Roscoe Wallace, Voter Rights, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Jun 3, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Here we is. Roscoe Wallace is back and he talkin' bout Bruno daddy. The CLO gives us his analysis of a guilt ridden situation in the friendly skies. Venus Williams shuts it all the way dooooooown! Let's just say that Uncle Steve's truth about what had happened in Georgia stung! Our girl from The Talk got that punchline playboy. In Reality Update, Carla mentioned The Chateau and we get clarification from Fool #1. A youth football team in Chicago gets a surprise from Barack Obama. Today in Closing Remarks, Unc has a gem about faith just for you.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the stubbings. Be good to mother, Please, I don't join join me. You gotta turning you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn out. You got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come, come on your thing, U I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice and now come on digny one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show one more time partner, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. How amazing is that? How good has God been to me? How good has He been to you? Just check yourself sometimes, just sit up, Just let's run a survey. Just look at your life, where it's at. It might not be where you want it to be, but that's probably some decisions you made. But really, though, in spite of all the crazy mistakes I haven't made. I mean, man, I look back at some of the decisions I didn't came up with. And and man, it's it's it's just amazing. He let me live. I mean, it's it's and and and to exist the way I exist. It does nothing but grace, mercy, favor. All that is. That's what my mama praying for me when I wasn't praying for myself. It had to be it, because, man, I can truly tell you I have made enough mistakes man, stuff you would never even know about, and recovered from them all you can too, and I don't care what you've done. Marvin Sapp has a song out that says he saw the best in me when everyone else around me could only see the worst in me. You know that that's an important song man, especially you know. I want to talk to men today because man, being a man is so so difficult. Please know it has been my quest ever since I was a little boy. My father had one ambition. Son, I don't care what you do, but when I get through raising you, you will be a man. That's all I want you to be. Never cared what I did for a living and never made a difference to him. You're going to be a man. Manhood is difficult. Now, Ladies that listening to this, I'm not saying womanhood ain't. I don't know what it takes to be a woman, so you know, but I do know exactly what it takes to be a man. So you know, sometimes when you talk to people on the radio, you have to preface things because people are just go he trying to make it look like womanhood. Ain't. No, That's not what I'm doing. I'm just talking to men today to explain to them that deigned by their self and struggling trying to figure this thing out, that you are not alone in your quest for manhood. That is difficult. I gotta I gotta tell you, man manhood is that kind of difficult, and it becomes even more compounded if a young boy does not have a male role model. I've said it a thousand times. I'll say it again. A young boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a man out while I have a suggestion for everybody that's struggling with manhood and all of the men out there that are men. This messages for all of us, and it's for me too. You know. I was listening to Joyce Myers the other day and she made a statement. She said, sometimes you gotta do the right thing even when it feels wrong. You know, one of the difficulties of manhood is pure pressure and the misguided principles of manhood. See what God wants us to be as men and what we believe manhood is sometimes two different things. Give you an example. I wrote this book for women, right and I was telling them the three ways that a man shows his love, and I call him three p's. We profess, we protect, and we provide. Every man who is a man, that's how he exhibits love. When I talking talky comforting with our great nurturists, but when it comes down to to it, what we all want to do, what is in our dad DNA, is to profess our love for something you as a woman, to protect you as a woman, and to provide for you as a woman. That's in our DNA. Now, sometimes that gets messed up, and I'll give you an example. Sometimes when a boy doesn't have the proper, real role model in his life, he takes that principle of love that we all possessing us every man, the professing part, the protecting, and in the providing part, and we misplay it. That's why gangs exist. Gangs exist off those three principles. What's the first thing a gang member do. He professed, he claim a hood. That's the first thing you do. That's my neighborhood. I'm Duce's trade, I'm triple h, I'm due de dude, I'm purple, I'm red, I'm blue. The first thing they do is claim that's professing. That's how we show our love. But it's misguided though. Now we fessing something that ain't even good for us. Your hood, your game, your click now, guess what. Now we got to protect it. So now as a protection part of our love, here we go. You come down here, We're gonna do this to you. You go over there, they're gonna do that to you. You protect your hood, This your turf, this all you got. You ain't nobody coming down here with blue own. Can't nobody come over here with red on. You can't come over here with purple on. You can't come over here with black and gold on. And we and we protect that because that's in our DNA. And then what's the third thing we provide? So guess what the game need money? Guess what we do. We're selling drugs, we're selling women, we're selling guns. It go back to the same thing. Man. I don't know how God gave it to me that way when I was writing a book, But he showed it to me along the way. That's how men love well. When you don't have a role model in your life. Guess what now that love is misplaced, it's misguided, it's off track. Ain't no man and told you that really you're supposed to take this love and give it to a woman. You're really supposed to profess, protect and provide for a woman, not your gang set. Now you're professing your hood, wrapping a color, you're protecting your territory, shooting people driving by, coming over you on your street, and then you provide. Now you are here selling drugs and guns for the same thing. When a boy does not have a male role model, he has a misguided way of looking at manhood. Here's a deal. See, God created all of us in his image. That means He's put some of our DNA in him. That's why it's in your DNA to profess, protect and provide because guess what, that's what God do for us, because we His children. I'm just talking to men right now. I'm just telling you man, I had to wake up about five years ago. I wasn't doing what God wanted me to do, and then he shook me. He said man, I'm gonna bring about some changes in your life. I'm gonna cause some things to happen that's gonna put you in a position. And this time you're gonna listen to me, because if you don't, you're gonna keep living in this pain you've been in. But you put yourself in this pain. I own no blame to no one else but myself. Please know, I know that. And that's how we really get to manhood. When you figure out what you hadn't done wrong. You can't blame this on none of your exes because you are a man. You can't go my ex dear this. No, No, you're a man, pardner. You got to take responsibility for yours and yours alone. If you got kids, you got to get to them some kind of way. Write him a letter, send them the money. If she won't let you see it, for the money, whatever, send them money to a mama. Do what you're supposed to do as a man. Do what God want you to do, man, because he's not letting us off the hook for what we're supposed to be just because you ain't doing it. And if you do it, you turn your life around. Just holding that the fellas today. That's all sorry about that. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. It is now time for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And here we is instead and here ye hear ye translated into hood is here, we eat? This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ain't nothing proper about that? So how ye, how ye hell, here is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We is here, surely, strawberry. My ears are bleeding, but good morning, so here we are. Colin Farrell, girl, he that is up? Didn't he morning? Junior? Well he ain't lie. We is here, nephew, tom It, I'm is here, he is here, We is here. We all ussons. Yeah, everybody, good this morning to be here, glad to be alive. I was Thursday, short week, we pay us and Monday then threw y'all in the summer that Monday. But I take a three day right, Well, well he's the expert. I'm being off on Monday, so he should know how he feels already. And it took it took my latent, dear sweet mom to point it out to all of us. She's like, okay, I can't follow that. It's Tommy's not gonna be there. It's Monday, right, you know Tommy's not gonna be there Monday. He worked all weekend. Oh no, so my mom, yeah, patter pattern. Yes, and we're right here. We didn't even get him right this. Wait a minute, mom, he might be on the something. Yeah, sister, how are you seeing? You go? Well? Yeah, you know, I'm pretty fair. I feel pretty good. I'm energized to damn grateful, excited. Got another day off, so gonna take another golf lesson how to change my swing again, ain't you know? Ain't like the old one was all that good? No, damn way. So when you say you have another day off, you mean from family feud? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, well I know you enjoying that. Oh yeah, it'll be old. Wait a minute, thought. But but the good part is that you're enjoying it because before you just be working non stop. Y'all. Look at you. Now you've learned to ask. I used to take all my dark weeks and do another show with him. Yeah yeah, and and I just decided to stop. I mean, enough is enough, bro, Just go smell some of these roads. That's right, you know, And that's just a better way to live for me, especially the old again. I mean my next birthday, man, I'll be sixty five, so fly but I see important parts. A couple of my partners and they was talking about eight A r P. I ain't know what the hell age Tolma, your car came the mail. I'm telling you they didn't send it. All right, we gotta go. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour. This is Throwback Thursday. Guests who decided to drop by, get ready for this, ladies and gentlemen. Roscoe Wallace in the building right after this. You're listening to the string show. All right, let's throwback Thursday and what we do on Throwback Thursday? Throw it back all right to one of the great singers in the country. Get him Wallace, Ladies and rob everybody, give it to me, Give it to me, Give it to me. Hey, Roscoe, welcome back to Junior Roscow. He wrote when you want Tommy, tom went on, when your rock? Everything going on? Hey, ain't calling? Hey, Roscoe? What's happening me? What y'all want? You know it's been a wild in the video. You know, you know the breeding Lounge ain't to route all this soon, you know, in the world to hear you the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. You know all the b's on geez I did everywhere you know too with everybody know everybody? Well, any questions, Well the latest song by Um Silk, Sonic, Bruno, Mars and Anderson Park, you know, lead a Do, Yeah, Jam Rosco song. Everybody loves that. Yeah, Bruno, Daddy Bruno, Daddy, Venus, Venus, Venus, Ma, Vina Vina. I told me one down around hill, you know, we were we were. He had called me one night, right and he said they were gonna play cards and I asked him what time. They said, one gonna start till leven thirty and I told him when I ain't gonna get out of the lines to one thirty, y'all still be there? And he said, yeah, we're Steve be there. I said, well look here lead a Do and I've been damned boy Bruno. I like Bruno, Bruno got tellent, you know. So he called me, he say, rock on you mind if I use that? And I said, hold on now, hold on you know what, hold on now, yount use it? You know, I lit Bard okay, you know you gotta give me credit and everything like that. School y'all wouldn't let him mann just a leader. Doe open lead it do open? Oh called my pood, my pool, the water, you the wall that So let me get this strength a little bit. You heard him, you heard hilarity. Come on here we go always down. You wrote the number one song in the country. Right now, let me ask you who you think wrote it? The horder call it? Do you come with the hate again? I'll tell you what I think. We all know who ain't wrote it? No, No, you ain't wrote a son. I told you how the song came about. You wasn't now was you? Now? You wasn't at the card game? You don't know venoms? Yes, you don't learn about people? What else? Y'all on the new? Okay? Well you know the Billboard Awards were just a couple of weeks ago, and Drake won like Entertainer of the Year all I mean, he won the major awards. He won so many. Do you know him? Well? I knew was granddaddy? Oh you did? What was his name? Garden? What Garden? His real last name is raked It okay called his middle name is Demetrius. So they just put the d on top of Rake and they called him Drake, but his real name is Demetrius Rake, and he didn't want nobody know Demetri. So just put the d on Rake and call this your Drakes. That's all they was. I told him going to do it. You know my suggestion, hu Drake got his name from you? Well, you don't know. Ain't nobody making his name Demetri. You can't name one song wrote by nobody named to me? How with you? When you're right ros? You ain't doing theming bringing on bad? Look what else you got? I got proof of everything. I gotta ask you about the BET Awards ahead, Yeah, they're they're coming up later this month. Have they reached out to you about being a part of it? Yeah? Yeah, the hell? Oh they have? What do you want? Yeah? Well, you know they asked me, you know, if I wanted to perform. I told him no because you know, the crowding't got too young, you know. Okay, what are you gonna do? What? Yeah? Well, I'm just probably gonna be in the back, you know, or you know, taking credit you know for all the all the careers that's gonna be going on out there, that's a whole I'm gonna just staying on staying backstage, just shake hands and say thank you, you're welcome, you know. Gross. He also, I'm gonna even you don't think you know, you know things like that. You know all the ways you can say you're welcome. You know me goos, you know all that. So that's all I'm gonna do with the BET Awards, is them your awards. Then they going to get well, I mean like what award you mean, like they go get I'm involved in everything that mused every she don't see me goals because the three of them, right, you know, you know who they was they you know the old ass cousin was three musket till okay, yeah, and that's that's how they came up with me goal. The coin was three yeah read back generation back coming, you know, all them, all them with three must tear and three of them. I said, well, y'all can't call yourself that and then you ain't Mechican, so that can't say o meg, So you just beat me go. So they of gratitude, they already they already you know, they they all take Kimmy the didn't care about it so much everything, you know, do you get rawaltis man rawaltis back door payments under the table printed to them. I take the day where you can I got I mean what they're gonna do? Hell, I had jay Z fixed the seats in mccadillac one year. I had wrote blueprint for it. Wrote what you heard me? I wrote blueprint for jay Z. That note rock they had blueprint from jay Z was born. What do you think jay Z got the damn blueprint from? Run that prank back? With the nephew's coming up? Thank you? Right, you're listening sty Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna's ending by with her national news. Derek Chauvin is asking for a lighter sentence if you can believe that. No, no, no, no, a little long. Soon as you get that. Oh they're waiting on you though, I gotta say nothing. But right now the nephew is here with run that prank back? What you got for us? Now, mister Reggie, that's my name, mister Reggie. Let's go well, Hello, I'm trying to reach beyond who's calling? How you doing, man, This is mister Reggie. Have you heard of me before? No, you don't practice read the bell or not. I'm a friend of your of your mother's. I'm a friend of Yolanda's. You're a friend of my mother. Yeah, yeah, mister Reggie. She's never mentioned me before. No, she's okay, everything cool. Oh no, no, no, your mom is good. Let me let me tell you what's happened. So you you're getting ready to graduate, you're feeling to get your master's, right, yeah, I'm giving my mba. Okay. First of all, let me just say congratulations to you. I'm proud of you. Your mom been telling me about the whole journey, you know, from from undergrad to getting your you know, you're getting your masters in business. So I just want to come in and say congratulations. All right, thank you, brother. I appreciate that. But your mom aint never she ain't never mentioned mister Reggie to you. Huh no, sorry, bro, Okay, I got a little a situation that we got here. Man. You know, I've been seeing your mom for probably you know, five six years now, and I just that yeah. Yeah, So it kind of puzzles me that she never brought up mister Reggie to you. No, No, she never brought up the name mister Reggie. You know, I didn't even know she had dating to be honest with me. Okay, So when you started undergrad, I'm the person that you know, stepped up and gave your mom some money so she could put you through school. You know, I knew she needed some money to get you through school and started out, you know, like I guess around your freshman year. So I stepped up and you know, helped your mom out. Man, this is bugged out, bro, because hold on, you're telling me you gave my mother the money because she told me she got a couple at your jobs on the side to get some money to face. I'm the person that stepped up and do your undergrad I'm the one gave your mom the money is for you can go to school. And I knew when you graduated from undergrad and then she came back told me you're getting ready to do grad school, and I stepped up some more. Here's one I'm getting that. Man. I'm not even calling mister Reggie mister Reggie and called when I get a job. No, no, no, nothing like that. So here's a deal, man, I didn't give your mom all this money for six years. Now here it is now you've fen to graduate. And now that you've fen to graduate, she called herself won't to break up with me? So, I mean, I don't know nothing about that. That's the twenty y'alls, bro. I mean, what do you want me to do? What I wanted to? So? I mean, and I understand that, but what I'm saying, what I'm getting that is just right here. I would like for you to least call your mama and say something to it on my behalf because you know, come on, man, I didn't put six years in put you all the way through school, and hey, what tlls me to tell your behalf? I really don't. I mean, I don't know you. I mean, like, what do you want me to say on your behalf? But you don't understand what I'm trying to tell you. David, mister Reggie and stuck his neck out for you for the last six years. You see what I'm saying. Listen, man, I don't even know you. You calling me out the blue, talking about you gave my mama some money and then went up for five years. I don't know you. I never heard your name, never heard of mister Reggie. You just called me out the blue. This's some trippy right now. Man. Okay, Okay, I understand, understanding. Look at talkers, you call your your ex girl's fun like, come on, hold on, hold on, this ain't no ex girl. We we've been y'all broke up, y'all up to up to last week. Up to last week. I didn't paid for you to go to school six years nine. Here it is, she want to break up with me. I don't know about that, man, Like, I don't know why y'all broke up. I don't know nothing about that. Maybe and then you ca call me out the blue and I don't even know you. She never mentioned you. At least at least you can do is call on my behalf and say, hey, what's going on with you? Nobody's gonna have I don't know who you are. I'm the person. I'm the person and put your little lass through schools. Hey, the text that I went to the school. We have my mama's name on him. Not no damn mister Reggie. So hey, bro, I'm sorry, No, it ain't no he is what it is. I don't put your little lands through school. Now your mamma want to run out on me. I don't want to date me, no, mo. That's some boys right there, man and you need to have a little respect for somebody that then took care of your little last back. I don't even know you. What are you talking about for the care of me? I don't even know you. Who are you, mister Reggie? What time of the name is that? You usually go by your last name Reggie. People go by my first name. My first name is. My first name is Reginald. People call me mister Reggie, and you're gonna do the same. I just called you red man. Come on, redch I'm good like I don't know what. Okay, let let let me say this here, but you need to call her and take care of this yourself. Leave me out this. Sorry, brothers, No, no, now, look here. You owe me a little respect, and you owe me at least you know whatever I'm asking you to do. I don't know who you are. You calling me talking about called my mama when you used to day. I don't know who you are. You're talking about? How old you? Super respect? Are you crazy? You get my mama anyway you wish you're going to my mamma, don't. I've been had your number. I've been had your number and I didn't spend I didn't spend thousands of thousands of dollars on your little lass. I've been had your mom. You come you ain't come to an undergrad graduation? What I need to come to that for? I did my job. I took care of your little l ass man. You ain't take care man. You need to get one off my phone. Bro Okay, you know what I'm gonna go. Boy your mama haus. I'm gonna go by there, and you know what, I'm gonna deal with her ass today. My damn sir, Look, I'm trying to be as respectful is I care. But if I hear about you going about my mother's house, I'm gonna whoop your ass. I'm anna whoops your mother ass. You're gonna get your ass with by somebody with it NBA must be asked. I'm anna you up to fight. Hear you went by my mother's house to mister Red and I ain't listening to you. I don't know nothing about you. Once I get off this phone, I'm ana calling and ask about some mister Reggie. But there, I'm gonna you up. I'm going by your mama house because you ain't gonna just break up me up. The six years I got and put the little boy through schools. Well, that's what you get for being a sucker. To sound like you up a victim of Why I know you ain't sitting here calling me no sucker. You sound like a sucker. God, let me hear you win by there. It's gonna be a problem. There's gonna be some smoke in the city. What about what about Jarvis? Jarvis? Jarvis gotta do what this Jarvis a few up two years go by there. He grew up with my mother. How do you know Jarvis anyway? Because job has called me. He told me to call you. This is nephew, taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Jarvis. What hold on, hold to hold on, hold on, hold on. Jarvis told you called to say, uh to do my mother and my college. This is Tommy, baby, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy Jarvis got me the prank. You man, he said, Man, my boyfriend to graduate. He getting his MBA. He said, you got to do it, mister Tommy. I said, all right, all right, tell me all about it. So I came up with this little story. He said, Oh my god, he said, man, his mom is his heart. Man, that's his heart. I said, all right, cool, that's where we're going with man. My grandmother always said, don't be friends with thank hey, man, you gotta give it to me, baby, give it to me, right, mister MBA, you fend to get you your paper in the next week. And so what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey and the Water Show. All right, nephew, thank you coming up at the top of the hour, call me mister Riggie Entertainment and National News right after this you're listening to show. Derek Chauvin will be sentenced on June twenty fifth for the murder of George Floyd, and he is asking the judge get a load of this guy's He's asking the judge for a lighter sentence. His lawyer has even suggested that Chauvin get time served and probation for the murder and manslaughter charges. Yes, yes, yes, Chauvin could be facing thirty to forty years, but he's asking for a lighter sentence. Rabbit ass Oh, no time served and probation if people, yeah, you must. They gave him that this at this country on five. It's and it it would be nothing I could say, ain't nothing to oh no, no, I'm just look, look, I'm just murdering him in front of people, witnesses. Yeah. And then and if they gave him time served in probation for that, I'm not coming on the radio. Stop nothing. I'm gonna start nothing. But I'm not asking nobody to go home. Yeah, and it's nothing I could say then that you you you, It's come on, what's the major things have happened? But I just don't think that's going to be the case. A life sentence, all right. Uh. Another trending sports entertainment news, a number of professional athletes are speaking out in support of tennis star Naomi Osaka. Uh Osaka decided to withdraw from the French Open while revealing her struggles with mental health. Naomi quit the tournament Monday after she was fined fifteen thousand dollars for saying she wouldn't participate in the required press conferences. Among those who offered support to Naomi Osaka are NBA star Steph Curry, who tweeted, you shouldn't ever have to make a decision like this, but so damn impressive taking the high road when the powers would be don't protect their own major respect. Nice but yeah, that was great. But our favorite response has to be from tennis superstar Venus Williams after after a match, as she was at a press conference when a reported reporter asked her how does she feel about doing press Take a listen please for me personally high quote. How I deal with it was that I know every single person asked me a question can't play as well as I can and never will. So no matter what you say or what you write, you'll never let a candle to me. So that's how I deal with it. Oh yeah, I say question now, nobody asking me a question can't ever play, nor will you ever think candle. So go ahead and ask your watch with your weak serving as ideal with it, love powder as fuehand you got. Come on, blow your pennies off with this ball if you hit this thing over, go ahead, and I'm talking to the men. Yeah, oh my girl, I love that because you know zero zero Yeah, come on, I was just sitting there writing just then. How you feel that if she said that while you was writing, and she said it so sweetly, That's what I like so beautifully it just rolled off her lips. I loved it. Somebody commented, I saw it on social media. That's Richard Williams daughter right there. That's right. And don't you forget it, little little girl with the beads and her braids on the tennis court. Okay, and let me tell you something. And new girls caught hell coming up in that sport and till they just what the everybody asked, till they change their minds. It was them to play in each other in a lot of major fun. So I mean, hats off to the Williams girls for making these young players, even the young cocolds and all of them. That's because of Williams sisters. All right, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne trip, thank you, and good morning. This is a troop with the news President Biden pleading with Americans to put aside their political differences and get vaccinated. Mister Biden says, and now's the time for everyone to help bring the country back to normal. America is headed into the summer dramatically different from last year or summer, a summer of freedom, a summer of joy, a summer of get togethers and celebrations for all the progress are making as a country, if you are unvaccinated, you are still at risk of getting seriously ill or dying, or spreading disease to others. Please hear that the President wants to see at least seventy percent of US adults at least semi oculated at least with one shot. By July fourth, twelve states have already hit that target of work become very near it. But parts of the South still have some of the lowest vaccination rates, mostly due to loyalty to a certain political party and what that party says about COVID maybe that doesn't exist, and also fears about the government and how it handles healthcare in the minority community. There was a ransomware hack over the weekend against the world's largest meat processing company. However, JBS is up and running again. No word on whether they paid a ransomware They're not saying anything. The hackers are thought to have been working out of Russia. A suburban Atlanta man thought to be the youngest person facing charges relayed to the January sixth Washington insurrection, has pled not guilty. Has pled not guilty in federal court. Bruno course charged with obstruction of official proceedings to assaulting, resisting, or impeding law enforcement officers. Court was eighteen when he was originally charged. Video from that day allegedly shows him wielding a baton and saying, they can steal an election, but we can't sit in there chairs. As lawyers say, he believed too much on online conspiracy stuff and watched too much Fox News. You can now carry a handgun in the state of Texas without a license, without background checks or any training. That's what I said. You can carry a handgun in the state of Texas without a license, without background checks, and without any training. Republican lawmakers in the lone Star state have essentially removed one of its last remaining gun owning restrictions. In sports, bad news for the Nick fans in New York. Knickerbocker's blown out the playoffs last night by the Hawks one O three eighty nine. Meanwhile, Major League Baseball yesterday celebrated Luke Garrick Day with teams wearing a commemorative patch in their uniforms. Goot Garrett became the starting first baseman for the Yankees in nineteen twenty five, but the Hall of Famer had to retire in nineteen thirty nine due to als. I consider myself the luckless man on the faith that I might have been given a bad break, but I've got an awful the left war. Unfortunately, he died on June second, nineteen forty one, and only thirty seven degrees now about thirty seven years old. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Mourning Show. What's going on? Okay? President Biden says voting rights are under siege in America. He called it unprecedented and Unamerican. During the speech in Tulsa, Biden said the right to vote is possibly the most fundamental right under the Constitution. Biden noted that he'll have much more to say about voting rights in the coming weeks, and meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris has been tapped to protect the voting rights of all Americans. President Biden asked Harris to lead the administration's efforts, saying the right to vote is possibly again the most fundamental right under the Constitution. The Vice President said in a statement that our democracy is strongest when everyone participates and weaker when people are left out. She also noted that more people than ever voted in the last election. Since then, over three hundred bills have been introduced across the country making it harder, not easier, harder for citizens to vote. And we know they don't want the majority to have a say so into rule. They want the zoning laws in place, they want everything in place that's for voter suppression. So they cannot, you know, have their way. They can't believe they lost this election. I'm telling Georgia pissed them off to the highest. How do you turn a red state blue? And how do you take a black and a jew and put them in office over two whites? Are you hitting me? No? No, this is race. This is race. If Warnock and ass Off were just two white guys, this wouldn't have been no deal. But the fact that it was a black, a Jewish person beating two white people. You don't understand what that did to them because they have this sense of entitlement. And it's not all whites that feel that way. It's not all Americans that feel that way. But it's a bunch of them though, And we need to stop talking about like it's not that many. Now it's seventy two million of the asses. That's a lot of damn people, man, And I'm including the evangelicals in that too, because this group of people is really amazing to me to call theirselves God's people. But you're willing to vote for people who have policies that's against other human basic rights while you hang on to the one right about abortion to make that your claim and call that Trump is anti abortion, that's why you're gonna vote for him. But he's also anti everything else. But you hang on to that one thing to justify you voting for him, and you claim that as a good Christian, we have to uphold that well. Being a Christian covers a lot of things, and it don't just cover abortion. It covers everything. So y'all can miss me with that. That group of people right there really need to check they sell that's right, Steve. All right, moving on now, coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have a quick round of Ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for a quick round of Ask the CLO. Steve Harvey is our chief Love Officer. Let's see what you have to say about this one, CLO. It's from Jody in Illinois. Jody writes, I'm a flight attendant that's having an affair with a married man that I only see twice a month when I'm working. He comes to stay with me at my hotel when I'm in his city. Last week, he said his wife is terminally ill, and he apologized for getting me in a situation, but thanked me for being patient with him because it is keeping him sane and gives him hope. I told my mom about the affair, and she told me what we're doing is dead wrong. But if it's helping him cope with the situation, then it's fine. If it's fine, then why do I feel so bad? Do I end the affair or keep supporting him? Well, let me ask you a question. What does your wife dying have to do with him screwing you? Who do that help? So? Obviously he ain't that concern about her leaving him, because if he was all that concerned, he would be trying to make if she's terminally ill, her last days as comfortable as possible. That's what love does. Love don't go and get yourself comfortable as possible. Yea, So now sing and you want to know why you feel guilty because it ain't right now. I ain't saying people can't do what they want to do it people don't make mistakes because everybody does and everybody has so I ain't judging you. But your question of why do you feel guilty is because in your heart or heart today ain't right. I mean, what you want us to tell you now you can continue to do it, but it ain't right. But she's saying she's she thinks she's supporting him because of his terminally ill wife. She's supporting keeping him sane. What if you don't give him no motail, he gonna lose his mind. I'm just trying to understand. Yeah, right right, come in at That's the case I'd have been in Lost my rabbit, ass man. He told her it keeps him sane and gives him hope, hopeful. What come on, Jody? Yeah that maybe you know? I don't know? All right? Moving on? Not in Oxen Hill, Maryland. Can I ask one question? Since you keep giving him a hope, what do you get? You get? Two weeks two weeks out a month now you don't get two weeks. You get two times, two times. Okay, she sees him only twice a month, that's all you get. And now you blocking any blessing you would have of meeting mister Wright because you're sleeping with mister Room. I'm sorry, my bad. Go ahead, okay, all right, nat In oxen Hill, Maryland, says Clo. I'm in the three way love affair with my man and his cousin. It's only been going on for a few weeks, and we've had sex with my boyfriend in the other room. My boyfriend drinks a lot, so he was passed out drunk one night and his cousin came on to me. We had a few edibles and some shots of tequila, and I gave up the goods. His cousin was a great lover, and I went back in a few more. I went back a few more times after that night. I decided I want to be with a cousin, but I'm not sure if he wants me or not. What should I do? So hold on. You think you can just change horses in the middle of the stream. You think that you can just go over there with a cousin, And it's gonna be roses when homeboy come out of his drunken ass stupid and realize that you've been screwing his cousin and his cousin been screwing his girl. What you think gonna happen in that he might be a better lover, but he might not be a better fighter. Oh, I'm a lover, not a fighter. Wow. Today, Okay, all right, I don't know if we have time to get to this next one. Yeah, we don't, but um, tomorrow you want to tomorrow? Nip, you think I have time to write? Yeah, it's a good one though, I'll tell you that. Yeah, all right, thank you, Cello. You were on top of your game today, Clo. Uh. Coming up next, it is a nephew with today's praying phone call. Right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject my wife's young friend. We'll get into it, but right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What's you got for us? Now? Insurance? That's harmless insurance insurance. Come o, as Joseph, how can I help you? Uh? Yeah, Joseph, how you're doing? Man? I got you, um your number? Uh, well, so I give me your card. Told me you have an insurance company. You might be to help me. Absolute, we'll help you. We'll love to help you. Okay, listen, I'm a UM. I'm seeking some insurance. And what all insurance that you guys had? What what all of you all cover? Oh? We have auto, my building insurance, to a home insurance, we have life insurance, fire flood, we're pretty much, uh, we have everything? What exactly what happ insurance you we're looking for? Okay, we'll see. I need. I have my own business, my own company. I like that. Okay, what I what I'm want to What I'm trying to do, man, is I'm trying to make sure I have insurance for the people underneath me. Oh okay your employees, Yeah, exactly exactly. I want to. I want my employees to be insured. Okay, you know, like if something that happens to them, they can get they can get workers comp you know what I mean. I want to be able to accommodate them that way. Is that? And are you able to help me while I with something like that? Yeah? I have I'm able to help you. I just need to ask you a few questions. How many how many employees to ask right now? I have? I got six? Well, I got four that's working full time. I got two that that worked predominantly on the weekends. Okay, so I got let me think real quick. Let I got settlement, I got ice jasmine, I got thunder. I'm sorry, sir, um, sir, Timmy and annigans? What was uh smitty? Okay? Okay, um um? What type of fantasy as sir? Uh? Well, I'm I'm I'm more of a UM, I'm a I'm a PC and um I'm sorry DC uh personal consultant. No, no, no, no, I'm I'm pretty close up, pretty close. That's that's that's pretty close. I'm I'm I'm a pleasure consultant. And and what it is me? I got um, you know, I got jack. I'm sorry, did you say pleasure consulting right right? What what that is, man, is is you know I pleasurize people that want to be pleasurized, Like I have girls that may dance for you, some may come out and do other things for you for the private parties. That kind of thing. Are you trying to are you trying to ensure strippers or call girl. Well, I mean, I mean, I'm trying to ensure what I'm trying to shoot. I mean, I give all my girl ten ninety nines at the end of the year. I don't know what this is an insurance company. This is a repertable company. We don't ensure call girls strippers, Sir. I'm trying to ensure my product. I mean the way it kind of me is right now, everybody got to look out for themselves, but I got to ensure what I need to ensure, so in case things go bad, Man, I can bounce back on that. I understand that, sir, and I do. I mean, I'm a businessman just like you are, sir. But we don't ensure call girls strippers. So so hold on, I got your car. Man, you're trying to tell me that now you can't give me no insurance. We can't ensure call girls are strippers. I walk, okay, okay. Tell me what type of duties to they perform? Well, I mean, what do you mean? What kind of do I mean they think I have on the application? Have to put down? What type of duties we're gonna put down an exotic dance you know, uh, and see since they are there for people that like uh, need to have some personal attention. Man, you know we just put something else down, like you know, counseling. You know, he's prostitutes. You want to ensure prostitutes. I'm not saying that, man, I'm not stop saying that. Don't say that normal, That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that's what that's what they are. Well, why don't you put down PC? Man? Why don't you Why don't you put down pleasure consultant for man consultants? So we don't do that here. Um, I don't know how to help you. Sure we don't do that here. You can't ensure a prostitute. Then I tell you, don't say that normal. I told you this right here is a PC. It's a pleasure consultant. That's somebody that gave me this business card and told me that you'll be able to take care of me. And now here you is coming back seeing you can't see this one is starting to be some for smitty name. Uh, sir, you don't have to refrain from using that language. No, no, no, no, they're telling me that you are able to ensure me. Man, you don't want coming back with some bogus right here. We don't ensure any type of ghetto mess prostitutes call girls. Um, that's some street junk that we don't do here. Hey man, listen, I was told you can ensure me, and guess what you go insure me. I'm gonna go back and forth with you. Dog. I'm gonna come down that to your office and I want to I want these papers filled out so I can sign them. So I got the office. Look, man, we don't ensure no prostitutes or no are no strippers. Okay, so we don't do that, and you're not gonna come down to my office with this ghetto mess. We don't do that. Who do you think you're holling that? Man? You you don't know who you're with now, don't left this corporate over the phone. Corporate vote fool you because I can get gangster. Hey man, I don't know who you think you look now, who don't do that here? Hey man, Look let me tell you so, I'm on my way down there. Okay, do not come to this office. If you come to this office, I'm coming to the office. You're gonna show my girls for me now, somebody that gave me your card and told me you can take care of me on the low, and that's what you're gonna do now. I need my damn in string for my girls. Dog. That's all I'm trying to get. Don't you bring your stamps while we don't do it? And I will not. And if you bring you something, you're gonna get you what? Man? I got one who you're talking to. I'm talking to you now trying to be nice and I trying to be professional. Don't you bring to my office or kick you you ain't sending them in? Ferdy? Man, I got one more things I need to say to you. You listening? Yes, what you got to send to me? Joe? I do not and short passitute? Okay, what do you have to tell me? I got to tell you this best his nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby Mart has shown you just got pranked by your boy. Oh I'm a boy. I can I believe hell y'all got met me? Ask you this here, man, Let me ask you this hire. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey morning. Come on, really, nephew, I'm trying to be professional. Don't bring your blankly blank blank down here because we don't even shooting no blanks. I don't give a damn bout cinnamon fund the fire, he said. Five love, man, oh man, what fun baby fun sh just something years old playing on the phone. Lord is over, Be careful, careful, Well it's not. You ain't got jump off. Oh my god, I got a man's nobody know who I am, but you will know who I am. July sixteen through the eighteenth. That's July sixteenth through the eighteenth, Virginia Beach, funny Bone, nephew, coming to town. That's right. Tickets on sale right now, going there. I got a real nice sexy pitch and you you're gonna love. I'm so sexy on that. Ladies, go look at the pitch on that Virginia be funny Bone July you heard go go look at your picture. Well I'm funny bone. Yeah, that's on that phone. Just fix just feeling over with it. Just that's the word oozing. Boy, when I ooze, when I uzed, or I know what you mean, like a little tube of tube paste. The travel size. Ye call you know, you know, you know, he the one you can take on the plane right and that can stop. They won't throw your stuff away. Sorry, new you, Thank you. Coming up Strawberry Letters, subject my Wife's young Friend. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Guess what we could be reading your letter live on the air, and just like you're gonna read this one right here? Who knows could be yours? You never know? Buggle hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letta subject my wife's young Friend. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married for eight years and my wife has owned a trendy clothing boutique for four years. She decided to hire young, attractive females to represent the type of clothes she sells. The store manager is a gorgeous twenty eight year old woman with a bang and body. Two years ago, my wife decided to help her pay for body conjuring procedures so she can always look great in the clothes at the boutique. I didn't approve, but my wife said it's her money and she did in any way, my wife also got her a company car to use since she delivers clothes to their VIP customers. I did not like this either, but my wife bought the BMWX three for her. Anyway. I also learned that for Christmas, my wife gave this woman a nice bonus for processing the online sales during the pandemic. All of my wife's reasonings for treating her so well makes sense, but I'm still looking side eyed at my wife because they're running around like best friends, going to day parties and brunches. On weekends when I travel for my job, the young lady stays at my house so my wife will not be alone. Most women would not want this gorgeous and superfine woman around her husband, but she spends a lot of time around us. You can only imagine the thoughts that have run through my mind, but I fight the temptation to even look at her perfectly shaped butt and tiny little waste. I wouldn't be surprised if my wife feels the same way about her because our sex life hasn't been the same recently. If they are traveling and staying in one hotel suite together, is it possible that they're more than friends? What do a fifty four year old woman and a twenty eight year old woman have in common? Anyway should I question my wife? Please advise? Well, it took you long enough. It took you till the end of the letter to figure it out. All the signs are right there. I don't think anyone is that good of friends. Okay, I have to take a break. Sometimes your wife sounds like this girl's sugar mama slash lover to me, because she's doing way too much with her. One tip off should be that she didn't listen to anything you told her about spending money on the young woman. She bought her a car. What that's a huge expense, and not to mention the nice Christmas bonus she gave her, And then you said it made sense. Come on, now, this is way too just in your face for you not to notice this. And then you say the sex isn't the same between you and your wife, Well, no, that's because she and this younger woman with the banging body as you call it, are in a relationship, and you're the way you know she's she's just doing it because you're a husband. At this point, it sounds like should you talk to her? Well, yes, I think you should. And if your wife is honest, which your doubt she'll be, you'll find out why she wants this super fine woman around her with the tiny waist and the banging body and the perfectly shaped but because that's her girlfriend. Okay, they're seeing each other, Steve, Well, how much time? I God, so I got about three minutes, So let me just go in and do this the second half of this that I'm gonna do something special though. Okay, so let's just talk about this woman who's doing all this for this woman with the banging body. Let's just get into it. The wife decided to help her pay for body come to and procedures so she can always look great in the clothes at the boot boutique. That's why she paid for safe. Okay, let's go down. So my wife also got her a company car to you, since she delivers clothes to the VIP customers. I didn't like that either, but my wife bought the bmw X three for her. Anyway, what you get that to drop clothes off? That's that's that's what you get for dropping clothes off, okay, queen through. And then for Christmas, my wife gave this woman a nice bonus for processing the online sales, doing the pandemic. Wait a minute, ain't ain't ain't that what you supposed to do? But keeps going, right? But if you processing the orders, doing the pandemic, what what you need a car to drop off for? I'm so damn confused. And then you said in the letter, all of my all of my rights reasoning for treating her so well makes sense? Makes sister? Who don't? Because I'm confused? Let me ask you something. If you bought a girl, no no, no. If you bought a young boy pay for lightpos suction, gave him some picks and some bicims, and then you turn around and bought a young boy a damn car so he could look good dropping off some packages. And then if you gave a young boy a Christmas bonus because he was delivering, making all the process and all the online sales, and your wife told you not to do any of this, but you did it anyway, how would this a little I ain't even gonna ask you what would happen if you bought a banging girl a body, bought a girl a call, and gave a girl a Christmas bone. I ain't gonna ask you that. Just if you bought a younger dude that dog. I don't know what to tell you. But when we come back, I'm bringing back my man Roscoe Wallace to help you understand what has happened through songs. He'd wrote a lot of songs through songs, and we got some songs to help you with this letter. All right, hang on, Steve, hang on. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters, subject my wife's young friend. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject is my wife's young friend. He is man got this woman hitting out. His wife is fifty four and the girl is twenty eight. She worked for so and she said a young clothing at this boutique for young people. So she got all attractive women working in the stow represent the clothes, she said, but just one girl who's absolutely gorgeous. She didn't bought her pay for all her body come to and procedures, so she can always look great in the clothes at the boutique. He didn't approve of that, so his wife also got her a company car to you, since she delivered clothes to their VIP customers. I ain't like this either, but the wife bought truck anyway. Then for Christmas, wife gave this woman a nice bonus for processing online sales during the pandemic. That is, she processing online sales or she dropping off stuff with the car. Then he said, my wife's reasoning for cheating up so well makes sense. Boy, So you just trying not to go along with you trying not to see it. I can only now the woman is wonderful. What woman brings a fine woman around her husband, and she spent a lot of time around us. You can only imagine the thoughts had been running through my mind, But I fight the temptation even look at her perfectly shaped butt in tiny little weight. Well you notice what it was. I wouldn't be surprised if my wife and wife feel the same way about her, because our sex life ain't been the same recently. Now, if they're traveling and staying in one hotel suite together, is it possible that they molting friends? Well, let me ask you something. If you got money for surgery, and you got money to buy a new car, and you got money for Christmas bonuses, how you ain't gotten money for your own damn hotel room for the girl? Udn't bought everything else, but you just can't buy her own damn hotel room. Sir, you know what's going on? Well please, let's welcome to the show. The one and only Roscoe Wallace who had some souls that he wrote, We're going on, everybody, I'm back, We're gonna we back. Okay, cool, I'm here. I wrote some soons in my career, a lot of y'all on NU the white board, right hill, oh, saying for Time House. In the band they wrote a song called Smoke from a Distant Fire, And I wrote this for the dude in the letter. Okay, okay, okay, you left me here on your way he to pair Rudesh you pull it up right out from under my line. I know where you're going. I knew when you came home last night and hear what you need to know because your eyes has a miss from the smoke of a distant fire. I see that what he needed to know right now because it's the smoke going on, you know, you in a distant fire right there, and you know he having trouble with that, you know, And so he's other songs right here, like hold on, let me do this one for you two. I'm just starting me bet you lie with week nights the rest to bid we're seeing it with all this upp oh, but still the bottom line is you got to deal with it and to yourself at least be fair. Said holding On. It's very hard to do with love Gone. And that's no lie, I said, holding On. It's very hard to do, very very hard to do. We Love Gone. Yeah, that's another hit I wanted to write for you. Yeah, room, it's still a room even when there's nothing now but gloom. But rude is not a high and a high and not a home. When Doc two of a far Part and one of b oh broh, Yeah, yeah, she needs the songs that he needed to know because he's struggling, you know, and all these here y'all want to know. Ye okay, okay, okay, hold on, hold on. You took me riding in your rocket, you gave me a stop and didn't have a mob from heaven. You dropping it back down to this cold, cold, wearing I would not do that to a damn doll old baby. So ray see someone for people like that. You get in situation like that, I don't want to stop you in and just sham matallon, give with people and telling me hang on in there, but love is gone and hard hold on all right? Thank you, Roscoe, Thank you. Post your comments on today's Strubberry Letters, Instagram and face put up to the bumpoo baby. Forty six minutes after the hour, Cheryl Underwood will be here right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve introduced our girl from the top to put your hands together because she's here right now, the one and only Shirl Underwood. Thank you, Steve Harvey and Steve Harvey. I will be mad at you, but I have a way to solve why I should be mad at you. Not the celebrity family field is on why can't men, Junior come on and bring our family, not that we're a couple and be U celebrity field. Good idea, Hunt, I had thought of it, Ryl. What you didn't think of a short describe? You remember when we was talking and I said, Junior said his family came to CREO national team. No no, no, no, not them, no not. We love your family first of all, Junior, Wait, we gotta get pardons first for some of them. Hey, hey, my brother thinks he's a lawyer as many times as he been in court, so he our family gonna fit together right nicely. No, my brother la Fayette, Oh, he gonna get them out. Junior said, he got family members that can't cross state line. Yeah. Yeah, you don't know how them tunnels got built. How do you think they found cho one of them tunnels with my oh yeah, oh yeah, we know how to get people across state lines and get them back like they never win anywhell Okay, we need outfits now, Okay, your mama she should play. Okay, who else should play? Who else should play? That's about it. We done about it. If you graduated. Yeah no, no, I mean no, no, he okay, but we said we played a game to win where you just graduated. No, okay, but see here's the problem with this whole situation. I think we could win some money for a charity, Junior. You couldn't be Junior's own charity, Steve Harvey. Yeah, sure, Junior doing that. We gotta race sad doing. We were doing great? Don't I care about a race? I care about inaugurating our love on National TV on celebrity founder Field, Tommy, why why is he not going alone with it? They even had a question that I think they made from me and Junior relationship. The question on the advertisements say name something a friend gets that you might say, that's the biggest one I've ever seen, Junior number one answer. Let's see Harvey. Yeah, you had to go through all that just to get to that, right right. I love it? All right, thank you, Cheryl, We love you as always. Coming out at the top of the hour and Collin's Reality Update right after this you're listening to show, all right, come on, Tommy introduced that girl. I got it. I got it this that time, ladies and gentlemen, she is here, call a Farrell with what reality update coming in hot? Yeah? Thank you, Shell girl. Thank you, nephew. Let's go Ready to Love, hosted by a very own nephew, Tommy. Yes, okay, so Tommy, you threw another curveball to the singles. This time you introduced the ladies, introduced the men to their existence. Yeah, it was good. It was that's how you do it, though, And they did not know anything. No, no, the fellas did not know this was coming. And Steve, the ladies were invited to the chatteau to the nephew Timmy, time you gonna bring that up? Oh man, I ain't been out there. Yes, yes, and every letting these girls from the damn TV show going. It was all good though. Tommy and his lovely wife Jackie hosted the ladies out there and they talked and they talked about, you know, faith and religion and alexis her number one, the guy Ron he's really not that into religion and a problem. Yeah, that was a problem for her because she shouldn't that have been a shouldn't that have been a stop saying from the beginning though, right right? You know you can't you can't. Yeah, you know she knew to a certain extent, Shirley, he knew to a certain extent. Once you know that you ought to be barely, you'll be back feeling at that point. Come on, that does that add up in a relationship deal for her? Well, well you have to be equally yoked either way, both of y'all ain't going or something right? Yeah? Right? Yeah? So that that was an issue for her. So she went on a double day with Liz and the other guy on the show, the Coach, and then AJ. He you know, Alexa, she likes to talk, so she was just talking and talking and AJ just you know, did a sexy kissing shut up. So now she got butterflies over AJ and then Liz and David. So, Tommy, I had a problem with David and Liz. He was so rude. He was not a gentleman. He didn't let her talk. He's over talking her. What's up with him? So tune in next week? Okay? Check this out? Yeah, tune in tomorrow okay, and you will find exactly why he was over talking her. Well tell her to We gotta watch right here, because I know all three of y'all you missus, Monica and Shirley fit with y'all popcorn Friday evening. I'm not gonna spoil it. You're gonna wait and just get it. Listen to the TV man, your uncle all right, ready to love? When nephew that is nine eastern eighth Central only on own, you don't wonder it's ready to love. It's so good. Congratulations Tommy, moving on quickly before we run out of time. Married to medicine, doctor Contessa told her therapists a life coach that she doesn't trust her husband with her heart. Then later on you see doctor Scott over cecil and Doctor Simone's house and he's having a drink with doctor Eugene and then he has he has a picture of a woman that he's thinking about hiring at his practice along with his wife. They share a practice, and he has a picture of this woman on the phone and he's showing the fellas something about she's a bad girl and she's this and that and name are comfortable, Like, hey man, why you gotta picture this woman in your phone? And you married? They like, uh so so not cool. Also, doctor Heavenly and Lisa, they're beefin and Doctor heaven and Ly shea can't take a joke though she I just noticed that about her she can dish it, but she can't take it. It's a two way street with that Heavenly. But you know, you had a little attitude. And then Toya tried to check doctor Jackie loved doctor Jackie. She told Toya watch your tone. So they had to go talk in the ladies room to see what the problem is with Toya. She has an issue with Heavenly. She admired her, and so their friendship they're having issues. So we could talk more on the Graham at lips by Carla on social media. That's reality Update, which guy Shirley, all right, thank you, Carla. We got more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. And twenty minutes after, right after this, you're listening show. All right, Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got Junior. Hey, they're saying it's the best practice ever. A youth football team in Chicago got the ultimate surprise visit on Tuesday when none other than President Barack Obama came through to give an epic pump off speech. Forty four popped up at Jackson Park to visit the Chicago South Side wolfpacked football team and now with the kids and the coaches lost their minds when they saw the local legend President Obama in the flesh Obama. You don't got to be how old as the kids? Oh man, they're probably about ten eight nine ten. You know the little league football team? Oh, I jumped up losing name mine? Resident? Do you know man that I was? I have a partner. Well, I don't have a partner. It's a guy that works for me and his little brother has only known a black president. The first president he knew his name was Barack Obama. He doesn't know the monumental significance of it. So to my daughter's team. She was born in two thousand and eight, he was the president and for eight years he was in That's how president, That's how presidents look. Now that's first time they flat. Let me tell you who can't show up at a little football games? Let me why five can't show up? And he can't show he is a something? Nobody I tell you somebody else, Joe Brown can't let me more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay. President Biden says voting rights are under siege in America. He called it unpresidented and Unamerican. During his speech in Tulsa, Biden said the right to vote is possibly the most fundamental right under the Constitution. Biden noted that he'll have much more to say about voting rights in the coming weeks, and meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris has been tapped to protect the voting rights of all Americans. President Biden asked Harris to leave the administration's efforts, saying the right to vote is possibly again the most fundamental right under the Constitution. The Vice President said in a statement that our democracy is strongest when everyone participates and weaker when people are left out. She also noted that more people than ever voted in the last election. Since then, over three hundred bills have been introduced across the country making it harder, not easier, harder for citizens to vote. And we know now don't want the majority to have a say soul into rule. They want the zoning laws in place, They want everything in place that's for voter suppression. So they cannot, you know, have their way. They can't believe they lost this election. I'm Georgia pissed them off to the highest. How do you turn a red state blue. And how do you take a black and a Jew and put them in office over two whites? Are you kidding me? No? No, this is race. This is race. If Warnock and ass Off were just two white guys, this wouldn't have been no deal. But the fact that it was a black and a Jewish person beating two white people. You don't understand what that did to them because they have this sense of entitlement. And it's not all whites that feel that way. It's not all Americans that feel that way. But it's a bunch of them, though, And we need to stop talking about like it's not that many now, it's seventy two million of the asses. That's a lot of damn people, man. And I'm including the evangelicals in that too, because this group of people is really amazing to me to call theirselves God's people. But you're willing to vote for people who have policies that's against other human basic rights while you hang on to the one right about abortion to make that your claim and call that Trump is anti abortion, that's why you're gonna vote for him. But she's also anti everything else. But you hang on to that one thing to justify you voting for him, and you claim that as a good Christian, we have to uphold that well, being a Christian covers a lot of things. And it don't just cover abortion. It covers everything. So y'all can miss me with that. That group of people right there really need to check their self. That's right, Steve. All right, moving on now, coming up, it is our last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after that's right after this you're listening string show, all right. Before we get to your closing remarks, Steve, we got to mention that the new season of Celebrity Family Feud will premiere this Sunday. Yeah, uh huh. Some of the celebrities include, Oh, Carla, Terrence Howard, Shhiti Uh Tiamuri, Rob Lowe, Vivica A Fox and it goes on and all the stars just keep on coming. Look good. Yeah, So tell us where we can expect, Steve. Well, I mean, you know, it was a good season, that's for sure. You just it's a lot of surprise. You just gotta watch, you know, I ain't really got nothing, ain't no suspense to it. It ain't like Tey Show where it carries over an hour fun on Sunday night. Yes, and you're gonna tears, Howard, that's what I want to ask. Gonna be tears Howard that he was actually good. He was actually good. Vivica Fox was really cool too. Yeah, and so Steve, this is the season. You're You're in the middle of the floor. You don't go over to the celebrities. No, I can't go over there. Okay, all that's you, you know. Ain't no more helping you fix your tie. Ain't no snapping five, ain't no hugging the old ladies, none of that. No. So I stay in the middle of the floor. I walk al. I'm eight feet from each contestant. Commercial break. They gotta put their mask on. Everybody come out, do hair and makeup, you know, anybody's wardrobe gotta have a mask and a face shield. And we test three times a week. And the test is right now horrible. I can't stand the day test. That's what I'm sick of, you know, But it's great. Hey, can I can I can I share something with you all? I just want to talk to you in closing about something that's really really available to everybody and can be super valuable and credibly important in your life and your future and your plans. It's real simple. It's just called faith. Faith is such a useful tool in your life. I don't know a better way to put it to you, except I mean, it just comes in handy. It helps you cope and deal with so many things. I once had a T shirt that said, faith don't make it easy. Faith makes it possible. You know. I talk to people all the time to ask for advice. I just my life is just not smooth. Life is not set up to be smooth all the time. You'll have some glassy roads and you'll have some smooth water. But it's it's it's gonna be some tough times. But you are a ship, though God built you as a ship. Now, ships do really fine tied to the dark and important and safe and and anchored down, and people can board from the side and get off on the side of the ship and the back of the ship. But that ain't why ships were built. Though. Ships were built to travel the seas. Ships was built to be in open water. Ships was built to stay afloat when the weather gets tossed and tough. You are a ship. You are not built to stay on the dock and play it safe. You are built to explore, to go out into the world and see what's on the other side. That's how you are made and you should all explore this the possibilities of your life. But the thing that makes it all possible is your faith. I am telling you, man, if you can form just a small relationship with God. I'm not telling you what church you gotta go to. I ain't telling you how to pray. I'm not telling you none of that. I'm telling you this. If you can form a small relationship with God, just start having conversations with him. Well, Steve, I don't know how to talk to God. Yeah you do. It's like you talk to anybody else, except you go to him knowing that he hears you and he has answers. Because I got news for you. You can sit down with whoever you want to and everybody you talk to ain't got answers. And you got to be careful with who you're talking to anyway. That's why you need a friend in your life. Like God, God is a very present help. That's why you need him because let me tell you something. Just because a person is in your circle don't mean they in your corner. You better get that through your head. But God is in your corner. Jesus is in your corner. Here in your corner man. You ever notice when you go to a fight and you see the boxing ring in the middle and they have people all around the ring, They in the circle. They all pay the money to come see the fight, and they watch these three minute rounds and they cheer for who they want, and they talk about the other fight and everything. But at the end of that three minute round, when you go in that corner, ain't but two people come up in that corner, your cutman and your trainer, them the all the two people got some advice for you because they are in your corner. Just because they are in your circle don't mean they're in your corner. Everybody in the arena cheering for you ain't happy for you. Everybody cheering for your clapping a bully for you, ain't got no advice for you. You got to have some corner men. You got to have a cut man. I don't know a better cut man than God. I really don't you talk about somebody that can fix a cut and get you out there ready for the next round. I don't know nobody better than him. If you form just a small relationship of faith with your creator, it can ain't your entire life. Because you're gonna need some help because you're in a fight. I don't know if you noticed it or not, but you're taking some cuts and you need a cut man, Jesus, pretty cold cut man. He didn't got me back out there but a bunch of time. That's all uncertain. Just try it, choking, just a little relationship. Those are my clothes. Just try, just try a little bit of anise shipwar. Just talk to it. For all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.