Good morning and welcome to the ride! The crew is happy and you know it. The Chief Love Officer tells a woman to stop having relations in her father's store. An imposter Bruno Mars dupes a 63 year old woman out of $100K because she thought they would be together. "Don't believe me just watch!" LMBAO!!! Is skipping Valentine's Day to save money a good thing or nah? Could we see Bow Wow in the WWE? Escape with the ladies of the show today at 4pm/EST on Facebook Live. Basketball Wives is back and they are working on their sisterhood for Season 9. The show wraps up today with Shirley and Carla promoting their happy hour. Someone said Tommy's favorite word, btw.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all a suit on looking back to back, giving them like theming bus bus things and it's not true. Good Steve hastening to mother for Steve, don't join me. You gotta use that turn you. You gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn out to turn turn the water to the water. Come come on, your baby, daddy, I show will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice I said, come on now, I dig me the one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, Now, I'm gonna be really honest with you this morning. I really don't know what to say. I really don't. I was sitting here and I was thinking, what do I say today. I do know that I want to be encouraging, uplifting and inspirational in some way to affect somebody today. Oftentimes, these conversations that I have in the mornings, they're designed with me because I am. I needed myself, y'all, to be honest with you. I mean, you know who makes the comedian laugh? I used to say all the time, and even though what we talk about in the morning is not a laughing matter. It kind of like it's who I am today. You know, I need motivation in my life sometimes myself. I think when I get in moments like this, I often resort back to the same thing over and over and over. And when I find myself in certain predicaments, I can always fall back on the same thing over and over. So while I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to say to you, the one thing that I did do this morning that I find to be very consistent in me is that I find myself grateful. I'm ever grateful for the things that God has done for me. I may not always know what to say, but I know how to say thank you, I do. I know how to remember and reflect back on where I come from. I know how to realize where all my blessings come from. I'm very very conscious of my journey that I've been on, though, the one that was from then until now, that journey right there is it's been. It's been. It's been. It's been difficult, man, it really really has. I ain't gonna lie to you, um me, becoming successful was very difficult. But as hard as this is to say, I really really mean this, I wouldn't change nothing about the trip I've been on number one, because I can't change anything about it. So I never lived my life in regret. But the main thing is was I discovered along the way now not doing the process when you're going through rough moments that you can't hardly see the good in it at the time. It's just rough for you and it seems unexplainable, and oftentimes I thought it was unfair. But as I am now, I needed every single thing that happened to me that happened to me to happen to me. I hope that makes sense to you. I needed everything to happen in the exact order and the exact way that it happened in order for me to be the person that I've become. And that right there, man, is just very comforting to me. Mister Jakes told me one time, he said, the closer you get to God, the more friendly you all become, the more He will reveal to you or the how it comes and the what fays of a lot of things that's happened to you. Because a lot of times what troubles us is we just can't understand why we lost that love one back then, we just can't understand why we didn't get what we wanted back then. We just don't understand how come our plan didn't work out and we had to fail so miserably. Back then, we don't understand the answers to these things. Well, the closer I've gotten to God, the more of those explanations have become crystal clear to me. And See, the one thing that I came to the realization everybody is that the things that was happening to me, they wasn't really all bad. They really wasn't that they didn't taste good. When it was happening. I didn't enjoy what I was going through, But as I look back on him and reflect now, it wasn't all bad. Of those things. Was so necessary for me to get their information because say, I don't know about you, but I'm kind of hard headed and stubborn. I said, I don't know about you, but I'm kind of hard headed and stubborn. I kind of like to think that I know something about some things every now and then, and the things I am convinced about, I don't really really care for people trying to talk me off mine so I can be stubborn and hard headed. Sometimes God knows that about me. So I think to get some of the messages crystal clear through the me that I needed to learn. That was this process I had to go through. That process was my journey, It was my trip. It was my WOA, my pain. Say, everybody got them different, It don't matter what it is. Everybody got a WOA. Everybody got a pain, everybody got a trial, everybody got some tribulations, everybody got some challenge. I don't care who you are, duds. Quit looking at me thinking that I got it going on so tough man. But if Steve, yeah, it's easy for you to say that, but you ain't here. You don't know. Wow, Ben, if you would stop hanging yourself up on your pass worrying about your woes and your troubles and the situation you in, and start praying and start asking God to get you through it. See, a lot of times you messed it. You messed a message up yourself because when you're going through some stuff, you ask God to remove it and take it away. That ain't the lesson you got to learn your lesson Sometimes it's it's gotta be how to be strong, How to see it through, how to bear under it, how to carry that weight long distances for long periods of time. That's how you get strong. The lesson is to make you stronger. But to make you stronger, you got to carry the weight. You can't get stronger. You're gonna go to gym or you're gonna do something at your house to lift your own body weight. See, a lot of people can't even do push ups down. They can't get down, And then the course of a day, give you a hundred push ups because they ain't. They ain't, They ain't never try to daybody. They get to twenty and that shake it so bad they stop. Who that's too much for me. Well, let me tell you something. So I learned to quit praying to take stuff away. My prayer became to give me the strength to handle it. People oftentimes ask me, how do you do all that you do in the course of the day. I don't really know. I just know I can because I know God don't put more on you than you can back. So when you ask me how you do all of what you do in the course of the day, I got God. God is good. He'll get you through whatever it is. You're going through. So when you're tripping in you don't know what to say. Reflect and be grateful for all you reflect on. Think about God's goodness and watch what he do for you. That's the cold part. Okay, you're listening show, ladies and gentlemen. It is here. It is upon us, the dawning of a new day. The sun has not cracked the sky in most parts, so it is the dawning of a new day. Rejoice, be glad in it because you didn't have to be here today. But I'm so glad. I am Junior hit it the morning. Done what he done? Steve Harvey, Martin Show, Sherley Strawberry. I'm happy, Steve, Good morning, Good morning. Colin Farrell with the halfstyle on lor Yeah Yah, yeah, you Bronze have more fun. Is the question of the day, and the answer is yeah. He's being set up for a new chick on Valentine's Day, rowl Space morning everybody morning, Uh, King of Prince Nephew, tell me your side in the building baby. Thursday, it is well, you know, I try to peloton. Yeah, other than last in the class, I can't do the classes, the bike or the treadmill. The bike. I can't can't do the class because I think she's talking to me, and I don't want to let her down, So I just get off the screen. I just quick, come on, you can do it. Get that pace up, harder, faster. Let's get it moving. You can do it. No, no, no, no, I don't know what Caden's you on. My petals ain't moving that fast. Creak up that resistance. Let's get it up to sixty eight, sixty eight. My wife loved that things now I love it too. Every day she own it. I look, amen. My lawyer was riding my peloton and he he logs in. He celebrated the other day his six hundredth ride. How beautiful, Yeah, nicely, hey Man Williams. Brandon Williams is really trimming up man. Oh good, Yeah, he looks his six hundredth ride track all of that. Yes, I've had mine for a year. Guess how many rides I've been on. Eighteen. I'm proud of it. They got dumbbell d I don't know what you're doing with dumbells. Dog. I ain't got time to grab him, dumbell. I'll be hanging on that heller bar man keep trying to fall off that down. Yeah, that's a good bike. Pellers is a good buke, Peloton is a good bike. I'm tread Mill and I'm talking about my program. A little bit more on it somewhere. Tell y'all, what I'm doing today is fast day, So second day now, So what do you drink? Steve? Anything I can drink of green juice. I'm not going to do a commercial form, but this is it. That's the juice. Okay, you can drink a bunch of those. Yeah, you can drink all you got the bottle the most. It's only three types that you could juice from this line, and it has eighty calories in this one. The rest of them is fifty calories. So you drink ten bottles. I'm on have six hundred calories. But this is juice all green. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer. Right after this, you're listening show, all right, guys, it is time now to ask the CLO. The Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey is in the building ready for your questions, Kiki and Tampa. Steve says, I'm twenty three years old and just graduated from college. My dad owns the liquor store, so I'm working there until I find a real job. My boyfriend's visits me at work and we fooled around in the store a lot. My dad's best friend also works there, and yesterday he told me that he enjoys watching me have sex. He said he has his own camera behind the register for his safety while he's there, and he's going to tell my dad on me. Should I tell my dad that his friend is a pervert before this pervert tells my dad on me? Wait a minute, hold on, Hold on what your father's friend, who is his business partners? He partners, he's best friend. Well, he has a camera behind the counter for his protection when he was there, Little girl, he's not a pervert. He looking at the camera you having sex on the floe behind the register, and he got a camera back there. You ain't think most stores have cameras. You gotta find a different area of this. Oh not stop all together, move your flut getting that cool? Love me? I'm I'm struggling with do I tell my daddy his friend is a pervert? A pervert? The bus? Was I enjoy watching you have sex? Yeah? I'm gonna tell your father together. Now, be careful because that was also a dig because if he was gonna tell your father, he wouldn't tell you he was gonna tell your father, So be careful. If that was not an open to bribe, you be very complied, Be very careful. Now that's an old school method because if he's gonna tell your daddy, he just gonna tell you stop having sex in the stove period disrespecting your father's period of business. It's just respecting yourself. Answer. Yeah, you know, you gotta stop having sex in the store. That's the answer, all right. Not a good, cool little and so how many times you think you go? You see, do you only got to worry about him telling your father because you're gonna then have to tell your father what he said to you, and that ain't what he wanted to do. This was kind of a play to see where you was at with it, all right. Mary and Huntsville, Alabama, says, I'm fifty nine years old and I have four daughters that i'm raising alone since my husband passed away. My oldest is thirty, and she's dating a man that's sixty four and married. She has no shame, and everyone in town has started to catch on to what's going on. I am embarrassed and have been raising hell with my daughter, but she's grown and has her own house and an eleven year old daughter. I want my granddaughter to come live with me, And my daughter said, I'm out of line? Am I wrong for trying to help? No, you're not wrong for trying to help. And as a parent, you want to advise your children when they're doing something you think is hurtful or going nowhere, and you've done it. But now, as we can all tell you, when they get to a certain age, they going to make decisions that's gonna go counter to what you think is best for them for what you've taught him and raised them to be. Now she's gonna learn a hard lesson the hard way. First of all, he's a married man. Yeah. Secondly, he's sixty four. That's my age. Ain'tything to work out because in ten years we really needs to stop talking because you're gonna be cutting into my nap time. So no, you're not wrong for trying to help. You're not wrong, and don't stop saying to your child, Hey, look, this is a mistake. Be careful. Now, you know you're in a nowhere relationship. He playing a little sugar daddy. He paying a couple of bills. That's all this is. You know. Now, he pretty good at what he'd do. But he gonna go home and he even to lose his family over you. All Right, we're moving on. He got that old continental Natalie and Kansas Clo says, I am twenty eight and single, and men tell me that I look like Cardi b I have a big social media following and I show picks of my body, but I'm not too revealing and my page is private. I dated a male co worker and we had a bad breakup. For revenge, he put pictures of me from my private page in the break room. I'm one of the customer service managers, and we're the ones that train staff not to post inappropriate images online or on social media. Now I could to be suspended or from work or fired. What should I do? Wow, Well, I don't really know what you should do. He's dirty. He's posted these pictures. It's against company policy. This could cost you your job. Now what you do is going there and remove the pictures and then go to HR and say, look, I got caught up in a personal away from work relationship with an employee and now as a blackmail he's trying to blackmail me by posting pictures. I just want to be up front and put it on record. And with the me too movement that's going on, you can get some type of coverage from that. And if you bring it to HR first and plead your case, get you a little lawyer friend to go in there and say, hey, equal opportunity and all is here, you can probably get some type of relief and protection because you didn't do this, and he's doing this out of spite, into blackmail and out of hate, and that has to carry weight. You had a private page, he violated a trust and if you put that out there, it has to be at an example loophole for you to drop through. But send us to picture so we can see how bad he is. So we are no executive how detrimental it is here. Thank you, CLO, Thank you over that advice coming up. You hear him talking right now. The nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening to this show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna's standing by with our national news and an entertainment news. We'll tell you the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, Hall of Fame and ductee nominations, plus bow Wow Low bow Wow. The rapper says he's getting into the ring. Steve, we'll talk about the wrestling ring, all these stories. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he wants to wrestle. Now, he wants to be in the ring right now. The neview is here. Run that prank back what you got first? Okay, hp P. H p P is the name of this prank. All right, cat dog, let's go hp P. Husband Protection Program. Hi Morgan, my name is Josh. I'm with HPP giving you a call. You are married to uh mister Sean to Michael right, yeah, yeah, you're who now. I'm with HPP. We actually pick your husband up from his job today. I wanted to give you a call. Are you picking up? Okay? You're you're his wife Morgan? Right, Okay. I actually just wanted to make sure that he's okay and we're worried about his work. Well, nothing's happened as of right now. We've had a conversation with him and we've checked him out. He's definitely okay, because why why are you picking him up though I don't. I don't understand why. All right, let's just just come down. Hang on a second. I got a couple of questions for you. Your husband he is about what five nine? Correct? Right? And you would agree that Sean ways about one hundred and seventy five pounds? Is that sound about right? Yes? Okay, here's another question now, exactly Morgan, how tall are you? I'm five nine as well? Okay, And if you don't mind, I know it's a little different type of question, but if you don't mind, how much do you weigh? I'm like two hundred? Wait, wait a minute, what is it? What is it? What is how much I way have to do with it? I don't What is wrong with him? And where is why? Where is he right now? We actually have him, We have him in our custody. Him where We have him in our custody right now here in our headquarters at HPP. So what heck? What is what is then? HPP? Ma'am? HPP is Husband Protection Program? Husband Protection? I've never I've never heard of such a thing. Why why is he there? Well? The problem we have and we've been getting some actual complaints or whatnot, and not necessarily from him, but that you've been bullying your husband. Okay, you know what. I'm at my job and I'm gonna need you to hold on one second so I can't go here. What what what did you say? Have you and uh Sean had any arguments at all lately? How we had We're married? Have we had arguments? Of course, you had arguments? What what does that have to do with anything? Have you guys had any altercation? Any altercation? Yes? What kind of altercations? Have you been bullying your husband in a physical way? Has been bullying him? Bullying him? You've been have you been happened to bullying him? For somebody to turn in and give us? Who whose him? You need? Let me talk to him. I can't put him on this. This is what I'm talking about. This is we're talking about. You called me at my jas tuk off an htt crash and sobody turned somebody in for some arguments. We're married. Who do you freaking know who's married and does not argue? I understand you mad, but it is my job to protect husbands that are getting bullied by the wise. This is ours. Let me speak to him. I'm not at liberty and let you speak to him right now. To you, what you're not gonna do is bullying me as well. And I see trying to bully you. I want to know what and why do you call me? And my dad was some crap about him being at some headquarters for AHPP. ADP isn't ever heard of HPP. And my husband's don't protecting from anybody fucking me. It is husband protection program. You've been bullying your husband, You've been using bad language with chaule. I want to talk to him, my husband when he said I do I do sex? Whatever she said to me, whenever she talks about how iris he said, and never he gets and if he has the problems with arguing me, sitty to start his craph and he won't be in an argument and you tell him that you see, this is what we're talking about. This is why he's been picked up today and brought into our custody so that he would be definitely protected from you. You know what, if he keeps the profession and he's in your company, asks you can teach him there how that Well, here's what we're gonna do. Somebody's gonna be picking you up, bringing you in so we can have a conversation. Bringing me nowhere? What what do you think this is? We're bringing you in so we can have a conversation with you. Let me explain something to you, ma'am. We will be bringing you in having a conversation. Would you ringing the shot with you? You're gonna be coming in and you're gonna do it company where we can anywhere with anybody. Don't want to Are you physically or mentally abusing your husband? You know what? You'll have to pick me up? Tell me where you I will come to you want to pick me up? I will. I will come down there. I will hand you in him at the same time you tell me you are come to about We're I'm going to ask you a serious question. Is it sounds like a consequence of he doesn't listen to you? Let a consequence? I mean, I mean, what are you doing? Are you treating your husband like a child? What are you doing to him? If he asking like a pie, don't treat you like a child. If he has the problem with how I tree him, you talk to him about he asked. Let me ask you something, miss Morgan. What do you do for a letter ahead of the charity at this building, and they about to cross the charity or on me because I'm loud in this room. So you're in security, so you don't know all about putting people in choke calls and how to apprehend the person. Don't shot with my job? Yes I did, so are you doing that at home? What I'm not gonna tell you again. I don't harm that man in any way, No West Harbor ever, what I ever? Nor has he need? He needs to get him behind in his car and got to work. We have bils today and don't ask high for the crack. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you're listening? You have nothing to say to me, But then you want to put my husband on the Let me talk to him about this. Sh sh sit down, sit down, Sean, get him hitting him the phone, Let me talk. I need to understand what that Sean, I got it. Let me finish the talk conversation with Okay, No, you don't need to saying. Let me finish in him. Put him on the phone. Hello, I have one more thing to ask you. Are you listening? Are you listening? Go ahead, this is nephew tire me from the Steve Harbor him Morning Show. You just got breaked by your husband's Sean, you forget I don't believe this. What are you? What are you at right now? Man? I was worried about the people at your job. Where you at I'm back here in this closet swearing like a freaking pig in heat drippings, makeup everywhere. I cannot believe this. Oh God, man, Okay, baby, I gotta ask you, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvery Morning Show. You have an HP peek you not you know me husband protection program? Or she was not having it when you when you get black people to get up from their desk and go get in another room? Him in I'm at work. Wait, hold on myself, who are you now? Who you w hpp Let me talk to him. Put him on the phone. Were married? Yes, we are? What married people? Don't put him on the phone, Sean, Sean, I got this. I got this though, I got you, ain't got enough. Put you up. He needed to be back at work. We got these bills to pay. His ass taken out all right, thinking of you coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening Stry Morning Show. Well in today's entertainment news, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation has announced its nominees for induction this year. Get a load of this group. Okay, this class right here? Mary J. Blige, Jay Z, Shaka Khan, Carol King, LLL cool J, Tina Turner, and Dion Warwick. Wow. Wow, that's another. Yes it is. Tina Turner was inducted in ninety one as a member of Icon. Tina Turner. This is her second nomination as a solo artist. I want my name, My Name, My Name. Chaka Khan this is her third nomination. I really thought she was already in there, but this is her third nomination. L A. L. L's this is his sixth nomination. Voting is also to stand many times they got to bed. Yeah. Voting is also open to the public from now until April thirtieth at Rockhall dot com. Rock we got to vote on this. Let's go on on who how we vote? We didn't got by me, and let's go how we get them in that? What we need to Go to rockhall dot com and place your vote for your favorite artist Okay, yeah, or you can go to the at the museum in Cleveland and do it as well. Come on, come on, we're can I ask some say, Oh, make us come to Cleveland and march down there. We'll do it. Inductees will be announced in May at the induction ceremony that will take place in Cleveland in the fall. So congratulations to all the nominees for sure, Mary Jay, jay Z, Chaka Khan and other entertainment news. Now, this is the story you guys kind of chuckled at when we teased it earlier. Wow, I laugh my answer. Wow, there's a difference, right. Bow says after his next album, he's done with the rap game. Okay, that's a but now he's talking about getting into the wrestling ring. So that's what he has his eyes set on next bye. I'll tweet it out on Monday. Now. I know this might sound crazy, but after I dropped my last album, I will focus on TV and film and joining the WWE. It's been it's been a lifelong childhood dream. Okay, to wrestle in the WWE. Different. I thought you were talking like m M eight that's what I thought. Okay, no, no, no, no commercial arts. Hey dog, First of all, let let me let me help you with something by while based on the other one, you can just go on and start focusing on film, television and wrestling. You ain't got released the next album. Just go on in there. Now, let's go and get it started, because let me explain something to you, Son. Them wrestless are real athletes. They diving off turn buckles, they own ladders. Coming down to the flow. You're gonna kill your little last Now you didn't took a lot of als on social media. This could be your biggest one tag partner. He is a tag partner in mind, Steve. He suggests a matchup with you know, Ray Mysterio. He wants to mysterio. What Ray Mysterio? Dog got a Latino champion with the mask on? Yeah? Have you ever seen this dude? Dog? But you know he got to be joking. I don't give a damn. It was Winston's childhood dream too. It was mid Winton had the belt and everything did. Yeah, he be no damn wrestler. Come on, gentlemen, miss ann trip boy, Okay, this is a trip with the news. The second impeachment of former President Donald Trump got underway and ernest yesterday, as Democratic compeachment managers accused Trump of going from commander in chief to inciter in chief. Trump attorney Bruce Caster Juniors been hanging his case on the ex president's right to free speech. However, Democratic prosecutors make their case for incitement using not just speeches and text, but videos. We will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield. We will never give in. We will never give up, we will never back down, we will never ever surrender. It's one of the videos they played, and Stacy Plaskett, a delegate from the US Virgin Islands, says that the evidence clearly shows that Trump knew the kind of reaction he wanted, which was to undermine the American democratic system. Donald Trump, over many months, cultivated violence, praised it, and then when he saw the violence his supporters were capable of, he channeled it. They say. Trump started by getting his supporters to the gate a Biden win that was the big that he lost election because it was taken from him, falsely claiming that it was rigged, and even pressuring Republicans at the local, state, and even federal level to either find votes for him or get rid of the votes that were cast for Biden. By the way, the folks at Twitter say that Donald Trump has sent his last suite. The company's chief financial officer tells CNBC that the ex president's account will not be reactivated never, ever, ever, And that's even they say, if Trump runs for office again, and even if he wins. President Biden made his first visit to the Pentagon as president yesterday as part of his outreach to federal agencies. Mister Biden accompanied his new secretary Defense, that's retired General Lloyd Austin, the first African American, by the way, to ever leave the Defense Department, and the president also observed Black History Month by playing tribute to black service members. Meanwhile, the new Defense Secretary says that he's going to be focusing also on rooting out sexual assault as well as extremism in the arms services ranks. It responds to an issue that, thanks to Donald Trump, became a political issue in twenty twenty, the Fellow Aviation Administration cracking down seriously on people who refuse to wear masks when they travel. In fact, the FAA says the airlines are going to begin handing out stricter punishments to unruly plane passengers and without warning. And finally, as you just heard, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announced the nominees for its latest class of inductees yesterday and the list includes Mary J. Bli, Shaka Khan, Carol King, Phila Kuti, Fieda, Ronsam Cootie, Loved Him, ll Cluj, Dion Warwick, and Tina Turn who asked the question, I don't know what has he got to do with a girlfriend, but you got it? You got it. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. According to the Shade Room, a Texas woman is out of one hundred thousand dollars after falling in love with a man who convinced her he was Bruno Mars. Okay, listen to this story. This is believe no, no, yeah. She's sixty three years old. She created an Instagram account back in twenty eighteen to find companionship, okay, and right after that she fell in love with a guy behind the fake Bruno Mars account. She believed he was the real Bruno Mars because he reportedly sent her pictures from Bruno on tour. He even told her that he wanted to quit the tour to be with her. The fake Bruno started asking her for money. First it was ten thousand dollars for a friend in the band. Then she gave the fake Bruno his name. What is his name, Chin Windozo a zun Wu as wus chin Windu azin wut's the fake Bruno Mars, that's the fake that's his real name, a zoo Wu. She gave him more checks to cover tour expenses. All these were for tour expenses. Hold on, let me ask her something. You google the fact that this dude is doing really well and he needs money to finish the tour. What Bruno Mars? You can't get in nowhere to see this boy. But but the fact that he said he wanted to quit the tour to be with her. I think that's what got her. Steve. Yeah, she already ain't got no money. Why would you quit the one thing that's bringing in a little bit of money? You got exactly? I don't how old is she? Where she lives? Sixty three? She's from Texas. We got the rocket tea. Ain't good man? What y'all doing over the intention you knew it was coming. Apparently we're doing uptown funk ever deadly. But I got a picture of them, though they don't look that's like Bruno TFZ posted them. Do you have a picture of her? No, I don't have a picture. Ain't even one of them was supposed to be Bruto. Which one? Take your pick, friend, he's getting indicted as well. Yeah, it doesn't matter which one because neither of them are a little money man. One hundred thousand dollars. That's a lot of paper, man, Yes, it is terrible. That's a lot of paper. All right, coming up a thirty four minutes after the hour. Some Americans may skip Valentine's Day. We'll tell you about it right after this with the CLLO. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, we all know this Sunday is Valentine's Day and a new lending tree pole. This is a brand new pole. Now it finds that many Americans are choosing to skip Valentine's Day this year in order to save some money. Now, forty percent of men a nobody told that to Marjorie. Forty four percent of men Steve's Day, they're going to skip Valentine's to save money, while only thirty five percent of women say the same. However, eighteen percent of women say they'd be upset if their partners suggested skipping Valentine's Day for a financial reason. So CLO got to ask, you help people out. I mean, we can't skip Valentine's Day and just FYI, men are likely to spend more than women. No, that's not likely. It's the truth. Yeah, non't. No, woman's being more on a man on Valentine Well, one hundred and eighty one dollars to ninety four dollars not pulling the right people ask us three. So let's come on, see a figure out what I could get Marjorie. Four hundred and eighty one dollars. That's a lot of money. He ain't been in the regular. Out of her face, that's what you probably can get. I'm sure she'd be appreciative of anything. She would she would act like beautiful, she would act like it was amazing, you know, and then I'd never see it on or nothing like that. One year, man, I bought her a bag. It's tough time, So you gotta help. We gotta help people out. I mean, what you want me tell you, well, I mean try, You've can give your stuff all week. If you trying not to buy nothing for Valentine's Day, I can't help you. Yeah, now, if you want to spend one hundred and eighty, we we've gone through this two hundred. I can't keep coming up with this now, but Steve, people don't hit them, Okay some of this stuff. Man, Look all right, you're gonna have to just get flat out sexy though, Yeah, get creative with all right, come on, what you got? Okay, this is what I need for y'all to do. Pick the room in the house and give me a low dollar amount and let me go from there. Pick any room in the house. You cannot pick bedroom or bathroom. To pick a room in the house because we already know in the bedroom where I can dining room, Yeah, dining room, dining room sixty dollars sixty jesus, just do it. Okay, Well, here's what you can do. I'm pretty sure if you're old enough, your first meal that you bought with your girl might not have been sixty dollars. Right. So, now this's gonna sound corny, but this could work, especially if this is your high school sweetheart, This is for somebody that's been with a woman for a long time. This ain't no new chick you, Matt. Try to remember your first fast food meal when y'all was getting to know each other falling in love. That milk shaking and fries was delicious, That big maca, that what a burger? That jack in the box or that whatever it was was just all of that duplicate the exact same, except have candles, placeholders, your good plates set out, have it in the bag, make sure it's make sure you heat it. Bring everything out on one platter, and set each item in their carts on each other's plate and say, this is when it all started, and I'm so grateful for the day that got us to here. Oh yeah, see that's beautiful and it's so romance. Yeah, and what you said really helps it. Yeah, that can go either way for you. Now it depends on the woman you got disclaimer. You know, if she's a cool chick, she may go, oh my god, this was so thoughtful, or you don't. All right, thank you, Clo. Coming up next, it is the nephew with the pray phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject met him and her. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nav? Well, you know I've been doing it quite a bit this week though. Valentine's Day prank, here's another one. You don't stop it. This is for the lovers out there. Okay, this is for all the lovers. So turn it up real loud and get this Valentine's Valentine's Day prank. Cat dog, Let's go. Hello. Hey, I'm trying to reach Travis. Yeah, this Travis. Hey, Travis, check us out, man, This Kendrick Dob I'm trying to ask. I want to reach out to you. Man. Hey, man, do you know what you're getting? Uh? Check getting your girl Diane for Valentine. I want to make sure we don't get the same thing. Who's this? This? This kinder? You want to make sure that we don't get the same thing for my girl? Who? How you know my girl? No? I work with I work with Diane. Man. I'm getting all the ladies something here in the office. I'm gonna get them off so I'm kind of getting nothing for my girl. I was talking about what. Hold up, hold on, let listen to me, man, I'm trying to I'm trying to get something for all the ladies in the office. I'm just gonna get nothing for my ladies. You can get something for everybody else. I don't know about what you're talking. I'm trying to get you're talking about it. But tell your ladies against my name, Kendrid, well my girl, I ain't never mentioned no Kendrick. Hold on, let me call no. I don't know. Hold on, God, you you you you you you rolled up too fast. What I'm trying to do, man, I'm just trying to get all the little ladies something. Man, just a little hey, hey, hold on, doubt, hold on, doubt doing the most. You doing something right now. You ain't gonna get for my lady. You understand me. Why Why are you coming in me sideways? Man? Like I say, I'm just trying to I'm just trying to get it, you know, you know, show my appreciations. I worked with him, man, Just show him a little love. And I want to make sure I wasn't getting the same thing that you might be getting them for you're doing collar time. Yeah, I'm telling you, I'm telling you don't. We main don't with my girl. You ain't got nothing to do with my God, you ain't got nothing to do with her? All right, let me call her out? Who the who? The hell? What you say? Your name? Was it? My name? Kendrick? You're simple gonna leave my girl? I know that's the show. Hey, Hey, you ain't gonna coming me like this, hill man. You don't want to come in sideway telling about you trying to get something like their You're stupid trying to do hus I just don't get up out. I ain't the hold up, man. I want you to get my another number? Man, how do you get my numbe anyway? Now? I got your number from you from Uh, it's another dude told me at your number. He the one gave me your number. But Mann, what's what's the big deal that I'm just trying to give us something for barentime? Man? It ain't it ain't nothing serious? Now what can you working at? How long you've been working anyway? I've been here about three months and now about three more months. Make you think you're supposed to be buying anybody anything anyway. Huh, you're like but still on probation. What you say your name works? Getting my name Kendrick Man? But that why? Why the hell you want to go? Hu? Why are you being a hostile? You're being hostile? Ain't you ain't seen hostile yet? Dog? I'm trying to say, well, but that's what I'm trying to do. You know what I'm talking about. I'm just trying to show the ladies in the office. You know that I got love and respect for show my wife now love. So we got another flo around here. You gotta show my wife nothing. You're simple? What what do you work on? Dog? I work on the fourth floor. I know they're on the third floor, but I work in on the Are we all cool? Man? I I don't even understand the hostility? Man, how do you know my wife? I just know about working with a dog. That's it. So we'll make you think you're supposed to be by a Valentine's gift they let me. I think you know what, men, I don't even want to argue. Let me ask you to see. Man, do you think she's like Victor? HER's secret? I'm on my way though, I'm on my way right now, But what's falling on that? I wants to do them many dog? You know I don't be played with my family like that. You understand what we've been going through. Dollars. I'm about to man what you say? You are on the fourth floor? Yeah, but do what you are high style for? Man, I'm just what what? What? What? You because you in dog do I'm I'm on the I'm on the fourth floor day on the third dog, I'm you know my cubicle right when you get off there? Unovaidable? Why is you tripping though the dog you're talking about right now? Do you ain't nobody buying my note? My wife knows Toya's secret. Hey got a girlfriend or wife or something? You gotta are you married? No? No, I got a little you know, a little on something something I'm seeing right now, but I ain't let me know what. Ain't get something? Do you believe my wife in bouted this? You know what I'm talking about? How many people you didn't call with this? Anyway? Now you're the first person I called. I'm the first person you called. I'm glad you did call me. You stupid, You're about to get your whoop, doc, don't you need to focus on that. There's a napperhead whatever that is that you got on your team. You feel me, you don't talk about to leave mine out of this. Hey man, First of all, you know what, man, you finel. Quit talking Clayser to me that what you're feeling, you're fineli. Quit talking Clayser to them what you say? You know all I'm saying. All I'm saying that you ain't gotta be You ain't gotta be tripping on high style with me the way you're acting. Dog, That's all I'm saying. What you don't want to telling me? Talking about you about to buy a gift from my my wife. You leave me the hand out of your little book, doc. You're about to get your whoop dout calling me with some like this, fuck what you say? Your name worthy? My name Ken? Just man. All I'm saying is I was trying to be nice to the ladies in the office. Dog, that's all. You ain't nice. We don't need to niceness around here. You're about to get well, that's what's about to happen. Hey man, You ain't gonna have no hot style attitude to buy this. Man, you and my attitude? Do you just want the more rutapool, trying to get with my dad. Diane know already know the game, got to know the game. You're feeling me, Diane. You can leave for out of this. I'm telling you you're about to get your to the situation. That's what you're about to do. Come a lot of fact. Don't buy the gift. You buy our gift and you see what happened. Oh so so so okay, oh the dog. Either I can buy a gift or not. Now I ask you before, what side of dick to a seekers? Do she? Well? Man, buy whatever you think she would, whatever you think she would, you buy that? Okay, So you're cool with me getting something? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm cool with you getting something. It's you cool with me getting a panty? And Bro said, man, you're cool with getting your weight. Now, none of you to be in a house style now. Either I can buy someone I can't. Why are you trapping? I don't know how you got my numbers? But I tell you the truth. Man, you better you better leave my wife alone. Dog. Don't don't even look at me, Diane, you feel me. Don't even look at Diane. Don't get your y, don't know you. Okay, do let me let me tell you this. Can I say something to you? Man? What but I just wanted to tell you this man, This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife Diane, your wife died. He got me to play phone call you man, what hey dog? No, this nephew Timmy Man from the Steve Harvey More that your your wife died. Oh oh, I'm gonna get up. I'm gonna get up nothing, Tommy Man. Somebody was about to get up there on the fourth foot of I'm talking about with the truth to write out the elevator today. You're a fool man. I'm gonna get hum. I'm gonna get hum. Somebody gonna you up, Tommy Man for real? Man cold after telling you, man, you had me over here about I ain't gonna say you. I ain't even gonna say you say you all? No, hey hey, One more thing though, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Steve Harvey Morning Show? Man? God Lee? Hey Man? You know the part I love? He was bad? This is my favorite part. He asked you about full time? What you say your name? He didn't really give for damn. He was trying to walk through his drink. He asked you full time, Hey man, what you say? Your name is again? Love? He was, He's that, I'm on my wife. Leave now alone like a nice little Sandy and bros. We just said Victoria secret. He was looking for his man. You gotta go. I got a little little sum something, you know, get that little napping headed by this dude right raw. He's a simple stupid. Hey man, all this is me and my wife going through the wein't got no time to do. I know you gat I know you ga't you trying to. I'll tell you what I tell what gonna buy something? Get whatever size you want with your office right off the elevator. You the first person I'm calling. I'm glad. I'm glad, I'm first. Good what I do right there? Who else you called? With this hill man? He really loved his though. He really loved his wife. And man, let me tell you he'll do something to you about that girl. I keep telling dudes. Man, what a dude really loved his wife. You can't go out of dog. I'm it gets sideways right away because this to one he didn't pick to be his yes of all of them out here, this one I want to be mine. Now you over here with huh oh no, there's too many single women. I huh pardon, that's right, all right, thank you, nephew. King of pranks coming up. The Strawberry Letter Me him and Her is the subject. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggal up, hold on tight, We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter, subject Me Him and Her. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been in a relationship with a man for at least twelve years, and we've known each other since we were children growing up in the church. We are the perfect couple. We have great memories, and we always plan to spend the rest of our lives together. The only thing that's coming between us is the woman he lives with. My man was in prison for fourteen years, but I was faithful to him the entire time. But when he got out, he moved in with a female he'd only known a few months. He's been out for five years, and now he's trapped with her because she's helping him get back on his feet and he's helping her take care of her kids and his kid. He told me that her youngest child is his, and I didn't hold it against him because things happen whenever we talk. He tells me he's miserable and says he wants to come live with me. The final straw was when he told me that she's making him marry her since she's been taking care of him for five years. He told me that she knows about me and thinks we're just best friends. I want to stop him from marrying her because he does not love of her. He's in the threesomes and he's had a wild sex life, so I know he's bored out of his mind with her. I have a nice home and enough money to take care of us, so it would be a smooth transition for him. I failed to mention that I'm a very handsome and debonair man because that has nothing. Um, that has nothing to do with why I wrote this letter. Okay, I want my man with me where he belongs. How can I get him from this woman? Okay, okay, Okay, you tried to trick us right there in the end. But I'm gonna tell you, uh huh huh, I'm completely tricked. He tried it. Uh. The advice I'm gonna give it will be the same if it's a man or a woman in this particular and in this particular instance. Yeah, So you asked the question, how can you get him from this woman? And the answer is you can't. You can't get him away. He is where he wants to be. Either he's scared to come out, is bisexual or gay, or he's just playing selfish and wants you both on his terms. I mean, you've heard the expression wanting his cake, I want my cake and eat it too. Well, that's what this is about. I mean, twelve years is a long time to be with anyone, all right, anyone without some type or any type of commitment marriage. I'm going to marry you, be a life partner, common law something. I mean, you should do yourself a favor and realize that he's lying to you just to keep you on the side and to make sure you don't go anywhere else or be with anyone else. So you got to stop believing his lies. You have to. I mean, you know he's telling you he's miserable and wants to come live with you. Why hasn't he done it? I mean, he's helping She's helping him get back on his feet. Sounds like he's been back on his feet for all of the five years he's been out. And the biggest lie, she's making him marry her. Well, how is she doing that? Um, there's no mention in the letter of her putting a gun to his head. He didn't tell you that or anything. How how is he doing that because of the kids or whatever. No, he's lying. He does not want to be with you full time like that. He wants to keep it on the down low. Okay, you need to let him go and just and let him just be with her and you find yourself someone else, because you know this is all you're gonna get from him, This is it, and you don't want to waste another twelve years with him. You're you're just wasting your time. Waiting for this guy. He's not gonna change, Steve. Oh, Steve, I ain't seen none of this coming. Yeah. Oh, let me just say this here. I'm not gonna be answer this letter the same way Sheryl did. Shery did with dignity in style and class that she did, because I didn't shape the fact that he tricked me. See, I didn't appreciate this. Gonna wait all way to the end of the letter, I was trying to help you a minute to go, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was just jotting down all this is easy right here, all Poe girl, Oh, you ain't gonna beleeve that. No, no, no, no, no no. I was just going through the letter, just going on how I was gonna help to him and it'd be a smooth transition for him. I chuckled a little bit. Then I failed to mention that I'm a very handsome endeavor their man, because that has nothing to do with why I wrote this letter? Will it do to me? So now I don't I don't know what to do. Now what do you want? Now? First of all, let me say this. You have written in to Shirley Strawberry as Steve hard Now dog, you already know who I am. You already know. So now as I attempt to answer this letter, I'm gonna try to keep the fact out that you are man. But okay, here we go. Let's just try, Steve, come on, do your best. I've been in relationship with a man for at least twelve years, and we've known other since we were children growing up in church. Okay, we are the perfect couple, right there. You do when you say perfect couple to me, I go one way. Sorry, that's just me. It's Will's raised grew up. You said perfect couple. You got me throwed off. I'm already not ready for the end of this letter. We have great memories and we've always planned to spend the rest of our lives together. Fine, I can see that coming to I've told that lie to about fourteen women. Ain't a problem. I got that. The only thing that's coming between us is the woman he lives with. Yeah, I've been in this before. I've had the woman I live with come between several relationships in my past. So I'm with you, though, Okay, the rest of it, when I come back, I'm struggling with this. All right, We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour of the subject me, him and Her. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to morning show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, subject me him and Her. Now, this whole letter hinged on the end of it, he's talking about this woman. He's talking about this man that's involved with this woman. I'm thinking it's another woman. And all the letter wald hines, you know he's bored out of his mind with her. I have a nice home, enough money to take care of us. It would be a smooth transition for him. I failed to mention, now this is a letter from what I'm thinking is a woman writing a letter about a man who then came out of prison after fourteen years and moved in with another woman. Because he said he moved in with this woman, so I'm thinking it's a woman. At the end of the letter, he tricked me, he said, I failed to mention that I'm a very handsome him deaving their man, because that has nothing to do with who I wrote this letter. I want my man with me where he belongs. How can I get him from this woman. Now I'm throwed off. So now all my answer is it's just messed up because I was going with him. You in a relationship with a man for twelve years, knowing each other since we've children, growing up in church. I was fine with that. We're a perfect couple. Of course, quite naturally, I went to what I considered perfect couple. I'm still going. I remember, I ain't got the information yet that I just read. Y'all. We have great memories. We've always planned to spend the rest of our life together. I've said that I can't counter women. The only thing that's coming between us is the woman he lived with. I've kind of been there before too. Yeah, my man was in prison for fourteen years. Okay, I ain't never done that. Your man was in prison. I'm thinking this is a woman now. But I was faith for him to the entire time. I went, WHOA, that's tough right there, that's hard fourteen years down. Who appreciate your hanging in their baby? Yeah? But little did I know baby really cash money, you know, or anyway anyway that baby my man was in prison for. But I was faithful him to tie time. But when he got out, he moved in with a female he only knew for a few months. I went, Okay, cool, I understand that. So some something going on for he went into prison. You ain't knowing nobody got this little girl like he's been out of prison for five years now and he's trapped with her. What this is why I started to let us start getting real stupid. How you been trapped for five years? You trapped in prison from fourteen? Why would you come out to freedom and get trapped another five years? Somebody lying? So you can walk off out this prison anytime you want to. You can go to stove. They got a oobo, you can ride off. You ain't got sign in at night. So I'm just going, damn, this is crazy. And now he's trapped with her because she's been helping him get back on his feet. Damn, take you five years. He's helping her take care of his kids, take care of kids and his kid. He told me that her youngest child is his, and I didn't hold that against him. Well, if you ain't gonna hold that against him, then hell you perfect. Because things happen whenever we talk. He tells me he's miserable and says he wants to come live with me. I'm going, damn, Then you need to let this go. Find the straggles. When he told me that she's making him marry him since he's been taking care of him, since he's been taking care of him for five years, damn making him. He told me that she knows about me and thinks that were just best friends. Okay, that's natural, knowing what I know at the end of the letter. But I'm going, damn, he told it to y'all just friends. I want to stop him from manning her because he does not love her. He's he's into threesomes, and he's had a wild sex life, So now I know he bored out of his mind with her. I got nice home and enough money to take care of us. He'd be a smooth transition for him. I failed to mention then I'm very handsome and debonair man. That's what this whole letter, this whole letter turn for me, because now Steve don't know how to help you, bro, Sorry, dog, but Y'll do. Then got with a girl, which I understand. I fully understand the trap with her. I understand the baby with her. I understand the five years with her because know my dog. I've been with a woman in a relationship since I was nineteen. I ain't ever not been in a relationship with a woman since I was nineteen. I ain't ever took thirty days off out of my sixty four years. I've never taken thirty four days off from having a relationship with a woman. When I was homeless and I could pull it together after a show, I was seeking relationships with a woman. The pull of the woman is deep. It's the call of the wine that being in a relationship with a woman has overridden every damn decision I've ever met. I'm making decisions on a daily basis based around a woman. Is this letter about you or him? So I understand why your man is struggling. You need to recognize that the struggle is real. Good luck, though. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. They're coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Our girl from the Talk Sheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's Reality Update. But right now our girl is here, Steve, please introduce her from the shop girl under what thank you, Steve? And I get into anything why? But anyway, y'all watching the impeachment trial. Yeah, yes, bamn, they got him. They got Let me tell you how I know they got him. They got him because all the white Republican senators that that are on Trump side is trying to act like they don't hear the evidence. They don't. They act like but in the black people, like when't you there? When you there? You don't say something when you there? And then and then and then Trump defense is gobbage. He not gonna pay him, He never was gonna pay him. And they know they're not getting paid. That's why they're up there trying to throw the case. I believe, now, see if I got a question, I believe they trying to be so bad that that the the Republican senators will have sympathy for Trump and go, we can't convict this dude because his defense was gobba. The people I'm mad at it's the Republican senators. They are the greatest group of cowards. I've never seen a group of men more afraid of another man. They fear of Donald Trump is greater than their fear and respect of God. I've lost all my respect for Republican senators hiding behind this bullcraft one line in the Constitution that they keep saying the president can be in peach and they keep saying he's not the president. It's their cowards, all of them. And they looking stupid right now because they they had a vote that said this is constitutional, and then that thing out of Georgia. The reason that they had to do the recording caller in stralis because with the state Secretary of State in Georgia is because Lindsey Graham allegedly lied about something on a number call so Lindsey Graham, so they needed evidence, so that's how they recorded them. So they got this dude dad to write, if we got a call our senators and say, hey, you need to vote that Trump should never be able to run for office again, or you're gonna have ansurrect action all the time. This guy got a chokehold on the Republican Party. And if you get rid of this dude right now, then we can truly make America better. We ain't making it great because some days wasn't great. For us. We're gonna make it better. That's what we gotta do. And Republican senators, you need to have a backbone. You need And speaking of backbone, Junior, call me what bind your business might have been hit between me and junior. Backbone go Tommy, backbone go backbone time today and night, yeah, yes, yes, yes, and day and night and weekend and we're gonna go to church together and then go to a church. Thank you, Cheryl, We love you. You know that. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carlin's Reality Update right after this. You're listening, all right, Tommy, come on, introduce our girl. Let's get to what she is here, the one and only Calling Farrell with what reality update? All right, thank you, nephew. Just real quick, I'm gonna just run down a couple of shows. Basketball Wives, they're back back. Give us who knew right Season nine, Shannie O'Neill, Jackie Christie, Malaysia, Jennifer Williams. I don't know why Jennifer came back, Honey. They dogged you so bad last season. I wouldn't even go near shear that crew. But she's back, um Elzada, she's back. Yes, Evelyn is there. They said that they are working on their sisterhood this season. I think this is Jackie's thing. Jackie wants the ladies to kind of squash their beef. She name one. So we always I mean throwing stuff last season fighting at the skating ring. But we wouldn't need to all come together girls. So we'll be watching. Shannie announced on the show Shannie O'Neil is moving, or she's kind of finalized her move. She is relocating to Houston, Texas. Come on down to Agetown. Shannie from where from LA? From Los Angeles. Her two kids are going to LSU and then her other son, her oldest son is living with his dad Shock in Atlanta, so she wants to move to Houston. He did he absolutely play ball basketball there. So she wants to be closer to her kids. And so she is moving to Houston. Do she know that Sean Washington, this is no sports. Probably gonna want to go to the game to Steve, don't listen to Westbrook goal hard and gone, Sean trying to leave hot gone, what is you going over the flat? So I will be watching basketball wives and checking it out and see what's up. Now they are going to all live in this mansion together because of the pandemic. So they're gonna all live together. So we're gonna see how they're gonna work on this sisterhood. Yeah, so we live with somebody you don't like? No, that is yes, very hard. That is very very hard. Can't go nowhere to go? I did it? Oh it's ode voice aside, voye me too, don't talk to me to what you say, Steve, what only thing with us when we left? It cost us half? I wasn't married. All right, let's move on, go ahead, let's move on. Love and Hip Hop family Reunion. All right. So this is a little different how they're doing this. The all the cast members were not all of them, A few cast members from different Miami, you know, different franchises, New York, Atlanta, LA. They are all together and they're on this resort in a bubble, if you will. And so they're all hanging out. Trick Daddy from Miami. He threw a barbecue. Welcome in everybody. Carly Red is on the show with her daughter. Her daughter is twenty eight years old, and she's on the show with her daughter. So I'm trying to figure out you're way too grown to be on the reality show. If your daughter is almost thirty, I'm just saying that's I'm just saying, it's an observation. Who is carly Red Love and Hip Hop Atlanta? You know where we need to see it. She's a beautiful, beautiful woman. But I just she's beautiful, Steve. I think it's just time for her to move on from there. Yandy is there from New York with her Husbandman DCEs. You know, he just got out of prison, and she was hoping that they could just go to the resort and hang out with everyone from the different franchises, and well wait, he invited his mother down there. So she's upset that they're trying to kick it. She's seen her man, he's been in prison for four years and he invited his mom to come and hang out with him. So they're having issues. She wanted to be you know, yeah, but she was like, you know, you've been with the kids the entire time since she got her back. Mamah, his mama. He didn't tell her. He didn't tell her. But anyway, we gotta go follow me at lizbe Carla on the Graham Twitter. We'll talk about it more. What you, guys. Shirley coming up more trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty after right after this, you're listening to morning show. All right, guys, big announcement today at four pm Eastern. We want you to escape with me and my girl Carla Ferrell on Facebook. All right, We're having a live happy hour of what what our first of the year thanks to Seagram's Escapes. Come and kick it with the ladies of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. That is correct. We're gonna talk about self care. Yeah, how we indulge just you know, take care of ourselves. What are our plans for Valentine's dayre We're calling it Galantine today because it's the girls, It's Valentine. So we write together and made a Gallantine's Day. You could you could phone calls. I mean, yeah, we're gonna take Okay, Okay, So ladies, so how how do they find y'all? What do they do? You're gonna go to Harvey FM on Facebook Facebook four pm Eastern and don't miss the party. Baby. Everybody love happy hour? Okay, everybody loves a happy hour. Don't sleep, don't miss it. Come hang out with us today. This is all brought to you by Seagram's Escapes. Seagram's Escapes. All right today today, right, this is the new me. I'm drinking the strawberry. Jachary Carlin's drinking jamaking me happy. Alright, happy, yes, yes, all right, guys, please join us today at four pm. Alright, Steve Harvey FM, Facebook Live. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well. In today's entertainment news, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation has announced its nominees for induction this year. Get a load of this group. Okay, this class right here, Mary J. Blige, Jay Z, Shaka Khan, Carol King, L L cool J, Tina Turner, and Dion Warwick. Wow. Wow, that's another it is. Tina Turner was inducted in ninety one as a member of Icon Tina Turner. This is her second nomination as a solo artist. I want my name, I want my name, I want my name, my name. Shaka Khan this is her third nomination. I really thought she was already in there, but this is her third nomination. L l LS this is his sixth nomination. Voting is also open to the public from now until April thirtieth at rockhall dot com. Rock How we got to vote on this? Let's go on on who we how we vote? We didn't got by me in. Let's go how we get them in? That what we need to go to rockhall dot com and place your vote for your favorite artist, okay ye, Or you can go to the at the Museum in Cleveland and do it as well. Come on, come on, We're going to ask some stace. Make us come to Cleveland and march down there. We'll do it. Ductees will be announced in May at the induction ceremony that will take place in Cleveland in the fall. So congratulations to all the nominees for sure, Mary Jay, jay Z, Chaka Khan and other entertainment news. Now, this is the story you guys kind of chuckled at when we teased it earlier. Bow there's a difference, right, bow Wow says after his next album, he's done with the rap game. Okay, that's a but now he's talking about getting into the wrestling ring. So that's what he has his eyes set on next bow. I'll tweet it out on Monday. Now. I know this might sound crazy, but after I dropped my last album, I will focus on TV and film and joining the WWE. It's it's been a lifelong childhood dream to wrestle in the WWE. Different day. I thought you were talking to like MM eight, that's what I done. Okay, No, no, no martial arts, hey dog. First of all, let me let me help you with something by while based on the other one, you can just go on and start focusing on film, television and wrestling. You ain't got released the next album. Just go on in there. Now, let's go and get it started, because let me explain something to you, son, Them wrestless are real athletes. They're diving off turn buckles, they own ladders. Coming down to the flow. You're gonna kill your little last Now. You took a lot of als on social media. This could be your biggest ones coming up. It is our last break of the day, our last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks of course, from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to show all right here We are guys, our last break of the day on this Thursday. It's been a good day, good day. I want to remind you guys to join us this afternoon at four pm for our excuse me Harvey, who is the book lives? Say a girl? This is us say it? Say it? Oh wow, Yes, the ladies of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. That's right to me and Carla. Y'all have heard me all over the years. Get on Tommy about how to promote ye. Don't y'all do the same thing? What are what are y'all doing that for? We just started it. I mean I didn't even get a chance to say anything. We're having a live happy hour thanks to Seagram's Escape. Okay, that's what we want on Steve Harvey FM Facebook Live. It's going to be a happy hour. We're gonna be drinking and partying and talking about self care. And I'm gonna do like Carl dude. I'm gonna do like Carla dude. Do me. Now, what is this for? Again? It's a happy hour? Were spreading happiness? Maybe this ready? So you go to Steve Harvey Film on Facebook Facebook Live live. Be there four pm. Easter Happy Hour kick it. Come party with the ladies of the Steve Harvey. You know we're gonna take your questions. Let's talk about whatever y'all can ask us, whatever y'all want. Maybe you reveal some secrets about the guys on the show. Hey, Hey, my name out your mouth? Steve, Steve, Steve, Stean, Steve, Steve, Tommy Tommy Junior, Junior. They call it, I can't get your name out enough time. Tell me to keep your name out of my daddy. I'll say you hold I put your government name out. Yes, yes, but everything. Let's go Seagram's Escapes Escape with us. Yeah, we're gonna have some fun. It's gonna be a good time. Yes, join us. Yeah, escapes, Uh huh. Escape from all the stress this week, Junior, all the stress, find me aving. Get on that. You're making me crazy and Strawberry Daccaris, you're making me happy, making it happy to see Sirley Drake. Yeah, that's it, that's what you and I'm drinking all of it. We gotta peach Ballini Ye created by Cynthia Bailey, Atlanta from Atlanta Housewise U so it would be fun, ye were dressing up? Were dressing dress? Are we doing it. Yeah, we're gonna make it. We escape it. You know, that'll make it. Join us hey followers to follow on in here. Yeah, but it's gonna be fun though. I'm looking forward to it. But Carlin and I haven't really kicked it in a long time, like we kick it, you know, when we're away from work. So that'll be pandemic. You know, we haven't been able to have that one on one time, just just girl talks. It'll be up. Wow, yep ye one more time? What Carler, are you show Shirley it's gonna drink something. Yes, yes, I'm tuning in just for that. A matter of fact, if you start drinking and fall, I'm coming on at fourteen, yeah, because it'll start in in the blood system after about two minutes. Why didn't you ask that about me though? You just asked about you can drink. You'll drink her drinks to carl always, y'all, Colin, you would preview HBC. You pride, you know you you have drunk experience. This Catholic Methodist. I'm gonna hold my liquor. You watch and see I'm gonna holding Shirley. Shirley, you had a headache at the Communion that's in the city. Change Steve, I've grown just wait her speech gonna slurt. You ain't gonna stay nothing. She's seeing the best voice to radio, gonna be best voicing by in the morning. Is well that is Steve. We're at home. Yeah, and it's okay. I'm I'm on the phone. I mean I'm from home. We're on the Book to Face four pm. Check us outlet. Thank you for Patrick Mahomes sponged by Seagram's Escapes. Thank y'all for joining us on book Live. See you Amara. I can't wait. I can't wait. Yeah, looking for tuning in guys. Yeah, I'm coming in Harvey f M Live on Facebook. Carlin will be hosting it. Shirley would be drinking girls And you know what, it'd be really good for the radio audience to tune in and meet the ladies face to face because many of you haven't and you haven't been able to have any exchange with them and talk to them and see what they really think. A field, because you know, a lot of times we dominate the show, you know, with our stupid behind, So you at least get to talk to the intelligence side of the show. Yeah, and this is our first one, Steve. We'll have several throughout the year, So this is our supposed schedule for several. You gotta see how you acted. Seagram's made discover that they need somebody that's able to drink a little bit more than that. Good look, ladies. We'll see the Ladies day a four o'clock Steve Harvey FM Live Facebook. The Ladies will be live for Happy. I'll make sure you join him. Y'all. Have a good one. Talk to God, y'all. He loved to hear from you for all Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show.