Santa's COVID Immunity, Fresh Prince Reunion, JAB Xmas Song, Holiday Break Up and more.

Published Nov 23, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The Steve Harvey Morning Show is the funniest morning show on Planet Earth. Try and dispute it, the challenge is out. "Just Bring It!" (in our The Rock voice) The Chief Love Officer gets a question from a married man who can't stand his wife's mouth. There is a $350 problem in The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem. "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" reunion gave us laughs and cries on its HBO Max debut this past Thursday. Bitterman strikes again with another Christmas song that contains absolutely no joy. Junior makes us run ten miles while he talks about his family at Thanksgiving. Sports Talk started a discussion about winning and losing as it centered around NFL week 11. Is there ever a good time to breakup during the holidays? Find out what common ground Steve and Santa share. Being a mack ain't it, btw. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog gives us his candor regarding 45's attempt to discredit the Black vote.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu bu things and it's not good. Steve to mother for star, don't join. You gotta use that turn out. You got to turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby, I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. Here we go today. I think I have something for a lot of people today, at least I hope I do. And this is about on your journey, And this is about something that happens to us all. I mean, what happens to all of us from time to time when we get discouraged, What happens to all of us when we feel like quitting, What happens to all of us when we have that turn back moment, What happens to all of us when it don't seem like it's gonna pan out. Because I want you to understand something that everyone, every single living soul, has those thoughts about something at some point in their life. I mean, you know, look, I've oftentimes been discouraged about things not happening as fast as I like them. All things don't pan out the way I would like for them to have panned out. I mean, there's so many ways to get discouraged. But but what my encouragement to you is when discouragement comes is understand this. It is a part of the growth process. It is a test. It is a test of your faith. How bad you want it, do you really believes that's all faith is. It's simply and I've said this how many times. Faith is to belief in things that you cannot see. So when discouragement comes, backs comes, it is a test of your faith. At least it's been that way for me. Now other people can explain it another way. I'm not other people. I can only give it to you the way it has come to me and throughout my life, and man on man on man. Discouragement sometimes it's tough to deal with because it seems at times when you are discouraged that is so absolute that this means the end, and if you allow it to set in, it can be just that the end of you. When Milly Milly, it was a test, that's all it is. But the majority of people that I know who are not successful or who have told me the story of how they gave up, it was because at a moment of discouragement that they allowed it to set in and it became so engulfing that it became the reason why you shouldn't finish. And then they started justifying it with hither one that I hate to hear. Well, if it's God's will, excuse me. If it's God's will that you fail. If it's God's will that you're not successful. If it's God's will that you lay down and give up, it's God's will that you allow yourself to amount to to not reach your potential. That's God's will. That's not the God I know. That's not the God I served. That's not the God I've read about. That's not the God I believe in. I'm sorry. I just my mother always taught me something that he didn't bring me this far to leave me. I just don't believe that, not for a second. Now have I convinced myself or some things, yep, Have I allowed the devil to come into the picture and paint a different one from it? Yep, yep, I've done all of that. But you can't blame that on God. Now, come on, So when discouragement comes, try to look at it if you can, as a test of your faith, and you merely have to pass the test. It could be for a day, a half a day, a few hours, a week, a few weeks, it don't matter. Don't nobody know how long the test period is. Your job is to keep the faith and keep moving. Keep the faith and keep moving, keep working, keep believing, keep hope alive. That's your job. If you do that, that's how you pass the test. It could be over tomorrow, it could be over in two weeks, it could be over in a month. You don't know. But all you got to do is wake up and keep the faith and fight the discourage feelings. And how do you do that? Steve? Now here we go. This is the part I know about for show because how many times I've had to fight off discouragement in order to get to where God wanted me to be. What do you do when you become discouraged? Well, I think of the outcome. When I get discouraged about a task, I think about the outcome. Man, what would it be like, if I were to complete the task, what would it be like? Man? What would the outcome be for me if I hung on in there? If I didn't give up, if I if I imagine, I imagine if I don't quit, I imagine if I don't give up, what would it be like? Man, Suppose everything I'm hoping for comes true. But if I don't quit and give up, that might just be the case. I start talking to myself like that, I think of what the upside is. What's the upside to stay in with it? You see, all this is the same thing. I'm just giving you different ways to look at it. I'm saying the exact same thing over and over. But I'm just trying to find the switch that connects in your mind where you can say, Okay, man, I'm gonna hang in there. Because if you think of the outcome and the outcome is appealing to you, if you imagine what it would be like if you don't give up or you don't quit, if you think only of what the upside is to stay in with it, and then I go, where can this lead to? If I stay with it, man, and the outcome comes true? What else could that lead me to, because I mean, there's always more to it. So where else could this lead me to? What are the possibilities? Man? What are the limitless possibilities? What could God possibly have in story for me? If I just hang in there, if I pass this test of faith? If I just passed this test, Now, it ain't gonna be the only one. But you gotta get past this one. No, then you're gonna hit a smooth plane. Then it's gonna be another one. It's gonna be another one. Life ain't nothing but a series of tests. Man. Man, when you're thinking about giving up, when you discourage, think of the outcome. Imagine what it would be like if you don't quit, if you don't give up. What's the upside to stay in with it? Where can this all lead to? What? What can this get you too? If you do this and you get to where you think you want to be, Oh my god, what's after that? What are the limitless and endless possibilities of holding on to your faith? What could really be out there for me? Man? If I just passed this test, you gotta talk yourself into hanging in there. You're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen, let me. Have you undivided attention please, this would have a notice. Is a Steve Harvey Morning Show, the happening this morning show on planet Earth, the livest morning show on planet Earth, and without a doubt, and there is not even a debate or an argument here, hands down the funniest morning show on planet Earth. There is none funny in this one. If you got one, we'd like to hear about it, because we can dispel that myth in one show. A matter of fact, we can get rid of that myth in one break. You do an eight minute comedy set and then give me these three dudes I come to work with for eight minute comedy set and we'll see who got it. We're looking for all challenges. Anybody wants some of this, come on, get it. A matter of fact, let's just do it the right way, the whole morning show. You do your morning show, we do hour four hours. Let's go Steve Harvey Morning Show, the challenges out what you got Shirley Strawberd, Hey, good morning, Steve. Let's get lit up in here. Yeah, calling for real, bring it, don't nobody wants this here? Junior kills these jokes. That's been doing a long time ladies and gentlemen. Janthony Brown, bring it, bring what you got, ring all you got and more ready in the King of Pranks, Nephew, Tommy versus Baby, We're ready to verse anybody, bring it. We're scared, Bring it baby, We versus over here. We Geez and Gucci up in the shout out to Jeez bring yeah, yeah, matter fact you can do? You a best of show? Were ready? Yeah what you say, Steve Old New Best. We'll throw a Wednesday best do what you want to do. Let us here and then cut your radio on tomorrow and watch this. Wow, it's Monday. Yeah, yeah, Thanksgiving week? Baby, right? Are wow? So much to be thankful for? First of all, I mean you look at what we got to be thankful for, though, those of us that are still here surviving the pandemic. Bless the loss of major stars lives that affected the culture him starting with Kobe Brown, people who lost loved ones who we do not know, And oh my god, is that's that's day Kobe and their life? You feel me? Yes, sir, yes, sir yes. And then the other great blessing is we post to get rid of this president. Yeah, thank you Jesus. Ye see, he's still in there though, right, he's still at the house. Man. I talked to my brother today. My brother dip. Now, my brother dipped seventy four years old. He said, Man, you know one man, that's how you talking. Yeah, that's why I got a voice from man. I showed once, hoping he was on the ventilator something. I said, the president, Why not anybody else been on it? All? Right? Steve coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLLO. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. So before we get to the cello, Steve, I got to ask you, how was your weekend? Did you do anything special? Oh my goodness, let me tell y'all something. I went to Memphis to pick up my family, you know, for the holidays. We're gonna have a Thanksgiving together. Everybody took COVID tests. I have another set of COVID tests set up for Wednesday. Everybody's coming into the house. Got to take the COVID test, right, So I go to Memphis pick up the family. And last night, Saturday, not last night, but Saturday night, we went to a restaurant in Memphis called Mahogany, Memphis. One of Marjorie's girlfriends is co owner of the restaurant is called Mahogany Memphis. And man, let me tell you something. This food in here at Mahogany Memphis in Memphis was off the chain. Marjorie had told me about it. Let me tell you something. First of all, we got the whole red snapper. They bring a whole red snapper propped up with diamond cut into everything. Man. Yeah, and the way you take the meat off the few is so perfect, unbelievable. We had frag legs fried I ain't never got the best fried frog legs I've ever had. We had oxtails. We had crab claws, you know, the little crab craws dipped in it. So it's like an upscale soul food with with a with a dash of Creole on it. It's called Mahogany Memphis if and Bill Bellamy just went there Sunday because he heard us talk about it. Yeah. Bill Bellamy stopped in there and he was talking about he's a mad Steve. This place was off the chain, man. He said, what y'all ate up all the oxtails restaurant? She and orders for everyone. All right, let's get to the cello the chief love Officer. This is from Mooney and Tampa. You're ready, see hello, Here we go. I'm a fifty seven year old married man and I have a big problem with my wife's mouth. I can't do normal pillow talk with her because she gets on the phone and tells her best friend everything. She overheard me talking about my son in law being cheap, and she told my daughter. Now, my daughter is upset with me and told me that her husband is doing the best he can. I feel bad, but my wife doesn't see why I'm bothered by it. How can I get her to see the consequences of running her mouth so much? Why don't you quit having pillow talk with your wife? Dog? But you can't do is tell a woman to shut up. You can't do that. So what you got to do to fix that problem is you gotta quit having pillar talk with your wife. Now. The sad part is you're supposed to be able to tell your pardon anything that's right, and so you you've taken away a major element. This man just trying to confide with his wife, but she running and telling everything. You know, your dad is saying you ain't. Man. I'm telling you man, that's like, you know, okay, man, because the stuff you say to your wife you wanted to be just between you and her. I've said some stuff to Margie that the rest of the family just cannot hear, and she know that, Like right out there I say it. She would go, you know you can't say that to nobody else, don't you? Oh? Okay, all right, because I was gonna say it Thursday. You're the one. You're the one that she has to tell not to talk, okay, getting all your conversations together last night for Thursday. Ye're just telling me what I can't say. She don't. She don't tell nothing I said. So that's that's just quick telling the man, all right. So Camille and Lagrange. Georgia says, I just celebrated my fortieth birthday and my husband told me he'd give me a threesome as one of my gifts. I was overjoyed until I found out that it can't. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what fortieth birthday gift. That's what they're doing. I was overjoyed until I found out that it came with a stipulation. Camille says, if I had a threesome with another woman. I had to allow him to have a threesome with me, him and another man. That caught me off guard, and I asked if he wanted to be with a man. He said that it's always been a fantasy of his to see me with another man. I don't want to sleep with another man, but I do still want to threesome. Is this something I should explore with him or just say no? Now, why don't y'all just gonna do it? Because y'all crazy anyway? Yeah, just gonna do an other man in the room. His fantasy, see people, you're stupid man, Ye're gonna do it. Gonna do it, y'all. Do you do know y'all head into divorce court? Yes, yes, yes, yes you do know that because I wanted to see you and another man. Your biggest concern, ain't it's when you and the other man is busy. That ain't your biggest concern? What's your biggest concern? All right? Moving on, I'm just saying that, ain't you No, No, just say no. She don't want to say no. She real yeah, but she says this is something I should explore with him or just say No, what are you? This is something you won't you excited for your forty y'all gonna do a threesome? Then you will bring another man into you in for some most surprises. Why is Robert here? Robert? And then Robert going to the game? Right? All right? Herschel in Chicago, We're moving on. I'm sixty seven years old and I'm divorced and I've been single for six years. I've had my eye on a woman for the past year or so and she has finally started flirting back with me. I'd planned to ask her out on a date, but I need your advice first. She's eight years younger than I am and I I've had some issues with having sex with the diabetes medicine. I'm on jay, It's been about five years since I've It's been about five years since I've had sex, and none of those special pills for men work on me. If me and this younger woman hit it off, she will want to have sex, but it is not possible. I want to tell her upfront, what do you think? Wow, that's a good question. No, I tell you, yeah, under take your pimp, don't give up, don't give up. All them pills don't work, They got other stuff you need to go to. Get yourself a pump. What another president to help you out? You got something I only woter. I ain't had sex in five year? Who ain't he hasn't? No, no, no, no, well he can'tnot tell me, tell me that that's real, man, that's real for some guys. But they got something to help you, though. Dog, if the pills don't work, they got something you need to go. Get yourself for pump, get yourself a wratchet set. You gotta get son, drink a lot of water, ranks to crank it out, cranking. What kind of doctors special? Well, I mean you know you got to go to a urologists in a star from there. You got to tell you right now though I got to go out. Well, I can't say that on man. I had to see all right. Coming up next, Reverend Motown and Deacon def Jam with today's church complaints. That's coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news and in entertainment news, the Virtual twenty twenty Circle of Sisters Expo was a huge success. The American Music Awards, hosted by Taraji p Henson was last night. And did you see the Fresh Prince of bel Air reunion with the original Aunt Viv. We'll talk about all of these stories, yes, yes, at the top of the hour. But right now it is Monday. It is time to have some fun with church complaints. Reverend Motown dickon death Jam, you're up. Though we gather mostdaciously we propensitile or way to repropensity of these complaints from our church congregation. We have worth those the Deacon death Jam, who registers all complaints on the particlingness of the participates. We go ahead. I say you're gonna have to tie I talk to the US shoes. Would you tell them to please quit wearing a uniform and sit down during the zoom service? That that's that's never answering to be done. It makes no sense to be standing there in your uniform on the computer. They are committed, and I'm not gonna uncommit him because you don't want to standing or I think that's privilege natural. They are in the spirit and acting it out. They're carrying out their duties the way the garden intended for me. If you say so, we're doing all that. That's the problem we got when we passed that off around trade. Too many people come on. They adn't see it really, somebody like it's real. There's been a proud of sister Francis fig Pins. She buried her husband this past Saturday, but during the funal she invited everyone to her wedding. That's this comming Saturday. The thig Pen family is very upset and don't want you to officiate this wedding that's happening in this comming said, I don't understand past she bearing her husband this, pass that and getting married. This comming said, it makes no sense. Well, she paid the three hundred and fifty dollars feet, but you don't officiate. Yes, sir, okay, when the fig Pian family don't want you to do this, don't have to come. I'm not in charge of wedding invitations. I'm in charge of the ceremony. The three fifties what we're gonna fulfillin. But you're hurting the fig Pens families feelings by doing this. I'm not hurting nobody damn feelings. Since the thig Pen is hurting their feelings by announcing the wedding at the funeral. I thought that was a bit much for myself when she had because I'm standing up going with damn, I'm just doing the funeral and the wed next day. Why don't you just tell us you're pregnant. We had a Christmas truth. I ca why are we still in this church school? This is a word for congregation, all right, pastor? We got a problem around the head is Thanksgiving in a few days. The two live turkeys that we had for the church, we was gonna cook and pass out then us for the needy. The two turkeys, I don't know how they did, but they have flown way up into the trees and won't come down. So, um, do you want us to just serve with sides and no turket? How do you want to do this? If the turkey come out the tree? I got a twenty two. We get your turkey down about the tree. That's not a problem. They opened the tree. Yeah, So I don't know if you want to say just sides and for the chilling shide, I'm having turkey. I have a twenty two, rightful Yeah, I'm gonna get a turkey down, you're gonna shot can't get the take it down all right? I mean one of them fat ass. I've been feeding him all year. I'll be damn, but he ain't gonna make a thought all his feed. Didn't hear this special organic feed or in front of as be right? Because you know I got hot blood now, so I can't even know. I got to eat the organic. Oh you're grass fed or chicken feeding everything. Yeah, here's another situation passage the side Peace Ministry. But the side Piece Ministry won't be getting a Wednesday visit. They are asking for a hug on Thursday since they will be eating alone. It's your cowl on if you want to pass ship passing out hook to the side Piece Ministry, your side will always We've been trading for years. Carla. We got to get out for you. I mean, where else can you hear such ministry? Another church that's reaching these many types of people? There is no church church. We're open here. We're open here, worship it all right, pastor here we have our sister. Now that's not it, Sister Bernardine, that's what it was. You're gonna have to talk to us. She's calling telling members that she has a cure for COVID nineteen. She's selling it for forty nine and ninety nine. She didn't make some apphiside of vinegar, some pepto bismos, some Kanyene, peppers and pine needles and two drops to flow rocks and setting it for forty nine and ninety nine. She already got a hundred orders. But I'm I'm afraid for the members to take this, So I need you to talk to her. Well, just dealing with that owners own shell problem with it. You know it might work, you know, don't think that's work. Donald Trump did say if you drink disaffected. I heard you mentioned Cloe Rocks in there. It's two drops of clothe rocks, pine needles, Kanye, and pepper pep. Now if you put Kanye in there, I don't know if it's gonna help help getting it better. Kanye started making vaccine, was involved in everything. We got to go Kanye. I just thought he had got involved, and you know he do everything. You know, he bought Kim Daddy back after that. I just remember on the road, or he didn't bought Kim Daddy back, caring everything I saw that Damn the read about it that out. I was gonna call Kanye and see if he could bring back the old pastor the church keep it moving if you bring him back to pass the eye. Sister Line Delicia Lin Line, Delicia Lynn Line, Delicia Len du Pre is changing her name this week to Laura du Pre. But sister Laura Mason is upset by this change and want you to talk to her and get her another name. So somebody needs to talk to Line. Its sister Line Delicia Len. No, she can change her name or whatever she want to, because I have a fee for that too. At seven, Dar, you gotta feed. But changing name. It might not change your name legally, but that's what we're gonna start calling you around this church for seven Every time you come in here, you be whatever you want. Where I didn't get except Latina boy. I had to put him out, you time man. What's his name? His name was Hey Soup, but he told me would pronounce Jesus. I told him, will, I won't be called a you Jesus. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's Entertainment News, we want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who attended the twenty twenty Circle of Sisters Expo. It was virtual and it was an amazing event this year, two days of us coming together as one, celebrating women of color and sisterhood. Steve, Carla and myself, Carla and I made a virtual appearance. That was really fun. Carla, that was fun. Yeah. It was the first time we had ever did it virtually, but it turned out to be great. Circle of Sisters is a movement. So we want to say thank you to our home station one oh seven point five WBLS and we got to say see you next year and hopefully next year it will be in person. Uh yeah, I've got a lot of comments. And Steve yeah a virtual appearance too. So it was all yeah, yeah, sure, yeah, thank everybody for voting. It was all good. Yeah, it was really good. Thank you guys. Yeah. And other entertainment news, the American Music Awards were last night, hosted by Taraji p Henson. It was a big night for Roddy Rich and Megan. The Stallion was Fly last night. Yeah good, she looked good Fly last night, Yes she was. She should have opening number dancing gown to d not playing with them grown women. Hats off to grown ass women. Okay, yes, yeah, showed a kid. Uh more. Performers included The Weekend, Kenny g Billie Eilish, Billbev Bell, BIV, Devout, and Jennifer Lopez. Good show. I thought it was a great show. I really did. Yeah. Entertaining. Yeah, she looked damn good. Oh but she looked great. She's gorgeous. Yes, yes, yeah, she looked great. And finally other entertainment news, She's always beautiful. The thirtieth annual Reunion of The Fresh Prince of bell Lair was released. It was finally released on HBO Max. Everyone has been talking about the reunion of Will Smith and Janet huber Uh, better known as the original on VIV. Of course, she starred in the role for the first three seasons before being replaced by Daphanie Maxwell read, uh second, that so a relative? Yeah, I'm just asking. I ain't I ain't pick his size. I don't know nothing about it. I was tripping. She told Will that being labeled difficult hurt her career. Take a listen to this. You know words can kill. I lost that reputation, everything, everything, and I understand you were able to move forward. But you know those words, calling a black woman difficult in Hollywood is the kiss of death. It's a kiss of death and it's part enough in a dark scanned black woman in this business. Wow. Well, she said that after the union she was talking to and Will Yeah, because he was twenty one at the time, you know, when the show's show first premiered and everything, and he admitted that he wasn't sensitive to her needs at the time. Yeah, she was going through a lot of stuff this year, Will Smith has heard a lot. No, what I'm saying is we need to quit doing like interviews, tables ta let need to stop listening to people I wouldn't listen to the ladies and gentleman. Without further ado, miss Anne Trill, Thank you very much, everybody. Yes, this is entered. Put the news. Let's get to it. More bad news for the Trump administration's legal effort to try and to gate the results of the election. A federal judge has dismissed the Trump lawsuit in Pennsylvania ames invalidating millions of votes. To judge even scolded Rudy Giuliani and Trump's other campaign lawyers for not presenting any facts to back up their arguments. Both Pennsylvania and Michigan schedule to certify their vote counts sometime today. Meanwhile, though more and more Publicans are urging Donald Trump to bow out gracefully for the good of the party. A group of former Homeland Security officials feel that way. Elizabeth Newman is a former Assistant secretary for counter Terrorism. Now it's the time to come out rationally, explain that he has lost, and it's okay to be upset about that, but violence is not the answer. Newman tells ABC that she's afraid that Trump supporters could turn violent if Republican leaders don't speak out, and there have been some threats to that end. Actually, one person, by the way, voted out of office election day, didn't call to cover this was that Georgia district attorney who initially oversaw the case of the black jaga Ahmad Aarbury, and who's under investigation for seeming to avoid charging mister Aarbury's alleged killers. DA Jackie Johnson, who was white, was turned out of office by the voters, and by a sizable margin of sixty six to only thirty four percent. Not exactly Lebron James is what I want to talk about. Lebron James does so much for the community, and now it's time for us to do something for him. King James says somebody he considers family was murdered this past weekend in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. He says the killer or killers are still out there. His best friend's sister was found shot to death in her bedroom on Monday. Lebron tweets that quote my city, I need y'all to go to work and find out who did this awful, shameful, disgusting thing to such a caring, loving angel. Justice for Erica weems again, that's for King James. Lebron James. Someone in his family found shot to death in his hometown of Akron, Ohio, and he's asking the public to help out. Shocking news. Looks like there'll be no legal reckoning in the Tamir Rice case, at least not right now, apparently under William Barr, the man President Trump has picked to run the Justice Department. Apparently, they said they left the case just drop. They haven't had determination about who should pay for the shooting death of the twelve year old black child and who shouldn't just left it like that. Maybe they'll change with incoming President elect Biden. Only Baby Nancy, the first afro centric dog with an afro, has been inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame, along with Sidewar, Chalk and Jenga from Irwin Great Game with a strange name on it. You can't keep your hands off it? No, I was breaking fall. It always messes up with me. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, all right, Steve intested y Anthony Brown, please right now? Six time. Well, you know, folks, I'm just gonna have to tell you he's just so a throwback from there. He's a relic. It's what he is, old school lady and gentlemen. Ch Anthony Brown, Okay, let's get it. Let's get this over with. I sang Christmas songs totally different from the songs that you listen to. The songs I sang ain't like what you hear. There's no joy in my Christmas songs. Okay, none at all. Here we go, Here we go, me be gone by Chris This I asked, maud jay, Oh, I don't care where you go because I don't want to know. Won't please be gone by Chrismas this I ask of thee if you're not gone by Christmas, damn it, be gone by Christmas Eve. He be gone this because you hate company? This side asked of you. Still go boy, I don't care you go because I go home. Jay, take it out, come on, batress love play. It is I of the plead be gone by Christmas. Damn it least by new Is Eve. Al Right, that's it. We out. We love you, I love you, joy your dinners, dinners here all week. Hello. He had his own bells though. Yes, I'm singing to somebody. Stevie then in radio land is listening and let yes, Jay sing it. You're singing a company so much because I know this. I know this. Everybody is not happy with everybody. That's all I know. Everybody is not happy. But it's some unhappy people out there that songs for you. Okay, please be gone by Christmas? Okay, Well, thank you. Jay. Coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll continue in that good news Vein tell me something good good is coming up. Good News the Steve Harvey Morning Show Turkey Giveaway. We'll talk about it. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for tell me something good news. Here's some great news. The Steve Harvey Morning Show Annual Turkey Giveaway is underway. The giving started last week and we'll continue today and tomorrow. We here at the Steve Harvey Morning Show now more than ever, we know how important it is to give back. We just do write Steve. Yeah, I mean, you know, this is something that we do every year. We will committed to it. And look, it's been especially trying year, so we're gonna do what we can. You know, it's it's it's not it's not gonna fulfill all needs. It's just a little help to some people that could be in need. That's what we try to do every year. That's right. We're giving away gift cards to some of our listeners all over the country to try and help out those in need. Of course, this thing and we had to do that because of COVID, because normally we do a big Turkey giveaway, but because of COVID, you know, you can't handle food, hand it to people, you know, the delivery trucks, exposure, so COVID changes everything. Man. Yeah, but it doesn't stop the giving. So we did a different way. That's right, that's right. All of us here at the Steve Harvey Morning Show are blessed to be a blessing. And thank you, thank you, thank you so much. We appreciate it. And Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving. Seriously, yes, yes we're switch gears now here, guys, time to have some fun. We gotta ask you, is there a member junior your family comes to mind? But is there one member of your family? Because I love his family? Uh, that's guilty. Is there one member of your family that's guilty of just always being a problem, just being a massive Thanksgiving? And what have they done? That's not ten? Maud gonna be there, David, Uncle Jay, Uncle Red. It's gonna be some people that are gonna be some primes. Okay. So that's why I say, sir, when you come to our Thanksgiving, get in your clique. Don't go over somebody, click getting your clique. Stay with your people, because I'm taking with each other. Families had clicks like that though time prisoners hain't with the prisoners. They got all kinds to wait. What you can't be free? Ain't never been a prisoner to talk what they talk about over depend ain't get they clicked up. Everybody's been locked up. They all they all together. They're the card table, domino table. You know they're over there looking with mirrors around corners. Yeah, you have no idea what they talked about. You know what they're talking about. You don't know about going to bed at nine lights out? I don't know nothing about that. You don't know why would you be over there. You don't know how they got the cell phone in the in the whole you know how to get them in. You ain't contribute to talk about you don't know you Yeah, you don't know about unscrewing the light bulb, crushing it in the in the whole town, and what you're doing with the you know, you don't know them about that he put it out in the hallway. That's how to hear the guard coming. Yeah, you don't know about this click, I wouldn't write. Yeah, you ain't never hear to shank any ain't never let them know. That's what you don't have no bits over in that conversation. What do you know about how to press your pants? And you don't know about putting your pants in between the mattress. You don't know about that, and lay on it to get a crise. Why would you be talking. You don't know how to make the top rumming in the commode, you don't know how to do that. Yeah, no idea, that ain't for you. That's when you were at your leave. What you're doing over that? I love your family. You can relate to boy bringing cars more than just payments and somebody going to school. Your hand had no biness over in this car. And then when they compregate that they always congregate in low light. They don't never be an open every time they get together. The ass in the ConA wins lowed you over here trying to talk to us. Ain't got one recipe? Make hooch. You ain't never had for a minute fruit in your damn life. Put you over here, firm man. Do they bring anything to the dinner, Junior? Hell no, They take all the scraps and make something with it. All right, all right, we're moving on. Thank you for that, Junior. Coming up next to Frank with the netew this ignor show anybody else got this? Nobody you're listening? Show? All right, guys coming up at the top, of the hour about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject how should I approach the pastor's wife? Wait? Do you hear this letter? How should I approach the pastor's wife? We'll get into it, but right now, the nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for his neff? Catering mistake, catering mistaken Thanksgiving? Come on now, hello, hello, I'm trying to reach Tammy. Please, this is Shane. Hey, Tammy, this is a Dexter over here catering, and we catered you your aunt Bridget. Yeah, that's right, that's right, that's right. How you doing, Dexter's good to hear from you. Okay, good good. I'm going through the paperwork here, and I know we have an invoice for you all. I wanted to reach out to you. That's not a bad time, is it. No, this is a good time. Okay. So, first of all, did everybody enjoy everything that we put out for you guys? Yeah, we had a good old time. My auntie Bridget, she was so happy. There was no better way to bring in her sixtieth birthday party. We had a great time. The food was delicious. We are so grateful, so thank you so much. You and your team did the bomb job. Okay, good deal, good deal. I was here when they loaded up the van and everything, and I wanted to make sure. I want to follow back up. But listen, I'm looking at the paperwork and m and we had a little mishap, and I wanted to let you know that we're not going to um, we're not gonna charge you guys for the chicken. Um because they made a mistake and they put the wrong pan on the van and they I noticed that the chicken was actually still here, so we want to take off take that off, and I won't. That won't be on the on the envoys. So I'm taking all the entire cross. The chicken will be completely taken out. Okay, real quick, let's back up a bit, because we had a lot of people at the party. We definitely had chicken. Yeah, I know you had your order smother chicken. But like I said, the guy put the wrong pen on the on the van, you know, and actually the smother chicken was actually still here, um, you know, here here at the shop. So you know, like I said, we made a mistake. I'm gonna take it off and that'll probably not yourn like a couple of hundred dollars off off of you alls price hold on deck thirt. So so what are you saying? So? What were we eating? If it wasn't his mother chicken? What was it? Uh? Well, miss Tammy, like I said, you know, I got on this kid for making this mistake. You know, I got on it real bad about it from you know, putting the wrong pan on there. But like I said, this what you guys had? Was it? That was a chicken? What was it? Though? That's what I'm asking you? What was it that was actually what he put on there by mistake? Miss tam? Me? That was that was rabbid? What? You can't be serious right now? Are you out of your rabbit mine? Are you serious your call? No? Tell me? Did your team put the wrong trade on the trucks and then served it to my family? And you're trying to call me about two hundred dollars? Are you serious more than that? You owe me more than that? You don't know who the because allergic to that and you're calling me about two hundred dollars? Are you out of your mind? Well? I wanted to credit you all that you know what I'm saying, No, and there's gonna be no credit. There ain't gonna be no credit. It ain't no credit. Do you mean credit? Richard could have died, Monty could have died, Lucie. Uh, we got kids in there. You don't know our dietary needs? Are you crazy? I mean, though, it don't matter if I liked it, I can fall off the night. Stupid. I'm getting a attorney. I'm done with this. This is stupid. And who want to eat bugs? Bunny? Does that right to you? So? Are you stupid? I'm so annoyed right now? Seriously, we ain't know woods people. We no country people go with you? Okay? What what? What? What? Y'all liked it? Though? Right? No? But you're gonna like my foot up y'all, So that's what you're gonna like. I'm gonna be there later because y'all stupid. Yo' the stupid My foot's gonna be up, yo, and y'all it's gonna be hopping around like a rab the rabbit that you serve me. Okay, okay, let me ask you this here. No, abl A, miss Aby is your mama, right, what my mama got to do with this rabbit? What's you gotta do with this? Okay, see, your mama got me to call you. This is nephew. Comments from the Steve Harbin Morty Show. Baby, I mean your mama to break you. I'm so sorry. Oh my god, this is crazy. Oh good morning, this is crazy. You're crazy, y'all are gonna get it? This is crazy? Oh man? All right, damnan tell me this baby? What is the baddest that? I mean, the bad at this radio show in the lake and the Steve Harley. Yes, I'm just so glad I didn't have rabbits. I'm so glad. Come on, you liked it though? Yeah? I play too much? Yeah, I liked it though. Wasn't not wrong with the rabbit? All right? What was it though? What you said? It wasn't chicken? But what was it? That's what I was it? Yeah. They always say rabbit tastes just like chicken, so he does. You would never had it, never had it rabbits, no or frog legs or you never had rather stuff. Just had all legs in Memphis this weekend and my hoggedy Memphis, and I'm telling you they was the bomb. Everything in my hoggedy. Well, you know they say it tastes like chicken. Really, it depends on how you make it. They fried them yo and two people that had never eaten it, and we convinced them need and they loved them. But Hargany Memphis that joined up in Memphis is nice man. They had and running head crab fingers claws, a little crab crawled a little and a creole sauce that was out of sight. I want to have some bread putting at the end of it, girl, sound like dog. We had oxtails, I had fried snapple something that my Hogany Memphis, boy, I gots it go back and you said, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, Chen, Yeah, I'm gonna go. All right, Hey, I'm on the way Cold Friday. This ride way co Texas the Hippodrome. The Nephew is coming to town. Nephew, Timmy and friends. Who shows social distance. We got it spread all the way out. That's the reason why it's two shows. You bang your tickets. I appreciate it. The Nephew is coming to town. If you Timmy friends at the Hippodrome, Black Friday, Wait Co tex whoa m h okay, all right? Uh huh. Right after the turkey, right after the dressing, right after the games, right after the greens, right outter all of that, right after your nap. Wake hap, Yeah, need a nap after all that. You know, I don't make those big plates no more. I slowed down on them. I used to have my plate loaded to the top. Ye show now, yeah, exactly, shout out the ready to love. That's all right, that's a great show. It is ass res on just out there, just showing that, just showing the showing that eybody jump in the pool the other days skinny dip into did you see that part? Yes, of course and lost skinny dip. Go ahead, tell the rest. Yeah, yeah, jumping, Bob's off and everything else to love jumping. Will you be it? Be over there with his old ass looking behind the wall, dirty ays, old man. Show All right up next strawberry letters subject how should I approach the pastor's wife? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, the countdown is on for the Georgia Senate runoff days. Request your absentee ballad right now. You can do it now. December seventh is voter registration deadline. December fourteen through the thirty first is early voting, and you know how we do it on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We get our voting in early. Okay. Early. January fifth, twenty twenty one, of course, is election day. So all we need to say is, come on, Georgia, please let's go. We need to vote for Reverend Rafael Warnock and John Assaf for Senate. Okay, we need Washington to support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Yes, come on, we can do it. You're right, Ja, we can. We're going to do it. Yeah. Done, Yeah, it's already done. How about that? How about that one? Yes? All right? Yeah, get out, get out to the polls. Please time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this right here right now again. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a strong baby Letta. The subject how should I approach the pastor's wife. All right, Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been in an entanglement with this pastor that I met eight months ago. My office shared a parking lot with his church, and he always greeted me with Hello, Brown Sugar. I eventually told him my name because he's married, and I did not want to appear to be flirting with a married man and a man of God. I didn't entertain him at first, but then he found me on social media and he started inboxing me, telling me how lovely I am and how good I smell. When I passed by him, I told him about himself, and he apologized for making me uncomfortable, but he said he still wanted to keep in touch if it was okay. I told him it was fine, even though I knew a married man should not be inboxing me at all. We kept on sending messages to each other, and eventually he started calling me. He's twenty years twenty three years my senior, and his wisdom and worldly knowledge had me hooked. So we started sneaking out on dates on the other side of town. Now we meet up for sex a lot, and it's so good to be with an older man that knows how to please me. Listen to this line very carefully. We've grown into a very deep relationship, and he strengthened my prayer life. I've tried to leave him, and he tells me that he might be the man of God. He might be the man God sent to me, and I shouldn't question God. It's very confusing, and now he's paying most of my bills. It's harder to walk away from him. I can't help but think of his wife, so I've been praying about leaving her husband for good and confessing my sin to her. How do you think I should approach the pastor's wife? Okay, please don't do that. Please. I mean you're obviously a young woman. You say he's twenty three years your singer, but please do not tell WIFEE don't do that. Excuse me the first lady. She's going to be devastated and it will probably go not the way you think it's going to go. Please don't do that. She doesn't want to find this out from you. We're all adults here, you know right from wrong. There's so much wrong with this letter that I hardly know where to begin, but I'll start at the crazy place For me, this was just crazy to me, which is and I quote, We've grown into a very deep relationship and he's strengthened my prayer life. How does that sound to you? I mean yeah, I mean, needless to say, it's always good to strengthen your prayer life. But with the married pastor you're sleeping with, I don't think so. Do you honestly think God is pleased with this or he's going to be pleased with us? I mean, this man again, is twenty three years your senior. So he tells you things like, um, you know, like he might be the man God sent to you and all of that. And yes, that's confusing because he is a man of God. So no, don't let it confuse you. Don't. Please, don't let him play you like that. You know this isn't right. If you're gonna pray about anything, please continue praying about leaving him, and then leave him and think about getting your life together without this pastor who you shouldn't be sleeping with and who most definitely shouldn't be sleeping with you entanglement, get unentangled with this guy, all right, Steve? Where did he let us from people? Our listeners? How should I aproach the pastors? What what what? What you're from? Approacher? And say what I've been in in an entanglement with this pastor that I met eight months ago? Here's another question. Yeah, this term that everybody uses now entanglement. You know, listen to me, y'all stop trying to give cute names to ugly ass situations. One more time, one more stop trying to give these cute names to ugly ass situations. You're having an a foul with a pastor that's married. That ain't an entanglement. That's an a fairl adult tree. It's a whole lot of stuff. It's not an entanglement. Anybody got you twisted up? All this is volunteer every time me see you? Hey brown shit ago. Now you know you ain't supposed to be getting hit on by no married man, and you didn't want to be a flirting with a married man. Y'all share the same parking lot? What y'all shared a parking lot? That's how I got started. Yeah, you ain't entertainment first? Didn't he find you on social media? Started in boxing me? Tell him how love lam good I smell when I passed by? Yeah, he got you now, I'll be back stating it out. Got some news for you, all right, Steve. Part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after how should I approach the Pastor's Wife? We'll get back into it when we come back right after this. You're listening Morning show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject how should I approach the pastor's wife? This woman is dating this married man who happens to be able pastor. She is telling us how they met. The church shares a parking lot at the office, and every time he passed by, he said hello, brown sugar. And she thought that since a married man shouldn't be hidden on it, she would ignore it at first, And then he found on social media and started DM And now she says that she's been in this entanglement with this man faith most. This is the new term that they've come up with. Um, it's really sounds, you know, interesting, instant an entanglement. Um, y'all having a fan and somebody going to hell, that's what this is from man, y'all having a fan, somebody going to hell? Okay, cool, okay, now let's go. Uh. I didn't entertainment first, and he fined you on social media. Started in boxing. Tell you how I love you were and how you smell when you're passed. I told him about himself, and he apologized for making me feel uncomfortable, but he still said he still wanted to keep in touch if it was okay. I told him it was fine, you know, even though she said she knew a married man should not be in boxing me at all. And they kept on sending message to each other, and eventually he started calling they twenty three years older than this lady, and his wisdom and worldly knowledge got me hooked. That that wisdom and worldly knowledge that's called game, lady, that's called game. That ain't wisdom and worldly knowledge. That's called game. The older you get, the more of it you acquire, it's called game. Game. So y'all started sneaking out on dates on the other side of the time. You bid is here with me, but my mind is all the other side of time. Oh missing me around on time? Your bod is here my my I said, I said, my body is here with you, but my mind is on the other side of town. Whoa missing you around? All right? So y'all started sneaking out on the other side of the town. Now we meet up for sex a lot, a lot. It's so good to be with an older man that knows how to please me. Yeah. I keep telling y'all, the only you get you're gonna gain some knowledge, experience, game. You gotta have stuff to match your game. All right, they got it? Here we go again. Now we've grown into a very deep relationship and he's strengthened my prayer life. Let me, how has this strengthen your prayer life? Help me? Is it? Because now you're in a situation you ain't gotten over. You're talking to God more than you ever have before because you have got yourself into a situation you don't know how to hand how well? I understand sometimes it takes people to go to prison to find God. So maybe this for you has strengthened your prayer life. Okay, well, let's just take a look at that. Let's see how this goes. I've tried to leave him. He tells me that he go to other line, that he might be the man God sent to me, and I shouldn't question God. Let me ask you something. So what he was sent by God to do? What I'm just asking you he was sent by God to do what? Yeah, that don't make no sense. I've tried to leave him. He tells me that he might be key word, might be the man that God said to me. And I shouldn't question God what. It's very confusing. And so now he's paying most of my bills. Oh okay, okay, so now you kept Okay, So now he paying most of your bills. That's probably with church money. Yeah you're high. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's got to come from somewhere. You know. I can't help but think his wife. I think of his wife. So I've been praying about leaving her husband for good and confessing my sins to her. See, you need, you need, you need to go to church because God voice has no sin in it. So God ain't sitting nobody when sin on your behalf. And then next things right now, when you confess your sins to her, she ain't God. What did you confessing your seas to her fault? And how do you think I should approach your pass his wife very gently because passes wives people ass too. One more time passed his wives? What people ass too? Okay, don't mess around and get your ass whip end of my letter. I know, Steve, I mean, really, that's all you can tell her. Don't do that. She's young, But yeah, you gotta grow up fashion doing grown people things right here, So you gotta know what grown folks do, and that's nothing they would do. Just leave him, all right, man, it doesn't make any sense. Lady, what are you doing? You've known it was wrong from the kid. Go yeah, all right, we gotta go, Steve, Thank you. Coming up next, Sports Talk with Junior at forty six minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here's Junior with Sports Talk. Junior, What you guys, Week eleven in the NFL, there was some good games on yesterday. Um, first of all, let's say this. We hadn't said this in a while. How about them Cowboys they finally got to win. They ain't won in four weeks. Go ahead, Dallas, go, it's gonna be nice to day in Dallas. They're happy, so happy. They beat the Vikings thirty one to twenty eight. Also, man An upset the Cults shocked everybody and beat Aaron Rodgers and the Packers thirty one to thirty one. Nobody saw that. That was crazy. Man. It's a good game though. Also I got to stay. Shout out to the Houston Texas for getting to win. Way to Go Home, team, Way to Go Home. We need that. Now we're three and seven, man, Man, yeah, thank you, we did. We were talking. Always check with me because I can hand you. I can teach you how to handle losing. Were probably gonna be back an next week. I promise you. We'll three and seven now, yeah, three and I think we're seven and three? Yes? Or brown are seventy three? Yes, that's correct, gess y'all. Lord, that's so y'all reversed it? Uh yeah, well I had throw it in your face. I've asked the Lord to take away the spirit of me. He ain't rubbing it in people's faces, be in it all around in mouth. But and I found out, like I said last week, the Lord sometimes when you ask God for something, to answer is no. And he told me I'm not going to remove that spirit from you, So him do I gotta keep doing it to the Lord take it off of me. Man, I got to do his will. Thanks over the falcon. I can't believe the food man every Week Time. Man whoop the Jaguars twenty seventy three. And also, man, here's something that's really nice stuff. Know that tonight's game, the w the Night Football game between the Rams and the Buccaneers, will feature the first ever all black officiating crew major right there. That's big. Yeah, yeah, it's very big. I mean yeah, show had a lot of all white ones, that's right, and nobody said anything. And also, congratulations to Dance Bryant because he caught his first pass in the NFL game since two thousand and seventeen. Yeah, man, welcome back to Brian back man Baltimore. He got signed to the practice squad, but the boy went out there. Yeah yeah, yeah, man, actually don't and he got his first path. But they took a loss through to the Titans. They did in overtime. Yeah, well, you know, somebody got to lose. Somebody got to lose. Just can't be us, everybody. When the Brown Browns won again? Man brown again? How many is that the role? You know? We win? We win? Okay, I'm so used to losing. I can badly keep up, but I go. Y'all ain't having no trouble keeping y'all ain't want but three times times we're gonna be all right, y'all gonna be all right? Were not? Did you what y'all gonna do? We gotta go. I bet the Browns being the playoff, and I bet I bet you the Texans don't. We'll be back. Y'all get in the same division with the cowboys. You're listening to show, all right, so listen. If you want to end a relationship, here's the question. Do you wait until after the holidays or do you get out before having to hang out with your family? So thanks Giving might be more high stakes at the time of COVID, but it's probably the safest holiday to break up close to. So here is the question between Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's is there and is there any good time to split up? Why am I looking at you? Tommy? You know why? Well, you're supposed to start breaking up around Halloween, but we're the week of right now though, Thanksgiving, So now, well then you might want to break up to date this morning to day to day. If I would you, I break up to date and ride that all the way to like mid January. But this is the day to do it, yesterday, and you can just come up with a cold argument. Just just just start anything. It don't matter what it is. Who the hell put water in the tarlet? How? How did how do water get in my tart? You know? Just who? I don't think who the hell for water? And the talking? That's all I want to know. That's an argument. Fine, don't argument, Fine covid has definitely Yeah, why why do you say that? Because you ain't got to see the person. You could just zoom. Man, you ain't got to be in the same room to break up. You know, you ain't got the moment. You ain't got to worry about, no altercations and them going crazy getting you and stuff you sting you, and then when it get and then when it gets the way you don't want to, you just zoom out reading who's gonna stay in? And you know, and just take all of that. Yeah, I'm zooming. I'm I'm a proponent of breaking up around Thanksgiving. I think that's the ideal time because normally if you don't like her, yeah, thanks Giving this best time back up. Because you don't like her, she probably just like her family. So you know, I'm pretty sure you don't need to sit around all these other people house eating. You know people usually have bad ass food. Yeah. Yeah, Can I say why wait to Thanksgiving? Because if you wait to think that you're giving people hope, no one, you don't need to give them hope that long. Yeah, but but see sometimes it don't happen that way. And I'm just saying, as each holiday approaches, you got to have them plan because maybe nothing was wrong Halloween, you know, maybe something. Maybe she busted you November ten. You know you ain't gonna be able to fix that bout Thanksgiving. If she busted you on November ten. Now she bust you like Decimber fifth. You got to get out now for your best round. Start going shopping, be all up in there at that table at Macy's looking at all that stuff on that middle eye with two for one and all this. Hell, you ain't got to go through that and that. You definitely got a break up. New Year's Eve, get here, because you can't go into the New Year with her ass. Yeah that's or his ass or his ass. And yeah, can you start an argument maybe over politics? No, no, no, you know, start in the argument. You don't even start no argument. You can do that too, though, Carl. You can go and you can tell her you know, you're asking, just like Trump, And that's why I came for denial, denial, just acute. Yeah, just accused her of voting for Trump then he yeah, yeah, yeah, there you go. Or no matter what she does, no matter what he or she does, you go. That's it. That's it right there, It's over with. And keep them guessing about what it is they did. Yeah, what the hell you mean? That's it? Can you pass me the remote? I'd like to change the chancel. No, you ain't going to turn it to Atlanta housewife. That's what you're sending to do. Wow, I'm out. I'm out. But Tommy, you're known for breaking up before the holidays though, Oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah. All right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending stories coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Tell me something good news and extremely important world figure is immune to the coronavirus. Uh any guesses on who that might be? Say what now? Shelley an extremely important world figure? Keywords world figure is immune to the coronavirus. Oh, I can't catch it because because I ain't chidling for thirty eight years, I'm immune to it. Well, you and Santa Santa Claus Uh. Yeah, Doctor Anthony fauci Uh said that Saint Nick is exempt from this because Santa, of all the good qualities, has a lot of good innate immunity. He adds that it's good news not just because he'll be able to visit all the good little kids on Christmas Eve, but because Santa is not going to be spreading any infections to anyone. Obviously, kids around the world have been concerned. Nonetheless, children, you will still want to stay in your beds and not try to get a closer look to at Santa when he does visit. Okay, I'll tell you what's Santa better, Dude, I'd better have that damn mask on chimney. I saw one today with the mask on. Actually yea. And because of Covidius saying it won't be no cookies left out or the milk, don't put your mouth, only glass and touch nothing. Somebody gonna give it a s all right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for tell me something good news. Here's some great news. The Steve Harvey Morning Show Annual Turkey Giveaway is underway. The giving started last week and we'll continue today and tomorrow. We're here at the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Now more than ever, we know how important it is to give back. We just do, right, Steve, absolutely. I mean, you know, this is something that we do every year. We will committed to it. And look, it's been especially trying year, so we're gonna do what we can. It's just a little help to some people that could be in need. That's what we try to do every year. That's right. We're giving away gift cards to some of our listeners all over the country to try and help out those in need. Of course, this thinks, and we had to do that because of COVID because normally we do a big Turkey giveaway, but because of COVID, you know, you can't handle food, so COVID changes everything, man, Yeah, but it doesn't stop the giving a different way, that's right. That's right. We're gonna switch gears now here, guys. Time to have some fun, is there? One member of your family. Uh, that's guilty. Is there one member of your family that's guilty of just always being a problem? Just being a massive Thanksgiving? And what have they done? That's not ten Martin's gonna be there, David, Uncle Jay, uncle Red. It's gonna be some people. That's gonna be some primes. Okay. That's why I say, sir, when you come to our Thanksgiving, get in your click, don't go over click, getting your click with your people, mingle with each other. Families had clicks like that bell time. Prisoners hang with the prisoners. They got all cons Wait what you can't be free? Ain't never been a prisoner to talk? What they talk about over? Ain't get the prison They clicked up. Everybody's been locked up. They all they all together. They're the card table, domino table. You know they're over there looking with mirrors around corners, conversation. If yeah, you have no idea what they talked about, what they talking about. You don't know about going to bed at nine lights out? I don't know nothing about that. You don't know why would you be over there? You don't know how they got the cell phone in the in the whole You know, how to get them in tribute to talk about you don't know you Yeah, you don't know about unscrewing the light bulb, crushing it in the in the whole town, and what you're doing with the you know, you don't know them about that pieces of that he put it out in the hallway. That's how to hit a guard coming. Yeah. Click, I wouldn't write a click. Yeah, you ain't never a shank any Let them know that you have no blowing that conversation. All right, guys, coming up, it is our last break of the day. It is the last break of the damn day. Baby what we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. It's time for Steve's closing remarks. But of course before we get to that, we got to remind Georgia that the countdown is on for the Senate runoff dates. The Georgia Senate runoff dates. Please request your absentee ballot now if you haven't already, don't forget that December seventh is the deadline for voter registration. If you have not registered yet, please do so by December seventh. December fourteenth through the thirty first is early voting, and we do what on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, we vote early, Yes, we do. And then January fifth, twenty twenty one is election day. So please we want you to vote for Reverend Raffie L. Warnock and John Ossoff. Okay, we need to send them to Washington. Yes, And the reason we need to do this, you all, it's very very simple. This president, after spewing lie after lie after lie, and I don't know how these followers have just discredited the truth to the point where it doesn't matter. They just allow him to get away with it. But what he's been doing of late since he lost the election, having the Michigan GOP elect election officials come to the White House to talk to him, he wants to talk to him and see if he can find something. They've told him there is nothing. So now he's trying to demand another recount in the state of Georgia, and he just keeps trying to find something he can hang his hat on. And what he's doing desperately and everybody's starting to say it, he's trying to discredit the Black vote. Donald Trump, now the one who's the most least racist person you've ever met, Donald Trump, the one who says he's done more for African Americans than any president since Abraham Lincoln. This guy right here, this is the one I'm talking to you about. He now wants to discredit the Black vote that he wasn't counting on doing what the Black vote did to him this election. They did not know the movement of Stacy Abrams and how she has been working for years behind the scene registering voters. Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell said they find it difficult to believe that more people voted for Joe Biden than Barack Obama. What they were saying in code was because it came down to Milwaukee in Wisconsin, Detroit in Michigan, Atlanta area in Georgia, and Philadelphia area in Philly. What he was saying was he couldn't believe that more Black people turn out and voted for Joe Biden than voted for President Obama. Here's what they don't know is that more of us are registered to vote now than were registered to vote when President Obama took office over twelve years ago. It's just more of us register And I'll tell you something else about black people that you don't know. We turned out for President Obama because we wanted to see a change. We turn out for President Obama because we knew it would make history. We wanted to We wanted to see ourselves the way you've been allowed to see yourselves through the history of this country. We wanted to see ourselves in the highest office in the land. We wanted to be able to point this out to our children and our grandchildren. But let me tell you why we came out in this election, Mister President, and everybody listening to the officials that can't figure it out. See, y'all got it wrong about black people. And I'm not a spokesman for black people, but I do know how we feel because I've been one sixty three years. A matter of fact, the entire time i've been alive, i've been one, So I know what I'm talking about. We don't want you to do nothing for us, but we do want you to stop doing what you've been doing to us. And we turned out in large numbers because we're sick of your racism. We're sick of social injustice. We're sick of your system systemic racism. We're sick of your police brutality. We're sick of your red zoning laws. We're sick of you saying to us over and over and over that black lives don't matter, even when we keep pleading with you to see our lives the same as yours. But you're so hell bent on being righteous that you can't even see what we're saying when we say black lives matter. You're so busy telling us that white lives matter, that all lives matter, that blue lives matter, that you are missing the whole point of what we keep being screaming to you about black lives matter. It's not either all. We don't care that all lives matter. We ain't got no problem with police lives matter. Matter of fact, we get along with white America. New flash. Another news flash, We built America. News flash. So with all of our contributions to America, we want our lives to matter just like everybody else's lives matter. That's what we want. But since you don't think black lives matter, how about this damn vote now? Though I bet your ass understand us a little bit better now or I bet you can't play us to next election. You can't play us no more because we proved something to you. You don't think black lives matter? How about these damn votes matter because of your refusal to say anything calming to the forces of black lives matter. Black votes now matter in Detroit, in Atlanta, in Philly, in Milwaukee, to the point where you, sir, you out of office now. And I got one more partying gift for you to take with you. We don't let you leave and send these two damn Senate seats with you. This is my parting gift and parting prayer to Donald Trump. We're gonna win Georgia, Raphael Wanted and John Alsoff for Senate in Georgia. We're gonna show up again that we matted in homie. Thank you for all Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to st.