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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all ball suit all looking back to back down, giving them both just like amazing buck things and it's touble not true. Good at Steve had listening to me together for Steve Quick, Hobby, I don't join ya, Hobby, Joy go with me, Honey. You gotta turning love. Yeah, you're going to very you, y'all. You gotta turn you to turn out, turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn water to the want of y'all. Come on, uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig and now one and only Steve Harley got a radio show we gotta going for you today. I was thinking about on the way in. You know, yesterday was a really, really trying day for me. There's a lot of work yesterday and I was up. I've gotten so tired at one point man that but you know, I mean, I mean I had no one to to to explain it to. You know, mom. The fellas that travel with me, they just go, they just go. You know, they know where I gotta be. They get me in place, you know. Blah blah, blah. But you know, you know, right about when I'm about to complain about it out loud, I also find all of the incredible reasons that I have to be grateful, and it kind of slows down to complain it a little bit. Now I'm not saying to our days, man, why I don't verbalize my fatigue or I don't verbalize my man I wish I didn't have to work so hard, or man but but but but but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. But when I get through with that, I have so many reasons to be grateful that he does slow it down, you know, And sometimes it might a majority terms just flat out stops it because I end up laughing at myself because you know, it's so many things are happening to me beyond my belief, beyond what I asked God for. So there's just some extreme blessings going on in my life. But man, man o, man o, man have I paid? And that that's the part I want to talk to you about today. You know, see a lot of people look at other people and they see what they think is the finished product. They don't realize that all of us, no matter who we are, are still a work in progress, that I have many flaws, that I have many problems and have many situations that come up, you know, just like anybody else. You know, I'm no different from that, you know. You know, life happens for me just like it happens for you. It may happen in different ways, but just like you know, if it's something comes up at an inconvenient time for you, it props up for me. You know, if something happens for me that seems unfair, I know that it's happening to somebody else unfairly. But you know, um, I find myself being grateful the majority of the time. I can't say all the time because I'm a human being, and sometimes I find myself complaining about it all, you know, But but I try, for the most part to stay grateful, to stay focused, and it allows me to keep the wheels churning. But now I wanna I want to share something with you about your road to success. You know you've heard me say this probably a hundred times now. The road to success is always under construction, it really is. So here's here's what I want you to expect on your way to changing, on your way to becoming successful. On your way to achieving your goals, on your way to getting better. I want you to expect many difficulties. Once again, the road to the road to success is always under construction. I want you to expect many difficulties. But here is the deal between successful people and non successful people. It's how they deal with the difficulties. That's the only difference. It's how you deal with the difficulties, how you handle the setbacks, how well you get up after you've been knocked down. That's happening to all of us, none of us, none of us are exempt from that. You're going to fall, You're going to be pushed, you're going to be run over, You're going to be tackled, you are going to be lied about. You are going to have setbacks. That's a part of the journey. But how do you handle them? How well do you do you handle everything? See, I want you to understand something. When you set out to be successful, he is difficult. Pet Pablo, who have probably people? What is it about to quote Pet Pablo? He had a uh A wrap album out called Diary of a Cinner and it was really, man my favorite rap album of all time because he says some things about his life that I could so relate to. I can't think of the name of the song right now, but there is a lyric a stands in one of his songs that says, I had a half a tanker gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, and a voice said, it's only a test of my faith. It said, I had a half a tanker gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, but a voice said, it was only a test of my faith. It's a deal your faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see. When you say I'm going to make it, I'm going to be successful at it. I'm going to finish college. I'm going to achieve my goal. I'm going to be a better husband. I'm going to be a better father. I'm going to be a better wife. If I'm going to be a better mother, I'm going to be a better student. I'm going to be rich. I'm going to start doing more for other people. I'm going to help the less fortunate. Whatever you say when you're sending that prayer, when you declare that faith, the devil hears your prayer to Now A sad thing about the devil is he's busy seven and he has people that works for him. It's some imps out there that ain't up to no good. You all know them. You've all run across them. They always putting shade on somebody. They always barking at somebody. They always knocking somebody down. These people that they're just busy for Satan. What you gotta be careful of is that occasionally you don't become one of those people. See so who and these people? When when the devil hears his prayer that you set up or what you're gonna be successful at, then your faith is going to be tested. He got people man to come in there and try to knock you off that course. So you can get on back to this old woe is me. I ain't gonna ever be nothing then, uh man. Seemed like every time I try to get back up, I getting knocked right back. Now. Once he gets you saying that enough times, then he can start implementing some other programs. Come on, man, let's sell this dope. We can't get no job now here you go. You're off track. You're going you other way. Now, he got you, He got you tied up. Now to the poort where he can get you locked up, or he can get you killed and lose your soul. So now he had worked busy he all day. What you got to be mindful of is that your faith will be tested, that it's going to be difficult to get the way you are, and you got to stay in prayer all the time, talking to your creator about strengthening you for the journey. You have to be strengthened for the journey. That's all you're asking for, because the journey is the journey. You can stop asking God to remove all these problems in these situations because it ain't gonna happen. These are the test of our faith. This determines how bad you want it. What I'm saying to you this morning is stay focused, stay prayerful, stay on point, get ready for him. Understand that it's just to test to your faith. That your faith will be tested. But you got to stay the course. Man, You got to stay the course. It's all right, you will be fine in due time, but you gotta give some of this stuff a chance to play itself out. Because nothing lasts forever. Ain't no pain forever. All right. I'm just trying to help you with that, because boy, I'm dealing with it all the time. Stay prayerful, God got help for you. All right, let's go. You're listening to Steven Show. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. Ah what you're listening to right now? This is the badest morning show in the land. Man, It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Now listen here. This show is dedicated Come on to all of you who love to shoot poop. You know what I'm saying. But yeah, just the lover of pool. And you ain't got to love it if you just like Air nine in just getting on, you don't character you want one of them tables across the quarter. Uh they don't have them, no more separated. Oh they got him at tavern and drumsticking what they had quo quoted table got one? Yeah, Oh yeah they got him. Yeah, they got him. Okay, So that's it. So no, that and just today is dedicated to you. If you love to shoot pool, How did you come up with that? Well? I don't know, you know, I don't even care if you an entry level pool player, or you're a stone cold hustler, or you could be a trick shot artist. I don't care. I have a particular infinity for the hustlers. Though Smithy's pool Hall east Way Center can't state what I'm trying to tell you. Why all my groceries was was earned in Now do you still play this? Anyone on the show? Play well, I got a table. I don't play nowhere, And you're like, I used, I don't play to somebody come over, you know me? I got we have a pool table. I like it a little bit. I go to the lounge and oh, you mean at the set. No, No, I just wanted to set one of the say gonna say we got one of the same man. Ain't nobody touch you. Ain't nobody told me nothing either him. My favorite thing to do is put the chalk on the sticks to that ship. Yeah, somebody's look coolest, Hey, I'll put that that. I love that. It's something about yeah, it's something about the thing about it. Though. When I'm chalking it, I have to talk tray. But when I'm chalking though, that's when I'm talking about before I'm getting ready to shoot. For example, Oh I got some tray talk for you. And don't let the pocket I called don't let go in. Do you put the other chalk on your hands? Yeah, put a little bit of that on that. I use the standard bridge. We got to go play a game. Man, just see this, get your draws took off everything. Let's play five hundred the game. Let's do that. Ain't ain't no problem and going you want you won't have a damn dollar when you leave, because you're gonna gues. You're gonna play one game then such a hustle. No five game, let's go you you're not gonna believe how much money you ain't pro We can't play on your table two. We ain't gotta come to mind. We can play at the shadow. What's o table you got? Tommy know you ain't got the naw Why because it's too big? Because he's still Yeah, move my box over here. You got to break with the bridge. All right, we gotta go. It's time when we come back for Junior's Truth be Told and uh yeah, something funny coming up at thirty two after we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Junior, time for Truth be Told. Yeah, I'm sure listen. Um, I want to say something this is This is very important because I know this happen to everybody. Troop trup be told people who are allergic to food need to eat with other people who are allergic to food. But if you allergic to eggs, you know people who are allergic to food, food allergies, your food allerge. Yeah, you need to eat with other people with food allege. I'm tired of this. Look heard of all say something. Don't wait till we get you the restaurant. I didn't ordered my plate. Get here and you say I can't eat fish? Okay, where was all this information on the way to the restaurant before we got there? You could have been saying something, we didn't pass six other restaurants, not in order. Uh, I can't even stand the smell of fish, or we'll get your fit and that because we were about to eat. I'm not finishing. I'm nowhere else to stick yourself. I'm sorry because I ain't got trying to be driving. You can ball my gags and feed you. We gotta keep changing restaurants because you're allergic to fish. I'm fine with fish out. So they can't sit across from the case smell it. They can't be around sent him in the shot. I always wonder why he was twitching over there. I ain't know, letting me know. Secondly, stop asking people what's in it? Okay, we don't. It's stupid everything. It can't come out every time to take you somewhere. What's in that? When y'all asked me, you just ain't gonna eat because you just need to eat with other people who would learned the food, take time trying to please you. I like that. I like it. Turn the right man. Organizations. Yeah, they need food allergy, especially here. People that allergic to peanuts. They can't eat the whole plane, can't get no peanup. I was on the plane one time. We take off and I'm sitting there for a class, and all of sudden the dude open up that side door where the CA didn't come in. They got to take the stuff out, and we were already ready to pull off. Come to find out, lady and got a plane with a little boy that's allergic to peanuts and nuts. He has a nut allan, So they came in and took all the nuts off the plane. What so now I'm I'm because I'm hungry, I'm waiting on my little bowl of hot mixed nuts. They took all the nuts off the plane. So they're doing this. I don't really pay no attention. So the lady come around taking your order what you want and I said, I like that now. I said, could I please, just ahead of time, get the mixed nuts. I'm really hunger? Oh, Mr Harving, I'm so sorry that was the delay. We had to take all the nuts off the plane. There's a little boy on the plane that has a severe nut allergy. Okay, well wait a minute, what do I got to do with the other hundred fifty No, no, no, no, no, he's a little sick ass. Can't fly. Whoa, we got a hunt of the other people on here got a ticket. We can't handle damn nuts because a little old thought in the back and he you know, some of the rich ass named Brad. They wanted them a little boys in the back because he can't eat nuts. He can't he can't even smell on nuts. We don't need to be on the plane. Then, how you're function in life like that? You're gonna fast by somebody eating some nuts and got some nuts. I mean, there's people with some really bad nuts out of there. Oh yeah, I ain't really tripping on that. Just if you're gonna get on the plane, you can't have it. Take all the damn nuts all, No, he can't do that. But she can't smell nuts, smellow. He can't smell nuts some Now, if you're sitting next to him and you opened up nuts, he has allergic reaction. We need to put his ass in the bubble, his ass a little astronaut soup so he can go live a little happy half life. For that. You can't even go into the ice cream truck as a boy, because he had the stuff in there, got a nut on it. Buddy, you can't go down to the stoup the candy counter. You about to throw off pepper patties sitting up sitting up in here, man. You know what too though, At Tasha School, you can't. You can't send kids to school with nuts and the snacks. They are real strict rules on all that at school. Of what your kid can eat and have at school, what your own child can have. You can't have all that because that kid might be allergic to it. My wife Jackie, had a relative comeback for Thanksgiving and say they some little girls and allergic to nuts. And but what did y'all fry to turkey? And I said, peanut on, she can't have that. I didn't tell he don't need the damn take it cut off from them. I'm noting, man. We are with a pardoner. We finished golfing. We're going to the crab shot. Crab shot. He said nothing heat, don't eat shelf fish? What you think? What do you think we act? Why do you walk in the help that trying to ask for some else? He ain't got nothing. Now get crabs, take them. They can do that for you. But the ass is eating crab nowhere else. I said, dunk, Are you for real? Man? You know I didn't even really know the guy. He just went with us. I don't gonna go with you guys, man, guys are so funny. Okay, we send up in here, man, we all and I ain't got three pounds of crap. I'm ready to go give me the big yeah, talking trash. Were all side. We got cigars. His only crack, literally his sitting up in here. I didn't like nothing about him. He didn't smoke cigars and his ass couldn't he shell didn't don't tell you, right, now me and you will not be free. Yeah. You better take your EPP and hold it to your nick like you a hospital. Because so let me ask you this, what happens to them when they get around and stuff? What kind of can close up? They can break out? Yeah, I mean it just depends some of its severe man. Yeah, yeah, some of it. This joke we write am about that it ain't buy None of them don't say nothing, Tommy asked as usual. Yeah, yeah, we're talking about the ones that don't say I ain't saying nothing. We all get on the plane now, and now we find out this little boy, little nutty in the back can't be around. Yeah. I bought a pay date in the line, but they d nutted the plane took it all off. I tell you he can, I tell you my pay day and ate it. Yeah, to find out at thirty five thou feet just how sick his little nephew Tommy, and he's run that frank back. We'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go coming up at the top of the hour MS and will be here with our national news and headlines. But first nephew is up with us. Run that prank back. What you got? Limo driver? One more time? Limo drive? Are you uncle Steve? We're about to rob a bank, baby, everybody whole time, We're about to rob a bank. The limo drive. Good afternoon. I'm trying to get Cecil get a seat. He see some one of my boys game in your number? Man, I'm trying to get a car service for the night. Okay, listen, this is my personal number. Do you have the main number? Man? I keep calling the main line, but there ain't nobody answering. I had to call that about six seven times. They keep rolling over to it, like to a voicemail of say, okay, okay, brother, what's your name? Mother? Tony? Okay, listen, Tony. I got a customer in the back. Let me get them happy. Can you you got a few moments, let me get the dough form and all hold the phone? All right, okay, cool, all think you have a good evening? All right? So yeah, what's up? Yeah? Now, uh, you're saying you called the main line and you just keep going to voicemail or something like can you call the main line? But you know, I know I'm calling it last minute. I'm trying to get a get a call for the night man? Okay, what you need? What listen? We we got we got the suv. We gotta up to day or two. We got a couple of limits, white up black. What you need? If I could get a I guess a lot of black limous ain't be cruel. Okay, we got that. We got that. What time where I'm picking you up? What time? What it costs? You know? For an hour? Because all I need is a out? Where is its sixty five hours novel? But we only do three hour minimum the first three hours sixty five Okay, okay, okay, see we'll see see So all I need is an hour? Man really like forty five minutes? So do you think they will work women where you can't get them? So you're dealing with me? Uh, let me see. I'll tell you what I'll do you for a hundred fifty dollars and I'll take K. But now I want you to know. I'm gonna let them know everything. So I got to have either credit card or received it something on the K Let them know because I'm not no quok ad brother. I'm gonna let them know everything that I'm doing with that work face one fifty. I I didn't give you one fifty When you pick me up, that's no problem there. Where am I picking you up in it? What time? All right? I'm at ninety eight village driven eight Village drive, okay, when I need? And when am I taking yourself? I'm going downtown on Capitol Street, downtown the Capitol Street all right? And what time am I picking you up? You could give me like at eleven forty five knight, that would be good. Then forty five okay, at forty five minutes to an hour you're gonna need the forty five and Mexicans actually twelve forty five okay, good there, Um, let me see and downtown Capital what you didn't give me an address? I don't even know the address. I'm going to um To Bank Bank downtown all right? Right? Um? Can I ask you something Tony right? Um? Yeah, I'm trying to get any business. You know, we don't ask questions usually, but a banking knight's gonna be closed. I mean you you you're not going to work because I gotta take you back to you dropping off of something somebody or something like. No, no, no, I ain't dropping nothing if I'm picking something up to see. What I need you to do is just right here. I'm gonna go in there, and I'm gonna be in there probably like about fifteen minutes. But when I come out, man, I need you to out a car running and we need to get side of there. Man. You you have me to run you down to a bank at midnight and you kicking something up at midnight. And I got to be ready to go when you come out, me and my boys when we come out of there, just when when we get it, when we get back in the back of the limo, I need you to I need you to put the pedal down, man, and let's get out of there. Look here, ye young brother, well how old you man? I'm twenty four. Yeah, that's what I figured. Look at man, it sounds like you in some kind of shady I don't do that, brother, That's that's man. You know you're a driver. Dog. Your job is to drive. If you pick somebody up, first of all, you ain't gonna be asking nobody where they going, what doing? You're supposed to drive. What I'm telling you, man, once we come out to bank, dry try let me stop. That's why I'm drive. Didn't working somewhere else driving because I was tignorit like you at one time. Let me tell you something, but I don't know your business and really don't care. At this point in time, I'm not doing no crazy like this here. Brother. Let me tell you something, man. What you need to do is get your young in some type of training school or something to find yourself a job. You're gonna go down the enemy, gonna blow your brains out. I ain't really trying to hear all this right here. What I'm trying to do is pay you. Just why I'm fifty you driving me where I'm trying to go, and you ain't meet back to brothers. You can't get right now, not even know advice. You need to listen to me. That's what's wrong with you. Jump now, y'all crazy gets rich right off overnight. Tight or you need to slow down because they got something. You feel me. They got hold on, Hold on, man, hold on what you know? You don't know nothing you don't know, man, I need to know what are you're gonna be preaching to mat dog because I've been that man that's on driving a limo. Because I've been that young brother. I'm trying to keep you from going there because you won't like it. Look at so that. I don't know what to tell you at this point. First of all, I'm not doing it, so you cut that out. Okay. Now I'm thinking of you and all the other young brothers to do this thumb. You watch too many of the movies or something. Brother. You need to get your great because they gotta place for you. So let me tell you something. They read my offer. I read it anything my mama told me. They didn't want me to know. They cut it out. Do you feel me? They looked at me every night where they wanted to feed me. God, it's that I had to eat or die. You ain't ready for that, man, You ain't ready for what. I think he got your land. Your brothers don't know what's going on out here. You got it too easy. See now you're talking about going down. They robbing the bank. You ain't no bank ropper. Your sun like no third goal with a remo. The way you're going, you ain't making nothing because they were blowing your young I want about their paper. You don't understand that, and you sow you ready for no jail. Could I say one more thing to you? That. Yeah, what is it? All I want to do is tell you it is that I'm left you tell me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show and you're going card. They don't got me the prank phone call you. I don't give a who you are. If you around with them folks downtown, they're gonna blow you now. They're gonna get your hundred years under the jail. Do you do? Did you just hear what I just said? Though? What you said? Something about what my partner? You know? I I no, no, no, no, I said, I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy the other another driver, Cordell got me the prank phone call you if you oh you mean Steve Harvey on the radio. No, man, no, no, no, this is are you serious? Man? He see so your boy Carddell got me to pray phone call you. Man, I'm gonna get that. I'm gonna get that. When you lit my fire man, I don't know that. I mean my fight moved Howard, he said, be careful, he said, big sea. So he's been he's been down there. He din't done some times. Been that man, Come down, baby, come down. I got one more question to ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. I want to Nephew Tommy, but Steve Harvey Morning Show. I got you, baby, me and you got you. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna get here, Ma man, meet you brother. I oh you want to y'all gotta be real though, that's how you Robbert Bank in a limo. If you're gonna Robert Bank, I shouldn't say that. Huh okay, well, no giving out criminal. If you're gonna Robert Man, you should rob it in the limo. First of all, what's the limo driver find out? Like the one dude in this prank that that's put you up to. It's gonna be hard getting limo. Oh yeah, yeah, all right. Tell us about the play making Georgia Tonight, Shirley, I am in making George. It's me, it's Johnny gill It's Robert Gillings, this Jack Harry Shirley Murder. As we lay on Steve, we are in here stage play Mama's Boy making Jars of Tonight. But no Loma's Boy, he said Shirley Murdock. As we lay uncle Steve like that Jaim jail, jail. That's your favorite song. You love her with that song. Yes, I just can't stand it because it happened. It happened to me. Yeah, come, you didn't wake me up because you look so peaceful? Do I look now? You see the look on my face? And and welcome realized that the sun is over? Do I look peaceful to you? Well? You did last night? All right? Ms Anna is coming up next with our national news. And oh, the president has had a really rough week. Be careful, we back, We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. President Trump has had a bad week. I know you say he doesn't care, Steve, but listen to this. Okay. The resented invitation to the Golden State Warriors to visit the White House. That was a problem. War with the NFL. Another thing, the repeal of Obamacare not happening. And he got called out about his lack of response to Puerto Rico. It's just what is this? It's just Thursday, okay? Uh? And he got called out, like I said, about his lack of response to Puerto Rico. It seems like he spent this entire week tweet tweeting about the NFL instead of helping the people in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. Now we hear the President is angry about the Alabama runoff election. Senator Luther Strange was endorsed by President Trump. Remember this, he went down to Alabama all of that. Yeah, he lost to uh, Strange loss to Judge Roy Moore in a runoff election for the Alabama Senate seat once held by Jeff Sessions. Now this is um attention. Steve Harvey nation, Okay, stay woke. The guy that won, George Roy, was backed by Steve. Yes, he was a man. This is crazy and uh, but did you see Trump on TV talking about you know, but while the guy was standing there right after he endors to if I'm wrong, you know, you know, you know, this could be a bad move for me because if he loses, it's gonna be all. Donald Trump doesn't doesn't push another politician over the line. Just all come on me. This is what he was saying this week. I was looking at this guy, going, man, he's not gonna be presidential. Yeah, he's just not. And this was Mitch McConnell's pick. And Mitch McConnell. Now President Trump is mad at Mitchell. Mitch McConnell. I mean, it's just like one thing after another. But he still has to run a runoff in December. Judge Roy Moore, who the President kept calling raymore either way, he kept calling them rare. Anyway, he has a runoff against the Democrat coming up in December. You know what I like? You know what I do like about Donald Trump? Though? You know what I do like about it. He got about the same vocabulary I got yours. He's actually president with a twenty two word vocabin. Yeah, it's gonna be really great. That's gonna be really terrific. This is so good. You know, they're so good. You know they got no arms and they were so no that's what he said. They were so good. You know they've got no arms and legs. They were just but just the same president that was doing an impersonation of a handicapped person, a disabled person. I mean, wait a minute, man, if I do that joke on my TV show, do you have any idea what would happen? You wouldn't have a TV show. But it's crazy, man. And then, like what you said about the football players, you should fire him. You're a fire this look, man, this this ain't a game show. Doc This is real life. And I'm sitting here and I've realized this guy's seventy one, seventy. He's never been a servant. He's always had money. He doesn't understand people who don't have money. There's no concept of the real struggle. His struggle is how to get stuff financed. Our struggle is how to get stuff period. That's a huge difference, folks, match a huge difference. And this guy is the president and he's never been a servant, so he has no idea how to lead because he's never been a great servant. He's very emotional, very petty too. All right, Steve, let's move on. Introduced Miss Anne please, ladies and gentlemen. She's here, the lovely, the talented, the informative, well spoken miss and trip. Yeah, thank you very much. Good morning, everybody. This is entered with the news everybody, and yes, there is a lot to say and a lot to tell about what's been going on with the president and with other people. First, let's start out with Indiana. Yesterday, President Trump announced the new GOP plan to overhaul the federal tax code. He says it's simple and it's fair, calls for lower taxes for businesses, especially cooperations. Along with getting rid of the estate tax that's the one that involves the state's worth more than five million dollars. It also calls for the elimination of most itemized deductions while keeping the most popular ones like mortgage interests and charital contributions. That's one side of the matter. The other comes from Democratic Santa Charles Schumer, who says it's merely a massive windfall for the wealthy. Biggest winners will be the everyday American workers as jobs start pouring into our country and as wages start going up. Under this plan, the wealthiest Americans and wealthiest corporations make out like bandits, while middle class Americans are left holding the bag. So that's both sides of the argument there. We'll see how things play out on Capitol Hill. The hospital ship Comfort has been dispatched to Puerto Rico as medical officials in San Juan Sa, they've been operating in crisis mode in the wake of Hurricane Maria, with only emergency power for doctors struggling to provide medical care there. Meanwhile, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, has loaned his team's playing two player jj Barea so Barrea can fly supplies into pr By the way, this is just the latest example of the assistance that the multi billionaire Mark Cuban has been giving to communities around the country. Does a lot of good. By the way, the man who made his business planting a bunch of fake news stories about Hillary Clinton during the presidential campaign is dead. Paul Horner, who claimed credit for Donald Trump's win, found dead this week in Phoenix at age thirty eight. Horners family said he had a history of using prescription drugs. People still taking a knee in places off the grid iron a case in point. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee on the House floor. I kneel in honor of the First Amendment. I kneel because the flag is a symbol for freedom. I kneel because I'm gonna stand against racism. I kneel because I will stand with those young men, and I'll stand with our soldiers, and I'll stand with America. Eugene the Butterfly coming up twenty minutes after the hour. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, please introduced the but your fly coroten, No, that's natty, come around, do do more like Jr? Put out together everybody. It's the butterfly. Ba. See that's how you flap me up in here, Stephen, just like that. That's how you flap me flutter flutter, Hey, Shirley, Hey Carl I Hey Jr. Time me, good morning? What's up? Yeah, that's how you flap me anybody. It's National Beer Day, so today every I don't really drink, but it's a National beer day. Everybody have a drink a beer today, aol or whatever you want to say. Are you sinking beer? Gud? You're trying to say, do I have a beer? Yeah? I thought you did? M So Steven me. I'm thinking this me, you and Junior in time, he can get together, has some some cigars and drink a beer. What do you mean I'll stop smoking smoking? Yeah? What did that happen? To be back? We'll be back tomorrow. Okay, Well, if you don't smoke a cigar, that's fine. We did. We just sit down and have a beer Corona or a Heineken. I know a bunch of old people. You can go have an old Milwaukee with you can go ahead of with him, Shirley, and I'll have your hand a beer, never root beer beer. Yes, I'm not a beer drinker. What kind of Carla Corona with the lime in it? Corona with some sound I don't, with some nachos I like it? See there, So Stephen, we could do something like that and get some nachos and some beer and have a good time. It's just for one day, okay, so come on, it's not doing it. Yeah, let's go, Butterfly. It just it just bothers me. Then I'm always trying to connect with him, but it's just it's no connection. I'm do you know how much the psychiatrist has cost me, but trying to get our relationship together a lot? Yeah, at least three dollars every time she comes on this radio and talk to us and trying to get him. I'm not investing a quota. But it's therapy, Steve, it's good. We've had four sessions. That's so you really actually owe me six hundred dollars? No, because I didn't ask for the therapy. But you don't need you guys do need it? You do, honestly, you don't never want to do like what if we went to um got a massage together. Yeah, just something where we could get away in red legs and they go in the steam room in the world posts and stuff like that. Would your world pop with me? I wouldn't call. There has to be some common ground. There has to be something, and I'm trying to find something, Shirley, but I think the World Pull three of me, him and Junior World Pull be great like boxing. Okay, all right, we gotta go. Thank you, Butterfly. As always, we come back from the break at thirty or four after Steve Eve would like to thank some people for some of their inventions. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve, all right, Come on, Steve, you have a segment called I don't know who invented it, but I'd sure like to thank them. Well, i'd like to start this off, and we're gonna alternate, but I'd like to start this off with the guy that invented the salt shaker. Yeah, because if I had to get my salt off of a block, licking it like a deal out in the backyard, not bother me. I'm so glad they put it in a damn shaker. That was ingenious. Assault shaking that way. I ain't got to use the box with the little white girl on it with the raincoat because it just pulled too much out. It's a spout. Somebody made the shaker, thank you. Alright, alright, I got one whoever took that root bill and pulled it over that ice cream and made that float. Greatest invention in the world, right up, Ruth bill over ice cream? All right. I'll tell you what I would like to take. The person who was the first one to say I'm gonna whoop your a because I've been using that with my nephew for years and it is working. I'm telling you I didn't know I'm gonna need that, but that is important. Whoever was the first said that. I like to thank the person that came up with the terms sugar honeed ice team. I can't tell you how many times and it came through for me. I ain't did some sugar and it is meant so much to me throughout the years. Thank you man, because you know I ain't got some manure was not cutting. It was that some ain't that some cor cock? That ain't it? That's some poop? No, No, that don't work. That don't work. That don't work. That's a good one. Okay. Check just the first slave that took them chilings out that hole and said, you know what, we're gonna figure out something with this right here. I'm gonna work. Well, I'm gonna clean this a real good to see what I can do with it. I ain't gonna I'll be back, y'all give me a minute now, really, I don't really, y'all give me a minute. I'm gonna come back back. But when I come back, I'll tell you what I like. I would like to thank the person who kept the grease and put it in the can on the stove. Come like to thank them, because that second stack of fish is always better before you be crunching. I don't like to really thank them. I said, I'm not throwing this away. I don't know what made him say it, but I'm not throwing this away. Put that in the criscal cane, and let's just hold on, Joe. I don't say that, but I want to think whoever came up with running shoes pimps was wearing dat us out at an alarming ridge. You know how hard it is to watch people walking? Then ran over platforms and and and stack heels shoes. Thank god, somebody came up with a running shoe. This is my invitation to my boy Peanut. We were standing on the corner one day and this was Peanut running from the police. You're gonna get caught, yeah when he got tagged. Okay, okay, okay, okay, out of oh sugar. How about this one? That bottom TV only got volume? Whoever put that put that other TV on top that only had picture right there? The picture from the bottom, the sound is from the top. By vice versa what whoever came up with and put that TV on top of that? And by about down because it's every household of that's good looking at that's good looking at last one, Come on, whoever came up with protect so when you go to jail, you ain't gotta be out there with everybody else. If your assess a little chop, a little half sisson, your ass on in the protective custody and don't have to worry about regular prison. Like, thank you for protective custody. Okay, I don't know who invented it, but i'd sure like to thank them. Uh. Coming up next, the nephews praying phone call. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry letter. You do not want to miss that. But first, here is the nephew with his frank phone call for today. What's your God now, enhancement, Shirley, Now, what are you gonna work around here? I mean, we're gonna need your top to be right now. We need you to enhance that thing. Oh god, y'all you you and call It's cool? Y'all straight? Y'all? Who who y'all straight? So? Who is this photeed? You know? It's just listen here. You can say that. I can't say, y'all cool, Oh y'all Monica offended or something? What is what is wrong? Your wife? That's the single man. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach the Lashawanda Lashawanda under it's built from human resources. Human resources here at a group. You've been here with us for a year now. Oh, yes, hi, good morning, good morning to you. Listen. You actually had an evaluation because you've completed your first year, right, yes, correct? Okay, how how is everything in the in the work environment. You feel comfortable? Oh, yes, everything is great. Um. I enjoyed my employment here and I don't have any issues with anybody. Um, maintained a professional friendship. Good deal, Good deal. How do you feel about your your physical appearance in the office? How do you feel about that? The physical appearance in the office. Um, we could use some paint in the office. That what you mean? Well, I mean your actual physical appearance. You're you're a hire you know, are you? Are you comfortable with yourself? Yes? Am I comfortable with my physical appearance? Yes? Yes? Okay. Here's something that that Lashonda, I wanted to reach out to you about that came from the higher ups. Or would you be willing to actually change to to enhance your your breast size? Hi, I'm sorry I didn't hear. I didn't hear the last question. Would you say? I said, would you? Would you be willing to enhance your breast size? My breast? Siye? Do you think you would have a problem getting your breast enlarged? Oh? Did you call from human resources? I'm built here in human resources. Yes, okay, and you're asking me about my breast eyes? Yes, I'm asking you. Do you mind would you mind getting them in large? What? What? What the what the higher up to feel is that it actually um beautifies the entire working area. And really I don't care what the higher ups still or how whomever feels about my breast s eye. That's really inappropriate, very inappropriate. I'm sorry. What's your supervisor's name, williams? Um, I'm William You're Williams and you're calling me asking me about my breast side? Right? Correct? Is that what you're asking me? Is that what you're asking me? Listen? Calm down a minute. Listen, no, no, no, no, no, there is no calm down a minute. This is very inappropriate. What does my breath side have to do with my employment? How is that? I don't work for Hooters? Is? Who are we Hooters? Now? Really know what? What? Listen to me? If you look around the room, if you look around the room and you when you get to work, you'll notice that most of the girls have had there is in large and it's really right? Now are you look around them? What are you? First of all, I'm not looking and going to work and looking at other women. That's number one. That's number one. Number two, why are you calling me from human resources asking me to look around them. That's really ridiculous, is it not? Are we not what professionals? Were? Are professional? But what we're trying to do William Bill? William Bill is your name? No, who's just to avisor Okay? You know what, why don't we do this? Let's start over and let me try to How don't we do this? Who is your supervisor? Because first of all, I've never heard of a William Bill or whomever you say it's William. They call me Bill for sure, because you're calling me like really inappropriately, and you're you're being really nasty right now. This is ridiculous, Lashonda. We're gonna pay for half of this? Are you? Are you serious? Right now? You know what you're gonna pay for? You're gonna pay for a whole lot because I'm I'm about the press charges on you want for harassment and to the company? Will be who's your supervisor? It doesn't matter, It does not matter who my supervisors. It doesn't matter who your supervisor is, because I'm quite sure they can not approve of you calling around trying to get people to any and there's nothing wrong first of all with the way I look there's nothing wrong with the size of my friend. You don't agree, don't complain about the way I look. You don't know. You don't agree that they're small. You don't agree that to that this is the way. God, maybe I don't have to have been breath. It don't matter what I look like as long as I'm doing my job. Like, aren't you serious right now? I don't understand why there's a problem even thinking about taking on the issue. You are you? Are you serious right now? You're serious? Imous? You know what? It don't have to be an issue because I know what human resources is. Like. You're calling me on some real world dumb right now, talking some breast size that we're gonna see how big you're after we beat out of you. You understand that, you get that because you're my man. You're what man when my man gets to see who's calling me asking me about Monday? You know what? You know what I think you're taking? Yeah, we don't even we don't even need to talk some more and we don't even got to talk about You understand that we have nothing to talk about. Bil just just understand this. You have set yourself up with the right You just set yourself up with the right I'm telling you that right now. Understand that. Please know that, Please know that you dial the right number Monday, Monday morning, the clock. I need for you to be at human Resources. Understand you, I will I will be here and human and I will do there and my man will be there and we'll talk about when we get there. Keep running your mouth and know this that this conversation is is gonna get put out there and everybody's gonna know about this organization, this company. And I'm so you understanding that. Why Why do you continue to Why? Why? No, there's no wild why nothing? Understand that you heard what I said right, I'm hearing what you're saying. Will you do you have no idea who you? You understand that, but you will know on Monday. I promise you that that's cool. I don't that's cool with me. You have no idea you're dealing with you know you know you wait, you need to watch your mouth now, bro, you need to know you're dealing with Tommy. You need to know that. What Hellosanda? Hello, Hello, this is nephew Tim me for the Steve Harvey. Now are you kidding me? Right now? I was okay. I gotta ask you, what is the baddest that, I mean, the baddest radio show in the main clearly the Steve Harvey Morning Show with Matthew Tommy everybody enhanced around here. God, there's some listen enhancements out here on this tour. No Mama's Boy, I'm sorry tonight maker tomorrow, but LuxI and then Jackson Mississippi on Saturday. Get your ticket sell at all. Taken mass to out Let's. You can come enhanced the night in hand. I don't care. Come on, come to your black food. Who's in the plane, Johnny Gil Robin Gibbon's nephew, Timmy, Jackie Harry, the beautiful Shirley Medal is in the Oh my god. Or you know what I've discovered, tim You know what I'm discovering about Junior? Junior love everybody. You know? Yeah, you say, Robin Givers, he started whisping. You say, Janet Jackson whisper man Tony Braxton the other the other day when she was on with us, all these people, and they like, we didn't know it. Yeah, she reached over and touched Junior. I thought it was Tommy. He embarrassed me. Down. I thought it was. That's the finest woman ever touched me twitching. Come on, you know who I saw? I just couldn't. I couldn't even make eye contact with I couldn't make well, that's because she's tall. He's beautiful, but she's very tall. I could make our attempt with it. But I'm scared too, because I'm afraid that a lot. All right, listen, thank you, nephew. In about an hour, sister O'Dell will be in the built according to Tommy. But coming up next we'll tell you all about the head of the d e A. He is leaving. Plus the Strawberry Letter is on deck. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Coming up next, Today's crazy Strawberry Letter. You do not want to miss that first though. According to The New York Times, Chuck Rosenberg, the acting head of the Drug Enforcement Administration the d e A, has reportedly grown increasingly frustrated with Trump's lack of respect for the law and his policies, so Rosenberg is leaving. Rosenberg was appointed to his post back in two thousand fifteen by President Obama, and speaking of the President and other news, Mr Trump says the US is totally prepared for a military option against North Korea. That's called the military option. If we have to take it, we will, Trump said at a joint press conference with the Spanish Prime Minister. Trump added it was time for the world to isolate the North Korean menace and dictator Kim Jong un for behaving very badly. He called on all nations to act now to ensure the regime's d nuclearization. The nuclearization. Wow. Yeah, so folks are resigning on president Yeah, because listen, we get through being president. He can't go to a football game back America. He can't do that. He don't nobody wanted. Ain't no team's gonna be able to come up there, ain't winning the championship, going to the White Up. That's over. Oh. First, how he did Stefan He uninvited him, step said he wasn't going anyway, and then uninvite me. I ain't gonna talk about tit for tad. Yeah, folks in the cabinet and folks, yeah, it's d e a resigning And well, seriously, you know people of the White House got his base when exactly there's people working the White House going. Steph ain't coming. I told my kids step was coming up here. I'm gonna get him a sign a chair. Nope, stuff ain't coming up. George Lopez and the best joke on celebrity, What does he say? Said? Donald Trump is so orange? My uncle tried to pick you. I'm ready, Yeah, buckle up and hold on time. We got it for you here. It is just raw subject out of control, Dear Morning Show. I am an African American female in my late twenties, and I am currently in a relationship with a Puerto Rican male in his early twenties. We have an awesome relationship. We get along like best friends. We often sit around and laugh and joke with each other for hours. We have real conversations, and we just enjoy each other's company. He's very attentive to my knees and once, and the sex is absolutely explosive. Our only problem is that he is a bit too controlling. He has to know where I'm at, what I'm doing, what I'm wearing, and who I'm with at all times, and it's beginning to pluck my nerves. I've never been the type to allow a man to clock my every move, and I don't feel like I should start now. When he's not with me, he's calling and texting me seems like every minute of the day and night, to the point that I have to actually cut off my phone sometimes just to get some rest. He even finds the time to text me or call me during all of his breaks when he's at work. Sometimes he spends his entire lunch hour talking to me on the phone instead of eating, and one hour I have once received as many as thirty text messages from him. He's out of control. When I lay for work at night, he wants me uh to send him a picture from my camera phone so that you can see what I'm wearing. And he has even gone so far as to show up at my house as I was leaving for work, just to see what I had on. I don't understand why he does this. When I questioned him about it, he has no answer in access if it's no big deal. But clearly this is becoming a big problem now. I've been told by my friends, whom are also Puerto Rican that Puerto Rican man are controlling and possessive. I'm not sure if that's just how Puerto Rican man are. I've dated a few others in the past, but not enough to know, or if he just has issues of his own that he needs to get a handle on. Please help. I'm crazy about this guy, but this relationship won't last if he continues with this madness. Don't know what to do? Okay, you know, fear, don't know what to do. Um. The word that comes to mind is stalker. You know what, this is just too much? Your man is jealous, he's insecure and yes, controlling. Of course this would get on your nerves. Um. It could get pretty scary too, you know, him just showing up at your job and stuff. Yeah, send me a picture. You say you get along like best friends. Who tell your best friend to back it up? Okay? Tell him it's not normal to run somebody down like he's running you down. Uh, in this relationship. Relationships have to be built on trust. I know there are cultures where men are very denominate, dominating and domineering. I don't know that to be the case with Puerto Rican men. But this guy has all the signs of a stalker. You know, he just does. Trying to control someone like this is major. I think you really need to look at him for the control freak that he is. Consider your safety and your well being, and let someone in your family know what's up, you know, just in case something goes down, and we certainly don't want that to happen. Steve, let me swallow this because I can't wait for it. And know that African American female in her late twenties Puerto Rican male in his early twenties, the twenties, early twenties. Already when you're talking women and men, when the woman is older in the twenties, she is much older. Right, Yeah, this ain't like you thirty nine and he thirty five where it starts balancing out you twenty nine one. But let's just shut this whole letter down. Here's your whole problem, sistem. Did you not say that the sex is absolutely explosive about time? Did you not say that the sex is absolutely explosive? Firecrackers an amazing word that goes your whole problem? Right, you have an explosive sex. Now he's frum Now he's falling around looking for you in the daytime with a flash like he want to know what you got on, where you're going, who you're doing it. Which, show me a picture, take me let me see you what you got on? He's sweating you like host don't so? Now you want to know what your problem is? Your problem is, y'all have it? I explosive sex problem. My suggestion to you is, fis it out a little bit, put a little take some of the explosion, all of it, dude, do a little auta self to sex. Fis fist. Oh what a relief it is. But as long as you have an explosive sex, please know when I come back, I will tell you what's about to follow. Now, Yeah, I want you to tell me what explosive Twelve after you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, Don't Forget today at one thirty pm. That is today at one thirty pm Eastern time, I will be on Facebook Live for the Strawberry Letter Live after show. Uh you can find me at My Girl Shirley or Shirley Strawberry Live. Will be on Facebook. Come and join us please. But right now, Steve, let's get to part two of today's Strawberry Letter. That is about one thing. An African American female in her late twenties. Yeah, currently relationship with a Puerto Rican male in his early twe She seems to think that he's a bit to control. He has to as a sermon all that time. Come on here now, Ah, he want to know what I'm doing and what I'm wearing, who I'm with at all times. And it is beginning to pluck my ner. Yeah. Uh. When at work in an hour, instead of eating, he's talking to her on the phone. I don't want no food. Sometimes it's been as minies thetic text messages too many, too many text messages in latch break. Well, I have not text message on my phone that the time since I had the phone. Okay, do you see a problem here? Yeah, it says, It says as I read on that he has gone so far as to show up at my house when I'm leaving for whack, Yes, to see I had on. Now what is that about passion? Ah, that is fantasize, that is high, That is Menana Carlo fantasizea cal that's a combination of a Hawaiian hello and a black stump. There's a Melana Colo type thing going on. Hill n. She's been told by friends who are also Puerto Rican pe off for shot for sure, that Puerto Rican men are controlling and possessing all right, and she says that she's not sure if how portal me rereaking men really are because she's only dated a few in the paint. Well, let's take this one step further. Come on, maybe you need to quit date period, because it ain't just pot to weaken me once you've passed out some explosive sex not not not not not not not not. Now tell me what explosion means. Not explosive sexiest when right in the middle of it, your your mind leaves you and you have a lot of body experience. It's when you actually standing on the foot of the bed watching yourself go to work. That's right, that's right. Explosive sexiest when the moment comes of ultimate excitement, you reach over and tat the corners off the fitted sheet. You can actually do that. Your toes are dug into the mattress, trying to position yourself harder sparks it's coming up off your toe nail. Thank you, Steve. We gotta go join me on Facebook Live today at one thirty pm Eastern time. I'll be waiting for you. We're gonna talk about today's strawberry letter. I'll have my fresh strawberry pick of the day and we'll talk about trending topics. But right now, introduce our girl from the talk, Steve. She is here, sure do wood, Steve Harvey. Okay, I gotta sort of sort against serious big ups uh to the players and the owners and the NFL for doing what they're supposed to do taking the knee, and just because we take a knee on me, we don't have respect for the national anthem. I'm a former Air Force reservist. I put on a uniform to uphold the constitution of this great nation. The anthem makes me feel good when I hear it, but I'm also part of the population that I believe is being disenfranchised. And I stand with Cat and for everybody they're talking about the anthem. I'm gonna need you to stand your big behinds up when they play it everywhere if you respect it so much, because I don't believe, Charlotte, that everybody's standing up when the anthemist play and they in their house and they got their nachos in their hands. So don't hold the players to a different standard than you don't do for yourself. I just want they don't pay attention to it when they see it on TV. They at the house chilling, that's they get in front of everybody else in here, come the front game. That's right, that's that's right. And it don't mean we don't love the country, because they always want to say we're not patriotic. But we've been fighting in every conflict the United States have, even when we wasn't full citizens, even when we were considered three fifths of a man, we was fighting in conflict. So don't say we don't love America because we can go down the list of people that have given their life for this country. I think it has to be pointed out though these people are not kneeling. Stop saying it's disrespectful to our serviceman. That's because it has nothing to do with the servicemen and servicewomen. That's not why they're kneeling. That's right. People are taking it, and the President even has twisted it that I was down here looking at these people have lost their limbs and for this country and for how dare them not respect these servicemen? Hey man, that's not what they're doing. A great SoundBite, though, but that's not what it's. Let's let's do what we do really well. Steve Harving everybody on this show. So you're talking about some s O B s. What you just talked about was me and my mama. So now we got a problem. When you got a problem, what he's created that and then he's talked you should walk out of those stadiums. So now that has caused some people who are hateful to shout racial insults as players while they kneel it from up in the stands like they did in the New England Patriots. Absolutely, as that spurred on because our president promotes divisiveness and speaking out a lot. So if you can call the players a son of a it's okay for them to call him in words. Speak on it, Steve Harvey. That's that's right, and that's not how we do things. And America and I have gotten on my knees for play did I'm not supposed to? Sorry, I'm sorry. Oh we're too far? What's too far? All right? Thank you? Chryl under the wood scer O'Dell is coming up next. She will be in the built at forty one after we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Show, all right, Steve, it's that time, Sister O'Dell is stopping by today. She don't come without the music. There it is, it is my love. M m hey touching. Huh, Lord that did something to me. Goome on is everyone's get on. It's good morning's good morning is good mon's good morning, Hello, junior mornings. So Dale, your voice is deepen in a little bit. I'm working on it. That's good, good, good morning, high boy Tom Kate doing. I just want me and her was out for drinks the other night. You and my mom. Okay, uh huh. She's doing well. She's she's very very very very good stunning. Takes good care of her. Use a nice boy towards your mother, takes her fishing and everything, using a good boy. She told me, your stupid ass almost flipped them over in the boat too little. No no, I didn't almost flip it over the guide, that I know, But she said, you out there on the boat too little. It was a bit small. We shouldn't have been out there. We haven't been out there. Well, let somebody that's taller than then you pick out the boat. Okay, I remember that, my lord, gay good morning calling Hey, sister down the baby little Tasha doing. She's still chilly. Yes, ma'am, she is she's doing. She's the only black on the tea. No, it's other blacks, yes, ma'am. And other minorities, yes, ma'am. Yes, all the kids multnificis yes, yes, multicultural team. Yes. I said that's good. Let your baby be exposed to everyone and learn something about everybody. Don't grow up like d How did you throw up? Guess round blacks? Oh okay, but it was not my you know, it was just you know, segregation. Yes, that's what it was. So we had to stay over here, yes, man, light and morning over here. Wind. It's called we cook good and we had good party. Good morning, Sirley, Well, good morning, sister Odell. I was I was wondering if you were going to speak to me at all today. I was too. Well, I'm glad that you decided to speaks. Well, you know, you're going in and out on me, so I just decided, you know, maybe you don't give it a shot and try to be your free Well, I appreciate maybe you need an elderly woman and talk to give you some guys. So nice that any questions you have for me in lest out today, well, okay, alright, Um, I did have a question for you. I saw Jane Fonda, you know, the actress Jane Fonda. Sure, I know Jane. Yeah, she looks beautiful. She looked beautiful last we got the Emmys. She's seventy nine years old, getting ready to be eighty, and she just looks so beautiful. And I was just wondering, so do you And I was just wondering if you had any beauty secrets for us. Well, Jane, you know, she's been coming to me for beauty tip for a long time, you know called black don't Crack, and she about split over like a walnut. So she came to me and I told her, you know what, what did you tell her? You know the things that we knew back from way back in the day, like, you know, putting my lashes on your skin. It keeps it nice and tight. She didn't want to try that. She gonna put on some naxie. And I told I asked me to drive shut up there in a face star looking like a bad mitten. She looks beautiful on Ellen. She does because she started using that molashes like a tone. So she finally did take your adviantace slaves been doing it for years their my lashes is good on your face? Okay, all right, I didn't know that. Another one is like wash your hand butter, wash your hair and butter. You don't make your butter, so don't think it won't. But I heard a man women, what did you finn to say? What is you finling to say? Food? Who has no hair? But why is you? Why is you jumping in us women's and we're talking about Hey, you ain't got beauty thick, they're gonna clog your hell. But you don't swallow butter food you wash your hair with? This show is a good thing. You're a good son because you're a stupid I am nice, but I'm talking about having me, you and Collie and he jumps in with no hair. You might have where I tried butter. Of you to try, buddy, you might steal you have. I've never heard but I've heard of mayonnaise, eggs, I've heard of you know, things like that, but never butter. But it's eggs and mayonnaise and all that's got mother, Try butter, baby? Why would you not try? Oh? It just seems it would be heavy on your hair and make your hair oily. I'm sorry, but okay, all right, well we'll try. If I'm watching the White Folks commercial phone next thing, you know, you're gonna have some be on five in your hair. Let me know how that work out for you too. What seconds? Why just got him? I'm so sick of these shout breaks. Well I'm not leaving this morning because y'all don't even talk to me. beIN right here when you're when you're kind of out of commercial, i'd be right here. I better whill. Well, okay, all right now I'm asking sharing. Yes, ma'am, we'll make it work. We have things to do on the show. Yes, they went white my whole. Here we go again, little man talking in grown folk conversation. Okay, well, I'll tell you this, sister dell. If you want to hang hang with us, just hang tight. We'll be back. I'm gonna tell Steve we have Carla's Reality Uh stay show. Yes, ma'am, it is all right. Well I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do rally ever with me and Carlie girlfriend. And Hay comes right up to hear miss. You're listening, Steve Harvey. It's that time, ladies and gentlemen, for Reality Update with Carla Ferrell and guest Sister Odell. Hey, Hey, I like the gone girl free and let's do it Get for a time. Me and you've ever done a second dem a segment? Yes, Ma, that's what I said. People always in because we're all over. That's right. Okay, Sister. Do you watch Love and Hip Hop Hollywood? Yeah? Okay. R and B singer Keisha Cole, Okay, I like her, oh that little good Yeah, I like her too, Middle gospel. She's doing R and B. She's an R and B singer, so she's trying to do her thing. But here's the deal, Sister Odell and the crew. Keisha Cole is curious about her husband's booby love life. Now, I know that's kind of throwing you into something. Keisha and curious about a husband's booty Booby. His name is Booby. Husband's nickname is Booby. I see the same. What you are you the wife pulling down and take a look at it. Really, if you thanking you the wife, you look at your booty. But his name is booty Booby b bo. Well, here's the deal, Keisha and her husband. He's a former NBA player, Daniel Booby Gibson but they've been separator, Sister o'dal for a very long time, and they are not officially divorced, but anyway, they're seeing other people, and Kiksha Cole has been talking to Booby about his love life and telling him to take things slow. So my question to you, Sister o'dale, I mean, I'm really proud of Keisha Cole for doing this because she seems very mature to be able to have this conversation like that. I couldn't do it. I couldn't be as nice. And what kind of advice can you give people that are listening right now. You can't cut a man off and then tell the man, oh, we'll take things slow. That's what she was his relationship dating, being on the dating seen a man ain't gonna take a slow nowadays. Down here passing not that thing like it's casino chips. Yeah, and he used to He used to live with her because they have a son, so they're trying to do the whole co parenting thing. But I mean, I got to draw the line about us talking about who you're dating and seeing other people. If you're in you might as weear gown get your devote What are we fooling around. Folks, y'all ain't gonna be together, and y'all already seeing each other that once you have been all somewhere and spread your little stuff around. I don't want it no more. I don't wan't use equipment. I bouys everything new. Now I know, Tim, at this conversation, you can't jump in we're talking about new stuff. How about new stuff? What is what is you about there with new built back from the ground doing new But you know I heard what you did though. What did he do? He built the new house, but he used I don't use wood, was turning down and bought that world. I said, it is cheap. You can't what the president said, y'allie, you just cheap some down. You're gonna make me take a knee on you. Will I tell you what. You take a knee on me, you won't get back up. That's for show the chain. Well, let me ask you this, okay, So I you agree with me on the whole Keisha cold situation with her, and I loove Keisha too, but take me just gonna get a divorce and then let the man do what he's gonna do, because he's doing it anyways, right, you ain't got to keep hen need to talk for these man talk my slowing it down for what men is, don't go slow? Boot and the boy named Booty what what what what you wanted? Boobie? Oh b Why do it make a difference? Yes, it does. His nickname is Booby, so you got it. That reminds me a big old dube was due dub Duby. Who was that Dube? That was the Dupe Brothers, Daddy Dube Brothers, that mixed group. Yes, that granddad and name with Dube m And you knew him Granddaddy? Did I know him? His name is really not Doobe. His name is the barrious Crenshaw willing Foot Brothers. And when I got through with him, he was just down to Dube brother. Put you on him. You always do what else you're going on in your reality thing, Collie. Okay, Well let me tell you about being Mary Jane. Now this is a show Mary Jane. Yes, Gabrielle you Mary Jane. Yes on the show. Huh. Richard round Tree is on the show. He plays Mary Daddy. Yes, trouble Man was on the show. Yes, he's on the show. Yeah, girl, I had a crush on him. Did you if I could have got my hands on that black leather coat. Huh what got to show to him something? Well, anyway, let me tell you, a boy being Mary Jane wouldn't have been Richard around tree no more. Would have been Richard round the house, Richard around quickly. Here's the deal. How a mood his black head, he'd have been Richard around Well, he put his wife out. He's decided on the show that he's going to get a divorce with treating liffing wife. And all the women from the church been coming to his house, Sister o'dale dropping off food cakes. Yeah, I know that is low life. But his wife cheated though she did cheat. She did cheating. She asked him to let me get some pou over there. I pod over there to rigid. H Okay, we'll be back. We'll be back. Let's go to break. We'll be back with more of Sister O'Dell and Carla's reality update. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Carla and Sister O'Dell. So you were saying, sister, we were talking about your tree. Yeah, I didn't know. I didn't know his wife cheated on him. Well, let me tell you this now. His wife cheated on him with Fred Williamson, the Hammer. Oh I can see that now, yeah, hamble girl. Lord you know because me and Hammer's granddaddy used to date. What was the granddaddy's name, Sledge William Good. He was bigger than a hammer too, Lord Sledge coming in and tear that whole room. Lord one long, couldn't take it. Two weeks. I had to cut him loose. I said, boy, you just in't here. You just you two much? Two weeks is all I did. That was it? I said, Yeah, I just gave my pardon gift. We got on which and when our separate ways pardon gi, Yeah, I gave him a church fan in a path because huh, because while you move around on a walker because the slave, sure you want to get personal. Well, I'm just I mean, you have a walker. I'm just wondering if this is something that well, whatever I have, you ain't made enough. Let's just move on. Let's get a fellow. It's getting ugly up in here. Ain't never dated nobody in your family and heard me say that, Hey, shot, people come from other shop. All right? This down there, we were talking about you heard saying good things come in small packages. Small people have small package? Who you get that from? I got it from life experiences. I think the question is where did you get your own from? Called Steve holl it hell y'all, y'all better get them, which once again proves that you ain't in their family if the kids are taller than you. You know, I told you you was adopted. You didn't believe it, though, did you? I'm not adopted? And there's and she saven year old cheerleader. She nina, Yes, ma'am, she's tying over this food. But can I get back to asking you? Go ahead, okay, so this is what I want to know. What would you bring? All right? So now Paul is getting a divorce. That's rich around Tree's character. He's divorced, asking for a divorce for his wife Helen. Now she came over to the house and tried to cook his favorite meal, baked his favorite cake. She tried to get him back, but all the church women coming over, bringing fried chicken, mac and cheese, green refrigerator coming there with a with a sweet potato pie, and what kind of sack I'm in? The shack? Girl? You took the burlap sack and cut a loop in it and some arms out and slipping on, put a nice little belt on with it, walking out with some pumps and a sweep pertato pie he owns and then what what what you're there? And then what happened? Was he now? And here that pie he gonna want to see was in that sack? Was just so deal and off come to beut sweetie, Hey love, Thank you, Mr o'dal, Thank you Carlin. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all Right Reunited and it feels so good. That's what d Wade and Lebron James are hoping. After Dwayne Wade into one year deal with Cleveland, it was worth reported two point three million dollars Steve, and really this comes as no surprise as most NBA minds felt that uh felt that was where he would be heading. After Way agreed to a contract buyout with the Chicago Bulls last weekend. The Calves will be without injured all star point guard Isaiah Thomas until at least January January. He he would and did I think he had? Yeah, he already had a hip injury him. Boy, let me tell you so, Isaiah, get help. You got d Wade Now, we got Dereck Roll, we got Lebron Jamee, we got Kevin Loew, we got Jay crowd of we got Tristed exact, and we got that board that hulsle watched that boy tall skinny boy. They're all tall and skinny. Do I thinky'all got angel? Still got Kyle Korver cal Corby. Who's that boy? The tall boy to be hustling? Is that Chloe Kardashian? All right? And they say she's it's baby daddy. Yeah, Chloe is pregnant Kylie, Chloe, Kylie and then Kim. Yeah, it's having a baby through surrogate. Yeah, babies. It's a big family. I got that. But this is not gonna be fair in the East. It's not gonna be fair at all. What you ain't gonna be fair? Cleveland gonna go back to the final. Boston got a good team. Though, Boston got a good team, they're gonna be competitive. Man, when Isaiah Thomas going back to Boston, do you know the chip he gonna have on his showed because he played when his sister passed trade that boy like that, he's gonna he's gonna come with adde. I give him the ball the whole game. I wouldn't even take a shot to find le Bron. That's not going go ahead, little man, because I know how you feel. But Lebron will pass the ball will. I think it's great for basketball. I love the way these brothers is collaborating. That's how Paul George wound up at the Thunder. Carmela wanted to go to the Thunder, but now he's going to. Uh. I'm sorry, he's going to the Thunder, which is gonna be some interesting basketball. Nobody's coming out to west Over Golden Stead. I'm sorry. And as bad as I want the Cavaliers to win, and I will be pulling for him and I will be talking uh Cavalier trash all year long. Golden State is the team to beat, though, because them boys is them boys nasty man. I have to give credit where dude, But the car is gonna be right back in there. Widow notes tell you where. They won't be going to the White House after they win the chance the team right, all right, we gotta go to break. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, Steve, last break of the morning with just one more thing. We talked sports last break, Let's talk it again this break. Tonight, the Green Bay Packers will take on the Chicago Bears at lambeau Field. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is asking fans. He's asking fans now to join the team and locking arms and u nining during their game against the Chicago Bears on Thursday night. Football Packer fans they're gonna do whatever the team tell them. All right, here we go, take a listen to show love and unity, and this week we're gonna ask the fans of joining as well and come together and show people that we can be connected and we can grow together. You know what, that's a good idea because in the divisiveness that's coming from this White House, and it is divisiveness because if you can take the time out to admonish players for doing a peaceful protest, but you will not admonish skinheads and clansmen and Nazis for a violent protests. And got the nerve to say there are good people on both sides. You cannot be in a hate group. You cannot hate a person for being Jewish, gay, black, a minority and immigrant in this country and call yourself a good person. I'm sorry, man, that's just not a good person. And for him to make that statement, but then turn around and tell people stop on the game, stop watching these people play. That's divisiveness to call these men sums of this came out the President's mouth. It's it's it's it's it's ridiculous that this comes from from a man who holds the highest office in the land, one of the most powerful positions. I thought. I thought once he got in there that he might he might live up to the title, or at least try. There's no attempt at living up to the title and the office. And I was talking about this at family feud and a guy yells out, you have to respect the president of the United States, And I said, sir, I do respect the President of the United States. I respect the office of the presidency. But in order for you to get my respect, you have to give me respect just as a man. Let's forget your title. Man to man, you have to respect me. If you disrespect me, I care less about your title. You can't disrespect me and I'm just talking about people in general. You can't disrespect another person. And because you have the title expect respect. If your boss on your job, who is your supervisor, who has the title of an authority figure at your job, but that person doesn't respect you, how much respect do you owe him? I'm just curious. And and what's happening is we just need for the president to act like the other forty four, that's all. And after saying that, I would like to issue a statement that I think a lot of people will agree with. Oh God, I miss Barack Obama. Oh yeah, I feel good. Oh dude, I ms George bush Man, George Senior. I never I didn't even know. I Come on, Lord Jesus God for Calvin Cooby, Grover Cleveland was good president. Oh man, really, this is yeah, really crazy. Yeah, that he has the nerve to call these athletes, these men obs, fire the SLBs. Look, man, that's not it's nothing presidential. And he's just he's refusing to live up to the position. And it's disheartening because those of us who have kids, who are trying to teach our children, we can't even look. Hey, man, do you know how many kids said I want to be Barack Obama. I want to be George Bush. I want to be Ronald Reagan. How many kids said that, you know what? I want to be Trump? Now there are some people who want to be Trump. Who the hell is that? He got a fan base, man, and he knows how to play to it. Listen to me the statement he made. Now, thank god for those NASCAR fans. I said, wait a minute, versus the NFL, which there are no black drivers, hardly on the NASCAR tour. But NASCAR is a great sport and it's got some great people in it that don't practice racist But if you I understand the NASCAR fans standing for the anthem because it ain't nothing happening to him. They kids not getting shot. See, whites don't have to worry about when the police stopped them. What's gonna happen to them. They know they're gonna get a ticket or warning. When you're African American and you get stopped, you you you you're in a tough position man, because you really don't know how this is gonna go. You gotta stay alive at that point, man, you're trying to think of everything. Yeah, every light don't end my every life. So um, we we're in a tough spot. But I say to everybody, this is my position. I keep the God in heaven as the head of my life. It's not the president. And so I'm cool. I'm really, really cool. Gonna say it now. Yes, I have a great beekid. I don't care what for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.