Roscoe Wallace, Patti Pies, Trump Denial, Vaccination and more.

Published Dec 2, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve gives us his show tunes and we go from My Girl to That Damn Girl of Mine. The Chief Love Officer is shocked to see a situation involving a man that is caught up in between two sisters. Patti LaBelle's numbers with them Patti Pies tell no lie. 1500/hour were sold during Thanksgiving according to WalMart. "Come on Patti!" Is Trump in denial or nah? The Lounge Singer of Life is back to sing us some Christmas songs. COVID-19 has affected NFL action and Junior has the specifics inside Sports Talk. Do you and your significant other still argue about old ish? Steve tells us how he feels about the new COVID-19 vaccine. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about 45's first @$$ whoopin'!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them like the milling bus things, and it's not good. Steve listening to mother, stay, don't join jo. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out to turn turn the water the water, yall, come come on your bad huh? I shore will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, come on, y'all dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Is God good to me? Unbelievable? Yeah? He is? And and I can only attribute it to one thing. It's just been a turnaround in my life. It's it's been me finally making a decision to see what all God has from me, but at the same time trying to be more God wants me to be instead of more of what I want to be. That's the trade off. You know, you gotta do something now. You know, you know you want God's blessings, you gotta be willing to do something on his behalf. Now. I'm not saying I got it right right now, because I'm just being real with you, I don't. I don't have it all together by any stretch of imagination of I'm trying to get better in several areas. I'm praying about it, I'm working on it. But you know, it's a process, and I've I've grown to accept the process. But I'm improving in a lot of areas from day to day. But I'll tell you what, man, my success all is going on with me I can only attribute to this turnaround. And the turnaround was simple. I turned around and started looking at God. That was a simple move. Man. I just turned around and started looking at him, and I was going, Okay, I get it. Now, you created me. You're the creator. You have a purpose for me. I understand that. Now. Now let me just walk in that purpose and let me get to doing that purpose. Now, my purpose and your purpose and their purpose and anybody's perfect purpose could be different, and the way you go about the purpose can be different. And that's the part that I've really grown up to. I've opened up my mind to understanding that everybody's different, nobody's quite the same, and that is not my right position to judge, but to be of a forgiving spirit and understand and forgive those as I ask God to forgive me. See that's the key. That's the key, y'all. So when you out here and you stuck on this unforgiveness, understand in the large prayer as a segment that says, forgive us our trust passes, as we forgive those who trust pass against us. There's another version says forgive us our debts as we forgive our debt us. It's two different versions, but either one it means the exact same thing. It means simply this, that you are asking God to forgive yours like you forgive others. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us when I crossed the line with you, God handle me the way I handle people when they cross the line with me. You feel what I'm saying to you, See you understand that. That's the breakdown. Sound of it. Best way I can give it to you. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. Forgive me God for stepping over the line, like I forgive those that step over the line on me. That's the hard part, man, that's the part man. I've really been working on I've been really trying to get that together. And so I've learned forgiveness a lot better over the past five years than I have before. And it's paid off. I can't tell you how it was paid off, because now God's mercy and grace is all over me, because I've learned to become more graceful. Now I ain't graceful like him, I ain't merciful like him, but I've learned to become more more graceful, more merciful, because man, I can't live my life like that. I just got sick of me. Man, you're mad at me, now I'm mad at you. You hate on me, Now I'm gonna hate on you. I ain't got time for that, man, I've got you. Look here, you got somewhere to go. Hate take up time. It's time consuming, and hating trying to seek revenge it's time consuming. It take up way too much of your time to seek revenge when vengeance ain't really yours. That's another one. Vengeance is mine, say if the lord it ain't yours. So now when you go to seek it to take it out, guess what you're doing. You're doing something now, man, Now you off into area that you got no business being in, and instead of steady climbing your leadder like you're supposed to, you didn't take out time for vengeance to hate. I'm a hater. I'm gonna be a blogger. I'm a blog about so and so. When you're blogging about somebody, and most of these people you don't even know when you're blogging about somebody, what you're doing, what you're hating. It takes time to hate. Man. I just decided, Man, I gotta take all my time and instead of have doing time and being active, I got to be pro active. See some people get that confused being active and being proactive. Pro is positive. Pro means to move forward. You know, if you put pro in front of most words, it's a positive influence. You know, does the pros and the cons. The pros is the good side, the cons is what can go wrong the bad side. You know, if you're active, that's one thing, But if you're pro active, you're going forward in a positive direction. When you become a pro that means you the best of the best at whatever it is you chosen to be. I'm a pro so somehow, and I know English teacher grammatical God. The word pro a lot of times when you put it in front of something, means positiveness. So now a lot of people think that if you just active something all to happen. Well, I'm doing something, and that's what happens. Man, We just find ourselves doing a lot of busy work that really ain't bout nothing. It ain't going the way, It ain't got no direction or no purpose because we haven't tried to find out the direction of a purpose. So you wake up and you and your wheels are spinning. You a hamster on a tread meal. You're running real fast, but you're just going in the same spot. You understand that's because you're just out here being active instead of proactive. Why don't you get God in your life. Why don't you turn and face your creative and find out how to become more proactive so you can do things to move yourself forward. How you can get your life off the ground and get off the tread meal and really get it rolling in the direction that it need to be going. Man, I'm telling you, God can make that change for you if he see you making the change for him. See the whole key man, the whole kids, You got to be willing to do something. You got to give God something to bless bless me God, and then you go sit on your couch and you ain't trying. Okay, bless me God with what? What? What? What are you working with? He can't have the people hire you if you ain't put the app in. Come on, man, the blessing comes when you make a proactive step, when you try to do something on the positive side. Look, man, I'm gonna quit messing around with all these people. I'm gonna start going home. I'm gonna leave these women loan out here. You got to say, all right, man, I ain't going over that at night. I just ain't gonna get Then God can work with you. God help me stop seeing all these women. But you steady going over there calling them setting up stuff. We can't nobody help you because once you get over there, you already know. See, you gotta get proactive. You gotta do something yourself. You make one step, he'll make two. That that's the key, man. So come on, y'all you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention please. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. My name Steve now look at him starting this just because I feel like it today. I hope I ain't trying not to feel nobody. I ain't really asking you how you feel about it. I've got sunshine on a cloudy day he boom, boom boom when it's cold outside. I got the month of me. He well, I guess you say, what can make me feel this way? My good Oh, my girl, my girl. I'm talking about my girl, my girl. I've got so much money. That's the birds, and for me, I've got a sweeter song than birds and birds all up in them tree. Well, I guess, daddy, you say, what the hell makes you feel that way? I'm talking about that damn girl in mind. I just talking about my girl, my girl, because I felt like it. Yeah, like I said before I started, don't really care how you feel about that version of it, but that's the one I feel like doing this morning. Shirley Strawbi, Hey, good morning, Steve. I like that version. Come on, I call it for real. You better save David my girl. What's up. I don't need no money, David, oh, fortune, fame, it's his song. I've got all the riches in the world. Baby, That one man can claim come on junior morning up. Well, I guess you say what you're saying. What the hell can make me feel this way? I'm talking about that damn girl. Okay, dad, damn girl of mine, you have been to a lounge and are to be sanking this tone. But he'd have done his version, and he should have just did it the way they wrote it. That damn girl just and living that old fine damn girl of mine. He got all that equipment in the corner. Yeah, by himself. He got a computer and he doing it all by myself, and he in it. But he looking at the computer pressing buttons. But stead o girl looking to the side. All right, thank you, Steve. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, your favorite segment, Ask the Cello right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, seem time now for Ask the CLLO, the Chief Love Office of the Cloth and h you're ready. Yeah. This one is from Evelyn in DC. Evelyn says, I'm about to lose my mind because I found out my living boyfriend lied to me. I haven't said anything to him about it because I need your advice. He dated my younger sister about eight years ago, and my sister was mad at first, but she eventually gave us her blessing. Now whenever she needs something, he still will run to help her behind my back. He was at her house Saturday to help her put up a Christmas tree, and I found out about it. Should I keep fussing at him or let my sister have her man back? What? Yeah? Whoa wait on? Yeah, what's y'all? What yall? What y'all do this? Fall right? Y'all? Ain't think there's gonna be a problem. Uh huh. But see, let me explain something to you, sister. Since it was cool with you that he dated your younger sister and then you started seeing him, since it was cool with you, he just figures cool going over to help put christ true. It's Christmas spirit of giving. You know how she gonna she ain't taking up with that? Stopped there, Wow, going over here and help your sister. They probably have an Eggna sang Christmas song? What heaven? Egg now sang it Christmas song? She mad because her tree ain't up. Though, I don't know what to tell you, y'all crazy? Let us yeah, y'all gonna pass it. He Ain't that good. I can tell you that right now. He can't be crazy. Yeah yeah, yeah, she was mad at first, but then she gave them her blessing. Yeah nah, that's too much. Yeah, get someone else. Sorry, Barry into gave gave gave y'all her blessing, and I guess she's still blessing him. Maybe we just feeling blessed doing this holiday speed sounds like yeah, yeah, drinking eggnog together, but the gnog and though yeah, all right, Barry and Toledo says, I've been with my girlfriend for three years and we had a great Thanksgiving planned, but things went left when a female co worker texted me. My girl saw the text and asked me why my coworker was comfortable enough to send me a happy Thanksgiving text at eight a m. She said, my coworker needs to know her place. My girlfriend has access to my phone and I've never had this problem before, so I know it's because my co worker is fine. Ye fi n e n all caps Steve all. Yeah, now she's really mad because I changed my password. I'm not a cheater and I don't like insecure women. Did I handle this the wrong way? Well, let me just say this too. Come on, come on, come on, chief love of fine ship. Yeah, text you at eight o'clock in the morning. What does that mean? Happy Thanksgiving? Sure, hope you have a nice time. And when she texts that message, the question is what did you think? Because you saying she fine? Yep. If a fine woman were to text me and say happy thanks give it to me, come on, I would immediately wonder, Yeah, well how happy could it be? Yeah? How happy? You trying to make me? What's happening here? Yeah? And so I don't know what to tell you. Um dog, you handled it the wrong way. You change your pass code? Bro, what that's a line of guilt? Yes, now you say you ain't a cheating what you change your pass code? You ain't doing nothing? Oh no, because it wasn't just hug wishing you a happy Thanksgiving. You got to change your pass code because it didn't. It wasn't just that. It was something else somewhere. And in case you text back, you can't have her picking up your phone. Let's just be real. Oh that's dog, stop this, stop this because when your phone rang, anybody can answer. You ain't gotta put your code in the answer the phone, right right, that's right. So you ain't worried about the phone getting answered. You're worried about to look through part. Well, you can't just look at just one text, Steve. No, that's why, Dog, you got to buy a burn the phone. You gotta go down Walmart and give running phone, put fifty dollars on it. You got to go through the history. You got to go through a phone and got no history. All right, so get a burner. What's that phone? Junior used to a phone? Track phone? Dog, track phone? Mean, can't get tracked? All right, we're moving on, Javier, don't get a track phone, get a track less phone. Javier is an iHeartRadio app listener. He says, I'm in my mid twenties and I've been with my girlfriend for almost three years, and I'm ready to propose, but my mother doesn't like her. She doesn't like my girlfriend because of a petty sorority rivalry. My mom treats her sorority like a gang, and she thinks they're superior. My girlfriend knows that my mother is crazy, so she stopped wearing any sorority stuff around my mom. I would love my mom's blessing on the marriage. But before I buy the ring before I buy the ring, but she's tripping. How can I get my mom to grow up? Your mama needs to grow up. You can't hand no you girl, because she ain't no a ka or something. What is you crazy? How old is your mama? She ain't in no game. Well he's been listening in twenties. Yeah, the soritis I know are all classy women. Zato's Delta's, Aka's Sigma Gamma rolls. Ain't nobody fighting because you're trying to marry somebody else? No you and I came none to my sons. Be no damn alpha that in sigma. That all right? Thank you? Coming up, run that brank back right after this, you're listening Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna's standing by with today's national news and an entertainment news. Walmart has revealed how many Patti Labell's Sweet Potato pies sold this past Thanksgiving. Plus NBA's goat that is the greatest of all times. Michael Jordan continues to give We'll talk about all these stories the top of the hour, but right now, guess what Junior is in for The nephew would run that prank back what you got for its junior? Well today, Shirley, it's give the drama song. Oh here, drama song? Okay, run a cat. Hello, I'm telling me reach uh Richie, Hey, Richie, how you doing? You the drummer for the for the band it's saying, it's Sam all right, and you also the guy that does you manage? You're the manager of the band? T right? Correct? Correct? Correct? What's up? Okay? Correct? All right? We want to book you guys for I think it's gonna be in February. All right, all right, February sixteen. That's yeah, yeah, I mean my name is Carter. They told you I's gonna be calling I think so. Yeah. Okay, I'll tell you what. We're gonna go through a little check minus here, make sure we are on the same page, and we got everything's gonna be good that night. But I hear you guys. You got I'll tell you something. You guys come highly recommended. You know that, don't you. I appreciate that, we know that we're the best thing out there. Yeah, it's all good sounds all good sounds perfect. All right. Now, let's talk about money, because that's always the most crucial thing to talk about now, you guys. Sounds good. You guys are supposed to be What about what thirty five hundred for what I understand? Correct? All right? And how many? How many hours do I get you to? Thirty five hundred? So what timey's starting at? We're gonna start that. We're gonna start seven product seven thirty, you know, get that? Okay, get that thing jumping off about seven thirty. I think that's gonna be good. Yeah, we could play till like I guess, put out ten o'clock, seven thirty teen. I'm correct, Yet I'm gonna pay something. They're not gonna get going good till about ten. So I'm gonna say I'm gonna say this to you right now. You think you guys could probably go to midnight maybe twelve thirty if I if I make that thing a nice five thousand dollars, sounds good to me. You could definitely work with that. You can work with that. Yeah, yeah, well we'll commodate. It's gonna be an awesome party. We're gonna we're gonna bring this. Okay, all right, we got that out of the way. I'll tell you what I think The main thing that we haven't gone over is we haven't gone over to songs. And that's what that's what's gonna be an important for this show down. Now you you can I you got a pen and a pad, you can write this down. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I write it down? All right, down, give me a second, go ahead, alright, all right, yeah yeah, I got all right, I'm ready. I just want to be clear you guys, when you go, when you gotta go do gigs, you do have people that want certain songs. I'm I right a wrong yeah usually yeah, if you got a request, definitely let us know we could commodate. Here we go. I want you to write this down. I got I got something that we gotta make sure this is gonna be doing the height of the party. Here we go. Okay, Freez in Low Places by Garth Brooks. Okay, right, Tennessee whiskey. That's Chris faithful to you know that. Okay, I'm not telling fun that's Jason all things. Hold off for a second. Is that country music? That's country music? Well, that that's that's that's that's everything. We gonna do everything. We gonna do that said country bro. I gotta tell you right now, man, R and B. That's our specialty. Did you not know that? You know what I'm saying when we played R and B, you did not know that? Oh? All I know is you guys come hid men. They tell me you guys can say any thing in the world. All I know is I want that gun country. I want you to that gun country music going on around that. But you know, our specialty is R and B. That's our specialty. You know what I'm saying. It's not like we're trained monkeys where we could just learn something new last man like that. You know what I'm saying that, man, Now, let's let's get let's get one Let's get one thing understood. You're the person that's said monkey, I ain't sick, but y'all, y'all, I'm just I'm no. And you know that we're an R and D band. That's our big thing. That's what we promote ourselves as. Let me ask you something, Richie being something that he won't to make the five thousand nar that you and I have already agotiation. I don't like being disrespected, though, you know what I'm saying, No disrespecting, You're just we're an R and D band. We are a country you know what I'm saying. Hang it don't here, Richie. You got something. Here's country music. I have no problem with country music. It's just that we have a full horn section, which doesn't really work. We country music, you know what I'm saying. We play R and B. It's not our genre. Well got used to knowing. But if I don't hear here, uh, let me see your Girl Old by Cole Swintondale didn't didn't that, it ain't gonna work for me. I gotta get that. I gotta get slow burned by Tim Hitts. I gotta get all my rowdy friends are coming over by I ain't William. I mean that, y'all. You know what wait wait, wait wait wait. Kevin over at the bank is tell them any that you guys can say anything in the world. And I know you ain't telling me that. Kevin's line, I mean, he's maybe he should have told you explicitly what we do and what we play. You know what I'm saying, I've never met anybody in my life. I'm playing problem playing Guard Brooks, Chris Stapleton, Jason Alden Brooks and Duns Blake Shelton Cole Swindale. Lady, ain't you don't sit here and tell me you can't play none of these songs. I want you to get on the stage and sing the songs that we won't. We ain't got time to find another group. Everybody, what I don't get about your stupid party? You know what I'm saying. You came to us to play music, and then we told you what we do right now, right now? You know, right now, I feel like I feel like we had a stand off at the Oka. Al all right, all right, let me let me talk to my band, all right, because this is going this is going unnecessary too far. You know what I'm saying. Maybe we can make it work, all right, Let me ask you something. Is Dre the bass player? Yeah? Correct? Okay? Can I tell you something about Dre? What about him? Tree? Got me to play phone? Call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, you just got pranked by your boy in the band Dream. Oh okay, I gotta ask you something. Man, What is the baddest and I mean the badest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show? All right, now, work on, give me some time you forget the drama. Give me something boy, boy, I don't know how you do it. Your greatness, oh many, yeah, you come about the prank. Just thank you recommend Yeah, man, you ain't man with your greatness, your hindness. I don't even know how you ain't in fucking hem palace with all the king, the King of pranks. Yeah, yeah, that's what. Give me some All right, thank you. Coming out at the top of the hour entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to show in today's entertainment news, tell me something good. Here's some good news. Michael Jordan continues to give back and has just donated two million dollars of earnings from his docuseries The Last Dance We All Saw It to local food banks in the Carolinas and in Chicago. Jordan released a statement saying, in these challenging times and in a year of unimaginable difficulty due to COVID nineteen, it's more important than ever to pause and give thanks. By the way, Jordanah, that's Michael isn't done giving. He also recently pledged to donate one hundred million dollars over the next ten years to organizations dedicated to fighting for racial equality. I love that criticized for not giving back and you know, yeah, I mean a hundred million dollars, that's a lot of giving back, you know. And I think a lot of people unfairly said those things about him because they didn't understand. You have to understand what his calling was, and he's done a lot of giving that he never made public over the years. I know for a fact, man, this dude has done so much for so many people. Now, he ought to open up a Nike warehouse in Compton and all like that. I got y'all saying that, but see you he don't own Nike. I think too though, at the time, compared to like how the athletes are today with the social movement, I think that's what people wanted to see more from Michael. Didn't say he didn't do it, They just didn't know, like you see Lebron right, Yes, I think, but well it's a different time too, social media and some people, yeah, yeah, some people like to get. They don't like to let their left hand know what their right hand is doing. They give, they give silently, and they you know, take the criticism as well as the congrats, you know, Look, this isn't against Lebron because he's ship greatness with what he does and it's not just giving to its act heartily. Yeah, but people don't understand Michael Jordan's calling. If it was no Michael Jordan, there is no Kobe, there is no Lebron, there is no Greek, there is no Jimmy Butler, there's no Westbrook, ain't no Harden were now, yeah, none of them. Because he took basketball and put it on his shoulders and made it a global sport. You don't know what this dude was going through, man, exactly. I'm saying that's what I think what people mean when they say that. But like you said, you don't know what he was doing. Yeah, don't know a lot of people. A lot of people give in silence. They don't need the public accolades, they don't need all of that. But anyway, we're moving on and other good news. Walmart revealed that Patti LaBelle sold fifteen hundred sweet potato pies per hour this past Thanksgiving. Lord, Patty, Patty, come on, Patty, come on, Patty hundred I'm going down hour. Yes, fifteen hundred sweet potato pies per hour, per hour, that's a lot. That is a lot o Patty. Yes, we all, we all remember when James Chanelle made that viral video about Patty Pies. Patty sells about thirty six thousand pies per day, So there you have it seen. Yeah. And finally, yesterday Bill Cosby's lawyers were in Pennsylvania Supreme Court asking the judge to throw out his sexual assault conviction. Uh. Lawyers for Cosby, who was more than two years into his three to ten year prison sentence, I believe there was certain evidence and testimony that the judge should not have allowed. All right, there you go, All right, Steve, let's move on. Time for headlines, ladies and gentlemen, miss and trip. Thank you very much everybody. It's this is a trip with the news and let's do this. Hey, guess what. Fiser's COVID vaccine has been okayed for distribution, but not here in Great Britain. That's right, Fiser's COVID vaccine okay in Great Britain. Fiser's vaccine is expected to start being distributed in the US on December fifteenth, and Maderna that they have their own coronavirus vaccine also that's expected to be out a week after the fiser, so we got to wait till December fifteenth, and then, of course we have a pecking list as to who needs it first and who will get it first, Okay, yours. Attorney General William Barr tells the Associated Press that the Justice Department has found absolutely no evidence of any voter fraud that would change the outcome of the election. Bar's comments contradict to President Trump's repeatedly unfounded claims that the election was rigged by the way. Bob added, though later on that oh, we're still investigating. We're still investigating. President elect Joe Biden urging the Congress to pass the new COVID stimulus package and quickly to provide immediate economic relief for struggling families. The reason why all the states and localities have to have a balanced budget, but we're allowed federally to run a deficit in order to deal with crises and emergencies that we have in the past, and we have to keep vital public services running. We have to give aid to local and state governments to make sure they can have law enforcement officers, fire freighters, educators. Millions of Americans have been thrown out at work, of course, because of the coronavirus, and many will lose their unemployment assistance the day after Christmas unless another financial assistance bill has passed. That's why the urgency. That's why the urgency. Yesterday, a bipartisan group of lawmakers proposed a nine hundred and eight billion dollars with a B package. It's an aid package that they say would provide for additional unemployment insurance. Of course, getting it through the Republican dominated Senate, and then you have to see whether President Trump will sign. It goes to a few things, but that's what they're hoping for on Capitol Hill. To nine hundred and eight billion dollars aid package providing some additional unemployment. Again, folks are going to lose employment, a whole lot of them the day after Christmas unless something is done. Representatives from seven civil rights organizations pressing for meeting with the President elect, hoping to get more cabinet picks of color for his administration. According to the results of a national survey, get this of how Americans are protecting themselves in the time of COVID. Women are reportedly more likely to practice social distancing than men. Asian Americans and black Americans are more likely to do it than white people. So are older and more educated people than younger and less educated folks. There's a political divide as well, as you would expect. Democrats consistently score higher than Republicans on the one hundred point scale that research is used to measure people's overall positive behavior. And today National Women's Wednesday. You got it? Now back to Steve Harvey Mourning show you're listening to show and trending. Political news accounting is over and Donald Trump has lost again in what in Wisconsin and Arizona? These two states were the last of six contested by Trump to finalize their vote counts on Monday and what could be the final blow and Trump's attempt to overturn Joe Biden's election win. Trump and his supporters have said they'll continue their legal challenges, but so far they've struck out in nearly every single attempt in courts around the country. Okay, question, here's a question for you, Steve, for you junior, for real? Have you guys ever been in denial about anything? Absolutely? Because Donnie is in denial? Uh the lame duck? Oh wait what go ahead? I rack my Mama Trump for Trel Blazer. I've denied that for thirty years. The fact that the first time is coming out on a radio show. I can't go home for Christmas. Now that's the end of that. You were really convincing, j What what about you see if you're quiet for something? Yeah? I told a girl one time, I ain't know your sister. Huh uh okay, full story. Please did you know? Yes, he knew it. Yeah, it looked just to like it's what was the people were No, they wasn't twenty. They just looked just they was two years apart. She was nineteen, her sister was twenty one. Lord them two years was something else though. She was where this nineteen year old was headed. And I was already waiting, Steve, just waiting, boy boy, two different college campuses. I didn't know it was your sister looked just like her. Well, how did I know it? It was a picture of her own a dresser in a room. H I saw it. I just I saw the pitching. Just quit looking over there. I gotta ask no questions. I ain't I ain't looking at this picture on that man, ain't just like so they were never together with you, like when you went over to the house to pick up No, I don't know. Once I found out, once I saw that pitch on that dress at that school, I ain't never go back by that. I kept them separated. And then for years, you know, she said, did you know that was my sister? What cool? Your sister? Damn sister? He got the girl? Shutou playing You ain't got no sister. That's my favorite scene. That's brother Tony. Now me and Tony Cool. I know good get where you ain't got no sister. Girl? All right? Coming up at thirty four minutes after, Roscoe Wallace is gonna be here to sing some of our favorite Christmas right after this you're listening to show, right, So, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome an old friend of the Steve Harvey Morning Show here visits. That's around this time. He come on here. Here's you do? Yes, Roscoe, we please welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Hold on the only the lounge singer of Roscoe put give them for me. Holiday Mary crimmin Yes, Marry Christmas, y c you very We're going on? Hey, Hello, Julian, Roscoea hit macer what's going on? Break? Wrote them all? Baby, ain't hit out there. We're saying it ain't you? Well, yeah, what's up Roscoe? Happy hollow? You don't have your holiday? All we did? Good? Have y'all come around move? What happened was I said, hoever come around the move? Oh? Oh oh you don't. We don't heard. You're always welcome. You're appreciate that we're here now to help a show. They don't need a way to what y'all need from it? Hey what Tommy? Well, oh he's off today, he's off today, Well he chip come on. We just wanted to have you here because you know, it's Christmas time, it's a holiday season, and we know that you. We wanted to hear some Christmas Carol, some of our favorite from you, what like, come on bro this Christmas. Hey listen, Toho, I'm gonna get to know you better. Uh yeah, come on Christma. And then we look around home. Your eyes shine the time. We cheeve de Crimine, your side blazing brake, don't look away on the rock. We're doing nothing but Carolin sing it through the nine, Ain't it? I said? Ain't it the one time? Ain't crima show enough? Gonna be very special? Crypt right there Donny boy, because he was gonna sing with Christmas song. But I said, Donny, what about that, dear Chrystmas? He said, I'll be down his well, what about one of our favorites of all times? The temptations that uh silence to night in my mind? Yes, whoola you in my mind? Oh my mind? Not chill. Yeah, I would do what I was saying. Shine nice, Come on now listen to me Ole. Oh, holy col every beautiful. He's so bright right that her mom, her mama and child, Holy fist Janda, let's see it in ma. She yes, yes he did already. Okay, Roscoe, we're about to run out of time before we go, can you please sing jingle bells for its jangle jangle all the way? Oh what phone in a lot, horse over sank jangle jangle? Then bells come on, Rutolf is jangling bells? Sing us out, Roscoe. Prank phone call coming up. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I took my husband to my boyfriend's house. What what? What? Okay, precious, okay, all right, but right now the nephew's out. But guess who's in junior? In for the nephew? Yeah, with today's prying phone call, what you got for its junior? Well today, shirty the prench is Christmas decorations. Christmas decorations, because that's what it's about. Running. Look, I'm trying to read cecil. Yeah, this cecil. What's going on? Hey? This manny Man? I live like about four five streets over from you, this Manning. How you doing, brother, I'm doing do it man? How you doing? I'm good? Hey, uh, I see you. You You got your Christmas lights up right? Yeah? Yeah, I got him up. I got my whole of them, everything set up. Man, it's just looking really okay. Let me let me ask you something, man. The theme you got in your yard? Where you get that idea from? What do you mean where I get them from? The idea? Like you got a snow man, you got Santa Claus, some reindeals, you got your whole house decorated, you got Jesus with the Manger and the wise men around you know, where did you get your idea from? I'm I'm lost what you're talking about? Man? You ask me where I got a pen from. I mean, you try to imply from them. I'm I'm asking you a question, where did you get the idea from? I made this up. I made up Jesus, Jesus and the man you know that represents Crystal Man. You go with a team that's Christmas base, man, and that's that's Chrystmas base Jesus. There Chrystmas Jesus and the just in Jerusalem and Beth Lamb And hey, what's what's going on? Man? Who are you? Where you get my number from? Any I'm I'm manning, man, I'm manning. I got I got your number from one of the people that live on your street. And I'm just asking you on the real where you get this idea from? I made this idea. If I made this up, man, I made this up. Get the second time you asked me where I get the idea from? What are you trying to import? Here go the real deal, dog, the same thing you got if you come four streets over. I got the same thing in my yard. And it looked like you to stole my idea. And see what you ain't gonna do is try to win Christmas yards of the season and you don't stole my idea. That's the problem I got with you. Now, the problem you got is like to twist it. Okay, to see I put this together without here. I never even heard of you, manny begin with. Secondly, I've been doing this particular theme in my yard since I've been standing over. I've been stand over six years. You ain't had that. You ain't had that theme last year. You ain't had that lad this team last year and the year before. And I put my stuff in the same place every damn time I put it down. You did not had this last talk about who are you to call me and tell me about my theme and about my yard and what you got going. I know you ain't copying there. Man, I'm gonna tell you right now, and I ain't gonna go no further. You need to rearrange your theme and get a different thing, because you got the same theme I got. No, you need to rearrange your okay, because I ain't rearranging jack over here. Hey, man, let me tell you that. Get that I got the man, And I'm being really as real as I can be with you. If I got to come over there and unplugged, if you got to come. If I got to come over to your house, um plugs some stuff, no no, no fee. If that thing my foot will be getting a plug from your First of all, you ain't gonna come on my street, in my house and just tect me at all about anything that I got set up in my y'all, tell I'll tell you what. Then, I'm just gonna do this ship. I'm gonna just come over there and take Jesus and take them and take them wise men. I chell y'all, that's what I'm gonna do. Come over this way calling about messing with Jesus in the major it's gonna be some real power because football, that's like thick with it, that's that's the center other things. Now, if you want to come over here, you want to kind of do something like that, you're gonna need Jesus to help you because it's gonna be some rolling around going on. It's like, Yo, what's the bottom line is just right here? You got the nerve to do the same thing. My god, I'm full street sober. I'm driving through looking at everybody, man, looking at everybody. You the only one I've seen the same way, the same place. The adopt long year. Ain't nobody ever call on me? Your stuff look like? Man? It from four five six? Who the head is? Man? In any wait? Man, it ain't got no right coming on my street because you don't stay on this. You're going around living at people, trying to get your ideas. Man, you got a rich No. No, I'm very original. I moved to this neighborhood and folk you did. I've been here. I've been here ten years. You've been here about six. I lone. You've been living over here. I've been living over here six years. This fuf the vision was just coming up when I came over here. How are you gonna tell me? You've been running your team long and I've been running mine? Who you crazy? Hey? Man? And it ain't. I ain't got time to go back? Man, You know what, I got better things, So I still got some more lights put up? Hey, I gotta want to class and go back and forth. What I'm gonna tell you just right here, I'm gonna come take Jesus off your yard. I'm gonna take Jesus and the one to take Jesus out my yards. I see now you're sounding like when I'm crazy. People became about thinking Jesus out of my life. That's where he's got life and man stuff. Come on over. I got somebody, man, and that's what you look here. Don't turn your lights on the lights gonna being on the nights tomorrow night and every other night. Tell about taking my Jesus into manus. I'm original as a writin that can be. Come over if you want to. I got something you man, you'd have stole my ideal and we're talking about this, stelling the idea. Come on here, let's see hey dog dog, let me tell you something right now. Jesus and then wise men is coming I show y'ard today. No, you know what, man, I'm through with you. Man, I'm through with you. You know what. Come over here if you want to touch my baby Jesus, touch my mainjer touch Meving Joseph and the wise Man, and I'm gonna put the North Star over your literally, hey man, they don't know where you get my number from a night? Who are you anyway? Who is it? Who are you? Man? I tell you what you tell about? Coming over here? Missing with anything about is on Coble Okay, set to go off every evening at Duns. The story getting dark my going on? Let money come on the nights? Cook for you anyway? Why why are you why you can't come up with your own team? Man? Why you can't my own thing? Look at it? I'll tell you what. Man? Who are you anyway? We're just squatted right you say four five three? Over? What kind of color you got your guy? Where I come? Fire you little? Come deal with you right now where you at? Right now? Where you you know what? Don't worry about where I'm at. I'm ready on your life about moment literally now I'm gonna come fine. No, your life ain't coming on tonight. What never not come on the night. There's gonna be some problems in your life. It's gonna be on the breeze and you I don't let you know this? Man, hey, man, man fruit you who for you anyway? Man? You don't called me out of the blue telling me that you're gonna come disconnect my life and still my major and take my baby jeans out? The man? Who are you sit up here accusing me of feeling your things when it's been my theme or all these years six years I've been doing. This is not a war best yard three years or three years running in this season. Now, I think you're trying to get mine. But but see the problem is you don't want the best yards because you're still in my idea. How can I be sitting your man? Man? You know what you and your and I'm ready to deal with your right hey, dog dog, I'm nothing to go back and forth with you. You stole my Jesus theme. Dog On, wait a minute, how can I warn that's yard three years running and you saying I got to think and you you should have been getting you must not be doing you right. Let let me let me, let me let me go on on, say this to you right now? Dog? What Larry on your streets told me to call you. Lads, Larry told you to come. Larry gave you my number. Larry and Tommy told me to call you. Larry and Thommy told you to call me. Do you know who Tommy is that? That? Ain't there, ain't never missing? Ain't Tommy to me? Who I'm Tommy? I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your boy, Larry Man. Nephew Tommy. You want they show? Larry? Larry told me to call you. He said, you win every single year the Christmas Yard still but it's kind of funny. Not Oh yeah, Let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the lane? Oh man, hands don't know. Doubt the show with Nephew Man, Christmas Decorations, My baby, jes Jesus by Jesus gonna be a problem. You touch Mary, you touch Jesus, You're gonna need Jesus when you man Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the north Stock. I'm gonna hang the north Stock on your ass too much. Come on around here if you think, come on, I got something for yours. Come on, Christmas decorations fight for real? Man, No, I know the hell is manny? Hey man? What kind of car you drive? I'll come around and find y'all. Come your y'all right now, all right, thank you, Junior in for the Nephew Coming up next, Strawberry letter. I took my husband to my boyfriend's house. Woo. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The countdown is on for the Georgia Senate runoff races. Request your absentee ballot right now. December seventh is voter registration deadline, So if you have not registered to vote, please register before December seventh. Okay, December fourteenth through the thirty first, it's early voting, and then January fifth, twenty twenty one is election day. We are voting for Reverend Rafael Warnock and John Ausof. Come on, Georgia, we gotta do this. Let's go part two. We gotta do it, all right, keep going, Yeah, we gotta yeah, we gotta finish the job. Yeah, we're halfway there. We gotta finish the job. That's right, Junior Carlo. All right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please admit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and clicks up Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the Strawberry Letter with my good friend Shirley Straws theory. Oh he sounds too official, Junior, Thank you to follow that to proceed this crazy letter subject. I took my husband to my boyfriend's house. Dear Stephen Shirley, I got caught cheating recently after I took my husband to my boyfriend's house. Okay, well, I like how she got right to it. My husband has accused me of cheating for years, and it's all because of Instagram. I get a lot of attention from random men and he gets jealous, so I try to delete a lot of my comments before he sees them. Recently, I ran into an old acquaintance that had just moved back home, and he asked if we could keep in touch. I told him it's best to chat with me through DMS because my husband is crazy. He slid into my DMS day with sweet messages and then he started begging to see me, so I went to his house for a glass of wine whenever I could. Then we started having sex and he's a very good lover. Everything was going smoothly until I left my phone on the couch by my husband by mistake. One day, my boyfriend sent me a DM and as I walked back into the room, my husband was reading it. It said call me when you want to drop the stuff off. My husband asked what stuff. I lied and said the message was about donating old winter coats to the less fortunate. My husband's crazy, but paused for as Paul's for a minute, go ahead, right, thank you, Steve. Then he went and got two of his old coats and told me to call the dude, get his address and tell him we're on our way. I couldn't believe it. I called my boyfriend and asked for his address, and he was so confused. My husband drove and when we got there, my boyfriend came outside. I got so nervous. I started crying, and my husband knew what was up and said, I knew you didn't bring me over your boyfriend's house. I could not stop crying. We left and my boyfriend my husband made me get off all social media. I lied and said that nothing sexual happened. How can I regain his trust after this? What? Man? Yeah? All right? I think really? Just you know, face value? This is another one of those what do you want Steve and I to do? What do you want us to do? Now? Yeah, you drove your husband over your boyfriend's house. Come on, you cheated, although your husband doesn't know the whole truth. You got busted, and now you want help with building your trust back. That's a tall order right there. You should have called us before, Okay, before you went to your boyfriend's house for that glass of wine. Okay, that's when you should have written a strawberry letter. So but listen. To rebuild the trust, you gotta put forth just as much effort or more as you did when you were cheating. Okay, you gotta let your your husband know that you're seriously off social media, since that's all he asked you to do. You got to delete everything. And I think you better be glad that your husband didn't leave you all together, because most husbands do. We talk about this all the time. Men don't take too kindly to their wives cheating. They're very territorial. It's still a double standard. Wives usually take husbands back, but husbands rarely do. Okay, and you knew it probably wouldn't go well. That's why you lied to him and told him you guys didn't have sex. So take that info to the grave and hope he never finds out. I say, stop seeing this guy. Get yourself together. You got away with it, and you need to just go on with your life, sis with your husband, count your blessings. Okay, it could have been a lie worse, Steve, Everything in this letter is stupid to me. Yes, every single thing it ain't an, It ain't an make sense, Lyne. In this letter, no where. I got caught cheating recently after I took my husband to my boyfriend's house. What yeah, you did? What? See nothing that you can type after this statement right here? It's gonna make no sense to me. I took my husband to my boyfriend's house. Okay, now I live to show you why it don't make no damn sense. My husband has accused me of cheating for years, and it's all because of Instagram. So you took your husband to your boyfriend's house. See how that said. I get a lot of tension on random men, and he gets jealous. So you took your husband to your boyfriend's house. Right, he's jealous. I delete a lot of comments before he sees it. Recently, I ran into an old acquaintance he moved back home and asked if we could keep in touch. I told him it's best to chat with me through d MS because my husband's crazy. But you two kish crazy ass over your boyfriend's house. Hold it right there, Steve, We'll have let him have two of your response coming up in twenty three minutes after today's strawberry subject I took my husband to my boyfriend's house. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, the subject I took my husband to my boyfriend's house. Did you hear that? Discern No, it's just crazy. I know I got called cheating recently after I took my husband to my boyfriend's house. What I got called cheating? I thought I took my husband to my boyfriend's house. Nothing in this letter makes sense. And I'm gonna make a statement I've never made on the radio before ever radio. I'm gonna make a statement in a minute. My husband has accused me of cheating for years. So you took your husband by your boyfriend's house. I'm just trying to understand this. I get a lot of tension from random men, and he gets jealous, so I try to delete our comments before he see them. So you went on and took him by your boyfriend's house. Recently? I read it to an old acquaintance that just moved back home. And asked me if he could keep from touch I told him it's best to chat with me through DM's because my husband is crazy. So you took his crazy ass by your forefriend's house. I'm just trying to read this letter as you wrote it. I do nothing in this letter, make no damn. Since he slid into my DM's daily with sweet messages and we got to see me and I was so I went to his house for a glass of wine whenever I could, y'all drink a lot of wine. Then we started having sex, and he's a good lover. Everything was going smoothly until I left my phone on the couch by my husband by mistake one day. How you do that? You just said your husband was crazy. You're gonna leave your phone around? Oh crazy person. Here's the statement that I'm gonna make that I've never made, and I don't want nobody to get offended. I'm just gonna make this statement. This is not about all. So I just want to say that before I said wait, it was gonna email me or text me. And you've never made this statement before I made years in years, said everything in twenty years. Listen to this statement, right, Okay, this is a dumbass woman right here. You've never made that statement ever ever, you know, I usually give women a pass, but this one like him, This a dumbass woman right here. Oh God, And I'm just gonna say that. I don't know all the way to put it. This ain't about all women. This ain't about nobody listening. This ain't about nobody in no similar circumstances. This about this dumbass woman that then took her husband to her boyfriend's house. Now, if that ain't dumb, you tell me what it is, because the show ain't bright. I think people will agree with you on this one, Steve, all right, it's shocking, but I think now her boyfriend sent her a DM. And as you walk back into the room, my husband was reading, Well, what do you supposed ain't he crazy? Canny read crazy, then crazy people can read. Now call me when you want to dropped the stuff off. My husband asked what stuff? I lied and said, the message was about donating that. This is where you got kind of smart, right, yeah, it was about donating the old winter coach to the less fortunate. Okay, that was good. My husband's crazy. Ain't he back to being crazy? Now? He paused for a minute. Then he went and got two of his old coach and said, come on, we're going over the coach right here, because I got two old coach right here, let's go tell him we on our way. Guess what she did. I couldn't believe it. Yeah. I called my boyfriend and asked for his address, and he was so confused. Some women, what my hub has been drove And when we got there, my boyfriend came outside. Why y'all went to the right house? Huh? You you actually let that car go to the right house. Do you know if I was if my wife, if I was taking my wife over my girlfriend's house. Do you know we're not gonna make it to this house? Yeah? Do you do you understand how many wrong turns I'm fitting the make because I'm gonna run the car up into the damn telephone pole as hard as I can. But we're not going to this house. We're in an accident. I swear to God, We're in a car accid. Didn't on the way. There's no way this house is making it to this house. You drove to the house, your boyfriend came outside. I got so nervous, I just started crying, and my husband knew what was up, and he said, when this crazy that? I know you ain't bringing me over your boyfriend's house. Now I'm trying to figure out. I could not stop crying. Yes, she wouldn't because everybody would have been dead at that point. Everybody in this letter, you hear him, everybody. I couldn't stop crying. One thing we learned, crying works. Yes, we left. My husband made me get off social media. I lied and said nothing sexual happened. How can I regain this? Husband? Trust? Ain't no trust? Ain't no trust? You from regain't no trust? Its old? It's over. He's stupid. Did he get a dude to coach? What happened? He left that? Yeah, he came outside you crying and stuff. I didn't whip his hands. We gotta sports talk with junior coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, right at this you're listening, all right, guys, you know what time it is. It is time for junior and sports talk. What you got for its junior? Well, shortla, I'll tell exactly what we got. We got COVID running wild through the NFL. Right now, we don't even know if they got games this weekend or not. We don't know what team got it. Who don't have I don't even know if it's six games or sixteen. We don't know how many people playing this Sunday. So Santa Clara County, California is releasing new COVID nineteen restrictions that ban all contact sports and mandate of fourteen day quarantine for anyone traveling into the area from one hundred fifty miles away. So that means that the San Francisco forty nine ers can't play at their home stadium and will now play a few games at the State Farm Stadium in Arizona, which is home to the Arizona Cardinals. So they don't even have a home game. They're just gonna be playing there for a few weeks. You know, you see what happened in Denver. Anybody, No, ain't nobody gonna be there, you know, dever up, all full starting quarterbacks had to be quarantine this past Sunday because then they had to use a quarterback who had never played quarterback. He was a wide receiver off the practice squad, and he completed one path the entire game. But you know, this is the problems that this is creating for teams now, so it's really at Yeah, because of COVID nineteen. Also, yeah, it's it's it's crazy, man. This is trades. Part two is that this game between Baltimore and Pittsburgh was supposed to be played on Thanksgiving night, then it got moved to Sunday night. COVID was so bad that they had to move it to Tuesday night. We didn't play it last night, so now they finally gonna play tonight. Do you feel like watching the game now that afternoon though? And do you have any Texans news because you know you're talking about news. Yeah, you talk about ain't boy ain't playing Tan Francisco, ain't playing the Texans player we played? Yeah, you know, but no, it's not that. Surely he know about the player that we have on our squad. Um Real Fuller tested positive for PDS and so he was received. No, it's been better, but he out for six games. Now, that's why he brought it up because out he STD, he just trying to get off the team. It do that out there, you know, that's all it is. Forming enhancement. Hell, yeah, you gotta take something playing with the Texans. See so now he has six games and so we're probably not gonna win. That's how all the news you got about the Texans. Yeah, I don't want to say nothing else about the Texas because we don't win enough to talk about Texas, because Brown's I always want five straight. We know three coming up. We'll have more on morning show at the top of the hour right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, here's a question for you. What old arguments do you or your significant others still bring up to this day? Julia? No man, now, well, no, wait a minute. This was the topic on reddit dot com. A man said he complimented a waitress on her short, bald haircut in front of his wife, and over a year later, his wife still makes him feel badly about it. According to the story, his wife offers to go to the bathroom and shave her head if that will make you happy. I love it, Yes, I love it. Right. Well, maybe I need to go to the bathroom and shave my head if that'll make you hap happy. Maybe that'll make you happy if I got a shaved head. Uh huh, I know just how she said, you know it? Sure, yes, but a little hair cut? Uh Huh what a compliment. It's a compliment. Oh you don't like my long hair. Maybe I need to shave my head. Maybe that'll make you happy. Yes, And so you're complimenting. You're handing out compliments and stuff, all right, So Steven, I don't know why this makes me think of you. Uh. Do you have any arguments in your relationship that never go away? And you know something that comes up from time to time? Oh? Well, the only thing we really argue about over thing some damn kids. You know, it's too damn kids. Most my arguments is be about some one of them kids. We have a difference of opinion and the way we ought to handle it. That's one you know comes up all the time, you know. And I'm too hard. I don't know how to love the kids in spite of their problems and stuff. I know kids have problems everything, but you know, I don't want him what you their parents supposed to listen. I'm tired of parents. Do you jam it? You think you know everything? Go ahead, that's this little section of your life up with your little stupid ass. Come in here. I don't know, man, I'm so sick, man in hell, Go ahead, try oh, she got so mad at me. The other day. I took one of the kids, ask me, I said, try, said, Si, you know that ain't gonna work. Well, okay, if you tell them don't do it, they're gonna do it anyway. Okay, try, so you just try. Let's see, let's go ahead do it knowing that that's not knowing what's gonna happen. Because when I told you not to do something, you do it anyway. Then you come back in here. I should have listened to you. You don't. She's going out here and do it fall on your face? But did when you listen to Yeah? I did most of the time, oh most, most of the most of the time. Well, I just kept most of my stuff from them. I didn't go in there with a pin. I didn't ask him nothing. I just went on and blew it. Huh. I can't relieved And shut your punk ass up. What did you do now? You didn't want to hear all the parents? Yeah? Yeah, all right, so junior, I know you have one. Oh god, okay, girl came to the show in my time, right, uh huh. And after the show, you know, they go to the bathroom and she hears some women in there talking about me, about how funny I was and how cute I was. She heard it, so anytime anybody compliment me. And she said, well, let me go in the bathroom. See what the discussion is this time about somebody. Somebody say I like your shirt. She says, let me get up and go to the bathroom. It must be a conversation. She didn't go on the one in the head like this damn shirt, so he got wavy. I don't like to talk about that every day of time we go out there. I don't care if we go to pulling the drive through. Oh I like your sun glass. In the bathroom and McDonald it must be a conversation about don't matter where we go. We was at our cousin funeral. This a man I like that suit was suscussion in the bathroom at the church. Let'm running the bathroom. What I'm saying about the suit about my man? Yea, she's so fly? Yeah, was even doing nothing. I didn't ask Steve Ladies to say nothing. But then I brought it. I flipped it, you know. I said, well you should have said something first, and we hadn't hit this no more. Why did you say that because I'm stupid. What did you say? What happened? She turned around on you? That was no more talking for the day. I knew that, and yeah, oh yeah, the silent treatment is all right, guys, thank you. Coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending stories and twenty minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening Morning Show. All right, So Steve, here's a question for you. Um, the news about the vaccines are out now, they're coming, they're working hard. Uh, they'll be out soon. They're talking about now who will be getting the vaccines first and all of that. So I gotta ask you. I mean, we've had a discussion off the air, but are you gonna take the vaccination? Are you gonna take it? As soon as I get it? Don't give it? Damn? Who get one? I'm taking it because I don't give it? Damn how to? I don't care. I don't care how we take it. You can give me mine on a suppositivey if you want. You know what, it's just the shot, sit right on that thing, ye right? That all COVID. Because a lot of people are saying they don't want especially don't give it them. Don't take stupid people, don't take it. You get on my last damn nerve. You always don't want to do something. We don't even do that. Ain't no telling what's in there. You know. They say they say they use honey beech juicing in thain and they're concerned about side effects and things like that. And man, do you know what are the side effects of COVID? Yeah? What affects people all? It can be deadly. Man. I can't take that. Hi, I'm taking it. I'm taking the vaccine. I don't give a damn if you you can eat I take it as pudding. You can give it to me as Yeah, you can pack it in my nose like my mom used to do when I was a little boy, like his big vapor roll. Put it off in my nose. I don't give it, damn. I didn't have that swab up in my nose. Put this vaccine in the nose. Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending political news accounting is over and Donald Trump has lost again in what in Wisconsin? And Arizona. These two states were the last of six contested by Trump to finalize their vote counts on Monday, and what could be the final blow and Trump's attempt to overturn Joe Biden's election win. Trump and his supporters have said they'll continue their legal challenges, but so far they've struck out in nearly every single attempt in courts around the country. Okay, question, here's a question for you, Steve, for you junior, for real? Have you guys ever been in denial about anything? Absolutely? Because Donnie is in denial? Huh the lame duck? Oh wait, what go ahead? I rack my mama Trump for treill blaze. I denied that for thirty year. The fact that the first time is coming out on a radio show. I can't go home for Christmas. Now that's the end of that. You were really convincing? What what about you see? If you're quiet for something? Yeah, I told a girl one time, I ain't know it was your sister. Huh uh, okay, full story. Please? Did you know? Yes, he knew it. Yeah. They looked just to like it's what was the people? No, they wasn't twenty They just looked just they was two years apart. She was nineteen, her sister was twenty one. Lauded them two years with something else though she was where this nineteen year old was headed. And I was already waiting Steve, just waiting, boy boy, two different college campuses. I didn't know it was your sister looked just like her. Well, how did I know what hand? It was a picture of her own a dresser in a room. Uh, I saw it. I just I saw the pitching. Just quit looking over there, got to ask no questions. I ain't I ain't looking at just pitch on that man. Ain't just like so they were never together with you, like when you went over to the house to pick the No. I't know. Once I found out, Once I saw that pitch on that dress at that school, I ain't never go back by that. I kept them separated. And then for years, you know, she said, don't you know that was my sister? What your sister? Damn system got the girl shut up playing. You ain't got no sistem. That's my favorite scene. That's Tony now, me and Tony cool, I know, good get where you ain't got no sister together? All right? Coming up, it's our last break of the day's last break of the day, it really is. And then we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening Harvey morning. All right, guys, we've been mentioning it and we will continue to mention it until the job is done. Please, the countdown is on for the Georgia Senate runoff races. Please request your absentee ballot right now. December seventh is the voter registration deadline. December fourteenth through the thirty first is early voting. In January fifth of next year is election day. We're talking to Georgia resident Georgia. Residents Georgia, we have to vote for Reverend Raphael Warnock and John Assoff. Okay, come on, Georgia, let's go. If you're concerned about all these things like everyone, the economy, COVID, racial inequality, healthcare, these are all the things that President elect Joe Biden said he was going to tackle, but he needs the support of the Senate and all of that to help him do it. So please, we have to get out and vote. We have to get out and vote. We do, Steve, It's really really important, you know. It really, really is. We've got to send an even more clear message to this man who doesn't get it, who doesn't respect us, doesn't respect our vote, doesn't respect anything. The Black Lives Matter movement. I've been talking about this all year. It's no need to beating the dead horse. What we do have to do is keep showing them how much we do matter, and they will understand it better and better as we show them at the polls. You can deny Black lives matter if you want to. You can write all lives matter. We agree that all lives matter. We don't have a problem with that. All black lives matters. It's saying is can always matter, just like everybody else's. You ain't got to tell us blue lives matter. We get it. Black people don't walk around killing policeman. Hell, it's black policeman. That's not who we are. Stop trying to label us that. We Stop acting like we want to just run rampant with crime. That's not who we are. You're not gonna make us that we're not. That we built the United States of America. Our labor force did that. It was a free labor force, no wages, no benefits, housing, nothing, table scraps is all we got. We were sold, we were mistreated, we were abused, we were denied, we were trashed. We would kill, maimed, murdered, lynched, tarred, feathered. We still survived, and we showed up in twenty twenty in record numbers. And Donald Trump, who keeps saying I don't believe more black people voted for Biden than voted for Obama, you don't understand. You gave us four years to gather ourselves in record numbers because we couldn't believe that a president of the United States was sending out the messages of hatred, division, and bigotry that you were sending out. So we rallied. So we got everybody that voted for Obama to come back out plus some. That's how we got more everybody that voted for Obama plus some. You know, it's more of us now than it was then. It's more of us registered now than it was then. That's how. But I know, in your own narcissistic way, I know, in your own way of it always being about you, you've got to find a way to explain the way your loss. Well, let me help you get to the loss. This is called an ass whipping. This is what this is. This is how it works. You get in a fight with somebody and you're winning, and you get the big head, and you get comfortable and you throw a punching. You ain't paying attention and you're laying around lollygagging, and you start laughing. Then all of us sudden, the dude you're fighting, just throw a haymaker. Why are you laughing? It catch you and it call cock your ass dead on the jaw. Now you're spending you in a circle. Now you look like Nate Robinson laying on the ground in the fight. It's calling. Asked with me, mister president, That's what it is. And you would in the middle of it. And you know who gave it to you? We did. You know who put it on you. The ones that you say they lives don't matter, that you say as a communist in Marxist movement, black lives matter, ain't never been there. We don't care nothing about no communism or Marxism. We've been trying to just become Americans the whole time. You've never wanted us, and you proved it with your messaging Let's make America great again. Well we agree with you. And that's exactly clearly what we've done. We've decided to make America great again by getting rid of you. And as a parting gift, we would like to send with you, sir, if you don't mind take this with you, we'd like to send you the two send It seats in Georgia. You don't have to thank us. We want to do it. We want to show you that we are more than you ever thought we were. You can't believe it, but you will. You lost by a landslide. You can complain about it all you want. You got to go. I don't really give a damn who your pardon. I know you're gonna pardon all your kids and all your cronies that can commit a come. I don't care. That's you. You can do, that's rather, but you ain't gonna get pardoned in the end. The thing about seeing is it costs you more than you want to pay, to make you stay longer than you want to stay. You don't really think that you will get away with it. To you, you don't really think that. I know you do, but I have news for you. You won't. You can't and you ain't. And on January twentieth twenty one, God willing, I'm here. I'll be watching TV. Oh, I know you won't be on it because you're not gonna come because you don't have a class to sit in at the inauguration. But you'll be somewhere, and you, sir, on the receiving end of an ass whooping congratulations might be your first one you took in your life. That's what's so stunning to you. At seventy four, this is your first ass for her. Out took a lot of them. I know what it looked like. Congratulations for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.