Roscoe Wallace, Sexiest Man Alive, James Harden, Quarantine Advice and more.

Published Nov 18, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! "Ain't No Mountain High Enough!" Did Roscoe Wallace make an appearance. The Chief Love Officer calms a woman's nerves that is dealing with a neighbor that got way to close for comfort. Lil' Wayne is facing 10 years after being charged with firearm possession. There are members of The Steve Harvey Nation that could not hold their opinions of 45 when they called in. Congratulations to Michael B. Jordan on being PEOPLE'S Sexiest Man Alive. In Sports Talk, Junior talks about the 2020 NBA Draft going down tonight. Steve also has sound advise for people living with their significant other during these quarantine times. Big Dog also talks about his Thanksgiving plans. We are now seeing that their is more to Junior's music playlist than just Jodeci. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds 45 that he needs to pay for his transgressions. "The gig is up!"

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them like amazing buck things. And it's not me true good it Steve har Listen to move together for Steve. Please, I don't join ya joining me. You gotta use that turn you. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out to turn turn the water the watery. Come come on your baby at it? Huh. I sure will A good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show Boil boiled boy. I can't even tell you man um. I've been doing some thinking and and one of the things that I wanted to mention today to you as one of the principles of success being grateful at all times. It's difficult to do. Being grateful at all times. It's very difficult to do. I find that to be true with myself. Now there are others that might be able to do it, but just just from talking and listening and and and living and learning, being grateful at all times is difficult to do, but it's necessary because it's it's such an act of faith in knowing that no matter what's going on, it's going to be all right. And it's hard to see that when things are not going in your favor, when things have turned so dramatically the other way, and it seems as though you're the only one in the situation where you're involved with other people, or someone got an accusation against you falsely, or somebody trying to do something to you unjustifiably, whatever the case may be. When it's happening to you, it does appear to you that, oh, my goodness, man, this is horribly one sided. So it is difficult. It's hard to do to be grateful at all times, but it's so necessary, and I just I just want to point out a couple of things to you. First of all, the difficult in being grateful in hard times is that number one, the present circumstances. Oftentimes it's just so pressing and so overwhelming that a lot of your energy is devoted to trying to come up with the solution for that, or trying to muster the strength to whether the storm, or trying to just brace yourself to try to get through it, and in doing that you don't it's hard to be grateful. It's hard to be grateful in pain, and I know it is. But here is the trick for me. This is what I've had to learn how to do, and I guess it takes practice to get here. It's not nothing you can just start doing right away. You got to practice it in small increments to really get it. What I've always had to say to myself and what I've learned to say to myself is this is happening to me because God is working me through something. This is happening to me because there's some form of tests that I have to pass in order to graduate to the next grade, that in order to be allowed to move to the next level. This is happening to me because there's something I need to purge my life, of my body, of my spirit, of something's purging in me. And when you purge something, it's it's painful. You know, It's like a person getting off drugs. The withdrawal is agonizing. I've been told and every documentary I've ever watched it it's an agonizing process to go cold turkey, to withdraw, to pull away after you've been doing something so long. And so I know that this process is tough when you're going through some pain, But when you're purging your system, when you're when you're having to pass a test, when you're about to make when you're being made ready for the next level, that moment right in there, in realizing that that's what's happening, that's where you find the gratitude. That's where I found the gratitude. I hope I'm explaining this correctly. I'm gonna keep trying until I get it, But that's where you find the gratitude. The second part of it is is that God has never left me in all the things I've done, in all the mistakes I've made, all the lies I've told, all the situations I've gotten myself into, from being greedy and wanting too much for me at the expense sometimes of other people, not doing it deliberately or in a vindictive way, because I've never had that spirit. I'm not a vindictive or a mean person, but sometimes in my life, in wanting to do what I wanted to do, I didn't totally weigh out the cause and effect of the other person. I mean, can't just be real with you with that. I mean, how many times we hadn't all done that. Look, it doesn't don't make you a bad person. You know, good people do bad things all the time. I just happen to have come to the realization that unknowingly and and not and not with malice intent towards a person. I've heard people looking at something I wanted to do without really looking at what the cause and effect would be on the other person. So in doing some of these things, I've created situations for myself. But God, through his grace and mercy, has allowed me to even get beyond that. So what I'm saying that God has now ever left me in spite of myself. He's always gotten me through. So that's the other part of it too. See that no matter what you're going through, you've got to understand that God has always gotten you through it, now, hasn't it. Now that may not be the way you want it or the way you liked But guess what, you can't do wrong and not pay for that. Now that that's not how this works, That's never going to be the case. But the great thing about God is he fires warning shots at us all the time. He gives us an opportunity to stop. You know, he don't fully punish us right away. Every time we do something wrong, now does it? You know eventually you're going to get caught doing whatever it is you're doing. You do understand that, don't you. But the first time, that close call, that was a warning shot for you to stop. Look, I know you're not perfect. I know we all sent us down here, so I know you're gonna make mistakes. One time. I know you was looking at her when you wasn't supposed to. I know you said something to him when you wasn't supposed to. I know you got with her when you know you wasn't supposed to. And I know you got with him when you know you wasn't supposed to. So I'll tell you what i'm gonna do. I'm gonna fire warning shot and maybe you'll slow your roll this time. But we keep on though. See see see that's what happens. See, we just keep on and then the next thing, you know, we get caught. Now, old Lord, have mercy, I won't out of this. Yeah. Well see you didn't dug this hole pretty deep, and he gonna get you out. But there's some things that's got to go down now because you didn't pay attention to the warning shot. See, had you stopped the first time, you felt bad about it and said you wasn't gonna do it no more, the situation wouldn't be as critical. But because we don't stop, and we go again. But God always for gives, He always allows us to get back up again. He always gives us mercy, He always gives us his grace. He always does that. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen. I'm gonna say it again, ladies and gentlemen, listen, Baby, ain't on my tin high, ain't no valley low who, ain't no river wide enough? Baby, If you need me, call me, no matter where you are, no matter how far. Don't wear baby, just call my name. I'll be there in a hurry. You don't have to wear it, why cause baby, there no out tin high you know, ain't no that li loo, No, ain't no river what enough to keep me from getting to you? Babe, Hey the whisper, I dedicate that to you about a man. Listen to me when we have at these moments, stay away from me, boy. Good morning, Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve Harvey, Good morning Colin for real, good morning, Steve just felt like we're gonna skip your ass. Nephew comments top top What did it dude? What did it do? Damn whispers? I just like to look at the face when you make the face and we love the whispers. Yeah, but what you don't do is get the names wrong, right legend. Roscoe Wallace is singing that hall He opened up with listen baby he yeah, yeah, that's what I love, man, man, and then Roscoe just saying hard at the most unnecessary time, Ain't no mountain high? Why the high had to be so hard because it's high? But I like, I like the river too. Ain't no river? Why baby bad? She? Why you got to you got to make it sound wide, and if the mountain high, you got to make it like it's a hard client bring valley up. There's a method to this, Okay, Ain't no vale low. You go down there, ain't no valid low enough. It's the baby back and then and then get to it if you need me, come o man. Even that's hard singing though for him. Yeah, what's called instagram? Earthquakes? Instagram? He has an old throwback video of you hold It hosting the Apollo and this dude did the temptations, but it was one guy boy. The only reason they let him leave that night, it's because he was trying so hard. It was all five of them though. All right listen coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO. Right after this, you're listening show all right? Time Now for Steve's favorite segment. It's called asked the CLO the chief love officer in the building? Are you ready, sir? Always here we go. This one is from Felicia and Nashville. She says, I'm a single woman and I recently moved to an apartment building close to my job, and passing that a few men in my building, one very handsome guy got my attention and asked for my number. A few days later, I met him in the lobby and we walked to a cafe. It was the worst date, and he sat and talked about himself for two hours. I was honest with him and told him that there wouldn't be a second date. I guess he's not used to being rejected, because the next day he left flowers outside my door and he put two notes on my car. He calls and texted me every day, all day, and I don't answer him. He's too close for comfort. So what should I do? Well, listen to me, Felicia, slow down a little bit? Should I do? Now? He may not be a bad person. Let me tell you what some men do. And I think Tommy and Kia can attest to this. What some men do when we meet somebody that's fine and we attracted to. Is not the queen used to being told No. He's obviously sending flowers and notes. He's trying to get at the best we can. He got in front of you and he tried to impress you. The problem a lot of guys make is when they trying to impress you, they end up talking about theirself for two hours. Because he trying to He trying to put the bowl on the package so you will want to open it the best he can. But you had to sit there and watch him tape up the box, put the rapid paper on it, put the boat on it, put the glitter on it, and signed the note and you had to see all that. That's a mistake he's made now. It has worked for him before, but it's not working with you. And so all you got to do is say Hey, listen, this is what this is, what this is, and this is why I see and then see if there's another side to this guy, because the very very way, very well may be. That's what I'm trying to say. I don't talk like that. No, I don't know what God just wanted to say, because maybe that's just how he is. Yeah, what's the worst state because of that problem? It could have been the worst state? General, don't make an enemy out of him. Yeah, and he lives in the same building you just got there. He did wrong. I bet you had changed it. Yeah, well, you got to do his feeding right, That's what you do, all right, Kara and Saint Louis says, I'm twenty four years old and I'm a nanny for a couple that has a four year old and I've been with them for three years. For the past two years, I've been sleeping with the man of the house and I'm disgusted by what I found out. I know they had I knew they had cameras in the house, so we were always careful where we had sex. I thought we were dodging the cameras, but he was filming it. Each time we had sex in the house. He casually confessed to me that he has videos of us having sex, and his wife has watched some of the videos. He said the videos turn her on. I'm freaked out by this, but he said it's fine. Should I talk to his wife at all? Or start looking for a new job? What you kind of what kind of Wait a minute, little girl, little girl, you think that he he might just be trying to relax you. You really think you're gonna take the chance that he didn't show these videos to his wife and she cool with it. You couldn't take that chance. So you're gonna go in there and talk to his wife about a video that she may know nothing about? What video? That's what you know? No, well, I'm telling her you better start thinking about that for you going there and had this conversation with this woman, right, because this man could have just been lying, Oh no, no, it's okay, don't worry about it. I've been watching. I showed my wife too. It turns his own day. What you don't start looking for it in a new job, little girl? If you don't get out of there, Yeah, girlin't you man? Yeah? My bathroom boy junior? Stupid? Right? She don't know nobody, right, She don't know nobody. VI, Bro, Bro, you're going there and make that announcement. You'm cohew, don't do it. Summer is an iHeartRadio app listener Steve. She says, I'm a forty six year old female and I am in a situation with my pastor. I went to see the pastor about a problem I was having with a man, hoping pastor could counsel me. He told me that he'd be happy to help me if I gave him a small gift. I gave him twenty dollars and he told me I could do better than that. I told him that was all the cash I had, and he said I had something better than the cash. After I figured out what was going on, I called him all kinds of names and I left. I told my sister what happened, and she said that our pastor has been doing this for years. This isn't and I want to report him, But my sister said not to what do you think report him to? Who? Oh? Here the pastor? Okay, who should I mean? But when she said reporting, what does she mean by that? Maybe you know too, there's a board of governing board, you know, someone higher up like okay, yeah, okay, over the church, you know, yeah, okay, because the eldest Yeah, that's it, lady, lady, why don't you just leave the church? See this one right here, You ain't got to punish him. You don't think that he got it coming. You don't think that if you're in the Lord's house doing something with Jesus's name attached to it and it's sin for girl, you ain't got to do nothing. Matter of fact, I would leave the church be folded lightning boat hit, you know, I don't want the lightning boat to come through the ceiling and hit the poolpit and then knocked the cross off the wall. And I'm sitting there standing back there now I'm busting my head on because the neon crossting fell on top of my head, and the norm would punishing here. I don't want that to have That's all I'm saying. Yeah, you know, sometimes so attached to their church and everything to the wrong past, to a past today trying to help you for twenty dollars because you got something better than that. That's right, all right, thank you, Cello. Coming up next, Tommy's run that prank phone call right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and trending national and entertainment news. Little Wayne is facing ten years on weapons possession. Yeah, Beyonce releases Ivy Park workout video plus ladies get ready because next hour we will tell you who is the sexiest man alive? But right now, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're here to run that frankness. That's it's yeah, that's what you need. Is worried about this title? Yeah? Yeah, that is all what you got now? The title? Yeah, I forgot my title. Just oh, I know you hit my car. You hit my car, Dad, I don't like I don't like that. Y'all just took my spirit. But that's okay. You hit might as well take your spirit. You ain't gonna get the title. So they took that too, Steve. You let's go kid. This is she? Do you live an apartment on A seven eighths? Who ask? My name? Is Herman Wales? I live in building three, apartment one on five? Do you live in an apartment number seventy eight? What you want with where I live? Look? Man? Do you drive a camera or tardy? The camera? Light blue? One? Yea, all right? Your next dough neighbor then told me that you ran into my car. I gotta bends a block one of two thousand and five C two forty. Now I got light blue scratches on my neighbor told you what your neighbor. Matter of fact, his name is Brian Kendall, little across the hall. What the cross the little across the hall told you what? Man? Listen, all I know is he say he lived in apartment eighty. He lived next door to you. You live in a supposedly apartment seventy eights right here in Cambridge Court apartments. Now, all I'm saying is he told me your car is, which is the light blue car hit my backed into my car? And I ain't trying to create no problem, but somebody got to fix my car and I got light blue scratches on my bends. Uh. Last I checked my light blue clamming. Wasn't the only light blue camera they made? Ma'am, you're the only light You're the only light blue car in the parking lot. Any the only light blue car in the parking lot. Right now, I ain't gonna say I've been the only light blue car in the damn parking lot. Man, I'm done. Look and I'm in the middle watching tea. What can I do for you? What do you mean? What can you do for mean? You didn't hit my car? An't touch your damn car? If you got some cameras out in this parking lot that saw me hit your car, no, I don't have no cameras. But then I believe this conversation is over, and I don't give a damn what's across that man across the hall told you, look, let me tell you something. You didn't hit my car, now you hold on, hold on? Player? Uh is you yelling at me? I'm not yelling at you. But you didn't hit my car. You're the only light touch damn, you're the only light blue car in the parking lot, the only light blue car in the parking lot. And nah, and as a matter of correct, my cal ain't et me in the park a lot. My sister bar my car. Go to the stop. What is it possible that your sister is the one that hit my car? Now? Nah? What okay? Is your sister when is she coming back? Maybe she hit my car and didn't tell you she hit my car. Now, she ain't hit your car. She ain't hit your car because she would have told me she hit your damn call. Look, uh, I said, ain't nobody to hit your damn car. My car ain't got no damn scratches on it. What you ain't gonna you won't give a what kind of scratches you got on your car? But I can't do a damn thing about it. And even if you did, let me just be clear, I ain't got no insurance, no way, so I can't do nothing for you. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, let me tell you something you ain't got to tell me. You ain't got to tell me more. Fine, and as far as I'm concerned, this conversation is over. Wait a minute, let me ask you he call it back. Mister. You act like I ain't got your thirty five about You had them scratches on your car all ready, and you ain't going to use me as no more an excuse to get you no new papers. I had no scratches already on my car. Yeah you had them, Oh yeah you had no I'm gonna tell him an insurance is just if he come over here, noah, because you're gonna be using your insurance. I now re told you ain't got a play. Don't make me come over to your apartment. No. Seven, standing in the door. I'm on my way to the doll Na. I'm standing in the door. Come out, come out. Look, I got thirty five hundred dollars worth for scratches on my car that you need to pay for. You the only you're the only worth thirty five more one hundred dollars. So you already doing better than me? What? What? What? What? Look? I already told you I'm tired of talking to you. I'm watching TV and you ain't got stiff talking to me about. I need to talk to you about this car. Lady. Listen, I got thirty cut your call. My car ain't bumped up against your call. I ain't even talk next to know BMW's late. It's a ben ever, it's a ben C two for a black Give a damn if it's a ben seven seven to seven, I can't help you. They don't make a seven seven lady. Look, you know what can I say something to you? No, you can't say you know what you can say to me? You can say by I just want to say one more thing to you, one more thing. I'm gonna give your one moment and fine, go ahead on all. I want to say this, Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Your sister robbing out of DC put me off? Make me? You know what, I don't even have y'all show. I listened to the show on the internet and this, Oh you wait till I talk to her. Hey, missus dal will listen before you go? Can you tell me what is the baddest radio show in land? The Steve Harbor Morning So all right, Mahew told me you knew you didn't run into nobody hit nobody because I'll be trying to pull myself out there, falk, won't nobody hit me? You know? All right? What? What? What? What? What? What? What I'm talking about? Man? No feel somebody will be thirty five hundred dollars. My car ain't even work baking by dollars. So you already doing better than me. Boy, Like, I ain't gotta call I d because you call him back. Yeah, mister, you act like what what? What? What? What I do? Man? That's sister right there. It was nothing you can say that, but she was smart though. She said you just because you didn't have somebody mess up your car and you're trying to get me to take Yeah, your mistake because you hit your car. Your car was here, you came up, and that's what I'm gonna telling sure. It's justin when it come over here and talking to me. She knew all the people. Yeah, yeah, she was ready. She stay ready. What what what? Mister Dell? All right, waite Co, Texas. Baby, the food is coming to town to the hip of Jome. That is the Friday after thanks Giving, Black Friday, Social Distance. We're gonna have two shows just to make sure you are social distance and safe. So come out and hang out with your boy and a few till your friends. Waite Co Texas Black Friday. It's going down stupidest on the way. That's all I got to say. Let's see it, all right, Mister Dell is in the audience when his vaccine come through. I'm going back out when the vaccine come through. All right. Coming up with the top of the Hour entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and today's entertainment news. Little Wayne is facing ten years ten years behind bars after being hit with a federal weapons charge. The US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida has charged Little Wayne with one count of possession of a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon. The charge is tied to a December twenty nineteen incident where federal agents searched Wheezy's plane at a Miami airport, stopping in Florida en route to California. When it happened, his lawyer said that he was cleared to leave even though the search turned up guns and drugs. It appears things have finally caught up to Wheezy and he's due in court next month to face charges. Wow, face those forty five to help him, Yeah, to drop his name? Yeah? But let marriage is something? The story say he was he landed in Miami going to Cali? Did he was he coming from out the country? It didn't say it didn't. The beginning of the story says what exactly? Yeah? Okay that um. The US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida has charged Lil Wayne with account of firearm possession and ammunition possession by a convicted felon. This is from a twenty nineteen incident where federal agents searched his plane in Miami, stopping in Florida and route to California. Didn't say anything about coming into country. So yeah, that's what it has to be. Though, you don't stop in Florida to go to la when you entered the country on a private you have to stop at the first port of entry and clear customs. Break it down for us. That's the only reason. That's why. Yeah, that's the only reason why you have to stop in Miami to go to Californa. It's no other way to do that. You ain't gonna leave New York and had to go to Miami to go to California. So he had to be coming from out of the country and landed and they searched his plane and he didn't clear customs. He has a major problem right now, though, partner, because you cannot be a convicted felon on probation and have a p Kay had a dog ammunition too, And that's messed up, man, that's messed up. He gonna have to get some real help. For the past ten years. Yoh, yeah, he supported you. Well, you know you'll get a pardon. Yeah, all right, Moving on, Beyonce is using her inner Jane Fonda to promote her Ivy Park Drip two collection and case missed It. The Drip two point two black pack that dropped yesterday was accompanied by an eighties Jane Fonda inspired fitness video. Take a listen to Beyonce's cute intro Welcome to my part everyone today We're gonna do yeah and um yeah and other trending news. Donald Trump fired the Department of Homeland Security cyber chief, who oversaw election security and guarded against fraud and foreign interference. The firing comes after Christopher Krebs, the director of cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security, issued a statement that the general election was the most secure in American history. So he told the truth and got fired. Yeah. He's so minimal people left to be really just fire yeah yeah, it really is right now right now? Yeah yeah yeah, and uh, can we just stop and say congratulations to our friend Louisiana rep. Presentative Cedric Richmond. Representative Richmond will join President elect Joe Biden's White House, departing the New Orleans Area House of Representatives. He's held that seat since twenty eleven. According to the Black Information Network, Richmond will serve as Senior Advisor to the President and Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, a similar role Valerie Jared had to President Obama. So congratulations, said, he's a guest on our show. Yes, yes, yes, Oh that's the one to call in. Yes of course. Oh no, I could put a face to a voice. Okay, yeah, okay when I call him Cedric, yes, yes, yea perfect. He gonna take a lot of questions. Now, you're gonna get to many questions out of you. What do you mean you're black? Kind of off? You know, the questions I told you answer once. Now, that's it, is what I said. I said, what I said. Well, I don't care who you tell it too. That's what I said. That's what the president doing. Yeah. He'll serve as Senior Advisor to the President and Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement. Uh so, don't ask too many questions though. Okay, you get your feelings hurt. Yeah, come on, Joe Biden, let's go. Yes, m yeah, mmm, I love it. Yeah, that's really good because you know, whatever happens, you know, he's still gonna be president. So they can do all this, you know, messing around these votes and all he's still gonna be president because he meaning Biden. Yeah yeah, yeah, no, no, yeah, right, and you still have to go forty five. All listen, they're gonna be through counting in Georgia this evening. They've already shown that this they found nothing. Man. Bye, if you want to recount Wisconsin, it costs almost eight million dollars you have to prepay for that. Yeah, I love that. How's that going for you? Yeah? Lost Michigan? Yeah bye? A hundred and forty some thousand votes. Yeah, I mean it wasn't even come on, man, So even if they recount, how are they're not gonna find it? Ain't nobody fit to find one hundred and forty seventy thousand? None, No, just let it go. But he's not going to do that. He's too busy throwing to the left. Everything you own an in a box to the left. Coming up in twenty minutes after, we'll tell you who the sexiest man Alive is. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, People magazine announced the sexiest man alive. All right, let's go around the room. Do you think it is from role? Who do you think it is the sexiest man alive? Sexiest man alive? It was John John Legend. Yeah, I think it should go to Jimmy Walker. Okay, seriously, okay, Junior, who do you think any man that's working paying bills? Okay, and that is sexy? I like it. I like it. That's absolutely brilliant, Julie, yes, answer yeah, but just the answer we're waiting on. Who do you think it is? Nephew, I need a drum roll. I need a drum roll with my part. Yeah, ladies and gentlemen. Sexiest man alive? Thomas W. Bounds the second right there, give it t yeah, wrong answer, wow. Yeah. Oh. By the way, those are called sound effects. That's a button somebody pressed. Ain't nobody really clapping for your ass? Not in this zoom all right? So we do need a drum roll here though, because People magazine has announced that the sexiest Man Alive is Michael B. Jordan. Yeah, yes, yes, kill Munger from Black Panther. What you say, Tommy B. Damn? Every year I get looked, though I don't every words. Well, Michael B. Jordan casually accepted the annual honors, saying, quote, it's a cool feeling. It's a good club to be a part of, as we all know. Michael B. Jordan starred in the boxing franchise Creed. He also started opposite the late great Chadwick Boseman and Black Panther Women Gasp and Squilled in the movie Theater. When Kill Munger appeared, Michael B. Jordan replaced John Legend, who followed Interest Elba. Yes Lord, Yes, yes, lord. It could be your next year. They're getting short of who Don't hate? Don't hate? Who short? Michael B. Jordan down to John Legend, Tommy, you got a shot. No, he don't know who on the board. I don't know who's doing it. People that picks them, Yeah, that picks them at people. We're not mad. We love Jordan. Yeah, I like Mike. Yeah. I was happy for John Legend too, inters no brainer, Tommy Lyon, you wasn't happy for John Legend told us he could feel it in our voice. Thirty four minutes after the hour, call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, call us, you're listening to morning show all right. Time to go to the phones. Let's talk to the people's see eight seven seven. That scared me eight seven seven twenty nine, gave me a little joke. Let's go to line one and talk to Ernestine out of Trotwood, Ohio. The morning, Good morning, out of Trotwood, Ohio, just outside of Dayton, Ohio, home of Roger Trotman Zap home of Slave Lakeside, the baddest funk bands come low, straight up out of Trotwood. I'm sorry, go ahead. I just wanted to say I enjoy you in the morning, and Steve, you are so inspiring. And Tommy people, he has my whole crew here laughing every morning because he's so crazy. Somebody heard him one day for real, yes, for real, understand, And I just want to say, in this crazy time, y'all, Steve, you, you and your crew gives a lot of inspiration to the people with this crazy lunatic of a president. Come on his nutty ass. All right, thank you, understand. Shout out to Marvelous Marvin Hardon, Leon Brutus down there, my boy Brutus, Buzzy and Marvelous Marvin Harten, dirty folk. All right, just on the zoom call with them boys. Last night you know was Founders Day last night, so a lot of brothers got together. Shout out to the dirty folk. Okay, all right, all right, let's go to line five and talk to Shelley out of Kanye's Georgia. Shelley, Shelley out of Kanya's Georgia home of Heat of the Night and also the birthpress of fighting temptations started. You would, yeah, what's going on with your dollar? What's coming? Oh? Good morning, good morning. I'm just so glad that they finally gonna say that Biden won. Me and my girls. We could not sleep for four years, Steven Shirley, we could not sleep with this man in office. And we were just I mean when I heard he won, I even fell out, So I was like, Lord, we just prayed and prayed. We went out and done our part. We got everybody that rounded up to go vote me and my girls. You know, we all drive the big rid Steve h. We want we want to come on and adverse the men, the women drivers against the mail drivers that we could get in there. So blessed me because none of us have coronavirus, and we're just blessed and we're praying for everybody. Thank you. Sister. Y'all stay safe out there and be careful, okay, and appreciate what you're doing. Truckers is essential workers man because they bring truckers sent worker. Yes, they are all right, this country going. That's right, that's right. Let's go to line three and talk to Annette out of our Fordhead, Texas. Annette, Annette, good morning, morn Hi y'all doing this morning? I'm doing? UM. I wanted to bring up the vote, Steven, because you always saying the vote, vote, vote, UM. I was talking to appired to the election. I was talking to several people in state of Texas and I asked them why they didn't register and vote. They said, because they have fellings. I was like, do you know that in the state of Texas fellings convote and Georgia the coote if more felons that they got the biggest boy, males and females, if they get out there and register to vote, they will be able to turn the state flu. Yeah. And I'll tell you what, that's a true statement. People don't realize that. Now. There are a lot of laws that have been passed on the state level and federal level where people with felons can vote. So if you are in the state of Georgia and you are convicted felling male or female. It doesn't matter. You have a to December seven to go register and vote. All you gotta do is go and register, vote, and you could participate in changing these two Senate seats so we can really get some things done for the common man. Don't let these people fool you, man. I told you in the beginning Donald Trump didn't care nothing about you. I don't know how he even fool all these people got him thinking he do because he damned don't. Prank phone call with nephew Tommy coming up right after this you're listening show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I have three boyfriends, but something's missing. Yeah, we'll get into that. We'll get Yeah, seems like she's pretty busy. Huh. All right, right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What do you have for us today? Nephew, we got it's almight night. Tell them what girl? Tell them? Almost almost sexiest man at almost carries over Tommy, so you know, almost cute almost you know, almost ain't always good? Almost tall? I am tam you hear people though the daytime kind of tall. You here not you don't believe that. We got four witnesses that the seeing you lie. Yeah, and it was only one person called yeah you're not yea nine million a week right, and they ain't no telling how short the person was that called fight night. Let's go cat Dog. And I'm trying to speak to Troy. Yeah, hey, Troy, you're doing man, It's Kirby man a live a couple of streets over from you. What's happening with your brother, Kirban Kenny? Kenny gave me you got kid, you know Kenny on your street? Right? Oh? Yeah, yeah, no Kenny, Yeah yeah, Kenny gave me your number. Man, I wanted to reach out. I'm inviting a lot of people in the neighborhood, man, to you know, Mayweather fight. So I'm inviting a lot of people over to the fight party over here in my house. Oh yeah, yeah, I was gonna watching on fight too. Learns that don't sound like a bad idea, man, Okay, okay, well listen, man, come on through. Everybody gonna be getting here like around seven seven thirty, and man, we got food, We got Luka Margarita machine. My boy here gonna be on the grill with the burgos and the and the hot dogs. Man, and one of my other partner's gonna be smoking some wings. Man, so we could. Man. So I'm just inviting a bunch of people to the neighborhood to come through. Cool. You need me brace some through mash one anything. Uh look at now that you uh, now that you mentioned it, Man, we we missed a little something. Uh hey, let me let me ask you this here, Troy. You um, you got cable at your house? Yeah, yeah, I got cable. Okay, listen here what we need, man, I got about four thousand feet a cable card. And what I want to do is come over there and hook up this cable card to your house and run it two streets over to my house so we can watch the fight in the backyard. Wait wait, wait, wait, hold up, man, I know you hold up, man, hit I know, hold I know you did. Just say I say that again. You want you got s? We got, like I say, we got the food, the look of all of that. Man, you know a lot of people coming over. But see the problem is, I ain't got cable here at the house behinds You're gonna have a fight party, and you ain't got no cable. And that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. You asked me work as you help. I went, so that's what I'm asking you. I used to wait for the cable coming. I know how to hook it up at your house. I know how to buypass pay per view. We're gonna run it two streets so I got a real durable cable car. I got a big TV. I'm gonna put out in the backyard. You called me and invite me to a fight party. Y'all ain't got no no no cable. Now you want me to do something illegal and run folk doys will see the cable wives two streets over to my backyard. Over the sit I might heal d wife fold man, get me put out. I'm already to have My markets are already now. Now you want me to do something legal, get me put out? Okay, I understand that, do will listening. What I'm saying is no, we're just talking about for a few hours. We ain't open. We ain't like we're gonna do it for a couple of days or not. I don't know how you did. You can leaven a college, call up a cat man and write them out to a fight part. And you ain't got no cable, okay, but I invited you to do you funny getting looking food and stuff. Man, you funny have a good time doing your card. Let me let me get a little bit of okay before a couple hours so everybody can watch the fight. So you want to have a fight part in my house, man, I don't know you like that. I'm not saying we having it. I don't howes man. I'm like, so I'm gonna were having it at were just using your cable. Man, I can't have no cave. But I don't do nothing that legal. Man, So I'm not having no polies in front of my house. Man. I got I got a family, and now I'm a family. Man. I got to get up every morning, go to work. I work hard. I'm not and I got it. Man. I'm just telling you for a few hours, man, so we everybody to see the may Weather fight. Man. Man, you're saying clever man, Kenny Man, I don't know. I don't really know y'all people like that. Man. I don't know, Kenny Man. I didn't know because of keep a nice yard. Man. I don't know, y'all. I can't be having no laws and all of him my children running around this cave but coming from my high light. I can't have that. Man. I'm out here with the white fold. The white folks as not having it. Man. I understand all that, man, but I didn't fighting all these people. I can't disappoint these people. I got to have to fight on at the house. I understand your situation. Brother. I want to be at your house watching the fight too, But I can't know where in the run up for the had no folks out for the cable running from my house. I can't see that one happen. I might hit the suburb now with a family, and now I can't do the type of thing I can't. I don't want the police, I don't want the cable. Came man, you only one in the suburb. I might here too. What I'm trying to tell you is I'm nothing to disappoint the people now. I want to have your approval, but I'm coming to hook this cable up. You tell me well to hook up from cable. I'm coming to your eyes to hook this table and run it too. Streets old. Oh so if I say you can't hook it up, you're gonna come and hook up anywhere that you're telling me, I'm telling you I can't disappoint these people. I'm coming to hook this cable up, man, whether you like it or not. Now, if you put in front of my hour folk outs for the cable, it's a movie. I got it right. Hey man, I can't disappoint these people. Now. I'm just trying to get you to show some law from a problem. You don't have a shot form. If you come to my house, you're bringing them people you got over there with you so they can see them fight. Hey man, what are you? What is you saying? You're trying to tell me you ain' gonna let me hook the cable up. When I get over there, I'm standing up on it. I'll be wearing out there with no certain to shot, and you ain't gonna fit team around over me. Hey man, I'm nothing to see and Kennedy me you was. I don't who too extends? Now you're not going to give me the breaking on a long in front of my chiltern out here, man, I'm selling nine years. I'll play them games, man, when I was. You know, you maybele the cut of coorse me with a lot of money, but hey, I'm not going for I'm not going for that route to sign brother. I'm not having all that activity going on in my house. I'm coming over that and I'm looking up this cable when you come over again, you to man, I got something fun of you testing you come over. I'm gonna sitting in front of my house right now. I care that it comes winning two mister Cary, I got something on y'all. All I'm telling you is I'm coming over the k my cable though, so these people can watch fight. They were lining it up dead. Yeah, and you're gonna come take some care from my house. Line it up. I'm gonna have my wife's taking my hands up right now. So I'm being as I got one more thing I need to say to you though, issue listening. I don't care what you say. You're coming from my house. You better racial hip with you because you're gonna leave here you con front my I was a cable car. I don't go who you is. I'm gonna who killing when them I see him, I'm whooping him on side. I don't get my chairing in the car. It is chairing to come and I'm gonna whoop you if you come around here. Don't this time about your who from camera. Man, I'm to put from on you right here, man, come right now. I said, I got one more thing to say to you. What you got to say is you listen to me. I'm listening. This is nephew caught me from the Steve Harbit Morning Show. You just got franked by your boy. Who is who you say? Is there? This is nephew tire me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And I know you ain't called my phone. Man. My blood pressure high there. You got me ready to squabb. I mean, I got me a cliss from and I my cliffs rom a lyric thing. Man. You got me rid of somebody out there? All right, man, I gotta ask you this right here, choy, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, man, Steve Hobbit Morning Show. Man, y'all crazy? Come on, love love black man. I just do man. I just propensity so violence, he said. I was. I'm feeling to go in here and have my wife take my hands out this dude's teeming to come out head and be busy. Man, he said, I've sat a dad, but back when I was young, you could, of course, right right right. He don't even know those people. He just knows them because they have nice yards. I'm out here with these white folks. Can play this man, love that pranks. I love black people. I'm loving us. My wife taped my hands off. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up next, strawberry letter. I have three boyfriends, but something's missing. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, the countdown is on for the Georgia state runoff. Dates. Request your absentee ballot right now. December seventh is voter registration deadline. December fourteenth through the thirty first is early voting. December fourteenth through the thirty first is early voting. And January fifth, of course, twenty twenty one is election day. Please Georgia, come on now, we got to do this. Vote for Reverend Rafael Warnock and John ass Off. Okay, we need those two individuals in the Senate, all right, so Joe Biden, president elect, can get his bills through, can get done what he needs to do. Okay, that's what this is all about. That's what it's all about. All right, part too dope, Yes, you gotta do this. Yeah, our work isn't done. All right, we're gonna switch gears. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Don't worry about I gotta Tommy. I know, I'm sure I'm introduced you. Tommy can't take it because he found out he needed to, says he's man alive, so he oh, he will be missing a lot. Dear ladies and jev is time for a Strawberry Letter with my good friend, Shirley Strawberry Michael B. Jordan's nephew Tommy just saying subject I have three boyfriends, but something's missing is a subject. Dear Stephen, Shirley, I'm a twenty nine year old woman with a great job and a great body, pretty face, and three boyfriends. One boyfriend is thirty eight and he's an oiled company executive. One is thirty nine years old. He's a police detective. The third one is only twenty one and he's a manager at a retail store. They are all good financial providers, and the youngest one is muscular and very handsome. The two older ones spoil me, and I travel extensively with one of them, but there's no real physical attraction to the two older ones. I'm five to nine and all the men are around my height. I would love a much taller man, but tall men don't like tall women for some reason. I know that you're wondering if I'm having sex with all three, and I'm not. I'm only having sex with the twenty one year old. My friends don't believe that the other two men are spoiling me without having sex, but I'm proof that it can happen. I thought I was going to start falling for the twenty one year old when we had sex, but I didn't. The only thing I'm feeling is empty. I want one man that is a good provider, makes me feel safe, travels with me, and is right in bed. I've been juggling these three guys for two years because I don't want to be alone. I'm at that age where all of my friends will probably end up getting married before me. I've asked my two older boyfriends if they plan to settle down, and they're still not ready, or maybe I'm not the one for them. I've tried to focus on one man at a time, but I got bored and ended up back with the other Two men date more than one woman at a time, and then pick one to settle down with. So why isn't it working out for me? Please advise? There's way too much going on in this letter, way too much, and I think what's missing here is you, because you don't have time for yourself. I'm not quite sure what you want. I'm not quite sure. You mentioned marriage. Of course, you mentioned not being alone. You have all these men, but you don't sound happy. You don't you know. You just sound confused, used. You sound like you might be ready to settle down, like I said, but none of these guys seem to fit the bill. You have pieced together three different guys who have equalities you want in just one man. But the truth is, if the man you want comes along right now, how is he going to fit into your life? That's the question you have to ask yourself, because you have no room or time with him. For him, You're already juggling three guys. You said it, and you've been doing this for two years. Guys you're not in love with, or they're just guys filling the void in your life because you don't like being alone. You're not attracted to the two older guys, but you can travel with them and they can take care of you financially. They obviously like the way things are and they don't want to change things. They sound married to me, although you didn't say that in this letter. The twenty one year old. You have him for sex, but he probably can't afford you or travel with you on his retail manager's salary. I get that, but again, you leave no room for your ideal man, and I think it's back to you. You don't even have time for yourself, and you're the most important person in this entire letter, So I think you need to drop all of them and concentrate on yourself. That's what I think, Steve. Yeah, well, appreciate you writing in Lady, but I don't think you're telling the truth. I just don't see it that way. I have proof because look, you're twenty nine year old woman. Listen to this description. I have three boyfriends with something special. I'm a twenty nine year old woman with a great job and a great body. I have a pretty face, and I have three boyfriends. Now, okay, cool, you sound ideal. And now here's where we get. I can't believe it. One boyfriend thirty eight all companies act. Another one is thirty nine, police detect me thirty is twenty one. He's a manager at a retail stough. They are all good financial providers, and the youngest one is much Okay, wait, wait, why am I a good financial provider for you? No? Angle, What I know about men that we don't do nothing. We don't do anything for nothing. We don't do nothing without a reason behind it. And this has been going on for two years. He's an oil exact and a police detective. These are not stupid men, and so for two years they've been providing you financial assistance and they're very good at it for what? For what? Because she's not having sex with them? You're saying, girl, bye, body fit to play this game with you? To tell you the rest of you, we'll have Part two of Steve's response, coming up with twenty three minutes after, I have three boyfriends, but something's missing. Back after this you're listening show, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter, this subject I have three boyfriends, but something's missing. You know, I found a lot of holes in this letter, and I don't know how y'all feel about it. Here's a woman said, I got three board fears something. Mister twenty nine years old got a great job, great body, pretty face, and three boyfriends. One board fin thirty eight, he's an all executive. Thirty nine year old is a police detective. And then we got a twenty one year old as manager at a retail stough and but they are all good financial providers, and the youngest one is muscular and very handsome. Okay, see holo. So now, once you say a man is a good financial provider, and I know for a fact that men don't do any thing for nothing, you can stop trying to tell me what you about to tell me in this letter. Coming up, the two older ones spoiled me and I traveled extensively with one of them. Now this woman has said in this letter, let me just get to this part. Uh. I know what you're wondering if I'm having sex with all three and I'm not. I'm only having sex with the twenty one year old lady. Bye. Stop you you're not You're not telling the truth. You've been involved with these men for two years, an oil exact and a police detective. And this look at this right here, the two older ones spawled me, and I traveled extensively with one of them. He keeps traveling with you to where? What? Where? Y'all traveling too extensively? What man keeps buying you an airline ticket? And y'all travel extensively? Where when you get to where you go? Where do you stay? Why you stay? And and why does he keep taking you on these trips? Are you kidding me? Ladies? Because she's got a great body in a pretty face and a great job, Steve, and he don't want that. So I'm gonna spend all this money traveling with you and taking you places and we're not screwing for two years? You ain't that? Damn fine, Tommy Junior, We're doing something. Don This is not every time we together. I'm trying. Don't listen to me. It's not. It doesn't make any sense. You've convinced two well paid men to do this and to take care of you financially. Or the other line is you ain't got that great body, your face ain't that damn pretty? Something wrong in this letter? You know they're taking your counseling to help you better something, but something in this letters a lot? All? Right, now here we go, I'm five men and I'm five nine, and all the men are around my height. I would love a much taller man if you got that good a body and that prettier face, and you all that, how the hell you can't get a tall man? Girl? Bye, I'm just telling you it's too much in this letter that they're adding up to me. But tall men don't like tall women for some reason. What I never heard show it being like tall women men like women. Women were like ugly women, attractive women, full figured women, thinned women. A girls. Stop. I know that you wonder if from having said anyway, I'm only I'm only having sex with the twenty one year old. That's a stupid decision. Yeah, that work had to retail stove and he's a good financial provider. How he had Walmart he can't take care of himself. And whoever he responded, he got no money for you. My friends don't believe that the other two men are spoiling me without having sex. Duh, Oh they don't. Your friends ain't the only one, lady. Okay, So now I have proof, but without me having sex. But I'm proof that it can happen. Okay. I thought I was gonna start falling for the twenty one year old when we had sex, but I didn't because the only thing you know why you ain't fall from when you started having seid because he twenty one. He probably ain't that good at it yet. Oh he can do it more often, but it ain't got the quality that it's gonna have in the years to come. So once again, you'd have made another bad ass decision. The only thing I'm feeling is empty. I want one man that is a good provider, makes me feel safe, travels with me, and is good and bad. Excuse me, you keep wanting and expecting something that you're not willing to give. You want one man, but you got three. You want one man, but you ain't being one woman to no man, So you keep expecting something that you're not willing to give. Ain't nobody fit to make you? There are yours. If they don't think you all, you don't think them. Two dudes are smart enough to figure out that you're doing something somewhere else. That's why you ain't getting what you want. I don't want to be alone. You alone because you're making alone type decisions. Girl. I'm at an age where all my friends will probably end up getting married for me because they got it right. I got two older boy friends, they're playing to settle down, and they still not ready. Like Shelly said, probably called they married, or maybe I'm not the one for them. You don't sound like the one for nobody. I'm trying to focus on one man at time, but I get bored. Well, okay, you miss excitement. You need more than one man. Keep doing what you're doing and don't write me and Shirley no more. She settled down once. Just ain't working. It ain't work stop ignis self coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, Sports talk with Junior. Right after this, you're listening Stry Morning show. All right, it is time ladies and gentlemen for junior and sports talk. Thank you, Shirley um and breaking news. JJ White leaving the Texans. What No, I'm just saying it could happen. Everybody else leave it today. Oh, don't don't even matter, don't even matter time. It could just be happy hard to leaving. What what it matter? So the Rockets, Yeah, it don't even matter. But tonight everybody is the NBA Draft. Oh my goodness is going down tonight tonight. LaMelo Ball is the projected number one pick going too. Yeah, LaMelo Ball, Man, Alonzo Ball's brother, Man's going to It's projected he go to the Minnesota Timberwolves. Well okay, well he's going to disappear. Yeah, yeah, Timberwolves is like going to no man's land? Who who knows what? Timber Why ain't where they playing? Shelly? Why don't the Timberwolves play Sherley Arizona? Exactly. That's just the first thing that came to mind. Yeah, you're on the wrong end of Minnesota, Minnesota. Yeah, so all right, but the most famous name lately go be on the Minnesota Tipo Wolves is LaMelo Ball. Because we don't know who played for then, yeah, you turn them around, Junior, Yeah you have no clue now, but you know it's also been reported now that James hardness is the reason he's leaving the Rockets. It is because the owner of the rock because Tillman supports President Trump, and he said he can't play under them circumstances. So he wants to played fourteen without Trump supporters. News for you, Harden. They all Trump supporters. So where you gonna play a couple of ain't junior, But I don't know if he's gonna be get in there. He'll be going soon. But one hundred and two millions, I mean yeah, on track for two years, well two million. I played for Trump. Okay, okay, really yesterday Steve was with the KKK playing now you're playing on the KKK Nationals. Started guard for the clue Klux Klan Nationals. Coming in out one hundred and three million dollars in two seasons. Yeah, please straight out of Welch, West Virginia at six foot two, no longer has hops, Steve. Are you run out of the court and snatch you hoo it off? My warm up suit is a clan out right. These just jokes people, They just joke. All right, thank you, ju and you're coming up at the top of the hour. We'll talk about pandemic Thanksgiving right after this you're listening to show, Well, we all know that we're getting ready to celebrate a very fauci like Thanksgiving. And what I mean by that is there will be a fewer people at your Thanksgiving table this holiday. So to the crew, um, I gotta ask you, guys, um, do you have some family members that are still arguing about coming to your house for Thanksgiving? And that's one And here's the second part of that. What are some of your traditions that you're keeping during this year's pandemic Thanksgiving? Because it's gonna be different, you gotta admit and be a lot different. Yeah, that that fried turkey gonna happen no matter what I don't give damn who show up? Fried Turkey gonna be there. Yeah, ain't really gonna be no different than mind. Oh really, are you having a Are you having a big celebration or small? You're keeping it fan? You're still my family, kid, Yeah, it's just your family. My mother in Lawny. I'm gonna be here. Yeah, everybody gotta get COVID tests because they're old, so they can't be around nobody. Well that's different now, Yeah, that's different. You gotta take COVID tests come up in here, you know. No, that's I don't really see no problem. You know, we stopped having the big gatherings after that. We had that year where they had their whole family over here. Who is they? Should you tell us about that? Yeah? People that are different. You know, they got in a big We got a big island. So everybody got around the island. It's about probably had to be twenty five thirty people in the circle, hole in hands, and they wanted to go around and everybody had, uh, everybody, everybody had to say something that they was grateful for. And so I was holding the hand next to this slow man. I didn't know, uh what was wrong with him? But he was slow. I didn't know. I'm okay what you asked me for? Oh lord, why that's that's why we don't have it no more. What happened now? You want to know? And so everybody was going around in the circle and it was going, uh, it was going counterclockwise. So he was to my right. So I was holding his hand. I didn't want to. I just got stuck right there. Marjorie Mama was holding my hand, and I got stuck with him because he grabbed my hand out tried to snatch away, but he was strong. Yeah, I tried to snatch away, but he was strong. Yeah, yea, hear me. I was pumped up up on him, so, you know, even and everybody saying what they was grateful fault, and when they got to hear him, I absolutely hate him. He said, I want to thank the Lord for the weather, and so I old Mines because huh, now you had we was naming stuff. You had to be grateful fault. Okay, the weather? Thank you? What's wrong with who do that? Judges? Grateful? Okay, well you want me, you want the rest of it. Yes, I want to thank the Lord for the weather. I want to thank the Lord. Oh for the coldness I'm able to feel, and then the thank you fu for all this heat and heal but it's but I'm still cold. Okay. Now I'm holding his hands. Mines is wide open. I looked directly across it, my son Winton, and this fool whole body shaking with lad he lost it, your son. So I look over at my wife. My wife is squinting through her eyes like you bet not. But I'm holding his hand now Marjorie Mama next to me. She's squeezing my other hand. Jesus helping, helping, Jesus helping, well, Jesus is not helping me. It's who you need to be praying for. And if you're getting the cold in here, it'll be hotter than I wanted to. I'm faithful. Did I say it's hot because it's really cold? Not dog. I'm in here, I'm crying, I'm slobbling on myself, my nose is running, my wife is mouthing you better stop that, nah me. And Winton is over there, Holland. So we had to cancel all the family thanksgivings after that, because he's not because of COVID, because because you don't know how to act. All right. We'll have more of the scene Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour right after this crazy you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We all know the holidays are looking a bit different and most of America is planning on hitting the road instead of the skies to see family. You heard us going rogue last week, and we're continuing to go rogue by partnering with Nissan to bring you the ultimate Thanksgiving Rogue Trip playlist. With five different drive modes and advanced technology, the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue is perfect for your family road trip and have you seen the features? They are unbeatable like led lights and two tone color options on the exterior. And as we head out for the Thanksgiving holiday, we are looking for your help to create the timid Rogue Trip playlist. So jump on social media tell us what songs should make our playlist by using the hashtag s h M s Rogue Trip. That's s h MS wrote Rogue Trip. To nominate your favorite song. Thanks to the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue, your Thanksgiving road trip just got a little better. All right, Junior, we need one song from the nineties that you must have at night, Rogue trip. Yes, baby, come on now, what that's you? Boo? That's you Summer right? If you ain't got this on your playlist for road trip, I am on my way to sam Houston to see a girl right now with this plan in nineteen ninety eight. What yeah, I'm on the way right now, right now. I'll be right there, girl. I told him, I'm on thirty six. I'm coming through, girl. I got this chest for you. Got to see this chest I put on. All right, thank you, jer Air. Let's go Rob more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show, all right, hard to miss you when you're always around Steve. Here's an email from Michelle out of Nashville. She says, Hey, morning crew, my husband Kevin used to travel a lot for work, but the pandemic has stopped all of that. And so my question to you is, Steve, how do you deal with the significant other who used to travel a lot for work and now they don't travel and they are getting on your nerves? Well, that's me. I'm probably old Marjoryeville, Marjorie from Memphis, right, I can relate to that. I'm usually like really busy on planes going here, going now, or just at work, and you know, traveling around and stuff. So it's it's tight, man, it does, you know, and it's it's it's something that all of us got to deal with. You know, this is real for all of us. If you're married and you're in the house with someone, they gonna get on your nerves. I don't know, getna. Hell, well, I'm on her nerves, you know, and you know a lot. Yeah, Hey, man, you can stop all that. I make the money and all this and don't mean nothing. You still on their damn nerves. But what you gotta do is, man, you gotta carve out some self time. Even if you live together. You got to get outside. You got to go for walks alone. Alone. You cannot take the person that's on your nerves on your walk. You know. You got to get outside, man. You got to go to a park where that's not crowded and walk through the grass, walk around the park, go down to a track and get some fresh air. And you got to stay gone for a minute. And then you got to come back in there and deal with it. That's my best at least. Yeah, Tommy, you're married. Hey, who are you snapping about this? It's close to your heart? Are you sensitive right now? What's going on? Just I'm just saying, just what, I go get lost? You ever tried to just get lost when you can't make your way back home? I do that? So where do you wander? Yeah? Where the woods? Just wandering the woods, just playing just god, Yeah, I don't leave no popcorn, Grett. Yeah, we're gonna mess around it. You have to be looking for your ass with keep from will Texas hill billys mad about this election as black ass, go right there, Joe. Yeah. So just the main advice is try to carve some time out for yourself where you're alone, even though you're at the house together. Quarantine. Yeah, you still have self care. You do, absolutely do, because you're getting on each other's nerves for sure. Yeah, I mean that's normal to find you another place in the house that you can stay because half the time that at one room y'all stay in together. That's not working all the time. Find a guest room or something that you well, maybe what if people don't you rich boy, rich boy, rich boy, find the guest rooms. Stop all right, closing remarks and last break of the day coming up at forty nine minutes after Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, guys, before we get to Steve's closing remarks, Steve, this is our last break of the day. We do have to take care of a little voting information business. Okay, First of all, you can go to Voting Vote Dot org But we gotta tell you that for Georgia, the Georgia Senate runoff dates. This is the deal. Okay. You can request your absentee ballot now. December seventh is voter registration's deadline. Okay. If you're going to register to vote, you have to do it by December seventh. December fourteenth through the thirty first is early voting. In January fifth, twenty twenty one is election day, so please we gotta go Georgia. We gotta do this. Vote for Reverend Raphael Warnock and John Asaf. Okay, and young people. This is especially for the young people. Twenty two twenty three, thou and young people. Steve in the state of Georgia will turn eighteen between the dates of well now and January fifth, so if your birthday is between it now and January fifth, please go register. You have to do it before or buy on in December seventh. Okay, you have to do it during that time. December seventh is the cutoff date. That's the deadline. You want to do this to your young voice at eighteen can be heard. That is a right, right, Yeah, you can start participating now. This is important, y'all. Let me. Let me, let me help you understand something. We have an opportunity to prove beyond Can you take that music? It's on your nerves, hey, b girl, the beautiful Crystal. We have an opportunity with this election in the state of Georgia to see even more clear message. See, y'all, I really do appreciate how you showed up at the polls because you did that. Man, you really really did that. You know. I kept saying that if you really want them to believe that black lives matter, show them at the polls. See that will be never again can they discount you at the polls anymore because of what you did in Milwaukee, because of what Wayne County did in Detroit, and the way way Wayne County responded yesterday when the two Republicans tried to block the certification of the ballot and Detroit went off black and white and they went off. But because of your vote in Wayne County, it flipped Michigan, and then the beat came down here to Atlanta, Georgia, and the whole race was so tight until they got to decal Fulton County, Savanna and Columbia Atlanta and started accounting the votes. We already know who that is. We flipped Georgia, and then they went up to Philly and he was winning handily in Philly. And then they started counting votes in Pittsburgh and Philly, and oh my goodness, we did it again. We proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that our vote matters. See. If you don't think they paid attention to they sick to their stomach. That's why they're trying to invalidate the whole process and all like that in color. But listen to me. We have some unfinished business now. They are counting on that we shot our best shot. They are counting on that we are going to get complacent. They are counting on the fact that traditionally they get these Senate seats by because nobody does run offs and nobody goes to vote for those secondary positions outside of major elections we're not having at this time. We're paying close attention. See, people didn't get tired of the way you're treating us. This is what this is about. This is a message of saying, we're not asking you to do anything for us, but we are requiring that you stop doing things to us. See, we're sick of your divisive rhetoric. We tied. Are you up in the Proud Boys were tied? Are you here building your walls and banning Muslim traveling, getting people out of the country on docket, getting mad at everybody that kneel because you're gonna flip the script so you can have an agenda. We're getting mad. We still remember you sending them that full page adding an article about them fire boys in Central Park that didn't even commit that client, and you wanted them to pay. Hey, man, we hoop to this. We're tired of it. We're tired of what you've been doing for us. We're tired of your rhetoric. Man, that has raised the level of bigotry and racism in this country. You did this, You did this, and now you have to pay. You can't do things to innocent peace, over and over and over. You've been doing it for four years, and now you have to pay. Sir. The gig is up. You have to pay now to as a parting gift on your way out at the inauguration, we're going to remove two Senate seats as our gift to you for all you have done to us, claiming to have done more for us than any other president, says Abraham Lincoln. And I still can't think of any damn thing you've done for us. But I can give you a list of things you've done to us as a parting gift. And on your way out, we the brothers and sisters and like minded people of Georgia would like to sin with you with all our love and gratitude for all you've done to us. We want to finally do something to you on behalf of the country. We would like to send you off and them two send it seats in Georgia. You can take them with you. We would like to hand you Kelly, Kelly whatever, Leffler whatever, and we would like to hand you Purdue and take both of them with you. Take your negative ads that Kelly Leffler is doing, take your Purdue dough, and y'all just go somewhere. Take all that with you, and we're gonna see if we could put a little bit more unity back in this country. We don't. We're not going to always agree on policy, and we got that. But you're not gonna ram this bigotry and hatred down our throats. We got that. Always be a discussion about women's rights to decision all. We got that. There'll always be immigration decisions we have to make. We got that. But what you're gonna stop doing though, You're gonna stop ramming down our throat that black lives don't matter. See quit showing us that blue lives matter and all lives matter. That's not what we're saying. We think that blue lives matter. We do respect that all lives matter. We just want ours to matter the same. That's all black lives matters, as saying. And for white people that don't understand that, could you just try to get that through your hair unless you don't want to take them, send the seats with your ask. I'm sorry, that's perfect. Take yeah. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to