Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are giving you an experience similar to eating a Popeyes chicken sandwich. Roscoe Wallace is here to sing us a little Earth Wind & Fire. Michelle Obama hosts a couch party for Voter Registration. Cardi B. has an opinion that gets clap back from Idris Elba. A $2 trillion stimulus package has been approved. The CLO has a rude awakening for a military wife. Sheryl Underwood makes some crazy accusations regarding "her" Junior and more. Is there a Greek tragedy in Reality Update? Miss Carla got the answers, plus more. Bill Cosby's lawyers seek early release because a CO in his prison tested positive for COVID-19. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve wants up to keep the faith and find an upside to this quarantine period and more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all a suit looking back to back down, giving them like theming buck. Things not good. Steve to the mother, I don't joining. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn them out, to turn the water the water go. Come, come on your baby down, h I sure will. But come morning, everybody y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah. Man, by God has been good to me. Man, I can't really count at all. You can't either, you know, it's all in perspective. You really can't count all that God has done for you. If you look at every little thing. It's unbelievable. The things He's done for us. How many times you know, we got through something without even talking to him about it. He just he just blessed us with it. How many you know? It's just it's so much that the fact that you wake up in the morning, the fact that you still have a place to stay, the fact that you know may be struggling out here, but guess what, You're still going to work. You you know, you live in check the check, but but you're making it all. You got all the plates spinning. You know, it's hard. You got a lot of plates spinning, but you keep him up there somewhere. Every now I near one break, but put two more back up there to look a little bit better. And you got to get to spending them so it all works. And then you got a lot of people who just can't seem to mentally put it together as to you know, why their life isn't in a position that they wanted to be. We talked about this oftentimes, but I want to try another angle with you to day. You know, maybe it's you. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe it's you. Maybe it's no external force that's at fault, like you keep making the excuse to be. You know, so many people I hear, well, if this hadn't have done this, if he hadn't have done that, if she hadn't have done that, I would have been further along. I wasted all my time, my years with this man, and he did this, and I could have been here, and I could have been there, and this woman she did this to me. If she hadn't have done that, I could have been here, and I could have been there. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's not really that external force that you keep making it out to be. See, I've done this to myself before. Once again, I'm talking to you about something I know about. I've done this to myself before. I've had the reason I wasn't where I wanted to be. I had it figured out as some external force. I had worked it out in my mind. Clearly it wasn't me, because if so and so, or if this hadn't happened, and if they hadn't have done this, I would have been further along up the road. That's what I was saying. But WOLDO hold on it or learned a valuable lesson? Man, See, if you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. If you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. I was listening to Bishop td Jake's one day, and I heard him say, you can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. You go outside and try that. Try to drive your car, but keep your eye in the rearview mirror. All you looking at is where you're being. All you looking at in that rearview mirrors where you're passed or should have passed, something you should have moved on from. All you're doing is looking in that rearview mirror at what happened back there. If you don't stop looking in the rearview mirror, you're gonna crash your car over and over and over again. All you got to slow it down so bad in order for you to keep looking in that rearview mirror. If you don't learn to let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go forward because you keep reviewing the past. The past is the past, and I know it's hard. Man. I watched a show and this lady said, well, I just can't ever forgive them for that, or guess what, guess what God may have already forgiven that person. That person may be extremely remorseful, could have gone to God and God and forgiveness for it years ago. But you you sit here and you keep hanging on to the back. I can't ever forgive that. Then I heard Bishop Jakes come on the show one time and say something that really really struck on. You keep drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. He said that. I just shook my head and went, wow, you drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Revenge is poor to you. You know, if hatred is poising to you unforgivingness, when you won't forgive a person, that person could be going on with their life made the right with God. Don't know how you're feeling. They're skipping through life now. You make adjustments every time you see them, and it takes energy. Man, it takes so much energy to hate. It takes so much energy not to forgive too that they come in the room. You got to avoid them. Stay over here, Oh here they come. Now you got to make a situation over here. They come into the house. It's family reunion. Oh here they come. Or where they're gonna be in the basement. I'm going to be on the third floor. I want to go outead and get some barbecue. She out there at the barbecue, staying, Oh lord, I don't want a barbecue. I just eat to take the stage. People man, take themselves all out of position, trying to make adjustments, when if you it would simplify your life, if you would let just let it go. Maybe you ain't where you need to be because of them external forces altogether. Maybe you're not where you need to be cause of you, because you won't let it go, you won't move forward. Look at this, ladies. Let's say you've been in a situation with a man for years. It didn't work out for whatever the reason, it just didn't work out. I got, I got what you said he did. I got what he did, I got all of that, YadA, YadA YadA. When you get through, did not God get you through it? Did not he allow you to survive it? I got you, got some cuts on you, I got you been a little bit bruised. But did he not get you through it? So, now that he's freed you from it, now he didn't went on. He got a whole other family over that somewhere. He now he trying to make it right because maybe he learned the mistake he made and now he trying to be a better man. He just trying to get it right right now. But you're sitting there holding onto it. You're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. So now instead of you enjoying the blessing of finally being free from a situation that was not healthy for you. You create an even more unhealthy situation in your mind by hating, by having revengeful thoughts, by hoping he fall on his face. Maybe you're even doing something to the other situation to make sure they struggle. Oh man, you're drinking poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Maybe you ain't where you ought to be in life, not because of your external forces, but maybe it's you. If you don't let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. You can't keep driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Come on, man, Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for you. Ladies and gentlemen, Let me have your undivided attention. We are about to begin and experience. I'm sparcing some things, you know, kind of like eating a popeyed chicken, saying yeah, you know what I mean. Just looking at me all special and everything. Yes, Steve, that's it. We are here today to sparcing some things and for y'all to be looking at us all special. This is to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning to you, Steve Carlin. For rel we are special. What's up, Steve? What's up? Crew? The two thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine won the Other World? Junior boy kill all spakes good more than everybody. First time I spoke today, he's about friend King of Pranks. Yes, sir, I ain't the building state. We are special people. We are special radio show. That's what we are. Yes, we are, Thank the Lord, Thank the Lord. We yes Thursday. Yeah, man, anybody all these days is running together? You know exactly sounds I know it was. Did you guys see that name on Instagram? What was it yesterday? Day before? Oh, I gotta get up out this bad before I'm late for my living room. She was happening, See what's going on? And then if you've got to stay at home? That a posting that don't really need to be posted. What do you mean? You know it's your stuff that for post like you know that that ain't interesting. Hey, nobody got nothing to do? Oh man, But but I'll be going around. Hey, y'all just want y'all to see me. Yeah, people are bored, that's how it is. Anyway. They don't know what they just want you to see. Nothing I can I can attest to that all right, But I mean it's the time to reflect, it's the time to do a lot of things. I mean, you don't have to be bored if you don't want to be bored. But you know I got that man books or the books online. Yeah, well I'm writing a book, so to see, I'm writing a book while I'm down. I'm getting in physical better shape hopefully. Oh. You know, I've been working on my meditation and everything, spending a lot of time. And the girl laughing. Then you know she bought the staff back in praise God for that. You know. Now we're cleaning up for you. Huh. Quit asking me, you know, because I'm not good at it. Oh, and I know how to oh, oh, I know how to make you think I ain't gonna do Just get just leave it alone, Just leave a dish so you break something. I broke a plate the other day on purpose. That's really trifling, it is. I don't know how to get out of some all right, Steve, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, our old friend or good friend, Roscoe Wallace will be in the building. We'll see if yeah, he might want to perform for us. We'll see, right, after this you're listening. We salute all of the scientists, all of the doctors, the medical professionals, healthcare workers, truck drivers, grocery store staff, food delivery services, police officer. Um, we saw a brother. Um, did you guys see this doctor Elvis friend sois Oh what a beautiful voice singing. He was singing imagine by John um Lennon on social media. And uh, you know what, we all need to come together for this pandemic. Uh and our very own. Here we go. Roscoe Wallace is he is here. Hopefully he'll sing a song. Lady Roscoe Wallace pass two passing its dis Yes, we're going on. Everybody, Rocko Wallace in the building, one of the great lounge singers, the song writer all time. Oh good man, you been a minute man, been a minute award. Hey, we're going. Hey. I respect the fact that you're keeping your distance social where you know, you gotta social justifying going on. You know everything they called itself to justified because it say they are disaffected. Oh so I just called it. See that's gonna catch on like all my songs due it was ju what's that to Ruscoe by ain't then going on with the red Baby where Hey call it? Hey? Roscoe? What's up? Everything? Everything? You don't believe that me greedy did, but it did whatever. You ain't gotta believe it, but it is anybody. Yeah, man, what's going on y'all? Everybody locked the end of the day? Can nobody going around? Rob? You know, I got you all? You know? All I mean is just you know, the steady righting hit. You know where ain't gonna stop without hit? You know? Yeah? You know what? Rosco? A lot of people what I ain't written the question? I just want to know you know what you've been doing. Oh, I've been just watching all the song like who you have seen on that? I probably knew the song John John what he's saying, carry all of his hits all in his head? Yeah? Lifted, Yeah, lifted, Get get lifted that Casey Sunshine bad Baby Lifted. Yeah. I wrote it. And you know Rusco, Tyler Tyler Perry has people singing, Uh, he's got the whole world in his hands. Yeah. He ain't called meat. No, he didn't yet. Now at first I heard of boys too, ain't don't you know? Oh? We good? I know Tyler Daddy? Who do you? Yeah? Parry Parrot Mason, the old white lawyer, that Tyler parent's daddy. Yeah, I knew him all I knew when't even in the Moon, that TV show Ironside all that. I so many hits. You hear that to hear that HiT's song for right now? I mean what you want, whatever you want to sing like. That's the Way of the World. That's one of Steve's favorites Old Winning File and Philip Bailey. Yeah, must feel good, right, that's the way of the World. It's hard saying, plead your flower and you grow schilt born looking with a hard of gold. We the world mix. It is a hard soul cold yeah. Yeah, that's one of my favorite songs right there. That's the way the will because you know with all the coronavirul everything going around at the Way of the World. Everybody got it. It's everywhere in your China. Yeah bull stop you bull Bullrain Rain who say or everybody got it? Yeah? This this, this, this is all our problem right here here. Stop all this every about it come from China and everything I heard you prevad and talking about that, Well it's here now. I'm like, what card it be said? It might have started in China, but hell is on tour. Now look this on tools say and on this hand now coming soon to a city near you. What it is man? Yeah, you just can't if you can. M M. How about a love will find a way? Lionel Richie did you, oh, love you find the way you do? He says, all the instruments and is it hard this life you live in? Uh huh? He is a male. Seems so unkind M. Don't you weary? Love will find a way? You as close? Is it hard this life you live in? Can the world seem so uncind? I can't remember that love? Love will find a way? Yeah, the wheel, So I'm saying that. Hello, they're wait, So I'm gonna say the word gid away. Maybe you know where to turn. Yeah, there's nothing you can do, ros hole for that hole for your tomorrow roll. I don't know abody anybody in your sad road. Thank you, Roscoe, lect coro, no vibrus what stay away, nephew, Tommy's run that prank back? Coming up right after this, Roscoe. It's been a while, y'all doing WoT you're listening? Stave Harpy Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news Cardie b and her drama about the Corona coronavirus. Well, we'll talk about that, plus our forever First Lady, Michelle Obama and d Nice hosted a voter registration drive couch party last night on Instagram. It was live all the way. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. Right now, it's time for the nephew to run that Frank back. What you guys for his nap? Hey? Can you bring me some paper? I need some paper. I'm in the Downsdanns bathroom. I need some paper. Can you bring me some Canada's cannier? Yeah? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to Charles. I'm looking for Charles. Yeah. This Chilotte, Una, This Chilotte. How can I help you? Hey, listen, Um, I'm you boy, I'm on my speaking with I'm sorry this scotty man. I'm um house sitting for reader. Y'all okay, okay, yeah, yeah, she told me she was going out of town. What can I do for your brother? I caught y'all down the way. Man, y'all, I'm in the house, both our houses. Yeah, I think let's see. Yeah, we're full houses down. Okay. Now, she loved me a number man, loved me, y'all know me, and then she loved Miss Darks. No, I try to call Miss Darks, but then I'm a body answer the phone. Yeah. She normally in church around this time. Ria said she was gonna be gone for a minute, So you say you down there right right? Right? Then? She told me if I got into murgency anything, that I could reach out to y'all and call y'all. Right, right right, okay? Are you are you busy right now? Man? Well? Actually, I'm in the middle of cooking my wife some dinner and got some meat on the grill. But other than that, you know, okay, I mean you you are you able to help me out with something right quick? Or you got you got time for that? Well, like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking. If there's something I can help you with, I you know, I don't mind coming down there and uh showing you or doing whatever it is that we need to do. Okay, Charlie, would you helping to have any paper? Man? Any paper? Yeah? I think I got some newspaper. What you're trying? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no news. Let me some paper. You got some paper? What notebook paper? No? See man, listen tylly, like I said, my name is Scotty. Man. I know you don't know. Man, I didn't got myself in little situation here down here, read the house man, and I didn't. Man, I'm in a situation. I actually and in the bathroom man, and it ain't no paper in here. Dog. So you're saying you want me to bring you some toilet paper. I mean, if you're on mind, I'm sitting here. My legs ain't got no I can feel my my my whole little body. Man from butt down, I can't feel nothing, man, my feet, everything, and went to sleep on them. Hold up by this dude down here and read the house saying he wanted me to bring his paper because he didn't got numb sitting on the truck. Man. Look at here, bro, I'm in the middle of cookie. I wish I could help you, but you know, I mean, I can't tell you about four hours of doctor should run down here right quickly. I'm at the back door. I to say, Man, I understand all that you're saying, but like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking for my wife. We're having a little special occasion because our kids and stuff going, and I can't to leave her like that just to come bring you know paper. Now, what I can't tell you to do is if Rieda got one of them tiles or something. Town man, I'm not using nobody town like. That's disrespectful. Man. Okay, hey, but lawyer your voice. Man, you call them me to help you, and you acting like I caused you to not have no guys. You case the halfake the batht all. I'm asking for just and they're gonna take no more for two three minute run down here right quick and bringing the paper man, and then you get on back to your donner. Well, what you was sounding like what you need to do? Bro? You said you had emergence. I thought the house or the dogs had got out of you had locked yourself out the house. But I'm not gonna come down and bring you know payer because that don't sound like emergencies. That's not like some personal And furthermore, you're in the bathroom just jump to out your colones getting the shower on white shot. So I'm not gonna dog that's like I said. I'm numb right now, man, I need some help. So you want me to come down there, bring you some tilet papers and pick your number. You can't get up out there, call it if I want to help you to day. That's why I'm trying to tell you I'm in an emergency. Man, Okay, Well that, like I said, Man, that don't sound like an emergent. Seem like a little quick fix. Get your drawns and and like your drawns told them, way go get you some moth. I mean, I'm not saying to walk full houses down there to bring you some tilet papers. Your legs now, I'm high. How are you gonna get up and over the The backdoor is open. All you gotta do is come in here and reaching here and pass me a roll of paper. Man, That's all I'm asking you to do, Miss Charlotte, I understand that. But I'm not gonna come down there and bring you no paper. I'm not going to bring you bring me some paper down here? Man, sow your man say, man, who the hell you? Thank you? Hidling that you need me? I don't need you? Well, won't you to do something? Man? You see I'm sitting in a situation. The reader left y'all number that y'alla helped me while I'm down in your house watching man. Just here's crazy, baby, man, what wrong't you You're gonna call me asking me to bring you some newspaper. I told you that I was in the middle of fixing me and my wife from dinner, and you come calling me talking about some paper man. I don't want to hear no shop about and I ain't coming down there to bring you know paper man. Hello, Charlie, you're gonna bring this paper man? Man? Look like I told you before, I say to bring you know paper down there. We don't white no on this street like hold on, man, I can't just you can't just leave me here and I'm numb like this, but not to come bring no brown man, no toilet paper because he is responsible when he going into the restroom. That sound like a personal problem. You you too wrong for that just is sent You're wasted though this is an emergency, man, Man, that don't sound in the urgency. That sounds like a personal problem that you got going on. Come on his joy, I want to get off of hire man. You know me off with. I don't give a about you being man, not a fact. Soon as you get your up out of there, you so that you come on down here. I'm coming down that by the trick. I'm coming down there the way. I am just like this hell and I'm ana whoop for not helping me while I'm gonna situation. I got one more thing I need to say to you that I'm gonna do. Is you're listening? Bring your tone? I got some snakeskin shoes and fit right up, clean up on it all. I got one more thing? Is you listening? Man? What man? Like? I said? What you got to say? Man? That's this nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your neighbor. Reader. Ain't this than at mother from the radio stations? Is this comming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm gonna whoop, reader, got you Tylerm'm man, you had me. I was going to come down there man and break show down and whoop. You better be glad. I'm eating. I can't believe it. Hey, man, I gotta ask you, man, one more thing. What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvest Show. Y'all play a practical jokes, folks. Face. Now you're having folks catch me being stupid right there on iTunes. Just put my name in, nephew, Tommy, and all of my ignorance will just pop up, and I will handle most of your day. If you're at home and you're stuck there and you're lonely, come be stupid with me for a while, give me a couple of hours. I'll put a smile on your face. I promise, y'all. Do it. My girlfriend says her her fiance to get in the mood, he plays your CDs and it doesn't work for her him him, but every night he plays it. Wait, wait, wait, wait to get him in the move. Yes, yes, he needs stupid to get him in. He loves us. He plays it every night, every night in the mood. In the mood. All right, listen, coming up at the top of the hour, Thank you, nephew. Some entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening to show in today's entertainment news. Well, last night, are Forever First Lady, the Fabulous Michelle Obama and DJ d Nice hosted a couch party. It was for voter registration. While partying from a comfort of your home and sitting on the couch jamming with d Nice on Instagram live volunteers across the country. We're working and texting eligible voters to help them register to vote. Now, if you missed all of this, the big couch party and everything, you can still register. All you have to do is go to we all vote dot org. That's we all vote dot org. All right, now, leave it to Cardi by two Steve check check in my wife, Magnance Nice. You're all quiet and everything. No, no, no, no, I'm just you know, you know, letting it go, you know, just case, you know, Marge listening. She soon she is something. He is. Everybody on that get on there. Okay, yeah, all right. So leaving to Carti b to start some controversy in this era. In case you missed it, Carti was on the GRAM and she insinuated that celebrities like, let's say, Tom Hanks, Kevin Durant, and Andy Cohen are being paid to say that they've contracted the coronavirus. Now, Idris uh Idris Elba and his wife Sabrina, they were not having it. Um. They did a live uh I G session to debunk Carti's theory without actually saying her name. Uh, they were saying the idea that someone like myself is going to be paid to say I have coronavirus. That's like absolute b as, absolute bull sugar honey iced tea. That's what Edre said. Cardie B also called out Huh. She called out celebrities for getting tested in a time of mass shortages of coronavirus tests. Take a listen. If a celebrity is thing, hey, listen, I don't have no symptoms. I'm feeling good, I feel healthy, I don't feel like nothing. But I went and got tested and I'm positive for the coronavirus. That caused confusion that made people be like, well wait a minute now, Oh I don't have no symptoms, but I know I went out this and that day I might just have it. I'm scared because I'm around my kid, I'm around my grandparents. What should I do? Okay, you cannot you don't have it? Yeah, yeah, I mean, look, hey man, I've been tested, you know, but I got I'm around a lot of people. I was doing family feud, I'm eating families every day, and you don't have to have symptoms. Everybody eventually should get tested. And celebrities are people too, So yeah, I mean, you know, like Wint Winton just came back from Dubai about five days ago. He was in Dubai and Dubai and the UA is one of the safest places, Like I said, but you got to fly on these airplanes and then he had to go through the airport and you know, they got a little screening processes going on at these airports. So guess what Winton had to get tested. He had to go live in a house. My wife would not even let him in the house. He had to go to our other house stayed there. Yeah, we got a doctor that had a test tested him and he just got his results back that he was negative yesterday. So he came over until the count because you know what, Marger, keep telling them your daddy is over sixty and I'd be going one day. Cardie had some complaints, she said, I said what I said. Okay, all right, Steve, time now for some headlines. Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much. This is a troop with the news. Let's get to it. The US is now about to pass the one thousand mark in coronavirus deaths. They're nearing it right now. The two trillion dollars economic stimulus bill, at least, that did pass the Senate last night. The vote was unanimous, ninety six to nothing. The bill now goes to the House of Representatives democratically to say they're going to approve it tomorrow morning. There are now sixty five thousand cases in the nation. The death toll, I could say, nearing a thousand, nine hundred and twenty eight. Not everybody's happy with the bill, however. New York City's mayor, Mayor Deblasio says that New York would only get about a billion dollars out of that two trillion, despite the fact that New York has about one third of the nation's CORONA cases. New York's governor, Governor Cuomo, is also disappointed by the way. Despite President Trump's let's all go to church on Easter hopes, there are some new COVID nineteen hotspots. There have been disaster declarations now with Texas and Louisiana, and in Detroit, two police officers have died from the virus the first time. Though. At last night's coronavirus briefing, President Trump did seem very very very much focused on helping the city where he was born and raised. I want you to know that I'm doing everything in my power to help the city pull through this challenge. I'm working very hard in New York. It's really by far our biggest problem. Maybe it will be, maybe it won't be, but there's a lot of good, capable people working on it with us, and our teams are working very well with the state representatives. State and local officials still wondering why the President doesn't enforce the Federal Defense Act, which would allow him to order companies to start production of respirators in medical protection gear. In the state of California, where officials say they're only six weeks away from having the same kind of problem that New York has, Governor Garret Gavin Newsom says that state purchased and donate masks and ventilators making their way there, but he's vigorously preparing for a possibly serious spike in infections. We're getting these assets in place so that we can at least buy ourselves some time as we procure all of these other resources in real time. Meanwhile, Florida's Governor Rod de Sandis is telling anybody who flies into his state from New York City's area to self quarantine themselves for two weeks. And he's serious about National Guard and some other health folks at the airports. All these folks are having they're in for they have to provide information, they have to provide a place where they'll be self isolating, and that is enforceable under the executive order, so they could face adverse consequences. Like I said, he's serious about another one bites to dust for now, the seventy fourth annual Tony Awards, they're a worst schedule for June seventh. They're going to be postponed. The Olympics is postponed till twenty twenty one. Finally, if social distancing is driving you drunk, get this. According to the Wall Street Journal, people are hosting virtual happy hour events on Facebook live time in zoom. The upside, the peanuts and the chicken wings have been breathed on, and there's no line for the bad. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show in Trending Economy News. We all saw it yesterday. The lawmakers struck finally a two trillion dollars stimulus deal that includes sending checks directly to individuals amid the coronavirus crisis, but it will likely take until at least May before the money actually goes out. According to The New York Times, a twelve hundred dollars payment for each adult and five hundred dollars per child and households that earn up to seventy five thousand dollars per year for individuals or one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for couples. There is no assistance for people who earn more. Okay, Unemployment benefits would extend huh, hey, I don't know where. Hey. Unemployment benefits would extend the jobless insurance by thirteen weeks and include a four month enhancement of benefits. The Democrats also insisted this included freelancers and furloughed employees. Small businesses will receive emergency loans if they keep their workers distressed. Companies can receive government bailouts, and hospitals staggering under the burden of the coronavirus would receive eight as well. This is the third time since the year two thousand the federal government has approved payments to citizens based on special circumstances. So thank you. You know, trillion, that's a lot, a lot, a lot of zeros. Huh. Well, yeah, that's good though, because its great that they finally could work together and do it. Yes, it's grateful for those first responders. Yeah, you know, we got to get this curved fixed flat. People have got to stay in and you got to take the precaution. And another thing I just recently learned too, because so many people are getting food delivered now. The Center from Disease Controlled just announced today that the coronavirus can live on cloth and bags for up to two hours. Yeah, I've heard that you're supposed to take the food out of the bag once it gets delivered, throw the bag away, then get the food. Well I'm talking about you know, and plus those those canvas bags those food delivery services. Yeah yeah, yeah, got you. And so you know that you should spray down the bags when you get them and let them sit in the garage for hours. So they say it's just a lot going on, man, Yeah, yeah, And you have to really be conscientious, you definitely do. And you want to order the food to support the restaurants to keep them in business. It's most people ordering food to stay alive though, yeah, I mean so you have something to eat, of course, Yeah, but you go to the grocery store. Basic information. All right, listen, coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour. Uh, we're gonna switch gears and get ready to ask the CLO, the Chief Love Officer. Right after this you're listening to. All right, Steve, it is time. It is time. Bring him on in here, the CLLO Chief Love Officer. We have some questions for him. All right. I love it, and you don't have to get ready right. This one's from Donna in El Paso, Texas. She says, a year ago, my husband was deployed and he was told he would be away for eighteen months. Six months after he left, I ended up having an affair with his stepbrother, and I got pregnant from our first encounter. His stepbrother and I never messed around again after that. But he wants me to have the baby and he will raise it. My husband just told me he's coming home next month, earlier than expect it. So should I tell him about the pregnancy now or should I wait until he gets home? When? What? What? When do you think this is gonna be a good time to tell Yeah, I really don't have a suggestion for you. I don't know how with his brother in law, step brother. She had an a fan with her husband's step brother. Yes, yes, yes, his stepbrother, and she got pregnant after the first time. Yeah, and now he didn't told you. He wants you to have the baby and he gonna raise it. He'll raise it. Yeah, I have no comment. I don't know what to tell I really say you are. I don't know what to tell yo, this dude think get his ass? Will soon? Just madn't get home. That's what's gonna happen, thinking understand that that's going to say. I don't know, I don't know. You know, Uh, but she's so cavalier about it. Should I tell him now? Or wait? What his relationship? Yeah, tell somebody that's coming home from that'd be a good day. He'd been deployed, thinking he got a wife at home. I don't know what to tell you, but no, you got You're wrong. I have nothing to tell you. I don't know when you should tell him? I really don't. That is no good time. All hell gonna break loose when the man come home though, because the stepbrother your best to believe he gonna have something to deal Yeah. I don't know what you're gonna have to deal with. You don't have a marriage anymore. So I hope that fleeting was worth it, and I hope his his stepbrother won't you. Yeah, he doesn't want to move. Get back on a move. Yeah, maybe been at the step brother the father of your baby. This is crazy, all right, so we'll move on. Steve, This is from Tye and Jack's hunt. Would you say, Junior these questions? He will be asked? You keep putting no weight? All right? This is from Tye and Jacksonville. Steve. Tye says, I've been married for seven years and my wife is my everything. I work hard so she can stay home every day and have a good life. Two months ago I saw her. I saw on her credit card statement that she'd been running a room at a nearby hotel. She said that it was a mistake and she would call the hotel to dispute the charges. I believed her, but then I got a message on Facebook from a man that said my wife had been paying him for sex and he thought I should know. I have not confronted my wife yet. But I'm trying to find this dude, Steve, how should I handle this that you can answer this one? I mean, man, I don't know what I'm trying to find this dude. First of all, you're not married to the dude you and the dude took no vows. Your whole problem is your girl. If there is a problem. Now, it sounds quite strange that you would discover this charge. She says she's gonna call the hotel and dispute it. And then right after that a guy calls and says that your wife has been paying him to have sex with her. That's a big coincidence. So now me, I would do a little me personally. I would do a little forensic science gathering of information, you know, stuff like that. I don't know how you do that, but you know, you know you can find out if she was really there not. But your whole problem is with your wife. Your problem ain't with this dude. But then his motivation for calling you and telling you that is I thank you ought to know. I can't get that call right all right? Thank you, Yellow, and none of them next what I wanted to really saying. Next, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today subject men and women can't be just friends? All right? But right now nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What do you have for us today? I have alarm alert, Shirley, alarm alert. Everybody has an alama on the houses. You know what happens when it goes off, that's an alama alert. And I just happened to give someone a call. Here we go, let's go get Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach de Nise. Please, Yeah, this is Denise. Hi, Denise. This is only I'm calling security. I've got an alarm that We've got an alarm that's gone off on you guys. Property is all right? Are you guys? We're just checking before we send authorities out. Is everything okay? Then maybe someone trip the alarm? Oh my gosh, No, I'm at work. I'm at work right now. I'm not home. Okay. Do you have a tet or dog or anything that could actually trip the alarm? No, No, that's strange. It never goes off like that. I'm nervous. Okay, give you a second. We've got a call into the neighborhood security that actually are en route to the property, and they were going to give us some information before we actually sent sent the police officers out, unless you would like for me to send them out now. But yeah, I feel like you should send the police. I mean, if I'm not home and nobody's home and my alarms going off and it never goes off that, I'm worried. Okay, hang on one second, this is neighborhood security calling that. Hang on one second. I'll be right back to you. Oh okay, niece, are you there? Yes, yes, yes, I'm here. They have um they're out there at the property, the neighborhood security. Do you um there is a black guy there is only your premise. Are you familiar with who that might be? Well, I mean my husband's black, but he should be at work right now. Okay, Oh definitely okay, and he probably would have texted me if you know the alarm was flying off. Okay, Well, I mean, do you have any other black male friends? Excuse me, do you have any other Do you have any other black male friends that might be at the house. I mean, yeah, it's a very weird question. I mean I have black friends, yes, but I don't think they would be in my house. Okay, well, I mean should we just assume that this is your husband? What do you think? I I mean, what would you like that work? I mean? What? How tall is this person? In sixty three? On? Hold on one second? Let me go back to the scurry from the night rood. I ain't on one second. Don't know if somebody's in my alarms going off? I don't know. I mean, okay, Denie, yes, okay, they have The black guy that they're looking at is about five foot ten, maybe late twenties. How old is your husband? No, my husband is I just told you that my husband's not there. He would have texted me or called me and told me that he accidentally set the alarm off. And I'm actually gonna text him. I mean, this is crazy. I should probably call him. Okay, do you do realize if we send you do realize if we send the authorities out and this is a false call, that you're gonna get charged for that. You do know that, right? A false call? You just said somebody's in my house and it's not me or my husband. You're saying your husband's black and then there's a black guy there. I mean, there're probably no each other, right, Are you kidding me? What kind of question is that because they're both black. I'm just trying to save you some money, ma'am. I don't want to send out police officers when they get there and then all of a sudden, your husband knows the black guy, or he's he's a relative or something. I mean, do they I mean, you know, do you want to call what do you think like this? This is really offensive and and I don't understand if I'm telling you that I don't know who the person is in my house that means to send the police. I mean, this is ridiculous. You think they're they're calling back neighborhoods. He just hold on one second. Neighborhood security is calling back here. Oh my god, this is ridiculous. Okay, Denise, Now the security in the neighborhood. They're telling me that this guy just drove out of the garage and a white pickup. Do you do you got to have a white pickup? Yes, we do. So this guy just pulled out of your your your garage and a white pickup. Well, I have my car at work, and my husband has his car that's like the truck that he uses on the weekends for like construction and stuff. So that means somebody just stole our car. I can't believe this is happening. You are watching somebody in my house and you you basically watch them steal my truck. Well, well, I'm gonna go ahead and now and get the police to go over. Okay, why the are you going to send them? Now? He probably took all my ship in my house. I mean, the police get there, there's not gonna be anything left in my house. Probably the start the back of the truck. I mean, I'm doing the best I can. I'm trying to help you out of you is going to do with me now? I mean, the whole time you've been talking to me, he's been cleaning up my house out and stealing. Well, how did he get in your house? I don't know. I don't know this guy. Okay, I'm just asking you. How could somebody gave here a house? Did you leave something open? What did you go? Hey, listen, you would know because I wouldn't have been able to set my alarm this morning. If something was open, it would beep and it wouldn't let me set the alarm. And the fact that you're interrogating me when somebody's robbing my house. You need to do your job. I need to call my husband. You're wasting my time. I mean, by the time the police get there, it's going to be tomorrow. So you're gonna so you're gonna call Darrel. Now, I'm sorry, you're gonna call Darrel. Now, how do you know my husband's name, Denise? This is nephew telling me from the Steve Harvey More to show your husband. Darrell got me through prank phone coffee. Oh my god, I was gonna come down there and right, nobody stole your truck, nobody's at your house. Your alarm is sign everything is good. But Therell told me said, we gotta get my wife. We gotta get a good that's so did we get you? Oh my god, I was sweating. I was so angry. I was sweating over here. All right, So tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. So Steve Harvey Morning Show, and now you have it. Alarm alert. Man. Okay, you better stay alert. I know that because has all alarment was just gone out in the middle of the night, just on you know something crazy man. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not I'm not preparing it. I'm really not. I'm already too late. Soon as you go off, I know, I can't get to nothing for anything that wakes you up out of it. I got to tell us. I got to tell the burglar. Hey, man, you're just get brother too minutes. We'll we'll give me a minute. Yeah, give me a minute, though, I ain't rid of I got kids. What tune in? But y'all catch me on our tunes. Man, get your laugh on. Everybody's sitting at the house. Listen to the pranks I've been hearing. Y'all haking it. Listen to him. Keep on listening to the pranks. Let me get you through. What are we going through? I'm gonna do that. Well yeah, let's see. No, well you know he is. You can't go pres you can't take that way shut Oh no, and you haven't heat yeah, huh. I'm asked for MOVID. You know, I feel grateful that he didn't. We got we got thirty most seconds. Go ahead, come on, give me some mention. We're talking about it. Oh, you're the greatest, Joe, You're the greatest man. Very convincing. Huh. Franking you be prank you are the best. You be pranking man. That was enough? All right, well, thank you, nephew. Coming up Strawberry Letters. Subject men and women can't be just friends. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here today, right now. Yeah, buggle up, hold on tight. We got for you here. It is serry letter, all right. Subject men and women can't be just friends? Okay, can't do it? Dear Stephen Shirley. I have an old friend that I've been holding a grudge against for three years. She was one of my best friends until she ended up sleeping with my boyfriend. She and my boyfriend were good friends too, and whenever he and I had problems in our relationship. He would run to her and tell his side of the story. A few times, he got so mad that he left me and stayed overnight with her because he didn't want to be around me. Call me crazy, but at that time I would be so mad that I didn't care where he was sleeping. Then there was the time that my friend's boyfriend threatened her, so my boyfriend went to her house to make sure everything was okay. That was the night that my friend and my boyfriend had sex. She called me the next day, crying like a fool, told me how it all went down. She said she was vulnerable and scared and my boyfriend was comforting her, and it just happened when he got home. I tried to knock him all the way out before I broke up with him. Needless to say, I tried to fight her too, but never caught her at the right time. So here we are three years later, and she texted me to see if I would talk to her. I told her no, but my conscience got the best of me and I figured I could at least hear her out. We met a couple of weeks ago. We met up a couple of weeks ago, and she cried a whole lot and asked for my forgiveness. I recently got engaged to a wonderful man, and I've learned to never have another female around my man, and I don't want my man to have female friend because of her. I have major trust issues with my new man. How can I get past what she did to me? Should I let her back into my life? Please advise? Well, you know, as we always say on the show, the quickest way, you know, maybe not the easiest way or anything like that, but the quickest way to get past stuff is to forgive. And this is hard because this is one of your best friends. She betrayed you, and understandably, so you cut her off, try to beat her up, all of that, but you couldn't find her. You said it was ever the right time. Try to beat up your man too, before you guys, you know, before you guys broke up. But um, you have a new man now, all right, and that's the situation. I mean, but you have trust issues. You don't say that you've gone to counseling or you've gone to therapy or anything to deal with your trust issues. So I gotta tell you you cannot put that on your your new man. You can't put that on your your fiance because he wasn't around. He's a different man. Obviously, you love him enough to get engaged to him and possibly be married to him. That's usually what engagements leads to lead to. But I just got to tell you you cannot judge him or compare him with your ex. And a lot of times we have a tendency to do that with our trust issues. So you know you're gonna be looking at every female that comes around him in his life. You're gonna be looking at him crazy. You said you don't even want him to have female friends. You probably don't want any women around him period, And that's gonna be a problem because you shouldn't put that on him. Now, as far as your former best friend goes, you've met with her. You know she was remorseful. I'm assuming I really need of forgiveness. People can change, but you know you won't know that until you give her that second chance. But just to be her friend. But if you do, you gotta not let her come around your man. That's a no, no, no, no, Okay, you can't have that kind of relationship with her like you had before. You can't let your man go around her. I don't care if her what happened with her and her boyfriend. That's their bit, isn't It's okay. You gotta have your relationship and they gotta have theirs. You need to set some boundaries and some ground rules if you're going to bring this woman back in your life, and definitely don't let her or any other female until you deal with your trust issues come around your man, Steve, Well, this whole thing was kind of sloppy from the very beginning all the way through this letter. It just it all laid up to some foolery. Hill. You've been holding the grudge against your old friend for three years. She was your best friend until she slept with your boyfriend. Now, she and my boyfriend were good friends too, and whatever you and him had problems in your relationship, he would run to her to tell his side of the story. Pocket. Right there, that's the worst thing that a man can do is take the problems he's having with his woman and go and tell it to an other woman. That right there is disrespectful of your woman and your relationship. I just have to be honest with you, because now this other woman who happens to be your best friend but also supposedly his friend too, now has the goods. She knows what's going on in y'all's relationship. You should never have an outside party that knows everything that's going on in your relationship. That's it's not gonna work out, especially in this situation when you claim she's your friend and he claims as her friends she's his friend too. Now and then a few times he got so mad that he left you and went and stayed overnight with her because he didn't want to be around and at what are you kidding me, a dude, and get mad at you and go spend the night out another a woman's house, and that was okay with you because you was mad and you didn't care where he was sleeping. What do you see the problems before we even get to the why you wrote the letter? Oh this is crazy? All right? Hang on, Steve, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject that men and women just can't be friends. We'll get back into it right after this you're listening show, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letters subject Men and women can't just be friends? Can't be just friends? Lady with friends with this girl, and she ain't been holding she's been holding the grudge against her for three years because she slept with a boyfriend. Now she and her boyfriend. Now the girl that her girlfriend is also her boyfriend's friend too. And whenever they had problems in our relationship, he would run over and tell his side of the story. That's fine, I supposed to do that. Secondly, a few times he got when he left me, he would stay overnight with her because he didn't want to be around me. Call me crazy, but at the time I would be so mad I didn't care where he would sleeping. That's another problem. A man can leave your bed because he mad and go sleep at another woman's house. Who does that? Who is aware of that? You think you do? You think we got a problem in here now? Man? If I go, wait a minute, So I got a woman friend that I tell all our business too, And when I get mad at you, I go over, I go over your girlfriend's house and spend the night. What that don't make no damn sense? Then that was the time where your girlfriend's boydfriend threatened her, So your boyfriend went to her house to make sure everything was okay. That was a night that your friend and your boyfriend had sex. Did she call you the next day crying like a fool and told me hide all went down? She said she was vulnerable and scared, and my boyfriend was confident in her, and it just happened what it just had crazy. See, you can't just happen to have sex with nobody. It's a process. Y'all got to take each other clothes off. Y'all gotta be kissing hard. A whole lot of stuff started happening when he got home. I tried to knock him all the way out before I broke up with him. And needless to say, I tried to fight her too, This to part I like, but never caught her at the right time. So that means sister girl was trying to sneak our ass. I like that. She was trying to catch her somewhere, but I couldn't ever couldn't get the right time. That's cause she was ducking Okay, So here we are. Three years later, she texted me to see if I would talk to him. I told her no, but my conscience got the best of men. I figured I could at least hear out, So we met up a couple of weeks ago. She cried a whole lot and ask for my forgiveness. She probably needs it and you should give it to it. I recently got engaged to a wonderful man, and I've learned to never have another female around my man, and I don't want my man to have female friends because of her. I have major trust issues with my new man. How can I get past what she did to me? Should I let her back into my life? Well, this is easy right here. First of all, like Shirley said, your new man ain't slept with your friend or nobody else for that matter, and you got a life. Sometimes we block out blessings of what God really gave us that he had for us in the first place by hanging on the stuff from the past. But you're not only hanging on the stuff from the past, you're bringing it along on the new ride too, which is what a lot of people do, and it's called baggage. Men do it and women do it. And until you learn how to let go of baggage, you can never would be the full recipient and benefit of the new thing that God has for you. This guy could be a great guy you got, and you may run him off with a bunch of your insecurities and false things. Your man ain't cheated on you, slept with you, or nothing. Your man don't even know your friend, So why you got that? Now you got two trust issues. Now you don't trust men or women. So now you may never have another friend in your life, and you may never have another man in your life if you don't let go on some of these trust issues. Now, your girlfriend, this's what you ought to do. You ought to forgive her, because then that way you ain't got a trip every time you hear her name. You ain't got a trip every time you see her. But all you should do is forgive her. Letting her back in your life is playing out. It's flat out stupidity. Why do you need a person like that in your life? So, she probably made a mistake, she probably regrets it, she probably wants forgiveness. Give her all of that. But your forgiveness don't mean you forget now. So how in the world are you gonna sit around her knowing what she did and be okay? With it because it caused you some major hurting pain. Not a blessing of it is you discovered that your man really wasn't all of that, and God and gave you a new man, so now don't blow it. And this wasn't better because he your feet, I'll say the other one was just your boyfriend. You got a new love in your life, and you got rid of two people who really weren't good and healthy for your life. So you got rid of two people that wasn't that. That doesn't mean you'll never have another good girlfriend, and that doesn't mean you'll never have another man, because you got the man, period. But I would forgive her. Tell a look, I love you, I forgive what you did, and we cool. Girl, Can we go get something to drink? I'm busy, never girl, You forgave me, but you always busy. I stayed busy us your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and hey, can we go to check out I'm out of sanitizing. Hon demand coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, Our girl from the Talk, the one in them, the Cheryl Underwood, will be right here right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour. It's Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve, please introduce our girl from the Top, Girl Underwood. Y'all, thank you, Steve Harvey. And you know what, we got hashtag along together. We need that social distancing. We gotta get handle on this. Stop listening to what the presidents say. You know he don't know what he's talking about. So I gonna be talking about We already know what's happening on Easter. I'm gonna cut my outfit on, and then I'm gonna walk to the living room. I'm gonna have a sermon on the couch. I'm gonna be with God. It's gonna be in the morning, earlier the morning, like the Gap band, because I know I can serve the Lord of the house. But don't listen to him. We got to be alone together, hashtag along together. See and says, y'all don't understand the regular voice and words and annunciation saying let me say it, how black people understand stay a ass at home? You know you said say Did I say it right? They would listen to that. So I have done my public service announcement stay in the house if that will stop the spread of the virus. You can call people, you can check on people, but you need to be hashtack alone together. We need to spread the word and we need people stay home. Watch all the good black movies, keep listening to all Black Radio as Vasili Steve Harvard Morning Show, and I'm gonna need y'all to really, really, really really really understand Black newspaper is your way to get your news. So we're gonna just push that out there. Black Radio Solidarity hashtag along together. Now back to our regularly scheduled discussion. Julian, what's going on with you? And Shirley? What's happening? H Wait a minute, Okay, listen to me. I know side piece of action. When I see what I'm gonna have to do it like a woman to woman problem. Shirley, have you ever been in love? Then you know how I feel. Get off Junior, Shirley, that's not fucking Wait a minute, Shirley, man of the same time last week time. What I know, Shirley, it's married and she's an awesome individual, but the pull of Junior is strong. Let me tell you something. It's gonna be just like Eachel and his wife. Me and Junior is gonna be quarantine together. I will bunch of coronavirus in the face. But Junior, you bet not nobody, Junior, don't let me. Don't let me here. You're messing with anybody, and it best not be no trick at your house named coronavirus. I will fight up, Thank you, Charyon under Julia has take a loan together with Junior. Come Cola's reality up there. That's at the top of the hour, right after this. You're listening, all right, Tommy, let's get it, let's get it, let's get it. It's that time. It's called Farrell with what reality update? All right, thank you, nephew. I'm rubbing my hands together. All right. Real Housewives of Atlanta, who chat? So listen. The girls are still on their trips in Greece. You know, they went to Greece talk about Greek tragedy. Child. It was a mess. So Nini and Kenya got into an argument. Now it it looked like to me that Ninie was about to spit on Kenya, but she was eating popcorn, and I guess she made a gesture of like trying to spit the popcorn colonels out either way, Come on, Tommy, either way, the gesture, the popcornbility, the possibility it's own if you even gesture that, right, right, it's about to pop off. Yeah. So anyway, the girls try to calm Ninie down, calm everything down, and Kenya basically told Ninie that she was mad at her because she called her child a buffalo. Now this was back last season when Kenya was pregnant with her daughter, um Brooklyn. But Nini said she didn't say that, but you know, they rolled to take back and even said it, and Kenya was right, and then Nini was like, she didn't mean to insult the child, So she apologized for that, and Nini said, you know I don't do that, meaning I don't insult children. Anyway, Kenya was over it. And then here comes Marlowe saying to Kenya that you need to apologize to me for crashing my wig launch party. And then Kenya was like, no, that was payback from last season when you talked about my mother, and you know you can't talk about nobody's mama. You know you're gonna get some drama that would you say, Tommy, ken Kenya's hold onto things, and then you know, she tries to get them back, and you know, got an idea something nobody's never considered. Why don't they all quit being friends. They got the real paying each other back and trying to spend on each other and all that. Right, just give it a shot. Yeah, yeah, that's that's a good suggestion, Steve. So anyway, Junior Kenya, you know, she had like a rocky relationship with her mom anyway, so that's a very very sensitive subject, right surely with Kenya. Anyway, Kenya tried to leave. She was over all of this, and she pushed Candy out the way. Candy was like, well, come back, and she was like no. Next day, Candy said, let's do some team building games. Okay, after all of that, right, for your suggestions, Steve, we're gonna do team building. We're gonna do trust trust. Yeah, and these trust exercises. They did it on the beach and it looked, you know, it really looked like they had a good time. They were having fun. And then finally, you know, the ladies playing to dinner and Candy and Cynthia they were gonna do role play. So they were going to one what's gonna play any and one was gonna play Kenya. So they're really trying to get these girls back together. Nini did not want to see it. She wasn't trying to hear it. She said, I'm going to the ladies room, and the ladies were like, well, this is not gonna happen. This is a bus and so um. They all went back to their room. They said, we're going to pack our bags to go home. So that was the end of that particular episode. So that's that real household. So hit me up at lips by Carla on social media on the Gram and tell me if you're on team Nini or Team Kenyan. Who you got Team Nini. I'm not with either one of them, both both of them. It's just straight foolishness. It's not your look. If you're not cool with somebody, then don't be cool with them. Why are we going to grease right way across the world. We still ain't We wasn't cool for we got on this play. What are we over here for? Way over here for you to spit popcorn over? Yeah? Come on, we were cooling in Atlanta. The name of the show is How Housewives of Atlanta. We could have done all this spitten buck up at Crumbling moll He let me tell well, let me tell you. This guy's hip hop. I love hip hop. Atlanta's back. So next week, Steve, we're gonna talk about Stevie J, Scrappy Me Me Machine D. Yeah, they're back. So all of that we'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Well, Bill Cosby, the lawyers are seeking early release from prison in where he is in Pennsylvania as a correctional officer reportedly tested positive for COVID nineteen. Cosby is eighty two years old. He's blind and according to his attorneys, he has to be escorted around and they are afraid he will contact contract the virus, contract the virus. His authorities also said that Bill has not been tested for COVID nineteen and he feels it was fine. As we all know. Bill. Of course, Cosby was found guilty back in April of twenty eighteen, and he's serving ten years for sexual assault. On another note, sixty eight year old Harvey Weinstein has tested positive for COVID nineteen and he is in a hospital now. He just begun serving his twenty three year old prisons a twenty three year prisons. He was trying to get it right outside of Buffalo. He was meeting people with it, wiping his mouth with his hands. Everything hung. I didn't work out room. Oh, he trying to do anything he met. He meant ride. Coravin is right on in there, boy, just coronavirus. Keep So what about Bill though? What do you think? Yeah? I think he's gonna get out to Steve. I don't know, man, I can't imagine him letting him out. But you know, you get ten years, you get time for good behavior and stuff like that. He can get out early for show. Yeah, they're gonna try. All right, hang on, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending stories coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news. Well, last night, are Forever First Lady, the Fabulous Michelle Obama and DJ d Nice hosted a couch party. It was for voter registration. While partying from a comfort of your home and sitting on the couch, jam it with d Nice on Instagram live volunteers across the country. We're working and texting eligible voters to help them register to vote. Now, if you missed all of this, the Big Couch party and everything, you can still register. All you have to do is go to we All Vote dot org. That's we all vote dot org. All right, Now, leave it to Cardi B. What'sping? Didn't you Steve check? I'll check in their day? Called my wife Megan nice, You're all quiet and everything. No, no, no, no, I'm just you know, you know, letting it go, you know, just case you know, Margie listener she soon everybody on that get on there. Okay, yeah, yourself, all right. So leaving to Carti B to start some controversy in this era, in case you missed it, Carti was on the Gram and she insinuated that celebrities like, let's say, Tom Hanks, Kevin Durant, and Andy Cohen are being paid to say that they've contracted the coronavirus. Now, Idris uh Idris Elba and his wife Sabrina, they were not having it. Um. They did a live uh I G session to debunk Carti's theory without actually saying her name. Uh They were saying the idea, idea that someone like myself is going to be paid to say I have coronavirus. That's like absolute bs, absolute bull sugar, honey iced tea. That's what Edre said. Cardie B also called out celebrities for getting tested in a time of mass shortages of coronavirus tests. Take a listen. If a celebrity is saying, hey, listen, I don't have no symptoms. I'm feeling good, I feel healthy, I don't feel like nothing. But I went and got tested and I'm positive for the coronavirus. That caused confusion that made people be like, well, wait a minute, now, I don't have no symptoms, but I know I went out this and that day I might just have it. I'm scared because I'm around my kid, I'm around my grandparents. What should I do? Oh? You cannot you have it? Yeah? I mean, look, hey man, I've been tested, you know, but I got I'm around a lot of people. I was doing family feud, I'm eating families every day, and you don't have to have symptoms. Everybody eventually should get tested, and celebrities are people too, So yeah, I mean, you know, like, oh, Winton. Winton just came back from Dubai about five days ago. He was in Dubai. So guess what. Winton had to get tested and he just got his results back that he was negative yesterday. So he came over coming up our last break of the day. It's the last break off the day. To wait for it and of close. Some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening to Steve Show. All right, Steve, here we are last break of the day, and uh that's we're gonna do it again. No, I don't want to do it nor more. Okay, you know I'm wish you washed your ship. You see why you were feeling the most difficulty. You know, I'm real sometimy with it. All right, Well this is something you're not some timing with him. That's the closing remarks. Well, let's get after it. You know, in this in this time that we're all in, I'm trying to spend more time being uplifting and encouraging the people because I hear too many people viewing this thing in a negative way. Okay, here's a deal. Nobody can get out. You're not the only one that's that's inside. You're not the only one that that can't go anywhere. None of us can go anywhere. We can't. Now, you can go, get in your car, take a drive, you know, stuff like that, but you gotta come back home. You you know, you can go to grocery store, you know, but the other places you can go, you don't really want to go. You don't really want to go to the hospital. So you know, listen, I think if we, you know, have more fun with this thing, and not not that this is a fun situation, but let's look at the humorous side of it oftentimes, and I don't have one for you, but I mean, oh my goodness, man, let's come on, y'all. Let's let's let's not write ourselves off as as just doomed. Where's your faith, where's your willingness to find something in this moment of adversity, because there's going to be something when all of this passes, and it will pass. This is not the end of the world. When all of this is over, You're gonna have to stand somewhere with yourself and try to make try to come to some understanding. You're gonna have to come to grips with what has happened. Okay, so we lost some income. Who hasn't Uh, some people are out of work right now. Most of us have been through that. You've had to refrain from going out. That's happening to everybody. But at the same time, haven't you discovered a few things? Isn't there some type of upside to this? There are some families who are going to get closer because of this. Now, some families gonna break up because it is because they're gonna sit there and wallow in the misery of it. But man, try to turn some of this positive. Do something. Man, start start looking for family time, family games, break out them games. Man, y'all got you. We got to get through this because guess what, none of us can go anywhere. But this is gonna pass, y'all. And when it pass, everybody gonna be out and you're gonna see people. Man, Hey, how you doing great? Great? Still gonna have to practice some type of social distancing, I'm sure, but but we're gonna be okay. You are going to be fine. And being fine starts with the belief that you will be fine. You cannot see this thing as on misery because every time you proclaim the misery, then guess what you attract the misery. Why don't you start proclaiming the good. There's some good moments in there, Hey, man, get on YouTube. It's some funny stuff happening out there. It's some people laughing through there's some people posting videos. If you can't find no happiness in your home yourself, look online, man, there's people cracking jokes, making light of it, getting through it. It's people doing all types of things. Dj Nice is on every day for five hours. Go to the club with him, party with him. Shack been doing stuff online, all these people. That's it's. It's out there, people trying to engage and and and and and get you through it and teach your stuff. Come on, y'all, it's not the end of the world. God been good to us. You don't remember any of that. All you got to do is remember all the things in your past that God has brought you through. Think about it. Do you know how much stuff God has brought you through? Are you kidding me? Do you know what you've actually gotten to the other side of and you didn't even know it? Do you hear me? Man? So what would make you think you ain't gonna get through this? Is it difficult? Yeah? Is it troubling yeah? Is it disheartening yeah? Is it hard to deal with? Yes? Will you get through it? Yep? Yeah? Should you try to find some positive in all of this? Yep? Because guess what? Suppose they extend this lockdown past two weeks, past thirty days. Suppose they do that. What's gonna be your attitude when that news come down? Because we don't know. I mean, I think all of us want this to be over. I'm pretty sure we do. I think everybody. I don't know a person going, Man, this is cool? It's this ever been. I've only heard one people say that. Then she on the radio show on the side. Other than that, most people want this to be over. But she don't want the sickness. She just don't mind. She's got the best attitude I've seen Mississippi. Monica told me and us on the radio show. She cool with this. She ain't got to go nowhere. She and her house. She know how to enjoy herself. Man, find out what's cool about you? Go and be cool with you. Man, there are a lot of people man, that really need to get in touch with themselves and find out what's cool about them so they can be all right with themselves. That would help a lot of people. See, I didn't found a way to sit still, be quiet, enjoy my time, walk around. I've been walking around in the backyard in circles for almost two weeks. Now, it's okay. Then I come in in walk around in circles. Then I go upstairs, go downstairs. I go in there, man, drank some tea. I go in there and make something to eat. I go over there and drank some old water. I'm actually I'm actually rehydrating myself during this time. I'm drinking one hundred ounces of water to day. Why there, ain't got none to do but want a good for you. I might come out of this thing with the health benefit, But you gotta change your attitude, man, you gotta find a bright side in this cheer up. You're not the only one that's on lockdown. All of us is on lockdown. It's just some of us is having it better than others. Those are my closing remarks, just trying to be enlightening to y'all. Y'all have a great weekend with getting close by don't mean we can't go back for all Steve Every Contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.