Rudy Giuliani, George Clooney, Comedy Roulette, Santa Claus and more.

Published Dec 4, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve has a Vince Lombardi story and he is sticking to it. The Chief Love Officer tells a man that his woman's 96 year old momma already peeped his game out and don't like him straight up! Rudy Giuliani needs to get it together. He cut the cheese during an election fraud hearing in Michigan and got caught! SMH!!! J. Anthony Brown has a new on ice production about The Grinch. George Clooney has a quarantine story that Steve disagrees with. Sports Talk focused on the money The Los Angeles Lakers are spending on their two top stars. Comedy Roulette contained the things you don't bring up on the Zoom family meeting that might start an argument. USPS Operation Santa begins today. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about "fake news" along with its origin and effects.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit looking back to back, giving them just like theming bu bu things and it's not true. Good Steve hard to mother, ste don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn very You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your thing, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting on its Steve Harvey Man old man, got a radio show. Yeah, I do. God so big to me, man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain, you know, man, I want to share something with you today. You know, if you're out there, start your mission today. Why don't we all decide together better yet? Let's just kill that because you don't that just individually. Look you listening, everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination now and if you. And if you allow practical man, if you allow procrastination to set in, then that that allows then which is a weakness, you know, but that allows the devil then to just really do his thing, because an idle mind is the devil's playground. So if you ain't working on your goal's dreams, aspirations or visions, and you you just waking up seeing how today gonna go, or the devil he got plenty for it for you to do. See. But if you get your mind right on your goal and your focus and your purpose, then you can go on about your business. Then when the distraction comes, you can catch yourself. Now that don't mean you ain't gonna fall privy or fall prey to some of your distractions, because you will, but you will have a goal in mind, an aspiration that makes you go hold on, man, I got to stay focused here because what I really want while I'm really trying to go the thing that I'm really after, this new little thing that's being introduced, this don't fit into the equation. Man, Let me keep it moving, or you may step off the line for a little while. You know, like I said yesterday, your thing about God is he's so forgiving that if you get out of line, he'll hold your place. See that's the real cool thing. A lot of people to do that for you too. Like I said, if you're the movie theater, or you're at the amusement park and you're in the line and you forget something, if you politely ask the person behind you, hey, man, I gotta run to my car left something, would you hold my place? Most people say, fine, you gotta go ahead, and when you come back, they don't have a problem. See your problem is is you want to get out the line, go do something, then come back and just get up in the line further up than you were, or cut somebody. Now you got a problem because see everybody looking at you now, like Roy Wall partner, where you come from. You know the line start back here. But see the thing with God is God don't do that. God don't say the line start back here. God holds your place. When you make a mistake and you fall off the line, God holds your place. But if you ain't got no dreams, aspiration, if you ain't got no place, what he holding for you? See I mean he got a play for you, but you gotta come to it. See some people if well, here's what I'm saying. If you got a goal or aspiration, a dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God know where you're left off. Now you may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off, you can get back on track. I look, man, this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track. Now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams. And in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on to was just a hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man, sometime it just keep hope alive. Sometimes you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes times, man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on the hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction You're not gonna make it. You didn't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. He knew I was off tracking how the line, but he said, okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put you back in line. Then we're gonna finish your journey. That took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to, but then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I did not see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I said, every day, see because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Now I have stories to tell, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody, and I haven't been through enough whereas relatable, where enough people can go. Man, that happened to me. Appreciate you saying that that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff he was pulling off on me. But in essence I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there and died wrong. He forgave me, he said, because man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that it is going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick on me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working. And here I am today now. See threw it me yet? Nope? Have I arrived yet? Nope? But guess what the journey is? Cool? And then you know what I found out. That's kind of what it's like in life. If you don't walked off the cliff in life, and you ain't got no God in your life, it's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. We all now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right see, we all heading to the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride. You guide and you're glad, and you're softly, you enjoying your looking around, you're smiling, You're meeting other people along the way. You're floating over here to Skiale a little while. You over there at the beach for a little while, you mess around over here, you get to go out the country a little bit on your parachuting. All that and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall. Instead of not having no God in your life and you're just walking off that cliff every day, free falling. Ain't got no core, you steady pulling, you hauling the whole way because you to mess around with yourself and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute since I got to jump every day, than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from. I can't tell you, But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain, it's usually him. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, your attention is much required. At this point, Steve Harvey morning shows about to begin. I happened to be one called Steve. I all always dreamed of this opportunity, even as a small child and Baker's Field of Chisconsin, where my father was a dairy farmer, and we used to milk cows to earn money for school, and as I would go to school selling cheese sticks, just hustling my way through life. One day I hitch hyped up to Green Bay, went and tried out for the Green Bay Packers that failed. Miser because vislam barready called me colored, I immediately drove off, went to Cleveland, got shot, and then took off to Houston and began my comedy career out on the road, where I met the first black act name Jay Anthony Brown, at a place called Nicks in Bloomington, Indiana. He is on our show today. That's my story. I'm sticking with it. It's refreshing. I've never told that before, and it just felt good to say something different, especially the day from apart. Thank you very much, Shelly Strawberry Milking cows Y. No, I didn't I know a lot about you. I didn't know that. That's right, Calin Forrell, try it out for ye. So how old are you? I'm sixty three? Okay, obviously I was way too early of an eight year old track yet, junior'all my favorite part. Vince Lumbardy called you color and so I drove off j Anthony Brown what Steve left out of the story, and he will contest this because I don't have to lie to be on the show. I was a beekeeper at that particular time he met me. I was your old wings in my room, in your room, in my room. You're a beacon and selling honey on the side to make money to send back to my parents who were living in Columbia. South Carolina. They were actually locked up at the time, so I was taking the honey money, I remember, and put it on their bullets. And I remember that because I remember that first time I'm knocked on your door and I opened. All the day will be hell, But you had all the honey you needed. The thing put your go back to your parents being in jail and you're putting money on their books. They went, they weren't jail, and I put money on their books. Yes, my father was. My father was or the head guard at the jail they killed at the farm. We met, they met, they met, and I kept the jails all right? Coming up, asked the cello. At thirty two minutes after right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, see now time for ask the Clo, your favorite segment, Chief Love Officer. Are you ready, sir? All right? This one is from Percy and Charlotte. Percy says, I've been divorced for eighteen years and I wasn't a good husband at all, But I think I'm ready to get married again and act right. The only problem is that my woman's ninety six year old mean blank, mama mean but mama lives with her. If I marry this woman, I have to live with this hateful old woman too, even though I might not have to deal with this old lady much longer. She's unbearable now. She curses at me and she calls me a sorry N word whenever I'm around. Should I suck it up and deal with mama? Or wait a while till she's gone she's It could be, you know, just after Christmas. It could be you know, just you know, right at the top of the new year. You know, you never know, it's just any day. Yeah, but I think she nailed it though when she called you a sorry N word. She can feel something in there, and it's a reason why you've been divorced eighteen years and just decided to get married. So, person, I don't know, how are you. Let's say you in your fifties or sixties. I think based on this, if you've been divorced eighteen years her mama ninety six, let's say it tops her mama had at forty. That would make y'all about fifty six. Oh, let's just say she had her at thirty, y'all would be forty six. Yeah, you're too old for that. She shed them peeped your game. Dog, Mama gonna be around for a long time. Me and ask people live alone a long time, and they'd be hateful for a long time. You couldn't be all types of SI in words for quite some time. All you can just learn to embrace that. Just deal with it all. Just walk in, just morty, miss Mayle SI in word here, Okay, all right? Ose in Tallahassee says, I'm a fifty year fifty four year old man and I'm dating a fifty nine year old fox. She's my everything, and she knows that I gave her access to my bank account, and I let her drive my Escalade and I drive my Honda. I believe in spoiling my woman. But she's been doing too much lately, and it is bragging to her friends that she's got a good one. She let a friend borrow five hundred dollars of my money and didn't ask me up front. I told her for a big withdrawal like that, we should discuss it first. I told her that I'm a gentleman, not a sucker. After that, she said we should take a break. What did I do wrong here? You ain't do nothing wrong? With five hundred dollars, obviously breaking point for you. So you know, I got to respect that. You know what I mean, take out a large withdrawal like that, don't clear with me, well and give it to her friend. Come on now, no, I mean really, dog, I mean that's that's the breaking point for you. Ye gave it to your friend without asking. She say you think y'all need to break, take a break. Then say, okay, let's take a break. You don't change, you know, change that bank account, get that escalade back. See how long she won't break, and you're right, change the bank account. My favorite line here, Steve is I'm a gentleman, not a sucker. I wish that was my planulation, But you don't do this. But it's all I respect where you're coming from. You don't do that to people, all relative, if you're right? All right, Connie and Saint Louis says, I'm married to a cheater and I've put up with it for the past three years. I've reached my breaking point last week after I got a voicemail message from a woman that said she has COVID nineteen and my husband should go get tested. He came home that day and I had already changed the lots high five. I let him hear the message through the screen door, and he lied and said he didn't know that lady. He got tested and he tested positive. I took a test and mine was negative. Thank god. He said, I can't prove he got COVID nineteen from her, and he wants to come home. Should I believe him or not? Well, he can't prove he didn't get it from her. That's the problem. You know. You don't don't let anybody if you can't prove I got it from her. Well, wait a minute. Proved to me that you didn't get it from her. That's all you need. See. Don't let nobody flip the scrib You got COVID. She said she had COVID and you ought to get tested. You got tested and you got it. Now, dog on it. Partner one and one is always too Now. If you're gonna let a man tell you one the one is eleven, then you stupid. You let him here through the screen. Dude screamed, don't love her? And what's her name? Connie? He's grown as people. They nobody name their baby Connie, and constant Conny and old semi good and grown. Yeah, and it ain't nobody got screamed, don't no more? Harley screamed that that screen don't name Connie. Yeah. Wow, he wants to come home though. Huh. Should she believe him or not? You already know where the lady get you on the Why would she call you with that? Yeah? Yeah, that's right. Should I believe him or her? She's doing tracing for you. She's tracing, yeah, contact tracing. Yes, yeah, girl, yep, saving you some money and time and everything. But she she must have believed her anyway, don't you think, Steve, because she already had changed a lot. Oh, she already know. Yeah, she knows you. You said you're married to a cheetah and you couldn't take it no more to this and this woman called you so how many? How many more red flames you need? Yeah? That's why he keeps doing it, because you keep taking him back. No consequences, right, yeah right, get out for you? Catch something now? Yeah, man, get out now for you? Well you kids something else that don't have a vaccination? No time? So yeah, she's been with him for the past three years. He's been cheating. Enough enough enough enough, Yeah, trying to kill all this dead ass time when they go too quick. And now we had this odd ass movie. Right, well, what's your jay, it's your Yeah, you can. I don't want to drag it out, no mode, You're gonna mess around and get something else. And now we need to move on. We had a full minute. We could have done another one, but y'all just be getting three because that's the average. And then when we give above average answers, now we have a pop. But you don't have to say that. On coming up, we had a prank phone call for you. Run that prank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Hannah's standing by with our national news and then the entertainment news Rudy Giuliani's The latest to arans was full of hot air. I mean literally, okay, what do you hear this story? Wow? Right now? Yeah, it's just nasty. Right now, Junior is inn for the nephew with today's run that prank back? What you got for us, Junior? Well, the prank run back today is I left my medicine in your house. I left my medicine in your house. It's probably Jamis money cast. Hello spe the Clarence. Yeah see it was just Clarence. Uh hey mon named Sherman. Dog. Your house is the one that uh got broke into last week? Right, yeah? Man, just waiting on the police to get back women Tim if they found these people or not. Man, So now alone. What's your name again? Sherman, Sherman, Sherman. How you here about it? Oh? No, you know, I stay a couple of streets, so everybody in the neighborhood kind of heard it. Y'all got broke in on, damn. Man, everybody being kind of kind of really good around him. Man. Just don't make no sense. Man. You go out here and work hard for stuff, and then you know people just do you like this? Man, It's just I'm just glad wasn't nobody hurt. Man. My wife and my son they alive, and that's you know, that's the best thing. Man. So you know, trying not to custom like this happened. You know, I understand. Man. You say a couple of streets over you say, yeah, yeah, yeah, hey, hey, let me let me let me say this to you. Man. I want to say, pray, well, I hate what happened. You know what I mean yeah, and uh, I do man, you know, and I'm glad you're your family and stuff. Yeah, I said that. Man. Well hey man, can I just can I just say this here? Man? Uh? And I don't really know how to say it, but uh, I was. I was with the two dudes that had broken there. I was with them when they did that. Okay, you did you just say you was with them that broke in my house? Oh so you were broke in my house? Saying Noah, since see, that's why I'm see the claims. That's what I'm I'm calling you trying to tell you. I was trying to talk them out of it. You know what I'm saying, Well, what the happened? Because they did this, I couldn't talk about of it. You know, I was what I wasn't there taking nothing, is what I'm saying. Okay, okay, okay, who was in there attaching to then? And I can't I can't be doing I can't do that. I can't see I ain't trying to get in the middle of that. No, no, no, you can't do that. You just called my MN phone. Oh you can tell me who broke any is you was one of them? Do what ilse want to with you? That ain't this, That ain't even the reason why I called man. I don't give a damn what the reason you called me? You called me broke? Who who was with you? Who was with you? Man? I'm a matter of fact, what streets you stay on? Let me say this to you, man, this is really why I called. Ain't when we was in there and then they started screaming and haunted each other, and then seeing we got to hear him get out. You know, like I say, I was in there trying to talk to them out of that. I don't give us if you tried to talk them into it. You walk into my man, broken my heart, you and my dad shit to calm me. Okay, but listen, man, listen, listen. Listen to me, man. I'm listening to you fucking while I was in there, man, and and you know they was. We was getting out of there in a hurry. I actually love I my uh my pills fell out my pocket, my bottle of pills, man, my medicine, and I don't I don't got no more retails on it, man, and I need my medice. That's why I'm calling you to see if you don't mind me coming back over there to get my pie. I don't give us how about your medicine? Who gives us about I tell you what I tell you. I can ask me about some medicine. I was just caught up in a bad situation. Man, I set a guy. If I see you over, I swear to God, I'm gonna beat your ass. I'm gonna beat your You better be glad my so I wasn't in my house. Man. Listen, man, I'm not trying to get him. No problems with nobody. I just need my medicine. Man, don't noticine. You got problems with me, but I don't. I don't know more recals on that medicine. I need my medicine. Now that I get said tell you what, I'll tell you what. Come, Come get your medicine. You know exactly where I said. I'm gonna have to get the front door open. You ain't got the break in this time. Come get your guy medicine. I swear to God, gonna need more than just that game. I'm medicine. I'm gonna put some on your I swear, why are you down? I don't mean man, and I'm the one that was in there trying to talk him out of it. He was with them because that's the point. I don't that's bring them to telling them to help. You. Come get your medicine. So all I want to do is get my medicine and be through with this. That's all I'm trying to say to you. I ain't trying to start no trouble with you. Start no trouble. Gonna get to my house. You know what, I tell you what I all this. You know, I'll tell you what. Come get the medicine. Come come, come, get the medicine right now. I'm at what what street you stay on? I bring it to you. Man. I'm not gonna go back and form arguing with you. Man, I'm gonna come over there and get my medicine. And man, you're gonna be fool anytime. You ain't got to go back and form. I tell you what. Come on over here, get your gun, medicine right now. This any myths, you're gonna need some moments your medicine. They're gonna come breaking my gun from housepital. You bot get to my shoe. I take that on my wife and my kids in this house. I understand that. And I would not be back in your arms. I can get my mouth. I give you houlding that dog. I'll tell you what you no, no, no no, you ain't gonna be back in my house. After you get your medicine. You're gonna have a permanent new residence. I swear to God, you're gonna be living in the cemetery. I'm gonna let my friend I live the sin before I get over this. Sus on your way over here, I'm I'm on my want my friend. I need to see you say. That's what I say it. Then that you ty from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got prank by your sister bright. Hello, who the fuck is this a man? He class this nephew? Tell me man from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your sister breed got me to prank you. Man boy you you oh, you play too so much. I don't believe this, miss you say. Man, they broke in my brother eyes. He needs spiritual he said, come on callinghim and get it. You know what you damn to ad you a well with bad? Oh man? Why y'all wrong for this? Is? Oh? Man? Hey man? Man? What is what is the baddest radio show in the land. It is the Steve Harvest Morning Show. Listen, bro hey, and if that that broke in my house is listening, you come back over here. If you left your medicine, come on, come back and get it. I'm at home right now. If they're listening, come on back over that. Yeah, right right now. Bring your boy, y'all roll for that nephew that is left my medicine in your house. That's it. You're a bad situation where you gotta call for your medicine. Man, after you broke into one's house. Yeah, the people that haul them back. I was trying to talk about of it, come back medicine. I kept turning around for tell me you're I know you need to hear that. All right, thank you, junior in for the nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some national and entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So we all remember that recent press conference. Remember the press conference with Rudy Giuliani when he Giuliani, when he had the hair dye running down the side of his face, he looked crazy. Yeah, well, oh, Rudy is at it again the other night in Lansing, Michigan, during a Michigan election fraud hearing. Okay, Rudy Giuliani was there trying to overturn presidenting like Joe Biden's election result. And while he was speaking this is so grossy and he passed guests twice twice while he was speaking. Yes, Rudy's co counsul looked at him like, I know, I know you didn't just pass guests twice, old an old one, like real old that, Like you gotta go change after that one. Oh no, Jay, normally we don't. Can I just say, we normally don't do this type of humor on it. Just don't do it. But you could hear it. The ladies sitting next to him looked at him like, yeah, I know, you just didn't sit up here and do what I know. It did sound like face story. I just yeah, Oh my gosh, you gott it's terrible. Oh yeah, yes yeah. And then his his star witness. Did you see her, the whistle blower? She looked high or drunk or something that's wrong with her, and she was being combative, you know with the people asking the questions. She she was as non credible as you can get. Let's just say that. Okay. Um, she looked a mess. Her hair was all disheveled. It was a mess. And then it was just a mess. Okay between the passing gas and this this drunk looking witness, get out, just to get out, but this crude. Yeah, this is your lead attorney. This is your dog right here. Yeah, I know, okay, switching gears. In other entertainment news, a volunteer Carol Baskin's Big Cat Animal Rescue in Tampa is in the hospital and is in danger of losing her arm after she was viciously attacked by one of the tigers she was caring for. The Internet. Occurred yesterday at the Tiger Sanctuary. The staffer, whose name is Candy Cowser, reached into a tiger's enclosure to open the door, and the tiger bit down on her hand. It then tugged at her and nearly pulled her entire arm off. Emergency workers rushed her to the hospital, where she is being treated. Doctor says she is expected to survive. Anybody with the Lion King with anybody surprised, check that nobody on Dancing with the Stars. Yeah, yeah, if you put your hand in the in the lion cage. At what point do you just stop expecting the line to be a line? Right? Oh yeah, But I'm just saying they forget that that they're um, you know, animals, and that they will eat you. I think, I really do. I think it can't be your friends with one damn arm. You just can't do it, Tiger, because then you either got to pick the chair or the whip. Yeah, but you can't go in here with both of them. The whip. We gotta move on time, Steve. Now for us today's headlines. Chair or the whip should join me? You got one now? You can't have a good sir. No, hello, animal tamer, not the killer. Would you take us to Methans supposed to be tamed? You can't shoot him? Charit the whip guy, Ladies and gentlemen, miss and trip. Okay, good morning, everybody. This is answer put the news well as British health officials prepared for the distribution of FIS's anti COVID vaccine in this country, there are many voicing skepticism over the rather quick way that the newest vaccines are being developed and Okay, However, in Washington health and Human Services. Alex Azar says he's inspired. The approval of another independent regulatory body should give Americans additional confidence in the quality of such a vaccine. Well, the food and recoministration has a week to go before public meeting is scheduled for next Thursday, and approval of the vaccine should come shortly after that. We're talking about this country, of course, officials say that December fifteenth is the date they picked. That's when the first doses could arrive in the fifty States. Meanwhile, a big Trump supporter who donated two and a half million to help expose and prove Trump's claims of election fraud, he wants his money back. Frederick Eshelman, a North Carolina businessman, says he gave the group True to Vote all that money. However, true the voters stopped his legal actions and discontinued to hold validate the vote campaign. Yet, Eschelman says the folks that True to Vote are refusing to return his phone calls or his money. Early on, he said they offered to give him a million dollars if he'd forget about suing him. He refused. Eschelman says, I want my full two and a half mill back. Kyle Rittenhouse, the seventeen year old white gunman charged with killing two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin, who were taking part in a Black Lives Matter protest in the wake of yet another police shooting of an unarmed black man. Rittenhouse faces charges a possession of a dangerous weapon and fell in the attempt at homicide, among other things. He was in court yesterday. He's been out on two million dollars bail thanks to right wing groups, racist groups and former child actor Ricky Schroeder remember him from the eighties TV shows Silver Spoons. He donated a lot of money also to get Rittenhouse out on the street. According to the Huffington Post, they now former Louisville copp involved in the police killing of Brianna Taylor now being sued for sexual assault. Brett Hankinson, one of the three white cops involved in poor Brianna's murder, is being sued by a woman who claims that he used his power as a police officer to pray and later sexually assault her two years ago. Several other women describe what they say has been Hankinson's predatory behavior and testimonials they'd say he's he's very much like that. According to BuzzFeed, a black man in La who witnesses say was just trying to flag down a patrol car after a crash was suddenly surrounded by four La Sheriff's deputies and tazed to the ground for no reason. Footage of the incident posted on Twitter. The La County Sheriff's Department says it's launching investigation. You know, finally, today's National Cookie Day. That guy loves cookies, No kidding. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Mourning Show. Okay, Steve, it's time for you to um introduce your friend. You hired him, Jay Anthony Brown. Gentleman ain't gonna need it going through it here he is Jathony Brown. Okay, I have an announcement to make that. You know that last week I was working on The Big Black Nutcracker. Well, things just went crazy. So we're out of production. I'm done with dad contracts. It just went nuts. It just totally went nuts. I'm working on a new production now. It's called How the Grinch Got His Ass Whoop, and so it's gonna Disney movie they really Yeah, Disney movie. I'm talking to people at Disney and it stars mc hammer And so mc hammer is in the house and you know how the Grinch comes in this deal the stuff. And when he comes in, he starts to sing. This is the first song of the movie of the thing. He starts singing, can't touch that, you can't touch that. So he stops the Grinch from taking stuff. You can't touch that again. Now here's the thing right here. I'm looking for different people to play the part of Cindy lou who and I'm going with two people, the little girl, right, I'm going with two people. I want somebody light skin because when you put that green paint on it, I can't use a dark skinned person. So I'm looking for a light skinned person with green eyes because the play the part with the play the part when we do the close ups, now when we do the ass whooping part. Question is the reason you have to found the light skinning person because you put the green makeup on them, it'll be purple, no, it'll go green, but black, dark, dark people can't take that that green paint. Steve George Wallace, Yeah, it's so, it's a it doesn't work, so I gotta have light skin. So yeah, so anyway, anyway, so the part of the the action part, all the action part of the ass whooping part, because I need somebody who can really whoop ass, who could really whoop the Grinch's ass, is gonna be played by Sheryl Underwood because she really she will really put foot in the Grinch's ass. And now, like before, Kurt Franklin is in this. He played Jesus. I know, I know the baby Jesus is not in there, but as he said, he'd do it for in my part. Now here's the most important part, the part of the Grinch. The part of the Grinch just is very very The part of the Grinch will be played by Nate Robinson because don't know what I know. Yeah, nobody knows how to take a serious ass swooping like name. So tongue to the Disney people is gonna be on on ice production when it's not gonna be movie, it's gonna be on ice. So the Grinch gets his ass whoop on ice. So look out for Nate Robinsons. We'll paid party Grinch. He will definitely get it. As I'm taking auditions. Now that's what I'm working on. Thank you, Jake, coming up thirty four minutes after more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So while many couples have been at each other's throats during the lockdown, George and Amal Clooney have been having a grand old time, it seems, he tells people. He tells People Magazine. You know, everybody's been slammed together because of the coronavirus and lots of friends. Relationships have been tested. For us, it's been really easy. We haven't ever had an argument. Um, And that's cool. Yeah, this is what George Clooney said. That's just damns. We love George Clooney. George Clooney, damn. But we love him though for so many reasons. Remember the story that he gave fourteen of his friends a million dollars, had each one of them a suitcase filled with one million dollars worth of twenty dollars bills. That's something. Wow, I want to ask the question that you don't You don't think him and his wife had an argument that yea, but that was before you want to ask ye I want to ask a question about that to uh CLO officer the chief then, because I couldn't get in because that was a very ships. But here here's a question. Do you think there'll be any way you'll be giving us like each person? Um, maybe not a million, because I don't, you know, want absolutely money absolutely now, I'm not finished. I'm not finished, not finished. But maybe I take a hundred thousand and then I'm sure everybody else will be happy with just fifty because I'm like a real close friend and I've known you fucking longtown. What do you think about that? Yeah, I think it'd be great as long as you get the girls agree with it. I worked that out. Just no, No, we won't the same amount. He didn't differentiate, George didn't. Okay, Okay, Then if we don't get that much, how much do you think go down the line? How much? I know we're not gonna get it, But what do you think I know it's not gonna happen. Speak for your worth worth Okay, okay, okay, So just give me the name. Yeah, okay, uh Tommy, Tommy first, Timmy seventeen hundred, cool seventeen a million, Steves okay, seven all right, all right, Junior, what would Junior get? Junior? Wow, Junior? That what you you? Yeah? You bet? You bet? Not tell Timmy you gave me? Don't give it. I'm gonna write up a note out right in front of everybody. All right, how much is Carla gonna get? Carl Collar gona get? What you college? Three seventy five three hund five thousand, I take it all right? Uh, Shirley Strawbary, what suna familiar? How she's been with me to hate? Though? I know? All right here, come, all right. We've been knowing each other for a long time, long time. We met back when my you know what I was doing selling be honey in my room to make money, and we started off together. You wouldn't mean what what would be? What would you give me? That's what? Okay? Now, before you said that I was gonna give you sixteen I used the last person on the show and you hardly ever here. But I do have to consider the fact that you taught me comedy. You really did see me on this wing and taught me the coming. Yeah yeah. Until you said that right there, I was just gonna be You did have me, and so I probably had to give you jail the real dog sixteen. For what I've earned in my lifetime and what you did for me, I probably had to give you ten million. Let me, is there anyway? Is there any way you're gonna call me when the others are not around? And maybe we did work that out so that we just had them out of it altogether, like they don't know. He man, I'm not even looking at your ten mill. I gotta hurt all right. Coming up next, Junior is in for the nephew with the frank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry Letters subject Election day was the worst day of my life? What can you hear this letter? But first, Junior is in for the nephew with today's prank phone call. What you got for it's Junior, Well today, Shirley. The prank is truck driver exchange. That's it, just truck driver exchange, idiot run Okay, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Franklin. Yeah, this is Franklin. Franklin, how you doing? This? Is Roosevelt giving you a call from Human Resources Hey, what's up, Roosevelt? What could I do? All right? Man, I'm calling you from human resources. We'll train the partners where you been here, you can drive, having trucks for us for quite some time. Now, what do you you six? Six, six and a half years right now? Man, I'm eight and a half years shorty, okay, eight and a half year. How you doing, man? I'm good man, enjoying this road life. Man. I love working a few guys. Man, the benefics is there? I mean I'm supposed to get a call from you. I mean, I mean, hope everything. Well, I'm sure you're on the road right now. You're probably driving. I wanted to give you a call, and is this a bad time? Can you talk right now? Yeah? I actually told oh, but man, I had to get something to eat. Man, Okay, okay, so listen, let me tell you what's going on here with what GTP. What we're doing is we are doing some job exchange and some of the drivers that we have have been pulled out of a pool and some of you guys are going to be actually driving in different places. Now. So for the next six months, within the next thirty days, here, Franklin, you're gonna be um, You're you're gonna be driving trucks in South Africa. You're gonna be or for about six for about six six months, you're gonna drive in South Africa. Holda, holda hold, yeah, listen, I ain't got no problem with South Africa. But y'all y'a rather mind. I'm not going on South Africa. I don't come out a job in the right hand side of the row. Man. I love Africans, I love everything about Africa, but I'm not going I got a family out here in the United States of America, and you're trying to tell me I got to go to South Africa. Come on, man, what type of that you want? It's it's frequently, it's part of the job exchange. Just what it is, man, Okay, you change I've got going on? Man, I don't want to be part of that job exchange. No, No, I'm not going to no dance South Africa. This is not happening. But this is just listen to the track. Six months and you'll be back in the States. Okay. Let me let me say this a National geographic program y'all got going on? Man, I don't know what y'all got going on at y'all calling me. I'm in the middle of I'm talking like trying to eat me a cheeseburger from being on the road or one night, and you're talking about sending me to South Africa? What type of you on? Man? There's some foreign exchange program y'all got going on it. I'm not being part of this. You pulled my name out of pool like it was a su suitor. Come tell me that I'm up to be jobbing in Salad. This must be a joke, you know, No, I don't know. Not so good. This is a good thing, though, Franklin, I think you're gonna like it and know it's not a good thing. What are you telling me it's a good thing. I got wife and kids. But I'm what the fuck are you talking about? South Africa? Do they even have roadways out there? I'm not gonna are you serious? Are not here? I'm not I'm not hearing this correct, brother, I'm not hearing this correct, mister Roses. Though I don't Salad? What okay? My kid playing? You tell me South Africa? Are you serious? Okay? This place? Hear me out here? Man? Let me Like I said, they pulled names out of a pool, and you and about fifteen other guys are gonna be going to different parts of what type of pool you pulled it in. You better be put me back in the shallow part. You're going to the deep end pulling man. Get the fu girl. I'm not going to South Africa. I am not gonna Southacka. I don't know. I'm not taking on malarious shots, so I don't even gotta passport. You want me to go to about that point, well, listen to me, Franklin. We're gonna get you all the shots you need within the next thirty days, so you'll be shut to go. I'm not going to go around go to South Africa and Trump won't let me back in the country because of y'all. I'll with right now. I'm not going to South Africa. It's a job exchange, Franklin. Okay, let's type of job. So what so what we're exchange it? You're bringing South Africans over here, and then you're bringing me over with it. Y'all. My wife is not going to be happy about this. I'm not going my line someplace. Basically, can I tell you this that you're your salary actually doubles the six months while you're over there, don't try to don't try to tell me about that South African dollars or American dollars. What is it? What is it? Don't try that with me, Franklin, Franklin, it will be American dollars. I'm not going to know South Africa. I am not going. Matter of fact, it be my last day in the bro y'all could come pick up this brig and talking like because I'm not going to South Africa. I don't care how you spell it or you say it. I ain't going. Okay, Okay, Franklin, Listen, you've been in the Country company eight eight plus years, and I just gotta tell you. You are obligated. You've been chosen out of a pool. All you have to do is six months. You're gonna get paid double. Your family's gonna be fine, You'll be back. I ain't obligated to do but driving truck like I do every day, I'm not going. You can't tell me about being obligated. Let me tell you what I'm obligated to you. I'm obligated. Throw this truck. I'm forced here and try right through your human resources window. Because I ain't going to South Africa, and I keep telling you that I told you that since you got in the damn phone, I ain't going nowhere. Okay, but but but but let me ask something, Frankly. You've been here for what us for eight some years? Man, you don't you don't want to continue your job here with the company. I don't give a about this job right now, trying to send me overseas like you're setting me up from them. I ain't going out of fact. Let me turn this truck on right now. I'm coming down and see you, mister Roses out. Okay, hold on onh do you know Jermaine? Yeah, I know Rivers? But what do you gotta do with it? Okay, let me go and don't say this, Frankly, This right here that you're talking to is nephew Tommy and your boy Rivers got me the planking phone called you. You just got pranked by your boy, Jermaine Rivers. Oh wait till I see. So you ain't no roads to go and I ain't gonna go to South Africa. No, God, oh man, this is nothing, man, I just listening on the road. Oh Rivers, you want to play with us. I want to put some sugar in your trunk. All right, Franklin before we live, man, tell me this. What is the baddest radio show in the lands that Steve Harvey Morning Show Man? He was you going, Franklin is not playing. You can have all of it. They have roads. I got a wife and kids. My wife is not going for this because that is what people think. But if you went to South Africa, you would be stunned. Oh yeah, beauty stunned man, how metropolitan it really is, especially Johannesburg and Derby and Kate beautiful, der is beautiful. It's unbelievable. Unbelievable, man, it's crazy. Johannesburg, man, the dog Gone restaurants, just unbelievable, man, unbelievable food. And that's what people think. That's what people think. That's exactly what it's primitive and all of them walking around and elephants just walking around. And yeah, now when you go way out three hours outside of town. Oh yeah, oh you knew what you want out there? Now, what do you mean stay your ass on the truck part. Lions and tigers and bearers are mine and they know you there too, bro, And and your dumb man's don't be out there or it's night. We're gonna go for a walk. No, you're not. Why to be your last walk partner? Come out at night. They not play it, they not play it. Everything is safe, you know, of course there's crime everywhere, but okay, yeah, make you go back in your hotel room. Dea. All right, thank you, Junior in for the nephew coming up. Strawberry letter. Election day was the worst day of my life as the subject. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Stay Morning Show. Well, the countdown is on for the Georgia Senate runoff dates. Request your absentee ballot now, please, because December seventh is the voter registration deadline. Did you hear me? I said December seventh. If you have not registered, that is your deadline. December fourteenth through the thirty first is early voting. In January fifth, of course, twenty twenty one is election day. We are voting for Reverend Raphael Warnock and John ausof Georgia. Come on, let's go, all right, let's show him. We got something to prove, something to show. We need to continue our fight. Yes, we do. You need to be in DC. Well, yes they do right, we can do it all right, switching gears. Now it's time for the Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. That's for you Jay. All Right, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Strawberry Letter. Well, my good friends, Shirley straw Theory, thank you, junior subject. Election Day was the worst day of my life. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a twenty seven year old woman and I have three children by my ex boyfriend. I say X because we just broke up on election Day. We had been together for nine years and started a family together, but things started going downhill recently. A few years ago, we moved to a new city and we both had great job and we opened a small business together. We were finally getting the financial freedom that we needed for our family, so I thought it was a perfect time for us to get married. I was so wrong. I found out on election day that he was cheating on me with one of our employees, and I was shocked but not surprised. I told him to get out and I put all of his clothes outside on the porch. The next day, he went public with his new girlfriend. He didn't take my feelings or the kid's feelings into consideration. He moved in with his new girl and her child. He thinks I should accept everything and move on, but I already have a problem with the co parenting, and he left me with our shared bills and living expenses. We have three children that no longer have a father in the home, and he expects them to come stay with him at this other woman's house. This is this all just happened on election day, and he's already pressing me to see the children. I told him, no, it's too soon, and he went off me. My question to you is what do I do now. It's the best way to co parent in this situation. I want to remain civil with him, but this is too much. Yeah, this is way too much. First of all, I am sorry that this happened on election day, and I hope this does not mean you're not going to go out and vote and everything. We gotta get that straight. It just happened on that day, Okay, but don't let election day be you know, traumatic for you or anything like that. Go ahead and go and go vote. And I'm sorry that he did this to you and the kids. I really am, Yeah, Steve, I said that because you know, the election day, whenever she thinks about it. Now, she's going to think about the breakup. You know that association. I guess the first thing I would do. The first thing I would do is file for child support because he's out, he's living with someone else and their child. File for child support. Because he's right, you should move on. You said, you guys had great jobs, You have a business us and all of that. So you know, file for child support. Make him start paying now, and you need some kind of financial help with the children. If this is how he treats you after nine years and three kids, he would have been a crappy husband anyway. I mean, you know, so it's it's a good thing you didn't marry this guy. He's disrespectful, and you're right, this is all too soon. He moved in with this woman the next day, and this woman is your employee. I can see what I would be shocked and surprised this This woman is out of control and out of order. You haven't had time to process any of this because he's already moved in and moved on. Thank God you didn't marry him. He's a loser. I just think, and just remember when it comes to the kids, don't let them stay away from their dad too long. Okay, don't punish him by using the kids. You know some women do that when they're bitter. Please don't do that. Go through the court system, get full or joint custody, and just try to make this as painless and as possible for the kids. You know, if you didn't have three kids involved, it would probably be maybe a different response for me. But you gotta be mindful of the children. You really really do in this situation. But first of all, make sure that he's gonna pay some child support. That's number one for me. Steve. Wow, this letter right here is really a trill because I'm gonna have to tell you something. System. You're twenty seven years old with three kids by your ex boyfriend because y'all broke up on election Dick that day, y'all been together nine years and started a family together. Now, let me stop right here. Three kids, nine years, You waited too long for a commitment. Now, I know this is water over the damn but I'm just talking to women out there who are in similar situations. You can't just play house with these men like this, because when you get to the point where it's time to make a decision where he did, where he gonna just go his own way, there has to be a consequence for that. Seeing. One thing about marriage is it makes you fight a little bit harder. It makes you have to consider way with decisions adverse actions. Marriage causes you to pause and think about the cost or the repercussions. But you don't have that because you waited too long to get it. You know, you just I'm sorry, y'all. Moved to a new city, great jobs, got the financial freedom you needed. So you thought, and you thought it was a perfect time for us to get married. This the first time you thought it was a good time to get married. Nine years and three kids later, this is the perfect time. See, that's what I mean. You know, and you say I was so wrong, And then you found on election day he was cheating, and we'll get into that. Well, yeah, we'll have heard too if Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject election day was the worst day of my life. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject Election Day was the worst day of my life. This is a letter about this twenty seven year old woman who I really feel for the past three kids by her ex boyfriend, and she say X because they broke up on election Day. Now they've been together nine years and they started a family. I said early, and I'll reiterate three kids nine years. You waited too long to get a commitment. See, guys can just walk away from you when they no commitment when you're married is different. You got to figure it out. You got to do some arithmetic for you leave. You gotta get stuff figured out. You got to file it's consequences. You can't play house with people like this man. You just can't. I'm sorry, that's not the way it's really set up. And then you run into a guy like this. Now, after y'all moved to a new city, you got the financial freedom you thought, and you thought it was a perfect time for y'all are getting married, three kids and nine years later this. I know this is not the first time you bought this subject up. I know it's not the first time you thought it was a perfect time. Oh, he'd been telling you, not chet, not chet, not chet, we gotta get it together, we gotta get together. Well, now you got it together, and you thought it was perfect time. And then you said I was so wrong. You found out on election day that he was cheating on me with one of our employees. I was shocked, but not surprised. Shocked and surprised kind of sound like the same thing to me. So I don't know what you meant by that. I don't know if you were shocked when you found out, but you wasn't that shocked. Obviously felt something was going on between them. Obviously there's been some infidelity before. Yeah, yeah, obviously for you to be shocked but not surprised because obviously probably I'm saying this, I don't know this, but he's probably done it before. I told him to get out, put all his clothes outside on the porch. Next day he went in public with his new girlfriend. He's so he'd been just waiting on the house. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh you put me out. I'm in boom. He didn't take my feelings on the kid's feelings any consideration, No, he didn't. He moved in with his new girl and her child. He thinks I should accept everything and move on. And that's hard to do because you were shocked, but you wasn't surprised. So I already have a problem with coparing and he left me with our shared bills and living expenses. We have chio children, no longer have a father at home, and they expect him to come and stay with him at this other woman's house. Okay. See, I don't know what states that's happened in, but in most states there's this thing called common law, and if you've been together with somebody and you take them to court, you not only can get some type of child support, but you probably qualify for some type of spousal support, even though you weren't legally married. But no man can leave you with a set of shared bills and living expenses and just go on about his way. That's not a court in the world that's gonna let a man get away with that. I can promise you that. So you have a lot of angles you can take, and you should take them, because now he expects them to come and stay with him at the other woman's house. Now, Shirley got a point about you don't want to use the kids as pawns and keep the kids working their father. But hold up, dog, you can't have you can't can eat it too. Now you didn't want the family, remember, now all of a sudden you want the family. So now women women, women gonna and you ain't paying no bills around here. You ain't helping out. It's kind of hard dog. Yeah, and this all just happened on election day. That's the yeah. Now, Sirley, say, just keep voting no matter what. We don't even really give a damn about the election in this way. She mentioned election, well, she mentioned it, Sherley, and I just wanted you to tell hoody that vote it. What's important here. They don't have an election that unless stay in Georgia. Her ass ain't got to vote for me. It's always imp she and Georgia. She gotta get ass back down there because you got it from Georgia. You know. I told him, no, it's too soon, and he went off on me. He's been pressing me about seeing the kids. My question you you is what do I do now? What's the best way to compare it in this situation? Shirley was right about it. You got to let him see the kids. But I want to remain civil with him. But he wasn't civil to you. What see, y'all, y'all see you you're being civil, But sometimes you have to make the other person be civil. See, if he was civil to you, he'd pay his part of the shared bills, he would pay his part of the living expense. I'm assuming y'all. Room, y'all got a house, y'all got a house together something. He just a'm bouncing now he living with this other girl and this other baby. No, you have to help him be civil. You have to take him to car for child support and sposal support. And once your lawyer explains that he up and left with another woman and a child, didn't, he gonna have to pay all these bills. Okay, So now that's what I would do if I would. You and you do have to move on because he's gone. Yeah, yeah, that's true. That's the reality of it. He is gone. He ain't coming back. He move in with her. Yeah, all right, thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve HARVEFM on Instagram and Facebook, and please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Now. Coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, We're gonna have some sports talk with who Junior Why? After this? Yeah, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for sports talk with Junior. What you got for its? Junior A. Shirley. The NBA offseason is starting to heat up. The free agency is picking up, and I wish my last name was A Davis because Anthony Davis agreed to a five wile hundred and ninety million dollar deal with the Los Angeles Lakers. This is one night play basketball for five years. I could do it. I could do it now. Yeah, I think a lot of money. There's a lot of one hundred ninety billions. But man, Lebron James has signed a two year extension for eighty five million dollars lower. And they did something that's really interested. They broke down Lebron James money. This is crazy. This man makes one dollar and thirty six second one dollars and thirty six cent every second. Every minute, he making eighty two dollars every hour. He making four thousand, eight hundred and ninety one dollars every day. The man make one hundred and seventeen thousand, three hundred ninety seven dollars a month, he making three point five seven and every two years eighty five point seven million. I ain't mad at you, Lebron, go ahead for two more years, and then you know the Russell Westbrook has been traded from the Houston Rockets to the Washington Boo, yeah he did. He on man to the water. Damn bullet. Who y'all got now, John, Yeah, they're taking they are taking played in two years. Well, I know, but we need somebody. We just need somebody. I hope he healthy, though, But John Waller band for he is. He ain't no damn Westbrook though that well, you know, we still got James Harden so hard and meanwhile play well, but he is James and the ass he didn't ask to be out. Y'all got people in here leaving it and people that don't want to be there because your damn fucking little owner as a Trump supporter, Well, well he there right now though until he leaves, he still played for the Rockets. Now, how good he gonna play? We don't know he gonna do well for eighty two games, but then we get the playoffs. Who have a problem. I know, I know that now he's he'd be shorting himself out. You know, he'd be tired that time player. He didn't shot at that thing. Throw to him. Well, but in Houston though, he's open. The restaurant change has the call thirteen. He's open, restaurant call thirt hard part restaurant. That's his number. It's needed another name. That's his number. That's his number, restaurant people. That's all. That's where was your question? Jay? Oh? The three ball Well, we don't have enough time. The three ball boys are playing? Are they that good? Because I are they really that good? You don't make an NBA team unless you can do something. Okay, the one that just got drafted is supposed to be excellent, supposed to be busy. All right, thank you, guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, comedy Roulette right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, time now for comedy Roulette. Today's categories are things you don't to bring up on the Zoom family meeting that might start an argument. Oh, things you say to people that show up unexpectedly. I'm assuming at your house. They show up at your house unexpectedly. Uh huh. And then the last one is the lie you tell when kids find out there is no Santa clause. Oh oh god, okay, and so the kids who just found out just right now, I'm sorry, Grench, I know, I'm sorry. We're sorry. All right on you mom and dad. Oh, let's go. It landed on things you don't ring up on the Zoom family meeting that might start an argument? Wow, all right, here we go. Here we go Comedy Roulette. Things you don't bring up a Zoom family meeting and Mike start argument. You know when mama died, she got all the money, all the money, didn't nobody getting nothing my mom? Yeah, you're just gonna say that on the Zoom Do things you don't bring up at the family Zoom meeting that spight start an argument. Last time we had told you get your eyepatch. Now we don't camera you scan it kill you don't camera you do this every week? Jis family, all right? See, things you don't bring up on the family Zoom meeting that might start an argument. All right, everybody, raise your head. Everybody don't like on the Clare's potato salad gonna do a pole on the Zoom were talking about it. That's an argument right there for real? Yeah, definitely comedy roulette. Things you don't bring up in the family meeting that will start an argument. So you telling me the house is clean? That is yeah, it is okay. Oh he tried it, didn't he? Oh you're ready to get ready? Yeah. Things you don't bring up on the family Zoom meeting that might start an argument. Yeah, your daddy got another baby. They'll health of seven school with everything start with an argument. Teresa, ain't Teresa? All right? Wow, Junior Steve. Things you don't bring up on the Zoom family meeting that might start an argument. Listen, don't nobody asked me to keep Earlie's kids no more scared about to watch this crazy as kids eight years old? Still talking about kids. Then you don't bring up on the Zoom family meeting because it will start the argument. When can Nell get out? Oh my god and look to see him. What are you doing? Look at him out again? He is out here we go. Things you don't bring up on the Zoom meeting, the family zoom me because it might start an argument. Somebody tells Melvin to turn his camera off. The roaches is in here on the zoom Steve, close it out. You don't bring up on the zoom family meeting. That might start an argument. How many cousins you think Uncle Milton did slept with? Look at our faces on the zoo way does she close it down? Shut it down, Steve, I love it. Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have more trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The US Postal Service wants to make sure that every letter to Santa not only reach it to its North Pole destination, but also gets response the response it deserves. Okay, thank you US Postal Service. In order to do that, they have launched the Operation Santa Program. Starting to day, volunteer elves will be able to sign up to adopt a letter through the USPS website. Once you are a pre screened you will promise to write a Santa approved response letter and make sure a gift for the child or family arrives on Christmas morning that we don't need anybody writing letters to kids. Well, you gotta be pre screened, Steve. There's a screening process. It sounds like you can adopt a family, That's what it kind of sounds. Yeah, Santa's very busy this year, so approved elves, you know, after the screening focus and everything. Yeah, can adopt as many letters as they want. And you can check out the USPS website for details. Yeah that's cool. I like yeah, I like that, you know, Yeah, I like that because we need a good Christmas this year. We've been through a lot. Yeah, we've been for babies. Huh Yeah, would you say, Junior? Now I'm just saying that's nice. I should probably write a letter for one hour. What do you want? Yeah? Brand neutral. I just hope he gets sponsed for your pool deals credit check. All right, Junior, we here are you coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour more music trending topics on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So we all remember that recent press conference. Remember the press conference with Rudy Giuliani when he Giuliani. When he had the hair dye running down the side of his face, he looked crazy. Yeah, well, oh, Rudy is at it again. The other night in Lansing, Michigan, during a Michigan election fraud hearing Okay, Rudy Giuliani was there trying to overturn presenting like Joe Biden's election result, and while he was speaking this is so grossy, he passed guests twice. Wife speaking yes, Rudy's co console looked at him like, I know, I know you didn't just pass gas twice old, like an old one, like real old. What the hell was that? Like, you gotta go change after that one? Oh no, get up, Jay. Normally we don't. Can I just say, we normally don't do this type of humor on it. Don't do it, but you could hear it. The ladies sitting next to him looked at him like, yeah, I know, you just didn't sit up here and do what I know it did sound like and face, I didn't hear this story. I just yeah, oh my gosh, you got got it's terrible. Oh yeah, yes yeah. And then his his star witness, did you see her the blore? She she looked high or drunk or something that's wrong with her, and she was being combative, you know with the people asking the questions. She was as as non credible as you can get. Let's just say that, okay. Um, she looked a mess. Her hair was all disheveled. It was a mess. And then it was just a mess. Okay, between the passing gas and this witnes, this drunk looking witness, get out, just get out. But this your crude. Yeah, this is your lead attorney. This is your dog right here. Yeah, I know, okay, switching gears. In other entertainment news, a volunteer Carol Baskin's Big Cat Animal Rescue in Tampa is in the hospital and is in danger of losing her arm after she was viciously attacked by one of the tigers she was caring for. The incident occurred yesterday at the tiger sanctuary. The staffer, whose name is Candy Cowser, reached into a tiger's enclosure to open the door, and the tiger bit down on her hand. It then tugged at her and nearly pulled her entire arm off. Emergency workers rushed her to the hospital where she is being treated. Doctor says she is expected to survive. Coming up, it's our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. Damn it, deal with it, okay. And of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only, our fearless leader, the captain of this ship right here. And I did say ship. Steve Harvey's closing remarks at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. While the countdown is on for the Georgia's Senate runoff races. Please you gotta request your ballot now because December seventh is the voter registration deadline. We want everyone to get registered to vote. Okay. There's a major election coming up in Georgia and we need to be a part of that. Okay. December seventh again is the registration deadline. December fourteenth through the thirty first is early voting. Okay, do not wait till the last minute. Please go ahead and early vote. And then January fifth, of course, twenty twenty one is election day. We're voting for Raphael Warnock and John Assaf because we need them in Washington, d C. In the Senate so they can help Joe Biden. You know, he has a big agenda. He's inheriting a mess. He needs all the help he can get, you know, a hot yeah, yeah, So come on, Georgia, we need you right now. Phase two of this voting scenario for this year. All right, hey, y'all, we do we have to vote. We've got to turn this thing around. You know what's really gotten me about this whole thing, my clothes remarks, is just this right here. You know, when Trump first came up with the term fake news, and what he did was anybody who wrote anything that was against him, counter to him, and unflattering to him, no matter what it was, no matter how factual or truthful it was, it simply got called fake news, to the point where fake news has become a term. It's an actual term now. I hear Republicans use it all the time. People they say fake news. But what he did was even more cunny. He went on Fox. And since he's labeled every other liberal or mainstream media company fake news. When he goes on Fox, anything he says, no matter how untruthful, no facts behind it, or just flat out lies, that's not fake news. What's really tripped me out. Is the number of people who don't say see that, who have just fallen gullible to that man. It's I've never seen more people follow people blindly. It's like when you're driving down the freeway and you get to an exit and all of a sudden it slows down and you're driving along and you see people for a mile and a half in this single file line waiting to get off this exit, waiting on my turn, And I go, man, who are these people that's a mile and a half from the exit that's just sitting in this line like this? Well, it's them. It's sad that a lot of people don't know how to think for themselves and will actually listen and believe anything that somebody else tells them to. It's just been alarming the sheer number of people to the point where this man has lost the election and now he's saying it's a complete fraud, so he's willing to bring down the whole democratic system because he lost in the election. Now, when Hillary lost the election by way less of a margin in these battleground states, and she won the popular vote by three million, she didn't say a word. She just went on and took it. He has lost. Now it's I think it's over seven million votes. He's losing the popular vote by he's lost the elector vote by the same count. He beat Hillary Clinton by three hundred and sixty electron and he said it was a landslide. Well, now that this landslide has turned into his own personal ass whipping all of a sudden, it's a problem with the election. The part that's really troubling me is not him. It's the people who believe him, who go along with him. Now, when Donald Trump is out of office, and he will be out of office on the twentieth of January, I really want to deal with these power politicians who are remaining. Are they gonna forever be afraid of Donald Trump. I've never seen a larger group of so called Christian people be more afraid of another man, and consider the man that they're looking at bigger than the God they claim to serve. I've never seen it in an alarming number like this, because that's the Republican agenda with God fearing conservative Christian people. And I don't doubt that you are, and I don't have a problem with you be in that, But when you follow a man more than you follow your God. When you let that man way of thinking override what you learned as a person about being a Christian in the first place. I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry. I don't get it. That's the saddest thing. And it's tens of millions of them out there. That's the sad part of all this. And even though Joe Biden won the election, he's left with a huge mess. This country is more divided. Like President Obama said when we talk, it's more divided than ever before. He's never seen it like this, and it's because this guy at the top, he loves division. He loves conflict. That's his specialty, and he creates the conflict just to get people on his side. Doesn't matter that he's gonna lay all these people by the wayside. Y'all, y'all Trump supporters, listen to me. He ain't said a word about the stimulus package. Don't y'all know, y'all suffering just like Democrats. He ain't said a word about the pandemic. Don't y'all know that we're getting sick and we're dying, just like the Democrats, Republicans. You're getting sick, and you're dying just like Republicans. You're unemployed, just like the Democrats, you really are. And the dude that you are afraid of that you worship board and you will then you do your own faith. He don't care. He don't care. Man, this is a sad thing. Man. I've never seen it like this before. But I will never let him man be bigger than my God. I give you my word on that. I don't care who he is. That's it. See y'all Monday. Amen. Amen for all Steve Every contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening,