Um, I mean, is this something maybe you can take it down and just wear it on the weekends because as of now, you're not gonna be allowed to actually wear it on the property. And how will you know if someone has a weave or not? Are you gonna do head checks or something? Okay, I'm ma'am. I'm not quite sure what they're gonna do to check it. But by you telling me that you you have a weave, then I have to write it down that you have confirmed that you do, and we got to make sure that tomorrow morning you're not wearing one. But you don't know what my natural hair looks like from my we've are You heard how much I pay for it, So it's a ma'am. It's not about how good you know with the quality of your weaver or anything. They don't want it. They want natural hair. I don't know what that means. But they're going natural, they're going green, they're going natural. I don't know what it is. They're going natural, and so will you tomorrow morning. You need to come in with your hair completely down. Okay, I'm gonna do it. I'm not taking my weave now. Okay, don't put that. Y'all gonna write me up or something. Okay, ma'am. Do you not want your job? Yeah? I want my job, but this don't make no sense. You're talking about personal appearance. I can understand you'll have a dress code and enforcing a dress code, that's one thing, but telling somebody to change that. Have you lost your learn man? You're crazy, ma'am. I'm not good. I have other people that I have to call. Bottom line is, get your hat out and get your butt into work tomorrow and let's not go back and forth anymore. Okay, Well, listen, by rand you're a low mind. If you're thinking I'm taking my weave, I'm not taking out at all. Esa is coming up in there with her hair and I'm sit down in my desk and do jobs. Y'all gonna have to drag me. I said some weeds. You lost your mind, you and your powers that be or whoever they may be. You tell them that I said that. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, listen. Are you telling me that you're coming in regardless with your hair on? Right? That's what I just said? And are you then then we need Why don't you go ahead and bring some boxes in because you may? I'm not you bring this, man, I don't want to have to pack. You get your stuff and box it up, and you're losing your job because you can't take it. You know what? You can do that because I'm a call the news station and tell them you're dragging me out of go behind some weeds? Who wrong? You're wrong? You're wrong? You stupid behind? Are you gonna? You need to watch your language on the lady? Why I need to watch my language? I'm at home. You call me on my own home phone on my time. I'm at my house. I'm not on your fuck. I say what I want to say on my phone. Okay? Can I say what I want on my phone? And then I'll let you go and you can come into the work anyway you want to tomorrow. What is it, Bob? What else you got to say? I want to I want to tell you that your girlfriend Jennifer at your job got me to plank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I know you, hey, reasons this is this is not for your time, baby from the Steve Harby More than your Jennifer, your co worker, got me to prank phone called my blood pressure. I'm gonna kill it tomorrow and I'm gonna pull a whole weave out. You want to come down there and watch me drink out of the blood pressure. You can't be doing that to me behind my weave. I paid too much money. I definitely kids ain't nothing like a black woman. And ha ha oh man. Okay, baby, I got one more thing to ask you, girl, what is the baddest and I mean the badest radio show in the lad well? After this, Frank, you have god y'all upset about this here? Nah? You know you have to bring put certain issues all right, We've but I will say this. Can you can't wear your hat we this Friday and say about stand up live the Nephews in town. I think it's out said right now? Tell me you by yourself, yes, sir, I'm at this new new club in a Huntreal Atabama. It's called Stand Up Live by the same people who on the stardom. Your boy Bruce, Yeah, Bruce, him, him and some other guys and some other girl. I didn't know that. Yeah, nicely. Bruce, still the man, Bruce, Bruce still the man. Yeah, Yeah, I'm still the man. Yeah. A good girlfriend and Bruce, it's been nice. And then he's gonna tell you. He's gonna take you through the story. I know, yeah, you know, I get him a start down here, you know, whenever it was Okay, Bruce, you're taking offers to show you a picture because that's one picture. Picture. That's all I've seen that picture. That's all the one on that might have been the five times, like Bruce, I M gonna make you might not make the man. He gave me my first headline. Yeah, he showed me picture one time. Dollars. Yeah, I was on the first club he had done. Time before he had this club. He had a little bar when you stood on the bar and told jokes. Yeah, before he opened the club. Yeah, just on the barn. He had that club, and he had another one in Homewood that was in a shopping plasm that burned down right, that burnt that a snowstorm. That's how you get a new club. Yeah. I never said nothing about it, and I'm sure he didn't. The biggest in Alabama. The last time I worked at Bruce's Club, I walked out of bruce Club with sixty eight thousands. What excuse me? That's what kind of money that day? Yeah, that's how much kind of money With one of the best clubs in the country. People in now all overpacked it. I made ninety he kept all the food, drinks, and I made Bruce. I listen to your uncle, Tommy, go up for tonight at eight? What's wrong with all? Right? Coming up next Today's Strawberry letter, the subject my husband is never satisfied. Your listen, ain't Steve Harvey? All right, let's get it on, Tommy. Yeah, I want to know what you upset about? Now? What is wrong? Now? Something about the play fences? What what's played? Movie? Whatever you want to call All I was saying the discussion was this. All I was saying is that play fences. It was the side pieces fault. That's what this whole thing is all about. And no nobody to see this but me and That's what's bothered me that y'all don't see that. The whole movie play, whatever you want to call it, was all the side pieces fault. That's what it was about. Number one check this out said, didn't she know? No one? Didn't you know he was married? She knew that, she knew, she looking she wanted a garbage man. Why because she was gotbage. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is straw. Every letter, think enough subject. My husband is never satisfied. Dear Stephen Shirley. I have been married for almost three years now. My husband and I are intimate at least four days every week. I like to keep things hot and spicy. Nothing is ever the same in the bed or wherever we choose to do it. I do all that I can to please him, and I make sure I am pleased as well. Our sex is always amazing, but he is confessed to being unfaithful during our entire marriage. He told me that he's been sleeping with women in our home, on our couch, in restaurants, and even in cars. Not to mention, one of the women he slept with was the only friend that I had well at least I thought she was. He just can't get enough sex. I'm so lost and confused because he says that it is not me. He says he just can't help it. I can't seem to satisfy him. What should I do? Please help? Yeah, all that stuff you were doing in the bedroom, you just really thought you were putting it down and blah blah blah blah blah. No, he was cheating on you left and right, with your friends in your house. That's the most disrespectful part. Uh, it's more than him not being satisfied. I don't want you to miss the big picture. This man is a cheater, he's a liar, all of these things. Um, are you sure you still want to be married to this guy? He can't help it. If he can't help, but get him some help and see how that goes. Don't they have places for people that are sexual addicts to go. Uh, this man, I don't know if he's ever gonna stop cheating on you. Three years, you guys have been married married. It's not like the seven year year itch or anything like that. You're you're practically newlyweds, and uh, you know he has no respect for you, the marriage, your home any of that. I think you need to assess who you're married to. It doesn't sound like you really know this man at all. Uh, you may be looking at divorce court here steve him. At first I didn't. I thought it was just, you know, about too much. The title said, my husband is never satisfied. And the way she started to let her, my husband are intimate at least four days every week. That's a lot of sex. Then she said, I like to keep that it's hot and spicy. Nothing is ever the same in bad or wherever we choose to do it. That's created four times a week. Y'all ain't doubling back on nothing the same? What the heir y'all got going on? I was the first time I was gonna say, well, if it's too much, then dune it down. You know, maybe you should try to dune it down, dial it back a little bit, double up on something, do something twice. But that ain't your damn problem, you know, do a repeat them. You're the same thing four days in the row. Try to come across. That's boring. But you're doing all these activities trampoline and stuff, y'all coming down the steps on each Okay, lay your head down the steps, and then lay your head down on the steps, and then he on top of you. And now y'all just come down the steps your head first, but he on top of you. But every time you hear the step, that's another hump right down. Now that's too much. That's y'all coming down the step and screw at the same time. This is right here, so you're coming down here. Oh that's good for you. Yeah, that was good for me. Now I'm not a mall. Y'all in here on the laundry room. And to cut the washing the ship. Now the next day, y'all just opened up the refrigerator door and just knock all the condiments off the shop, just in the refrigerator, all on top of the meat rack. Just what's going on in here? The more we're in the sand, and then the more we're gonna do it while I'm on the tr y'all shut up. They are during this four days week, every week, and nothing is ever the same. This is happening at this house the downside on the clothes line and climbed in the draws. They're all up in the treehouse. The baby treehouse got got fluid on it. Now, I'm just trying to explain it to you. Now, I do all I can to please him. I make sure I'm pleased as where our sex is always amazing, just out of nowhere after all this, this woman says, but he has confessed to being unfaithful during our entire marriage. He told me he's been sleeping with women in our home, on that couch, in restaurant and even in cars. What exactly? Women? Excuse me, Well, didn't y'all just you were just talking about this amazing sex like y'all have. It ain't ever the same? Then just one day his dumbass come in the house and confess this that he's been a faithful DUDEO in time marriage. He told me he'd been sleeping with women in our home, on that couch, restaurants, even a car. Who is he? Who is this fool that walks in the door and just starts confessing confessed yes for what? Not that he cheated for? What with her friend? Why are you in here running your damn mind? Ain't you busy enough? You have things to do, You got new rooms to explore, you got about eight nine women, and why are you in here talking for you don't have time to talk confessing. It's not what you do. You got to get creative. Boy, Listen to me. Have you been on the shelf out there in the garage? Have you been under here? You've done it under a car. You got your start thinking of stuff car. Have you done it in the hedges, in the hedges, just in some hedges. You gonna have to get rid of that couch. I tell you that you're listening to Steve. Okay, we're back. Now let's go with his letter. I've been married for almost three years, holding our intimate four days a week. Keep things right. They've been everywhere, They've been all over the place. Just do all I can to please. I make sure I'm pleasing. Our sex is amazing. For someday I'm reason the food. And came in the house and confessed, what what unfaithful doing our entire marri three years told me that he's been sleeping with women in our house, on our couch, restaurants, even cause and with her best friend. Did she said, not one of the women he slept we was the only friend that I had, Well, at least I thought she was. He just can't get enough set well We all feel that way. All men feel like they can't get enough set. But you can't hear that thing you want. You just can't. And everything you can have ain't good for you. You know some foods never learned that. I know a dude right now can't get it through his ignorant as that jet cause you can don't mean you shoot, Yeah, you ain't got you just ain't gonna practice no restraint. It's just new. You just out here just doing, just to be doing. You don't know him Tom to just be quiet as long as it ain't he can't get enough set. I'm so lost in case few was because he says it's not me. He says he just can't help him. I can't seem to satisfy him. What should I do? Please? Help get you? Some people get you some people? Does he like it that much? Crying it up? Get your eyes crowded? Obligated to stay with this? You ain't gotta stay with him, But what the hell you want? What else can I do? What you want to? Try to triple ms? Try that that's what anything got really. You gotta do that when anything got real, Jake at your house, you gotta try to and I don't want to kid, no, no, I got to know I might want to the three ms markets Midge's moon shirt, get them three things in that bedroom and the kind of stuff it gonna start jumping off. I didn't say that something probably please. I'm sorry, my pologist. The last time the market red moon shot, apologize because that's not politically okay, So I apologize for that. I don't like you to that saying we didn't know what you get him in there, though that happened all three at the one time. Everything jump off. Difference moon Shine, we're not in prison. What does the moon shoot? They're still selling moon shine moonshine, it's still so. I had a lady on family feud who confessed she was a moonshine tester down in Georgia. She tests moon shot. Really, they bring it to her and if it passed her tests, everybody get her. And assistance had a slogan, I can't remember, and where will you get some monkeys? I mean you get what you get some monkey he's a look around, you can get some monkey him. You can get some monkeys. But if you get them three things in your room, you could juice up you love like I don't need. I don't like that much in mine. I don't want too much. This is too much, this letter, I think, But I don't know what I mean? Why are you with him? How did you recover from a man telling you and he didn't have women in your bed, on your couch, in your car, and he slept with your friend? Why are you still talking to him? So? Since he can't get enough, you ain't gonna ever be able to trust him. The only thing I think this is headed for divorce and he just gonna be your man because he got plenty. He breaks, he gonna run out, he gonna run out. A man only has extra number shots and then he out. That's that's a law. A man has X amount of shots. And then it started dissipate, be in trouble. Yeah, you only got an X amount. That's after that is salt does? She says she can't seem to satisfying. She can't he a perf and everything she thought she was. That's the thing, because she says she likes to keep things hot and spicy. Nothing is ever the same in the bed or wherever we choose to do it. I do all that I can to please all up on top of the garage with it in the oven. There on the oven dough. They hadn't been on the oven dough. You can believe every partner your table can handle all. No it don't she They broke the dough. They ain't tried to brawler dough too. They've been drawing a lot of stuff. You damn. They can't eat on nothing, and they have where that specially being you see him in that. They can't do nothing. They can't bring a spoon. And there she was. I saw, y'all haven't been the garbage disposal. You haven't been a garbage the accidentally hit it on. Yeah, you hit that button, I asked, and hit that button on the garbage got scared everybody because they thought the grinder was gonna get one of them boughts. Yeah. Oh, he jumped up when he heard that garbage. Oh yeah, as soon as you hear that, you're gonna get up. You're gonna stop. All that loving is over with. Asked me another place, I'll tell you how they do well, Okay, like on the patio, or ain't been in patio and them toe ties up on patti. Yeah, the pie tows ain't they've been all on the sun deck. They didn't tow all the times and water see you along this. I know one place they could not have done well. Fireplace. There's no way they hit her foot. Been over there in there, get in there. You know her foot has been in the fireplace. Got a little anchor, that's what them cuts on the ankle phone at five grade and holding off. That's what she got. The ankle cuts on there. And it hadn't been in the fireplace. They ain't been up on the roof too, like they were going up there to fix your satellite dish. She been over started schooling that school, and then I'd been damn here. He came right up on them fixing that satellite in the garbage can. That's one because people don't like garbage. Been that garbage can outside. She went out there and was lifting that bag and threw it in the next thing, you know, she was right in behind head first, hanging down in that din in that good But it didn't done it in that too. Show well, I wouldn't think, so I just really like, okay, well we gotta go, we'll be back. You're listening, Steve har All right, let's get it on Tommy. Yeah, I want to know what you upset about. Now. That's what is wrong now, something about the play fences, playing movie whatever you want to call. All I was saying the discussion was this. All I was saying is that the play fences. It was the side pieces fault. That's what this whole thing is all about. And no nobody to see this but me. And that's what's bothered me that y'all don't see that. The whole movie, play, whatever you wanna call it was all the side pieces fault. That's what it was about. A right number one check us out said. Didn't she know? No one? Didn't you know he was married? She knew that, she knew she looked she wanted of garbage man, right, Why why should because she was gobbage? See was gobbage. That's that's that's why he built the dog on fence in the first place, to keep they seen it like me just hanging there to I'm just saying. They built the fish. They built the fish to keep up crazy behind out of that. That's what it was all about. That's why August Wilson never showed her. He never showed on any movie because they can't find an actress crazy enough to play up crazy bad. Don't you understand what I'm saying? All right? And I'm mad at the dude that played his friend. It's been friend that dude right there? Not friends, that's your best friend. How do your partner? This is your boy? Now? He mad called? You got a side piece? That that that's a deal break on friendship? Right? You gotta be kidding me. I can't, I can't. I can't be your free No, you gotta side What is that about? Man? Code? Man? You analyzing this breaking it down? Okay, okay, check this out call and check this out? Always breaking down? When did she had a baby? Baby? Right now? But look look look not when he was just a goblage man? What then? What you know when he got upgraded to be a drive more money? What's that gold dick right there? That's all about They're all about the side this woman. Then when it got pregnant, huh. Side pieces don't get practice, should never get ever this side he's rule and you can tell. I'll check you out and you can sell. I get what she didn't want the baby, She didn't want to pay at all? What she do out of the baby? If side pieces didn't get what she died get pregnant all the time. They're wrecking homes right now, they don't get pregnant. And then and then you're gonna what's the matter you're in that out what you're talking about, and that's your points all I'm trying to say, y'all, this whole thing was about the side piece. The side piece didn't even want the baby. She didn't want the baby so much. She just died right after she died in spite of everything. Yes, so I'm gonna put my own play together about the fences experience. All right, this is nephew, Tommy. Is the other side of the fence. Yes, the other side of the fence, the other side of the fence. That's gonna be your play. That's my place, the other side of not fences. Not see the other side of the other side of the fence, because you need to see it from a different perspective. What goes on on the other side of the Exactly what they said, the grass is greener on the other side. Stick with me on the movies, get you mail a perfect sense to me everything, Just trying to tell you everything that came out to man. The whole movie about say that didn't make no sense. It made perfect sense, you know, don't damn sick? Let go ahead and don't you agree with Steve? That's what they do everything, everything, everything, everything and something. I know y'all ain't talking y'all okay, so j J, let me ask you a question. How come Tommy pitch ain't on the wall down at the common clue. You ain't got nothing to do with that we ain't talking about. Ain't like that right now? And see what they're gonna do with us again? And I'm just trying to kinda break us up. Don't bring up break up the bro man. Don't bring up the bro man. I went time and right at that the man makes perfect sense. You don't see the brilliance behind this that I analyzed this show. And I want to interrupt and say how genius that is? Thank you, thank you. I want to sit there and step back. Dad Be's kicking in. Get so upset with these movies? Why does why do you let it take you there so much? It just bothers me. Certain that people don't see the hidding agenda in here? What's really going on that you don't see it like he sees it different. What's the word perspective, perspect You know that's hard word. No, I just said otherwise thinking of a word. Maybe that's where my book needs to be about. Something about sad Yes, sad piece, sad piece. What can I do this? Yeah, he's rune. What does it think like? What? No act like think like ade something like that. The other side of side piece, the other side, the other side of side piecing another side. Yeah. Now see Schuman and Shister there. I like that Simon and Simon. Now Simon and got a funkle or something or something like that. Ain't gotten that book. Chuester salmon and like salmon says what something salmon? Salmon? Some simple salmon. Make a simple salmon said simple j you're gonna mess around being the playwrighting bars it with Timmy. If you keep on backing them up, we could do the play Simon Simon, Simon, Simon, Simon Simon's side piece. Call it, don't call it fences, call it the gate. Now like new you would you can't and you can't have a fish without a game. How are you gonna get out? You don't fish yourself? I like that too. Finish yourself here you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for Junior's poem. You missed this while you were out, Steve. Somehow Junior turned into a poet as what you just did. No, you don't know that. You ain't even heard. It's to know that introduced Junior. Ladies and gentlemen, the rising comedic star on the show. So I guess what, Ladies and gentlemen, one who has real talent, one who is a real person. Yeah, one who ain't got to come out. He's already here. Ladies and gentlemen, Junior. Yes, thank you. Steve Differently, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're all that. Go with posts. I've been staying in them. You gotta talking to have different boys and should spur fingers. No, don't do all that. He doesn't shut up. Okay, just go ahead. So, um, I was on vacation last week and I was like, I wrote a poem while I was on vacation. Why is it balled up? Because the points did we put our papers out from pockets? You got it bawled up? Like no, no, my thoughts on him, I'd wait till you hear this. Steve entitled this poem here is called Wait, what I Did on my vacation. That's the name of the poem. The name of the poem is called what I Did on my vacation. That's the name of the poem. Shut up, Jake, you heard he's really here's Jorn right down, like just like, how about that? That's good? We need to do all of it, all right, get on with it. Let's hear it. I went down to my mama's house. She washed my clothes and cooked for me because I don't have no spouse. Some folks want to parry, you know, great old parry. But I was at my mama's house, sitting up under a tree all my mama's favorite. Yes, I do think so, because I'm the only one on radio and TV making this kind of dog. So if you got a vacation coming up and you want to say some cash, just go hang out at your mama's house. You have memories that will last. Oh my god, that was just you bawled up. You know what. Until I heard that, I thought fences was the deepest thing I heard. You think that was good? I'm sorry, I'm dumping way. I won't know what you think. See because you missed the first talking about it was a last slide for me so much. You can relate to this poem whether you saw fences or not. I was lost. I didn't remember no side piece. I didn't know it was a garbage man. I thought it worked that trained movie you watching. I just came seeing Denzel down the train sta some people was on it. I kept going, why is he your garbage man? Why is he your driver? He ain't driving nothing. He was talking to the people on the train. I'm talking about Feller me runaway. Okay, So back to Junior's poem. What do you think? I thought it was great? Did you think it was deep though? Well, I don't know about deeping good though. Give me for atlantic first. First you got to read your name first. Read what I did on my my vacation, On my mama vacation. I went down to my mama's house right there. Come on, boy, keep going. She washed my clothes up, cooked for me. Because I don't have no spouse. Some folks went to Parry, you know, great old Parry. But I was at my mama's house, sitting up under a tree. Can I just say something, energect That was not the tone you used the first time. You changed it right, not changing it. Change the damn you keep reading my Mama's favorite. Yes, I do think so, because I'm the only one on radio and TV making this kind of though this is a new mix. He is remixing his own thing. It's good. So if you got a vacation coming up and you want to say some cash, just hang out at your mama's house, you would have memories that last. That's what I did on buy vacations. Thank you, you know what. Let me just say this and good thank you. Car. I tried to blue Ivy so far is the best I've ever heard. I don't know what. Listen blue, give me blue all day, all day long. So you say you're going to a new label when you get new haters on. You said you're going to a whole new level level when you get new haters level new devil. Non't that first of all, I'm not a new I'm an old ass hater. Okay, I'm not new. You're just not a poet. To me, you're incredible comedian when you have a pot. But you know, since we picked, it's too many shots being fined. What I heard the one I needed to hear say, hold up, man, you ain't much of an actor either. He's a great junior. I always thought he could that he can, he ain't doing. That's how I can't running down my talents. Okay, then I got to shoot down yours. We're talking about it play writing skill, because he can't write. He's a great play writer who stove Papa raised money and stove fine piece of theater. We're gonna do a different one called where Papa raised side piece. That's what we're gonna Where is the rest of paper raised dates. I'm what I'm I'm here and st tell you what I don't. Thank you, M right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right. In the past, guys, research show that marriage was linked to a longer lifespan. That meant like fewer heart attacks and strokes and a lower risk of depression. Day changed. But now that was in the past. That was in the past. But now this new research actually is showing that there's a link between being married and good health, but it doesn't really exist anymore. Okay, they're saying that that link doesn't really exist anymore, is what they showed in the past doesn't happen now. Study author Dmitri Tuman says work family conflict has increased in the closing decades of the twin the century, and spouses actual time spent together has decreased. Uh so all the demands of being married, as well as actually spending less time together takes his toll on a couple, and Steve, I gotta ask you, you know, I always have to start with you. Are you happy with the amount of time you get to spend with Marjorie with your partner? Do you feel like being married is stressful? The real question? Going on forty days in a row, on the on the same trill, the same rule, every single meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and we did movie night every single night. I never once got tired of Wow. Yeah, I asked that we did not get We did not have a fight. I'm not saying we've never had arguments or dispute that it's not true, But on this vacation we did not have one disturbance. Yeah, you know, let me change something I just said. I said, I asked you that for a reason, because you guys look so happy. Now, what I meant by that is after vacation. When we went to dinner, you're making eyes at each other, you know, I mean, I know you guys always did that, but it seems like more now since you've been a vacation. We slept together to go to work. Oh yeah, turned it up, turned up at all. It just seemed like I was. I was out of it. Where did you have the three m with you? I didn't need them. I was in there just my own self, me, myself and moden me. Yea, well that's good. Yeah, because you are a little, you know, lighter, a little more pepping your step. Yeah, I gave you about eight pounds, don STI but no, I mean lighter in your scause. I feel much heavier now. You know you're lighter. That's good that Yeah, you're happy. I here, Well, I gained at least eight I ate whatever ball, I had ice cream every day. Yeah, I had ice cream every day. Yeah, but takeaway. I just had at least least six times a week, at least six times. Fried fish. Yeah. I created my own sandwich, fish sandwich. What was it that made that? You know? Whatever? They catch the fresh catch, yeah, and just tempured fried and then tar the sauce, cheese, sliced tomato. Come on now, butter bond you damn Neil. What you had basically what you had would take a diabetic out. That's the exactly that you had. You you you, we we would be at your weight, no way. Oh my god. What about that guy every day? Well, yeah, I want to I want to say as I definitely, because Tommy's married, I want to ask him. We'll get to you too, Jain. Okay, Well, in the past they say that married people, you know, we're happier and things like that, but now researchers are refuting that, saying that it's more stress and less time with very stressful. I think you need to have spend some time and then three days after that break from one another. Every fourth day. Let's see, let's see each other every fourth day. Other than that, get out from under me number you make me. We'll get back and ask you. Jay. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, so before the break, we were talking about the study that these researchers they were saying in the past, damn time something. Hey, hey dog, we were not in the wilderness. They're talking about you and Marjorie. We weren't on the wilding. We weren't on all and it was raining like Noah, like Noah, and the animals too much? So how much Jay? How to three days? I don't know how kind of loving him? I mean, that's where the phrase comes from. Me. You make me sick, man. People say that a lot. Yes, make me. Oh my god, you made me so sick. You're you're you're sick of looking at you? I mean that, Steve. There's always exceptions to the rule. Exception exception. You've been me and you man. You was a when it was dayeah, me and he was in the same boat. I was in the hell. You can't know. Yeah, that's moment. Man. You know, why are you trying to be a Christian? I've been to hell and the other words sound worse than that. Why would I want to do that? Friends? I had to use a couple of times when I was marrid. Was I gotta get a ticket to go home? Oh? I hated that. Well, you know, I go do work at work and then I had to go back home. Man, Damn, you see in the breakfast room, they see them eating, and you're going to fix your plate. Just take your ears onto the bedroom. Yea, you do want to eat by your Yeah, man, do you guys enjoy being in a relationship at all? Sound because that's it doesn't sound like that. Yes, I'm just saying not for a long period of time, not like what made Do you understand it's till death? Do you part? Death? Give me dad? That's what say? That's not that's not the vill say that Jay's married until it feels like death and he damn it, let's du part. He said he'd rather have death. I think he just said that kill me. Now all right, young young junior, what do you contribute to this conversation? Now me? You know you personally? Anybody to get any emotion too, I need somebody. I mean sure he got a cousin of relative anybody. Yeah? Are you ready to get fixed up? Now? You know what's getting girls, you're ready, don't don't break our running over here. You don't want here's a rule. You don't want nobody that knows, people you work with, you don't want these people. These are not good people. It's a reason why the people that they know ain't got nobody. These ladies on this show, but women that they know it's a reason, and they're trying to put him on you. You don't want that. Then you have to look at people you work with, Funny, why the hell did you do that to me? You're listening to the Steven Show. Here we come back, Steve with our last break of the day. This is time for just one more thing. Um. I have a story about this lady who's eighty eight. Her name is Marie hollow. Uh. She isn't letting her age stop her from doing what she's always wanted to do. Now, remember she's eighty eight. She wants to skydive. She wants to sky dive at at eighty eight, she says, sky diving has always been on her bucket list, and now she can finally cross it off. She said, she did it, and she's so happy she did it, and she's so happy. Yeah, d yeah, I think George h yeah. Uh. Not only did she try skydiving, she's been systematically going through the list of daring accomplishments she wants to experience before she dies. When she was eighty four, she did the edgewalk at the CNN Tower. Really, I don't I don't know where that is, Okay, yeah, thrill seekers walk around the outside of a very tall rooftop in Toronto not to see and yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah she said. She said, if you're afraid, don't do it. You only live half a life. So you know, if you're afraid, you only live half a life. So what's next for this fearless great grandmother? You a ask racing a car on a closed track. She's definitely not slowing down yet at eight. I'm not jumping out no damn plane. I definitely would do that, jump out of plane. I would love to. Yes, I love you. So what else is on your bucket list? Feed? Well? I mean, Jay, you jump out of plane? What you know what? People don't do that? Ja, I would love to jump out of Let me push you. Well, you can set it up. You jump out the plane though, Ain't you got diabetese skydives? I'm just asking Jay. I ain't talking to all diabetics out there. Don't email me a damn thing. I'm talking to the one diabetic that I don't. I'm just asking him. If you jump out the plane, don't that shoot your insolent levels over? Ain't you gonna need some orange juice? Like half away? I'm gonna try what I know. I'm gonna need double double double double and double double double deep end. Why do it, Jack, because I want to do it. My daughter Brandy jumped out of the plane. Yeah, yeah, she did it with the US. Yeah. How how was it for her? Does she like it? I don't give it when people used to bungee jump and all that stuff. Yeah yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. People and got killed bungee jump. Yeah what about that? Don't do nothing that tragic? But we've done that. Jay, you gotta go see the movie Girl. We did it. It was fun. I enjoyed it. That's fun. I do it. I don't know if I'll do it again. Ever, I don't think I would do it again. Yeah. I was scared about riding on rides that say six legs, these are the rides that you won't get on it and stuff like that. Yeah. I don't like stuff that spins continue. Yeah. I don't like spinning rides. You know. I rode a roller coaster one time. I ain't like it. Do you like sore? At Disney World? You're going on damn well, but it looks like it's just a picture. You're going somewhere. I don't want nothing to go up high and I could come down fast. I just don't, man, I don't see you know what I Yeah, you don't fly it's safe. Yeah, you know. You you hear about more you you hear about moo rides in carnible rides breaking, then you do planes. But like, here's my problem. I do not understand fun and fear in the same sentence. I just don't get that to bed. You know what my fear is Like I see on the news where a roller coaster, a roller coaster stops and it's stuck in the air, up in the air, and people just sit. Tell me, how about this. You're driving your car with your family in it, and then they started lightning, and then you got to pull your car over and hide under the dashboard that in front of your kids. Leave my kids out of this, man, Okay, okay, okay, let me take your kids out of it. How you like driving down the street. Then they started lightning. Then you had up under the dashboard in front of some other people. Sometimes people sometimes people just don't see you do something. Yes, tell me talk tough to the thunderstorm, show up. I don't jay, I don't care what you're doing. As soon as he hears thunder, he done. He's done, He's done, Steve. It was the story you were out about this man. Remember this one Tommy and father of a bride. There was an outside wedding and a storm was coming. Father of the bride was doing a speech and the lightning hit the microphone. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.