Rich People Problems, Felicity Huffman, Cleveland Browns and More

Published Sep 17, 2019, 10:11 PM

Happy Tuesday and welcome to the ride! Steve talks his "rich people problems." The crew discuss if Beyoncé was snubbed at the Emmys. Felicity Huffman 2-week prison sentence. ) A second woman has come forward to accuse Antonio Brown of sexual misconduct. Manhattan district attorney subpoenas 8 years of Trump tax returns. Monday Night Football and the Cleveland Browns. Marvin Gaye's hit classic, "What's Goin' On" gets a reboot. Sand and Soul 2019 special offer for those who are on a budget.

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all back all suit looking back to back down, giving the move like theming buck bus things and it's doing me true good it. Steve har listening to mother for Steve please by, I don't join joined me to be with me. You gotta u turn hur you gotta turn to turn, got the turn out, turn the water the water. Come come on your back, dad, Aha, I said, ah, I show will, Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show them. I feel it's necessary to explain what I say in the morning because somebody asked me, what do you mean by that when you say that in the morning. When I say huh, it's in response to David Hollister opening the song by saying, go ahead, big Daddy, go ahead. I said, uh, huh. I show will. Then I say good morning everybody. Because I was raised at Ray, You're supposed to speak when you come in the room. I'm coming in y'all's room, whether it's your bad room, the room in your house, your car, your office, you know, wherever you had I come in the room or God speaks. I say, good morning, everybody. You are listening to the voice. And then I got to introduce myself because as a performer, I always felt my best when I was introduced. It's knowing. Why would you walk out on stage anybody introduce you. You know you can't get the round of applause. It's just it's horrible. So I say, you are listening to the voice wanting only Steve Harvey. Come on, dig me now. Now that's old school. I got that, but that's I was once again. Dig me, Now, is I want you to feel what I'm about to say. That's all I'm saying. That's not a bragging thing. You know, you are listening to the voice wanting only Steve Harvey. Come on, dig me now, I'm just asking you to feel what I'm saying in the morning, because it's part of a promise that I made to God. See a long time ago, I told God if he allowed me to make it, that when I got there, I would tell everybody I know how I did it, and I wasn't gonna shortcut it or shade him on it. I say, if you allow me to make it, if you give me the strength, the courage, the wisdom you gave me a gift if you let me apply it, don't destroy myself in the process. Forgive me for my sins along the way, continue to hold and rock me when I need it. When I make it, I promise you Lord, when I get there, I will tell everybody how I made it. Well. This started back in LA when I got on the radio and I was making it okay. I was doing okay, but I had to keep my promise to God. My promise was, if you allow me to make it, I'll tell everybody how I got there. I have to tell you that every day because if it was not for that grace and mercy, I wouldn't even be here able to fulfill my promise, because I've done enough dirt in my life. Man to not be worthy. He could have easily walked away from me a long time ago because I had show walked away from him. See, and I walk away from him once. I walked away from him a bunch of times. But guess what he forgave me a bunch of times. I'm a living example of hundreds of chances. His forgiveness and his mercy is available for everybody. It's the only reason I get on this show every day, the only reason I have the blessings that's coming my way. It's the only way that the things that keep happening in my life, man, that I have no explanation for, it is because of His grace and mercy. See, anytime something good happens in my life and I can't explain it, that's usually him, he exhibits to me. Remember, I'm a forgiving god. Man. Remember, So when you fall, Steve, don't lay down now, don't you lay down there. Don't you let the devil fool you that because you'd have made some mistakes that you ain't that you can't do it because everybody gonna come. There's none perfect, no, not one. So get up, keep moving, keep pushing, step on what you're laying there for. Your daddy didn't raise you that way. Look, man, my father was just about manhood. I'm gonna just tell you. My daddy never had a conversation with me about church. He beat me for not going, but you know a couple of times, but he wasn't about that wasn't his message. That was my mama's job. My mama taught me about being saved, about loving the Lord, about giving your life, about the teachings of Jesus Christ. My mama was a Sunday school teacher, so I got all of that from her. My old man ain't had none of that for me. My old man talked to me about one thing all day long, hard working manhood. And when you're gonna get that if you don't get an nothing else from me, he gave that to me, so I got it. See, so, my father, you say, excuse my language, but you ain't gonna sit there like no little punk up in here. You ain't an what you're finn to do. You fin to get up and go do what you're posted to do. Now, stop all that one and like some little punking gonna get to move it. That's how my father talked to me. Now, I'm just telling you real. It worked for me, though, And before you start emailing me. They had nothing to do with homosexuality at all. It's just that was his term for a man not acting like a man. That's all it was. It had. It was not a gay reference at all. I want you to understand that before you start emailing me. So my daddy wasn't calling that wasn't not a sexual reference for him. My father talked to us, that's what he meant. I knew exactly what it meant. He couldn't admit, No, he didn't even know nothing about that. My man clueless when it comes to that right there. So when I was getting down and feeling bad about myself, my old man, he taught me this toughness. Man. He gave me this grit, this doggedness, this go to work and work hard. That's why today, when God does bless me with something, he ain't got to wear about me not working hard because that's in me. And when I get tired, I asked that same God for strength to keep on doing so I can do the blessings he got for me. So when you ask me how you gonna do all this, Steve Harvey, I don't know. I ain't got to figure that out. All I got to do is show up with the same amount of faith for being showing up with God handle the rest of it. See y'all, Hey, Matt, tell you so, I don't see how you do it. I don't either, can I can? I? Gee, hey man, news flash, let me hear. I don't see how you doing all that, Steve. You're doing this? You doing that? You can I tell you something I don't either. I just wake up with the faith man and trusting that if he gonna bless me with it, he must be gonna show me a way how to get it done. See I ain't tripping on that part. See I. Once you take yourself out to how to business, you can go on and get with it. But see if you're gonna trip yourself out with the how to, you can't think like God can think. You can't figure like God can figure. So now you're sitting up in here gonna Lord, I want this to have him for me? Then I don't know how I'm will do all that? Well, guess what You in the way? Now? See you? Now you in the way, because see God ain't ask you to figure out how to? He said, ask and believe. Then he said faith without works is dead. That's my solution. That's the concoction that I'm functioning on. All I got to do is accept the blessing, keep the faith, be willing to work and believe God can do anything but fail. Why would God bring me this far to leave me? Why would he bring you this far to leave you? So? Why I get up every morning. I have no choice. I got to get up in here the rap. When I'm running late, man, I try to ply through here. Sometimes I don't make it. Man, I gotta do a rerun, but I ply through here because man, Steve, you're gonna run out of something to say. No, I'm gonna just keep thinking it. Now. You can't run out of that canyon because you owe him that not a fact. When I get through talking, I really ain't thanked him enough. Morning show ladies and gentlemen, man, I have your undivided attention. Please, what's happening right now is um I would say it ain't none of your business, but we on your radio, so this is your business. But what's about to go down it's really no concern of yours. But since you listening, I would be concerned. This is the Steve Harden Morning Show, and this high start every day. Ain't no set in tro ain't on that old, same old, same old. I ain't I ain't fit to do that. Yeah, we start the day off different because you know why we started day off different because it's a different day. Yes it is. If it was the same day as yesterday, when you could do the same damn thing, but you can't cause it ain't so Ladies and gentlemen, Steve Harvey, Morning show, Shirt Strawberry, thank you for your business. Good morning, Steve Colin for Rell. Thank y'all for being so loyal to us. We love you. Moaning morning, Up morning everybody. Hey, what's up? Food? We are pizza Nate. Y'all listening to us top of the most. Yeah yeah, yeah, but we're getting anything started. I want to say that damn Browns is back back in y'alls, back in y'all's draws. Yeah, Browns is back as Monday night football. Yeah. Hey, don't tell y'all what happened to me. Yeah, I'm a browser because hell getting hell okay, ft of all you know, not just you know sound, but it is what it is. Rich people problems. Yeah yeah, I think this is problem. But drivers get So I saw him coming to work, right, so I go out to the garage and get in the carmel drive. Ain't no garage dough openers. So I'm just sitting in there with the car start. Ain't no damn garage open. I'm trying to figure out right, of hell, it's the garage though open because it's supposed to be one of these buttons that you press or opening on the vis. Meanwhile, you got the car off, I hope, so you can't get out. I cut the call, thank you, going the house to get garage open. Can't find the garage open, so I said, well, let me dry another car. So I get in the other car. What was that? I'm just asking the other car it was a mall safe IM getting the mall saying I can't what's that? What's Oh? You're getting the bed cools and we ain't got the thirty second. Then I go get in the other car and it ain't got no garage though open. So I go back in the house and go getting the other car and find the garage the openness in this car, but now I ain't ain't no damn key. I go back in the house and get the key. I can't find the key. I come outside the driving to put your key in the ash trade? How hell I know this? And why am I in the damn ass? I can't smoking none of margin car. When we come back, I'll tell y'all what happened. Bridge people problems coming up the third after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey. Morning. All right, See when we left, y, you were telling us what trouble you, how much hell I caught getting here? Now I know you know y'all call this rich people problems. I'm sorry, yes, but you know your driver was sick this morning. Well, so I'm driving. I know how to drive, ain't no problem, and drove more than him. I got more miles under my belt and he do I promise you that. Yeah, I lived in the car while I went dare. Yeah, so you know he ain't got nothing on me. Excuse me for having a blessed life. So I'm in the third car. Finally I see the garage dopen. I hit the garage dop, but the ain't no damn key. So I go back in the key. I come back, I come back. I ain't got no key, and I'm looking at and I'm hitting button and the ass tramping the net go to key. So I started cap. I come on out the driveway. Now my garage dolden, that got six buttons on it. I didn't let up. All the damn frying, the clothes, the one damn dog, not at all, the damn doors, all the goals is open I'm just catching mo. Hell, fin I get all them damn doors shutting. You know, you gotta wait and see which one go down. Yeah, so I let the garage dough down. Then I just came on in. Uh. And now I get to the parking lot. I ain't got no key to getting the bargain lot. Well, hold on right there, I gotta hold on. You're listening to rich people problems and the Steve Harvey Mortor. Okay, go ahead. I don't have a key to getting in the building, you know, because I'm usually with somebody that's got a key. Yeah, you have people. So I ain't got no key to getting the building. Yeah, I don't know how to get in the garage. So I called Junior. Junior come out and help me get in the garage. I ain't never took the ticket before I got the ticket, and I asked Junior say, hey, man, somebody gonna stamp fish pick up. Come how I'm will get out of here? Yes, I'm trying to figure out how I'm will get out, So Junior say, man, just come on, then I'll get you out. So I'm in here, I'm at work, and I'm I'm probably gonna be stuck unless junior ass taking me out there and give me out this part. People, it's just like when you went to the grocery store last week yourself. Tell you something. I will not will not be going back to the day grow Well, I'm not gonna do is have a teenager looking at me like I'm still third. Put your card in there. Put your card in where that down in the slot, Sir, sir, you have to put the chip in first. What chill talking about? Sir? Put your pin in? Pin, got no play? Ain't you know how much money on this car right here? What are you talking about? A pin? My god? You can't go back to poll so cash. No, it's not part. I just don't know what it is. The teenagers. She got her arms folded, she's just looking at me. So then I'm talking this going on five minutes. So the black girl comes over there. She says, hey, uncle Steve. I said, hey baby. She says, don't come down here on more. Don't come down here no more without ain't mad, She say, I see her in here all the time. You ain't never come in here. She said, you just got these people to here, looking at that little like something wrong with you. But Steve, you were excited to be able to go. You you thought it was an adventure. Right there, it was cool? And then what big deal was? I walked up to this lane I had never seen before where you check out yourself. A lady was standing there is gonna right this way, sir, and that intimidated. I said, now I need somebody to pressing buttons. Lady, I'm think to steal all this. You think I know what happen. Yeah, I'm telling you right now, finish still groceries because I have no clue what this self checkout. I saw somebody putting their own stuff in their bag. I'm gonna hold on what as omni faults. There are a lot of places you should by yourself. You just shouldn't. There's a lot of place you shouldn't. Let me tell you what I did one day. What I got in one of my cars that I don't never drive, and that the gaslight came on. I went to the gas station, got out and looked around the carn just got back in and went back, got back in the car here, went back home and started calling people, cussing them out. Gass. I had no ideal. No some gas caps are hard to open. No, listen to me. This gas cap. This gas cap is under my tail light. You have to the tail light up to get the gas caps fan. So I didn't know that. Yeah, so you know, I don't walk around the car twice and so I don't look like a food. I just got back at it, you know. I was just walking around it without touching nothing, and just gave it a quick one off because I used to steal, so I know how to look at stuff and on the glass, you know. And so I looked and I don't know how to look because I used to steal, and I just looked real quicker and I just didn't see no opening, no creasing. I know. Let me get my ass. So you just drove. I had to proud drove on black. I saw a little red light on them. But then I know one thing. It better not run out of the Oh man, this and you have to walk back up to the gather. Yeah, well you can't do regular. You don't go anywhere else by yourself. I'm gonna tell you something. Though Tommy keep saying it's funny, It's really not funny. It's really not because when it's happening, it to you. You try to go Wait a minute, man, I made a really wonderful success out of myself, but I can't put gas in the same anymore. Yeah, and you feel real inadequate. You start going, you know, such a little bit. I'm not telling wrong. I'll go back home. And then my wife say you're back already. Yeah, you know, she said, what happen, Doular? You can't do regular at all? That's so funny. All right, Well, thank you for that, Steve. That concludes today's version of Rich People Problems. Coming up NeXT's nephew would run that prank back right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment news. Well, Beyonce got snubbed at the Emmy's again. And celebrity Yeah, at the Emmy's, the Creative Emmy's. They happened over the weekend. Celebrity birthdays Malik Yoba twenty two today and fifty two. Yeah right now though, Okay, the nephews in the building going for his fifty second birthday, just what he wanted to do. Run that ways to celebrate your birthday. I don't think this ain't this, This ain't the happiest birthday. He's right now. Someone let me get to it. I'm getting all I'm saying. This birthday a couple twisted it. All right, come on, step on that, Matthew. You know it's time for running that frank back announce Smith. Quiet this round your birthday now, okay, me and my Jesus. Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister. How you doing. I'm giving you a call on behalf of Baptist Church. You are a member? There? Am I right? Yes? I am? Okay, listen um, I'm calling you. They are some of the members have gotten together and had a meeting and wanted me to give you a call. It seems that a lot of them are complaining about Sunday services that go on and wanted for me to give you a call on their behalf so that we can see if we can address the problem and talk to you diligently as possible and try to get the problem rectified. What's going on? Well, it seems like that a lot of members are complaining. I'm sorry, and what is your name again? My name is Man. I'm not actually a member of the church. I've just been the one that they've been asked to give you a call and try to talk on the members behalf, so maybe we can get this problem rectify that you that they have as far as you are concerned, now, okay, go ahead. I'm just trying to see what this is in regards to go ahead. Well, it seems like the members of the church are complaining about that you're doing too much shouting at church on Sunday, and it seems to be going on every Sunday. You're running up and down the aisle and you're shouting all over the place, and it's me. I've been singled out about my shouting. Wellever dinny. It's distracting, man, You're distracting everyone from me getting the word and listening to the word and being involved in the service. And that's the purpose of the call, that is to see if we can get you to tone it down some. Okay, So the whole church is complaining about me shouting the way people run up and down them off every Sunday and almost playing cart wheels and flips, and they singling me I complained about me. Well, ma'am, I don't know how it is that you can see everybody else doing cart wheels when you're the ones that they say is the one that's doing them. You don't how am I being singled out? Man? All I'm saying is that they're saying that you're doing too much shouting and too much running at this church. Now I'm just the message say, well, they can't tell me how to shout. They don't. They can't tell me what's going on in my life? What's gonna keep me from praising God? And they I mean, they could just they could go somewhere else with that, But they're not gonna tell me that I can't praise my God. They don't know how good God it's being to me. And you know what, I understand that I agree with you wholeheartedly. But it's becoming a distraction. I mean, they was at the point last night talking about should we put some seatbelts on the pews so so you can stay down? We stay We'll put some seat but high. They're gonna tell people they can't shout in church and brace God. What do we come to church for? Well, you do come to We need to be trying to place God and get they all shout on and stop looking at me, and where about what I'm doing? We're gonna need you to quit running up and down these aisles and doing what you go. I'm sorry, you know, I'm trying to stay calm. I'm trying my best. Who Jesus chiefs sir that that's not happy? You can't tell me I gotta stop shouting. Okay, man, but let me ask you. Are you running now? Aren't you just standing still talking? Because I don't have to run right now? Okay, what I'm trying to get you to do. I'm like, I don't want to run up and down this street right now. I can run up and down the street and place God. But they're not gonna tell me to stop shouting at church? Can we get you to be a little bit more reserved as what we see? Man? Let me let me go ahead and go further on what they do the spirit moves. Okay, well, let me move and tell you what they've told me. Now. If we can't get to the point where you can, you know, tone it down, then we may have to ask you to leave running them. Ask me, Jesus, Jesus, you let them ask me? Why don't they want me to lead a church? Listen, I've been at that church for fifteen years. I'm not leaving the church. I'm gonna run up and down. I'm not gonna run on the church. I don't even turn me some flips where I feel like it. Not no, no, listen, that's all. I'm okay, go ahead, but I'm gonna be there. I'm going to I am going to be there on Sunday. Man, and I have been the person that's been appointed to make sure that you're not running up and down these house and shotting like this. You got to keep yourself reserved so people can hear the word of God. You are standing in people's word. That's what you're doing. You're in the whale I want. If they come trying to send me down, I'm gonna get them a word. And it ain't gonna be your God. So I let to put that hands upon me here now listen, I'm trying to get that now you could. I haven't been in that church fifteen years. If I want to run, damn shout, jump quit. Whatever I want to do, I'm gonna doing it. Ain't nobody gonna stop me. You're gonna have to stop this. This past Sunday was your last Sunday doing it and You're not gonna do it this Sunday, like I said, just and I'm telling you could tell the unsues, the deacon boyd, the deaconess, the minister's wives or who ill asked you want to tell, let him put their hands on me and see if I don't swing on them. I'm gonna come run about the spirit and swing on it. I'm telling you that now because he sells you to really push me there on and tried. I tried. Let me ask you this here where you trying to show that I'm saying never, but you make it you If you're making me revert back to my own ways and you you read the me off, that's what you're gonna do. Okay, Well, let me ask you this. What is the God at right now? And you where is the one that say, yeah it was the God was telling me when I was trying to be called with you at first to tell you on me calling me with this foolishness. But now you make the other side of me rose up. Well, you wouldn't raised it up, and now you wouldn't raised it up in me too. Guess what come? Signing You're gonna set y'all in that pew. And you ain't gonna you know when you call yourself a man of God because the pew. Okay, all right, I'm right. We gonna see how well I'm not sitting at people. Not a fact. First thing side the morning, I'm going in the past. Oh yeah, we ain't gonna deacon who you are, whatever your name is, I'm gonna telling about it. God, how long you need to lose? I would be talking to pastor myself and letting him know about this situation. You don't talk. You don't know. We can try pastor right now. We just passing right. You don't talk to pastor. I talk to pastor. I'm past I don't at this church. Fifteen Yes, like I said, now, I'm telling you old Jesus j you've feen Old Jesus not not not not not. See just like this here, you see how you calling on him and you standing yeah, because I'm calling on him to kidney from just really going to cuss you out right there because you didn't really hit my nerve. I got one more thing I need to say to you ladies. You know you gotta say real quick because you're gonna talk to this operator that's his nephew. Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pray by your girl. You're not see you know. Oh, I'm oh, I'm oh, I'm gonna kill but oh lord up cursing on the part. Okay, Jesus, I got one more thing, baby. Let me ask you something. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land morning That is me and my Jesus, Me and my Jesus. All right, right? Is that right? Right? Phenomenally what are you talking about? John? Just how stupid I am? Cranks stand up? I'm just phenomenally all right? Coming up at the top of the hour. Energy, I got to put no more aggitude, I know. And national news right after this, you're listening Stry Morning Show. All right, time for entertainment news today the Bee High. I was upset. Oh the behind got snubbed again at the Emmy's you know, um, the Creative Arts Emmy Awards were handed out over the weekend, and while Beyonce was nominated in six categories you know for her Netflix special homecoming, Yeah it was yeah, yeah, she she wound up with nothing though she got six nominations, but she didn't get anything. Well, you know what, the Emmy people need to be careful love what don't let them be half fan at your name? Okay yeah, oh they got something like yeah you go ahead to get out the group of some Yeah. Yeah. Beyonce walked away empty handed. She actually lost Outstanding Variety Special to Carpool Karaoke with James Cordon. Is his name, James Gordon? Right, yeah, that's good that that Carpool Karaoke good, it ain't fun. Yes, he was with He won for the one with Paul McCartney, him in the former Beatle Paul McCartney that beat out the Say Special. Yeah wow yeah. Well they were saying, you know a lot there are a lot of older voters on them. Oh you ain't gonna never say that because the bee Hive goal you leading man. Let me tell you something. That bee Hive is real. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah for sure. Because you know, the Carpool Karaoke did not do better than the first black woman performing at Cocello at Home Kome. I'm just saying, ripped it. I'm just saying. And they renamed it Bachella. Remember, yes, that's how it was. Well, you know it just power for the course though. Yeah, yeah, looked at Hi. You know what's said? What's up? Felicity Huffman who gets spoteen days in prison? I never don't even sound right. You're sent this to fourteen days in prison? I did Robert Gavel and shouldn't before you get the gin pop. It's two weeks, so right after orientation you get to go home, before you go over there and get shaped, you get to go home day. Yeah. No, I'm no, no, no, listen to me. Listen to me, prison, real prison. Once should go to general population. You gotta start sorting it out. It depends on where you are. You gotta you gotta get into your right race. You gotta find out. You know, they're gonna find out, they're gonna find out what your charges is. You know you might have to take a hit for that. But you know, if you don't get right with your group, you know, it could be a prison ride and you got to go. But I'm just telling you. Yeah, okay, So now she only got fourteen days. So even if she went to Rikers, she got two weeks in orientation and then they let her a little happier ass out what she gonna make some mo TV show one roll of toilet power, one role. That's all she gonna go through and two she got that prison is so scary. You don't even use your toilet paper the first two weeks, keep it yourself. Oh you just that. First two weeks you just lock up. Oh well, I'm telling you right now, you're going to prison. The first two weeks, you don't even go to bathroom. You're trying to figure out what the hell going on. You don't even pull your pass down. The first two weeks, you just be sitting with your back to the wall, just be looking around crime. It is not the time. I'll tell you right there. You don't even need no tarletician the first two weeks, sitting in your self concerned. But uh, Nike did win for their Colin Kaepernick commercial. Okay, remember, yeah, but Colin ain't liwed to go and except right, yeah, he probably can't even raise his hand for any fare. Yeah, all right, Steve. Let's move on now to today's headlines. Please, ladies and gentlemen, miss and trip, thank you very much, and good warning everybody, this is a trip with the news. President Trump is calling for the resignation of all the new York Times reporters involved in the latest story about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and what happened is The Sunday Times Review published a new allegation a sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh, but then the supposed victim claimed that she had no memory of the incident. Meanwhile, in answer to those Democrats calling for Kavanaugh's impeachment because they still are, Congressman Jerry Needler, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, says, quote, we have our hands full of impeaching the president without actually coming out and saying it. Both the US and Saudi Arabia suggesting that Iran was involved in the weekend attack that's disrupted the flow of oil along the Saudi coast. The Saudis say Iranian weapons were used in the strike on the oil production facility. However, Iran is denying being behind any of it. Meanwhile, the price per barrel of oil has risen a bit in the wake of the refinery attacks, but President Trump says that Americans have nothing to worry about. They haven't risen very much, and we have these strategic oil reserves which are massive, and we can release a little bit of that. And other countries, including Bahrain. But other countries can be a little bit more generous with the oil, and you'd bring it right down. So now that's not a problem. Okay, Well we'll see. In Dallas, by the way, a judge has denied a request for a change of venue in the trial of a former Dallas police officer, Amber Geiger. Geiger's the white now former accused of murdering a black man who lived in the apartment above her directly. She says she came home, got off on the wrong floor, and somehow entered Botham Jean's apartment. He was watching TV. He stands up, she shoots him dead. There was never any word on whether the officer Geiger was given a breathalyzer test by her fellow officers. Her lawyer wanted the trial move, claiming that she couldn't get a fair trial in Dallas, but the judge says, no, she's not going anywhere. President Trump's provide a boost to Benjamin N. Yahoo's bid to get reelected today. They're voting over there and in the Jewish state Israeli Prime Minister NT Yahoo's face is a difficult reelection by all reports. This time around, Trump has publicly expresses a support for net and Yahoo and Trump is poorly, very very popular, especially with Israeli right wingers, who constitute the Prime Minister's primary base of support. Sad news, a Green Beret was killed in action in Afghanistan yesterday, which was about a week after the death of another American serviceman there, which prompted President Trump too canceled plan talks of the Taliban that was supposed to take place around nine to eleven, and those talks were supposed to be aimed at ending the eighteen year old war over there in Afghanistan. Today, I'm a good note. Is National Wife Appreciation Day? Perfect? Oh yeah, that's what I say. I just can't find the other part of me, the other perfect part. Now back to the Steve Harvey Warning show you're listening to. Okay, we're supposed to go to Junior, but now we're gonna hold on listening to. See. I want to explain to you about this little white girl Felicity that got these two weeks in prison. And I was just explaining to y'all what happens. See, they give you to roll of Torliticie, but for the first two weeks of prison, you don't even use your torliticie because you don't need it. Well. See, first of all, what happens is when you first get sentenced. That's when all the sugar honey iced tea happened to you. Sugar honey iced tea be all over the courtroom flow as when you get sentenced. It's the sentencing day. It's the biggest colon cleans ever. I don't care if it is early in the morning. I go every morning for I come in here. I'm in line. I'm regularly a little felicity, little white lady that when they sent us hut to them fourteen days, splat out right there, his teeth over, splat out. She emptied out. That's why I only got to give you one role. But you gempied out back at the sentence. What you're doing the first fourteen day, when you first get that, you just get your back up against that wall and look at your seal. She ain't been asleep or nothing. No white girl ain't never been girl. Let me tell some she ain't never been to detention before. She probably ain't never been to detention. She never been expelled. Her ass got two weeks in prison. Hella ass don't know what to do. She ain't got no nails on, ain't nobody gave her no makeup. She don't know how to do prison makeup yet. So she took her blueberries and made no eyeline and we do that nothing like that, like you know, they take their blueberries, You take your blueberries, the talk and make eyeline with it. She don't know none of that. So she just over that looking like Casper. She just over that, just as Lange her first two weeks as president is just when she looked in the mirror. She ain't gonna know who she She gonna look real different though. Well, they're gonna get a divorced. White men don't stay with white with it wants. They go to jail. And if he do stay with her, listen to me, because I watched Forensics and American Greed all the time. If she do come back home, she needs to pay close attention to the to the man she married to, because if he started showing up with a plastic bag, duc take if all of a sudden he buy a brand new boat, Yeah, your asses been the closet somewhere, new girl in the fourteen days, Yeah, you see some twine in there a couple of cylinder bricks in the bathroom, your asses fenn to go for a little boat ride? Is everyone clear now? And what flicted Huffmann as soon as she go in, all right, thank you, Steve. And from that we go to this coming up at thirty four after the hour, a second woman has come forward accusing Antonio Brown of sexual misconduct. We'll get into right after this. You're listening to show. A second woman has come forward to accuse Antonio Brown of sexual misconduct. According to Sports Illustrated, a new accuser claims that back in twenty seventeen, when Antonio was playing for the Pittsburgh Steelers, an unnamed woman said Antonio hired her to paint a mural on a wall in his Pittsburgh home. The artist claims Antonio stood behind her, fully naked, holding a small towel over his genitals, over his private area while she was painting. She went on to say that Antonio was flirty with her, but she paid him no mind. The artist also said she never filed him. Yeah, she said she never filed a police report. She has no plans to pursue legal action. And then meanwhile, yesterday, Antonio's lawyer Darren Heitner released a statement saying Antonio Brown has reviewed the sexual misconduct allegations made by an unnamed artist in the Sports Illustrated article and denies that he ever engaged in such activities. So there you go. I mean she's saying that, okay, but that's the extent of what she's saying happened. Yeah, well you know it, even though he denies the allegation. But now let me ask you a question. This is not in defense of Antonio Brown, but this woman is she's not pressing charges. No, she says she's not pressing charge. Um, she doesn't want any money, you know. Um. She he was flirting with her at one point. She said she didn't pay him any mind. Yeah, I don't know. Just she's being interviewed. Yeah, and she has a right, you know, just like Britney Taylor just standing behind her like it. That's what she's saying. That's what she's claiming, that somebody stood behind her, fully naked, holding a small towel over his private area while she was painting m This is Yeah, he's denying the allegation. So what what happened yesterday? Call it didn't The NFL talked to the first young lady Britney Britney Taylor. Yes, she had her meeting m and then they also she declined the offer of uh two million, and she got married over the weekend as well. She did get me. She got married. That's an ongoing yes, okay, so well she turned far from well, but she has stated though this isn't about criminal charges. She just wants to be compensation. So that's what it is. First, and so you know victim, so obviously that she's gonna get some type of check. Looks like she didn't want the two million, So what is the number? Yeah, and if if if if, Now let's just just me thinking and asking a question. Suppose he gives her five million and she says okay, cool and walks away. What happens then, I mean, you know, there was no admission of guilt, There was no, no nothing. I mean, if if you just if you're trying to get some money and you stated that you want to be compensated, and let's say that he comes up with five million dollars checking right to check for five million, what happens after that, Well, that is an admission of guilty. Now, I mean, I don't know what it is. I'm just asking the question. Yeah, if he pays her. But settlements don't always mean an admission of guilt. Sometimes you just want to move on with your life and just put it behind you. I know a lot of people do settlements and just so they can move on with their life. But he did say through his lawyer that he was going to fight it and fight for other professional athletes who have been in the same position. The fight has started with a two million dollar check offer. Yeah, so yeah, no, no, I don't think that that's the position to take on a case like this. It would be not be my suggestion to say that you're going to fight for yourself and other athletes, because other athletes ain't mentioned in this. Yeah, this is your case, and you've got to deal with this on your own, and don't don't try to turn this into a mission that right. I don't think that's the smartest way to turn it, Like, like you on a mission to stop this type of thing. Yeah, no, man, this accusation is pretty serious. It could cost you your career, it could be already probably been very mentally damaging to this one. So this is not the time to create another mission, right, and you see that you're gonna compensate the woman so you can get on with your life and get clear to play. Or this is gonna be something else. Yeah, that's just my opinion. All right. See, we're gonna move on here. Nephew Tommy is up next with the prank phone call right after this. Hi, my name is Carlos Miller and I'm Chico Bean and I'm the food with the tattoo. You are in? Now? What time? And boyd DC on flag you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Coming up, guys at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subjects stuck in an open relationship? Stuck in an open relationship? Right now, the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Now, Cake lady, it's the cake lady. Okay, he wasn't cake anime? Luck, Cake lady, Let's go cake? Did this is Barbara? Ye'all need to ask you what kind of cakes do y'all make at this place? Well, sir, we make all occasion cakes, birthday cakes, anniversary cakes, wedding cakes, pretty much whatever you need. What you're looking for? Do y'all be making adult cakes? Yes, a few adult cakes. You know I'm bachelotte parties and uh, you know, wedding. What exactly are you looking for? Sir? No, no, no, The problem is this right here. I ordered a cake from you all on Saturday. Huh. They were supposed to be delivered to my daughter's school on Tuesday, and you know she and junior high school, thirteen years old. The cake was supposed to have hand them ontowna on it, and it was supposed to say happy birthday. Now the cake get delivered over there today and I can't, for the life of me believe that this is opper. Were in her class room, all the classmates in there, some teachers in there. The principle that came down. We've been to have cake and ice cream for the kids, but when they owen up the cake, it's a man's private part on the cake. What Oh no, sir, No, sir no, sir no, something No. We have never made a mistake like that, made that mistake that I've been calling this place all damn day. Y'all didn't made this damn mistake, And somebody gonna pay for this. I got thirty, I got thirteen. No, you're gonna have to low it down now, okay, because we can't get nothing settled if you're yelling and I can't hear you. Okay, I need the lord that you should have lord that private part off that cake. That's where you shoot, sir? What is your name? My name is Trevor. And now where's the cake supposed to be going? Middle school? Middle school? Now? Where was it delivered? Sir? I just don't see them sits in right there. You can't remember. That's how y'all made the damn mistake. So I please just answer the question so we can get just settled. Sir. No, what who is the owner there? Excuse me? I am the owner. My name is Bob. Now, if you give me the information, I'll try to make this thing right because it couldn't have been my company. Are you absolutely sure, sir? I'm positive y'all are the ones that delivered the damn Okay, listen, I got all these thirteen year old kids in their chromatized and the teacher okay, looking at me crazy, I man, sir, but I need to calm down just for a minute. Let me ask you this wait want to down. You should have took that private part down, man. I can understand, but I don't think it was my company, okay, because we've never made a mistake like that. Now we're very careful with that kind of stuff. Now, sir, hold on one n come here. Do you know anything about a case delivery at Hannah, Montana? Cake going to middle school today? Y'all? Did y'all make any deliveries? Okay, thanks, sir. I just talked to my driver and he's been with me about eight years, sir, and we've never had a problem like this. He's never delivered a cake over there, sir. Are you sure it was my cousin? Damn show this place, lady. It's this for your driver line. You know, you know mistakes can be made, but I can't. I can't make a mistake that you got a man's private part in front of a bunch of thirteen ye old kids out of I can't understand. I would be upset to. I have children too, so I can understand what you're trying to say. But what I'm trying to tell you is this is not my company you're talking about. We wouldn't have done anything like that I've been in business with thirteen years. What is your name? My name is Barbara. Okay, so you're the one behind all of this on this damn cake. It was full of behind him on panel and want up be in a man's private part on the cake. So come on, just stop and think about it. You know your favor would not deliver high school and a duck cake to a school. Now I understand you. Upsis lady? Do you understand what has happened at my daughter's school? I and I apologize for it, sir, but I don't believe that you ordered the cake from my company. Okay. As a matter of fact, we make cakes on Friday, sir. Wasn't no cake delivered today? Sir? It's a Tuesday? And what the hell I mean it's a Tuesday. Ain't nobody in cake on Tuesday? Sir. I have told you that that couldn't have happened here at my company. Okay, look, let me know. Okay, I'll be happy to make a cake for you, sir, and to send it to your daughter. But sir, it wasn't my company that I don't wan't no mo damn cake. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you what I'm going to do, lady. I'm gonna call my lawyer. I'm gonna get with the police, and I'm coming over there to shut that down. You won't sell a cupcake when I get through with y'all. Sir, you know what you don't go to fun. Let me tell you something. This is my business that I've worked for thirteen years to build. You ain't gonna come up here doing I'm gonna shut that. You come over in the sisten up your Your mammy won't even know who you are. You need to get off my phone with this. That's something in the first place, sir. I dare you call me with that? And what is your name? O you? My name is trouble whatever. Bring you. It's up here, and I got something for you. Bring you and the police. Do you think I'm gonna let some go like you come jeopardize my business. I've dot a business too long. I know what I'm doing now. I don't know who you called it, but it won't showing up mine company. Do you understand me. I don't understand everything you're saying, and I understand when I get over there, I'm gonna shut it down. Me and the police won't come mine here and get you. Step down, and you're gonna have a dought. I'm crying over your now, I'm choking. Wasn't my company? Now, get out of my poe. You hear me? I got one more thing I need to down. Lady's thing to tell me talking about shitting down my company. I got one more thing is you're listening to me. I ain't listening what you got to say to me. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriends. Oh my god, oh oh ya, I'm gonna get up this moo. Oh my god, I'm gonna kill her. I'm gonna kill her by hello. B oh my god, oh my god, please kill me. I'm not on the radio. You ain't on the radio now, but you're gonna be on there in the morning. Oh lord, no, no, my preaching. Everybody else gonna be on the oh mind, I'm gonna kill it. I'm gonna kill it. I'm gonna get me a cake and gonna her job up. Lord, Oh lord, I'm gonna get somebody. Stop playing like that. You know she's gonna have to look out every day she ain't gonna never where us coming from. I'm gonna be like the thief in the night on her, missus bar I gotta ask you one more thing, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the badest radio show in the land, Steve Hards and morning show y'all. What hey can you make? Can you make a socket to the cake? Yeah? I can make a socket to your cake, But hope it ain't got it done in it round. That's what somebody like that they busy there, there we go. That's that cake lady. Yeah, play way too much. Stupid baby, got to be stupid. That's that's that's the only way to be. And I will be stupid Saturday night in Greensboro, North Carolina at the Carolina Theater. Oh dear, you must come out and see me. It's going to be absolutely ravishing. So everyone in Greensboro, North Carolina, the enough you. Tommy will be at the Carolina Theater. You can get tickets and ticket Master or at the box office right now. Okay, absolutely beautiful, I must say once again Greensboro, North Carolina, Oh dear, you must get tickets to come out and see the foolery that I'm going to display for you. It's going to be absolutely ravishing as the world. Thank you, Shirley. Are you splendifferent? Oh my god, it's dear Junior. How are you did? Damn tickets to stop all this player at the Carolina Theater. Uncle Steve, you must come out. Why don't you come out and do about fifteen minutes for the public. I'm going to do as much as I want to do, Uncle Steve. We must get together soon. I was come about the one time in Mopyo as men, but I do have a show that me Junior and Jay doing. You know, we got an extra spot if you want to get yeah in Philadelphia. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up next it is my Strawberry Letter, the subject stuck in an open Relationship. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Let's go next. Bugle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry letter subject stuck in an open relationship. Dear Stephen Shirley. Two years ago, I met a guy on an online site for dating, and we became close and beginning. He told me that he was in an open relationship with the woman and he wanted me to meet her. I agreed since I wasn't looking for anything serious. I met the girl and she and I have become the best of friends. When I'm hanging out with her guy, she's okay with it because she has another special friend that she kicks it with. We were all okay with the current arrangement until I got more serious about the guy and realized I was falling in love with him. He's a great provider and a great dad, not just to his own kids, but to my son too. He tells me he loves me and needs me, and when I look into his eyes, I feel like he's telling me the truth. He says that he loves the other girl too, but his bond with me is stronger. She has admitted that she's not in love with him, but she needs him in her life until she gets on her feet and can take care of herself. He has been telling me that we will have a future together, but I don't know if I believe him or he's just holding onto hope, or if I'm just holding onto hope and being a fool. I got caught up in something I thought I could handle, but the open relationship no longer works for me. I want him all to myself, but I also want to keep the friendship with his main girl. I'm also going to be so hurt if he's been playing me all along just so I won't leave him. He has the best of both worlds, and if he and I get together, he might not want to be in a committed relationship. What should I do? Do you think I should have a serious talk with him to see what's up, or just move on and find a man that doesn't have multiple women. Wow, I'm so glad. First of all, you're being honest with yourself, okay about getting caught up. You know you're honest with yourself about that, because you did get caught up wanting him all to yourself and not wanting an open relationship. Now, but you know what you already know the answer to this question. You already know. I mean you asked, should you move on and find a man that doesn't have multiple women? Well, yes, of course, I mean yeah, you don't want to be in an open relationship. You said it, that's a quick answer. But before you jump into something else, you know, with another man, you got to take a moment to reflect and figure out. You know, how you got yourself into this situation. You said you weren't looking for anything serious, and look what happened. Love creeped up on you. So you're not ready for this kind of relationship. You don't need to be in any kind of open relationship because it can happen again and again and again. You know, you can let him know how you feel. You know, like you say, he's got the best of both worlds. He's got you, he's got this other woman, So what is his incentive for just being with you? And you don't trust him anyway. You don't trust him. You're already feeling like he's not telling you the truth, like he's lying to you, and all of this this open relationship stuff is not for you. You don't do open relationships, okay, and that's what this is. And uh, it doesn't look like he's trying to change anytime soon because he's happy. He's got the best of both worlds. Steve, I'm I'm so damn confused. What's wrong this whole letter? It's just from the time the title stuck in an open relationship? How are you stuck in something that's open? See, you're stuck in the dough because it won't open. Your foot got stuck in the dough because somebody closing order, your finger stuck in the car door because somebody shitted. How are you stuck in something that's open? Let's just start right, Okay, met a guy online h for a date and then y'all became close. Well, I don't know what you think that means. Y'all became close, so God, guess y'all just started having sex. It's just gonna say that. In the beginning, he told me that he was in an open relationship with a woman and he wanted me to meet her. I agreed. What this letter is the best letter I've read in a long time. I've never seen more people more agreeable with some BS than this right here. Because this BS. And once you started agreeing to b asked, you must be ready to accept the BS. That comes with agreeing to the BS. So when you started, I'm in an old relationship with a moment and I want you to meet her. That was to test to see how far you go. Guess what you said? You meet her and then guess what I agreed? You don't cause you know why. She agreed because she wasn't looking for nothing? Says, well, what was you looking for? Then? You? Was you just looking for anything? You must have just been online just looking for anything. Okay, you met the girl. She and I have become the best friend. You got to be a boy, one of the loneliest damn people I've never met in your life. You met a dude, don't lie that, y'all became close to out having sex. Then he told you he was in an olden relationship with another woman. He wanted you to meet her. You agreed because you weren't looking for nothing. Says, You met the girl and now y'all the best of friend. What the hell is wrong here? Everything? When I'm hanging out with her guy, she's okay with it because she got another special friend that she kicking it with me. So, y'all, this is just an organized orgy. That's all, this is just just an organized orgy. She got another special friend she kicking it with because she had an open relationship with him, but you didn't got a relationship with him too close to And now you didn't met her because he wanted you to meet her. And now you agreed because you weren't looking for nothing, says now y'all the best of damn friends. Now you'd found out she got another special friend that's kicking it harder than you and your special huh man, this is with this loving hip hop craziness. All right, Hang on, Steve, with your second part of your answer. We're gonna have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject stuck in an open relationship will get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Come on, Let's recap today's strawberry letter. Subject stuck in an open relationship. Time this one metist man. Now she's stuck in an open relationship metist man. They got close because they had six He told her she was in an open He was in an open relationship with another woman and wanted them to me. You wasn't looking for none serious, so you agree to meeting. You didn't met her, and now y'all have become the best of friends. Now when you out with her guys, she don't mind because she got another special friend that she kicking it with. That's when we discovered that they're having an organized orange. Then she said. We were all okay with the current arrangement until I got most serious about the guy. That's because I was watching one show somewhere. When women have sex, it releases a chemical in their body. The chemical is called oxytocic, and that's it makes you crazy, kind of like oxy moron. It's very close to that, And that's very close to an old bleach that we used to you call oxy dog. Oxy dog comes with blue bleaching crystals. And ever take a bath and oxydog and then blue beleaching crystals. You don't swish it around good, Then blue bleaching crystals get stuck in cracks on your body. And I went to school the next day and I didn't know why my ass was hot hot, and one of them, the blue breeching crystals, had got caught in my ass from oxy dot, and I was walking down the hallway had melted into the center of my butt and my whole ass just caught on fire. That was from oxy dot. This chemical that releases in women is called up oxytocic. It's a chemical that women release when they have sex that causes them to feel mold than it is love. So that's oxytocic. Yes, that's very different from oxydt. So both of them is a burning. And you started falling in love with this guy. Now he's now listen to this. He's a great provider. He's a great dad, not just his own kids, to my son too. Who is this man? He's a great lover. He got a woman with some babies, He got a woman on the side. He got you on the side to meet the woman on the side, the woman on the side kicking it with another. You didn't fell in love with the man that ain't in love with nobody but his damn self. He tells me he loves me, and when I look in his eyes, I feel like he's telling me the truth. Now, I don't like the personalize letters, but you know how many times out of somebody's eyes and lied to it. I remember I was just caught one time and my hand on the battle and turned right around and told the judge it was not me. I'm telling you, good head well, with tears in my eyes too, it wasn't me. I sound very convinced. And you know this is before forensic science and stuff. This nineteen seventy four when I was on trial, and so you know I got off because it wasn't no forensic science or nothing like that. And as he said was he said. She said, his word gives my rug and he already had a record. I didn't I stole the books, but I said he did. And just stay away from oxy dogs crystals. A set of fire to years started killing up about this letter is stupid ass letter. I'd rather be talking about the blue bleaching us to that office doll. Anyway, this man looked in eyes and you felt like he's telling truth. He says he loves me and the other girl too, but his bond with me is strong. She has admitted that she's not in love with him, but she needs him in her life until she gets on her feet and can take care of herself. So he sugar dadd in everybody. He paying a little bit here, a little bit there, and he'd do just enough to keep her knee. It's kind of like a bad pay check. You know, you just it's jazz enough to get you to the next check. You can't quit because you gotta get to come to work. Fry, you know what I mean. Yeah, that's what a bad love he is of a whole ass, sugar daddy. He gives you jazz enough to get to the next check. You know, I've been that too, my sugar daddy. Loved only lasted to Tuesday because I didn't had that much back then. If I gave you enough stress, if I gave it to you go on Sunday, you was out of Monday. On Tuesday, I didn't have enough to lands to the next pay check. I don't know why this letter so personal for me. It's because this letter I don't give a damn about it. I just thought i'd have more fun with it. I just tell you anyway, he's been telling me that he will have that we all have a future together. But I don't know if I believe him or if I'm just holding on the hope and being a fool. Well, if you don't believe him, look back in his eyes, because every time you look into his eyes, it feels like he's telling the truth. So stop looking off and keep looking in his eyes that way. Didn't feel like he's telling you the truth. I got caught up in something I thought I could handle. But this over the relationship no longer works for me. I want him all to myself, but I also want to keep the friendship with this main girl. And now, really I think something going on with her and the girl girl, which is cool, probably looked like a better hook up for you. You and the girl out the hook up because he just playing both y'all. Then she says, I'm also going to be so hurt if he's been playing me all along. All y'all play it, yeah from the get goal, So go on and start getting hurt. Anyway, if he and I get together, it might end up in it might not want to be in a commited relationship. What should I do? Do you think I should have a serious talk with him? Why y'all talking now? No, I don't have a serious talk. Keep playing with it because he's playing with you. Yeah, thank you, Steve. You can email us or instagram us her thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M. Please check out Yes you really don't have to feel this pain by yourself. Get you some oxi dog and put it in the bath water, and don't swish them blue crystals around. Real click, you get a couple, I'm crawled up in you. You'd be the same burning ass feeling you're having with him too. Anyway, don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast undemand coming up at forty six after the hour. Donald Trump's tax returns subpoena by Manhattan DA. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. The saga over Donald Trump's tax returns took another turn Monday, when it was revealed that the Manhattan District Attorney's office fired off a subpoena to Trump's accounting firm, calling for the release of eight years eight years of Trump's personal and corporate income tax returns as part of an ongoing probe. Okay, the subpoena was sent last month, it was just made public. DA Cyrus Vans Junior's office is investigating the hush money payments given to porn stars Stormy Daniels and playboy pin up Karen mcdougalld Vans is investigating whether business records related to the payments were falsified by the Trump organization. So we'll see finally, guys, uh, if this is gonna make the Trump team give up his tax returns, He's not turning in his tax years. They don't. They don't obey subpoenis to come and testify. He's got people in the White House he's told not to go to testify on subpoenis. He's not turning over his tax reform. You'll never seen his tax return at all, not as long as it ain't right. If we do see him, what they're gonna do. They gonna what they gonna do. They're gonna vote for him. His supporters are not going to do any exactly. It's not gonna change anything about it. They're committed to this guy. Yeah. I mean, you know, the president is long claim that he's being audited by the IRS. That's why he can't release his tax returns. So yeah, well the longest audited, yeah, in the history. Yeah, and the IRS. This this guy sits in the White House and he does what he wants to do. Absolutely doesn't care anything about protocol, he doesn't care anything about law, he doesn't care anything about subpoenas. He doesn't care anything about what you vote, and he don't care what you think about him dictator mentality, and he's as long as he's president, he can't be indicted. So his whole goal right now is to get reelected so he can stay free for fomo years. Yeah, yeah, the truth for sure. I just um, I mean, you know they so at least we know somebody's trying to do something. You know, people aren't just sitting around doing nothing. At least they are investigating and trying to make something happen, even though it's not working. They're not doing anything. They're playing the game. They're just putting out information that they're doing something because they can't make him do anything, and the Senate is not going to force him because that's Republican control. So yes, what are we going to do? We're sitting here watching ourselves as taxpayers, get being done anyway they want to do us right now, Well, we do have our vote, and we could change all of this if we voted in mid terms, if we voted in all these local elections, and if we vote to this president. That's right, all right. Coming up at the top of the hours, Steve the Cleveland Brown fans already jumping off the bandwagon. We'll talk about that when we come back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, your beloved Cleveland Brown play the New York Jets last night and Monday Night football. Well even before the Steve, come on, you have nothing. What's that? I told you so? Look? Or that self assured look on your face? What is that? Man? We got a problem though, because the next five games is ugly. Man. We playing the Rams, were playing the Seahawks, we playing the Patriots, we playing the Saints. We got trouble. Well, don't get time started on him. Drew Breese thumb, Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's surgery, man. We got trouble. Yeah. Well, before the season started, Steve, the Browns were expected by many to be a big time force this season, lots of young talent on the team. But then the Browns fans were upset at how they played in Week one and they didn't look so good. They looked pretty bad. Actually, uh, And that's all it took for a bunch of Cleveland fans just to jump off the bandwagon like that. You've been in Cleveland Brown, Yeah, yeah, it ain't hard though, y'all. It ain't hard to get off. I'm on the wagon. I stayed on it, yea since Jim Brown. But you know I don't I don't care. But now, what I did decide was the first Sunday when they lost, that the Cleveland Browns will never wreck another Monday. Man. That's what I did now, So I got on up Monday morning. I came to the conclusion, if y'all don't give a damn by winning the game, why shit, Actually that's how you feel. If y'all care about winning, I care about winning. When y'all don't care about winning, I'm through too. What if they care and they still lose? Though that could happen you obviously you didn't care that much. They just lost. Sometimes you just lose, you care? What's some Monday like in Cleveland after the Browns lose? Like what happens down there? A lot of cleaning people don't go to work. They won't of cleaning people. Most cleaning people don't like to go to work after Browns. Look like if you go in the bathroom you find out, damn, ain't nobody been in here for Yeah, you know it's different. Go outside, you know, trash don't get picked up on Monday. Who's more devoted to their team than the Cleveland Cleveland Browns. You think it's a lot of people more dedicated, more, you think than the Cleveland Browns fans. There's something special. Well yeah, see we mote we were harder with it, you know, we we we weighed harder with it, you know, you know, yeah, you know we love hard. I love it's hard it is. Come on, we talk at the top of our London don't make no damn s. Yeah, because I know the Cowboys fans love the Cowboys and all that, but you guys are different. The Browns fans like y'all fight, yeah, team tam Yeah, yeah, we've all y'all don't know this everything. I mean know, we've turned over team buses what yeah yeah yeah, we do high school stuff too. Yeah, we're turning your dawn bust up, the whole bust off. Yeah. With the team own it look different. Yeah, don't won't be a bum give a damn yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. And that was good because we was in New York. You know, we like going out in New York. Was it way bigger than Cleve Wow? That rams were different. Rams next week Sunday night. Baby, that's a big game. And if we beat the ram, good lord, Mercy, don't come in here, Monthly, don't come in here. Don't do it. Let me just get y'all take the day off the brown beat, your rams, don't come in here. But you got the show. You got the show about yourself. I'm gonna be sitting up and hit naked. Steve kind saying, we beat around, Yeah, we beat around. I'm coming to hit and niked. Yeah, feel how you want to feel. I'm telling you, I'm coming in here, like all right, coming up more music for me, more ignorance on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening to show. All right. So this is different than great News, Marvin Gay's classic hit What's going On? My favorite song of all time? I just got a brand new music video. Can you believe that? A brand new music video? The video was released as part of Motown record sixtieth anniversary celebration. UH. It opens with a classic performance UH of Marvin Gay, some footage, and then it cuts to footage representing modern day issues like mass shootings, the Flint Water crisis, and more. We want a place that resonates with the song and the history of Motown while also remaining relevant to socio political issues in the music video. That's what the music video director shares with us. Her name is Savannah Leaf. It's very important for us to find real people that resonated with those stories rather than casting actors. Uh so, I mean interesting. Did they get this approve by Marvin gay Key? Oh yeah, yeah, better be approve you. Yeah, yeah, that's true. Hey have you guys seen that Hitsville on on demand with Barry? Yeah, it's really see the Making a Motown. It's very good. You gotta see it, yeah, Berry, Gordy and Smokey Robinson. Yeah, it's very very good. Yeah, very gott to check it out. Yeah, go to Steve Harvey f M. If you want to see the new Marvin Gaye video. It is right there for you to see. I can't wait to see it. Yeah. Yeah, that's my favorite. So that's my emotion really all time. Yeah, what's going on? Oh yeah, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three after the hour you're listening to show, did y'all have a good time as saying it so last year, Yes, yes we did. Yes, The bawling continues in ain't koon Mexico. You hear me, Yes, we heard. All the news that happened in the dr was nobody's father. Was nothing we could do about it, folks. So we got to hustling, and we found it. We found a resort that's gonna be better than the time we had a d I shall hate that some of you all gonna miss it, man, but I understand. But listen, if you want a shot to go, and your wallet is a little tight, your pockets is you know you've been you know you've been dusted a little bit this summer, your money tight, I got a special for you. You're listening, Yes, y're all supposed to say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, said yes, I didn't hear nothing. Help me, help me, help you. If you call listen to this one eight hundred You can only call to get this special one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five phone calls only. Our phone operators are waiting to tell you about it. I'm not even gonna it's so good. Let me just give you attempt. We're gonna mat ask them what it is. Okay, but see if you could get just a little bit more Jesse see ask him and sign up. You ain't gonna believe it. October tenth through the fourteenth at the All Inclusive Moon Palace Resort. Y'all, we're gonna be doing it. Carlin would be there, Shirley would be there, Junior would be there. Jay gonna come. We gotta make some special provisions for him. But his plane different. He's coming. I don't know what that helicopter that people and I'm telling y'all, man, it's gonna be a blast. Marjorie's pairing up with Lisa Ray to do the beauty bar this year. Lisa Ray's got a new line she wants to introduce to women with them special curves on that that thing. Come on down and get your fit right. We got it going on saying the soul. Uh, it's the hotest spot this year. We're gonna have a good time. Man. Look, I promise you it's gonna be a good time. I'm telling you. If you missed this, but if your pockets is tight, die one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five to suggest if your pockets is tight, now, if you're balling, you load it. You don't need no discount, and you don't need no help. Because you're asking for some help, then here comes some help. Just call that number find out what it is. All right, Steve, we'll see you in standing soul and can twenty five. If your pockets is tight, All right, coming up, it's Steve Harvey and his closing remarks you don't want to miss said at forty nine after the hour you're listening to. All right, here we are Steve. We've come to the end of our show. Wow, a lot of stuff happened on this show today. Uh so here we go with just one more thing in your closing remarks today, I want to talk to something about fear. Yesterday we talked about disappointment. Today I want to talk to you about fear. Fear is a very very real emotion. Everybody experiences it on some level or another. There's not a person alive that does not experience fear on some level. Don't you believe that for a minute. I face it all the time. I know a lot of other people who face it. I know some very very successful people who have had to face it and continue to face it. Fear is so big and so prevalent today that the number one cause of failure is fear. Nothing produces more failure than does fear. It is the fear of failure that freezes people before they even start. It is the fear of failure that causes you to second guess. It is the fear of failure that causes you not to want to deal with the rejection and the potential hurt that failure causes. So fear cripples you on so many levels. Fear is the number one cause of failure in this country. Okay, but how is it that some people somehow manage to get by anyway? What is it that you can do that would help you overcome whatever fear you're facing. Well, here's what I was taught, and this has helped me in my life, my career, my family, my jobs, my ambition, everything. To overcome fear, you overcome fear with your dreams. I want y'all to listen to me closely. Now, how do you overcome fear? You overcome fear with your dreams. Steve, how my dreams gonna make me overcome my fear because I want you to listen to me. Because the dream is everything. The Bible says a man without a dream or vision shall perish. The dream is everything. See, if you have no dreams and visions, you will perish. You will die in fear. You will die sitting somewhere in fear without dreams or visions. Dreams are the counterpoint to all fear. Because listen to this. If you dream, I want you to dream so big. I want you to want something so incredible. I want you to dream of having something that's so spectacular that if it doesn't happen, you would be miserable. Man, if I don't make this dream come true, I'm gonna be miserable. I want you to dream so big that not attaining that dream would absolutely be horrible for you. I want you to dream so big that not reaching your dreams is unacceptable. You cannot live in this world without the dream and the vision. You can live in this world without your mother, your father, your brother. You can live in this world without a wife, a husband. You can live in this world without a lot of things. But what you cannot live in this world without is dreams and visions. You will perish without those things. You have to dream or something and want something. That's what keeps pushing you forward. So if you want to overcome your feel you do it with your dreams. Dream big, man, so that and dreams so big that it is unthinkable that you can't have this dream come true. And he decide. Note, God is going to make your dream come true? Business, ain't he? He do it all the time. I'm telling you, man, God does it all the time. He makes people's dreams come true. What are you dreaming about? Explore what you're really dreaming about so you can lose your fear. You're afraid to open your business because if your business fail, you lose the money you saved. And you won't open your business because you'd have to. You might lose your job when your boss find out. Dream bigger, dream of what opening that business could do for you, to feed him of freedom, of the feeling of freedom that you would have, the extra money you can may have, what you could do for your family, the things you can leave a legacy of. Maybe your dream ain't bigger enough. Maybe you got the dream of owning a large company, maybe a mom and pop store. Maybe you dream of climbing the corporate letter. Maybe you're dreaming of becoming the supervisor or the CEO or the company. You got to dream so big, man, that if this dream don't happen, you will be miserable. You have to dream so big that it becomes and it's no way you can accept your life without this dream. Once you can do that, you can press through your fears. You can move forward, you can get on with it. I'm telling y'all, I was taught this to overcome fear. You overcome fear with your dreams. Dream so big that if it don't happen, you will be miserable. Dream so big that if you don't attain it, it'll be horrible. Dream so big that you can't imagine your life without living your dreams. And then guess what it will supply to Fortitude, the strength and the courage to face your fear and move on with your life. Dreams is the key to overcoming your fear. Y'all, have a good weekend. I show him for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.