Good morning and welcome to the ride! This is The Steve Harvey Morning Show and we are committed to turning out the vote. Count us at the polls. The Chief Love Officer breaks down the Roll Up On 'Em approach. What does WAP really stand for in The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem? LBJ's son Bronny goes viral for allegedly flying the friendly skies. In other news, Congrats to Eddie Murphy on winning his first Emmy for guest hosting SNL. Steve and Fool #2 have medical terms that they don't say. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away from complications of pancreatic cancer at age 87. We have the things that stepdads say to kids when the mom leaves the room. We are in HBCU Conference Week. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us who built the country and he has a CLEAR message for black folks!
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bus things and it's not true. Good to mother, stay don't join You gotta use that turn out. You got to turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby, uh huh, I show will a good morning everybody. You all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. How good is God? Hum? Think about it? Just take a slight inventory of your own life and say it to yourself when you get through, how good is God? Think of all the small things, all this, because that's him. You breathe as him, you steal him, that's him. You got another chance. That's him. You ain't out of him. That's him. You got any measure of health, that's him. You think it's more to it than it really is, that it already showed up to be. That's him. All of that. You got, any dreams, of aspirations, you dream of other things, that's him. All that, that's him, that's him, him close you got, that's him every time you eat. That's why they had this thing called you say your grace. That's him. That's him, man, that's him. It's amazing when you take a small inventory how you find out how big God really is in your life. Now, the more you turn yourself over to him, the bigger he can be. For you. See, he'll only be as big as you let him. It's one thing about God. Now, he's a gentleman. He can make you do anything. You know, you get too big for him, you know you you you, you lose your humbleness. He can humble you. Now. God created man with the power of choice. We're the only creature he created that. He gave us the total power of choice when we mate, who we mate with. You know everything, all of it. Man. It's the choice what we want to be, how much we want to make, where we want to live, what climate we want to live in. We can live in cold climates, hot climates. You know, we speak different languages. You can go learn another language. A bear can't do nothing but be a bear. Is he can't go learn how to be a fox. He can't go learn how to be an otter. He just can't. An ostrich is an ostrich man. He can't come out of here and fight like a lion. A lion is a lion. A lion eat meat. He can't eat vegetables. I don't care how much meat ain't around. He'll lay down and pull up out of here and die because he can't eat grass. He just a lion man. You understand this that God gave us. We are the one creature he created that has total power of choice. You can make every decision in your life. What kind of watch you like, that's the one you can buy. You want to live in Switzerland, go ahead. You don't like Switzerland, you can move to Miami. You want to live your life a crime, go ahead, that's you. He gave you the power of choice. You want to do right? Come on, So now look at this thing. We are all the results of a series of decisions that we have made. If we could just identify that the problem is us, we could began the solution. See that's the problem, y'all, it's us. It's what we do. I threw my life down the hill. I can't tell you how many years based on some decisions that I was making. Now I can justify my decision with I wasn't happy, and I was doing this and I was in miserying, y'all on that, yes to you when you get through. You made the decisions though, and you can look at this anywhere you want to, y'all. But at the end of the day, I'm just talking to people that's really really wanting to improve their position in life. And how do you do that? You got to have a solution. How do you come up with a solution? You got to identify the problem to even began to solve it. But if the problem ain't ever you, how are you gonna solve something that ain't you? See? Okay, let me look at this one. If somebody said, like I got a child of mine, man, I just do right here. Man, I don't even wanna get into it this morning. Or I'm struggling with this this boy. But man, you go to people, you're asking why they do so? I just I just wasn't taking care of business. Why I just didn't take care of business? Boy, do you understand that your life is gonna be filled with you got to take care of business. So when you're gonna start, you know what I mean, you can't you can't, you can't go through life blaming everybody. It's got to be you. See, you can fix you. You can't fix nobody else if you keep getting married and the marriages don't work. Hello, Hello, Hello, could it be you? South finally had to sit down and just make that decision. They don't need to be coming on the radio talking about nobody else and what they did to me, and y'all just don't know. No, no, no, man, what about the part you played in it? Because see, if you got a good marriage, you got a part to play in that. If you got a bad one, you got a part to play in that. Even if you just get down to you the one pick them? How about that? Mister? Mister, I made a decision. The problem is usually within yourself. Do you know that's the quickest, an easy way to fix your life. That way, you ain't got to check with nobody. Here's the beauty of going on and admitting that is you. You don't have to check or clear with nobody to start the repair process. You don't need anybody's permission. You ain't got to put it before the review board to see if it'll pass. It ain't got to go through Congress. You ain't got to hope that your local politician get their hands on it to make a phone call for you. You ain't got to ask any counselors to come in and sit with you. You don't have to check it in the rehab. All you got to do is decide the problem is me. I'm gonna start changing me. Identify the problem, and start with the part that you can own up to. Once you identify the problem, you can start planning on how to fix it or how to get to accomplishing something. But remember this planning is important. If you fail to plan, then please plan to fail. If you don't know how to make a plan, let's just start with the basics. Just make a list of what you want. Make this list and then go to God in prayer with an open mind and open your mind up to all the clean opportunities that are available here. Why a lot of people won't succeed because certain opportunities come along you don't want to do them. That kills me. Man, when I hear here, I ain't doing that. I know young comedians that come to me all the time. I'm talking about. Man, what you're not saying, Man, Just take every gig you can, no matter what they pay. Well, listen to me, son, you can go make that money that they pay, or you can make the decision to sit at home and make nobody. It's a comedy, a hard business. They ain't paying but one hundred dollars. You gotta drive, drive fifty miles. But if you drive fifty miles and you make the hundred and you stand on that stage for thirty minutes, you are now thirty minutes better than you was the last time you went on stage. Oh, man, you ain't man, they don't pay me. I ain't coming. You ain't going to be a comedian, man, not not, not like this hill. A lot of people just don't want to do what's necessary to do. So when the opportunity presents itself and you open up your mind to it, man, then get ready to go on and do it. Man, identify your problem today, start with the part dash you're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, let me have you undivided attention. It's Monday morning. It is Steve Harvey Morning Show. Committed to voting, committed to changing things, committed to social justice, Committed to ensuring that this country doesn't go down the tube at the rates going down now. Steve Harvey Morning Show, with just forty some days left, is committed to turning out the vote. Nothing is more important than us getting out and vote and showing them all that black lives matter because you have to count us at the polls from now on. That's the message I want to go across today, and I got a crew that's gonna make it happen. Shirley Strawberry. We're voting up in here, Steve. That's what we're doing all day. Carlin Pharrell voting early, early and strong Junior straight Democrat, Jay Anthony Brown. If you don't vote, damn it, don't talk to me, said nephew, Tommy. If you don't vote, I'm gonna kick that. Good morning, anybody the threat. Good morning, everybody, Good morning, good morning and committed to it. Oh thank you all for joining us. Many three days forty three days to get We got to take care of our business. Ballots are available through the mail. Absentee vote voting is allowed. Uh, you know you can do that. You can you can early vote, you can do that, but we have got to do it in numbers. No Shenanigans. We're not gonna have them trick us. When we get our ballots, we are going to make sure that we read it carefully. Get over to your momminem's house, your aunt's house, get everything downloaded that you need, and make sure that some that they not that they're trying to suppress the votes or listen to me. Sometimes they require a certain color ink, blue or black. You gotta watch that. You gotta make sure that you check all the boxes. You gotta make that you gotta make sure that you've signed everywhere you're supposed to sign. Go over this thing five times. If you don't understand, get somebody that does understand, but do not let them miscount your vote. Let's start now making sure that we have our ballot, making sure that we have our polling place, making sure that we are registered, making sure that our address is current so it don't be no okay, dope with our vote. Because they are trying everything. They are trying everything. They know they're behind in the polls, and they scared that we're gonna show up and vote. If we show up, we change the election. Amen period period. He don't think we matter, We gonna show him. He said one thing on behalf of Black Lives Matter, because he don't care if they matter or not. He does not care. He's proven the time and time a dame. Absolutely. Yeah, that's right. We gotta show him at the polls, Steve. All right, guys, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna change things around a little bit to get ready for Ask the Clo. Asked the cello with the cloth coming up right after this. You're listening to, Well, it's time now for Steve to help some of our listeners with their love questions. Time for Ask the Clo and go ahead. The first person that I want to help with love is Junior and Tommy, and I want to help them because I know they love the Texas and I want them to know that I wore one funking game. I didn't mention the game that I want. Oh that's what this is about, because you wouldn't be saying nothing had you lost Thursday night. Yes he would, Yes, he would do what you say, Junior know your uncle? Yeah, yes, I'm from Cleveland. Yeah, I'm used to not winning the game. Anyway. Let's go, chief loving go ahead. Yeah. You can submit your questions to Steve HARVEYFM dot com. Are you ready Steve, Yes you are. Yeah. This one's from Sucky I Montgomery, Sucky Sucky Nah suky. I'm about to beat my best friend's tail over some money. She lost her job four months ago, and I gave her my whole Stimulu check because I had saved money and I have a great job. She got a new job a month ago, and I took her out to celebrate. I haven't talked to her since then, but we've texted back and forth. Then I saw her on social media. I saw that on social media that she and her son went to the beach last weekend, and she posted pictures of the Airbnb that she rented. I texted her that I need to talk to her, but she's ignored me. I'm trying to settle this without fighting. What should I do? Well, whole checks, whole checks entire, Yeah, require some type of fight. I don't. I don't really see no way around this hill. Now. You know, you know, girlfriends, you know DA's up. You know it's it's the rough approach to rup approach. That's to roll up on him approach. You could do down there Me and Tommy's service is always available. That's to ride down there dot com that's available. Uh you know then it's uh uh uh what we have new program called a Y A w A that's uh, that's ass whippings Anonymous. You have several programs that ass whippings Anonymous, where we go down and what people have asked for you and don't even tell them what it's fault. Yeah, you just on what the hell have But you will be completely satisfied. Yeah, and you need some new friends. That's your best friend. Uh my whole stimulus check. Come on, suck you Yeah, all right Anonymous. As an online listener, Steve Anonymous says, I ran into an old high school crush at a barbecue and he was still as fine at heck. We hung out all night and I got drunk enough to have sex with him in his car. We hung out all night and I got drunk. He had a condom and I thought he put it on, but he didn't. So I asked him to split the cost of a Plan B pill with me. He told me no, and he said he's sure. It's not the first Plan B pill I've bought. Because I gave up the booty real quick. I'm twenty two and I've never done anything like this. And I'm so embarrassed. We have a lot of mutual friends, so I hope he doesn't give me a bad reputation. Is there anyway I can fix this? No, but you do have to get your plan b pell and you need to quit warring about this idiot right here and your reputation. You did what you did. Let's stop blaming sex. Let's stop blaming drunk on sex. When you drunk, it just allows you to think less clearly, and you do what your thoughts tell you to do. You first of all, you need to stop drinking. Yeah, because you obviously don't know how to act when you're drinking. Now you're twenty two. Everybody's made these mistakes. You're not the baddest person in the world. Shake it off, recover, get up, take take your pill, and gone about your business. He thinks of you the way he thinks of you because you did what you did rather quickly, and that's how guys do. They're very judgmental. And you had sex in the car, didn't take much to get you there, So you've learned a valuable mistake right now, Quit righting in asking people about it. Stop that and gone fix your life. Get up, gone about your business, you had a condom on what you mean you thought? How drunk was you? Yeah? Sex couldn't have been good, really, but you gotta protect yourself. I mean, come on now, right, Yes, safe sex, behavior, pregnancy and all that, right, right, yes, because what do they call it? Birth control is not the morning after peel. Birth control extends far beyond that, and you're not protecting yourself from disease at all, right, all right? Cornell in Fort Myers, Florida, says, I'm a thirty one year old black man dating a twenty seven year old woman, and her family hates me because of my past. I've been convicted twice for selling drugs when I was in my twenties. But I have totally changed my life and I'm saved. I do personal security work and I'm a trainer at a gym, but her father doesn't cut me any slack. I hate to see my girlfriend stuck in the middle. I tried to talk to her parents, but they just don't get it. I'm starting to think maybe my girlfriend is better off without me. Should I fight for her? Well? Is she fighting for you? It's the questions that's the question. Is she fighting for you? Sometimes man, and let me tell you this, just because you want something and you want to be forgiven. God forgives your past, not people. So if if you've gotten yourself together and you saved now, then go on and be saved. This may not be the one for you. Sometimes when you make mistakes, you can't correct it all and get it all back the way you want it. You want a relationship, you want to be looked at as this new person. But you got two drug convictions. Of course her parents is gonna be leary. Yeah, you know. So you're saying, okay, well we got If you don't think it's worth the fight, move on, But the question is is she fighting for you? Don't sound like all right? Thank you? Seelo. Coming up next, church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf Jam. Right after this, you're listen Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna is here with today's national news, and she'll have the latest on tropical Storm Beta plus an entertainment news. Bronnie James lebron James's fifteen year old son. It seemed to be smoking on social media. Also, the Primetime Virtual Emmys were last night and the tenth anniversary of the iHeartRadio Musical Festival twenty twenty with star Studded. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But today is Monday, so you know what that means. Time now for Reverend Motown and Deacon def Jam with today's church complain. We galful every Monday moaning to Paul, take of the impetrosities that's been going on at the church of your repute. We have improprosities. Oh we deal with the ingoriousness and remember a putually continue and we are here too. All get into the ventualities of what is the complaints this week? Go here all right? I passed. The people have gotten fair up with it. Everyone wants to start coming back to church as soon as possible. They say, you are going too far um with your sermon. It seems whatever you are watching on TV, that's your sermon. Yesterday it was out if you can remember, it was you printed on the have and have nots yesterday and felt that we've been felt that it was blackish. It's just too much. It's too much. It's too much, and everybody ready to come back. You can treat from the Bible. What you got your chi that's not helpening, that's not real. And all this money. I've already written the service for tonight's Bible study. You have not because you asked not. And this servt is written for those of my parishioners that live in Houston. You don't have a win because you asked now you. I watched it, did that on television too, just to be show you other part me of the servant. You can't always get what you want. That's a win. Go ahead, Deacon all right passed that I'm skeptical about this. Here cart it being making a stack. I want to perform next Sunday here at the church. They want to do wha Now they're saying it stands for worship and praise. But I'm scared to let them up there paths and I don't know what you how you's on you, how you want to have Well, I'm gonna allow it better if they come and live, and we're gonna all sit there and be a part of the face it's own zoom. I will be live at this zoom. Now is the thing you be live our praise dancers. I've already already asked me becauld they be in this video, and I said no, because they're not. The bodies are not qualified for this vie. I ain't. None of our sisters should be in that video. That's true. They don't. They can't held it can walk would just be standing for big way to ask people call they sweat a lot and when they praised side Yeah right people people's you know they big and they when they praised dance, they sweat hall. All right, let's get down to the people past. The women who are who breastfeed would like to know, Well, hold on, I just came up with something. We will allow our praise dancers to join in. But it won't be the walk video. It'd be the SAP video. Sap what that what that SAP sweat sweat ass people and Custer and cut well Carter beating them gonna be here. But the offering, But the offering that Sunday, the change that's gonna be on the floor gonna be out standing. Go ahead, And the women who breastfeed would like another You would like for them to go offline when breastfeeding or can they continue doing service on zone? Yeah, breastfeeding is a natural or at that women and children hell, I'm not going to get into that or no being or male chauviness or anything about it. So whatever they want to do, I've always been a pro choice and women should make that decision on their own, So stay out of that way. They'll have a covering, they'll they'll be cut, you know, they'll have a tower or something. Yeah, the sister Ferguson needs a beach tie. Speaking of covering paths, Thermal Sister Therman needs a big sheet. We're moving on. Our ugly members are not wearing their masks doing service. Could you please talk to them before we had service? Again, that is the reason we have required mask. That is not listen to me your own zoom. But we are still practicing as though we are alive, and that was the main reason. Called Brother Brown Jay Anthony. It's too close to his camera. And we have asked the ugly church members to wear your mass so you ain't just up on hill like brother Brown. Always too close. That's right, that's right. Pastor. The women that are over forty five would like to know if you would be interested in judging and online baby hall contest only if it really is your baby. Hell. What we had some cheating last year, and that women was taking actual baby hall and glueing it around the edge. And I found that out. I got to disqualify some people. Sister Tatum tore hers off too early and had skinned of bridges all crossin. Yeah, Sister Marva Hayes has been stranded past that her house for the last three weeks. No one has checked on hi. She says she only had cheese to eat for three weeks. She hadn't gone to the bathroom in three weeks, and she's calling the church to see it. We can help her go. So I don't know how to handle it. But she hasn't gone in three weeks. Back brother Ferguson over there with oh, two gallons of prune juice, she'd be backing none. That cheese is incredible mix. All right, thank you, pastor, thank you Deacon. See you next Monday. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news. Right after this. You're listening. In today's entertainment news, Lebron James's son, fifteen year old Brownie, went viral after sharing a video of himself smoking. No one really knows what he was allegedly smoke smoking, but Bronnie immediately took the post down, but not before people captured it and spread it all over social media, all over social media. Yoh yeah, your daddy hand who okay, who can't? Yeah? You know people were going in on Brownie saying, you know, you can't let your dad down. Yeah, well, I mean you know, but we didn't tell the k yeah, and we didn't have social media, remember that when we were right right, I'm talking about down on the flow. Oh, it's one thing to do it, but it's another thing. Every last want to mind and let me down too. Can you gonna sit your ass down somewhere bubble? But you know it's tough, but you know, it is tough when you have famous parents because you get a piece of scrutiny that some people don't and you have to be conscious of your place. And people are right and saying, hey, you need to you need to watch it. Man, you putting because you're famous, you know what you do, and your fame is usually because of your parents. That's famous. Lebron James Junior is famous because of Lebron James Senior. Yes, please understand that he would just be another kid. And you know, so you know I ain't. I ain't mad at either one of them. You know you can't, Lebron still a great parent. You could be the best parent in the world, and your kids are going to do something that's counter to everything you've ever talked. Oh lord, you can be the best parent in the world, man, and do nothing to deserve some of the actions of your children because they're going to make decisions. And then the sad part about their decisions now it is us all attached to a post on what these stories is I learned. I learned more about my kids on stories than I do talking to the real But that's what social media does. Though it separates us, makes everybody you're not a parent. As kid goes total opposite of what you sit down and tell it. As I saw, how much you write it up, how much you put it on a black board, they will do the total opposite of what you're telling the right deliberately, right, hey dog. And until that happens to you, you don't even know what parenting is. I had to. I had to do it. That criticized one of my kids one time on social media a dude I know and openly came he framed us and gonna run his mouth. But see, like I like I said to this brother, your children, young dog, your children at your house. They ain't even teenagers yet. Whole tight. It's coming. Oh yes, it's coming, partner, So be careful throwing these rocks because you're in a glass house that ain't even finished getting built yet. So it's coming. Yeah. Uh. And we got to talk about this and other entertainment news. Eddie Murphy. We gotta say congratulations Eddie Murphy one his first Emmy, his guth role on Saturday Night Live. Oh my god. Yeah, that's the shame. Yes, all these years. Yeah, yeah, I'm happy for him. Yeah, all right, Steve, time for two day's latest headlines. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trip, thank you, thank you, everybody. In good morning, everybody. It is Monday. Flags are flying at half staff. Lawmakers, even members of the entertainment world still paying tribute to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who passed away on Friday of pancreatic cancer at age eighty seven. Justice Ginsberg's body is to Lion State of the Supreme Court for two days, and she's to be buried at Arlington National cemetery next to her late husband, former President Back Obama, Alexandrio Kazio Cortez, and Elizabeth Warren, joined by actors like Kerry Washington, Yarashahiti, even the Princess of Sussex, Meghan Markle taking to social media to honor the jurist legacy on women's rights. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden says, the nations should remember her fondly. My honor to preside over her confirmation hearing and in the decade since, she has been absolutely consistent and reliable in a voice for freedom and opportunity for everyone, and we should focus on the loss of the justice and her enduring legacy. Upon hearing of her death, Democrats raised some seventy one million dollars in campaign funds. Meanwhile, Donald Trump was wasting no time and insisting that the US Senate vote in another one of his right wing picks for the High Court. MAGA supporters agree that a Trump rally on Saturday in Fayetteville, North Carolina, chanting fill that seat, filled that seat, even though it's only about forty days to the election. And as you may remember, Republicans stopped President Obama from naming someone to the Supreme Court, that trimp before the trimp Clinton election. That GOP leader Mitch McConnell at that time claiming that the American public should be allowed to elect a new commander in chief before any High Court nominees would considered. That was not forty days away. That was two hundred days away, before the prudential presidential vote was to be taken, and they stopped President Obama anyway, So the GOP now singing a different tune. If you're asking whether this Republican Senate would confirm a member of the Supreme Court to a vacancy that created this year, yeah, we would fill it. I would support going ahead, even though it's a lame duck session. It is still a Republican president and still a Republican Senate. The President should nominate a successor to the Court, and I think it is critical that the Senate takes up and confirms that successor before election day. Well, while the Republicans singing a different tune, it's these days about the nomination of Supreme Court justice. Is today September twenty first, which has its own tomb. That's right, it's September twenty first, now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening, all right, Steve, it's time to take it away. This is you and your boy. Look here, Uh, me and Jay was going over some things that we need to bring y'all's attention. Uh. These are medical terms, and um. Medical terms are really complicated, y'all. And so that's why most people don't use medical terms. They'd like to talk in very simple terms. For an example, you know, now, Jay and I will give you some medical terms and then we'll tell you how what we say as to keep it simple, Yes, keeping a simple breaking it down. For instance, we don't say we're going to see the position. I can't even say that word. That's why we don't use it. We say, Steve, we're going to the doctor, right yosition, and we're going to the doctor. That's right, Okay, I got you. We don't say we don't say we take prescriptions. We don't say that that's complicated. What we say is what we take medicine. Red peels is for this, yalla. Peels is for this and Jay and then them. Diamond shape peels is for you know what the refrigerator. If you're going to refrigerator damn it. We're going to get it. Okay, that love it? I love it. Yeah. We don't say we see a rash or or infection. We don't say that. What we say is was the what's that thing on your neck? Do don't what you got? Dog? What? What? What? Why that like that? We we don't say. We don't we break it down. We don't say what is your temperature? We don't do that. We don't do that. What we say, Stean, why are you sweating so much? Oh? With you man? Going out of here with all that now and this big with him? We don't say the word ain't symptomatic. We don't use that word. What we say is what Steve, he got that thing? Got that thing? What the hell you mean? You ain't know you had? Hold up? Ja, Jay, let me ask you one. We don't say social distancing. That's not what we say. We don't say social distance. What do we say, Jay? Don't we say? Staniel? Ass over there? Keep burning back some more on the outside of the door and talk. Okay, that's what we see in the last one, Steven. We don't say, you'll cue it. What we say what we see it. We're a worried home. Thank you guys. Coming up. At thirty four minutes after the hour, Senator Mitch McConnell blocked obama Supreme Court choice, but he will not block Trump's pick. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show well. Some sad news. M eighty seven year old Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on Friday. She was in her home surrounded by family. The cause of death was complications from pancreatic cancer. Justice Ginsburg served twenty seven years on the nation's highest court. She was picked by President Bill Clinton. She was a tireless champion for justice and fought for women's rights, and just days before her death, Justice Ginsburg dictated a statement to her granddaughter Clara, saying, quote, my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed. Unquote. President Trump has pledged to nominate a woman for the seat. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, trump Supreme Court nominee will receive a vote on the Senate floor. So even though the election is only about forty three days away, they're going to forge ahead anyway. They're moving ahead with this nomination it's almost like they're rushing it through. They're rushing it through. Yeah, yeah, we are. We mourning her, you know, I mean, this was a powerful woman. You know, she changed the world for a lot of people. And we all remember back in twenty sixteen when Justice Scalia died and President Obama wanted to pick Merrick Garland. Remember, Mitch McConnell made the argument for not filling the seat because as it was an election year and voters, voters should decide which presidential candidate should pick the next justice. We all remember that. I don't apply now, don't maybe if it was a Republican to this. Yeah, he said it all, that's what happened. Yeah, he's he's with miss McConnell on this one. Now normally he is, so yeah, yeah, yeah, they've all flipped. They've all flipped. Uh. It is forty three days until the November third election. So we're urging you, urging you, like Michelle Obama said, our forever first lady, vote like your life depended on it. Okay, go right now to register to vote at vote dot org and get your dates so you can early vote in your state. We want to early vote on this election. Man, see what were you saying about Nancy Pelosi. You're saying that, Yeah, there are awesome things that the Democrats can do to slow this process down so he doesn't rush to try to get this Republican in this move he's talking about. He wants to do a woman in all this here. He just wants to rile up his base further convince everybody that he's the staunch Republican and he's not. And so she had there's a couple of moves that the Democrats can make that could prevent this from happening. But but it's gonna have to be gangster. It's gonna have to be gangster. Yeah, come on, Democrats. One I think Steve is for four Republicans to say wait till after the election. That's yeah, four of them. They have two now. Yeah, but you know, uh, this dude here, man, he's just so he's he's fighting hard, all right. We knew that he's a scrapper. He's fighting. Wow, He's not a scrapper, he's a He's this guy breaks all day, he bends them to his will. The only thing he cares about only him. He only cares about winning. He cares about nothing. Else. See, that's what I call a scrapper. You're in there, you're playing dirty, you're doing whatever, you care, whatever, whatever, whatever, you don't care. You just want to win at all costs. Yes, at all costs. That's what I mean when I say he's a scrapper. Yeah, but again, um forty three days and go to vote dot org. Please we need your votes, We need your vote. I hope Biden really get him in this debate. I really do. Yeah, I'm the twenty ninth, the first one. You know. They're saying that the debate won't change anybody's mind, but it will. I mean, I just want. I mean, it really will. But you know, his NAT fan base, his base, they don't give a damn what do you do? Yeah, right, clearly, all right, I'm moving on, coming up next to Nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject watch what you say about my wife right now. I'm not gonna do you' that's a one and I'm probably not gonna give you yeah, you're a little different. No, you said it here I come. Huh, but right now, the nephew we'll get into the strawberry letter. Right now, though, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now? Guess who's moving next door? Guess who's moving next Joe, let's roll, Come on, I'm trying to reach Dophins Dolan. Dolan, Dolan, mister Dolan, Yes, sir, how are you doing. My name is uh Clifford Cooper. Yeah, what can I do for you? Mister? Uh? You you you live at uh uh check you out drawn? Why do you want to know that? Uh? Well, actually I'm at sixteen twenty three. I bought I bought the uh I actually bought the house that was for sale next door. Team Okay, well congratulations, but how did you get my number? Actually the realtor told me that he had a number because I said I wanted to reach out to the neighbor's next door. And he told me that mister Dolan was actually the person next door and and uh he didn't think you would mind me me actually getting the number. Okay, well, I'll talk with the real layer. But what can I do for you, sir? What what? What I What I wanted to know is, do do you have any problems like living next door to to to black people? I'm sorry, what did you just ask me? I mean, like like I said, you know, like I said, I just bought the place next door, and I wanted to know, do you have any problems you know, living next to do with the black people? Uh? No, sir, I have no problem. I'm assuming you're a black man, and uh I have no problem with that. I judge people by their actions, not their color. Okay, now do you do you do you have any any black people experience? Well? Yeah, I've worked with, gone to school with, have several friends of many different ethnicities. Uh but what what is it? What's this? How is this relative? Well? You know, like I say, I'm gonna be I'm gonna be living next to you, and I'm just making sure that you know, you and I can coincide a co exist rather on the same block and not really have a problem with one another basis. But what I'm trying to say, well, do you have a problem with white people? Uh? No, No, No, I don't have problem with white people. I'm cool. I'm just I'm just trying to make sure you know, uh, I mean, because me and you already have a bit of a problem already, you know all we do. Yeah, yeah, we we have a problem. I mean, I'm I'm bothering me while on that work. What's your problem? Okay? Well my problem is this is that, you know, after purchasing the property, I went downtown to the city and actually looked at, you know, the layout of this entire property. And when I look at it, you actually twenty five close to thirty feet over the property line. Well, now you look at the wrong map. No, no, the fifth that separates my backyard from your backyard. You are thirty feet over that. That's impossible, you know. Listen, and I noticed. Let me let me know. I'm gonna tell you. Look at you got a jacouzi in your backyard. Right, so you've been even spine on me. No, I'm inspired on you, sir. I'm just telling you close to that, not far from that fish line. Don't. Don't you have a jacouzi there? Well, as a matter of fact, I do. Yes, okay, So now the pools, the poolers. Okay, but but if I if I pushed that fish line back thirty and actually get the property that I'm supposed to have. But I'm pretty much own yo yo yo jacouz you' hot to ncy. Okay, let me say you something. I've been in that house for ten years. We put that sense up when we moved in, and it was based on the property line that was that was the set when ten years ago. I don't know what you're looking at, but my fence is not moving, My jacuzi is not moving, and there's there's no changing that. Okay, Well, let me let me let me. I'm glad you hear your voice what you wanted the voice. No, no, no, no, you hear you hear Old cliff a Dot. Let me tell you so. Uh. Either we're gonna take the fifth line and move it where supposed to be. Oh, We're gonna put a gate between uh two yards, and I'm gonna be able to come and get in this jakozy and pool whenever I want to. All right, let's let's let's let's talk about this. First of all, there's gonna not gonna be a gate, okay. And as far as you just coming over and getting into jacuzzi at will, I got a real problem with that, uh, you've called me at work. I'm on the job and I'm having to listen to this on a future neighbor who's making weird claims about how he owns part of my lamp got back. I hold the jacouzi. So no, no, you did not pay for that jacouzi. You did not pay for that tense. You just shot up making. He pulled me at work, and and and and and then you hand me some story with no evidence. I don't go down to the city hall and look at those papers myself because I don't turt word you're saying. I've been there for ten years. I've had ten other neighbors in that backyard. You don't cycle through once a year, I swear, And I've never had any problems with him until you come along. This is some okay. Well, I tell you what, there's something you need to understand. You got a new black neighbor, and you got a new black neighbor that owns part owns your jakouzi. Because you're over the fence line, all right, And as soon as I move in, I'm coming and I'm getting in my jakouzi, you would, oh man, you know what I'm mad, no move into that. I'm going the jacouzi on Monday, we damn Friday. You don't get it on Twoday, Thursday and the weekend. That's it because blood is damn Jacouzy belongs to me. These jacouzie and the whole my black man and a white man, and we're gonna get along lot of line. Look here, let listen hear you. Who are you to dictate what days I get to use my jacouzi because it's not and I'm going over the mind and I just you know you were crying. It's I was jacouzi because you you built it. That's the only thing that makes it yours. And being on my part of the property, I was making mine. So therefore we're gonna share his damn jacouzi and we're gonna try to get you jacouzie. I'm passing. You're across the fence. I will be there on Monday's Wednesdays and you ain't gonna be I'll be standing out my jacouzie with a shotgun. You take one step over to my property, my joperty line. I swear as I can jump through this phone, i'd wring your neck. You know, I who's gonna be in there with me. Who the gonna be in there? I'm gonna have cutting house in the damn jacause cutting hem my co worker. He man, this is nephew. Tell me, man, you your boy cutting hem? You got me the plank phone call you this day back to We got you, man, we got you. I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lad the Steve Harvey's radio Church. What man, lay it alone? We can get alone with man together? Yeah about this a Monday, Wednesday? What I think Tuesdays and Thursday siding. That's when you got it. You're gonna share this thing. We're gonna get a lot for a white guy. He held his own with cust have work. Hey man, let me tell you something. A man, he wasn't having none of this. Here you was talking. He was, who the hell you think I am? Hardener, This ain't finnicle like never like you think it is. He told Tommy, listen, here you black. I was. There was a little tension, Carl. It was a little ten no no, no no, hey, hey man, let me tell you something. I wasn't mad at to do at all. Come up him with that smack man, do you finn? Do what? No, a black guy and a white guy on, we're gonna get along. Listen here you're black. Told him I'm gonna be in ejaccuz but Nikki when you come on from but Niked you can catch me every Friday right there to bank yard. Okay, I'm Friday Friday is my Niked dates. You want to make it sound a little better. That was enough right there. Yeah, you got his blood boiling, nephew being stupid. All right, nephew, you do it well, You do it well. Coming up next the Strawberry letters subject. Watch what you say about my wife. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Just forty three days until the November third election. People go right now to get registered to vote at vote dot org and get your dates so you can know when to vote in your state and vote early. Please, you know, please, we need you right now. We need you. We're begging you, we need you, and uh wow, and we can make a difference in the election difference. Yeah, we're going right, absolutely, that's right, positive, right, that's right, all right, And time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. That's for you. J hold on tight, We got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry Letter. All right, thank you, nephew. Subject watch what you say about my wife. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty eight year old married man and I need your advice on how to handle my wife's ex boyfriend. We all go to the same church, and we started having Zoom service for those of us who don't want to physically go back to church yet. My wife was having trouble with our internet connection a few weeks ago and I noticed some of the members laughing. I wasn't sure if they were laughing at my wife, so I let it slide. After service, one of the ladies from the Zoom service called to tell me that my wife's ex boyfriend sent a group text saying my wife was never too bright and he wasn't surprised at her dumb ass couldn't get on zoom. I was furious and I wanted to talk to him, but the lady asked me not to. That same week, we had a food drive at the church, so my wife dropped off two bags of groceries at the church. She came to see me at work when she left the church, and she was upset. She said her ex boyfriend was working at the food drive and when she walked away from the group, she overheard him say that he was surprised she donated anything because she's cheap and selfish, my wife said. She turned around and said I heard you, and then kept walking because she didn't want to make a scene. My wife had a rocky relationship with this guy. They broke up five years ago after he cheated on her repeatedly. I have told my wife that going to the same church with him would be a problem, but she did not want to leave her church. So I got on the zoom this past Sunday and said, watch what you say about my wife. I'm sure everyone knew who I was talking to. That was a warning shot. He needs to be very careful from here on out. How should I handle this guy, Well, I say, you know, you've handled it quite impressively so far with your warning. That was your warning shot. You let the group know that you know what's up and you obviously don't play when it comes to your wife. Now that was the group warning. Okay, you can also let her X know by stepping to him personally. He disrespected your wife period. I mean he's obviously bitter and not over her and feels some kind of waste since she brought you to her church and you guys are happy. Now he's over it. Uh, she can't. I'm sure he can't stand seeing you guys together, or or feeling like everyone's talking. Look what you know, he messed up, Look what he missed. They're all happy now. Know he wishes he still had that. You know you're thinking that in your head that people are probably saying that, So your defense mechanism has kicked in. That's I'm talking to the guy now, and that's why you're putting her down and talking about her, you know, in front of everybody, because you feel some kind of way, you feel stupid that you let her go. Uh, she didn't want to change churches. I mean, after all, it's been five years since you guys broke up and you know you didn't. You didn't want her anyway. The guy didn't want her anyway the way he was cheating, obviously, So what's the big deal. I mean, this guy's a hater. Her ex boyfriend, who sounds like to me is about to get a beat down if he doesn't heed your warning. I think it's as simple as that, Steve Well. I mean, for me, it's very simple. Um, you know, all of what Shirley said is true. Um, but look, I'm gonna try to deal with the letter. I can cut this letter off so short. For me, this is very simple to me. I already know what I'm gonna do, so because um, you know. But but let's for the sake of the Strawberry letter, let's let's go through some motions here. Ye act like we're Christians, ye know, since we have to church service. You know you thirty eight needs some advice on how to handle my wife's ex boyfriend right there, handle him, handle his ass. And this high wind y'all started having zoom service. My wife was having trouble with our internet connection. I noticed some of the members laughing. I wasn't sure if they was laughing at my wife, so you let it slide. Then this lady always some messy ass churchmen call you and told you that her ex boyfriend sent a group text said my wife was never too bright and he wasn't surprised her dumbass couldn't get on zoom. I was furious and wanted to talk to him, but the lady asked me not to. We're too late to ask me not to Where too damn late to ask me not to talk to her? As soon as you told me that me and his ass got some business. Now I got to give you credit because you did man up, so I ain't mad at you. The same week, had a food drive at the church, dropped off two bags of groceries, came to work, said she was upset and said her ex brod friend was working at the food drive. She walked away from the group. She overheard him say that he was surprised she donated anything because she cheap and selfish. My wife says she turned around and said I heard you and kept walking because she didn't want to make a scene. That's beautiful. I think your wife handled it with grace and style as a lady. She didn't won't make a scene. I ain't got Grace's do and at no point in time do I ever have to act like a lady. So come on back and let's talk about the hoodway, Okay, coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour, we'll get back into this letter. The subject is watch what you say about my wife. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Watch what you say about my wife. As a subject, they having the church zoom Uh, your man, your wife can't get on her ex talks about her in a group text her dumb man s ain't too bright, No way, can't get on zoom. A lady from the church text you and told you the reason they was laughing was he sent that group text out. You was FiOS. Wanted to talk to him, but the lady asked you not to. Okay, like I said before, lady can't ask me. Nothing too late to ask me. I'm already I'm on the phone now. A matter of fact, I'm probably in the car. So all this is too late. All this, don't talk to him too much. Same week here of food drive, your wife dropped off a couple of bags of groceries. He was there. She came to see you at work. She was upset, said her boyfriend was working the foods your ex boyfriend, and she walked away from the group. Shared him say that he was surprised she wrote it anything because she cheap and selfish. Your wife turned around and said I heard you, and then kept walking because she didn't want to make a scene. Not like I said, beautiful of your wife to hamlet, just that one. That's classy, that's a lady like That's how she should have happened. But see now she came to work and she told you she was upset. Nice time for you to do so. See now that you had ever, he's asking you to do something. The ex boyfriend is threatening you to do something. Now I know this church, but he didn't call my wife a dumbass during a text of a church zoom service. And you're gonna throw out the term dumbass, then you're gonna call my wife cheap and selfish behind her back. Now they broke up five years ago. He cheated on her repeatedly. I've told my wife that going to the same church with him would be a problem, but she didn't want to leave her church. Well, now once again, time for you to show your wife that this is a problem. See, everybody is asking you something. He's asking for something. What you told his wife just gonna be a problem. You told your wife is gonna be a problem. She didn't believe it. Well, now you got to you know, men, you got to show him. Everybody keep asking something. So I got on the zoom this past Sunday and said, watch what you say about my wife. This was beautiful. This, my man was beautiful. Congratulations, you stepped up to the plate. You let him and everybody know. Ha ha he he hailed. Giggle, giggle my ass. Chuckle chuckle? Who chuck a chuckle? What zoom? Got it got? Snicker? Snickle? What whatnow? All right? Watch what you're saying now, I'm sure everybody knew who I was talking to. That was a warning shot. Now I say it's time for more than a warning shot. Now that you fired the warning shot, he needs to be very careful from here on out. How should I handle this? Ain't I'm on he on out? See, you got to nip this in the bud. How I handle this? He needs to be very careful from here on out. I'm gonna make show his ass is careful here on out because this requires face to face. Now what you got to say to him is this, and you need probably need to be at the next church donation. Now see that way he posted, so he on zoom. See you can't handle this quietly. See sometimes you got to go public. See people are like to do stuff public. You know this this one. You know, everything got to happen after church. So now let's go over what got to happen. Say, man, hey, you the one sending out group texts talking about my wife. Dumb? How dumb this ship? So let me get this right, because your punk ass can't get over your pass, because your ridiculous ass can't move on. See what you've realized right now is definest woman in the world is your ex on the arms of another man. That's what you didn't realize. And now and now that you can, definest woman in the world happens to be your ex on the arms of another man. This happens to be my wife. Now what was your girlfriend is five years gone. We had a whole another level. Now we didn't level this thing up. This is my wife. This ain't my girlfriend. This is my wife. We want. So when you say somebody dumb, you're talking about us. You say somebody cheap, you're talking about us. Now, what I'm going to do on Zoom is whoop your ass at the church. I'm gonna talk to you at the church. You're gonna get your ass be at the church. And then and if you ever ever open your mouth about my wife ever again, I'm gonna increase the ask. Right now, I'm just finished slapping. Now I'm slapping. I'm just gonna tell everybody on the Zoom I'm slapping fat, slap his ass. Fap, just one slap. But he better not block it. If he tried to block it, come back with the back hand. fIF fop. Don't put your podcast hand up and block it. Take it like a man. Naw. We can continue this conversation in the pastor's study week or so. We can go on up there in the past and I can just be sitting there like this here, brother Harvey. Yeah. So when we come back, we come back, we're gonna have a brief reenactment. Jay Anthony Brown is gonna be the past and he's gonna questioned me about the incident. When we come back, I'm gonna show you how to handle this at the end the pastor's office. After that, you're listen, all right, Steve. This is part three of today's Strawberry Letter. A subject watch what you say about my wife. We're in the pastor's office. Now. Now here's what happened. A man wife got an ex boyfriend and go to the same church. They was on a zoom. The zoom didn't work. He sent a group tex out hood dell mans, ain't that brighten? Noway, everybody giggling. Lady told her husband he sent this group tex out. Then when she went to make donation with the bag, he said, I'm surprised she made anything. She cheap as hell. She said, I heard you, but was upset when and told her husband. Now this is where we at oudn't told him the way to rectify it. This is he got to put his ass on blasts in front of the church. Now, I recommend slapping him. It works. You ain't got to get in the full fledge fighting, but he do need to get his ass slapp because this is my wife. This was your girlfriend five years ago, but this my wife. Now, we didn't leveled up. Don't nobody talk about my wife the way you did. You was disrespectful. Now I'm gonna give you a chance to publicly apologize to her on zoom, to my wife's sister or you know, Nadine or whatever her name, and I'm gonna let you apologize. If you don't publicly apologize, I'm gonna slap all the flavor out your out. And then but after you apologize, I'm slapping your ass anyway, sapp Just don't don't try to block it because your punk ass do so. Now I know this is gonna end up at the pastor's office. So now if you're going to the pastor's office and the pastor's asking you go in there with the intensity of it. We are now in the pastor's office and this is the pastor talking to me, and go ahead, pass um sir, could you step out? I like to talk to just to mister Harden. Can you step out, step out, step out, you go out, the boy, get your ass out, Get your ass out. Would you like some of these communion waifs out here? I don't need no way for dog. Just give me a bigger coup that one give me about five of them cups there there you go. Okay, thank you. I totally when I said totally, I totally agree with what you did. I knew you would. I knew. Yeah, that's why I came in here. I was because we met. I knew. Don't call him from the from the rip right right. You know what I'm saying. You don't. I'm so with you that you don't have to put money into plate for the next three sons. Cool, my dude, my man, I'm tiring up. Dog dog. That was great closing dogcass out man, you don't come in here. It's great pass passing, pat passing because I go out here. You one more time, man, just in the hardway. Just slap his dead. Okay, I'm gonna act like I don't want you going out dad. Dap me up, dap me up. Yeah, yeah, we got grab you. I'm gonna grab you like you like you don't don't talk, don't talk, stop, don't do it. That's what I'm talking about. Thank you, guys. All right, coming up Steve, Tommy Junior, and j Anthony Brown. The comedy continues with comedy Roulette right after this. You're listening to all right, guys, it's time for comedy roulette. Steve Junior, Jay, Anthony Brown, Tommy of course, let me let you know what today's categories are. Well, that's why we have four comedians on the show. Right, yeah, this is what you guys do. All right, we're ready. You're ready to spind the wheel. Spin it spun it spin it a right. Here, go to topic. Here go the topics. Things people say when they want to see the doctor, things people say, who can't hook up to the zoom meeting. And the last one thing step Dad say, the kids when the mom leaves the room. Now we spend the wheel. Zoom zoom zoom. The zoom is good. Oh man, I want to the zoom too. All right, it stopped on things. Stepdad say, the kids when the mom leaves the room. All right, oh good, yeah, first yeah, yeah, you usually first. Yeah. Okay, all right, I'll start it out here. You go. Look at him, boy, I will cut the head off every toy you got in that damn keep it, keep them, keep them, I will cut the heads clean. Say it again, say it again. Here you go. Thing step Dad? Safe kids when the mom leading room? All right, back, I see you later. Have a good, all right, don't look at me ever, what you're looking at a thing? Step thing, step dad, and say when when the mother leaves the room, you look just like killers. Daddy, come in, come in, look in the mirror. Look at the man the pull pull your lips in your mouth, pull them in, he pull them in. Look at that. That's what you're gonna look like without your lips. If you say something else, yeah, ain't the stepdad sadie. Kids, when the mom leaves the room, how would you like to live a life without thumbs? Because I can make it happen. Okay, keep on, come here, come here, come here, bring your little come here, hold your breath to your mama. Come back and here she's saying it. Thing you tell, I'm happy you with your launge. You hear me, hold me. Okay, it's really just about me and your mama. You ain't got damn thing, dude, What are you saying? This is really just about me and your mama? Okay, thing, step dad? Safe when the mom needs the room, boy, let me hear something. I will bite you in your sleep and you don't know who did it. Okay, yeah, you'll have no idea who bigs you Okay, the step dad say the kids, Mom need the room, all right? Maybe bye, see you later. Give me that damn m we're watching no damn fam Spongebo square Pants off football game. Come come in, come in, look at me like that again. I promise you. I will bear ax your ass to your daddy house him. I will you. I ain't laughing last one, last one. Yeah. I know. I keep saying I ain't your real daddy. I know ain't your real daddy. But let me ask you a question. Where is this punk ass? At thought? Have you seen him? Coming up? Thank you guys for today's comedy Roulette. Coming up More of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. This week is National HBCU Conference Week. This is a national forum to exchange information between institutions so students and parents can learn more about scholarships, degree completion at mission programs, and more. Plus, this initiative will be going on for the next two months, which will include partnerships with federal and private sector allies for online offerings, exploring webinars, conferences, and more. So all you have to do is go to Steve HARVEYFM dot com for more information. This is national HBCU Conference week. Yes, yeah, that's it. Uh w wh u R too? Howard University? Yes, right there, ch Yes, that is the home of our next vice president, Miss Kamala Harris. Right right. We don't have to hope if we vote. You're right, all of our hope is in the vote us. We cannot sit this out, man, This is too important. And but once we start to vote, we have to vote, like after we get rid of him in November two years later, we have to vote again. Yeah, that's right, that's right. We have to start changing who sits in this Senate in Congress. Always keep voting, yep, yep. I mean, make it a part of your life, plan for it. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show. In today's entertainment news, lebron James's son, fifteen year old Bronnie, went viral after sharing a video of himself smoking No one really knows what he was allegedly SnO smoking but Bronnie immediately took the post down, but not before people captured it and spread it all over social media, all over social media. Daddy hand that. Yeah, just let your daddy handle that. Okay, who can't ain't held that? Yeah, you know anybody. People were going in on Bronnie saying, you know, you can't let your dad down like that. Yeah, I mean you know, but we didn't take a yeah, and we didn't have social media, remember that when we were right yea, all right, I'm talking about the float was saying it's one thing to do it, but there's another thing. Last on a mind and letting me down too. Can you go sit your ass down somewhere? It was going. But you know, it is tough when you have famous parents because you get a piece of scrutiny that some people don't and you have to be conscious of your place. And people are writing saying, hey, you need to you need to watch it. Man, you're putting because you're famous. You know what you do, and your fame is usually because of your parents. That's famous. Lebron James Junior is famous because of Lebron James singer. Yes, please understand that he would just be another kid, and you know, so you know I ain't. I ain't mad at either one of them. You know you can't, Lebron still a great parent. You can be the best parent in the world, and your kids are going to do something that's counter to everything you've ever talked them. Oh lord, you can be the best parent in the world, man, and do nothing to deserve some of the actions of your children, because they're going to make decisions. And then the sad part about their decisions. Now it's all attached to a post on what these stories is I learned. I learned more about my kids on stories than I do talking to the real But that's what social media does. Though it separates us, makes everybody alone. It goes total you're not a parent. A kid goes total opposite of what you sit down and tell the heads. I saw you talk, how much you write it up, how much you put it on a blackboard, they will do the total opposite of what you tell them. All right, coming up, our last break of the day. It is the last I'm telling you. You don't know what it is. Well, it's the last break up the date, So don't sit on your head. Took the front of the break because there ain't no more, just the last one. Also coming up in forty nine minutes after the hour, some closing remarks from the one and out, at least Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So the megoes Usher and Alicia Keys. Guys killed it this past weekend at the tenth anniversary of the iHeartRadio Music Festivals. Yes, yes, yes, you knew they were killing You knew that, yes, And if you missed it, you can relive all of the epic performances on September twenty seventh and the twenty eight from eight to ten pm on the c W app and cwtv dot com. So don't listen. Yeah, yeah, there you go. It was Big Stars night, it was Real Name and I was the last night too. The Emmys, the Emmys, Yes, yes, yes, DJ yeah Washington. Congratulations to Eddie Murphy several people, but congratulations to Eddie Murphy, and congratulation to Tyler Perry m Tim two brothers have been at a level of exceence for a long time and well deserved, long overdue, but well deserved. No, I had no idea that was Eddie's first Emmy. Yeah, I know. No, that's the shames. Mister Perry. You will always be mister Perry, always forever. I don't know who Tyler is. Here's a good time to play your show real quick, go ahead, y'all. Two episodes this week, Yours, Julie Jay, Anthony Brown, and a lot of other good people. Check it out right after that's it. You'll be calling him mister Perry for a long time, never stopped coming. Hey, y'all, listen, Uh we are. We're in a critical moment here in our history, in our country. I want to remind you all of something. We built this country, this country, the United States of amercle was built on the backs of slaves. Make no mistake about it. Now. Even though we were bought here against our will, and even though we've been treated unfairly for hundreds of years, we still built this country. But what we have got to stop doing is allowing them to make us think like this is not hours. And I'm just saying, look, I understand we've been mistreated, oppressed, red lined with hell rights, police brutality, hiring practices, denied educational opportunities. I got it in spite of all of that, we have forged our way forward anyway, and we have become an intricol, thread and fiber of this country. Like I said, we built this. This country was built on our backs. A lot of large companies that you see today would not even exist. The richest that America has is because they had four hundred years of free labor. I want you all to understand this. This is a fact. This isn't an anti white statement in any way. So before you get on Twitter and go running there with it, that's not what I'm saying. I am saying this to employ or black people to understand that we have got to participate in this process to bring about a change. This November. We need some things to change. I knew we were in the world of trouble when the slogan was make America great Again. I went, when was America ever great for us as black people? So I knew with those red hats and that statement that it wasn't going to include us. And he's proven that to be true. His base is not black people. Trump's base has nothing to do with you. What part of this are you not getting now? I understand politics is not what we'd hoped it to be, but it is the system we have. America in all of its riches and power is because of us. Let me break it down even further. Let's get real simple here. Swag is provided by us, music is provided by us. What's cool is determined by US. Entertainment we are huge part of it. Athletics, we are huge part of it. We are part of the things that America's game football, the biggest spectator sport in this country. We're part of all of this. We are part of these corporations that grow. We are part of every piece of America. Don't nobody care what the latest dance is, as simple as that unless they get it from New York, LA. Don't nobody care nothing about hip hop Until we created nobody cares about. We determined what hairstyles is hot, how to wear your clothes is hot. We determine all this stuff that's hot. When are we gonna get the message through our head that we can determine who's in the White House, who's in the Senate, who's in the Congress. We can determine all of that too. If you are powerful enough to move their kids to action, you will be powerful enough to move them to vote and change the way we are treated. We are that powerful other people. But we got to vote. If we want to really show that black lives matter, we have to matter at the polls period. We can make a change so we can elevate what we determine as cool as swag as who's help, who's hot, who's current, how to dress, how to dance. We could take all that to the White House. We could determine policy by who gets in there. We can start electing people who care about us. We've got to vote. This is the most important election of our lifetime. I thought Obamba was important, but man, if we don't make a change of what's happening in Washington, DC right now, we're gonna be in a world of trouble. We in trouble, y'all. We got to vote. Black people, Brown people have to vote for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show