Ron Isley Birthday, Bitterman COVID Shots, Comedy Roulette, Kier's Hope and more.

Published May 21, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We get the greatest lounge singer on earth making this a Happy Friiiiday!!!! The Chief Love Officer does some translation for a lady in the DR. A$AP Rocky is in love with Rihanna and he ain't holding nothing back. Fool #2 gives us a list of things that you put in your body that you have no idea what the hell is in there. We wish Ron Isley a very Happy 80th Birthday. Was LBJ's shot luck or nah? Junior talks about his upcoming event that will raise funds for families dealing with Sickle Cell for Christmas. Here go the things you say to yourself to keep you from whooping somebody's behind. Today the crew wrap up by talking about the best male vocalist that they have ever heard.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all all suit the don giving them like the million bucks things and the stubbings, not me true good it Steve listening to the move together for STU. Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta use that turning you are. You gotta turn to turn them out, turn you love, got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your thad h I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me na one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah, I got one. And I got a message for you today too. Something I was thinking about that might help you along the way. The thing I appreciate about so many people that I learned from Bishop Jake's, Kenneth Olmer, Donnie McClerkin, Kirk Franklin, Joel Oldstein, I can't tell you, and many more than that. I mean, you know I'm naming you know, famous people because I know you know these names. But my father, who you never met, was so great in my development as a man. But my mother thought her mercy. My mother, she taught me about faith. She gave me the things I needed to know about what I speak about every day. That basis was given into me by her. So it's so many great people. But here's the thing that I've had to learn, and that is that if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. See, I can't tell you how many people don't really pay attention to that close enough. If God got you through it, it's done. Move on. How many times have we as people allowed God to get us through something, get us beyond something, get us over something, get us through something, and then even after it's completion, we sit there and we dwell on it, and we dwell on it to the point where it becomes an anchor around our neck and we can't move on. We can't move on because we just won't let it go. It's done. If God got you through it, it's done. Move on. Stop harboring on the pass. Stop hanging on to every time you fail, Stop hanging on to every time you slipped up and messed up. Stop hanging on to every time you didn't get it right. So what everybody makes mistakes, everybody messes up, everybody don't get it right. Everybody struggling with something you ain't thought only one but my God. Man, if God got you through it, it's done. Move on you hanging on to it, for that's why he got it, got you through it, so you can move on from it. See a lot of things that happened to us that we think are negative or bad experience. These are lessons in what not to do. This is a way to have a now or bearing on. Look out for it the next time. You got me once, you can't get me again. I'm telling you, man, if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. You have got to move on. I use this analogy all the time. I'm gonna add a little bit to it. Bishop Jake's told me you cannot drive your car looking in the rearview mirror. See you know what your rearview mirror is actually fall in your car. Your rearview mirror is designed. After I pass a car and I want to merge into that lane, or I want to make another move, I look up in the rearview mirror, and all I use it for it shows me that I've gotten past it. I've gotten past the vehicle I was passing, and I got enough room. Now clear to make my next move. That's what I use my rearview mirror for. I use my rearview mirror to just glance up every now and then to see what's coming up on me. That's all I use it for. Listen to me real close. Now. Your rearview mirror on your car is after you're passing something, or you're passing by something, you can look up in the rearview mirror and it lets you know you're pasted it, you're beyond it. It's clear now it's in the past. You no longer have to deal with it as the car that was in front of you blocking your way. You have passed it. You look up in the mirror, you've cleared it. Now if you want to switch lanes, you could slide on over. You got room. But that rearview mirror also lets you see if anything is coming up on you, and you just need to glance, because if you're moving forward, ain't a whole lot can come up on you. You're just glancing every now and then, and it reminds you that you got through something and you got beyond something. That's what the rearview mirror for. Now. Let's talk about that. Windshield. Why you think that windshields so big on your car? That's the biggest window on your car. You know why the windshields so big because it's where you're going. Because even the automobile makers want you to have a wide view of where you're going so you can see what's up ahead. They put lights on the card night so you can have night vision and see what's up ahead. But you can, oh, man, see not? Why is that look? Think about that now for I move forward with this one. Think about that windshield, man, why is that windshield so big so you can see where you're going? It's way more important where you're going than where you're being, don't you see that? That's why the rear view mirrors so small, because it is nowhere in there as important as it is as to where you're going. Why you being just allows you to take a glance. You can make sure you clear it so you can see if it's room enough for you to make your next move, so you can know that you've gone through it and go head on about your business. But that windshield, that windshield is for vision a man without a dream of visions your parish, that windshield is for somebody going somewhere. That windshielding for somebody else that trying to make another move. I'm gonna go right, I'm on left. I'm gonna get off on this exit. I'm gonna take this DTWOL. I'm gonna handle it signed as a new route. There's only so many miles left to go. That's what the windshield got. Let me tell you something, man, when you see a mile sign, you're driving on the freeway, you're on the interstate, and you let's say you're driving to a particular city and you see a sign that says that city is thirty eight one hundred and thirty eight miles away. That lets you know where you're going, and you're on the right path. Now, if you keep looking in the rear view mirror, you'll never know how close you are. You'll never know as you're driving your car, look in the review mirror. You all on the shoulder, you hit them, rocks up under your car. You'd scared yourself to death because you know why, because you keep looking in the rearview mirror. Get out the rearview mirror. If God got you through, it is done, move on. So what he don't love? You know? More and man, let's move on. If God got you through, it's done. Move on. God got something for you. If you get out your rearview mirror and get up in that windshield. God's got something for your upp ahead. But you can't see what's up ahead because you in that rearview mirror. If God got you through, it is done. Let's move on. Come on, y'all, don't let the pass beat you up. That's the ingredients in the cake. You haven't made that already. That's done. Let's go God, look in the windshield. See what God mobil got something new for you. If you get out the rearview mirror and look, open up your eyes and see. All right, let's go today. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. This is it. In the words of nephew Timmy, he's fried to y'all. Yeah, it's a new day. The other one is gone, and today's a new day. You're you ever been to an allowed and had a dude that was up there singing, but he was writing a song that he wrote and you'd be sitting there just struggling with it. But he really ain't a good singer. He allowed singing. He's singing at the holiday in express over that by coffee machine. It's very rough today Friday. Yeah, come on, and all the people's probably getting a check today. You know it's paid day, a fried day all today. I'm so glad that it's a Friday. How y'all doing this even I know it's Friday. Come on, everybody, second week, No, it ain't theresday. Come on because Dad was a yesterday. Oh we looking at Friday. It's the David folks sad day a day, look at here as a here, Hey folks, listen, want to thank you for coming out tonight at the holiday and expressman s tell everybody, because I'll be here Friday. Thank you Friday. You know what's anyway? Like I was saying, you don't thank y'all for coming out today. You know, listen, they got a couple of rooms, specially you might want to be the way you gotta go. They got a water pulls up at the front of distance. Don't forget. You got to drop your drivers laces off if you want to toil and soap and wash cloth. I'll be here every day, and I make fresh coffee right before I start. I make the best coffee here. In the city. So we'll see y'all tomorrow night. I'll be here the holiday and express right here in front of coffee and ship. Talk to you morn to Sheary, Hey, good morning, Happy Friday, collar for Rell. Never mad on a Friday. I'm gonna have everybody Friday here, right, Junior. You know I come up here in front a few timmis a few time on a Friday. Man, singing from your gut though, lady, yeah, courage day up through your chest so much. But it is Friday though, yesterday, from that day, that's a great day. What is this about Friday that we all love? Feel good? Get mass up in here, man, Well let's get started today. But we got going on shore, all right. Well here we go, coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey, will be in the building. Ride good day after Thursday. Yeah, the day be sad as the cello. Right after this you're listening to the string show. All right, guys, time now for ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Uh, Steve, this one is from Leela in the d R. Lela writes I'm a forty year old singer, a woman, and I'm dating a forty two year old man that I've met online. We both made it clear that we were looking for a relationship that would lead to marriage. He is everything I've prayed for, and we spend every night together, and we traveled together. We've even exchanged I love you, So I was a happy camper last week when we were on vacation. He told me that he's not ready for a relationship. Then he said he's lucky to have me and he loves me. I'm so confused by the mixed signals. We've been dating for eight months. Should I give him one more time or should I give him more time? Well, he just told you he's not ready for a relationship. So first thing you need to know is what does that mean? Now? In English, it means he don't want to be committed to you, and he don't want you telling nobody he belonged to you. That's what it sounds like it means in regular English. Now, you and Dion I've been there before, and y'all do speak very fluid English, so that's what it sounds like to me. Now, this could be a little tricky, But the mixed signals are just exactly that. I would probe and see exactly what he means by that. But I think, you know, yeah, probe meaning asked more questions. That would mean she'd have to give him a little more time. Then huh, well, you got to give an explanation. But I think he said what he said, yeah, And I think I said, all right, all right, all right, Leela, we're going. We're moving on now to Janet and Oxford, Mississippi, who says, I'm in my mid thirties, engaged to a guy from a small town in Tennessee. When we got our marriage license, all hell broke loose and I started getting harassed by women from his past. Apparently he has eight children by six different women, and four of a woman warned me that his child support debt will be mine if I marry him. He and his best friend said it's not true, and his crazy ex wife is behind all of this. I don't know what to believe. He said, he has three children and I met them. Should I run away while I can? Well? Eight kids, eight went child support, that's gonna be rough. Now he'd went and got his boy to co sign the three. He does have three. Your deal is to find out if he has eight. They have a thing now called research. They have the Internet, they have Google, they got everything. You can find out a lot of stuff. If I were you, I will get busy just to double check the story. Now. The reason you're righting us because you got the feeling somebody's telling the truth about your man. Yeah, because your question, your thing was should I run away? Now? Well, you already know something's up, so you have an inkling, so you gotta follow up on the inkling. Do not ignore the inkling. Okay, that's right, great advice. Advice, Do not ignore that is you got it four reasons? Call it eight keys. Well you're your name, get out mother at your ol support. I can't tell you that right now. Yeah, all right. Moving on to Perry in South Carolina, who says I was messing around with a married woman for a few weeks and her husband found out and jumped on me. I had to get stitches in my head and he scratched my cornea, so I went to an outpatient clinic. I didn't have health insurance at the time, so she paid my medical bill without her husband's knowing it. The clinic. Listen though, the clinic mailed the receipt to her house, and her husband thought, God yeah. He texted me saying he'll deal with me again whenever he sees me. I'm too old to keep fighting. Should I call him and talk this out? Well, it don't sound to me like you've been fighting, you know, you you you know? Should I call him and talk this out? You? Chest said you was messing with a married woman, this man's wife. Let me ask some parent, what You're gonna call him and say? Well? What? What? What? What this conversation fitting to be? Hey, man, look we need to stop this. I'm too old for this. Well, you was messing with his wife, he said, he gonna deal with you when he sees you again. Now look, you got stitches and you got the one corn. You ain't gonna be able to see after this next ass, he's gonna bust up all your visual capabilities. This man hot about his wife. Oh yeah, she felt bad for you and paid your medical. You ain't got medical. You ain't got no business messed with. This man's wife said, dog, what do you want? Go away? Cry? Yeah, you need to move. Yeah, he needs to go away. You're absolutely right. Yeah, you need to move, man, But you're gonna get this other whipping though sooner. He gonna deal with you, spend some money on you. He gonna whoop you again. Party and you got it coming. He told you, he did even tell you he was gonna get you the first time. Stitches in his head. All right, he was, he texted her from her phone. Oh but gets you what I see and say? She l at the top. All right. Our last question comes from Jay. Uh. Yeah, what you got for the cl You met a freak? You met a freak in the club. You don't know the freak's name. Y'all go to the hotel, You tie the freak up, You go out to get some ice. You forget what room the freak is in. What do you do? What do you do? You do? You ain't forgot where your car is? Hey, you don't know nobody's name. You can't remember that, you can't remember the room. You don't want to get ice. Now you can start knocking on doors and do this here. You would freak if you tied up. My name is freaking. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, man, excuse me, I'm sorry. I got to My bad, My bad, you stand there in your drawers with an ice bucket. All right, coming up next, we gotta move on. Never you tell he's here, we'll run that brank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna's standing by with our national news and an entertainment news at the top of the hour as well. But right now the nephew is here, would run that break back? What you got for us? Nea, my dog Apolo, my dog Apolo. This is gonna be one more time for the people who did my dog Apolo. It's gonna be funny. I know it. Yeah, I know it. Not Apolo Creed, but my dog Apolo Apolo. Yeah, not showtime if you Apolo, but my dog Apolo. It's been some downs that the showtime, Apolo. Trust me, I've been Let's go cat dog. Hello. Hello, this appartment at yeah, this this atc Hey. Man, my name is Virgil. Uh who is this right here? Who is it you're speaking to? Marcus? What's going on? Okay? Marcus, let me ask you something. Man. Y'all, y'all, y'all are messed up. Y'all, y'all didn't got Apolo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. Man, hold on, I'm lost here. What what what is this you're talking about? You got a Polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. Wholoa, whoa whoa whoa whoa? You sure you got it right? Number man? No, man, y'all you and you and you and a U and atenc ah yeah okay this ATC no Timid. Now now what is this about Apolo? Who is Apollo? I don't I don't know what I'm talking about. You got y'all got a Polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. You know not he down town and and and and if there is somebody pressing charges. So now I got to figure out how we're gonna I'm gonna get Apolo out of jail. Hold On, man, I need to call to go down. Cole ain't going in charge, so Apolo can come on. Fump the braids. Boss. Listen to what you're saying. Now, you calling me about somebody that I don't even know. I ain't even I don't know. No Apolo, you know your I apologize for your home boy and and and and everything that's going down. But I don't know nobody name Apollo. I really don't know. I don't know what you're talking about. So you know, y'all, y'all, y'all ain't called the police last night. Ain't nobody calling no police. You you ain't called You're gonna sit here and lie to me and tell me you ain't called no police last night. Let's take this back. Now. Now, what's your name? Man? My name is Virgil. And now now how you come about getting my nuther? Don't wonder about how I got you? No, my guy? Are you the one? I know? You the one got Apollo arrest on? These trump up charges don't work no home? How do you know? How do you know where I live? Because I live above of you. I live in nineteen six, nineteen six, nineteen, So or you're the one that got the loud barking dog. All I don't, that's all. My dog is Apolo, my god, Apollo. Man, you got me thinking that you're talking about some human being. You sitting here calling me about something animal something. Oh that's my dog las Man. First of all, the charge, no ever, deally you pressing charge? Hey, listen to man, need to get my dog out of jail man every daily. You need to listen to what you're talking about. Man, You calling me about some animal. Listen, we called the front desks people about disturbance. Every time we look around, we hear your dog. So you might need to take it over with whoever that's in charge with the apartment complex, because that's who we inform about your loud dog. Now you know you calling me. How you got my numb I don't know, but you need to check this out and talk with the people that's in charge of the apartment complex. I'm taking it up with the person that the father complaint and got my dog arrested last night. Now my dog down there or some Trump really charge really really ain't even read wedn't even read Apolo his rights or nothing like that. Really, you really talking this. Listen to what you're saying dogs, man, and it's all let's call to you. Man. I think you need to huh you need some counseling or something about because you're talking about a dog. How can a dog get arrested? You need to Uh, this is crazy. Listen. I don't think we got anything else to talk about, man, because we got we got to talk about a Polo man, and how how you gonna go down and then get him out of jail? And you need to have him here back to body this evening. I ain't even to go through this without my dog being here. This man sounds crazy. Maybe this man calling me about a dog being arrested. This is the dog that be balking. There's a Pomolo man. Apolo is as a family member, and you haven't got him arrested. Man football, what and man? Why would you do something like that? Man? How about this you and that dog. Don't be calling me no more talking to me about some dog that I ain't got no control over. You need to take this out with the police or whoever called. Ain't nobody calling the police. Did you just say for Polo man? Listen? Did you just say that you heard what I said? Okay? Okay, hey man, I'm not trying to argue. Okay, look look, let's let's just let's just do this here. Is it any way you could just come down there with me this evening and drop the charge. Come down, well, come to the police station. Man, Well, Polo went dog. He doesn't listen listen, Okay, I'm not trying to hollow he down there on some trump up charge. You can't pick him out in a lineup if you want follow CLEA. They got no problem. I can't. Man. Uh, listen, man, do you really hear what you're saying now? I know they say man, best friend is a dog, But you're taking this a little bit too far now. You need to really listen to what you're talking about. You didn't have all this. What you got a problem with with the at the front desk and the police if you got your dog just really don't make any sense right now to me. Now, I apologize once again about your dog, but I think we have our business finished, right man, because I tell you something. Let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you this right here, okay, monkers, right yeah, okay, let me tell you this here. You're trying to testify against trying to testify against against a polo and see whatever. But in the way you listen, man, I'm gonna tell you like this, you Apollo and anything else that you got to say about this situation right here. You found my number, You found you know where I live. You just come see me. You really wan't that I'm about to be through. It was this phone call man, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Let me say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here to you try to try to try to get on the stand and testify against Apolo. And I promise you, dog, you're gonna have some problems on your hands. You listen, you really talk to them some nonsense right now? Do you really hit what you're saying to me? Apolo is a dog? I know he a dog. He my dog. You know what I tell you? What? Hey, man, how did how that pretty little wife for you is doing the one to be at home while you're gonna work all day? What you just say to me? How he is that pretty little wife for you that be gone, that be at home when you're gonna what's your what's your name? I told you my name, Vera nineteen see where you are right? Please please believe that's what we're about to meet right now, because now a nail can't come up here talking to me about my wife. So if it's any other dog you got up in the place, please believe that dog is gonna get right along with your Okay, I got one more you ain't got to say to me because you and get a little too far lynd with me and dog. Now you're trying to talk about what's going on in my household and my wife. Please believe nineteen seas where you about to find me? Let me tell you who else up here in nineteen seats waiting on me? All I'm about to get who else is all up in nineteen Okay, let me tell you who else is here? You want to know who else in here? Man, I'm gonna tell you this here. Nephew Thomment from the Steve Harvey Morning Show is up in here in nineteenth safe. What the hell, nephew? This nephew, Timmy, God man, you got me cousin and my mom waa be listening to this station? Your neighbors Gerald got thank you about the neighbor towns. Man, Hey, man, you gotta tell me this, baby, what's the baddest radio station in the lands? The Steve Harving Morning Show and nephew time is crazy? I can't believe it. And there you have it. Your day's closed, bounded over the Grand Jewry. All right, come on, all right now, let me get him big round applause for being stupid. Now give you, Timmy, what what is this gowing up at the top of the hour. Entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. So yesterday I think we were talking about this off here, the Mass Singer. Uh. We were talking about the Mass Singer, and we knew that the Yetti monster was Omarion Okay from Fame. Yeah, yeah, I love that show. Mass Singer anyway, uh and other entertainment news. Asap Rocky says that Rihanna is the love of his life. Asap said, life is so much better. Wait, you got Shirley, did you hear? Junior? I just said mine too. That's right, Junior. But Asap says life is so much better when you got the one, and he went on to say he is in the best relationship he's ever ever had. What do you think about that? Who is Asap Rocky? Yeah, he's a rapper. Remember he's got in that trouble and yeah, sweet yeah, I think it was Sweeten. Yeah yeah, he didn't remember that. And he's oh yes, yes, yeah, stating a billionaire and and that was her last relationship before Asap Rocky. But you know, people love Asap rocket Day think he's handsome because he was a model. You know he's a rapper you sw yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, So to y'all, he do come to hate. Yes, yes, yes, he'll know. I mean speaking of somebody else, but oh this as soon as possible. Also, speaking of Rihanna new haircut, alert, she's back, She's back, Carlo rock in the pixie short haircut, Come on back here, Rihanna? Yeah, yes, beautiful, beautiful. So you saw Juli, Yeah, I mean if I'm not gonna see it as Rihanna in uh. In other entertainment news, Tiffany Hattish recently said during an interview that, uh, this is these are her words. Ain't nobody asked me about replacing Ellen? Okay, because that was a rumor that Tiffany Hattrish was one of the front runners along with Kelly Clarkson. But Steve we here in the streets that your name is popping up to replace it as well. What's what's up with that? Straight all? That is the street talk, y'all? That ain't number street talking. Just ain't Just in case it might not be street talk. Me and Junior, we're all ready it ain't gonna just be y'allbody ready this time, I'm hating like Junior, that that really is him, that if it happens, you never know, if it happened, is possible. I'm sure they're looking at a number of people, Steve, Uh huh, they ain't looking at me. Well, they got rid of to do to the NBC. So I don't know anybody said, why not you? That what I said? Why not come? You gonna turn down this best for me? You and Jake? How you gonna do that again again? How much? How much they offer? Huh? How much would they office? You gotta look at that too. How much would they offer you? Union? We take what they offered me and Union take what we know. All right, we'll talk about it time now. See for today's headlines. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Trimp, thank you, and good morning everyone. In the Middle East. After eleven days of fighting, Israel and hamass have agreed to an Egyptian broker ceasefire. They agreed to it last night. It will scheduled to begin around five hours ago, around two a m. Eastern time. It may take a little time, though, to see if it's holding. It seems to right now, and President Biden's sounding confident. I believe the Palestinians and israelis equally deserved to live safely and securely, and to enjoy equal measures of freedom, prosperity, and democracy. My administration will continue our quiet relet diplomacy toward that end. Mister Biden says, the agreements in partnership with the Palestinian authorities in a way that does not benefit the moss militants. By the way, there was some mounting pressure on the Jewish state to make nice from the US. Sender Bernie Sanders, for one, introduced a resolution yesterday of disapproval to block the seven hundred thirty five million dollar armsale to Israel. At last report, some two hundred and thirty Palestinians have died, including sixty seven children, and they were twelve dead in Israel, with two children killed in Washington yesterday. Meanwhile, the presidents signed a measure called the COVID Hate Crimes Act. You signed that into law. It's aimed at reducing the attacks on Asian Americans, and the bill passed with bipartisan support. The new law calls for the Department of Justice to designate a point person to expedite the processing of hate crimes cases, while also making it easier to report hate crimes at the state and local level, and parents afraid to leave their homes even to get vaccinated for fear being attacked. Small business owners target and gunned down, students worried about two things, COVID nineteen and being bullied, and he said that is a horrible situation. Has to change immediately. The Kroeger food chain says its stopped its customers from donating money to the Indiana affiliate affiliate of an extreme right wing militia group whose members were allegedly involved in January's Capitol Hill riots, and spokes and for the nation's biggest supermar chain claims not to have known that the Indiana Oatkeepers was one of the beneficiaries of Kroger's community rewards program. They say they didn't know anyway. Black bachelorette Rachel Lindsay spoke about her frustration with the way the producers of the franchise handle her season on comedian z Ways, a show. She says they put black men on the show who didn't date black women because they thought that might be interesting interesting, I guess to humiliate a black women. Anyway, Rachel Lindsay end up with a white man, as she got a lot of criticism. It turns out, though, guys, that all three of the black bachelor's in the Bachelor of Bachelorette Thing, Rachel, Tasia Adams, and Matt James or either data married to or engaged to a white person. And finally they broke ground on an eighty million dollars museum dedicated to hip hop. Yesterday, le Bronx, New York. A lot of folks who on hand, the ll Cool j Nas, Fat Joe and Grandmaster. Flash back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show? All right, Steve introduced your road dog. You guys have been friends forever. It's time, ladies and gentlemen. Jay Anthony Brown. First of all, it's the comedy breakout show that's going to be in Columbia, South Carolina, July eighteenth. Go to event right to get your tickets. Yours truly and Jess will be showing their art. Now, with that being said, it has come to my attention that at least about forty four percent of black people have only been vaccinated because they have said that they don't know what's in the vaccine. We're not getting vaccinated because we don't know what's in it. So what I've come up with is a list of things that you put in your body that you have no idea what the hell's in there? Okay, you have I have a list. Let's start. Let's start with makeup. You put it on your eyes, you put it on your lips, you rub it all in your body. You have no idea what the hell is in there? Okay. Let's talk about mustard. You don't know what's in mustard. You have no idea. You don't even read the side of the mustard, y'all. And don't just tell me mustard seeds. It's more in mustard beside mustard seed. Let's talk about peanut butter. Read the side of peanut butter. Okay, you don't know what's in hennessy. You don't know what's in there. You have no idea what the hell's in gen You don't know what's in there. You have no idea. Pork, Let's talk about all the pork that you eat. What's in pork? I tell you what's in pork. Whatever the damn pigg age that was in the damn poort. Okay, you don't know what the hell's in kool aid, but you'll eat it. You'll eat chocolate. You don't have no idea what the hell's in there. And last but not leash, you don't know what's in preparation age. You have no idea what's in there, but you grab a handful of it and shove it up your have no a. Yeah, and don't even get me started with you chiling eaters who have not been vaccinated. Seriously, seriously, you eat chilings, but you won't take a shot to save your behind. I'm not saying take or don't take the shot. I'm just saying, come up with a better excuse than I don't know what's in it. Okay, that's all I'm saying. You'll put preparation age up your butt when the hells get the humming, Yes you will, and you won't read a damn thing. I'm done coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, Ronald Eisley, the legend is eighty years old today. We'll talk about the Eisley brothers right after this. You're listening to all right, So Steve, your good friend, Ronald Eisley is eighty years old today, and you guys are such good friends. You've known each other for years and years, and you love the Eisley brothers. Of course they're legends in the game. I mean, the dude in great shape for eighty Yeah, I mean, you know, man and Steele got his voice, yes, steel sound the same, can still hit the notes. Yes, you know, you can put that big on turned in everybody's damn zaddy. You know, just just a dude, man. But when you talk about I don't know, you know, I mean, everybody knows his music, But when you talk about just a really really good person, man, Ron is a really really great guy man. And to be in a business it's long, man, you know, and really to just be at it and have the love and admiration that he's had over the years. Look, everybody hits some thorns in their career, everybody hits some some some low spots in their life. But man, to do that's just been a producing hit after hit after hit. Me personally, I don't know anybody that has done more albums than Ron Eisley. Me personally. I mean, it may be, but I don't know anybody personally. And I do believe the number of platinum albums is in the mid twenties. It was twenty one years ago. The number could be twenty eight. Somebody looked that up. I mean platinum albums. This dude, this just a massively successful artist. He's never done an album that hasn't gone platinum in his career. I mean that no, as most people can't say they got a platinum album the majority. And I heard Quincy Jones talking one time, and Quincy Jones said he was talking about music artists. He said, if you get a platinum album, that's a huge blessing. If you get a double platinum album, he said, you don't really know how big that is. He but you go triple platinum Unica somewhere and sit down. He said, three million people bought this album. You know, not back in the day, three million purchased albums, and you had a good deal, you know, you know, man like the cats had before they made some money. You know, the record labels came along and found a way to cheat all these artists out of them millions of dollars. Later on, I mean, you know, but then you know, the music industry got smart again. And now with all of the music that's getting stolen, it's really hard for artists now, but guys like Ron as just been doing it over a stendar period of time. All you got to do is to take your head off to the greatness of this man. I mean, man, he is that guy. Man and a warm, warm, beautiful person man and just good hearted man. Man. Congratulations to Ron doesn't he loved performed? Hell? Man? I mean, you know, this is your life. You know, this is like what I mean, It's kind of like what I do, or guess I guess what Eddie do, or what all of us do. I mean, you know, if you love what you do, it ain't work. But can you still see yourself still doing it at eighty years old? Though? Absolutely? Why not that man? I'm gonna do somewhere chilling so hard? Yeah, it so hard. I'll still be working. Yeah, but I h you know, you know I'm gonna red, I'm gonna re invent myself, but it won't be an entertainment. I just can't see myself entertaining at eighty. I don't. I just don't, you know. I think I think it's great for what it is now. I think he's one of those rare individuals him. Charlie Wilson Lionel, Richie, Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, Gladdus Night, Patty LaBelle, Anita Baker, Shaka Khan. I can tell you the ones that I can name off the top of my head that can still get out there and hurt you. Yeah, I'm talking about it. Hurt you, man. Yeah, you know it's others I'm leaving off list, I'm sure, but Dumn people right there. Worth, that's so cool. Remember how he was trending during the versus battle. All the women swag yes, yes, all right. Coming up next, the nephew with today's Frank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject she took away all my joy. We'll get into that in a little bit. Right now, the nephew is in the building. Yeah, the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What you got for us, nev. Surely it is PSC p s C. That is prostate chuck off, prostate chuck of. Okay, you're going in huh yeah, I'm going I'm going in PSC. Look at Stanley. All right, all right, let's go get PFC prostate check out. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Roger Roger. My name is Greg. I'm a PFC. I got you on my schedule. I'm supposed to come by your house tomorrow morning about seven fifteen. I just want to give you a call and give your heads up and let you know we will be there about seven fifteen. From my understanding, you go to work here, Oh you say you who? I'm a PFC, sir, I'll be there. I'll be there tomorrow. I got you on my schedule for Monday morning, and I'll be there at least about seven fifteen. From my understanding, you go to work at seven thirty, and my procedure is only gonna take a couple of minutes. But I wanted to give a friendly call and let you know that I will be by there tomorrow morning. What's the PSC, PFC? What's just a PC? PSC? Sir? PSC? I will be there tomorrow. I've been in business probably for the last I guess about thirteen fourteen years now. What is PSC Specialists? What you do? Oh you're not I'm sorry you're not familiar. How you got me on schedule. Why ain't you trying to listening? Oh? I got you on my list here. I don't know who puts you on here, but you've it's been paid for and everything for me to come by and and do my job. And like I said, only taking a couple of minutes and I'll have you on your way. How do you get my number? Say again, how did you get my phone number? Sir? Everything I have I got, I got twenty stops tomorrow and I got you scheduled as uh as my as my first stop tomorrow morning. I don't know I got your phone number. I do have your address. Are you at Drives? Yeah, that's my address, But I don't on my schedule for nobody to come to my house in the morning. I gotta go to work in the morning. I know I'm gonna be you right right, my understanding, Well you for my understanding. You pull out about seven thirty and I'm gonna get there ten fifth things. Like I said, you know, the procedure only takes about two three minutes. And we said one about it around my information? You know when I leave home and everything. Who is this, like I said, my name is Greg. I'm a I'm a PSC and I'll be there. Okay, you said that. I ready, you'll you'll see me tomorrow. I'm sorry. I just want to give your friend a call here on Sunday and let you know that i'll be there. I'll be there about seven fifteen and we'll get you taken care of and then I'll let you get on the way to work. You still ain't telling me what I was supposed to. What you're supposed to be doing, sir, A PSC is PSC. I'm a prosestate checker and what I'll be doing is coming in and checking your prosestate tomorrow. Oh hell, now, you ain't coming here check my prist state. I get my pride state checked by my doctor. Who was you talking about coming to check my PRIs state? Now at my house? Ain't come and check. And you know what, I get this all the time. I get a lot of people that are in denial, A lot of men that that claim that they state is fine. I heard my pride state check just at the beginning of this year. Man, you don't need to come to my eye checking my prid state. So a lot of people, a lot of men are in denial saying that they got it checked, and they got it. A lot of times we find out they haven't. And there has to be a reason. If I got you on my list and it's paid, somebody has paid one hundred and twenty five dollars for me to come out there and check it, Well, you still be happy you paid one twenty five dollars just to listen. Job you have to do then, because you're not coming check my pristate, sir, I'm gonna check it now. I'm gonna be boy there tomorrow and I'm seven fien. I'm putting my rubber glove on with a little bit of jail on it, and I am gonna check your proper state and then I'll let you get on the work. Well, I'll tell you what that rubber glove ain't gonna know where near meet home. Well, I tell you whether you over my eyes if you want to, it ain't gonna be pretty and it ain't gonna be nice with you in your rubber glove, sir, to stick a rubber glove when I'm done with you, don't be coming about my hot time about checking my prop state, sir, sir, do you realize that this is the leading calls to black men. Do you realize that I understand that the black men three out of five black men are lost every year? Say so, you ought to be very grateful that someone is sending me by there to check it and make sure you're okay. I'm grateful that I can pay for a doctor that I go to every every once a year. Man, you don't want to have to come to my hot time about sticking on rubber glove. But me man's phone with you, sir, So, I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. My job is to give you a friendly call and let you know that I'm coming. All right, that's not tomorrow, Morton. I don't want to hear anymore tomorrow morning. I'm there at seven fifteen, and you're gonna get your prostate check. Whether you like it or not. Whether you buy it, don't buy here, then I shall be here. You buy her back. Thank you bad enough to come over here and check my prostay you buy it, I'm gonna make it so you just be ready at seven fifteen that you're gonna get your prostate checking. You go on the work case. Cool, you come on over if you want you You know my address and all my wa time I go to work and everything you buy your back, don't over if you want to. I don't care if I gotta come over there, sir and hold you down and check your prostate. I'm coming to check your prostate at seven fifteen tomorrow morning, or I'll tell you where you bring your mas John over him? Do you think you know who I am? What I need over here? You come on over here, and you do what you gotta do. You come over, then you're gonna be checking something else beside of me. You're gonna be checking you on. You bring your I don't know if you won't you ship. If I don't get your bot of hell gonna be coming to my house to day. Baby, you you fund. Somebody's talking about I prime staint checked or something. Somebody on the phone, somebody I need a price stay or something. You bring your Yeah, I'll tell you whether I'll be here when you get here. You braying you will be tomorrow fifteen in the morning. You won't walk it over. You might be whirled away from this you bring if you want to. I'm gonna have my glove on the morrow and I'm gonna be checking your prod Stay. Got tell you what you've been in the morning. If you want to tell about checking the Pride Stay, You're gonna be checking on Pride Stay because I'm telling you where I got something for you. You come from Hell. You by your bad You think you're bad enough to come off here and check something over Hell? You come on with it. I got one more thing I need to say to you. All you listening? But what they are you got to say to me? Now? You told me it's no it was just you got to tell me. Now are you listening to me? Just baby, gown over here. You're gonna be here. I'm gonna be over there. But I got one more thing I want to say. Are you listening? What you got to say to me? Man? That's his nephew taught me from the Steve Harbit Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboard? Who who who you say you was? Again? Hey man, this is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, your homeboy got me to prank phone call you, Chris J. Harvey. That tim Me? Man, you are Roger boy. Y'all about to make me go out? I don't wonder who the hell, donna come out somebody high to do a prid state check on regular basis like that. But yeah, yeah, so got me man, I'm gonna get him back. Boy, I can't believe you do me like that. I'm gonna go check his price state. I don't even think you get here checked on a regular I want to have somebody to come check mind. Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the badest radio show in the land. Steve Harvid Mourning show Man, Steve Harvid Morning Show. All right, come on, Oh my god, he he didn't think you didn't want to get himself when you get that. Yeah, he gonna tense up when you get that. I'm tense right now. I don't even have one cringing. It saves lives. Get out there, get yourself checked. I'm just telling you that's what it's real. Too many ever, you don't get check. You're doing awareness with the prank? Why not? Why not? See ill do stupid? Then I turn around and make some sense. I do all that. I don't know what him did was stupid, but he put his finger on it. He put his finger on the funny go ahead, time did Carl. I'm getting me a shirt made with that on it. He gotta walk at everything. Who we with a purpose? Orlando, Florida. I gotta say it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Five shows in Orlando, Florida for next weekend. And guess what they all go. It's sold loud, yes, yes, up, thank you, thank you. Won't he do it? Willy won't and won't Willy won't. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour. Strawberry Letter subject she took away all my joy. Wait till you hear this one right after one Life, two Ways three. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air. It's like we're gonna read this one right there, right now. It could be yours. You never know. Buggle up and how long time we got it? Wholl you here to rob later? Why? Thank you, Tommy? Thank you? Subject she took away all my joy. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am having a major problem. My fiance and I've been together for almost two years. She is thirty seven and I am twenty nine. In the early stages, we used to throw down in the bedroom. I'm talking about doing it everywhere, like five times a week and multiple sessions at a time, to the point where we ended up with bruises or bite marks. Her hair could never stay done back then. But lately I can barely get her to take care of my needs, and her mood about sex has drastically changed. She rations it out to me now and it's not as exciting because she only likes to do it in one position. Now I'm excited to get it, to get what I can get, But then she tells me when it's over, whether I'm done or not. She usually gives me ten minutes, but it's not hardly long enough, so I have to finish the job myself. But the worst part is that she only wants to be intimate on Sundays, which is my only day off because I'm self employed and I show houses every day except Sundays. She knows that I don't like to get out of bed shower or shave on that day. I typically lounge around, cook her dinner, relax, and watch sports or a movie. She chose Sunday on purpose. This woman has cut me off from all of my supply, and she wasn't even polite enough to wean me off. She just did it cold turkey. When I asked her why she switched up our sex life, she said, I'm a horn dog and she doesn't want me to go into marriage thinking I can have it my way all the time, because that's not how real life works. I'm wondering what she expected by getting with a guy my age. I love her and she's a perfect woman for me, but I need the same sex from her that got me hooked. Is she really? Is this really how marriages? If so, is there anything I can do to change things? Well, you might have to move on. Okay, you might have to move on. The crazy thing is that in this letter you kind of both have a valid point. I mean, you are twenty nine years old, You've been spending your life lately just wishing every day was Sunday so you can have sex with your girl, and your fiance is introducing you to what she sees as real married life with you know, not sex five times a day ending up with bruises and bite marks. Okay, that's the way she sees married life right now. And she's calling you a horn dog all of that. I know, at twenty nine, you don't want to hear that, but the truth is a lot, if not most married couples do slow down on the sex after a while. That's where the term like date night came into play. You know, That's why you hear married couples saying things like we need to put more spice into our life or we need more romance because you know, sometimes when the honeymoon is over, you know, the sex does dwindle in a marriage. I don't know if that's what she was talking about necessarily, but you know, the sex in the marriage, just so you'll know, does kind of, you know, wane off from time to time. So while you might not want to hear that right now, your fiance is wrong for cutting you off. She's really wrong for that. But she's right in what she said about marriage. What sucks about this is that you guys started out like porn stars. I mean, all the sex five times a week, multiple sessions at a time, ended up with bruises and bite marks, you know, and just to cut you off all of a sudden like that. That's the worst thing you could do to someone. So, if you're paying attention now, if you're paying attention to her, I know you said you love her, sex and communication. Because she didn't tell you anything, they're already problems before you even down the aisle. So I think you need to reassess your intentions here. This may not be the woman for you. It doesn't sound like she is, Steve, get out dog, m. I ain't even gonna waste no time with this letter. Get out dog listen to me. If it's bad now, it's only going to get worse. If she cut it off now, she's going to ritchet shut in a minute, Riche, she's gonna ritch it shut. You ain't gonna be get nowhere, Nick, you're gonna be able to look at it. You're gonna touch it. You will get nowhere. Nerit don't come telling you. So here's the deal. You're having a major problem. That's the opening line, Stephen Sherley, I'm having a major problem. If you're having a major problem now when you getting married, this will become an even more major problem. This is a disaster. Y'all been together for two years. She thirty seven, I'm twenty nine. In the early stage, we reached to throw down in the bed room. I'm talking about everywhere five times a week, multiple sessions at the time, but where we ended up with bruises and bite mama. Now hold up bruising and bite mama and punching about each You might have messed around and just bit and bruise yourself out of some lar Her hat could never stay dumb back then, but lady, I can barely get her to take care of my knees. And her mood about sex has drastically changed. A man, and she's thirty seven, and it then drastically changed. You're in trouble, man, She rashes it out to me. Now it's not as exciting because she only likes to do it in one position. Nothing, And I'm excited for what I get. But when she telled me it's over, it's over ten minutes. Whether I'm done or not, it's just ten minutes. You are time, let's go stop all Yeah, we'll let Part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour Today's Strawberry Letters, subject she took away all my joy. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject she took away all my joy. This is horrible, man, it's over wood. Like I said, dog took away your joy. Your opening line is I have a major problem. Yes, you do, and you're not even married. Ji used to have sex all the time you twenty nine thirty seven, y'all been together for two years. Early stages, you throw around in the bedroom, all over the house, five times a week, multiple time. She couldn't keep her head done, get to the point where y'all end up with bruises or bite moms, her hat could never stay done. But lately I'm bare to get her to take care of my kneeds. Her mood about sex has changed drastic. Well, now she rashes it out to me. Now it ain't exciting because she only liked to do one position. Now see, y'all been doing all bruises and bites and that's all over the place. Now she down to one position, and she got ten minutes done or not ten minutes time up, Let's go shop. Pu's the iPhone, lom going off everything. Let start, let's get up. Now it's not hardly long enough, so I have to finish the job myself. Damn though you down to that. But the worst part is she only wants to be intimate on Sundays. Now, dog, she didn't broke it down. It ain't had nothing happened in the week, and now it's just on Sunday, man, which is my only day off because I'm self employing. I show houses every day sept Sunday. She knows I don't like to get out of bed, shower, shave on that day. I typically lines around, cook her dinner, relax and watch sports on movie. She chose Sunday on purpose. This woman has cut me off from all my supply and she wasn't even polite enough to wean me out. She just did it cold turkey. When I asked her why she switched up our sex life, she said, I'm a horn dog, and she don't want me to go into marriage thinking I can have it my way all the time, because that's not how real life works. Well, that ain't what you said when we first met. Now you gotta commitment, talking about from this man. Now she talking about she don't want you to go into marriage thinking that you can get it in kind of way you want to. So now she's showing you. She's given you a preview of a coming attraction. She's showing you what marriage is gonna be like with her. You're down the Sunday's Dog and ten minutes on Sundays. Let me tell you something, bro, you ain't gonna be happy like this. You know how I know you ain't because you ain't happy now. So brother, all this is gonna lead to us in an affair. That's all this is gonna lead to is an affair. That's all it is. And you're thinking about it now. Anytime a man write a letter about his woman sexual things, it's on his mind. Now he trying not to go there right now, the young brother trying not to go there because he says, you know, I love her. She's a perfect woman for me. Don't seem like it, but I need the same sex from her that got me hooked. Is this really how marriage is? Sometimes? Dog? Now, marriage is gonna change. It ain't gonna be as frequent as it was because y'all in the house and I'm telling you something else, something's gonna come into plate that's gonna be affect be old, kids, work, decisions, sickness. All is him? Uh So is there anything I can do to change things? N All you really do is just start like in ten minutes once a week that if you fix your mind around this once a week, ten minutes, you might have a chance what you want. Okay, this is what I want to hear. Don't go down if it's kid now, it's definitely don't get cut down? Is there? Yeah? Is there a happy medium? Is there a compromise? Because because maybe he's just he won't more wild for her, the bruising like you said, and the bites and all of that. Okay, he won't more. Yeah, he wants she's saying he's a horn dog. She ain't going to do this no more. We did this for two years. It's too much. She's not doing this no more. So she didn't cut it down to where she can manage it. Want a week, ten minutes a day now Now we're not gonna do this with you, Na, No, we're not doing it with you. I'm out by now. She's the perfect woman for you, except she on't like sex. What you do. How perfect is that? Pardner? Oh, so what you're gonna do is you're gonna do a lot of people do. I got this perfect thing over here, and I'm gonna get this imperfect thing over there, because that's what you're gonna do. You're twenty nine, y'all. Ain't y'all ain't going to church, so this ain't a moral issue. Sunday is your off day for movies and laying around. You don't shower, sha't leave the bed, you cook all is here on Sundays. He ain't going to church, so ain't no, ain't no moral compass here. So it's all good man, it's old with uncle, Steve says, old with na man. You ain't no way in here, you know, ten minutes on Sunday, Hold up, man, But bruises and marks showing on. Okay, all right, I'll tell you what. I quit biting you. We want to do something else thought, Yeah, back with no more damn biting. Okay, And we can stay on the bed where we ain't got to get brewed. But we can we can we get this position chain. I got four ideals on this bed. Can we try it in That's the only thing. But she doesn't. She's not gonna do it because she doesn't know. All right. Poster comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up with forty six minutes after the hour, Sports Talk with Junior Lebron is still the King. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got Junior, Let's just go and get to it. I just saw probably one of the best basketball games I've seen all season. Uh did you just get to see it? Fellas? Y'all see it? But I did? Can we can? We did you see? First of all, getting Lebron got hit in the eye by uh Green, Raymond Green hit him in the eye. They tried to say it was a flavor, but it wasn't a flavor. So Lebron shot the two free throws. Couldn't see hit one or two. But then when the shot cloud run down under a minute to go, Lebron drills of three. I mean it was just you could see well he said on TV. Junior, Yeah, he said he saw three baskets. He just shout at the had hit it. But does this change the conversation? Now that last minute shot? Who would you take? Would you take Lebron, would you take Colby? Would you take Jordan? Or would you take Steff? I mean, is he them' that's no first If I if I got a last minute shot that I got to take this last second game on the line, I'm gonna take Steph Curry. Yes, he's just a better shooter than all of the people you name. He's a better jump shooter. He had thirty seven points. Jeph Curry is the greatest shooter of the basketball I've ever seen. Now, I'm gonna tell you surprising stat Guess who has more three pointers than Steph Curry? Ray Allen, Jesus Shuttlesworth. Right, you know who was a good buzzer beater too? Man? Robert Rory was a buzzer beater. He was pretty good with it. Yes, I mean, you know, smissing that many games and coming back in for a game that you got to win to get in, you know, I mean, that is a big thing. Man. He came off the bench. He had a horrible first half, first half with horrible but that second half, him and Ad woke up, man, and it's like the Warriors had third team turnoles in the same head thirteen. You pretty you're pretty much giving him the game at this point. You can't give le Bron that because that turns into points. So man, I got to give him a shout out. Man, le Bron, we're proud of you. Man, bro all the stuff they said about you, Man, you prove it. You're still the greatest out here in this league right now. Because that shot he hid, I didn't even see it. I didn't see how it went there. I think he was shocked a winning I don't think he was no dog. He put that thing in that hole. Man, he raised stuff. No, he had, he had separation. He did what he do. There's no such thing as a luck all that shot. Yeah, come on, I didn't say it was luck, like I just said, Man, I just wondered, like you legit went back down course and I couldn't see, he said, I couldn't see. This is what great players do, great things, man. Yeah, go to word game all right, junior, Uh, thank you, thank you for that coming out at the top of the hour. It's comedy rule. Let Right after this you're listening to. All right, guys, it is time for comedy roulette. Step up to the mike jams Andy Brown's how it goes. You give us three subjects. You put those subjects on a wheel, spun the wheel, wedgetop. We'll make it funny. Watch this. Okay, here we go. Today's categories are things you say to people who won't move or go on a green light? Yes, things you say to yourself to yourself to keep from whooping somebody's butt okay, okay, all right, And nice things you say to people with a really bad hairdo all right, you got it. Three categories, he got body, please be green light? Okay? And things you say to yourself to keep from whooping somebody's behind. Let's go, all right, we're about to do comedy roulette. Things you say to yourself to keep from whooping somebody's behind. Love if like you just keep this job to this dumb ass boys, graduate, but I'll be all right, all right, come on, Things you say to keep the whooping somebody's behind. All right, man, you just got baptized. Now you said it itself. You just got baptized. You ain't even ry it, okay, okay, don't do this. Don't do this. You know you small and you can't handle yourself in jail. Don't do this, all right? Seeing things you say to yourself to keep from whoop somebody's behind. O Lord, I just cut off probation comedy roulette. Things you say to yourself to keep from whipping somebody's behind. If I set her car on fire, nobody will know who did it. Nobody will all right, You saved for whiping somebody's behind. Okay, if I kill him, I ain't gona give my money I kill him. Things you saying to keep from whipping somebody's behind. I don't really know if I can whip his answer not question, Man, Come on, Steve. They just to yourself to keep from whipping somebody's behind. Dog, I knew his black ass was gonna be in here. Things you say to yourself to keep from whipping somebody's behind. Yes, maybe I could just make his dog disappear the baby. Things you say to keep them whipping somebody's behind. Okay, man looking at her in a wheelchair. He ain't standing here in the wheelchair. Dole Thleings you say to yourself to keeping whipping somebody's behind. Okay, okay, I am messing with his wife. Let me just g wow, my bad, Steve. Things you say to yourself to keep from whooping somebody's behind. Close it on out, a man. Can I have a word with you for a minute. Hey, bro, listen, I just wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, I apologize to you because I was been to kill you. Just go. That's how you close it out, all right? Thanks guys. Comedy Roulette Marv Today's Trending Stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, Junior, your Tears Hope Foundation has a big event coming up next month. Tell us about Oh Joe June fifth. It's our third annual Sickle Cell Fun Run and five k run and fun walk. Excuse me, it's gonna be on June fifth at the Market Hunt Hill Bridge in Dallas. And I'm gonna tell you something. My foundation, man, and my board. I gotta give a big round of plass to my board of directors. They have put together a great walk. Man. It's gonna be so much fun. Live DJ out there's swag bag, and it's probably one of my biggest things, man, And I really am proud to help these families with sickle cell. All the money goes to these families with sickle cell for Christmas, and we can provide kids and their families with Christmas gifts for Christmas because sickle cell is hard in the wintertime, you know, we talk about the cold weather and everything, and I like to give them a Christmas before they start having to deal them with the hospital because I've waken up in the hospital on Christmas morning before and that's not a very good feeling. So this is this is very personal me. This is probably my biggest accomplishment, more than any show I've ever done. A question about if the weather affects sickle cell or people pushes them in the crisis when they get really cold. Does it help if people are in warmer climates. Yeah, it does, It really does. Yeah, but it does mean you know how it was when we was in California, man, I was yeah, you know, man, I was doing really well. So this is gonna be a big day. Man. I'm proud and thank you to my board man. This is gonna be a big day. I'm gonna be there. What's your website, Junior, Yeah, kiers Hope dot org. That's kiars Hope, k I E R. S Hope dot org. All right, Phoenix, if I in the middle, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this you're listening show. All right, So, Steve, your good friend Ronald Eisley is eighty years old today, and you guys are such good friends. You've known each other for years and years, and you love the Isley brothers. Of course they're legends in the game. I mean, great shape for eighty yeah, I mean, you know, man, and still got his voice, Yes, still sound the same, can still hit the notes. You know, he can put that bid on turning. Everybody's damn zaddy. You know. He just a dude, man, I don't know, you know, I mean, everybody knows his music. But when you talk about just a really really good person, man, Ron is a really really great guy man. And to be in a business it's long, man, you know, and really to to just be at it and have the love and admiration that he's had over the his look, everybody hits some thorns in their career. Everybody hits some some some low spots in their life. But man, the dude that's just been a producing hit after hit after hit. Um Me, personally, I don't know anybody that has done more albums than Ron Eisley, me personally. I mean it may be, but I don't know anybody personally. And I do believe the number of platinum albums is in the mid twenties. It was twenty one years ago. The number could be twenty eight. Somebody looked that up. I mean platinum albums. This dude is just a massively successful artist. He's never done an album that hasn't gone platinum in his career. I mean that no, as most people can't say they got a platinum album the majority. And I heard Quincy Jones talking one time, and Quincy Jones said he was talking about music artists. He said, if you get a platinum album, that's a huge blessing. If you get a double platinum album, he said, you don't really know how big it is. He but you go triple platinum, U go somewhere and sit down. He said, three million people bought this album. You know, not back in the day, three million purchased albums, and you had a good deal, you know, you know, man like the cat's hand. Before they made some money. You know, the record labels came along and found a way to cheat all these artists out of millions of dollars. Later on, I mean, you know, but then you know, the music industry got smart again. And now with all of the music that's getting stolen, it's really hard for artists now. But guys like Ron Agy just been doing it over extended period of time. All you got to do is just take your hat off to the greatness of this man. I mean, man, he is that guy. Man and a warm, warm, beautiful person man and just good hearted man. Congratulations to her. Coming up. It is our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. Democrats, Could you just get rid of the filibustered and get some stuff done? Damn, damn, just please just get rid of it, all right, And we'll have some closing remarks at forty nine minutes after the hour from the one and Only are Fearless leader Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, Here we are our last break of the day on this Friday and last break of the week. Uh hey, let me ask you guys a question. Let's let's close out on a high note. I'm gonna go around the room one at a time, Shirley. Best male vocalist you've ever heard. Wow, okay, I'm gonna go with Luther. I'm gonna go with Luca Van Dress. Is he your favorite male vocalist? Oh, Bush, for sure? Yeah, Carla, Yes, Shirley. Best female vocalist you've ever heard. Oh, this one, it's hard, but you know I gotta go with Aretha. I'm going with Areca on this one, Carla. Best male vocalist you've ever heard. Oh, Man, Well, I would say Luthor, but because I love the Temptations so much as a group, as a group harmon vocalists, yeah, just that harmony. But now I gotta pick best female Um Shakah day one, Angela both Fields some time today since yes, yeah, there is no wrong. Nobody gonna get Whitney Houston. Come on, give it to me, Whitney Houston. Care best male vocalist you've ever heard. Come on, you know, Casey got this the best. You come over here. Best best female group you've ever heard. I had to go this and chat. H Jay, Best male vocalist you've ever heard, because I come back when he was singing you know me and you know singing. Yeah, I mean even though he did date my ex girlfriend. I have to go. I have to go with Wow. Great and not best walking Teddy wheel chair Teddy dated, but the best. The best female artist you've ever heard. Oh that's easy, that's easy. Fantasia, hands down, because nobody that can out sing out no Nobo, Wow, nobody, Tommy. Best male vocalist you've ever heard, come on, hands down, lu best female group you've ever heard, The Supreme that's female. Nobody man does Supreme people. For me, the best male voice I've ever heard was Luther Vandros. But the best the artist that I love to hear perform was Marvin Gaye. Man. Yeah, I saw him live, but I saw him a lot of footage and stuff. It's just where he was man, where he wrote. But now, best female group I've ever heard, ever ever a group of women that said, the damn Clark Sisters is I'm telling you perfect the girls, the Clark Sisters. You could quit playing if the best voices. Yeah right, okay, I understand what you're saying, but we go, we go pop. The best group of girls I've ever heard seeing was the emotion emotion. Oh yeah, I just thought they was just laying. Okay, okay, So best female voice, best female voice, it is Whitney Houston. Best female former of all time. That damn Beyonce. Yes, but up there with voice. Jay Hood is up there. Yeah, that jay Hood is up there in the movie. Respect Yeah, coming out of the best live show, the best live show. Not you can't say the Egy Brothers or or he can't live Michael Jackson. Let's talk about baby that Prince, because when he turned them lights off and say dearly beloved. Yeah mind his show it was so strong, Yes, sir, But I'm gonna tell you something else, man, I'm gonna tell your novel one of the best shows I've ever seen. That Damn Charlie will right then, Charlie Wilson. Charlie Wilson still today, You're absolutely right still today that when you do that, that his greatest, greatest living entertainer of all time was Michael Jackson. Total entertainer. Brown, Michael was. Michael got a lot of move he crossed and he learned from that he said that, and he paid tribute to that man and he knows it. But he took it to another level. Man, Listen, you got grown to Chris Prince was Christmas at another level. World Day. But you know what, I can truly say that we came up in a time, not you. We came up in a time where we saw the greatest to ever do this, do it. I thank God for Beyonce because that girl came and showed them highs done for real. You make no mistake about that dog on. Beyonce, greatest female performer of all time. And I've seen all of work, and I've seen Beyonce. I got to take my head off to Queen Bee for all Steve. Every contest no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.