Roadtrip, Right or Wrong, Sand and Soul, BBQ Sauce and more.

Published May 24, 2019, 11:00 AM

When J. Anthony Brown and Steve start singing together, you know it's a problem.  We get a 6 person car reenactment in the summertime.  Who is the person in the office that is least likely to get fired?  What did you have growing up VS what millennials have growing up today?  Right or Wrong is back with The Nephew and Junior.  Comedy Roulette talks about fat guys and the middle button.  As we approach Memorial Day, we get the best BBQ tips from Steve and Tommy.  Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO has thee best recipe for the best BBQ sauce ever!  Have a great weekend!!!

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like theming bus bus things. And it's cost me true good at Steve Hary listening to moving together for Steve, Please by, I don't join join me to be doing me har You gotta use turn be hurting. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out to turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby that it huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. M Yeah, I do. Man. God been so good to me over the years, in spite of all the mistakes I've made, in spite of all the dirt I've done to myself. I'm talking about when in no one I was wrong, His grace and mercy has forgiven me for all of my sins. God can forgive you of all of your sins, everything you've done. God can forgive you. He can wipe your slate clean. Now that might you might have some you know, things you got to deal with because of some of your actions. Understand that, but you can wipe your slates. You can wipe your slate clean with God and start again. You can repent. God has mercy and grace. You could be forgiven by God. Now, people answer another story. Some people may never forgive you, for you've heard them all, or maybe they're accusing you of doing something else. But you know they may never forgive you. But God, God is in the redemption business man. God will forgive you for every sin you've ever committed. But you gotta want forgiveness now. And then you got to come correct because what you can't do is you can't shoot him the crap. Now you can say that conversation with him. You know, whatever you told your lawyer, whatever, whatever you told the victims, whatever you told, whatever the story is, you got going if it ain't the truth, you could say that with God, because please know, he know, and he know your heart. He know if you're trying to manipulate somebody just for the system, if you're trying to say this just so you can get out, you know all of that. So if you're planning on shucking him and jiving him, save your brother before you wind up digging yourself in a deeper hole. Just let me give you that piece of advice because he ain't nothing to play with. He's too great to be played with. And so with that in mind, I want to share some positive stuff with you, this smarting man. I want to say this now. I want to remind you not to let your circumstance and your situations dictate your future or your results. I'm gonna say this again. This is important information. Man. Don't let your circumstance and situations dictate your future or your results. Do you know that in order to get a different future or some different results, you control that entire situation. It is you, It is your thoughts that control the entire situation. It is how you look at the situation that will determine how the situation is for you. See, the same situation can be totally different for two different people, because you can say you look at the examples of history, just just look look in your neighborhood. How can There was a book that a guy wrote one time who had the name. He had a name, and he did some research and he found a guy that grew up at the same age, in the same neighborhood as him, with the exact same name. He went on to become a corporate CEO. The other man was an inmate, and they had the same name, grew up in the same neighborhood. They were both brothers, you know not, I'm just saying brothers men. And they grew and they went to different Because how can two different, two people the same situation and the results turn out so different. It is because of the thought process of one was completely different from the thought process of the other. You control it. You don't have to let your circumstances and your situations dictate your future or your results. Here's the way it works. This is so you can understand this. Your mind is the controlling factor of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the controlling factor of your outcome. The Bible says a man is as he thinketh. Please don't short play this scripture, hell, because this one is the real deal. This is the basis of every self improvement book you'll ever read. It's already written in the Bible. The Bible has all the information you need. But in case you need a little bit of clarity in some simple modern day language, then they have self improvement books. They are all based on Biblical scripture. A man is as he thinketh That's why Norman Vincent Peale wrote the book The Power of Positive Thinking. That's why a book came out called The Magic of Thinking Big. That's why a book came out called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hell that all of you, all these titles that I've read that have mattered in my life the most, These three major books that I've read, they all say one thing. Think thinking thoughts, because that's what controls the outcome. Your brain works one of two ways. It works positive or negative. It works good, which is under the column of positive, or to work evil, which is under the column of negative. It will have faith, which is under the column of positive, or you will operate in fear, which is in the column of negative. That is the only way your mind works. Your mind is a factory that's comprised of workers. Those workers are controlled by two formings, forming positive and forming negative. But guess what the CEO of the company, the head man, the boss is you. You come to work in the morning and you say, man, today is a great day. I'm going to take steps towards brightening my future. I'm going to take another step into making that dream come true that I've been thinking about I'm gonna take another step forward in the development and the changing of my life in a positive, good direction. If you come to work and say that every day as the CEO, the boss, the formings can only obey you, so that what you just said was a series of positive statements then forming positive steps to the forefront. He said, I got your boss right away. He turns around, he blows the whistle. He alerts all the workers in the factory today as a good day. Today, we will take steps towards our future. Today we are putting ourselves on track to get a little bit closer to making our dreams come true. Today we will be assembling all the things we need to make our dreams come true in our life better in the right direction. Everybody break. The workers in the factory turn around and manufacture thoughts to justify the orders given by the boss, which is you. You are the CEO of your corporation. If you don't own nothing else, you own everything that's going on between your two ears. You are the CEO of that corporation. If that corporation is a good one, it's because you set it up that way. If your corporation is a bad one, it's because you set it up that day. If you trying, if you pushing towards your dreams and you see the possibility of things happening in your life, is because you, as the CEO, set it up that way. If you ain't got nothing popping, if you just want to be a criminal taking stuff from people, throwing your life out the window, you're gonna be an inmate. You're gonna be sitting there there and you're gonna be mad at everybody. You got nobody be mad at. But shoot, you understand what I'm telling you this morning? Huh you're listening to show everybody around the world. You are listening at the morning show. High on you doing? Now we are listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah we go. I'm about to introduced them to you. We're gonna start with the lady. Yeah, make the show real, Bravey. Yeah, I'm dude to know I ain't. But the beginning of the show, she's the one with the boys. She the lady's choice. I'm talking about shell helping about shall come on last? Running down? Here we go, let's move it on. Yeah, got another lady on the show. Yeah, I ain't ever ever owned the phone running from out west. Make us do our best. Yeah, yeah, can't stoll the meeting with the white folk. I come back, tell us what we don't run the dollar? Huh, I'm talking about collar make a dollar. I ain't talking about collar running down, running down, running down, Steve running ye running down some moat here go ain't starting to do it. About to introduce him to it. Yeah, by about the Houston fifth Wall didn't know he didn't have the right coat. I got and moved up in the world, dressed enough for all the little girl. Hey hey, got a suit on every day. He hacking. He like the money he made the man he won't ruin. Yeah, you know I'm talking about Julia. Yeah, Julia. H Julia, think Julia Julia running down, running down, running down? Still this him? Next one came in a train. Yeah yeah, with on another show. Then he left one damn day, I have more wear everything looking round out. He could actually cook it. We let him come on this show. I ain't been silence no more. Everybody think that he on the round. I everybody know that he from the ground half. But I'm talking about my main man. I han't named day any brown down round brown brown, brown, brown, brown brown. I'm brown, brown, brown brown. I'm brown round round, running now, running now, running down steat some more. Here we go, Here we go, Here we go. You know who? They say, last monotony, but it got the less sense of us all. I damn this stupid in the phone. I think it failed when he was a baby somebody. Maybe I don't know, Huh, stupid as ain't want to be. I think he is. He ain't got a princess what we call him. I think it's stupid ass. He couldn't be. I think he's head the ham mad. Everybody talking about time to huh Tom a time, ladies and gentleman. That's to Steve Harvey Moran Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now, Steve, what does Jay have going on? Now? What is going on? This road trip? Or reenactment of everybody who's gonna be taking a road trip this summer summer time time for a bunch of people to get in the car and ride. And it was sound something like this. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna react, re enact. What is it like when six grown people who work together take a road trip all right, everybody in buggle out? All right, let me start the car. They're digging right there. Somebody ain't got their seat bell? All right, all right, now we need a little driving music. Boy, I like that. Did you hear what that help for Taylor did in her country? Very almost didn't like that girl? No more? Well quite frankly, I'd like to hear some gospel music. What come on, Kirk? Yeah that's nice. Yeah, but what's what happened to me? Yeah? So we're not gonna listen to listen to nothing. We ain't listening to nothing, okay, man, silence, riding silence? Then let's just riding silence. I just have a question, where boy, are we? Well? What you come for? You want to play a game? Play? What game? Game? You know? We could sing that song ninety nine bottles of beer saying out of the hill. Can that's my car? Can we play that? You're in the car? You can? We can we get some eat you we just got in the car. Wait a minute, I know I'm forgetting something. Yes, to be quiet? No, oh, it's hot in here? Can you turn to a want to say this? I gotta say this. I'm gonna say it. What I got the pee. That's it, damn it. Everybody else get out to cars just on the day. I'm called wait, wait where, Hey, wait a minute, I'm your damn nephew. Off the door. No, everybody out. I ain't everybody them. As much as I hate packing it, I hate get out to card. If you did pack, I'm packing. Got go get out. I just so I got a gun. Get out my name Jimmy. Actually, get you're gonna shoot somebody. Get out to car. Get out, Tommy, get out, jut out, shutte out. I'm not walking these here. You ain't got to walk. Get out to car. They don't push me now, don't push you out? Now. What happened now, that's all he wanted to do is music. He just drove off. You stay called called all right? Tommy called uber. Yeah. I can't believe me. I'm not walking, but I can't live. Put us on the car. This was supposed to be a fun road trip. What I can't do nothing, They can't g I know. He better put them back up, likes on and bring his hand. Is he making a right on the highway? Look, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, no, no no, no, I got I gotta I gotta say, let me do this. Hold on, hold on, I got it. I can't believe we're standing out here like I got the bad. Hold on, I'm hungry. Here we go there we hold on? I fix, I fixed? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know you just left hold us on the side of the road. Hello, hey, uh what you left us on the side of the road. You're not coming back. I can see you. We got girls with singing thank you? They would you take care of them? Okay, this car ain't coming back. There's ladies and heels out here to take the heels off and straight well, just way, I'm after about four miles there'll be flat. Can I say this? When we took our stuff out of the car, that black bag that you are your money in it, that bag is out here with us. Yeah, all right, y'all, what's happening? Give me the black Tom, Let me have black back. Tom, give me the black back. Get the black back. We'll get yours in the car. We'll put the bag here first. I ain't opening the door. If I don't see the bag. Here, go the back. Throw it in the window the door, I promise you. If you just throw it in the window, throw it in the window. I got time. Throw the bags, y'all. Don't pull this trick again. Go to bag in. How about I opened the bag and start counting to see how much I already know what's in there. Throw it. Throw the bag in the window first. You know what, we can actually buy our car with his bag. You know what going on? We're good. Oh, let's get to count. And it looks like a lot. Uh, we've got we've got one too. Three, we've got five negroes on the side the road with a black bag. Look like it don't belong to him. Let's up, shut everybody's up ground. Were waiting ant get the black ass on the ground. Shut up. We'll sing a group. You got one more time, little man, one more time, loot man, get your black ass on the ground. Love you everybody down on the ground. Good. Yeah, that was a warning shot. The next one goes in. You all right, hand me the bag, same time, hand me the bag. Police, you ain't going to hand me the bag. I didn't shot before. I don't want to go through that. No, we can't do a damn thing together. We can all coming up next. And if you tell me he's gonna run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show our office. Question of the day, guys, is who is the person in our studio who, no matter how hard they try, they will never get fired? All right? Do we have a co worker who says things like I dare them to fire me? Why is all this about me? I see it in life? Throw a rock, right? No, one to a pack? Right? Okay, keep going. The one that yes is the one you hit, and you hit me because I know this is about me. But go ahead, no, no, no no, go Finish question. I've never heard you say idea of them to fire me? Oh? I have you have say that? Oh yeah, he's all right? Yeah heard that? Oh yeah, I said I burn this whole damn play. I don't already, y'all ain't gonna be no radiohead. Finish question? Well, is it is it fun? I have to ask? Is it fun to work with someone like that that you know that knows they can't get fired, or that their boss won't fire them, or that in this case, since you think it's you, your uncle won't fire Oh he'll fire men, he'll do it. It's got to be drafting. I got to be the done. Something pretty damn car comy, you're still here? You should Yeah, if that proves that he won't fire you, you're saying, well, the only thing saving you as my sister. What have I done that's been so drastic that I should be sipped away? Do you do you think you're an outstanding employee? I wanted the greatest hit, he said confidence. You just got back to work. You was off yesterday. You take more damn vacation. You have more unexcused absence than anybody on this show. You actually take off more time, Timmy, than anybody including me. Oh and you started out this way. This didn't just happen. So we discussed this yesterday when you weren't here. You are the worst. I'm the worst? What the worst? You the words? You want to start there with the Okay, so I have I have a bit of an issue with that. Okay, there's that. Okay, there's that because we speak on the radio, right, But I just try not to use things that have w what when? When? It? When? Where? Stop? But Steve, seriously, so this kind of falls on you. Why haven't you fired him? Because well, what's gonna happen? Wait a minute, I mean exploring thing happening to my sister. You can believe for something fitting happening you? Wow? What do you? What do you? Wait? A minute? Wait? Wait? Went on? Now? Wait he got that w at that time? Didn't heat when when something happened to my mama? I'm gone, like damn need meting. It's tough newss dough. I like, for example, if my brother called me and said, brother, little brother, you're sitting down, I gotta talk to you about something. We had a big loss in this family. Say hold on on second time? Okay, now Tommy, Tommy what? No? What my ass? You five? Wait that's your first phone call. But I can't wait to say that you can't wait to do this? So to me? Not that you know that your uncle's only keeping you here employed because of his I'm just not finding this out today. Call. So are you gonna change your behavior in your ways? And like I got quicker way? What you got? What like I got quicker way? I don't have quick I can't. I have to admit I will miss that you will, Yeah, I will, Carla, I will. Oh wow, all right, So tell me you should at least say you're gonna try to and do better. Wait what if you get fired, you give other jobs. Not on the radio, he walking, no, but he'd be great down the zoo. What yeah, turtle back? You mean on that junior world famous turtle suck up. I'm telling all y'all right now, when I leave here, everybody leaving quick, I'm just putting it out there. Let that go. Okay, well, let it go. But if I was you, I digested thought it go stop it. Okay, you still got your job? No, No, I got eight jobs. We know. We see you get cut from the radio. You go, yeah, maybe yeah, if he cuts you from the radio, he'll hire you on TV because you don't have to speak. No, No, I won't. No, I won't because then we are to look at it? Is that why you haven't? No, we back to face your feet, you know, last hour and they can take your a glass on TV? Should they can take man? Then why haven't all right, Well, you're here now. One of the reasons I never wanted to tell you this because don't nobody want to tune into you every day? That's why you're not on TV? Because can nobody be turning your channel and do this and then that's too much? This is what are you doing okay, this channel change, this channel changing, and that's what happens when they see Tommy on TV. This is me right here, this is very Stephen, you're this is me. This is okay. Pull up, Steve, all right, she's nice. We're gonna be nice and tell me we're not laughing. All right, coming coming on somebody, and now look at this. We have to go. Not what they put on. We have to go. We'll have more of this ignorant show when we come back right after this. You're listening, So Jay gotta ask you this now as you age, you were thinking about the good old days, right, okay, and what did you come up? We came up with uh and Steve and everybody else can join in. It's just how what we had and what they got now. Millennials millennials, but they don't like even like to be called millennials. They just they don't like that then be called. I don't know what they want to be called. I just want to be this one over there. Don't like it. Look at it. I don't like being For instance, they've got video games. They got him, what do we have? Palms? It just gets they got the micro wave oven. It's it's they use it on. What do we have, Steve, to heat up food? Damn easy baker or the oven damn light bumb No, how about that one? Yeah, my sister, my sister's daughter had an easy bake oven on Christmas Day. We pulled the cake battle. We didn't eat the cake to east that damn cake. That's funny they got we had, They got uber. Did we walk everywhere or what? Everywhere we walked? They that we had albums. Yeah, I was thinking of that. Look how many ways we bought one song? We bought it on albums? Eight track, problems, water five eights, real, the real now they downloaded? Yeah, digital, that's it. They got bottle of water. Bottle of water. If you wanted water back in the day, how did you get water outside the holes? Because I was afraid they're gonna make me stay. I just stood dehydrated dragging out that water hole. They got ice machines on the refrigerated. If you wanted ice back in the day, Steve, how'd you get ice? Get you made? You made it in the trade? Did you make but six cubes at a time? Put the little handle on it. Man, we didn't even have ice, didn't have ice. We didn't, No, damn ice? How did you make your drinks? Cold? Drinke was never cold? Who had a cold drink? They are blown? That's who had a cold drink? What I drink was a cold drink. Set it outside for a while. Yeah, they got changed things. They get punished, They get punished, time out. What what did we get? Steve got out? I'm telling you with what though? Anything ever? Anything? We got whipped till they was just out of time. They had to be somewhere else and they had us to go get it. Yeah you ever had this? Right here, I'm gonna beat the black off white. Yeah. Man, they got Instagram? Now how do we how do we develop pictures? Back? And then you took a picture, You dropped it off at the little booth, and you waited a month booth drug stoke, Yeah, Walgreen, you waited a month. If you saw your picture, won the whole month. And then I walked down and then the pictures wasn't ready. Yeah, the picture not ready yet. It's not that yet. Come back the next week. It's not ready yet. And you got you got the pictures and oh yeah remember we have that. Okay, you want to go make another picture. It's not ready to come back the next a week. Hey, it'sn't not ready. Who was that Jay? Oh the person in the booth? All right, they got smartphones. Now, if you wanted to make a call back in the day, you had a roll of quarters. You stood by the pay phone. What what when I when I would call Steve, Steve would call me and he would call me and tell me he gonna be at such and such a number. He would drive to the next number and then call me from where I would Now. But someplaces we would stay, the phones would go off at nine o'clock. What. Yeah, they cut They had like a switchbook. It'd be off. Yeah, the phone just be all yeah, get him. Yeah, you can't call him to the next day. Oh you're talking about telephone. You're talking about the hotel the hotel room. Yeah, switchboard off switch board, were switchboard switch board and nobody you can get the call, but ain't nobody connected. But what happened in case for the emergency, what you didn't has to not having a bigger Wow, it didn't happen to man. Man, you do not have You better wait till morning. If you've had an emergency to keep it to yourself, don't share it. And wow you're listening Morning show. All right, Steve, we definitely need you for this. Uh, Junior and Tommy with right or wrong? Here we go. Uh, you be the judge, Tommy. Yeah, okay, the first one is not for the Fellers, just just for the latest. Okay, start off with y'all. Then I'm gonna migrate my move on over to to Stephen Junior. J Anyway, let me just talk to y'all about this. Hire. Listen if till Junior, you don't say no, but listen, If a star phone company ship you something, yeah, it ain't gonna have nothing to secure you see what I'm saying. Yeah, see if a star it's a star phone company. You see what I'm saying. So the star phone company not gonna have most stro phones to secure the star phone. You see what I'm just do I make sense with y'all. Think about thing. Surely a star phone company they're sending you star phone, what do they secure that week? You see? I'm just trying to make sense to me. Just I cannot with you. Look at juniors, look up. Okay, okay, okay, let me let me move, Let me move, to the feller. Let me move to all right, go ahead. If you get the claps and it's spreads, tell him it's an applause. You know what I'm saying. On If you get the claps and it spreads, that's an applause. First of all, right, there yet, leave me not with this stupidity going on. Yeah, yeah, we're going out together, y'all. That's to y'all wrong. If you give spreads, that's an applause. You come to I told I told her he making head her wants to become an applause. You ain't even got to go down to the doctor because he's too late. Then that is the most ignorant thing we've ever said on the show. I gotta give me some mints, bring me to heel. You don't have a Christis and when you hit you you really be thinking about it. It makes your head explode. Now, coming up in tens, we'll do a little comedy roulette with Jay and the fellas. Right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Okay time now, Jay uh for this segment. It's called comedy roulette. Explain it quickly and let's get to it very simple. I love it. It's three of us with comedians. We're highly decorated. Take five subjects, put them on the wheel, wedgetop. We'll do the damn thing. That's how good we are. Do it. Do it now? All right, let's go comedy roulette. Here we go with the subjects. Number one, people who have that stuff, you know, in the corner of their eye. Yeah, okay. Number two, babies that don't look like their dad. Wow, who's the father? Baby show? We had darkening him? Number three? Fat guys that won't button that middle button? Yeah okay. Number four, what's that thing on your lip right here? What is that? What is that? Number five? Just not not not not? All right? Come on, spend the wheel for its place. There you go. What's that thing in your corner your eyes? Stop? I think you wanted this one, Carla. Number three? Fat guys that one button back middle button? What is the deal with that? Let's go highly decorated comedians on this ship. What is the deal with that? It looked like a looking at you in the middle of that shit? Don't you feel that breeze on your good don't They don't do it, They don't button it, they don't button I'm gonna tell you people who don't button that middle button. I've seen it so many attack. But the deacon who handled devotion on Sunday morning standing in front of everybody asking us, we's time to start and come to the Lord. Come to conclusion about this button. You can't. You can't focus on that. I can't see the words to the hymn. Just y'all, y'all don't understand what y'all are looking at it the wrong way. That is not a button. That is a pressure van. You have got to get a release of some of this. He can't breathe, he can't. If that you close that button, he gonna get a shot shot breath. They don't do it. That's a pressure val. You might be raised. Believe when they button it, you can see the button. It's almost if the button has a face and it's holding two peeces of cloth together and it's saying, please help me, I'm doing THEA can the whole is good that I know another person that I've seen with this this button unbuttoned. But the lead singer at every hole in the wall when I'm sitting that they singing all day hits, but they be moving and so the the open part be shifted. I didn't see it. I didn't seen chips now and that that button saying the same thing, But you didn't seen everything up out of that shirt. See it once again, you'll keep looking at it as a button. That button is actually a hidden whippon. See if he get tired and you're talking or tired and you're looking at him again or saying something he don't agree with, he can button it and hen put your eye out with it. Dad, ain't. Yeah, it's not so bad that it's open. It's really sad when the shirt starts to come up just a little bit and you see full good like straight across, just straight, straight, straight, good all the way acro all the way across. Once again, y'all keep looking at it the roll way. That ain't ladies and gentlemen for fat people. That's actually a EVI keep cool, keep cool out so he don't overheat and explode. I can't button it, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, right after write about four minutes after today's strawberry letter. But up next, nephew Tommy, with today's prank phone call. You're listening to Steve Show, all right, guys, let's get excited because you know what the two thousand nineteen Steve Harvey saying, and Soul Festival is going down. Where is hot hot Yes? October ten over the hot booty cock, Yes, October tenth through the fourteenth All star line up. Anthony Hamilton, Doug eat fresh free. What y'all got to get out of here? Man? We have such a good time last time, man, Look ask anybody that went. It was just the bomb time. Y'all got to get out here to saying the soul man, have a good time. Win. I got one master class. I'm gonna give y'all if you won't it, no pressure, husty man. After that, After that, let's go get it done. Tell ja about the pizza speed, Oh you didn't have it. No, I didn't get the peach. But oh man, that's all we ate, Jay, Tell him, Carla, that's all we ate every every day. So once you get there, you put your watted up. Is that right? Yeah? You'll need no money because it's all. Everything's included, Jay. All you can eat and drink for free. Twenty four hour room service, limitless resort credits, twenty four hour casino on property that's why you will see me. I'm either the major, most major contributor, or winner. Steve Harvey standin sool dot com is where you go for tickets, or you can call eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. Coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after it's Today's Strawberry Letter. But up next, Nephew Tommy is here with the prank phone call of the day. What you got next? Its a wish ministry. Make a wish ministry, run it New Baptist. This is Terrence Man. Help you please, Brother Terence. Yeah, how you doing? I got your your number? You with the over the church. You went to make a wish ministry? Yes, I am I gonna help you. Well listen, I'm I'm I'm actually uh, I'm I'm terminally ill, brother, brother Terrence, And I don't you know as far as what the doctors tell me, it could be six months or another year. But I know my time here is definitely limited. You know. Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but we're definitely here to help you out with whatever you need or whatever we can help you with. So what can we do for you? Well, you know, I truly believe that. Sometimes people have you know, I've seen one of the old movies they got with it got a bucket list or whatever they called it. You know, people trying to do things before they leave here. I guess I'm just sitting around trying to figure out what I could do and what I wanted to do before I left this world and went on to what he has for me next. You know, I don't believe in doing anything unless it's prayed on first. Oh yeah, if you don't mind, maybe you can. You know, before I can tell you my wish, we prayed that the wish would come true. You you you're not doing anything like that. Oh no, I don't mind praying. That's what we're here for. Now, your head with him, Yes, yr, sir? Is your head by? Yes, sir, your sir here, Oh the God, we come to you in the armless way. We know how Lord, we ask you to touch this young man and every which way he heard, and then we ask you to deliver him for whatever is going on with him, and let him know that we the church is here to help him with whatever his needs is in his last days. And Jesus's name, I pray say amen, with member's gonna do it here? Now you a member of the church here of New Well, I was a member. I still consider myself a member. It's just been quite sometimes, probably over a year and a half, two years, as I've been able to come, you know, through to my my illness. But definitely I will remember that. Well, that's all right. We're not worried about all that. We just here to take care of your last and final wish. That's what our ministry is for. You know. We helped people with with with anything they need, you know, like that, what what all I mean when when people call them, won't sing what all of you you are? What all of y'all helped them with? Well, we've helped them with their rent, uh, take them to the store, help them with a utility bill, come out and cut the grass, anything like that they just can't do. Take them to the doctor's appointment. Anything we'd like to help them with. We do exactly clear that. Okay, Well, I pretty much got those things taken care of. I think what I'd like to do between you and and and myself, by the hand. And I've never told anyone what I'm about to tell you. I've never been with a with with a woman too. I'm you know, I'm thirty eight, but I've never been with a woman. Well, I guess that might be a blessing. You might you might be there. That's a good thing. Well, you know, but sometimes you know, I give before I leave. I guess that's a desire that I have. And and and uh, what I wanted to ask you was there is a lady there at the church and before I leave, I think that's the woman that I would actually like to to be with. Well, I don't know if make or Wish ministry can support that kind of stuff, but uh, go ahead, let me hear. Okay, the lady that i'm at interested in that actually? Uh how she works at the church too, Well, I see she's done him a tall when she's about five nine, and she's probably about a size eight, beautiful long leagues man and and and sandy type of half sandy color for Sandy brown man. And I mean she looked like Calman. Hold on a minute, what's her name? I think her name Linda? Now hold on, that's my wife? What you mean? Go ahead and see wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Linda your wife? Yeah, that's my wife. You Sorrence, what do you mean? Listen, y'all are a ministry now now, if y'all supposed to be taking care of people on make a wish and and taking care of what they want before they leave this world, if that's my wish, what is the problem? Listen here? You didn't cross every line there was about this man, so I don't give a damn about it. I'm you're talking about sleeping with my If I see, I'm gonna do something to you. They ain't gonna even be able to recognize you. So with the you talking about missing with my wife, son of them, I called Miss Linda myself and see it, you know our problem with helping me make my wish come true? Go right ahead and calling you won't call nobody else. That would be the least call you make. I thought y'all were here to relieve people so they can enjoy themselves before they leave this world. You talk about sleeping with my wife? Are you crazy? But but if I'm being to leave here, ain't nobody gonna know. But you want hunt, I don't care if you die. I don't care. You ain't sleeping with my wife and your food with her you probably gonna go ahead and die quicker than you need to. I thought this was a ministry. I don't feel you now you won't. They're telling me about daring. Y'all supposed to be a ministry to help people before they leave a word of what it is. But you talk about sleeping with my wife. You got an illness, but something must be wrong with your brain talking about missing with man wife. Ain't nobody don't even know? I've think what your wife wants. Some gonna there ain't gonna people the tour, y'all. At least you would have helped me before. I know. I can't help you with nothing. And let me tell you something. I'm not the preacher, I'm not the past, I'm not the deacon, I'm not none of them. But if you mentioned my wife, you're gonna know who I am. I'm gonna be the undertaker. Do you understand? I don't hear what you saying. But I got one more thing I need to tell you about who I ain't who asked you? Isn't it to go ahead? Let me hear. This is nephew from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife, y'all me the phrase sho, y'all tell me the place you ya ain't recording this is man, It's recorded every last bit of hammer Lass ain't gonna hear this is Oh God, I got one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Anybody want to make a wish? Yeah, I wish you didn't do that pranks she was still playing. I wish you would have a long life, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Broad daylight. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Time for the letter. Now listen if you want some advice. If you want some advice some relationships, on work, on parenting, on sex, on on other stuff dating, submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit strawberry letter. All right, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you himotes Strawberry letter subject, my husband is not handling his business. Hi, Stephen Shirley, I really need your advice. I'm a thirty two year old woman and my husband is thirty seven. When we first got married, our sex life was amazing. About three years into our marriage, intimacy became an issue. My husband started making excuses for not wanting to do it. He never wanted to have sex anymore. When we did do it, he would just lie there like he forgot what to do. So I came out of my comfort zone to try to get him excited. I would turn on porn, talk dirty to him, go to bed naked, get my hair done regularly, and even dress sexy. Nothing worked. After a while, I started to feel unattractive and unwanted. I questioned his commitment to me and our relationship, and he swore to me that he still loved me and that he didn't think we had a problem with our sex life. I suspected that he was cheating, and I snooped through his things, but I never found anything. So I started planning to have an affair with a guy that I worked with. I started staying out and entertaining this man at his house, but that didn't work out for me, so I did that fling. My husband could feel that something wasn't right, so when I stopped coming in late, he changed. He was all over me and we were having lots of sex and everything was great. Then about seven months ago, we fell into another dry spell. I can't take this anymore. I'm only thirty two years old and my husband is not handling his business in the bedroom. I'm screaming on the inside. What's a woman to do? Please help? Well, it sounds like you've done pretty much everything you know to get it going on in your marriage and in the bedroom. But really, I got nothing here. Either he's no longer attracted to you in that way, yeah, I know you are, darling. Okay. Either he's no longer attracted to you, like I said, he's no longer interested in being married or being married to you, or he has some sort of medical or mental issue going on, or maybe he's bisexual or gay, or maybe he's just playing, or maybe I don't know, maybe he's just not into you anymore, like the book and the movie said. Yeah, I got nothing, that's it. That's what I left the dead. No, I'm intern them gay. I'm just throwing it out there. You never know, he's not he's not interested. Go ahead, Steve, all right, here's a deal. Classroom is in session, man, have you undivided attention? Yes, sir, Hey, don't just poop poo my answer like that you poopooed it. I'm talking to Steve. Now, the way you said it, I took offense to that. And that's okay, isn't it? Hello? Class, I just said class is in session. Poo, dismiss it. Okay, it was good stuff in there. I want to say it wasn't. Yeah, I can, Yes, she doesn't feel comfortable. Way to go here, Stay, I'm good, I'm good. Tell me quit being an insta. My husband is not handling his business. She thirty two, he thirty seven. They first got married, they was having sex all the time, everywhere. About three years into the marriage, intimacy became an issue. My husband started making excuses for not wanting to do it. He never wanted to have sex anymore. And when we do do it, he would just lie there like he forgot what to do. Look, let's just get to this letter, because I already know it's one of three things and that's all it is. But since you want to go down the letter, no, no, let me. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna go out of order. Here is the one of two things that's wrong, But there is also a third thing. I'm gonna say that for last. That could be number one, a financial issue. How is your man doing in terms of where he wants to be in life. Is he where he wants to be? Does he feel like he could do more? Is he behind the eight ball? Is he playing catch up? Because when we are not financially secure and we an't got our money together, and why are we gonna make it to take care of everybody? It throws us into something. Women have a biological clock that ticks. Men have a financial clock that ticks. His financial clock alarm could have gone off. That's one reason it could be purely financial. Then bills, the burden of having to take care of everybody. How much he making, how much you get to keep? Can he go play golf? Can he buy a pair of shoes? Do you have everything you want? What is it? What is it? What is it? It could be financial. Second reason it could be a physical problem. Impetucy in men is a big thing. All you gotta do is watch TV. They got a commercial on every five minutes. GNC got testosterone, got big Frank Thomas in there, Toma, I'll take these testosterone, Tell I'm back. I should wish my husband take well, get him something. Then they got the Viagra commercial. Dude, and they got a one hundred milligram pack just stuck in his luggage where you ain't got a catahole bottom, and they got this luggage open. Why he got this pack of viagral laying out in the opening, this damn luggage, and somebody could take your piel. Now you're weak in this shot. See Alis got them two white people hold their hands in the bathtub, where as you at where you got two separate bathtubs sitting next to each other on the mountain. Yeah, nice commercial, ain't true, see alis viagral testosterone alpha male extends. Now that could be his problem. I think the problem is deeper than that. When we come back, I'm gonna tell you the third reason that you might have to look at you. All right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening to show. All right, come on, Steve, let's go with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. My husband is not handling his business. Well he ain't. He ain't handling thirty two thirty y'all's first start having sex. It was amazing. Now three years in, y'all hit something wrong and you don't know what it is nil when you do have sex with him. He laying there like he didn't forgot what to do, lack of interest. Something is on his mind. One of two things I told you. But it's a third thing too, and it's in your letter. I just wanted to point it out. It could be financial. The man ain't where he wanted to be when we got financial wolds and where his owners man. It changes as sexual apple type diminishes a bit because we're trying to figure out how to get this thing together. It could be financial. Financial clock is ticking. Second reason, here's the other reason. It could be a physical problem. You see the commercials on T five Viagra got new package. You can buy one hundred milligrams the weekend package. Put one in your luggage. But now he got it right up under the fishnet on his luggage so the TSA man can see it unzipped, act like he's searching. Now he got his viagra. Now your whole weekend shot. See alysis got commercials. There's an alarming note on one of the commercials, just just a side note. You have an erection lasted more than four hours, Call your doctor. Why would I do that? Why would I call anybody. That's a long time. Four hours. But I'm not calling nobody. What are you doing? I'm taking time coded selfish. I'm gonna record this from every angle that's one hour, steal him an hour. You get an hour, you boy, that you're doing something two hours. I got to send this to somebody too much. Okay, So there we have it. Now here's the third reason, young lady, that you might have to look at. And I discovered it in your in your letter, you say when when we do do it, he would just lie to and act like he forgot. Ah, here we go. So I got. I came out of my comfort zone to try to get him excited. So now you didn't come out your comfort zone to get him excited. I would turn on pawn talk Daddy to him, go to bed naked, get my hair done regularly, and even dress sexy. Nothing work, oh chase, So let's pump the brake. So until you before all this was happening, what were you doing. Wasn't no talking dirty? You ain't never go to bed naked? What was your hair looking like? For? You started getting it done regularly? Really, and you even started dressing sexy. So when you were Jane Halfaway voted started, No, I'm asking. I'm not making about her, but I want her to see could he have become bored because you stopped caring for yourself. I'm just asking. I don't know that. I'm just giving you the three things to financial reason his physical medical problem? Or is it you something you've done. Then after a while I started feeling unattracted, so you're gonna take your little fast tail down here, And started having a fan with that man down at the job. And then, as you so eloquently put it, I started staying out and entertaining this man at his house. Oh you entertaining? Now? Oh well, so what are you doing now? Are you thirty two? Now you're entertaining? What? He got a pole in the house? What? What? What's happening? What you what you're doing at his house? That's so damned entertaining. See you didn't want to write it in your ladder, but you started having sex with this man, that's what you did. So that didn't work out for me, so I ended the fleet. My husband could feel that something wasn't right. So when I stopped coming in late, he changed. He was all over me because he missed you see, you were let the other man's house doing all entertaining. He missed you, so he had a chance to miss you. Maybe y'all need to have some date nights and create the miss you part of it. Then you need to come in here and do all this entertaining. You were doing a cross town hello Hello, Maybe you need to come out your comforts. So I don't know what it is. I can't tell you what it is, but it's one of them three things. It's either a financial problem him he having he got a physical problem, and he needed to look at somebody. Commercials. Get down there to see a damn doctor. It's you. What is you wearing over there? Why are you entertaining? Bring all the monkey costumes to the house, sirk us out fish. We ain't seen none of that, yo, your French nurse over that. You got feather dust whips high here, shoot paddle leather boots, You got pennies with openings on them. Whats all listening, mahud. Then about seven months ago we fell into another dry spell. I can't take this anymore. I'm only thirty two. If my husband's not handling his business in the bedroom, I'm screaming on the inside. What's a woman to do? Please help. I don't know what y'all do when y'all scream on the inside. I know what we do when we scream on this side. We started Holland. Now we started some Holland somewhere. Okay, yeah, kind of let them know. Okay, Well update them. Uh huh. That's a great bit of information. Yeah, glad, glad you're here. M Well, all right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. This is a good letter. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my girls, Shirley. All right, you're listening, all right, Uncle Eneff are here. You know. It's Memorial Day weekend this coming weekend, R three day. Yes, yes, so lovely. So you guys, you UNC and NEF have some grilling tips for some rules and all of that. Yeah, let's get started. What you got. Do you clean your grill? Oh? Not that much. I really just I really just brush off the residue from the last time fall into the flame. Yeah, but I don't clean the grill completely. You don clean He hit on that, he hit it. I'll put I put that grill over that fire. Five kill all germ and you just scrub it off, but it leaves. I'll take my steel brushing it clean it. But I want that season in anyhow you do. Now, walk me through this. Walk me through marinadeing a slab of reel. Now, marinading a slab of reel for me is very simple because you can do it overnight. But it's not necessary. I do like a thirty five forty five hour long process. But first thing I do. I go down to Walmart and it got this thing that can peel the skin off the back of the rims. First day, the little that little thin layer skin that that's real chewy. I takes that off. See, I peel that off. Keep going. I'm listening because this is how you really get your meat to taste right. You take that then off that's on the bone side of the reels first time to get that feel like yeah, and you should be no note, come on cooking. I only use a dry rub, that's all I use. Okay, and I have a special dry rub that I use. All right, so you put that on? How long you just let that? Now? First? I got my fire outside going right, But I prefer the big green egg that's what I got. That's the best way. Then once I get that cold down there, I pull them to three quarters side of the grill because I got the big one, and I leave a fourth for the grill with no cold under it. I pull all the cold forward, so I'm only on three fourth of the grill. That in case my meat get to go on a little hot. I got a little cools by pushed the meat to keep it from direct heat cooking. Then when I shut the lid down, I monitored the dampers and the drafts on it to keep it around two seventy five, two fifty. That's good cooking tempt right now, two fifty two seventy you want, We'll come right back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. All right, all right, barbecue rule. Now, I rub my meat with this dry rub. I take it out there and I set it on the grill reub side down, up side down at two seventy five, and I shut it. Okay, fifty five minutes later, come on, I opened the lid and you can start eating baby bags. That yes, sir, do you ever read yours? And four? No? I do not. Okay, you've seen that process though, right, I've seen it's nothing wrong with it. You put them on five, you can put them on about forty five, what about thirty minutes and then take them off, wrap them, put them back on and let them cook the rest of the way in the fall. Yeah. See, I don't wrap my meat. Well, is there a problem with wrapping your bead? I mean sounds I'm just saying it ain't you something, but it's not the same. Come on, I felt like I house going the wrong when I but fifty five to fifty seven minutes on one side. I never flipped the meat right, really, I never flip it because what happens is when you cook it just bones side down and you know, ain't no meat on the bone side of the real seat. But what it does is it seals it real nice and it keeps the meat real juicy because you put a seer on the bone side and then the smoke and my wood chips cooked the meat on the top. So why do people flip their meat? I mean I feel that. I mean my brother flip is me and my daddy flipps. I just don't. I just don't because it's not necessary, and you get up, you get a real tender piece of baby back. I do this now, I'm trying to man. He could ask anybody that didn't have my ribs. Now here's what a lot of people don't perfect because now you did turn me on the something that was good, that lump cold. I never knew nothing about that. That's the only thing I mess with. That's that's uh, what's that? That's that's like wood that's already been burnt before. Yeah, and it's what they have spores fives, Yeah, all them charred trees. That's what it is. That it's perfect for Barbie love coke. Yeah. Central Market got hurt as the best of it. I bet you a lot of fellas a little Central Market grocery store. It's made by Central Market. Well they bag it up, it's what I mean. Well, yeah, it's it's all the same. But Green Egg has a good version. That's usually the most burn you know, because you could see some of the wood and some of it you ain't ever seen the green egg shar the smoker, not actually green eggs and ham. Girl, this this this is too much, not only not cooked. She don't even know the brands of appliances small green eggs at the barbecue. Oh my gosh, upset though, that's what you're thinking, rims and green egg All right, go on, Steve. Sorry, all right, So we learned a lot grilling with Steve. Yeah, yeah, Steve and Tommy. Tommy is a good grill. Yes, thank you, sir. It will be grilling this weekend. I won't be eating boy out there on that grill. I won't be eating red meat, but I'm gonna I'm gonna have salmon all on the Oh. Yeah, did you know that Steve. He doesn't eat red meat anymore anymore. I'm just taking a break. Okay, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, hold that time. We'll be back with more right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this is what time it is, people, This is what time the two thousand nineteen Steve Harvey sand the festival. Girl, it is going down. I tell y'all better come on tenth through the fourteenth where Steve tell Dominican repo. Yeah, oh you can drake all. You can that party all night long, gamble all now on sitting around on the beach y'all night, laying out in the water all night long. What new people? Yeah, fella, it was so many fine women. Your mercy boy. Fella, listen to me. I'm calling on all the frats out there and preparing fhernli and come on. I'm telling you, if you grow, it's what you want. Every boy, you go to a stack. I'm telling you what. I ain't been that fine his birth? Do you hit me? What is you? Rabsite shirt? Steve Harvey sanding, Soul dot Com, Steve Harvey sand and solder ain't been that fin birth, he said. Steve Harvey saying, and sool dot com. Get y'all's tickets ordered. We got some specials wedoing for Father's Day, and you might want to copy in on that. Give your man a great gift, give your girl a great gift. See y'all out there. Steve Harvey saying this Soul dot Com in hard ass booney corn or call eight hundred and six eight four twenty eight twenty five October tenth through the fourteen six eight fold twenty eight twenty five. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, uh, all right, barbecue rules and regulations, barbecue sauce. We're talking about right Memorial Day weekend. So we're telling y'all bobe q galow got a bobecue saw called old mule? What old mule? Yeah? You got a brown label owner and a picture of a mule. Here is Harry Tubing next to listen to me. I'm trying to help y'all weekend out. Y'all don't know this type of stuff talk. I've been experimenting with this stuff out of bought every barbecue sauce there is from craft on up. Okay, I'm telling who got the best damn barbecue s mule and doctored a little bit. Okay, And that old mule it's got a little kick to it. I want to call it mute. And now you want to cut the kick with a little brown sugar? All right, cut that kick. It's a little bit of brown sugar to taste, and then put a little mustard in it. Okay, Okay, that was a little mustard and a little brown sugar to taste. But have it simmered in a pot on the low. So when you stared it blend the flavors in better the whole time you're adding and tasting. Add a little bit at a time. It go to your taste O boom when you get in there. But now, let me tell you something that old George t that's where that's what you want to start with. Is anything new you got old mute old This is old ass saucers. But if you say they don't work, I'm gonna try a couple of weekend But you I need something we got new, mute modern name y'all good food or y'all what what what y'all want? Y'all want fast as name? Probably I want something before citi Ins, you know something after city? All right? You know your uncle's tige barbecue sauce Rufus. It's rufus. You know this oldest dirt you got my my uncle. Hold on, let me google rufe man, because I'm a barbecue dude. If you get the rufus tigue Rufus tigue barbecue sauce, that's some of the best snowball that you could buy. And if you learn how to miss so huh, I gotta recipe boy with this Rufus tea and I use two different rufus teagues. I sent it to my daughter. My daughter asked me for it. No, no, no, no, it's barbec the Lord. No more what you say, the Lord. It is not glow. But do you have a brand, like a smokey brand, like, Hey, we got to come back, freedom, freedom, come back. I just want to get it. All right, We'll be back with our last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks about barbecue at forty nine after you're listening to show. All right, Steve, here we are. We're at our last break of the day before we um head on into the holiday weekend. Do some inspirational stuff. But get your pens and papers out. I'm about to give you a recipe that you can make the bomb diggity Bobby Q sauce and everybody will be talking about it. Girl, And then you come on. That's first of all, this is what you need. A half a cup of apple side of vinegar. Okay, you need six teaspoons of garlic powder level, not too much, just six level, easy teaspoons of garlic powder. Got it. You need seven teaspoons a brown cane raw sugar. Alright, alright, not that, not that brown sugar that's matted together in the bag. You want cane sugar crystallized. So you want seven teaspoons a brown on cane raw sugar. You need one bottle of rufus tigue sweet heat. You need one bottle a rufous tigue honey, sweet barbecue sauce, honey sweet. Fresh Market sells this. Bobec Glow sells this. Just get to going round. I got it. Croak up. I've seeing some Albertson's with it. Now you blend all this together, then I want you to take that empty bottle of rufus tegue. Yeah, fill it up with water one and a half time, okay, So fill up a bottle of rufus tigue, empty barbecue sauce, poured in there, stirred, Put a half a bottle in there and stirred, one and a half simmer on low heat, and watch it. Watch what the hell happened? No, let me let me recap half a cup of apple, side of vinegar, yes, six teaspoons of garlic powder, yes, seven teaspoons of brown cane raw sugar. Yeah, that's important. You can use a little bit more sugar let's go to taste. Got you all right? One bottle of rufus tegue sweet heat, yes, one bottle of rufus tegue honey sweet. Yes, all right, put all that, simmar all that, but before that, take a bottle and a half of water and pour that in there in Samara in the rufus tegue bottles. Yeah. So basically, let me try this one more time. We got a half a cup of apples, center side of vinegar. And then we got six teaspoons of garlic powder six to be exact, d moving along, seven teaspoons of brown cane raw shop. Yes, semi completion. You gotta keep it wrong. And then we got a bottle or the one and only ruf rufus t. Good guy, Tom, follow me now because I'm going somewhere. And then we got a bottle on a rufus t hut. Come on, take all of that, put it in a pot and get it warm. And then you take that same bottle, that empty bottle of rufus te fit it up with water. Put the get you get you another half a bottle of water. Put it that you now pour it in that pot all up in now there that pot around. Let us see. Let us simon put it on low, put the lid on it, and good God amighty, you have what we call the bomb barbecue sauce. Yes, that is hey man, that all the barbecue open. I'm not creative and do not want to follow that house. Want to open up a jaw. Try to find yourself some Williams, some brothers, Williams, some brothers, barbecue sauce. If you don't want to do nothing after that, find yourself some bones sucking sauce. Oh, that wouldn't scare me. Some of that's going into bed room. Yeah, what barbecue? If you're real lazy, what is that you call? Is it? Baby raised? Oh? Sweet, baby rais. Yeah, if you're just lazy and you don't want to make no sauce sweet? If you're following that recipe right there, though, you're gonna love it, open it, do this though. Watch you're gonna love it. And I'm gonna bit and put it up Monday. Can I do that Tuesday? Yeah? The website? Yeah, okay, cool, women's will be down at the camp. Is that the same sauce she'd be having at the camp now makes a different one for the camp? Okay? You go into it. But you like it though, don't I love it? See when I'm just doing all meat, no vegetables, change sauce. Oh, there ain't no sides at the camp. Well wait a minute now, then Tommy can't come because he's off meat right now. If Tommy came to the camp, he'd be in here. Come. Tom just ain't gonna eating back in the back of my cottage. Yeah, he's off meat right now. You're okay, Well not that week to him. I'm gonna be back on the side fundy something to him. But we'll be right back on it. This barbecue. And if Tommy came to the camp, he'd be out there with the kid. I'd have been to the camp. Yeah, barbecue good at the camp. Man, Steve makes it all. Oh man, fun up the sundown here on that grim Wait we wait, all right, Steve. Ladies and gentlemen, uh normally do close with marks. But we were talking about a subject that's did on my hard time. Barby. If you wasn't feeling that, when I do understand, God bless you have a great weekend and whatever you do, do them reels that they wants to get do for all. Steve Harvey Contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening