SHMS 012717 - Digital Feed Podcast

Published Jan 30, 2017, 11:46 AM

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all bag allong looking back the black dog giving them more just like theming bu things and it's touble y'all to be true. Good to tete harty guy listening to me together for Stuart Quickley, don't you join yeah by y'all joint period doing me honey, sat turn yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn out at the turn you love. He got to turn out to turn the water the wan to go. Comey, come on your face at it. Uh huh, I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harley got a radio show man instead of trying to be about the business to y'all, I'm I'm I'm I'm doing all I can. But you know what's crazy in the efforts that I make. I can do more. You know, my father used to tell me something when I was growing up. He says, son, when you've done your best and you've done all you can, sit still for a second and just do a little bit more. Always remember that, he said, when you've done the best you can and you can done all you can, think of. He say, sit still for a minute and do some more. And you know what I've discovered in my life, always have a little more. I ain't ever just out out out completely. I can't take another step. There ain't another breath in me, There ain't there ain't another thought I can produce. I'm never completely out, man. Just take a rest for a minute, man, and then just do a little bit more. And that that I can't tell you how many times that's helped me get over the top. You know, I was watching a documentary about people climbing a Mount Everest and how difficult climbing Mount Everest was and how they have on the hill, uh something called like a death zone or killing zone where the majority of people run out of oxygen and they have to turn back. Well, what's crazy is it's right in view of the summit. You can actually see the top of Mount Everest from there. But it's but it's that little bit that's left that's this most difficult. Now that I forgot all the reasons why they said most people don't make it from there, and more people have lost their lives in that area. I don't know what it is, but the people that make it to the top of Mount Efforts. They all had to go through that same zone or that same area, but they had a little bit more that allowed them to get to the top. You know, a lot of people have had accidents up there trying that. So I'm not even really sure if Mount Everest analogy is a good one. But let's just break it down a little bit more. Let's just talk about life. There's a poem I learned back when I host Pledge, and it's called Don't Quit. The authors are unknown, but the poem was called don't Quit, and I had to memorize it. I memorize this poem when I was eighteen nineteen, but the poem stayed in my head. I'm gonna try to remember it right out. I'll say it for you. But there's a stanza in it that talks about how many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow. You know. That's a stanza that always sticks out in my mind. I'm gonna say I can memorize one whole of right, Okay, this is the point. There's the author is unknown the name of the pointments. Don't quit. It goes like this. If I make a mistake, I'm just trying to drump it up. So here we go. It says when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when your funds are low and your debts are high, when you want to smile, but you have to sigh, when cares are pressing you down. A bit, rest if you must, but don't quit. For life is queer with his twist and turns, as every one of us must sometimes learned, And many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow. Often the gold is nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man. And often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup, and he learns too late, when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out. It's your silver tent of your clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are it. Maybe kneel when it seems afar. So stick to the fight when your hardest hits, when things seem worse, that you mustn't quit. Okay a minute, cool. I remember it because like they had a special method of helping you remember stuff back then. But I remembered that at that point right there. Has kept me a lot of times. You know, if we often talk about scripture and everything, and I don't, I don't see how I could live without it. But every now and then, man, somebody has a writing. God puts a writing on somebody's heart that delivers a message, man, that can help people. I use every motivational tool that I possibly can to climb this letter of success or try to be the best father and the best husband I can be. I've done a lot of changing over the years, and so have you. But change is necessary in order to grow. If you don't make changes, folks, you can't grow. I was a young man on my set. I kept looking at him, and a sharp little young dude just on my set, and he had these dreads and I mean they were they were super long, man, they will well be low the middle of his back. I mean it was just long. And he kept talking to me, and he kept talking to me and talking to me. Now, I know somebody's gonna take this the wrong way, but this is my story. So you know, feel how you want to feel. Already know the emails is coming. You're talking about it. So your man kept talking to him, and I said, hey, man, you know you do. You're here a huge self of favor in the business you and if you got a haircut, you would do yourself a huge favor. I said, your images everything, man, I said, you keep stopping me in the hallway to try to tell me what you're doing, what you are, but all I see is your have I keep trying to figure out what you're doing with all that hair. Man, Now you can feel how you want to feel. But I'm like an employer. I employed people. So when I'm walking through the hallway and I try to think of you traveling me with me, and you're sitting in a meeting with me, I try to imagine you in your suit sitting there talking business with me. And so, just like other employers are, I'm just having a real story with you. So I said, man, you ought to consider cutting your hair. He said, mad, Mr Harve, I've been growing his hair side a little boy. I said, how holder you now? He said twenty eight? I said, well, how long you want to hang on to what you was when you was a little boy? You know, if you started growing your hair when you're a teenager. I mean, you're twenty eight now? What we and? I said, so let me help you understand something. Let me let me ask you something. What does it do for you? Hes man, it's just who I am, it's I said, so you your hair? He said no, no, but it's a part of me. I say, that part of you that you're hanging on to. What does it do for you? I just like it? Well, dog, I like ice cream, but I feed that. But if I hang on ice cream and eat ice cream every single day, my body gonna reflect that, and the dude you see on TV gonna be a little bit fatter and a little bit fatter now already ain't ain't ain't to catch me out when it comes to looking at So now you start busting out of these suits, I said, I got a problem. He said, man, So you don't hang on the nothing you did when you was young. I said, I probably do, man, but I've tried to share the majority of it. As I've gotten older, I don't. I can't think of anything I used to do with fifteen that I still even really care about right now. The other day I was walking through the hallway and uh, he said, Mr Harvey, and I turned around. He had a haircut. I didn't even know the cat. He He looked so different, he was so groomed, he looked so just vibrant. Man. He had this big smile on his face. He said, Mr Harvey, I wish I had done this a long time ago. And you know, I'm just saying that to say this, man, what is it that you hanging on to that you don't want to let go of? That's prohibiting you from being what all you can be? See, it's hard to be what all you can be if you want to keep being all you was? Don't that make us to you? So I'm I can't tell you how many times I've had to change. Change is necessary to grow. You can't be all you can be if you want to keep hanging on to all you was. That don't make no sense. How do you go forward? If you keep going backwards? You can't stay here and go there? Do you understand that If you want to go over there, you must remove yourself from right here. Oh I got right Here is comfortable, I got right Here is safe. But over there's where the shade is. Over There's where the fruit is. Over there is where the opportunity is. Over there is where the mountain of goal is. So why are you stuck on here? You got to leave here to go over there. You can't be all you can be if you want to stay stuck on who who you are? Change his growth is necessary. All let's go. Steve Harpy Morning Show, eighteen eighteen minutes after the hour. Welcome to the Ride. It is the Nephew, Tommy Production Production. Welcome to the Ride. The Nephew was here holding it down on the Stephen's out but I am. Yeah, he's on this way to the Philippines. He's en rapped to the Philippines to do Miss Universe. I wish I was going. I probably wouldn't come back if I went down there. But that's just me though. But anyway, good morning to sir Ly Carlin was happy morning, Nephew, morning, Carla, morning everyone, Happy Thursday Thursday. Yeah, crew, good morning, you're talking about you on your way to the Philippines. If I'm not, I'm not, he is. If you were on your way, I wouldn't. I would just be a one way ticket. Yes, is she listening this morning? Your wife? Obviously not that ignorant stuff that can't just came out of his mouth just be flowing. You can't turn off. What did some ignorant stuff this morning? Okay, I get dressed because you know, I'm always putting on my running get because I'm a run on as soon as we get off work and then go eat and the crazy. Yeah, so I'm you know, I'm rushing and I'm getting dressed, and then I get in the get in the truck. I said something I don't feel right. Then I pulled on down the street. I said, something really doesn't feel right. Guess what what I was in my droughts. I hadn't putting on. I hadn't putting no running anything. I was like, I got the top home, but I ain't got the bottom on. I was rushing. I was in my drone. I had drove down the street. Yes, I said, okay, let's go back and get some clothes, and hurried, did you wake up late? I didn't wake up. I don't know. I just wasn't I just was not paying it. Is that something when y'all getting dressed in the morning that holds you up? Huh, like when you're getting dressed, is this something like that that just the shower? The shower for me? Oh yeah, because we have to shower to wake up me up. I don't care if I wake up late. You gotta do you gotta do it. And sometimes I just overstay my welcome in the shower because it's still so good in the morning. It's warm, you know, it's hot whatever. Yeah, that's what holds me up. Do you have your clothes laid out? Oh? Absolutely, yeah, No, I don't like that's my problem my clothes out, Yeah, because so surely I have to. Yeah. Her and Steve. I think Steve does the same thing. Yeah, he's because when he don't, he's come to work with some crazy stuff on. Yeah. I don't like my stuff. I don't run right out the shower, put on the road being the closet, throwing stuff, and it's hard. I hate that because I come to work, I'll be like, I can't that you comfortable? Way to come on in here? That's too much thinking in the morning. What am I gonna wear? What am I gonna wear? Just I don't know. I'm so tired at night, you know. Yeah, I'm too tired to lay it out sirly. So that's what I mean. But in the morning, I'm in there just taying the whole closet up, trying to figure out out. But I'm gonna do to that. Yeah, that's one thing I do. I have to leave my clothes that. The other thing is sometimes makeup takes over a minute longer than it should. I forget I'm going to work, you know, I'm doing all this extra stuff. Lashes, you know all that you put your lashes on every morning? Uh, well, you know I have stripped. Sometimes they stay, but if they don't have to put a new set on, how long it take? It doesn't take long, but in the it doesn't take long. But you know, you prefer to just for them to just be on. I'm about I don't know, y'all. Y'all got too much going. But Shirley is good at at doing things like that. I have to just go get mine done every two or three weeks. You know, where I'll put my out be so blind, I'll be like, what are you in a patch? But I'll did carlall you magnifying mirror, I have that. Oh well, never mind what Tommy, I got all that, she said. I'm still going down here to the last place. I'm just saying, y'all, never done what I did halfway down the street and just realize you was in your panes. You ain't never done that. No, no, pressious out. I got that from really precious. Yeah, I've forgotten my phone and I had to go back that all the time. Y'all know I do that all yeah and stuff like that, but never I remember when I was pregnant with Sheridan, Um, oh boy, I took the and I never do this. Well, I was doing it back then, but I had the I was going out, so I was going to take the garbage out with me and so I you know, I had that the garbage of keys, my bag and everything. So I got in the car and you know, all of a sudden, I was like, dang, what is that smell in here? What? What is my car smell? Yeah? I looked in the back seat. There was the garbage just sitting up there like a passenger. The only thing was missing was the seatbelt. Around the garbage. So I got to work, Yeah, and I had to throw it away. Yeah, but you know you you are a lot a lot of times forgetful when you're pregnant and stuff like that. I can't I've done that before. But now I can't leave my phone though. Oh no, no, I miss work. My phone can't just stay at the high I my phone came, could be sitting there on a nice thing, stale. Still, we're here. We're here with that. You'll be divorce. How long have you been married when your anniversary wasn't around? Remember when? What was it in the phone? I'm gonna need you to know, though, of all the people talking right now, it's my phone, it was it's in your phone. Well, thank god, but you can't hear my phone though. But surely your husband. Surely your husband he knows the anniversary day because it's his birthday. Yeah, because I I test my husband every now and then, I said, what does our anniversary? He'll go in August and I'll say what day it's not in the beginning of I know that, I said, you don't know an anniversary date? Yeah, He'll look around and then he'll try to narrow it down. It's not the second week each other. No. Net Show doesn't know that. He remembers that stuff better than I do. Yeah, he does well. He slicked though. He can put it on his birthday. Yeah, that was a smart most smart remember. Yeah, he remembers those important dates and I'm happy about that. That's good. I don't have to worry about it. Yeah, he remembers my birthday, remembers my birthday. But the anniversary, I have to throw a little hints. You know the anniversary is coming up. I know you right. You didn't know until I just brought it up. We're coming up. Speaking of just bringing up things, Um, we're gonna do Steve something funny and honor of Steve not being here, we have this funny clip. Patty LaBelle has been in the lose a lot lately with her desserts and stuff like that. We're gonna revisit, uh when James Wright Chanelle put her on the map. He'll tell you something new from Patty as well. Yeah, you're listening to Steve Show, all right, as promised. We talked about Patty LaBelle before we went to break She's she's more popular now almost for her desserts than she was, well, no, I can't say that. I can't because her career is so long, it's so brilliant, it's wonderful. She didn't think yes, yes, yes, So anyway, we're gonna James right, Chanelle. When Patty started making her sweet Potato pies, we didn't really know about him until we didn't even know this guy, James right, Chanelle. So he came along and did this YouTube video about Patty's. Yeah, well, we're going to play that when we come back for see. Now, why are we doing it? Wasn't because Patty has a brand new dessert. Baby, all right, here we go. If you want to know what Patty's pass on the map, it was James right, Chanelle. Pat right, here we go on my own? Why did it in this way? If anybody know Patty bell tea in the video, Patty whoa, that's turned into Patty. You turned into Patty after eating this m Patty's eating How is he that you people who laughed together go to wal Mart and buy the Patty the Bell pie. Oh, my friend, I'm never doing two things, but I know now remember and he was trying to open up the Patty Sleep Potato pie box. He was like, Patty, what did you what is your gorilla glue? What did you glue this with some gorilla clue? I can't get it. It was yes, yes, but he helped Patty LaBelle sell like what two and a half million pies? Yeah? So now what she got? Now? Okay, we love sweet potato pie? Right? What was our other favorite dessert? Banana pudding? Patti LaBelle Ladies and gentlemen new banana pudding in Walmart. So you want to that is he doing that? Is he doing that commercial? But he should because it was he he should. Yeah. I'm just so proud of Patty though, because you know, she has a great singing career. You know, we all knew she could cook. She came out with her cooking shows, her cook books, and now she's doing it for real with the sweet potato pies. I tried to get some of her sweet potato pies for Christmas. Not a one. Not. I mean, I want to about six Walmarts, not a one. You know, you know Patty stays out there. Let me think about a different world. Patty was putting it down a different world. Remember she was the motherfd Dwayne, Dwayne's mom. Remember Wayne's character. Wow that, Patty, go back to sold your story. Here's that guerrilla glue line. Hold on buying this part. It's hard to get in this, Patty. What you feel this put gorilla glue? Patty? Oh there we go. Come on, Patty, you's gonna come out. Come on, Patty. That you people who that together go to Walmart and buy the part bell Pie. My friends, I've never known two men, but I don't know. I love it so so so is the banana putting out now out it is out. You can get it in Walmart right now, the vanilla wapers, all of that, the putting, all of that, it's right there for Walmart. So I get the pudding and the sweeper table. That's right. Desert is set. You're good. See That's what I do. After I run, call it, I run. Then I do stuff like that. Don't you eat so crazy? I'm gonna run. I'm gonna get me a video. I'm gonna run with the sweeping table one hand, banana putting in the other one. All right, coming up, run that prank back from the next We'll be back on my own. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Frank phone called coming up. What you got a nephew? Do you want something stupid this morning? Can we do this? Can we just? Can I be stupid all morning? That really a question though, for real, But I just feel like it's just time for us come back into the show. Do you man, if I'd be stupid? Good, You're gonna do it good? Okay, it's hard for you not okay. And by the way, I'm coming up at the top of the hour, miss, and we'll be here with our national news and I have to miss a most stupid Yeah, that'll smooth it out a little bit. Okay, you don't have to balance me prank called up next. I promise you to be stupid. Baby. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to Charles. I'm looking for Charles. Yeah. This Charlotte, Juna, This Charlotte. How can I help you? Hey? Listen, um, I'm I'm my speaking with I'm sorry this Scotty man. I'm I'm house sitting for reader. She y'all okay, okay, yeah, yeah, she told me she was going outtown. What can I do for you? Brother? I caught y'all down on the way man. Yeah, I mean the house folk, I house. Yeah, I think let's see. Yeah, we're full houses down. Okay. Now she loved me a number man, love me, y'all know me. And then she loved Miss Dars. No, I try to call Miss Darts, but then nobody answered the phone. Yeah. She normally in church around this time. Ria said she was gonna be gone for a minute. So you say you're doing there right right right there? She told me if I got an emergency anything, that I could reach out to y'all and call y'all. Right, right right, okay, are you are you busy right now? Man? Well? Actually, I'm in the middle of cooking my wife from dinner and uh, I got some meat on the grip. But other than that, you know, okay, I mean you you you are you able to help me out with something right quick? Or you got you got time for that? Well, like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking. If there's something I can help you with, I you know, I don't mind coming down there and and uh showing you doing whatever it is that we need to do. Okay, Charlie, would you help to have any paper? Man? Any paper? Yeah? I think I got some newspaper. What you're trying to No? No, no, no, no, no, no news, but let me some paper. You have some paper? What notebook paper? No? See man, listen Charlie. Like I said, my name is Scotty. Man, I know you don't know me. I didn't got myself in little situation here down here, read the house, man, and I I didn't. Man, I'm in a situation. I actually and in the bathroom man, and it ain't no paper in here. Dog. So you're saying you want me to bring you some toilet papers. I mean, if you're on mind, I'm sitting here my legs and got none. Can feel my my whole little body, man, from butt down, I can't feel nothing in my feet, everything, and went to sleep on me. Hold up by this dude out here at read the house saying he wanted me to bring hind some because he didn't got numb sitting on the truk. Man. Look at here, bro, I'm in the middle of cooking. I wish I could help you, but you know, I mean, I can't tell you here about four hours. The doctor used to run down here right quickly. I'm in the back door. I has to say, Man, I understand all that you're saying, But like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking for my wife. We're having a little special occasion because our kids and stuff going, and I can't de lave her like that. Just become bring you know taper. Now, what I can't tell you to do is if readA got one of them ties or something. Town man, I'm not using nobody town like. That's disrespectful. Man. Okay, hey, but lower your voice. Man. You called me to help you, and you acting like I caused you to not have the half take the bath all I'm asking for just and they're gonna take no more for two or three minute. Run down here right quick and bring the paper man, and then you get on back to your doner. Well, what you was sounding like what you need to do? Bro? You said you had emergency. That's not the house of the dogs had got out of uh you had locked yourself out the house. But I'm not gonna come down and bring you know, take me because that don't sound like emergency. That's not like some personal Furthermore, you're in the bathroom, just jump you about your clothes, getting the shower and wipe this. So I'm not saying the dog that's like I said, I'm numb right now, Man, I need some help and over so you want me to come down, then bring you some toilet papers, pick your numbers. You can't get up out the tarlet. If I was to help you, lass, then that's why I'm trying to tell you I'm in an emergency. Man. Okay. Well that like I said, Man, that don't sound like emergency. Like a little quick fix. Get your drawings and wipe with your drawings. Wa go get you some moons. I mean, I'm not trying to walk full houses down there to bring you some tilet paper, you know. I'm Hi. How are you gonna get up and over there? No, the backdoor is open. All you gotta do is come in here and reaching here and pass me a roll of paper. Man, That's all I'm asking you to do. Mr Charlotte, I understand that. But I'm not going to come down and bring you know paper. I'm not going to bring you and bring me some damn paper down here? Man, don't you? Man? Say? Man, who the hell you? Thank you? Hiling that you need me? I don't need you? Well, won't you to do something? Man? You'll see I'm sitting in a situation. The reader left y'all number that y'alla helped me while I'm down to your house watching man. Here's crazy, baby, Man, what roll with you? You're gonna call me asking me to bring you some news paper. I told you that I was on in the middle of fixing me and my wife from dinner, and you come calling me talking about some paper. Man. I don't want to hear no about and I ain't coming down there to bring you know paper man. Hello, Charlie, you're gonna bring this paper man? Man, Look like I told you before, asking to bring you know paper down there. We're on waiting ones on this street like old on. Man. I can't just you can't to leave me and I'm numb like this not to come bring no wrong man, no toilet paper because here responsible when he going into the restroom. You too wrong for that that this is sent your wasting though this is an emergency, man, Man, that don't sal in the emergency. That sounds like a personal problem that you got going on. You want to get off of here, man, you know, piss me off. I don't give a about you being piste out man, not a fact. As soon as you get your out of there, you so man, you come on dying here. I'm coming with You're coming down there the way? I am just like this hell and I'm a warp. Your for not helping me while I'm gonna sit your weight with brill. So I got one more thing I need to say to you that I'm gonna do. Is you're listening, brill you I got some snake skin and shoes and fit right up in your clean up on it. I got one more thing. Is you listening? Man? What the man like I said? What you got to say? Man? That's his nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your neighbor. Reader. Ain't this banner from the radio station? Is this comming from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. I'm a whoop? Reading got you to man, you had me. I was to come down there man and down and whoop you You better be glad. I'm eating. I can't believe it. Man, you had me. I'm putting on my shoes as I'm talking to you. I'm coming down there for real from tom Me talking about you need me to bring you wait till I talked to Reading. She didn't get it. Hey, man, I gotta ask you man, one more thing. What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvard Show. Y'all played practical jokes, folks man, Huh do I do I do? Do I make you proud of what I want to know? Do the nephew make you pride? You're a great stupid continues, Baby, I'm getting back out on the road. Me and Junior. February Night, the tenth that jumps off Southern Fried comedy. February Night, they be on North Carolina, Tupelo, Mississippi, and guess what special night with me? Only they were in West Palm Beach, flowed at the get your ticket. They don't say, all right, now to fool, it's coming to time. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for miss anne um and don't forget if you watch part two of New Edition movie, we have something for you coming up to. Part two was on last night. Part three is tonight. Oh it's so good. It's so good, it's so good, it's off the chain. I didn't know until I saw the movie, So Carla, that Bobby was the one that started the group. It was his idea, right right, it was his idea. So they felt that's you understand that loyalty that they had to Bobby, because you know, they were shorties. Bobby's ideal going to the talent shows and in Boston had a vision. It's a meme going around on Instagram where Bobby's saying, he's not that he wasn't that dang ugly when he was a kid. He's wrong, Bobby, if you're listening, you will get pranked very soon. We saw he said, oh, the nephew Tommy, he was speaking teeth. We saw him in this past October and he said, I'm getting at the fensible. He's like. I went back to hang out with him and the boys. He say, hey, man, you know you hear I got pulled up and got a ticket o the day and I was like, yeah, you know, it's because I would listen to the prank call. I was like that, I ain't got nothing to do bring in that. We love him though, we do, but we'll have some clips later. We'll talk more about the movie all through the morning. Because what a great I mean epic event. This is epic. Yeah, but anyway, she's here, introduced the level and talent. Did one nephew, you just did the one and only miss a and tripped with National News. Thank you, guys. Sander with the News. Good morning, everybody, Good morning, Hi, Okay, Well, President Trump has officially begune, following through with two of his biggest campaign promises. He signed a couple of executive orders yesterday, one that authorizes building that wall along the Mexican border, the other targeting crime committing illegal aliens. We're going to get the bad ones out, the criminals and the drug deals and gangs and gang members and cartel leaders. The day is over when they can stay in our country and wreak havoc. We are going to get him out, and we're going to get him out fast. Mr Trump says his executive boarder would also up the numbers of border patrol agents by five thousand, as well as pay for an additional ten thousand agents to help with deportations and as the White House spokesman Sean Spice says, the Trump administration is not playing around the State Department is going to withhold visas and use other tools to make sure countries accept and return the criminals that came from their country. Well, ensure that these countries take those individuals back. And we're gonna strip federal grant money from the sanctuary states and cities that harbor illegal immigrants. On another issue, President Trump says he's ready to send in the National Guard if officials in Chicago uh failed to keep the rate of homicides and shy town from surging. It is bad, but Chicago's homicide rate actually is not among the nation's highest. However, seven and sixty to homicide in the Windy City did last year? Did We're really bad? And it was actually the most city had seen in years? That number four exceeded the homicide numbers from New York and Los Angeles. Infact, six more people were shot in just Chicago yesterday, apparently attending a visual for someone had been shot. Okay. Singer Crissette Michelle now complaining to Page six and even though she alienated her fans by taking part in Donald Trump's in orgural festivities, that he snubbed her cassette she has her music, says that her musical number was rescheduled and that she was then informed that you wouldn't even get to meet the President. The singer says on the Entertainment got the pages. She told the Trump representative the quote, my family has disowned me. I'm the black post child for discord right now, and he's not even going to shake my hand unquote Tomministration. By the way, news new ambassador to the United Nations has been sworn in. Former South Carolina Governor Nicki Haley was voted and easily she got supported from both sides of the aisle. That means Donald Trump's cabinet now contains one Black man, Dr. Ben Carson, one Asian Translation Secretary Arlene Chow, and one East Indian Nicky Haley. All the rest are white, moster men. There isn't one Hispanic. By the way, Trump is due a GOP retreat and he got a fair Hispanic vote. By the way, Trump is a due at the GEOP retreating in Philly later on today. Expect protests there and sad news. Yes, actress Mary Tyler moorees died at age eighty. She just turned eighty like last month. She starred with a Dick Van Dyke show, but she's probably best remembered for her role as Mary Richards in the Mary Tyler Moore show. She was in a movie that I really like with Elvis Presley. You guys may remember she was law a Law. She played a nun. It was called a Change of Habit, and she played opposite Black American singer Barbara McNair. They played nuns. Um I love that one. Also, Mary Tyler Moore died. Remember that one day they went into a poor area and they wore like regular clothing and the guys are hitting on him and and then they had to came with their habits. Yeah, it was a beautiful move, call of change of habit. Anyway, Mary Tyler Moore died after a long illness. She will certainly be missed. And on a much lighter note, for all you still thinking about pies thanks to Shirley Carlin, Tommy. They don't care about people like me who want to have a sex life and we're dieting anyway, there's always on my own. Come on, why did this come on? Patty? Come on, Patty, Patty back to the Steve Harvey. Wait, wait, missing to the six Life. It's playing that again. Nobody cares about my life. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Everybody's married, Nobody cares about the talking about ties. It's early in the morning. Do I really need that kind of advice when I just found out that candy corn wasn't a vegetable? Really? Back to the Steve Harvey Boarding show. Our newest director is going through right now. Your last name, she is her last name. Do y'all think Do y'all think the wall they building gonna be like the wall on Game of Thrones? That's a wall. When you mentioned you were gonna be stupid today, we just didn't. That's kind of why we won't an it's overwhelming. I know I don't want to pay for it. I know that, but I do want to know they had at the wall. I got some cousins. I want to be able to get on at the wall. Okay, when are we going to talk about We have time to play a clip or anything. But man, if you haven't been, you got to catch up tonight. So like the last night you got so good, it's so good. Go ahead, thirty seconds, Oh, man, man, man, man, Well, you know it's the story of Ralph Chess, Van Johnny Gil Michael Bivins, Ronnie to Vote, Ricky Bell and of course Bobby Brown, and uh, it's so good. And and and this movie. It talks about the highlights, the road, the journey from the projects in Boston to top of the charts. You know, you thought you knew the story. You really did, oh man. And I'm blowing away to Bobby. It was his vision the whole time. Yeah, I wanted to do the group. Yeah yeah. And last night it was a lot of issues and talked about the money. And they had got a new manager, you know, they got rid of Brook and they got this new guy, white guy, Gary was the manager. And uh, Bobby started getting into trouble and Michael Bivens was having some issues. So we're gonna talk about it all morning long, maybe like after you're listening. Steve Harpy Morning Show. Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning. It's just you are, It's just Shirley, Carla and Tommy. It's a good morning to all of you. Are flutter Flader flatter. Yeah, Stephen on their way to the the Philippine. They gotta do the Miss Universe page didn't get. I hope he can read the stuff that's on the on the card. Oh, he's been going through saying it's doing the arrus down a trap. You and to tell you you've been need to sit your as down. It's too much. Everyone is sen everyone has seen youth. They on me that on a daily basis. I wish you could have told him he going through I don't want to be him. Um, But anyway, I want to say this, what new? What did she? Baby? Got it going out? Have y'all been seeing it? Watched the movie? You know? Every night? You know what, Eugene, I have a friend. She's so much of a fan. She Facebook that after every other scene she's changing T shirts. Remember the concerpt throwback t shirts? She still has them. She put those on. Yes, girl, Michelle, you, oh my god, I did. Let me go ahead and confess. I wanted to be in the group so bad. Really, yes, I wanted to be add addition, I just wanted to add me in there. I knew all the moves. I knew every single move for every single day song. Really, yes, every single one over there? What's your favorite new edition song? Can't you stand the right? John was in there? What did you do? Danna come in there to just thinking hard like a like a young Teddy Pendergram. It's a man like a bear. Dude would do it again? Though, Janny, but Jannis, Hey Dan, if you live anyway? It was good. So the movie is going very very well. The series and it's a three day series. Tonight the last night, I've been thoroughly thoroughly and then Brooks. I like Brooks manager. I really like his curl. Did you like his Carol? Play by the incredible Wood Harris Man, his name is Wood, Harris. You talk about can't act Wood? Harris can act us behind? Harris, Dude, you ain't. We're fans, Yeah, we're fans. We love what Harris Harris. Let me tell you my favorite one Harris movie, Shirley with Hayden full Baby. Yes he was good in there was excellent. But you got to go to the wire, Baby, you got to go to the wire. Would Harris stay it with me? Sy? I already said it would Harris? Say would Harris? No? Did he? I say it would? Harris? You say it? What? When we got we're gonna talk about some you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior, on your way with Steve to the Philippines for the Miss Universe pageant. Make me proud? Yes and Steve alright coming up next, we're gonna talk about the new edition story. Have you been watching it? Ship? It's so yeah, that's you at essence cony years. I thought about, come on, come on, let's do the I'm show you the movie called I'm gonna show you the movies. Here we go. You need to run along, Tommy, I gotta know just it. But I got a video of you doing that the move you and Junior Southern Friday Comfy Chail I posted on my Instagram page. Y'all all the perfect day. I know that I didn't count. That's not possible, chill making because I needs I'm standing by me, do the gots and that at times she will always always be by the Sunday everybody loves them. Tell me baby can't stand Dolly so fell cold? This mean nor this ring. She can't say love and condition. No, I'm better ste just to make a lad. I'll do whatever body to be dam by. So body stand by me. You made it? Does you won't run? You all and be what there for me? Everybody? Don't them tell me he can't stand your dead start. I know, I know all the days won't be prove, but shall against the stand stand the round and can't stay no pressure, no pressure from maybe because I won't in no danger and the love tell me begin. Let's can stand me? Then you stand alright. New Edition movie, last night, the night before, and now tonight the last night. If you have not been watching it, please please, please don't let your life go by without watching the New Addition movie because it's just too good. It's too good. We love that so good. I heard the vote out part was good. Well, all of it's good. I mean, we just played can You Stay in the Rain, And that's when Johnny joined the group. And let me just say too. At the very end, when he's singing that very last note, that is so beautiful. Johnny gil can really really really saying he was a little listen to that song at the very end, I said, that is beautiful. Johnny gil is really bringing it. So Johnny gil joins the group to Ralph's surprise. So cat Dog, if you have that particular sound, I'd like to play that that. Johnny joins the group to Ralph's surprise. And the main reason why we brought my boy Johnny to the group was for us to change our image, skills, give us a new sound, and to get away from that bubble comes you've been doing. We're gonna change that candy girl to a chocolate woman, all right now. So that was when Ralph was walking in and when they said there he is. That was Jimmy Jammy Terry Lewis. They were waiting on Ralph Transplant to come because they had got super producers. They wanted to work with them because the record labor felt that Jimmy jamm and Terry Lewis did so well with control with Janet Jackson that they wanted them to produce New Editions album. And so Ralph walked in and was like, where are you coming from? Nobody told me nothing. Nobody told me nothing to me nothing. Yeah, and it was it was so crazy because Ralph wanted to go solo at this point. He wanted to go solo, and Michael Bivins wanted to send a message to Ralph saying that okay, go ahead, you could go ahead and do your solo thing. The group will still go on because you know, they had had issues with Bobby already, really had issues with Bobby Brown. Yeah, so that was pretty much the the issue with it. And then Ralph asked, Johnny, oh, so they told you You're gonna be the new Bobby Brown, and Johnny said, no, they actually told me I was gonna be the new you. Ralph said and shout out to um Luke James. That's playing john Wolf James. Yeah, that's playing Uh you know he changed Wolf James playing Johnny Gill. Oh he can sing in real life too. Yeah. Yeah, I love them. They're yeah, we we it's so good. It's so good talking about so just love this movie. All right, we'll be back. We have a prank for you all that. Just stick with us. We'll be back at forty eight after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harby Morning Show. All right, up a little after the top of the hour of the Strawberry letter subject thought ing. Yes, I said the word thought ing town those out there over there. We didn't substituted it with this here work. How old are you? You don't know what stotting around town is? The subject? Not a thought? Even't heard that before? Is it in the website Urban Dictionary? Yeah? Alright, um, prank phone call coming up. I got a super Bowl prank for you coming up. How about that super Bowl prank coming up? Watch me work? Nothing is off limits for you waiting this next church prank? C did you come out? You ain't ready for this? Hello? Little church people alone? Why the church people need to replace? Hello, I'm trying to reach a Martina please? I was he not in right at the moment? Can I take a message or somebody can help you with Actually, I'm giving a call to make sure double checking on confirmation for Mr and Mrs now man. Now, that may be mistake because she's going by herself. I'm not going, so that should you should I should be missing? That's all? Okay? All right, Well I'll tell you what we have. We have our schedule. We wanted to make sure we gave the confirmation and uh, you know with a big weekend like this, with double checking and making sure everybody's actually coming and getting their rooms because you know you're subject to get charged for it. And we definitely have the honeymoon sweet waiting on her. Who honeymoons? Week man? We've been married seventeen years. What'd you talking about? Honeymoon? Sweet? Well, we got you r and Mrs. What's the name on that? Ms? Martina? Is that right? Yeah? That's my wife? Yeah? All right, And we've got Tony as well. Who who is Tony? My name is Vernon? Say whatnot? My name is Vernon? Who the hell is Tony? So um, wow, we we have where this is uh the wrong one. I think I got the wrong one. Man. Okay, did you guys make reservations here at the hotel and for the super Bowl weekend? My wife is going to this weekend to be with her sick auntie. That's when she told me. Now I don't know learning about and those, but you know what, yeah, keep talking to me, Yeah, okay, keep talking to me, because this is getting really interesting right here. She's coming to because I have a Mr. And Mrs Martina and Tony are coming. We have the honeymoon suite here for the super Bowl weekend, checking in tomorrow and checking out on Monday. Now you know what this is right here? Because he now I got said she told me she was going to see her seek auntie, and I told her, cool, I paid for the damn taking myself. I got my tax return back and I paid for my damn self so she can go out there. And you're telling me this help for the me reservations and because this is about let's look, I mean, with the hell now Victor, Victor, what's your name again? But my name is Vernon, okay, Mr Vernon, sir. I first of all, I do apologize. I'm just you know, uh old cars here and and in the reservations, and basically they just got us calling because it's a big weekend and you know, if you if you don't come in your your your car to definitely get charged. And they got you know, well ye'll been not charged. Nothing to my card. Don't don't charge mat fact, I want to cancel this reservation. She could fall back in as far as I'm concerned, this is the better walk up in here right now. Let walk up in here right now, because this is this Let's let's just slow let's slow down a mine. Let's slow down. Maybe there's just a mistake here, I mean, no man, uhuh the honey suite at the No. One Nay, she told no wonder I'm like, she told me she needed two hunted outs for them hotel, me for the hotel room. Yeah, well actually it's uh well they must be splitting in here. It's it's it's about four hund and something to night for this room. Excuse me, she didn't pay that much from off there and wedding ring. Wow. Okay, well I'll tell you what, sir. Is there anyway I can I can call back and speak to Martine so I can got never in life call back to this okay, because see if you call back here talking about this, because I don't know you normally answer this phone. Okay, this is her phone. She want to go runner Aaron from me, and but don't you never call this phone back again because she she ain't coming, not this lifetime. She's not. But uh, you know what, I want to thank you though, I appreciate you let me in on what use was up? Yeah, I knew it. Okay, okay, Mr Vernons, slow down something man, hey on Okay, now listen, what I have to do is I have to talk to the person that made the reservation in order to cancel it. Now, you tell any means you the counseling right now. But I need to hear that from Ms Martina that it's counsel me. W did she get back? She's gonna be even talk to you. You You can councel it now, I'm telling you now, counselor, it ain't gonna be no honeymoon. Okay, we didn't known for seventeen years. We got folks, and I'm sitting back here dog counselor now I'm telling me the counsel and not counsel it without speaking to her. I tell you what your best bid is to counsel that, because if you put a charge on it, I will drive to and find Joe. What's your name? Excuse me? What's your name? I'm Brian, Sir, Brian. If there's one charge with my critical I will find you. Sir? What mean you? Do you have Tony's number where I can call him and maybe you know what? You know what? I'm gonna have a Tony's number in the mint because I got her phone. I'm just just go through it and find it. Because this is some and she's gonna do with Tony. So if you called back and you're not gonna get her, because she's gonna be over there with that. Okay, sir. Now there's one more person that's on the schedule on the room, A one more person where they're doing the threesome. Uh, I'm not sure. Now I've got another person on the on schedule on here. This can't get no words. Come on with it, you want to. I'm sorry, you want the name of the I want the name, Yes, come on with it. You can tell me everything else. Okay, I got a a somebody named Nephew Tommy. Excuse me, he man, this is Nephew Tommy Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife got me to prank phone call you. I'm gonna at hey, Mary. Okay, that's who she's been talking to on the phone. Yea, yeah, you got me. Hey, But I gotta ask you what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest man radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, let's buckle up and hold on time. I happened for you, Strawberry to answer your question, Tommy. Nah, hey, subject, this is a crazy subject dotting around town, dotting around town. You're Shirley and Steve. My sister is a thought. She is sleeping with her friend's husband, and she is also sleeping with my ex, who is still living in my house. Let me make this clear. My ex and I are no longer intimate with each other. He doesn't have a place to go, so I let him stay with me. I'm over him, so I don't care that my sister is sleeping with him. She also she always talks about other women and how their thoughts and how they are sleeping with other women's men, but she sees nothing wrong with what she's doing. She is always around her best girlfriend and partying with her, and then turns right around and sleeps with her husband. She meets up with her friend's husband and secret places and they spend countless hours together. Now the word on the street is that my sister and one of her other female friends had a threesome with a random man. My sister is just trifling. Please help me out. What can I say to get my sister to stop thoughting? Signed a concerned sister. Dear concerned sister, I get it. You love your sister and you want her to do the right thing. You want her to Uh, you know, stop thoughting around, as you say, stop sleeping with her friend's husband, stop having threesomes and uh with your ex too. Wow. Uh, just not a good look for for your sister. Uh, it's very thought e behavior. I have to agree with you. The supplising thing is how calm you are and your sisters sleeping with your ex. I don't care if you know you guys are no longer intimate or anything like that, that you don't care. But you have to care a little bit because you wrote the letter. H So you know why is your sister sleeping with your ex? Who? I mean, who does that? I just think you need to to put your ex out. You need to put him out of your house because he doesn't respect it. Uh, this ignorant mess won't be in your face if you put him out. Okay, even though you say you don't care, I know you care because it's just not a good look. Like I said, maybe your sister can can take m in, she can take him in. Maybe she can't since she's sleeping with him anyway, and she likes sleeping with other women's men. Uh. The thing is your sister, your eggs, your sister's friends. Uh, all of them are just trifling. They're all grown people. They're just trifling though, and and grown people as trifling as it is, you cannot make them do anything. So the best thing you need to do is go on about your business. Like I said, put your ex out, let them do their thing, get away from all that so you won't have to see it. It It won't be in your face, concerned sister, you know, and let the chips fall where they make. Tommy, what what is that about the sighing? I can't stand people who haven't been in a threesome and got the nerve to judge. Wait a minute, that's your response, that's your line. I'm speechless who haven't been in a threesone but got the nerve to judge? You, young lady, are a threesome hater. You are the person that's trifling right here. You are the one that's full of hate, selfish, yourself, senate, and you think it's all about you. This girl ain't doing nuhing but trying to keep the family together. That's all she's doing that. She trying to keep that family. That's why she's over there with your ex. She trying to at least how you see that man going through something he going through. He can't get no job. He's staying with you, he can He trying to get on his feet. At least, she trying to come over there and calm that man nerves until he get himself together. But you, you alway being so trifling. Oh, you care about you, that's all you care about. You cannot be for real, you cannot be. She's trying to help him. She trying to help the man get through what he going through. The man is family. That's her brother in law or ex brother in law, is keeping this family together. Husband, she's I mean, her best friend husband's sleeping with her best friend's husband. I understand what you're saying, Shirley. I understand what you're saying. But for surely he need love to but deadly, but deadly. The best friend is not giving out as much love as that man needs. So she's stepping out. And what is she doing helping her friend? Girl? You can't handle it out. Let me help you out that way. He ain't running it all over town thoughting himself. You see what I'm saying. She's helping now. She grabbed one of her girlfriends and they threw with three. What's wrong? You know what the problem me is? Y'all ain't tried tell me? And then you got the nerve to judge, Shirley. Why tell me you're not all up in your best friend's face, partying with them and all that stuff and then turn around behind your friends back sleep with her husband. She knows that her best friend is not giving enough to her. Who does that? She's helping her. Sometimes you got to help people and not let them know you're helping. I'm gonna say that was not profound. Sometimes you gotta help people and not let them know you're helping them. She's helping. I don't understand how you think. I don't understand how your mind works. I'm gonna stand by what I said. I'm gonna say it again. I can't stand people who have been in a threesome and God have not been in the threes and got the nerve to judge. You can'tnot something to you tried with a random man. Some just some guys. Some dude, you're crazy, Tommy. They got a movie called Random Hearts. What are you talking about? It's a lot of random things go on. That was with Harrison. It was with Harrison Ford. He did Random It was a very good movie. This is a random heart, right, let her. This is a random heart, a random love, a random moment. That's what it is, Carl, It for what it is. Sometimes you all got to live in the moment. She's a random thought. Yeah, that's what she is. That is you be random about it. Now you up here trying to look for her. She's just all over the place, you know, just as Steve would say, pass. But she's helping people out, Shirley. She's helping out the man at home, all right, that's living with her sisters. She's helping out the person that that that that the girlfriend's husband he needs help to. She's helping me. Hey, Tommy, this is not She's violated all kinds of girlfriend code. Even though her sister says she doesn't love her X anymore, that's not the case. You know, she has something going on, some feeling that she wrote the letter. She's jealous. No, it's a code, Tommy, you don't cross that line. You don't date your your your sister's ex, your girlfriend's man. You don't want your X. There's no longer a line. That line is always the line is gone now. It's a code. Well, why did he open up the doing letter in the house. That's because he tried. Why are coming? Why? Why? Why is she allowing it to happen in her house? We gotta go? So you agree? What do you what are y'all mad about? What is it about? Back at eighteen, after you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, we're in the middle of the Strawberry Letters subject fatting around town, Fatting around town. We'll be back with part two. I'm a really helping when we come back, really, because you haven't really really real time. I'm gonna show us some loon, did your son nephews makes sense? I'm gonna say it on the side of michael house. Ain't in his house, ain't in his son. But he's gonna talk about why would you saying on the side of somebody else have? But why wouldn't he say I'm gonna say it on the side of my house, Michael, then you know who he But why we have to say it on the side? Why not in the house? Or what is that? Anyway? I said, you'll never go out and just okay, you know what and say stuff on the side, be on the side of your house. You don't say you don't y'all, ain't never on side of you. I'm the only one on the side of over there about the water holes that I'm the only one. All Right, we're in the middle of this letter subject thoughting around town. A young lady wrote in she says her sister is a thought she is sleeping with her friend's husband, and she's also sleeping with her ex who still lives in her house, and she says she and her ex are are no longer intimate. She doesn't care. Uh, he doesn't have a place to go, so she let him stay with me, so to me right there, she cares about him. She says she's over him, so she doesn't care, but her sister is sleeping with him. She also um talks about other women and how their thoughts and how they are sleeping with other women's men, but her sister is doing the same thing. Case and point, she is sleeping with her best friend's husband. She goes out in parties with her best friend, then after the fact, they go to secret places and spend countless hours together. She says, a word on the street is that her sister and one of her other female friends had a threesome with a random man. She calls her sister just trifling, and she wants to be helped out. How can she What can she say to her sister to stop thoughting. I don't I don't think that there's anything or know that there's anything you can necessarily say because they're all grown like I mentioned earlier, and you know, you can't tell grown people what to do. But I understand your concern because you care about your sister and her actions and how it looks to the family and on the family and all of that. So my suggestion was to put the man out, put your ex out, and let him go live with the sister. Tommy, okay, I want to give some sound advice. Can I do that? Oh, you came to your sensus. Let me just try and help. Let me just try and help, really really truth seriously, And I want to the young lady that that wrote it. Just listen to Tommy close. Okay. I want you to stop judging, stop hating, stop thinking about yourself, feel what your sister is feeling sometimes, go to the next threesome. Participate. This has help. And you said open your eyes to a new beginning. Surely is he talking to the letter writer or the other? Okay, yeah, okay, I'm talking to the letter writer. I want her to stop judging, stop hating, stop thinking about self, Feel what your sister is feeling sometimes, go to the next threesome, experience what she's doing. Participate, open your eyes to a new beginning for yourself. And be a part of the threesome world. Please don't listen to that. You're an idiot. If you listen to this idiot. What kind of advice do you want? I'm not going to give you, Steve Harvey, everybody's I'm not gonna do that. I'm not going to do that. What you want me to tell you? Did jump? You want? Do what you want to? You want me to tell you go visit Trump and ask himbody what you want me to? What do you want? What do you want me to take? I'm not gonna tell you. We get it. Coming up, Trending topics, Steve Harvey and more on the New Edition movie. We'll be back at thirty four after the hour. What you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Trending topics coming up, We're gonna talk about the Williams sisters, Venus and Serena. They're doing big things, big things as always there at the Australian Open and they're gonna face each other. They ain't done nothing the long yeah, like two thousand nine or something, and the Miss Universe pageant Stephen Jr. On their way out to the Philippines. So Steve can host the Miss Universe pageant. We'll talk about that as well. One year later, he does need to read here's que cars ready, and then of course new Edition. We're still gonna do some new edition stuff because we love Can we play Bobby Brown right now? Can you get that from me? I love you? Yes, yes, come on, give it tummy. What's up? Hope? They are loving this attention right now. They got the star man, They got the star. Ain't nothing better than the star Robert Brown on lead right here? Come on, Bobby, Yeah, what a sweet man Bobby Brown is. Okay, So the movie, the New Addition movie Tuesday, Wednesday tonight, the Last Night conclusion. Yeah, okay, so Carlotte, Now what happened in Oakland? That's what we yes, So they were performing in Oakland, that's what it all. Bobby tripped out. Bobby losses entire man. But anyway, they were performing in Oakland. They were trying to end the said Bobby. Bobby kept saying and kept going this is, this is and it came moment. Yeah, so they had their backs. They turned around, so they's like, wow, long are you gonna be out this thing? But they're on stage. They're still on stage. Bobby's still going, He's still singing. They started fighting Bobby old stage. Yeah. People were tweeting last night asking that this really happened, and Michael Bivans tweeted back yes. So then the manager, Gary Um he was by this time he was sick, sick of Bobby, and he pressed the group to vote Bobby out. Take a listen to this. If it wasn't for Bobby, wouldn't have this group. He got us together. That was a long time ago, okay, and I understand that. But you guys are not singing the talent shows anywhere. You know that this promoter doesn't want to pay you for tonight. You need to start thinking about this as a business in bottom line is Bobby Brown is bad for business? What do you think? I mean? This is a group decision, Gary, But I ain't got no problem with Bob By. You're cool with everything you work so hard for going away, Because that's what's gonna happens, my friend. Yeah, it's gonna go away. Do you want that to happen? Shut up? You think that can't happen. I've seen it happen. I know that guy. Yeah, they're managed. Man, it's so good it's just so good. I'm glad it's good. Yeah. No, they put out a home run. That's good. Yeah, it's really good. Alright. The conclusion of the new edition story is tonight we got to do some more clips though, because they're so good. Yes, all right, we'll be back after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, the nephew has come up with this crazy idea. What do you want to do now? Well, you know, the earliest week we didn't get to do weekend confessions, which just did to my heart because I like to hear from the people. So you know we are we're Thursday now, so I'm thinking, you know, instead of weekend confessions, why don't you just call in pre confess what you bout to do this weekend that you ain't posed to be do you've been thinking about doing? Yeah, just pre confession. You got to get it off your chance and feel better about it. The decesion by what you about to do. You know what I'm saying, go on and do it. I don't want this call. Is not for me to talk to you out of what you're going to do this weekend. I just want to hit yes, yes, call the nephew. I'm here for this. I'm in the booth right now. Phone. Look at Oh don't they light up all right this time? Come on, sir, we're gonna pre confess today. You started off because you obviously wanted to do this. So what were you thinking about doing well since the Strawberry letter? Uh? You know, do you do you remember what the Strawberry letter was about? Yeah, it's it's it's it's clear in my man, what's what do you mean? What do you mean? What I mean? It was about a woman whose sister is sleeping with her ex, and then a woman who's sleeping with her girlfriends her best girlfriend's husband, and then a woman whose sister and one of her female friends had a threesome with some random Oh my god, let's just go to the phones because you're crazy. Wait, man, pore, we go to the phone. Wait wait, wait, wait, before we go to phone, what about y'all y'all doing something this weekend that y'll ain't proposed to be doing. Let's go to the phones, Uh Marcella, Well no, no, no, no, no, no, oh, we got one go here. Wait. You know, my husband and I we have been talking about you know we're gonna have like a nice He's playing like a nice romantic weekend. So confess I was thinking about, you know, going on fifty shades and come on here, don't think about mixing it up a little bit fifty shades darker. He gets boring at time. It's not Carolina we're talking about. You know. Was that too much? I'm wanting more? It's all good, Okay, maybe I didn't stop talking. Who to judge? Really? Who am? Ok Let's go to line one. Marcella out of New York. Marcella, Good morning everyone, and that's you. I'm going to make you. I pray for you in church tonight. The girl pray pray for me. But but but but don't tell me what you're gonna do. Though, Honey, I pray hard, but I still take you of a man at the same time. Anyway, this weekend I want to I'll go to Victoria's Secret nice one of them, Alpha said, just Ncolm dead. Yeah, enjoy my good love that I have to share. So I'm going to share that together. Yeah. Look, I work at the government all week so by the time the weekend come, you have to let loose. I'm gonna let loose. Let loose girl, Let loose girl. I just talked about go to awesome. Don no, Mars, still gonna be moving pretty fair uptown. You know how to worry, don't what are you gonna be tired? Hey, let me ask you this. I grew up in charity. What what what? What's on Thursday night? Down? Because we thought it was Thursday? Right? Okay, but you can play at home. Also, you have to wait to get to church, you know, right? All right, Marcella. Alright, it's a secretly Thank you, Marcella. Let's three and talk to Alison. Alison. Yes, how you doing, baby? Good morning? How are you doing. I listen to you guys every morning. Thank you so much. Baby. What's your What's what? Let's pre confess what we're doing this weekend we're supposed to be doing. Um, I'll be getting meeting up with my daughter's father. We're not in a relationship, but we haven't been able to see all the eye and we'll be meeting up this weekend to talk about her daughter's behavior for the first time in two years. M hmm. Thank you think anything gonna you think anything gonna jump out, recantle or anything like that. I'm hoping nothing does, nothing does come out of this. Hopefully it's just for the daughter. Definite. Hold up, Allison, you're gonna run over? That was not a definite? No? Is there a possibility? No, I have She keeps saying, I hope not. I hope not. Alison, What are you not telling us? Alison? Confess it. We're here for you. See it. Let me ask you something. When y'all normally get together, does something normally happen. I don't want nothing to happen. We Allison, you're weak right now. You're weak. You're clutching your chests right now. Don't go Allison, you might want to do this over the phone. Ain't trying to help you. I'm just saying, though, Yeah, it's gonna jump off, and that's gonna jump off as soon as y'all make eye contact. It normally happened, don't it out. I just I'm scared of hell. Come on down here. Let's talk about the boy thanking me several times like in our past. That's why I said it's it's I don't want to see how this is gonna turn out. I don't know this for a bad weekend, So it's it's it's weird we're getting together from my daughter's behavior. I guess hey, I got a text message. You want to get together this weekend and take the baby out to have some fun. Allison confused. Did you say he put his hands on you? You mean, like in a violent, abusive way? Is that what you're talking about? We got violent, We got um until a lot of Oh no, Alice, you all need to go, baby girl, No, we'll need to go on any of this. We thought he was sexy and you it may be a little hard to resist him because yeah, no, no, no, we don't condone any of this. Don't put yourself in a bad situation this way. This is not a laughable situation. This is very funny, not at all, not at all. Rethink it, Alison, do it over the phone, or take your man with you. You're in a relationship now, right, Yeah, yeah, you need to have your man with you and then y'all can discuss what's going on with your child. Why your man is there? Does that make sense? Yes, but that means we shouldn't go period. Right. Well, well, you need to get some counseling, you need some advice. Yeah, let me look for what number up. Hold on, Alison, letna give you Alison, but don't go especially don't go by yourself. It's all about the child, Alison, it really really is. But you need some help in this situation. Okay, that turns crazy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, nephew, this is your segment. Let's do it, all right. We didn't get to do we Can confessions just past Monday, So what we're gonna do is do pre confessions and pre confessions. And you tell me what you're about to do this weekend that you're not supposed to do. Don't call in here with your name, give me a fictitious name so you won't be throwing yourself under the bus. All right, that's how we're doing it, all right, eight seven seven nine, Steve. Let's go to the phone line five cat. We're talking to Nikki. Nikki, Hey, good morning to you your morning time, and he like Carlin, Hey, Nikki, hey, Nikky, what's up girl? Um? Well this week to him, my husband is going out of town and so I'm going to cheat with his fan. Yeah, Nicki, Nicki, you bet not. Try to help nobody up in here, now, Nikki, how long? How long this has been going on? Baby? What you're thing? Going on for a little while? But it's more like a refene Oh, my husband, he doesn't know that. I saw him going creeping into the neighbor's house like three doors from us. Um, I came home earlier from work and but I used my co workers car and I'm listening in the park a lot and I saw it. So I said, Okay, I got something your ass. So this weekie, he's going out of town and I'm gonna be with his this thing. Okay, Now, Nicki, you know it doesn't always turn out the same when women do it. You know there's a double standard, right, You got that we can't do what they do. You know it's double standard. Now, we take a lot of the men back who cheat on us, but men don't necessarily take women back who've cheated on them. Now that her voice, yes, her name Nikki, her voice is nicky. He can when when he leaving tomorrow morning? Huh? When is he leaving town tomorrow? Change your voice? Now he's leaving right in the morning, Oh tomorrow, okay? Cool? When you come back Sunday evening Monday? Oh yeah, y'all got some good time. What y'all gonna do everything in the pool? Now? What if he dubbled back and sit in the park and lot like you did. I'm not gonna be Ain't no fool. I ain't gonna do it at my house. Alright, alright, alright, you're small. You're small. You think you're strong, y'all, y'all gonna get you. I'm not even gonna be in the same city and stay where I live it. That is stupid, I'm saying, trying to get caught. That's stupid. Okay, go ahead, you're small. Get out of time now, nikked by you leaving town and him leaving town? Is there possibility y'all going to the same time? No, m okay, okay, y'all got kids, nikky, No, No, that's now. What's a level? Okay? How long y'all been married? Yeah? Alright, Well, I hope I'll work out for you, baby, to do everything. H No, I promise you. I will let you no time hit me Monday, let me know hide wind, oh my god? Will All right, baby, good luck to you. You'll be safe though him. Just and when you get what you're going, just all the room service. Don't go out that room, all right. The only thing Nicki's got going for at this point is that women are smarter cheaters. Oh yeah, we don't. Yeah, we're better at it. Yeah yeah, we're not condoning it alright, line six. But she didn't count him. Let's go to Keisha standard like, ain't nothing like a Keisha? Hey Cashay, I like you Toohew, good morning morning show, Good morning, hey Keisha Casha. What's the confession? Were good? Baby? Well, my confession is, you know, I worked so much. I worked these two shabs out eleven and seven, and I worked at ninety three. And so since I'm off on Saturdays, I think I'm gonna go bout me a week and uh be somebody else. And the guy who answered the son told me he think I should be Catholic. So what's the good Catholic name for me? Y'all? What's the good Cashic name? And let me just give you all my description too, because I don't even know. I'm real chocolate, you know, but I look real good with them free white teeth, real pearly. Yeah, you know you're gonna You're gonna be somebody else and go well, like I ain't gotta go he I don't know. I gotta get out of my school. Get it together, Kisha Madallion joan happy y'all when I get off the work, I worked so much. So this is why I'm so undecided, because I didn't even know I was off this weekend. Right, I don't know if I want to go shoot the chilly, if I want to go to the d But you know, when I go to certain cities, you know, I still gotta be, you know, still a little low checause like I family everywhere. Okay, Okay, let's look slow casa, casa, Slow down, o casa. Do you have a man scared for? Yeah? I do, be very afraid because his ass he know my boy h so so kesa. Y'all live together? Are we together now? Currently in a relationship? Yeah? I mean do y'all live together? Do we work together? Leo together? Yes? We do. Okay, so you've been she's already going on the town. Look, I ain't even opted to go within him. Any other time. I'll be like, oh, I want to go, where is my plane ticket? Hell no, not this weekend. When I found that I have to be at work, I was like, oh, yeah, you got you gonna wear. Oh, they have so much fun, I'll even pay for the room. He said, that's what you're doing. I shall you don't church on my birth cat back here? Help you caught that? All right? Let's know she was going there was coming. Yeah, let's go to line one and talk to Phil out of Georgia. Phil. Yeah, how you doing, sir? Before we get to the phone called no cousin, ladies and gentlemen, Okay, no cousin, go ahead, alright Phil? How you doing this morning? Man? I'm doing fine? How you doing? Timmy Shirley calling? How you guys doing this? Mark? What's the confession? Pheel? Uh? My confession is uh, I'm gonna try something different load this weekend. Um. I met this girl on the job. I work with you know, you know, people with disabilities, stuff like that. But I met this girl on the trap. She got disability herself, and I think I'm playing on take the out. You're gonna take it out? Well, I man, I ain't nothing wrong with that. What's what's what's our disability? Oh? She got one leg shorter another one? No no no no no no no no nothing by my hands. No, she got one legs shorter than the others about it, and you know, to make it feels that I told it. It ain't nothing. There's no problem to me. You know, she's still cute, she find the stuff. She's fine. I'm trying to tell you she's fine with disability. And so it's a heel on one shoe and a hud and flat. Huh. We got to balance this all some kind of way, y'all? Is it? Is it a heel on one shoe and the other shoe flat? That's all I'm asking you feel. Can we got a conversion right now? She's Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're in the middle of pre confessions with the nephew because what nephew. Oh, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. We didn't get to do we getting confessions on Monday, so we're doing pre confession. Tell me what you're about to do? Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve call us. I know you're about all right, let's go to the phones on this ignorant show. Here we go, beautiful segment. What is it? What is it? Uh? This is pre confession? What you confess before you're doing what you're gonna do this weekend shirt. Let's just letting us know what they're about to do, all right. We didn't get a chance to wear back. We didn't get a chance to weekend confessions Monday. So here we go. Line eight, Tina out of Illinois morning. Okay, are you doing I'm okay? Thank you good. What's your confession? Baby? Well, well, I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for almost thirteen years, and we were together since high school. I'm twenty eight and he's thirty. But we have eight year old signing. What he doesn't know is this weekend, I'm leaving it. We're leaving him this weekend. Let me put my I am leaving him. Once a year, he goes on a nice, big old trip his friends, all the guys, and they stay going for a weekend. This in this um, I feel they're going to Miami. He's just leaving Frida. He's gonna be going for a year and he's coming home and I won't be here. Hold on, he's going for a week you me four week? Step Okay. So he leaves amr and I'm leaving him. He leaves up, he leaves tomorrow and I'm going to my stuff, and well, actually, I'm not taking anything with me. I when he got a new place already already had furniture and everything. Now that's how you leave. That's how you leave. You get your place set up, you're ready to rock it road. Uh, I'm going Okay now now is it gonna be like a note way? Knowing him? When he gets back, I'm just gone. He has um. He's been seeing other women for the past but past four or five years now he has he has another child from another relationship. And I tried to sive it, prayed on it, and tried to get him to go to counseling and he's still doing what he wants to do when he thinks I don't know about it. So I'm like, you know what I'm doing fighting that's right. I don't have no more screaming. I don't have no more crying. I love it, though. I'm gonna you applaud you, Tina. That's right, girl from the place of Mayor j blast for you. I don't want to be shoot out of that place. I'm I'm I'm leaving everything everything. So you just got you just got your belongings and you you out tomorrow when he leave, you leave leaving this weekend for a week, and I'm taking me and my son. I've just taken our clothes. We're hitting the road. He's gonna come home to nothing. Okay, I love it. Yeah, that's yeah, that's how you lead a man. That was a confession. But Tina, take take the tarlet paper to leave him in a bad situation. At least take that paper out of that take it. Take all tarlet paper, Tina, Ti to your eldest grandmother, who I remember my mama. One time my grandmother told my Mamma packed the trash, baby, take it. Take it. So we'll be back at thirty four after the hour. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Stephen Jr. On their way to the Philippines for the Miss Universe pageant. We'll give you some details about that a little later in the show. Right now, Carla, come on, girl, girl, you know I'm in love with him. Having a new edition Thursday, ain't hey, Ronnie? All right, we gotta go to break. We'll be back, I know, right, we'll be back at forty eight after the hour. We'll come back and close out the show. Tell you what Stephen Jr. Are doing down in the Philippines at the Miss Universe pageant. Philippians. Give you some update on Venus and Serena Williams too. We'll be back if you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, We'll be back to close out the show last break of the morning this Thursday. Yeah, m hmm, cut up, cut up, laugh All right again, we said it earlier. Our condolences go out to the husband and the family of Mary Tyler Moore. Mary Tyler Moore passed away yesterday. She was eighty years old. Several stations are gonna play tribute to Mary Tyler Moore. Uh, They're gonna Sundance TV will air an all day marathon of the Mary Tyler Moore Show. I Love that Show. They're gonna do that on Saturday. Our girl Gayle King is gonna host Mary Tyler Moore Love Is All Around one hour special uh tonight at nine pm on CBS, and then Sunday, me TV will air six of the most famous episodes of the Mary Tyler Moore Show. I'm sure one of them will be the funeral of Chuckles Clown when she couldn't help but laugh at the funeral. Remember that, I remember that? Oh yeah, if you ever watched the Mary Tyler Moore show, that was one of the most famous classic just spend all the side of Rhoda. Yeah, head, what a tied? What show was Ted's? You mean that had spent off close for comfort? Too close for comfort? Okay? But they were working in the newsroom with Betty White. Uh huh and uh we we mentioned that Stephen Jr. Off Today they were on their way to the Philippines. Steve will be hosting them as Universe pageant again. It was one year ago to day that Steve hosted the pageant. They asked him back. He made the ultimate blunder u during the show when he was crowning the winner the memes last year we're on fire. You saw that ignort face he hand when you made a mistake. That's the same face he had when he was standing next to Trump on a couple of ago, the same We're just sitting there looking like, well, you need to stop. Every year you do something, we got to pray you out of y'all got tired up and you're sixty. You're not doing this. You ought to be just tired of this. Every year you got something ignitude been to do. Stupid. We're having meetings with white people that you don't know what I'm okay, I don't know what okay. As you can see, the jokes were NonStop. Supergroup boys two men will be performing for the show. Um, and then they're going to join Real Housewife of Atlanta's Cynthia Bailey. She's going to be one of the judg Yeah. Miss Universe pageant will be live this Sunday night on Fox Live. You're seven pm, six Central, so check it out, tune in at the very end and see how we do it. We also have to say congratulations to Venus and Serena. They will um yeah, I mean you know they rain in the tennis world of course. Um. I don't like watching them play each other though. It's it's it's gotta be hard for their parents. Well, as Venus said, as Venus yeah, as Venus said, you know, they both win. Whoever whoever wins, whoever loses, they both win. That's what she said. Today in Melbourne, Australia, the sisters achieved another milestone, each advancing to the Australian Open Final. They will face each other for the ninth time. Ninth time and the first They haven't done it in a while. This is the first time they will be together since two thousand nine. This is for a Grand Slam title. Uh, Serena Williams wins Serena. If she wins um, this will be her twenty three Grand Slam title. She'll surpass Steffie Graphs Steffie Graff for the most in the open era. It's Tommy, This one is for you. What stay? Happy birthday to your girlfriend, Ellen de generous birthday. Today is your birthday birthday. She makes fifty nine today, Happy birthday. We love Ellen. Yeah, surely, I was trying to say back when you were talking about Venus and Serena, I've wrote an article where their their mother. They asked her how does she handle it when when they have to meet and play each other, and she said she just sit there. She can't clap, She just turned her head back and forth, watched the game. I love you, I love you too. Yeah. Yeah, And And like Serena said, she put it in the most sisterly way she could. And I'm sure she wants to win, but she said, whoever wins, we both win. Now, it's still a win because they love each other. They truly they do each other. Yeah, they really really do. Um, you guys heard about this real quick. Uh. Emirates Airlines okay reportedly, um, you know the rich that's the rich hairlines. They fly back and forth to one Jennifer taking a shower in when he got that. They're reportedly giving your first class passengers on their overnight flights a pair of moisturizing pajamas. Moisturizing, Yeah, moisturizing pjs. They have something called hydroactive micro capsule technology and apparently they release seek help to moisturize your body as you relax. So there you go, won't get dry. That's quit. Pajamas is all, Ladia. They did put some lotion inside some pajamama, told you to put them on. That's all, Ladi. Ain'ten with some jerks. Fine, we love you. Thank you for all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.