Sean Carter, Big Dog's VM, Election Day, Jada and Will and more

Published Nov 2, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve got some nerve and talent. A spy sparks The CLO's curiosity as to what her next move will be. Hova is in The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! Shaq had a message just for his kids that led to Steve sharing a story about shoes. The H-Town side of the crew got some words for The Astros. Uncle Steve got something priceless for a member of The Steve Harvey Nation in Detroit. Vote today and know that you are protected! Steve expounds on one of the great joys of his life in Would You Rather. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve speaks about the origin or a specific hoax.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a suit giving them like the million bucks things and the tobote listening to the mother for st I don't join join me. You gotta use that turn you go. You gotta turn to turn out, turn you got to turn out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby, Uh huh, I sure will come on. And everybody 'are listening to the voice, come on dig me now panted only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o man? How good is God to me? And part of the mission and the reason that I have a radio show is to become a share of more and more of a share of you know. I used to hear my mother say it to me all the time, But God blesses you to become a blessing. And I think the more you understand that about yourself, I think the more blessings will flow your way. I think that once you understand the principle, that you know it. But it's kind of tied together with some other scriptures, and I'm not too knowledgeable about them, of course, as usual, but I do know what I've heard, you know, and you know if you look at something simple as do unto others as you would have them do unto you, wouldn't you want somebody to help you if you need to help. I just know how to get it down there to where I've been able to understand it. If there's a scripture similar that it says do unto others as you would have them do unto you, or if that's you know, in a prayer, would not you want somebody to help you if you needed help? You've heard you reap what you sow. Do you understand that if you so discord, that discord is gonna come your way. That if you hate, hate gonna come your way. If you blog nothing but negative comments about people, your life will be filled with negativity. If all you do is talk about people, then guess what somebody got to turn that gun around and talk about you. See, it just stands to reasons. So what I've learned in my life and through all the trial and tribulations that I've had, is to take those lessons and share them with people in case you ain't heard it from somebody else. See sometimes and the reason it seems like I'm redundant at times, is what I am is because I'm always trying to find a different way to say the same thing. Because it's a funny thing. Man, You got to hear it a certain way for it to click with you. How many times have I heard a saying and then I heard it a different way that it clicked with me? You know, I've heard of this saying right here. Remember this now, everybody's not happy for you. We've all heard that, right, everybody's not happy for you. Well, that's very simple that I don't need no explanation. That simply means of all the people you know or do not know, when something happens to you and you celebrating it, everybody's not going to join in on the celebration. That's all that is. But then you take it one step further. My father used to say something to me all the time. He says, son, everybody come with you, can't go with you. I didn't get that when I was fifteen. Everybody come with you can't go with you. He said, you're gonna lose some of these friends you got along the way. But I don't care where you get in life. No, this right here, everybody can't go with you. If you are constantly trying to improve yourself, you constantly have to take assessment of the people around you. Because if you are going to continue to go and continue to grow, then guess what you got to have people that's on the goal and willing to grow, or else guess what you're gonna learn the valuable lesson. You know, the late boxing promoter Butch Lewis. I was talking with Butch Lewis one time, and man with a good brother man, he say, every successful man, it's doing what I call he got rope work to do. He got rope work to do. He got to put in work on rope. And I'm sitting there listening to Butch Lewis and all the money he had made and all the people's lives he had changed, and all of the moves he was making, and his incredible skills as a negotiator on behalf of some very very wealthy people. He was just an amazing man with no education. But he read everything. He Butch Lewis read all that, all the papers, all the periodicals. That brother knew everything. He said, you got to put in rope. And I was sitting there listening he said, here is the analogy, little brother. He said, you are on rope. There's a thick rope. You have on no shirt, you have on some tattered clothes. You have on no shoes. Your shorts is cut off just below the knee, and they tattered, and you got dirt on you and you're sweating. There's this huge, huge raw rope over your shoulder that's burn marks on all of your show older. Connected to that rope is a wagon. That wagon has all your weight on it, all your responsibilities, all the people you're responsible for, all your children, your wife, your family members, your employees, your coworkers, your friends. They are all on that wagon. Man, they're just sitting there. He's saying, what you gotta do is you gotta pull that wagon up the heel. Now. The only thing with it is, can't nobody help you pull your wagon? You pull your wagon alone. He saying, Now, what you can do along the way of pulling your wagon, as you can find yourself a good wife, a good woman. He's saying that what that woman does is she get down off the wagon. She fan you while you pull it. She put water on you while you pull it. She puts stuff in your mouth while you pull it. She kicked rocks out the way while you pull it. But she but she pull it for you. But she is equally as important as you are on the pull of the rock. He said, you hear me clearly now, young soldier. He said, NA get this hell, He says, people on your wagon that you're responsible for. But you want the people on your wagon to help you get your wagon to the top. So what you hope is that they got their foot hanging over the side pushing, They got one leg over the back, or maybe both legs over the back pushing. They got they might have their butt on the wagon, but they push you with both legs. They're back facing your back, maybe some of them facing you when one of them got left leg hanging over trying to push. And you hope that all the people on the wagon you pulling is back there at least trying to help the wagon get to the top of the hill. Here goes your problem. Though everybody ain't pushing, everybody ain't pulling, ain't baybody ain't pulling, Everybody ain't kicking rocks out the way. You got some people on your wagon that's just laying on the wagon drinking lemonade. Looking at you talking about how long it's taking you to get your wagon up to the top. Look at you, tell my whitest wagon, so slow. Then when you start picking up picking up speed, they want you to pull harder, you to pull faster, you to pull mo. Then they want you to throw what you then earned on the weight up the hill, backed on the wagon so they can have MO. But guess what, they ain't helping you get more. But they got a sense of entitlement that since you got mold, they should have MO. Everybody come with you can't go with you. Sometimes you gotta kick the people off the wagon that ain't pushing and pull it and say, hey man, I'm sorry. I thought I could do this with you, and I thought you was going with me. But it's clear to me you ain't nothing but dead weight. And it ain't my responsibility to carry dead weight anymore. I have carried you as long as I have to carry you. You are no longer my responsibility. I'm responsible for my family, my wife, my children. I'm not responsible for you. You got to get off my wagon because I'm a man on rope. I'm on a mission, baby, I'm pulling you're listening. Here I am and here I be. You are listening to Steve Harvey is moaning time. It's early. We rise. We ain't got this the other time. All of these verses ain't got to ride because that ain't what I do at this time. It's early is moaning and here I am for you. Come on, everybody, watch what we do. It's the moaning show. Hell yeah, it's the moaning show. Hell yeah. Last time it's the moning show. Hell yeah, I like one time it's the moaning show. Who hell yeah. Charley Starberry Colin for real, Junior kill Space, the magnificent nephew, very confused with his looks ting here top top top Yeah, good morning, Tuesday, Election day. We got work through today, got a job today. Yes, we gotta get with it. Yep, you gotta vote summer. You know what you just did right there, that's that's talent. You know how you did that was talent right there, that's talents. Give Yeah. Yeah, No, it's not the whole thing. Oh no, no, no, it's not the saying. No, it's it's the nerve. Yeah, enlighten me. It's the nerve to saying in that tone. First thing, in the morning without asking them, right right, that's where that's where the talent come in, the nerves from. Yeah, so so, so when is a good time, because I need to properly take this advice. What's it good time to tell somebody they have no talent in the Pacific field? Well, I try to make it a point to notify people of that on a daily basis. I try not to let a day go by without pretelling somebody to stop. Yeah, this ain't what you're doing, you know now. I'm not a troll or anything like that. On the end of that, I choose to let people live their life. But if you come into my personal space thinking that you have a particular skill set, and I recognize that you don't, but you continue to come over to my house in my space with it, I must stop you, because, see, someone, I am not the Church. The Church says come as you are, and God loves you just the way you are. Clearly I am not the Lord, and I don't love you just the way you are. I love you if you fix a couple of things first, but I don't. Yeah, I don't. I don't do that. I don't love you just the way you are. No, you got to fix a couple of things. So you come back over here. So you know, if you come over to me, you're a little strong. I stand off. I say, hey, made need to do something with yourself. And then I had him, you know, a pack with cologne on it, old spice, deoder it. You know, I don't just care. Y'all will give you a way to coming up with the thirty two minutes after the hour, my job, we're gonna start the show off with Tommy's run that Frank Back. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time to start your morning off with run that Frank Back and the nephew. What you got for us? Enf cut. I borrow your pool just for you out. Let me borrow your pool. Let's go catch up. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Dobba. Hey, Dobba, how are you doing? This is Kendrick. I live in the neighborhood. I got got your number for one of the neighbors. What what neigh do you know, Louise that lives I guess a couple of a couple of doors down from you. Okay, listen, I got a bit of an issue here I'm not actually on your street. I'm gonna the next street over. But Louise told me that you might be willing to help me out due to the whole uh you know, p yeah, dude, all right, due to the pandemic situation. The clubhouse is actually closed, and you know, nobody's able to use the gym, nobody's able to use the pool or anything like that until all of this kind of passes over. But my son's birthday was actually his birthday party is scheduled for this coming weekend, and we now don't have a pool to use, and we wanted to see if you didn't mind letting us bar your pool on Saturday and u and have my son's birthday party only a couple of hours. You know, they've be like fifteen twenty kids nude, fifteen to twenty kids. Are you in the United States? You understand what's going on. I don't know why Louise told you that. I'm so part I'm just going to apologize for her. I don't know why she told you anything like that, but I'm not lending out my pool to know fifteen to twenty kids that we had a small gathering the other week, but it was only three people, and I guess she saw that and I told her that, you know, it was a birthday party. But I don't mean I'm lending out my pool to people. That's not what it be. And that was a family member and I don't even know you, So for her to even give you my number was kind of goofy, you know what I'm saying. So okay, okay, So so wait, wait, wait a minute, wait minute, we already know it's that we in the pandemic. I got that. What I mean, you know my son from the turnen, you know what I mean. So I mean, I don't want to tell my son and we're not gonna have his pool party. I mean, I'm just asking you for a couple of hours and it ain't but twenty kids. Yeah, but you know what I mean to do with you or your son, baby, I'm sorry, Like you're gonna have to find Why don't you go to a hotel or something like that and maybe you can like ring out their pool or something. But I'm not letting my pool to anybody. And right now things aren't cleared up. I don't even know if I'm allowed to. And you talk about fifteen to twenty people in my house and I don't I'm talking about fifteen to twenty and is she told me you would be you know, you would be straight with me using the using your barbecue grill or whatever so I could do some hot dogs for the kids. So well, okay, well, sir, I'm sorry. I think Louise got the wrong idea. You know what this is? What this is, what's wrong with black people right here? Now? You can go ahead, like I said, and maybe call one of these hotels or motels. We'll see if they can let you use their pool. You're not using my pool, Sir. I don't know why Louise gave you my number. I don't know why Louise gave me your number either. You're gonna sit here in that cabot excuse me, sir. Okay, I on this note, I'm just gonna end this call because you're taking it too far. Okay, you have you know what you know. What I'm gonna do. What I'm nothing to do is deny my son. I'm just gonna come over there I get something. I don't have nothing to do with me. I don't I'm just gonna I don't understand I'm coming over that throwing my pool party for my son. Anyway, I'm not gonna not. Louise already told me you was cool, and now you're gonna act like you're not cool. Louise said, I'm cool because I am cool. Boo boo, but I'm not cool with you. I don't know you, okay. So if I told you I'm Kendrick from one street over, I told you I will. I don't give a flying who you are. It doesn't matter. I don't know you well enough to let you use my pool. You're not using my pool, and that's the bottom lunch. My son, my son justin don't turn ten but one damn time. We all just turned ten one time. What are you talking about? I'm not going to not have no pool party for my so, So how about you try to white people and see if they let you use their pool. It's other people around here. You got John across the street from me, ask them, see if that like gonna you use this pool? You coming to me talking about this white black people can't do and all this kind of stuff ain't about being black, it's about being safe. You're not coming in here. I don't know what kind of anybody's you got. I don't know if you had COVID. You ain't even saying no like that. You ain't even tell me whether all y'all been tested, all the kids have been tested? Can you tell me? Hey, hey, hey, hey hey, listen, listen, this is what I'm gonna tell you. I'm near sadday at noon, I ain't gonna be with two hours over. There's good luck. Yeah, guess what. I'm a clack clack reach you back. You come to my house pulling up with some kids. You want to catch a bad one, and I will have the police here. Way. What time is the party, baby, because I will have police here. Way you know I'm coming in my yard. You got people out here getting killed for dumb less than that. Look, you know what, I don't even want I don't want to argue with you. Just give me your address so I can let everybody know where they're gonna You know what, good luck finding my address, get it from Louise. I can curR up. Then I'm ana you up to and I'm gonna get kids up to let them little naphy headed kids coming mom yard and see what happened. Okay, okay, okay, okay, so, so, so what about your neighbor Patricia ask Patricias called Patricia's that's on. Patricia ain't got nothing to do with me, just like this party ain't got nothing to me. I don't know, justin I don't know. You you calling people, getting adamant and nasty about using somebody pool with all this going on, man, I'm not trying to put my life at risk for you. Louise. You okay now, okay, okay, hold on, hola, Can I tell you something else though? Can I tell you what Patricia told me? What Patricia told me to call you? This is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show. Patricia got me to prank phone call. What wait minute, but this is this is nephew Tommy, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your next door neighbor. Patricia got me to prank phone call. You might have fact Patricia and Louise. I hate both of them right now. I was talking to Louisa. She gets, oh, so you're just having parties. It was three little people in there. Oh my god. I love yourself. I love you. Oh I'm so confused right now, I don't go. I was like I'm gonna get my pool covered like this is crazy. Oh my god, this is crazy. And you've got me. You've got twenty twenty. Baby, tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the Lando Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next, it is asked the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. But just a reminder that today is election day. Please get your voting plan together and go vote. We need you right now. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some trending entertainment news. JP Smith clears up her sex life controversy. Why should keep talking about it? We'll talk about it. We'll talk about it, and then Shack tells his kids we ain't rich. I am okay. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now it is time for Steve's favorite segment. It's asked the CLO Chief Love Officer, Ready for your love questions. This one is from Cammy in Detroit. Cammy right Time, a thirty three year old married woman and A few days ago, I found a bag in my husband's truck with a towel, two pair of boxers, and body wash. My husband doesn't work out, so I asked him why it was the bag in there. He says that sometimes he can't make it to the bathroom at work, so he keeps the change of Undy's in his car just in case. What. I don't know if I should believe him or not, But he does have a sensitive stomach. Is he lying? No saving saving Steve? That's probably true, you know, And I don't know how I know. Well, he got a sensitive stomach and all he got is to change underwear and somebody washing that stuff right here? You got you know, you don't know how it's going. You know. See, ladies, you all have never really liked like your needed on yourself a lot, you know, to where where stain and you got guy par ress. You gotta get that off you, you know, reco When you get older, you know you've been drinking and stuff like that. You got hennisy in that year, and you got that cut of silly in that year. You got stuff you got, you got stuff in there, you got you got anybody's in that year and yeah, you took a vaccine. That's some of that's in the year. You know, you know all this stuff in this year. Man, you got you gotta deal with what's in that year. And then you ain't coming. You weren't eating a spag that you know, all that trying to stay health and all this you got stuff in here. Man, you just burning. Man. You gotta get some soap on you. Man. So I'm all, no, I think the man is right right there, you thirty. I don't know how your husband if he can't hold his water good at Lisa's his water. You know, he's a man just defecating on this self to he donna have to get another job, right, even anybody find to do that. But he owned himself a lot to her. Just tell them wear dog pass, don't wear them cacking pass to work them for a while. All right, go ahead, chere, I'm going. Lauren in Alabama says five years ago, my husband called me from work and said that he wanted a divorce. He said he had found his soulmate and he wanted to be with her. I had no idea at first that a soulmate is our church member. I know for a fact that she may still be married to an older man at the church, and he still pays all of her bills. I've been doing some spy work and I'm about to give them a big both of them, a big wake up call. Am I being evil? Or should I do it? Well? I really would like to know what the big wake up call is. I mean, if you think she's it's it's a friend of yours from the churches. She's still married to an older man and he called you from work and just said, Hey, I want to be with my soul mate. You know I want to divorce you. Gonna come through yaf a little bit, but he don't want you. That's clear, so you know. I mean, look, I could tell you to just leave it go, but you hain't. You got some information you're gonna drop a bombshell. I just need to know where you're gonna do it. As you're gonna do it at his job. You're gonna do it down at your church. By the hell a lot more, Yeah, because that that determines the bigger the size of the bombshell on his job. It won't create that bigger ruckers because by Hr has to stay out of his personal life. But if you do it down at the church, they is your personal life. You know, church ain't got no laws down now, they're gonna run that up there. They're gonna run that up the flag pole. I would leave it alone and just realize he don't want you, because I mean when you do that, he still ain't gonna want you. Yeah, now you haven't done some research. Go ahead for them marriage. We send to marriage. You're fitting the fightful. He don't want you. Hed to found his soul mate. If a man call you and tell you that, Dawn, you can't fix that. You're not fitting that. All of a sudden he fin change his mind and you the soul mate. Girl going about yourself, get your life, all right, Lauren all right? Moving on to Captain in Hoboken, New Jersey. Captain says, I'm sixty six and I recently moved in a senior living community. I have a female next door that keeps coming on to me, and I think she's a beautiful woman, but she's got to calm it down let me pursue her. I'm all school and I love the chase. I like to pretend I still have it, and she won't let me. I feel like the roles are reversed here. How do I calm this old mouse down so the cat can hunt his prey? Help me out, brother, Well, let me help you out. Dog. See the part where you say you had to pretend like you still got it, you don't. It's okay. If you got to pretend that you still got it, it's because you don't now, dog, things change. I got you old school, and you want to calm this cut down? And she beautiful, and she coming home. She isn't a citizen citizen home. She's attracted to you. Y'all ain't got no whole lot of time left. I don't know how old you are for you to move your ass in a senior citizen home. I don't know how much time they got left. But I do know this, When you move it to a senior citizen home, you have lived longer than you got left. I damn about promise you well. I ain't saying it's neil, but you got your future is way shorter than your past. I can promise you that so now, and she know that you don't know what's wrong. Dog, I don't enjoy my new life. You got a new life. You're a senior citizen. Dog, this is new for you. You're being hunted. Get caught your old ass next though, so I can let it. Calm this mess now, so I can act like I'm doing something. I want to pretend like I still got it. You don't still got it. You don't got the keys to where you used to stay. You ain't got the money you used to have. You don't dry the car used to have. You ain't got the wardrobe used to have. You ain't got the swagger you used to have. That's why your asses at that old folk home now, because you ain't what you was. Stop this, damn dog. Oh that damn don't let that old fine ass chicken. You don't have the keys and used to He wants to chase her, he said, help him out. So I guess you dog, get open the don't let her in and run around apartment, chase her like that. That other thing you used to do is over you slow now, damn no, all right, captain, all right. Javarius in Ohio says, I'm twenty six years old. My father remarried over a year ago, and I just can't seem to warm up to my step mom. She's in her early thirties, and I can't do anything. She can't do anything like my mom did, especially cook. My father is insisting that I spend Thanksgiving with them this year, but I'd rather be with my grandparents since I know my grandmother can still throw down in the kitchen. This is my favorite holiday of all, and I don't want to ruin. What excuse can I give my dad so I don't have to go? Hey, Dad, I'm going over to Grandma's house. You know, they ain't got much longer to live. I was listening to Steve Morning Show and it was an old man who wrote in to him, and he told me he got he got a lot less left than he had in his past. And I know Grandmama and him don't have much left, and so I'm gonna go and spend some time with them, you know. And Dad, why don't we go over there? Why don't we all spend the time over there with our grandparents and show him that we love him in everything, unless than the grandparents on your my own hidden mama's side. And you can't bring my ass over there because they're gonna pause and health and then all right, Savarius, that's what you're gonna have to do. Thank you Celo coming up at the top of the hour, will have a good astace right after you're listening to show. Well, guys, you would think you would think that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith would have gotten enough with their entanglement controversy. We all remember that, but no, they're still at it this time. It's because of her latest Red Table Talk. Jada and her guest Gwyneth Paltrow were discussing their sex lives. Jada said that she and Will got married very young, and she also mentioned accountability on both sides, just knowing what your partner wants well. Some people assumed that the conversation had to be about the Smith's having bedroom problems. Jada claimed that her words were taken out of context, and she hopped on Twitter to clear it up. Jada said, only because I got time today. This is what she tweeted. Stop making up headlines. Watched the Red Table talk I did with Gwyneth Paltrow for yourself. Will and I have never all capped the word never, never had an issue in the bedroom, Thank you? Why do we keep to Yeah, that's my problem. I don't know. And the individualization is just killing me. Now. It just keeps popping in my head. You're thinking of I am Legends, that bad boy yea, with a little bit of I Robot. It's all a whole lot independent day. Everything is all twisted in me and niked. Yeah, now coming Steve. I mean, you know, I don't. I don't. You know, sometimes it just makes me glad that I'm married to who I'm married to. I mean, you know, whatever we deal we deal with. You know, our marriage is not for public consumption, and we and we try to make it that pot I mean very good. Yeah, but you got these little public platforms where you're gonna talk about it, Well, it's something we are. You're talking about them. Then you're gonna ask me something about my kids. I tell them I don't give it. But after that, yeah, no, I mean you're not in matt you're not in my bed room with my wife. Thought that that's we're not talking about that. Don't ask me a damn thing about it, all right? All right? So um In other news, uh NBA Hall of Famer Shaquille O'Neill wants his children to understand something. Okay, he wants them to understand that they cannot get a free pass just because their dad is rich and famous. Take a listen. My kids are rolling out and they're kind of upset with me, and I really upset. But they don't understand because I tell them all the time we ain't rich. I'm rich, bottom line. The way shock sees it, it's his kids. Um, they have to get their education. And he went on to say, I tell them, I'm not going to hand it to you. You gotta earn it. For the record, Shack is estimated Steve. His net worth is four hundred million dollars, so almost billions. Bad boy, No, Shan got a lot of money. Man, all these commercials you see, shock on. He not just own commercials. Shack owns things, owns so he was portions a paper jobs, he owns Icy Hot, he owns shacks out a Pictures. Yeah. No, man, Shack is in equity and all all this stuff you see, shock head. He's an equity player, an owner. No, he's I know one of the deals he cut, I wish I had that deal. I wish I had that deal. Y'all don't but I do. Well, what do you think about him? What he said about his kids. I say that I said that a million times. Really, no, no, no, me and your mama got money. Yeah, because when I told I told you that time I took one shopping for school and I told him go over that. I was in the mall with him a long time. I'm going out, told him pick out a pair of gym shoes. We get him shop school shopping, and I went over the sunglass hunting, was buying some sunglasses. I came back about me three pair of sunglass. I come back off around. It's about six pair of shoes up on the counter. I said, hey, man, so which one of these you're gonna get? I couldn't decide, So I'm gonna get all of them. I said, well, what part of get up pair of shoes? Understand? I mean one? Oh, it's singular. I remember that from taking English. He said, I don't understand you write on this. Yeah, I know about this. I ain't even pay attention a lot, I said, But I said that. He said, but Daddy, I don't understand. We got the money. No, no, no, no, we ain't got nothing. I I got money. You're the poor person in the family. I don't know if it's I got money, you're the poor person in the family. No, you're poor. You don't work, you don't go to the house, you don't earn income. That makes your poor. You have zero income. You're poor. That's okay. Now, I give you things, but I give you that. But if I stop giving it to you, you right on back to Poe with a decision I can make. And I started teaching my kids. Security is only that which you can provide for yourself. Everything else is not security. Security is only that which you provide for yourself, even in the music industry, even in television, even in basketball. If you don't provide it for yourself, that's not real security. If somebody can cut you, if somebody can cancel you, if somebody can fire you, that's not real security. So my suggestion is when you get the money from whoever can, whoever pays you for whatever you service, it that money that you get to keep vas your security. Everything else's false sense of security. I can't tell you how many times they can cancel the show of mine. I had to go find something else to do. Get your own security, your own independence. All right, Think it's Steve coming up at twenty minutes after we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we go. Carla is here with today's music news. Thank you, Charlie. Okay, guys, jay Z is still trending. We all know. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame held its annual induction ceremony this past Saturday night in your hometown, mister Steve Harvey in Cleveland, Carol King, Tina Turner, Yeah, yeah, jay Z. They were all inducted in jay Z. He had a funny speech, you know, it was It was long too. He talked about his love of hip hop. He did a huge shout out to L L cou j. He was like we did in Brooklyn, you know, shouting out to Brooklyn. And then jay Z he mentioned his current lawsuit. Take a listen to part of his speech and hopefully he got me poem in the next generation that you know, anything is possible. I don't know what's next. In fact, I do know what's next. I gotta go to court Monday. It's good that life is about balance, but you know tonight, you don't enjoy tonight. I appreciate just on a sh They gave a lot of love to jay Z. Love love love him. So you know, if you don't know, he is currently being sued by a perfume company. They claimed that jay Z, yeah, this was this was a while ago though, I think back in twenty thirteen, they claimed that jay Z failed to make an appearance to promote a celebrity perfume called Gold jay Z. So jay Z has been going to cord wearing his sue, wearing his mask. They put him on the stand and the lawyers asked him about his contract, about you know, doing the appearance for the perfume, and jay Z said, he testified, I did not read the contract. I am not a lawyer. We've all been guilty of that at something white and he's he went on to say, my lawyers probably explained the deal to me. The jurors, they said, were giggling. They were just laughing at jay Z because he was like, look, I'm not a lawyer. I didn't read the contract. And jay Z is now he's countersuing of the perfume company for over two point seven million dollars because they he said, they failed to pay him. So it's backing for her. Come on, Jake, but you know the thing about being a famous man is you're under such scrutiny an attack constantly. I think, I think that the average person will be stunned at the amount of lawsuits that come your way, that you end up fighting, that you end up trying to get resolved and dissolved. It's just amazing, man, how the average person unjustifiably go after successful people because they think they can get something. And here's the main emo they use. Let's sue him and see if he'll settle, because settling is better than going through the aggravation of the court and pay out your expensive lawyers. All right, Carla, thank you, coming up at thirty four minutes after the hours. Stay woke. Today is election day. We'll talk about it right after this you're listening to. Today is election day. Stay woke, Harvey Nation. We the people will be casting our votes for governors, mayors, and state amendments. Why do you need to vote today because much of a governing that affects you every single day is the result of these elections. Okay, they are tight gubernatorial races in Virginia between governor and Democrat Terry mcculloff versus Republican Glenn yuncan. If you live in New Jersey, reelect Democrat Governor Phil Murphy. There are heavy mayoral races in New York, Atlanta. Cassim Reid is running yet again for mayor in Atlanta and Buffalo. In Minneapolis, where George Floyd's murder touched off a national push to reform law enforcement, a sweeping city charter amendment that would overhaul the city's police department is at stake and it's passed. The Yes for Minneapolis amendment would replace the city's police department with a Department of Public Safety that would dispatch crisis managers or social workers to respond to emergency before police officers. Wow. Yeah, that's a big bill there, talk about che Wow, something has I think, well, something has to be done. I don't understand exactly what they're saying, but at least they're trying to shoot for something that gets more accountability, maybe some more eyeballs on the scenes. Yeah, they're not saying the police won't be there, but these people will be there before the police come. Yeah. Yeah, but you need the police to now, yeah the police are coming. Yes, you're doing you absolutely and you need proper training from both that's the biggest thing. I think it's the training of these police officers, and I think there's I think like, for example, Chauvin had so many citations before he murdered this man, and so there's no consequences. It's just the police get to just do what the hell they want to do because they're a police officer. And that that sense of invincibility, it carries out itself. And thank God for phone cameras now. But see, I'm an old catman. I've seen it a thousand times when there was no cameras to capture it. Right, See what he did if you kicked him in his mouth, shout out, get back. We've got nothing that's been happening to black people. Man. This is not new y. But that's part of the frustration that I had, because I'm just sick of this fight. I'm exhausted from it, and I have every right to be tired. But for those of you that are not in the fight, you would be tired too if it were happening to you here. Yes, I was watching an interview one time and a black guy asked a white lady who was pro Trump and all this here. He said, let me ask you a question well, black people need to stop complaining so much. Blah blah blah blah blah blah. He said. He said, let me ask you a question. Would you be willing for two weeks to just trade places with a random black person? Just for two weeks? Well, anyway, I answered that it's not gonna be a win win. No. I'm not talking about no. No. You can't trade with Beyonce or you know, you know Rihanna. You can't trade with No, No, a random black person. Quincy and she had no reply because they know it's it's like a great white activists and I forgot her name, but she did that big speech on the college campus and said, raise your hand, raise your head if if you're white and you're willing to trade places with black people, raise your head. Not a soul raised Jane Elliott, Jane Elliott because they know, don't nobody want to sign up for this unless you so you know the greatness of this countryman, I've been questioning for a long time and never, no, never more so than now. I just think this country is built on hypocrisy and until you admit it, now you erasing slavery from history books and what Martin Luther King from history books. It's because you're trying to clear your consciousness. You only can fix mistakes when you admit to him. That's right. So vote today. Please go to when We All Vote dot org to check your voting status. No, you're voting rights. You have to vote. You have the right to vote, and your vote matters. Yeah, I gotta get out here, vote today. Yeah, the SA coming up next, it is the nephew with today's frank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject one stress stob Mama. We'll get into that in just a bit, but right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for his navs? Choppers, funeral, Choppers, feuderal, got dog if you would? Yeah, I'm trying to reach your James James James, Yeah, Yeah, what's up? Hey, This this is a Gerald. Uh. I was a friend of uh uh, your your friend Chopper, Yeah, huh and Chopper just uh passed away last week? Right? Yeah, I know they posed had the funeral and stuff over at uh at mom Baptist Church. And uh, I don't really know you, but me, me and me and Chopper and a bunch of rest that was man. We used to hang out at the club not too far from the house. You know. That's pretty much what chopping wood all the time at the club. Anyway, what a bunch of us was over at the club talking man and I was we was really want to reach out to one of the family members, you know, and then somebody said you was, you know, kind of a good friend of his. And when we we we we decided to call you and see if you didn't mind. Do you think that you can talk to some of the family members and see if they don't mind having the funeral at the club at the club. See what, let me let me try to explain something to you, Jane. What we're trying to do is, see we believe that we believed at the club. Come on the club, there's a funeral. What And that's what I understand it. But see, see chop Choppa ain't really go to church a whole lot, you know what I'm saying. He didn't really really go long as I've been knowing him. Now he loved a lord and stuff like that. I understand. But see Chopper wouldn't chop Chopper went to the club. So I'm asking you will let's have the funeral at the club. Hell no, bro, come on, we can't have no funeral at no club. Man, come on, No, No, I can't. But but what what I'm saying is, though, is that he wasn't really he wasn't really no church going person. I believe that a person ought to be uh, the last words are to be said over him in a place he's more familiar with. You know what I'm saying, player, Player No, I don't. I don't know what you mean. Player. No, just just gotta be a funeral. This is this is church. For I go to church, and all my folks go to church. Now we we gotta do this thing up in church. This is a church thing. But you don't. You don't feel But do you understand where I'm coming from? No, that a man ought to going on and and the last words are to be in a place he more familiar. Now, if he went to church, then I understand that. You see him, bro, Hell no, no, see this his chance to get itself right and Wenna, were gonna have him up in church in front of everybody. You know, that don't make sense. Who's this again? I mean, who are you? My name Gerald? But who is Gerald? I mean? How do you? How do you relate to this? Are you preacher? Are you no? No? Are you no? No? No? No, I'm I'm I was friends with Chopper, And see I hung out at the club and still hang out there with a whole bunch of you know, was real good friends with Chopping, and we were saying that, you know, Chopper's the last words about Chopper or to be said at the club, because see that's what Chopper would But five six days a week, that's what Chopper was. But what church are you affiliated with? I mean, what? What? Why the hell? What? I try to talk to the family? Make me look stupid in front of the family, telling them to put the thing in a club? How do that gonna go off? Well? See, see that's what I'm saying. You know him way more than we do, because see that you're talking about trying to move from a damn you You don't add a church to a damn nightclub or strip club or something. No, no, no strip club, just a nightclub. It's the same, ain't it. I mean you out having folks traveled from across the country and meeting in the damn club. What kind of that? But that's what Chopper was. That's what Chopper was. I'm gonna look if I'm the one telling them rooted to the damn club, You're gonna look like somebody that's trying to I'm gonna look like a fool. No, you're not. You're gonna look like somebody that's trying to keep it real. Come to the damn feeling if I will do something like that. Okay, okay, let me ask you this hit. Then let me ask you this Hill or Jane? Do you think do you think you can maybe get the body and bring it over to the club. No, well, I'm just saying before they even do the funeral or whatever, I ain't touching getting the walk in the dog by my body for him. No, we're just trying to say our last words at Chopper Man in a place that Chopper up. No, Hilma again, who for you? You get my number? Somebody at the club had your number, said you was friend. But what y'all called me? Of all folks, y'all called me. They say you good. You in with the family, and you can tell me in with the family. But I ain't end in the family. Make me look stupid. Hell, y'all won't y'all. I get all of them to the family. Y'all call the family, y'all tell them that yourself. Man, I won't. I just want trying to get you to brain the body by man and let us no, I ain't touching no dead body. We just want to have one lands drink with Chopper. Man, you have one with your boys, and you you get together with them, and y'all talk about bottom and let him know how Chopper one, what kind of prison was? What kind of person? We need to We won't chop up to be there? This Chopper, this is Chopper you talking about? Man. Bring y'all to the church. Y'all need to be up in the church. We want to have a Chopper at the club. Well, we don't know them all, man, y'all full of well. We know have looking like a food at the damn funeral. But this about Chopper though, and then I'm writing about Chopper. You'll brain Chopper to the club, y'all tripping, man, I ain't doing I'm just going to this funeral. I'm gonna care the fami what I think about Chopping, and I'm going if y'all want to clay in front of the town of y'all caught a penny of y'all selling to that. Look, I got one more thing I want to say. I don't even know you what what this is? Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your board. This nephew Timman Man from the Steve Harvey Morny Show. Your board told me to prank you. Man. I just know y'all ain't did it? James, This his nephew Timme No, non play. Oh man, I can't believe this. No he didn't. I can't even believe he did that. Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land? Sta Hardy moaning son? Think? I mean it made sense though, didn't need to have you know, the funeral at the club. That's what Chopper used to be. And they don't make sense to y'all. One last drink with Chopper Man, Yeah no, no, he'll no, No, master p not too long ago. He no limit. No, I'm no limit. What's C C junior C junior. Tommy can't see what other people see, and so Tommy operates from his viewpoint, which is low low. All this come from hype restrictions. You know. Oh boy, he can't see what he do to other people because he can't see the expression on their face. Head. If you're staying at somebody's shirt all the damn paw, it's hard to look up and see how they get your face hot their chest. You can see the hurt is some ple that was great. I'm laughing at something else. I'm not laughing whatever. I could care less. Hey, I gotta I gotta brag real quick. I went to my son's baseball game Sunday. Oh my god, y'all so glad. I made it first time ever. Jordan nicknamed Jay dubbed rocks that ball over the fence, first time ever. I got the baseball. I watched my boy do his thing. J hit home, Jordan building come up on the Jordan A man, Hey man, I want to be the first to offer to manage Jordan because he has a future. And y'all know how emotional you are. I don't want you messing up. None of the contracts I'm gonna offer to manage my great nephew. I will step out of the way and let that happen. All right, guys, congratulations to Jordan, Thank you nephew. Coming up next Strawberry Letters, Subject one stressed out Mamma. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show with all of the festivities around the corner. We teamed up with our friends at Goal Series from Pantine to help you create a new you for the holidays. We've got your chance to win one thousand and five hundred dollars to cover a new hairdo plus clothes plus a haircare gift basket from Goal Series from Pantine. Enter and get rules at Steve harveyfm dot com. No matter how you work your hair, Goal Series works hard while you work, Wonders works better because it's made better. Get all the info at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. All right, and it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Drawberry letta we could be reading yours right now. You never know that one could be yours. M all right, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letta. All right. Subject one stressed out Mama, Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married for six years and I have two children under age five. I work full time and I tutor children in our home on Mondays and Wednesdays. My husband's job has him traveling eighty percent of the time, so that leaves me with the children a lot. Thanks Heavens, I have relatives close by that can help me with my children. In August, my husband was out of town for a week and I was stressed out with being a mom and a businesswoman. My co workers suggested I get a sensual massage to help me relax and stay centered. I decided to try it, and the massu said he would come to my home. We sat and talked, and he was engaging and seemed interested in stuff that stresses me out. Then he told me to take deep breaths and close my eyes, and he undressed me and guided me to the massage table and laid me back. When I opened my eyes, he had taken his clothes off too, and he was staring into my eyes, right through my soul. He started massaging every inch of my body and it was sensual and satisfying. After he finished, he said I could pay in cash or cash eff I booked an appointment for the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. We eventually started having the best sex in my living room on his massage table. My marriage has improved since I started seeing him regularly, but he's expensive and soon I won't be able to justify it. If my husband looked at our account, I've asked him for a discount and he says, I'm one stressed out mama and he has to give me the full package each time. Do I keep seeing this man for stress management or should I go see a real therapist? Well, you know what, I think you do know the answer to that. But in case you need a little help, will help you out here because this is a lot and you know this is wrong what you're doing. You do realize that you're having a whole affair in the living room of your house that you share with your husband. Okay, I know he's out of town a lot, but he does come home at some point. And I don't care what you call it. I don't care if you call it a sensual massage, entanglement, whatever you call it. You are having sex with a man that is not your husband in your house. Okay, you can't justify this. This is cheating. We all get stressed out from time to time, but we don't fix it by possibly ruining our marriages and relationships with a sensual massage having sex in our living rooms. And I'll come on, Steve and I we're not condoning this. We're not condoning your actions. You've put You've put yourself and your little massus in harm's way by doing this. The crazy part is you're paying him and he won't even give you a discount. This is crazy. I say, stop this before your husband finds out and kills you both when he opens that living room door. You know, if you want to distress, take a yoga class or a meditation class or something. Anyway, gets this man out of your house immediately, Steve one stressed out Mama. Now when I read this letter. As I was reading it, I want you all to know that I was going somewhere else at first. So here's where I went. Dear Shirley and Steve and Shirley. I've been married for six years. I have two children under age five. I work full time. I two the children in our home on Mondays and Wednesdays. My husband's job has him traveling eighty percent at the time, so that leaves me with your children. Lot, Lord Jesus, something stressed. First things we're gonna do is them other damn kids that's coming home on Monday and Wednesday that ask Finn to be stupid. I'm not finning to help them learn the damn thing. Tutoring is over. You can get half to stress out your life trying to help these other people dumb ass little kids. That ain't your business. If tutoring kids is stressing you out, stop tutoring everybody else's kid. Raise your own ignorant children. That is a hard job raising your own ignorant children. Why do you have these extra damn kids coming to your house on Monday and Wednesday and you that by yourself can't get no help. That's why I was going with this letter. That's where you were going. That Bill's character. It did it for me. Get an elf, get a d learned how to recover. That's what's wrong with these punk ass kids. Now, you don't let these kids have to recover from nothing, getting them tutors and teaching them how to be good. Let him learn how to fail. A couple of times comes strain your hands out, get you somewhere. You make it two damn easy. You're tired of getting the D. Let deans a pass. It D means you're doing partly parly. You was failing. Now you're doing partly. That's progress. Let the ass learn progress. That's what I wanted this letter to be about. However, stop getting your kids help at school. So what I set up here? One of my grandkids got uh diagnosed dick SELEXI let him read it again, if you see, let us backwards, read it till you see it right. That ain't no word respell it. Respect, you learn yourself. So so we'll have part two of Steve's what he calls his real response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strubberry letters subjects one stress doubt Mama. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letter, the subject one stressed out Mama. All right, so if you were here from my last response, I'm just gonna go real quicker because that ain't what it's about. Lady been married six years, got two kids under fire, she worked full time, and she threw the kids in their home. That's why she stressed out in the husband gold Lady percent the time, I said, you can kill half to stressed by stopped letting them ignorant as kids in your household money with sins. That ain't your voice. Stop helping other people's kids. It's hard enough for raising your kids. Their kids just fee to be stupid. It's all this small I'm saying is you're finna come down here. I'm nothing to tune to you through a damn thing. Else and D's is good at Bill's character, and people look at me. I know, I was a child who suffered a lot with this D's and else, I failed a lot, and I became poorly. When I gotta see, I gotta bike. I'm telling you my daddy took me through the process. I gotta see bike. That taught me to work yourself through some problems. I never once had her to the wind never went to counseling. This stuff I got asked, whippis was my counseling. Now that we've got that out there where, here's a real problem. A co worker suggested that to deal with the stress, she gets some sensual massages to help her relax and stay center. So she tried it, and I don't know how she thought it was a good idea to have a man as a massus. I keep telling women that ain't what we do. If we the massus and you find we're gonna want something, it's just automatic if your massus is massaging and you and you find he gonna won't chill. So she invites him over to the house. They sat and talked. He was engaging, He seemed interested in stuff to stressed me out. Then he told me to take deep breaths and close my eyes. He undressed me and guided me to the massage table and laid me back, what you know much if I don't have put into this right here and not being a massuse, but check this out when I opened my eyes here taking his clothes off too. Let me tell you something that's skilled right there. Let me tell you something that's hard to do. That's hard to undress her and you and she don't know you are undressing that boy got skilled. Say this first time, I got how you got her clothes off and she taking deep breath with eyes shall But how you got yours off too? Boy? You was at work? Congratulations, dog slick moved. That's be a cold take. You could release. How didn't dress two people and don't nobody know it? Oh? He was anyway, and he started to massage every inch of my body, So I know what happened. That that means there was a lot of thumb work involved with this massage, a lot of loose thumbs. That's our specialty, will be giving massages, loose thumbs, thumb work. I'm telling you it's affecting thumb work. Anyway. This is what happened. It was sensual and satisfying. And after he finished, I see said I could pay cash and cash out. Now in her mind, she don't give a damn how you want it? I do a bank wire at this point, So you just did something in me that was so special. How you want this money? I rob a bank I can hold up it's under my mattress. It could have got this money anyway. I booked an appointment for the next day, and the day after that. End of the day after that. Wow, we eventually started having the best sex in my living room on his massage table. Oh he came in the door knowing what this was. It wasn't even about the massage. It's no more now his word. Let her get tricky. My marriage has improved since I started seeing him regularly. But ladies stopped. Did you say my marriage has improved since I started seeing him regularly? Your marriage and improved. You just don't give a damn no Listen to me. Your marriage has impol You just don't give a damn no more. I'll tell you what this high know, the high effective these massages is you booked him the next day, the next day, and the next day, So I guess some kids coming over. That's out. They don't come over no more, Tutor, no more. That's what I thought, because now you're here getting your ass just massage to death every square and chill you and you're paid for it. Jigger loops up. You saw the special on HBO. Pimps up? Yeah you down. You saw the special. What we're talking about. Pay for it if you wanted prostitution is the oldest profession in the beginning. Now you got him over here, so good. You're telling this man you ain't gonna be able to keep this up. If your husband look at your account. I've asked him for a discount, and he said, you want stressed out, Mama. He gotta give you the full package. He's time. How you gonna get a discount from me? And while I'm in here providing all this stress free information, you ain't stressed out no more. You ain't a tutor, no more. You ain't you ain't married, no mo I less you forget everything that's full price. I don't give a discount. I've got Brad dragged this table out of the trunk of my car. Not heavy. The table is I give an apartment. I gotta pull it down. These steps loaded in the car, get out here to come up in here. Set this table up in your house. Close all these curtains in here and stuff step over. Hide all these tors and stuffed these kids got out here because both your kids is under five. I gotta put kids in the torch chu because I gotta get neck in it. I can't be stepping on these legos and all this hill and I'm getting here doing too much work. I can't give you no damn discount. Then I got to climb up on this table and everything all on you and all like this hill. H Then you don't want to do right. Sometime I gotta talk to you in the store. I don't handle discount for you. It's a lot. And I don't have no advice for this letter in this later because I told you in the beginning just stop having them damn kids, but you don't replace them kids to grow the ass man. Coming up next Junior in Sports Talk, and forty six minutes after right after this, you're listening Morning show. All right, guys, Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got Junior? All right, Shirley. Before I get to that, let me just remind you to go to kiers Hope dot org if you're in the Dallas Fort Worth area. That's kiers Hope dot org. Because I'm helping families this Christmas. I need some families, so I need ten families. That's what we're looking for, a ten families. Go to kiers Hope dot org. If you have somebody with sickle cell and they're gonna have a rough Christmas. Let me know with Junior claus is on the way, kiars Hope dot Org. Thank you all right? Uh here it is tonight, game six of the World Series. Have you been watching? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, baseball hard, man, it is uh baseball, it's hard. Now. I'm gonna tell you something, man, the Braves didn't win it in Atlanta. No. Yeah, I might not get back. Yeah, it might not get back two games. If there's two games, it's two games. If it's two games, time. He gotta win thet gotta win the night. The little leaves a series three to two. Starting pitches tonight will be Max Freed and Luis Garcia. All I know them, all I know Houston. Just don't put Valve Diaz back in the game, that's all. Don't let him pitch nothing. He's serve. He giving up home runs like he paid for them. Man, I'm like, what did you doing? He gave up a Grand Slam Sunday night and the game before that game way two home runs for that. So this man just gave up three home runs in the World Series. Please don't put him back in the game. Tommy boy got well, at least he throws strikes. Yeah, he got that down. I'll tell you one thing time me. I know you could relate time. Who your favorite player on the astros out? It's our Tube? I thought up it is on the team. Yeah, I know that's your favorite player. How Tube is a beast all the same size? I know where he is a beast hanging out? Hey, man, you stayed with him little last people time, don't because we got j my boy going to the game to night. I'm going to night. So when we unk, Yeah, you and home one hitting Jordan Hunt, y'all going to and he makes sure we go early so we can catch the practice. Yeah to go. Y'all take a picture, all three of y'all take a picture together, you, your son and our Tube and let us give us the picture. Let us guess who who who? This? No, we ain't got this. That's that's that's sending the pure so we can play who who Who? Man, it's gonna be a good game tonight. Man. Hopefully we get down to game seven. We'll see what happened. But the World Series has been good though. He's been a really good Hey, Junior, Dusty Baker. Dusty is a bad boy, man, man, I'll give him at Dusty Baker. No, sir, that's the only reason I wouldn't be mad if Houston mare. Yeah, do it for dusk. Here you go, all right, Junior, Thank you as always. Coming up at the top of the hour, Steve is going to check his voicemail eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, right after this, you're listening Stry Morning Show. All right, Come on, Steve, let's go check your voicemail eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, if you want to talk, are you ready? All right, let's go to line one and uh, this one's from Horton. He's from Detroit. He's playing a trip for his birthday. Hello, Steve, how you doing? And my wife and playing on going to Miami up for my birthday on the nineteenth of November. I know that you're clever, and I was looking for your input on a good itinerary should about my wife's way back. You know, I'm working for the income about the twenty five hundred dollars views on the trip, so I know that it's much to the wisdom and council and what you're not being the same age and from Detroit. You know, game understand game player understand player, And I still like to, you know, do the right thing by my wife. Appreciate you, man, Okay, cool. Here's what you do, man, Get on a trip Advisor, the one of them all webb sites. Stay, get the rooms at a discount. You want to stay right on South Beach. Ain't don't need a messing around. They got discounts up there, man, especially during this time of the year. Stay right on South Beach Hotel Dellanos. You know the rids. Stay right on South Beach. Man, you can walk out on that water. Then what you want to do is you want to tell the hotel it's kind of a special time for you and you like a special table for dinner one evening and have her, you know, with a vase with a couple of flowers in it. Stuff like that, you know, and a special dinner with a car with a printed menu on it with y'all's names on an Ask the fotel can they print the menu up for you and bring it to the table and tell it you have a special selected menu that don't cost no extra. Hotels like to do stuff like that. It's got your name on it, her name on it. Happy anniversary, happy birthday, happy love day, whatever, you want to call it, that's your special dinner. I want you to do some walks out on the beach that don't cost you nothing, and just spend the weekend out there on South Beach, man, walking up and down the beach, and that one dinner, and that special dinner will blow the mind. She'll never forget it. Man. And then if you can, dog, if you can buy and pack a pair of shoes that you bought for her before you leave for the trip, and pack it in your luggage. There ain't got to be no real expensive shoes, you know. There ain't got to be no Christian Lubertan's or nothing like that. But you just need to buy her a new pair of shoes that you think she liked, something from nord Strums or something like that via speaker. You know, they got some nice name brand shoes you can buy to give a real sexy look that look more expensive than they cost. Pack the shoes up, and then the the night before you do the dinner, give her the shoes and ask cause the where the shoes to dinner. And then when you get to the dinner, you had to dinner laid out to where I explain it to you you can do that for twenty five hundred dollars all day play nice, keep it pipping. And the reason I love you man because my best friend name is Marvel is Marvin Harden. Herd boy means a lot to me. Marble is Marve and heart. Yeah. Line two, Today's election day, Steven. This caller is frustrated with Washington DC. Hello, DC doesn't just mean District of Columbia, it means daycare. You see what the Senate is doing. We got the two Democrats that need to go ahead and help passive infrastructure. One is running. All you see when the camera's on her, like Senator Simma. When she runs, all you see is to back our head won't say anything. And West Virginia's Senator Mansion, he just keeps talking we need to work harder, but he's not saying what he's looking for. And at all of this is going on. Thank you for taking my call and you have an awesome one. Well, brother, I understand your frustration. I agree with you whole harder. We have two problems here. Democrats can't agree to be democrats. The Republicans have one platform and they stay to it. And as far as Mansion goes from West Virginia. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He's really a Republican posing as a Democrat. That's all it is to it. He's really a Republican posing as a Democrat. He opposes everything Democrats do. Stop lying. Please get out of here. I'm so sick of DC with you dog. All right, thank you for your phone calls. We'll have more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, As we've been mentioning all morning, today is election day. We need you to go vote because why your vote matters. You matter, and listen. It is illegal for anyone to try to stop you from voting. Okay, if you experience any intimidation, coercion, threats, false information about voting requirements. If you experience any of that, report it to Election Protection. That number is eight six six six eight seven eighty six eighty three immediately now. Intimidation may include physically blocking entrance to voting, cursing at people waiting to vote, Coercion that may include offering money to vote. For a certain person, threats, including comments such as your family will be deported if you vote, false information about voting, anything like that. Okay, we want you to go out and vote, but if you experience any of this, we got something for that too. Eight six six six eight seven eighty six eighty three. That is election protection, all right. I mean, can you imagine standing in line to vote in someone's cursing at you. But you know, I ain't got no problem are we cussing? Okay, Canada, You're not going to leave what I got for you, that's all. You can't discourage me with custom. Custom is encouraging to me. You must. Oh, okay, that's what we're doing. I ain't got no old problem cussing your ass, smooth back out. I ain't got no problem with that at all. I've never let a person down if that's what you want over cussing each other, and we got no problem with that. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it's time for yet another round of would you rather here we go? Would you rather never get tired. Just keep going and going and going like the energizer Buddy Bunny. Never get tired, or would you rather never have to go to the bathroom and just be stopped up? Oh no, I mean nothing will happen to you. Just you know, those are your choices. Nothing's gonna have ti. I just I'm gonna go over time. Yeah yeah, never get tired, Just never have to go to the bathroom, don't I just what are the great joys before? The old feeling of it? But it's going right? Oh man, oh lord, it's a knee buckling experience here, you see. Ladies, y'all sit down to go to the bathroom. We stand up. You've been standing there in your knees buckle. You know how good that feel I'm talking about when your knees buckle, when you've been trying to get this one out and then they finally getting you. Yeah, oh no, I like said, feeling right there? Lean a little bit too. Know. I got to go to the bathroom soon we get off the album. I'm looking forward to it. I play word walking, play word walk, you know, go through your mails and stuff. You know, I got stuff doing my bath room. We do a lot of bitches in the bathroom. Yeah, I got TV in my bathroom. I watched Boards Center like watching for it. I don't like watching first taking that because Stephen aby hauling at me too much. I'm in the bathroom, y'all hauling. I don't need all that, so that ye too much. I'm already in your struggling a little bit and you aren't here hauling at me too. Go ahead, what else you got you? All right? All right? Would you rather would you rather go through your whole life being the most hilarious person, the most hilarious person in the world, or would you rather go through your life being the most intelligent person? Hell? No, I'd rather be the hilarious hilarious Hell because you make money off that. You can't make money because you know stuff. You can't being intelligent. Do you know how many broke as smart people I know? Give me these damn jokes, man, I don't want to hear this, and give me these jokes jokes people, Well, I ain't want them, so excuse me. So I didn't see jokes jokes worked for me. I'm not hilarious. Oh let me tell you something. All damn all the money I make is off these damn near all of them. So no, I'm not fitting to be the smartest person. I don't give a damn bout day. A bunch of a bunch of smart ass broke people sitting around know every damn thing. I'm asking somebody that's stupid to be smart. The intelligent answer was to Tuesday. And you see, I'm really both of them. What we do, all right, got no choice. Last joke of the day. Thank you guys. Coming up, it's a last break of the day. Steve Arvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to show. All right, here we are our last break of the day on this Tuesday. Make sure you go out and cast your vote today. Please all right, please just go vote today. Morning is important, man. I know it's frustrating everybody. I know we think of the way politics is ran, but it's the system we have, and because of the last election, last president, we really prove something and I don't want us to revert. I don't want us to go back. We are from now on engaged in the political process and we from now on are the deciding factor. You will not ignore us anymore. All these measures of voter suppression. They're not going to work. They're just not going to work. So let's look, we know their specialty is voter suppression. We know the only way they can try to make things work out for them is through voter suppression. You know why, because the last census came out and they are in the minority, and they realize this, and they're never gonna get the majority title back. So what they're constantly trying to do is find a way for the minority to rule the majority. And they'll do anything, you know. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who's a minister. He's a big minister up in Cleveland as a big church, and he was talking about how ashamed he was of the Southern Evangelical or Christian group, how they don't vote for people, and how they've thrown their support behind Trump, and I was just reminding my friend that, see, the whole thing is a hoax. It's a mask that they've presented. The whole thing is a hoax, and they use religion to perpetrate the hoax. And the way they controlled the Southern Evangelicals, which isn't hard to do, but they use a few things that they consider morally correct to try to guide their vote. And the number one thing is abortion. Their number one thing is abortion. But here's the hoax of it. You act like the right don't get abortions. You act like Republicans don't get abortions. You act like Southern evangelicals don't get abortions. I'm sorry you do. And there's no evidence or facts that say you don't. Because you do. You know why you do. Because you're human. That's why you do. That's why everybody's guilty of everything, because we are all human. The other thing they try to throw up in your face is they fight so hard against gay rights. Excuse me, people on the right are gay. Also, let's stop the hypocrisy. Our children gave your children gay, Our parents gave your parents gay. We gave you gay. Everybody gave that. I know facts that substantiate that there are more gays on the left and on the right. Stop playing with it. Stop holding these things and and and the mask that you put on to create the Republican Party. Illegal immigration. We're against illegals coming. I can promise you this that are more illegals hired by the right than the left. That is a fact because you are the minority, but you are the rich and the powerful. And how do you think you stay rich and powerful by undercutting wages? This isn't new to you. That's how you build America. You build America with slaves. Why would you not build America with illegal aliens? Are you kidding me? You think you've stopped learning the way you were taught. Your forefathers did this, man, This is how this country was built. But you create the facade and you use these things to control the Southern Evangelicals. But here's the problem. The Southern evangelical supported slavery. When I was in the slave castles in Ghana, which was one of the emotional things I've ever done in my life, one of the most emotional things. They showed how they kept the Africans in these dungeons in complete darkness, in their own feces and urine, and they kept them in these tight quarters, and they moved them closer to the gate no return, and each two weeks or month, you had to go into the next room that was closer to the final door that got you onto the slave ship. And they changed the size of the door every time you went to the next room. After you stayed in there for a week or two, and if you didn't fit through the door, you went back and they starved you some more so you could come and fit through the door. By the time you went through the three different chambers, by the time you got to the final door to get on the slave ship, everybody that could fit through that door, so we could pack x amount of people on these slave ships. That's what they did. And the whole time they were doing that, you know what they were pumping down. They had the real event cut up in the sound while they was having church. While they was having church, and you know who was having church, slave owners. You know where the slave owners was from the South. And you expect them to act different today because they call themselves evangelicals. It was evangelicals when they was involved in the slave trade. I'm not surprised by none of this, and neither should you be get your faith in God. Stop worrying about all these people. But we're gonna vote those so we can get rid of them. We get rid of them by voting. See you at the polls. We vote in all elections. Now all y'all going by, have a nice day. God love you, no matter what they say. For all Steve Every Contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. 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