Rev. Adnoid, NBA Playoffs, Balding Travolta, Weekend Box Office and more.

Published May 28, 2019, 11:00 AM

Welcome back everybody.  J. Anthony Brown still smells like chicken!  Steve watched his wife work out and ate so much meat that he got gout.  J/K  Aladdin is at the top of the weekend box office.  Rev. Adnoid does a special edition of Church Complaints.  Junior does his sports talk and the crew discuss the NBA Finals.  Warriors and Raptors Game 1 is Thursday.  We have the things white people say to black people in Comedy Roulette.  John Travolta has shaven his head after given advice from his friend Mr. International Pitbull.  Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog speaks about finding peace in prayer, plus more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them more like the milking buck things in the cubbing me through good it, Steh to move to other steam. Please, I don't join rad join me in doing me. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad uh huh. I sure will come on and everybody, y'all listen to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey uh got a radio show. Yep, yep. Sometimes I saw all I can say. Yelp, Man, how far I've come is really unbelievable. But you know I finally figured it out. Man. God allowed me to have the life I've had so that I can become experienced at so many different things. And then this experience when I'm talking and sharing with people, I will be able to relate to a lot of different circumstances, not exact, but just the circumstances. You know. You know, if a person comes to men they said, man, I've been down and out. Okay, Well I know what that is. Man, I didn't. I didn't have any direction. Okay, got that been there, man at one point in time, and I just kept piling mistake on top of mistakes. Okay, So you know, I think what I'm trying to say to everybody is when you're going through life and life is dealing the cards that it deals, I want you to understand that life deals everybody these cards. The disappointment card, the setback card, the failure card, the mishap card, the unexpected misery card. Everybody gonna get, the grief card, everybody gonna get, the rash of bad decision card, everybody gonna get them. Understand that going in that everybody is gonna get these cards. It's how you play them, though, you know, from time to time, one more time, it's how you play them, you know. From time to time when I'm why TV I love to watch the World Series of Poker. I like watching poker tournaments on TV because it's it's really weird, what's happened to a sport? To a poker? They're actually trying to call it a sport, you know, And as the everyday guy that doesn't have to be athletically inclined to anything who has a shot of winning a title if they play their cards right. The best poker players in the world don't have the best hands, They just make the best plays. I've seen guys win a hand with nine two in their hand as nothing and win their hand because they knew the bluff, they knew the odds, they calculated risks, they made the stakes higher than the other person was willing to pay. They gave off the illusion that they had something with an actuality. They had nothing. So what I what I enjoy about poker and watching it is that these people, these people here, played the hand they dealt and it ain't always a good hand. But it ain't whether your hand is good. And it ain't whether you're gonna get dealt bad cards or not, because you're gonna get dealt some bad cars. Everybody ain't gonna get two bullets in their hand. You ain't gonna get two aces when you get dealt. Uh. You know, when you play a draw poker, some of your cards gonna be nothing. But you got to turn that nothing into something. So when you get dealt these cards in life, it ain't the fact that you get keep getting them dealt. I was talking with a young person yesterday and we were talking, and we keep having the same conversation over and over and over, and they could not understand why they were not moving forward. But I said, you don't understand. Every time we talk we have the exact same conversation. It is simply because you keep getting your cards and you playing them the same way. See, until you make a conscientious different, the conscious decision to do something different, the results will continue to be the same. See here's the way this works. When you're dealt to disappointments in life, it's how you handle the disappointments that determined the outcome and who you are. Because everybody gonna be disappointment, Everybody gonna lose a love one, Everybody gonna make a bad decision, Everybody gonna end wake up one morning they have done something they regret it. Everybody gonna get caught at the wrong time. Every everybody gonna make a mistake. It ain't just you. That is how you play your cards when they get dealt to you, that determine who you are. Na how do I play my cards better? First of all, it's a mindset. Quit looking at everything as just the end. When it happens to you. Oh lord, woe is me? Nah, everybody got your circle stances somewhere. It ain't old. Woe is me. It's hold on, man, Okay, let me play this out to see how God the connected this to something else. See. As soon as a person have a setback, what's the first thing A lot of people do. They go straight negative. I can't see him to get a break. I can't see him move forward. Hold on, man, do you realize this could be connected to something? See you got to understand, man, that this thing is all connected. That you're not having these mishaps and these spills and accidents and falls for no reason. It's so you can become experienced at them. So when he takes you to the next level, when it happens again, you have no how and how to handle it. If you keep throwing yourself off the cliff every time something happened, you're just gonna be a cliff diver. Man, Stop tripping yourself out. I was talking to this young person, I kept saying, and you know what they tried to tell me. I'm trying to stay positive. But the people around here, they're just killing that. Oh I see. So when you learn something and you know something, you don't take ownership of it. You allow other people to come into what you know and believe and shake it loose from you. I don't care who you are. You're not doing me like that. Here's a deal. I have a gift that was given to me from God. That is the gift of comedy. That's what I've done. I've made the bulk of my living on that skill set. Right there. That are comedians who are supposedly friends of mine, who I've worked with, who get around in huddles with one another and they say, man, Steve really ain't funny. I don't see what they'd be laughing at. He ain't funny to me. He wasn't the funniest king to me. Excuse me, you're irrelevant in this conversation because I regardless as to how you feel about me. That are people think that I'm knocked down kill over funny. But more importantly, I own the gift that God gave to me. I take ownership of his blessing. Because you don't think it so, you ain't taking that from me. Stop letting people steal your joy. Stop letting people take what you're supposed to know. Look I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a kind person at heart. Man, You ain't nothing now, you said if you're going, man, I guess I ain't what you're tripping for. You are a kind person, own that take ownership of it. Stop letting things God has given you be taken away from others. The devil's a cold player, and he got cold players working for him, just shaking, just taking stuff from you. You know, I'm a hard worker. I really am intelligent. You stupid man. I thought I was a hard worker. Man. It came in here and said I was stupid. Man, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What excuse me? You're a very bright person. Hey, y'all take ownership when God gives you something, blesses you would have gifted talent, a skill set, a mindset. Own it. Don't let people come in here and take it from you. Man, Okay, I probably shouldn't do with it. You're listening two two three. When you think of a love, you gotta get it on whom your mind? Come on, when you think of love, yeah, gotta get it on who your mind? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, old schooling and balked back. No, that was it. That's it? Yeah, I can do a third one, but I won't do one more. Give me one more. When you think of love, get it on you mind? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Blop the mike, no, pop down, enjoya Dennis, You're loud Jack wherever you're going, followed Shirley Strawberry, Hey, Steve, good morning, call it for real? Was having that her crew? That's the player name? Junior? Morning up morning, everybody full compliment this morning? Jay answered, blood, I got barbecue sauce on my man. You need to make up your mind. Dog. You need to go had to diabetes. You ask need to be drinking, big dogging dog. Okay, bop top is he a vegan or not? He just said, he just said sauce. What are you putting it on? Well? I was just thinking about us. She said, yeah. Plants eight plants. Plans. Man, that's a miserable exist, isn't it. Now. I haven't had chicken in a long time. I get in the uber the other day, Lay say you were eating chicken. I'm like, how much chicken have I did? I still smell like chicken. I love it. Jane, everybody have a good weekend, Ye yes, good man, great, Yes, how about you? I did Saturday? I went to watch my wife work out. She made me all right, Yeah, I didn't want to go watched her workout. It was exhausting. Then we went to breakfast after that, nice little time together. And then I've been in the house every minute since then. Only feel good. I love being in the hospital. You didn't do anything. You didn't do anything for the holiday, like what like barbecue? Yes? So did we? So did we? Yeah? And yesterday was a nice day, so you know, just set outside, you know, if you it is in the sun. It wasn't bad. You know, this wasn't crazy. It's hotter in Atlanta than it is how did in Atlanta and Chicago than it is in la at Oh? Yeah? Yeah. And Donald Trump says that you know, Global Warning is a hoax, doesn't exist. Yeah, I mean all right, Well listen, we'll come back and find out more about our weekends at thirty two after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right. So when we left off, Steve, you were telling us about your weekend, your holiday weekend, Memorial Day. Yeah, I didn't do nothing. I felt great. I didn't do I didn't leave the house good. You know, one of my sons called me. I cussed him out. I felt good, didn't it? Man? And you don't see me, y'all see time me. You ain't at the age where you can cuss your boys outcept that oldest on't trade, but you know rest of your kids. You gotta talk to him. And you know, reading overdue custom stem know if it was overdue. Yeah, yeah, it's kind of like, yeah, y'all, customer out pretty good. It wasn't. She wouldn't. I haven't had way worse. I've had way worse, way, way worse. It wasn't mile wasn't none. I'm sorry, dad, Yeah, I know later click Yeah, you said earlier you went to watch. Ain't Margie workout? You didn't work out with her? Huh? You caught up on working out. You called up working out. You don't need to work out or something. She goes to a public jail and she works out. Didn't like them, like she got to collect a couple of trainers. So I just went out on there with yeah, like, I'm good. I'm good with you. Just sat back and supported your You're fine, you're good. Oh get that dog. You just sat there and watched the whole hour. Yeah, perfectly. I was perfectly comfortable with it. Talk some trainers. You talked to them, Yeah, to a couple of pictures with Pole, a celebrity. Baby, I ain't say a word to him. The fact I didn't even want him looking over here at me, Harvey, would you like Nope? Not this weekend watching TV? Yeah, I watched them TV. Watch the special comedy special on C and the end. Did you watch the game? No? The playoffs? I ain't even see the game. I forgot it was old. Oh they were up by fifteen points, man, dog, don't don't y'all really thought Milwalker was gonna win. I thought it was meal Walkee Meal Walky. But they had the best record of the year, the dog. It's the playoffs, man. Do you know how many times the Raptors have been to the playoffs have been turned the back by Cleveland? Man, they was thirsty, but they got it. Milwaukee ain't nothing have any Milwaukee. It was right now, right now. No, it's closed for business. Linear parking. Linear parking. Wow, Oh god, so you you missed the game? Did you barbecue? Whatever that was it? I mean, I ain't really grilled. Not my wife grilled all weekend. You eat really lamb chops, ulam, legs, wag steak, some baby backs, chicken, um, yeah, mostly meat, Like I ate so much meat. My feet swoll up. That's old black, old black. I ain't so much meat. I got the gout. Yeah, did you did you cut a hole in your shoe because your toad swoll up? Look at look at you. Let's let your bunyan breathe. I cannot. I got it, I got it. I got found this great lady that does manicures and pedicures. But I had to talk to her. Cast her hands be cold? Yeah, And last time she did my feet, her hands was freezing. So I told her this time, I said, you know what I said, you got to warm your hands up. Really, my hands are cold, I said, yes, ma'am, they're real cold. And when you separate my big toe from the rest of his friends like that, I say, it's already traumatic where it can't be as cold. God, I've never heard no one's ever said that to me. I don't give a damn what they said. You need to heat your hands up. Didn't she do it? Yeah? Yeah, first time she came out. How is that? I said, no, warm up, that's cool. I wish I had the bull let's foot out. No, you can't jay your foot look shacks foot. No, man like his foot looked like shacks foot. Yes, oh yes, yeah, you bring this for that. Come look at foot, come out, come out back in the salon, and everybody'll just file it down. Don't worry about whether I can feel it. Just somebody, somebody asked Tommy, does he had pretty feet? Because I think it will come come across wrong if I say it, because you know you're gorge Oh they're absolutely gorgeous. Your feet gorgeous. Yeah, they're gorgeous. Gorgeous. You're pedicured. Yeah, man, junior, you get your toes done, right, I get them done once a month. But they ain't gorgeous. I still got that bunion on that big toe. Man. Yeah, I gott it's just straight skin a little on the baby towel. Yeah, you just paint. You know they got procedious for that. You know you you can fix that. Nothing. We go from I don't know barbecue toes. No, I don't. I just because I wanted. Because Tommy's opinion of himself it's always way higher than anybody else of him. He thinks his toes are gorgeous. Yeah, gorge ain't no damage on your foot nowhere. I'm the uglass shelf feeding. Let me a half man. Quit giving yourself half sizes and an't true. You're gonna hear well you're wear no lemon a hand Okay, I'm aw I round it off. No good hair, Well, you ain't no twil you couldn't even walk if you had TWI. We're gonna run that brankback with the nephew of his gorgeous feet coming up next right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour entertainment news. Aladdin is the number one movie at the weekend box office. Right now, the nephew in the building would run that brank back. What you got now? Your son is too fat? What some man need to tell her? Yeah? My grandmother party yesterday. Then, because this is the boy and that's it. You're saying, too fat? Say yeah, yeah, getting rips. Everybody ain't got everybody ain't yet your son your Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Kathy please, um this is her. Hi Kathy, this is Kirvy. I'm actually the the owner at the daycare for mine's daycare when your son comes. Okay, all right, I'm sure you're a familiar with my wife Anita. Yes, sir, all right, how are you doing today? I'm good. Oh how's a little little divan? How's he doing? He's good. He's laying down taking a nap. Okay, you guys been coming here. I guess about a year now, right, yes, since he was one. Okay, listen, I wanted to give you a call. I'm looking at some some informations. I always I always divine doing at home? Is he is he eating properly at home? When you say eating, what do you mean? I mean? Is he getting meals every time he's supposed to get them while he's at home? Yeah, he's doing pretty good. Okay, Now there's there's there's no situation where you guys may be a shortage of food or anything like that. Are you uh a short as the food? No, sir, my husband works real good. We don't have a problem with as short as the food. Is there a problem with him? Well, you know, we're looking at the records and look Levinus too, Yes, sir, have you looked at the comparison of two year olds the majority of two year olds, and in comparison to I guess I should say size in comparison to divine side. You mean like in body way body size. Yeah, I mean he's a little tall. You know, he wasn't a small chap when he's Barney was ten pounds. But no, he's on the scale of right where he should be. He's just a little, you know, taller because his daddy is tall. But he's doing okay, So you're you don't think he's anywhere in the in the ballpark of of of of obesity at two? You mean fat? I mean I didn't want to be blunt, but but but miss Cathy, you're I mean, I mean your sons. Let me just say, on a Sunday, I'm relaxing and we're talking about you think my son is a little overweight or what he's what's the problem. Well, I think he's fat, and the problem I'm gonna I'm noticing the records of everything that's wait, wait, wait, wait, we need to back up to you think he's fat. I've never spoken to you, mister Kirby. Is that what she said? My name is Kirby. Okay, so every morning that I dropped him off for a year, and I give my daycare money. Miss Benita has never said anything about his eating habits. So you're telling me that you think my son is fat with him, you deal with him on a daily basis. I don't deal with him on a daily basis. What I'm looking at as records that are showing me that he's eating way more than the rest of anybody at the daycare. And not only that, he's drinking probably a gallon of milk a day, a gallon the milk. Y'all only get snacks two times a day and he's there only for breakfast and lunch, And how in the hell is he drinking a gallon of milk? And if he is, ma'am. But all I know is this, no, No, I'm blown away by this because you calling me on a Sunday, calling my damn child fat. That's the problem. And your wife has never said a damn thing. Never has she said one thing to me in a year when she collecting my damn daycare money. She ain't said my son is eating y'all at a house at home. Okay, Well, you know, my wife's a different person, and she tries to be cordial with everyone. He's the one who deals with me. Mister Kirby, I've never met you, never met you. It special all of a Sunday. The reason why I'm calling you on a Sunday, ma'am, is that I know tomorrow if you're gonna be trying to drop your son off, I am gonna drop him off. I am. No, No, that's that's kind of the reason why I'm calling you. Now. Here's where we knew that. Here. Either you can keep him at home. No, I'm not keeping him at home. My husband works and I work. I'm dropping my damn son off at six thirty like I do every morning, ma'am listening if we can't get him, if you really want to get this banita on the side, because obviously you ain't the one that need to be talking to me, because if you're not there every day, and I did with your wife, I'm telling you that your son is too big to be is coming every morning. If that's the case, and if he's eating at a house at home, I'll send him some extra, but what I pay my money for is what you're gonna feed him for two full meals and two snacks. And if he needs extra, I'll put some in his bag. But he's drinking a gallon of milk a day. Are you looking there? I don't care. There's no way possible that he can drink a gallon of milk a day. Y'all. Here's here's, here's the deal. I don't want you to have to stop bringing your son now, and I'm not and I'm not. Here's my second alternative. I will put him on a diet. Okay, I'll give him an apple in the day. You ain't, no, damn hum ain't. Are you from these food program I will. I will give him an apple and a glass of water in the morning, and I'll give him an apple and a glass of water in the evening, and then you guys can feed him when he gets home. You must be certified in the food program, especially if you're sitting the pare telling me my damn son is going on a diet and he's not drinking no water and no apple. He needs a full snack. If the other kids is having an apple and water, then that's what you better be serving him. But if that ain't the case in here, I'll know he better get the full snack. So if that's Graham crackers and apple juice. Well, damn it, that's what my son better be getting. And if he won't astra, he better get it. I'm listening. All I'm trying to tell you is your son drink two months? He drinks two Oh whoa, whoa, whoa. You need to back at the top. I know you did not cussing me. I know. Ready to cut to me. Let me tell you what. You ain't got to worry about it. We don't have nothing else to talking about. My husband, me, your wife, and everybody that works at damn daycare better be there in the morning because that's six thirty. We gonna be there, and my son he's coming all week and he gonna eat all week. If he walked two gallons of milk, he gonna drink it. If he walked two plates of food, he gonna get it. Because I tell you what, we say them good money to come to that daycare. So you're gonna bring your child up there now. I will put your child on swim fast. I was trying not to give him to suspected, but I will ask give him some slim fast, and you're gonna get a slim fast swimping I'm gonna whip y'all that whoever gave it to him, whoever gave it to him, they gonna get a slim fast shipping all the little kids that have some slim fast. If he getting some, he better eat whatever they eat. And if they eatn't steak with damn it, he better have some too. If we had steak, he'd probably eat the whole damn car he eatn't care I pay for it, but he been like getting up slim fast. I will shut it down about my child. Okay, I got something else you need to know about your son? What the else do I need to know? Besides you think my son is overweight? What the helth can you tell me today? I need to tell you this. I need to tell you that. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend Lucretia got me to prank on call you. What did you just say? What did you just say? I'm gonna be sad to that she No, I don't play about my damn son at all. That's my only son. I don't play about him. I'm gonna be is she there? Hear me? It's on? After that, it's all it is all. Hey, I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, baby, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Shows. I wasn't okay. People's kids, all right, listen coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment news right after this. You're listening right the two nineteen Steve Harvey's Sand and Soul Festival is it's going down October tenth through the fourteen where Steve tell them in Hot Splendid who then Dominican of the public. This is true, This is true. Yeah. Events include party at the day cruise. Okay, showtime about your party during the daytime on the boat. There ain't no money. Showtelling me cash showtime with the empower where they boomto you can't say they gonna boom, they gonna boom a foam pool party. Love love that. Yeah, we had a good time. We did. Come on, Junior, tell us about the comedy show. The comedy show, Yeah, the comedy cracking sides and on his Jay, Tony Roberts and myself will be doing the Tears of Joy comedy show. We're at Uncle It Hot Boon to ConA. Yeah, Hot Punicata, all you can eat, drink for free, twenty four hour room service, limitless resort credits in a twenty four hour casino, when you can see Steve Harvey all day and well in hot over a thousand rooms sold already. This event. I'm telling you people, this event will fell out your room. Now. Go to Steve Harvey. Yeah, go to Steve Harvey stand and sold dot com. Or you can call eight hundred and six eight four twenty eight twenty five. We will see you in Punicona, Dominican Repu's Hot, super Hot Hotman Republic, James, shut up. If you're not coming, I'm coming. I'll be there, but I just want you fully you'll be that this year because the proms last year. You every day from hot for Father's Day. But I don't tend to the foteenth getting going down, Baby standon soul. Steve Harvey stand such a deplorable acknowledge. Eight hundred and six eight four twenty eight twenty five. All right, guys, it's time for today's entertainment news and a Memorial Day weekend box office reports. While the movie a Latin It stars Will smith Man, he's such a superstar. He owns the Memorial Day weekend, doesn't he? I mean he really does. Yeah, well, yeah, he took a magic carpet ride at the top of the box office. People live action adaptation of the nineteen ninety two animated film earned one hundred and twelve point seven million dollars. Did you hear me over the boy Day? Memorial Day week weekend? That easily beat Disney's projection of seventy five to eighty five million. High, I would say so. Number two John Wick Chapter three, Pair of Bellum thirty one million. Number three Avengers Endgames still in the top three, twenty two point three million dollars. So there you go for the weekend. Nice. Really smart man, he's really smart with PICKT movies. Huh, he's really really good at that. I gained total respect for Will Smith when he did Ali. I did not think he crushed Ali, but man, when he did the movie about the concussions in the football world, Oh yeah, I think it was it called concussions. That his portrayal of that doctor Amen, Amen, that dude caught on. That dude can hact. And for him not to get an oscar for that, that was a complete injustice. All right, Steve, you're right, we're gonna switch gears here and get some headline ladies and gentlemen, miss A and Tripp. Thank you very much everybody, and good morning. Welcome back to a lot of folks who took off that Memorial Day weekend. This is a trip with the news. While there were parades and celebrations, cookouts and quiet remembrances all over the country, yesterday for Memorial Day, and in line with tradition, Vice President Pence was at Arlington National Cemetery to honor those who served in the US military by placing a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I'll behalf of a grateful nation. It is my profound privilege to be here on the hallowed ground of Arlington National Cemetery for the one hundred and fifty first occasion where we gather to pay a debt of honor and gratitude. Asident, Trump visit Arlington National Cemetery last week before taking off for Japan. Nine members of a Clan affiliated group spent part of their Memorial Day weekend holding a rally in Dayton, Ohio. Reports are there about ten clansmen on Saturday drew about ten supporters, while nearly a thousand counter protests turned out. They say the races cover their faces with bandanas and carried the US flag, the KKK flag, and a Confederate flag. However, their speeches were drowned out by the anti racist banging on drumas, playing the tuba, and with a church group singing Amazing Grace. While tensions between the US and Iran have ramped up considerably yes lately, President Trump says he's nevertheless feeling positive about the possibility of a new anti nuclear deal with the Persian country. He insists the sanctions he's imposed working for both the US and the Iran. Trump spend the weekend in Japan, which has maintained relations with Iran and is offering actually to help Iranians and the Trump administration on the same page. Back to the table and talking about stuff and negotiating more. Rainy and windy weather is headed for Arkansas and Oklahoma this week. Some residents of Tulsa have evacuated their homes because of flooding and closed roads. Forecast to say that a storm system is going to move into the Central Plains today over night, a tornado hit the area around Oklahoma. A lot of folks are without power in that area. High School of touring get this in Memphis, Tennessee's the Vallect Tour. And he's earned more than three million dollars in scholarships, and he's actually homeless. Seventeen year old Tupac Mosley's father died recently. His five family fell behind the bills and they were victed from their home. Since them, Tupac has been living in a camping site and at a place set up by a nonprofit organization. He's still keeping a four point three grade point average. So young Tupac, one wonderful to seventeen year old African American youngster three million dollars in scholarships to go to college. Finally, the movie Aladdin tops all others at the Memorial Day weekend box office, pulling in just shy a one hundred and thirteen million dollars. You some of the phone an opportunity. I can make you rich rich Enough's impressive, Princess, Well would I have to do? There's a cave of one days. Bring me the laman old great one who summons me. I stand by my both loyalty. Two wishes three. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening, Tommy. We have some special announcements for our church announced me that I need to give him to pass to this money, if that's all right. I know it's Tuesday, but we have some that are very, very crucial that we need to discuss. If that's all right with past h not prepared for Tuesday to complete? All right, work on your voice a little bit more? Don't if I'm might be paid for Tuesday complaints? Why would I be here on Tuesday? You're really talking to Steve a second ago? All right? You have not said work on your voice? Oh would not? Hell? All right? You are Jes's been talking to Steve. All right? Well they all causes Tuesday, I understand. But we have a Monday, yes, but we was it was a holiday pass all right, our very on Reverend ad Nor, it is I having some health challenges and look him to someone to make him a lace front mustache. Now, there's a lot of ladies out here who heads are full of lace frants. We would like some of them to share a small amount for a mustache. Come on, ladies, please help reverend out up. You don't have anything to say, yes of a leader, a bustas loser, but bustas as we speak, there goes another hell. Anyway, I would like someone shipping and help me. They're falling as we speak. Helped me with a lace front mustache. That's all I ask, just utache, but because of health challenges, just falling out. I think because of the super diet number seventy four that I use is taking it. Could we tattoo you one on there? We could try that, but that super die seventy four is not much as friendly now. It don't make it dark, but your hair will fall out. I'll tell you what I'll do. Oh at no, next time my trio ma mu stare, I'll say the clippings that would be nice, that would day. And the next time I saved my wife legs I saved, I was clippings. Nobody won't know hair leg here here herey don't speak for me, do not speak for me, and pass. If you trim me up my stand, we can make a whole wig. Fan. I trill my mustache and cut it off. I'm gonna looking like a bad booby, I trilled. More stairs, I look just like Rafiki the show all right. Coming up next at thirty four after the hour trending sports News. NBA Finals are set, people, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening show all right, Junior? What you got? NBA Finals Game one Thursday night up Jay Tommy in Toronto. Kevin Durin is out for the start of the finals. But the real question is what is Golden State gonna do about Kawhi Leonard and Drake? It kill anybody down. I don't understand why everybody's upset about Drake. He's a fan. Do that's all he doing. I like the dudes love for the from he from up there. That's his team. He everybody he needs to sit down. Man. In Milwaukee, they stopped selling his music. Yeah yeah, that's just damn ridiculous. The dude is a fan. He having a good ass time. He's supporting this team. I don't see nothing wrong with it. And people, man, because they damn team ain't in it. There you go right there, you're na man about that? Well well as whipping will make you hate stuff, man, I just don't see nobody whipping Golden State because when when Durant isn't on the team, they are a well oiled team machine, Man just a machine. Now when it's the Warriors is playing with Kevin Durant's it's the Durant Show. But man, when he's not playing that boy, they move around, they're cutting. It's crazy to watch man. And then and then Draymond Green becomes an MVP player really Oh yeah, yeah, he's like a point forward. And what you think? So? Who? You got five games? Six games? What y'all think? I'd love to see a seven game series, but I don't see it. You need all the Golden State to twist. They ankled in trying. You need everybody on t twister. You know, everybody show play still and kd all need to throw the ankle. Yeah. OK, And I just say this about the playoffs. Mhmm. It's Charles Berkley gonna need his own table in a minute because he's spreading Hunt's huge. I like, I mean, I do huge. First of all, I've been I've been eating I believe, come on, you know I've been I been having at the game. They got popcorn, they got hot dogs. I'm eating that. I they got nacho they go down in their third quarter getting Natcho. They got everything down there. They go, you're gonna get white and mean, look where you're at. We're not in the Golden State. They got good barbecue, Korean barbecue down, they got regular real they got they got soldier red, they everything. You're gonna get big if you keep sitting around thee stadium. They go up, mister, mister Wiggan, he got a barbecue stand up there? How I got hamburger stand? Huh? When's the last time you button your coat and sat down? I have not busting this coat since I started playing for Philly. Right then the cheese takes that you should get out of every game, But I ain't butting the sixtin. That's when it started. You predicted who I'm predicting. They got some more barbecue in the game. They got more rids, they's got most subsages. Can't you know? They got sting shaking they got So that's what I think it's gonna happen. I don't even care about the Do you have food under the table while you're doing the time? I have food not only under the table, but I pulled us subway out in my shoe last week. Ain't that right then? Or a commercial break? But I really you know, my collection. I level good though, so I'm gonna keep going. No problem with coming other we call me yesterday, so we good, all right, thank you, thank you. Nephew coming up with a prank phone call right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject You're never too old to get played. Yeah. Yeah, But right now the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call, what do you have for us today? Nap the repo man. Wow, repo man. Anybody had a call repo anybody on this show? No? Ya, hell, repo man. Here it is. Let's run a catch. Hello, I'm trying to rechange please this hell. Sorry, y'all. My name is uh Robert. I'm with the collection agency. You do on a Sierra two thousand and three GMC truck, Am I correct? Yeah? Okay. We don't show that we've had any payments within the last I guess about three close to four months now, and we want to try and stop having to come in and repossess it. Maybe we give you a chance to bring your payment in, but we haven't had a payment from you in about four months, sir, na truck, I ain't financially with the other the other thing, I don't, I don't. I don't know what's in the moment. Yeah, I've been planning all the time. It's directed product from our call. We're about that. Well. Uh, I'm with they've they've turned you over to us. I'm with collection agency, and we haven't gotten anything from I don't. I don't show any uh, any paperwork here on the computer at all that we've had any payments made within the last four months. So that's why they've been panning it all. I don't already turned it over to y'all without my permission. They can't never tell my time and my truck over to y'all to pay y'all. I don't even know. Well, I understand that, sir. What happens is if you haven't paid it in a certain amount of time, it actually comes over to the collection agency. And that's what they've done. They've actually sent it over to us. UH. They've given us uh pretty much all the information on you. I guess it's a gold this type of color UH. CR two thousand and three GMC truck from my understanding, Am I correct? Yeah, that's my truck. Okay. Um, Now, what I'm gonna need from you today, Jeremy, is for you to come in uh and make a payment to us this evening for four months so we can see so we don't have to come in and repossess your truck. And I don't want to have to do that, but if I have to send a record out there to you, I have your address on file as well. I don't want to have to send anybody out to pick it up. Y'all not coming here my truck. And I'm not paying y'all for for new full months. I'm gonna saying my truck all time, every month. That's a deal, sir. I don't want to get in a back and forth with you, but I'm telling you exactly how it's gonna go. Now. I'll come out there and repossess it myself. But I'm telling you, look, that's not not even where we gotta go with that. Don't be you don't need to be screaming a yard. I can come get it yourself and all that they truck truck that's gonna be that? What? Hang on, let's back up because I'm a man, just like here, man, what do you mean it's gonna that's gonna be that? What are you saying? What are you? What are you? What are you saying to me? Son? I'm telling you. Look, look, I'm telling you that I pay my truck note and and that's a fun I don't know, I don't know who are you. Let's get I've already stated to you before I'm with an agency. And let's get one thing straight. You don't tell me I tell you now. Hey, hey, dude, calm down here on the phone. It don't make no sense. Talment you know, over the faun and whatnot. You can come, you can come get the truck. My truck right here I work. I'm ready here, you can come. You can come, try to get my truck. You come on here. Sure, I'm already aware of where you work in the whole nine yards. Now, I don't I'm trying to be as uh cardied with you as I can. Now you can clone you're talking about I'm gonna get my trouble. I tell you, I'll be saying. So you know you should have dropped down and be like all right, I'm gonna check with somebody. I sen check with somebody else to make sure I'm right. It didn't call me, batter. I'm telling you you haven't paid anything. That's what I'm telling you. I've got it listed on the computer. You've been turned over an agency and you haven't done it. You haven't done a thing. What are you? Stupid? You? You you're raising your press scream in a hall over the phone like that because they ain't gonna do me me? Are you no good? But you ain't get no money from me? Then you ain't coming from my truck. What a matter of fact, you could come from my truck. I'm gonna be on my trunk. I'm gonna wait on you. What are you gonna be there? It doesn't make any difference, sir. You gotta get repossessed tonight. If I don't get four months payment brook, Definitely, if I don't get four months payment brought into me collection agency, your truck will be taken care of. No. Hold on, listen, man, hold on, you're kind of kind of serious. Put my truck and parler. You quit cursing at me. That's what truck man you got me? Trust, Look my truck right outside. You come over here and get it obviously on that way for you. Look, you know what. I'm at the point I don't give a about this job. I'm ready to come kick your That's what I'm ready to do. Call him back, Kake. I don't need a little scared hanging up the phone. You're standing here like a man, and you handle your problems. Hey, I'm man. I make a roof. Bro stop telling. I'm at work too, doing my job the same way you're doing yours. Make you want to do your job. I got one more thing I want to say to you before you go. Are you listening? This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by you got you got on my teacher? Man? You are you all right? Man? No, I'm all right. I'm gonna talk this roof. Man, I'm talking about cool. I'm she told me. She told me, man, she said that boy loved that truck. Yeah, that's my my reputation. Man, ain't man, Yeah, I gotta ask. I gotta ask you. Man, Tell me, brother, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane? Repo? Man, Man can't tell you something sir, I had a repo man actually tell me one time. He said, kid, you're the best I've ever hunted for in my twenty five years of repo. Listen to you the best. You're the best I've ever and I'm gonna get you one day. But how lone, you went three years three three years without a single payment. Where were you parking this car? Hey? Dog out out the state now? They was looking at Cleveland. I come here now. And then that told me, though, say, you're the best. Yeah yeah, that car now the first car they tried to repoll. I heard it for eight months. M yeah. I finally got the money and paid it before they got it, But I heard that one for eight months. I had some cold moves, man. I would park in a partner's garage down the street. I would park behind the grocery store sixteen blocks away, or take my bike off the bike rack and then ride at home. Or did I ride back down to my car in the morning. One time to dude follow me on the bike, He said, I know you're riding to a car. He followed me on the bike, but I knew who he was by then. I stopped at the light. He was behind me. I just turned around on my bike and said, hey, man, I'm not going to take you to my car. I'm just telling you that right now, I'm not going to take you three years long time. I'm the greatest man, for real, the greatest the goat. Yeah, I'm responsible for a lot of stuff. You know that sign you see on the gas pumps, pay before you pay before you pump. Yeah, I'm the reason that that sign exists today. What do you mean? Yeah? And nineties. Yeah, I stole gas I was home. Yeah, I created that sign, and you're proud. I apologize to people for it all the time. That's why he can't run for nothing? Right, rules have changed, looks and run. And when i'm convinced, I'm convinced. You know, the rules are different for us. So yeah, this is true. All right, Thank you, nephew. Coming up next, it is today's Strawberry Letter subject You're never too old to get played. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on sex, on dating, on parenting, on work more. Please please please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today. Okay, buck it up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject You're never too old to get played. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have dated a man for the past several months, and you will not believe what happened over the holiday weekend. He told me that he had plans to go out of town with his buddy since we had a long weekend. He said his phone service might be sketchy while he was driving, so he would call me when he could. He left town Thursday morning and everything was cool until Friday morning at nine am, when he called me. I was surprised to hear from him, but he sounded a lot different. He asked me, Hey, Cynthia, can you do me a favor? I replied yes, What is it? He asked me if I could speak to someone that is very special to him, named Bridget. He said he needed me to tell Bridget that he and I are just friends and we've been out to dinner once and that was it. So Bridget got on the phone and said hello. I asked her why she wanted to talk to me. Wasn't to find out what's really going on with me and this man? She said, yes, tell her everything. So I told her that we are not in a relationship, but we have had a lot of great sex and he was just in my bed on Thursday morning before he left town. Okay, Bridget had the phone on speaker and I could hear him in the background saying I was lying. I hung up after that, and I was in total shock. This man is sixty four years old and he's still playing games. I feel bad for being so rude to Bridget, but it's not her fault. Women Get played all the time. He texted me to say that he would deal with me when he got back to town. I'm no fool, but I do want to hear what he has to say. Should I hear him out or just move on and let him and Bridget deal with these issues. Yeah, you just answered your own question. Yeah, move on and let him in Bridget deal with these issues, because obviously he and Bridget have some kind of relationship going on. He said she was very special to him. Yeah, if he put her on the phone to talk to you. It is very special. Okay, it is very very special. And I hope you know that you're the one that's getting played here. Okay, he's sixty four years old. Yes, he's still playing games. Why are you feeling so bad for Bridget when he's with her? I think you got it. Twist it, okay. I mean your first clue was when he said his phone service might be sketchy while he's driving. He's going away for the weekend. Your radar should have went off, A red flag should have gone up when he called you and said, Hey, Cynthia, can you do me a favor? Could you speak to someone very special to him named Bridget? I mean none of this was clicking with you. Yeah, let him go. Move on with your life, girl, don't allow him to play you any longer. You left a lot out of this letter. I'll tell you that Bridget, who is she? Did you find out who she was to him? And what are you to him? You guys have only been dating for the past several months, so it's obviously it's obvious not very serious. Again, you've answered your own question. You don't have to hear him out. You don't need to hear what he has to say. It's obvious Bridget is special to him. You're not move on. Let him and Bridget deal with these issues, Steve, all right, let me just clear something over with this letter before we get too far down the road. When he left town Thursday, everything was cool until Friday morning at nine am, when he called me. I was surprised to hear from him. He sounded. He asked me, Hey, Cynthia, can you do me a favor? I said, yes. What he asked me if I could speak to someone that's very special to him named Bridget. He said he needed me to tell Bridget that he and I are just friends and we've been out to dinner once and that was it. Now, let's understand something. He didn't just put Bridget on the phone down, Nobody do that. He had to put Bridget on the phone cause Bridget found something in his phone and said, who the hell is Cynthia. That's the only way this man called you With the woman right there, it's the owner. If she don't mean nothing to you, prove it called her and that's how you got a phone call. Let's not be stupid. He let's not be naive. Let's not get played. He put Bridget on the phone because he told Bridget y'all was just friends. When he put you on the phone, though, he even gave you instructions as to what he wanted you to do. He said he needed you to tell Bridget that him and Hub that him and you just friends and y'all out to dinner one time, and that was it. That's what he asked you to tell him. But oh no, that ain't what see not. Let me when we come back, we're gonna get down to the bottom of the letter. He said. He texts me to say that he would deal with me when he got back in time. What I'm no fool, but I want to hear what he has to say. Girl. What I'm gonna give you two things he gonna say right away, Hey, really, thank you for your support to me, that you would step up to the plate for me. But then you're gonna do not the second half of his conversation gonna be that is not what I asked you to say. You know it. I ask your ass one time, what is all call that thought? Steve? Okay, we'll have you roll for that. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject of today's Strawberry Letter, You're never too old to Get played. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Subject You're never too old to get played. You know this woman. I don't know how she is, but to do she dating his sixty four Oh, he had to go out of town with some buddies. Said his phone service gonna be sketchy, so he had called you when he These is twenty four ye old lines he using at sixty four. I'm going with some friends. But look at bay phone serve. It gonna be sketchy when I'm trying. How you know that? But so I talk to you when I get back. He thirsy morning. Everything was cool Friday morning, nine am. When he called me, I was surprised to hear from see you wasn't even looking to hear from him. He was not even gonna call you this weekend, but see she found something in the phone. He wasn't even gonna call you. That's why he told you it was gonna be sketching. He'll call you when he can. She found something in the phone. That's why when he called you he sounded different. Then he said, hey, send it. Send any other time, babe, babe or something sweetie, Hey, baby girl was happy. This time it was your government name. Hey, hey, sent I can't do me in favor. Um. I need you speak to somebody that's very very special to me. Her name Bridget and she right Hill. I want you to tell Bridget that me and you were just friend and we been out to dinner once and I was it. Oh yeah, OK. So I'm gonna put Bridget on say hello, Hello, I ain't Bridge. How you doing? Uh? Do you what? You want to talk to me? Yeah, I'm gonna talk to you. I want to get us all out, so we grown folks. Let's get wrong folks stuff out. We'll go ahead, and I'm listening. I'm listening. I'm grown. I don't know what. I don't know what he told you. I have no idea what he did. But what he told me to tell you is that we just went out one time. That's a damn lie. That is tripping like that tripping. I know what you asked me. What. I'm gonna put the truth out there because God is my witness. God is my witness. Uh huh uh huh. I heard what you said. I heard what you said. Tell her we only went out one time. That's all one time. Uh what you feeling to say? I'm gonna tell her everything. You just left my bed. You just left my bed. Ain't made up. I don't even make up, No bad negro. You was in my bed. Ok why would I be in your bed? And I got a bed Jesus, oh, Father God, I don't do other beds. I just sleep with Bridget. I'm getting the hot sweats now. I don't even fool with nobody to get hot sweats. Gets you do it, I don't. I don't even fool with nobody to get hot sweats. Bridget, listen to me. Don't even pay her. No, damn chicken. I get at me. She's been trying to get at you me. She'd been trying to get at me for the long, and I've been get at you special you. Why do you think I'm well? Gee, said Father God. Cynthia. Cynthia, that's my name. Don't hear out what you want? Cynthia. M hmm Okay, now come on now, Bridget, come let her cry. Who give a damn about her? Cry? I can't. I told you she was special to me. See that you go again again. Raise your hands if you give a damn if she crying? No hands up over here? Ain't no hands. You know something? You know? I thought our friendship was something special, But I said, I'm gonna have to deal with you. Me and you were not fit to be friends. No mother, not after this, No mo, no mo. I don't even need friends like you. I am frushed. You ain't even being a friend. Le got her over here crying and everything? Bridget, Bridget what bridget? Don't bust? No more damn wonders. Baby, You're all out in the cor busting window. I just told you we was friend She tripping. Have a nice life, old dude. No hold on, hold up? She outside? Hey, cynthy, she just snatched off the spark plugs out of car. You fit to pay for all this when I get back. This my boy's wife. This his wife. He thinking me and him, Me and my dude messing with the same girl. It ain't even true. Man, you tripping. You're gonna have to pay me for these spark plugs. She's a busting all the window. Now we're gonna be freezing coming back to man. Man, damn cynthy, you don't know the game we was just playing with you. Damn no, we get back. I gotta get my car fixed. What you cook his son? Don't bring that over here. Listen, guys. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up at forty six after the hour, comedy Roulette. We're gonna play a little comedy roulette right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time for comedy Roulette. Today's categories are things you say to people to help you move. Lies, men tell to get out of the house, lies women tell to get out of the house. Uh huh. And lastly, stuff white people say to black people that they think is really cool. All right, Oh yeah, let's spend the wheel, spun it, come on, come on, come on, getting at the house, Come on, women, let's go. Oh it stopped. And stuff white people say the black people that they think is really cool. Let's let's get right into it. Let's get right into it. Here we go. We just sliced uff a whole lot of watermelon. I'm sure you like it. I'm sure you like it. So um, do all of you all know the hip hop thing? Oh? Y'all know hip hop? Don't you? White people say the black people that they think is really cool. I really want my I really want my lips to look like yours. Really. Oh my gosh, Piggie wasn't small at all. White people say the black people that they think is really I don't really mean to be out of line, but could I just touch your ass? Just touch? Let me ask you something. I don't really know you guys that well. But do you all have chicken farms? Hey, dude, listen, if you ever really want it, you know I can teach you how to swim? They think, Yeah, I'll tell you this first lady doesn't compare to yours. I know that was a deep one. Yeah, so let me get this right. You went to college, but not on a basketball scholarship. All right, Steve Clay, who's the daddy? Yeah, I'll just tell you I'm perfectly fine with another African American president. Yeah, I have a problem with the one we had all right. Thanks. Guys coming up coming up at the top of the hour, who encouraged you to shave your bald head or your balding head at that time? We'll find out at the top of the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, John Travolta has been bald for a few months now, and he said, yeah, yeah, come on, John, you us okay, but he became friends with a pit bull. And you know, all of you guys who do this have got to stick together, you know. John Travolta recently said on Jimmy Kimmel Alive. He said, all of us guys who shave our heads have to stick together. So both he and his family encouraged it. He said, So, guys, I gotta ask you, guys, with the exception of you, uh Junior, what convinced you can? Oh? Oh he he being called. We might not have his hand in there, but somebody we can sit on the porch and wait for him because he comes home. I gotta ask you guys, brushing his hands taking less and less time. Oh man, hang, not to the curls. You know, girls like the curls. You know that. Whatever, Yeah, see Tommy, you ain't tall enough. See what I said, you were tall enough? You see waves, I see I see. No one convince you guys to shave well for me my wife, remember, yeah, Shirley, them came to my house. Her and Known walked in. Didn't say nothing. I'm just ball hitting. I didn't say a damn thing. You see me the video. I liked it, he called me. I was in bed resting, he said, I shaved. My said, no, you didn't. Yeah. I didn't fight it alone, Jake, he didn't. No, No, mid twenties, I didn't fight it, long said Tommy started losing. You know who made it look cool though? Michael Jordan made it look cool. Yeah, Jordan made it look cool. And one more person, George Wallace's mama with that gotee man. It was classic where she was, the way she roped it. Hate him tell it. Savalis made it look cool back, Yeah he did, he did. Yeah, who told you? I looked in the mirror and your hat tells you. Yeah, I tell you. In the top Shelley, it was really smooth, like really and if you can wear a hat, you can get away with it. You know it's doing comedy. You could just keep a hat on on stage, and then you know, it just got got got to where I'm charging myself for a half of a haircut or paying for a half a damn haircut. I'm like, just just shave it off. Ask Julie, it's a fight a guy. You don't think, you don't think? What don't mind? Steve asked you what I love good by by two years? Steve, you agree to take time to realize it, and he should just shave it off. Let it go. You see Tiger Oh yeah, Tiger Woods. Ye come on, yeah, well I need to let it go. I just saw him at the poker tournament this weekend. Just go on and oh oh it's some. Come on, brothers out there, it's some. But don't don't. Yeah, aren't there guys that really hate to part with it because of the shape of their head? It don't matter, no, he dog, All right, listen, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at about twenty minutes after the hour right after. I don't how much money you got either. Don't hang on, junior, hang on. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, well we left off. We were talking about, when did you guys realize it was time to shave off your shave your hair off and uh yeah, bald completely. Steve, Junior, Tommy, that's Steve Tommy Jay and Junior still has his hair. He said he had about two years, about two years? Two years or a woman got two years on my hand on two years or either a woman what do you mean a woman? Well, you know you, you know your woman will tell you, she will come on, come in the stop buying, stop buying, buy a small head. Yeah yeah, and chemo will take your damn head too. I ain't waiting on that. My mustads, eyebrows, what everything's gonna be gone? Everything? When I say everything, it will be that that too, well not. The question is do I shave it now or I wait on chemo shave sha. I would say, shave your mustash so it could be of your own wheel and do it. Let's go get your whole face waxed. Stevens trying to have a serious moment with but I never know when he gonna say something ignorant, so you know every on All right, we'll be back with the Morning of Steve Harvey. Morning shown right after this Junior, he's gonna be all right. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. The twenty nineteen Steve Harvey Sand and Soul Festival is it's going down October tenth through the fourteen where Steve tell them in Hot Splendid, who the Dominican of the Republic. This is true? This is true. Events include party at the day cruise okay, showtime at about your party during the daytime on the boat, showtime telling me cash, showtime with the Empower where they boom booth. You can't see they gonna booth. They gonna booth, a foam pool party love love that. Yeah, we had a good time. Come on, Junior, tell us about the comedy show on is Jay, Tony Roberts and myself will be doing the Tears of Joy comedy show. We're at Uncle It Hot Poon to Coola Yeah, Hot Punicota. All you can eat, drink for free, twenty four hour room service, limitless resort credits in a twenty four hour casino, when you can see Steve Harvey all day and well in Hot over a thousand rooms sold already. This event, I'm telling you people, this event will fell out your room. Now go to Steve Harvey. Yeah, go to Steve Harvey stand and sold dot com. Or you can call eight hundred and six eight four twenty eight twenty five. We will see you in Punicona, Dominican repe every night. It's hot, super Hotta Dominican Republic. Jake, shut up. If you're not coming, I'm coming. I'll be there, But I just you hopefully will be that this year because problems last year. You do every day, He warns them. Hot put father, I don't tend to the fourteenth. It is going down, baby standon, Saul, Steve Harvey stand sol got such a deplorable acknowledge. Eight hundred and six eight four twenty eight twenty five. All right, guys, it's time for today's entertainment news and a Memorial Day weekend box office report. While the movie a Latin it stars Will smith Man. He's such a superstar. He owns the Memorial Day weekend, doesn't he? I mean he really doesn't. Well, yeah, he took a magic carpet ride at the top of the box office. People live action adaptation of the nineteen ninety two animated film earned one hundred and twelve point seven million dollars. Did you hear me? Over the board day? Memorial Day week weekend? That easily beat Disney's projection of seventy five to eighty five million. High, I would say so. Number two John Wick Chapter three Para Bellum thirty one million. Number three Avengers Endgames still in the top three twenty two point three million dollars. So there you go for the weekend. Man, he's really smart with Piket moves. He's really really good. I gained total respect for Will Smith when he did Ali. I did not think Kendemy Award nomination for that. He crushed Ali. Coming up, our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and out least Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are last break of the day on this Tuesday. You have some closing remarks for us. I know you do. Yeah. I've been talking to you all a few times about this thing that I've started doing every morning, this morning meditation U reas of things I do. You don't have to do it now. Everybody has to pick their own way to go about it. I just decided because of a scripture that I read, Psalms five and three and Psalms five and three. It just talks about in the morning, and just talk about when you talk to God in the morning, you're asking him to hear your voice. And then after you ask him to hear your voice of everything you pray and talk to him about, asking to show gratitude. You wait in expectation of all these things to happen in your life. You know nothing to look, everything you ask im not gonna happen today, but you But you spend your day in the expectation that God is going to do something to move you closer to your goals, your dreams, your visions, and especially to Him. But what I have learned about this morning meditation and it has bought about a pizza in my life that I've never had before. I'm just sharing it with everybody because I'd like for you all to try it. Look, they got these daily inspiration books all over the place. The one I got is called Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young. It's just a three hundred and sixty five day devotion, or you can pick anyone. You won't you know how they have a little message of the day and then they back it up with a couple of scriptures. And look, man, I'm not being religious with you at all, because your faith doesn't matter to me. I'm just talking about a method, this morning meditation. And what I do is what it does is it is after I get through meditating and I say the Lord's Prayer and I read my little daily daily inspiration, I got a Bible app and I do my verse to the day, and then I go look it up in the Bible and I look it up in a new Living Testament so I can understand the real words. And before I close out, I pull out my list of everything that I'm thanking God for, which is a full sheet of paper. And then I have a second sheet of paper, dust stuff I'm asking God for, which is another full sheet of paper. What I've learned in this meditation is that it has given me a peace that has transcended my intellect. And what I mean by that is what I've discovered. What was happening to me, and it might be happening to a lot of you, is when most of your mental energy goes into trying to figure everything out which I can't tell you how much of my morning I used to wake up in the morning and began to figure every try to figure everything out. When you're trying to figure it out the peace that God can really give you, you're you're not capable of receiving that because you're in the way with your mind set. See you so busy trying to figure it out that you don't leave room for God and what God does. God kind of looks in your head and probably looking at all these thoughts spinning around and round and going nowhere and accomplishing nothing, and all the while this piece that He has for me had been kind of hovering over my head, searching for a place to land. But I wasn't giving his peace a place to land in my head because I had it soul jumbled up with thoughts of how to figure it out, what I'm gonna do, who should I call, what should I say? How do I respond? And for the past month I'll stopped doing that. All of a suddenly just gave me an incredible peace that he had been trying to give it to me for years. I wish I had learned this a long time ago, but maybe it can help you out the way. It has helped me. But I guess we all learned stuff as we go along. You know, we are all slowly becoming the person that we should have been a long time. I'm a goal. I also learned of late that you it takes your entire life to find out everything there is to find out about yourself. To be who you really are takes your entire life. This person that I become has become a person more at peace as all the controversy and things swirl around me. God has given me a real calmness in the eye of the hurricane. And we all can be the center of the hurricane if we just refuse to step out in the swirl us around us, And it's all around us. It's relative to who you are. Some swels appear bigger than other swirls because of the level you've reached in life. Some people might look over there and go, man, that ain't nothing, But in a world it could be everything, It could be monumentous. So who am I? Because it's all relative as to where we are. You know, we all got our different crosses to bear. But the one thing I've learned about this morning, meditation has given me a peace beyond my intellect, and it has caused me to just have a calmness that I haven't had in a long time. And I don't have to respond to everything, because everything that somebody's saying about you, and everything that somebody's doing towards you, that's meant for evil. That ain't your business, And don't make it yours. Don't even worry about it. Those people have no idea that God's ways are as high above the earth as the heavens. They have no idea. They just operating in their own little cocoon, thinking they staring up something because they got some likes or something like that. Hey, y'all, don't get in that. Don't worry about ten people. If you love God and you're a child of his, He's working on your behalf even when it looked like it's some mess out there. All you got to do is stay at the eye of the hurricane, don't get in the swirl, don't go out there. If you stay centered in Him, he'll give you a piece that transcends all your intellect. That's what the morning meditation has done for me. I would invite you all to try it yourself, all right, that's it today. Those are my closing remarks. Drop it's all that. Oh yes, have a great week. Here for all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to show