Roscoe Wallace, Women VS Men, Black People in Pool, Text Blunders and more.

Published Aug 6, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! PhD level stoopidity today on this Frity. The crew talk about the best and worst summer jobs. Are women nicer than men or nah? Junior does not do well hearing bad news. Today in Comedy Roulette, we get the excuses black people make to not get into the swimming pool. Our hero Roscoe is back and somebody hatin' right away. Ever text the wrong message to the wrong person? What foods are the best to slow down aging? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve suggests replacing complaining with gratitude and see what happens.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things, and it's cost me true good Steve listening to the other for st Please, I don't join me. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn. You haven't got to turn them out to turn the water the water got me? Come come on your fad uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, come on, y'all dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Is God good to me? Unbelievable? Yeah, it is, And I can only attribute it to one thing. It's just been a turnaround in my life. It's it's been me finally making a decision to see what all God has for me, but at the same time trying to be more God wants me to be instead of more of what I want to be. That's the trade off. You know, you gotta do something now. You know you know you want God's blessings, you gotta be willing to do something on his behalf. Now. I'm not saying I got it right right now because I'm just being real with you. I don't I don't have it all together by any stretch of imagination. I'm trying to get better in several areas. I'm praying about it, I'm working on it, but you know, it's surprised and I've I've grown to accept the process. But I'm improving in a lot of areas from day to day. But I'll tell you what, man, my success all is going on with me I can only attribute to this turnaround. And the turnaround was simple. I turned around and started looking at God. That was a simple move, man. I just turned around and started looking at him, and I was going, Okay, I get it. Now, you created me. You're the creator. You have a purpose for me. I understand that. Now. Now let me just walk in that purpose and let me get to doing that purpose. Now, my purpose and your purpose and their purpose and anybody's perfect purpose could be different, and the way you go about the purpose can be different. And that's the part that I've really grown up to. I've opened up my mind to understanding that everybody's different, nobody's quite the same, and that is not my right or position to judge, but to be of a forgiving spirit and understand and forgive those as I ask God to forgive me. See that's the key. That's the key, y'all. So when you out here and you stuck on this unforgiveness, understand in the large prayer as a segment that says, forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. There's another version says forgive us our debts as we forgive our debt us. It's two different versions, but either one it means the exact same thing. It means simply this that you are asking God to forgive yours like you forgive others. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. When I crossed the line with you, God handle me the way I handle people when they cross the line with me. You feel what I'm saying to you? See you understand that. That's the breakdown of it. Best way I can give it to you. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. Forgive me God for stepping over the line, like I forgive those that step over the line on me. That's the hard part, man, that's the part man I've really been working on I've been really trying to get that together. And so I've learned forgiveness a lot better over the past five years than I have before. And it's paid off. I can't tell you how it was paid off, because now God's mercy and grace is all over me, because I've learned to become more graceful. Now. I ain't graceful like him, I ain't merciful like him, but I've learned to become more more graceful, more merciful, because man, I can't live my life like that. I just got sick of me. Man, you're mad at me now, I'm mad at you. You hate on me, Now I'm gonna hate on you. I ain't got time for that. Man, I've got you. Look here, you got somewhere to go. Hate take up time. It's time consuming. Hating Trying to seek revenge, it's time consuming. It take up way too much of your time to seek revenge when vengeance ain't really yours. That's another one. Vengeance is mine, say if the lord it ain't yours. So now when you go to seek it, to take it out, guess what you're doing. You're doing something now man, Now you off in the area that you've got no business being in, and instead of steady climbing your leadder like you're supposed to, you didn't take out time for vengeance to hate. I'm a hater. I'm gonna be a blogger. I'm a blog about so and so. When you're blogging about somebody, and most of these people you don't even know when you're blogging about somebody, what you're doing, what you're hating. It takes time to hate. Man. I just decided, Man, I gotta take all my time and instead of have doing time and being active, I got to be proactive. See some people get that confused, being active and being proactive. Pro is positive. Pro means to move forward. You know, if you put pro in front of most words, it's a positive influx. You know, does the pros and the cons. The pros is the good side, the cons is what can go wrong the bad side. You know, if you're active, that's one thing, But if you're pro active, you're going forward in a positive direction. When you become a pro that means you the best of the best at whatever it is you chosen to be. I'm a pro so somehow and I know English teacher grammatical God. The word pro a lot of times when you put it in front of something means positiveness. So now a lot of people think that if you as active, something all to happen. Well, I'm doing something, and that's what happens. Man, We just find ourselves doing a lot of busy work that really ain't bout nothing, and it ain't going the way. It ain't got no direction or no purpose because we haven't tried to find out the direction or purpose. So you wake up and you and your wheels are spinning. You a hamster on a tread meal. You're running real fast, but you're just going in the same spot. You understand that's cause you're just out here being active instead of proactive. Why don't you get God in your life. Why don't you turn and face your creative and find out how to become more proactive so you can do things to move yourself forward. How you can get your life off the ground and get off the tread meal and really get it rolling in the direction that it need to be going. Man, I'm telling you God can make that change for you if he see you making the change for him. See the whole key man, the whole kids. You got to be willing to do something. You got to give God something to black. Bless me God, and then you go sit on your couch and you ain't trying. Okay, bless me God with what? What? What? What are working with? He can't have the people hire you if you ain't put the app in. Come on, man, the blessing comes when you make a proactive step, when you try to do something on the positive side. Look, man, I'm gonna quit messing around with all these people. I'm gonna start going home. I'm gonna leave these women loan out here. You got to say, all right, man, I ain't going over that at night. I just ain't gonna get Then God can work with you. God help me stop seeing all these women. But you steady going over there calling them setting up stuff. We can't nobody help you because once you get over there, you already know. See, you gotta get proactive. You gotta do something yourself. You make one step, he'll make two. That that's the key, man. So come on, y'all, you're listening show, ladies and gentlemen. It is upon us. It is the morning hour. It is a moment that We've been waiting for all night. To be honest with you, I was hoping I would be here when it arrived. I am here, grateful, motivated, favorite, and relentless in my pursuit of happiness. Even though the Constitution is not talking to us. I am in pursuit of my inalienable right to that pursuit of happiness. Damn it, here I am, Ladies and gentlemen, Shirley's talking. I like it. Steve, good morning, good morning, and calif Rever, good morning. Happy Friday. Never man legend that is junior whatever. Everybody morning, the old and nearly defeated and very bitter about it for the survival. J Anthony Brown, what what whatever? Whatever, mister hardad ignorant at a whole another level, PhD in m M. Your side, your side, it's Friday. Whoa it's happening, ye r I t y it's Friday. Yeah, yeah, good, it's great. And you don't like Friday's wine netew because it's too close to Mundy who That makes a lot of sense. But if you sounded excited about I get excited until Sad to come call you know what. It's logic, right yeah, man, right up, on Monday. God, So don't ask your question to sure, what are you happy? What day am I happy with? What's your favorite days? Too? Thurst? I like thirsty thirst because we almost like the weekend starts for me actually on Thursday. But being sad. But if you don't like the next day, which is Friday, because it's too close to Monday. That's why I'm trying to piece this together. A struggling over here. You like a headache you got, this is your nephew. You got to be worried about this. Thursday is fold days. Thursday's fold days away from Monday. Either either way you go talk think about Monday is just bad. So Thursday's four ways away either way. You look at it well and see what you don't understand? Why you saying Thursday and Friday and using Monday because you can't say Wednesday. The truth I say, Quinny, say what I could say, Quinn? Quinsay in time? I want to say, Quinn, that's not it? All right, listen, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening show. What was the best summer job you ever had? And what job would you not do again, no matter how much you paid, Steve, what job would I not do again? No matter how much you paid? That found you? If for a motor company, Oh, you wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that, and I would not do no. But the worst that you know, they found you. I didn't like it. The similar line at Forward Man, that's some cool people I work with. That wasn't bad. Going to work wasn't what I was meant to do. But uh, though, Lincoln Electric is the worst job I've ever had. I hated. What did you do there? What did you do there? I wrapped corel wire? It's really it's tough. You know what dies are. Dies are these small round things that you pull wire through, and every die gets smaller. So the wire goes through and compresses and shaves down and gets thinner and thinner. So let's say the wire starts like a microphone cord, okay, and what you're trying to get it down to is a chord wire that goes inside of inside to speak a while it is. So you put it through the die and it goes through this machine at a high speed, and every diet goes through, every six eight feet gets smaller and smaller, and it wraps up into a big coil and then you got to box it up and put it on the palette. Now, to break even, you had to make two hundred and thirty eight boxes a day. Wow, it'd be some days. I finished. I got eighty short. Ugly, I mean, you know, but now you're gonna get a guarantee, uh huh. But to get the bonus you had to make extra And at the end of the year, guys was getting fifty thousand dollar bonus. What you get I ain't never get a bone. Oh you didn't even get a bonus period. Well what about it? I mean, how could they do it? Why? Why was you so slow with yours? You just I hate it, man. I didn't like doing the mechanical work to keep the line running because you had to change your dies all the time because of inspected come by and tell you that your wire has a score in it, which means a little scratch. That means one of the dies is wore out and you don't catch it, and didn't the inspect it come by and x out all your boxes in the box with the scores and it got to go, So you lose fifteen fifteen boxes went to inspected it. I hate it. Wow, you're depressed telling us about it at that What how old were you then? Oh, twenties three? So that was one of your first like full time jobs. Right after? Did you quit? Did you quit or they fired you? Yeah? I quit? I made that story. What what is happening? You're not doing any business? Your small business? Long open up the carb cleaning. Come. I didn't have no loan. I just wanted to walk out with dignity. Look, hall, man, we're gonna miss you. Man. You're a good dude. Man. It was funny, man, you kept us live in here. Many have been whooping your behind. Man, So sad, I was dying man, and I worked midnight shift from midnight to eight in the morning. I would be so sweet coming home I drive by my exit. Wow, that's how sleepy I would be. I would I miss my exit at least five times. Okay, so let's switch it and ask you what was the best summer job you had? Because that depressed us all. Just I got a job at the swimming pool as a lifeguard and can't swim. That's the best job still Right in college, I got a job at the swimming pool and watching girls has a lifeguarding because just hoping was nobody get in? Did anybody ever get in in a drastic situation? No, thank god, you got lucky. Man. I had all them life ra stuff out there. Everything. I had so much stuff in the pool. I was throwing furniture in the pool. I had so much furniture in the pool. One time, one dude got in trouble and I threw so much stuff in the pool he could walk out. He didn't th a star phone cool lot there. I had so much pool furniture that he can walk out. So they didn't test you or anything to see if you could swim. They just hired you on the spot. That's crazy. Well, what it happened was my name was Steve Harvey. Yes, of course it was a white guy to school named Steve Darby. Okay, he didn't come to work, so I went, oh, and he said you Steve see Jarvey. I went yeah, just with no problem. He said, well here you go handing me that little red thing. He said, where's your shorts? So I told him I have him tomorrow. I just bought my pants that I rolled him up and set up on this chair, not a lifeguard told him my name is Steve Harvey. I got paid man about six weeks. What so Steve Darby never came back. The white guy, I have no idea. What happened is due he ain't show. Wow, Steve Harvey went on and then got the lifeguard position. Anybody had a drown in their pool, they'd have been dead. But god, I can't say nobody. Man, it wasn't about to jump in that deep and in this five foot and we noticed just when when ain't Marge you tried to get in the water in Hawaii? You remember that he almost had a bad Yes he did, Yes he did? And you did you ever learn to swim? Steve? YEA. I know how to swim a little bit. You know. I I have get back back whatever I fell off of I can swim good. He got get out, he got get out that swim crossed down. That ain't gonna. I'm so glad you found your purpose. I'm so glad you found your purpose. I really somebody that's funny. Wow. I know had a life going, but getting paid skinny hass had some nice shots. Okay, we'll be back. You're listening. Show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with today's national news and headlines. But right now it's time for the nephew to run that brank back. I have adult daycare. Yeah, that exists, in case y'all didn't know adult daycare. Let's go. Okay, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach miss Sharon's leaf. Yes, this is Sharon, Miss Sharon is My name is Evan. I'm giving you a call from adult daycare. Okay, because Black Daycare. My name is Evan, and I got your number and all your information here on file. Um, it looks like you're gonna be joining us starting on Monday. So we're excited to have you, and I want to just give you a call and kind of give you the lay of the land of what we have here and how how much fun you're gonna have being here most of the day with herself. For my understanding is you're gonna be here probably the majority of this year. What are you talking? What are you talking about? Being there? Where? Here at the adult daycare? Adult daycare? Where? Where's that? What are you talking about? Okay? Evan? Is that what you said? Your name is Evan, my name, My name is Evan, Yes, ma'am, and your third daughter is Diane. Diane, that's what you know my daughters? Yes, well, she's the one that has you signed up. You're gonna be at the adult daycare, so I'm assuming she's gonna be dropping you off every morning, and I know what the hell are you talking about, Evan, Evan, hang on a second. All right, First of all, I don't know who you are. You don't know who I am. I don't know how the you know who my daughter is. But this is this is really uh inappropriate and weird and what you're trying to get? What do you what do you want? Do you want money to me? Or you like a solicitor? No? No, no, no, ma'am, No, no no, not at all, as Sharon not. Your daughter has signed you up to be here at the adult daycare during the day, so I'm going to I don't know what you're talking about. There's no way she would do that adult day here. What do I need to don't say? Here for so what? Well, evidently are you home alone most of the time during the day. Who cares if I'm home alone? Who? Why are you asking me that you're trying to break into my house. No you are, man, I don't know Sharon. Okay, look I'm hooked up to that uh nine one month stuff. Thank like I could just do a panicle right now and they'll trace this call and then will come to you and arrest you because you're harassing me. No, no, no, okay, it's Sharon. I'm not harassing you. Your daughter, Diane came in and signed up. Yes, she signed you up for you to go to this daycare Monday to Friday. Why she's at work, so she's going to be dropping you off and then she'll pick you up in the evenings on her way home from work. Where you got that from? I don't know who told you that. Yeah, you got my daughter's name. And this is really freaking me out, you know a little bit over here, Ivan, I'm know why you know my name? You know my daughter's name? Ah, this is like the only reason miss Sharon is because she came in and gave all the information and she has paid for you to come to the adult daycare on a daily by Yeah. Yeah, yeah, here what you sound like a nice guy, you know what I mean? Like, you're smooth, you got a nice voice, You're you're you know, like you know what to say. I don't know who the hell you are though, I don't know what you're talking about, you know what I mean? Like, I'm not going to no daycare center. I'm not going with daycare center wards day because I'm fine. Just get that through your head. There's nothing wrong with me. I stay home, I got a dog, I walk the dog, I go street shopping, my daughter comes over. Everything's fine. I don't give no daycare center. Okay, Well stand what I'm saying that there is there is there a reason why she would sign you up, ma'am. She mustache, she must be looking out for your best. You know your hell. Let me ask you to let me ask you are you single? Are you single? Are you married? What does that have to do with anybody. I'm not coming to the day here center, all right, Evan. Like, if you want to come to my house and you want to see how I live, you ten, I'm switching. I'm switching it up. Okay, I don't need to come to your home. I'm more concerned about making sure you're comfortable here at the Adult Day when you get here on Monday. Yeah, I'm not coming there. That's it. I'm not coming there because there's nothing wrong with me. I'm not coming out of my house. But I'll pay you what evan? You I don't know like I like your voice. I just like your voice, Miss way minut mister how old? How old you m I'm fifty fifty. Have you ever been with an eighty nine year old lady? Wow? Wow? Nine? And you sound really nice? That's all? Like at first I was scared to you. At first, I want I'll be honest, I was scared and now I'm not, like I don't know why. I'm just not you know what I mean? Like you just haven not Yeah, I know who you are. But okay, so well will you be there? Will you be at the daycare center like you? Because I like to meet you. I'll be at the daycare when you arrive on Monday. But I mean nothing, um uh, miss Sharon, I won't be able to I'm always I like that, Miss Sharon. That's nice? Oh ahead, go ahead? Okay? So should I should I reach out to Diane about this? All? Reach out to her, sir, reach out to her? Okay, Well you're not like, yeah, go ahead, You're not gonna come in Monday, right, I'm right I'm I'm like, I don't know if you're gonna be very just late. But the Sharon, it's not about me. It's about you coming in and you're gonna this is where you're gonna be uh money through Friday from h and all right. You know, there's there's there's there's other people your age here. There's there's a lot of ladies, you're aging, a lot of men your age here. I'm not in the ladies. I'm not in late. I didn't I'm not turning yeah, not into it. I'm into you O te um. Yeah. I think it's a situation like your your daughter doesn't want you to be by yourself. Yea, who you could I call you back? I call you back. Yeah, let's call you back. Let me call you back in a couple of minutes. I'm on the shore and I got pulled my off of the thing. This is the first this is ever happened to me. Okay, uh, miss Sharon, Can I tell you who I am? I am Matthew telling me from the Steve Arvey Morning Show. Your daughter Diane got me the prank. Call you but I promise you you different you. I promise you I'm different I promise you I'm different. Here it relates to Steve Harvey, like the guy on TV gotta here he is gorgeous, called me back. All right, all right, okay, I love you. Oh my god, turn you o my goodness. Now now he's trying to hollow look man, oh my god. He said, let me tell you who I am. She said, Evan, right, you told me already. And if you go my new if you go over the time, you're not leaving. Okay, you're not gonna leave ever ever, you never leave. Yeah stuff, and say, hey, I was stomped the first time I've ever been stomped out right now, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this you're listening to show. All right, here's a question for you or a statement. Even women are nicer than men? Question Mark, Well, we know that for the most part, you know, women, women are nicer. Yeah, yeah, yeah, And researchers at the University of Zurich have made an amazing discovery. They say that women are kinder and more generous than men. And uh and it's biologically so they say, naturally it's like that. Yeah, yeah, they ain't have to do no study for that, because Jeff came in as u huh. The researchers found that men and women's brains react differently to selfless and selfish behavior. He yeah, did you want to say something here, Steve? No, right, uh huh. Shirley ask Carl a question. She go answered as a woman and I answered as a man. Just ask anything. Let's see what's the temperature gonna be today? Because I wanted to know what I should put on. It's gonna be a little more chilly than yesterday. Um. Let me look that up for you, Shirley, because I got that weather app. And then I'll see what the temperature is gonna be. Thanky is gonna be in La? Do you have that app? Thank you? Know well I do have it, but I left my phone. Okay, so I'll look it up for you. Thank you. I appreciate that. Yeah, yeah, hey, Steve, Um, what's the weather gonna be like today? Do I need to carry a sweater or something hot? Throw something in the bag for later. It's the tone, it's I don't care care. You know what stopped me? What in fact did you said you left your phone? I was that That's where we stopped right here. You didn't get your damn phone. Tommy surely can leave her phone at home. Yeah, it can rang he can pick it up all that you. On the other hand, we'll catch your flight back. I don't know this right, I'm talking about it. I wondering why you were so quiet. You were so like that vocal of the first question. I stung you with that one. Huh, So we are. I left my phone when I was married before. I left my phone at home one time and I got all the way downtown and realized I didn't have it, so I headed back. Yeah, my ex called my boy that I'm went and goes tell him I got his phone, and if he wants to see this phone intact, I need his hold right now. No, you ain't getting this cold. I can't give you the code. What did you do? Why not back home? And it was no longer intact? That's fine. I swept it up, put it in a uh sandwich bad jo back downtown. They didn't know the game I did. I reached and I got that SIM card out. We don't got me a brand new fun but you need that sim card. That sim card, that sim card, and that man back in the day they was brand new. All thank you Jesus. Don't you do it so, Steve, It's time for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, Miss and Tripp, Thanks Steve, Thanks Shirley, all you guys, this is a trip with the news. President Biden, is this you an executive order aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. The presidents to see fifty percent of American cars and trucks run on electricity, not gas, and pretty soon by the year twenty thirty, and mister Biden says, the US is already behind. Right now, China is leaving the race as one of the largest and fastest growing electric vehicle markets in the world and a key party electric vehicle to state the obvious is the battery, and right now eighty percent of the manufacturing capacity for these batteries is done in China. Thousands of Americans are mourning the sudden heart attack death yesterday of legendary labor leader Richard Trumka. Richard Trumka has been president of the largest federation of unions in the United States, the twelve and a half million member a of LCIO, since two thousand and nine and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says Trumka was much loved and respected for his decency and dedication. He had in his veins, in every item of his body, the heart, the thoughts, the needs of the working people of America. He was them rich. Trumka was the working people of America. As an example, in two thousand and eight, when Barack Obama was running for president, Trumpka heard that there were union members who just couldn't bring themselves to vote for a black man. So he went out to the union halls himself. Our kids are moving away because there's no future here. And here's a man, Barack Obama, who's going to fight for people like us. And you want to tell me that you won't vote for him because of the color of his skin. Are you out of your ever loving mind. Trump Ka was not a supporter of Donald Trump ever, but he joined his so called Manufacturing Jobs Initiative to see if it would work. Trump could quit with several other labor leaders not long after when he said the panel wasn't really set up to help the working man. In fact, he stated that there were only two types of people in the Trump administration, rich people and racists. Doctor Anthony Fauci's issuing another COVID warning, stating on Good Warning America that if more people don't get vaccinated and soon, we could still be dealing with still a second coronavirus variant. Amazon says it's delaying the return of its corporate staff to the office next year. Amazon just the latest member of a growing list of companies pushing back on the original office return dates. And yes, it's because of the COVID variant. And finally, actress Angela Bassett has received a pretty hefty pay raise for her fifth season on the Fox TV show nine to eleven. She's gonna be making just shy of a half a million bucks per episode, which makes the Harlem native the highest salaried actress of color ever on a TV drama series. Can you spell u chin o? Money? Money, money? Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for something funny, of course, and we're gonna go Junior year up. First, ye truth be told, Phone call truth. I can't help phone call. I got this weekend. You know, I love I love people. Old neighborhood being going to the doctor. Got some bad news. But I've got a person to call when when you get some bad news, can get me bad news. I get you right off of me, right back on to you. That's what I do. I can't bad dude Dog Tommy, Pete car Man. He's like man, dog got a bad heart. He say duct to say, I'm gonna have to have a hard transplant. Right then, I said, hey, Pete, breathe slow. Really, Hey, hey, you got deformation for the bad hard. We can't upset you no kind of way. Your heart not good right now, so you need to take your time, make the last as long as you can't. Just breathe slow. You got a bad Yeah, look at ain't got to be just what he got and take it a step. I gave some good at having big limps might kill you. We didn't make it that whether he died or nothing. We didn't make it that far. But I understand bad heart and hard transplant because I think you won't mind right now. I just want to let you know it's a matter of fact, pet you don't find nothing else funny, because if you get rapped up, you're taking time off that heart. As a matter of fact, the next relationship you get into got to work because you can't afford no heartache. You can't. You can't have none of that. Matter of fact, beat when you go to sleep, sleep light because of deep sleep might be too much work on that hole. I just won't you understand. I understand where you're coming from. I just ain't one to him that you got a bad hole, you got a bad heart. Ain't my phone? I can't he you got on it off the line with no. I'm sorry to hear that note. Have you seen a doctor if you knew what Pete did? He don't even read your bill. You can't get rapped up, no kind of are you on any medication? None of that came from mind. No, surely you can't have this. That's all I thought about. If you knew what Pete did to get your bad he was calling you in the first place. He's looking for hard Yeah. Back to ten man, all peopen doing a lot of bad things. Now you talk my dog man. They talked about a new heart, Pete bree slope slope, You ain't getting it over here? You in your life? Truth? Three tolls all right? Coming up next, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for comedy roulette, Jay take it away. All right, here we go, comedy roulette. You take forward subjects three steps don't matter. Putting him on a wheel, spinning the wheel with a wheel, stop and it stops. We'll make it funny because that's what we do there. You since he got sick, he won't respectful time. You got everybody equipment. He's a comedian, jay z comedi, none of that. All right, here we go. Number one excuses black people make not to get in a swimming pool. Number two things you say the fifty year old men who still wear corn rows. Let's do that. Excuses you make to not let the Jehovah witness in the house. And number four things people say when they don't want to leave the waitress or the waiter or a tip. All right, so let's get it. Yeah, that's called fifty year with corn rolls. Let's go, baby, fifty year old please, that's all right. It landed on high excuses black people make they're not get in the swimming pool. I'm gonna shot it off because this is for real. What was that getting in the waters. That getting the water. I get real, damn, Ashy, I can't get it. That damn that's it. I tell you what I don't know about black people. This excuses I us not getting the pool. I got sick of cell I could die. Hey, hey, I can't get it. I swear I could die. Okay, okay, okay, you know what. I wanted to swim today, But they don't make depends in swimming Trump that's the only reason why they just you know them depends them. Ya, I gotta have that. I can't. I will never go swimming with you ever. Black people don't. Black people use not to get in squea. I like to swim all the way down and back. It's too many people in that. Yeah, yeah, we don't like. Yeah, I just like excuses black people make so they don't have to get in the water. It's a whole lot of people in the water and somebody I don't know who it is, but I'm just guessing somebody don't broke in and I ain't getting in there. Yeah yeah, Hey, Hey, excuses black people make for not to swim. When y'all keep the flouted, I don't see no flouted. I can't get in there without floating. Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright. Excuses black people make not to get in a swimming pool. You know what, dog, I was gonna get in I was, but my excellent the flat up. You know if I get everybody gonna get eggs me if I get in there. You know what I'm saying. I don't want everybody to get I got it bad. Yeah, this this agment here different, This is different. Excuses Black people used to not get in the swimming pool. I'd go in with y'all. But black people allergic to chlorine. We don't don't care for that. All right, Excuses black people make so they don't have to get in the pool. See if I get in the water, my fake jurid will turn color. See I don't need to get in the water. Work this angry black people? Why they don't get in the pool. We like the boat ride over here? Excuses Black people are used not to get in this pool. Well, I would get in there today, but I like more of a racial mix in the water. In the water, I like more like, yeah, fifty fifty half white then black. That's we did not get in all right coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter. But up next, nephew Tommy right here with today's prank phone call. But you got nef Queen in the church, Rain, queen in the church in one more time? Who in the church? Rain? This is what I got. That's it, let's run it. Weed in the church. Come on. Hello, I'm trying to reach Dan brother, Brother Dan, Hello, Hello on them, because I'll see you there. I'm trying to read brother Dare Okay, yeah, this brother Scott from the church from Belt the Baptist. Hello, brother, Yeah, I call you. I'm trying to get a little information about the church band. What's what's your schedule? Uh? Will you drive the church? Y? What's what's your schedule? I drove it Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays. Okay, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, now Sunday. What what is that schedule? O Sunday. I usually start about eight o'clock in the morning, probably a little earlier depending on some of the elderly people. That I had to go pick up and bring to the church, make sure they get there okay, and get situated and make sure they are on time for the service and whatnot. Okay, and then you take them back home after services. Yes, I try to get all of them back home, unless they got family members or something that come up there and meet them up there and want to take them to Genna or something afterwards. But I used to get everybody back home okay. Okay. Now this class Sunday, which is part of the reason why I'm calling you. Uh. They saying that some of the church uh numbers that was on the band this Sunday. Uh. They are complaining saying that um that the church van was spending like weed when they got on there. Excuse me, they say the church van was spending like weed when they got on there. And you are the person that was driving them. No, no, no, no, no, no no, not not not the van that I'm driving. I'm I don't no, I don't. I ain't smoke weed, and no van, do you smoke weed? No, I don't smoke weed. I mean not carry I mean I have before, but I don't smoke weed now and I wouldn't smoke. We before picking some people love to go to. Now where you carry it from? Who told you this? Well? All I know is what what? What's coming down the pipeline is? They saying that a couple of the members came complaining, See this just happened last week about this pipeline. I want to know who the pipeline is because just last week they came and me talking about that I was using the van to go places that I wanted to go to all my personal time. Now I don't do that. I don't do stuff like that. And now I hadn't had a path, I haven't had a history, but I don't do stuff like that, and I wouldn't smoking. No church fan, So are you seriously talking? What? What? What? We're trying to We're trying to get to the bottom of it and see what's going on with you? Ulderly person said, do you know which one? I don't they loved me Every Sunday? Didn't people tell me they loved me? Uh? They say, I'm one of the most respectful young gentlemen they've ever met in their life. And so I really find it hard to believe that you getting these type of complaints about me, Okay, what I'm saying smell like who we I don't know what that means or nothing like that. Look, brothers, now, I don't know you too well, and I know you don't know leave. But I've been driving this van as as as a point to try to change my life and where I come from. So this was with something that I wanted to volunteer even though I'm getting paid to give my time to do this for the church. And now this is like the second instance where y'all and came at me on some stuff about like I'm trying to do something with this van. Now, why would I disrespect the church van by smoking weed in it and then letting the weeds stay in there so other people could smell it. Okay, so let me tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna go out here to the church man to say, we're gonna go out here to day and open it up. Now, if we see any seeds or anything around the driver seat, then then then we're gonna We're gonna definitely, uh point, open the van up. Man. I was raised in that church, man, My mamma go to that church, my grandma see go to that church. See the even reason we even all left that church. And you think I'm gonna mess up they ain't by driving around in the band full of elderly people smoking weed. Brother, Dad, I don't know how to shut the band smell like weed? Man, Now I don't. I don't got the answer to these questions. I'm just trying to tell you that it wasn't me. Did you ask some weed in your part? I can't admit it with your smelling. I ain't had no weed on me. Stop trying to say like I had weed on me and you ain't gonna get me nothing that I ain't had no and we ain't had no weed on me. Okay, Now, you ain't gonna mess up my name or my family's name in this church and disrespect us like this. Now, we've been helping this church for years, and I'm trying to tell you that I ain't riding around and no bands, smoking no weed with no elderly people. Did you ask any of the elderly people if they had any weed on them? Uh? No, we did no. No, I didn't think about it. No elderly people having no weed. So you just assume it's me what one of them gout, got coma or something? What? What? What you know? What? You know? Who? I think? What? Did you know? Who I think the weed belonged to? Oh? I think I think the weed belonged the nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Show. Damn, you just got a PreK oh my, God, you just got a p put his his name his name is brother, uh brother Lawrence, Lawrence ros Lawrence. Oh my, Larry called Larry Larry Larry in trouble with me? Man, I got one more thing that I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Man Steve Harvid morning man going on risk man going on the chill out the rest of the day. I tried, Man, I know I ain't gonna smoke no weed. Queen and church man, you blaze the church people. It's in just for your h It's weed, said Jake. He said weed, it's weed. He's absolutely right. A Team Tommy, I'm gonna change team. No, ain't gonna happen. No, they ain't. Ain't got nothing with him doing Team Tommy. That's the dude to heavy usage. Friend, I ain't got a damn thing doing being team to Tim after this long again, that's how he sees it right here, man him over here. Yep, I brought him over here for a week. He didn't know it. Hey, oh Jake, all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next, it's the Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here today. Okay, buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry Letter. Thank you, Neugh. Subject my husband is never satisfied by Dear Stephen Shirley. I have been married for almost three years now. My husband and I are intimate at least four days every week. I like to keep things hot and spicy. Nothing is ever the same in the bed or wherever we choose to do it. I do all that I can to please him, and I make sure I am pleased as well. Our sex is always amazing, but he has confessed to being unfaithful during our entire marriage. He told me that he's been sleeping with women in our home, on our couch, in restaurants, and even in cars. Not to mention, one of the women he slept with was the only friend that I had, well, at least I thought she was. He just can't get enough sex. I'm so lost and confused because he says that it is not me. He says he just can't help it. I can't seem to satisfy him. What should I do? Please help? Yeah, all that stuff you were doing in the bedroom, you just really thought you were putting it down and blah blah blah blah blah. No, he was cheating on you, left and right, with your friends in your house. That's the most disrespectful part. It's more than him not being satisfied. I don't want you to miss the big picture. This man is a cheater, he's a liar. Are you sure you still want to be married to this guy? He can't help it. Get him some help and see how that goes. Don't They have places for people that are sexual addicts to go. This man, I don't know if he's ever gonna stop cheating on you. Three years, you guys have been married married. It's not like the seven year year itch or anything like that. You're practically newlyweds, and you know he has no respect for you to marriage, your home, any of that. I think you need to assess who you're married to. It doesn't sound like you really know this man at all. You may be looking at divorce court here, Steve he At first I didn't. I thought it was just about too much. The title said, my husband is never satisfied. And the way she started to let her, yeah, my husband are intimate at least these four days every week. That's a lot of sex. Then she said, I like to keep things hot and spicy. Nothing is ever the same in bad or wherever we choose to do it. That's created four times a week. Y'all ain't doubling back on nothing the same. What the hair y'all got going on? I was first time I was gonna say, well, if it's too much, then dub it down. You're the same thing four days in the road, try to come across that's board. But you're doing all these activities, yeah, trampoline and stuff, y'all coming down the steps on each other. Okay, lay your head down these steps, and then he on top of you. And now y'all just come down the steps, you head first, but he on top of you. But every time you hear the step, that's another home. Let's see right down. That's too much. That's y'all coming down the step and screw at that same time, this is right here, so you coming down step. Oh that good for you? Yeah, that was good for me. Not I'm not a mar y'all in here on the laundry room. And to cut the washing the ship then to ma, we're gonna do it while I'm only talking you week. Y'all shut up. They are doing this four days a week, every week, and nothing is ever the same. This is happening at this house downside on the closed line, and climbed into draws. They all up in the treehouse. The baby treehouse got got fluid on it. Now, I'm just trying to explain it to you. Now, I do all I can to please him. I make sure I'm pleased where our sex is always amazing after all this, this woman says. But he has confessed to being unfaithful during our entire marriage. He told me he'd been sleeping with women in our home, on our couch, in restaurant, and even in cars. What women scuting me? Well, didn't y'all just you were just talking about this amazing sex life y'all have it ain't ever the same? Then just one day his dumbass come in the house and confesses that he's been a faithful dude in time marriage. He told me he's been sleeping with women in our home, on that couch, restaurant, evening car. Why are you in here running your damn mid ain't you busy enough? You have things to do. Wow, you got new rooms to explore, you got about eight nine women, And why aren't you in here talking for you don't have time to talk confessing it's not what you do. You've got to get creative. Boy, listen to me. Wow, have you been on the shelf out there in the garage? Have you been under here? You done it under a car? You got your start thinking us under a cart, done it in the head, in the head, just in some headges go ahead to get to that couch. I tell you that I'm just trying to figure out what the hell made him go in the house and confess. Maybe he what, Shirley, there's nothing you can say. Hey, man listening is waiting to head it. Maybe rest, Maybe he's tired of cheating. Rest, We'll stop cheating. As you're sitting in a confession booth with the priest, move your wife ain't even a priest. The only way you only only person you posted to go in here. And I'm not Catholic and this is not knocking the Catholic faith at all, because I love all these But the only person you posted to go tellitude like that is a priest in the box. Yeah, now that's your wife. Got a call on in the box? Why are we talking? So? So? What? Surely so back in the day, not now. We'll have to bring this back. You never felt like just getting it all off your chest, just confessing, just hand phone. I've never felt that I had too, but I didn't. We'll be back with uh with this part two of this letter. My husband is never satisfied. You're listening to show. Okay, we're back now. Surely yes, let's go with his lettering. Okay, I been married for almost three years. Hold than our intimate four days a week. Two things right, they've been everywhere, They've been all over the place. Just do all I can to please. I make sure I'm pleased. Our sex is amazing. And for some damn reason that food and came in the house and confessed and what unfaithful doing our entirement three years told me that he'd been sleeping with women in our house on our couch restaurant even called and with her best friend. Did she say not to one of the women he slept was the only friend that I had, well, at least I thought she was. He just can't get enough set. Well, we all feel that way. All men feel like they can't get enough set. But you can't hear everything you want. You just can't, and everything you can have ain't good for you. You know, some fools never learned that. I know a dude right now can't get it through his ignorant ass. What that jet cause? You can don't mean you shoot? Oh yeah, I mean you ain't got so you just ain't gonna practice no restraints. He's just new. He is out here just doing, just to be doing. You don't know him, Tom, It just be quiet as long as it ain't hunky. He can't get enough set I'm so lost and confused because he says it's not me. He says he just can't help it. I can't seem to satisfy him. What should I do? Please? Hell, get you some people, Get you some people? Does he liked it that much? Crowd it up, get the hors crowded. She's obligated to stay with this. You ain't got to stay with him. But what the hell you want? I don't need. I don't like that much in mine. I don't want too much. This is too much this letter, Yeah, I think, but I don't know what I mean. Why are you with him exactly? How did you recover from a man telling you and he didn't have women in your bed, on your couch, in your car, and he slept with your friend? Why are you still talking to him? So? Since he can't get enough, you ain't gonna ever be able to trust him. The only thing I think this is headed for divorce and he just gonna be your man because he got plenty. He bring it or he gonna run out. He gonna run out. A man only has X a number of shots and then he out. Yeah, that's that's a law. A man has X amount of shots and then it started dissipating. Oh really in trouble. Yeah, you only got an X amount. That's it. Probably after that is sawdust. She says. She can't seem to satisfying. She can't he at that pup and everything she thought she was. That's the thing, because she says she likes to keep things hot and spicy. Nothing is ever the same in the bed or wherever we choose to do it. I do all that I can to please, all up on top of the garage with it in the oven, then on the oven dough. They hadn't been on the oven dough. You can believe every party kitch your table open doors, No it don't. They broke down them though. They tried to brawler though too. They've been drawing a lot of stuff again, you damn. They can't eat on nothing, and they haven't tell where that specially being you see him in that. They can't do nothing. They can't bring a spoon in there, shot out saw y'all. There's place I bet they haven't been the garbage disposal. Yeah, then't been in garbage. They accidentally hit it on. Yeah you hit that button before her ass and hit that button on the garbage. So I'm scared everybody because they thought the grinder was gonna get one of them bogs. Yeah. Oh, he jumped up when he heard that garbage. Oh yeah, as soon as you hear that, you're gonna get up. You're gonna stop. All that loving is over with. Asked me another place, I'll tell you how they do well, Okay, like on the patio or I ain't been in patio and the toe tiles up. Yeah, the pile towels ain't here. They've been all on a Sunday. They didn't tow all the Thompson water seal off the Sunday. I know one place they could not have. Well, fireplace. There's no way they hit her foot been over there, in there, Get in there, your her foot has been in the fireplace. Got a little ankle. That's what them cuts on the ankle for on that fire great, the holding off, that's what she got the ankle cuts on there warming up. Hadn't been in the fire place. They ain't been up on the roof too. They act like they were going up there to fix the satellite dish. She been over the startup schooling that school. And then I'll be damn here. He came ran right up on them, fixing that satellite. This ship in the garbage can. That's one because people don't like garbage. Oh yeah, been been that garbage can outside. She went out there and was lifting that bag, threw it in. The next thing, you know, she was right in behind, head first, hanging down in the din in that good baby. It ain't done it in that too, sh I wouldn't think so. I just really okay, well, week, we gotta go. Uh, we'll be back. You're listening Stry Morning show. You ready for Roscoe? I go get him. Okay, let's go. He gonna turn around, and he did. We're going on, baby, Rosco, turn around the chick out like you said, now was I'll go back? Baby? Was up? Julia? What's Rasco? We're going on? Time down? What's going on? Man? Oh my dog, my dog, my dog. We're going on? Hey Roscoe? Oh I like it. I like that, yeah right there, thank you, Just something different. I like that blonde. Yeah, you know, I ain't never had like good. Yeah, you got that blood. Black women have blood. Try for get out of here. We were talking about what's up? Call? What's up? Roscoe? What's happened me, baby me, we're going on with y'all that it look glass on you law round you got coop law parliament. How you all wrote that you broke? But yeah, you know it's a law round. You gotta be cool. I wrote that. I wrote over George, really man, I didn't even I know you know a lot of people, but I did not expect you to say, George, yeah, I know that good good, goodbody. You're back already. When did you write it? Tell us what happened? I actually wrote p funk back in nineteen twenty nine nine. Fun wasn't even a word back then. Pump wasn't the word. You ain't know nobody that mentioned the word fun. Nobody mentioned word funk, but p phone on cut phone. Come on? You know the depression? It was depression? And where the wall? Will? We stand in line every day with soup kitchen. You're trying to get us on eat and we stand in line that sup kitchen and sometimes the line with your loan and you know we all mean, like, you know, just be get the wall and be on the wall where you go by there every day that out there sound and with that p on the wall and somebody said, man, this show's taken here. And I said, well that p phone that makes a lot of so strong. I said, don't cut. Wow, it's good. It is a like a bone. And they kept that in my heart. And want to met George Clinting because I and I just gave you to it. But what year was that when you met George Clinton? Because you wrote the song in nineteen twenty nine, said it to coming out more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this, you're listening to show. So, um, I gotta ask you, guys, because we've all done this, what was your most embarrassing text that you've ever sent to someone by accident? We've all done this. Uh, you know there's nothing right worse than you're writing a private text to someone personal text and sending it to the wrong person. That is why I do not do group texts. Yeah, so you don't. You would not respond one at all because I'll forget to turn it off and fairly's response comes back single. It is nobody else ONLD. You and I know what a good text? But so so Junior, have you ever act? Oh? Yeah, you need to understand last names. If the two people got the same last name pick the right one, because I sent a text to my sister, said, my mom getting on my damn nerves. Send it right to my mom. Oh, I get so your damn nerves. That's what I do. Yes, that's what I do. I should have known that it was really really rough week. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was Telicia's space and Alicia's space is really close. Ye, that's close. Yeah, And I spent Celesia. I should have. Man, I was going tell me, I know you sent some necking pictures to somebody before you were married. I know you did, Shirley, how do I paint this? Okay, let me try to walk this thing land though. Okay. Jacket went on whole way home and said, find us something to eat, you know, find you know, let's see if we got something there to cook to eat. You know this one this you just got your phone to take pictures and all that, so you don't just trying stuff. I put myself in a hot dog bun with relish and mustard and took the picture and called myself sin. It as saying wait till you get home and get this foot loan. And I hit sin and did not know. Man, I hit the wrong damn jacket and oh that was you heard what he said? Strong jack get your nephew got too much. You can give us this response back. He's still alive. That's good, that's a good sign. But what did the wrong Jackie say? Yeah, you got the wrong jacket and you know it was a friend of the family jacket Like when you get home, you're gonna get this foot loan. You got the wrong jacket. God, but where did you where did you find Where did you find him? Baby? Hot dog buzz got up? Steve. I don't go along with him. No, I've seen him at wends, but I just didn't never know where to get him. Yeah, you know from Vienna Sausages. The worst text ever sit all about five six years ago and we're in this group text me Rashaan, a couple other people and the executive producer of the show. So the last text had came from Rashawn. So my executive producer is talking to me and she's a woman, and she's right in my face and she just talking to me and she was so close to my face. I picked my phone up and just text back to Rashawn a man, come get her out your in words face. She too damn close. Seeing I'm thinking, I'm just sending it right back to Rashawn. It's in the group text. He got it too. She two inches from my face. Her phone dings. She looks at it, it says, oh really, Shawan is running from the back of the bus trying to stop her from looking at I don't know what the hell happened. It's too late, dog, I said about her. It was right, she was right there. I heard her phone go ding. I went coming out. More of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, Carla, guys, here's a story from Eat this, not that. Until we find that fountain of youth. The best way to care for our bodies as we get older is with foods and nutrients. Okay, So doctors and nutrition experts share the best foods to eat to slow aging. Fill your kitchen, they say, with avocados, with blueberries, with fatty fish. Fill your plate with spinach, with kale and other leafy greens to get the vitamins. The minerals and the fiber that you need. And nuts and seeds are good too, All these things I like. These healthy fats are also important part of aging friendly and aging friendly diet thanks to their omega threes and vitamin eat So call, here's a question. Yeah, what food do you wish could that you wish could help slow the aging process? What chat? Let's see is wine on the list? Baby, that's my number one? My goodness, Jesus purger, Yes, ice cream? Did you say? Did you say cheeseburgers? Yes? You want to add it again, don't cheeseburger? Yes? Yes, chips, oh, onion ring, French fries, cake, just cake, the entire cake, and pie, pie, sweep, potato poie, you name a cherry pie, pie, just cookies. Unfortunately that's not the case. So oh, I guess I'll eat me a spinach sandwich. All right. We'll be back with more no brand every morning show right after this. You're listening, all right, it's time for something funny, of course, and we're gonna go. Junior. You're up first, Truth be told, Say the truth be told. I can't help you. Let me take a phone call. I got this weekend. You know, I love I love Pete. People on old neighborhood being going to the doctor. Got some bad news. But I'm not a person to call. When when you get some bad news, you get me bad news. I get you right off of me and right back on to you. That's what I do. I get bad dude. So Tommy Pete calling man, he's like man, dog got a bad heart, he said, Doctor say, I'm gonna have to have a heart transplant. Right then, I said, hey, Pete, breathe slow. Really, Hey, hey, you got deformation for the bad heart. We can't upset you no kind of way. Your heart not good right now, so you don't take your time, make the last as long as you can't. Just breathe slow. You got a bad he got Yeah, look at him. They ain't got to be taking a step firm. I gave some huh, having big lips would not kill you. We didn't make it that far. Whether he died or nothing. We didn't make it that far. But I understand bad heart and hard tramp. Because I think you won't mind right now. I just want to let you know, as a matter of fact, pet you don't find nothing else funny, because if you get rapped up you're taking time off that heart. As a matter of fact, the next relationship you get into got to work because you can't afford no heart ache. You can't. You can't have none of that. Matter of fact, feet when you go to sleep, sleep light because of deep sleep might be too much work on that. I just want you to understand. I understand where you're coming from. I just ain't the one to help. Don't you got a bad hole, you got a bad heart. Ain't my fault, none of them. I can't help you got on it off the line with you. I'm sorry to hear that. Not Pete. Have you seen a doctor if you knew what Pete did his heart rate? Don't even read your bills. You can't get wrapped up. No kind of weight are you on any medication? None of that came to mind. No, surely is. You can't have this. That's all I thought about. If you knew what Pete did to get the bad he was calling you in the first place, That's what I thought. He's looking far hard. Ten man. All people doing a lot of bad things. Now I talk about dog man. They talking about I need new heart. They beat breeze, slope, breeze slope. You ain't getting it over here, hate you in your life, truth told. All right, we'll be back with the clothes. Uh. Today it's been a good day. Um, we'll be back to closing our show yea with Steve's closing remarks coming up at forty nine after the hour. Right after this, you're listening last break up. The day been a pretty good day, interesting day and Steve, You're closing remarks are back. We love them. What do you have for us today, Steve? All right, I got I got something I want to share with you all today. Um. You know today, when I woke up this morning, I had all Because it was Super Bowl weekend and we were in Miami, I didn't do my usual meditation every morning, and I missed about three days. In the role of my early morning meditation, I always get up is something I've been doing for a little while now. I started it last summer and I'm very really only miss a day. I've been very very happy about that. But the benefit of it is it gives me a moment alone before the hectic part of the day begins, and before the phone starts ringing, and before I you know, I used to wake up and look at my emails and my text and get started. And I stopped doing that, and it has been a big refresher for me and my life because I just felt like I was starting my day wrong. I needed to have some spirituality brought into my life first thing in the morning. And I found that. Every since this summer, that's been a very very important aspect. It's been very calming for me. It has been very very invigorating. It has helped me change the way a lot of my days start. But that alone time that I sped having my spiritual moment with my creator is the way I've chosen to do it. I want to tell you all something, if you haven't tried that, give it a try. It's something about the early morning hours before you start hearing trafficking, before you turn the TV on or answer emails or texts. It's something about the quiet of early morning, before the house starts moving around and plates clanging and stuff like that and doors shutting. It's an amazing time to get in touch with your spirituality. And I suggest just give it a try. You know, it may not be for you. It may not I don't, I don't know you, but it happens a lot. I was reading a scripture once doing this thing and it it and was saying that I'm paraphrasing it because it's showing't what it said exactly, but I will come with you in the early mornings and hear your cry, and so it it's been very beneficial to me. And this morning, in particular, after spending about three days not doing it, today I sat down and all I did in my journal, because I have a Bible, I have a daily devotional, I have a journal. All I did in my journal this morning was I began to write out everything I could think of that I wanted to thank him for. I just put a list of things I was grateful for. And the next thing I know, I had filled up two pages, I mean two complete pages in my journal, you know. And now it's not a piece of notebook paper, you know, they're going to three ring binders, but it's it's a substantial piece of paper. And I filled it up because I was just I couldn't stop writing, and I was writing everything I'm thinking. For safe passage in the airways, I thanked him for my children's health, I thank him for guidance. I started thinking him for everything that he's done for me that I pray about, and the things that he's done for me that I don't pray about. I thank him for my breath. I thanked him for my measure of health. I thanked him for being able to have a lifestyle beyond my dreams. I was thanking him for the ability to dress myself. I was thanking him for going to the Super Bowl, for having a successful NFL honors, for meeting people, for taking on the mantra of two twenty twenty twenty of no complaints. I just decided in twenty twenty I didn't want to complain, so I've cut back on that. I having stopped completely. You know, I'm catching myself every now and then, but I've been so far. I've cut down on complaining drastically, and I thank him for that, because instead of complaining whatever I feel like I want to complain about something, I find a way to be grateful. I find something to be grateful for. So I've I've replaced complaining with gratitude. Wow. Wow, what a game changer. What an amazing mental state that puts you in. If you could exchange complaining for gratitude, Gratitude is a very very underrated principle of success. Not many people talk about it. But the more grateful you are, the more things grateful God will give you to be grateful for. The more grateful you are, the more thing God God will give to you to be grateful for. That's a fact. That's a fact. And so I'm suggesting to everybody get up a little bit earlier and spend twenty minutes, fifteen minutes, let's start there. The more you could do, the better. But if you could start with ten quiet minutes with just you and you and God. And I don't care what faith you're in, just you and God. Just spend some time talking with him, thanking him, tell him what you want, tell him what you need, asking for the help that you want, but tell him you love him, and tell him you and tell him you're trying to get it right and you need some helping, and tell him what you want and thank him. It's an amazing way to start your day. Just give it a thought, y'all. That's all. Those are my closes with models. Y'all have a great Viking for all. 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