Good morning and Happy Thursday. The show opens and to say the least Dat Dam Steve is happy! We continue today with Part 2 of Ask Steve. Michael Jackson has a controversial documentary out called Leaving Neverland. Sheryl Underwood stops by to dish out her opinion of Cohen and more. Carla's Reality Update has talk about Gladys Knight, Joe Budden, T-Pain and more. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us the danger associated with comparing yourself to others and more. Have a great weekend!
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all bat all suit looking back to back down, giving them move like the milking bu bu things and its cubbing me true good Steve har listening to mogether for Steve please, mommy, I don't joy by joined me to be doing me. Honey. You gotta turn you you, you gotta turn to turn, got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh. I shall well a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice come on dig me NW one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. I was. I had my head down and it was thinking of what I wanted to say this morning. But it kind of it's kind of be something I've lived for a long time, and you know, for a long time, you know, I had a lot of faith in people. You know. It's strange too, because you know, you know, my mother was a Sunday school teacher, so of course I grew up around it, knowing the scriptures and things like that. Not not a lot of them, but you know, the ones I retained. But having her as a mother was was a huge help and understanding about faith. But even with that, as I grew up, I began to put a lot of faith in people. And you know, I figured, you know, just like everybody else, you know, man if I could just meet this person, or if I could just sit down with that person, or man if I could just get this person to hear my ideal, or man if if this person could hear my track, or man if I could just get this in the hands or somebody in the know. I was, like everybody else, I thought that way. You know, I actually thought that if I could get in a certain situation with a certain person, that if a certain person were to meet me, that you know, it could change everything for me. Oh man, Oh how wrong I was? Oh how wrong I was? How long did I spend feeling that way? And how many of you out there possibly have felt that way before? You know, like even in a relationship, this is the person for me, and you know, you just lay claim to that, you know, not necessarily being a fact, but you just lay claim to it. This is the person and for me, this is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You know, sometimes you know, we just lay claim to stuff and it's not always what's in our best interests, or it's not always a fact. It's just what we decided we want it. And I was guilty of that, just like anybody else. And I spent a lot of years in my life putting faith in people. Man, if I could tell you anything this morning, it's to stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God where it counts the most. I mean, you can get something out of this one. See, here's a deal about a relationship with God. It's the same all the time. He never changes. His word is one hundred percent absolute. His word doesn't have loopholes in it, none of that. It's this is what it is. He's very clear. Now, you can deviate off your end at a bargain, but it don't stop what he says from being true. But if he asks you to do something, if God asks you to be a certain way, to do a little something a certain way, and you don't do it that way, then you know you could still possibly get by for a while. But don't you understand that his end of the deal stays the same, and as long as you're not doing it the way you're supposed to, the results are not going to be what you wanted to be. And I did this for years and years and years, and I counted on people, and you know, I got myself in a lot of situations. And I got out one a dire situation that I'd been in for a number of years. But he had protected me from years prior to that. I didn't even know what was going on, and then he made it away. It made me aware of the problem. And then, man, lord ha mercy, I was in a dismal situation. And then at the end of the year, I was free, free from it all. But it was a decision that I had made that led up to that, and in going through that process, I had to learn something. Man. I learned a lot about people. See, if you want to learn about your friends, if you want to learn about your people people around you, get yourself in some trouble, get yourself in a situation. Oh man, you start looking around. Man, the field get real clear when you're in trouble. The field clear is out when you're in doubt, when you don't know what to do, when you need help it get real clear on the play and field, then don't it. Oh, But when things is going right, it's time for a party. We throw in a celebration. We were gonna we're gonna do one down here. Oh man, there's plenty of people on the field. But but but get yourself in a situation. You find out rather quickly that old no, old no, everybody ain't here. And that's when I started learning. And I'm telling you, I had to start learning this for real until I finally got it to stop putting my faith in people and put all of mine in God where it counts the most. Now is that to say that there are people that you can't trust. No, that's not what I'm saying saying. I ain't say you can't trust him, but you can't dump your faith in him. I got it all riding on what he say. I got it all riding on what she say. Na, Na, No, I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna keep my own on this situation because I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna take this faith of mine and instead of putting it in people, I'm gonna put it in God where it counts the most. Because his word is absolute. What he say he gonna do, he gonna do what he says he's not gonna tolerate. He's not gonna tolerate. Now, you can make it, you can make it tolerable for yourself, but he's not gonna tolerate it. And that's just the end of the line. And so you know, I'm wondering how many people out there find themselves in a situation like me. Or maybe you've gotten yourself in a situation because you put your faith in some people and now you wound up in a different type of situation. Now, let me ask you whetting people that see every person that I had put my faith in when I got in trouble, when I got down, I couldn't find them people nowhere, nowhere, nowhere. I didn't see a lifeline. I didn't say, hey man, we're coming to get you. I didn't see none of that. No, sir, no sir. The only one that I found when I was in my deepest trouble, when me and my wife were in our darkest situation, was God. It is the only one was the only one who was just right there, right there all the way through. I mean, comforting us, consoling us, putting us, putting his arms around us, tucking us under his wings, all of that all it was just him. It was just him. And I'm asking any of you to just do the same. If you look around at the people that you put your faith in, and you got in a situation because you had some faith in some people when you got in that situation, where were those people? Where were they? Nowhere to be found? I have not. I've yet to find those people when I get in trouble. And so I'm asking you, why would you put your faith there when instead you could put your faith in God where it counts the most, and He's always there. Now, let me explain something to you. Because you have this relationship with God, it does not mean, it does not mean now that it won't get it won't still be a situation, you understand. But what He will do is protect you during that period. He'll cover you during that period that it is a situation. He will give you the strength to overcome the situation when it turns into a situation. Then when he cracks it open for you and the sun is bright and shining, what he don't want you to do is when he gets sunny again, to forget about him who was there when it was dark for you. See. I used to do that too, you know. I was Oh, man, I did it. I'm telling you right now, I did it. But I'm telling you man, when I learned a very serious lesson and I watched some people I thought were friends of mine just sort of casually remove themselves from the situation, then I said, okay. Me and Margie looked around. We said, okay, it's just me, you and God. And when we started conducting ourselves accordingly. So when it's sunny for us, we remember God. We stay prayerful, we keep talking to him. We thank him for the sunshine, we thank him for the dark days that he allowed us to do, who allowed us to survive it and turn it into sunny days. And we talked to him constantly to protect us of our future enemies. And that's what the deal is. So if I was everybody, I would stop putting your faith in people and put your trust in God where it really does count the most, it really really does. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen, listen closely. Get up for the down stroke. Everybody, get up, Get up on the down stroke. Everybody get up. Doom boom doom, doom, doom. Don't don't don't doom doom a everybody get up. Good morning, Sherlet Strawberry, Good morning, Steve Harvey, Colin Farrell, Good morning, Steve. What's up? Little Pimp Junior? Morning up? Ignorant as Tourney in the building baby all day. That's our show. That's our show. Thank y'all for joining us. See y'all along, L P J, Little Pimp and June I T I A T I eight ass turning crazy. That is crazy. You're in a good mood today, Steve, yep T T tds. What that damn Steve Dds. Let's just gonna keep it real proper that damn Steve. Yeah yeah, man, I show how we say it too. I'm in a good mood because you know why a man calls man, hell, I ain't in front of the Congress testifying you're not on the Capitol Hill jail. Well, they would believe you anyway. They would call you a convicted liar anyway every chance they got not out on bail with hanging their calling. Yeah yeah, man. Now you know what man, this country, man, we are so divided, we are so dead set on position, power and money. I saw it today. I didn't watch the whole testimony because I had things to do. Yeah, but but but I watched it yesterday what I couldn't and I came home and watch the news, and it was amazing, man, how this country operates. The Democrats asked him every question they could about Trump. All every Republican had but one job to call him repeatedly a liar in every kind of way to go. You're a pathological liar, so you don't know the truth from a lie. Wait a minute, Okay, cool, But can are you gonna ask him anything about Trump? No? No, not one Republican asked him anything that would have given him the opportunity to say anything disparaging about Donald Trump. It was sick to watch. Yeah, it was. Yeah, they should been at the oscars. The best lead into Drayeah. There was no searching for the truth from them. And what did Cohen have to lose. He's like he said, He repeatedly said, I'm going to jail. I've answered to these accusations. He knows that he you know, he perjured himself. All right, coming up at thirty two after the hour, we're gonna do, asked Steve, part two, and then we have a Yeah, then we have get ready, Steve. Then we have a big announcement for our early risers. We're gonna talk about the sand and Soul Festival all that else right after you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, guys, coming up at the top of the hour in National News, we will talk about Michael cohen seven hour plus testimony on Capitol Hill yesterday where he said that the President lied about hush money payments, also talked about the Moscow project and Wiki leaks, and that the President is a con man. Don't worry, We're gonna talk about Okay, But first, Steve, people are ready to plan for their vacation this year. So let's tell our early rises about your huge, huge standing Soul Festival extension. Ladies, huge chentlemen. Tell them Columbus Day weekend, yes October fort Shirley October tenth through the fourteenth. October tenth through the fourteenth years. To me saying it, Soul Festival kicks off now for early morning riders is in case you've been missing it, I have extended the ninety nine dollars special. Wow, you can reserve your rule today right now for just ninety nine dollars saying the Soul will be at the beautiful hard Rock Hotel in Punta Kana, the Dominican Republic. Baby had known after dr all inclusive. Your room is included, which comes. All rooms come with jacuzzi, bows and balcony. Every land room comes with twenty four hour free room service. Yes, Lord, twenty four hour food. All food included, All drinks included, thirteen swimming pools hundred and ninety five. I think that he is ball all thank it's waiting at three hundred and seventy five. Ball It is everything unlimited, Uh, credit at the gift shop resort credit. The spa is really really gorgeous. Yes, yes, Margie loved it. She went there and participated in everything. She's doing Spa day. That's how you do it. It's just a really, really great time, y'all. We had a good time. If you go online to Steve Harvey saying insoul dot com, everybody, you can reserve your spot for ninety nine dollars and make payments and make payments. Yeah, y'all, listen to me. Here's the beautiful part. I only have the hard Rock Hotel, so before we have to open up another hotel, get your reservation, so you don't wind up down the street nowhere every it. I've got the whole hotel this time. They loved the audience. They said, mister Harvey, we will give you the entire hotel. Your audience is the type of people that we want to have on our property. I could not be more proud of the way my people were at that event. Classy on, no stress. We had a great time. It was sexy, it was grown up, and it was always something to do. I looked at some of the pictures because you know, I can't go to all events, right because I got things to do, you know, like golf, and that's what I'm over. That's top priority, major priority for man. Golf course was nice, But I looked at Man, it was phone parties and the pool. It was so much fun. All these people. What did phone cur from? It was fun? I was going, what the hell happened? Yeah? Man, there was a lot going on, man. So we've extended it to till tomorrow Friday at midnight. Friday at midnight, Okay, y'all listen to me, y'all want to go have a good time. Saying the Soul Festival was out of sight, we got great entertainment. You're gonna meet the morning crew. I'm doing a couple of motivational speeches. Dare to help you learn to in tables of success, get the right nine set. Other than that, then what are we gonna be doing? Teach you nothing? You learn how to task off in here, skeet shooting, take your hands down there, casino, do yourself from gambling. Try to win yourself some money. That what I'm gonna be doing. Yeah, we gotta entertain us all every ninety nine dollars y'all. Come on, sell this thing out so we can have a good time at the hard rock hard rock Casino. That's right, ninety nine dollars special till tomorrow Friday at midnight, October tenth. Through the fourteen we talked all the way through the Asteve go to Steve harm stand the soul dot com to reserve your spot right now. All right, now, it's time to play part two that Steve. Part one was yesterday. Yesterday we got you all right, Come on, Carlo, you asked the first question. Let's go, all right, Steve, what was your last dream? You remember my lad like like dream of what I wanted to be? No just your dream and you went to dam you got to sleep night night night. Your dream was last night. I got up in the middle of it because I'm grown, but I dreamed I was a year nate outside. Got to get up. I got it right away, because that's when I was little. I didn't get up. Go ahead and go ahead and everything that was pretty good. All right, I got one. I got one. Let's see what annoy do you? Harvey? What really annoys me is people who don't know what they're talking about, but they comment on it. I can't stand that man, especially towards me. If you don't know me, Man, where we knew that? Man? Your ass own somewhere an we're trying to destroy mine and the effort you put into destroy mine. You can spend that time fixing your You might have something. I can see how that would be annoying, and get on your get on your last damn Okay. In our last thirty seconds, Junior asking a quick question, who was the last person to text you up? Let me see hell I got dudes. Look on my phone. Yeah, my daughter, Oh this morning. All right, we gotta go. Thank you. Steve is a nephew, and run back, run that brank back with a nephew. Right after this you're listening Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Guys in Entertainment News, Marlon and Jackie Jackson, they're gonna talk to Gail King or they did talk to Gayle King about the controversial Leaving Neverland documentary. Plus in National News, President's former lawyer Michael Cohen's public testimony yesterday, Cohen said the president is a con man, a cheat, and he lied about hush money and knew about stolen emails. We'll get into that, but right now the nephew is here, so we can get into that. Run that frank back. What you got for his neat side job cleaning? Yeah, let's run it right now. Side job cleaning talk. Jarvis is Robbie. How can I help you? Robbie, I'm trying to get a order in for some construction supplies I need to pick up. That's fine. What's your what's your company? Uh? Roof and company, roof and coming here? Okay, have we have we've done listening to needs before? No, no, you have. This is my first time called. I heard you guys were pretty good. I appreciate the compliment. Okay, I know. Listen, Uh, I need to get this as soon as possible. Man, Can I possibly pick up these supplies like in the next couple of hours? Uh? Well, you know, normally don't work that fast kind of a quick turnaround. We got a little bit of a backup. But I can. I can get my bastics. Depends on what you need. Okay, here's here's what I need. Man, I need five rolls of duct tape. Okay, that's no problem, that's quick. Okay, I need plastic. Man, Listen, if you was gonna wrap up something in plastic that's like about uh six foot two in height and two hundred pounds, how much plastic you think I would need to wrap to wrap that up? In this second? You're you're asking for plastic, like a roll of plastics. Yeah, but I'm telling I need to wrap up something that six foot two and like two hundred and ten pounds, I probably wouldn't get about three yards four yards of plastic. Okay, okay, I need to get that. Then let me ask you this here. If you was gonna try to put some seement on that to hold it down, how much seamens you think I hold that down? I'm more confused. You you're running the roofing company, right, Yeah, I'm a roofer company, but I'm doing a little side work for some friends of mine. Oh okay, okay, I just got a little confused because you told me it's a taliss and company. No problem, no problem. We've got some man, Lenny. You're you're you're trying to hold something. I'm trying to I'm trying to hold something down. So how many bags of see me? Do you think I need to hold out something that's two hundred and twenty pounds? Wow? I don't know. Eight bags? Eight bags? Eight bags? Bags that would recommend at least Okay, okay, give me eight bags and seamen. Now just something else. I want to ask you. Do you have anything any type of cleaner man that can get that can get blood? I mean a paint off the floor. Yeah, we got industrial cleaners, all kind of industrial cleans. He said, paint the paint of blood. U paint pray, pray. Oh okay, yeah, I mean I got industrial cleans all kind and you have the preference. No, just whatever you could throw in there. I need that. Now, let me ask you to see here, do you have anything that can like just kill a smell. You know what I'm saying. If you know, if you don't want something to smell, you got anything for that? Man? Something something something die in your place? Is this? Is this something? Something? Did you like? Yeah, there an animal or something you found? I mean, I'm kind of confused. You're talking about smell and cleaning up. Did you find some sort of animal on a construction? A rabbi? Listen, man, just take the harder. That's all I need you to do. Okay, Okay, No, I'm sorry. I wasn't asking your business. I just it was a little concerned. What are we getting? What are we cleaning up? And what do we I mean I guess that are we clean up a pile for to clean up carpet? I mean, what's the what's the cleaner form? What's get? What? Where's the odor? Sir? All, I'm asking you, do you have something strong enough? Like do you think ammonia can can keep a smell down? What do I need to keep a smell down? You're definitely gonna need ammonia. I mean, you gotta get something to just scrub that right down. Because whatever that sense is, if it's in your if it's in the walls. If you got fabrics in that place, I mean, whatever, whatever you got it, you probably have a different type of the otorize or something for the carpet, something for the walls. I mean, I don't. I guess, I guess it's kind of confused as to where the sense coming from. And don't worry about all that, man, Hey man, listen, just just right down. What the order is. Okay, I got it you. I got the five hold of duck tape, I got to go. That's the full yards of plastic at the eight back of cement. I got the industrial clean, I got the ammonia. I'm i'm, I'm, I'm typing it all in. I got I've got your order. Okay, man, Do y'all have any type of machete, anything that's real sharp that can cut what? Oh? Okay, hold on a second, and now now you're completely off base. You do realize you call the hardware store, right, I'm calling the hardware store because I need some supplies. Man, I'm doing the job on the side. I need some supplies. I get there. You you said there already, But I'm confused about it. Now you're asking for a weapon. What what what would you use the machete for. I mean that you're you're talking about what you're gonna chop down some some some brush. I don't, I don't, I don't get it. What's the machetti for? Hey? Man, listen, listen. Your job is to take the order, man, that's your job. Robbie, don't tell me what my job is. I know what my job is. This is my store, man, Okay. I've been working here a lot longer than you even can imatchine, And people don't call up asking for ammonia and and cleaner and and trying to get a smell out. I mean what I just I'm trying to think about how best to help you. I'm sorry you're doing. Robbie. Is you be a nosy? You be a nosy? All you gotta do is field the order and haven't haven't done in two hours when I get there. That's all you gotta do. I can't do that in two hours. I can't even I go back duck. At this point, I'm not even sure I can get this done. Maybe tomorrow morning, just tomorrow morning, were four year Oh man. I got to get rid of this body. I got to get rid of this today whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I need to call Listen, I need to call the policeman. You just hit bodies really right there. That's about white people always want to call the police when it ain't got nothing to do with them. Listen. All you need to do is field to order. Okay, Okay, you're listen. I need to tell you something. Okay, And I don't know if you if you found a body, I don't know if to respond awful from the body even a way. I don't want to be any part of this business, Okay. I don't know why you're planning or where you're trying to bury this thing, but you're basically asking me to be a coplice to something that's none of my business. Hey, I need your name right now. Okay, what am I giving you my name? You said all those roofing Hey, hey, listen to me. You said your call from roofing company. Are you I'm not? I'm not, Hey, man, let me tell you something. Why are your wife folks always trying to be a bar? Tell you like that? Why are you are away acting like? Why are you folks? What your problem? Something about wife folks talking about purple green, black, blue woman. You're talking about why it's about you're asking for that sounds but trying to bury your body. Okay, that's what I'm trying to figure out. Are you? And if you're not? What is your name? I need your name? I'm your name right now? Hey man, Well, first of all, you at work, you're not. You can't unfore will be talking to me like this. I don't care if I'm swearing at work. My co workers, the people here, they all know who I am. And I know if I was talking to someone you, I'd be talking like this too. Okay, I'm gonna trace this call. Do you hear me? I'm gonna trace this call. I'm gonna get the cops on your ands thinking of who the you are? Okay, okay, well let me let me ask you this. Since you want to know who I am? Do you know Marcus? I do Marcus. No, Marcus, he works here, man, I'm not knowing him. Okay, Marcus is who got me to call you? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Alby Morning Show. Robbie. You just got pranked by your co worker, Marcus. You have got to be kidding me. Marcus Marcus. I see you over there. I see you. I can't believe that. Who son of a Marcus. Why don't you tell me this, your baby? I gotta ask you, Robber, you gotta tell me this man. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. That's easy, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay much always all right, listen and we're moving on from that. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment news, Marlin and Jackie Jackson respond to the Leaving Neverland documentary, and in national news Michael Cohen's testimony on Capitol Hill yesterday. All that coming up right after this you're listening to this day show. Marlin and Jackie Jackson spoke with Gayle King on CBS this morning and responded to the controversial Leaving Neverland documentary. Both Marlin and Jackie Jackson stressed that Michael had only good intentions when he had young boys share his bed. Marlin says the public drew the wrong conclusions from Michael having children sleepover at Neverland. Take a listen, but when you phrase that, you know, sharing his young kids having they have sleepo camp out and just you know, everybody in the bed and asleep. His kids were their Tarzan were Lulu at the time, and they all fall asleep in the bed and watching movies. And so you can twist it saying sharing his bid it, Yes, but it makes you think something new, you know, man, I think this documentary, man, it's really just a disgrace to discredit to this guy. They waited all these years. Then people could have came forward before, but it would have had it would have had to prove and and and show documentation and stuff like that. I knew him really really well. Man, Yeah you did. That's not what that man was about. But this guy, the one, the Robson guy, he said before that Michael did nothing to him. And now in this league. Yeahs Wade Robson. Yeah that's name. Knew that last name. But yeah, at first initially he said Michael didn't do anything. Are you talking about the one whose father was a dentist? No, not him, Okay, because he can't. He discredited all of it. Yeah, he came out and discredited and said he was sorry and apologize. That was a thing going on. Now they come out with this documentary trying to make some money after this man din pass this right here. They they trumping up charges on this one. That all right, Let's let's hear what Jackie Jackson said Steve. He said that Michael had the right intentions when he had kids stay over at never Land. Check it out. When we grew up coming out traveling on the road. We was older Mullin and Michael much younger. It never had a regular childhood life. Michael always had been a kid at heart. Always he loved Disneyland. He loved those so he tried to create that world himself. He loved that world. He loved making kids happy. Okay, these are his brothers. I can attest to that. I've been. He invited me down to watch him shoot to Rock my World video. I remember that, Steve, and man, his whole trailer was Disney when his kids. I remember, I sat on the mushroom, stood in the tree. You. I'm my big ass sitting up on this mushroom stood and them two little kids walked ran through, and Michael little isn't here dressed like handling Gretta. But what is happening at those are my children? I said, man him, sorry, I hadn't seen no man, I say, man, what are you little white kid. He running through that. Oh man, I've seen this dude. Man, I watched this guy. Man I went to when I when I took him to church. Oh yeah, down there at a Chip Mary's church and I went to pick him up. He had bought out the top floor of a hotel. The whole suite was turned into ducks and swans on the wall. All this here because he was tired of driving from from a Netherland. I've been around the guy, man, I'm telling you, man, it's one of the most brilliant, kind hearted this guys in the world. Man. People took that his love of key. It's the wrong way, you know, That's all. Yeah, and Oprah Steve is going to interview his accusers, Michael's accusers, Wade Robinson and James safe Chuck on her own network immediately after Monday Night's conclusion of the documentary Leaving Neverland. All right, so now it's time we're gonna move on, Steve. Time for headlines now, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thanks guys, this is and trip for the news. Well it's over President Trump and North Korea. Is Kim John un really gotten to the negotiations on d nuclearization yesterday. At one point the North Korean leader supposedly expressing optimism about the summit's outcome, but by the end of the day the White House announced no agreement had been made. President said, well, sometimes you have to walk away. Meanwhile, President Trump's longtime lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen was on Capitol Hill testifying before the House Oversight and Reform Committee yesterday. Cohen accused the President of engaging in an expansive pattern of lies and criminality. He said that Trump lied to the public about business inter in Russia, about stolen democratic emails, and he told California represent a Jackie Spire that he was instructed to lie and also threatened people a lot. How many times did mister Trump ask you to threaten an individual or entity on his behalf? Quite a few times, fifty times more, a hundred times more, two hundred times more, five hundred times probably over the ten years, over the ten years. And when you say threatened to him with litigation or an argument with a nasty reporter that is writing an article about mister Trump, Michael Cohens said, quote, he is a racist, he is a con man, he is a cheat. Michael Collins pled guilty to lying under oath to Congress. He says he did so to protect the president, but he says, quote, I am not protecting mister Trump anymore. When asked about direct collusion though, between the Trump campaign and Russia for the campaign against a Hillary Clinton, he said he didn't have any evidence of it. Coins to appear before the House Intelligence Committee later on today, but that one's going to be a closed door hearing. The newly Democratic control of House Representatives vote yesterday to acquire background checks and all firearms sales and transfers, including those online and at gun shows, and the House also expected to consider a measure that would extend the review period for background checks from three to ten years. However, neither new gun measure is expected to be approved by either the Senate, which is controlled by Republicans, or the Republican President, mister Trump. Here's another story from the state that brought you Stand Your Ground and George Zimmerman. This time at Lakeland, Florida, cops arrested an eleven year old little black boy who argued with a substitute teacher who tried to make him recite the pledge of allegiance the sixth grades said he wouldn't because he said both the flag and the pledge of allegiance were racist. However, Anna Alvarez wouldn't let up. She called the police, who took the child to a juvenile detention center. School officials suspended the child for three days. Again. This child is eleven years old. His mother is demanding at the charges against his son be dropped. It turns out that the substitute, Anna Alvarez, was wrong. A spokesperson for the school dishes says students are not required to participate in the pledge. In fact, the Supreme Court rule in nineteen forty three the kids didn't have to do it. She doesn't teach for that district anymore. This is a trip back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the String Show. Michael Cohen's testimony in front of the House to Oversight Committee was full of drama. Cohen repeatedly accused President Trump of being a con man. He accused him of being a cheat, and he said he lied about hush money and knew about stolen emails. Cohen also went into significant detail about how he handled payoffs for Trump's alleged affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougall. Cohen had receipts in which mister Trump signed a thirty five thousand dollars check for hush money reimbursement, and he also suggested that negotiations for a Trump property in Russia extended well into the two thousand and sixteen campaign and even after Trump became president. So why did Michael Cohen lie to Congress before take a listen? The lies that I told to Congress benefited mister Trump. It was in furtherance of my protection of mister Trump. And I am not protecting mister Trump anymore. Wow. Ok, Yeah, So now he's telling to drop then and he's going to prison. It makes sense, it does, It makes sense. Michael Cohen said his loyalty to the president cost him everything. He's been disbarred, to jail, he lost at all. Yeah, you know, his family's been threatened, he said. He said he can't even walk out in public with his family. Now his family has to walk ahead of him. I mean, just his life has been turned upside down. I mean, you know, yeah, he committed a crime, for sure. You no, look, all of these Republicans. That's steady trying to discredit him and call him a liar. These are the same people, the exact same body. Senate hearings that interviewed mobsters who had committed far words crimes to Michael Cohen, who had murdered people, kidnapped people, mutilated people, and they took their word to get at the bigger fish, slash kind crime boss. They took all the oh yeah, because that's how you bring down the bigger fish with informants. You you may drug boys, flip so you can get to the cartail members. That's how it's done. Now, all of a sudden, they don't want to hear from you because you told some lies about your personal finances and stuff. A man, if somebody came to me and says, Steve, you Finn to go to jail. Did you take the money? Hell? Now, you take no money? Right, that's the first line I'm finn to tail. And not only Gus Steve Michael Cohen has known the president for over ten years. Could all these people be going to jail around the president? Hell no, damn thought ye work for him all right? Coming up thirty four after the hour, guys, more on politics and Michael Cohen's testimony. Right after this, you're listening to this Dave Harvey Morning Show, Michael Cohen, the president's former personal lawyer, testified before the House Oversight Committee on Capitol Hill. He's been convicted for previously lying to Congress as part of an investigation into Russia's alleged involvement in the twenty sixteen election. Republicans have repeatedly questioned Cohen's credibility and suggested his only reason for agreeing to testify is to help himself. Michael Cohen warned the GOP slash Republicans not to protect the president. Take a listen. I did the same thing that you're doing now for ten years. I protected mister Trump for ten years. And I can only warn people. The more people that follow mister Trump as I did blindly are going to suffer the same consequences that I'm suffering. And when mister Trump turned around early in the campaign and said I can shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and get away with it, I want to be very clear. He's not joking. He's telling you the truth. He said, you don't know him. I do. I sat next to this man for ten years and I watched his back. Everybody's job at the Trump organization is to protect mister Trump every day. Most of us knew we were coming in and we were going to lie for him on something, and that became the norm. And that's exactly what's happening right now in this country, and it's exactly what's happening here in government. Sir. Wow, boom okay, Oh it was so good. It was so good. Yeah, yeah, I believe everything, everything, because why would he lie now? He has nothing to lose. Yes, he's already going to prison. Yea. I wish Trump had to sit in there while all this was going on. Oh you know, he planned to be out of the country. Now, hey man, I'm telling you this guy. If you don't think that all of this is orchestrated, if you don't think his team they knew for a month that this was his testimonial thing. Yeah yeah, Steve right. They put this summit together within the last thirty days. I'm omingient, Yah, let's go over here and try to do something good to distract from his testimony. If you don't think that that that they're that cunning, you don't understand how these people are who have money, man, And I'm telling you, man, Jesus and Steve, you're so right. I was kind of mad at the Democrats though, because I just didn't feel like they were going for the juggular, like yeah, I just you know, because yeah, it's a fun I mean, this is a fight. Let's go, let's let's meet, you know. But they were trying to get information. Reusicans were emotional and just kept trying to defend the president. And that's why Michael Cohen said what he said. Okay, you see where your loyalty gonna get right, right, See what happened? Cohen didn't Cohen say he would take a bullet for the president. He did, Yeah, yeah, that's that's right. Or die, that's right, or die. Right. I'm saying, let me tell you something, my family. I'm taking bullets from my family. Oh, Tommy, you better. But that's loyalty, though, I mean, that's loyalty right there. And had lost everything because of his loyalty. And who didn't show him the same loyalty? Who abandoned what he's saying? Yeah? Yeah. And Cohen is due to report to prison in May for his three year prison sentence. Yeah, and he knows he's yeah. And I thought he was really concerned about his family. I really felt that he believed that very much concerned about Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely his wife and kids. Yeah yeah, and he I could you know, some people said he wasn't remorseful. I saw remorse I did, you know at the end he's he's you know, man, I know you probably. I don't know how people are gonna tell I like to do, Yeah, I like to do. I know how he can get in that position doing his job, staying loyal. You know, man, they play that game. The money game is like that, man, don't them boys in that big money especially, that's what he doing because he getting his money the order to deal. Read that book, man hook Crook. Still, he don't care how he get it right. It's not a moral guy. It's not a moral guy at all. All right, we gotta go Steve up next, it is the nephew with the prank phone call coming up right after this you're listening show, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today's subject, My fiance is jealous of my bro man. But right now, the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What do you have for us today? Nef happening all over the coustry, Charlie is happening. We gotta get some control on it, all right, This right here is cough control. Cough control that. Yes, that all day at work sick? Then you shouldn't be there, cough control. Let's go Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Carlo. Please, yeah, speaking I call. It's Herschel James over human Resources. Are you doing I'm good, I'm good. How are you doing today? Not bad? Is it? Okay? I'm sorry? What is this call about? Well? I got a complaint that's been sent to us that we want to try to address and see if we can handle this in a in an orderly fashion. You've been over in the client services department for what last three four years? Now almost five years? Okay, we're getting some complaints Carla about you. I don't know if you're sick, but you're you seem to be coughing quite a bit, and there's people on that floor that are starting to complain about it is. Do we need to like give you some time off? Tell me what's going on with you? Oh no, no, no, no, no, there must be a mistake. I mean I had a cold for a couple of days. That's sick. Yeah, I can't. I can't imagine. Have you had a extension cost that's been going on longer than a week or two? Have you been coughing a lot? I don't. I don't count when I how many times I coughed, you know, I feel I don't. I don't really understand. Well, let me let me, let me let me tell you what we're gonna do, because you know you've been with a long time, and and we understand that, you know, the weather has been bananas, and you know, we want to make sure that everybody's accommodated. Now, what we've come up with just to try to accommodate everybody. We're gonna move you right now. I know you on the fourth floor, So we're gonna move you to the seventh floor in the next in the next couple of weeks where and you know there's that's kind of where um it's kind of like an area where there's more coughing people up there. No no, no, no, no, no, no, that won't be necessary. I'm I'm feeling much better I've been at the same spot the entire time I've been with the company. I don't need to be moved to the seventh floor. I don't need to be moved for any health reasons. I'm doing fine, I'm good. You don't have to worry about that. Hey, hey, let's slow down a mint of carlin um. And I understand where you're coming from. I know what. You don't want to be moved because you've been there and you're probably comfortable where you are. But they're asking that you wear one of the uh, you know, surgical mask for two weeks until we get you up to the to the next show. What you got you? You guys can't just move me. How you gonna just moved me without asking me my side of the story. Well, if you're coughing out of control, you know you got well listen to me. You got you know there's people and I complaining about me. Well, it must be the people that are actually right around you. I mean, I'm hearing she's spreading germs. They think you have the flu. That's some people are saying. That's disgusting. You keep coughing and coughing was not That doesn't last for months like I am good, I'm all. I got a little cold, but not enough to be moving me. Okay, well, let me tell you what it's doing. It's it's creating a real hostile environment. That's what it's doing. No one said anything said maybe a god bless you once when I sneeze. I don't understand why any when we take this human resources are you said, you guys want me to wear a mask as of tomorrow, starting tomorrow tomorrow, it'll be we'll have that at your cubical tomorrow. No, no, that's not you guys can't just have me wearing a mask the night before. I've never said it's a it's a it's a surgical man. You'll wear that for two weeks until until I can get you upstairs to where that's the coughing floor. We'll have you up there when people are coughing and nobody's gonna be complaining about you. That doesn't sound very hygienic to me. You're gonna it's not. It's but it's not hygienic of what's going on on your floor, your coffee, and the people are being plaining. Let me tell you something right now, I'm gonna appeal this decision. I'm not going to those seventh floor. I'm not wearing a mask. I feel good. If you guys want some health records, I can provide that for you. But shall I'm gonna I mean moving an accent looking crazy just because somebody said I don't like that. I caught we all cough in the winter. Okay, Carla, let's let's let's let's slow down. Okay. I want to try to help use me. I want to help you want me to slowdown, But you're the one talking about moving me, making me wear masks on in the in the morning, like, that's not right, none of that. Okay, Carla. If you can't put the mask on tomorrow, I'm gonna have to ask you to not come in tomorrow. Now that decision is up to you. No, that decisions not up to me, because I want to appeal the decision for you. Who else can I talk to? Because this, this is, this conversation is not this. We'll have this meeting next week. I will let you know when it is, but you can't come in until we have the meeting at this point, right, Oh, so, am I gonna get paid days off? You're not getting to your days off. You can come out. I can't talk to me anymore. You're not talking and not thinking any stense. I can't talk to you. All right, you can piss me off. This is not right. None of this sounds legal right now. I need to talk to somebody because because I can't right now. Do you want to wear the surgical well, that is the way I'm going to allow you to work tomorrow. No, I'm not wearing the mask. Stop talking to me about a mask. I'm not sick. Well i'll do tomarts. I'm gonna go talk with them bowyer and my doctor and give y'all, give y'all something else to think about. Okay, Well, here's what we'll do. I will schedule you of meeting at eleven o'clock. It looks like we have something available on Wednesday of next week. No, no, no, no problem. Listen, you keep your damn meeting. You're the meeting. Will habits with the lawyer because I'm sure this is civil rights. A violation is something you can't do this, okay? Would you like our lawyer to call your lawyer. I'm getting off to fall with you. I need to go get some legal advice. I can't be doing this with you right now? Okay, well before you go, Before you go, now, would you like to know who's complaining about you? Yeah? A matter of fact, I would like to know. I want to know exactly who complaining about me? Okay, Tommy is the one that's saying that you're calling over the place. You don't put your hand over your mouth. You can't hear you. Who'd you say? Tommy? There's no Tommy on my floor. You have the wrong person, Like, no, I don't. That's not complaining about you, Tommy. Is that it's you? That doesn't make any sense because there is no Tommy on my floor. I don't even know a Tommy. Do you know a nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show? Do you know him? Oh, Cola, you just got pranked by your co worker DeVito. Baby, Oh my god, I'm sitting here for having hot flashes, stressed out about the fry and look on the internet for a lawyer. I can't, Oh my god, oh my god, Like I'm mad at you. Why do you gotta take it that far? Though? You went so far to tell me what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Listen, it's to Steve Harvey on this show. That's sure. You know, we got a couple people on this show that need a mask over their mouth, you know, with some call controllers. I'm not Fenna say that because we got to work together, but but you know we got some We got some people need to be on the call control. We really do it. I don't want to see it. I don't want to starting that. What you said, Oh king of pranks, you gonna prank somebody about it? Have you had it on the plane with the person next just man, just don't stop. I hit my fight until but get him. I don't know, but he can't be here. You're in the middle. You messed up. Ain't know where you can go the middle tough. It's jumping off the night. The nephew was at the Allington Improd tonight. All the only tickets left Friday night two shows, Saturday night two shows, those are gone. The nephew is in the building to night tickets own sale, rat nah Allington Improd right outside of Dallas. All right, thank you, en f coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it will be the Strawberry Letters. Subject, my fiance is jealous of my bromance. My fiance is jealous of my bromance. Don't hear that word a lot bromance. But we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need some advice on your dating situation, your relationship, some sex, work, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air and they're always fundering. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you sir. Subject, my fiance is jealous of my bromance. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been engaged to my fiance for a year and I love her dearly. When we met, I had a lot of female friends, and I let those friendships die down a bit out of respect for her. I remained really close with my best friend though. He and I have been friends since we were eleven years old and we've been through a lot together. He lives in a different state. So we talk and texts a lot. But now that's a big problem for my fiance. She listens to our conversations when he calls, she goes through my phone and reads our text messages, and it's getting to be too much. We don't have passcodes on our phone. So the other day she read Texas between my best friend and I and he said that he loved me. I texted back, love you too, bro, because he was going through a little situation at work. She commented on that, but I left it off and told her to put my phone down. Then he sent me a birthday card and she read it and commented that she had never seen a man send another man a birthday card. I couldn't take it anymore, and I've went off. I told her it was completely normal to have a bromance in a brotherly type of way with a best friend. She was not trying to hear it, and she demanded that I end the friendship with him. She also does not want him in our wedding as my best man to avoid conflict with her. I haven't really addressed the situation yet. She does not trust me at all, and I cannot start a marriage off like this, she might have to worry about me having a best she might not have to worry about me having a best man. At this point, what can I do to get this woman to stop insulting me and let her know that making demands on me is not cool? Please help? Wow? Yeah? Yeah? Well oh there I go, coughing. Well she got issues, She's got issues. Okay, that's how I see it. And please know that if she's this possessive now, it's gonna only get worse when you guys get married. This is who she is. I mean, I don't think I'm just gonna say it. I don't think you two are ready for marriage just yet, because where is the trust you mentioned it? She doesn't trust you? Where is it? I mean, she doesn't like you talking to him, She doesn't like you guys texting each other. He lives in another state. She ear hustles when you're on the phone. She's judging your friendship or as you call it, a romance, and now she's trying to stop him or she's demanded that he not be your best man in your wedding. I mean, you know, I mean, I'll be honest with you. I don't know a lot of guys who send each other birthday cards. But I do know guys who would he would wish each other happy birthday. So I don't see anything wrong with this. She can't demand he not be your best man. That's not her call, it's yours. I mean, I don't know how old you are, but you guys have been best friends since you were eleven years old. He probably is like a brother to you, and a brother to whom you can say I love you too, bro. I think you, guys, you and your fiance need to get in some sort of marriage counseling, a SAP, because if you don't and go ahead and tie the knot and get married, I don't think the situation is gonna work work because she clearly has a problem with your BFF. Clearly she does, Steve. No, this is a huge disaster that I'm reading right here. This is really really bad, and I mean it's bad on so many levels. First of all, we're not talking about a female friend, right, We're talking about a guy for you now. She was Obviously she's a jealous type to begin with. So the man ended all his female relationships. Let him die that he got rid of all the females. But he didn't had this boy in his life, his partner since they was eleven, and they haven't been through a lot together. He lived in a different states, so we talk in text a lot. He out of state. Damn. So they talk in text a lot, and that's a big problem for the fiance. She listened in on the phone calls. She go through your phone, read the text. We don't have pass codes on the phone. So the other day she read text between me and my best friend and he said that he loved me. I text, I love you too. Brother. The other day I told Ricky Spade, I loved in a text. Doc. I've been knowing this dude. We was lying brothers. We played together, Doc, I do love him. Man, This dude was up in some real situations. So then I got some friends that we've been friends with since we are four years old. We text each other. We sixty year old dude. Manny sixty three. Everybody else is sixty two. We all the same age. We we've been friends. Manny and Rick grew up in Pampas together. They've they've been on the block since they was babies. We moved down. The rest of us got in at about folk. We've been on each other fifty eight years. Then, my dudes, we text all the time. We could. We don't text every day, but we text all the time. Then brothers call me and tell me I love you. Man, I hear what they're saying about you. Don't worry about that. We know the truth. We love you, dark. You needed to roll out there. Let us know now what I'll beginning. They love me and I loved them. It's nothing wrong with that now, she commented. She commented on that, but you laughed it off, toler to putting my phone down. Then he sent me a birthday card and commented she'd never seen a man seeing another man a birthday card. Well, I ain't setting nobody no damn card, right, But we group text each other on everybody's birthday because when you grow up together. The first one to become a teenager man, he came for a day. The first one to hit sixteen, he came for a day, the first one to hit eighteen, old lord, we've been in this contest our whole life. First one to hit twenty one, then after we twenty five. Then we stopped after that because hell, ain't no my markers. So I don't understand. But we do send those little those little Eve Birthday cards that explode when you open it. That's so cute, Steve, A little dude. Yeah, I didn't send a shill. I just said I don't even know how to do that when I hit a text and explode like my boy. Butcher, now he knows how to send that didn't explode. We'll be joking with him. A man, you texting too, damn like a little girl. Now you to explode and balloons and stuff and we laugh. But we all want that. Now. She got problem with that. But I'm gonna tell you the real problem when we come back. She don't want this dude to be the best man at the wedding. Oh lord, when we come back, we now have a major problem. Okay, all right, okay, all right. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hours, Steve, subject, my fiance is jealous of my bromance. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's strawberry letter. Uh, my fiance is jealous of my bromance? Is the subject? Lesson? Let me swallow this water first, Shirley, all right, okay, now, now the show is so real. This is the reality radio right here. This lady, it's jealous of her fiance is relationship with his boy. But she overly jealous though. Man, she don't like y'all talking. She don't like y'all texting. She reads y'all texting to dude live out of town. Damn, it ain't a girl. Now. If you question whether man gay or not, then just you that's what you're really trying to say. Let's just be honest. Now, that ain't what the man saying. But damn, lady, you up on him like like, it's just like you. If you convinced about that and you don't want to marry gay dude, then why are you lading? Just going where you're going? If that's what you think he is. But he's telling you in so many words, he ain't. Now this ain't about gay or not gay. I'm just throwing out the other obvious option that I see in this damn letter. But this woman, crazy man. You to cut off all your friends, You can't do a birthday card. And now he said I couldn't take it anymore. I went on. I told her it was completely normal to have a bromance in a brotherly type of way with a best friend. She wasn't trying to hear it. She demanded that I end the friendship with him. Wait a minute, what, lady, that's crazy. And then you can't pick my friends, Mordred can't pick my partners. Dog. I've been knowing these dudes. I know when they come around they say some stuff that ain't really that cool. I told you they were gonna say when he came out here. I said, hey, baby, no, listen to me. These cats I come up with. Now they're a little bit different. They still hood. They ain't find to change, all right, Steve, Okay, Steve, but he crazy though I told you that if he came out here. You know you're the same one I told not to force me to go to my damn nice wedding, and you made me take my ass up that to my niece wedding. Now you didn't here telling about we got to get out of here. Now we ain't find to get out of here. We find to watch them all this fiasco. Like I told you. Now you trying to you got you. This man ain't fit to end this relationship with his boy dog, and that's wrong of you to ask, man, But to avoid conflict with her, I ain't oh this. He also don't want him in our wedding as my best man. That's crazy. Okay, that's crazy. So who gonna be his best man except his best man? You tell him you got it in the friendship and he can't be in the wedding. Man, this ain't gonna be much of a wedding for this dude. Now. To avoid conflict, I ain't addressed the situation. She don't trust me at all, and I can't start a marriage off like this. I got news for you. You damn showcame because let me tell you something. The only thing to change is after you get married. And I've said this before. The preacher told this to me. It's the appearance of your left hand third finger. So Pardoner, you marry this girl if you want to. But you you fit to be in an abyss brother dog. You're fitting to be. You fitting to be on the boat. And the cracking gonna come about the water and you're the only one he gonna snatch off the damn boat. Wow, you're going down with this one right here. Man, I was talking with the dude today. That's how he was married. Before he described this marriage, he said he was married to the cracking. He said, man, she just come up out the water and snatch my hands. I said, damn wow, he said, man, it was like living in an abyss. And there's a scripture. I've asked Shirley just send it to me before. But it goes to the tune something like this. I'm not quoting it exactly, but new translation. But it is better to live on the corner of a rooftop, of a of a It is better to live on the corner of a rooftop and inside the house with a crawl some water, Come on boy, that roof on the hot roof, hot roof, thunderstorm and blizzard. It's better to be up there on the corner of that roof, that inside the house with yeah, for real, man, than with a crail some roman. That's a scripture. You Finn walk into the hall fire boy, you Finn purgatory. Okay, so now she might not have to wear about me having the best man. At this point, what can I do to get this woman to stop insulting me and let her know that making demands on me is not clue. It's past making the demands on me. She's telling who your friends can be. She's telling me who your best man is. She wants you to end a friendship. What woman really wants her man to end a genuine friendship when most women know how important it is to have a good friend. The Bible says a friend is often closer than even a brother. My boy, let me tell you something, my boy, Greg Calhoun. Greg Calhoun was my dude. Man. He was closer to me than my brothers. That scripture is true. So now you man, my wife loved Greg Calhoun because all of you saw what he was to me. Doc, I never saw nobody stupid for me like this man. I ain't seen it. And now Marge Margine gonna say get rid of grand because no, she said, whenever you're going to play golf, take Grig with you because she loved it, because she knew what he's stood for. He's still for his family, his wife, his grandkids. You go, she heard him talk about me, She said, Steve, that man love you, so I love him. What woman wants her husband to get rid of a friend when they're so hard to come back. Well, she didn't like the fact that he said I love you too. Bro. Bro. You know how many times out of saying that, dog my boy Big Blue called me and said I love you man, I said I love you too. Now we didn't say man, but we said it. We use another word, but you know it's close to it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's yeah. They got major problems. Hey, man, this this ain't saint. Oh, this ain't counsel. This walk out, Bro. I'm telling you right now, get out of it. This ain't counsel. No, I leave, you would just leave? Huh. This is the biggest warning shot you can get. You fit man. Huh Man, you fiting walk into Helen you we gotta go. Uh listen, Email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M. Coming up in ten minutes our girl from the Talk to one in Them Lee Cheryl Underwood Proverbs twenty one and nine. You're listening Steve Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's reality Update. But right now, Steve introduced that girl from the Talk sure Wood Steve having man listen Chicago about the May history because a black woman go the Mayne about to happen. Yeah, I hate to say it, but the Daily Dynasty is over, you know, because the other brother didn't even make it through the was the primary or whatever they'd be doing this. This is the most excited Charlotte Scribe Harris since we elected mayor. You knew I was gonna say here. You knew it. You knew it. And now we got we gonna have two sisters gonna possibly be the man one of them. I'm not gonna even gonna say which one. I won't. I'm just excited that it has. And don't y'all think that sisters is really showing themselves in politics, like that sister that rolled her eyes when old boy was talking smack at the Cohen hearing and everything was her named plastical, and she she wrote her eye like you need to shut them. Thank god, the Democrats can walk in you gum. Yeah, let me tell you something to them. Well, I gotta give it an I'm a Republican and our side was whacked. Our side was going alone to get along Old Michel. I was so embarrassed for our party. I couldn't start talking to a statue of Runner Reagan. I was so embarrassed. But the Democrats was on fire. They ain't nobody asking nothing about what Trump done did and it's coming telling the truth. And when the dude broke down that every mob case and a rego case with you had to give everybody back. They stuff if they didn't have somebody to turn. That was yeah, that dude, that that dude. They said that, Yes, yeah, it was good. I told you that, Steve. Yeah, but I didn't. But I said the same thing as more. I didn't see that part, but that's what I was saying. Man, they tripped. That's what they said, the exact same thing. That man. That's that's that's it ain't. It's crazy, the craziest something. But I didn't want me tell you what else is crazy? What Dinnis Robins say he want to help Trump get the no Bell problem. Turn my mic off right now because I'm about to say to him because he's over there with his friend Kim Jong and they probably drinking that crown real straight, Because thin't that what Kim Jong mess around and his ass gonna be a hostitch, You keep your ass gonna be in a prison somewhere messing around turning to a crazy ass man, that's that's what I'm talking about, for real, for real. Hey, wait a minute, let's talk a little entertainment. Well, I guess the investigation ain't gonna really get Kelly the way some people won't. But child support is close first, right, that's right, whatever it takes. Yeah, get a hundred and seventy some thousand dollars first. I made it. They about to get it. Child support. You can't escape, y'all. You might be able to lawyer up around some things, but you're not gonna be able to escape child supports. Ain't anybody watching the Mask single? Yes, girl, how I got it with reality update? Huh oh you do, yeah, I guess you. I would just like to applaud myself timing as juniors to me and one of the clues, remember one time, Yeah they did, that's right, they sure did that. When you know you find he needs to be on sing you know how I know Steve same time, because Steve used to be in the Hot Tower was the coldest group and the sorry listen to me, come on getting with me, you know what, Steve, Steve, you should go on Cedric Show, the Neighborhood Music every un all right, that's he's having a moment. Why having a mom He should go in the neighborhood, don't. Don't you think he's gonna set the show the neighborhood and they reach the show in the fall on the neighborhood. Yeah, that's that's gonna be good. You know what I told I told, I said, you need to fall asleep watching sad for the song and let me play on ask him. You know that would be But don't tell it. You're gonna tell its college. You're gonna tell it what happened. Yes, I'm gonna talk about the winners of the mask in Reality of Date. Okay, that's gonna be good. I can't say one thing. Yes, of course, Um, when Michael Jackson died, all the discussion is over for me. That's all I got to say. That's why that's real. I'm going all the way. This is a bunch of them, you know, man, y'all had plenty time to come with this. This is about money, about this documentary, it's all. It's so. I mean, I hope Oprah like their ass up because Open, you know what, Open's a smart smart in that's she ain't that man, Let me tell you something. Open worf he gonna be prepared. She threw the master classes. Yeah, come in there, man, this I've done one with him, Lord him, I said, Jesus like that. They doc because they prepared everything. Oh, Doc, they got information. You can't come on the line now you're coming in here with a book about lives. Oh she done her research, Hey, Steve, like she got that dude that was supposed to be on drugs, remember, and he wasn't. Really he had lied to us that billion little pieces show didn't look I know how prepared you got to be when you be open. I went to the weight watchers. Didn't know they have homeworks. Very upset with myself watchers homework. Yeah, I didn't know that at homework at to Wait huh are you doing something? Wait? Yeah, yeah I am. I'm trying to Yeah yeah yeah, Wow, it's about to happen. No, I'm just asking you because we want we want to promote it. Oh well, okay, let me talk to you offline because I can't give up the liquid potato now. If you can get me to do that, I'd be a dime piece by the time, crazy baby. Yeah that liquid later, man, Yeah, that's the man. I can't let go up right? All right, chel, thank you so much. As always, we got Carlin her reality update coming up now. I want to listen. You're listening, all right, Tommy, Let's go get ready, y'all. She is here, call a phil reality update. Thank you, nephew. All right, here we go. Last night season finale of The Masked Singer. It's the reality show. It's a singing competition show hosted by Nick Cannon. We love the show that I mean, everybody in the country is watching this singing competition show. So last night season finale, we learned the celebrity identity of the last three singers, the Bee, the Monster, and the pea cock. So in third place. So you know, the audience got to vote. The studio audience they got to vote the ranking of the final three contestants. So in third place. The bee came in third place. Who do you think the bee was? Some people thought it was Anita Bakers. It was a female. Some people thought it was Anita Baker, some people thought it was what did you say? He said, right, I don't know, He's not right. The bee was Gladys night. Glad she looks so good last night, And she said The reason why she did the show was to reinvent herself, don't you know, just trying new things. So it was really really good. She's a legend. And all of the judgment contestants they actually sing, Yes, these contestants, they're in their costumes and they get to sing. It's over a twelve week period and they're singing, and they're kind of competing against each other and you don't know, Yeah, you don't know who they are. You kind of think you know about their voices, and they give you clues, all right to second place. The peacock, Donny Osman was Donny Osman, Yes, he was the peacock. And the winner, the monster, uh huh. A lot of people. I thought it was Celo. Some people thought it was Jamie Foxx. Okay, the monster. The winner was t Payne. T Payne was the winner. He fooled everybody. Yes, and that was the thing. That's why he said he was Steve Yes, he yes, he was singing the whole time. And he said the reason why he did the show was because, you know, when he first came out on the scene, the whole auto tunes and you know, the voice box and things like that. So people didn't think he could see me at all. So he turns out to be a really good vocalist. So shout out to tea pain. Yeah, yep, yep, yep, yep. So you know some of the other contestants throughout the season. You know, the deer was Terry Bradshaw, of the unicorn was Tory Spelling. The alien was LaToya Jackson Junior. Uh. So the winner receives bragging rights and then they get the gold gold, the Mass Trophy and so there, that's why we're telling you to go on this show. Dog Steve, you would kill Oh, you would be so good on his walk, be too cool. No no, no, no, no, you can. They could come up with something good like, uh, Tommy Chong, remember Cheech and Chong, he was the pineapple on the show. Antonio Brown from the Steelers, he was the hippo. So they could come up with some great constumes for you, Steve. I think you would be so good on this show. You really you can keep that costume costume and do what they had in that letter. We diddy the furries, name up the strawberries, the furry fetish. Yeah, I won't be bringing that to my house. Yeah, but you would have fun on this show, though, Doc, because you can sing a little bit anyway. Yeah, you could sing and they would be totally shocked. Yeah, folks would be totally shot. So anyway, and and sit down, sit out in your costume and played a piano too. And then yeah, you have to give him little hints throughout the season who you are, and people can you know, they can kind of guess, but you don't reveal yourself till the end if you make it each round. Okay, Cleveland, really you can say whatever like Gladdest Knight. One of her hints was a peach you know what I means? Like him? No, like like uh Baker Mayfield. I don't know, so that Cleveland. No, I got where you were going, you know what I'm saying. All right, let's move on. So I got a question for you guys. Let me break this down. Joe Button. He was mad at Safari because Safari didn't tell him that Safari's current girlfriend is Eric Amina. Okay, now, Joe Button his baby mama, his current girlfriend is seeing. Do you guys remember that Eric Amena and send used today? I remember that I'm loving hip hop New York? All right, All right, So all of them, the whole crew, they went on a trip. You know they're go on these trips, right, yes, yes, and you didn't argue that, right. So Joe Button, he was upset and towards the end of the trip with Safari because he said he as Safari was Erica coming on the trip. Joe said that Safari told him no, She's not coming on the trip. So now Joe is saying, yeah, but Safari, I'm looking on social media. I see pictures of Erica chilling at the resort, even though the group never actually saw Ericamna there. So Joe Joe was very upset. He was going in really really hard. You know, he talks very passionate anyway, He's kind of in your face when he talks anyway. So he was ready to fight Safari and all listen all that. So my question to the guys, the fellas, should do you think? And Safari's point was, I ain't gonna tell you nothing. I ain't gonna tell you. You know, Safari is a guy. Safari is a guy. His current girlfriend is Eric Amena. Joe Joe Button is dating Sin his baby mama. Sin and Eric Kamena had a relationship these two women have. Hey have you heard that they're supposed to be married, that they secretly got married Safari. Hey, yeah, I've heard that too as well. Surely. So the question to the Fellas is, do you think Safari should have told Joe that his girl Erica was coming as a heads up for Joe and Sin they are friends though. That's that's how Joe was upset, Yes, because he felt like if Nicki Minaj. Joe was saying, because you know, Safari used to go with Nicki Minaj, so if he don't. Yeah, but he didn't know that she was bringing him on the trip because he told him he wasn't at the time. That's should you gotta hands up on? Yeah, that's just so you know I'm bringing Yeah, you gotta do. Yeah, I'm bringing your girlfriend's ex girlfriend, which is my current girlfriend. Yes, that's that's crazy. Yeah, that is your girls ex girlfriend who my girl now on a trip and all four of are gonna be sitting around, look at trade. I want to do this. I don't want to go out here. That's why she asked the guys. That's why I asked, y'all, all right, hit me up at LISB Carla, we can talk about the socially, Shirley. We'll be back at twenty after you're listening, all right, So, Carla, before we went to break, we were talking about um Loving hip Hop New York and Safari and Eric Amena, who are a couple now and it's rumored that they're married. You were talking about it in your reality updates. So and yeah, that's the guys a question, right, Charlotte asked the guys the question so again to review Safari Eric Amena. They're dating or we don't know if they're married, but on the show they're dating Loving hip Hop New York. Now. Eric Amena used to go with Joe Button's current baby mama, his girlfriend or fiance or whatever her name was, her saying okay like synthing, Oh okay, I thought you should see Eric and used to they used today, Yeah they had a relation of Joe Buttons is the other dude, Yes he is since baby daddy. They passed yeah Joe but yeah yes Erica and seeing you should should lay around with each other used today there was today. I said that. So they went on trip. I got the word back, where are my woman going? You're going with this other woman, and y'all go to what huh you are going with? Huh this couple's massage and you ain't fitting to do that, But you would do the same thing with if it was a dude. Don't fit to get in the same water? Yeah, crazy, and do what you ain't going down? Excuse me, you're gonna shopping wear? You can't leave the room. You ain't gonna shopping with huh down that trying to clothe. I wish I would look over there and see y'all the same fitting room. No, you're not that insecure that she can't even leave the hotel but not go No, damn you mean you're going to the bathroom? Bath room? Went there? But I am with the guys, though, I think Safari should have told you here y'all doing down there on that beat y'all morning walking yeah, wucking yeah and talking yeah close to her. I saw y'all brush arm. But the issue was that that Safari did not tell Joe that he changed his mind about Erica coming what you're knocking saying off of her fun stop yea, saying her ain't your business saying on her. But craz felt like join his vacation watching y'all, are you quite sitting up in here? We can't. We can't get our room on the same flop. It's got to be well, you gotta be on the opposite. They were already there. She came later to join the groups later because who is it? Who is who is that? I be who I think it is? Oh, hey, Joe, what's that? Man? Joe? Baby? What's that? Man? Y'all are stupid for to take shower for leader? Do wido? Maybe back and see you? Okay? So far? I love to go down and have a cigar with you, but I can't. Why you know, good hair? Where we can lead him to a we mean smoke in the room. They're over. That was fast. I don't care there as I've been back to. All Right, you guys, get us together. They're gonna be all right. Everything's fine, all right. Look, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You guys are crazy, you're listening to show. Michael Cohen, the president's former personal lawyer, testified before the House Oversight Committee on Capitol Hill. He's been convicted for previously lying to Congress as part of an investigation into Russia's alleged involvement in the twenty sixteen A. Republicans have repeatedly questioned Cohen's credibility and suggested his only reason for agreeing to testify is to help himself. Michael Cohen warned the GOP slash Republicans not to protect the president. Take a lesson. I did the same thing that you're doing now for ten years. I protected mister Trump for ten years. And I can only warn people. The more people that follow mister Trump as I did blindly are going to suffer the same consequences that I'm suffering. And when mister Trump turned around early in the campaign and said I can shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and get away with it, I want to be very clear. He's not joking. He's telling you the truth. He said, you don't know him. I do. I sat next to this man for ten years, and I watched his back. Everybody's job at the Trump Organization is to protect mister Trump. Every day. Most of us knew we were coming in and we were going to lie for him on something, and that became the norm. And that's exactly what's happening right now in this country. And that's exactly what's happening here in government service. Wow boom, okay right here. Oh it was so good, It was so good. Yeah, yeah, I believe everything. He's everything, because why would he lie now he has nothing to lose. Yes, he's already going to prison. I wish Trump had to sit in there while all this was going on. Oh you know, he planned to be out of the country. Now, hey, man, I'm telling you this guy. If you don't think that all of this is orchestrated, if you don't think his team they knew for a month that this was his testimonial day. Yeah yeah, Steve right, they put this summer together within the last thirty days. I'm omnient. Yea, let's go over here and try to do something good to distract from his testimony. If you don't think that that that they're that cunning, you don't understand how these people are who have money, man, and Steve, you're so right. I was kind of mad at the Democrats though, because I just didn't feel like they were going for the juggular like they Yeah, I just you know, because yeah, it's a fight. I mean, this is a fight. Let's go, let's let's meet the you don't want to now, you know. But they were trying to get informations, were emotional and just kept trying to defend the president. And that's why Michael Cohen said what he said. Okay, you see where your loydy gonna get right? Right? See what happened? Cohen? Didn't Cohen say he would take a bullet for the president. He did, Yeah, Yeah, that's ye. That's ride or die, that's right or die? Right. I say, let me tell you something, my family, I'm taking bullets from my family. Oh, Tommy, you better do better. But that's loyalty, though, I mean, that's loyalty right here. And and lost everything because of his loyalty, and who didn't show him the same loyalty, who abandoned it? Saying yeah, And Cohen is due to report to prison in May for his three year prison sentence. Yeah, all right. Coming up next to our last break of the morning, Steve Harvey's closing remarks, and we'll be right back at forty nine after right after this, you're listening, all right, Here we go, last break of the day. This has been a good morning, A lot of stuff to talk about this morning. Wow, that Michael Cohan testimony and then he'll do another one. Yeah, he'll do another one today, right, but this will be behind closed doors. Yeah he's exhausted. Yeah, it has to be that seven. Yeah, with a grilling like he took from the Republic. But but he was cold off. He had to staying together. You know, he's a lawyer. To dude to dude, was strong. He was better than Kavanaugh, I tell you that. Yeah. I actually liked to do he was believable and everything. Yeah. I would really think he picked up a lot of fans after this. Yeah yeah, right, all right, we're ready stayed for your closing remark. Well, you know, today, man, is something that I was that was brought to my attention. I told you I do my morning meditation and this morning, man, I got up a little early and I was going over some stuff and I was doing some reading. Uh uh uh this Christian What am I saying that she, this lady on the job, gave me as a Christmas gift? Uh Like, yeah, this devotional and the name of the book is Jesus Calling. You know. But when I talk to people, I talk to people of all faiths. I'm not trying to ram my belief down your throat. I believe that God is real. I believe that there's one God. So you know, what you call him is your business, but that's just my belief. There's one God. We serve him in different ways, and it's not my judgment call to make a call on anybody's way that they choose to serve him. As long as you serve the true and living God, that's all that matters to me. So I'm talking to everybody. But one of the things I was learning today, and I don't know if some of you, well, yes you are, because we're all guilty of it. And it's something that I learned that we all have to stop judging and evaluating ourselves. I want you to understand what I was reading this morning and learning that we all got to stop judging and evaluating the salves because that's not your role. Role is not to judge or evaluate yourself. And I do it all the time, man, but let me tell you what it does. And also, not only are we not supposed to judge and evaluate ourselves, here's the big culprit. We should all stop comparing ourselves to other people. That's a huge danger, man. And once again I'm guilty of it too. This one was a tough one for me to learn to not judge and evaluate yourself because I was always taught to self evaluate yourself so you learn or how to improve. But if you self evaluate yourself to where it's a detriment to you moving forward, you're doing yourself a disservice with your evaluation. Because in your evaluation, if you find yourself comparing yourself to other people, what this does is when you compare yourself to other people, check this out, it duce his feelings of pride or inferiority. This is what I learned this morning, because if you notice it, if you compare yourself to people who, let's say, got more than you, are dressed better than you, and live in a better neighborhood than you, and make more money than you, then guess what. You sometimes produce a feeling of inferiority, and you are not inferior to this person. But here's the other one. If you compare yourself to somebody who has less than you, you develop a sense of superiority, and you ain't superior to nobody. Man, God knows what he's trying to teach us. That's the cold part man, Like I say, Look, I ain't no perfect Christian. I ain't to do man, I'm just telling you real how I'm trying to get better in my life, in my walk as a human being on this planet while I'm while I'm here, I'm just trying to I'm just trying to better myself with the stuff that's coming my way. And if I can share what you all what I'm learning, man, then that's just my mission. Those of you that don't accept it, I ain't ramming it down your throat, turn your station, do you dog, go where you're going. I ain't trying to be mean to you. I'm doing uplifting, empowering stuff. I ain't telling you to join in with me and hate this or hate that. I'm saying these are things we could do if we stop judging and evaluating ourselves, and if we stop comparing ourselves to other people. Because guess what, God made you uniquely you you, He Taylor made you. Everybody's different, your path, your walk, your journey is different from everybody else's. Stop letting people put you under the microscope too. You know, well, when I did it this way, this is what I did. You doing it that way, you're wrong. They don't know. They don't know, and you don't know. But here's what I do know. We are all uniquely made by our creator. He made all of us. That's how different we are. Do you know that God is so powerful that there are no two human beings with the same fingerprint? Hold up, man, wrap your mind around it. What is it? Six eight billion people on the earth and none of them have the same fingerprint. That have been billions of people who have died and ain't none of them have the same fingerprint as you. That's how unique God made you. So why are you comparing yourself to somebody else? Put your focus on him, what he trying to do with you in your life, and going to have yourself a great life. Stop comparing yourself to other people. It's like putting your fingerprinting up next to THEA is talking about look at how much the same we are? You not? And God intentionally at you that way, And that's a good thing, you being different. It's good. Those are my remarks today. Drop it like it. You better speak why? Yeah, just get yourself? Don't you love you? Come on, man, do you if you just put your focus on you, that's man your best chance to succeed. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.