RNC, Church Complaints, Jaheim, Kim Jong Un and more.

Published Aug 24, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! It's a new day and a new week! The Chief Love Officer has a threesome situation that has backfired on a concerned husband. Apparently since the Zoom services have taken effect, the congregation is wondering why Pastor Motown is speaking longer. R&B singer Jaheim openly supports Donald Trump. Is North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in a coma or nah? Tonight The Republican National Convention kicks off from Charlotte, NC. In Sports Talk, Junior talks about the Lakers new uniforms and has his opinion about OKC and Houston. There is another officer involved shooting in Wisconsin that caused immediate social media backlash. Two hurricanes threaten the Gulf of Mexico. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve warns about the Republicans taking every high moment that the Democrats had and finding a way to slander it.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things, and it's not good. It sEH together to please. I want to join join me. You gotta use that turn be hurting you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out the turn, turn water to the water. Go. Come come on your tha. Uh huh. I shall will a good marning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one and on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, today is simple. I want to tell you. I want to just talk to you about effort today. Just about effort. You know, it's it's it's it's a word that people use to describe sometimes trying. But what I found out about trying is trying is just a noble way of saying you didn't get it done. I tried when and then everybody go, well he tried, that was the best. Well that's that's not exactly true though that that's that's not exactly true, you all, And I want to talk to you about that because I don't want you to be one of the people who just tried. See trying, I mean, I gotta tell you to attempt something. You're gonna have to first try, but I want you to change your mind set from trying to getting it done. See, that's a big difference. I'm really more apt to listen to the person that says to me, I'm gonna get it done. I'm gonna try. What try does is it allows you to fail. It's the person that has the mindset that I'm gonna get it done. Is the person who changes the complexion of things. I'm gonna get it done. It's very different than I'm gonna try. You know. Look, man, I know this sounds a little harsh, but you gotta stop feeding yourself these little old wise sayings that ain't it was a valiant tribe. Hey man, you talk to anybody that took second place in the super Bowl and see how they feel about their valiant try. The only way to gain God's real blessings is you have to try something. Stevie backpedaling. Now, listen to me close. You have to put forth an effort to allow God to put his finger on something to bless on your behalf. You must start to attempt now insane getting it done and I'm gonna try. That's a different of two different faiths to me that I'm just talking about me. Now, you may be different, so I can't. I can't say this about you, but I can't say this about me. If I say I'm gonna get it done, I have a lot of faith in it. I am going to get it done because I just don't see failure as an option. A lot of times now, if somebody says to me, like the Olympic team invited me out to curl one day, which is throw these stones on the ice. If you're not familiar with it's very simple, and so I said, man, I'd like to give that a try. I went in full well knowing I may not come away from this little curling lesson as a person who could make the Olympic team. I just wanted to try it because I thought it looked cool, and I always wanted to get it done. Well. I failed twice. I threw a stone completely into the other lane. I lost that little ice shoe. It shot out under me. But you know what, I kept trying though. I kept trying until I got four of them stones in that circle. Right where I ain't. But now had I give it up after I failed, after I threw that stone in the other lane, after I shot my shoe down all the way to the bottom, I'm side the little ice shoe they give you. I never would did it, But because I was trying. Something got me together a little bit because of my effort, and it caused me not to fall the next time, not to throw it into other lane, not to shoot my shoe to the back of the wall. All of a sudden, my trying became something. Now had I stayed out there and it wasn't so cold, and I went back week after week after week after week, I promise you I could get it done. I could at least know how to compete in a game of curling. Might not be the best. I might not win the championship, but I could have got it done to the point where I could have competed in the game of curling. So sometimes if you're scared to say I'm gonna get it done, just go out there and get started. You know, learn from every attempt that you make. See, don't quit writing yourself off as a failure every time something don't go right. When I failed on that ice. I could have said, Man, I can't curl, but I hold up. Man, I'm watching four other women out here curl for other dudes. Out hit curling, little kids, out hit curling, old love Pardner. You know, man. So I learned when I threw that stone on the other ice, when I when I fail, when when my shoe shot off, I learned from every attempt a little bit more about it. And then I said to myself at one point time, man, I'm gonna get this stone in that circle. I'm gonna get this stone in this circle. And guess what I got it done. Now what you're saying to me, Steve, I'm saying to you that you gotta get started, that you gotta put forth an effort. Give God something to bless. Oh God, bless me, Oh God, bless me. Bless you? What? Bless you? Where? Bless you? How? Stop basing your results on what you're thinking. You gotta think higher. You get God in your life, man, He allows you to think high, bigger, better more. I'm sitting up in my debt. I came up with a plan to get out of debt in five years. I came up with this plan right I was sitting up, and I was tripping on it. Now. I said, wait a minute, man, hold up, this is what I came up with. I said. God created heaven and earth, all of it, the mountains, the sky, the valleys, the oceans, trees, the birds, the Indian Ocean, all of it, made all of it in six days, and then he rested on the seven. So why am I taking to God the five year plan? If he can create heaven and earth in six days, why am I walking in there talking about helped me in five years? How is it gonna take God five years to getting me out of debt? And he made heaven and Earth in six days? Due the man half hill, Man, I ain't that big. You ain't that big. You ain't in that much trouble. I ain't in that much trouble. See, God got a way of showing you some things, man, but it's gonna take some faith, and faith gonna take some effort on your part. Man, Get out and do something. Man, you God will bless you a little bit and give you a little bit more courage. And then all them attempts you making is gonna and all this so I'll try you know what that turn into I'm gonna get it done. And at the end of the day, that's what you have to do. Because trying to pay your rent and not paying your rent, it's two different things. You can you can try to play or pay your rent, or you can get it done. Now, how long you think you're gonna stay in that house trying. You got to go with the mindset of getting it done. And if you can put some stuff out there and give God a chance to put his finger on it and bless it for you the most stuff he can do for you. Quit looking around whether everybody else got and gonna get some of it for yourself. Okay, all right, you're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen. Let's get this whole thing started right here. It's a new day, it's a new week. I am back in the business of weekends. The weekend, it's over. It's Monday. Steve Harvey Morning Show Live, vivid, living color, committed and dedicated to removal of the current president from the White House. Let this staunch, rousing rendition of we can't take full more on this hill, major gentleman, Share Store, Happy Monday, Steve. I'm with you on that. I'm with you on that early voting, early voting, baby, that's it, Shirley, early voting is the key. Give it to me, Junior, not now another, not doing another for other nothing, say somebody, Jay, Anthony Brown, we can't take no more of this show right here, any white out that's the hell. Oh yeah, not least the King of Prance, Nephew, Tommy the Tangerine has got to go serious. Yes, he is not going without up and we don't like, Oh that's the new protest. Well, the Republican Convention starts tonight and yeah today, Charlotte, and they say, you know how normally the president comes on at the end of it, and you know, he accepts the nomination and everything, gives the speech. They say, Donald Trump will be there every day. I'm gonna start because everybody. He is going to make sure that his base understands that it's about him. Yeah, that's all it is. So you know, um, and let me say this before we get too far, make no mistake about it that all of us, Shirley Carler, Junior, Jay, Tommy, all of us, we want all of our listeners to understand the significance and importance of this election. All of these people coming on giving these deep reasons about you know, or what we're gonna do. Now, what's in it for us? To let me explain to you what's in it for us. If we don't get rid of this current administration, you're not fitn to get nothing. You're fitna get just more of what you've gotten for the past four years, which is nothing. And if this man doesn't have to worry about reelection, you're gonna get even less. You're gonna find out how much he really don't care about you, nobody else of color. He doesn't care about unifying this country. He don't care whether your kids get it's sick and not at school. He ain't trying to do nothing to end this coronavirus. This man don't care nothing about winning re election, so he don't become an unseated, unseated president, because once he becomes unseated, New York is coming for him. The indictments are going to roll in. Right now, he's protected by his presidency. This goes away. Man. We got to get to the polls. We can't do four more years of this guy. You cannot afford this, all right, Coming up, thank you, Steve. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll do Ask the Clo. The CLO, the Chief Love Officer will be in the building right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve, it is time. It is time to help some of our listeners out with their love problems. It's time for Ask the CLO. You can submit your questions at Steve Harvey FM. Are you ready? Chief Love Officer? Steve Harvey born that way? All right? This one's from Carrie and Wichita, Kansas. I've been supporting my man for the past three years. When we got married seven years ago, we both worked and he was the man of the house. Since he has lost his job, he is comfy with our roles being reversed. I'm not interested in being the lead of our family and have gently nudged him to get a job. He's living off his severance package and keeps talking about becoming an entrepreneur. It irks me to get home from work and see him. How long should I support his dream of starting a business? Well, when is he going to start to business? Because you say it in your question. He keeps talking about he's living off his severance package. He's talking about what he's going to do. I mean, you know, I don't know. You know what I mean, you all, I don't know. Look, it's really hard for a woman when she looks at home. He's gotten comfortable with being with being comfortable. Yeah, and that's that's not a good thing. But you're gonna have to sit down and address it. You're gonna sit down and say, hey, look what you know? Look, come on, now, what are we doing? In this days and times? It takes two incomes to make it usually in these in these times, we're in so and come on now, I want you to be the man I'm married. You just had to sit down and have a warm talk with him. I'm really proud of y'all. Love you. You know. I want to support you, but I want to feel you support us too, because it do make you sick if you come home and somebody always just sitting there. You've been at work all day, working hard. Yeah, she gently nudged him, So you gotta do it more, you know. Um. All right, Carrie and Wichita, I hope that helped. Thank you, Cielo. All right? Chris and Maryville, Indiana says I've been married for eight years and when I got bored in the bedroom, I suggest to the threesome with my wife. It first happened two years ago. Yeah, that's what you do when you're bored. You didn't know, you didn't know, I know, just a suggestion, all right. So when I got bored in the bedroom, I suggested a three way to my wife, A threesome to my wife. It first happened two years ago, and we've had several females in our bed since then. We have a young lady that my wife is particularly fond of, and she's always at our house even if I'm not home. My wife now enjoys it more than I do. So I've asked her if we can go back to our normal sex life. She said she's not ready to stop just yet. But it's fine if I don't want to participate anymore. That's not how this was supposed to go. What should I do now? Hey? Don't hey, don't hey. I don't feel nothing for you. You you you asked this, You brought this into your house. Deal with it. See now, see now you're feeling some kind of way because she'd ain't even when you ain't there. M huh. Said she's not ready to stop just yet, just not not chick. No, you know now you're feeling kind of kind of look yeah, pushed out. Hey man, Sorry, I don't know what to tell you. You asked you what you say? Hello? Hello, y'all gonna be here. I love the line. What your mean? Oh? What that? What that fault? At getting when we together? That's all I'm saying. Yeah, Yeah, can y'all? Can y'all keep it down? And I'm trying to watch the game? Sports is bad? Yeah for some rope. What you tell mad, Yeah, it's fine if you don't want to prepare, I'm not bringing y'all no damn wa Yeah all right. This is from Harrison in Tampa, Florida. Harrison says, I'm in love with a hot headed woman that has a funny way of expressing her love. We've been engaged for six months, and recently she got mad at me and threw her ring out the car window. I cheated and she found out, so that's why she threw her ring out. We're back together now and she wants a new ring. Our wedding is this December, and I don't have money for another ring and the wedding. I asked if she'd wear a band of diamonds till I can afford a nicer ring. She said, we can't get married till she gets at least two carrots. Am I wrong for asking her to wait on the ring? Dog? You ain't really in a position to ask for nothing. You know what? You lucky? You still getting married. Oh but now you said she hot headed? Is she only hot headed when you make her mad? Or she hot headed all the time? Sound to me like she only hot headed when you do something stupid like get caught cheating. She threw the ring out to what. I don't know how. Your ass wasn't right behind that ring though? Who does that? Though? Who does a ring out of the window when a woman get cheated on? Well, but she still wants a ring. She still wants another ring. She had a ring laid up under cartie and rolled over it before, right in front of me. So I lost a ring. It's happen. We found out it could happen. It could happen. Hot headed woman. That has a funny way of expressing her love. And so do you, Harrison and Tampa. Yeah, you have a funny starr. Am I wrong for asking her to wait on the ring. Wow, all right, thank you Clo. As usual. Coming up next, church complaints with Reverend Motown and decon def Jam. Right after this you're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with today's national news, including the latest on two not one, but two hurricane storms, Hurricane Marco and Laura headed towards the Gulf Coast. The Republican National Convention kicks off today in Charlotte, and then trending news. North Korea's dictator Kim Jong own is reportedly in a coma again huh huh, yeah yeah, Plus an entertainment news you know singer Jaheim R and B singer Jaheim. Well, guess who he's supporting for president You don't see it, Donald Trump. We'll talk about all of these stories coming up at the top of the Yes, Jahem, but today is Monday. Reverend Motown, Deacon death Jam are here with today's church complaints. Let's go. I'm so grateful, so so humble, hambo by the obilitations, Yeah, overrivability arrival in this blessed deal. Yes, we are here to recognize the ungrateful hell at the jack part Joint of Jews, we are here with church complaints headed up by nung overday, the leader or the pack. Yeah, deaf jam you can't go ahead, the messenger. These are all of these complaints are directed to you. So I want you to listen close, all right? The first one here. Now that we have zoom service with less people, people want to know why are you speaking longer? You're dragging it out? Why are you speaking longer than I'm dragging because I don't have the verbal confirmation that I normally get, like Amen, preach, preacher, you better say that, compable doctor, Amen to say that? And a sermon two, which is making it a bit longer. Ain't man, No, you wanted to sound like we live or you want to zoom message. I'm just asking path and I'm not. I'm just the messenger. Okay, Well dad is all right? Now hearing something else? The church members want to know why they're seeing smoke and hearing sizzling. Are you grilling at the same time we at church? Are you cooking something? It is a zoom service. Now while a choir singing, I got to do something, I can't see them, come on, pastor, so yes, I'm grilling, Gonna continue to grill will be grilling from now, we'd be grilling any more. Damn question, Uh, Pastor, it doesn't cost anything to use zoom. Why are you asking members to give to the zoom building funds? Zoom is not a building. The computer here electricity to run the computer. I got to get dressed for the zoom. Who am put your robes on? Put your robes on? I got to clean the role. All this is expressive. Well, I'm driving all the way down here to the church to do the zoom. Ain't nobody here. I'm opening doors, sweeping down all room, disaffecting the down so and all these years he upset today he really is your bad robe instead of your church rob bad. Members are worried that that belt is gonna come loose and come undown. You ain't you ain't your bath robes ain't see no y'all need to make up your mind. What y'all gonna pay the money to get the rule clean? Or I'm had to win a rule that I got. H we want you to look good, Pastor, this was a Louis Vaton bath rule. So bad? What neither is our membership? But I'm still preaching to you, all right? All right now, here's something else. You have missed the last two months of Bible study on wins because somebody said they saw you had a cigar. Line lad said, are you missing Bible study to smoke sigar? You know something, Deacon, I'm allowed up to hill, which is a series of complaints about me. Now wise, I got to be a Bible study when I know everything in now. Oh, praise for people that need to study. I'm learned it already. Writ down to the school of seminology. I went to seminology school, seminary, then I went to theological school. Then I went to the seminary university. Okay, seminary. Where is that is? It's down there at the semi university. All right, now, look at hip hazard. They say that you keep looking down doing your sermon. Colin, go ahead, that's right in your face. Are you catching the spirit? Are you watching the game? I just told you. When I can't hear nobody encouraging me, I have to encourage myself. I have written down reading I'm looking down. She looking at me now reading I'm looking down. It's because I had a word that the congregation say, you better get it. Come on down, head that away what you're checking. You know, those are words that church people say. That's what they think. It sounds like game, but game and church is the same same words. What's wrong with taking death? Cham's mike. That's a complaint from me, sister Shirley. You know what I'm saying. When you, when you, when you, when your complaints is for the hilaciousness. God has a way of turning you down very low. Oh amen, amen, Pastor, you're preaching and and and and and and and and and his zoom ain't working tonight to today, evil. Amen. You gotta tell the truth, Pastor. Yeah, see you going through something secause you know somebody, somebody, somebody who is really you is back at work. Now what see he ain't he ain't in his normal location. Oh okay, Yeah, he down there trying to say the boys and girls on that TV show when he is here. Oh standing, listen to me, stay in your place and covering your past. All right, Thank you, Thank you, Pastor. We gotta go. Coming up at the top of the hour, political entertainment and national news right after this you're listening show coming up, miss Anne. We'll have the latest done. Two hurricane storms Marco and Laura are headed towards the Gulf Coast. Storm Laura has already caused multiple deaths and haighty with life threatening flooding and major power outages in the Dominican Republic. Wow, every year we're dealing with this, and here we go again, only twenty twenty true style, two storms back back, two storms. Yeah, this is unheard of. Yeah, I've never heard of two storms back to back. So close, so close? Yeah right now, said Trump. Yeah, Yeah, I'm with you, Jay. All the stuff that's happened never happened before Trump. Yeah, but right now we're gonna switch gears. Guys, and Today's Entertainment News get a load of this. R and B singer Jaheen is supporting Donald Trump. What take a listen? Please this Trump. Trump has saved a lot of people. Man, face it, it is what it is. I don't give a damn. Who don't like it, do your homework because I'm gonna post some more stuff. I'm gonna wake y'all up. And yeah, if it wasn't for Trump taking a stance that he's to taken, you guys would have been done finished in me that you're an idiot, you're an, I'm gonna put out some most stuff to wake y'all up. You've been asleep for years. Show nutty ass. She got to be out man, everybody listening. I'm sick of this. Yeah, I'm sick of famous as people. Man that you don't got a little bit now all of a sudden they think they know something to get out of here. Who the hell is listening to? Joh how can we hear that one more time? One more time? I need to hear what he's saying one more time about this Trump. Trump has saved a lot of people. Man, face it, it is what it is. I don't give a damn. Who don't like it, do your homework because I'm gonna post some more stuff. I'm gonna wake y'all up. And yeah, if it wasn't for Trump taking a stance that he's taken, taken, you guys would have been done finish. Okay, you don't care who don't like it? Steve Harvey don't like it, and you're not gonna wake me, cousin. I'm on the radio, and we on the radio every day morning wide awake. Now, I don't I don't know what you doing, Jah, I really don't. I don't know what you've been doing. I don't know if you're tripping because you ain't been in the studio. I don't know what it is. But sit your ass down somewhere el for you. Misleeed somebody else that ain't that don't that thinks like you. See. I don't care who you are, man, you go, you can always find somebody to follow you. It doesn't matter what you do. And it's sad that famous people want to say something man and then it ain't got no validity behind it. Now here's a deal. I don't think Donald Trump is good for the country. I don't that. There's a lot of a lot of reasons. I think he's devisive. I think he's non presidential. I think he's hateful. I think every issue he picks to take up and stand on a soapbox over always has something to do with people of color, whether it's getting mad at Colin Kaepernick, the NBA players doctor program, banning Muslims from traveling across the country, building the wall. Everything he got something to say about got something to do with somebody with some color that's non white. That can't be good for the country. Now you wake your ass up to that, and you well, I'll tell you what, man take you hell, it would have been done for, done for what has Trump saved us from man? All same time, Now for today's headlines, Let's go, ladies and gentlemen, Miss and True. Thank you very much, Steve, thanks everybody. Well. Of course, Texas Governor Greg i have It has declared a state of emergency for close to two dozen counties ahead of the two expected hurricanes this week, two of them Hurricane Marco, expected to make landfall along the Louisiana Gulf Coast today, followed by Tropical Storm Laura, which is also expected to become a hurricane. So Governor abbot Is said that forces and state officials are now having to do with both the weather and the virus. As we are working to perhaps relocate temporarily some people that need to go to shelters. What must be very mindful of the ongoing need to protect against the spread of COVID nineteen. So along with helicopters, highwater vehicles and such, there'll also be some additional mobile coronavirus testing sites, he says, in disinfection squads parts of Mississippi and Louisiana also under states of emergency today again two count them, two hurricanes coming their way. Well, last week it was a Democrats. Starting tonight, the Republican National Convention kicks off is expected to feature right wing internet celebrities and Donald Trump every single night. The presidents expected to fly to Charlotte, North Carolina today after voting on his nomination. His renomination actually begins a theme of the GOP convention, honoring the great American story. By the way, Kanye West, speaking of celebrities, who's speaking out. He's been booted off the ballots in Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Montana. Earlier this month, his campaign withdrew its attempt rather to appear in the Jersey ballot because election officials had trouble with his application there. The black community of Kenosha, Wisconsin, protesting the shooting of an unarmed black man by a white cop. They say the victim was shot several times in the back as he tried to break up a fight between two women. That man in serious condition in a local hospital. Democrat led House of Representatives pass to measure on Saturday design to prevent any other changes are made by the US Postal Service and provide twenty five billion dollars in added funding. Postal union leaders as well as Democrats say the changes appear designed to slow mail delivery down. Just as we approach a presidential election, more Americans playing to vote by mail, of course, because of the coronavirus thing. Senate lead and Mitch McConnell House it will be passed by the Senate. President Trump has already promised to veto it. Meanwhile, the Postmaster General Lewis to Joy called before the Senate Homeland Security Committee. He said, I anying both the collection boxes and this machine goes down. I was I was made away when everybody else was made away, Dismal sorting machines and mailboxes were removed. Again, he says he didn't know anything about it. By the way, according to a recent poll, twenty four percent of Americans asked say their faith has become stronger because of the pandemics the Lord. That's right now, back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Before we get to other trending news and inside the mind of j Anthony Brown, there are rumors that North Korean leader Kim Jong un is in a coma again, and his sister is standing by. Kim Yo Jong is ready to exert absolute power. You know, she plays no games. We don't know what to believe when it comes to no, no, no, no, no, no no no. I is not in a coma. I is a Listen to this to me. Now, I'm gonna say one time and a one time own. I'm an. I'm gonna say one time and a one time own. I just a dead dead. I is in the I is dead. So don't come around top. Oh he's a comma, he's he's head. He's not Okay, he's not in the hospital. Oh not Sowell on the f floor reading. So just people come stand over him. I is a dead, okay. So it's like every week, come by, Oh he's he's in the comma. I heard he's in the comma. He's not in the comma. He'sa dead youself, because I'm so sick tired of people come around talking about, Oh, he's Oh he's not, he's not real, he's a he's not he's a in coma. Oh I talk a friend and a friend of telling me he's in comma. Not a coma, not a coma. Wrong, it is stay with me, Stay with me? Wow, thanking that much? Go back to dead now talking later, by bye. All right, we have about a minute left. Uh, Steve, we gotta go to inside the crazy mind. Yeah, the other side of his brain chair. All right, Look, black lives matter, right, they really matter? Ye know what it means while we're going through this. We need really blacking up our blackness. That means just right here, when we come out of us? Will we come out of this for real? Nobody black should have a flip phone. Not one damn person. We should have a flip phone. Okay, that ain't gonna have him, Jacob, both my sisters, I know, I know, I know, but work on it, work on it. Will we come out of this this one like that one? Then we're moving right home. You least know how to zoom where you can get picture and sound. Damn it? All right? Thank you, Jay, your mind is crazy. Yeah. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, the RNC season Charlotte this week and the President's sister says he's a liar. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well today kicks off the Republican convention in Charlotte. But remember now, the President tried to move the RNC to Jacksonville, Florida, after beefing with North Carolina's governor over COVID nineteen safety protocols. But then mister Trump decided to move the RNC back to Charlotte after COVID nineteen cases began to spike in Florida. Well, today, three hundred and thirty six delegates will be in Charlotte for roll call to formally renominate President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. The President will accept the nomination from the South lawn of the White House on Thursday. But meanwhile, his sister, Mary Anne Trump Barry. This is a president's sister was heard criticizing her brother Donald, calling him a liar with no principles. This was in a secret recording made by Trump's niece, Mary j. His niece was the one that published the book. Yeah, the recordings were published by the Washington Post. So his family ain't nobody voting for him and his family, Yes, everybody had headed out with his sister brother, but not this damn No. Okay, if you're running for the highest office in the land, you would expect your family to be by your side, right. Well, you know this is this I've never seen this in my life. Man. I don't understand why he even has supporters at this point. I don't get it. But then I do get it because the people who support him, they are very much like him. Yeah, and and and that's and that's what we have forty million people in this country who vote who are just like him. And that's the sad part. And then the other sad part is there are some really really good Conservatives and some really really good Republicans, but because of the position that they have to maintain, they have to vote for him. That's crazy to me. I'm not I'm not voting for any more person, man. I'm not voting for a person that lies. I'm not voting for a person that don't care about people. I'm not voting for a person that says sexist or racist remarks. I'm just not voting for you. I don't care if you're a Democrat, liberal, I don't care what you are. You're not mine. I'm not voting for you, period. Yeah. Well, seventy one day, Steve until the November thirty election. Go right now to get registered to vote. At vote for one one dot org and get your dates as to when you can early vote in your state. That's most important. We want to early vote. Okay, so you so you can avoid these lines, get take your ballot to the post office and drop it off, put your mask on, stand in line at the post office, which will probably be a shorter line than the polls because they're condensing poles, y'all. They are in all these Democratic precincts. They've removed mailboxes and all these Democratic precincts. They've taken sixteen polling places and reduced it down to the wings, and they've taken the sorting machines out of the mail room, and they then took all the mailboxes. Drop your ballot off at the post office. Post office still a great company. They do their business and they're gonna put it in their priority and you and your vote will count. Vote early and just vote, yeah, because Steve, you know, black people have a history of not showing up at the polls and they always count on. This is not the time, and stop listening to these famous people talk mol you know, man, what we're gonna do and what we're gonna get what we got in bite was a man who had the courage to select the first African American woman ever to be on the tickets. So now I ain't nobody else has done that. So now what has Biden done? He's created a first? Now is this politics like it's always been. So if you haven't heard what the black agenda is going to be, it's because you ain't ever heard what the black agenda is gonna be. Okay, damn damn, you ain't heard no white agenda. But they just assume that is going to happen for them. Well, it's not naturally going to happen for us. We already understand that. But we don't need four more years of what has happened, regardless as to what damn jaheen didn't say? Who is jahined? Okay, coming up in the building with the brain phone call that's coming up right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's strawberry letter. The subject believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. But right now the nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now I got my aunties bike, Shirley, my aunties bike. Let's go, can't down. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Bond. Hey man, this this this K dub Man. Listen, dud dude. Do you know somebody to live on? Yeah, my mama, My mama stayed on. Hey. Who is this? Hey? This this K dub Man. My auntie, Miss Tendsley, she lived on. Now my auntie, say you came over here and stole a bicycle and some other stuff out of her garage. Okay, hold ull. First of all, who is you? Man, I stole a bike at somebody garage? Who is this? Who is K? I don't know? No, Ka dub This is KA dub Man. My auntie, Miss Tinsley, lived down the street from your mama and my auntie. Just tell you the one came and when and took a bike and a tool box or somebody that garage. Man. First of all, I don't even know, no, damn, miss Tendsley. And second of all, I don't steal your your team, Miss Tinsley, say I stole somebody. Put a point on the phone, man, put your anty on the phone. I ain't stole nothing from nowhere. I ain't gotta she can't talk. My anie can't talk to you. Why she ain't talk? She said, I stold so no, my ain't my auntie death. She signed language me and told me that you don't want stole stole the bike, your auntie death. And she told you she signed language you and said I stole the bike. Why do you get my number? On sign language? You hold on? Okay, she said, quit all that damn lying. You know, damn well, you're the one that stole the bike. Man holding so your auntie. It's cussing me. I threw you in sign language. You're telling me that I have stole the damn bike. Say man, First of all, I hell you even get my number? Man? I got some number the street, I asked him from miss ain't your mama? Miss yeah, miss my mama? Okay, okay, well look man, the people down the street up. But then they knew your number. I told them I needed to talk to you soon than I ain't. He told me that that you was the one that stole the bike. Out to gad. Now, look, I ain't trying to tell can you can't kick kick that? Can you? Sign was back to your ain't it? Yeah? I was back to her. Tell her that I said, I ain't stole no wife. How about that? Tell you ain't I ain't stole no damn right now, man, grown man, I'm trying to tell her right now, Wait a minute, Okay, hold on, she's saying something. She said, your black lying and you know that well you got that. They look him, man, you your death. Ain'ty that street with nobody on this street. It felt for my vama. I'm a grown man. I gotta sell a bike for no deaf She must be dumb too, she deaf fan dog. She's like, I stole something, y'all. I don't even know, y'all who you ain't Deafinitely dumb dude. Okay, my, ain't you donna nevel lie? And if missus tennsy saint that that that somebody took something. That dog she's telling the truth. I ain't it gonna be lying and just be lying. Watch she just gonna lie on you. Whych she gonna get you out? Man. You know what, I don't know what's going on, but I ain't got no reason to still no bike Now, I'm i gotta car that ain't paid for. I got. I got a grown man, I'm trying to get cuts it in my fun. So I'm gonna coming to somebody garad and still a bike as you praying, you're crazy this he is main't get out of my line with that. Hold on, hold on, hold on, my I ain't talk. She say wait a minute, man, I'm trying to see what she's saying. You say that black No damn well he took that bike and he better bring that damn bike. Looking, man, I don't know what you still on my line? Man, I ain't took no bike, dumb ain't he his lying? Do easy? Even you gonna tell you something, You're gonna respect my aming? Hey, man, you gonna respect me. You call my phone with that? I mean you're trying to get money together. You calling to some Who are you? What are you? I don't know this is. I don't know know who I'm gonna do. Man. I'm K dub everybody, No K dub. I ain't never heard or no more k dub on in my life. My mama's been staying on for fifteen years. I ain't never heard no ka dub. I heard no miss tensy, I heard by no deaf lady. I ain't seen no bike, get the off my line. Many man, she see you gonna make me go down and still telling out of missus house. If you don't bring that, then bike back. What got me? Bring somebody to my mama and you want to tell them on my way over there? Playing somebody to my by my house. My family is gonna be old for you. That just dumb, ain't you guys? Whoever down that gave you my number? Everybody you got me, so we'll throw this up. I'll betch truth up. You come by my mama house. You're back now stepping my mama. Glad you come by my mama. Play you walk? You got me stuck. You're gonna turn me to the dark side. Come on my way right now. I don't know we still on the phone or wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait a minute, what you're saying, ain't I ain't say nobody scared your crazy say tell yo death. I ain't need to bring up outside And I was bletful she heard him licks. I'm gonna be putting on your yo. I'll bet she's gonna be undeath today. I bet she gets creed when you see me whooping ya man? He literally I ain't coming by myself. Homely, Commy gonna be there with me. Commy gonna help me. Whoop your way, who the time Tommy, Tommy man nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your mama, Miss Bureau. Let's right there. Man, Mama, my mama. No, I don't like nobody with the man. God, your mama, your mama. My son loved me to dell. He don't let no he take care of me. He don't let nothing go wrong with me. I don't let nobody to mess with me. He said. All you got to do with that act like you're gonna do something to his mom. Man, Well, I don't see everything. I don't see him because like id man, God, I'm in the mirror. Sweet man for read y'all need this a man, I just want to go. I wasn't myself. Oh you mean till my mama she wrong for that too, dude, what's up? Whatever you do? You have to change, boy, you have to change you just like me before you love your mama. I ain't man. Hey, I gotta ask you, man, one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man without a doubt, Man, Steve harm In Morning show Man be a few timing Man without doubt, Hey man till mis be I said, hey, all right, I go, I was gonna go drop off a little too dollars she wanted. She want to play games though, you know, saying don't wipe the one now? Ye wait? Let him use you that? Y Hey man, have you all? Margie showed me something today and I'm gonna get to it. But it's how can you tell when a child is raised by older people? Man? I heard something so funny over the weekend, and so I wrote them down. I came up with the top three ways to find out if a child is being raised by old people? Okay, okay, what you got now? He real little? Now about seven years old? Okay? Seven music? Okay, Dante, Dante's time for you to come into house. Well, let me get on in here before I have to say something. Now, old this how you know you're being raised by old people? Ground right here? Dante? Where's your brother? I gotta keep up with him like I ain't got enough to do. Yeah, my old people, Dante, how all are you illb eight come next Tuesday, Lord Willi yeah, ib eight, Come next Tuesday, Lord Willie. Eight year old boy. They asked a little boy, this said, how all are you? Said? I'll be eight? Come next Tuesday, Lord Willy. He must stay with his grandparent. All right, Thank you, Steve. That was fun. Coming up next, it is the Strawberry Letter. The subjects believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Will get into it. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up here. It is Strawberry Letter. All right, thank you for that introduction. Subject believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am best friends with the stupidest guy in the world. He's been dating a woman for one year and he's ready to give her the keys to the Kingdom. He's a successful realator and has a nice home and two cars. She has access to both cars and a key to the house. Before you think I'm jealous, I am married and this is my husband's best friend. That's like family to us. The woman he's dating has dated other high profile men in town, and she is a child by an x NBA player, So that's how she's made a living for herself. As you can imagine, she's bad, she's got the great body, hair down her back, and she's educated. She's smart enough to manipulate men to get what she wants. I was in the mall the other day and I ran into old girl in a high end shoe boutique. She bought three pairs of shoes, and she was seated waiting for her payment to go through. The salesperson handed her the credit card, saying thank you, missus. Glenn. That's not her last name. It is the name of one of her sugar daddies. I acted like I didn't hear it. She drives our friend's cars to her child's father's house and stays there for hours, but tells our friend she was in and out to pick up her son. I've warned our friend to watch this woman because she's tricky. But he's head over heels in love and lost any sense he had. It's to the point where my husband is said to leave it alone, and I want to, but I hate to see a good man being used. The woman has told me in the past to mind my business and to believe half of what I see and none of what I hear. So now I just try to keep the peace by keeping my mouth shut. Is there anything else we can do? No, there is not. There is not. You already know what we're gonna say, don't you because you already know the answer to your question. Your husband told it, told you, he said it best leave it alone. Then the woman herself told you to mind your business. She also says believe half of what you see and none of what you hear, which means you don't know what's going on in their lives. Girl, you only think you know, okay, And you say you're not jealous. You said that, you were quick to say that I'm not jealous. I'm married. This is my husband's best friend. But sometimes you know, you can think you're not jealous. But all this sounds like jealousy or envy. You know, all of it. You say you're looking out for your best friend, but that's not your job. That is not your job, that is not your place. These are grown people. And it just always amazes me how people can be so wrapped up in other people's affairs. Get you some business. What's going on in your life? I just say, stay out of their business. You're in way too deep. This is messy. You're counting shoes, the number of shoes she buys at a high end store, who her baby daddy is, how long the car is there? That's too much, all right, you're just nosy and just being messy. These people are grown Leave them alone, Steve, all right, believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. The name of this letter is this ain't none of your business. That's what this is. This ain't none of your business? All through the letter, That's all I got to say to you. I don't even know where I am. Best friends with the stupidest guy in the world. He's been dating a woman for one year and he's ready to give her the keys to the key. And don't you have keys to your husband's kingdom? And didn't you have it before you married him? Okay, he's a successful realtor. He's got a nice home and two cars. She has access to both cars and a key to the house. Ain't none of your business. That ain't none of your business. Before you think I'm jealous, I'm married and this is my husband's best friend. That's like family to us. It's your husband's best friend. Now make up your mind. High is here your husband's best friend and your best friend. You're making stuff up. He liked family to us. Okay, the woman he's dating has dated other high profile men in town, and she has a child by xb NBA player, So that's how she's made a living for yourself. Once again, that also ain't none of your damn business. As you can imagine, she's bad, yes I can't. She got a great body, yes, yes, see she's bad. She got a great body half down her back, and she educated. That's how you get a key to the kingdods. She bad. She got a great body, she got heat out of her back, and she educated. The keys to the kingdom, both keys calls to real estate. What's what's wrong with you? She's smart enough to manipulate men to get what she wants. That's what bad chicks do. That's what ugly women do. That's what blow chicks do. That's what skinny women do, That's what big women do. You manipulate men to get what you want. That's what we're here for. This ain't none of your damn business threats. I was in them all. Another day, I ran a tall girl in a high end shoe boutique. She bought three pass shoes. She was seated waiting for a payment to go through the salesman head of her card and said, thanks, miss Glenn. That is not her last name. But that ain't yo damn business not If the salesman ain't have a problem with it, What is your ass halving the problem with? Hold on, Steve, hold on, we'll have part two of you coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour subject Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Stry Morning Show. All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. We got a letter from his nose ass woman. Yes, Dad just took on the problem that ain't even hers. She best friends with the stupidest guy in the world. He's been dating a woman for one year and he he's already giving her the kings to the kingdom. Well, how long do you think it take to get the keys? They've been dating a year, they sleeping together. You're gonna get some keys to the kingdom. He's successful. Reality to Night's home, two cars, she got assets, boats, cars and keyga house. Now, before you think I'm jealous, I'm married and this is my husband's best friend. He liked family to other So, soul, soul, why you are jealous? You all through the left Before you think I'm what you write just letter for if you wasn't worried about it, if it wasn't a concern of yours, if it wasn't really bothering you, if you wasn't mad at this? Here for what you write the letter for. Right, the woman she's been dating other high profile me and in time she got a child by xc NBA player. So that's how she has made a living for herself. So, but she's educated too, I'm sure hold up head is as you can imagine, she's bad. Yes, that's what this is all. Yeah, she bad. She got a great body. Yesh, got body, she bad, hair down, got hair down her back and educator. That's a bad chick. She gonna get some keys to somebody's house. Man's will be his. Yeah, you're lucky. It ain't Joe husband giving out keys, all right, because you just said she bad, head down the back, educated, great body. Now she's smart enough to malipulate me and to get what she wants. Women do that, that's the game. I was in the mall the other day. I ran into old girl in a high end shoe boot high end shoe booteth Okay, so you're Christian Lubert. She brought three pair of shoes. She was seated waiting for a payment to go through. The salesperson hitting her the credit card said thanks, miss Glenn. That's not her last name. Ain't nobody to ask you what her last name? The damn salesman. The salesman didn't even ask her whose name? Who card is the he referred to as miss Glenn. That's not her last name. That ain't your damn fish. It is the name of one of her sugar daddis. How you know? But how do you know? It's a sugar daddy. I acted like I didn't hear you didn't act real good though, because it's in the damn letter, so obviously you didn't act real good. She drives our friends, calls to her child's father's house and stays there for hours, but tells our friends she was in and out to pick up her son. This ain't your business. And how do you know? What is you following this woman from real car? What did you do? What is you? What kind of detective as you? I have warned our friend to watch this woman because she's tricky. This ain't a trick. He's sleeping with her. She got a bad body, had down to her back. She's bad, she educated. This ain't a trick. This is who he want to be with. It's gotten to the point where your husband has said to leave it alone because your husband, no, see, he'll hit apart. You don't know, see say you want to know so much? That ain't your business. Let me get you some more business. This probably ain't the only chick kick out, mkay see. And that's why your husband told you just leave it alone, because you don't know what he's doing. Yeah, you don't know how the game going on? Yeah you know, but I hate to see a good man being you my free he feels there are appointed, dude ted. They keep trying to tell me that I ought to not let you just walk on me, and I'm sure he meant where Yeah, but when I talk was through. I am not saying. Brother. If your own and you you do wish that you were writing my shoes, You just keep on using me until you use me. Hub. They wrote a song about this. It's a lot of me and know that they're getting used. Yeah, but if it feels so good to me, didn't use it. She's arm candy, all that dog. You don't know what you're doing. Your husband told you leave it alone. You know, White said leave it alone because it ain't your damn business. What it's wrong with you? Now, you'd have wrote all on there. I hate to see a good man being used. Men don't mind getting used when they using. Do you know what this woman in here doing to him? What? What Steve? I want to know? Girl, that bad body with that hair down her back? He tied her up in her hair. He liked high heel shoes. See you tripping, Listen to me. I got news for you. That's how you got your husband. Yeah, did you forget? And this might be her husband. Now the woman has told me in the past to mind my business. She's absolutely correct. I'm telling you to mind your business. She told her to leave half of what I see and none of what I hear. So now I just try to keep the peace by keep my mouth shut. Shut up, shut shit, damn mouth. All right, thank you? Ain't you old business? Where about your husband? Quit following this girl around? Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk sports with Junior right after this. You're listening, all right, It's that time, ladies and gentlemen. It is time for Junior and sports talk. Come on, Junior. Yes, it's a little different today. Oh what you got. Yesterday would have been Kobe Bryant's forty second birthday, and tonight you know he missed Kobe Man and tonight his former team, the Los Angeles Lakers, will wear special Kobe Bryant tribute jerseys with the patch to under his daughter Gg. The black Mamba looked uniforms have been a black snakeskin print with sixteen stars on the side to represent the Lakers sixteen championships. So these uniforms were actually inspired and co designed by Kobe Bryant before he passed. So, man, we're gonna really miss him. Man, We're really gonna brother was just one of the best talented two guards with a mentality that he just it was just nothing he could do on basketball court. Man. You know, man, just gonna miss him, though. Man, I think that's great that the Lake, because they're gonna do that fhon tonight. It's nice, very nice. Yeah, you know, but you know, over the playoffs continue to night though. You know, the Lakers Portland they played a night Milwaukee in Orlando, and of course Houston and okay, see we need to really really get this. Yeah, Chris Paul the night he did, man, yeah, was it double open town it double yeah? Yeah? Yeah, steal out man, Oh, I'm sure guy. And for the first time last James Harden filed out the overtime and that was it he did. They didn't have nobody to getting no offense. They were just standing around. But you know, Houston problem, you y'all shoot too many three three that we ain't got the especially. Harden dribbled the ball down. He just dribbed out clock down to two seconds, didn't he just shoot? Hold on? Holdin't Harden his phone? You know, I'm just no, they all y'all shoot. Oh yeah, everybody on the y'all be so glad to get the ball when hard and they ain't got it. That's what it is. Lord. If I don't shoot now, my mama ain't on. My mama ain't gonna see me. And I got to get a shot up. Shoot your shot. Yeah. I love how you guys are talking sports. Jay as quiet as a church mouth. So don't I don't say something. I was to have something to say. Really, if you would like to get those Kobe Bryant honorable jerseys, they'll be on Crunchshaw tomorrow. Okay, they will be on Crenshaws. Okay, I know that they will be down on sports. Yeah. Well, Jack, damn man, Thank you, Jay, thank you for killing it. All right, thank you Junior. All right, guys, it's coming up at the top of the hour more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. There's been another police shooting of a black man. We'll talk about it, this time in Wisconsin. Right after this, you're listening to Day Morning show. Well, a white police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I can't believe we're doing another story like this. I can't believe it. In Kenosha, Wisconsin, a white police officer opened fire on an unarmed black man who was simply walking away from him, shooting him point blank seven times, and it's all on video. The officer involved shooting went down Sunday near fortieth and twenty eighth Avenue in Kenosha, where witnesses say the victim was simply breaking up a fight when cops were called to the scene. It's unclear what unfolded from there, but this video captures the crucial twenty seconds. You see the man walking away from a few officers who appear to be telling him to stop with guns drawn. He makes makes his way around a car in a non threatening manner. He opens the door and attempts to get inside. One of the cops grabs hold of his shirt, and for some inexplicable reason, he unloads seven rounds at arms length. Look, I saw the video. I saw the video, and of course, you know, got gotta wait for them to do the investigation and come up with a story. On the video, the man is, he's on one side of the car on a tree line, comes around all the way around by the front. They're ordering him to stop. All he does is keep walking. They shoot this man in his back when he opens the car door. Why these policemen couldn't grab him, try to subdue him. How about stop and shoot him in the leg. He didn't have a weapon, he wasn't doing anything life threatening to the police officers. It's playing on the video, man, and you know what, man, it's just getting to the point where, you know what, I'm gonna stop saying. It's a few bad officers that's making it bad for the rest of the good officers. It's a lot of bad officers out here. It's a lot of them because it's happening to frequently. It's not a few, It's not a few. It's a lot of bad officers out here because it just keeps happening. Yeah, Now, according to the video on Me and Jay watching, Jay said, what they gonna do was they felt threatened that he was opening the door to possibly get a weapon. If they're gonna say that, but you could have shot him in his leg, or you could have shot him one time. You shot this man seven times now by some miracle. The report said he was taken to the hospital fighting for himself. So his name is Jacob Blake. That's his name, and multiple reports um on social media and a couple of news outlets are saying that that is his name, Jacob Blake, and he has a bother, a very young man, Steve. He is twenty nine years old. Twenty nine wow. Wow. It's like they don't care. They don't they don't care about the cold blood see in our backs. Listen to me. To shoot a man in the back unarmed, that has no weapon, it doesn't make any sense. If you're that close to grab his shirt, why didn't you grab him? It's for y'all. It's three or four cops there. There's no one dude, can any three of me and my friends. We ain't even trained and we sixty. If me Blue and Biggie Wig is there, you're not gonna whoop us. I just it's just so sickening, you know. It's like we've run out of words. It's it's it's the way they do business when it comes to black people. It's not about uh, it's the way they do business with black people. Stop killing black people unarmed in the back, who is not threatening to you. Aubrey was killed by some men vigilantes. Uh, George Floyd was killed. Brianna Taylor was killed. This man is killed. Well, we don't know if he's dead yet or not, but this shooting was was unnecessary. If you're close enough to grab him by the t shirt, grab him. What happened to tackling? What happened to shoot him in the leg. If you wanted to stop, shoot him in the leg, we can deal with that better. They were mad because he didn't obey their orders. That's right, That's what Jay was saying. That's all right, all right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, Carla, you are a resident go to person when it comes to hurricanes. You survived Katrina. You do a lot about hurricanes. Yeah, you kept you're keeping an eye. You've been keeping an eye on both storms in the Gulf. That's Hurricane Marco and Laura, what can you tell us? This is just something that I think we've never seen before. Two hurricanes coming towards the Gulf Coast back to back like this, It is scary. It is very, very scary because there's no usually with hurricanes, you know, like I said, it's not a surprise. You know they're coming. They let you know that they're coming. But usually the hurricane comes and then you try to rebuild and recover. Can you imagine now you got a hurricane come and then you got one right behind them. Yeah, that sounds really really dangerous. It's very dangerously and people have to really really pay attention to the evacuation. And I think you know a little people hurricanes. Listen to me. You can't protect your home from a hurricane. There's nothing you can do about wind and water. You can't stop water. So if they ask you to evacuate your area, please listen and evacuate and stay away. Look, you can get some another house, you can get another cause some old furniture. You cannot get another child, you can't get another parent. You cannot get your life back. So we're praying for all of our neighbors and friends on the Gulf Coast area. Steve said, listen to the authorities. Please all right, Thank you Carlo for the update. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. Well, today kicks off the Republican Convention in Charlotte. But remember now, the President tried to move the RNC to Jacksonville, Florida, after beefing with North Carolina's governor over COVID nineteen safety protocols. But then mister Trump decided to move the RNC back to Charlotte after COVID nineteen cases began to spike in Florida. Well, today, three hundred and thirty six delegates will be in Charlotte for roll call to formally renominate President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. The President will accept the nomination from the South lawn of the White House on Thursday. But meanwhile, his sister, Mary Anne Trump Barry this is a President's sister was heard criticizing her brother Donald, calling him a liar with no principles. This was in a secret recording made by Trump's niece, Mary j. This is his niece was the one that published the book. Yeah. The recordings were published by the Washington Post. So ain't nobody voting for him and his family? Yes, everybody headed out with his sister brother, but not this damn long. Okay, you're running for the highest office in the land. You would expect your family to be by your side. Right. Well, you know, I've never seen this in my life. Man, I don't understand why he even has supporters at this point. I don't get it. But then I do get it because the people who support him, they are very much like him. Yeah, and that's and that's what we have. Forty million people in this country who vote who are just like him. And that's the sad part. And then the other sad part is there are some really really good Conservatives and some really really good Republicans, but because of the position that they have to maintain, they have to vote for him. I'm not voting for an immoral person, man, I'm not voting for a person that lies. I'm not voting for a person that don't care about people. I'm not voting for a person that says sexist or racist remarks. I'm just not voting for you. Yeah. Well, seventy one day, Steve until the November thirty election. Go right, now to get registered to vote at vote for one one dot org and get your dates as to when you can early vote in your state. That's most important. We want to early vote. Okay, so you so you can avoid these lines, get take take your ballot to the post office and drop it off. Put your mask on standing line at the post office, which will probably be a shorter line than the polls because said condensing Poles, y'all, they are in all these democratic precincts. They've removed mailboxes and all these democratic precincts. They've taken sixteen poling places and reduced it down to the wings. Coming up, it's our last break of the day. Hey, y'all got a brand new TV show come on September second. It's stunning me and some other people assistant lived assisted living ha ha ha. Also coming up Steve's closing remarks at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening, all right, So Steve, this is our last break of the day this Monday. Um. The Republican National Convention of course starts this week. Yeah, I mean congratulations, yeah, delicate, Yeah, some delicates are going to actually be there at the convention. He needs that he has to. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. They're sick of COVID. They've given up on COVID. They out they don't wear masks. The President don't wear masks. He won't be on stage with a mask on at any point. He's that guy. So whatever. But look, I don't mind if they're having a convention. I'm really gonna watch it to see what they do. Because whatever the Republicans are, second, they are experts at countering what the Democrats do. So here's my closing remark for you, be ready for them to take every high moment that the Democrats had find a way to slandering. Also, be prepared for the lies. This week, he came out and said the Democrats took the word God out of the pledge allegiance on purpose. He said this, and then they repeatedly played where they said it. See, they did this whole montage of people saying stuff, and then after three or four people said it, then they said under God, and then they said such and such such and then three people and then they said under God. He's claiming that they took it out of the edge allegiance. That's not true, But isn't that the way he operates. Doesn't he just flat out just lie to you over and over and over again. Now, okay, let's get off of that for a second. Let's talk about us who want to sound so heavy and deep, especially when it comes to people who are supposed to be well known. We're taking up a lot of time right now to ask what is the black agenda. We're taking up a lot of time from certain black celebrities talking about they're gonna support Donald Trump. Okay, listen to me. See, as a black celebrity, you can support Donald Trump if you're just thinking about yourself, because see, if you got money, you can survive just about anything for a little while, and you can most certainly survive a little bit longer than the working class man. But see what I hate when celebrities forget it's who helped them get to where they are. See if it wasn't for the common man who bought your albums to get you famous in the first place, before you is this crossover artist. Black people loved you and screamed your name. Black people made you cool, and black people made you famous. Black people buy our tickets, black people watch our shows, Black people have Nilsen boxes. Black people rate us, black people buy our music off Apple. Black people are the reason the majority of us are even famous in the first place, because we practice getting famous with our own people first. Then when the crossover comes and we become universal or global or whatever you want to call it, you cannot forget who got you where you are. You just can't do that. So when you make these stayments as a famous person, I want you to start thinking about not where you are now, but whether people are who helped make us who we are, who buy tickets, who buy albums. See, we gotta remember those people before we start tearing down what's going on. So now let me take here to this point right here. What has Joe Biden done for us? Well, okay, hold him? What has Donald Trump done for us? This is what kills me when I hear us talk about Donald Trump did sulf for us. If it wasn't for him, we to be done by now done. How See, let me give Joe Biden credit for something. Joe Biden had the courage, for the first time in the history of our nation to pick an African American woman and put her on the ticket to run for vice president. Of the United States of America and body else done that. So now while we're trying to figure out what's in it for us, how about that right there. How about the fact that you can point to your little daughters and you can say, listen, this can happen to you too, just like we were able to look at our children and go, that's Barack Obama, that's Michelle Obama. That's a black family that's doing well. That's a family that looks like us, that's in the White House. That's a family that's a success. That's a family that loves each other. We need those examples. Listen. We got enough being said about us that ain't true. I did something on my Facebook. Sure about these black dudes that then got together and call theirselfs to dad game and they pushed their strollers with their kids in it. Because a man was walking in Long Island, New York, and a white lady stopping him and said, wow, this is your baby, and he said yeah. She said wow, it's really nice that you stuck around. Because you know why she said that, because she thinks through the media and all that said about black fathers is that we don't stick around. She told this black man. Wow, it's really nice that you stuck around. He immediately called a bunch of his friends and they formed this group called the Dad Game. So if Kamala Harris is running for vice president, do you understand what that does for us? It allows us to say we can, we did, we have, we are. It does something for HBCUs. It does such as for black Greek organizations. It does something for women in general, it does stuff for people of color. That's what Joe Biden did. Ain't nobody else done that. We ain't got time for this mess. Man, Go and vote. Go to vote for one one dot org and find out how to register and how to vote early. And we're gonna get this thing done. Man. For all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.