Sand and Soul, Royal Baby, Jussie Smollett, Game of Thrones and more.

Published May 7, 2019, 11:00 AM

Steve opens the show with less restriction and it is on!  We find out more and more about the upcoming Sand and Soul.  Let's just say Junior is extremely happy.  Prince Harry and Meghan Markle welcome a baby boy.  The MET Gala definitely had people talking.  Steve gets asked a question from one of our listeners.  John Singleton was laid to rest.  Maximum Security's appeal was shot down.  Uncle Steve does his Game of Thrones recap.  Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO speaks about trials, tribulations and much more.

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the move like themking buck bus things and its cub me true good it. Steve har listening to movie together for ste please by, I don't join join me to be doing me. Have you gotta turn hur the you gotta turn turnout, got to turn out, turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it. I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yoh man. God is in the blessing business all day every day. God got hundreds of millions of blessings that he passes out every day. All I want to do is be the recipient that I'm the recipient of what He has for me. That's all I want. I just want God's favor, and I go. I want God's blessings. You know, of course I need his mercy and his grace, but I just want his blessings and his favor. I want. I want that in my life because it does things for me that I'm absolutely incapable of doing for myself. And I've been a recipient of many of those, and you can be the recipient of them too. You already are, really, really, you already are. If you're getting up every morning, that's a blessed. If you're getting one day closer to anything you're trying to accomplish, that's a blessing. But now let me talk to you about this part right here, folks, because this is the part that messes people up a great deal. What happens when you get off track? What is that? What does that mean? When you get off track? See, I've been off track. I can't tell you how many times, and it happens in so many aspects of your life. But what is it that makes getting off track so debilitating to some people? You know, there are some people who want stay off track, They off course, they off the dream, they own to something else. And you cannot allow the fact that you've gotten off track to stop you can. I tell you something. Everybody gets off track. Nobody does a diet exactly, meal per meal, calorie by calorie exactly. Everybody makes mistakes. But somehow, that are people who have made a success of themselves. That are people who are living their life's dreams. That are people who lose weight in spite of getting off track. See what happens when you get off track. Here's the simple thing to do. The simple thing is just to get back on track. Now that that's but that's easier said than done, ain't it, Steve Yeah, Because see people, when you get off track. Here's some of the things that happen. See you get the here come to they sayers, some of them from the outside, some of them internally. Here's what gets said when you get off track. See I told you, I told you. You know you you start hearing that it's not for you. Okay, this is all just because you got off track. It's not for you. Okay. Here's another one. It ain't meant to be. You can hear it, or you could said, well, I guess it's just not meant to be. These are all things that people say to themselves once they get off track. You can't do it, well, I don't guess I can do it. Here's another one. I thought you said that you was gonna make it. You know, I was showed hoping I could have made it. It comes external or internal. But these are just some of the things that's that I thought you said you was gonna lose weight. Well, you know I had tried to lose some weight. I'm just going down the list of some of the things that goes through a person's mind when they get off track. But let me ask you a question, though, Who made the rule that when you get off track you can't get back on? Who made that rule? Where has that written that once you get off track you can't get back on? See, because I'm gonna tell you something, folks, there's no such rule. As a matter of fact, it's quite the opposite. See, everybody in pursuit of a dream, a goal, and aspiration or a mission, it's going to get off track. Sometimes you're going to get derailed. They are going to be days where you're not going to get it right. That are going to be days where you feel like giving up. There's going to be days when you're just gonna flat out get it wrong. That's the journey. But let me tell you something. Every successful person that I know, ever met, talked to, set out and chopped it up with, have shared one thing in common. We all get off track. We all get it wrong along the way. I don't care who the person is. The president got it wrong along the way. Your pastor got it wrong along the way. Qui Director Gui got it wrong along the way. The principle at your school got it wrong. Along the way. The valor victoria of your class got it wrong. Along the way. The star of the team got it wrong along the way. They've all been off track. Your boss down at your job, he got it wrong along the way. Your immediate supervisor got it wrong along the way. Everybody I know that has any measure of success in every level that you call success, however you want to label it, has got out and off track. As a matter of fact, it's impossible. Listen to me, it is impossible not to get off track in pursuit of your dreams, goals, visions, aspirations. It is impossible. Don't you let nobody tell you that they got through life unscathed, that they made it because they was just so determined and I would let nothing turn me back. Yeah, you might not have let nothing turn you back because you hear all but you thought about it. Oh, you thought about it on days when you was off track. But see, people don't like to tell the whole story. They just want you to think as much as you can about them. So when they tell you their story, they leave out the stuff alone, the way it was just hard work and determination that got me here. No it wasn't, No, it wasn't. It was the fact that you got off track and the grace and mercy of God allowed you to get back on. His forgiveness allowed you to get back on because you would not believe what some of the people have done. So when you get off track, don't allow the naysayers outside and the big naysayer inside, because let me tell you something, the biggest naysayer of them all comes from inside. See, it don't matter what other people say out there. It takes some time for you to learn this. And I understand because it took me some time to learn it. See, I have a lot of naysayers out there, but I ain't operating for them, operating function for the ones that love me, for the ones that get me, for the ones that understand what I'm really trying to do. And so don't you be the one that doesn't allow yourself to get back on track when you get off track, Because, like I said, who made the rule up that you can't get back on track? There's no such rule out there. Stop Stop, being yourself from getting it right. So what you started to diet at the beginning of the year, and you already off start another one, start over, try it again, don't ever stop trying. If you stop trying, you can't make it. But if you never give up the effort, if you never give up and say it's over, it ain't over. You heard just saying it ain't over to the fat ladies, saying I never invite her. She's not invited. It ain't over, to the fat ladies, saying I don't know where the fat ladies stay. I am not sending her an invitation to none of my events. She's not welcome here. She didn't ask me a couple of times. How come I never get invited? Because you're gonna start saying it and I ain't got time for that. All right, stop inviting the fat lady to all your events. Thank you, you're listening. Show ladies and gentlemen, let me have your attention. Please. This is to be a special show. This is a show where Steve Harvey flies by the seat of his pants. Were short handed today, and that just gets me all the opportunity I need. Be as ignorant as I mean is then that's Finn pop off today. I ain't gonna what of all call and telling me what to say, Tommy jumping all the day and Jay out call, ain't here, Tommy ain't here, Jay ain't here. Ain't nobody sitting over here to me, Julior, Shirley, watch this here, Hey Shirley, all right? No, you know I'm not gonna stand for all of your foolish well you know I'm not finished. I'm not finished. I'm not finished. But embarrassed me today, make me ashamed? Surely, I give you my word. I give you if you got two subjects for me to talk about. I promise you I'm gonna humiliate you today. And I gotta a little bit of help or humiliate me. Just embarrassed, make me embarrassed that I am. Julie, Yes, sir, morning up, I can't wait. I know who do you go? Do? Yea? And no cusin? Oh what we do? Have rules? All right? And you know better? No? No, how about a no cuss day? Steve? Remember that? Remember when you try to do that? That last about what one break? Are you trying to do? What? You didn't know that? Oh that was before you joined us. Junior. Remember that day stay, Yeah, he was so miserable. He almost started crying because I felt so locked up. Yeah, contained pain. Say what you really feel fenced in? No custing, Yeah, I never had. I just thought I'd just go for it, shoot for it. You never know. Yeah, Tommy and Carl are out today. They will be back tomorrow. And of course Tommy's out on a short leave. He aly. He needed a little bit of a break. Yeah. Yeah. So how is your day to day, Steve. You have a good day. Well, it hasn't even started yet. Huh. Well, no, it ain't start. How do you think it's going to be. Oh, I expect great things to happen. Yeah, that's out of doubt. I expect really, really great things that happened. I did my morning meditation this morning. Huh oh, don't forget you'all Psalms five and three, very very helpful. It's just a great way for me to start my day. I'm just suggesting it to you. Don't have to do it. You know, people normally take your advice, Steve, sometimes they do. You know, I'm surprised how many people do am I Am I going to regret ever asking you to do this well when you normally ask me, have I will let you down? You have? You have never let me down. You have never let me down. I do that on this next break then, Okay, okay, but before we get there, let me just say Psalm five three before we get to the ignorance, since you brought it up for the next break though in the morning, Lord you hear my voice in the morning, I lay my request before you and wait expectedly. Okay, expect, thank you. All right, all right, we'll be back. This is going to be a real wild ignorant show today, Steve has promised me. Uh, we'll be back with Moore right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, it's time to talk about sand and soul. Okay, sand and soul coming up October tenth through the fourteenth. And where do you ask? Punta Kana Dominican Sunday ass putna, Oh it started, let the games begin? Yeah, it ain't in Potakana. It's in Sunday ass Potka. When is it? Steve? I'm told what you say. I'm told. Ten is my I know email boy. Tenth is my wife's birthday. So get down here. I'm gonna be somewhere doing something. Baller did know that. Yeah, and the thirteenth is Carlos, so they'll be celebrating down and put ConA with us. The event includes luxury room, accommodation Steve, all inclusive, food and drink everything free, drinking and eating. God, just down that game and wait, you can't eat all that food, drink all that looking. Don't expect the game none, all right, so get all your gem info you come. Yeah. I'm happy to say I've invited about three people and they bought their tickets already the way ago. Yeah, yeah, yeah, man, this is gonna be crazy. It's gonna be fun. Yeah. I got a cover Fred Brothers coming, but the I couldn't believe him. Dude, Man, I gave one dude a free ticket. You're gonna talk about boy coming. I say, okay, got a rule for no, hell no, hell no, don't give you a free rule because you're my boy. And then you turn around and get your boy free rule. Wow. Well listen, if you want a room, it's not free, but it's reasonably priced. We can say, go to Steve Harvey sandensoul dot com or you can call eight hundred six eight four twenty eight, twenty five talent Steve, let's talk about the talent genuine at the Welcome to Paradise party right there? Gee, okay, then this Steve Steve Harvey Morning Show crew. We're gonna be doing a live panel discussion, live Q and A. That's gonna be fun, Steve. Yep, A little man will be there for that. That'll be Tommy yeahs cause we got them high stools, them directors chair. Wait, this is the sound of him getting up on the stool. Yeah yeah, I just told him sitting like on the floor. All right, that's all right. Then Steve, you're gonna do showtime at the Apollo and a Vault master class with Dougie Fresh. He's going to do an eighties party. M Yeah, I got a master class to them, will do. What's what are you gonna talk about? I don't know yet, but it'll be something about success. I'm people. Just give him some free information. Oh that's awesome, Steve, And I mentioned the eighties party with Dougie Fresh and then the comedy show Junior take it Away. Oh man, this year we got a nest fool Jay. That's the only way you can say here in years boy, if he pulled the pants around his waist and get to walk it, I'm gonna be holly. Hey weah, my man, Tony Roberts on the show to another Fool, and I will be hosting the Tears a Joy comedy show Tony Down Tony Roberts funny too. Yeah, man, Yeah, he's really funny. He is a joy. That's what we're gonna be bringing out there. He is of joy. I love the show. I love that club. Uh huh. And then your Blue Steve, your baby and your wife, your love. Marjorie and special guests Lisa Ray are going to yeah beauty Bar this year. This must be they gonna do that together. Uh huh. Marjorie Harvey and Lisa Ray Beauty Bar. I mean two beautiful women. Why not Lisa the Lisa Ray? Yes, yes, yes, you're gonna shoot your shot. Do you think why would she be down if it woudn't for me to shoot? Oh? You think she's coming down? She's coming down and for me. Do you hear this stave? That's how you? Hey dog, fix your mind? Yes, fix it in your mind? That's it. Didn't we just say Psalms five three, prey Yeah, wait expecting and and and it's morning. Ask you in the morning. There you go. I can't believe the Lord is so good he would give me Lisa Ray on the planner in no sunny asked, Hey, all right, then, don't forget about the pool party. We did it last year. Oh my goodness, the SuDS and all of that looked like a big bubble bath. I remind y'all please that wow that you ain't got to pay for no liquor and no food. Can I just say that again? And there's seven hundred and fifty five restaurants and two twenty through eight hundred balls and Steve and thirty nine beaches. Yes, and you mentioned the food. Gotta talk about this fantastic pizza this year. I'm going I missed the pizza. Man. I don't know why I was at everybody. I was talking about to my man Steve. Thanks for the pizza, But Steve, that's all. We ate pizza without stands, man. We ate it for breakfast, lunch and back then back there ordered from the table. We wanted from the table, y'all got some more pizza back down. That's crazy, right, I know they got tired of y'all. They did they really, because we kept asking people. We got all this fish round, he did everything and all y'all go the damn pizza. What you come over here to Sunday ass point a counter for exactly. It was crazy, but it was gambling all night, gambling. Find your boy now. But when you see me gambling, leave me alone now, okay, Steve, take a picture now, Steve and Anthony. Oh okay, Anthony Hamilton. Don't forget. He's going to do an Encore Pool party performance Anthony Hamilton and then the grand finale content with DJ Kiri say it's d DJ Kipri. Yeah, So don't forget. Go to Steve Harvey sandensul dot com, or you can call eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. Get on down at a Sunday as Color coming up. Junior is in from the Nephew would run that Frank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. At the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with national news and in entertainment news, the new Royal baby is here and House Democrats move closer to holding US Attorney William Barr in contempt. But right now we've got to run that prank back. Junior is in for the nephew, So Junior, will you please do the honors yet, mister Wiggins, mister Wiggins, Steve Kim exactly, That's exactly what he's saying. That's what he's say. Mister Wiggas right, yeah, And I'd be wanting him to just say shorten it up sometime, but he announced him like they ain't never been here before. Yeah, but he said, somebody that's short got that lonely and mister Wiggas run a cat. Hello, Hello, Hi, my name is George. I'm with Green Lawn Services. We came out and cut your yard yesterday, and uh, we're trying to make sure that you liked everything thoroughly. That we cut the front to back. We also did your hedges, put some mulch in the flybds, the weed eating in the whole nine yards, and we also left an invoice on your doorstep when to make sure you got that as well. Man, ill around, man, look, dude, we I was trying to forget who the hell cut it, sir. Yeah, we cut it as if yesterday you were actually on our schedule, and we did everything thoroughly. Well, I'm actually just calling as a follow up A hell I get on the schedule, sir, Are you mister Malone at fifty Zimmerman? Hell no, man, I'm Wiggins from fifty Man. You cut the wrong house. That's naked man. Yeah, I guess you need to put you in boards on there though, so so you you're not mister Malone at fifty Zimmerman. Say, man, I'll just tell you. I'm gonna fifty three and I'm mister Wiggins. You don't cut the wrong y'all need to go and miss miss Long how to get you because you ain't cut you got the wrong house. No, sir, y'all coming over here trying to collect no money. Sir, hold on just a second. Head. You're saying we didn't know you don't cut the wrong y'all, so I don't know schedule. I can't tell you come over here and cut. You go there talking Malone get your money? You can't. So there's no way we can charge mister Malone if we haven't cut his yard. Now, let's let's just cut with Malone or memoards and you ain't cut, and sir, I understand this, Sir, nothing want to cut the room, or you go cut the right yea and get it right. You ain't got you ain't getting okay, sir, I say that now, I didn't call no out of the cut over here. You go there, I haven't cut his right and get him. Boy, you can't get I understand that, sir. Listen, what I want to say is, uh, well, we'll go over and we'll take care of mister Malone's yard. I understand that we've made a mistake, but I understand. I understood you say that you did like the services. So wouldn't it be even right for you to actually go ahead and send the invoice in along with the check since you did like the services? Well, ever, didn't listening like just retarget, because then I'll just tell you cut the wrong yard. Cut the right yard and get you money. You ain't got nothing but practice here. You're done. I understand that we cut the wrong yard, sir. I understand that, but you got the services, and you like the services. I don't want to have to come out there and get the money from you. We'll come on in determining. Go on, if determining I got something, come on and get you what you said you like I wouldn't give them if I said the moon was green. You cut the wrong yard. You go get your money from the right one. You ain't getting so you got something place. You come on right with you? You see what you get. So I cut the room. You know, trying to get money. Money you ain't getting big. Now you you can go get you from the right either right next door, go cut that. You leave that paper over out. I'm coming over there. You wan't many startsom I'm starts. Come run and be charting me though, mother, Yeah, I got more, Heathan, lil you want to come get it. You got your yard cut, and we deserve to get our money back. Now you come around here till I get some bullet. Now I tell you don't cut, and I'm gonna tell you. Don't make me whoop y'all behind this yard. You come rolling, you come round, so I will whoop y'all behind in the front yard that just got cut. You ain't your mammy, ain't your pamp And you come trying to get the money. I'm sure you don't. You I check. I got one more thing to tell you. What you're listening? Are you come standing? Listen now? I'm you can cut the room. I've got one more thing to tell you. Is you listening, mister Wickens, I'm look, this is left you timing from the Steve Harding Morning Show. You just got prank? Hello? What morning? Look at him? Your boy Gary just pranked you many. Let me ask you something though, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man, it's the Steve Harvard Morning Degree. What I ain't never seen nobody like? Boy? I'm telling you he's a king of prank Steve Huh. He everything I ever dreamed, Give it to me. I wish I was him and I'm a girl. Come on, I wish you want on this, But some wish I was. Why have you ever thought of a cross before? What? What a CROs know you have? What were you gonna be? And where can you get those pockets? You can catch me? Do nut Palace? Do Nut Palace? And CAUs car wash? Call car wash? Uh? What's the GQ GQ? No, that ain't it? No, the miracle closet, Miracle closet, That miracle closet and GQ Fashion JQU Fashions, that's it? And closet. Yeah. Texarcana Saturday May eleventh eight and the reason they called it the Miracle Closet. It'd be a miracle if you find something that small enough to wear. I don't want to gloss over his dates tech Sarcana, Saturday, May eleventh, eight p m. Mother's Day Weekend, one night only, Nephew Tommy then Memorial Day Weekend Stephen and Junior Chuckles Comedy Club in Memphis. All right, you can go see Nephew Tommy. You can get your tickets where guys at the Miracle Closet and GQ Fascist Carl's, Carl Wash and Pallis and Tom and Tommy's transmission coming up at the time of the hour, We're gonna have some entertainment news and a national news update with the One and Only miss a Trip right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Well, congratulations are in order to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. They have welcomed their first child, and ladies and gentlemen, it is a boy. The new baby is Queen Elizabeth's eight great grandchild and the seventh in law into the British throne. The royal baby boy was born at five twenty six am Monday morning, weighing in at seven pounds and three ounces. I ain't getting none of that. When I was born the Royal baby boys here, my daddy went this big live pauns. He didn't like set up in here, man, no good hell will. We weren't trying to have more damn kids. Oh yeah, because you're the baby of how many brothers and sisters? I wish five of us, but was five? Yeah. It don't make no sense, don't man. So no, I I ain't getting ne of his head. I'm not gonna sit here and talk about day baby all morning all either Harry yesterday. How any woman does what they do is beyond comprehension. But we're both absolutely thrilled and so grateful to all the love and support from everyone out there. It's been amazing. The new Royal parents will likely share the name of their baby boy tomorrow. That would be Wednesday. Of course. When name, it ain't gonna be like no hood that Dante, Jack Quiz, none of that. Peter we'll be looking for or George or you know, Thomas William, James Henry, anybody Henry Henry is going to be big Steve. Yeah. Well anyway, oh yeah, like king more syllable. Well, anyway, they're going to probably name the baby tomorrow or make their reficial name. All right, So guys, Yesterday, House Democrats moved closer to holding Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress. A second possible confrontation looms as Democrats discuss a possible contempt citation for Donald McGann, President Trump's one time lawyer. According to multiple Democratic official, the former White House counsel, a major figure and special counsel Robert S. Muller's investigation into whether Trump obstructed justice faces a Tuesday debtline, which is what today to turn over thirty six types of documents subpoena by the House Judiciary Committee, most relating to Mueller's nearly two year probe of Russian interference sixteen election. Yeah. Now, they might be able to do something to bar because he did lie on the stand. But all is trying to get Trump's tax from He's not gonna do it. They get it, He's not. I mean, if he hasn't done, he's the least of our worries. This country is allowing too much to go unchecked. That if it were if Barack Obama had done any of us any of this, yeah, oh my god, any of baged yeah, any of this any But they said up and they make concessions for this guy, excuses allotment and the morality in the White House. It's about as bad as I've ever seen it. To me, this is worse than Nixon. At least Nixon lied about Watergate what it was, and he refined, Yeah. Yeah, but this dude here, man, that ain't what he doing. He doing way more every everybody he bought into the White House in jail. Michael Cohen went in yesterday. Yesterday he started a three year sentence. Huh yeah, all right, Well, let's get to the national news, Steve. Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, Thanks Steve. Good morning everybody out there. This is a troop with the news. Well, President Trump's former personal lawyer and fixer was trotted off to jail yesterday for three years. Michael Kohen was convicted of tax evasion and campaign finance violations related to his payment of hush money on Trump's behalf to women who said they had affairs with the married president, and as Cohen left his Manhattan apart, and yesterday morning he took one last not to veil swipe at mister Trump. I hope that when I rejoined my family and friends, that the country will be in a place without xenophobia, injustice, and lies at the helm of our country. There still remains much to be told, and I look forward to the day that I can share the truth. And he said thank you very much and went about his business. President Trump awarded Tiger Woods with the Presidential Medical Freedom yesterday. Trump announced his intention to honor Tiger after he won last month's Master's tournament overcoming years of painful injuries. And he's got a long relationship with the star golfer. Trump got Tiger Woods to show up at his taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City for publicity right after Tiger's first Master's Toorney win in nineteen ninety seven, and then golf is at Trump's club in De Ralph, Florida can stay at something called the Tiger Woods Villa. Also, Tiger Woods has even designed an eighteen hole golf course for Trump and Dubai. Tiger Woods is the fourth professional golf for to receive the Medal of Freedom if he follows Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicholas, and Charlie Stifford. Charlie Sifford is considered the Jackie Robinson of golf. The US Treasury Department says, yeah, it's not going to comply with the congressional request to turn over a six years worth of President Trump's tax returns. They say now. The Houseways and Means Committee says it needs to see Trump's taxes in order to conduct proper oversight of elected officials. Of Treasury Secretary Stephen Manusian calls the request unprecedented and presents serious constitutional questions. He says, one more real said example of how dangerous it is for so many black and brown children to just go about their lives on the week when testimony begins in the case of Junior Gosman, a Bronx teenager in New York who was dragged out of a bodegan and brutally stabbed to death by gang bangers in a case of mistaken identity, now comes worthy that a thirteen year old athletics standout in Allinois, thirteen years old, shot and killed by a stray bullet as he and a friend left a weekend party. Please say Jalon Mackenzie, who Sports Illustrated called one of the sixteens who would rule the future of sport. So that's how good this kid was. He was just about to enter at East Saint Louis High School as a star football player. Thirteen years old. Dead, family and friends and dignitaries attended the private funeral yesterday for groundbreaking black filmmaker John Singleton. Those in attendants include a Congress Fiman, Maxine Waters, Stevie Wonder, Tyrese Ice Cube, actress Nia Long, Beyonce's mother, Tina Knowles, her husband, actor Richard Lawson, being Rames, just to name a few day all there black Hollywood in evidence A Singleton stuffered a stroke on April seventeenth and never recovered. He was only fifty one. Finally, today's National Teacher Appreciation Day. Yes you do, Yes, you do. And if any teacher ever left the positive impression on you, remember that person today. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. All right, guys, it is time for asked Steve. We have a question. Yeah, now listen to this. Yeah, A one question one yeah, yeah, Well this is from a twenty two year old This is from a millennial so um and his name is also Steve your namesake, he says, Hi, mister Harvey, I work full time and I'm currently in school to become a psychiatric mental health nurse. My faith is strong and I know that with God, anything is possible. So my question to you is, on your path to become an entertainer, did you ever doubt yourself, think your dream was too big or think about giving up? And how did you strengthen your connection to God and never lose hope that your prayers and hard work would pay off. That's a great question. Well, you know, look, no matter who you are, we're human and you're gonna have moments of doubt because it's so difficult to make a success of yourself. So that's gonna be times. Man, what you're going to be faced with the man that I make the right Oh? Man, it's this working man. Ever, is it gonna change? Is it gonna get better? I mean you know I'm even in that congoing Man. Is it gonna get better? Man? Did I make the right move? Man? Should I go back home? Man? I mean, you know you're gonna have doubts along the way. Sometimes you're gonna doubting, or let me say it to you this way, it's gonna be so daunting at times that you're going to be faced with some things that appear to be insurmountable. But here's what I always had to do. Whenever I got to moments like that, I thought of the ultimate dream that I had for myself and my family. What am I really shooting for? And I think what people have to do is you have to be conscious of the size of your dreams. You have to have dreams so big that not getting your dream is unacceptable because the consequence, the alternative, the alternative to not receiving your dreams is unacceptable. And you've just got to dreams so big that your dreams are bigger than whatever problem you're having. So dreaming big is not the problem because God is all out there in them big dreams. God is in to make your dream come true. Business. So I want you to just stay. You have to stay prayerful man throughout the journey. Prayer changes things, and prayer gives you a relationship with your creator that allows you to have the strength that you don't have in your weakest moments, allows you to be your strongest because it connects you closer to him. Your weakness is where he gives you the strength. Hey man, go ahead, all right, Steve, all right. Coming up at thirty four after the hours, Fame director John Singleton was funeralized yesterday. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening. Well. A private funeral, guys, was held for Hollywood director John Singleton. It was held yesterday, that's Monday, in Los Angele at Angela's funeral home, and only his family and his closest friends were in attendant. But Ludacris was there, Ice Cube, Tyrese, Jim Brown, Tina Knowles, and Congresswoman Maxine Waters were just a few of the guests who attended. It is reported that Singleton's family will hold a larger memorial in a few weeks. They're going to celebrate his life there. If you recall, Singleton, of course, died last week at the age of fifty one. He suffered a stroke. Yeah, on fifty one young, fifty one years young. He suffered a stroke on April seventeenth. Shot to everyone. John Singleton's impact will continue to be felt on one of his favorite projects. On As You Know, Singleton co created Snowfall that comes on FX Love that show. He was extremely hands on and his roles as director and producer on that series and Snowfall. Sources have reported that production on season three is almost done and there are no plans to replace John as executive producer. Wow Love Snowfall. Yeah, and he might be missed. His impact in the industry. Steve was no John Singleton. Man. Gave us so many great moments and so many jobs. He created for so many it is, there's so many entertainers and actors that owe him a debt of gratitude for being very, very instrumental in their careers. I mean, he oftentimes gave people spots who couldn't get him any place else. He was just a trend setter. He was so gifted. You never heard anything bad about him. His word was his bond. He was just a gorgeous human being. Man. He was just one of them brothers. Man that was just a solid dude. And you didn't hear none crazy about him. He just he did his work. Man. He was dedicated to his work. Man. I love the dude. Man. He's a great brother. Man. I wasn't real close to him, but every time my soul. We shared a smile and laugh and a hug, you know. And I think last time I physically saw him was in Neiman Marcus over in Beverly Hills. Time I saw him physically. Wow, that's a great brother man, and Steve, you echo would So many people who knew him in Hollywood have said, I haven't heard one bad word to him. Everyone says glowing things. Yeah about because you know what, go ahead, Oh no, I was just going to say that. You know, he suffered from this came out after his passing from high blood pressure, and his family, uh did were they were encouraging people, especially black men, to go and get tested and watch their diets and exercise, you know, because hypertension is such a killer in our race. So they were, you know, just tell telling you know, black men and women of course, to be mindful of your health. Well that's what I was going to say. No, that's what you say. I mean, did you want to say something? I mean, what were you going to say? No? I mean that's fine, you know, I just I mean, did I throw you off? Nobody? Just check your health, I mean, you know, just make sure that you know, you get your checkups and things because it's it's just important, you know, where these people are too young to be dying like this. It's just sad, that's all. Yea, yeah, but all right, up next, the nephew is out today. We got the prank phone call. Does anybody miss him right now? Because I don't not like that? I mean, what do you mean? No, I don't. I really really don't. No, I really really don't. I just want to be clear about that. It's such an enjoyable time without all them stupid ass comments coming out of left field. I get tired of just correcting him and listening to that ignorant miss. I like a day without just dumb ass statements and high level ass igness. Just you know, I told y'all was gonna do something bad, you know, Just lett me feel free to do that as I see fit. I don't want to be in bars called to him every damn time. I mean so much so that you disowned him earlier? Yeah, have you taken him back into the family? Came out of No widow, do y'all miss you? Of course? Why do you miss him for what? Because Tommy is funny makes me laugh? Is stupidity makes me laugh? It just does anyway. Anyway, Tommy's not here. We miss him. Steve says he doesn't. I don't believe. But Junior's me healing in for the nephew with a braink phone call right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, guys, about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject We're just friends, but we could be so much more. I love that we're just friends, but we could be so much more. Right now, Junior's in for the nephew with today's prank phone call, which you got Junior wed Style whose pranks different wed Style? See if you spent a lot of money to send him to W class too. He failed miserably, as another reason I don't like him. And you know how a lot of kids, you know, they go to school. I mean it used to be that it was more difficult for them to learn because the classrooms were overcrowded and all of that. Tommy was the only one in his only one and still fail the W class. It was hard for Tommy to learn because of the size of him desk. Tommy ass had trouble getting up in that chair and putting his arm up there high enough to write the damn shame you got to climb up in the chair and then stand up in the chair to write. Now he got to be in over now his back hurt. Well, I applied applied him for what I did for going to the class. We're trying to make himself better. I like that. I thought that was admirable. If you're going to fail the class, we don't know he was gonna fail when he started the class. Wedd style is running? Hello, I'm trying to reach calmon please? Oh who's calling? This is the HAF styles the RNZO Oh great, great, Hey, we were waiting for you. Hold on a second, I'd getter. Hello. Hi? Is this is this calmon? Y? Hi? How are you good? Great? Listen? Um? This is the HAF style. That's I'm supposed to be there to do your hair for the wedding. Hey, are you last? No? I do have a bit of this. There's something that has come up and I kind of need to discuss some things with you. Are you kidding me? Let me ask yourself to wait. You know I'm getting married in four hours, right, I do know, I do know. Let me ask you this, what time? Actually is the wedding? Is it at five? Or sake? The wedding is at five? Okay, Um, what have you done to your hair so far? Nothing? You have the hair I'm waiting for you to put weave in my on my head? Right? Um? Oh god, dear, no, you're on your way right. This is a joke. No, this is not a joke. I've got fine, tell him to come here. I don't have a stylars today. You came highly recommend it, and I've already given you a deposit. You you should be on your way. I do understand that dollar, and I don't mind giving your deposit back. I'm no, that's no, that's not what I want. I need you here to do my hair. I have no one here to do my hair. I've already paid you. I understand this. Dear, Calm down, listen, this is what I want to do. Okay. I do have someone that I can send that as going to do an outstanding job for you. Okay, But I'm not. I've gotten into a spat with Oliver, and I just what it's. It's a very Oliver. Oliver is my friend, and we've gotten Are you kidding me? In a serious serious, serious blow up. This is the most important day of my life, and you're not coming to do my hair. You're not taking care of your business because you've gotten into a fight with your boyfriend. Listen, I'm not gonna go back and forth with you about this. I've god, I have argued with him all night. I'm not going to go back and forth and argue with you as well. Yeah, I have to argue with me when I need it for you to be here, I understand that, and I'm going to send someone there. As one of the most unprofessional stylists I have ever met in my life, I cannot even believe you're doing this. Listen. I'm trying to deal with you on a professional level, but you're not because you're not here. I understand that, and I'm not trying to to to rein on your parade and professionalism went out the window when you call up to say that you can make it because you were in an argument with your boyfriend. Well, I'm not gonna do is go back and forth with you. If somebody to find Kim fin Um telling her to come, where is everybody? Mama? Please get him to the phone. Oh boyd, listen, what have you done to your hair thing? Okay? Has it been washed? Yes? Okay, so it's just waiting. Is that what's going on? Yes, that's what's going on. Have you been done? Have you been under the dryer at all? No? Okay? So is it still? Damn? Why are you asking me questions? You're very I'm trying to get someone I bring. When I send someone in, I want to send them in there. Yes, I'm sitting here with wet hair. Has your hair? Has your makeup been done yet? No? I'm waiting for you to do my hair. I cannot believe this. Why are you asking me these questions? Hold? Please? Old ones like Oliver. I'm not gonna go. I'm Oliver. I'm not. Oh my god, I'm not gonna This is crazy. I'm not going to think you now. Let me take care of the clous I'm not going. Hello, are you kidding me? Listen? Is there anyway you could possibly push the wedding back to seven? You are crazy. You've not needed change my time because you're in an argument with your boyfriend. Listen, this is the first past. This is you are the most unprofessional thalist I've ever met in my life. And trust me, darling. I will put the word out about you. No, no, no, I will make sure that you never ever do business again. Wait a minute, Now, what you're not gonna do? You don't curse at me. She's not gonna You're not gonna do run in my day. I understand that. No reason to be mad. I'm the one that should be upset. It's my day. You're not gonna talk to me like this. He don't talk to you any kind of way I want to. You call ruining my day. Hold on a second. So you got this talking crazy to me, and I'm nothing to go with it. No, not what I'm not gonna do it sitting let's talk to me. No, you didn't call me a I'm not gonna sit here and let you talk to me. No, you know what I wish you were coming to this church. I got your listen. I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. Now, I got someone I can send in there to get your head done. Do you want it or do you not? Who are you sending? I am sending, listen. I will be sending my assistant. And she does. She washed his head. She's been instructed what to do don't worry. She'll get it to you. Don't want me to let it. Shampoo girl start my hair on my wedding. Look do you want How are you kidding me? I'm of a Please. Now you need to be talking to me, not Oliver. I understand. Listen. Let me take the racial voice of her voice at me. I can do whatever the hell I want to. This is you have ruined my wedding day. No, I am not. I'm trying to get your wedding day together. Now. I'm going to send this shampoo girl to do my hair. Cynthia is very good. She will be there at five o'clock. We will have you read. Your ruling starts at five o'clock. I don't know what to say. What you need to be saying? Is he on your way? I'm gonna Sympia will be on. I don't want Cynthia to do my hair. I didn't pay Cynthia to do my hair. I pay you to do my hair. You have to bring Oliver with you. You need to come on, Oliver. Do you want to go? Oh? Oh my god? Do you want to just go with me? Okay, listen, I have one more thing I need to say. Yeah, I have to say to me. The only thing you need to be saying to me is that you and Oliver are on your way. Yeah, about to run the most important day of my life. I am not at your head. Yes, I'm now. Are you on your head? Yes or no? Yes? And I have one more thing I need to say. But what do you want to say? Listen, Dot, don't don't come for me. Boy, you better spit it out. This is Matthew tom Me from the Steve Rby Morning Show. You just got pranked by all your bridesmaids. Oh my god, I am going there. I don't believe they did this. That's why I can't sign on Tessa, And I'm kicking you did was not funny, not today. This is the last thing I needed today. Do you know what they wanted me? They wanted me to get you yesterday I said no, We're waiting till the wedding day. Understood much pressure I got. I got one more thing I gotta ask you, Yes, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane, the Steve Harvey. There it is where stylish? Wait a minute, I'm just gonna say it like it is just wedding stylists. It is what it is. It is win stylist right there. Uh, you're the greatest, You're the greatest. You're hit nobody seconds the best I know. I ain't sit here and I have five seconds and no frain. All right, thank you, Junior. Coming up next, Strawberry Letters. Subject We're just friends, but we could be so much more. We're getting into it right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on parenting, on sex, on more. Um, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M. And just click that submit Strawberry Letter button and we'll get your letter and we could be reading yours and live on the air, just like we're reading this one right here right now. Let's go, all right, we got it for you. Sign for the Strawberry Letter with my friends. Shirley straw Thank you, my friend, Junior. Subjects listen speaking your friends, Junior. We're just friends, but we could be so much more. Dear Stephen, Shirley, I'm in a bad situation and I need your advice. A few months ago, I was in a great relationship and my man and I were happy. I had a male neighbor that I only talked to on social media. My man found out about us sending each other messages and he accused me of messing around with the guy. He said it was inappropriate and I needed to stop, so I did, but my neighbor kept on. He just kept on liking my pictures and leaving comments every time I posted a picture on Instagram. Then, shortly after I stopped talking to my neighbor, I found out that my man was cheating on me, and I was devastated. I was so angry that I sent a message to my neighbor and I invited him to work out with me and go for a run. The run and good workout helped me blow off a little steam, and afterwards I went to my neighbor's apartment to cool down and talk for a while. Everything was going good until he got all weird and told me that he has always liked me and would love to take me out. I told him that it was a bad time and I went home. Later that day, I told my man that I went running with the neighbor, and he got very upset and truly believed that I cheated on him, so he broke up with me. I'm single now and I have been talking to my neighbor and working out with him a lot. I'm starting to really like him, but I am skeptical about dating him because I don't want my ex boyfriend to think we were messing around all along. What if my ext just need a little break and he comes back and wants us to get back together. Should I hold out and wait to see or move on with the man that I'm starting to like a lot? Please help? Okay, I think you kind of know the answer to your question, even though you wrote us to ask us. I think you kind of know. You're waiting around for what for your man to maybe try to make up his mind to see if he wants to get back with you. So you're just wasting your time waiting on him. I mean, come on, he's the one who accused you of doing something you weren't doing to begin with, and it was him that was cheating all along. So I say this to you, this is your life. You got to move on with your life and do what makes you happy and have joy. And if this if seeing you know this other man your neighbor and working out with him, if that makes you happy and you're starting to like him and he treat you well and everything, and you know you don't have any more feelings for your ex, then keep moving forward. Move in the direction that makes you happy. Don't wait around for this other guy who was cheating on you and you found out and he was lying to you all this time. Come on now, you want to make your next move your best move. And like I said, if this guy makes you happy, and if he treats you really well, you know, keep see how it goes with this guy. You don't have to jump in bed with him right away, but get to know him, continue to work out with him, you know, become friends and maybe this will lead to something. But just sitting around waiting for this other guy to maybe decide to come back with you. Did you forget that he cheated on you? Did you forget that hello, he cheated and accused you of cheating. Usually people who are cheating, you know, like to take the attention off of them and accuse the other person. So no, don't wait around for him. Keep your life moving in a good and positive direction with someone you like and who likes you and treat you well. Steve, Okay, I'm gonna have to get to this letter in a different way. This woman is in a bad situation only because she's thinking about it in a bad way. A few months ago, you're in a great relationship with my man. Y'all was happy. You're the male neighbor that I only talked to on social media. My man found out about us sending each other message. He excused me and messing around with the guy. He said it was inappropriate and I needed to stop, so I did. The neighbor kept on liking my pictures and leaven comments every time I posted on Instagram. Okay, oh, let me ask y'all something nothing to message? When you was talking to the guy just on social media? What y'all be talking about? I mean, y'all talking on social media? You live with a dude or and he's single? What? What what y'all talking about? Hey? Hey, Hey, I'm feeling you ain't come up. I like all your pictures. Man, You're so beautiful to me. You can't tell me that it ain't come up. That's impossible, because y'all just on that talking to a guy on social media. Y'all socializing on the media. That's why they called it social media. Got it? But then, Charlotte, you socializing on the media, and that's why it calls it social media. Got it. Then shortly after I stopped talking to my neighbor. It wouldn't it wouldn't let it get stupid. I found out my man was cheating on me, and I was deva stated because I was so angry. This is how she handled the devastation. I was so angry. I sent a message to my neighbor and invited him to work out with me and go for a run. Yeah, what, you devastated? So I called my neighbor. I'm punishing him. I show your ass to have been here and do something to me. I'm gonna call my neighbor and work out and go for a run and help me blow off a little steam. So then I went to my neighbor's apartment to cool down and talk for a while. Your first date and you go over that sweaty running, jogging, just sweaty. Everything was going good until he got all weird. Now hear what I want to what's weird about this? Told me he always liked me, and he would love to take me. The hell that's weird. You're sitting over that at his damn house. You just got through running the jogging, got all your breasts stuff, slapping y'all up in the bottom of your chin while you're running, booty wobbling all over the damn place. You to knock two kids off the bikes, running the ass everywhere, breasts all up in your damn face. He running behind you, changing tail, that TNA bouncing everywhere, and you said, tomboy got all weird. He's gonna tell me he liked me, He like you. Hop you went over the man's house with what you go over that for if you didn't want him like you. She was devastating. She needed to blush. She was devastated. All right, look see you hang onto that. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject We're just friends, but we could be so much more. We'll be back right after this. You're listening show, All right, Steve, here we go. Let's recap today's Strawberry letter. We gotta recap Crazy's ass woman. Was Dan's man talking to this boy on social media socializing on the media media, her boyfriend finds out says it's inappropriate. She stopped to dude, kept I can help pictures. And then you found out that your boyfriend cheated on you after you stopped. So now you were so angry after you found that out that you text your social media friend and asked him to come work out with you and go for a rug. And that's exactly what y'all did. And then after you went for the run with him and worked out, you went over to his apartment and everything was going You take your sweaty self over there, took yourself over there, and then said everything was going cool. And then he got all weird on me and told me that he always liked me, and with loud to take me out. I told him that was a bad time and I went home with your nutty ass? What kind of nutty ass person to shoot? You? Sent up? Hi? What's devastated because he cheated on you? And then you go out with the man and you go running the jogging. Then it get weird because he said he always liked you. What you spec tim to say? So up in hill running with your breasts all up in your chin, about to knock your ass unconscious, and just booted just all over the damn side, just but you the knock tree back off. He behind you, going lord lord looking man. Now you told him it was a bad time, and then you went home. Then later that day here where you get real looking at that. I told my man that I went running with the neighbor. He got so very upset and truly believed that I cheated on so he broke up with me. Wait a minute, did I miss something? He got mad at you for thinking for cheating on him. He break up with you. You got mad at him thinking he cheat on you. Your ass went to work out and went on for a run. Somebody is ignorant in this damn letter, and I think it's you. So he broke up with me. I'm single nine. I've been talking to my neighbor, working out with him a lot. I really started liking him, but I'm skeptical about dating him because I don't want my ex boyfriend to think we were messing around all along. Who gives a damn what your ex boyfriend think. He wasn't thinking nothing when he was cheating on you either. But now you're sitting up here. I'ms I don't want my ex boyfriend think we was messing around all along. What if my ex just needed a little break and come backs and wants us to get back yell, okay, now let me ask you a question. Are you slow? What are you slow? It's just a slow person because of its because you are. I mean, if she's slow, tell me if she's slow, because I need to talk to difference. This has got to be a slow person. I don't know what is the word that we can use that's politically correct to describe a slow person, because you ain't supposed to call him stupid because challenge mentally challenge, you can't call let me see special? Is she special? What is she? Because this can't be this can't be regular. This is this is start. I'm starting to really like him, but I'm skettered about dating here because I don't want my ex boyfriend think we was messing around all along. What if my ex just needs a little break and he comes back and just wants us to get back together again. He don't need a break. He was taking breaks. He was with another girl. He's just taking breaks. He was taking breaks and then coming back to you. He been on breaks, he do breaks? Should I just hold out and wait and see? Yeah? There you go? Yeah? Yeah yeah, slow person? Wait no, no no no, wait no, send your stupid ass down the window. Not for real, stupid, No, just come on. Look, look, I like slow people because slow people. No, we're not saying that. You're not saying that. She's said challenged. She's challenged. She's challenged, she's special, she's slow. Yeah, she she all sounds crazy. She's look nutty, she whipped out. Oh god, Should I just hold out to wait and see? Or move on with a man that I'm starting to like a lot. You've been liking him. You liked him when you called him up right away, You liked him when you was talking to him social media. You got to get in touch with your own feelings, your own feelings, say that, yeah she likes him? Oh yeah, definitely get mad and go run with somebody. Hey, she had a blossom steam stops. That's how you Because she was mad when she found out that her her boyfriend had cheated on her. He accused her of cheating. He was the one that was cheating all along with you. Yeah, I went on Macau. I see most people, but no time that like running. Yeah, she caught the short bus to school. I'm almost certainly you're you're really embarrassing. No, I really do, man. I think she spent a lot of time down at the counselor's office in school. I think I think she's been what they called it or reassigned before. She has been in school and been reassigned before. Yeah, she's had to because what if my ex just needed a little breaking he come back and want us to get back together. Should I hold out and wait and see, because I don't want my ex boyfriend think we just messed around all along. She's just a slow person here. She's been reassigned. I can assure you some people from the city and been to her house before with clip with clipboards. It's just some people been in the house checking on her. Ma'am, man, are you okay? I could promise you somebody, somebody to call down to the city and some people have been around in windows and everything. All right, look there, you can leave your ass on today's Strawberry letters. Glad Us at Instagram. She's standing right knocking on this window. Let me glad us check out the strawberry letter podcast as well on demand Get Away from the Window. I'm waiting on my friend to come up. The drive where coming up in ten minutes. We'll review the headlines and some trending ladders right after this crazy you're listening show. Well, it looks like Jesse Smallett's Empire co stars that includes Taraji p Henson and Terrence Howard are not satisfied with Fox's plan to keep Jesse's character off the upcoming season. They are lobbying network exec to bring him back full time. It's reported that the cast feels that Jesse's character was an incredibly important part of the show and they don't think that his return to Empire will hurt the writings one of them and he's been exonerated. He clear, Yeah, he's clear. What is Fox tripping for? Yeah, man, y'all, Man, y'all act cleck y'all always played his self righteous role. The man is clear. All charges dropped, that's it. Yep. Yeah, so you know the Fox News off the damn Man. But in one of the day line ass over there if you gonna pull something, man, pull that damn News show, y'all got because they ain't over there doing nothing but Lyne. Hey, that's the President's favorite station. Come on now. In one of the final episodes of season five of Empire, Jesse's character Jamal got married. This was in the first gay black wedding prime time on TV. Okay, So I guess we'll just have to wait until next season to see what happens. But I'm with Taraji and Terrence. Bring them back and Steve bring them back. We love Jamal on the show. Yeah, bring him back. Also, the biggest celebrity event of the year happened last night. It was the met Gaylub. It was held in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. This year's theme was camp, so the celebrities there show up in their own interpretation of camp attire, you know, like over the top type stuff. Lady Gaga Harry Styles hosted the event and the tickets reportedly were thirty five thousand dollars each and three hundred yes, thirty five well wait that's just for tickets, yeah, and three hundred thousand dollars for a table. And this was an invitation only event. Lady Gaga made a big entrance at the met by parachuting onto the red carpet in a supersized Brandon Maxwell dress. That's the designer. Then she changed into several more dresses and finally showed up. Hey, forget about it. She finally showed up wearing nothing but a shiny bra, underwear, fishnets and heels. All right, let's get a crack in a right lady. I know. Serena Williams stunned everyone in a neon yellow floral gown. It was beautiful too. She wore matching neon yellow nikes with her dress, and the dress is long. She's tall. You don't know whether she has on heels or sneakers or whatever, but she had on some nikes and they matched, and I'm sure she was comfortable for the entire night. Chris Jenner wore a navy blue strapless jumpsuit with a blonde bob wig, and of course Corey was with her on the red carpet. Our girl Tiffany Hattish wore a zebra striped, sequined bell bottomed pantsuit and she had on a blonde wig with that. Kim Kardashian wore the super low lots of clear, even low cut yellow Versachi gown and with her hair was just beautifully wavy. It looked wet. It was really pretty in her face. Her face was beat. The weirdest outfit by far for me was Jared Ledo his outfit. His outfit was beautiful, but he wore a long, high neck red Gucci gown. It had a crystal harness, but he accented his outfit Steve with a life size replica of his own head. What you gotta go online and see pictures of this, because okay, it's him walking down and he's holding his head on the stick or something weird. He walked around with it all night, didn't put it down, just him and this big old head, his head, all right. It was crazy though, But Marjorie Steve. She posted some pictures she went on the gram. She went to the met Gala last year in a two thousand eighteen so um, I mean, have you ever gone? And would you go? I never asked me. I don't know. I don't even know what it really you know, I mean I would go, I guess, but I ain't never been asked. My girl went. She was a guest of a dosche Cabanas last year. Oh okay, yeah, I've ever liked tried to go to anything. It's thirty. Well, it's fashion, Steve, and you know how you love fashion and everything, so it would have it would have been, but I wouldn't suggest Kanye. I wanna just go just angry as black dude off smiling what Kanye. I was there with Kim of course. Yeah, yeah, I saw Kim Kardashi. Yeah, I mean she was. Yeah, she's beautiful girl. She's really beautiful. I mean, you know, say what you want to say. She's beautiful now, you know, but she's actually doing some incredible stuff. Yeah. You know, people talk about her, but what has she done to anybody? Right? And they're nice? I mean, you know, she's she's lived her life. You may not like the decisions she's made, but she ain't made none of them counter to you. Yeah. The only thing, the only issue, my only issue I ever had with them was early on in the show, Steve, when they first started, they would just be so mean to their mom, so disrespectful. I even heard that, you know, they looked back at some of those episodes and like, we're embarrassed at how they used to treat their mom. But now they've grown, they matured, you know, they respect and love their mom and they do pranks and stuff now, but nothing like they used to do. And I mean I like the girls. They've evolved. Everybody grows, you know, hopefully. Yeah, she's beautiful, beautiful, and I saw the picture. They ain't gonna be that damn reaction you had. I just had that when I'm very smart. Man. Oh, no, I promise you. Oh that's right. Yeah, No, I's sorry. I didn't you forgot moment, Junior. Oh, I got to you, and Junior, you know, the rumors are still out there, so they don't try to start anything. No, you better. According to the Internet, the papers have already been signed. When would you leave? Would you go? Tail me? It's just a matter of time. Steve, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, Uh, Steve, did you see this? Tiger Woods, your favorite golfer, got a major award. And we'll talk about some more trending topics as well. That's coming up right after this. You're listening to the President. Trump bestowed Tiger Woods with the nation's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, on Monday evening this was going on in the White House Rose Garden. He hailed Tiger as a global symbol of American excellent. Uh, The president says Tiger inspired millions of Americans with his thrilling victories on the golf course and for his incredible comeback after all of the physical ailments he's dealt with over the years. Tiger thanked his kids, his mom, his girlfriend, and he shouted out the people who stuck with him through the good and the bad, the highs and the lows. So good moment for Tigers. Really good moment for time and very deserving as well. I mean, you know, look, people mad about that. Why would he give Tiger presidential Look? Man, it's what the dude knows about. He knows about golf, golf, So that's it, answer, Steve. He know about golf. He don't know about a lot, but he know about golf. Let him have at Yeah, something he didn't have to lie about, you know. Yeah, he lied. He gave somebody. I actually liked Tiger Woods getting somebody, huh. And some more Derby news. Steve, you were at the Derby over the weekend for the very first time. Yeah, looking fly in that pink hat. I saw you, all right, But anyway, an appeal by the owners of Maximum Security was denied yesterday, the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission has denied an appeal by the owners UH to reverse his disqualification. A maximum security finished first. We all know that finished first in the race, but Stewards at the Churchill downs a rule that he veered into another horse's path and slowed that horse's race. The appeal, filed by Gary and Mary West, reads the steward's acts in reviewing the one hundrety fifth running of the Kentucky Derby were arbitrary and capricious and did not comply with applicable administrative regulations. I don't know what. I don't mean a damn thing. Listen. Were basically I don't know what they were saying at doll No. Number seven one race. Now, they made a mistake in saying that he veered off into If you look at the tape, man was all the way behind him. His horse's front legs was up in that booty or the other horse. Now, who'll put their ass in the way of your foot? I'm just ash do that. Who'll do that? Especially when your foot is a hoof rolls over and goes. Here's the crack the center point of my booty. You got shoes on and a hoof stick one of them up in him while we running at top speed. But now they're talking about they want to reverse it, but they can't reverse it because they paid out all that money. That money, all that money go out, So now you pay that money out, falling long shots. Now, guess what everybody with a seven ticket like me, because I had seven win place in show and I had seven for the in Wow, I had some money out there. But you know what when they I was mad when they reversed it. But what I came away with after the derby was way more more than that money right there to me. You know, I formed some new relationships down what happened? Yeah, no, no, no, I met some cool people, form some new relationships. I'm done. I'm so good man. You're going back. You're gonna go about dog dog. I gotta put this on my list, man, I know you need to put on your list. No, here we go. I just I'm just saying, hey, hey, hey, you let me spay something. If you want to go to the derby, listen to you got three hundred and sixty three days to get yourself ready for the derby. You can start looking for your outfit. You can get your little hat and everything. So we're going. We're going. No, I'm going. It's not like if he wants to go, he need he gonna get ready. Now see what what Junior gonna quit playing? It's like he ain't got no damn. But I ain't saying that that Steve. No, that's not what I'm saying. He wants to go with you saying, mean what because you know how to ball and he wants to be in there with you so you can teach. You just learn, continue to mentor him. You mean watch about yeah, go down now on the infield right, walk around. He doesn't want to go by himself, I thought. I mean imagine you know how many women he could get and all of that if he shows up with you. You know what your name means out there for me? Thank you? Is? Is? That's the herb? Yeah, that's that's h And then you look over that boy, I'm in hats own flows has own flows. You got to say, we flew out here together. Don't forget that I got all of that shirt. Yeah, yeah right there man, you flew delta. Oh no, we didn't come in at that airport. Yeah. I flew in on delth Oh no, no you didn't. Boy, If you flew do you know how much that would be on CN if you were indeterminal you was at terminal three at Lax. Do you know TIMS would have caught your ass somewhere? You dog, you at the terminal? Oh no, we go bout it. But you know, you know how many baggers hands would have called me dog your boil here right now? Dog, I'm looking at him right now, clean coming through. You know I have a new call. We would have got on. We know the people up there at depth. We know. I got a feeling you're gonna go next year, Junior. I got a feeling. Yeah. So back to this Derby story. To wrap things up, The Commission maintains that this is basically the biggest race at the most same track in North America. Those stewards are the best in the business. Stars ain't the best indefence they made. This is what they're saying they I'm telling you, I believe you. I'm just telling you what their defense is. They always say that them that's the same damn referees. That's why the damn Saints ain't in it. The best, the best of the business. Yeah, they have to stand by, they have to double down on their lives. Hell yeah, secure the confidence of the p A man, the coach for the Rams came up to me, Sean mcvayh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he came up to me. He's a man. I'm a big fan. My hope that dude man man. Oh va. No, Sean mcvayh was kicking it with me. Whoa, you're gonna get that part strong, right, damn partner, I promise you that right there when Nova don't stopping him asking for no damn pictures. So he was hanging out with me. Pot. We gotta take a break. Ask why you ask? Right there. When we come back, we're gonna talk about Yeah, we're gonna talk about recap. Yeah, well something like that. Yeah, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, we didn't get a chance to get to this last night, but uh, you gotta do your Game of Thrones recap. Okay, and please talk about the coffee cup that was mistakenly left on set during filming. All right, Dave, let's go, come on come on in your voice here great hell, yea hell, you ain't gather around all of you, damn of browse. I dash say it was about the barring episode. I might add sat that waiting on episode for and there was nothing to it. I sat there, I was going, oh, let me or love. They're helping up in the mess hall. They're all eating, they're having a wonderful time. Not sassy, but what's the little girl, white girl with the white hair. Colisee Collis sitting there looking upside John Snow's head, wondering why all the men gathered around him. I'm the damn queen, right, but they don't know that he the real queen, that's right. So they're sitting up down, they're all all was talking about the little Tyrion. He just drinking his ass off. He going straight on back to rehab soon as this over week. He's got to get on back into rehab. Cast here an alcoholic. Now, he's such an alcoholic that they tried to give him some coffee between brakes and left the damn cup on the table. They were trying to sober up Tyrion so he could do his damn scene. Well, police goes in the back with John Snow and they're coming there with the pack that he bags her that he has to tell them the truth. He finds his family, his brother and his sister. He tells it, I'm not really John Snow. I am the Lord. I am the rightful as to the iron throne that threw him off. Course, didn't a little or the little blind boy to be looking all up in the air at the bridge and everything. He knowed it. So he was saying that your choice. He knowed it. He know that. Now I'm trying to say, I'm trying to stand English active, but I want to go hood. You gotta go back to black. I want to go hood now. I want to switch in and out and then lo and behold a man with the iron hand. I don't know his name, Jamie Jamie, Jamie Lanister hits on the Big Game of Thrones, Babe, the one that looked like the girl at work out the radio station. It was all and cracking Brianna Toddle. Yeah, I called a Tarz for Sean. He got in that bed with Tarza and they knew not to show all that because there was a lot fare was all in his mouth every time I looked on that ball. That iron hand was putting some monocles every time I looked out, and the ass she was asleep. Oh my god, she sleep again. But then she ain't never had none. If I was something, how the asse? She know what's good? You probably just real regular, But she ain't never had none. Wait a minute, your grace, that was surprising to me. I didn't know that about her. Throw me we're off. No, she never had none. Who gonna get it? Look who you're not gonna go get an ass for something? Scared to get the damn head cut off? So then everything went everything, And then on they went went over there, look at the castle where Ciss was, and cs ass pushed a little fine black chick off that thing, and that little Unich dude he mad at hell, he gonna kill everybody in there, And they cut that girl's head off. That big old lass dude cut that girl's head off and threw off that wall that was a damn shade. Yeah, So now Klisi walks off, she gonna get on that damn dragon. It's gonna be some hell the pills when we come back. Her hand's gonna be on that dragon. Just sitting two more episodes left Joy Everybody Gonna get the Cool? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, It's time to talk about sand and soul. Okay, sand and Soul. Coming up October tenth through the fourteenth. And where do you ask? Puntacana Sunday? Ass Oh it started, let the games begin. Yeah, it ain't in Punta Kanna. It's in Sunday. Ass put the Connor. When is it, Steve? Octod what you say? October ten is my am? We know email boy. Tenth is my wife's birthday. So get down here. I'm gonna be somewhere doing something baller. I didn't know that. Yeah, and the thirteenth is Carlos, so they'll be celebrating down and put to Conna with us. The event includes luxury room, accommodation Steve, all inclusive, food and drink, everything free, drinking and eating. God, just down that game and wait, you can't eat all that food, drink all that looking. Don't expect the game none, all right, So get all your gem info you come. Yeah. I'm happy to say I've invited about three people and they bought their tickets already and they're ready to go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, man, this is gonna be crazy. It's gonna be fun. Yeah. I got a couple of friend brothers coming, but I couldn't believe them. Dude, Man, I gave one dude a free ticket. You're gonna talk abounding boy coming, I say, okay, got a rule for no, hell no, hell no, don't give you a free rule because you're my boy. And then you turn around get your boy free rule. Wow. Well listen, if you want a room, it's not free, but it's reasonably priced. We can say, go to Steve Harvey sandensoul dot com or you can call eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five talent Steve. Let's talk about the talent genuine at the Welcome to Paradise party right there. Gee, okay, then this Steve Steve Harvey Morning Show crew. We're gonna be doing a live panel discussion, live Q and A. That's gonna be fun, Steve. Yep, little Man won't be there for that. That'll be Tommy. Yeah, Gus cause we got them high stool them director's chair. Wait, this is a out of him getting up on the steel. Yeah, yeah. I just told him, sitting like on the floats your leg all right, that's all right. Then, Steve, you're gonna do showtime at the Apollo and a vault master class with Dougie Fresh. He's going to do an eighties party. M yeah, I got a master class to them, will do. What's what are you gonna talk about out I don't know yet, but it'll be something about success. People. Just give him some fee informa. Oh that's awesome, Steve, and I mentioned the eighties party with Dougie Fresh and then the comedy show Junior Take it Away. Oh, man, this year we got on this the fool Jay. That's the only way you can say here man in years. If he pulled the pants around his waist and get to walk it, I'm gonna be hot. Hey. We got Tony Roberts on his show to Another Fool, and I will be hosting the Tea is a Joy comedy show Tony Down Tony Roberts. Yeah, yeah, he's really really funny. Oh he is a joy. That's what we're gonna be bringing out there. He is of joy. Love that all right. We hope to see you there coming up. Last break of the day and Steve Harvey's closing remarks right after this you're listening to show all right, Steve, here we are, last break of the day, just the three of us today, just three of us. Yeah, we can make it if we try. Just the three of us. Will be back tomorrow. And of course our prayers are still going up for Jay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know. I um want to share something with you all about your trials and tribulations. I want to talk to you about when things are not going the way you want them to in life. I've often said this many on different occasions in different ways, but I have something I'm going to read to you that might help you understand what you're going through. The thing that I've had to come to in my life was everything you're going through is preparing you for what you ask God for, and everything that you're going through is God preparing you for what He has for you. It's two different things. Now, I want you to understand something. Everything that happened to you ain't from God, and everything that happened to you ain't from the devil. Sometimes God is allowing things to happen because there's a lesson you need to know and sometimes the devil just business and he just throwing his imps at you, forty going off. They're coming from everywhere. But if I could get you to if I could get you to not address those imps, if I could get you to not waver in your commitment to God, if I could get you, as hard as it is now to ignore them, it will serve you well. I ask God for insulation. You know what I found is, you know, because you're famous and you see a person, you see a thousand comments. Let's say, okay, let's say this. Let's say, as a famous person, you see eight hundred negative comments about you. That's eight hundred people who don't know you. That's eight hundred people who ain't got nothing else to do. They're not indicative of the masses. The masses don't even know that. They typing or their own line. Real people don't don't even know that. So in the total scheme of things, what would that mean to you? So let's talk about you if you're not famous and sixty people say something bad about you that don't know you. Because if there's sixty people that can say something bad about you that don't you, what does that mean? It means nothing. It means nothing. Stop letting that stuff sway your day. Man, hate is loud, but love is stronger. So I'm gonna read something to you about that has helped me deal with a lot of stuff that happens from time to time. Anything that annoys you is teaching you patience. Anyone who abandons you is teaching you how to stand up on your own two feet. Anything that angers you is teaching you forgiveness and compassion. Anything that has power over you is teaching you how to take your power back. Anything you hate is teaching you unconditional love. Anything you fear is teaching you to the courage to overcome your fear. And anything you can't control is teaching you how to let go. I'm gonna read it again because this fits into somebody's life today, and especially at the end. The things you can't control, you gotta let them go. I was reading the scripture this morning that says I was talking about worry. If by worrying, you cannot add one hour to your life, which is a very very important thing to be able to do. If you can add time, but if through worrying you cannot do one the one single thing is to extend your life by an hour. If worrying will not allow you to extend your life by one hour, and you can't do that one thing, then why are you worried about the rest of it? Why? Why are you worried about the rest of it? Are you for real? You can't do nothing about that? Look, man, you got to learn how to let stuff go. You gotta let some of the stuff. Anything that annoys you is teaching you patience. Anyone who abandons you is teaching you how to stand up on your own two feet. Anything that angers you is teaching you forgiveness and compassion. Anything that has power over you is teaching you how to take your power back. Anything you hate is teaching you unconditional love. Anything you fear is teaching you the courage to overcome your fear. And anything you can't control is teaching you how to let it go. Those things have benefited me because in my life I've had to deal with every last one or all annoying people, people abandoned me, people who are things that have angered me, stuff that used to have power over me. I used to hate some things. I used to have fear of some things, and I used to try to control everything. Boy, when I got to understand what all that was, its simplified my life. It really really did, and I wanted to simplify yours. Anything that annoys you is teaching you patience. Anyone who abandons you is teaching you how to stand on your own two feet. Anything that angers you is teaching you forgiveness and compassion. Anything that has power of you is teaching you how to take your power back. Anything you hate is teaching you unconditional love. Anything you fear is teaching you courage to overcome your fear. And anything you can't control is teaching you how to let go. Y'all, let go. Those are my remarks today. That was it. Y'all have a great weekend. You heard by by Believe. Did I embarrass you, Shirley? Yes? Thank you Jason. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show