Roscoe Wallace, Philadelphia Eagles, Donald Trump, Peabo Bryson and Terry Lewis, NBA Rule, Starbucks, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Jun 6, 2018, 2:45 PM

Roscoe Wallace and Tamia sing together in studio. Donald Trump wants people to know that sports teams like him despite disinviting The Philadelphia Eagles. Grammy winners Peabo Bryson and Terry Lewis stop by and talk about Prince and more. It is being said that a new NBA rule is in the works because of what happened in Game 1 of The NBA Finals. Big Dog talks about how to approach successful people for advice along with what he still has left to do and more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all have all suit all looking back to back down, giving them more just like themlican buck bus things, and it's tough to me true good at Steve Hardy want to move to other stood quick, Hobby, Why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, well Hoby joining me? Hung turn Yeah you want to very you gotta turn the turnout turn to you lovey got to turn out to turn wan y'all come come on your thing? Got it? Uh huh, I shall will Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, come on, y'all dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Is God good to me? Unbelievable? Yeah, he is? And and I can only attribute it to one thing. It's it's just been a turnaround in my life. It's it's been me finally making a decision to see what all God has from me, but at the same time trying to be more God wants me to be instead of more of what I want to be. That's the trade off. You know, you gotta do something now, you know, you know you want God's blessings. You gotta be willing to do something on his behalf. And now I'm not saying I got it right right now, because man, I just don't. I'm just being real with you. I don't. I don't have it all together by any stretch of imagination. I'm trying to get better in several areas. I'm praying about it, I'm working on it. But you know, it's a process, and I've i've I've I've grown to accept the process. But I'm improving in a lot of areas from day to day. But I'll tell you what, Man, my success, all that is going on with me, I can only attribute to this turnaround. And to turnaround was simple. I turned around and started looking at God. That was a simple move. Man. I just turned around and started looking at him. And I was going, Okay, I get it. Now, you created me. You're the creator. You have a purpose for me. I understand that. Now. Now let me just walk in that purpose and let me get to doing that purpose. Now, my purpose and your purpose and their purpose and anybody's perfect purpose could be different, and the way you go about the purpose can be different. And that's the part that I've really grown up to. I've opened up my mind to understanding that everybody is different, nobody's quite the same, and that is not my right or position to judge, but to be of a forgiving spirit and understand and forgive those as I ask God to forgive me. See that's the key. That's the key, y'all. So when you out here and you stuck on this unforgiveness, understand in in the large prayer as a segment that says, forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust passed against us. There's another verge says forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. It's two different versions, but either one it means the exact same thing. It means simply this that you are asking God to forgive yours like you forgive others. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust passed against us When I crossed the line with you, God handle me the way I handle people when they crossed the line with me. You feel what I'm saying to you? See, you understand that. That's the breakdown of it. The best way I can give it to you. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trustpass against us. Forgive me God for stepping over the line like I forgive those that step over the line on me. That's the hard part, man, that's the part man, I've really been working on. I've been really trying to get that together. And so I've learned forgiveness a lot better over the past five years than I have before. And it's paid off. I can't tell you how it was paid off, because now God's mercy and grace is all over me, because I've learned to become more graceful. Now I ain't graceful like him, I ain't merciful like him, but I've learned to become more more graceful, more merciful, because man, I can't live my life like that. I just got sick of me. Man, you're mad at me, now, I'm mad at you. You hate on me, Now I'm gonna hate on you. I ain't got time for that, man, I've got you. Look here, you got somewhere to go. Hate take up time. It's time consuming, and hating trying to seek revenge it's time consuming. It take up way too much of your time to seek revenge when vengeance ain't really yours. That's another one. Vengeance is mine. Say if the lord it ain't yours. So now when you go to seek it to take it out, guess what you're doing. You're doing something now, man. Now you off in the area that you've got no business being in, and instead of steady climbing your ladder like you supposed to, you didn't take out time for vengeance to hate. I'm a hater. I'm gonna be a blogger. I'm a blog about so and so. When you're blogging about somebody, and most of these people you don't even know when you're blogging about somebody what you're doing, what you're hating. It takes time to hate. Man. I just decided, Man, I gotta take all my time and instead of have doing time and being active, I got to be pro active. See some people get that confused being active and being pro active. Pro is positive. Pro means to move forward. You know, if you put pro in front of most words, it's a positive influence. You know, does the pros and the cons? The pros is the good side, the cons is what can go wrong the bad side. You know, if you're active, that's one thing, but if you pro active, you're going forward. In a positive direction. When you become a pro that means you're the best of the best at whatever it is you chosen to be. I'm a pro so somehow, and I know, uh English teacher, grammatical god. The word pro a lot of times when you put it in front of something means positiveness. So a lot of people think that if you just active something all to happen. Well, I'm doing something, and that's what happens. Man, We just find ourselves doing a lot of busy work that really ain't about nothing. It ain't going nowhere. It ain't got no direction or no purpose because we haven't tried to find out the direction of purpose. So you wake up and you and you and your wheels are spinning you a hamster on a tread meal. You're running real fast, but you're just going in the same spot. You understand, that's cause you're just out here being active instead of proactive. Why don't you get God in your life? Why don't you turn and face your creative and find out how to become more proactive so you can do things to move yourself forward. How you can get your life off the ground and get off the tread mill and really get it rolling in the direction that it need to be going. Man, I'm telling you, God can make that change for you if he see you making the change for him. See the whole key, man, the whole key is you got to be willing to do something. You got to give God something to bless bless me God, and then you go sit on your couch and you ain't trying. Okay, bless me God with what? What? What? What? What are you working with? He can't have the people hire you if you ain't put the app in. Come on, man, how you how you think this works? You know he can't hear your body if you ain't gonna take the medicine and you ain't gonna do none of the things to counteract. You know, you you you can't get lung cancer and then keep smoking and then expect the blessing to come. Come on, man, the blessing comes when you make a proactive step, when you try to do something on the positive side. Look, man, I'm gonna quit messing around with all these people. I'm gonna start going home. I'm gonna leave these women loaning out here. You got to say, all right, man, I ain't going over that at enough. I just ain't gonna get then God can work with you. God help me stop seeing all these women. But you steady on over there calling them setting up stuff. We can nobody help you, because once you get over there, you already know. See. You gotta get proactive. You gotta do something yourself. You make one step, he'll make two. That's that's the key, man. So come on, y'all, you know what. We can straighten this thing all the way out for ourselves. You don't have to be wondering what's going on all the time. You don't have to be confused anymore. You don't have to have your life in the rut. You don't have to hate waking up in the morning. You don't have to feel like your life is going nowhere. There is an answer for all. It is turn around and look at God. Why what you got to lose? Why would you not try it? Just turn around and face him, Turn around and try to make yourself a more righteous brother. Just look, man, I'm gonna do better. You feeling all right, Let's go to theare y'all you're listening to show ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we are not shorthanded this morning. But this is the original three. This is how it started off in two thousand and eighteen. That was no one else, Ladies and gentlemen, Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve Harvey and the fool himself. Yes, sir, Top of the Morning, Sorry for that delay. Right the Top of the Morning was talking. It's the trio. It's the original trie. This is how the radio started, folks. Back in two thousand. It was just US three. It was only US three, and it was really mostly just me and Shirley because Tommy was not coming to work back then, or yeah, because and if he didn't make it, he thought he could do it from his bed, he would just call in on his phone. On the average, Shirley, Why many times do you think Tommy called in in a month? Oh my god, in a month. In a month, oh at least every at least twice a week, three times, maybe two or three times. We worked five days ago. It was so early back I did. I did not take it serious. It was six o'clock, tom That was early for me. I do not understand. I do not. I could not understand man, how he thought that he could have his job. And that was nepotism. That's what you get firing your nephew. I've done a lot better, though, did I grow? I did grow? Yeah, you come to work mostly Tuesday through Friday. But you're here. If your mother was she well, now you know if Tommy has to work on the weekends, he won't be there on Mondays. Got you paid? But my mom though, yeah, she always knew that about you. But you're here now, Helen. I know Carl is out. I think she had to drop her baby off where she had to go to a program for Tasha this morning. So she's on her way. Yes, the end of you, we'll get your baby. You got start song, start not cooling anywhere. You've got a lot of babies, Yeah, you got enough babies. Is Marjorie pregnant? Are you trying to tell us something? Man? What would you do if she was pregnant? I just drive off. I'm not gonna do this. The pitter patter of little feet running around. Friend of mine is having a baby? Your friend, Yeah, he's having a baby. He's seven. God, and his wife is pregnant right now. Oh my god. And he just told me yesterday. Well, is is she a young younger woman? Because I know what we just to our Brigitte Nielsen last week. She's fifty four and pregnant. Is your boy gonna make graduation? Okay, she'll be fine. Good, All right, listen, guys coming up next in case you missed it, Uh, yesterday R and B singer our girl to Mia was our special guest. And to Mia and Roscoe Wallace a k A. You know as Steve Harvey. Of course they didn't duet together. Uh. Well, something funny coming up in about eight minutes. Okay, we'll be back at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up in about an hour. Pebo Bryson, the legend and legendary producers Jimmy jam and Terry Lewis will be our special guest today. But yesterday, yesterday was a great day as well. R and B singer to Mia and her husband Grant Hill were a special guest. We all know to mea and Eric Benet's songs Spend My Life. Well, Steve, do you want to tell everyone? Um, how Tamia and Roscoe together? You know Tom I was in the studio and keyboarding player, and uh, you know Roscoe he's one of them guys where he just don't understand, you know, he wrote all these hits and how these people don't invite him. So Roscoe just went, hey, look, I'm going to do this. I'm about to do this. And I just felt like to me, A needed Roscoe to Roscoe film that to me, A needed some hell here it is. Okay, okay, come on, give me something else for to me my wedding first stance. Yeah, I love Tamia. How does it start again? Okay, ready, let's go and we go. I never knew such a day he could come, and I never knew such a love could be in sight of one. I never knew when my life was for but now that your heat, I know for shure and dying of a new to look to your high. I wasn't complete to the day you worked in my high life and dye. Never knew that my heart could feel so precious and pure one of So we he come on any morning with you lively all own and maybe Roscoe and every day together to give We Can I just spend my life with you? Yeah? Spend my life with you? Not a weekend? Can I just spend my life we you? Oh? No, everybody needs a good one and be cool. I stand correct at Steve you write, that's exactly what that song wrong. As I listened to it, it was right on point. Thank you Roscoe for popping in and gracing us. Roscoe wanted to be I'll just tell you, man, he just never got that big break where he was out there. But he wrote so many songs in it. So many people old their careers to him. Who Roscoe, fill the fire, Jimmy Jam Roscoe, Jimmy, the Legends, lou Ful Mara, Shaka Khan, need a Baker, Franklin shot Day, really, really all of Neil Roscoe. I mean, go get it. I want to ask him little while. All right, we'll go, what's up? Baby? What are we doing? Man? Man? Trying to make it? Baby, trying to make it? How about right? Hey Roscoe, it's been a minute. It's really been crazy. So glad to hear you that her daughter and program. Yeah, and so she had to go, you know, and and be with her daughter this morning. She showed you that daughter a lot every time I turned around. So I'm having with a little talk. Well, I think it's like the end of the year program, you know, they'll be out of school tomorrow. You know a lot of people get let that cheerlead and calls him their John. That has nothing to do with you, Roscoe. They pay the baby to do them flute you got work that? Well watch the baby, dudes and flipping be on your job. She's a great don't you know? The white folks and looking at how she might be a good mom. Well, you don't get paid to be a mom. You get paid to be a bro. Would you stop what y'all doing it? Any day? Well, you know, we just heard your rendition of spend My life your duet with Tamiya. That was really good. You know, you know, you know what, I get to join in with a profession. Yeah, because you don't want to be about it. You know what I'm saying. It's who It's just a wonderful bid, right you know? Did I kill it? Yes? You know, yeah, it was really good. I wrote on for jam what Yeah I wont Dodd. I didn't know that. Oh come on now, cold Radish, Well yeah, you really tell you something else? I really do what I wrote all time at pranks. Wait a minute, hold on, maybe you wrote this one to Roscoe? Coming up next? It is run that prank back with the nephew the kids right after this. You ain't wrote it. It's the one about you ain't no thing. Hold on, Roscoe, your scholars, Franks, Tommy Frank phone call. We'll be right back right. You're listening to the show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news no more parties in Wyoming. Uh, we'll talk about all of that at the top of the hour right now. It is the nephew, the King of Franks would run that prank back, as we just discovered earlier. Uh, they were all written by Roscoe. We gonna boy told right. I dedicate this to all the Sigmas out there, all the five beta sigmas out there. The name of this is you Ain't no sick. Hello. Oh, I'm trying to reach a Greg please yeah, this is he aw you're doing. My name is Bernard, five beta sigma over pledged relationshps uh huh giving you a call today? Man, Um, you attended prev you A and M university? Am I correct? Am I right? You attended right, and from my understanding, you pledge five beta sigma and fall of ninety one. That's correct, alright, that's the the Beta chapter. Correct, Yes, all right, here's where we're having some problems here, going through the records, going through the records, actually looking the records that we have here headquarters. You're not actually an official member of five Beta Sigmas. I don't know what has taken place, but the minute, what you mean not a member? Looking at our records here at national Headquarters, it's indicating that you're not an official member of five Beta Sigma. I don't know what could have gone wrong with this? Now that ain't right because see depth of data is recognized nationally, so why wouldn't I be nationally recognized? I'm not certain, sir. Maybe it's something that took place on that that actual line of all. We're actually going to have to do some research on everything that's going on with your line as well as the chapter. But how is that possible that they gave if they gave me a certificate in the in the plaque and I got my my pin and I mean I'm a Sigma. What you mean? Okay, sir? I don't know what I'm looking at here, and and and please understand, I want to try to clear this matter up. Yeah, yeah, if we need to do this matter? Who? Who is there somebody there like oversee, uh, maybe a the head president or your branch or something I can talk to something. Well, I'm actually I am actually over pledged relations uh and I wanted to give you a call personally so we can try to rectify the matter. And it's gonna take us some time to hiring this thing out. And you know what the problem is that I'm noticing is that all of the people that were on your line they are official. For some reason, Mr Gregg isn't official, So I want to I don't understand that because I was the line president. So how how is everybody else able to be a sigma and not me when I did all the paperwork that it takes to for the process to be right. I don't understand, sir. You know what, brother? Uh, I can't call you brother for the fact that right now because I'm a Sigma. So here's what we're gonna have to do. Greg, We're gonna have to get you to First of all, if you're dealing with anybody alumni wise, we're asking that you don't go to any meetings right now. We're also asking that you don't wear any five beta Sigma Pal for now. At this point, we want to make sure and get clarity that you are definitely a brother. Man. Man, I am definitely a brother. Do you know what I had to go through to get where I am today? To be a signal all the do y'all y'all took y'all dudes whatever to that. If you're taking my dudes, you should be able to tell me yo. Man, um, we got this going on. Certain things that going on with your line. We need to we need to check you. You took our money. That's the thing I'm seeing checks that have gone through for other people on that line. I don't sell, man, And to this day, I'm like a lifetime member. So what the hell are you talking about? I have no records indicating that your lifetime. Remember that's what I'm saying. We got dog, somebody needs to tell me something today. We're gonna try to get to the end of this by the end of the week. It's gonna take no no, no, but no, but no, but no. You're not understanding what I'm saying, man, because I'm a signal to the heart. Dude. You know what I'm talking about, y'all playing with my heart? Right now. Man, Ain't nobody's gonna do that and get away with I don't know what going on? You know, here's what we can do. We can bring you back in and do another pledging process. Pledge be understand what you just said to me. No, man, that that ain't happen. Dog, I've been through this already. Man, I'm not pledging. I'm not signing my name on nothing else because I have pledged. I'm not doing it. I need to get somebody on the phone that can answer my question. I want to know what's going on, okay right now? And I understand you know, the disbelief of what's going on. I really do you obviously don't you a brother? Brother? We're gonna what year did you go across? Did you walk the fans? Let me tell me what's going on. Brother, I'm fall eighty nine, brother, and that what we're gonna have to do right now is first of all, no paraphernelia. You're trying to tell me that I can't well what's nearest and dearest to my heart, next to my wife and my child. You're telling me that I can't go around to proclaim where I am. That's like telling me I can't be black. What the hell are you saying? And another thing we're going to get you to do. Understand, you have a brand, Sigma brand. That's what I have to come off until we until we get this taken care of. What wit man? You talk about them medical procedure. What are you saying? So we cannot allow you to wear a brand representing five Beta Sigment when right now you are not on You can't five a lot that that brand me was allowed to put the brand on me. Now I can't be allowed to wear something I've been wearing for almost fifteen years of you crazy. Come on, man, thats some crazy. So we gotta get you to take your of me until all the brand What the hell ayout? Man? This is some look here brother, but not what Bernard? Is that? What your name is? You need to get somebody on this minute. That's all right, I know the president still how about that? I would just call in and I'll figured out my bill. Right now, we need you to take the brand off. You comen't take the brand off of me. And if you wanted that bad come get it. That's what you do. You are not a member of five Beta Sick don't give up. You talking about dog. I am a remember if you want something over here, I land your boy. What you do, you're bad, come do it. So I'm telling you for the final time, do not wear any paraphern Now you keep don't want to hear that talking about no final. Let me tell you what's final. I am a five better sigma to the hard blue. Sir. All I'm telling you is no more shirts and cover that brand up until we're here. Man, I'm gonna wear everything. I got a hat I'm ahead of. Don't matter of thing I don't wearing. Just to get on yong nurs. You're gonna pray cover it up until we figuring out. If you are sing covering up, do come get it and tell then you better get away from me. Well, I'm talking about don't want to put that brand up and don't no shirts. No more me tell you something I ain't covering. Come do it if you want it. I gotta want my head hard. Maybe this is blue fire. You don't want none. You don't want none, y'all, this is them. Man. I don't know what one more thing I need to say to you. Are you literally to say what you gotta say you ain't getting this. This is nephew time from to Steve Harby Martin Show. You just got pranked by your boy. Hello boy, y'all had me ready to kill my man? Y'all boy, one more pay man. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Greg? What is it? Steve Harby Morning Show? Ain't dang dedication? Blue five Blue. It was so serious about it. I got something going on now. You know, my wife is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. The Boolet is in Houston, Texas this year, so I am throwing a party. It's a night celebrating women ex sat of the July the seventh at the Health Museum in Houston, Texas. You do not want to miss it. You can go to your bit bright dot com and he is the key word open bar, open ball. That's it, open ball. I got a lavish buffet, I got red carpet, I got a live band, I got a DJ and the key words to everybody open ball. All right, thank you. If you coming up next, President Trump is trying to prove that sports teams like him. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes, R and B Legend Pebo Bryson plus legendary producers. Yes, Jimmy jam and Terry Lewis will be our special guest. But first now, this is according to TMZ, President Trump is furiously trying to prove the sports teams really like him. The pros I'm talking about now, despite the Philadelphia Eagles not coming to a White House by listing off all of the championship team who have accepted his invitations. Trump called off the Eagles visit after learning only a small number of players were actually planning to attend, so he disinvited them or uninvited them. Uh. The others had opted out for several reasons, including trump stand on the national anthem. Protest Um President of the United States has been taking heat over the move from athletes and politicians, including Philly mayor Jim Kennedy, who ripped Trump as um a fragile egomaniac, obsessed with um crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no one wants to attend. Trump responded, Yeah, right. Trump responded to his critics with a flurry of tweets yesterday morning. We have had many championship teams recently at the White House, including the Chicago Cubs, the Astros, UH, Pittsburgh Penguins, New England Patriots, Alabama Clemson National champions, and many others. So that's his clapped back, all right, But he uninvited them when he found out on an interesting guy because he's just really he's a president that's concerned with so many non presidential things and all he's concerned about our small victories that personally embellished him, and nothing else matters. He took this whole issue with this not standing changing narrative, flipped it around, made him about him. He turned it into an anti flag, anti military stance, which it wasn't at all. He successfully did that, and that's all that matters to him. He's fighting this collusion thing because he doesn't want it to appear as though that his presidency is not authentic or you know that he didn't it on its own that he had helped. So he's fighting that instead of saying, hey, we got to prevent any country from tampering with our election process, which clearly they got involved in. Okay, there is no collusion been proven yet, but there is proof and everybody knows it that Russia did tamper with the election. They got involved in the electoral process with Facebook and a couple of other things though, right, So everybody knows that he's so worried that that's trying to say collusion. All he wants to do is they had nothing to do. They did affect the election. They did tamper with the election. Instead of him fighting that, he's defending the fact that he's the legitimate president. You're the president. Is nothing we can do about this now to half ended this man, you dude, right, but it's not doing nothing. He can't do anything, Tommy, because he's so busy concerning himself with nothing. I I I I that he passed that tax bill. But boy, if y'all could look at it, if y'all really understood what that tax bill was, man, y'all be sick. All right, It's time to get caught up on today's national news. So Steve, please and trip, thank you very much. This is a trip with the news, and let's give you a little bit more information. First of all, let's start out with Mexico. Mexico is retaliating against the Trump Administration's tariffs on steel and aluminum exports by slapping duties on American goods on everything from pork products to fruit other agricultural products, along with whiskey steel parts used in cars manufactured both south of the border as well as here in the US, and the new levies range from fifteent depending on the product. Last Friday, President Trump imposed tariffs are on steel and ten percent on aluminum. Those went into effect and now Canada are neighbor to the north and members of the European Union also slapping duties on American products. Meanwhile, send a majority Leader. Mitch occonnell has canceled the Senate's annual August recess. He's claiming that's because Democrats are slow walking Senate action on President Trump's nominations, something the Democrats, by the way, accused the GOP of for the whole eight years President Obama was in office. Anyway, McConnell says senators are going to take the month to work on spending bills and send a minority leader. Chuck Schumer says he'd like to see some progress on healthcare legislation. Nevertheless, he hopes that the President will be rolling up his sleeves too. We assume he'll be here in Washington working right alongside us. Given the urgency off we these weeks, we presume he won't be jetting off to bed Minister or mar Lago. We're spending countless hours on the golf course. I guess we'll see. By the way in the heels of President Trump's disinviting the NFL champion Philadelphia Eagles to his little fun La doom at the White House yesterday when he found out that only about ten members of the team, we're gonna show up the Cleveland Cavaliers, Lebron James says, no matter which NBA team wins the championship this year, neither team that means his are the Golden State Warriors are gonna visit Trump White House either, so don't count on them. Attorneys for former Illinois Governor Rod Bolgoievitch have final the official paperwork needed to request that the President commute the last eight years of his fourteen year prison sentence for bribery and corruption. Lugoievitch was convicted of extorting campaign contributions and are trying to sell the U S. Senate seat left vacant when Barack Obama was elected president to the highest bidder, but did it operate pay a piece of the Lugoievic wrote in The Wall Street Journal last week, says that he served six years in prison so far for just playing politics and everyday fundraising. Even former US Attorney General Eric Holder, by the way, says he feels the former governor sentence was a little it's a little steep there. Investigation underway into the death yesterday of handbag designer Kate Spade, who reports say was found hanging in her Park Avenue, New York apartment. Police say Spade left a suicide note to her thirteen year old daughter, apparently referencing her husband. And Yeah, the people who run the Miss America pageant say they win. Will no longer be judged on their looks. No swim seed competition or none of that anymore. We'll be back with more entertainment Today's trending topics twenty after the hour, Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, y'all, as problems with my special guest this morning. There's a Grammy Award winning acclaimed singer. Listen to me This is a legend. We're talking about twenty alms, twenty albums to his credit, but he's a living legend. First artist ever to have separate records topping four different shots, popping forward and he's still going strong with new music on his forthcoming album is called Stand for Love. It's gonna be available this fall. We're gonna find out more about ladies and gentlemen. Put your hands together for the living legend himself, the one and only Mr p bo Bryson. Thank you man. How are you doing? Man? Man? This is incredible. Man. Let's let's talk this new album you got. How long has it been since you've done an album? Wow? I think the last album I did was was Missing You? Yeah. Well, Listening is coming out this fall in August. This will be your twenty one that's correct studio album and you know what, and honestly my best work to date. I think because of the involvement of of Jam and Lewis, it doesn't get any better than I wouldn't have trusted anyone else to do it at this particular point because it's not about dollars or anything like that. For me, it's about honor and in legacy. At this particular point. So you have to you have to pair yourself with people that you really trust that can actually get it done. And that's why Terry is right here, Terry Lewis is right here, Terry Lewis is in the build, another legend, Terry Lewis and Jimmy good boys right there. How many hits give me a beat? I'm doing great, man, I'm had to see y'all. Man, this is like, it's like like amazing me because this is the stuff I grew up listening to me. You know, I've been I'm an R and B man. I'm in all right now, dude, appreciate. It's great to be here. I mean, you know, in the in the political climate and just a social climate of America right now, if you're gonna stand for something, standing for Love might be the best thing you can stand. Yeah. Hey, that's the name of the new album, Standing for Love. Hey, let's talk about a little bit man. The lead single you got it's called Love Like Yours and Mine. It's the lead single. What explained to us what this is about. It's about a relationship that actually works, a good one. I'm out people, you have no idea over there man. Yeah, you know we're gonna have to talk. You know what, I'm the love doctor. I'm good. You can talk to him. People, what's wrong with it? All right? Coming up next more in ten minutes at thirty four after the hour, more with the Legends, Peebo Bryson, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve, We're so honored to have the legends. We're talking major major legends here in R and B Peebo Bryson and Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis producers extraordinary as our special guest this morning. So come on, Steve, please tell us about the single thank You, Thank You exercise if you reality over here. Well, it's about a relationship that actually worked with two people actually tarry each other for the right reason. And you know, it's a song about when you find that one person that's meant for you and the one that you're not going to trade in for a better model. Look at me, that's what you keep doing, no idea, the one you're not gonna trade and the one that you're gonna you're gonna grow old with, and that that's the one I mean, the one that that sees you like nobody else sees you, and you actually love each other and you make that work. Okay, alright, alright, alright, well we're gonna hear it right now. Listen to the words J when it come on. Huh here we go? Shut up? Ain't I think abound here? Your face is all lys see the girl went up to come about your judge. You know I can and leave. Baby. You are mine mine, You're not your everything to me, can't see you are my boss and so and so boss. You're my greatest mystery, eat turnally. There is no love like yours and my it's one of the kind. When I think about your kids and what a god to do, a whole world turns outside down. The one I wish is that you always always being around. Call baby. You are my most starve. You're not your everything, Just me shag and see everything you want my blos and song and solve bo. You're my greatest mister bester me eat turnally, no like yours, yours and my it's my stay from the round my mind. A love that's a tenough time. I believe it didn't don't fade sure, mr CA you so you're my greatest mistery eat turning is no love like yours? Yours and by it's wine. That's nice right there? So cool man, Oh my goodness, Yeah you don't. It's just really unbelievable man, hardcore R and D. Yeah, that's what that is, and that's what we need. That's what's missing. That's singing. Right, Hey, y'all, just hang on. We'll be back with more with people Bryson, Jimmy jam and Terry Lewis right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry Letters subject I am in love with a Republican but right now it is the nephew. I know it is the nephew. With today's prank phone call. What you got naw, yo, baby got my baby name? Huh that's it, yo, baby got my baby's name. He ain't listen to this. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Patrician Patricia. Who is it? How you doing? Listen? Um? My name is Floyd. Floyd. I want to give you a call your your daughter she was teens middle school, right, what's your name again. Okay, what can I do? Right? Well, like I said, your your daughter she goes she do go to middle school, right yeah, okay, Now her name, her name is Dereka. We know that. Okay. Well something no, no, no, not nothing wrong. I mean I don't mean the along you're nothing like that. But let me see what. Well, here's the situation. My daughter actually goes to middle school along along with with your daughter. And it's it's a bit of a problem that that that has arisen that me and my wife just found out about some issues. Derek and your baby in in some kind of trouble or something. No, no, no, no, nothing like that. But I say, you don't with nobody at that school. She don't mess with nobody. She owned the honor roll and everything. I don't have no problems out of Dereka, right, okay, let me know. Let me tell you Ms. Patricia with the problem is, see, my daughter name is Dereka, so and it just blew me and my wife way that it was another Dereka that went to school. Okay, I don't know too many Derecas. That's a unique name. That's cute, okay, right right, Well, here's the problem. Me and my wife. Actually, you know, when it was time to name my child, we thought we was really picking a name that nobody would have a check out for their daughter and to have another Dereka in the school. That blew us away. And I guess the real reason why I'm trying to call you, miss Patricia. See if if, if there's something maybe we can work out, you know, maybe uh, like your Dereka does middle name or nickname she can be called by in opposed to both of them being Derek. You really wanted I try to be the only one with this name. Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, now you're calling me? Are you asking me to change my baby's name? Well, I mean you you ain't really got to legally change I mean, but just started calling us something else, you know. No, no, wait a minute, so you naming police or something. Do you know how many Ants and Louises and Patricia's out there? What if I asked everything in the United States to change their name from Patricia? You know how crazy that is? And I understand that you must be on drugs. Know what I'm trying to say is you know this, this is something that we really have our baby girl? Was this name, and we didn't want nobody else to have this. So does your Derreka Havel have a middle name? She can? You know we're gonna call her Dereka like we've been calling your name, your baby d D. Let's call your baby d D. Is you change y'all? Y'all change your baby name at the school. I'm not calling I'm not calling my name. I don't give you what you call it, but I'm not changing my baby name. He look, okay, look, I'm trying to call you and handle us like adults. You know what you're seeing to see. You're gonna push my fund and to take me to another level? What is you ain't calling me trying to handle us? It doesn't ask me to change my baby name. Called my baby something else at the school because y'all want your baby name to be Derek and the only Dereka in the school. Have you know how many other kids at the damn school got the same name. I understand that, but for my baby girl, it ain't supposed to be like that. I'm sorry, I'm spy. Baby girl ain't your wife, but you know I'm got changing my baby damn name. Y'all calling y'all, baby, Do you know what I'm trying to do is get it rectified that we can call you get my phone number. I know that school ain't give you my number. I got your numb don't worry about how I got it. The problem is that what we're talking about right now is can we what can we start calling your child? I don't give it. I know that school ain't called you number. Listen, ma'am. All I'm trying to do is thing out. What can we start calling your daughter Dan cut that she's been being called you and your wife Guy, I need to go down to the statistics office and get your baby name. I kind you have to stop out of the kind of name Beha, but more day is gonna keep the same day name. Let's explain something of you. I've been trying to be calm with you even now show, but if you offering something else to call on me, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna get a number. How do you get my number? Don't worry about our out the number. Listen to what I'm trying to tell you. If you don't find another name, I'm gonna start getting the kids to call your daughter something else. Thishing to call my daddy. I try to im with an who called my dabby? Stop? Next, you're trying to change your baby names. I want my baby the name to beat the Derek do get him. It's t My princess is supposed to be the only one named Derek. Hany king calling your baby stopping else at the school. I'm going out of these kids starting tomorrow at school calling your daughter else. I'm not I'm staying. I'm just starting with you. Like this number, you hang up off my phone and don't come. Let me tell you something. I got one more thing I need to say to you. You listen to me? What are you listening to me? I'm listening to you. What this is, Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend to give her little They got ain't to prey on this. I'm so sorry. So yes, I'm gonna give her that is. Oh. I have so sorry. You got my nerves bad this morning. Lord, I have mercy. Lord, I gotta kiss my breath. I got one more thing I gotta ask you, darling. One is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Hart The Morning Show. I listened to y'all every morning, crazy, crazy and not have mercy. Y'all got my blood pressure this morning. I love y'all. I listen to y'all show every morning. We can't have two derekas you know what I'm saying. You understand that, don't You wouldn't want to to Winton's which no, I wouldn't. One Winton, Thank you, Steve, Thank you for a Winton. Thank god. One Tommy on this show. That's it. And one you don't have to worry about that, Thank you brother, one of you? Can you unique Tommy? Thank you. I've come to that conclusion. Ain't nobody like you. They're not making no movies, no, no, All right, listen, thank you, nephew. Listen. I want to be rich, okay, and if you want to be rich, here you go. This is what they say, Steve, and you know you'll you'll let me know if this is on point. Be positive. This is according to a new survey, millionaires do their best to stay away from pessimists. The survey found that nine out of ten rich people make it a point to be around people who are positive and focused on success Steve Harvey, what do you think that's an absolute fact? Birds of a feather flock together. You've heard everything about that. Association brings on participation. You cannot make it to be rich alone. No one gets rich alone, and no one is going to get rich without surrounding themselves with like minded people. You cannot get rich without being positive and at least about in the area you're trying to accomplish it. And that positivity has to carry over into other things. If you don't develop that, you cannot be successful. You cannot be sorry. What what's the one thing that you think that it's driven you to become successful. My dreams, my dreams are at the core of everything. Nothing is bigger than your dreams. My dreams, man, my dreams. My dreams are bigger than all of my fears. And do you ever stop dreaming? I mean, like once you've made it, like you're there now so pretty much so do you still have dreams? Who me? And we we're talking about a little bit more. When we come back, you can ask me that question, all right, yeah, and uh, when we come back, it's also time for the Strawberry letter. That's up next. Subject I am in love with a Republican? Am I in your dreams? You're listening to Steve Alright, Steve, it is time for the Strawberry letters subject I am in love with a Republican. But first let me tell you this. This smoking Strawberry Letter is brought to you by Master Bill and Master Build knows that your dad deserves the best his Father's Day. So Inner for your chance to win, listen to me, y'all. One of ten Master Build smokers plus one Lucky Grand Prize winner will receive a one thousand dollar cash gift card to Inner. And to get rules, go to Steve Harvey film dot com, click on the Master Built banner and help Dan craft for smoked Masterpiece this Father's Day by Registry Today. All right, thank you Steve. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice, If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, parenting, and more, submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. It is time buggle up and hold on tight. It is here a strawberry letter subject I am in love with a Republican. Here's Stephen Shirley. I have been in love in a loving relationship for about a year with a man who, for the most part, has provided, protected, and professed his love for me. We have so much in common, but we have several issues where there is total disagreement. In the beginning, we would laugh as we expressed our divergent views on such things as gun control, immigration, and sexual orientation. I asked him if he voted Republicans, and he swore that he didn't. I know that everyone is entitled to their opinions and views, but lately we have been having a few blow ups and disagreements on our current president and gun control. I am a Democrat leaning towards more republic more a liberal ideals. He, on the other hand, has voiced extreme conservative views. I suggested that we not discuss politics anymore since it's creating friction. Can we coexist having such different views on life? We do love each other very much. We have been talking about uh marriage, so I need to know if this is the for better or worse part of love your thoughts excuse me, well, Steve, I will say this to start off. She definitely listened to the show, and she definitely has read your book Act like a lady, think like a man, because she says our man provided part, acted and professed for her. And that's what you talk about in your books one of the things. But having said all that, Uh, this is going to be difficult. Hopefully love can prevail in this relationship, but with this president and your views and his views, it could be very very you know, challenging. I'll say for a relationship, of course, two people who have different political views should be able to coexist in a loving relationship without it getting too crazy and you having to break up or divorce over over situations. But um, with this president, I have known, uh, we have talked about on this show as a matter of fact, about people getting into fights and things like that. So we don't want it to get like that. I think maybe, um, you know, there are two issues here. One, you asked him if he voted Republican. He swore he didn't. Make sure he's not lying about that. You don't necessarily, you know, want to be uh in a relationship with someone who just lies for no reason. But but um, I think what you said about UH not discussing politics anymore since it's creating friction, that may be the way to go if you guys can help it, because it's hard not to in this day and time. But I'll say it's gonna be difficult. Hopefully love will prevail in this relationship. You don't let it get to that. You know, maybe you need to set some boundaries on what you talk about and how far you can go. Maybe you can do that and still find the love in the relationship. But it'll be tough. Steve. Let me just break it down to you. Y'all asks gonna be all and all the damn times, all the time when you have such opposing views. And this ain't about nothing small, this is about life. These are opposing views about life. These are living die matters. These are social issues. When you're talking about gun control, eventually they're gun control gonna turn into um gun violence against black men. Uh. Some police brutality towards African American communities. I'm telling I say something because I always like to put her at the most police officers are great people, most of them really really are. We have a problem with a few and it makes it bad for the whole time. And we have some police departners that needs a complete, complete washing out just like the one in LA had to go through. You're talking about immigration, you're talking about how a person feels about the lives of others who are less fortunate, and then you're talking about sexual orientation. Here's a guy who obviously has some types of feelings that's against your viewpoints about sexual orientation, gay and lesbian rights. Hold up, man, those are big issues, folks. Because you know why these are big issues, and I don't think that love can overcome this. It's because this current president that we have is in the news every day about one of these and if it ain't that it's creating calling NFL players somes of bitches, or saying something really crazy against a fallen member of the military, or are not making up. He's just in the news, man. So how do you get around this in a relationship? I don't think you can. And I would love to say stop talking about it, But how how do you stop talking about something that's in the news every day? It's life. I don't see how your relationship can can can survive this. I would think it could, I would hope it could, but y'all gonna be falling out about everything because he's gonna say something. He's gonna get your drinking. He's gonna fire y'all, gonna be at a party and he's gonna file one of y'all, gonna have some people over the house, and he's gonna fire one on that you asked him was a Republican, he said, nobody got all Republican views. Now, exactly, if you're sitting up in here fighting your hardest to defend President Trump, then that's how you are. And just go on and say that. I know people who do it all the time, all the time. If you watch Fox News, man, watch when Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper has a Republican on that the conservative radio host I can't think of his name, but they defend this man, skip what he's doing wrong. They just keep trying to act like it ain't. But they're trying to make his behavior normal. And they're now what's never come out of the White House before. They're trying to desensitize us to it and make us think it's normal. This is same normal. I'm not finn to sitting in act like this is all right, good luck with this marriage, this relationship, You're better being in love with Like the song all right, listen. We'll let part two if Steve's response coming up in two twenty three after the hour. The subject today of the Strawberry Letter, I am in love with a Republican. You're listening to Steve. Come on, let's get to part two of today's Strawberry Letter, I am in love with a Republican. Let's recap you know, look, you can love a Republican. This you don't have to recap this woman struggling with her decision because her and her husband, her soon to be husband or potential husband, has different views on gun control, immigration, and sexual orientation. Now, this might not be so bad thirty forty years ago, but now with social media and a president that is in the news every day and you got a man who's supportive of what he does and you hate it, that's gonna be a lot of argument that your house. Trying to avoid the subject. It's gonna be hard because we're talking about life. We're talking about life. You know, So can you all make it? Yes, you could, But will it be rocky? I think so. I think so. It's gonna be tough. So you know, you can make it. But if you want to live and sleep with somebody that you are going with a lot. You can go ahead. I did it. It's always I love it. Man, Okay, alright, that's a pretty good run all I had. I tried, Man, I don't know what they Yeah, this is tough, right here is politics is well, let me ask this. It's religion a little different. Like if it's two different religions. That's almost virtually impossible because you're talking about your spirit, challenge soul. Yeah, and you can't ever set that down for one moment. What you're doing, I'm saying grace to who right to the low one, not at this table. You won't exactly, no, man, partner, That is a whole another thing. You're so right on that, Steve, you're right on that to Luke. Can you imagine a Christian and an atheist? No? Oh yeah, so you know, come on, a Christian and an atheist. It won't work. It's not going to work. You're you're on so separate ends of the coin. How can you be a believer in this almighty God and set up and live an attempt to sleep with somebody who tells you he does not exist, who ain't praying? Yeah, that is this person's moral barrama. Yeah, that goes against everything you believe everything. That would be a virtual impossibility. Kenny's two opposing parties live together. Yeah, they can make that work. But to be unequally yoked in terms of religion, that right there, my friend, I just don't see you. I don't, I don't I agree with you? What What did you doing? I don't put no rugs down over here? This is my prayer? Rug Oh not in him? Mr Okay, see right there, it's a fight right there. Right, let's go to lunch. You can't go to lunch. Yeah, see it's too much when you're walking to going to go down to the temple? What temple? To the temple? Food? Hey? That because it's Saturday. Well, let's dry down there, we walks. You can't dry walk if you won't do here is too much? Excuse me? What what are you doing? What is that thing you're shaking? Why are you talking like so tambourine? You guys are gonna do what with the music ministry? You know you're gonna beat it while people while the people in church, honey, honey, why is this lady running in service getting their praise on what something? Lat's get some paramedics in here. All right, listen, guys, we gotta get out of here. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M. And don't forget this Thursday at one p m. That is tomorrow, please join me for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. Okay, all right, Steve switching gears. You know sugar Bash um our friends at sugar Bash, the lifestyle website for women. They send out these boxes um every month and sometimes quarterly now and their brand boxes they're called Faves and Raves. And they have a special box that was curated by the one and only Steve Harvey this month for Father's Day. Yes, for Father's Day. Thank you, so thank you to all the fabulous brands that have contributed, like a Zest Organics. They have this cotton classic striped throw uh for eighty eight dollars that goes in the box. It's really nice. Um. You know, sometimes you sit on the sofa or whatever the bed and you know, maybe your feet get a little cold. Takes us throw this beautiful ledge you know, come from an organic company. That's that's right. I love it. Yeah, you do need it on the plane. That's great. Another company called Nectar has Harvey sunglasses. Men and women can wear these sunglasses there. They they're really nice like other styles Harvey sunglass. Now I wish they were man. Yes. Also, um, we have to say thank you to Eleventh Candle Company. They have an eight ounce mahogany teakwood soy wax candle in this box. In your box, Steve, I love. It's called Eleventh Candle Company. The Eleventh Candle Company. They have a mahogany teakwood soy wax candle. Alright, really nice. I love soy candles. They smell so fresh and clean and everything, and they burn really nicely too. So check out the Eleventh Candle Company. Also, George dark Sandal would watch. Uh this watch is really nice. It's um a bridge between raw material and refined design. It's a luxury watch. It's crafted from exotic wood. Have you seen those? Yeah? Yeah yeah. Go to sugar Bash sugar bash dot com so everybody, it's it's a woman's site, but this boxes for Father's Day. So you can lay your man out, your leva out. You're freeing out somebody you try and impressed. Go to sugar bash dot Com right now. Check it out, join, become a member, and get these incredible boxes sent to your house all the time. Yeah, it's a beautiful watch. It is. All right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and our special guests, the Legends in the building, Peebo Bryson and Jimmy jam and Terry Lewis. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're back with Peebo Bryson, the legend that is Peepo Bryson, I have to say that, and the legends that are Jimmy jam and Terry Lewis. We wanted to ask you guys about Prince. You know, his birthday is coming up the whole time. Yeah, Thursday. Um uh. He was a legend in the town of Minneapolis. Not to mention the world. What are your thoughts, um you go first people artists, people artists to artists. Well, when the first time you hear it, you you realize that's different, and you realize it's personal, and you realize it's it's a message that's condensed. I mean, he found the most clever ways I've ever heard to say something really profound in the simplest way to make us actually get something profound and not run from it or not. He didn't speaking esoteric terms as much as uh as some people do, and when they're trying to say something profound, I mean, uh. We did a thing in I think it was Rolling Stone magazine and we were asked a question of what would do, what advice you would give an artist? I had these two long paragraphs and Prince had two words, be yourself for yourself. I love that. What about you? Is Jimmy jam tearing? Well? When I think about Prince, Um, you know, the first thing that comes to my mind is there's certain people in your life, and there's very few of them that when you achieve a level of success as we've been blessed to do, you could honestly say it wouldn't have happened without them. Prince is one of those people. Because Um, Terry and I were just you know, local guys in Minneapolis making music. Like so many other local guys in Minneapolis. There was a lot of talented folks up there. Prince was the one that broke through, and he broke through in a way that was so big and so influential. It made everybody else come back and go, wait a minute, what else is up in Minneapolis? And the what else was us? And you know in Morris Day and and jelly Ban Johnson and all the folks you know, so Um, Prince, For me, it's just it's the reason that we're even sitting here having this conversation, the reason that we're here with people today, we're here with Steve and all you guys today. I mean, it's as simple as that. If it wasn't for him, there wouldn't really be in us. We're talking about prints and the influence he's had on you guys lives and what do you think about him as an artist and and all of that. His birthday is this coming Thursday. What about you? Terry one of the most amazing artists ever. Um, a friend of brother. The thing that I think he influenced us most with is work ethic. Um. This man worked tirelessly and Um he loved music probably more than life. This man was music. That's that. That was the thing about him that I always remember. He never stopped playing music. We would go to rehearsal, He comes to our rehearsal, rehearsed with us, He go to his band's rehearsal, rehearsed with them, We go get dressed to go out at night. We play all night, and then he come back in the morning at our rehearsal and play as what he recorded after we left the club at two o'clock. At three o'clock morning, Yeah, imagine somebody walking in and this is the back in the days of cassettes for those who remember cassette. He would walk into our rehearsal with a cassette and he goes, here's what I did last night, And all of a sudden comes on and it's like that song scared end and a lot of it did. Wow, such a great memories. Prince was music. I think that kind of sums it up absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, and people you are music. I appreciate that. I love. I mean, it's like like these guys here and and the Great Prince knows the music is not a choice for us. It's it's who we are. It's who I am, and that's there's no motive, there's no more to be said. And you we we're fortunate to to actually be able to use God given talents and and even the influences that that other artists like princes and another artist somehow, whether those experiences are a good battery and different and tough or not tough or easy, it doesn't or too easy, it doesn't matter, because somehow they galvanize you into your craft, you know, into doing what you do best, and they somehow challenge you to be better at what you do. Uh. And it's not a competition because we don't do competition, not not anybody in this room that does music does competition. So there's no competition except for what we did yesterday and the competitions with ourselves and and and how how can we get better at what what we do and what I did yesterday? That's what That's the only thing we really care about. It's it's the eternal pursuit of excellence in a craft. You're still an artist, but I think you should hold classes. Yeah, you need rights in school of music artist one on one. I'll tell you what, working with people on this album was a class because the stories that he told in the education that he gave us, and um, it was it was an amazing process to create the music, but even a better process in getting to know the man what they do. They want to. They extract as much personality as you. You're willing to get much of yourself, if you willing to, if you're willing to, uh to reveal to them. And then they make music, the craft music around who you really are? How unique concept is that? Right? Every time he looks over here, I want to hear your album. I don't know if with Jimmy, I'm so in the hate you you hate me? Thank you, guys, we love you so much. Thank you. The new album is called Stand for Love. It will be out this fall. The new single is love Like Yours and Mine. Go ahead and download that right now. All right? Do that? All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The NBA. Steve will test a challenge flag for bad referee calls. Okay, Game three of the NBA Finals is tonight, but people are still talking about how the referees messed up Game one. It's yeah, people are talking about it for the finals. Yeah yeah, you you agree? Huh oh? Come on man? The charge call that they reversed, So that's crazy. While there might be some changes coming as the NBA is planning to test their own version of a challenge flag ahead of next season. They are still working on the details and their h may or may not be an actual challenge flag that coaches throw unto the court, but the coaches will protest calls they think the ref's really got wrong. So there you go, Yeah, we need that now. So they have a protest flag in the NBA. Well what, yeah, the coaches are gonna No, I'm not saying that, Steve. Uh. What they're doing is working on the details, and there may or may not be an actual flag that coaches you know, how the coaches throw the flags on the court, but the coaches will protest calls that they think refs really got wrong when they throw flags on the field in the NFL, are you okay with that? I don't know. You don't think that will work? You know, all all they're gonna do is fighting everything. You know, they're just gonna fighting everything. I don't know, I don't, I don't know, man, I know you can't. It's not like the NFL. You can't throw a flag out on the field one of the players slip on it. That's crazy. Can't do that. Um, and it's gonna stop to play too much. Seeing the NFL, each place stops after each play. You go back, you held up. You got time for that. The NBA is a continuous game. You score, we go down, we run it back up. You get a rebound, we're going back up. It's not the time element like football, you got time to throw a penalty flag because you don't your your coaches upstairs have watched and have watched the replay that you didn't see downstairs. Then they go, hey, man, that don't look good. Throw the flag. You can't do that in basketball. Everybody upstairs, radio and downstairs to my hey, we just saw this interview. It looks bad. Well, there are I mean, people are upset about the referees. They say they messed up Game one. So they're just saying there might be some changes coming. The NBA is planning to test their own version of a challenge flag. God Boy should free though, that's all that should have happened, So some changes aren't coming, Steve. They're talking about it. It may not be exactly that, but it's going to be something. It looks well, it's too damn late. We need it tonight. We needed tonight come near alright, well, from sports to entertainment news, did you guys hear about this? It is official. Gretchen Carlson, the new chair of the Miss America competition, who was crowned Miss America back in has announced, I don't know if you guys have heard about this. We are no longer a pageant. We are a competition. We will no longer judge our candidates on their outward physical appearance. Alright. That means there will be no more swim suit competition. Ain't nobody watching, Carlson? Did you do that with Miss Universe? Here? We need to keep these swimsuits in here. We were turning the TV on for if you ain't got to dance swimsuit? Okay. They're also going to change the evening gown portion of the competition. So what she says, they're no longer judging women when they come out and they're chosen attire, their eveningwear, whatever they choose to do. Uh, it's gonna be what comes out of their mouth that we're interested in. This ain't a smart contest, it's a beauty count of test. It's a competition. Uh. You know when they talk about their social initiatives and all that, you know, how they're working in the community and their platforms and stuff. The Miss America competition will air live on September nine on a b C. That's not what's winning. I mean, I absolutely enjoyed the evening Gown competition and things like that as well. Actually, adule the swimsuited dishes. So what are we talking about here? It's out forget it. I mean, you know they've been talking about it for years. Suit out, I'm out. You ain't know none of my TV I'm telling every now, Steve, you know a little bit about competitions and beauty contests and things like that. Well, no, I have to be um very very careful with my opinions of all of this and politically. All right, let me just tell you what my stand is on the door so you'll know. So let me let me. Let me let me look it up. Okay, Gretchen Carlson is her name. Let me look it up. But they told me I'm supposed to say, oh, but you're looking the story to make sure I was telling you that I'm finishing exactly. What told me is that what we need to do write a statement for you for this radio state. I'm as soon as I fund I want you to be reading this hill from now on, The Steve Harvey Morning Show will no longer. Okay, man, I'm talking about verbatim. I'm the next the NEP. You ain't watching it. Swimsuit out, I'm out. That's what you said. Now, I mean, you know, wow, people, you know it's been discussed as being sexist for so long. So since they have a woman, uh you know, at the head, she decided to concentrate on brains over beauty. I suppose I want to see the ratings that happened at it. Yeah, have you have you found it, Steve, because we're waiting until you need to keep his at the screenshot so you can put it all. That's what he's doing looking on something. Yep. Again. The Miss American competition will air live on September nine on ABC. Surely don't you think that takes away from it? Oh? Absolutely? I mean as a woman, I do, because I I enjoyed the evening gown competition. I did. So what are they wins? Some pant suits? What they're gonna put on? I don't know what? You ain't gonna to swim suit? You ain't going witty even again, what is your queen? I'm thinking about I'm actually thinking about. Okay, listen, now, you can't do that. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and other news guys. Starbucks executive chairman Howard Schultz announced that he is stepping down later this month and hinted at a possible run for the presidency in He's sixty four years old. He's president of Starbucks, the executive chairman of Starbucks, Howard Schultz. He's a billionaire. Steve. He's been with a company for thirty six years and has become one of the most politically active business leaders in the country. I actually like him. I've met him. Actually, seems like a nice guy. Yeah. Change. Yeah. And he's been saying all along that he wasn't going to run, he had no political aspirations. Yeah yeah, But somehow two thousand sixteen changed all that. Huh. In two thousand and sixteen, he stepped down the CEO, but stayed with the company as its executive chairman. The move at the time led to speculation that he was considering a run for public office. He said in a memo to employees, I'll be thinking about a range of options for myself, from philanthropy to public service. But I'm a long way from knowing what the future holds us again. If we don't start preparing, somebody, thank you. Donald Trump gonna be president again. He got a lot of votes, man. And I think the part that a lot of people are not understanding is when America looks at Donald Trump's face. I hate to tell y'all this, but that's a face that they're comfortable with seeing. That's a face that they're comfortable with seeing. That's familiar. It's so celebrity status. It represents power, it represents everything they want to be. Powerful, rich, determined. Say what's on your mind. That's his base, man, that's his base. And if you don't think it's a lot of them out there, man, I don't care what they see, any impoles say, because all you gotta do is look at the brazen acts to these people who go I will point out to this brother who had a T shirt printed up that symbolizes how we feel about it. The brother's t serch said, don't let your present there get your ass who and that it's from all of us, I think, and dog that brother put that T shirt on and mint it everywhere. We just don't have the shirt, but it's from all that. Wow. It's like when it's someone's birth and people come more embrazened. Man, they just they have the ability to say whatever they want to say now because he's been firing off. That's what's giving these people the authority and the right. But it just shows how ugly this country is. The underbelity of this country is still very ugly, and that underbelly rises up to the head every now. Man, he get the rallies and he'd be out there. Man, they just his basis, rabbit rabbit fans of this. He can't do no, Howard something. I'm sorry. His name is Howard Schultz. You got it alright. Former j C. P CEO j C. Penny CEO Myron Allman Myron E. Allman will take over as chairman. Schiltz was a very active supporter of President Obama and Hillary Clinton. He's clearly thinking about running in the next election. Yeah, yeah, and Steve, perhaps you could be as vice president. Uh, it's still do one thing that's don't have a whole new others at Bank Round and chick what do you know? Bank Round? Do you know who's the president right now? Thank him? Damn about his background check? Yeah, alright, coming up criminal activity? Well, women, all right, coming up, I'm gonna turn up both. Coming up more of the crazy Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. President Trump is furiously trying to prove the sports teams really like him, the pros I'm talking about now, despite the Philadelphia Eagles not coming to a White House by listing off all of the championship teams who have accepted his invitations. Trump called off the Eagles visit after learning only a small number of players were actually planning to attend, so he disinvited them or uninvited them. Uh. The others had opted out for several reasons, including Trump stant on the national anthem protest Um President of the United States has been taking heat over the move from athletes and politicians, including Philly mayor Jim Kennedy, who ripped Trump as um a fragile egomaniac, obsessed with UM crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no one wants to attend. Trump responded, Yeah right. Trump responded to his critics with a flurry of tweets yesterday morning. We have had many championship teams recently at the White House, including the Chicago Cubs, the Astros, uh, Pittsburgh Penguins, New England Patriots, Alabama Clemson National Championship, and many others. So that's his clap back, all right, But he uninvited them when he found out only a few. He's an interesting guy because he he's just really he's a president that's concerned with so many non presidential things and all he's concerned about our small victories that personally embellished him, and nothing else matters. He took this whole issue with this not standing, changed the narrative, flipped it around, made him about him. He turned it into an anti flag and anti military stands, which it wasn't at all. He successfully did that, and that's all that matters to him. He's fighting this collusion thing because he doesn't want it to appear as though that his presidency is not authentic or you know, that on his own that he had helped. So he's fighting that instead of saying, hey, we got to prevent any country from tampering with our election process, which clearly they got involved in. Okay, there is no collusion been proven yet, but there is proof and everybody knows it that Russia did tamper with the election. They got involved in the election process with Facebook and a couple of other things too, So everybody knows that he's so worried that that's trying to say collusion. All he wants to do is they had nothing to do. They did affect the election. They did tamper with our election. Instead of him fighting that, he's defending the fact that he's the legitimate president, you're the president. Is nothing we can do about this now here to half ended this man, You dude, right, but it's not doing nothing. He can't do anything, Tommy, because he's so busy concerning himself with nothing. Mimi, I I I I. He passed that tax bill. But boy, if y'all could look at it, if y'all really understood what that tax bill was, man, y'all be sick. All right, Steve, coming up our last break of the day, closing remarks. Okay, get ready, people, right after this, you're listening to the stew All Right, Steve, you know what earlier in the show, Um, I told you this new survey is out. It's about millionaires and it says, if you want to be rich, be positive. Uh. This is according to a new survey. Like I said, millionaires do their best to stay away from pessimists. Okay, the survey found that nine out of ten rich people make it a point to be around people who are positive and focused on success. So, you know, I gotta ask you, Steve, is that true? Do you live your life like that? And? Uh? You know what can we learn from all of that? Well? I mean you really, you really, if you want to be successful, you're going to have to associate yourself with other successful people. They're not hard to find. They're not that hard to find. There are a lot of success driven people. You gotta be willing to strike up conversations. But in order to do it, for the most part, most people have to be willing to step outside of their comfort zone, walk up to somebody who you think is successful and introduce yourself and just say, hey, look, i've never met you. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm so and so I've noticed you around here. Congratulations. Man. If we could ever get a chance to sit down and talk while I can learn from you, I sure would appreciate that. I don't want anything. I just want to learn maybe some principles of some of the things that most successful people are willing to share that information. Most successful people don't want to give you money, but most successful people will share that information with you to make you feel h I mean, you know, to feel as though they're contributing to your success without being the success. You know what I'm saying. I would much rather give you some advice that can carry you long throughout your life than to give you ten dollars so you can go body t shirts them how to fish. Yeah, it is very true. One of the principles of success. And this can go along. You can ask me a couple of questions like that, Shirley today, because that could be part of our closing remarks. Because people do want to be happy and people do want to be successful. But you've got to be prepared to get uncomfortable. That you have to understand that becoming successful is extremely uncomfortable. It is listen to me, extremely uncomfortable. It is not easy to be disciplined discipline is simply doing everything you have to do even when you don't want to do it. That's disciplined. Well, that right there is uncomfortable getting up every day all the time. Yeah, I got making every meeting, going to all the seminars, making all the classes, taking all the phone calls. You're gonna do. You're gonna do all the phone calls, all the meetings. You're gonna sit there and listen to every pitching proposal. You're gonna do the things. You're gonna read success books. You're actually gonna apply the principles of success and try to live. You mean, you're tell me you're gonna change the way you eat so you can feel better and think more clear to clear, which will help you become more successful. Oh no, I'm not gonna do all that. People don't want to be out of their comfort zone. Because I've heard many more people say, oh, I'm not doing that. I don't feel like doing that today. Stuff. That's the beginning of not being successful. I don't feel I ain't doing that today. I don't feel like everybody has those movies. I get them myself. But for the part nine percent at the time, I go ahead and do what I gotta do. Now. If I move something off, I'm gonna get it done. But we gotta put it in another time slot. But I'm gonna get it done. But I don't leave nothing undone. Well, we know that you have more jobs than anyone. Um, you know what, go ahead, But I did want to ask you this, Steve. I think we touched on it earlier and we didn't get a chance to complete it. But you've made it. Uh, you know, for for a lot of us who know you, and for a lot of people just in general, your fans and every you have made it. You know, you're what success looks like. So are you done? By no stretch of the imagination? Done? I'm not even I'm not even thirded away there? What more do you want? Yeah? Have you ever has anyone ever asked you, well, how much more money do you need? Well? I don't need any more money. No, I a lot more. I don't need no more? Said what more do you want? Well? You know what what is it that I don't I have not provided all the opportunities I feel like that I'm capable of providing. I can't be on any more TV shows, But there are people around me who can I want to be able to provide those opportunities. There are people who have some great business ideas that I would invest in that could turn into something big. I have yet to find the right financial partner that has more than I do that's willing to put some money with my company and go, hey, now let's be partners and let's go do this. I'm always looking for that. I am looking for in a way that my wife and I can send these ten thousand kids to college full scholarships paid. We made a din in it, but we're not close to the ten thousand that we set out to do. I want to change thousands of boys, a lot lives a year. I really let me change that. I want to change a million boys lives a year as opposed to hundreds. What I hear and what you're saying, what I hear is your legacy. This is your legacy you're working on. Your working on that a great deal right now. I want my children's grandchildren to know money, and that's important for me. But I also want to leave a footprint deep enough where I have mattered to people. You know, I just want to matter to people. I not I'm not gonna matter to everybody. I'm not naive, but I want to matter to people. I want to move the needle for people who are less fortunate than me. I want to teach as many people as I can and share the information with as many people as I can that don't really have anybody in their life to tell them the principles of success or anybody in their life to just tell them, man that you could be just how you are and have relationship with God. That's important things to me right now. I think those are lofty goals and reachable goals. And can I tell you one other thing, Shou's on this Wednesday hump Day, Thank you you too. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.