Russian Sanctions, Ricky Rozay, Steve's VM, Attention Texans and more.

Published Mar 1, 2022, 2:00 PM

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and its good listening to other. Please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn you're going to do you gotta turn to turn out. You haven't got to turn out to turn turn water the water go. Come come on your fad uh huh. I shore will a good morning everybody. You'all listening to the voice, come on dig me nah. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah, I got one. And I got a message for you today too. Something I was thinking about that might help you along the way. The thing I appreciate about so many people that I learned from Bishop Jake's, Kenneth Olmer, Donnie McClerkin, Kirk Franklin, Joel Oldstein, I can't tell you, and many more than that. I mean, you know I'm naming you know, famous people because I know you know these names. But my father, who you never met, was so great in my development as a man. But my mother thought him mercy. My mother, she taught me about faith. She gave me the things I needed to know about. What I speak about every day that basis was given to me by hers. So it's so many great people. But here's the thing that I've had to learn, and that is that if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. See, I can't tell you how many people don't really pay attention to that close enough. If God got you through it, it's done. Move on. How many times have we as people allowed God to get us through something, get us beyond something, get us over something, get us through something, and then even after it's completion, we sit there and we dwell on it, and we dwell on it to the point where it becomes an anchor around our neck, and we can't move on. We can't move on because we just won't let it go. It's done. If God got you through it, it's done. Move move on. Stop harboring on the pass. Stop hanging on to every time you fail, Stop hanging on to every time you slipped up and messed up, Stop hanging on to every time you didn't get it right. So what everybody makes mistakes, Everybody messes up, everybody don't get it right, everybody struggling with something you ain't thought. Only one but my God, Man, if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. You hanging on to it, for that's why He got it, got you through it, so you can move on from it. See a lot of things that happened to us that we think are negative or bad experience. These are lessons in what not to do. This is a way to have a now or bearing on. Look out for it the next time. You got me once, you can't get me again. I'm telling you, man, if God got you through it, it's done, move on. You have got to move on. I use this analogy all the time. I'm gonna add a little bit to it. Bishop Jake's told me you cannot drive your car looking in the rearview mirror. See you know what your rearview mirror is actually for in your car. Your rearview mirror is designed. After I pass a car and I want to merge into that lane, or I want to make another move, I look up in the rearview mirror, and all I use it for it shows me that I've gotten past it. I've gotten past the vehicle I was passing, and I got enough room now clear to make my next move. That's what I use my rearview mirror for. I use my rearview mirror to just glance up every now and then to see who coming up on me. That's all I use it for. Listen to me real close. Now. Your rearview mirror on your car is after you're passing something or you're passing by something, you can look up in the rearview mirror and it lets you know you're pasted it, you're beyond it. It's clear now it's in the past. You no longer have to deal with it as the car that was in front of you blocking your way. You have passed it. You look up in the mirror, you've cleared it. Now if you want to switch lanes, you could slide on over. You got room. But that rearview mirror also lets you see if anything is coming up on you, and you just need to glance, because if you're moving forward, ain't a whole lot can come up on you. You're just glancing every now and then, and it reminds you that you got through something and you got beyond something. That's what the rearview mirror for. Now. Let's talk about that win shield. Why you think that windshields so big on your car. That's the biggest window on your car. You know why the windshield so big, because it's where you're going. Because even the automobile makers want you to have a wide view of where you're going so you can see what's up ahead. They put lights on the card night so you can have night vision and see what's up ahead. But you can, oh, man, see not? Why is that look? Think about that now for I move forward with this one. Think about that windshield, man, why is that windshield so big so you can see where you're going? It's way more important where you're going than where you're being, don't you see that. That's why the rear view mirrors so small because it is nowhere in there as important as it is as to where you're going. Why you being? Just allows you to take a glance so you can make sure you clear it, so you can see if it's room enough for you to make your next move, so you can know that you've gone through it and go head on about your business. But that windshield, that windshield is for vision a man without a dream of visions your parish. That windshield is for somebody going somewhere. That windshield is for somebody else there trying to make another move. I'm gonna go right. I'm on left. I'm gonna get off on this exit. I'm gonna take this DTWOL. I'm gonna handle it signed as a new route. There's only so many miles left to go. That's what the windshield got. Let me tell you something, man, when you see a mile sign, you're driving on the freeway, you're on the interstate, and you let's say you're driving to a particular city and you see a sign that says that city is thirty eight, one hundred and thirty eight miles away. That lets you know where you're going. And you're on the right path. Now, if you keep looking in the rear view mirror, you'll never know how close you are. You'll never know because you're driving your car. Look in the review mirror. You all on the shoulder, you hear them rocks up under your car. You'd scared yourself to death because you know why, because you keep looking in the rearview mirror. Get out the rear view mirror. If God got you through, it's done, move on. So what he don't love you know more? And man, let's move on. If God got you through, it's done, move on. God got something for you. If you get out your rear view mirror and get up in that windshield. God's got something for your up ahead. But you can't see what's up ahead because you in that rearview mirror. If God got you through, it is done. Let's move on. Come on, y'all, don't let the pass beat you up. That's the ingredients in the cake. You haven't made that already. That's done. Let's go. God, look in the windshield, see what God Mobil got something new for you. If you get out the rearview mirror and look, open up your eyes and see. All right, let's go. Today. You're listening morning, ladies and gentlemen to Steve Harvey Morning Show is about to begin. I must warn you today today is gonna be his day. What does that mean exactly? I'm not for show, which means you are in for someone, because anytime I can't define what it is I'm about to be. We got a problem and the problem is about to begin. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show that never starts the same way twice. Why because it ain't no two days alike. So why should we try to do something that God never intended to be? Get ready for the ride. Strap up, buckle in, hold on tight. Here come that man, Here comes Charley Strawberry. Here come calling for rel Here come that little liding my girl out of Mississippi. Here come Junior, better known It's killed space, got about eight radio shows, and here comes that damn fool, always in somebody's business, breaking people, bota get it self hurt. One day, ladies and gentlemen, let us begin, Junior, what's on your mind? Let me let me ask you something. Because you're sixty five, you you you health conscious? Okay? You got your fitness gold. Are you tired of trying to be in shape? Very? Just be honest, exhausted, exhausted. I'm I'm perplexed. I'm actually throwed off by the whole damn ideal staying healthy because it counters Yeah, everything that is unhealthy. Yeah, in order to look the best you can look, the older you get, the less good stuff you are allowed to eat. Yeah, you can't have pie every day, sweet potato pie cobbler. You can't have pound cake every day, ice cream things I love, Yeah, you can't. You can't have it nowa pudding like you want to. You just can't. Just can't do it. You can't eat posta every time. You can't have power. You can't have pizza every day. Pizza one of my favorite foods. You can't have it all the time. You got to cut it back. You can't have it every other day either. You got to eat eighty twenty. You gotta eat eighty percent clean, good foods and twenty percent what you want. And I'm gonna tell you right now, eighty twenty is not gonna lie you to lose much damn weight. It just ain't. It's just gonna keep you from getting worse. If you want to lose weight, I've actually found out you're gonna have to eat ninety ten maybe ninety five. Ye, it's really tell you the truth. And the older you get, the most strick you got to get with this diet. But you gotta make up your mind. Do you want to live? Do you want to eat to live? Or you want to just eat to your ass? Ain't here no more diecision you want to die? Eat? You got to make have decided to eat to lil Yeah, yeah, because I would rather live than to not be hill with a smile on my fat ass fake because I do today some cake eat moderation, moderation, y'all ain't here, y'all, i't eed hi hire to this my chief. Y'all ain't ahead? Broccoli rice? Have you no I glink flower rice? I have mad that too, and it's not the same. I haven't had broccoli rice. Why your hearts holding? Coming up? At thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll we'll start off the show. We'd run that prank back from the nephew right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Let's start a morning off now. Would run that brank back from the nephew. Nephew, what you got for us today? We want to end happy. This is happy ending. That's right, that's right happy. You want to don't worry, be happy happy? If you would, Hello, therapy and to duty speaking. How may I help you? Yeah, I'm trying to come in and get some some therapy done. I was in an accident at my job. You know, I got injured like a week and a half ago. I ain't been able to go back to work for my back and my leg. They say, you know, I haven't broke any bones in none, but it's you know, it's real. So real stealth, hard to get out of bed, So I wanted to see you know what it takes um to get a therapist and get start getting some type of treatment. Okay, well, sir, what we typically do is we ask for our patients to come in, you know, check out our facility and so we can also accept you, um, you know, see where the damage is the majority of it, and you know, then get you to a therapist. So if you would like to come in, we can definitely do that for you. Okay. Do you know what the therapists actually do when they do in the treatment? Well, if you come in, sir, we can definitely direct you to any of our three therapists that we have on site right now, but each one specializes in a particular um field. So it's more beneficial for you if you come in and then we can assess you and then direct you to that particular therapist. Okay, Okay, So you said, how many of y'all do y'all have? We have three. There's Marty, Brenda and Cecilia here. Okay. The person that referred me to y'all told me that Cecilia was the one that that had worked on Is it a way I could talk to Cecilia. Typically, we normally ask our patience to come in then let me see if she's available right now. I know earlier she was was a patient, so let me just check really quick. I mean, if she is available, then I can I can transfer you. Okay, okay, okay, I'll just hold on, Okay, hold on, Hi. This is Cecilia. Yeah, Miss Cecilia, trying to come up there and get some therapy done. I heard my back and my leg at work. I mean they already told me was nothing broken, nothing, But I wanted to see what exactly do y'all do is for physical therapy? You know, what exactly will I be doing? Well? When you come in, We'll do a consultation and you know, will missage you and take X rays and put you in a whirlpool tub and there are several different things that we can do for you. Okay, is it a certain timeline? I mean, like, how long would it take before I can get back to work, because you know, I've been awful about a week nine. I'm trying to get back within the next couple of weeks. But it's taken me, like, you know, at least thirty minutes to get out of bed because of my back in my leg. Oh wow, well you need to come in as soon as possible because that's something like that's pretty bad. Okay, well let me ask you this hill. After people get through doing the therapy, do y'all have happy endings? Happy endings? What do you mean by happy endings? Happy end is like, you know, when therapy is over with, you know, do would you yourself, you know, would you do happy endings at the end? Okay, I'm still i understanding what do you mean by happy endings? What are you talking? Okay, say like if I come over then and go through a session or whatever for about an hour, when we get through, you know, when you kind of like, you know, close the door and and you know, do happy endings, you know, and make me feel good. Okay, um, close the door. I'm still not quite understanding what you mean by happy ending sir. Okay, what I'm trying to say is like, when we get through with the procedure, uh, you know, make me feel good in a in a nice uh you know, sexual way. You know, happy endings. When Judy sent you back to me, what are we talking about with this happy ending thing? Because I don't. I don't. I didn't asking about the happy endings that that right there was just gonna be between me and you. We'll see. I don't. I don't plan it. I don't know. This is a place of business. We're professional here. We do therapy for people who are seriously being hurt. This is not the nearest far we're talking about happy ending after we finished with that. What's not a place do you think this is? Well? I mean, I know it's I know it's therapy, But I mean, if people going through that much pain at least have some type of happy endings, don't you think Well, I think you might suggest your significant other. Okay, so you wouldn't be up for doing a happy ending for hell? No, I ain't interested in that. Man. What kind of this you call about talking about? You heard? Hell? If you heard, you shouldn't be even talking about fending. You're talking about it? Okay? Hold I mean you're not talking to me professionally. Well, you coming at me with this happy ending ain't professionally at all either. What kind of place you ain't? We're running over here? Okay? Hold on, I was referred to you. I'm thinking, you know the guy telling me. You know you're gonna take kevimy what God told you like this? I'm sorry, God, I told you something like this. Look, let you know what. That's not even going there because I don't even want to bring him any this. Can you satisfy me? Out the east there? I'm gonna tip you a little bit too, man. Have you lost your everlasting marble mind? Are you gone crazy? Julie? Julie? Who in the hell is this on the phone that you didn't sit through me thinking this is an happy ending place? Who is this, missus Cillian? She don't she don't know nothing about the happy ending part. It don't matter you You you're the receptionist. You know what? You on the borderline losing your job because this is hello, hello, missus Cilia. Can I just tell you who who referred me? Who? Who? Who told you that I have happy endies for anybody? Because person I have happy endies for it is my husband? Who Who is it, missus Cilia? Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Your girlfriend Caaren got me the prank phone? Call you y'all, y'all in here getting me rid. I'm about to find a depitionist I got folks in the libbists look back out of call me on my job. I'm a kid caught make no sense, missus cilious. He told me. She say, my girlfriend patience is short, dairy dairy. Oh it's own. She gonna need her. That's all right. I got something for her. You got some happy I got some happy endings for her. You just wait, I tell you. You gotta tell me this, baby. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning Shows? Nephew, All right, nephew, everybody help you. Coming up next, it is the Cello Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening morning show coming up in the top of the hour. In trending entertainment news, Well today is Marti Gras and H. Plus we'll tell you about Keim Kardashian's custom private jet. Wait till you hear about this. Plus some states are banning the sale of Russian vodkas. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, But right now it is time to ask the CLO Chief Love Office of Steve Hardy is ready? Are you ready Irma and Hammond rights. I'm a sixty year old widow and I'm dating a guy that's a chef. We bonded over our love for food, but he thinks he's the best cook on the planet. I made gumbo for him, and instead of enjoying it, he critiqued it. We got in an argument and I said most of his food is bland. He hasn't called since should I reach out like a good gumbo argument? Well, y'all to the old last people, y'all too old ass people in here arguing about food instead of trying to find a way to get along, y'all trying to find a way to see His need to be accepted as the chelf and you'll need to be accepted as a good cook. It's greater than both y'all's needs to have a quality relationship. There is a saying, I'm not sure if it's a scripture or not. Ain't no fool like an old fool pretty show. That ain't a scripture, but it sounds like it should be. So congratulations, both of you all have ruined your relationship because you all won't let the other person win. And that's as simple as that. And What would it have hurt if he'd just h your damn gumbo? And what would have hurt if you would have just said you're a great chelf? What would it have But he bought this on hisself because he started it. Dumb ass doing it sometimes ego got the way, all right? Moving on, I mean, let's look at that very own show as a great example. Shirley k Ball Water but she got a husband though. No, she hello, learn yourself something, lady and pole Nesto and had to eat lawd knows what out of a damn crock pot. He had steak and rice out of a crock pot one time, lady with pham on it and he ate it? No, he didn't. Let's pray for next stop Marie. Moving on, Marie and Tampa says, my husband and I met through my best friend, so we're all close and they talk often. She needed boxes moved from her attic and she called my husband. I went too, because I don't trust women. She joked only said, uh, don't nobody wants your man. He laughed, but I didn't. Was she joking or being shady? The three of us on this show will tell you that the best jokes we've ever written has been ninety percent truth, the truth. Oh yes, it's something to her line that she stated something nobody won't your man? Why you call him all the time? If you don't want my man? Why you ask him to come over here? Move? No box? You don't know no other men. They got three men in a truck. They got all kind of moving companies. You can come. Hell, yeah, they probably got Uber moves by now you haul? Oh you know what? You ain't tripping? Right? Yeah? She says she's just not trust women. Oh what's your first man? All right? Marine not mad at her for the all right. Deejer m Portsmith says, I'm moving to a new city to marry a man that I met online. I've been single for years, so I had to tell my old sex buddies and excess that I'll be off the market. One of them said goodbye. One of them got some goodbye cookie too. I want to enter marriage with a clean slate. Should I change my Facebook page and myself number? If you want to inter marriage with a clean slate, what you need to do is quit calling people up. But your ass gets talked into things getting You just need just to quit calling people up. Hey, y'all, I'm fit to move up. Huh say one mom? Say what sadday? Something? I'm not Saturday? Last time you promise, okay, I'll be there. You like to? It was okay. If you you need to just it looks just do what you're gonna do. Block everybody, change your number, get all Facebook like that and going about your business. How many people you'd have had to call? Yeah, you might want to get baptized too. You might want to do a little at two. Just ye, you need to be washed in the blood of light. All you can get washed, that'll probably be better. Oh yeah, because if you get washed right, all right? Moving on to Liliana, Oh Liliana, that's a pretty name, Liliana, and Savannah says. I'm a thirty three year old Latina woman and I am only interested in dating black men, but I hear horror stories about how mean they are. The first black man I dated ghosted me after we had sex, even after I waited three months to sleep with him. Is it a way to vet these guys before I get too deeply involved with them? So wait a minute, let me ask yourself before you start slamming the whole black male races monsters that they are, while you're as Saint Davey Latino men I mean, I mean, I mean Latin men. It is because men are the same everywhere. Why don't you try some white men that we all the same. We men all get upset. Now let me tell you something. If you got the wrong one, you got the wrong one. I don't care what race he belonged to you. All the focus aren't getting the right man instead of a type of man, because obviously your type ain't working for you. So why don't you try that, Lily Anna? Because Tommy, me and Junior, Hey, we never we never been described as monsters towards women. You might not like me now once I end up not liking you, Oh I'm gone now yeah yeah, I'll get ghosts. But I wonder who told her these four stories that she's heard. But I hear more about how men, I mean black men. A Well, what you want is phone White women been ghosted, Latino women been go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that c Lowe has an announcement to make you think black men as moms. White men will have your ass on a fishing boat with rocks in the boat rolling out to see and you ain't coming back. All right, thank you, Steelo. Coming up at the top of the we'll have some trending headlines and some entertainment news right after this you're listening to show. All right, here we go, time for entertainment news. But before we get to that, Carl love what you got girl. Well, today it's fat Tuesday, so we have to say happy Mighty Grow. It was back all weekend, yes, parades and all that, so we just have to say welcome back, Mighty Grass, back bat Tuesday, Mobile Alabama and the n O. We want to say happy mart YEP. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Tomorrow's ash Wednesday. And just a reminder, Easter Sunday is April seventeenth, so it is that time, is it? Yea? So what was our yesterday? Then? I was fat? It was it fat Monday? For me? It's skinny Monday. It's skinny Monday. Monday is Londay. Grasnday. Grow. When you're speaking a fat Monday of Tuesday, what's your body fat percentage? Anyway? Timing twenty seven, I'm gonna get I don't know my number, but I'm going to get my number. Check this week. I want to know what it is. What do you think it is? Whatever it is, I ain't gonna like it. I already know me. I mean, just tell the champ of what you think it is? Probably about about eighteen seventeen percent at boyeen think it's worse. Seventeen. He always think he's fine you on this fat Tuesday. I always thinkin what he said junior about seventeen or something like that. My whole goal in life is seventeen seventeen girl, seventeen an even wearing no shirt. Norm don't worry about it. You look good and ya ain't played as board? All right? Thank you, Carlos So Moving on, Kim Kardashian is the new owner of a custom designed private jet, the gulf Stream G six fifty er likely set her back about one hundred and fifty mil. The eight will it is okay because she's a billionaire, right? Eighteen leather seats feature cashmere accents, the cream color exterior and interior matches her home decorations. Uh. In flight meals are served on the same table where Kim has at home. The tagline of the gulf Stream jet is you simply cannot fly farther faster. Uh. Maximum speed is seven hundred miles per hour, or just shy of mock one, which is the speed of sound U. The eighty six hundred mile flight range allows Kim to travel NonStop to just about any destination. Pete Davidson. Pete Davidson's New York City is twenty five hundred miles away, Paris is fifty five hundred miles away, and Armenia is a seven thousand mile trip. So how far as Kanye Ye ride away on cross the streets you think, Steve, I ain't mad. You ain't mad at I know right at get decorated just like that. Oh, that price is steep, but depends on the customization. But you can get them booth. But that's that's steep. But I ain't mad at it all. I ain't man. Fifty is the top of the line of gold Stream out there, and she's getting a brand new She's a bad girl. She didn't order this thing. Now it's gonna be down quite a bit, because when you buy a new airplane, you know it's got to go. It's got to get all the kinks out. They're gonna test flight a few times, but they're gonna give it to you and then you got to be it'll be a lot of downtime. I know some people that bought new airplanes, and it'll be some downtime. But you'll survive it because if you got one hundred and fifty million four plane, you do have an alternate, alternately plane. Yeah, you can feel well. You might not have another one, you'll say, but you can get access to them. You gotta have a jet service somewhere that you use. Would it did they have pictures of it? Anything? Monica? Could I please see what you have available? Who do you call the buy a plane? Who? Who? Ghost? They ride in Savannah? Hey man, let me tell you something. It's really an interesting process. I've actually set in the room while they pitched these jets. I've been on several test rides with jets. Savannah, Georgia is the main headquarters for golf, and you can go there. I don't kill what, but let me tell you something. Ain't no deals, it's not a that's not what they're not doing sales or nothing like that. They no sale, ain't no fifteen percent off? Yeah no, yeah, you lay it away, it'll be in there. They'll be fixing on it, taking your money. You're not driving out of here till they got there though, and they got laid away. That's that other level of their partner. Yeah, that's different. Yeah, that's nice, you know, but you know, like you know, like my plane, my plane, the one I ride on, you know, it's you know, by three fifty Brown Trip, you Knowlton. Yeah, I mean, I'm only they got some good cookies on that though, cookies cookies. No, I meant united us. We love them. I appreciate them. You keep that frontier spirit. So I'm gonna let you have that. You can have that on you. It's custom painted a great color like her Man Calabasas, all that beautiful doing her thing right now. Congratulations to her. All right, coming up in twenty minutes, we're gonna switch gears. Stars like stars are just like us. They're just like us. We'll tell you about Rick Ross do with your cell phone project right after this. You're listening to the String Show. So guys, stars are just like us. They're people too, hip hop star and we stop mogul. Rick Ross decided he needed to chop down ten massive oak trees on his property. However, he got a quote of ten thousand dollars one thousand dollars for each tree from an outside contractor. So Ricky posted. I just told my homie, you gotta you go to home depot and you go get me the biggest blankety blank saw there is with a big chain and you crank that blankety blank. I'm gonna cut the trees down. You heard me? Yeah, rick fing to cut some trees down. He did, He did down the next I guess he didn't give it down. Which way they fail? And you gotta clean all that up. You still when they get down, you still got it. You still got a lot of cutting to do. Yeah. Yeah, it ain't the cuting, ain't it? What the fall? Take all the fall? It's the fall and then you gotta you gotta get them up to clean up. It's from the hall and in all and if you ain't got that big chipper where they grind it up driving around him, Yeah, yeah, man, you gotta you gotta have a big wood chipping. Then you got to get that stump remover, because how you gonna get Yeah, I'm gonna tell you right now, property right now. So I mean that's cool. I got it. He got a beautiful property. I don't I haven't been over there since he owned it. I have been over there since. Holy field of it. Oh, it's a wonderful property man, and and and Rick got a deal on it, and he laying it out, you know, man, I like Rick Ross. I've had it on my show talking to it. I just admire his sheer hustle with what he got and who he is, which just shows me over and over. It's not your pedigree, it's not your background round, it's not your language, your choice of language, or your education. Now, the choice of language is important when it comes to what comes out your mouth. Come on, Cussing doesn't diminish your chances. It's it's the negativity. See. But a lot of people consider I've had people tell me all the time cussing is a sign of unintelligence. Oh. I know a lot of people say that. Well, I mean to them it is. And I understood. One of the great poets of our time, Gil Scott Hearing, said the reason he didn't cuss because it dilutes the message. I bety custom when they close the jail, cell I bety customs that you say something crazy to Sinbad. Sinbad got something for you too. Coming up in thirty four minutes after hour. We're gonna check Steve's voicemail right after this. You're listening show All right, guys, time now to check Steve's voicemail and listen. If you want to leave Steven message, all you have to do is call him eight seven seven twenty nine Steve. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, We are ready, Steve. Here's a caller talking about a basketball legend. Hey, Steve, This James Morgan from high Point, North Carolina. I remember Friday, you're talking about ar Moro the Prayer. Yeah, I loved him. I remember. It broke my heart when he came to New York, even though I was a New York fan, because when they're playing for Baltimore, I mean the Bullets, and him and Walt Fraser said against each other, You've never seen nothing like. But I love I love New York. Nick. I mean, that's just something I wanted to say. Thank you, Steve. I appreciate that man. Old school cat that was for you. Reminded me too. He was with the Bullets. Bullets. Yeah, yeah, they changed that name because they thought they had a negative connotation, you know, from the Bullets. You know, well, but they kept to Washington red Skins for years. So so much for what they cared about here. Yeah, so much for that, charl I have a question for you, Yes, sir, when you tilt your head to the side like you do when we're talking to you on these zooms, do Nesto walk out the room sometimes? Of course I'll be wanting to go ahead. Let's go back to the email to voicemail, all right, eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, if you want to leave Steve a voicemail this one. Remember last week when we had the Strawberry letter about the man who was in prison he got out. He was in prison for mistakingly driving a getaway car for an armed robbery. He said he didn't know happen, so he came home. His wife was rashing out money to him. She was talking to other guys on the phone. So you remember that call. Well that this caller is about that Strawberry letter. The title was, the subject was what was she doing while I was gone? All right? Listen, listen, is pertweening to the Strawberry landing and the guy going to jail for armed robbery? Dude, you got a road care. Seriously, you guys, are married again. It means for better or for worse. It didn't matter if you went to the moon and came back and stayed there for twenty years. I mean, honestly, yeah, she didn't feel like that she could stay inside the marriage and be faithful, then she should have got a divorce. That's the only option. I mean, there's no such thing as a guy coming around the house and taking care of things while you're going or whatever. What if the situation would have been turned around, But look at it and be a man about the situation. I mean, honestly, she's talking to guys. Obviously, she doesn't want you to leave the situation. YO, your own way, thank you. Okay, Yeah, I agree with how he ended it. I was struggling in the beginning. I mean, ideally, you would love for it to be you know, death do us part and all this here for better off of works going twenty years state twenty years? The reality is, but see me, and if we do something that puts ourselves in a situation, that puts her in a situation. I'm pretty sure when they said the vils, they wasn't saying you was gonna be in prison. That wasn't nobody signs up for that. They don't say prison, do us part? They don't say that. Yeah, so it kind of puts a woman in a bad position. But I did like the way he ended it. It ain't happening for you, bro, Gone about your business. Go ahead, Shirley. Here's a call about prink phone call. Good morning, y'all people on the morning show. Man, look up, y'all need to stop doing the prank phone calls while people out there driving and it's bad weather. Man, folks on the last and lose control of the wheel, hitting breaks and slides and stuff. Man, Hey, yeah, y'all wrong for that. Yeah, y'all wrong. Keep it going, man, Love, you got to make up your mind getting breaks and sliding, And thank you brother, We're gonna keep your sliding every morning. Just be careful, keep your foot on that break, all right? Well, thank you guys for you and you're sliding in the snow. You have to take your foot off the break. Oh okay, you don't driving the snow? Quick telling people keep their foot on the damn break. Why don't y'all didn't know how to? I know, we'll quit telling people how to driving snow for you kill or some like why are you cleanling people set up at this? Well, what's y'all soo touch? You shouldn't learn how to drive for your left? Coming up the nephew in the prank phone call all right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject my boss wants to whip me. Oh uh, we don't know what that means. Oh you know what it means. You don't wear what it means. And none of us wrote this, Steve, none of us My boss wants to whip me. We'll get into that in just a bit, but right now the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What you got for us, nef, Well, you know when you don't pay your bills, things get repossessed. We've had it happened to us. Well, we're gonna take it to the church this time. Repoll the pew, repoll. Hey, Hey, if you ain't paid up, call we gotta come. Maybe you gonna have to stand repoll cat dog if you would. I'm trying to retail u. Pastor. Pastor Wilkins. Yeah, this is the reverend doctor Wilkins. Are you the you're the pastor of Baptist Church? Am right? MAASTI church? That's correct. How can I help you? Okay, listen, my name is Daniel and I'm calling from RCS, which is a church supply, and we have an outstanding bill here that we wanted to bring to you all's attention for like twenty three thousand dollars for your pews that has not been paid, so we wanted to see not to cut you off. Yeah, yeah, Daniel, RCS, Yeah, church supply, sir. That's h this is actually where you guys got your pus. Okay, outstanding bill for twenty three thousand. Well, first of all, best normally, uh, all our standing bills are handled by our finance department. You know, you wouldn't need to speak to our treasurer and they will be able to help you with that, sir, that this hasn't been taken care of, and this matter when it comes to these pews, because like I stated before, you guys old twenty three thousand dollars on these cues and I think this was probably twelve or thirteen years ago, so maybe this was something before you got there, but nevertheless, there's still an outstanding building right now. We're actually going to be repossessing these cues as of early seven o'clock Sunday morning, not far this Sunday morning, though. We have the Women's Days Missionary just here today, and I also fund it. We have like our kid man, you have a lot of things, and you actually running off your schedule. To me, that's that's really not my concern. And maybe your Women's Day or whatever it is gonna get y'all gonna do a standing up because right now we're not going to do it. You're understanding me. See um, did you say twelve or thirteen years ago? Yes, sir, well, I've been the past here for ten years and you know, you know occurred before you got there. But nevertheless, the bill is still outstanding and these cues need to be taken care of now. If y'all don't have the twenty three thousan dollars, then I got to come pick these pews up Sunday morning. Sir. We gotta over there. You're not hearing me. And first of all, this is my private number. How did you get this number? You're your numbers here in the books as a contact. No, this is this is only only get this out to very few people, and I know none of them would would give our number. So that's definitue right there. And a second of all, if you're talking about coming in our church Sign the morning to take our pews, uh, that's not something you really want to do, sir. I have to do my job the same way you get up on Sunday morning and you have to do yours. I have to do mine. So my job is to get these fews back because you guys are twenty three thousand dollars in the rears, nou kyling and tell you I ain't always been been a treaty. Now you come in my church and you test them cues, I'm gonna come out that proof it aren't you. I'm not. I'm not here to go to what you used to be and what you want now. I'm nothing to go back and forth with you on that. The bottom line consequences you don't want to deal with Sign because you know I said, hold on, hold on, hold on, let me calm down, because you know you're about to make me say some words that I've been delivered from Thank God, I'm gonna deliver them pews away from you on Sunday. Now, I got to come and pick them pews up. That's the bottom line. Do you have twenty three thousand Sunday morning? Twenty three thousand? Understand, that's not the issue. The issue is you have no business calling me on my personal phone. I'm in my meditation time right now, trying to get consecrated for you know, my message that as to deliver later this afternoon, so we need all of our pumers. Okay, let me ask you something. Do you have the twenty three thousand dollars that you can give me Sunday morning and then you can continue whatever it is you have going on that day. Other than that, I'm gonna have to take them culls. I define told me the twenty doolums. If you are listening, Fron, that ain't my bill. I ain't paying it, you ain't touching my watch. I'm not gonna continue to go. Okay, listen, I'm trying to respect what's what's past. Will trying to respect you first remend, doctor Wilkins. I'd appreciate that you called me in my name, Reverend doctor Wilkins. Okay, Reverend doctor Wilkins. Now, first of all, I'm crumbing up there Sunday. Now, I'm hoping I only have to lay hands on these queues now, but I gotta lay hands on something else. Then I gotta do what I got to say. You can come on up here, and you said it on the property, that's cool, but you touch them pulls. I got some lawyers in here. They can take that Jesus coat off, they can stay it down. They can get with you, partner. I'm standing yeah, and you know what the jaydo. I walked through the valley shadow the desk. I will see no evil. I ain't got no problems. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, you're talking about coming to me and answer my church because police, I'm gonna do what I got to do. Man, Then I'm gonna dog I got to do in the namer Jesus, they man, the man, stand up the whole service. Now, what which one do you want? We can handle it however you want to handle it. I got I got something else I want to tell you. You list into me. You ain't saying nothing inside you listening what you got to say to me? I got to say this to you. His nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your entire deacon. Boy. What who this man? Well, because this is nephew Tommy Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your deacon BOYD got me the plank phone called you. I can't believe it. Boy, you almost made me lose my religion. Sign in there, man, you hung in there past which the deacon Glover. Oh okay, I've got some some things I got to talk to this love about you. I don't wonder how you got my personal cell phone out anyway, man, So well, I'm glad I was. They would put a laugh on your face today. Man, I'm used, boy a man pastor. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Steve Harvey mor the showy lit Let me tell you this, keep doing what he's doing. The first man is ever the show man. I loved that. I really loved that. I really really blessed the people. Really appreciate that. Man, he really will. That's Reverend doctor Wilkins. Now you're gonna get this right by my name now, okay, put some back on my name. That was one of my favorite dudes. That was my dude right there. I don't know how he held it together that long. I can't, but you know, my favorite party said, now, looking man, when you come up in here, I got some people gonna take that Jesus coat off. Yeah, and they're gonna have something for you. You can do anywhere you want to. I'm told you, now, take the Jesus coade off and got something for you. I think, I think, I think every path that got one of them that to take that coat off and get with it, every path that got one more than one Jesus head twelve. This is who rolling with me. Thank you, Reverend doctor wilcome and make sure I get that right. Thank you for having doctor will. We appreciate it. All right, y'all already know I've been telling you stupid, coming your white baby mark to nineteen Botmar Touchers nephew, Julie Rogers, theater hunt, new suit, new jokes, new shoe, new look, new body, little bit of bout the fat little bit of about the fat little bit of about the fat little bit about eighteen. You know, don't say fat what I'm supposed to say, body wood, no little bit. Anybody hit your ticket, boum the nephew coming baby, Carla went to meg the stallion body out the lit body everybody. I love it all right, Well, thank you little buddy nephew. Listen coming up. Strawberry letter subject my boss wants to whip me. Wait till you hear this, though you're not gonna believe this. This comes with base disclaimer and we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter alive on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, and you never know. It could be yours, but none of them, no bucking up, Hold on type. We got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter subject my boss wants to whip me Again. A disclaimer if you have young children anywhere around you who do not want them to hear this letter, Okay, Dear Stephen Shirley. It says I'm a thirty one year old, single black man, and about two months ago I was not ready to settle down yet, so I was mingling and dating. After countless failures with meeting women, I finally came across a much older woman who was on the same page that I was on. She only wanted sex and that's it. She invited me to her house one evening, and from the moment I got there, it started getting heated. We were kissing and grinding on her sofa, and as it was about to go down, she left me on the sofa and went upstairs to her room, and she told me to give her ten minutes. So I undressed and went upstairs, and it was pitch black. She told me where to go, and I followed her voice into a room where all I heard was jingling keys and metal clinging, and something that sounded like a towel was hitting a mattress. The noise stopped suddenly, and she said, I got something for you, baby, and the lights came on. There were four adult toys of different shapes and sizes, and she was wearing a dog collar with a lot of gold chains hanging from it. I looked over in the corner and there was a huge dog cage on a platform. She took off her lunch aray and I stood there in disbelief. I asked where the dog was because I don't like dogs. She pulled out a belt and told me to get in the cage while she whipped me several times on my bear behind. I turned and ran so fast that I almost fell down the stairs in the dark. I ended up leaving my hat and my shirt, but I left with my dignity. Did you now what I failed to do? What I failed to mention is that she's my direct supervisee and she's very unhappy with how I left. She's giving me major attitude because she wants a do over. I really need my job, So how do I fix this without getting whipped? What what it's going with you with your boss? You conveniently left out the fact that this woman was your boss. You conveniently left that out until the very last part of the letter. And that's because you probably knew we were going to tell you this was a very stupid move on your part. Um. But I do have to tell you this. I'm glad you got out. I'm glad you survived it, even though you almost fell down the stairs. In the pitch black. Um, you said you guys talked about this beforehand, and she was you guys were on the same page. I don't think so. I don't think you're on the same page at all. Um. You you gotta get out of there, even you're gonna have to transfer to a different department or you're gonna have to get another job somewhere else. You should be an interviewing and doing all that you can do to make that happen right now. And no matter how bad her attitude is, she is your boss, and you said she's giving you major attitude. Whatever you do, there are no do overs. Do not go back to that lady's house. Okay, next time she might tell you to get in the cage, lock you up with those jingling keys you heard in the dark. Her kind of freakiness is a little different, and you could really get hurt with all the whipping and stuff. And this is just too crazy. Stay away from her, do your job until you leave, and then when you get out of there, don't look back. But please get out and get out now. Steve, this is one of those letters where I'm gonna use as a teaching moment. A lot of young brothers listening to this show, Uncle Steve, It's gonna walk you through some things that you need to know when faced with anything similar to this. Let's go now. He starts off by telling us who he is. He's a thirty one year old single black man, and he said, very confusingly, about two months ago, I was not ready to settle down yet. I don't know where that came from, because this whole letter has nothing about you wanting a commitment of any kind. So you just telling us a story. You're thirty one years old and you single, ready to mingle. That's what you should have said. So I was mingling and Dayton, that's all you had to say. Though, after countless failures with meeting women, no they weren't. They weren't countless failures. You're not looking for a commitment, so anytime relations fail, it's what you weren't committed to anyway. After countless failed you didn't want no successes. It was just dating in England, so let's just stay honest. Brother. I finally came across a much older woman who was on the same page that I was on. She only wanted sex and that's it. She invited me to her house one even and from the moment I got there, it started getting heated. I was kissing and grinding on the sofa. It was about to go down. She left me on the sofa. Here's the key. She left me on the sofa and went up stairs to her room, and she told me to give her ten minutes. But now your ass didn't listen, your stupid ass. Right after that said so, I undressed and went up stairs, and it was pitched, black boy, you got neked too early. All right, hold that thought right there, right there. We've all done it. No, Tommy, I know it. Two of your response coming up Steve at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters. Subject my boss wants to whip me. We'll be back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, Steve. Let's recap this letter. The subject is please There is a disclaimer with this letter if you have small children. My boss wants to whip me. Study one year old young man. It's very confused about what he wants and what he's expecting out of the results from what he's actually doing. He's dating and mingling around. He's serious. He I don't want to settle down. So now he's saying, after he's been meeting women dating and all fail you after failure, because you don't want nothing, And it just proves that you don't won't nothing, because you said right after this, after countless failures in eating women, I finally came across a much older woman who was on the same page, and I was on she only wanted sex and that's it. See, boy, You've been wanting to get in relationships that women that only want sex and that's it, and then when it don't work out, you consider that a failure. Everybody don't want to sign up for this foolishness. Oh but you to find this old as lady though, ain't got no problem with it. So you meet her, y'all on the same page, invite you to a house. Soon as you got there, you grinding on the couch. It's hot, heating it then't got good boy. She left you on the sofa, went upstairs to her room and told you to give her ten minutes. Yo, jumping as can't wait ten minutes? Why cause you young? After she said give her two minutes, your reaction was so I undressed and when up stairs, and it was pitch black. What is your ass up? Your fault? She said, ten minutes you up down two damn early and your naked and took your clothes off two damn fans and the one up stairs and left your clothes downstairs. How stupid is your ass? Don't ever have your clothes software you can't reach them. That's the left ruled. There's so many lessons in this letter. Then I am dressing with I'm saying it was pitch black. It's because you two damn early, she said. Ten minutes. She ain't set up yet. She told me where to go, and I followed her voice into a room right here. Never be niked. End the dumb following voices. Stupid. I'm following the voice into a room where all I heard was jingling keys and metal clinging and something that sounds like a towel hidding the mattress. What And you kept walking towards the jingling and the towel hidding the mattress, and your ass naked and ca'se see, don't understand how stupid you are. The noises stopped suddenly, and she said, I got something for your baby, And then the lights came on That was four adult towards of different shapes and sizes, and she was wearing a dog collar with a lot of gold chains hanging from it. I looked over in the corner. That was a huge dog cage on the platform. See, I would have missed all this because I'm old, first of all, all our all she heard was for me to don't stand you read it been boy twelve minutes. Now what you're doing. But all this because of the unknown. I have my damn clothes off just in case she says something crazy from upstairs. I can get on out the house downstairs and never speak to her ass again. But now you ask nicking up stad sees Na. She cut the light on. You look over in the corner. It's a huge dog cage on the platform on the platform. Heny dog can't do the platform. She took off her lingerie and I still there in disbelief, probably cause you necking, know yo, nick, I asked where the dog was because I don't like dogs. Right there, your black ass upstairs with the potential Germany chef for somewhere raw. So now you in the cage, you're looking over there at the cage. You don't like dogs? Potential German shepherd rot Wilder could be in the rooms, but now you can. And now you in that ass naked. Not a reason this ain't working out for you food because your ass is naked. See getting whimped and asked to get in the cage is different when you fully closed. But now you naked and your clothes it downstairs. And the reason she can whoop you cross your ass, it's caused you nick it's out. I turned and ran so fast, almost fell down the steps in the dark because you're slipping on them coffee cause your clothes is downstairs. I ended up leaving my hat and shirt cause you couldn't find them, cause you got to keep your clothes where you can see him in Rachel. Now you have left your cat, You left your hat and your damn shirt. All that's DNA. No dumb ass could be in a crime scene. You're on forty eight hours and don't even know it because you have left you in the closed downstairs. I'm about to get Brady will now come to find out this your boss she want to do over now she got the attitude. When I come back, I'm just gonna give you ten seconds of what your solution is for this stupid ass upstairs naked. Anybody told you to come up there yet this is we'll be back. Well he is an employee. Is what's this? You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, see right before we get to sports talk, you had a couple of more let me just clothes off. This man had been upstairs naked, would found out who was his boss, and she was whipping him while he was neked toned with getting this big dog cage. And now he back at working. The boss got an attitude because she wants to du over. He really needs his job and he knows how to. He don't know how to handle the situation. So now let me explain something to young boy. You're gonna have to give her a due over. Keep your job, y'all. Shut up, You shut up, Sirley, You answered your letter. He thirty one, He can have the list go back in the door. No, he don't go back in there. He got to get a duke over. He got to control this situation. The due over is at a hotel. Can't bring all a dog cages through that lobby, all these platforms and stuff. You're gonna get your dude over is at the hotel and tell her you bringing your own trump of toys and they're gonna be the four dog toys of different sizes, because you're gonna end up wearing something if you ain't killed. Now coming there with some with a velvet rope, some fuzzy hands and cuff that don't click, a feather tickler that don't do no damage, can't push nothing. See, you gotta gotta have your little sex toys. Had to have control on him and can't have nothing here with a battery on him because that because that hair switches with levels on it, you gotta get out of control. Anything on high, it's gonna be shocking to your end. Can't let nothing have a switch on it that can go to high high high is dangerous. Okay, that's all I want. Yes, calling question what if on this dude over she doesn't like it because she's still his supervisor. Well you just didn't like it. I ain't I ain't who you thought I was. Well you have seen me run out of this house. You already know I ain't up to who you thought I was. I'm scared of dogs. You got a dog cage that we're gonna have a duo. But I got a hotel and I have everything in there. Now you're coming there. You have attitude, sex, that's all right, Ain't this ain't what I wanted? Well, you know this, this all I got because this just one time. We do this due over, then that's it. If you do it and you don't do it, well, she ain't gonna want to have nothing else to do with you. But at least you'll keep your job fame. It's hard to make naked decisions, though. It's hard. Left with his dignity, nothing with a battery and a switch and get out of hand, no medium, and it's high when you get caught on right after this, you're listening show. While the the US has already imposed official sanctions against Russia, some states are taking it upon themselves to post economic pain following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Many states have banned the sale of Russian vodka. Virginia, Ohio and New Hampshire, Texas and Pennsylvania leaders are asking bars and restaurants not to serve Russian made liquor, and in more recent developments, according to the Black Information Network, African people are being turned away from the Ukraine, Poland border or told to get to the back of the line so that quote unquote real Ukrainians can escape first. One woman tweeted, women of color, some with babies in their arms, cannot take the same trains at the same time as Ukrainians, even if they belong to these priority categories announced by Polish officers. We had to push the African women onto the train, so they had no other options but to let them in since they said women and children first. One displaced person adding that when we try to enter, police forces took them out, saying only Ukrainians have the right to enter. There's racism everywhere. That's heavy, it's it's it's it's par for the course. It's happening around the world. Two things I can assure you about racism. They usually always involve a person who is non white and involves a person who is white. Almost always. That's not always the case, but when you hear of this stuff on an international level, it almost always involves a person who isn't white and a person who is white. It is something about some people who give them the thought that because of the color of their skin, they are superior. It is worldwide and because of your pigment, the dark scheme of your color, you are less relevant, less important, and less human. And they've been doing it for a long, long long time and they ain't fitness stop it. So welcome to the real world, and it's happening in the United States on a daily basis. Now, are we supposed to feel as black people hearing about the Ukrainians, you know, and the Russian invasion and all that, but then seeing them be racist to our people over there? You'd understand the dilemma. See, But because of political correctness, all of us in media and all of us have to say the correct things. But we are always expected to be simple apathetic to everybody else's cause. The problem is everybody ain't sympathetic to our cause. Ain't that about a bill right against? We got to always be sympathetic to everybody else's cause, but everybody ain't. Everybody don't have to be sympathetic to our cause. So excuse me when I ain't all that jumpy jump about what you going through. When I know on the other side of that coin, we still got to go through what we're going through, right, And so sometimes we don't care, we care, we care about what's going We care, but we got a bigger issue though us. See, listen to me. When the airplane instructions come on. In the event that the oxygen mask come down from the ceiling, please place your mask on first before helping a small child or someone else. You know why, because if you don't get yourself together and help yourself, you can't help nobody ebody else. Yeah, So now what you want us to do? So excuse me while I ten to me. Yeah, all right, listen. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve Harvey Nation. Listen up. Attention to all of our listeners in Dallas and Central Texas. Today today are primaries and it is election day in the state of Texas. Why are there primaries? Why are the elections important? The primary elections you are choosing the best candidate to represent that your party will win the general election in November. That's why it's important. All states are on the road to mid term elections. As we all are prepared for the upcoming primaries. Please get prepared. Please make sure you are registered do your research, try to check out the sample ballots. Go to when we all vote to register now. Okay, it is happening this year and they want to take back the Senate, they want to take back the House. Okay, we have to do our part, especially Dallas Central Texas. We're gonna say one word governor race. Yeah Oorialbato Scobato in Texas in November, you need to day march primaries. It's not don't. We're doing our part, So please do your part. Please you registered? You know, yeah, normally these elections aren't important. We normally just vote in the general elections. But these primary elections are extremely important. You are younger, keep keep going. Your vote matters. Your vote matters again. Go to when we all vote to register right now? Coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll switch geared to play a little bit up. Would you rather? Right after this you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for a round of would you rather? Would you rather tell your partner you're having an affair? Or would you rather your partner tell you that they're having an affair? Big? Neither, And that's this way I ain't wrong. Yeah, this is about your You're Wait a minute, you ain't wrong. You the one wrong. So hey, it's on you. It's on you. Now help me junior, Junior, let's go Junior. That's logic because I'm going with tome you wrong? So I could I get to cush you outfly you got the power? Ain't ain't even got You're wrong. Would you rather tell your partner you're having an affair or would you rather them tell you they're having an affair? Time go with A. You can't take that they're having an affair because B B, I'm going to prison. I'm gonna get my ass whipped and lose everything. And I'm getting that twice already already. It ain't neither one of them had a divorce before, and ain't either one of them had to walk in and make that announcement before. I have I have experience at making that announcement. Steve gonna go with a B. Final final answer is B is two life sentences without parole. Yeah, so I ain't gonna need to me all right. Would you rather live in the back best house in the worst neighborhood or the worst house in the best neighborhood. Yeah, I'm gonna take the worst house in the best neighborhood. Yeah. Yeah, you can feel how you want to feel about me. That's the bottom of the rich. I'll take that. I believed in the best house in the worst neighborhood. Nobody got sleep, and nobody knew it until I went to other people's houses. I realized. I realized, Man, we got the best house on the street. You could drive down the street, go look at all the ragged ass I've already lived in the best house in the ragged ass neighborhood. I've done that, and no one knew all. We could get to this one quickly. Would you rather have a bell go off every time you're turned on or have to say all your thoughts out loud during sex? Don't go off every time you're turned on or have have to say all your thoughts out loud during sex. Yeah, you let that bell go off of me? He even every time? No, no, hell no, I won't get no damn sleep. All right, say everything you think you're doing sex. That's what I do. Anyway, coming out forty nine minutes after the hour, it's our last break of the day. We'll get Steve Harvey. Right, no system d you're listening to Harpy Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Tuesday. What a day? What a day? What a day? Break dream boom boom boom boom boom boom boom, what a day? What a day? For day dre, Hey, do you all find yourself daydreaming all the time? That I do it at night? Yeah? Do daydream at night? M do it at night? Y'all see the confusion that is his mind? All right? Let me let me go with these closing remarks because I was thinking of something I wanted to share with you all, and it's about this thing that stops so many people. And I want to offer you a way to look at this thing so you don't allow it to continue to stop you. This thing that I'm talking about, it's called failure. It's it's such a stopper to so many people. So many people get stopped because they experience a failure, because they internalize it the wrong way. Folks, I'm gonna give you a different way to look at failure so you don't allow it to define you. So let me help you with the first thing, Failure ain't a person. Failure is an event. Do you understand it? Failure ain't a person. Failure is an event. How many times have you heard people describe a person as a failure because of something that happened to them or something that's going through. Look at him, he's an attic, He's nothing but a failure. Look at him, he came an an alcoholic, just ruined his life. He's a failure. Look at that girl over there. I told her she was too fast, then set up there and had that baby and they ain't got no man, just then ruined her life. Now she can't go do this and she can't do Excuse me what? Look at him? Just set up there and flunked out of school. You have failed. You are failure because you flunked out of school. You're a failure because you got a divorce. You're a failure because you've lost everything. You're a failure because you're homeless. You're a failure because you didn't pass math, science, English, geography. You're a failure. Excuse me. Failure is not a person. Failure is an event. It's an eventu'all stop drinking this stuff and stop listening to people who are making you think your failure is defining you as a person. Failure is not a person. Failure is an event. And if you take the word event and break it down, the word event is the root word of a word, a word called eventually. What event is the root word of a bigger word called eventually. Because this is how God works. He takes all your failures, wraps him up, puts him in a box, put a bow on it, and eventually turns all those things into person he intended you to be. Eventually, all of these failures are going to become the makeup of the person that you are. You better get this now, You better understand this and quitting letting these events, these things call failures, determine you as a person. Failure ain't a person. Failure is an event. We all have these events. Life is full of them, these events. Man, do you know you're gonna lose somebody you care about deeply? That's gonna cause you to go into some things that grief causes that ain't who you are. That's the event that you went through. That event will turn into eventually what God has for you. Because everything you're going through is God preparing you for what he has for you. You need to get this man so you can quit tripping every time you have a failure, which ain't nothing but an event. This tool shall pass. Name one thing ain't passed. Man. Y'all better getting me today because I'm trying to give it to you. Failure ain't a person. Failure is an event. Everybody have them. Quit drinking them, letting them define who you are. You ain't no failure as a person. You just having an event. I'm gonna stop now because next thing I want to do has profanity in it. Those are my clothes and remarks today. Well, time to stop. Talk to God. He loved to hear from you. Because you keep talking to me, I'm gonna say something. See you tomorrow. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show.