Roscoe and Pimpin' Go to Vegas (Mayweather Fight) - 08.25.17

Published Aug 25, 2017, 6:36 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them back, just like the Melican buck bus things and it's cub y'all do me true good to the hardy. Want to move to other for school, bar to be hobby. Why don't you join yeah by joining me? Honey, say you got to turn hurting? Yeah, run you you gotta turn you to turn out at the turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn turn water water. Comey, come on your thing? Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, come on, y'all dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Is God good to me? Unbelievable? Yeah? He is. And and I can only attribute it to one thing. It's just been a turnaround in my life. It's it's been me finally making a decision to see what all God has from me, but at the same time trying to be more God wants me to be instead of more of what I want to be. That's the trade off. You know, you gotta do something now, you know you know you want God's blessings you gotta be willing to do something on his behalf. And now I'm not. I'm not saying I got it right right now, because man, I just don't. I'm just being real with you. I don't. I don't have it all together by any stretch of imagination. I'm trying to get better in several areas. I'm praying about it, I'm working on it. But you know, it's a process. I've grown to accept the process. But I'm improving in a lot of areas from day to day. But I'll tell you what, Man, my success, all that is going on with me, I can only attribute to this turnaround. And to turnaround was simple. I turned around and started looking at God. That was a simple move. Man. I just turned around and started looking at him. And I was going, Okay, I get it. Now. You created me. You're the creator. You have a purpose for me. I understand that. Now. Now let me just walk in that purpose and let me get to doing that purpose. Now, my purpose and your purpose and their purpose and anybody's perfect purpose could be different, and the way you go about the purpose can be different. And that's the part that I've really grown up to. I've opened up my mind to understanding that everybody is different, nobody is quite the same, and that is not my right or position to judge, but to be of a forgiving spirit and understand and forgive those as I ask God to forgive me. See that's the key. That's the key, y'all. So when you out here and you stuck on this unforgiveness, understand in the large prayer as a segment that says, forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust passed against us. There's another Vergan says forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. It's two different versions, but either one it means the exact same thing. It means simply this that you are asking God to forgive yours like you forgive others. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust passed against us. When I crossed the line with you, God handle me the way I handle people when they crossed the line with me. You feel what I'm saying to you, See you understand that. That's the breakdown of it. The best way I can give it to you. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those trustpass against us forgive me God for stepping over the line like I forgive those that step over the line on me. That's the hard part, man, that's the part man, I've really been working on. I've been really trying to get that together. And so I've learned forgiveness a lot better. And it's paid off. I can't tell you how it was paid off, because now God's mercy and grace is all over me because I've learned to become more graceful. Now I ain't graceful like him. I ain't merciful like him, but I've learned to become more more graceful, more merciful, because man, I can't live my life like that. I just got sick of me. Man, you're mad at me, now I'm mad at you. You hating on me? Now I'm gonna hate on you. I ain't got time for that, man, I've got you. Look here, you got somewhere to go. Hate take up time. It's time consuming, and hating trying to seek revenge its time consume. Take up way too much of your time to seek revenge when vengeance ain't really yours. That's another one. Vengeance is mine, say if the Lord it ain't yours. So now when you go to seek it to take it out, guess what you're doing. You're doing something now, Man, Now you off in the area that you've got no business being in, and instead of steady climbing your ladder like you're supposed to, you didn't take out time for vengeance to hate. I'm a hater. I'm gonna be a blogger. I'm a blog about so and so. When you're blogging about somebody, and most of these people you don't even know when you're blogging about somebody what you're doing, what you're hating. It takes time to hate. Man. I just decided, Man, I gotta take all my time and instead of have doing time and being active, I got to be pro active. See some people get that confused being active and being pro active. Oro is positive. Pro means to move forward. You know, if you put pro in front of most words, it's a positive influence. You know, does the pros and the cons. The pros is the good side, the cons is what can go wrong the bad side. You know, if you're active, that's one thing, but if you pro active, you're going forward in a positive direction. When you become a pro that means you're the best of the best at whatever it is you chosen to be. I'm a pro so somehow, and I know, uh English teacher grammatical god. The word pro a lot of times when you put it in front of something, means positiveness. So now a lot of people think that if you just active something all to happen. Well, I'm doing something, and that's what happens. Man. We just find ourselves doing a lot of busy work that really ain't bout nothing, and it ain't going nowhere. It ain't got no direction or no purpose because we haven't tried to find out the direction of a purpose. So you wake up and you and you and your wheels are spinning. You a hamster on a tread meal. You're running real fast, but you're just going in the same spot. You understand, that's cause you're just out here being active instead of proactive. Why don't you get God in your life? Why don't you turn and face your creative and find out how to become more proactive so you can do things to move yourself forward. How you can get your life off the ground and get off the tread mill and really get it rolling in the direction that it need to be going. Man, I'm telling you, God can make that change for you if he see you making the change for him. See the whole key, man, the whole key is, you got to be willing to do something. You got to give God something to bless Bless me God, and then you gonna sit on your couch and you ain't trying. Okay, bless me God with what? What? What? What? What are you working with? He can't have the people hire you if you ain't put the app in. Come on, man, how you how you think this works? You know? The blessing comes when you make a proactive step, when you try to do something on the positive side. Look, man, if you got some goals and some inspirations, you're trying to get some things to come to you, you're gonna have to do a series of things that you're uncomfortable with. See, becoming successful is uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable. But see too many people you keep trying to make your life put it in a comfort zone. You keep trying to put it that way it's convenient for you. See, you gotta get proactive. You gotta do something yourself. You make one step, he'll make two that's that's the key, man. So come on, y'all. You know, but we can straighten this thing all the way out for ourselves. You don't have to be wondering what's going on all the time. You don't have to be confused anymore. You don't have to have your life in a rut. You don't have to hate waking up in the morning. Well I like waking up at eight, but you need to be up at five thirty, man, five thirty, Yeah, gonna get your work out out the way so it don't interfere with your day. And then going to sit down, how are you drinking your coffee and make your plan? Then go on out the dough. But see, if you want to stay in bed to eight thirty, you want to get eight to ten hours sleep? I got news for you, man, Sorry, hate to tell you this. If you sleep more than you work, you ain't gonna make it. If you play more than you work, you ain't gonna make it. See football players play on Sunday, but you know what they're doing all week long in order to play on Sunday. Huh? They at work. Man. See, you don't see the training camp. You don't see the practices. You just see Sunday when they run out the tunnel and they call a number. Everybody want that moment right there? Oh, but what you got to do to get to that moment right there? A lot of work got to go in. You feel it? All right, Let's go to day y'all. You're listening show ladies and gentlemen, barns and girl people all around the world. You are listening to the baddest Marty Show in the lake. It adds to Steve Harvey Marty Show comprised of a conglomerate of characters and witnesses, ladies and gentlemen. Today's show is dedicated to that rare individual, that one that goes above and beyond coming around, that's in the lay you out business, but at the same trying to come up with it at the same time. This is this show is dedicated to everybody that throws fight party. If you thought of fight party, this show is dedicated Oh, I know you're supposed to be doing it to enlighten everybody, to show everybody a good time. I know that's what the real intent is. Yeah, let's talk about those who want to charge to come to the house for the fight. Who is actually trying to come up? Yes, rip money, come on baby, somebody trying to recoup the investment made on Snap. Yes, someone has found a way to do an elevated rip party. But now you mad because don't too many people or enough people won't to come. Yeah, you're about to come up. Show. You've just been a hunting fifty on hot dogs, buns, relish, pizza, nacho stuff. Just sitting there, cheese whiz. You're looking at the door. The guy, Well, you can set up here and put all this out. Sauces. You got it. You gotta you gotta skew a platter than somebody in Bob. You've got some real let's talk about the drinks. You sit up there and found some Teeto's before the nine. Hello, you bought Folteeto's thinking who they're gonna look? The phone rang around three four o'clock. Man, ain't on me. You got your living room and you have some fullet chairs on your sofa to your bed, at yourselfa on top of your back. You got yourself on up step by yourself on top of your bed because you ain't round crowd. Come now your back hurt strung. Christmas lights on your back. Ye speach just out there. You know, took the flash green at your bedroom and put it on the side of the flat screen in your liver room to make it look like you got a big screen. Yeah, you're actually Mr TV on the kids. Put it on a box outside bat have them all in the black Open it though, Rain. You didn't put a sign down at the end of the block on carboard to say fight party this way? Coming up more of something funny back at two after the Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show right here. We are back, but there ain't nothing changed. We are discussing. We are dedicating this show to people who throw fight parties with the facade of it being an entertaining day for friends and families, when in actuality it has been looked at as a chance to come up. Yeah, I'm gonna pay How much is a fight? Uh? I don't know, I don't Let's say it's a hundred dollars. Yeah, But what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just charge twenty five. Yeah, how twenty and I'm gonna half twenty people. I'm thin the profit three hundred take four hunt the dope I got a hunted on the fight. No, a matter of fact, I think I'm gonna have man, I got so many people want to see this damn fight. Yeah, let me do something. I got a dice table set. I've been to take a house of money. I got fifty people say they're coming at Yeah, okay, that's a grand that's that's a thousand dollars. Almost feeling a huntred on the fight. Right, I'm gonna put about a hundred and fifty into refreshments, hot dogs, chips, Wayne, look at that. Look at that. You got to work that. I'm out to fifty right now. Lost Decorations. Decorations has farty dollars, most of them, most of us balloons Christmas like, you just go down and get Christmas and then you gotta get the carboys sign up on the corner, they say fight party this one decoration. Now you've cast seventy five people, sixty of them have committed to come. So you're thinking sixty at twenty dollars, you're thinking you've got one thousand, two hundred dollars minus to take. Boy, you fel get up here. But you got to cut down on expenses. No, no, no, we need that government cheese and cut them little, my old little blocks we got. We got to make it Auntie that she's a Christian lady, but for the right price, a little dancing in the back of the house. I mean, she's the same person Christian. Want what you say for a hundred dollars. Yeah, it's gonna get a church chip because that's kind of like that. All these hot dogs he going buy are not gonna remain whole. No, what do you mean by that? They're gonna get caught up in the sixtieth don't have two picks of If you go up to the table and you're gonna be you ain't gonna ever get a whole hot dog that will be come up in the how much six catch up que sauces for the ribs ri rips? No, no, you don't understand how we're gonna do the reading for the sixty people. We ain't gonna do but three slabs, that's what you're gonna do. We're gonna cut the bones vertically like you post to. Then we're gonna get that act that what they call that the cleverand Cleland take the clever and we're gonna chop them horizon. We got a little bite size is that we're actually gonna turn them real bones into real tips. You little save on napicks because they say two thousand and seventeen. But you're gonna flip them over yet, ye happy yet, but you're gonna flip them over. But if you run out of that, jake, go down to the servant station. You know what you do. Reach up in there's some napticks in that you can get the bones and they blew. They blue terrace cloth. That's the color of the part. Well, it's gonna be blue because in the red corner. You know you're gonna make a little money. It's a lot of ways. And then your whole attitude's gonna start to change around fight time. When they don't start showing up, they know nothing. You're gonna start getting calls around, hey man, I ain't gonna make it and made him sixty. You're already down the farting but you're doing the numbers and you're thinking hunt still cool, feel good. Then fight time roll around. Your best friend and your boy he there, yeah, night all out from night. Got to sit a chair, but you got to tell him to quit eating so much because ain't nobody here, but you ain't watching the fight, because you would say, looking up the street seeing if they're coming. Now he with your wife and kids, telling about how nice your boy. He didn't he didn't pay him. Yeah he got yeah, you didn't come in. You come back in the house and you say, hey man, calling people. Now he got to go through because many things. Then a couple of cars come down. I got about eight people sitting there still like about yourself. You took in eight people, you took in one six. He's still ninety back. This ain't looking good. You know what what fight are we on right now? We're in the preliminary Okay, by the time the third fight come on, he's so damn because how many people in pimpt he got two hunter? He down? Is he happy that, hey man, it's over there over there? Well? He bought a porter party the drive because you know, man, because when people get the drinking and you got sixty people in the house, you and he ain't got but one bad bad you got anybody? And the wife there said, or have all the men and in shaking all this, we got a porter party out there. He invested in that. He upset before I worked with the sensation. Yeah, okay, man, he bought it in. He got that in there for fixture and shaking. Shaking in here, you're gonna have all me in in here. We got to shut this party. And then one single chick show up with a real short dress. Now your damn wife, I gotta go coming up next time. He's run that frank back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time to run Tommy's run that frank back. You ready, nephew? Uh yes, um, I mean you know I'm always is that your baby need to go back to pre king. The baby needs to go back to pre k. Put that on. Yes, I'm trying to reach Mrs Thomas. Please. My name is Mr Stapleton. I'm actually the principal over at elementary school. You're I'm looking at my records indicating that your son, Thomas is going to be starting his first grade. Ready right, listen, Ms Thomas. Um, I've been going through actually all of the children's records that will be starting school, and I'm looking at your son's grades from his kindergarten. Well, no, not exactly. I mean there's been a few uh. I actually spoke with the teacher and who he was under in kindergarten, and it seems like he just really was up to par as the rest of the children. I now his conduct. Now, he talked, but he gets his work. So what else is she saying on that that ain't right? Well? What what's what it seems to be, ma'am, is that his grades weren't up to par as the rest of the other children. She did tell me he was a disobedient child. No, he disobedient and talking two different things. Come on, Okay, well, man, listen. What we've decided here is we're gonna let a little actually do another year of kindergarten. No, y'all ain't gonna let him do another year kindergarten. No, sun man, That's that's the only choice I have. After uh No, we got our letter in the mail with our report card the week after school started, and it said on the back promoted. And if I got to get about this cotch and go get it, I'm gonna be because I'm telling you right now we will be in the first grade kindergarten. Want that hard. I'm not sure what they told you about him, but it must be the wrong. If I understanding. He's he doesn't color as well as arrested kids. He's all out of lines when he color. He doesn't know his numbers completely. And that's kind of what we need when you first come into into the first grade, when I can show you on this paper he did satisfactory all the way through. Now you're about to be off and them already sick calling me with some about my son blank kindergarden. He that kind of he does not color well. Man, color ain't gonna do with the dad guard kindergarten. He is going to the first grade, and I'll be down there on August twenty four. Mom, I will not be able to allow you to get in the schools. I'm sorry. Uh, and let me get Let's tell you what. Let me go on and get my pencil pen because I don't live that far from this school. And if y'all an't read it down, they're causing some comfort. I need to get up and go down there because I'm not telling my baby when he come home the day that he ain't going to the day come first. Man. I hate to say it, but I'm gonna have to refuse education from him on. You know what, I just went back and put him in public school. I know that was a stake in the first place. Food which you're talking about some coloring. Give me your name again, sir Stapleton man. And what's that number down there? The number here is actually area code WAYMNT. I got the number numb mind. I pulled up this report card. I got the number in your name on the back of this paper. I'll tell you what I was touring the fourth wheel be coming in there, going to school, and I might make a trip around there this evening when I come from the doctor the bottom. I'm not going to hear that. Colin ain't got nona do with nothing else. But it's not only color. Here's a rhythm of tickets back. Are you working with him at home? Are you're doing anything what you're trying to say. I'm an incompetent parent. I'm just asking as a parent, are you working with your child? Working with my child every day? Read better than you? Problem? No, he can't read. Can't read better than you, because honestly, you read that role on that paper that he's supposed to be going back to kindergarten. When I know the paper said from it going to the first grade. And I'm not listening to no more this about him going backwards. Now, if you've got a problem with your word, maybe you need to go talk to your secretary of somebody in there that wrote my baby name down. Your son's name, Thomas. No, it ain't him, baby, I know it ain't him. You're not gonna sit up and tell me my son is flocking kindergarden. He is not going back to that kindergarden. Don't bring your son down here, August. Do you hear me? I call you one, be ready to wi me and my husband, but we will be down the back shoes, uniform everything. You hear me, I will not be able to allow him and education right now. I will come down there right now and make that correction on that paper for your baby. It's not going back to no kindergarden for no coloring. Can you bring him down here and let him color for me? I? Can you tell my color in the rim and taking our yourselves? No? Uh no, I'm sorry, Um, we will be down that August four. I would have this poor card in my head that says you have been promoted to the first brother. He's gonna have a mole on his face, and so are you. I got one more thing I need to tell you. Are you listening to me? I'm listening. You ain't saying nothing yet. You better say something that sounds like the first glade because I'm not playing. I would go down to this dad on the administrative office, and I had because my son would be in that first grade. Are you raising your voice? Who are you raising your voice? You're talking crazy to me. I'm crazy, that is what. I'm a grown woman. I don't need to be explained to you why I'm trying to Did you graduate, honey? I am a college degree person. I have a great jime. My husband and I do well for ourselves and for our children. And that's why we're not You're not even if you're not even at work right now. Man, I said, I'm shack phone. I called you that when you call here right on the doctor to call me now, partner missing my phone call? Can you color because your son can't color? Question? Does that? Ask me? Can I color? What? Are you white and black? Ye? Ask me? Sound less? Me and my color? No? I ask you? Can you color like some racist lines? And that can you color? No? My coloring and me being color ain't got nothing to do with none of this. Is this a race thing? No, trying to make sure you send him back. No, I'm not trying to send him back. I want to send him back to color to get his coloring together. You what that ain't got nothing to do with nothing. And if you're the head person down there now, you aren't competent and you aren't in a literate call me and tell me that my son has to go back to the first grad. I got one more thing. I'll tell you what I'm through with this guy. Comes through with this guy. I'm gonna say one more thing, and I'm gonna be out here. Are you listening, I'm listening. That's his nephew, Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank by your girlfriend. F l sihaw. I'm olio. I am gonna beat her. You're about to get the pray. I mean, I'm right now and everything, I'm everything. I'm gonna beat her because you know I don't play when it comes to back. That's all right, all right, but one more question. Now, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. That's Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby back to school, Yeah, that time back to school? Let me y'all repeating the same grade? Did you repeat the same gread well? The second time I was there, I knew more about it. The second time. This looks familiar. I got put in on. It was an accident. I got sent to special end by accident. And I was sitting up in there getting all as I loved it. I got all anything I had never gotten that many ages before. I was acting everything I was gonna then it's a wonderful class. I couldn't really talk to nobody in there because I was looking around. No, I was just saying I couldn't talk nobody in there because I kept from look to him. Hey man, what did you keep looking at that wall? You know? And I didn't really know it was especially, but I was sitting up in there, and then this this dude that's kept hitting me on the shoulder, and I said, hey man, hey man, stop hitting it. And he kept hitting me. And now I said, hey man, what's wrong with you? Stop hitting me? And he hit me again. Yeah, he hit hard. Age little over a month, all ages. But they put me back in the regular class right on back to them. Damn d I ain't seen since I was in special. Alright, we'll be right back after this. You're listening to Morning Show Senior headed to Vegas for the twelve round junior middleweight boxing match this Saturday between Floyd Mayweather and Connor McGregor. Who as we get off there, I got things of doing and I go, I'm gonna being My daughter asked me, because she go Floria, can I go to I want bother you. I just want to stay in your room because I don't want to get a hotel and I'll just hang out with my friends. You can't go with me fight weekend. I ain't seen Daddy. Going to say that Daddy didn't come to the room. He was downstairs all night. Daddy smoked seven five cigars, All daddy cigars gone. Oh man, you can't report none of this alright anyway, Floyd Mayweather reminds everyone that he has beaten some of the biggest names in boxing and that he can take a punch just as well as give it. Take a listen. I was born to fighting. I would die a fighter August six. He's gonna bring his best and it's not going to be easy. Connor. It's not gonna be easy. Remember pack y'all got bombs, Canello got bombs, Shamee mostly had bombs, and all those guys are going to and a Hall of fame. But one thing about me, I got a granted chin. But remember this, the same way you give it, you have to be able to take it. Come on, I want you to understand what I'm going to see. I'm going to see a full blown who he can't kick, a grab or anything. Yeah, what are the chances of him snapping and just kicking Floyd? That chances is hat. Listen to me, when you remember getting your behind what you're not start getting by holy thing did? Because now we fight. Yeah, Karnor gonna have to stick back, step back and kick him. Yeah, that's the possibility of that happening. Hey man, let me explain something to you. Here's what boxing is so hard to do. It's different from him m a. So when you throw them punches and you steady missing when you missed the punch, it's a lot of it because it's exerted energy for no mental payoff. So when you constantly missing and then round houses that he throw, he gonna throw him a miss, but may we're gonna give him something to take back with him when you get ready through another one. There's a memory attached to that's a consequence. So every time you throw that, hey making miss and you gotta take two back with you. I'm telling you, man, I'm gonna just this. What would that make you go? You know what? I just need to kick him right in the face. That's exactly around house. Damn kick even in the face right now. That knows hurt. Okay, Well, listen to what Connor McGregor says. He's telling everyone that they should have that they should have left him and m m a because he is going to take out Floyd Mayweather. Take a lesson to this. And when it's all Chad and do you know what, I'm gonna feel a little bit side because you should have all kept your mouth. Sure, you should have left me over on that the game that I'm from, that more rootless game where we bounce heads off the commas and drilled him into the floor. You should have left me what I was because this mine is not on my level. He's not even a quarter of the mine. I am smed Floyd because I'm thinking he might just go. You know, damn all us right, I'm gonna just kick him in the Floyd to know. Is this the last one for Floyd? Is this? Yeah? Because he wasn't gonna do no more. But McGregor talks so much. Man, I don't believe in underestimating anyone. I don't think he's going to instrumental meeting, but I think he's going alarm is. But let me tell you what you need to do. Is they need to had a camera on me. Yes, yes, I'm gonna be there. I don't know where my seat is. All right, come on, let's introducer. She's here with today's headline. Ladies and gentlemen, miss and truth and much this is and trip everybody with the news, and let's do this. The National Hurricane Center urgent communities along Texas Is central and southern coast hurry up and finalize their preparations in advance of Hurricane Harvey. Harvey expected to make landfalls sometime later today or tomorrow as a category three hurricane, but right now it's category to San Antonio. Mayor Ron Nuremberg says his city is making room for evacuees. We're preparing both to support the state's efforts to provide aid and relief to coastal residents who may be impacted by Hurricane Harvey and who are already heading this way. Predictions are that Harvey will bring life threatening storm surges as well as much is about thirty inches maybe forty inches of rain in some places, so it's very very serious everybody. By the way, a federal court has struck down Texas is revised voter ID law. This latest law was supposed to remedy the problems in the first one, problems that the courts said clearly discriminated against blacks and Latinos, But now a judge says in this latest version that doesn't go far enough, and that it's also biased against minorities. The Texas Attorney General says he's gonna appeal that the White House finally sending the Pentagon. The Trump administrations do guidelines on banning transgender people from the military. It's expected that the transgender people we barred from enlisting, but that Defense Secretary Jim Mathis will be the one to decide what happens to those men and women already serving. Baseball Hall of Fame Hank Aaron now speaking out against the way NFL's treating Colin Kaepernick, saying the young man is getting a real raw deal. Over the last few days, a group of black cops demonstrate in support of the quarterbacks, saying contrary to what people may claim, that they're not insulted because he stood up for the the black people you know shot by police officers. They say they weren't insulted when to say. Evening, hundreds of people rallied outside NFL head quarters in Manhattan's show their discussed at the way Kaepernick is being treated and the double A CP now is asking for a formal meeting with the Commission of the NFL Roger Goodell about Kaepernick, US State Department warning Americans for vacationing and Cancun Cosmeo los Cobbles say, say it's dangerous. There sad news. Comic actor radio man Jay Thomas has died after losing about it with cancer. I worked with him at ninety two K to You radio station when it was called Disco ninety two. He will be missed. He was sixty nine years old. On the lighter side, today Banana split Day and today National Whiskey Sour Day, and We'll be back with Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hours. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for the Butterfly. Let's see Steve. Why don't you introduce Jay so Jay can introduced the butterfly. What it's time? But butterfly? You make him so happy? Oh my god, I just love a great in reduction. Good morning, Shirley Carla Jr. But we've been going through therapy and j Anthony Brow don't thank you something to always introduced me. So so let's get down to it. I'm so excited because we're getting ready to have my fight party tomorrow night. You're having you did not want to miss this. Let me give you that mean you. We gott hot dows sime sizes, be anasizes and ding downs, putting pops cocktail wait us, Oh my god, we have a plethora. Yes, I'm sorry, we do have that tweakies. That's the desire. It's a lot of meat. We want so much meat. You gonna have meat. Everything has a certain shake and hot dows sass Yeah, calling down, I'm aside. The anasize name down French bread. We're gonna have me by love Swedish. Yeah yeah, I love them. And then you dressing them in the South. That's gonna be good. Dress a lot. So anyway, I want, okay everyone, if you want to come to my fire party, and Steve not gonna be here, but June your car like Shirley if anthy brown. I want you to come out with in PARKI because you get much meat. Fifteen dollars you get and you get a link at the door, a free free whatever. Again what is size? Calling? Do summicizes the question? How much would you say you have invested in this poem? I don't perspect hind of hours. I'm people. Do you need to come so you can get the money back? I don't haven't even down that man Stephen into the four times that's sixty long division. You need forty six people. I don't invite a twenty two am I coming out short? Look like I'm gonna be bringing you some meat after the past. What's not with my meat? Get it together? You gotta murder another hit when we come back. Happy to be on this show. You're listening to all right, y'all? Uh, it's time j Anthony Brown. What you got We're gonna murder here today? What we got? We got one for you, Steve and everybody. A lot of people have decided not to let the canoes go. They can't go hat, which is cool, but they're still wearing them backwards and that's just that's not cool. So this is dedicated to those people who will not let the king go go? Who who? What? What? What? Song? We're doing it though? Oh? The song is to um angel angel if I need a baker, my bad angel. It's amazing how I do it. You got to see how it fits all in there. Let's go. The sun goes out to George Wallace, my Road, Doug Van Name, Samuel L. Jackson, L L. Cool, James, Missy Elliott, last but not least lebron James during him back to another place in time when I had a Helline. Time will long with Jane, But you keep me the same My cant no, ohkay, no, you're my can whoakay? No styles like mine? People say out of date. I really need to dress not a young one, mormage. They're all wrong because I'm the cool my cat. Oh, I can't let go whoa come out of the King's a nice head. And George and yours is way too small, some small dude, It's way too damn smar Come man, nobody White is gonna tell you this to Sid came no, no, cant no day again. Laid that's that's that's that was right there. But lay George, George and George is too small. They still wear them backwards? Man, Can I tell yeah that was? I will be at the Jay spot for night, Yes, sir, yes, sir, you can actually say a little bit what I was gonna say. He really yeah, Yeah, that was a good jack. That was take me back to another place in time. But nobody tell you. I thought that would be steve s favorite line. Nobody White is going to tell you that many Hawkins. Thank you coming back on the job. You couldn't talk about these hits at long, No, we just played them and then we moved on. All right, thank you. Jay coming up, we have a prank phone call for you from the nephew. No we can talk about. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after I get ready for today's Strawberry letter. But up next, Up next the nephew's prank phone call. What you got know? Not saying what's tomorrow? Ain't the fight? Yes it is fight party? Even leave me out of here. I got praised for every type of you. Then here go to fight party. Yeah, I'm trying to speak to Troy. Yeah, hey, Troy, you're doing man? It's Kurby Man. Uh, I live a couple of streets over from you. What's happening with your brother? Uh, Kirby Kenny? Kenny gave me you got kid? You know Kenny on your street? Right? Oh yeah, yeah, no killing Yeah yeah, Kenny, give me your number. Man, I wanted to reach out. I'm inviting a lot of people in the neighborhood. Man. You know Mayweather fight, So I'm inviting a lot of people over to the fight party over here in my house. Oh yeah yeah, I'm gonna watch it on fight too. Learns that don't sound like a bad idea, man, Okay, okay, well listen, man, come on through. Everybody's gonna be getting here like around seven seven thirty and uh man, we got food, We got luck of margaritea machine. My boy, he's gonna be on the grill with the burgers and and the hot dogs. Man, and one of my other partner's gonna be smoking some wings. Man, so we we could. Man. So I'm just inviting a bunch of people in the neighborhood to come through. Cool. You need me to brace some through mash wine anything. Uh look at now that you uh, now that you mentioned it. Man, we we were missing a little something. Um, let me let me ask you this here, Troy. You um, you got cable at your house? Yeah? Yeah, I got cable. Okay, listen here what we need, man, I got about four thousand feet a cable card. And what I wanna do is come over there and hook up this cable card to your house and running two streets over to my house so we can watch the fight in the backyard. Wait wait, wait, wait, hold on, man, I know you hold up man ship, I know hold I know you didn't just say I say that again? You want you got got, like I said, we got the food. The look of all of that. Man, you know a lot of people coming over, but see the parliament, I ain't our cable here at the house behind is you're gonna have a fight party and you ain't got no cable, and that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. You asked me working with you help I wish, So that's what I'm asking you. I used to wait for the cable coming. I know how to look it up at your house. I know how to bypass pay per view, and we're gonna run. It's two streets so I got a real duable cable card. I got a big TV. I'm gonna put out in the backyard. You called me and invite me to a fight party, y'all ain't got no no, no cable. Now you want me to do something illegal and run folk doesn't see the cable wives two streets over to my backyard. Over the sit I might heal the wife phone un Get me put out. I'm already having I don't know what my margarets are original. Now you want me to do something illegal? Get me put out? Okay, I understand that, do well listening. What I'm saying is, no, we're just talking about for a few hour. We ain't open. We ain't like we're gonna do it for a couple of days and nothing. I don't know how you can leaven a call it col up a cat man and right about to a fight party. You ain't got no cable, okay, but in fight you you funny get looking food and stuff. Man, you funny have a good time. Do your card. Let let me let me get a little bit of okay before a couple of hours so everybody can watch the fight. So you want to have a fight part that my hat? Man, I don't know you like that. You know, I'm not saying we have a Howler house. Man, I'm like, I'm gonna we're having it at my We're just using your cable. Man, I can't have no cable. I don't do nothing that legal. Man. I'm not having no police in front of my house. And I got I got a family night a family man. I got to get up every morning, go to work. I work hard. I'm not and I got that. Man. I'm just killing you for a few hours, man, so we everybody see the may Weather fight. Man, you're saying, could man Kenny Man, I don't know. I don't even know y'all people like that. Man. I don't know Kenny Well. I didn't know because of keep a nice yard. Man, I don't know y'all. I keep you having no laws and all of them my children running wound this cave. But coming from my highland, I can't have that, man. I'm not here with the white fold. The white folks are not having it. Man. I understand all that, man, but I didn't fight it all these people. I can't disappoint these people. I got to have to fight on at the house. I understand you, brother. I want to be at your house watching the fight too, But I ain't no where in the world. If the hair no folks out for the cable ruther from my house, I can't see that one. I'm not hit a suburb now with a family, and now I can't do the type of thing I can't. I don't want the police. I don't want the cable cable man, you only want in the suburby. I'm not here to what I'm trying to tell you. If I'm nothing to disappoint the people now, I want to have your approval, but I'm coming to hook this cable up. You're coming well to hook up from cable. I'm coming to your eyes to hook this table and run it to streets. O Oh, So if I say you can't hook it up, you're gonna come and hook up anyway. That was you're telling me. I'm telling you, I can't disappoint these people. I'm coming to hook this cable up, man, whether you like it or not. Now, if you put me for my our folk out for the cable, it's the one I got a right. Hey man, I can't disappoint these people. Now. I'm just trying to get you to show some law for you. Just have a shot form if you can come over to my house. You're bringing people, you can come with you so they can see a fight. Hey man, what what are you? What are you saying? You're trying to tell me you ain't gonna let me hook the cable up when I get over that and look on it, and I'll be wearing out there with no certain shot and you ain't gonna fit team around with me, and then I'm nothing to see Kenny me you was, I know who to extend, but you're not gonna give me the breaking along in front of my shitter and out here. Man, I'm thinking nine years I'll play them games. Man. When I was you know, you made with a cut of course, me with a lot of money. But hey, I'm not going for I'm not going for that roud the side. Brother, you're not having all that activity going on in my house. I'm coming over that and I'm looking up this cable. When you come over here, you to bad. I got something front of you tested you come over. I'm sitting in front of my house right now. I can't it comes whining to Mr Covery. I got some from y'all all. I'm telling you. I I'm coming over the look my cable though, so these people can watch height they were lining up there and you're gonna come take some care from my house. Lining up, I'm gonna have my wife's taking my hands up right now. So I'm being's like. I got one more thing I need to say to you, though, is you're listening. I don't care what you say. You're coming from my house. You might rasing me what you because you're gonna leave here. You can front of my house a cable car. I don't know who you is. I'm gonna want Kenny when then I see him, I don't want him on say. I don't get my cheering in the car. His cheering to come and I'm gonna whoop you if you come out here this time about your from camera I'm to put you right here, man, come out right now. I said, I got one more thing to say that you are. What you got to say is you listen to me. I'm listening. This is nephew caught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got cranked by your boy? Who who you said? This here? This is nephew tire me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And I know you had called my phone. Man, my blood pressure hid here. You got me read this club. I mean I got my cliss from and my cliss from a lyric thing. Man. You got me reading about somebody out there. All right, man, I gotta ask you this right here, choy, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, man, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, y'all crazy? Did I show a justice? You did it? Man? Name the name the event? You gotta you gotta prank for it like everything Thanksgiving? Can I throw it in? And I'm in Tampa next Saturday. Me Frankie Beverly Kelly Price Tank the nephew was hosting the show. Tickets on sail right now. So Frankie gonna have on white. Yes, Mr last heard, ain't got one one color back there in that jest. I've been back and but is he the red? White or black? And I've seen it and it's a thousand of them? I mean, is it the same outfit? It's the same tiny ass outfit. Have you murdered a frank? But but you're going to be been the backstead. It's a it's a thousand black, a thousand white, and a thousand red. Really watches the match everything and and and the shoes, right, that makes it easy. He's got three colors, and how you feel? But later that you said, what color are you wearing? Tommy, I'm wearing white too. What you wear white with a cap? White with a stop? Y'all? Put his white with said white with to w classes you better white? You're gonna wear a white beating No, no, white with a white cap and maybe a wife beat underneath. Quite a minute. I got to do this. Watch work, Watch me work, queen. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after quite queen, let's go to work. You probably fair walking food playing was walking way okay? All right? Coming up in about an hour. Another exciting episode of the Steve Harvey Morning Show is bad acting field. Yeah, the Chapman's will be here and you don't want to miss it. But coming up the Strawberry Letter. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, the crazy Strawberry Letter is on deck. But first, on a very serious note, we want our neighbors along the Gulf coast to be prepared and we want you guys to stay safe. Um, the National Hurricane Center says storm Harvey. Norm Harvey. You know you know that he could actually tell up the chateau. Did you notice? I don't really want to do that. Man. I don't want no harm or nobody. I don't know why they're calling it Harvey. You know, I'm tired of stuff being name that. Now you're gonna be this year all the time. Now there's you can't wait for What did that do? When you're talking about to day your barn, he gonna talk about me on seeing it. Hey, pacar, you're gonna mess around, And I like, really wasn't cool what he says. I just I didn't want to warn you. Now, I don't start the war words because you say what you do, because I'm gonna take it all out of politics. We're gonna get into some family background or like that, and you ain't gonna like it. Yeah, don't get it. Don't play with the comedian. I got right on the National Hurricane sitners. The storm Harvey is expected to bring a large storm surge. Forecasters expect the storm to bring a lot of rain and uh risk of flooding. So please stay safe. Storm hard pretty right, yeah in Houston. Yeah, it's the only storm with a big gass mushta. Harvey and Junior just had you guys just have houses, regular houses, right, Who do you mean regular house? Because Tommy has a chateau down. We just had. The last thing I need is for Harvey to destroy. I don't want to. I want you all a little safe. Yeah, tom you're gonna make it. I'm gonna make it. Oh Yeah, I don't get done with this. It's gonna be like lightning. I don't know if I got plastic bad. I put all it up so I can't see none of that. I come all my windows, I don't I can't be looking at they're seeing nothing. Electricity running across you see it. You just I'm done. I'm done. But I'm talking about storm Harvey. Yeah, I'm covering all the windows with all. I'm doing lightning specifically over I'm just doing I'm gonna just be doing Harvey star Mark. But it sounds the thunder doesn't bother you tell me your thunder bother me. But but i'd lightning just I'm concerned about that rolls Roy. It's in the ground this. Yeah, when you thank you in the disco, all I'm gonna do so good, especially that pre owned Rose Roy. You got a pre own something like your old fleet. You don't want to know the fleet, but your warranty A right, I got warrant, thank you. Storing is in here all right, right and fleet comfort Yeah this corner, madies and gentlemen, welcome to an episode of the Half and Wow. But anyway we do have because I got neither war. Junior got quiet because I had that life and it in worth it right right exact se It's all good, yeah, but be careful if you're down there, take precautions, watch the lights, yeah, and listen to the officials, the city officials, and do what they take. Always one with the big truck with rolling through han up everything you gotta protect yourselves again. Evacuate your brain, evacuate ya. Definitely what they get your portable charges water. I don't like when people I'm staying here and save my house, ride it out, save yourself. You can get another house. You can't get another you. That's why you pay at right, don't worry about that. Get your family to safety and stay safe. That's right. That's right, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, that's it. Bu hold on tight here it is strawberry letters. Thank you tell me it's object. Should know better. I am a twenty three year old African American young lady with no children, who was financially independent. My escapade started last June when I met the man who I thought was my soul mate. Now before you say I'm too young for that, I have a very old soul and have always been more mature and wiser than my years. So I met this man who will call dummy, and he basically swept me off my feet. When we met, I was still living large at home with my parents, and so was he. We began dating exclusively and things took off quite quickly. One evening he came over. One thing led to another and my parents caught us in a compromising position. Being the people who my parents are, they didn't stand for it and kicked my butt out on the street, which was well deserved for disrespecting their home. Well, dummy took me in with his mother there and aunt and their five grandkids, and I did my best to stay out of the way and contribute to the household. Well, needless to say, once I started getting back on my feet, he sensed my independence and started to become insecure and started to cheat and to be abusive. Once he since that I didn't need him anymore, he kicked me out. Well, now I have my own place and I am doing very well. Might I add, but now dummy has a woman pregnant and has now been kicked out of his home by his folks, and since he took me in, he feels I am obligated to let him stay until he gets on his feet. He has since broken into my home twice and is persistent about being in my household. Please help, I really need some advice about this one. Okay, First of all, call the police, Call all the police. This man is breaking into your house. Call the police. All right, get a restraining order on him. Call his mama, tell his mama what he's doing, since he still lives at home. This grown man, You know, I gotta tell you you're not as wise and mature as you think you are. You've done some very immature things here of course, you know, getting caught in your parents house. Um, you know, I say, you go talk to your parents. You patch things up with your parents. It's great that you're on your own right now, but you're struggling patch things up with your parents because you need some help against this guy who is abusive. Um. You know, he is crazy and you don't need to be around him. So please call the police on him and get a restraining order and patch things up with your parents. All right, those are the mature things to do. How do you get out? I see, I see, I see a whole nother letter. Good, Yeah, I see a whole No, I don't see. I don't see none as here. Oh I'll see it, but I see what's really going on here. Okay, that's all right? All right, Well about cold Cracker twelve after we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in about twenty minutes. Get ready for another exciting episode of bad acting bitter But Steve Harvey, so harpera baby. It's called the Chapmans. You don't want to miss it. But come on, Steve, let's finish your response to part two of today's Strawberry Letter right now. Come on, Steve, come on, I'm gonna need you to focus. I want you to Okay, I got it for you to shiit no better. It is the subject. I'm a twenty three year old African American young lady with no children who's finally independent. Mascotpage started last yearne when I met the man who I thought was my soul mate. Now before you say I'm too young for that, I have a very old soul and have always been more ma chewing wiser than my years. So I met this man who will call dummy. He basically swept me off my feet. When we met, I was still living at home with my parents, and so we heat. We began dating exclusively, and things took off quite quickly. One evening he came over. One thing led to another. My parents caught us in an uncompromising position. Being the people who my parents are, they didn't stand for it and kicked my butt out on the street, which was well deserved for disrespecting their home. Well, dummy took me in with his mother and aunt nay five grandkids, and I I would and I would do well did but and I would do my best to stay out of the way and contribute to the household. Well, needless to say, once I started getting back on my feet, he sensed my independence and started to become insecure and started to cheat and to be abusive. Once he sensed that I didn't need him anymore, he kicked me out. Well, now I have my own place and I'm doing very well. Might I have? But now Dummy as a woman pregnant and has been kicked out of his home by his folks, and since he took me in, he feels I'm obligated to let him stay until he gets on his feet. He has since broken into my home twice, and it's persistent about being in my household. Please help, I really need some advice about this one. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you shoulder. Let me break this letter down quick as I can. Let's just get to this. See, I pay attention to what people say in their letters. Now, before you say I'm too young for that I have a very old soul and have always been more mature and wiser than my years. Okay, now, so I met this man who will call dummy. He basically swept me off my feet. Okay, now let's go right here, ladies. If the man you meet you calling dummy and dummy sweeps you off your feet, what that makes you? So? Really, this letter is about dumb and dumb up. Come on, so now this letter really ain't just about dumby now this number, this letter is about dumb and dumber, because ain't a dumbing no who had never swept me off my feet. I've never been swept off my feet, but I've never been taken a gasp by a dummy. Okay. When we met, I was living home my parents, so was he. We begin uh quickly dating exclusively, and to things took off quite quickly. Now here's a deal. One evening he came over one thing land through another. My parents caught us in an uncompromising position, and people, being my parents, they couldn't stand if they kicked my butt out of the street. Your parents came home and caught y'all what in an uncompromising position. Now let's go back to the top of the letter. I have a very old soul, and I've always been considered more mature and wiser than my years. You just did a very adolescent thing. You're screwing in your mom and um house. You ain't got no house, and he ain't got no house. So the letter you're trying to make me thank you all that maturing stuff, and this dude is all that dumb. I ain't buying into none of this because you're doing an adolescent thing and your mama and um. How getting caught by your mom and um that they put you out. That don't sound wiser before your year, then your years and more mature to meet here go to letter again. Well, dummy took me in with his mother, aunt and five grandkids, and I did my best to stay out the way. How to hell you stay out the way in one house with a mama or aunt and five kids? How and how he's still living at too? How big is that? Creal? You can't stay out nobody way? Once again, it ain't just him that's dumb. In the letter, you must have been under the bed the whole time you was at the house. That's the only way I can see you out to weigh in this little crowded ass out. Well, needless to say, once I started getting back on my feet, he says, and he started to become insecure and started to cheat and to be abusive. How long was you in the house? And I disagree with you? No, no, no, no no. Your boy has always been this way. See, we don't become insecure, start cheating and get abusive. That's always been in his m O. But you maturing wise and beyond your years, you probably would have caught that if you had. You know, wasn't that's dumb If you weren't dumb it in him because you got swept off your feet by dummy. Remember this man, he kicked you out. Now you got your own place, doing right, doing real well. Um. But now dummy has a woman pregnant and has been kicked out of his home by his folks. And since he took me, and he feels I'm modilgated to let him stay in TI gets on his feet. Hey, dumber, if dummy has a woman pregnant, why don't dummy go stay with the woman he got pregnant? Why is he talking to you? And why are you listening to him? Because he ain't the only dumb person in the letter. See, I ain't even happened to me. But if you got a woman pregnant, why don't you gonna stay with Hull? He probably lives with her. They didn't put out. You feel like now I'm obligated to let him stay till he gets on history. He's broken into my home twice, and it's persistent about being in my household. He's persistent about being in your house cold because after he breaks in the house, you let him sit there and you listen to what he got to say. See, can't nobody just keep breaking into your house? You're lying, He's coming over you, letting him sit down, and you're listening to this sob story. Please help, I really need some advice, But get back with her parents. Listen to me, Like Shirley said, first of all, you can get a restraining order on this food. But you ain't gonna get no restraining order because you're stupid too, And you're gonna sit there and listen to him while he got the other woman pregnant. His the answer to all that, go live with the pregnant woman. Somebody in this folsome got to be working either, the pregnant girl gotta have a job. He got a job somebody, all right, Steve, you know we gotta go. Thank you though email or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my Girl, Shirley Uh, and I want to thank everyone for joining me once again for Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. It was great yesterday. Thank you all, uh and we'll do it again next week coming up in about twenty minutes. Get ready for another exciting episode of bad Acting Theater. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hello everyone, I'm Shirley Strawberry, your host and narrator for the Chapman's a family and Arrogant Texas Rent Not run by Earl Chapman and the Pork Rhyme producer where there's always something going on. If you remember last week's episode, k K was collecting her money from Beauregard for the information she gave him. To me, sounds like she was beating him down to the white meat. Let's listen in Where's my Money? Where's my Money? Junior overheard KK talking to Beauregard and collecting her money that he owes her for the information to take his dad's company down. I knew it. I knew it. I knew Kate k was trying to sell Dad out. She's up to no good and I'm gonna tell Dad and he'll be proud of me. I'll just say it right now, shut up. Junior Chester played by Tommy is still being kidnapped by Frenchie, who was George Wallace who's also played by Tommy. Crime. Well, I give you something to crop about, like, I'll make your watch old move was star on me and just play. I'm just gonna play my part. But it seems like everything was worked out because later that day, Chester played by Tommy, who was kidnapped by Frenchie who was supposed to be played by George Wallace but was played by Tommy, is free at home and is walking in the door. Let's listen as Chester played by Tommy, arrives home. Daddy, Daddy, you didn't I didn't think you kid. I didn't think you like me. I didn't think I didn't even ever see you again. I didn't think you pay the money. I didn't think Colin Kaepernick would be high. I didn't think Kim Kardashi's but was real I didn't. I didn't think Trump would would win, but he did. It was hard, I mean, harb he he made me listen to his oh your Mama Joe all day. But Dad, thanks for for paying the ransom. I'm tired, I'm hungry. I'm gonna go in the kitchen and make me the biggest peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I can find it, and you know what, you know what, I'm gonna throw in some poor rinds cause because that's because I like it like that, I do Yeah, Yeah, you do that, son, Yeah, make you the biggest Peter butter jelly in Poke Ryan saying that you can find drank it with a nice hot bottle of ginger here, because I hope you ass chokes and dies. I can't believe that Fritzard. So I paid that fat no good, bad acting, small hat wearing old ass mama, you joke telling purple color Negro Fritzard for the million dog Keep that boy, and I was to never see him again. He took that money and didn't let him go. He let him go. He back in the house now back home eating a damn peanut butter jelly Poke Ryan sandwich. Damn Peter bought a poke ran jealous sailing. Damn boy right, damn well. Doesn't sound like Earl is too happy to have his son Chester played by Tommy back. But he is right about one thing. French she who's supposed to be George Wallace is really dark, I mean really dark. But back to our story, Junior has decided to confront KK about what he overheard. I need to talk to you, k K about something going on around here. You mean like the drink machine being out of coke? No? Oh, you must be upset that the printer gets stuck sometimes, you know, if you can't get real hard. No, not not that. Does someone eat your edible bouquet because everybody got one? No, no, no, no, I'm not talking about the drinke machine. I'm not talking about the printers, and I'm not talking about the edible bouquet. Wait everybody got an edible boola. No no, no, no, you're trying to sidetrack me. I'm talking about you talking to Baullregard and selling Dad's secrets so you can take him down. Shut up, Junior. You don't know nothing. Yes I do. I know what you're up to, and I'm gonna tell dad you're not going to do no such thing. How dare you threaten your mama who's been working hard for this company for twenty five years? Wait? Wait? Wait? What? What? What? Who? Who? What? What? You? My? What? What? What? I thought? That's right? Your mama not as in old George Wallace, your mama joke? Um, your mama not up, Junior. Well, looks like Junior can't shut up this time. Join us next week for the Chapman Wait wait, wait, wait what? Hold on? Who what? She's my my? What? Wait? Hold on for real? I thought she's my what. I want to congratulate you for being bad, but you know what? Tommy looked up. Tommy looked up. He was reading to tell me what straw out and a half thank you and shut it down. Well, we forgot that you talking about and he alright. Roscoe and Pimpin are headed to a flight. They're going to Vegas for the fight. Yeah, yeah, you're ready for that, sir, And Sir I think he is. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Before we get to Roscoe and Pimpin, ESPN is reporting for every bet placed on Mayweather. Another seventeen are wagered on the underdog McGregor. Now, if McGregor lands a shocking upset when the Vegas sports books are liable to pay millions out of their own pocket, all right, then happen They know the oddsmakers know they're not gonna give you the Mars, and they don't know they're gonna take all that McGregor people betting, Well, it's a lucky because you know it's photo one. But it was. It was bigger odds than that earlier man. It was. It was overwhelmingly madeweather. So people was betting the biggest bet so far as five hundred thousand. What's the it's on Floyd Maywell, but so so many is if you put five hunting on McGregor, just just a case of flu million dollars, huh million dollars. Tom An had me, but put some Now do you think for one minute that Vegas gonna offer their Mars and think they got to pay that money? Mount Vegas don't lose, Man, Vegas don't lose. They don't they lost. That's it. That was all the time. That was the movie, all right, if you missed it, Roscoe and Pempin stopped by. They are both headed to Vegas for the fight. Check it out, and then they're headed to Vegas. They're gonna see the fight Mayweather Gregor. I didn't know who the vi roding. I didn't even know this, and knowing out, you know, I'm getting it. Was up ladies from hey, Pemphin, how you doing like the blind steaks? You got? Thank you? Oh night? Trying some new stuff? Huh okay, let me know how far you want to come. I was up Tommy's rubbing nothing man, just up in here, just doing what I do. It was up kind hey Pampin. What's that you like? Chocolate? You know what I'm saying? All good backy, I bet it is. He is my main man, Junior yea was handing it now. Ye I think I hadn't recruited me. Sound like I got somebody elm on Trump. One good only thing we did tell Junior is you got to go somewhere. Once I teach it to you, you got to go somewhere. Um can't beat two pimps at the park. You can't beat the two pimps at the same Paul, you gotta get your own plate. Man. You're good. I shon't like when your boys gonna, man, what's going on? Yeah? Me and round school here and on not to Vegas. Man, I didn't even know you guys knew each other. Roscoe, Yeah, Rock ain't gonna pimp. You gotta do this thing, baby, You gotta let them have it. I'm going to vigger with my boy, gonna tell it. Are you performing or you just watching the fight? Oh? Don't give it there, Well it would be Vomer did perform. They're doing the solar eclips. No, I didn't do that. It was real. That wouldn't real. You. I mean, y'all looking dead. That ain't damn They wouldn't do what them selling glasses? Damn thing, big hyper thing in my life right here, solf, I just catch it next time, next time? By what's seven years? Went my hold out? I don't know. Cond listen to this right here. Solely eclipse can happen when too great big things pass like you and Roscoe Pempers. It's gonna be a solely eclipse after flight damn made, wasn't mcgret Rosco? Well, I did want to ask you, Pemper, what are you wearing? I know you have a special Let me tell you something. What I was thinking. My wind and the Yeah, I'm just gonna wear go I gotta go on jacket. My sister made. You want to see this thing? Man? Would look? It's nice. Man, It's like like I got Phelip pals on it. It's solid gold macroom and then it's got the Sherlock Home capeck. I want to wear that. I'll put it on. Hey, let me hear what I got to the National Airport kind of work. Oh, you're gonna do the national album. I'm gonna do the alpham? What the what the alpha? I'm doing the alpham. I'm gonna do it. I ain't gonna do the one in the rain. Oh that's what I was gonna ask you about you. I'm I'm gonna do the one and McGregor dreading a little. I was when you know what, I think. I'm gonna have to go on in there for that because I need the holett Manweather, Oh do you know my weather? You know? I know it's people. I know Dad, I know Ma Weether Senior, Oh and his uncle where you know them from the box going on the fights. You know he got a new strip club. And that's what I want to you ain't gotta dress it up. They're gonna be do you know what I'm going through? That man? Man, man, what do you want to talk to him about this? And I just you know, just sitting around top with him a little bit. You know, see if they're interested the strippers, you know, in other opportunities to keep it, Billy, keep it, you know what I'm saying. Just make let's see if anybody won't change, you know, maybe want to add too little sideline things. Yeah, bride opportunity. He's a growth opportunity, you know, because Florida ain't him? Come on, No, he's a box. He got pimpersh type tones to him, but he ain't no foo blown him. So who's your money on? May mother? Come on? And I just can't need him like he's quite bo gonna get You're gonna need an id to get into his own house. You don't know, I don't world. All right, see you in Vegas. We'll be right back after this. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Well, Steve, this time yesterday we were talking about health and wellness, getting in shape with your trainer, Obie, and we know that nutrition is a big part of that. So you're heading to Las Vegas to the fight. Are you going to eat? Right? Is the question? While you're in Vegas? You are really okay, easily right? Okay. Now I have to say that we all went to lunch the other day and uh, you did you ate very well? Yeah? We had cheesecake, Yes we did. I have not done in years. Yeah, we had a good time. It was a really good time. I walked, yes, yes, you want from two major intersection from here, you walk out, walked to Roster Street to rade your street cross to me, it happens her hand up, count down, everything you walking. We were his money guards. J J and Junior. You guys were at the TV. Yeah, yeah, but they sold they traffic. They film you going what you're talking about. That's the story you in the Siptah's and it draws attentions. Now we're already in the restaurant. But wait a minute, doing videos taking pictures? Ya already hold on with your crew though. I was at the mall and ray J and Princess were doing an Insta story with their little dog. They were just filming, so everybody films. They all stars, ray J and his wife. They need to be working on his county. Count I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I don't and so I'm in there. So I ordered from the Yeah, they have a skinny list. So everything I ordered was under five hundred calories. You did good, Yeah, you really? And I still had a great meal. Man, it was still a great meal. It was filling. I ate under the hell with it over that? Because you ain't on somebody else paying me? Tommy, Tommy took the baby? Where was that? What were we you had to work? He picked it up, no problem, both hands took it when he got it. You can't pick up their chick i'na got money, all right, Steve. So if you could pick one food to have zero calories, what would it be? I knew you had ice cream. I knew we were gonna say ice cream. Vanilla? No, but I like vanilla tootle. Yeah, because if you can make good vanilla, you can make good the rest of the flavors. That's mine logic. What. Yeah, if you if your vanilla is good, then your other flavors will be good. Yeah, because that's the basic. Yeah, if you can make good vanilla, that's how I judge ice cream. No, I almost got something yesterday. I just knew y'all was gonna look at me crazy. But get the cheese factory. And if I wanted the second food, I would want to be Calgary Flea Pizza. If I could do both of them, I'll be good. I can stay on the diet. We have the same dietary loves because I love ice cream and I love oh Pizza. They can ever make a donut that don't have no calories in it, but it tastes like a doughnuts crispy green green. Yeah, all right, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, Steve, you're excited about going to the fight? How excited? Tell us about you know where? That's where we really wanted to be honest with you, if I had not been invited, you stay, Oh definitely. Yeah. The crowds is gonna be rough, man, Vegas is tough on me. Yeah, because you got it. You gotta walk through there. Yeah, you know, but many have done it though, Denzels, Justin Bieber, oh yeah, they kind of broke up. Justin Bieber and Floyd Mayweather their friendship, well, you know, their friendship. Yeah, yeah, because Justin and they told him to not associate with people friends. Yeah, yeah, the strip clubs, things like that. Yeah, you got and hard to be saved. I'm just amen. Floyd got mad at Justin and say you were my friend. You want to follow me on Instagram? You were a trader? And Floyd was with Justin when Justin was going to melt all his stuff, you know, when no one else Yeah when Yeah, So Florida's well, you know, but you gotta you know, two things has to have it happened here. Everybody has to allow a person to grow. Yeah, and then everybody has to have a little bit more forgiveness in them, because you're going to need forgiveness yourself. Everybody has the right to grow. In order to grow, it usually requires some type of change. So hey, man, look, I'm trying to get my life together. So I can't run with you and do what we used to do. All that's messed up. We can't run and get no, no, no, no no, you gotta respect that about the cat. Yeah, I've had to respect stuff about my friends who made other decisions. My friends are man, have made decisions about me, and you don't respect things about me because I made enough decision. I can't hang out with my single friends because my single friends are doing some things that I don't need to be around. So now I don't hang out with you. Now you can come to the golf course with me, but that's it. Where you go. I can't go now dog, you don't want to be my friend. Care your ass own, but at least risk that dog because I'm trying to do the right thing and you, and I'm not judging you because if I was single, I'll be right there. But I can't go there. Man, So what man? Your wife don't let you go nowhere? Whoa part? What are you going with this? Yeah? Now, my wife would not care for me to be that, and I don't want her to feel any kind of way with me being there, So I don't go. Oh damn, man, that's someone's single. Probably yeah, with no responsibilities. I go once some month. Just stay read it. They kind of just to reminisce on it. This ain't gonna lasts on this. I could just feel it in there. You just gotta drive back once the money. I don't go in a breeze just for me coming Okay, one more time, you would have won the seven hundred meals you. What's the first thing you're gonna do. I'm trying to leave my friends. I'm going to get I'm fin the stage, my deal. I'm lied to you not I am trying. I'm gonna get shot in front of him in the family room. I know too many Hollywood people. I can take one shot. Here, a button in my pocket, blood explode everywhere. I'm getting rolled out of their owner everything. What that? Yeah, I don't see how you want to see it. All right, we'll be back to close out the show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go, just one more thing, last break of the day. What a fun, fun morning. This is a good Friday. I love it. Yeah, I love it. So you're excited, Steve, I know about have to fight. Forget about all the other stuff. But the fight itself, though, Let's start with what you're gonna wear. Oh is that tuxedo too? Is that? You know? Always wear tuxes the entire time. That's what you're gonna be. I love it, you know usually I do. Okay, it's gonna be the fight. So I'm gonna where something else to fight. When I get on the plane, I have a tux on. I would have a tux on on the plane. When I get off the plane, I immediately gets together. And I like gambling in a tuxedo. Why because it makes you feel a certain way Vegas's rata. Yeah, say I'm going no, I think Sam still out on the boat. I think so, I'm I'm aware of tux to mom I had a tux on. Okay, Oh, then I would just have that on all days. His imagination just working right about two in the morning. I'm gonna start when I land start gambling at two two p m. I gamble for twelve hours, not straight. I'm gonna eat twice. What I play. My favorite game is video poker. It depends on where he But then I like to play blackjack with my boy Calhoun, and then I shoot dice, I play craps, and then Roulette wheel. Those are the I'll just go over the room for. I don't play nothing else, you know, like good Caribbean poker and stuff in the wheel. Guess where dollars gona. I'm gonna ask. This would be something I like to see. I don't know if they could happened. I'm taking you with Yeah, I'm going. Oh no, you think I ain't hold on? Let me tell you something. Have y'all been to Vegas? Within Yeah, you know I'm going. We just sat at the table. I love it. It's because when you went, you said at the wine and squirrel, right, Yeah, I got. Is it possible you will ever be able to at the pitty Slidice? Huh? Would you ever be all? You don't even know walking through because you gotta go over to the You gotta walk past Penny Slade to go to the booking room. No, I don't even know what they do. But I want to say, this is Jay because you don't know. It doesn't matter where he is, there's some gambling going on. If he's eating dinner, breakfast, lunch, he's gambling. Please, why do you like playing gambler? I mean, why do you like the gamble? Because I like the feeling that I could win? They do you always win? No? Oh god, no, I live out there. If I always were, we were, Damn this TV. I always want who win? But not do understand the concept? I do not put no money on the table that I can't stand to see them raking that hole. So if I don't want them to rake it in that hole. I don't put it out there. So no money that they rake into the hole or keep. It's money that I've counted in my life. I take what I'm gonna gamble with. Yeah, I can go home with zero. I never do that. I always go home with at least or fourth or word I went out there with. I will not break myself at a table. I will not do that stuff. But I'm not out there with my life savings. Oh yeah, man, Oh, I'm not out there trying to come up with the rent and car payment. I ain't come out to try to come I have aspirations when I'm out there, you know, Like you know, if I play off, it's just one hundred dollar slot machine that I like to play. I've one on that. I have won more money on that than I put in it. But I just go over there every nine then because it's a hundred dollars a pool. And that ain't fun, man, especially with a slot machine, because you have no voice, you know, black jack, I can hold hit, I can I have a say. So, you know, damn slot machine, you press the button and whatever. Show that's some ignorant mess, right. Oh you can't whole vote. You know the game. You can say, well, I'm gonna better on this. I think this's gonna happen. I think this ain't gonna happen. You bet like that on the black jack table. You can bet like that. You get over there on that dog gonna bandit. You're just pulling the thing. And if it don't show up, I hope, I hope, I hope you can rub it ain't coming. And people do that and then they walk away and then somebody else hit that right there, Like sometimes I watch somebody, yeah, put I watched the Lady one time. I kid, you're not put in in hundreds. She had a couple of littles. No, I watched the lad that that's nothing. That's nothing out there. It's some people out there who are the most people with the real money. Ain't famous, Oh no, no, no, no, The real money are not the famous people or athletes. You know some people out there with with some serious money. Man, Please understand, you don't even know who they are. That's who got the real money. Then the high rollers out there, they don't even really care about celebrities. That's the one thing where your celebrity don't matter anything, your money and you know you man, you get a life card and they keep track of what you Gambaica. When you go to the table, you give me your car. They know how much you're spending. They know every trip, how much of them put in the machine, how much I don't play that. They can go back. They can go back. And so what they do is while you're eating, while I'm sitting there a host to come over and go welcome, Mr Harvest. There anything I could get you with you like some sick Do you want some scotch? Mr Harvard? Would you like to go to You've been gambling for a while. Are you hungry? Let us said it set you up at the Finding steakhouse we have here and they'll just give you stuff to keep you happy because they're gonna get it back. Yeah dash, Jesus stay give it back. Y'all are go to the fight. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you all about it. Funday can fight recap y'all played from it, because my goal is I have may weathern't walk out on the Steve Harvey Talk show. Come ahead sounds good for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.