Roscoe's X-Mas Songs, Meeting Santa, Steve's Voicemail, Sheryl Underwood and more.

Published Dec 16, 2021, 11:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The Chief Love Officer has simple words for a lady dating a fat boy. Steve answers questions straight from his answering service. Do you remember your first meeting with Santa? Steve has choice words about what is happening in America today. Underwood and Harvey had a moment and from that comes a question. Today in Would You Rather, it feels like a party. Could it be that the #1 cause of divorce is getting married? The Baddest Radio Show In The Land brings you a very special musical performance. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog reminds us to get content with our own self before looking at others.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things, and it shoves not me through good to mother for I don't join me. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby now, huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. God is in a blessing business. I'm in the receiving line, man. That's a good feeling. I thank God for waking me up in the mornings, I really really do. I thank God for the spirit that he wakes me up with because I finally, but I finally figured it out. Such a blessing that shouldn't be taken for granted. The fact that you are up to day, the fact that you just got off working, you driving home, the fact that you got a job to come home from, the fact that you got a job to wake up too. Whatever it is the fact that you can see, think, here, smell, walk, talk, rhyme, reason, whatever, it is. It's a blessing. Man. I was talking to a partner mine last night and an analogy came to me last night of what my life has been like, just going over my story with a friend of mine, of all some of the things I had gone through, and he never knew it because he said, man, you never told me that we were just talking. One of the things I remember, and it's kind of equated to my life, was when I was a little boy and should go to the the store with my mom and she would let me buy a jigsaw puzzle. Now, for those of you, a jigsaw puzzle comes in a box that are no instructions. It just comes in a box and it's simple. You're gonna dump the pieces out in a pile and you're gonna try to put the pieces together until it looks like the picture that's on the cover of the box. That's as simple as it is. Here is the deal. I would select a jigsaw puzzle based on the picture that I liked and if I thought I could do it. Now, if the picture looked too crazy, if it looked too intricate, I didn't want that puzzle, you know. And the thing was back in the day you got a jigsaw puzzle. You had a hundred piece puzzles. Four hundred piece puzzles, man, then they say a thousand piece puzzle. You go, oh. So those were a little difficult for me when I was a little boy, so I didn't want that. As I got a little bit older, I had more challenging puzzles, you know, four fifty five hundred piece puzzles. But I always picked a picture of something I liked. So it's very simple. You get the jigsaw puzzle, you get it home, you open it up, you dump it out on the table. You flipped all the pieces over so you can see them, and then I would try to saw them based on the colors on the box. If it was like a black section, I'd take all the black pieces and slide them over there. If it was some flowers, I'd try to find all the pictures with little jig saw pieces with the little floor and I separate them. And then I started putting it together. And the way I started was I try to build the border first, because I knew all the straight edges had to be side by side at one point. And it was funny, man, because it's related to my life. I would start putting the pieces together of the picture I saw that I liked, and that would be my picture. A lot of people didn't like Jig saw puzzles. As a matter of fact, none of the boys on the street like Jig Saw puzzles but me, because they just didn't want to go through the intricate details of figuring that out. Really go outside and run or something like that. And so what happened was, as I got older, I wanted more difficult than challenging puzzles, but I wouldn't go too far. I wanted some nice stuff to happen. I had a picture of what I wanted for my life, but I didn't want to go too far because it was so challenging and difficult. I couldn't see myself at all of that, and I didn't have the time, the knowledge, the expertise to figuring all the intricate details. And I discovered something when I was talking last night. That's what happens in life to a lot of people. You get bogged down with the details of coming up and trying to create the picture that you want for yourself. You put it to the side. You said, ah, that puzs are crazy. Next thing, you know, you crumble it up and put it back in the box. So you go halfway and you get stuck, and you get to the part where it ain't a lot of different colors. It's all the same. And that's a little bit more challenge. So that may stop you. But it's somewhere in the jigsaw puzzle that it gets very difficult and challenging. The bigger the picture you want, but then what a happened in your life, It's just like what ha happened in the jigsaw. Once you get comfortable and you don't mind a challenge, you could get a bigger picture. But here's the key to it, though, if you put God in your mix, see the picture that I saw for myself as a boy is not the picture that has happened to me as a man. Because along the way from boyhood to manhood, from the time I was ten, you understand what happened along the riding now was I started putting God in the mix. And so now the picture that I have now is not the picture I saw, It's the picture that God saw. So what I'm saying this analogy is the picture you have may be difficult to complete, but if you were to include God in your life, put God in your jigsaw puzzle. God will not only help you complete the puzzle, and he gonna add some pieces, he gonna do some favors, he gonna show some mercy, and you're gonna look up and the picture that you're able to end up with or be totally different and much more complete, much more beautiful or bigger picture than the one you had. Because there's no way that I could have saw the life that I have today back when I was a boy. And it amazes me when I hear people say I always saw this for myself. I didn't do that. I didn't quite see this for myself. I don't know how you can have the ability to see what God really has for you. But man, he's a masterful jigsaw man. He's an incredible puzzle complet So if you got a puzzle that's challenging to you, maybe you need to see what's the picture that God has for your life. If God were in your life, if you completed the puzzle, what would it look like. It'll be a far more extensive puzzle and it would be a far more beautiful piece of scenery than you could have ever imagined tears come in my eyes because I can't believe God bought me this far. I can't believe that when I opened up and accepted him and started talking to him, that he would add all these pieceles to my jigsaw puzzle, and my jigsaw puzzle would look like this. And I could tell you I ain't got a whole lot to do with with with what I had and turned into, it's mostly favored and blessings and grace and mercy of God. And I looked up and I just got a much bigger jigsaw puzzle completed. And guess what, He ain't through with me yet. That's what's amazing and exciting about a relationship with God. God could take your jigsaw puzzle and fix it. Good morning show, ladies in general, we are here welcome to the ride. On yesterday it was announced that Roscoe Wallace was not coming in to do a song, but he is here today to bring us in on the latest updates. He'll answer questions about the three trillion dollars lawsuit against the entire music industry as we close out the new year. Roscoe Wallace is here, ladies and gentlemen. The legend the Mill the truth, Roscoe Wallace. But everybody on the Lord, every truth. We're going away right hey, hey call it, call it. We're going on ro Man, just monk, go over there, Tommy, We're going over here, top top, Roscoe. Everything go hey, hold on, hold on. I don't like that little honding through that time time you know coming, You like that, you know, little bit more love for you, Paul out the home you my man, here you go. You know, man, hey, hey, hey, you know you might be on top right now, but you know you could find yourself in the three trillion dollar lawsuit too. How he spoke to you? Yeah, you know. So I'm here to answer any question about the lawsuit. I'm there with my lawyers yesterday or from the great law Firm or Ernston Winston and old people run down. I got two law firm. I got Johnny Cochran, the old law firm he had. I got Arnson Wins because you know, you gotta have white people. You know you're gonna try to get till they don't either trying to call crump. If you're trying to get a trill. You already know that. I got Johnny cockering people. He got old j Off I know gonna hear where he can give me some money. And here I got Arnson, Wins and White In question, I want to ask Rosa. I mean you say three tree me, everybody's pump Daddy and the hair. Yeah, pump Dad isn't take that? Take that mine? Take mine back of one up? What you take that as yours? Take that one? Yeah you took that, took that? What you did? Kirk Franklin, you never mean mentioned any k smile yeah, smile you hatch Kirk ever said he smiled before that song. Not quite. He told me everything. Who ell wow, you're sawing the gospel artists and the r Marvin South gonna law suit the best in me. He saw the best in me. Now you finishing the best in me too. Everybody ever could have made that well yeah, yeah, he had never seen that before. I'm thinking Motown like Smokey Robinson, smoke ass gone, you know, smoking old ass gold. What I love you? When we cruised into Calvil, Yeah, Rody, what about DeAngelo? He remade that degel rode it. I'm shooing DeAngelo for all counds of story, taking the clothes all black Mama. This he stole Marvin gay sound. I'm shooing Marvin he stole Marvin Son. No there, welling on me all right, Rosco. I think we're gonna hear from you later on the show. Hear from you later in the show, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour. Nephew, Timmy's run that prank back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time to start your morning off. Now we'd run that prank back. What you got, nephew, We're gonna do three minute remarks. Three minute remarks. If you've ever gone to a black funeral, you know how it goes. Three minute real, nothing more, nothing less. You know how it goes. Here it is cat dog. Well, yes, I'm trying to reach your brother Keith. Please. Yeah, this is Keith, Keith. How are you doing? This is Lawrence over at il funeral home. Okay. We are the ones that have the U doing the funeral for sister Dolores. And that is h your my understanding, right, yeah, okay, And as you know, the funeral is uh this coming Thursday. Yes, I'll be that Thursday. I'm giving you a call because it's been brought to my attention. Uh that you were going to be giving remarks for the funeral. Is that correct? Yes? Absolutely, Okay. I wanted to call you because we're getting ready to print the programs for the few the rule and let you know that they have taken you off for the remarks. Uh, because they say that you're not going to be what do you mean taking me off? Well, what I'm saying that they say that you're you're not going to abide by the two three minute rule that they have for remarks, and they wanted they've they've taken you off. And uh uh? Who? Who? Who is they? Who? Who come out? Come off? Who? Who? What's your name is? Launch? I'm Launched, I'm the actual funeral director lord. And who who told you to take me off? One of the one of the family members I'm assuming is who who made the adjustment? And an adjustice that ain't no adjustment, that's that's changing the whole program? Who else is on the list? I mean there's quite a few family members doing different things, uh throughout the funeral? Okay, So how did you get to my name? Is what I'm trying to figure out that they said, let listen to me, listen, listen to me Listen to me, brother, keep listen to me. What they said it is that you weren't going to abide by the time, you weren't going to do your remarks in three minutes or less. Listen, Listen, listen, listen. Monty raised me. He put me through college. And you think I'm been, I've Beenna goes there in her funeral and be under two minutes. Well, listen, listen, brother, keep brother, keep listen to me. Normally, when we have these funerals, people who give remarks, we have them three minutes or less. Okay, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what mister lord don't list? Is she loan the list? We have a sealer. Yes, there's a ceiler that's singing your name off the list. Take her off the list and put me where she supposed to be. What I can't and her time is Bobby Joao Bobby, Yes, Bobby Junior is given remarks. That's that's that's Deloris's, that's mister Lawes's son, right, Yes, every son, the one that's been locked up. He just got out of till the truth be told. He the one Dawn and then put her in the co You needn't take him off the list too. Give me all that time, because I mean, if I gonna take nothing that Keith, let me let me. Let me just say this to you. I cannot take Sheila or Bobby Junior off. I can't make any alterations to this program unless they say that, Actually, sir, you already you already taking you already taking people name off. You're taking my name off. But but they they orchestrated this though, who is they? Who is they? Theys for having my problem? They try to take me off my hockey program? Who is state? Sir? I'm not gonna get into a family matter. But until they say that, you can't matter. Sure, I'm not gonna. I don't want to. I don't want to have this turn out to be bad, and we want to have a great homegoing for sister Deloyd's okay, damn right. And if I don't get to say nothing, I guaranteese, I guarantee you it's gonna be a truthful one in there. Somebody else is gonna get things and a call for tooth. I guarantees that if I don't get to say nothing that my monkey funeral, monkey didn't pay for the college, I didn't put six thousand in the funeral. I bet you I tell you this. I'll tell you this, mister lord. I bet you whether I don't want the program, I'm not. I bet you I say it with the I want to. I'll bet you that much. You tell Bay that I didn't. I didn't put me through college. I can put money on the funeral. I called around a few who ain't putting no money on the funeral. Fell in, they can't be on the program, man, Keep they when they decide who who Who's owning? If they changed the format, then I will call you back. Who who the is thegue? That's what I'm trying to get. Get you understand who is back? Can I can? I tell you something and I don't want you to get to I raped okay, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, man, I just want to say this. Keep with them. This is Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Mornin Show. You just got breakd just gotten breaked by your cousin, Bobby Junior. You boom, I'm Bobby Junior up. I'm kicking Bobby. I know that my pressure is all up. I ain't got time to be playing man taking me on damn program. I'm h baby said, y'all grew up like brothers man, and you was. You was basically another son of mister Lord's. That's right, Yes, yes, I was. Man. Oh hey, let me ask you this man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Steve Harvey morning shout? Have y'all ever done that? Have you ever given the three minute remarks at a funeral? That's a long three minutes to talk. People don't know, because we talked for a living three minutes, right, that's a very long time. It's just you talking. Yeah, yeah, what you say at three minutes? If you ain't got no jokes, it's a few yeah, if you're not a professional, yeah, all right, all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next, it is asked the Cello Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. In the building, you're listening every morning show, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna's standing by with our national news and an entertainment news still trending, Snoop Dogg and the Golden Globe nominations. When he said, ben Afleck blow it up, but he had a good, cute little funny comeback every time he did it. And we'll talk about that at the top of the hour. But right now it is time for Steve's favorite segment. It's called Ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey, Ready for your love questions? Yeah, this one is from Anonymous in Delaware. Anonymous says, I'm a thirty eight year old married man, and I have a question about men looking at beautiful sexy women's pictures all day on Instagram. You did a Strawberry letter about this, and I don't see it as a form of cheating. I don't mind if my wife looks that oiled up sexy men all day. If she's looking at those men, it motivates me to keep myself up, and vice versa. Why is this bad cloth? Well, I mean, dog, I mean, you could do like you want to do, you know, but I just I mean, you can't tell me you ain't having thoughts? Why are you looking at these pictures? And if you're having thoughts, you're building up a reservoir these thoughts in your head, and that's leading to temptation and then after while the opportunity to act on it could become greater. Hey man, I'll tell you what do like you want to do, go ahead, but that that an't trying to fake me and fool me with it. If my woman is looking at all up me and body, that makes me moding. That's not true. You can stop that. If she looking at all up men's body all day, you know your ass don't look like that. Don't shoot. I know, I ain't even got no. Oh, I don't even so you can say that pardon and trying to trick me with it. She looking at I don't mind because you do mind. That's not true. That's not true. Ain't no man comfortable with a woman look at a whole bunch of all of me? And is it not? Gim stop none of his faith? And you man because you rode in. Yeah, all right. Moving on to Sherry and Brooklyn, Sherry writes, I'm going through a divorce right now, and my ex has moved on to an old friend that I introduced him to. I don't care about what he's doing, but I do hold her accountable for her actions. Oh wait, she introduced who Shirley? I mean, she introduced her act. She's going through a divorce right now and her exes moved on to a friend that she his ex wife's introduced him to. She says she doesn't care what he's doing, but she holds her friend accountable for her actions. She's sleeping with him and I'm still married to him. Why do women think it's okay to get your sloppy seconds? They're all men like this? Or is a certain type of lowdown man that would do this? Wait a minute, what man are you talking about? This is a woman d's sleeping with her girlfriend that shed to her husband her You introduced this woman to your husband. Now y'all getting a divorce. Your husband is sleeping with her. H he. Now you're mad about her because she's doing sloppy seconds? Yeah? But for he? Well, I mean you could be mad at her if you want to. I understand that. But what double back and got the girlfriend and she wants the girlfriend to stop sleeping with her ex husband. Well, first of all, this ain't your husband, no mo, and she not your friend, no mo. So where we at? Let it go? If she stopped, you ain't gonna steal, ain't gonna like her because every time you see her, you're gonna see her sleeping with your husband. So what what what do you want with either one of them? You want them to stop, but you're not gonna You're not gonna deal with either one of them. Girls stop. Here's the question. Are all men like this or is it a certain type of lowdown man that would do this? The man ain't being lowdown. Excuse me. You introduced her to him. She your girlfriend? Heyo asks for a reason. Now he dating your girlfriend that you introduced him for. The trifling one in this bunch is your girlfriend and what you're already divorcing him for a reason. Probably got something, dude, something like that. Anyway, now he doing what he'd been doing, what you mad at him for. Now, all men ain't like that? But yeah, this is moving on. Pauline in Southfield, Michigan. Pauline says, yesterday was myself Stee's birthday, and I didn't get a call from my boyfriend until around six pm. He lives over an hour away from me and does not drive anymore because he's legally blind. I told him I expected to hear from him or get flowers or something from him, and he told me that I can't tell him how to love me. We've been dating for two years and he doesn't make me feel special anymore. Is this a sign that he's no longer interested? Well, you know, he probably didn't see it on the calendar. He did something. You know. It ain't like he could look at his phone and then know you did say he would legally blind. That whole day could have got back without him realizing it was your damn birthday. He legally blind. He'd have fell over four chairs going to the bathroom, he said, worried about why you ain't heard it. Might have been knocked out running up into that day and refrigerated yesterday. His ass might have been unconscious on the But you being all here considered Tom, he ain't called you to sixty till till six p year. He's sixty. He can't see and you because he didn't call that. You don't tell me how to love you. Everybody don't know what dead is. I got an iPhone without the eye. Close your eyes and pick up your iPhone and tell me how good it is. Pick up your phone, now, tell me how good your phone is? All right? Danita and Roano says, I've been dating a guy that has overweighted and he said we're going to work out together for the past two years. I cook healthy food and we've tried intimate fasting. But I think he eats bad when he's away from me, and it's actually when he's stressed at work. If I lose any more weight and get any sexier, I can't promise that I will still look at him the same way. How can I motivate him to stick to a diet and shed some pounds from me? Leave? Leaving is all you've got because listen to me, there's no consequences. If he doesn't lose weight, there's no consequences. Did he stick to the meal plan, there's no consequences. If he cheats on intimittent fasting, there's no consequences. So now he looking at you getting fine, but he gets to stay right where he had and get worse with no consequences. I have told you, ladies, men respond to three things. Pain, consequence, reward. Once you put any of those three things in front of a man, you get a response. Pain, we respond, consequence, we respond, reward, we respond. Other than that, If you're not gonna do none of those three things, we're talking to your man, Okay, all right, I thank You're going Anita, thank you Clo coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National news. Right after this, you're listening to morning show still trending. The seventy ninth annual Golden Globe Awards were announced in Los Angeles by none other than Snoop Dog. The other day, Snoop was rocking a red cap and a pair of shades indoors. He read off the names with a couple of mispronunciations. Take a listen, being a fleck, being an affleck my fault? Sorry about that? Being a fleck of fleck, SNOOPID, you know a couple more blunders. Who cares? It's Portugal so you can relate to Snoop. The Golden Globes have been criticized because of their diversity or lack thereof, and ethics concerns. NBC will not air the twenty twenty two Golden Globe, but there is a date of January ninth set but no word on the details of the ceremony. So what do you what do you mean they won't er it? Do you remember it was a lot of drama with the Golden Globes last year, and so NBC said that they weren't going to air it next year. But man, whatever, you know what, Man, it's try I'll tell you something. It's to me, it seems like America's eating itself. That's what it seems like to me. We're eating ourself alive into nothing. This political correctness is killing us. This if you don't include everybody, that's killing us. Then if you don't agree with everybody, it's killing us. You know, the politics in this country has nothing to do with people any more. It only has to do with party position, power and money, has nothing to do with what's best for the people. I'm sick of all of it. Man, America is eating itself now. You can't have the Golden Globe Awards because it's not all inclusive, all inclusive of who y'all ain't been stopping stuff because we're no black people in it. You've been having everything without us in it. Now, all of a sudden, everybody else want to get included. All of sud We've been feeling this way forever. Welcome to the club. Get your own damn network. We had to go get b et. Y'all, go get whatever network you want to do and get your group set up on it so y'all can see how it feels. That's what I suggest you do. If you want to have the Red Ribbon group, then everybody just little red ribbons. Go get the Red Ribbon network. You want to get blond hair, blue eyes only network and everybody only got blind hair blue. I go get your own damn network and put everybody on it you want. That's my suggestion and solution for the whole thing we had to get b et. You go get your own damn network that blag can be on every day talk about everything you want to talk about. Yeah, yeah, well I think that's what happened. Golden Globes came under fire for not including us US as African Americans. We ain't ever been including oscars went by for years, by for years. Yes, you're right, see absolute Grammas went by fore. MTV didn't even let us on that until Michael Jackson got on that. Man. Stop. Just ain't nothing new. This inclusion is nothing new. This is America. America been excluding all of us the entire time, has been here from day one. Ye care, right, fans, we know what it feels like for sure. All right, Steve, Let's move on now. Time for today's headlines, Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne trip, thank you, thank you. This is a trip with the news. Let's go. President Biden flew to Kentucky yesterday to see for himself the damage done by last weekend's multi state killer tornadoes. The Commander in chief saw what was left of towns of like Dawson Springs in Mayfield, where at least seventy four people have died. Keep the faith. We're gonna get this done. I promise you. The Governor's not walking away. Your kind of judge is not walking away, Your Congress is not walking away. No one's walking away. We're in this for the long haul. Mister Biden says he's promising that the federal government will cover one hundred percent of the cost of the first thirty days of emergency work, and that FEMA does not yet need any additional funding to do that. More than thirty twisters thirty landed at various spots in the South and the Midwest, and an additional fortune people died in four other states. Yesterday, the National Archives released nearly fifteen hundred documents concerned the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in nineteen sixty three. However, the documents they say not expected to contain any new information as to whether Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone killer Far Minneapolis killer cop Derek Chauvin has played guilty to federal charges of violating George Floyd's civil rights. Chauvin's plea means he will not have to go on trial next month with three other now fired Minneapolis cops who watched him grind his knee into mister Floyd's neck for over nine minutes and did absolutely nothing to stop it. Derek Chauvin will still most likely be given an even lengthy or jail term. A judge in Iowa has sentenced a white man named Steve Vogel to spend the rest of his life in jail without the possibility of parole for horrific murder of an innocent black man named Michael Williams, whom authorities say he hanged and then displayed before he burned mister Williams's body in a ditch. Was angry because his wife. He saw his girlfriend just talking to mister Williams, so that's what he did to Michael Williams. Perhaps the only positive thing about this case is that the jury took less than four hours to convict this guy on first degree murder and abuse of a corpse. Horrible. San Francisco Mayor London Breed is asking her city's new budget to contain more than rather less funding for the police due to what's perceived as a new crime wave in her city. And finally, sad news, influential black feminist writer Bell Hooks has died. Her book Ain't I A Woman is considered one of the most important studies on the historic and continual marginalization of Black women. Just ask Megan Markle. Belle. Hooks was sixty nine and also singer Joe Simon has died at age eighty five. And one of the members of Tavares, Ralph Tavares, has died. He was seventy nine years old. Yes, heaven is Missian Angel. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening she Stry Morning Show. Here's a quick question for you, guys. Um, do you have a memory or a vivid recollection of the first time you met Santa Claus? First time I met Santa Ci No, no, they I've seen the picture, but I don't remember the man. I Hi met the mall, but he never came to my house. I never saw him. My mom would always tell me he had been there though the five and they sat out and talked for a minute. Oh really, always, Steve, You remember meeting Santa Claus when I first met him, Yeah, but I already knew who he was. What happened I had been told by my brothers and stuff didnt go out here's quite man if so when I met him, it didn't have a joy that you think you would have as a child. But still I liked Santa Claus. I always liked him. I thought his intentions were well. Plus, I'm a big Christmas guy. So and why is that? I just I just think it's the dopest holiday of all time. I loved Christmas from day one. The gifts, the giving. You know, see my father and mother face man, when they opened up this little worthless ass gift out of bottom. You know, I knew the gift wasn't worth it, damn. But the way they faked it and act like they kid it meant a lot to me, you know. And so I became a big giver of Christmas gifts. I've always kind of liked that, you know, nice gifts and stuff. But then as I grew older, realized what Christmas was really about. So it wasn't about the gift giving no more, and so it just became all I just want to treat. That's all I want. It's a treat, you know, I know, I know the real meaning of Christmas? Right for getting home so I could see my tree. Haven't seen no, haven't seen him came from? Again, I'm not sure where this one came in from. I haven't. I have a disgusted chat with my wife, but this coming in from something you didn't get it at wall? Are you mad? From the tree? And where your treat came from? Tom nameless? You don't name? Excuse what? Excuse me? The market name market as in predecorated, Yeah, precorated, Julian Yeah yeah, wow. All right, all right, well, uh Mary, Christmas, everybody coming up. In thirty four minutes after the hour, we're to check Steve's voicemail. Right after this you're listening to show. All right, Steven, it's time to check your voicemail. If you want to leave Steve a message or just give a holiday greeting to your loved one, call us right now at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve and leave a message. Okay, Steve, this one is a call from a fan of comedy, Steve Harvey. This is Danny. Look, I don't I hope I don't come off as racist, and I do apologize if I do. But I don't know if you thought about this. I'm sure you probably get this all the time. If you would consider playing Richard Pryor in a movie about Richard Pryor, that would be amazing because you look like Richard Pryor. Well, Danny, I look like you've been my younger days. I think I did, especially when I had Hair's a lot of side by side comparisons dons in terms of look. Yeah, but like right now, I'd have to play Richard as an older man, you know, I could play Richard Pryde oh in the after or something like that. You know, I have to play, like, play like Richard Prye after he's passed and going to heaven and he's sitting around heaven. That's Richard Prye. But you know I've heard the comparison to my whole career. Yeah, I don't think that's Danni Bill at this point. Richard played himself, Yeah, in his own movie, Yeah, and it did it, didn't. I didn't take it as racist. Yeah, Joejoe Danson was a movie he did, yeo yeah yeah, all right, thank you, Danny. Here's a voicemail from a man, Steve, who needs your help to talk to his wife about her appearance. Good morning, Steve Harvey in the morning crew. This is my courageous I'm forty nine year old father of a ten year old. We both praised this together. Loof y'all to check out our praises own YouTube brother x praising Uh Steve, I have a beautiful wife. Were about to reach y'all a one year anniversary. She is beautiful. But every time we get ready to go, as she put this makeup on her face, and I told already I hate makeup. She's naturally beautiful. I told she's natural beautiful. Every time she put that makeup on, man, it kicks me off. What else can I say to my wife or hush? And I take that when my wife puts on that makeup every time we get ready to go, as you want to put on makeup. She's trying to improve a little bit, but I was telling her, you do not need makeup, sweetie. I love your natural beauty. What do I need to do? Steve, y'all keep us laughing, man, and y'all keep us entertaining. We love y'all. God bless y'all. Y'all have a blessing productive day. Well. I appreciate your dog, but you got a problem him. You've only been married one year. You fought in nine. You just filed this girl. Don't mess it up because your ass talking about you. You You hate makeup. That ain't what you said when you first got married. Now all of a sudden, this ain't the first time she trying makeup, So now you got her, you can stop all this. Ain't nobody forty nine trying make up for the first time she like makeup. Your ass needs to get the starts to like and make up. What you needs to do? You needs to get too starts to like in makeup and shut your mouth, happy wife, happy life. I can't stand that. Now. As far as you forty nine years old praise dancing, we're not fitting to look at that either. I'm not tuning in for no fifty year old praise. Let your boy praise dance, jumping, splash water people in turn real fast without falling. You're gonna spend one time in your old ass, gonna wipe out that whole front row, knocking the podium over the Christmas treat and fail you do, knock the cross off the wall and broke the back off a p He's too old to be praised. Dan, don't even like going to churches where they had that. We're now gonna have a word from our praise dances. You say a word. I love praise, but I don't want to see all your hand motions. I love it. I don't take all these roads off. Ain't nobody in trees dancing never fit? Yeah? And why is your face white? What did you paint your mind that? Jesus know that you take that off? We know that's you. Come on, man, all right, listen. If you want to leave Stephen voicemails call eight seven seven twenty nine Sea bring phone call with the nephew coming up right after this. You're listen Stave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject she means the world to me. It's brought to you by a journal for Jordan's starring Michael b. Jordan and directed by Denzel Washington. It's in theaters on Christmas Day. But right now the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What you got for us? Now? Can you breastfeed my baby? What? Can you breastfeed my baby? All a man cat dog? If you would? Hello? Hello? Uh yeah this amen, amen, this this this this dog and uh uh this who manh yeah, it gave me your phone number. I know you don't. No member gave me your number. He's talking about on the south side. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, on the south side. He uh, he gave me your number. Man. I'm going through something. I thought you might bear to help me out, man, because uh we'll see then my girl and I don't know, man, I think just in left, you know. And uh she had left me here with the kids, you know, and I'm trying to I don't think coming back. My man, my man, I feel for you. But but why are you why are you? Why are you telling me this? See I'm trying to um see man here, I haven't got to get kids by myself. You know. My little boy he three, but my little girl, man, she just she's just two months old. Man, you know, and I the reason why I got your number because I think you might get to help me, because I I I'm just going through this. It's just hard right now. Bro, dog, how imm to help you? Dog? I got kids of my own dog? Howmmy help you? Let's see that's that's what I'm saying. Nah, ain't you ain't you married to? Yes? My wife? How you know my wife's dog? And see what I'm saying. I mean I kind of know y'all through I gotta see y'all fote through him and uh, let's see here the deal man. Like Like I said, I got my kids, man, My my my little boy three, but my little girl ain't but two months. Man, how me the kids y'all got? Man? We got three kids, man, I got a ten year old, eight year old and a six month old. I'm trying to I really don't know what you're asking asking me. Man, I got my own family. I got to take care of you. Ask me for help? I mean, what is it you need? Man? And and and what I'm trying to do with this here, I'm trying to get my little my little girl taking care of man. Like IM said that ran off man and then left. But I don't think. I don't I don't think coming back. I don't think she's coming back. But I need some go I need some help from from from your white man. I need her to come by the house today. Case do you think? What do you need to come at your house? Because the baby, the baby, the baby needs some milk. Man, we got a couple of cans, and we got a couple of cans of some formula some something in here we could drop off to you man, but ain't coming to your house. Dog, I can't moaning. You want them happy to have these You have these cans, but we can't be having my wife at your house. Dog got all kids. I understand that, but I the baby needs some milk. That's some side I need. I need to come by and feed the bay dog. I just told you to come by drop off a couple of cans and milk. But I mean, I don't even know you like that player. I ain't about to just have my wife coming to your damn house. I don't know you, but I need going to come by and see the baby. Man, dog, why the hell you can't feed you do baby? Come by and brush basy what you want to want to come out of your house and do what I want. I told you you're a lot of shop mine. I don't know you to be talking about my wife coming to your house breasting your baby. Matter fact, you give my number? Who the hell is anyway? I don't stop thinking about say, dog, don't call me with this dog because you're talking about breasting your baby. Why would you do this? Now? Why would you? Why would you like? Why would you come between a baby yourself? What are you doing here? Dog? I'll tell you what. Dog, Bring your baby over here, you and the baby come over here. Bring your baby baby over here. And when and when you get here, as soon as she put out it, I'm gonna knock your keep down your throat. Now, come on over. We're gonna be here. She's gonna be all day. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't let you eat go and stuff, come between yourself. I'm just trying to get out. How are you gonna call me talking about my wife breastfeed your baby? I'm still you know what? Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, what's hold hold on? Hold on? What's up? Baby? You know and our husband? You don't know them? My wife don't know you and I don't know you. Eating change? Do you know a name? Supposedly he lives on the south Side, he knows us, you don't know him. Hold on, I don't know you. I don't know what this is. On other line talking about his wife left him with the two kids. He wants you to come to his crib it breast feed his baby. Don't baby, don't baby, don't trip. I got this. I'm gonna holy let you in a minute. We don't dog, we don't dog. We don't know you. Who did you call me? Fuck your address? One more thing I want to say. You better be saying your address. That's what you better be saying. From the Steve Morning Show. You just got my and this up? Hain't this bottom? Uh? You man? Uh? Couple? Dog that timmy dog? Are you about to get your will? Timmy? Whoever? Somebody's getting there? All right? You gotta tell me what ill the bladdest radio show in the light, Steve Harvey Morning Show. You did? H y'all got me? Just need a little help, that's all. Just just that's really hey, brother, I feel for you both. What I do with me? All right, I'm gonna tell it to you. Again, Chicago, Illinois. Here we come the United Center, Baby Washington, d C. Here we come Eagle Bank Arena and Atlanta, GA. State Farm Arena, Chicago. You are on the third, DC, you are on the first. Atlanta GA. You are on the second. It's the New Year's Comedy Live Fest. Tickets available at all can Master outlets. Here is the lineup. Earthquake in the building, Hey Griffin in the Building, Centric the Entertainer D. L. Hughley, hosted by yours truly nephew Timmy once again Shot Town. It is December the thirtieth, watching d C. January first, Atlanta, Georgia, January the second, Stay Farm Arena, All ticket Master outlets, or you can go to the box office get yourself some tickets. It's gonna be a hell of a show because don't say right no, yeah. I hope you come hang out with your boy in atl Man. I hope you back home by then January second. Slide Man got a couple of things and Judge Showy jumping off that Tuesday. So I gotta figure out why I gotta d I gotta promote the show. You come to June what, I don't know what it's I don't know what's gonna happen. I just want to go home right now, man, so I can some eggnog. Man, look at my Christmas tree. All right, gotta go from the grand saw bj play basketball? He play a basketball now? Yeah? All right, coming up next. Strawberry Letter brought to you by A Journal for Jordan, starring Michael B. Jordan. The subject is she means the world to me. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for Today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna do this one right here, right now, and you never know, it could be yours. You never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, and today's Strawberry Letter is sponsored by a Journal for Jordan. Steve Yeah, and a Journal for Jordan. Everybody is a drama director by my Dog Denzel Washington and its star Michael B. Jordan young Man, I having to like a lot. Uh. It's A Journal for Jordan is based on a true story or First Sergeant Charles Munroe King, who's played by Michael b. It's a soldier deployed to Iraq who begins to keep a journal of love and advice for his infant son now back at home. Senior New York Times editor Dana Kennedy, I think that's the name, who's played by Seante Adams, revisits the story of her unlikely, life altering relationship with King and his enduring devotion to her and their child. So sweeping account of a wance of a lifetime love, and the film is a powerful reminder of the importance of family. All Right, that's what's having it? All right? Thank you, Steve. A Journal for Jordan opens in theaters on Christmas Day. All right? Would you say, Steve, I was just saying, is I need more? Yes? I Oh, I'm glad I didn't hear that. Okay, you're good. That's subject she means the world to me. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a twenty eight year old single man and I'm in love with the most beautiful girl. In the world. I need your advice on how to love her properly. My father has not been active in my life because he's incarcerated. I can't go to my mother with the kind of questions I have on how to be a man and to love a woman. I've never seen a positive love relationship, so I don't want to mess it up with my girl. When I visited my dad at a young age, I knew that I would never end up in his situation, so I was teased a lot for not running with the boys in my school. Instead, I joined the debate club and the tennis team. Those were two of the most uncool activities at the school, but it was great for me because that's how I met this girl. She still has her parents together in the home, and her grandmother lives with them. It feels good to visit her home and have dinner as a family with them. Her father pulled me aside one day and offered to get me a sports coat to wear when he noticed mine was too small. I was ashamed, but grateful that he never mentioned it to his daughter. I feel he trusts me with her life, so I don't want to mess this up. I look to you for guidance, and I need some words from you on how to keep my cool. I have a great job and my own home that she's helping me decorate. I'm appreciative of any advice you and Miss Shirley can offer me. Well. I mean, first off, right here, pay close attention, boy, Yes that's right. First of all, I have to say, this is a beautiful, beautiful letter. I love this letter. It makes me proud. It fills me with hope because I know that there's still a lot of great guys out there, and you sound like one of them. Um, we've never had a letter like this, So I just appreciate you wanting to do the right thing by your girl, and you ask how do you love her properly? Well, it sounds like you're off to a good start because first you want to do this, this is something you want to do. How do you love a woman properly? You protect her, You make her feel safe, you make her feel secure. You you treat her well, You take care of her, You make her happiness a priority. You be a gentleman. You treat her like a lady. You stay stay close to her dad too, because he seems to really like you and he seems to want you to win. That's important. He could be your your father role model. Um, you know you're motivated, highly motivated, young man. I say, stay motivated, don't cheat on her, communicate with her, listen to her, keep your word, show her you mean what you say. I mean. These are just some of the things that you can do to love her property properly from a woman's perspective. And here's Steve, and I know you have a lot more Steve ahead. Well, it's a deal, young man. I appreciate the letter. She means the world to me. Well, that's something that's not mentioned a lot today. If you look at ig and you look at all these stories, you know you don't very rarely hear men saying that a woman means the world to her. Not often, especially in young people. So it's a great thing that you have that aspect going for yourself and that type of level of commitment. You only twenty eight years old, you're single, You're in love with the most beautiful girl in the world, and to love her properly, it's very simple. The key word to loving somebody properly is respect, young man. It all starts with respect. One of the best pieces of his advice I ever got was do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That's so important. But can I tell you something, man, that is so hard to do as a man, That is so so hard to do. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And if you start with respect, that's going to cover a lot of ground. You know. Would you want her to be loyal to you, then you in turn have to be loyal to her. And we can't continue to use excuse Well, I'm a man, you know, I trip every nine and in, but I still love my girl. I got all that. But you're gonna lose a dog if you do that. So when I come back, I go a little bit more in depth with it to help you out. All right, Steven, We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters, subject she means the world to Me. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject is she means the world to me? All right, I got a twenty eight year old young man whose father has been incarcerated, not active in his life. He can't go to his mother with the kinds of questions that he has on how to be a man and love a woman. He's never seen a positive relationship, and he don't want to mess it up with this girl. And when he visited his dad at a young age, he knew that he would never end up in that situation. So he got teased a lot for not running with the boys in the school, and Steady joined the debate club and the tennis team, and those are the two of the most uncool activities at school. True, But it's okay though, because tennis can get you a long way, and so will debating skill. And but it was great for you because that's how I met this girl, either at the tennis school or at the debate club. So jack potty worked out for you. And her parents are together at home with their grandmother, and it feels good to visit at home and have a deal as a family with them. Now here's the upside to this, because we were talking about how do you love a woman properly? And I started at the bottom of the letter by explaining to this young man, that it all starts with respect. If you respect a woman her wishes, respect her needs, You respect her thoughts, you respect her feelings, you respect everything about her. That's how you keep a woman. Weren't even talking about love yet, We're just talking about a basic thing that everybody has the capability of doing. Respecting. Now the fact that you in love with this girl is added because you now you have feelings for her, and like you said at the top of the letter, she means the world to me. So now that means you in love. So here's an upside to this. After respect, when you go by a house, you kind of like that. You know they have a family, and you all had dinner. You love that her father pulled you aside one day and offered to get me a sport coach where when he noticed mine was too small. I was ashamed, but grateful that he never mentioned it to his daughter. I feel that he trusts me with her life. Okay, now you're going too far. Now. He don't trust you with her life yet. He don't, but he watching you, and he likes some things about you. Because he likes he likes some things about you. But and he's willing to help you. If the father is willing to help you, that means that Steve and so he'd poured you to the side and got you a sport coat to wear when he noticed yours was too small. So he liked you. He think that's put potentially me and he did it away from his daughter. So you don't want to mess this up. So you look to me for guidance and some words on how to keep my cool. But listen to me. Man, you have somebody who likes you, that's an older man, and that's her father. Now you gotta be careful here because you're gonna come to him for advice. But the advice you're coming for you have to remember that this is his daughter. I've had this conversation before with young men. It's hard. I want to do the right thing. I'm trying to do this with your daughter. Blah blahlah. Now I want him to understand how to be successful. But at the same time, I'm team daughter all the time. I'm team Morgan, team Brandy, team Carley, team lawyer. So I'm gonna help you, but it's gonna be to her advantage, and you just got to understand that part of it. Man, he's going to help you, but it will be to her advantage, and it might not be a bad thing because you should want it to be to her advantage, which is the other thing. So it you're in a good position with the guy. Now you don't want to mess this up. Don't stay respectful. These are my words of guidance to you. Respect and love is the key to the whole thing. Now here's what you do. Have You say you have a great job, you got your own home that she's helping you decorate. I'm apprecier of any advice that you and Miss Shirley can offer. You got your own home, you twenty eight, or you're strong, You've got a good job, You're strong. She helping you decorate it because she see herself in that house. You win it, you winning dog. Stay respectful, don't blow it, don't mess this up. The problem with us as men sometimes is once we get things together and once we start learning a little bit more, we have a tendency to want to show people what we got and what we know. And that's when you want to show it to somebody else so you can get that same cheering that you got initially from your girl. When she found out you was at homeowner all this here, so now you want to show it off, and then that makes you want to invite somebody else over so she can see the house, so forth and so on. YadA YadA, YadA, YadA YadA. You gotta be aware because that's called temptation, and that's coming. Try to avoid the temptation. Remember the Lord's bread. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our temptations. We've forgive us our trust. Pass. We've given those will trust pass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all that is he. Oh try, young man, that's my daily prayer. I just try. I try. Don't get right all the time, and neither will you. And you're gonna make some mistakes and she's gonna get mad at you. I thank you on track. You're gonna be fine. Just remember respect. Thank you very much, all right, Steve, Thank you. Leave your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter on the Instagram and Facebook at Steve Harvey fm dot com, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Our girl from the Talk, Sheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve introduced our girl from the Talk ladies and gentlemen. Here she is the one the oldest Sheryl Underwood. Thank you, Steve Harvey. And you know, to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Family and everybody listens to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You know, we celebrating the holidays, you know what I'm saying. We you know, wish everybody married Christman. You don't have corns. You know, we ain't got there yet, but you know we look out for the you know, happy New Year. But Steve, I want to ask you personally, do you remember when you and I were backstage with the Daytime Emmys and we both looked at each other and you said to me, we did it right. And I don't think people are as grateful as they. I don't know, I shouldn't say should be with everything that's going on, COVID, inclement weather and everything. Just that little thing of you and I having that backstage connection, that's appreciation of a blessing. Do you guys think that people nowadays appreciate the blessing? Absolutely not. I think this world is in such a state of lack of gratitude because we're in too much of an old look at me society. It's Instagram, it's igs, Facebook watch is posted like and dislike, and it's trolling. It's too much of that. It's too much of that. I think it's very missing. That's right. What do you think Schy describe berries? You know, you got that spirituality going. I just don't think people engage each other the way they should. I feel sorry for the kids now they didn't even date. They hook up and what like, and then even a holiday each other. Yeah back then, but back then, even the holidays, it had a spiritual component. But listen, it ain't Christma until I hit Temptations and oj Crisma. Just ain't christ the one you love what you lonely do for Christmas? You know, social describe berries. Back in the day, we appreciate it stuff. Even when you got one gift, you appreciated it. I just don't feel like people appreciate at the blessed times, right. I mean we're raised so differently, you know, and we didn't have you know, Steve mentioned social media. We didn't have social media growing up, so it forced us to talk to each other and be in groups with each other and deal with families and stuff like that. Now we don't have to. We can sit in front of our computer and be nameless and face and you know you hate and definitely not appreciate. People are entitled today. They think you owe them something. You know you mustn't care. Williams face then go on and on. But that's for now. But you know what, I just want to say this to everybody that's listening show. First of all, be be thankful for what you got. Y'all know that song, Thankful what you got, Merry Christmas, the Happy New Year. That's right, and just accepted. Blessing Steve, you're gonna hit it. Go ahead, thankful for what you got. You may not add saga. See coming up at the top of the hour, Roscoe is coming up to sing a few Christmas songs. Right after this to Rosco said, Hi, you're listening all right? So guys, you know we always hear from Roscoe. This is Christmas Holidays, everybody spirit, uh, So we always hear from him at the start of the show. But right now, like we're all in a Christmas spirit, So Ruscoe is back. I need a better here, Joan, who are you? The right way? I got it? You ladies and gentlemen, get yourself together. He is the legend. He's going through a law suit, but he is still the man. But you and together the baddest in the land. So many different music, very different genres. The one and only Ross go as you dro that there, you boy, you gotta do better than anyway we're going on. Now, what's going on? What y'all need from it? Christmas songs? Ros Christmas songs? Man? What about what you want to do? That's what I was trying to tell you, Roscoe Christmas Okay, I know, I know. Where's the whole Crimson? What you what you want me to do? You ain't some of your greatest Christmas hits? Oh some of my greatest Christmas Yeah, wrote to everything knows his greatest hits. I thought he was just singing Christmas songs. Oh, he Bay the snow Man, boss, I wrote, I wrote, I wrote the song Boston Snowman. White people got hold to it. They called it frosty. Hell, I want to write a song called Frosty. It was bossible. I go ro Bay the snow Man. What a bad old dude, was he? That's how I wrote the song white vol Change at the Frosty the snow Man. That part of lawsuit, warter of lawsuit? What else? Oh this Christmas? You gotta sing that one? Do do Dode Hey, old missiletool. I'm gonna get to know your better. The last creem and as we look around your eye out shine the time, what deeds creems, Mill Hills, my fire side, blazing bride, come on and we're blowing these jams, oh through the night, and the crisma will will be a very special crismer from me. Yeah, that's really high wind. You know Donny got hold to it. Didn't wonderful y'all. I want to thank Donny half Away. You're the only bardon that did a soul that I wrote and did it better. Only one, okay, But I gotta get my money though, he said, I'm shore Donna halfaway, Layla halfaway, pathaway. Anybody that's trying to come my way, and it's Jane half away, Jane half away. I'm sure with everybody. What is your favorite Christmas song though, Rosco? Your absolute all time favorite? Oh? This one? I wrote that the change cold as hell, cold ass hell cold outside I'm here. Ain't no fun when you knows on the run. Everybody knows it's cold out here. Hey and I changed out with the cold. Song was about being cold out here. Wife folk like cold, so they named it jingle Bell, jingle Bell, jingle Bell. The song was whole ass hell, whole ast hell, cold as your damn wife, Like all right, we'll get in from the snow. That was another line, thank you hit through the snow out trending stories. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In celebrity couple break up news, here's another one. ESPN Personalities Jalen Rose and Molly curum Uh. They're ending their marriage after only three short years. They've been separated for almost a year. Molly and I have officially decided to go our separate way, says Jalen Rose, a former NBA player and he's a current ESPN analyst. That's what he said on his Instagram story. We both agree remaining friends and colleagues is the best course of action for our relationship going forward. Please respect our privacy at this time kurram as a moderator on ESPN show First Take with Stephen A. Smith Borts. Man, I know one thing I don't care well, nobody say Jayalen didn't write that. I talked to Jayden like that. No, we decided. I'm like, I like both of them. Now I'm just saying I like them. I'm saying I know Jeley didn't write there. He didn't write that. I don't know. They worked to me like the celebrity sports power couple. I was rooting for them. I'm I'm sad to hear that they have kids. I know, don't think I don't have to think they have any children. I'm really really sad. But you know both of them, right, Yeah, I know both of them. Man, I was really I think they cool people. So man, that's sad. Oh well, well, hopefully they'll work it out different Christmas phone. It's not gonna happen some kind of way. Hopefully they work Steve Harvey Morning Showing out thirty three minutes after the day of divorce. So you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go. Would you rather let's just write out the gate. Would you rather have sex with your celebrity crush we know yours, halle Berry, Tommy, we know that, or someone that you had a crush on in high school. Celebrity, they don't look like that, No, mo. People in high school been to a couple of reunions, and I went to a reunion. I thought my old girlfriend with my teacher. I was like that Jackson the English teacher. Yeah, all right, here we go. Would you rather reveal your search history? You know, your naughty search history, let's put it like that, or would you rather work as an exotic dancer for one day? Say it again? Would you rather reveal your naughty search history? Or would you rather work as an exotic dancer for one day? You've been looking up looking I can't go in my cookies look holloway away. I misunderstood the question was like going in your search like whatever you've done in your phone, whatever you're going on, whatever you look up, whatever you you looked at up. I can't be no damn. Yeah yeah, oh I thought you were saying it. Would I go back and have to reveal what I've done? Yeah? That's that is. Would you rather reveal your naughty search history or work as an exotic dancer for a day. What you've been looking at your device? Yeah? Your answer? Now, I'm coming out with glitter all over me here. You know, I'm gonna have to I'm had to come out as up. I don't know. I'm had to come out as like a matter. I'm gonna have to come out as a matter door. You know. I'm the ladies and gentlemen coming to the stage. Just the Matador Harvey. Ladies and gentleman, come out, jacket that jacket our head on at at miss Universe which to Israel, Yeah, and had Jerusalem on it a lock and Tel aviv Ya. Come out and wear that, Ladies and gentleman and seniorall a senior citizen for just strip real slow right now? Yeah, what about you, junior man, I'm going to be a dumb being, strip of two. What have y'all been looking up? Oh? No, from the south side of Houston, Texas. Ladies clear, junior, welcome, Junior jump off right. I'm coming right after the Matador. Thanks guys. Coming up in forty nine minutes after the hour. It's our last break of the day and some closing from the one and only Steve Harvey, our fearless Leader. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Thursday. Been a good day. Yeah, it's been a great deal. We're getting ready to wrap up for holiday season. You know, hey, y'all listen, it's been a it's been a great year for us. It's been a great year of radio. It's been a great year of learning. We came out of the shale a little bit from COVID, we started the recovery from COVID. God kept us all safe. I know a lot of people out there lost some people that was dear to them because of this pandemic and for other reasons also. But the fact remains that we're still here. That's a blessing. That's truly, truly a blessing. Um. It's a good thing to be grateful, man, It really really is that I look back on this year and all God does has done for me. I can't help but be grateful. I know it's been some challenges over the past year, the past two years. I know people have lost jobs, positions, homes, careers, businesses. Uh, but everything is a lesson. Every single thing I've discovered in my life is a lesson. Every mistake that gets made is a lesson, every every everything. Man. Just listen, y'all. As we go into this holiday, be grateful, Be thankful that you're here. Man. Spend some time loving on people. Spend some time calling some people that you haven't spoken to in a while. Tell them you love them, given their flowers while they live farm. Keep your friendships alive. Just put in some phone calls. Hey, look, I may not have much this year, but I just wanted to call and tell ya I was thinking about you and I love you this year. I just want you to know, Man, if you ever need me, I'm now. I ain't got a lot, but you got my loyalty, my love, and my friendship. I think that's very valuable. Don't forget that. Try not to be disappointed this year. Don't expect people to do exactly what you want them to do, because people are the humans, and they make mistakes. I'm going into this new year ready more connected to my higher power than ever before. I'll be led more, I follow more, I listen more. I worry a lot less than I used to because I just gave the wheel over. I just told God, you drive, I'm gonna follow wherever you lead. Man, it has taken me places I never thought I would go. Now, listen, your life is not my life, and my life is not your life. But my life ain't Michael Jordan's life. My life ain't Tiger woods life. My life ain't Being Crump's life. My life ain't nobody else's. It's just mine. Stop looking at the path that other people are on and focus on your path, because your path is very uniquely designed for the life God has for you. The problem you have is when you start looking at other paths and you want that path. That path has nothing to do with you. Stop looking at what other people have. You don't know how they got it, You don't know what it cost him, and you don't even know if it's really there. Stop following people. I tell my, look at all they likes. You don't know what's behind them looks. Take them eyelashes off, in that makeup and turn that bag the right way where you can really see everything, and you would be surprised. Get content with your own self, be happy, Learn to be happy with you. Where you are, who you are, what you doing, where you going, what you praying about what you're hoping for, what you're living for. Get excited about you. Stop worrying about other people. Stop looking at what they do. It ain't got nothing to do with you. Listen, listen, focus on yourself. Put your awareness on yourself, God and what He has for you. It serves you no purpose to look over there as somebody else running their race. All it does is slow you down from yours. Keep the pace, keep the faith, and keep your eyes on the prize. That's how you should run this race. Do not get do not get caught up in things that are not for you. I'm telling you, one of the things that helped me most was when I stopped worried about the path somebody else was on, and when I started focusing purely on the path I was on, My life got a lot cleaner. Man. You know what, I don't care who you look at. Somebody gonna always have more than you. Somebody gonna always appear to be doing more than you. Somebody gonna always appear to get more recognized. Listen to me. All of your blessings have your name on it. Do you understand what I'm saying to you? All of your blessings got your name on it. Ain't nobody else's name on none of your blessings. God don't make them kind of mistakes. All of your blessings have your name on it. Everything that's intended for you you will get and receive. Everything that's not yours, you will not get. You didn't get that award that wasn't yours, You didn't get recognized by this group of that group wasn't for you. Stop, it's all good. All I want from God is to make sure that I stay open to receive all the blessings that have my name on it. That will be good enough for me. I don't want nobody else's If I just stay clean and live a good enough life where He give me all the blessings with my name on it, that will be good for me. Remember, all your blessings got your name on it. Quit looking at everybody else boxes that's not your box. Y'all have great wold Man. I want to thank the crew, Shirley Carler, Monica, Tommy Junior, Jay, Anthony, everybody. Y'all have a great holiday. We'll see y'all. God is good man all the time, and all the time. God is good in peace for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve