Roscoe Wallace, Jill Scott Interview, Tiger King, Flight Attendants and more.

Published Nov 3, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Don't nobody F Sugar Honey Iced Tea up like Steve's special guest. The CLO's tongue was tied. Jilly From Philly got a new movie! Somebody got their own Benjamin Crump! Steve and Tommy were arguing about the World Series result. Would You Rather had vertical issues this morning. Someone is facing federal charges for being not so friendly in the skies. VA has a new governor. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve lays out how to grapple with disappointment.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and the stuffing not to be true. Good oft listening to the mother, I don't join jo. You gotta use that turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Turn the water the water got come, come on your thing, I show will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice I said, come on now, I dig me the one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, Now, I'm gonna be really honest with you this morning. I really don't know what to say. I really don't. I was sitting here and I was thinking, what do I say today. I do know that I want to be encouraging, uplifting and inspirational in some way to affect somebody today. Oftentimes, these conversations that I have in the mornings, they're designed with me because I needed myself, y'all, to be honest with you. I mean, you know who who makes the comedian laugh? I used to say all the time. And even though what we talk about in the morning is not a laughing matter, it kind of like is it's who I am today? You know, I need motivation in my life sometimes myself. I think when I get in moments like this, I often resort back to the same thing over and over and over. And when I find myself in certain predicaments, I can always fall back on the same thing over and over. So while I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to say to you, the one thing that I did do this morning that I find to be very consistent in me is that I find myself grateful. I'm ever grateful for the things that God has done for me. I may not always know what to say, but I know how to say thank you, I do. I know how to remember and reflect back on where I come from. I know how to realize where all my blessings come from. I'm very very conscious of my journey that I've been on, though, the one that was from then until now, that journey right there is it's been. It's been. It's been. It's been difficult, man, it really really has. I ain't gonna lie to you, um me, becoming successful was very difficult. But as hard as this is to say, I really really mean this. I wouldn't change nothing about the trip I've been on number one, because I can't change anything about it. So I never lived my life and regret. But the main thing is was I discovered along the way now, not doing the process when you're going through rough moments that you can't hardly see the good in it at the time. It's just rough for you and it seems unexplainable, and oftentimes I thought it was unfair. But as I am now, I needed every single thing that happened to me, that happened to me to happen to me. I hope that makes sense to you. I needed everything to happen in the exact order and the exact way that it happened in order for me to be the person that I've become. And that right there, man is just very comforting to me. Missus Jakes told me one time, he said, the closer you get to God, the more friendly you all become, the more He will reveal to you the how it comes and the what fays of a lot of things has happened to you. Because a lot of times what troubles us is we just can't understand why we lost that love one back then. We just can't understand why we didn't get what we wanted back then. We just don't understand how come our plan didn't work out and we had to fail so miserably back then, we don't understand the answers to these things. Well, the closer I've gotten to God, the more of those explanations have become crystal clear to me. And See, the one thing that I came to the realization everybody is that the things that was happening to me, they wasn't really all bad. They really wasn't that they didn't taste good. When it was happening, I didn't enjoy what I was going through. But as I look back on him and reflect now, it wasn't all bad. Some of those things was so necessary for me to get the information because say, I don't know about you, but I'm kind of hard headed and stubborn. I said, I don't know about you, but I'm kind of hard headed and stubborn. I kind of like to think that I know something about some things every now and then, and the things I am convinced about it. I don't really really care for people trying to talk me off mine, so I can be stubborn and hard headed sometimes God knows that about me, So I think to get some of the messages crystal clear through the me that I needed to learn. That was this process I had to go through. That process was my journey, It was my trip, It was my WOA, my pain. Say, everybody got them different, It don't matter what it is. Everybody got a WOA, everybody got a pain, everybody got a trial, everybody got some tribulations, everybody got some challenge. I don't care who you are, duds, Quit looking at me thinking that I got it going own so tough man. But if Steve, yeah, it's easy for you to say that, but you ain't here. You don't know. Wow, Ben, if you would stop hanging yourself up on your pass, worrying about your woes and your troubles and the situation you in, and start praying and start asking God to get you through it. See a lot of times you messed it. You messed a message up yourself, because when you're going through some stuff, you ask God to remove it and take it away. That ain't the lesson. You got to learn your lesson sometimes it's it's gotta be how to be strong, how to see it through, how to bear under it. How to carry that weight long distances for long periods of time. That's how you get strong The lesson is to make you stronger. But to make you stronger, you got to carry the weight. You can't get stronger. You're gonna go to gym or you're gonna do something at your house to lift your own body weight. See, a lot of people can't even do push ups down. They can't get down, And then the course of a day, give you a hundred push ups because they ain't. They ain't, they ain't never try to daybody. They get to twenty and that shake it so bad they stop. Who that's too much for me. Well, let me tell you something. So I learned to quit praying to take stuff away. My prayer became to give me the strength to handle it. People oftentimes ask me, how do you do all that you do in the course of the day. I don't really know. I just know I can because I know God don't put more on you than you can back. So when you ask me how you do all of what you do in the course of the day, I got God. God is good. He'll get you through whatever it is you're going through. So when you're tripping in you don't know what to say. Reflect and be grateful for all you reflect on. Think about God's goodness and watch what He do for you. That's the cold part. Okay, you're listening show, ladies, and justin. The voice you are about to hear is that of Roscoe Wallace, an old lounge singer that was alive and well and born somewhere in the nineteen forties. He has claimed to be the maker of most hits in the world today. You've never seen him before. The places he only performs at all a little well known holiday in express lounges next to the complimentary free breakfast at Comforty in sweets. That is his career due to bad decisions, business decisions and fallouts with every major promoter in the country and artists, ladies and gentlemen. This is roth Skoll Wallace, somebody said, said over Dacity Indus streets. Because I wrote that. Somebody told me, come on now that one really me. See what I mean? You see what I mean? So these are the song that I've read, the old wol just want to say good morning everybody. Let you know the Rosco Wallace is still in the building and no matter what the announcer say, he don't know because why he wasn't there. Ladies and gemmen, thank you for having me. I'm out of here's up, Junior. We talked to Rock, We talked to Roscoe. Maybe you wanta talk to me here? God man, oh day baby, dude, dude, do you really feel a lot of pride in writing everybody hits? Oh man, oh man, you don't know what to do to me. You just don't know. You you have no idea to joy that that reste Niche through my soul for the way that I help just really or done my entire career and the hitside of you can't name it hit Rock go ain't woke? Did you write any of Jodises heads? Well? You know that I don't want to take credit for because of the drinking and things like that. I'm trying to be an example because I still play Santa Claus down at the VHW Hall. So I don't want to, you know, associate myself with the alcoholics that they have become the commodore, every last one of them. That's why I fell out with the promoters because when I showed up to getting my reside, your checks they don't want to pay. And that's why I've fallen out with everybody. What kind of checks, reside, residual reside your residual tomato tomorrow? What you won't do? All of it mean somebody got my money, That's what I know. So what's the biggest audience you've played? Rosco oh Man? One time I did a wimbley wimbley reen in London. I've done all of them. I done the old Matterson Square. You know I'm doing here, doing all the stadiums. I did it down the Cowboys Stadium for Jered Joan what owner? Oh you know I did everything I did. I did wood Stock. I was at wood Stock. I wrote all the white kids sold every lad one a white kid nicking in the mud. Look at your white folk value. You can't put white folks in no dirt and no water course. They're gonna make mud and play it every damn time. Hey you, Julian, Yeah, I told y'all lady about the car. I know you hate me. Rout in the mouth, all right, coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll have run that brank back with the nephew. Right after this. You're listening Stave Harpy Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for run that brank back with the nephew. What you got for us? Naff Coppa's funeral at the club. Coppa's funeral at the club. Let's go cat down. Yeah, I'm trying to reach your James, James, James, Yeah, yeah, what's up? Hey? This this is a Gerald. Uh. I was a friend of uh uh your your friend Chopper? Yeah yeah, and the Chopper just uh passed away last week, right, I know they posed how the funeral and stuff over at uh at mom Baptist Church and uh, I don't really know you, but me, me and me and Chopper and a bunch of restos. Man, we used to hang out at the club not too far from the house. You know. That's pretty much with chopping wood all the time. And at the club anyway, what a bunch of us was over at the club talking man, and I was we was really want to reach out to one of the family members, you know, And then somebody said you was, you know, kind of a good friend of Hells And when we we we we decided to call you and see if you didn't mind. Do you think that you can talk to uh, some of the family members and see if they don't mind having the funeral at the club. At the club. See what, let me let me try to explain something to you, Jane. What we're trying to do is, see, we believe that we believed you said at the club. Come on the club, there's a funeral. What that's what I understand it. But see, see, Chop Choppa ain't really go to church a whole lot. You know what I'm saying. He didn't really really go long as I've been knowing him. Now, he loved a lord and stuff like that, I understand. But see, Chopper wouldn't Chop Chopper went to the club. So what I'm asking you will, let's have the funeral at the club. Hell, no, bro, come on, we can't have no funeral at no club. Man, come on, no, no, o't. But but what what I'm saying is, though, is that he wasn't really he wasn't really no church going person. I believe that a person ought to be Uh. The last words are to be said over him in a place he's more familiar with. You know what I'm saying, player, player, No, I don't. I don't know what you mean player out. No, just just gotta be a funeral. This is this is church, for I go to church and all my folks go to church. Now we we gotta do this thing up in church. This is a church thing. But you don't, you don't feel But do you understand where I'm coming from? No, that man ought to going on and and the last words are to be in a place he more familiar. Now if he went to church, then I understand that. You see him bro Hell no, no, see this his chance to get itself right. And we don't. We don't have him up in church in front of everybody. You know, that don't make sense? Who's this again? I mean who are you? My name Gerald? But who is Gerald? I mean? How do you? How do you relate to this? Are you preach your are you no? No? Are you no? No? No, no, I'm I'm I was friends with Chopper, and see I hung out at the club and still hanging out them with a whole bunch of you know, was real good friends with Chopping, and we were saying that, you know, Chopper's the lad's words about Chopper or to be said at the club, because see that's what Chopper would but five six days a week. That's what Chopper was. Yeah, but what church are you affiliated with? I mean what I want to hell, what I try to talk to the family. Make me look stupid in front of the family, telling them to put the thing in a club. How that gonna go off? Well? See, see that's what I'm saying. You know them way more than we do, because see that you're talking about trying to move from a damn funeral add a church to a damn nightclub or strip club or something. No, no, no strip club, just a nightclub. It's the same, ain't it. I mean you talking about having folks traveled from across the country and meeting into the damn club. What kind of that? But that's what Choppa was, That's what Chopper was. I'm gonna look, if I'm the one telling them to root it to the damn club, You're gonna look like somebody that's trying to I'm gonna look like a fool. No you're not. You're gonna look like somebody that's trying to keep it real. Come to the damn feeling. If I will to do something like that, Okay, okay, let me ask you this, Hi, then let me ask you this, Hill or Jane, do you think do you think you can maybe get the body and bring it over to the club. No, hell knows. Well, I'm just saying before they even do the funeral or whatever. You know, I ain't touching getting the walk in the dog by my self body for hell. No, we're just trying to say our last words at chopper Man in a place that chopper most no healer again? Who you you get my number? Somebody at the club had your numbers, said you was print. But why y'all call me? Of all folks, y'all call me, They say you good. You in with the family and you can tell me the family. But I ain't end in the family. Make me look stupid? Hell now, won't y'all I get y'all of them to the family. Y'all call the family. Y'all tell me that yourself? Man, I won't. I just trying to get you to brain the body by man and let us no, I ain't touching no dead body. We just want to have one, lads, drink with chopper Man. You have one with your boys, and you you get together with him and y'all talk about bottom and let him know. I Chopper one. What kind of prison was? What kind of prison? But we need to we won't chop up to be there? This Chopper, This is Chopper you talking about? Man, Bring y'all to the church. Y'all need to be up in the church. We want to have a Chopper at the club. Well, we didn't know them all, man, y'all full of well, we know my cubple have my looking like a fool at the damn funeral? What this about Chopper though? And then I'm writing about Chopper. You'll break Chopper to that club, y'all tripping? Man, I ain't doing I'm just going to this funeral. I don'm gonna care to say what I think about Chopping. And I'm going, son, if y'all want to crazy in front of town of y'all call the tail of y'all selling you this look, I got one more thing I want to see. I don't even know you. Well what what what this is? Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your board? O this nephew tim Me, man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your board told me to prank you. Man, I just know James. This is nephew, Tim No, no playoff? Oh man, I can't believe this. No, he didn't. I can't even believe he did that. Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steve Harvey Moaning Show? All right, thinking neph coming up next, asked the cello with Chief Love Officer to Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, We're going to tell you about the Tiger King two sequel. All right, that's happening on at Netflix. And get this, guy's a North Carolina man want a ten million dollar lawsuit after claiming he was fired because he's white. We'll talk about it, but right now, let's check in with the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Ready for your love questions? Quitta And Dallas writes, I got my master's degree, Quita, what Okay? I just ain't met no quotas, that's what. And Dallas says, I got my master's degree and I'm a teacher at the high school I graduated from. I was that my problem? Surprisingly, one of my male teachers, is still working at the school. He comes in by my classroom. He comes by my classroom a lot and compliments me daily. I just turned twenty eight, and he's got to be my parent's age. But there's something about him that excites me. He never got married and he doesn't have any children. So he tells me he wants to spoil me. I just might let him. Is that weird? Well, let me tell you what're weird here? School. There's something about him quitter, and he's never been married, and he has no kids. I would be more concerned with the what it is about him factor that you're not What is it about him that he's never been married, he has no children, and now he won't one of the kids. He taught you need to work. You knew you need to work. In some more questions, Wow, yeah, he wants to spoil you. Hell yeah, I bet he do. I bet he do. Let that go, all right? Moving on to Melinda in Tampa, who says, I've been in a three way love affair for a long time. My husband and I have a housemate living with us, and she mostly spends time with my husband. I'm older now and I'm rarely interested in participating in their shenanigan, So I moved into the other guest room. My husband is in the main bedroom by himself and recently asked me if i'd mind if our housemates slept with him all night. Is this his way of sliding her into my current position? What? Man? What I do they say? When it's gone? Lady? Yeah? Is this his way of sliding her into my main position? Um? What position do you have? I mean, I don't understand, y'all. Lady, Then let me play something to you. I don't kill what you do. I really don't, because you don't went along with this foolness, foolishness and you calling it you don't want to get involved in nation out of it, Well, don't drag us in yours. We don't know. I don't know, nor do I care. Now I'll have an answer for you. I got no time for this damn foolishness. I don't know what the hell are you talking about. I can't go in there and say that to Madre at no damn point in my life, I don't even know how to. And let me tell you something. I have like really really large limps and I have no idea how I con form any piece of the lip fat to say nothing you just said or what he just said? Ain't nowhere in the hell do you manage coming in and sleep with me all night? Is that all right? Is that all right? That all right? The fact that he can ask you that, what's going on for a long time? Yeah, she's just she's just done with it now. I'm old and I'm tired of that, okay. And she moved into the guest house. She moved can move housemaid in. I don't even know how to do what pamper is it? But why specifically you trying to help? Moving on bam and Raleigh says, I'm a single parent of a seventeen year old son. And he drove my car over the weekend, and apparently he was fooling around in there, because there were long strings of weave on the back seat and a bobby pin on the floor. I asked him why my car was left so messy, and he said because he was making out in the back seat. My heart stopped h Then he said he'd never lie to me and asked if I'd rather he brings his girlfriend to his bedroom or if they did it in a car. I'm still speachless. How do I handle him? But what you mean handling? You can't handle him? He handling? Huh? He doing all his handling outside in the car. He wouldn't know if he can start handling it in his room. See, you know it's a little too late. What what what you're trying to raise him for? Now? You gave him the car, The weave strands is in the back seat and the bobby pier. You asked the boy, why is the back seat so messy? He said, Come, I was back there fooling up having sex. Back there, Mama, Now you didn't know what to do. They was having sex. So now, since you're looking crazy, he said, he never lied to you. If you don't want your car messed up? Would your mind if I come in here and mess up these Spider Man sheets or mine? Because that's where I really want to go up. I want to tell these hoop posters off the wall and put some real imprints up on the wall. I was some booted cheeks on my wall. Mama. I don't do things I used to do in my room. I'm in my room. I'm having other kind of thoughts. Yeah, you're my little man. You know I'm single. You're my only man. You're my little man. Well they're high acting now he acted like a little man. He's seventeen and he back there. We've had Bobby Penn, So how should she handle him? It's too late, But that girl got to get her hair together though, just too much fallen out of it. Did you stop? So there's nothing she can do now it's too late. Well, yeah, I can tell you this right here. Once a young man has been introduced to the golden egg, ain't no going back. It's more how to come. Yeah here, you you can't stop. You don't stop having sex once you had it, because that's your whole goal in life. Now seventeen stopped letting it use the car or tell him it don't matter. You ain't gotta let him use a car. He's gonna steal it. You need a vacuum. He gonna take it while you sleep. He gonna be and he's gonna bring it back and tell you Mama. Ain't gonna lie to y'all. Took your car while you sleep. He ain't. He don't lie to you. Raised a good little boy. He will tell you the truth. And he think y'all got that type of relationship, y'all talk about everything. Remember, remember you could come to your mama with anything. Well, Mama, I'm having sex in the back of the car now and I don't really know how to get her from shedding. So do you have any suggestions? What kind of hair product should she use? Mama? If she used Burgermont or Poline, Well, let's slow it down because I know that's what you used to well Burgmont. Wow. Yeah, she's got a problem with this young man. There is definitely a problem there. All right, Well that's it. Huh. Yeah, he's been introduced to it, and now at this point he is he is now, Yeah, he owns it is his quest. The rest of his life is none you could do about it. You can entertainment news at the top of the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the morning show Growing Up. At twenty minutes after the hour, we had a very special guest, Miss Jill Scott. Haven't heard Scott will be in the building. She's going to join us to tell us about a brand new movie. Uh, and we'll talk about it. But right now, let's go to some entertainment news. Um. Wow. Although Joe Exotic, the star of Tiger King has been in jail for quite a while now, he's still a trending topic and because of that, Netflix is slated to release the sequel, Tiger King Too. This is going down November seven, teh, like I said on Netflix, and according to Tiger King to trailer, it's filled with more footage that we didn't get to see in the first Tiger King series season. She takes a deeper look into the mysterious disappearance of Carol Baskin's first husband, Don Lewis, back in nineteen ninety seven. Although Joe Exotic is still in prison since twenty two years for a murder for higher skiing, his presence is all throughout the trailer for Tiger King two, and there's telephone audio of him from a Texas prison. Shortly after Nextflix released the official trailer for Tiger King to Carol Baskins sued the production company, insisting that the producers and Netflix cut out all footage of her for the sequel. We all have to see how this turns out. So are you guys gonna watch it jail? Yes? What has she done with it? We want to know? Yes? Yeah, she going to jail. I knew she's going to yell when she's on Dance with the Star, her bad dancing ass with all that tiders the phone, Take that animal print off and get your old ass off this show. WHI is you on the show Dance with the Stars. She couldn't couldn't even have been on Crawling with the Animals. You should have been helping stars show. Non dancing ass out here like you got something wrong with you? Dancing like she got restricted movements. Yeah, we won't answer. Yeah she going. I didn't see the first one. What I did tell you something? You know, I don't watch nothing. But that was during the pandemic. We were all missed one of the great pieces of bullcrap to come on TV. Right there. You miss one of the great piz Tommy. It's unbelievable, unbelief. Hu had the raggedest mouth, this glass man. I'm sitting here, I'm trying to figure out who picked him. I don't care watch you who you love, but who picked him? With these meth infested teeth? He guy he didn't have a tooth that wasn't rotten in his head. Tommy, Wow, it was bad, Tommy. It was like watching a bad car accident. You know when you're driving, you know you're not supposed to look after blow down just a little bit. You're looking at this show, like why am I watching this? I know? Remember how they fed the animals with like discarded meat from like Walmart and the dumpster and they go in the dumpster and get the meat and that's how they feed the animals. It was just it was compelling TV. That's all I can tell you. You could not watch it. And where it's done, which one, Oh yeah, we're done. He's still miss we's done. That's what I'm saying. We won't ask all we want to know we do disappear. Yeah, well she has her way, it won't come on TV. But I don't think she's going to get her way, all right. So, and even stranger news guys, a white man named David Duval sued his former employer after he was terminated. He alleged he was fired because he is white. And get this, he was awarded ten million dollars in his lawsuit. Now. According to NBC News, David Duval, a white hospital executive, was fired back in twenty nineteen and alleged he was fired without reason as part of an intentional campaign to promote diversity in its management ranks. He also alleged he was fired because of his sex and gender. Duval testified that he was fired just before his fifth anniversary with the company, where he would be entitled to a larger severance package. He says he was replaced by a black woman and a white woman. Duval also stated at the firing violated part of the Civil Rights Act. The Winston Salem, North Carolina based company Novant Health denied the allegations and maintained that Duval was fired for inadequate performance and for delegating critical tasks to those he managed. Okay, that's why they said they fired him. Ultimately, the jury rule that either race or sex was a factor in duvals termination and side it with him. M he'd got his own Benjamin Crump didn't mean yes, wow, yeah, So I gotta ask you, Judge, Steve. This sounds like a perfect case for you. Get ready ready, because here they come. How would you have handled this? See? Well, I wouldn't have threw it out. M The whole time he'd have been talking out had just been saying so slow solo to the club home. Yeah yeah, oh you're mad. About dad. Oh well we've been mad. Well, thank you for the next case. Yeah right, I love it, I love right. I love how they said he was really fired for inadequate performances because he wasn't doing his job and he delegated critical tasks to those he managed. Well, that's probably true. No, it's true, that's true. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ten million? Wow, Yeah, he got ten million dollars. Isn't that crazy? Boy? A black person going, they're talking about I got five for race? Yeah, you show did because I'm black? Yea. And ain't that what we've been doing? Right? All right? All right, guys. Coming up next, Jill Scott joins us to talk about her new Lifetime movie, Highway to Heaven. Right after this you're listening show. As promised everybody, we got our very very special guests on the phone. She's family three times Grammy Award winning singer songwriter. She's a New York Times bestselling poet, a multi media entrepreneur, and a critically acclaimed actress. This girl got chopped for real man. Her newest project is a Lifetime's original movie, Highway to Heaven, and it's a reboot of the iconic television series from the eighties. She not only stars in it, she's also an executive producer. That's another hat keep reinventing herself. The Highway to Heaven premiers. Highway to Heaven premieres this Saturday. Everybody, November six, we're gonna find out more about it. Ladies and gentlemen, one of the great artists of our times. Please put your hands together for the family member our girl, Miss Jill Scott. Morning, good morning. That was awesome. Money man you are you made me sound good girl. I'm trying to you a nationwide man. I will go out and get some damn insurance. It's the most soulful, damn commercial for insurance I've ever heard. He asked me, blowing. Thank you. Hey, let's talk about this your new movie, A lifetimes Highway to Heaven. It's rebooted the classic or eighties Highway to Heaven TV series, and you play the role of Angela and the angel is sent back to Earth by God to help othersn't need tell us more about the movie. Um The is about an angel that is coming to do her work. She doesn't know why, um or who. She just knows that she has a job to do and people that she's helping thus far. They have a greater purpose in this world, and she wants to assist them. I did the film because I thought, man, it has been so up these last couple of years. It's been very frustrating there and dark, and it can feel hopeless in a lot of ways. So I wanted to do something that was sweethearted that would remind people that they can be angelic too, being an angel to somebody. You don't know how, you don't know when, but you know there's there's always that opportunity to do good. Wow, you know what. A lot of us remember the old eighties TV series, But when when a person watches this show for new viewers, well, what do you hope to take away for them? Is? Oh, man, I hope they feel good. I hope they feel good and recognize that there is there is a sweetness and a power to all of us, and that that kindness in time to someone. Yeo, yeah, that seems to be missing these days. And I do think it's a good idea to have something like that, because you're right, man, it's just been a rough two years. Hey hang on, Jill, Hey everybody, hang on. We're coming back with more with Jill Scott right after this. You're listening, all right, everybody, Oh, we're back in our special guests on the phone is a New York Times bestselling poet, author, entrepreneur, and they're gonna flat out damn Soul single Come on here, boy, come on here skip Neo Soul and all that damn Soul single you didn't get to. If you don't know the hit, you need to familiar yourself to familiarize yourself with them. She's on the phone today and she's talking about the new movie on Lifetime call Highway to Heaven, and she's executive producer on the movie. And let's talk about that part of it, Jail, because now you're the star of the movie, but you're also the executive producer of the movie. Did you find it rewarding or was it challenging for you? What was your role here? Oh? I loved it. What I did was made some decisions. As you know, sets can be very challenging. Um, not just that, just to say it lightly. You know, the hours can be really long, the energy can be this kind of negative or foul, just trying to get through it. And I didn't want that, so I wanted to make sure that the energy was high and that the camaraderie was there, because if the cameraman don't show up, we ain't got no film. You know what I'm saying, right, I wanted to create a team environment and that's what we've done. So this is the first of several. There will be more highway to have it because the p vibe is good. Um, so there you have it. Wow. I'll say it means making everybody seem valued and important, and that's what I did it as executive produce. It also saw also little things like, um, when it came to Angela as an actress, as when it came to Angela, I did not want her to be perfect because maybe you know, there's this concept that that angels are supposed to be perfect. Angels, you know, are placed here and resemble people with flaw, all of us, every last one of us. And you don't know who's going to come into you like just to to to lift it, you know, to give you another push, just to you know, to make you remember how to smile. You don't know, right, allow that, Yeah, you're you're exactly right, because angels coming in My mother wasn't a but my mom will slap you though. Yeah, that's goody Aji. You're working on any new music? Yea, yeah, getting that studio girl. Yes, yes, I'm excited. I've been waiting for this. I just I can't move into my spirit moves to me and just ken. So I was waiting for producers that understand a hook of verse bridges. I was waiting for for producers that you know, you know how to play instruments, and that's no disrespect anybody else because they also know how to push all the buttons, which is great too. But I needed that. I need stills, and I'm getting them. I'm getting them and by them really surprising producers to watch. Wow, that's really good to hear we're waiting on that. Hey, Jill, listen. Uh, you've always been one of our favorites. I'm just telling you, man, he's just such a talented woman and just such a heartfelt person. You always genuine and sincere. That's why we've embraced you here over the years and your family members, and we're gonna support the show everybody. It's this Saturday night, November six, eight o'clock Eastern, seven o'clock Central. It's called Highway to Heaven. It's starring Jill Scott. It's called Highway to Heaven. She plays an angel that comes back to Earth and to help others in need. And the angel's not perfect, but it's gonna be a great show. And she's executive producer and the star of the show and she's family members. So we got to show up and show out Steve Harvey Nation this Saturday, November six, be there, set a recording devices, get it. I don't care what you got to do. But on November six, this Saturday night at eight seventh Central, Jill Scott's Highway to Heaven be on. Jill Scott. We love you so much girl, for real. I can thank you, thank you so much. There you go, ladies and gentlemen, Jill Scott in the build it thank you, Jill, we love you. Coming up next it is the Nephew and the Prank phone Call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up right about four minutes after the hour, it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject I can't take him anywhere, I can't take him nowhere. But right now we'll get into that. We'll get into that just a bit, but right now the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What's you got, man? Guess who's moving next door? Yeah? Yeah, guess who's moving next door? Cat dog? Let's go Hello. I'm trying to reach uh mister Dolphin Dolan, Nolan Dolan, mister Dolan, Yes, sir, how are you doing? My name is uh Clifford Cooper. Yeah. What can I do for you? Mister? Uh? You you you live at uh uh check you out a drawn? Why do you want to know that? Uh? Well, actually I'm at sixteen twenty three. I bought I bought the uh, I actually bought the house that was for sale next door to you. Okay, well, congratulations, But how did you get my number? Actually the realtor told me that he had your number because I said I wanted to reach out to the neighbor's next door and he told me that mister Dolan was actually the person next door and and uh he didn't think you would mind me me actually getting the number. Okay, well I'll talk with the real little layer. But what can I do for you? Sir? What? What? What? I What I wanted to know is do do you have any problems? Like living next door to to to black people. I'm sorry, what did you just ask me? I mean, like, like I said, you know, like I said, I just bought the play is next though, And I want to know, do you have any problems, you know, living next door the black people? Uh? No, sir, I have no problem. I'm assuming you're a black man, and uh I have no problem with that. I judge people by their actions, not their color. Okay, now do you do you do you have any any black people experience? Well, yeah, I've worked with, gone to school with, have several friends of many different ethnicities. Uh, but what what is it? What's this? How is this relative? Well? You know, like I say, I'm gonna be I'm gonna be living next to you, and I'm just making sure that you know, you and I can coincide, co exist rather on the same block and not really have a problem with one another basis. But what I'm trying to say, well, do you have a problem with white people? Uh? No, No, No, I don't have problem with white people. Uh. I'm cool. I'm just I'm just trying to make sure you know, Uh, I mean, because me and you already have a bit of a problem already you know all we do. Yeah, yeah, we we have a problem. I mean, I'm about about it in me while on that work. What's your problem? Okay? Well my problem is this is that, you know, after purchasing the property, I went downtown to the city and actually looked at, you know, the layout of this entire property. And when I look at it, you actually twenty five close to thirty feet over the property line. Well, now you look at the wrong map. No, No, the fifth that separates my backyard from your backyard. You are thirty feet over that. That's impossible, you know. Listen, and I noticed. Now let me let me know. I'm gonna tell you. Look at you got a jacouzi in your backyard, right, so you've been even spine on me. No, I'm inspired on you, sir. I'm just telling you close to that, not far from that fifth line. Don't don't you have a jakouzi there? Well, as a matter of fact, I do. Yes, Okay, Now, the pools, the poolers. Okay, But but if I if I pushed that fisth line back thirty and actually get the property that I'm supposed to have, well I'm pretty much own yo yo yo, Jakouz. You' hot to Nacy. Okay, let me tell you something. I've been in that house for ten years. We put that sense up when we moved in, and it was based on the property line that was that was set when ten years ago. I don't know what you're looking at, but my fence is not moving, My jacuzi is not moving, and there's there's no changing that. Okay, Well, let me let me let me I'm glad you hear your voice what you wanted the voice. No, no, no, no, you hear you heal Old Cliff at let me tell you so. Uh, Either we're gonna take the fence line and moving where supposed to be. Oh, We're gonna put a gate between uh two yards, and I'm gonna be able to come and get in this jacozy and pool whenever I want to. All right, let's let's let's let's talk about this. First of all, there's gonna not gonna be a gate, okay. And as far as you just coming over and getting into jacuzi at will, I got a real problem with that. Uh you've called me at work. I'm on the job and I'm having to listen to this on a future neighbor who's making weird claims about how he owns part of my lamp got bad. I own the jacouzy. S No, no, you did not pay for that jacouzi. You did not pay for that tense. You just showt up making a He called me at work, and and and and and then you hand me some story with no evidence. I don't go down to the city hall and look at those papers myself because I don't turch word you're saying. I've been there for ten years. I've had ten other neighbors in that backyard. You don't cycle through once a year, I swear, And I've never had any problems with him until you come along. This is some okay, Well, I tell you what's Here's something you need to understand. You got a new black neighbor, and you got a new black neighbor that owns part owns your jacuzi because you're over the fence line, all right, And as soon as I move in, I'm coming and I'm getting in my jakouzi, you would, oh, man, you know what, I made, no move into that. I'm gonna use the jacouzy on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You don't get it on Tuesday, Thursday and the weekend. That's it, because Blaze is damn Jacouzy belongs to me, because Jacouzi and the whole my black man and a white man, and we're gonna get along lot of line. Look here, let listen here, you who are you to dictate what days I get to use my Jacouzi because it's not coming over to mind. Just you your cry. It's I was Jacouzy because you you built it. That's the only thing that makes it yours and being on my part of the property, and I was making mine. So therefore we're gonna share his damn Jacouzi and we're gonna try to get you Jacouzi. I'm passing your across the fence. I will be there on Monday's Wednesdays, and you ain't gonna be I'll be standing out my Jacouzie with a shotgun. You take one step over to my property, my property, lie. I swear if I can jump through this phone, I'd wring your neck. You know who's gonna be in there with me? Who who the gonna be in there? My cutting hell in the damn jacuz cutting hem my co worker. Hey man, this is nephew. Tell me, man, you your boy cutting hem, you got me the plank phone, call you this, ohay back, we got you, man, we got you. Hey. I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lad the Steve Harvey's Radio Shop. Man, t me you dog you think man, you're gonna come mind Jakuzi, but you don't set the days up belong to bo Fos Steve all right, and it's it's good black folk and white folk all stuff together like that. We're gonna have to learn to share. Okay, So muddy Wednesday, Friday belongs to me. All right, you get it? Twos in third you pass the property line. Hey, potner, it's mine. Okay, it is proper context, Tommy, he did do that. He used it in proper card. He will look at your black blankety blank. I'll tell you what he wasn't standing. I'm gonna standing my door with a shot good dip your foot in my damn song. I mean, man, he got it was like it ain't even about race. Are you just gonna tell me? You know, you gotta start off and figure out, you know where they at you know, you want to tell push that button, Tommy, push that train. Got a problem with nobody? What what? What? What's this between when it work on bo But when he said that he wanted to come through that phone line ring your neck. I said, music me and you fight. He got a pool energy couz. He trying to figure out what you're talking about. You give my number, all of it. That's how you do it. That's how stupid rolls. Stupid gonna be uh in Jacksonville, flayd and telling jokes November twelfth and thirteenth at the Ramona Pavilion ball Room. That is November twelfth and thirteenth. Tickets are on sale right now to following week Dayton Ohio Baby at the Convention Center. The Nephew come to time first time ever. Get the tickets, drewn sale rent Nah, Stupid takes flight, The Stupid shall rise again. Yeah, thank you, Nephewsberry Letter coming up next. I can't take him nowhere. We'll get back. We'll get into that when we come back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and just click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter on the area you hear that just like this one, and you never know this one could be yours could be. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject. I can't take him nowhere, Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been living with my man for nine years, and he said if I stayed with him for ten years, he might marry me. I just laugh it off because there's no way I'd marry this man after all he said and done to embarrass me. He's fifty nine and I'm forty nine, but I am head of our household and I run our transportation business all by myself. He waited until he was fifty five years old to start drinking, and he can't handle his liquor at all. He's urinated on himself in public, and he's laid on the floor and took a nap in an Applebee's. When he's not drunk, he still says inappropriate things. I have a thirteen year old daughter, and he showed up at her recital and was clapping and yelling out like a crazy person. She laughed it off, but I know she wanted to throw something at us. I have to run the business, and I let him handle the drivers and keep the cars in pristine condition because he can't deal with customers. He gets rude with people on the phone because his patience is short. He's been short with my father one time too many and my dad told him he'd knock him out, so now they aren't speaking. It's one thing after another. So I am staying with him only because our business is doing well and I don't want to have to split it with him if we break up. I know for a fact that he's messing around because I read his text messages. He spends money on the women, so I have to put him on a salary so he will not give these women the impression that he's got money. He doesn't mind anything I do, and he doesn't challenge me on anything. Do you think I'm wasting my life on him? Or I'm going to wake up one day and I'm going to wake up one day and regret how I handle things. Is it or is it true? That the grass is not greener on the other side, and I should stay put. Please help. I think you already know, I really do. And you're fed up and you're miserable, and you don't have to be. I don't understand why you stay with this idiot for so long, almost ten years. He's been rude to your dad, embarrassed your daughter, urinated on himself in public, and you know he's cheating on you, among other things. I mean, this man has done everything he could possibly do to make just you know, any sane person break up with him. So the problem has got to be you. I mean, you're the one who stayed with him this long and has been taking this stuff for this long. Why because you say you don't want to give him half the business. I mean, you guys aren't married or anything, and you don't mention whether his name is on the business so you can get out. I mean, isn't your peace of mind worth parting with him? According to you, you run the company anyway, you do everything yourself, You pay him a salary. I just say, so, let's not be greedy here or anything like that. Cut your losses, get rid of this guy. Even if you weren't in business with him. You should get out. I mean, after nine years, it's a toxic relationship and it's going nowhere. He doesn't sound like he will move out because he's got it too good where he is with you. So I just say, please start looking for a place for you and your daughter now, Steve, I pretty much feel the same way Shirley feels. I don't, you know, you know, sometimes we get teach, you know, sometimes we get to the strawberry letters and we don't. I don't really care about him. This is what you know talk about. Yeah, let me dig in here a little bit. All right, Well, here we go. I've been living with my man nine years. He's saying if I stayed with him for ten years, is he might marry me. This is the biggest blessing in this whole letter. He gave you all free ten year pass to find out exactly why you should not marry him. I just laugh at off, because there's no way I'd marry this man after all he said and done to embarrass me. He's five nine, where he's fifty nine and I'm forty nine. I thought this let him sind' to be about something else. He's fifty nine and I'm forty nine. But I'm the head of our household and I run our transportation business all by myself. Now, this fool and waited till he fifty five years old and start drinking. I'm gonna tell you right now that ain't what you want to start this lady life. Drinking is a sport. It's something you have to play all. You have to do this sport for a while to get good at it. Football players don't become football players at five. They've been playing peewee football, sad loot football, junior high, high school, college. That's how you get to the pros. You can't go to the pros at fifty five. Now, he don't just started drinking at fifty five. He getting drunk at fifty five, and he can't handle his liquor at all. He didn't urinate it on himself in public. That's because he just started. He don't know how to handle his liquor. Soon does he pull it in. He come right out and he laying on the floor. Took a nap at Applebee's in the Peak on Steve. I knew you could find some nuggets in there. I knew it. I came in the pea. Coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour, we'll get part two of Steve's response to the Strawberry letter and the subject I can't take him nowhere. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right? Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, the subject I can't take him nowhere. Lady been to due nine years. He told if he stayed with her ten he might marry Now. She didn't. Decided she ain't gonna marry this man, no matter what. After all, he hadn't done. It embarrassed me. She's fifty nine, forty nine, has a ten year difference. She's the head of the household and run the transportation business all by herself. He waited until he was fifty five years old and start drinking. I don't know anything. You can start at fifty five and be good at it. Golf, nothing. You can't start nothing at fifty five. None of your motor skills is as sharp at fifty five as they were at twenty five. You start drinking at fifty five, and no, what didn't happened? Now? He can't hold his liquor at all. He urinated on himself in public. That's cause you had six ounces too much and the pipes bust and now you just standing there peeing on you. And he laid on the floor and took a nap in the apple Piece. And my question is did he pee on the floor of the apple piece and then he laid in it? He don't need to be drinking at all. Who lays down in the floor at apple piece? I've never been that tired, and I've been to all the restaurants. I was exhausted one night at a waffle house. I didn't even fall asleep in the chair. Who lays down on the floor at the damned apple Piece? So drunk ass? Go home? Man? And when he ain't drunk, he do inappropriate things. He comes crazy that like a holiday crazy person that you little girl's recital, showed up at the recital clapping and yelling like crazy. She laughed at all my baby got my baby all in the back. He gets rude with people. Now, she say, I have to run the business, and I let him handled the drivers and keep the cars in pristy in condition. Because he can't deal with customers. He gets rude with people on the phone because his patience is short. And I also bet he's short too. That's what a lot of short people act like that. I just wanted to throw that out. She say, his patience is short, that's why he rude it. Probably because he's short too, because short people tight all the time. But okay, you don't see that. It's right there on the paper. It's obvious to me. Then she said, he's been short with my father. To see, short people always get short talk people don't do it. Yeah, he got short with his daddy one time. Your daddy told Hill knock his ass out. So they ain't speaking no more, one thing out another. So I'm staying with him only because our business is doing well and I don't want to have to split it with him if we break up. Remember that, because I have a valuable lesson to teach you about that. I know for a fact he's messing around because I read his text. He spends money on the women. So I put him on a salary so he would not get these women the impression that he's gotten money. You're bad girl, So you just put him on a salary. But he took it because he don't mind anything I do, and he doesn't challenge me on anything. That's cause you the man of the house. You send you the head of the household, and you run the business. He don't challenge you, and he messing around with other women. He peas on him self, he lays down in restaurant floors, and he ambasses your daughter. Do you think I'm wasting my life on him? Excuse me? He peas on himself, he lays down in restaurant floors, he ambasses your daughter. Your daddy don't like him, to tell him he gonna knock his ass out. He dating other women. He don't do nothing in the card business y'all got because he can't talk to nobody because he's short. And now he messing around with women, and you to put him on the salary. Do you think I'm wasting my life on him? I don't want to read this no more. I'm gonna wake up one day and regret high handle things? Or is it true that the grass is not green on the other side and I should stay put? Please help? Of course you're wasting your time. And let's understand something else. Your grass, Your grass ain't green, So what is you warning about it being the green. On the other side, your grass ain't green. You live in a sand light playground with a man that ain't a whole man. And let me ask you something, stay for what what do you get out of it? And then you said, this is what I want to go back to. I'm staying with him only because our business is doing well and I don't want to have to split it with him before we break up. You don't have to give him half. Who told you that? Anybody? And what are you doing the business? You ain't got to give him half. First of all, when you go to court and you bring your text to court that he's been cheating with other women, he don't get half of the business. And then when you're showing the records how you do all the things and what you're wearing about him leaving the business for you. All he do is wash cars. You get in by to wash the car. Anybody wash car? You get anybody ask one of them dudes that's working in the tramp takes coming for extra when you wash these cars called the sparkling. Sparkling he out that peeing on cars and everything that's not washing the car. Herbert, you're peeing on the car for our cars. I was drinking and feeling fitting. Go to Applebee. Don't you go back down to that Applebe's no more advancing me like that? When when is the baby playing the piano? You're not going to the recital no more? Herbert can't take your ass no where. You can't go to the recital. You can't go down to applebe S. They don't let us in there no more. But you pee didn't the flow, and your stupid ass laid in and went to sleep. And now you look outside and get peeing on the car supposed to be washing them watched your car. Don't be on the car. You can leave your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter a Instagram and on Facebook. It's Steve Harvey at them and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up next, it's Junior with Sports Talk. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go Junior with Sports Talk. What you got, Junior, like, we don't know, but what you got Junior? Well, we gotta take congratulations to the Atlanta Braves. The second one, Uh, ain't no enthusiasm in your voice Tommy sick call, let's sick. You know you gotta let somebody live in Atlanta do it. Congratulations, How about the Brady take this congratulations? Man? No, no, take this as from like this, like what you need to take move. I live hill and so I'm taking craving. We know where you live, y'all. A live in Houston where the losers live. Congratulations to the Lanta brave baby backing that boo seven nothing seven. I wasn't even close. They wanted that trophy seven nothing and if I was, y'all next season, stop pitching the horn. Haste the layer because he put him up three nothing in the bottom of the third. I don't know why we need pitches in our pitching was horrible last night, Timmy, No, I wasn't man. Hidden was just good. This is a whipping junior. This pitching. This a whipping man. It's coulations to the body. Oh no, change your attitude on this. Congratulations up from you, please you damn clear water back no more and cleanand Indians ain't doing a damn thing. Shut up, Cleanland. Indians ain't doing nothing. We all at the house together now. I don't know what you're talking about. He is that dayhouse, just like the Indians that day houtum. So I don't know what all this all this extra is fault. And I know he ain't talking about who ain't got a quarterback? You have to be kid, I'm not gonna hear where dude the cleve ain't got a quarterback, but he ain't going to jail. And that's the other thing about it. Now. I hope that Sean Watson survived this thing, and and and and and you know, find his way back and and and confine forgiveness of from these women or whatever got to happen. But that's why I hope happened for that young man, because everybody deserves second chair. But don't you bring up quarterback with the situation y'all got y'all shouldn't be talking about nobody to do pass brave baseball. That's a what you mad at me fault. I'm right around the corner from the because you ain't from Atlantic. You just old that John Jackins just shot up. I leve Hill, and you know why I moved Hill because I thought they would go win the World Series based on the brace right there, I knew the foculd we're going to bed, all right, Junior, thank you. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour right after this, Go brave. You're listening to show time now, guys, to talk about yesterday's election. It was a big night for the GOP. Republican Glenn Yunkin is the brand new Virginia governor Democratic former UM candidate Terry mcculliffe. According to CNN, Republican Yunken drafted a playbook for Republicans to navigate around Donald Trump, keeping the former president's base energized while all so winning back a sheriff suburbanites who had fled the party during Trump's to New York. How the governor's race in New Jersey is really right now too close to call, but the votes count it showed a very tight race which remained uncalled for for now. This is not how Democratic Governor Phil Murphy or Garden State Democrats envisioned that going down. Democrat Eric Adams has been elected the one hundred and tenth mayor of New York City. Adams is a retired New York City Police Department captain, and he will be the second black mayor in the city's history after the late David Dinkins. Yeah, yeah, moving to Atlanta now Steve Merrill. Candidate Felicia Moore, the city council president, has advanced to a runoff election on November thirtieth, where her opponent will be City council Member Andre Dickens, and a campaign dominated by the issue of public safety. Both Moore and Dickens had favored hiring more police officers to combat a rise in violent crime. Wow. Yeah, that's a shocker. Yeah, that's a shocker because a lot of people thought Cassine read would come back. I was one of those people that thought that. I thought I thought he would come back. Yeah. So again, the runoff election will be November. Voters in Minneapolis rejected the police overhaul after protests against George Floyd's killing. The voters decided to keep the city's police department intact. Oh well yeah, yeah, that bill failed. A lot of takeaways from the election last night, Uh, we got to vote for the mid terms. Virginia's that's a big loss. That's a big loss in Virginia to lose to the GOP like that. Yeah, and then the midterms are coming up, so yeah, you know, but I mean, it was a good point raised about how in Virginia Yanken, like they said, got around he kind of just himself from Trump, you know, and they say that maybe that's the model now that they should use that playbook. You know, navigate around Trump and then you're base energized. Huh wait a minute, navigate around Trump and keep his base energized. You know, kind of distance yourself a little bit from Trump, but still keep your base energized. However, he did make distance and navigate yourself around him at the same time. How do you do that? Well, he won. I think what they're trying to say is because the Republicans, those that were Republicans that didn't like Trump, they were still Republicans, so they voted for him. You're talking about the base, the base being considered the Republican party, not that's what I'm saying. That's well, you know, look I'm for that because I don't know the base, the base being considered Trump supporters. Yeah, you know, keep them energized, keep give them a little something, give them a little something. Whatever he did. Yeah, it's still it's still his base. But people, the people that don't like Trump, but they're still diehard Republicans. I just I'm I'm done people who like Donald Trump. I just I just don't understand that. I just don't. I just don't, and and and and it really just allows me to see who we're dealing with here. If you like Donald Trump as a president and a representative of this country, what you're saying for is, you don't mind bigotry. You don't mind sexism, you don't mind blatant racist statements. You don't you don't mind any of those things as long as what as long as you win, yeah, or as long as you're right yes, or what man or as long as you get to maintain this superiority complex. Because that's what it seems to me. I can't. You can't make me think anything else. It ain't cause he loved this country. It ain't still divided. We're still divided. Yep. Well, there you go. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to show. An American Airlines flight attendant suffered a concussion after a passenger allegedly struck her in the face during a flight from New York to California, prompting the pilot to divert to Colorado. This happened last week. According to court documents that were released yesterday. The passenger was charged with a salt and interference with a flight crew. The US District Attorney's office in Colorado set on a federal complaint that authorities that this incident began when the man got up to use the bathroom and stretch. The flight attendant told investigators that she was struck in the head after asking him to obey the seat elt sign and sit down okay. The passenger allegedly struck her in the head with his elbow, punched her in the face with a closed fist. One witness told authorities he struck her with a full swing. Another witness recalled him being restrained with duct tape and plastic band after the altercation. The unknown unnamed flight attendant had a bloody nose, complained of being dizzy and nauseous. She was treated by Denver doctors and diagnosed with a concussion. So people are still acting a fool on these airlines. Iddle whooped his ass all the way. I'm sorry, I'm just telling you. Punch my girl, dog. I promise you. I don't care where we at when I see you partner on the plane, I don't you got the land Wavefore we get to Denver right now? Oh, because this is an end back then we can't fly his plane. All right, it's coming up next. We'll do a round of would you rather? Right after this you're listening to show? All right, time for another round of would you rather? Let's get right to it. Would you rather have an extra hour a day? And if you have that extra hour, would you rather spend it sleeping or having sex? Oh? Come on, sure, we already know, we already know what we talk about. Just sleeping with the person, or would you be rather having Well, when we get through having sick, we're gonna be sleep. So I'm gonna get both for them. See, it's no way I'm getting extra out just ping sleep. So you get an actual out to be unconscious. But you always talk about you know you need more sleep, you know enough. You always hear me talking about people sleep too much. Yeah, yeah, that's right, you always hear me talking about And I'll be damned you give me an extra I'm gonna do it. Take my extra that I can press forward and be sleep, I can get up and see something else. Man, what leap? Now you just blew your time? I think all the men, what what? What went on? All? I ain't even got the head of sex. Just give me the extra hour? What now? But you can only do those two things, sleep or have sex? I said, all right, all right during the quarantine? Would you rather be alone with your partner or spouse time like to d on the website? Be I don't even know what it is I saw on TikTok. Would you rather be alone with your family and quarantine with your spouse and family be he is? Or would you beat rather be just alone with the TV? Just the TV that's it? Your family or just a TV? You thick b Yeah, y'all didn't go through this pandem. Don't act surprise about that answer. Hold on, ladies, ladies, here we go with the girls on listen. But I was already alone in Remember he was tree watching you watch the tree, girl. I need somebody in him. I heard my neighbor. Don't open I opened my eye. Hey, yeah, if you would you rather if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, one pit? Would would you would you rather for it? To be Chidland's or cal tongue. I'd rather you get this question right. Come on say it again? Would if you could? It is right. I'd rather you listen. You know, we run out of time. I wasted it. All right, we'll be back with our last break of the day and closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this you're listening show, all right, guys, Here we are our last break of the day, and before we get out of here and get to Steve's closing, we do want to thank our friend, our family member, Jill Scott. Yeah, Chill, we're checking in with us this morning. It's on hi Way to Heaven. Hi. That's her new Lifetime movie, Tommy. Hi Way to Heaven comes on Saturday, eight November six easton seventh Central nine November six, nine eighth Central. That ain't what the paper say it, But okay, why don't you all papers say the same thing? Eight seven eight that's on the paper this Saturday, November sixth at eight nine east Central. Seven. You don't see No. Nine on your damn paper. My papers says it right here. Steve ninety eight, I got the talking points girl right here, Well, what you want is right then, because one of us is gonna miss an hour of the movie. I said to Jail how many times? And you sat there and let me say it. Now you wants to try to correct me. That's not how we're gonna do this show. No more. How about that. We haven't out of a nephew. We're having it now. Yeah, on the zoom on the air. Clearly you know how you'd like to have your meetings right. All My meetings is public. That way, it can't nobody say I see nothing else. But anyway, the point is we want to thank Jill Scott. She's got a new Lifetime movie, Highway to Heaven, premiering November six this Saturday, eight seventh Central. Like I said, yeah, he said what you said? I said what i said. Hey, y'all my closing remarks I'm gonna do. I did it on Instagram and I didn't even know it. I was just talking to an audience one time and I wanted to share it with you. And it's about disappointment. So here it is. I want to talk to you today about disappointment because I think that we all have to grapple with disappointment from time to time. The problem with disappointment is that disappointment also, if you don't understand, it can turn so ugly so fast. Too many people allow disappointment to turn into resentment. So many people think that this disappointment for them symbolizes the end. When you allowed for disappointment to turn into resentment, and you allow disappointment to turn into the final verdict, you're losing what disappointment actually can become for you. Now, I want you all to start looking at disappointment as motivation. How many times have you been faced with something that was disappointing. Let's say you go in to get a job and you own your last interview. And I have been in this position. Man. I was trying to get an insurance job one time years ago, and I went in and I had gotten gone through about three or four interviews. I was at my final interview and I said, man, I'm about to get this job. Man, get my little family together, I'll be all right. And got to that interview and they told me no, that disappointment for me was gut wrenching. I actually got in my car, a little seventy two Chevy, and I was driving off Man and tears was in my eyes when I got up on the freeway and I drove back and I looked back over at that big building with that big powerful name on it, and I had gone through four interviews, and all of a sudden, I was so disappointed in not getting hired. But you know what I learned to do though, from that moment on, I turned all my disappointment into motivation. I said, Okay, I use it as a challenge. Okay, I'll show you from the time my teacher told me that you ain't gonna never be nothing, that there's no way they'll put somebody like you on TV because you have a stuttering problem and you can't even talk. But who are you who is issuing out this disappointment? Because you're not gonna make me resent you, and you're not gonna cause me to think that you're denying me this opportunity. Are you handing me this bad news of disappointment. I'm not going to allow you to be my final verdict. You are not going to be the person who is the author of my destiny. You are not it that belongs to God, not you, and I will not give that to anyone. So when you're facing disappointment, do not hand that disappointment over to the person who gave it to you in the form of empowerment. Do not allow them to control your destiny that causes you to go into such resentment that you become bitter that all of a sudden, now all you think about is that you don't have to do that. They are not the author of your future. That belongs to God and only God. Don't let them trip you up by tripping you out. Now, I've had shows canceled, gigs taken, I've been fired from radio, I've been all in all, I've had some disappointing setbacks, and I just quiet, at least say to myself, you ain't my God, You who think you have the power by telling me no, by turning me down, by refusing me, by voting against me, by telling me that I don't have what it takes. No, no, no, no, no, all. It's just because you don't know, because you don't know what God really has for me, And that ain't your fault. So why bear resentment for these people? Because they are not the author of your destiny? And don't you dare give them that you take that disappointment and you use it as the motivation. I feel sorry for people who tell me no, because you know what, I know. I know, they just don't know. And I end up somehow, through God's grace and mercy showing them all. Keep the right attitude, y'all. God got something for you through all your disappointment. Yeah. That's on my i G page and I just happen to be thumbing through it last night, pulled it to play it, and I don't know who I was when I did it. It was in the background, and I got some people that work in my social media department and they turned them into motivational videos. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to ste