Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all have all suon on looking have a suon on looking back to back down, giving them just like themaking buck things. And it's touble y'all to be true. Good it ta ste how guy listening to me together for Stu moy w don't you joy? Yeah? By join have say you gotta turn be hurting the move go yeah, you go running, you gotta turn, you to turn the time you lovey got to turn out to turn to turn the water wan go come come on, uh huh, I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice. Come on now, digny if you will want it only Steve Harvey got radio show. Okay, sure be honest with y'all. Was rushing rushing this morning. So but that's what it takes. Sometimes sometimes you have to put forth a different kind of effort, you know. One of the things about being successful. And I was sharing this just the other day with a young man and he asked me. He said, hey, man, I just don't see how you get up that early in the morning. I just don't see how man. It would it would kill me to get up this early on it while I sat down and I'm listening to it because it's just a thousand times I've heard it, you know, and my life is, you know, not too different from a lot of people's lives. There's a lot of people out there a rise early, and I guess I don't know. I don't know what he wanted from me or how he wanted me to take what he said. But I just sat there, you know, just indifferent to the tones because I've heard it so many times. I don't know how you get up that early anymore. I don't know how you do all them jobs. And I just sit there, man, because I reb first of all, I'm grateful to be able to have a job. I'm so grateful to be able to do one and several that I happened to enjoy doing. I mean, you know, it's work, and it's difficult at times, but it's I mean, you know, I wanted this, you know, you gotta you know, you can't ask God for not then he give it to you. Didn't be mad that you got it. Don't make no sense. You know you're asking for something, me give it to you. The problem with asking God for stuff is a lot of times we're asking for stuff we don't really know what all it encompasses, what all it really is. And I have for this now along the way, I've gotten far more than I asked for. I want you to do. Understand that, and um, you know that's that's his grace at work in my life. But I get up early and I go to work because I do understand something that it is not walking up to you. Nobody walks up to people normally and just hand them checks all the time, and enough checks to sustain your life, and not only sustain it, but to have a life that where you could enjoy and do some of the things you want to do. That's I don't know the person that walks out hands out that money just to be doing it. And then with a lifestyle though where you can, you know, give your kids a Christmas, you know, take your family on vacation, you know a year once a year. I don't know. Nobody passed not to kind of money. So I get up early in the morning. I get at it. I was taught to get up early in the morning by my father because my father says, ain't none gonna come to you while you lay in now. And you know what, it's just true, man, it's just a little common sense. Look, old people smart man, they've been around long time. You don't get you know, some old foods out there, but you know you don't have to deal with them. But the old people are pretty smart man. They've learned a lot along the way. And waking up early and getting out of it is one of them things. And I ask everybody man to think about this scenario of your life. I just want you to just I want to show you some numbers. If a day has twenty four hours in it, and let's just say you choose to sleep eight of those hours because they tell you you need eight hours sleep, so you sleep eight hours, that's a third of your life asleep. Already, just a third of your life is spent asleep. If you're gonna do eight hours a day, you understand that a third of your life is spent asleep. Now, let's say you have a job that you work eight hours, and it's not the job of your dreams, it's not your dream career you dream in profession, it's just the one you took, like all of us, to get it started. And then, like all of us, some of us end up having the state that because we've created these bills, and we can't because we check the check. So we can't leave it because we'll lose what what we've worked for. So let's just say you got a job that you go to work too for eight hours. That's another third of your life. That's two thirds of your life spent doing something. How do I put this to you? Oh, let's all right, light Steve. Just leave it that. That's two thirds of your life. Feel how you want to feel about your two thirds when I like sleep? Okay, cool, that's a scripture about that too. But now you spent two thirds of your life one on a job you don't care for if you're not happy there, or one that just pays the bills and it's not your dream job of career. Another third of your life is sleep. Oh now, let's hold on. Let's talk about the one hour of preparation that it may take to get to the job. Let's just say you wake up, you know, brush your teeth, shower, or have a little breakfast, get dressed. Let's just say that's an hour. So now we're talking sixteen hours, eight hours sleep, eight hours on your job, that's sixteen hours. You got already time one hour, that's seventeen hours. Let's say your drive time, let's say getting to your job for the average person, is anywhere between thirty two an hour. That's an average of what it takes the average person. Now some people out there hustling the way harder than that, but let's just say your average is an hour getting to work. You had another hour to that going to work. You've now spent eighteen hours out of the twenty four doing something that's either nonproductive, you're not happy with, you're not pleased about. It is not your dream job, it's not your dream profession. And the rest of the time you sleep. Eighteen hours that's going to work. Now you gotta come from the job, so let's just say it's an of the hour to get back home. That's nineteen hours. Nineteen hours out of a twenty four hour day. A third of it you've been asleep. A third of it. You've been on the job that you're not happy with. You took an hour to get ready to go to the job that you're not happy with. That you've just been a third of your life sleeping to get ready for you spend an hour getting there, and you spend an hour getting back. That's nineteen hours out of twenty four hours. You now have five hours left in your day. Oh you watch TV two times, two hours a day. Okay, excuse me. Let's put now you put two hours of TV on that you've just been twenty one. You now have three hours in the day to do something super productive for the development of yourself and the future of your family, and your future as a person and what you can provide for your family. Oh, I need to chill, I need to smoke one. Oh I needed some time it Happy hour seemed like all I do is dry to work and go to work. I'm gonna go out with the fellas drink one. Okay, let's say you spend two hours at Happy I have nobody go to a Happy Hour just for a hour. Let's say he's been two hours at happy all smoking awesome video games and throw that in there. Two hours of smoking, chilling, reading the paper, video games. That's twenty three hours of your day going. Don't you see how your day slips away from you? So why would you get up early? You get up early to get a jump, You get up early to produce to plan to become productive. You get up early in the morning to care about every single minute of your day. You wake up early in the morning because you have a plan, a mission, You have something you want to accomplish. So you wake up early, and you as the earlier you get up, the more time you have just for you to devote to your plan. You map it out, you make some sense, some emails, you do some Google searches, whatever it is you need to do to get your dream underway. Then you go get ready. Then you get in your car and go to work. Then you go to your job. But on your job, instead of sitting at your lunch break messing around with a bunch of people laughing and talking about nothing, playing dominoes, why don't you take that hour to do some more research, to do some more Google it, to send out some more emails, to put some feelers out there, to see what can get you in the place that you want to be. Then when you get off, instead of driving straight home, why don't you go somewhere in a meeting, you know, take in a session with some people in a positive mental state. Some people are doing you know, self help groups or group of people that get together network for business. Why don't you take that two hours and devote that to that business idea you got. No human being has more than twenty four hours a day, including myself, But if you care about every single minute of that day, you'd be amazed at how much you could get accomplished in a twenty four hour day. But you can't get none of that happening because you sleep. You're listening to the ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. You are listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, which happens to be the greatest music driven adult contemporary bar none radio show, including yours, in the world. Yes, yes, that your game. Today's show is dedicated to the relentless, wholehearted rescue worker man, all the rescue workers out there that puts it on the line to save people. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Uh. It's it's it's a it's a it's a tough time out here now, man, people. Houston is trying to recover Jackson. I mean, Florida's under the threat. Um, you know, it's it's it's it's it's gonna be, it's gonna be. It's still tough man. We gotta keep keep our hearts open to people that are in need. So that's what we wanna do. Want to dedicate this show to the rescue workers out there. Let y'all know we're thinking about y'all got you in your prayers. We're making donations with we're helping the Red Cross spread the word. Uh, we're doing our share over here what we can for those You could do any little bit helps and just remember you know what I mean. You know we gotta care. You know it could be us, It very easily be us. See, catastrophe is not just in the form of a hurricane. It could come any kind of way. So you have to remember when catastrophe strikes people's lives. Just because you're not having a hurricane, well what would they do to me? We don't have hurricanes up here, but something happens because catastrophe is catastrophe, and trust and believe we're all gonna have them in our life there. So doing to others that you would have them do unto you, that's a golden rule. Just do that, man, Now, don't flip it like I've done in my life on shover occasion. What do you mean I've actually flipped that script and my MoMA had the backhead me one time. What were you doing? She asked me? Why I was fighting up at the school? Told I was fighting, she said, I have told you, boy, to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That you don't want nobody fighting you, so don't fight there, I said, But Mama, he was fighting me. He hid me, so he must have wanted me to hit him back. If you're saying do unto others, you'd have had him doing it. He must have wanted I had that logic, tay stuff. You knew, that's not what that meant. You don't use to launch script just to do your seen my moms Harvey, that's right, And back then they could slap to take such a Yeah, my mom's still doing it today. Well up, all right, we'll listen. We're gonna go to a commercial break. Coming up. Coming up, I have actually thanking work to do, work to do. Uh. We have a lot to cover in the news, including the latest on Hurricane Irma. Of course, we'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to the Stry Morning Show. All right, we have a lot to cover in today's news, as I mentioned earlier, including the latest on Hurricane Irma. We will never forget today what to day is. It is the sixteenth anniversary of nine eleven. But first, it's been a nervous weekend for Florida. Very natural, correct and were on in Florida in a lot of markets in there. Callers are p D keeps track of everything. So we're on in quite a few markets down in Florida. Carla, Yes, we are. We're on in Tampa, Steve the Bead in Tampa. We are on in West Palm Beach for Myers. We have a lot of listeners in Florida. And this is a monster storm that hit the coast on Saturday night and hit the Keys, and we saw the destruction that happened in the Caribbean. I mean, my god, did you see what happened to the Virgin Islands? And it's just devastating, It is so devastating, this coming right off of Hurricane Harvey, just you know, weeks later and we can't believe that the country is dealing with us again. A lot of this as folks, I was watching the Weather Channel just uh a little while ago, and what had happened was on yesterday, what they predicted was happening. A lot of the shore water was pulled off of the Tampa area. The shoreline dropped three and a half feet, which is what they were was the worst case scenario they were hoping for because that water has got to come back now and because of the squirrel of Hurricane Irmy pull the water back and it's got folks in a in a in a flash flood watch from two pm on Sunday all the way through and it's just been tough man down there, man, so you know, and then after effects, the lingering, after effects is what you have to watch out for. Two Yeah, but in the flooding. But you gotta be smart, folks. You can't take unnecessary chances just because of some items and some property. Nobody wants to lose their home. Nobody wants to lose all the things they work for. We get it, but we can get another couch, another car, as hard as it is. You can get another home, but you can't get in a life now. And I think to Steve, it's tough when you're in a hurricane. You know, people don't want to leave their homes. Like you said, they don't want to go to the shelters, and they don't feel safe in shelters. It's not some of the shelters they don't you know, they don't want their kids around people they don't know. So they think that they can take the weather into their own hands and kind of ride it out. But the thing about a shelter is not a resort. It's just a place for you to go to save your life. That's all I think for Once that storm passes, and once those city leaders and community leaders tell you that you are safe in your area, you can go back home. That's all it is. It's a temporary place and that's that's something that people need to remember. I think that's the smartest way I've had it put. A shelter is not a resort, that's right. And they're just you're right there telling people just to pack enough for three days. For three days, pack your toiletries, pack some bedding and you know, get it there. Medication if you need that, and and stuff like that. They're giving you a place to sleep. A lot of people are bringing their pets in. I mean we've heard um of shelters, you know, where you can bring your dogs you can bring your cats. Some people have birds, you know, things that are close to you that you want to keep with you and keep saying part of your face. Yeah, that's what you bring to the shelters. Nothing else, you know, because in thousands upon thousands of people, all right, a lot of these shelters, over seventy two thousand in in the state of Florida, people are in the shelters, which means the good news is that a lot of the people listen to what the city leaders were telling them to evacuate. So that is the good news. I mean, it's a lot of people in the shelters, but us a lot of lives that are being saved by not ignoring what these city officials are telling you. Because, like you said, the show is dedicated to the first responders, but they can't get to you, so you can't ask them to put their lives in in in in harm's way when you didn't follow the mandatory evacuation requests, right, And their work, their work doesn't even begin until, like you know, afterwards, you know what I'm saying. They're they're prepared to help afterwards, to come in and and rescue people and get the roads back up and all the trees that may have fallen on the road so people can drive through. That's what they're you know, that's their responsibility immediately after IRMA passes. So wow, the rebuilding and the recovery and so, like you said, Steve when we started the show, this is a tough time for this country, you know, and and and for some of our neighboring countries in the Caribbean. We have to help them rebuild and we have to help each other. So it's a tough time. But you know we can do it. We can rebuild, we can recover. We got this. I mean, you know, look, it is just a tough time. Uh. The I was watching, uh yesterday, how the Houston our football team was getting ready to play. You know, they want to win one for the city. You know, they talked about that. You know, it's just a lot of them just trying to come together. Everything that the Houston h Texans were doing, the Astros we're doing, you know, the Rockets were doing. They're all down there trying to do something to make a contribution. And also to those Steve, when you said the Texans, they played the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Jacksonville. Those players are staying in Houston because of Irma right that they came down early. Actually, and it's crazy, though, but you staying in Houston, but Houston just got hit. That's that's really good. Yeah, yeah, this is really something these last let me tell you this talk. I'll tell you this. If you are alive today, you have a lot to be grateful for. And you gotta look at that. And I know we got a lot of gloom going on right now in the news, but if you live in if you survived it and you still here, your love one still here, you got a lot to be grateful for. Men, you know, And that's the upside of it. And don't ever lose the upside, because it's important. Man. Sometimes we get so caught up into what's wrong that we forget to be grateful for what's okay. And if you lose sight of what's okay, you sometimes you can miss the blessing. You're right, You're absolutely right. I saw this lady standing outside of the shelter yesterday and she was saying that at least we're alive and we have someplace to go. Um. So, as we mentioned, today is the sixteenth anniversary of nine eleven. We will never forget and we will be back. You're listening to the Steve Hard Morning Show, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, we will update you on our national news, of course, the latest on Hurricane Irma. But you know what, Steve, laughter heels the soul. It's time for some laughter. You know, today is Monday. That means it's time for Reverend Motown and Deacon Deaf jam with today's church complaints. A time to nanda m hm mam, oh, my lord, oh, my lord, man, man, man. We is here today on this Monday. We've all that is going on in the world today. Yes, these are ungrateful members of mine have still managed to find something to complain about. Lord, what in the hell is wrong? I know, I passed that we are going through a situation where we have it seems like our celebrity church members are complaining with different issues today. So let me start with Brother Samuel Jackson's. Uh he saw two roaches in the church doing Bible study and screamed out, who put these blanketed blankets roaches in this blanketed blank church church. You're gonna have to control him past that you're gonna have to talk to Samuel. Well, you're talking about Samuel Jackson will due to the monetized that brother Jackson paid. All right, our too was wondering who putty blank blat church and seven O set them over there next to blanking Sam Jacks because we run him out of hill, We're gonna have to close the dolls on literacy. Joined we got the stand path. I'm fine. We knew that brother Jackson was a custle. Yeah, so we we was all right with that. We've actually been We've introduced brother sam to our church basketball team, okay, because they've been playing teams outside the church league and they need to know some cuss words if they're gonna be playing auto companies, postal workers, people down at ups and fear that you're gonna have to learn this. So we want to thank oh brother Jackson sell alright, alright, now here another celebrity, Tiger Wood, just asking that why don't we have any white women in the church. He says, we are being stereotypical and could stop, uh this and get some white women in the congregation. Now you're gonna, I don't know what to do about this fact. We oh, yeah, let's hear it well, politically correct, fix what you got past. We we we we have an open due policy here, Joy of Jerusale we do oh I we you oh white. I like white people. I've often wanted one to come sit with us. But I think it's the location of our building that's right, that is slowing it down. We're on the corner of hell no. And we're on the corner of hell no. And wish you would have you. There ain't a lot of white folk comfortable coming down here that we're trying to move out on Primrose Avenue. But we ain't building fund ain't got up there. Tell brother Woods, we don't have no white girls here yet, but it is quite a few that I want to be co all right now, speaking of case in past that I don't know if you realize or not, but Magic Johnson has put a Stopbucks on one side of the church and a Fat Burgers on the other. There are rumors that he is trying to move us out of here. The congregation won't uh you to assure us that that won't happen. But Magic Johnson looked like he gonna buy the church property and get us out of here. Can you assure the congregation that we are all right? No, I can't. Oh your magic coming here with enough money, he can't added rightular here. Now he's not the magic. Ain't been here one day. Number one reason Magic don't come here because all I don't we do ways, ain't talking him. We only got six two dough weks. No, he don't even come in here because you don't that he's you know, he's bending down. So we've been trying to increase the archway on the doors. They six four but he sick now right, So he came one time, but he busted the nose and had turned around home. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna let Oh, I'm hoping that fat burger do by the church. And by the way, have you been over there and had yourself a fat burger? Absolutely delicious. Oh, we have a situation past that the winds and the whinings. Please talk to them. They cannot come to serving at the same time. It is actually too many of them, the wanings and the whinings. Absolutely correct time, we had sixteen hundred people in here and we can only hold five hunt So you're gonna have to talk to one member from each family. We're not gonna well, I'm not gonna do that, Deacon. Once again, we are looking at the amount of revenue that comes in off the way Keenan, Dane and Mall and Sean, the girl kill they Mama Nel. They just gotten money, all the damnon kids in the show business, the DJ and they're doing everything. We're gonna let them come on in there, not a not a wine. And they don't get that much when they cove because they all have churches of their own. Yeah, all them, all the wine has been in church their whole life. They daddy all that, so they don't get that much when they come. They all their money go to their church. They got beautiful churches over their pleasures. C C and BB is over there cutting albums, all their money in studio. So what's this? Ain't no solutions. I'm through what waiting on here and I'm here pastor okay, last, but not leave past it? Would you please? I tell Tyler parent that Medea is not allowed in the in the quay last week she smoked a cigarette doing the song. God is trying to tell you something and put it out on him. But you're gonna have to talk to either Tyler Medea wanted to temple. I have told you again, and this is the third time to day. The level of money that Tyler Perrot brings with him allows Medea took put it out on him book, wipe her mouth with her robe, do her lipstick with somebody else's mirror, and then came up in there and sit right next to me in the pool pitt because she didn't have another leg room in the quass. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this Hurricane Irma roared into Florida. The winds, the rain, tornadoes. We are praying, praying, praying for our list nurse in West Palm Beach and Tampa and Fort Myers, Jacksonville and all the surrounding areas. Massive power outages, storm surges, more than seventy two thousand people evacuated to shelters. And don't forget today is September eleventh. America will never forget the nearly three thousand people who were who lost their lives in the nine eleven attacks. We continue to pray for the victims families, So Steve Um, we have a lot of news to get to this morning. Miss Anne is here. Yeah, so let's just get right to it, ladies and gentlemen, she's here, Miss and Trip. Thank you very much, everybody, and yes we do have a lot to get to. First of all, let me tell you where what's going on right now. Hurricane Irma is moving north up Florida's Gulf coast, but it's now barely holding on to hurricane status because it's been downgraded to a category one storm Category one storm, and Irma's about sixty miles north of Tampa right now, and by the end of the day it just might even just be a tropical depression. Doesn't mean that it's not dangerous, doesn't mean that people don't need to watch out, but it has been downgraded severely. We have seventeen thousand people still in shelters down there. More than four million people are without power. There have been thirty two reported deaths, five in Florida so far, twenty seven in the Caribbean, and the ones the deaths in Florida. There may be more deaths and when they start recovering and getting back into the neighborhoods. But again, thirty two deaths so far reported from Hurricane Irma, five in Florida so far twenty seven in the Caribbean again, she's now a Category one. She's moving basically generally moving north northwest. And meanwhile, there has been some looting. There was some looting in northeast of Tampa. About nine people were arrested for looting, but that was just the only case of that, they say. President Trump has approved a major disaster decoration for that area, only hours after Governor Rick Scott made the request over the weekend, and the President's action makes federal aid available for victims in the nine counties already hit by the storm. The aid is going to conclude include things like temporary housing and low cost rebuilding loans. And the President is full of praise, by the way, for the disaster workers responsible. Yeah, Coach Guard has been amazing already. You've been hearing what they're doing right in the middle of the storm. FEMA has been incredible. We're working very well with the governor and the other governors in surrounding states. With an estimated four million people. As I said, without lights right now, a lot of help is going to be needed to get folks back online. Governor Rick Scott says there's a federal disaster relieve on the way courtesy of the President's Federal Disaster Declaration, of course, but he also feels that help is also on the way and has come in from other places. In fact, first responders are either down there but was just here from the governor. Now you've got THEEMA officials here. That's true for every every fail agency. People are working hard, um, and there's a lot of unknowns, um, And that's what you worry about. One thing you feel good about is people want to help. And I've had college from outside the country and all over this country. People want to come in and help, and I believe they will. In fact, first responders are either down the Elne now, as I said, are on their way from all over the country. That includes people from utility companies of some one d fifty employees of New Jersey's PSC and G left yesterday to do whatever needs doing in the pretty much hammered Sunshine State. Meanwhile, Texans are still struggling to get back to normal in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. A number of residents they're still waiting to get back into their homes after two weeks. Arizona Senator John McCain's schedule for an m RI I today, the prominent Republican lawmaker and war hero battling what is said to be an aggressive and deadly form of brain cancer. It's the same kind that kill the late Democratic senter Teddy Kennedy. However, yesterday on ABC State the Union, San McCain said that so far anyway, all signs are good and he's feeling good. At the weekend box office, it was all about it, that's right. It made from a Stephen King novel, handily topping the box office by bringing in a record breaking one and seventeen million dollars. Now that means that is the big full movie opening ever. It one hundred and seventeen million dollars. Everything else really really a distance second. Reese Witherspoon's latest comes in at nine million. Samuel Jackson is the latest Hitman Bodyguard. He's still in there, but he came in third this weekend. Today, meanwhile, does mark the sixteenth anniversary of nine eleven. This is a trip today, Marxie, anniversary of the nine eleven attacks. Compassion, sacrifice forever in the heart of our nation to reaffirm the true spirit of nine eleven. My name is Joe Daniels, and I'm president of the National nine eleven Memorial and Museum. The visitor experience at the museum is one that helps recall the memories of that day, both the tragedy that people faced as well as how people came together to help one another. And we use artifacts and first person accounts. And when you go back up to the memorial after going through the very emotional museum and you see the two thou three names, it gives a special meaning to it, and most people lost their lives and they should be honored. I do like that aspect of it. My wife went to the museum. I have not yet, but I planned to because I think it is something that we need to remember. It's part of American history, you know, with isis resurgence, we definitely need to be worried. Every time I see somebody get on the trend, they'll put it back on the trend. So I'm always watching. Some people have a problem with the commercialism of it. You know, it was there in ninety three when it happened, and then for then I'm thinking, I said, man, these guys waited that long and they came back again. If they waited that long. I think they're waiting again. My feelings are still raw. You'll never forget. I have not had the heart to go down. I have taken the virtual tour, but I've not been able to actually go in person. People were helping people walk, women were barefoot, There was ashen, soot and blood. I think we have to remember there has to be that same kind of annual celebration so that we never forget as we see the threat of terrorism by ISIS, the police killings of Michael Brown and Arigona. Understand that history is not going to change things. We must change history, remembering nine eleven. This is an trip and of course again once more. Hurricane Irma now moving north of Florida's Gulf Coast. It's barely holding on though the hurricane status has now been downgraded to a Category one storm about sixty miles north of Tampa right now. She may be downgraded to a tropical depression by the end of the day. So far, thirty two deaths, five in Florida, twenty seven in the Caribbean. We'll be back twenty minutes after This is Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show. All right, Steve introduced Jay, so Jay can introduce the butcher fly. Oh god, this is just getting to be too much, lady Jay Anthony Brown, you better get read. Eugen is coming on. Oh my god, I love it. I love it. Good morning everyone, see the time Shirley College Jr. J Anthony Brown, Good morning to everyone. It is a pleasure to be here on this good money. This is nine eleven, and we're gonna make it a good day. You have good money to every one, hey, Corlin, so listen today it's just very simple. It's hug a coworker today or hugg a friend today. It's all about hugging. I think hugging is gonna make us, you know, just a better, better country, better people, better friendship. So all of us we're gonna start this hugging day off hugging each other. And I want to hug each and every one of you individually. Okay, now we got you got you got. We're gonna explain something you said. First of all, you should hug a friend. We're not is, And I said you should hug a coworker, and we're not co workers, so I don't have to hook me. Go ahead and start hooking. I'm okay, I'm a hugging Shirley and Call of Pirst. These are the girls. There's tell beautiful get out here. Yeah, yeah, my rider die, Kimmy and JR. What you can't hug me? I can't be telling me the crisis you didn't know it with you right now? Come here, don't touch him, stop stop not hugging him, and let me say and let me say this. I don't like church hugs. I want you to get I want my I'm gonna putting my hand in the spine of your back. We're gonna hug you mean o church hugs where you just hugging around the next Yeah, and it'd be it'd be separated in between. I think I think a real hug is body, the body you know, just to you like too much. I ain't How do you get now you're getting out of hugging? Order hold out now, Jill. Don't why you don't fight? Don't why are you fighting? I don't care what it is? Okay, Jay Anthony Brown, all right, see that that was a good hug. It was quick, but it was good. It was a good hud. Damn I heard that. But go ahead on and paying good money. Okay, this is here. This is the true moment. Came I stay, hut stay, Why are you You're so aggressive? Let's be live all over the world. Let's be live except for here. My boss phone. All right, we gotta girl coming up. That the stars were in Houston this past weekend. They were giving back. We'll talk about it at thirty or four after the hour, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, all right, Steve, you and your wife Marjorie, of course, donated to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Well. Beyonce, Janet Jackson, Kevin Hart, and Chris Paul. We're all in Houston this past weekend. Beyonce delivered an emotional speech to Hurricane Harvey evacuees Friday at her home church in Houston, St. John's Church. Um, this today is a celebration of survival, Beyonce said, UM, you all are my family. Houston is my home. I thank God that you all are safe, that your children are safe. The things that really matter are your health and your children and your family and your life. Also on Friday, Janet Jackson arrived in Houston to visit with Hurricane Harvey evacuees at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Jackson dedicated her concert at the Toyota Center on Saturday to the victims of Harvey, and she'll donate a portion of the proceeds to local flood relief efforts. Jackson's post baby body is uh looking really good. Uh she was playing right. Kevin Hard and Houston Rockets point guard Chris Paul teamed up with Red Cross and also took to the streets of Houston and delivered food. They delivered water and other supplies, which is great. So thank everyone who participated and who has helped out so far. Why, I mean, giving is so important, It really really is giving back. So Steve, I just wanted to ask you. I mentioned you and Marjorie at the top of this piece. It's important to you because why when it first started happening, the name Harvey was kind of, you know, crazy, so you know we started getting all that, you know, people and everything, and then and the hurricane e in the play with you know, you want to make a meme and it ain't nothing else we can laugh about in this world. Today we're somebody's gonna suffer some destruction. Could be lost of life. Now we're out here, we got funny stuff to say about it. But you know, Marjorie set out and just said here's what she wanted to do, and so she did it. You know, Kevin had posted the challenge, but my wife had already made a decision about what we were gonna do, and so we just quietly did what we were gonna do. You know, we didn't make a deal about it anything. And then we went and did some other things with some housing opportunities for people, you know, with the Red Cross. So you know, we put that into motion, and so it's just necessary, you know, to do what you do. Um, Marjorie's philosophy is not to stand up on top of the box and say, hey, look what I did. She doesn't like to do it that way, and I understood that. Now listen to me. I'm not knocking it. I'm not saying I think you know, people publicize what they give and they and they want to. I think that's great because you have to draw attention to the problem. And what Kevin did was perfectly acceptable because he just wanted to draw attention to the problem. So I had no problem. Please, no, I'm not slamming anybody for publicly talking about what they do, because I think is great. But we just wanted to do what we did, and uh, you know, we just going about the business. It's important though that those of us who can help should help, because it's just it's just important, man, And it's not you know, if you don't have all that money, you know, and and and you know, you don't have to do it. Marjorie just said she didn't need public approval. That's what she kept saying. She says, Steve, I don't need public approval, and and that was her philosophy. I honored that, you know. So you know we did what we did. You know, some of it leaks because you know, Red Cross has a celebrity and U what they call you have some celebrity entertainment division, and when they see you bring in a large donation date, they reach right back out to you. You know, they very conscious about that. But we like everybody who's helping. See and if you're not as fortunate as others, your ten dollars, if that's your big kill, that's your big give. It's it's all relative, you know. Now, Marjorie and I gave ten dollars and be kind of crazy, you know what I mean, because we have more. But those people who give five and send into and ten, it's a beautiful thing. Man, y'all, Just keep giving, just keep doing your sharing. You'll be when We'll be fine. And if you can't give, prey. We will have the latest update on months on the monster storm Hurricane Irma at the top of the hour, and if you want to help, text the word Irma to nine to make your donation, or you can go to Red Cross dot are dot org. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, This storm, Hurricane IRMA has made landfall in Florida, whipping wind rain. Irma has caused Walt disney World to close for the six time in fifty years. This is just they've closed six times in fifty years, so you know this is major. We will have the latest update with Miss Anne right about four minutes after the hour. But up next it's the Nephew's prank phone call. Nephew. You know what, y'all, I really feel like being stupid this morning. Wow, I do it? Just it just hit me that there's a time for stupidity, and it's right now, it's right now, it's absolutely right now. Can you do my makeup? Right there? Can you do my makeup? That's the prank? Right there? Can you do my makeup? Hello? Hello, mane with to uh to Brandy blues. Yes, Brandy, my name is Carl. I'm calling. I got a you came highly recommended. You actually you're you actually are I'm sorry it isn't may. I don't know if I'm saying. As a makeup artist, makeup style, that's what you what do you call it? It's makeup artist. I'm a professional makeup artists. Okay, And you work at the you work with the makeup counter and correct. Okay, listen, I gotta I gotta photo shoot coming up, and I wanted to see about um sometime this week maybe the following week. You could actually come and and I hired you'd actually make me up for my photo shoot? Is Do you do a lot of photo shoots at all? Or you? Yes, I should do. I've been in the business for ten years, so I've been around several fellow shoots. Okay, good deal. So what what's I mean? You have any time this week that I can actually just come in and we can do like a trial run or something. Yeah. I'll actually be here Friday for about six hours with Friday work for you. I'm here. I started at eleven. At eleven, I mean I could come in later, maybe like around three on Friday if if you can you squeeze me in at that time. Okay, what's what's so good? Is there a certain makeup for for men out? It works out the same as for women in fronto shoots. You just need some type of crane foundation something even out of skin tone, uh powder you down to take away the oils, cover up any blemishes or anything like that. It's pretty much the same. Of course, you don't get the whole eyeshadow and lashes and stuff. But right, right, right, right right, Well I'm not but I just try to, you know, just trying to look good on camera. UM. Let me ask you this, how much makeup have you done as far as um men? You know what I mean? Okay, I'm very comfortable with it. You'll be fine, trust me. That's what I was really worried about it if you were going to be comfortable with it, because, uh, I mean, have you done? Um, I'm a little conscientious about a few things, you know what I mean? And you have how many butts have you done? I'm sorry how many what like like like butts? You know how many? How many butts have you made up? I haven't made up any? But like are you like you mean like yeah, I mean you could see my I'm actually doing a nude photo shoot and uh, you know, I got a couple of scratches and you know, some old scars on my butt, and you know, like like you said, you know, I'm a little shy about you know some of that. So I was you can actually hope you can actually make sure that those cars don't show and you know you said you kind of you know, uh make sure everything is it doesn't look oily, you know what I mean? And and uh, I just need to get my money out. Well, but I I didn't when I didn't understand what you're talking about. I may not be the makeup, but I don't I'm not seriously, I'm not gonna do here, okay, but I mean were just talking about makeup though, I mean, you know you you're talking about Yeah, but I'm not about to put my makeup brushes that I use on people's faces on your ads, like to tell your photographers just like photoshop that, because well that's where I'm coming in to see you on Friday. I want you to to do everything and and make me up there in the store so I can see what it looks like. I want to see you. You were gonna come into my job and make me do your like? What are you? What? Planted? Are you? Where? Did you think that was gonna work? You cannot come into my job. How are you gonna come my job naked? Seriously? I mean, well, I was gonna wear a robe. I'm not gonna just, you know, walk in there. Don't you even think about coming into my job? Who referred you? Who told you need to delete this number? Do not? I'm not about to get this job. Just need to get done, okay. I don't want why is the problem? Want you doing? What is the problem? You're doing my butt and putting some makeup on it? Not. I need to buy you some brushes, Buy you some brushes and you can take what I want you to buy me anything. I don't want you coming into my job. I don't want you calling me ever again to do any kind of work. I'm coming in there and I'm now listen, I have a professional makeup artists. Clearly you don't know what that means. So you don't. Then you will take out the part that's bothering you and do the job. Lady, you know what I mean of my sort want to I'm used before I get real ignorant, I'm not about to finish this conversation. Do not come into my job. Do not call me to do your That's not gonna happen. So so so, I guess it's says to go around and let people know that Brandy is not professional because you can't through part restation is good in the streets. Boo, you can't go around and tell anybody that I'm not professional. Nobody ever called me to be there. Get some skincare for your how about that? And then you won't need any makeup? I know you. Then you're not gonna sit here now, sart talking about my bec if I told you some of my deepest secrets to let you know, I want to come in there and get somebody that you're bad for telling the change or your deepest secrets. Okay, you know what, I'm coming up to your store anyway on Friday, all right, and I'll talk to your boss. Don't let them though, don't let it fool you, Chalge, you heard me, don't come in my job. Look if I lose my job over your foolishness, I guarantee you will be paying on my bills. Okay. Bottom line is I'm coming in there with my rob on Friday. Somebody gonna do my but you your manager not coming? You know what? How about you come up here right now? How cauld I go ahead and take care of the situation right now. I'm here now can you come right here? Come up there right now with my role. But we'll bring bring your butt up here right now. We'll see if your buck gets done. I'm not doing okay with the bottom line. Who is your manager anyway? What's she? Is? She there? I am the manager? Now what okay? See that's what the problem is. You got your little self a little position at your job. Now you're trying to throw your weight around if you if a person wants to get their butt done, okay, Look do you see, avatar? The people have makeup all on, they butt all on their back and every where. Not you call them, you call them and ask them to do your but don't call me. I'm hanging up. Do not call me anymore. They are makeup artists. What are you? Look? This conversation is over. Yeah, it's over because you know what. Let me tell you something. You do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? You know who I'm talking to? I'm talking to Brandy, But do Brandy know who Brandy talking to? Clearly somebody who is ignorant. Okay, well let me tell you who I am. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend Carmen. You're like, I'll get off the phone. I'll get it. Do that. I hope nobody's listening. You just made it. I got you good. I got you good and good with the but yeah, for real, get you some skincat gems. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, all the damn Steve Harvey Morning Show. So y'all they know that sometimes your butt need makes up to what I'm saying. I had no idea. Sometimes your butt need makes up to say. If you're gonna have your butt out, have it made up? Yeah, I don't go nowhere with your butt not made up? How your butt made up? I'm the only one a need butt makeup on this show. Ain't know everybody. Everybody else got nice, nice skin, But ain't nothing wrong with your buy It is a cool body behind me, passenger. You want to put powder on your but to have makeup on it? Though? Sure if I have thought about painting lips on my on your butt? Yeah? For what? Man? You know for that famous statement, you're don't do it. I wanted it in a certain place because I don't like it towards the center. I would won't mind off to the side, be uncomfortable for me. If you like bottom, what increases it? Okay? Um, so like you said earlier, sureley call it y'all. Don't need no booty Mecca. That's crazy. We're good alright, uh, and we're gonna flip it back. We'll have the latest on Hurricane Irma, and we'll have the Strawberry Letter coming up to right after the break. You're listening to the Steven Show. Up next, we'll have the Strawberry Letter but first, of course ms and has been working very hard. Today it is the sixteenth anniversary of nine eleven. We will never forget that. And now she's here with the news update on the latest on Hurricane Irma as well. For Sam. This is and Trip with a special report on Hurricane Irma. Irma winds its way north right now, it's about sixty miles north of Tampa, and now Georgia Governor Nathan Deal is preparing. He's declared a state of emergency for all of Georgia's one and fifty nine counties. Of course, as Hurricane Irma continues its wind surrept in soggy march, it all comes down to the people, the residents like Lois Hernandez of Albany, Georgia, who tells NPR that she awaits what Irma could do to her town, but she says it nevertheless is what it is start away, you know, is not gonna go away. So you got to try to fix it again or you find some little way around it. Meanwhile, the state government at schools as far north as Atlanta are going to be closed today and tomorrow. This is the first time that the National Weather Service has declared a tropical storm warning for Atlanta, and the governor is advising everyone in the peach take to quote shelter in place as much and as long as possible. The Georgia coast is under a mandatory evacuation order. This has been especially report on Hurricane Irma. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, thank you for saying. You know, we're just trying to keep everybody up to speed in all of the areas that we broadcast and let you know we're thinking about you. So y'all keep your head up, man, keep praying, okay, and be smart. Come on, Tommy, all right, big dog, buckle up, Hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry letter, subject fifty and falling. There's Stephen Shirley. I always hear you talking about this fifty and fit. Well, I am fifty and falling. How can I join your club? Anyways? I am a fifty year old Hispanic female and I'm dating this thirty three year old African American man and he wants me to get breast implanted. He says he needs more to grab onto. He even wants me to get a tummy tuck. Well, what I don't understand is that he wants me to do a lot of changing, but he won't marry me. Well, I went to my friends, I had two secretly secretly have behind his back, and they said that I'm way too old for him, and then I need to leave him alone. But he loves me and I love him, so I don't care about what they say. I've raised four boys and two men. Even though he's thirty three and I am fifty. My boys ages seventeen and fifteen, like him. We are all happy. Another thing is that he won't take me out in public because he and he is embarrassed to be seen with me. I bet you want to know why he is embarrassed to be seen with me. It is because he says that my breast sag too much and that I am too old and wrinkly. He won't let me go shopping. I feel like a caged animal. He even wants me to have his children. But what he can't seem to understand is that I am fifty and there ain't no way, no way I can have any more kids than what I already got. I just want to have a man who will let me go where I want to go and a man who wants to marry me for me, I don't want to change just for someone to marry me. I just don't understand him. Also, in my culture, I am not allowed to date younger men than me, men younger than me and outside of my race. But I don't care. Love is love and that's what I'm looking for. Love. Please help me. Kisses fifty and falling. Dear fifty and falling, Um, this letter is very confusing. Either this man loves you or he doesn't love you. But but I'll start right here to get uh to fifty and flies. What you've been at, what you were asking about. It's about what you eat and what you do. So you know you can absolutely do this. Just cut back when you're eating, get into the gym, walk, ride your bike, you know, just get it moving if you wanna, uh, you know, lose some weight and get in shape. At fifty, you can do it. I mean, Steve has proven that for sure. Um. But any changes you make, I gotta tell you this, please make them for yourself and not because this man is pressuring you. And really, if you want to get down to it, this man is not your man. He he doesn't love you. Um, he won't take you out. He says, your breast sag and you're too old and wrinkly. Please tell me where the love is in that and the ultimate He won't let you go shopping. You feel like a caged animal. Um, you know what you're looking for is love. This is not love. If he really loved you, you know, he would help you do these things, or he would encourage you and support you, not uh criticize you and talk down to you and all of this stuff. And um, you know your friends are probably right you should leave this man alone. And they see more into it than you do because they're on the outside. They see how he treats you. They see that you're not happy, even though you think you are. You know, relationships just really shouldn't be like this. They should be about love and support. And I just don't see the love in this letter at all. What you're looking for his love, it's not with this man. So I suggest you leave. Yeah, I am right now. I need to read this letter again. You can read Steven Sherl. I always hear you talking about this fifty and fift. Well, I'm fifty and falling. How can I join your club. Anyways, I'm fifty ye old his friend of female. I'm dating his thirty three year old African American man, and he wants me to get breast in plans, says it needs more to grab onto and even wants me to get a tummy tuble. But I don't understand is that he wants me to do a lot of changing, but he won't marry me. Well, I went to my friends I had to secretly have behind his back, and they said I'm way too over him. I need to leave him alone. But he loves me and I love him, so I don't care what they say. I raised four boys in the minute, and even though he's thirty three and I'm fit to my boys and fifteen like him, we are all happy. Another thing is that he won't take me out in public because he's embas to be seen with me. I bet you want to know why it's evad to be seen with me? Isn't because he says that my breast sac so much and I'm old, too old and wrinkley. He won't let me go shopping. I feel like a cage animal. He even wants me to have his children. But what he can't seem to understand is that I'm fifty and there ain't no way I can have any more kids. That's what I already got. I just want to have a man who will let me go where I want to go, and a man who wants to marry me for me. I don't want to change just for someone to marry me. I just don't understand him. Also, in my culture, I'm not allowed to date me and younger than me and outside of my race. But I don't care. Love is love, and that's when I'm looking for love. Please help me. Kisses fifty and falling. You should have changed the subject of his letter from fifty and falling to fifty and totally confused. And now we are confused. Your whole letter is a letter of contradiction. In my gout you, I am not allowed to date men younger than me and outside my race where you ain't in your culture, no mote in. I don't know what Latino you are Hispanic female, but quit telling people you're Hispanic female because you're dating somebody younger than you and out your race. Now, if that's in your culture, then you ain't in the culture. No modi, you are a a lien or could you be another African American and don't know it because you're dating somebody younger than you and outside another race. So let's just get to that part right there. Are you really as you say, Hispanic or I thought the term now was Latino. I'm a little confused right there. I don't know what to call you. I don't know what you're doing today. You're very confused. You either Bobby Cueing or you just roast in the hall today. I don't really don't know what you're doing on this blessed day. Bit confused. For when I come back, I'll tell you how I feel about your link in just a moment. Just had to cover that ground. We'll be back with what I think is really happened. You're listening, Steve. All right, Steve, let's go with part two of your response to today's letter. The refuge latino Hispanic woman who in her culture is not allowed to date anyone younger or out of her race. She is not only dating a man younger, she's dating an African American man, which now makes her be in considerate of her culture. If that's true, you can make up a lot of stuff about your culture that we can't check on in our culture as black people, and in the white culture too. You're not supposed to marry nobody younger than you without your race. Those rules have been out the windows for a bunch of years now. I just want to inform you that we have been mixing it up with each other for a long time now, hallo. So I just want you to know that that you know dad, how you feel about I don't have problem with it, so I don't have a problem do it. Do what you're gonna do to make sure it was real. Now, you, lady, who are fifty dating is thirty three year old man who has nothing but issues with you totally. He don't like the way your breast look. He don't like the way your stomach look. He ain't don't take you nowhere because you're too old and too wrinkly, will not be seen in public with you. You went to your friends about this, that you had to have secretly behind it back because he don't live friends. They said that I am way too old for him and I need to leave him alone. But he loves me and I love him, so I don't care about what they say, Okay, right, there. Hold on, hold on, your friend are merely repeating what he has already told me. You too old for him. That's what your friends say. Did not Mr African American just tell you the same damn thing the other day? Didn't he just tell you that? So now how you mad at your friends for just telling you what African then already told Africa. I want just tell you Africa because he ain't got no name, so his name is African. African controlled you. He don't like you because you're too old. Your breasts said, you need to tell me too, and it ain't gonna marry you. Now, you and your stupid mind then said, but I want to marry him, but I don't want to get a breast implant just for somebody else. Okay, now hold on, help help help me. I just want to change for someone who doesn't want to marry her. I don't see nowhere in the letter where he wants to marry you. Don't see you want to marry him, and you think he hadn't already told you. He man you because you ain't gonna get no brush job and a time it to him. Listen, if you need to be pushed out in the top and pushed in in the middle. You got a lot of stuff going some ways that nature ain't going right now. And on top of that, you fifty, and he didn't lie to you and told you he wants to have your kids. He wants you to have his kids, but you said you fifty, and there ain't no way I can have any more kids than I already got. You just want a man who will let me go where you want to go on, a man who wants to marry me for me. I don't want to change just for someone to marry me. Well, listen to this breast implants ten thousand tummy tuck sat in the firehood. Whoa leaving your breast alone and let your good hangout fars? He won't to price. You ain't got to sit up here and deal with tips. I don't know where you're going to get all this money from for all these adjustments that you obviously don't want to get. And when you get them, I would strongly suggest, when you get your new breasts and your tummy tuck, take that new look and get yourself a new man and he won't let you go shopping. Now you're gonna have all these clothes in that it ain't gonna fit no more because you got bigger chest and now your stomach gone. He won't let you go shopping. Now you're definitely be at the hot walking around kitchen, cooking neck and he won't let you go nowhere. And you still ain't did nothing about the marink. Oh no him? All right, thank you guys. We gotta go, you know we do. You can email us or instagram what's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girl Sureley UH switching gears now. Hurricane Irma, we're playing praying for all of the Floridians. We have a lot of affiliates UH in Florida. The storm is very serious. We want you to please stay safe. If you want to donate to help UM and make the difference, okay, you can go to red Cross dot org. You can go to red Cross dot org. You can text the word Irma to nine zero nine or if you want to donate, that's the number UM nine zero nine, text in the word Irma. Okay. Hurricane Irma made its landfalls in South Florida. Properties in the area UM that have been evacuated, thank God, and that includes Donald Trump'smro Lago resort to other Trump properties in the area. International Golf Club in Palm Beach and Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter have also been closed. Some have called for the president to open his resort as a shelter, but others say the result of the resort is on a low lying area near the Atlantic Ocean. A spokesperson for Trump's property said in a statement that our teams at our four properties in Florida are taking all of the proper precautions and are following local and Florida state advisories very closely to help ensure that everyone is safe and secure. Okay, the President said, we never seen story, We have never seen storms like this, but we will recover and rebuild. So there you go. Uh, I'm glad he said that, because that is the truth. You know, once this the storm is over, you know, then the rebuilding does get back. We do start to recover and rebuild, you know. And that's a lot of you know, he's done two things right in a row with the siding with the Democrats. Gave the money for the funding for the funding keep and he said this, So that's two things in a row. If you're keeping counts, but don't get comfortable, keep your eyes. Um wow, a lot of stuff to cover. As we mentioned, it's the anniversary of nine eleven. We'll talk more about that and we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show like we are celebrating all of the superstars that are stopped you by Steve's brand new touches. Everybody in Hollywood. See, we spend no time down there. We gropees groupes. I take a pitch with you. You said you said a junior Floyd Mayweather. Floyd Mayweather Steve to get the champ, the champs coming by because I went to his dressing room right after the fight. You know, I've been knowing Floyd a long time and I'm really tight with his with his with his guy that runs his business, Ault Hamon, who you never see the man right now? You know him? Yeah, So you know I asked him. He said, hey, might give you my word, and he ain't done nobody but else but today though today don't stay money Mayweather. And we're gonna put the whole interview online. But I want you to tune in. I want you to check this out. I want you to tune in today. We're gonna play a little bit from it, right Yeah, yeah, we got some from hoglights from the interview today. Y'all don't want to missfloy y'all got tuned in with head on right now. Let's do it down, all right? Yeah? Did he make it rained in the hallway? He did. I'll be out there. I'm telling you, I flight this here. Let's hear what Floyd had to say. Check this out. One of the greatest pound for pound boxers of all time. He just beat Rocking Marciano's record in the starting defeat of Connor McGregor in Las Vegas. Please welcome boxing legend Floyd Money Mayweather. Hey man, this guy sitting here beat Rocking Marcianos record fifty and old undefeated. That's gotta be an incredible It's another fighter. I mean, you have fighters that's won more than fifty fights, like um the legend. Who else just che at one particular time. I think he won like seventy straight fights. But in the seventies straight fights. You know a lot of the guys that he fought. We don't know who he's fought in those seventy fights, but he was undefeated, and he's a legend, you know, um throughout boxing, throughout you know, because I don't really want to down any fighter that's that has accomplished more than I've accomplished, you know, in the sport of boxing. But that's the thing that's interesting about you, man, because you know, with all the flash, the Floyd Money Mayweather, this dude right here is really really smart. God man, you all don't know. And he done some classy stuff. I was at the fight, by the way, Yes, I was there after the fight. Yeah, you know what I picked up on you were speaking about Ireland after the fight. I got a clip I want to show you from Showtime pay per view. Check this out. Boxing is a hell of a sport and the man is a hell of a sport. And I want to thank all the fans from Ireland and all the fans around the world that campus event. Look, man, you're out there, you've been banging ten rounds. What made you think of the people like that? Because without the people us as entertainers, as athletes, TV host we wouldn't be who we are without them, you know, I just appreciate the fans. Have you spoken to Connor since the fight? At all. No, we haven't spoken since the fight. We had a beef and we settled our beef. One of my greatest lines. You were fighting against the ropes while I was sitting, Uh, I said, knock his ass out over here, Floyd, so I can see it, Steve. All right, y'all, So here's the deal. Who tune in today for the rest of it. It's really good, and tune in today. Check your local listings for Steve No, I mean writing and man, now, listen, you want to see what Flowing had on? I do because I loved what he wore in the ring. Oh no, he was clean. He was clean, but that only come in that side, they don't. I just wanted to ask you about Floyd when he came out. I mean, I noticed how the audience went crazy. Now were they prompted or was that? Let me tell you something, man, when you see it today, we got to we had to trim it down a little bit because they were just on their feet so long. Really, man, I said, man, they love you boy, and this is unsolicited and so humble too. Oh man, it was a great interview, you know where. Now I'm gonna put the whole interview after this online. He has another kind of money. Really, do you know he's made over billion dollars fighting. Why I believe that? And man, let me tell you something, he's spending it too. I mean, he has a brilliant acume for business. I don't like you told me that, and I don't like it was great when you don't have that manchy money. Yeah he got my money us. Yeah, so he said little together, but it sounds like he right though. Great business ahead. You were saying, he's a great business man and it surrounded himself with great business people. Do not worry about Floyd money Mayweather being broke. Forget the rumors that he owed the government. No, man, this dude pays his text. The dude behind him is brilliant. It's brilliant. And that that little dude got plenty of that money. That's a Harvard grad. I believe who Mr Heyman. Yeah, I'm not allowed to comment on that. You can't say your say that. All I know that shook his hand back to the back to the group. I had Junior in the world. He just was. I had Junie Steele talking about let me tell you something, Junior was in deep water. You have to finish this story later, Steve, because we have to go to break. Don't forget to watch Steve today. Floyd Mayweather will be We'll be back. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, here we go. Miss Anne is here. She's been with us all morning, keeping us abreast of what's going on in Florida. Our prayers, our prayers and our thoughts are with you. Uh, Florida, Please hang in there, Hang in there. I mean, at some point all you can do is pray. I mean, you've gotten with your family. You're into safe place right now, you know. And and you know, we talk a lot about the rescue workers. Steve dedicated the show to them, but they have families too, you know, the rescue workers have to take care of their families as well. So our prayers and our thoughts are with you and those of us who can donate. Our money is with you, to our time, as with you as volunteers. Whatever we can do, We're with you, Florida on this. You can text the word irma to nine zero, or you can go online and go to Red Cross dot org to make a donation and to find out how you can help. And we want to hear from you. Guys. Go to Steve Harvey FM, check in with us, let us know you're okay, Communicate to your family and social media. We want to make sure that all of our listeners are okay, and we just want to hear from you, and we've been praying all right. Well, without further ado, we'll bring this in in now with our Hurricane Irma update. Hurricane Irma now moving north of Florida's Gulf Coast. It's now barely holding onto hurricane status has now been down grade to a category one storm. As Irma winds its way north, now, Georgia go Nathan Deal has declared the state of emergency in the Peach State. All of George's counties, by the way, are now considered under a state of emergency, and the whole coastline of Georgia is under a mandatory evacuation. Also, as Irman moves on, she's left the streets in Miami looking like rivers. Tornadoes are now sided on the Sunshine States Atlantic coast. Things got so bad in Miami, Dade County and Tampa with the weekend. Police were pulled off the streets because of the dangerous winds and the worry was they might not be able to respond to calls for help. However, the Governor Scott says, folks can put that thought right out of their minds. Everyone's family matters, every life matters. Please know that we will do anything and everything to protect and rescue every person, and we will spare no expense in doing it. This has been a special report on Hurricane Irma. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Now before we went to Missannu, you were telling us about Junior at the fight. Yeah, you're introduced think Junior to bawling. Now we get it. We get a junior. Go ahead, take it away. I took Junior. I gave him the whole experience. Okay, first of all, can you just tell him that you let me fly on the private gent to start from the beginning? Started writing there out Steve, I was, oh, you just tell him I was on the private flight. First of all, the flight was scheduled to leave at noon. I like to make mention I had been there since team. Let me Junior was there too, I said, Junior, He said, Uncle, ain't we gotta be here for the flight? I said, Now you're Junior's Junior, No, you don't, I said, Junior, you don't. There's no security check, jor you gotta take your shoes off. You ain't gotta put your stuff on this Canada what we can't do none of that. So Junior gets up on there. So then we land. That's where it started, well it started befolded on the plane the whole term. He just how can what was he talking about? I attended, how long you've been doing this? What is that perfume? We shoot? You? Just come on, man, someone's a short flight, and we wasn't. It wasn't at the pointy five minutes flight. So we land and that's when I you know, I've gotten, you know, accustomed to the way I travel. Junior ain't. As soon as we landed, all I heard was I'll hell, I'm now. So the MGM sends a couple of cars to get us. Okay, that was nice. Uh nah nah, no, that's not nice. This is bowling. I look out the window. I just said, oh hell now, No they didn't, No, they did. I look out the window. It's so badly out there with a cat. I escalated to pick you up, man, I'll be going down to enterprise. I got to climb in a kissul Well. They got a new Bentley out called the Most Saint, and they have an extended wheelbase on it. So they send they send one of them, and they used to seeing fantom fantoms was last year they send fantoms or ghost which they send one of those two out to get you. So they got to Bidley mos say, Junior got in there and with just just Junior if you don't quick pushing, But what I'm supposed to do? Junior? That Junior just stopped touching all the stuff in here. But they got ice in here. Uncle, Yeah, he's an all valid question. Sure right there, watched the here, Junior, I'd have seen this. I gotta look, Uncle, who drinks these? Back? If you want to drink, you can get a drink. I can drink this. I'll tell when we pulled up at the hotel. Now, I'd rather you tell him. So we pull up at the hotel, which is not and there are no signs. Junior lost his damn mind again. Yeah, because see then now we're into place I ain't even know existed in Vagas first of all, and it ain't a whole lot of crowd up here. Ain't no lying nothing. You ain't checking in. You're supposed to go straight in. They have the lady with your drinks on it. You just take a drink. And they got a lady over there with some drinks waiting on it. You're supposed to take tie. Were all over there getting the drinks in the toe. Ain't Oh damn, Junior. I'm at the back of the car trying to get Junior. Get your junior. They got all that. I gotta get my bass, Junior. You don't, Junior. They know who in this car. Now see me being a Marriott man, I got to go back over there and tell him that one and that was is just looking at Junie like, sir, we have it. Please are join your drink. Came over and said to me cal who said jor get your or dance over here and get you a drink and follow Harve. And he talked to his teeth and quit embarrassing that I am. I really already all right. We'll be back and we're gonna cover more of Hurricane Irma when we come back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Did we know you and your wife Marjorie donated to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Beyonce, A, Janet Jackson, Kevin Hart, and Chris Paul. We're all in Houston this past weekend. Beyonce delivered an emotional speech to Hurricane Harvey evacuees on Friday at her home church in Houston, St. John's Church, UH. This today is a celebration of survival. Beyonce said, she always comes through for her city. She represents um. She is there for Houston. Take a listen to what she had to say. She was at her home church church. I was maybe nine or ten years old orst time. I said. It was my daughter city and I s year and I just want to thank you for my family and for being such an incredible example with light and love. And this day is a celebration of survival. Family you s Janson. I just want to see I love Africa all right. True words have never been spoken. Your health, your family, your life. Also on Friday, Janet Jackson arrived in Houston, UH to visit with Hurricane Harvey evacuees at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Yeah. Janet dedicated her concert at the Toyota Center on Saturday to the victims of Harvey. She will donate a portion of the proceeds to the local flood relief efforts. Janet's post baby body is looking real good. Yeah, yes, let's hear it. Side side note, My wife went to the show and said, Janet Jackson is she's deal, got it and still off the chain. Oh good, that's good to hear. That's good to hear. I love it. Took my damn y You could have drove your own damn car. That's all, but go here. I'm sorry, that's just it. Sat right now. Hey man, welcome to mad life. Yep. Should have took her own damn car. Was she gonna drive to the concert? Why wouldn't you take a road road? Just to me? Yeah, I mean, Tommy, come on, man, you had two of them, you wouldn't have that problem. What'd you say, Junior? I guess him off, I'm ready for the fire off. I said, what do you say? I missed it? Yeah, I said, Tommy, if you had two of them, you wouldn't have that problem. I'm not buying boy too. I'm witholds on it. By that way, where you drive still at home? Big dog guy? Like, I mean you got dog three or four? I mean got three forms and ghosts and we have not right now, let's just let's just stay on what you ain't, but don't ask you. Junior said you need another one. I'm not buying another. I want to ask you this though. Have you have you seen Floyd's playing? Why does your Why is your car better than your wife? Well, look at the time, we've got to go, we're not going to discuss it. I bought her the car she wanted. No, she got a nice car. Okay, some we went about the one you wanted and she said, oh, I didn't know we were spending that much because her car don't call as much as your all right, we gotta go. We we really do have to. We'll be back in to you. I didn't say it out loud. Huh. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, don't forget to tune in today to Steve's talk show. Is brand new talk show set in week of the brand new show. It's simply called Steve And to whoo out of Think Gate. You have a great guest today, Steve the one and only Floyd Money may Weather. He doesn't do a lot of talk shows, so this is pretty special. Right here. Huh No, this is big. He hasn't done anything since the fight. Yeah, you know that's good. But this is the second week of the top show week too. How you feel mean? You know what? Look, you know, to be honest with you know, we've got to get these numbers up. But we've also understand we haven't been getting numbers out of Florida because nobody's sitting down and watching Enjoyable TV. There's no numbers out of southern e uh Texas, which is a huge market falls and so you know, we understand it. But every day the numbers are getting higher, so that the business part of it is coming together. The creative part is getting better and better every single day. So I'm very very happy. Exc anything is that a personalized part of the Team Championships team over there, I just said, thank you. I didn't have been taken all of He still got to go do the show. He's still in front of the real They don't know we're back there. They don't know. They have no idea because you move inward a lot over there, and I think it becomes ritual that Stein like to come by and give us a really coming gold team. It ain't nothing. It ain't none of that every time, but it shocks to people who don't know. You don't see if you're off the quiry now, I don't you know, I've learned after the memo, I don't come so you don't comment on the staff anymore. I ain't said it, damn. One of the co workers said, is he upset with that? Love you okay, Junior? Ain't. Nobody said that. Don't start that round. Don't be a staff now, you know. Uh, like a lot of the people are a lot they're just surprised because a lot of people actually thought the memo was me. But what they didn't know was I really just wrote the memo for two people, you know, and I joked with people. I talked to people all the time. You know. They just so you have a new staff, a lot of new staff members, and oh yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Let me tell you something. That person that took the memo to the press, the memo had been out for a year, took it to the press, found out he wasn't getting the job in l A. So he took it over to the to the guy feeder, so he was better. It was that that's feet has always been fair to me, so I couldn't say nothing. You know, the guy took it over there and put the wrong angle on it to spin like this is how he treats his staff. Oh man, get on out of here, dude. So naturally the media is going to eat that up. No, no, they didn't. No, no, they ain't that up. They eat me. That's a different type of chewing. Media eating something else up. It tastes when they chewing on you. It's really different. That's really disheartening sometimes. Man, I'm sure it is, Steve. I'm sure it is. Uh And we'll be back to wrap up the show with just one more thing. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Hurricane Irma roared into Florida. The winds, the rains, the tornadoes. We are praying for our listeners down in Florida and West Palm Beach and Tampa Fort Myers in Jacksonville. Did I get him on Carla surrounding areas And there's a lot of Tallahassee around. There's a lot of a lot of cities forget Yeah, alright, man, it really really is. Now, what's the difference between Well Harvey and let's say Hurricane Irma. Now, um, Harvey was a system that just stalled. So when you usually with a hurricane, it comes, you know, you see the wind, the rain, and then it moves on, you know, it does this, does its thing, and then it kind of moves on to the next area where Harvey just stalled over Houston. And that's why we got forty of rain. That's why we're just unbelievable because it's just raining. And what what what we hope Irma does. It's it's still gonna be destructive. It's still gonna be devastating because right now it's the winds that right now, you know it. Look there's a Category A forward it hits, you know. So the thing we got to remember is this is very devastating and hopefully it doesn't linger. You know, hopefully it will as it moves up and just it will eventually just I mean it will, but you know, fizzle out. But you know in Miami yesterday when Gus was up to a hundred miles an hour in Miami yesterday and it hit, and I mean, man, there's some devastation. Man, there's some people out there, little loss of power, you know, a lot of flooding going on, so, you know, and it's been tough, and there's another one brewing behind IRMA and you know, just hopefully hopefully that one right there just you know, dies out. But man, it's been tough hurricane season so far, really tough, tough run. Yeah. Uh so again, um, you know, if you want to help um in any way, you can. You can text the word Irma to nine zero. That's text the word Irma to nine zero nine. You can go to red Cross dot org red Cross dot org and donate. If you can't donate, you can volunteer. Uh. They need so much help, they need so much, but they have to wait till you know, Irma does everything that she's going to do, and then the rescue workers will come in. And that's who you dedicated the show to this morning, Steve, when we first cracked the mics to the rescue workers. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, we know him have fun in the morning. We want to make sure we gave him some love about there because they do so many great things, you know. So congratulations, no, thank you to everybody, absolutely, thank you. Can I also give this website out to you guys, you caring dot com you know San Antonio Spurs player Tim Duncan. You know he was born the Virgin Islands and he is doing a big fundraiser. He was raised in St. Croix and he's doing a big fundraiser too. He is sending a plane full of supplies and food and water. He is dedicated to help rebuild the Virgin Islands. And so you can go to you carrying dot com and make a donate to Tim Duncan's Hurricane Irma relief efforts for the Caribbean, for the Virgin Islands. We have to take care of our neighbors there as well. You know what we gotta understand is the Keys, the Florida Keys is a part of us. You know. The Hurricane Irma really slam the Key West Florida Keys. The reports in USA today everything is underwater. I mean everything. That's the headline. Everything is underwater, I mean everything. They had fifteen foot surges. You know, the Keys is really small, really narrow. Man. There was one road in one rolled out. It's beautiful down there when it's beautiful, but they took a tough One man slammed into the Florida Keys on Sunday morning as a category four storm down there, uprooting and snapping off trees, uh, flinging waterfront, filling waterfront streets with a surgeon seawater, knocking out power. And they really concerned that Ama uh sustained winds of a hundred and thirty miles an hour down Can you can you leave? I just can't. I can't imagine. And these reporters that are down there bringing us the news, I mean, how brave are they? They're like in the midst of everything. But let me tell you the danger that they're concerned about. They're talking about these winds at hundred thirty that a series of like what they're calling low lying sandbar islands that's falling off the southern tip of Florida, that it will come and just wipe out so much of the key. That's just wow. That was tough, man. And see, you know you haven't heard from anybody down there because there's nobody down there people because it's completely underwater. Wow. And you know we're we're not. It hasn't affected us like it has them down there. I mean, Carla, Tommy and of course Junior are from Houston, but we're not down there, So we have a tendency sometimes to go through our daily lives. But you know, while you're going through your daily lives, say a prayer. I mean, you know that's all. You just say a prayer for the people down and we definitely know what they went through because we just went through, so we definitely and you're still rebuilding from hard you know, Harvey wasn't done before IRMA came and you know, but yeah, just say a prayer. Do what you can do because this is very very serious, right, Donate what you can, like you said earlier, with the donation, whatever your budget is, Steve. You know, we talked about celebrities giving back, but you gotta do what you can and volunteer, like Jay Anthony Brown said, if you can't afford to donate, volunteer services. Thankies and gentlemen, have yourself a great weekend. It's money off the weekend. We enjoy the weekend. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.
Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all have all suon on looking have a suon on looking back to back down, giving them just like themaking buck things. And it's touble y'all to be true. Good it ta ste how guy listening to me together for Stu moy w don't you joy? Yeah? By join have say you gotta turn be hurting the move go yeah, you go running, you gotta turn, you to turn the time you lovey got to turn out to turn to turn the water wan go come come on, uh huh, I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice. Come on now, digny if you will want it only Steve Harvey got radio show. Okay, sure be honest with y'all. Was rushing rushing this morning. So but that's what it takes. Sometimes sometimes you have to put forth a different kind of effort, you know. One of the things about being successful. And I was sharing this just the other day with a young man and he asked me. He said, hey, man, I just don't see how you get up that early in the morning. I just don't see how man. It would it would kill me to get up this early on it while I sat down and I'm listening to it because it's just a thousand times I've heard it, you know, and my life is, you know, not too different from a lot of people's lives. There's a lot of people out there a rise early, and I guess I don't know. I don't know what he wanted from me or how he wanted me to take what he said. But I just sat there, you know, just indifferent to the tones because I've heard it so many times. I don't know how you get up that early anymore. I don't know how you do all them jobs. And I just sit there, man, because I reb first of all, I'm grateful to be able to have a job. I'm so grateful to be able to do one and several that I happened to enjoy doing. I mean, you know, it's work, and it's difficult at times, but it's I mean, you know, I wanted this, you know, you gotta you know, you can't ask God for not then he give it to you. Didn't be mad that you got it. Don't make no sense. You know you're asking for something, me give it to you. The problem with asking God for stuff is a lot of times we're asking for stuff we don't really know what all it encompasses, what all it really is. And I have for this now along the way, I've gotten far more than I asked for. I want you to do. Understand that, and um, you know that's that's his grace at work in my life. But I get up early and I go to work because I do understand something that it is not walking up to you. Nobody walks up to people normally and just hand them checks all the time, and enough checks to sustain your life, and not only sustain it, but to have a life that where you could enjoy and do some of the things you want to do. That's I don't know the person that walks out hands out that money just to be doing it. And then with a lifestyle though where you can, you know, give your kids a Christmas, you know, take your family on vacation, you know a year once a year. I don't know. Nobody passed not to kind of money. So I get up early in the morning. I get at it. I was taught to get up early in the morning by my father because my father says, ain't none gonna come to you while you lay in now. And you know what, it's just true, man, it's just a little common sense. Look, old people smart man, they've been around long time. You don't get you know, some old foods out there, but you know you don't have to deal with them. But the old people are pretty smart man. They've learned a lot along the way. And waking up early and getting out of it is one of them things. And I ask everybody man to think about this scenario of your life. I just want you to just I want to show you some numbers. If a day has twenty four hours in it, and let's just say you choose to sleep eight of those hours because they tell you you need eight hours sleep, so you sleep eight hours, that's a third of your life asleep. Already, just a third of your life is spent asleep. If you're gonna do eight hours a day, you understand that a third of your life is spent asleep. Now, let's say you have a job that you work eight hours, and it's not the job of your dreams, it's not your dream career you dream in profession, it's just the one you took, like all of us, to get it started. And then, like all of us, some of us end up having the state that because we've created these bills, and we can't because we check the check. So we can't leave it because we'll lose what what we've worked for. So let's just say you got a job that you go to work too for eight hours. That's another third of your life. That's two thirds of your life spent doing something. How do I put this to you? Oh, let's all right, light Steve. Just leave it that. That's two thirds of your life. Feel how you want to feel about your two thirds when I like sleep? Okay, cool, that's a scripture about that too. But now you spent two thirds of your life one on a job you don't care for if you're not happy there, or one that just pays the bills and it's not your dream job of career. Another third of your life is sleep. Oh now, let's hold on. Let's talk about the one hour of preparation that it may take to get to the job. Let's just say you wake up, you know, brush your teeth, shower, or have a little breakfast, get dressed. Let's just say that's an hour. So now we're talking sixteen hours, eight hours sleep, eight hours on your job, that's sixteen hours. You got already time one hour, that's seventeen hours. Let's say your drive time, let's say getting to your job for the average person, is anywhere between thirty two an hour. That's an average of what it takes the average person. Now some people out there hustling the way harder than that, but let's just say your average is an hour getting to work. You had another hour to that going to work. You've now spent eighteen hours out of the twenty four doing something that's either nonproductive, you're not happy with, you're not pleased about. It is not your dream job, it's not your dream profession. And the rest of the time you sleep. Eighteen hours that's going to work. Now you gotta come from the job, so let's just say it's an of the hour to get back home. That's nineteen hours. Nineteen hours out of a twenty four hour day. A third of it you've been asleep. A third of it. You've been on the job that you're not happy with. You took an hour to get ready to go to the job that you're not happy with. That you've just been a third of your life sleeping to get ready for you spend an hour getting there, and you spend an hour getting back. That's nineteen hours out of twenty four hours. You now have five hours left in your day. Oh you watch TV two times, two hours a day. Okay, excuse me. Let's put now you put two hours of TV on that you've just been twenty one. You now have three hours in the day to do something super productive for the development of yourself and the future of your family, and your future as a person and what you can provide for your family. Oh, I need to chill, I need to smoke one. Oh I needed some time it Happy hour seemed like all I do is dry to work and go to work. I'm gonna go out with the fellas drink one. Okay, let's say you spend two hours at Happy I have nobody go to a Happy Hour just for a hour. Let's say he's been two hours at happy all smoking awesome video games and throw that in there. Two hours of smoking, chilling, reading the paper, video games. That's twenty three hours of your day going. Don't you see how your day slips away from you? So why would you get up early? You get up early to get a jump, You get up early to produce to plan to become productive. You get up early in the morning to care about every single minute of your day. You wake up early in the morning because you have a plan, a mission, You have something you want to accomplish. So you wake up early, and you as the earlier you get up, the more time you have just for you to devote to your plan. You map it out, you make some sense, some emails, you do some Google searches, whatever it is you need to do to get your dream underway. Then you go get ready. Then you get in your car and go to work. Then you go to your job. But on your job, instead of sitting at your lunch break messing around with a bunch of people laughing and talking about nothing, playing dominoes, why don't you take that hour to do some more research, to do some more Google it, to send out some more emails, to put some feelers out there, to see what can get you in the place that you want to be. Then when you get off, instead of driving straight home, why don't you go somewhere in a meeting, you know, take in a session with some people in a positive mental state. Some people are doing you know, self help groups or group of people that get together network for business. Why don't you take that two hours and devote that to that business idea you got. No human being has more than twenty four hours a day, including myself, But if you care about every single minute of that day, you'd be amazed at how much you could get accomplished in a twenty four hour day. But you can't get none of that happening because you sleep. You're listening to the ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. You are listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, which happens to be the greatest music driven adult contemporary bar none radio show, including yours, in the world. Yes, yes, that your game. Today's show is dedicated to the relentless, wholehearted rescue worker man, all the rescue workers out there that puts it on the line to save people. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Uh. It's it's it's a it's a it's a tough time out here now, man, people. Houston is trying to recover Jackson. I mean, Florida's under the threat. Um, you know, it's it's it's it's it's gonna be, it's gonna be. It's still tough man. We gotta keep keep our hearts open to people that are in need. So that's what we wanna do. Want to dedicate this show to the rescue workers out there. Let y'all know we're thinking about y'all got you in your prayers. We're making donations with we're helping the Red Cross spread the word. Uh, we're doing our share over here what we can for those You could do any little bit helps and just remember you know what I mean. You know we gotta care. You know it could be us, It very easily be us. See, catastrophe is not just in the form of a hurricane. It could come any kind of way. So you have to remember when catastrophe strikes people's lives. Just because you're not having a hurricane, well what would they do to me? We don't have hurricanes up here, but something happens because catastrophe is catastrophe, and trust and believe we're all gonna have them in our life there. So doing to others that you would have them do unto you, that's a golden rule. Just do that, man, Now, don't flip it like I've done in my life on shover occasion. What do you mean I've actually flipped that script and my MoMA had the backhead me one time. What were you doing? She asked me? Why I was fighting up at the school? Told I was fighting, she said, I have told you, boy, to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That you don't want nobody fighting you, so don't fight there, I said, But Mama, he was fighting me. He hid me, so he must have wanted me to hit him back. If you're saying do unto others, you'd have had him doing it. He must have wanted I had that logic, tay stuff. You knew, that's not what that meant. You don't use to launch script just to do your seen my moms Harvey, that's right, And back then they could slap to take such a Yeah, my mom's still doing it today. Well up, all right, we'll listen. We're gonna go to a commercial break. Coming up. Coming up, I have actually thanking work to do, work to do. Uh. We have a lot to cover in the news, including the latest on Hurricane Irma. Of course, we'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to the Stry Morning Show. All right, we have a lot to cover in today's news, as I mentioned earlier, including the latest on Hurricane Irma. We will never forget today what to day is. It is the sixteenth anniversary of nine eleven. But first, it's been a nervous weekend for Florida. Very natural, correct and were on in Florida in a lot of markets in there. Callers are p D keeps track of everything. So we're on in quite a few markets down in Florida. Carla, Yes, we are. We're on in Tampa, Steve the Bead in Tampa. We are on in West Palm Beach for Myers. We have a lot of listeners in Florida. And this is a monster storm that hit the coast on Saturday night and hit the Keys, and we saw the destruction that happened in the Caribbean. I mean, my god, did you see what happened to the Virgin Islands? And it's just devastating, It is so devastating, this coming right off of Hurricane Harvey, just you know, weeks later and we can't believe that the country is dealing with us again. A lot of this as folks, I was watching the Weather Channel just uh a little while ago, and what had happened was on yesterday, what they predicted was happening. A lot of the shore water was pulled off of the Tampa area. The shoreline dropped three and a half feet, which is what they were was the worst case scenario they were hoping for because that water has got to come back now and because of the squirrel of Hurricane Irmy pull the water back and it's got folks in a in a in a flash flood watch from two pm on Sunday all the way through and it's just been tough man down there, man, so you know, and then after effects, the lingering, after effects is what you have to watch out for. Two Yeah, but in the flooding. But you gotta be smart, folks. You can't take unnecessary chances just because of some items and some property. Nobody wants to lose their home. Nobody wants to lose all the things they work for. We get it, but we can get another couch, another car, as hard as it is. You can get another home, but you can't get in a life now. And I think to Steve, it's tough when you're in a hurricane. You know, people don't want to leave their homes. Like you said, they don't want to go to the shelters, and they don't feel safe in shelters. It's not some of the shelters they don't you know, they don't want their kids around people they don't know. So they think that they can take the weather into their own hands and kind of ride it out. But the thing about a shelter is not a resort. It's just a place for you to go to save your life. That's all I think for Once that storm passes, and once those city leaders and community leaders tell you that you are safe in your area, you can go back home. That's all it is. It's a temporary place and that's that's something that people need to remember. I think that's the smartest way I've had it put. A shelter is not a resort, that's right. And they're just you're right there telling people just to pack enough for three days. For three days, pack your toiletries, pack some bedding and you know, get it there. Medication if you need that, and and stuff like that. They're giving you a place to sleep. A lot of people are bringing their pets in. I mean we've heard um of shelters, you know, where you can bring your dogs you can bring your cats. Some people have birds, you know, things that are close to you that you want to keep with you and keep saying part of your face. Yeah, that's what you bring to the shelters. Nothing else, you know, because in thousands upon thousands of people, all right, a lot of these shelters, over seventy two thousand in in the state of Florida, people are in the shelters, which means the good news is that a lot of the people listen to what the city leaders were telling them to evacuate. So that is the good news. I mean, it's a lot of people in the shelters, but us a lot of lives that are being saved by not ignoring what these city officials are telling you. Because, like you said, the show is dedicated to the first responders, but they can't get to you, so you can't ask them to put their lives in in in in harm's way when you didn't follow the mandatory evacuation requests, right, And their work, their work doesn't even begin until, like you know, afterwards, you know what I'm saying. They're they're prepared to help afterwards, to come in and and rescue people and get the roads back up and all the trees that may have fallen on the road so people can drive through. That's what they're you know, that's their responsibility immediately after IRMA passes. So wow, the rebuilding and the recovery and so, like you said, Steve when we started the show, this is a tough time for this country, you know, and and and for some of our neighboring countries in the Caribbean. We have to help them rebuild and we have to help each other. So it's a tough time. But you know we can do it. We can rebuild, we can recover. We got this. I mean, you know, look, it is just a tough time. Uh. The I was watching, uh yesterday, how the Houston our football team was getting ready to play. You know, they want to win one for the city. You know, they talked about that. You know, it's just a lot of them just trying to come together. Everything that the Houston h Texans were doing, the Astros we're doing, you know, the Rockets were doing. They're all down there trying to do something to make a contribution. And also to those Steve, when you said the Texans, they played the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Jacksonville. Those players are staying in Houston because of Irma right that they came down early. Actually, and it's crazy, though, but you staying in Houston, but Houston just got hit. That's that's really good. Yeah, yeah, this is really something these last let me tell you this talk. I'll tell you this. If you are alive today, you have a lot to be grateful for. And you gotta look at that. And I know we got a lot of gloom going on right now in the news, but if you live in if you survived it and you still here, your love one still here, you got a lot to be grateful for. Men, you know, And that's the upside of it. And don't ever lose the upside, because it's important. Man. Sometimes we get so caught up into what's wrong that we forget to be grateful for what's okay. And if you lose sight of what's okay, you sometimes you can miss the blessing. You're right, You're absolutely right. I saw this lady standing outside of the shelter yesterday and she was saying that at least we're alive and we have someplace to go. Um. So, as we mentioned, today is the sixteenth anniversary of nine eleven. We will never forget and we will be back. You're listening to the Steve Hard Morning Show, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, we will update you on our national news, of course, the latest on Hurricane Irma. But you know what, Steve, laughter heels the soul. It's time for some laughter. You know, today is Monday. That means it's time for Reverend Motown and Deacon Deaf jam with today's church complaints. A time to nanda m hm mam, oh, my lord, oh, my lord, man, man, man. We is here today on this Monday. We've all that is going on in the world today. Yes, these are ungrateful members of mine have still managed to find something to complain about. Lord, what in the hell is wrong? I know, I passed that we are going through a situation where we have it seems like our celebrity church members are complaining with different issues today. So let me start with Brother Samuel Jackson's. Uh he saw two roaches in the church doing Bible study and screamed out, who put these blanketed blankets roaches in this blanketed blank church church. You're gonna have to control him past that you're gonna have to talk to Samuel. Well, you're talking about Samuel Jackson will due to the monetized that brother Jackson paid. All right, our too was wondering who putty blank blat church and seven O set them over there next to blanking Sam Jacks because we run him out of hill, We're gonna have to close the dolls on literacy. Joined we got the stand path. I'm fine. We knew that brother Jackson was a custle. Yeah, so we we was all right with that. We've actually been We've introduced brother sam to our church basketball team, okay, because they've been playing teams outside the church league and they need to know some cuss words if they're gonna be playing auto companies, postal workers, people down at ups and fear that you're gonna have to learn this. So we want to thank oh brother Jackson sell alright, alright, now here another celebrity, Tiger Wood, just asking that why don't we have any white women in the church. He says, we are being stereotypical and could stop, uh this and get some white women in the congregation. Now you're gonna, I don't know what to do about this fact. We oh, yeah, let's hear it well, politically correct, fix what you got past. We we we we have an open due policy here, Joy of Jerusale we do oh I we you oh white. I like white people. I've often wanted one to come sit with us. But I think it's the location of our building that's right, that is slowing it down. We're on the corner of hell no. And we're on the corner of hell no. And wish you would have you. There ain't a lot of white folk comfortable coming down here that we're trying to move out on Primrose Avenue. But we ain't building fund ain't got up there. Tell brother Woods, we don't have no white girls here yet, but it is quite a few that I want to be co all right now, speaking of case in past that I don't know if you realize or not, but Magic Johnson has put a Stopbucks on one side of the church and a Fat Burgers on the other. There are rumors that he is trying to move us out of here. The congregation won't uh you to assure us that that won't happen. But Magic Johnson looked like he gonna buy the church property and get us out of here. Can you assure the congregation that we are all right? No, I can't. Oh your magic coming here with enough money, he can't added rightular here. Now he's not the magic. Ain't been here one day. Number one reason Magic don't come here because all I don't we do ways, ain't talking him. We only got six two dough weks. No, he don't even come in here because you don't that he's you know, he's bending down. So we've been trying to increase the archway on the doors. They six four but he sick now right, So he came one time, but he busted the nose and had turned around home. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna let Oh, I'm hoping that fat burger do by the church. And by the way, have you been over there and had yourself a fat burger? Absolutely delicious. Oh, we have a situation past that the winds and the whinings. Please talk to them. They cannot come to serving at the same time. It is actually too many of them, the wanings and the whinings. Absolutely correct time, we had sixteen hundred people in here and we can only hold five hunt So you're gonna have to talk to one member from each family. We're not gonna well, I'm not gonna do that, Deacon. Once again, we are looking at the amount of revenue that comes in off the way Keenan, Dane and Mall and Sean, the girl kill they Mama Nel. They just gotten money, all the damnon kids in the show business, the DJ and they're doing everything. We're gonna let them come on in there, not a not a wine. And they don't get that much when they cove because they all have churches of their own. Yeah, all them, all the wine has been in church their whole life. They daddy all that, so they don't get that much when they come. They all their money go to their church. They got beautiful churches over their pleasures. C C and BB is over there cutting albums, all their money in studio. So what's this? Ain't no solutions. I'm through what waiting on here and I'm here pastor okay, last, but not leave past it? Would you please? I tell Tyler parent that Medea is not allowed in the in the quay last week she smoked a cigarette doing the song. God is trying to tell you something and put it out on him. But you're gonna have to talk to either Tyler Medea wanted to temple. I have told you again, and this is the third time to day. The level of money that Tyler Perrot brings with him allows Medea took put it out on him book, wipe her mouth with her robe, do her lipstick with somebody else's mirror, and then came up in there and sit right next to me in the pool pitt because she didn't have another leg room in the quass. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this Hurricane Irma roared into Florida. The winds, the rain, tornadoes. We are praying, praying, praying for our list nurse in West Palm Beach and Tampa and Fort Myers, Jacksonville and all the surrounding areas. Massive power outages, storm surges, more than seventy two thousand people evacuated to shelters. And don't forget today is September eleventh. America will never forget the nearly three thousand people who were who lost their lives in the nine eleven attacks. We continue to pray for the victims families, So Steve Um, we have a lot of news to get to this morning. Miss Anne is here. Yeah, so let's just get right to it, ladies and gentlemen, she's here, Miss and Trip. Thank you very much, everybody, and yes we do have a lot to get to. First of all, let me tell you where what's going on right now. Hurricane Irma is moving north up Florida's Gulf coast, but it's now barely holding on to hurricane status because it's been downgraded to a category one storm Category one storm, and Irma's about sixty miles north of Tampa right now, and by the end of the day it just might even just be a tropical depression. Doesn't mean that it's not dangerous, doesn't mean that people don't need to watch out, but it has been downgraded severely. We have seventeen thousand people still in shelters down there. More than four million people are without power. There have been thirty two reported deaths, five in Florida so far, twenty seven in the Caribbean, and the ones the deaths in Florida. There may be more deaths and when they start recovering and getting back into the neighborhoods. But again, thirty two deaths so far reported from Hurricane Irma, five in Florida so far twenty seven in the Caribbean again, she's now a Category one. She's moving basically generally moving north northwest. And meanwhile, there has been some looting. There was some looting in northeast of Tampa. About nine people were arrested for looting, but that was just the only case of that, they say. President Trump has approved a major disaster decoration for that area, only hours after Governor Rick Scott made the request over the weekend, and the President's action makes federal aid available for victims in the nine counties already hit by the storm. The aid is going to conclude include things like temporary housing and low cost rebuilding loans. And the President is full of praise, by the way, for the disaster workers responsible. Yeah, Coach Guard has been amazing already. You've been hearing what they're doing right in the middle of the storm. FEMA has been incredible. We're working very well with the governor and the other governors in surrounding states. With an estimated four million people. As I said, without lights right now, a lot of help is going to be needed to get folks back online. Governor Rick Scott says there's a federal disaster relieve on the way courtesy of the President's Federal Disaster Declaration, of course, but he also feels that help is also on the way and has come in from other places. In fact, first responders are either down there but was just here from the governor. Now you've got THEEMA officials here. That's true for every every fail agency. People are working hard, um, and there's a lot of unknowns, um, And that's what you worry about. One thing you feel good about is people want to help. And I've had college from outside the country and all over this country. People want to come in and help, and I believe they will. In fact, first responders are either down the Elne now, as I said, are on their way from all over the country. That includes people from utility companies of some one d fifty employees of New Jersey's PSC and G left yesterday to do whatever needs doing in the pretty much hammered Sunshine State. Meanwhile, Texans are still struggling to get back to normal in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. A number of residents they're still waiting to get back into their homes after two weeks. Arizona Senator John McCain's schedule for an m RI I today, the prominent Republican lawmaker and war hero battling what is said to be an aggressive and deadly form of brain cancer. It's the same kind that kill the late Democratic senter Teddy Kennedy. However, yesterday on ABC State the Union, San McCain said that so far anyway, all signs are good and he's feeling good. At the weekend box office, it was all about it, that's right. It made from a Stephen King novel, handily topping the box office by bringing in a record breaking one and seventeen million dollars. Now that means that is the big full movie opening ever. It one hundred and seventeen million dollars. Everything else really really a distance second. Reese Witherspoon's latest comes in at nine million. Samuel Jackson is the latest Hitman Bodyguard. He's still in there, but he came in third this weekend. Today, meanwhile, does mark the sixteenth anniversary of nine eleven. This is a trip today, Marxie, anniversary of the nine eleven attacks. Compassion, sacrifice forever in the heart of our nation to reaffirm the true spirit of nine eleven. My name is Joe Daniels, and I'm president of the National nine eleven Memorial and Museum. The visitor experience at the museum is one that helps recall the memories of that day, both the tragedy that people faced as well as how people came together to help one another. And we use artifacts and first person accounts. And when you go back up to the memorial after going through the very emotional museum and you see the two thou three names, it gives a special meaning to it, and most people lost their lives and they should be honored. I do like that aspect of it. My wife went to the museum. I have not yet, but I planned to because I think it is something that we need to remember. It's part of American history, you know, with isis resurgence, we definitely need to be worried. Every time I see somebody get on the trend, they'll put it back on the trend. So I'm always watching. Some people have a problem with the commercialism of it. You know, it was there in ninety three when it happened, and then for then I'm thinking, I said, man, these guys waited that long and they came back again. If they waited that long. I think they're waiting again. My feelings are still raw. You'll never forget. I have not had the heart to go down. I have taken the virtual tour, but I've not been able to actually go in person. People were helping people walk, women were barefoot, There was ashen, soot and blood. I think we have to remember there has to be that same kind of annual celebration so that we never forget as we see the threat of terrorism by ISIS, the police killings of Michael Brown and Arigona. Understand that history is not going to change things. We must change history, remembering nine eleven. This is an trip and of course again once more. Hurricane Irma now moving north of Florida's Gulf Coast. It's barely holding on though the hurricane status has now been downgraded to a Category one storm about sixty miles north of Tampa right now. She may be downgraded to a tropical depression by the end of the day. So far, thirty two deaths, five in Florida, twenty seven in the Caribbean. We'll be back twenty minutes after This is Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show. All right, Steve introduced Jay, so Jay can introduce the butcher fly. Oh god, this is just getting to be too much, lady Jay Anthony Brown, you better get read. Eugen is coming on. Oh my god, I love it. I love it. Good morning everyone, see the time Shirley College Jr. J Anthony Brown, Good morning to everyone. It is a pleasure to be here on this good money. This is nine eleven, and we're gonna make it a good day. You have good money to every one, hey, Corlin, so listen today it's just very simple. It's hug a coworker today or hugg a friend today. It's all about hugging. I think hugging is gonna make us, you know, just a better, better country, better people, better friendship. So all of us we're gonna start this hugging day off hugging each other. And I want to hug each and every one of you individually. Okay, now we got you got you got. We're gonna explain something you said. First of all, you should hug a friend. We're not is, And I said you should hug a coworker, and we're not co workers, so I don't have to hook me. Go ahead and start hooking. I'm okay, I'm a hugging Shirley and Call of Pirst. These are the girls. There's tell beautiful get out here. Yeah, yeah, my rider die, Kimmy and JR. What you can't hug me? I can't be telling me the crisis you didn't know it with you right now? Come here, don't touch him, stop stop not hugging him, and let me say and let me say this. I don't like church hugs. I want you to get I want my I'm gonna putting my hand in the spine of your back. We're gonna hug you mean o church hugs where you just hugging around the next Yeah, and it'd be it'd be separated in between. I think I think a real hug is body, the body you know, just to you like too much. I ain't How do you get now you're getting out of hugging? Order hold out now, Jill. Don't why you don't fight? Don't why are you fighting? I don't care what it is? Okay, Jay Anthony Brown, all right, see that that was a good hug. It was quick, but it was good. It was a good hud. Damn I heard that. But go ahead on and paying good money. Okay, this is here. This is the true moment. Came I stay, hut stay, Why are you You're so aggressive? Let's be live all over the world. Let's be live except for here. My boss phone. All right, we gotta girl coming up. That the stars were in Houston this past weekend. They were giving back. We'll talk about it at thirty or four after the hour, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, all right, Steve, you and your wife Marjorie, of course, donated to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Well. Beyonce, Janet Jackson, Kevin Hart, and Chris Paul. We're all in Houston this past weekend. Beyonce delivered an emotional speech to Hurricane Harvey evacuees Friday at her home church in Houston, St. John's Church. Um, this today is a celebration of survival, Beyonce said, UM, you all are my family. Houston is my home. I thank God that you all are safe, that your children are safe. The things that really matter are your health and your children and your family and your life. Also on Friday, Janet Jackson arrived in Houston to visit with Hurricane Harvey evacuees at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Jackson dedicated her concert at the Toyota Center on Saturday to the victims of Harvey, and she'll donate a portion of the proceeds to local flood relief efforts. Jackson's post baby body is uh looking really good. Uh she was playing right. Kevin Hard and Houston Rockets point guard Chris Paul teamed up with Red Cross and also took to the streets of Houston and delivered food. They delivered water and other supplies, which is great. So thank everyone who participated and who has helped out so far. Why, I mean, giving is so important, It really really is giving back. So Steve, I just wanted to ask you. I mentioned you and Marjorie at the top of this piece. It's important to you because why when it first started happening, the name Harvey was kind of, you know, crazy, so you know we started getting all that, you know, people and everything, and then and the hurricane e in the play with you know, you want to make a meme and it ain't nothing else we can laugh about in this world. Today we're somebody's gonna suffer some destruction. Could be lost of life. Now we're out here, we got funny stuff to say about it. But you know, Marjorie set out and just said here's what she wanted to do, and so she did it. You know, Kevin had posted the challenge, but my wife had already made a decision about what we were gonna do, and so we just quietly did what we were gonna do. You know, we didn't make a deal about it anything. And then we went and did some other things with some housing opportunities for people, you know, with the Red Cross. So you know, we put that into motion, and so it's just necessary, you know, to do what you do. Um, Marjorie's philosophy is not to stand up on top of the box and say, hey, look what I did. She doesn't like to do it that way, and I understood that. Now listen to me. I'm not knocking it. I'm not saying I think you know, people publicize what they give and they and they want to. I think that's great because you have to draw attention to the problem. And what Kevin did was perfectly acceptable because he just wanted to draw attention to the problem. So I had no problem. Please, no, I'm not slamming anybody for publicly talking about what they do, because I think is great. But we just wanted to do what we did, and uh, you know, we just going about the business. It's important though that those of us who can help should help, because it's just it's just important, man, And it's not you know, if you don't have all that money, you know, and and and you know, you don't have to do it. Marjorie just said she didn't need public approval. That's what she kept saying. She says, Steve, I don't need public approval, and and that was her philosophy. I honored that, you know. So you know we did what we did. You know, some of it leaks because you know, Red Cross has a celebrity and U what they call you have some celebrity entertainment division, and when they see you bring in a large donation date, they reach right back out to you. You know, they very conscious about that. But we like everybody who's helping. See and if you're not as fortunate as others, your ten dollars, if that's your big kill, that's your big give. It's it's all relative, you know. Now, Marjorie and I gave ten dollars and be kind of crazy, you know what I mean, because we have more. But those people who give five and send into and ten, it's a beautiful thing. Man, y'all, Just keep giving, just keep doing your sharing. You'll be when We'll be fine. And if you can't give, prey. We will have the latest update on months on the monster storm Hurricane Irma at the top of the hour, and if you want to help, text the word Irma to nine to make your donation, or you can go to Red Cross dot are dot org. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, This storm, Hurricane IRMA has made landfall in Florida, whipping wind rain. Irma has caused Walt disney World to close for the six time in fifty years. This is just they've closed six times in fifty years, so you know this is major. We will have the latest update with Miss Anne right about four minutes after the hour. But up next it's the Nephew's prank phone call. Nephew. You know what, y'all, I really feel like being stupid this morning. Wow, I do it? Just it just hit me that there's a time for stupidity, and it's right now, it's right now, it's absolutely right now. Can you do my makeup? Right there? Can you do my makeup? That's the prank? Right there? Can you do my makeup? Hello? Hello, mane with to uh to Brandy blues. Yes, Brandy, my name is Carl. I'm calling. I got a you came highly recommended. You actually you're you actually are I'm sorry it isn't may. I don't know if I'm saying. As a makeup artist, makeup style, that's what you what do you call it? It's makeup artist. I'm a professional makeup artists. Okay, And you work at the you work with the makeup counter and correct. Okay, listen, I gotta I gotta photo shoot coming up, and I wanted to see about um sometime this week maybe the following week. You could actually come and and I hired you'd actually make me up for my photo shoot? Is Do you do a lot of photo shoots at all? Or you? Yes, I should do. I've been in the business for ten years, so I've been around several fellow shoots. Okay, good deal. So what what's I mean? You have any time this week that I can actually just come in and we can do like a trial run or something. Yeah. I'll actually be here Friday for about six hours with Friday work for you. I'm here. I started at eleven. At eleven, I mean I could come in later, maybe like around three on Friday if if you can you squeeze me in at that time. Okay, what's what's so good? Is there a certain makeup for for men out? It works out the same as for women in fronto shoots. You just need some type of crane foundation something even out of skin tone, uh powder you down to take away the oils, cover up any blemishes or anything like that. It's pretty much the same. Of course, you don't get the whole eyeshadow and lashes and stuff. But right, right, right, right right, Well I'm not but I just try to, you know, just trying to look good on camera. UM. Let me ask you this, how much makeup have you done as far as um men? You know what I mean? Okay, I'm very comfortable with it. You'll be fine, trust me. That's what I was really worried about it if you were going to be comfortable with it, because, uh, I mean, have you done? Um, I'm a little conscientious about a few things, you know what I mean? And you have how many butts have you done? I'm sorry how many what like like like butts? You know how many? How many butts have you made up? I haven't made up any? But like are you like you mean like yeah, I mean you could see my I'm actually doing a nude photo shoot and uh, you know, I got a couple of scratches and you know, some old scars on my butt, and you know, like like you said, you know, I'm a little shy about you know some of that. So I was you can actually hope you can actually make sure that those cars don't show and you know you said you kind of you know, uh make sure everything is it doesn't look oily, you know what I mean? And and uh, I just need to get my money out. Well, but I I didn't when I didn't understand what you're talking about. I may not be the makeup, but I don't I'm not seriously, I'm not gonna do here, okay, but I mean were just talking about makeup though, I mean, you know you you're talking about Yeah, but I'm not about to put my makeup brushes that I use on people's faces on your ads, like to tell your photographers just like photoshop that, because well that's where I'm coming in to see you on Friday. I want you to to do everything and and make me up there in the store so I can see what it looks like. I want to see you. You were gonna come into my job and make me do your like? What are you? What? Planted? Are you? Where? Did you think that was gonna work? You cannot come into my job. How are you gonna come my job naked? Seriously? I mean, well, I was gonna wear a robe. I'm not gonna just, you know, walk in there. Don't you even think about coming into my job? Who referred you? Who told you need to delete this number? Do not? I'm not about to get this job. Just need to get done, okay. I don't want why is the problem? Want you doing? What is the problem? You're doing my butt and putting some makeup on it? Not. I need to buy you some brushes, Buy you some brushes and you can take what I want you to buy me anything. I don't want you coming into my job. I don't want you calling me ever again to do any kind of work. I'm coming in there and I'm now listen, I have a professional makeup artists. Clearly you don't know what that means. So you don't. Then you will take out the part that's bothering you and do the job. Lady, you know what I mean of my sort want to I'm used before I get real ignorant, I'm not about to finish this conversation. Do not come into my job. Do not call me to do your That's not gonna happen. So so so, I guess it's says to go around and let people know that Brandy is not professional because you can't through part restation is good in the streets. Boo, you can't go around and tell anybody that I'm not professional. Nobody ever called me to be there. Get some skincare for your how about that? And then you won't need any makeup? I know you. Then you're not gonna sit here now, sart talking about my bec if I told you some of my deepest secrets to let you know, I want to come in there and get somebody that you're bad for telling the change or your deepest secrets. Okay, you know what, I'm coming up to your store anyway on Friday, all right, and I'll talk to your boss. Don't let them though, don't let it fool you, Chalge, you heard me, don't come in my job. Look if I lose my job over your foolishness, I guarantee you will be paying on my bills. Okay. Bottom line is I'm coming in there with my rob on Friday. Somebody gonna do my but you your manager not coming? You know what? How about you come up here right now? How cauld I go ahead and take care of the situation right now. I'm here now can you come right here? Come up there right now with my role. But we'll bring bring your butt up here right now. We'll see if your buck gets done. I'm not doing okay with the bottom line. Who is your manager anyway? What's she? Is? She there? I am the manager? Now what okay? See that's what the problem is. You got your little self a little position at your job. Now you're trying to throw your weight around if you if a person wants to get their butt done, okay, Look do you see, avatar? The people have makeup all on, they butt all on their back and every where. Not you call them, you call them and ask them to do your but don't call me. I'm hanging up. Do not call me anymore. They are makeup artists. What are you? Look? This conversation is over. Yeah, it's over because you know what. Let me tell you something. You do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? You know who I'm talking to? I'm talking to Brandy, But do Brandy know who Brandy talking to? Clearly somebody who is ignorant. Okay, well let me tell you who I am. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend Carmen. You're like, I'll get off the phone. I'll get it. Do that. I hope nobody's listening. You just made it. I got you good. I got you good and good with the but yeah, for real, get you some skincat gems. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, all the damn Steve Harvey Morning Show. So y'all they know that sometimes your butt need makes up to what I'm saying. I had no idea. Sometimes your butt need makes up to say. If you're gonna have your butt out, have it made up? Yeah, I don't go nowhere with your butt not made up? How your butt made up? I'm the only one a need butt makeup on this show. Ain't know everybody. Everybody else got nice, nice skin, But ain't nothing wrong with your buy It is a cool body behind me, passenger. You want to put powder on your but to have makeup on it? Though? Sure if I have thought about painting lips on my on your butt? Yeah? For what? Man? You know for that famous statement, you're don't do it. I wanted it in a certain place because I don't like it towards the center. I would won't mind off to the side, be uncomfortable for me. If you like bottom, what increases it? Okay? Um, so like you said earlier, sureley call it y'all. Don't need no booty Mecca. That's crazy. We're good alright, uh, and we're gonna flip it back. We'll have the latest on Hurricane Irma, and we'll have the Strawberry Letter coming up to right after the break. You're listening to the Steven Show. Up next, we'll have the Strawberry Letter but first, of course ms and has been working very hard. Today it is the sixteenth anniversary of nine eleven. We will never forget that. And now she's here with the news update on the latest on Hurricane Irma as well. For Sam. This is and Trip with a special report on Hurricane Irma. Irma winds its way north right now, it's about sixty miles north of Tampa, and now Georgia Governor Nathan Deal is preparing. He's declared a state of emergency for all of Georgia's one and fifty nine counties. Of course, as Hurricane Irma continues its wind surrept in soggy march, it all comes down to the people, the residents like Lois Hernandez of Albany, Georgia, who tells NPR that she awaits what Irma could do to her town, but she says it nevertheless is what it is start away, you know, is not gonna go away. So you got to try to fix it again or you find some little way around it. Meanwhile, the state government at schools as far north as Atlanta are going to be closed today and tomorrow. This is the first time that the National Weather Service has declared a tropical storm warning for Atlanta, and the governor is advising everyone in the peach take to quote shelter in place as much and as long as possible. The Georgia coast is under a mandatory evacuation order. This has been especially report on Hurricane Irma. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, thank you for saying. You know, we're just trying to keep everybody up to speed in all of the areas that we broadcast and let you know we're thinking about you. So y'all keep your head up, man, keep praying, okay, and be smart. Come on, Tommy, all right, big dog, buckle up, Hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry letter, subject fifty and falling. There's Stephen Shirley. I always hear you talking about this fifty and fit. Well, I am fifty and falling. How can I join your club? Anyways? I am a fifty year old Hispanic female and I'm dating this thirty three year old African American man and he wants me to get breast implanted. He says he needs more to grab onto. He even wants me to get a tummy tuck. Well, what I don't understand is that he wants me to do a lot of changing, but he won't marry me. Well, I went to my friends, I had two secretly secretly have behind his back, and they said that I'm way too old for him, and then I need to leave him alone. But he loves me and I love him, so I don't care about what they say. I've raised four boys and two men. Even though he's thirty three and I am fifty. My boys ages seventeen and fifteen, like him. We are all happy. Another thing is that he won't take me out in public because he and he is embarrassed to be seen with me. I bet you want to know why he is embarrassed to be seen with me. It is because he says that my breast sag too much and that I am too old and wrinkly. He won't let me go shopping. I feel like a caged animal. He even wants me to have his children. But what he can't seem to understand is that I am fifty and there ain't no way, no way I can have any more kids than what I already got. I just want to have a man who will let me go where I want to go and a man who wants to marry me for me, I don't want to change just for someone to marry me. I just don't understand him. Also, in my culture, I am not allowed to date younger men than me, men younger than me and outside of my race. But I don't care. Love is love and that's what I'm looking for. Love. Please help me. Kisses fifty and falling. Dear fifty and falling, Um, this letter is very confusing. Either this man loves you or he doesn't love you. But but I'll start right here to get uh to fifty and flies. What you've been at, what you were asking about. It's about what you eat and what you do. So you know you can absolutely do this. Just cut back when you're eating, get into the gym, walk, ride your bike, you know, just get it moving if you wanna, uh, you know, lose some weight and get in shape. At fifty, you can do it. I mean, Steve has proven that for sure. Um. But any changes you make, I gotta tell you this, please make them for yourself and not because this man is pressuring you. And really, if you want to get down to it, this man is not your man. He he doesn't love you. Um, he won't take you out. He says, your breast sag and you're too old and wrinkly. Please tell me where the love is in that and the ultimate He won't let you go shopping. You feel like a caged animal. Um, you know what you're looking for is love. This is not love. If he really loved you, you know, he would help you do these things, or he would encourage you and support you, not uh criticize you and talk down to you and all of this stuff. And um, you know your friends are probably right you should leave this man alone. And they see more into it than you do because they're on the outside. They see how he treats you. They see that you're not happy, even though you think you are. You know, relationships just really shouldn't be like this. They should be about love and support. And I just don't see the love in this letter at all. What you're looking for his love, it's not with this man. So I suggest you leave. Yeah, I am right now. I need to read this letter again. You can read Steven Sherl. I always hear you talking about this fifty and fift. Well, I'm fifty and falling. How can I join your club. Anyways, I'm fifty ye old his friend of female. I'm dating his thirty three year old African American man, and he wants me to get breast in plans, says it needs more to grab onto and even wants me to get a tummy tuble. But I don't understand is that he wants me to do a lot of changing, but he won't marry me. Well, I went to my friends I had to secretly have behind his back, and they said I'm way too over him. I need to leave him alone. But he loves me and I love him, so I don't care what they say. I raised four boys in the minute, and even though he's thirty three and I'm fit to my boys and fifteen like him, we are all happy. Another thing is that he won't take me out in public because he's embas to be seen with me. I bet you want to know why it's evad to be seen with me? Isn't because he says that my breast sac so much and I'm old, too old and wrinkley. He won't let me go shopping. I feel like a cage animal. He even wants me to have his children. But what he can't seem to understand is that I'm fifty and there ain't no way I can have any more kids. That's what I already got. I just want to have a man who will let me go where I want to go, and a man who wants to marry me for me. I don't want to change just for someone to marry me. I just don't understand him. Also, in my culture, I'm not allowed to date me and younger than me and outside of my race. But I don't care. Love is love, and that's when I'm looking for love. Please help me. Kisses fifty and falling. You should have changed the subject of his letter from fifty and falling to fifty and totally confused. And now we are confused. Your whole letter is a letter of contradiction. In my gout you, I am not allowed to date men younger than me and outside my race where you ain't in your culture, no mote in. I don't know what Latino you are Hispanic female, but quit telling people you're Hispanic female because you're dating somebody younger than you and out your race. Now, if that's in your culture, then you ain't in the culture. No modi, you are a a lien or could you be another African American and don't know it because you're dating somebody younger than you and outside another race. So let's just get to that part right there. Are you really as you say, Hispanic or I thought the term now was Latino. I'm a little confused right there. I don't know what to call you. I don't know what you're doing today. You're very confused. You either Bobby Cueing or you just roast in the hall today. I don't really don't know what you're doing on this blessed day. Bit confused. For when I come back, I'll tell you how I feel about your link in just a moment. Just had to cover that ground. We'll be back with what I think is really happened. You're listening, Steve. All right, Steve, let's go with part two of your response to today's letter. The refuge latino Hispanic woman who in her culture is not allowed to date anyone younger or out of her race. She is not only dating a man younger, she's dating an African American man, which now makes her be in considerate of her culture. If that's true, you can make up a lot of stuff about your culture that we can't check on in our culture as black people, and in the white culture too. You're not supposed to marry nobody younger than you without your race. Those rules have been out the windows for a bunch of years now. I just want to inform you that we have been mixing it up with each other for a long time now, hallo. So I just want you to know that that you know dad, how you feel about I don't have problem with it, so I don't have a problem do it. Do what you're gonna do to make sure it was real. Now, you, lady, who are fifty dating is thirty three year old man who has nothing but issues with you totally. He don't like the way your breast look. He don't like the way your stomach look. He ain't don't take you nowhere because you're too old and too wrinkly, will not be seen in public with you. You went to your friends about this, that you had to have secretly behind it back because he don't live friends. They said that I am way too old for him and I need to leave him alone. But he loves me and I love him, so I don't care about what they say, Okay, right, there. Hold on, hold on, your friend are merely repeating what he has already told me. You too old for him. That's what your friends say. Did not Mr African American just tell you the same damn thing the other day? Didn't he just tell you that? So now how you mad at your friends for just telling you what African then already told Africa. I want just tell you Africa because he ain't got no name, so his name is African. African controlled you. He don't like you because you're too old. Your breasts said, you need to tell me too, and it ain't gonna marry you. Now, you and your stupid mind then said, but I want to marry him, but I don't want to get a breast implant just for somebody else. Okay, now hold on, help help help me. I just want to change for someone who doesn't want to marry her. I don't see nowhere in the letter where he wants to marry you. Don't see you want to marry him, and you think he hadn't already told you. He man you because you ain't gonna get no brush job and a time it to him. Listen, if you need to be pushed out in the top and pushed in in the middle. You got a lot of stuff going some ways that nature ain't going right now. And on top of that, you fifty, and he didn't lie to you and told you he wants to have your kids. He wants you to have his kids, but you said you fifty, and there ain't no way I can have any more kids than I already got. You just want a man who will let me go where you want to go on, a man who wants to marry me for me. I don't want to change just for someone to marry me. Well, listen to this breast implants ten thousand tummy tuck sat in the firehood. Whoa leaving your breast alone and let your good hangout fars? He won't to price. You ain't got to sit up here and deal with tips. I don't know where you're going to get all this money from for all these adjustments that you obviously don't want to get. And when you get them, I would strongly suggest, when you get your new breasts and your tummy tuck, take that new look and get yourself a new man and he won't let you go shopping. Now you're gonna have all these clothes in that it ain't gonna fit no more because you got bigger chest and now your stomach gone. He won't let you go shopping. Now you're definitely be at the hot walking around kitchen, cooking neck and he won't let you go nowhere. And you still ain't did nothing about the marink. Oh no him? All right, thank you guys. We gotta go, you know we do. You can email us or instagram what's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girl Sureley UH switching gears now. Hurricane Irma, we're playing praying for all of the Floridians. We have a lot of affiliates UH in Florida. The storm is very serious. We want you to please stay safe. If you want to donate to help UM and make the difference, okay, you can go to red Cross dot org. You can go to red Cross dot org. You can text the word Irma to nine zero nine or if you want to donate, that's the number UM nine zero nine, text in the word Irma. Okay. Hurricane Irma made its landfalls in South Florida. Properties in the area UM that have been evacuated, thank God, and that includes Donald Trump'smro Lago resort to other Trump properties in the area. International Golf Club in Palm Beach and Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter have also been closed. Some have called for the president to open his resort as a shelter, but others say the result of the resort is on a low lying area near the Atlantic Ocean. A spokesperson for Trump's property said in a statement that our teams at our four properties in Florida are taking all of the proper precautions and are following local and Florida state advisories very closely to help ensure that everyone is safe and secure. Okay, the President said, we never seen story, We have never seen storms like this, but we will recover and rebuild. So there you go. Uh, I'm glad he said that, because that is the truth. You know, once this the storm is over, you know, then the rebuilding does get back. We do start to recover and rebuild, you know. And that's a lot of you know, he's done two things right in a row with the siding with the Democrats. Gave the money for the funding for the funding keep and he said this, So that's two things in a row. If you're keeping counts, but don't get comfortable, keep your eyes. Um wow, a lot of stuff to cover. As we mentioned, it's the anniversary of nine eleven. We'll talk more about that and we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show like we are celebrating all of the superstars that are stopped you by Steve's brand new touches. Everybody in Hollywood. See, we spend no time down there. We gropees groupes. I take a pitch with you. You said you said a junior Floyd Mayweather. Floyd Mayweather Steve to get the champ, the champs coming by because I went to his dressing room right after the fight. You know, I've been knowing Floyd a long time and I'm really tight with his with his with his guy that runs his business, Ault Hamon, who you never see the man right now? You know him? Yeah, So you know I asked him. He said, hey, might give you my word, and he ain't done nobody but else but today though today don't stay money Mayweather. And we're gonna put the whole interview online. But I want you to tune in. I want you to check this out. I want you to tune in today. We're gonna play a little bit from it, right Yeah, yeah, we got some from hoglights from the interview today. Y'all don't want to missfloy y'all got tuned in with head on right now. Let's do it down, all right? Yeah? Did he make it rained in the hallway? He did. I'll be out there. I'm telling you, I flight this here. Let's hear what Floyd had to say. Check this out. One of the greatest pound for pound boxers of all time. He just beat Rocking Marciano's record in the starting defeat of Connor McGregor in Las Vegas. Please welcome boxing legend Floyd Money Mayweather. Hey man, this guy sitting here beat Rocking Marcianos record fifty and old undefeated. That's gotta be an incredible It's another fighter. I mean, you have fighters that's won more than fifty fights, like um the legend. Who else just che at one particular time. I think he won like seventy straight fights. But in the seventies straight fights. You know a lot of the guys that he fought. We don't know who he's fought in those seventy fights, but he was undefeated, and he's a legend, you know, um throughout boxing, throughout you know, because I don't really want to down any fighter that's that has accomplished more than I've accomplished, you know, in the sport of boxing. But that's the thing that's interesting about you, man, because you know, with all the flash, the Floyd Money Mayweather, this dude right here is really really smart. God man, you all don't know. And he done some classy stuff. I was at the fight, by the way, Yes, I was there after the fight. Yeah, you know what I picked up on you were speaking about Ireland after the fight. I got a clip I want to show you from Showtime pay per view. Check this out. Boxing is a hell of a sport and the man is a hell of a sport. And I want to thank all the fans from Ireland and all the fans around the world that campus event. Look, man, you're out there, you've been banging ten rounds. What made you think of the people like that? Because without the people us as entertainers, as athletes, TV host we wouldn't be who we are without them, you know, I just appreciate the fans. Have you spoken to Connor since the fight? At all. No, we haven't spoken since the fight. We had a beef and we settled our beef. One of my greatest lines. You were fighting against the ropes while I was sitting, Uh, I said, knock his ass out over here, Floyd, so I can see it, Steve. All right, y'all, So here's the deal. Who tune in today for the rest of it. It's really good, and tune in today. Check your local listings for Steve No, I mean writing and man, now, listen, you want to see what Flowing had on? I do because I loved what he wore in the ring. Oh no, he was clean. He was clean, but that only come in that side, they don't. I just wanted to ask you about Floyd when he came out. I mean, I noticed how the audience went crazy. Now were they prompted or was that? Let me tell you something, man, when you see it today, we got to we had to trim it down a little bit because they were just on their feet so long. Really, man, I said, man, they love you boy, and this is unsolicited and so humble too. Oh man, it was a great interview, you know where. Now I'm gonna put the whole interview after this online. He has another kind of money. Really, do you know he's made over billion dollars fighting. Why I believe that? And man, let me tell you something, he's spending it too. I mean, he has a brilliant acume for business. I don't like you told me that, and I don't like it was great when you don't have that manchy money. Yeah he got my money us. Yeah, so he said little together, but it sounds like he right though. Great business ahead. You were saying, he's a great business man and it surrounded himself with great business people. Do not worry about Floyd money Mayweather being broke. Forget the rumors that he owed the government. No, man, this dude pays his text. The dude behind him is brilliant. It's brilliant. And that that little dude got plenty of that money. That's a Harvard grad. I believe who Mr Heyman. Yeah, I'm not allowed to comment on that. You can't say your say that. All I know that shook his hand back to the back to the group. I had Junior in the world. He just was. I had Junie Steele talking about let me tell you something, Junior was in deep water. You have to finish this story later, Steve, because we have to go to break. Don't forget to watch Steve today. Floyd Mayweather will be We'll be back. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, here we go. Miss Anne is here. She's been with us all morning, keeping us abreast of what's going on in Florida. Our prayers, our prayers and our thoughts are with you. Uh, Florida, Please hang in there, Hang in there. I mean, at some point all you can do is pray. I mean, you've gotten with your family. You're into safe place right now, you know. And and you know, we talk a lot about the rescue workers. Steve dedicated the show to them, but they have families too, you know, the rescue workers have to take care of their families as well. So our prayers and our thoughts are with you and those of us who can donate. Our money is with you, to our time, as with you as volunteers. Whatever we can do, We're with you, Florida on this. You can text the word irma to nine zero, or you can go online and go to Red Cross dot org to make a donation and to find out how you can help. And we want to hear from you. Guys. Go to Steve Harvey FM, check in with us, let us know you're okay, Communicate to your family and social media. We want to make sure that all of our listeners are okay, and we just want to hear from you, and we've been praying all right. Well, without further ado, we'll bring this in in now with our Hurricane Irma update. Hurricane Irma now moving north of Florida's Gulf Coast. It's now barely holding onto hurricane status has now been down grade to a category one storm. As Irma winds its way north, now, Georgia go Nathan Deal has declared the state of emergency in the Peach State. All of George's counties, by the way, are now considered under a state of emergency, and the whole coastline of Georgia is under a mandatory evacuation. Also, as Irman moves on, she's left the streets in Miami looking like rivers. Tornadoes are now sided on the Sunshine States Atlantic coast. Things got so bad in Miami, Dade County and Tampa with the weekend. Police were pulled off the streets because of the dangerous winds and the worry was they might not be able to respond to calls for help. However, the Governor Scott says, folks can put that thought right out of their minds. Everyone's family matters, every life matters. Please know that we will do anything and everything to protect and rescue every person, and we will spare no expense in doing it. This has been a special report on Hurricane Irma. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Now before we went to Missannu, you were telling us about Junior at the fight. Yeah, you're introduced think Junior to bawling. Now we get it. We get a junior. Go ahead, take it away. I took Junior. I gave him the whole experience. Okay, first of all, can you just tell him that you let me fly on the private gent to start from the beginning? Started writing there out Steve, I was, oh, you just tell him I was on the private flight. First of all, the flight was scheduled to leave at noon. I like to make mention I had been there since team. Let me Junior was there too, I said, Junior, He said, Uncle, ain't we gotta be here for the flight? I said, Now you're Junior's Junior, No, you don't, I said, Junior, you don't. There's no security check, jor you gotta take your shoes off. You ain't gotta put your stuff on this Canada what we can't do none of that. So Junior gets up on there. So then we land. That's where it started, well it started befolded on the plane the whole term. He just how can what was he talking about? I attended, how long you've been doing this? What is that perfume? We shoot? You? Just come on, man, someone's a short flight, and we wasn't. It wasn't at the pointy five minutes flight. So we land and that's when I you know, I've gotten, you know, accustomed to the way I travel. Junior ain't. As soon as we landed, all I heard was I'll hell, I'm now. So the MGM sends a couple of cars to get us. Okay, that was nice. Uh nah nah, no, that's not nice. This is bowling. I look out the window. I just said, oh hell now, No they didn't, No, they did. I look out the window. It's so badly out there with a cat. I escalated to pick you up, man, I'll be going down to enterprise. I got to climb in a kissul Well. They got a new Bentley out called the Most Saint, and they have an extended wheelbase on it. So they send they send one of them, and they used to seeing fantom fantoms was last year they send fantoms or ghost which they send one of those two out to get you. So they got to Bidley mos say, Junior got in there and with just just Junior if you don't quick pushing, But what I'm supposed to do? Junior? That Junior just stopped touching all the stuff in here. But they got ice in here. Uncle, Yeah, he's an all valid question. Sure right there, watched the here, Junior, I'd have seen this. I gotta look, Uncle, who drinks these? Back? If you want to drink, you can get a drink. I can drink this. I'll tell when we pulled up at the hotel. Now, I'd rather you tell him. So we pull up at the hotel, which is not and there are no signs. Junior lost his damn mind again. Yeah, because see then now we're into place I ain't even know existed in Vagas first of all, and it ain't a whole lot of crowd up here. Ain't no lying nothing. You ain't checking in. You're supposed to go straight in. They have the lady with your drinks on it. You just take a drink. And they got a lady over there with some drinks waiting on it. You're supposed to take tie. Were all over there getting the drinks in the toe. Ain't Oh damn, Junior. I'm at the back of the car trying to get Junior. Get your junior. They got all that. I gotta get my bass, Junior. You don't, Junior. They know who in this car. Now see me being a Marriott man, I got to go back over there and tell him that one and that was is just looking at Junie like, sir, we have it. Please are join your drink. Came over and said to me cal who said jor get your or dance over here and get you a drink and follow Harve. And he talked to his teeth and quit embarrassing that I am. I really already all right. We'll be back and we're gonna cover more of Hurricane Irma when we come back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Did we know you and your wife Marjorie donated to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Beyonce, A, Janet Jackson, Kevin Hart, and Chris Paul. We're all in Houston this past weekend. Beyonce delivered an emotional speech to Hurricane Harvey evacuees on Friday at her home church in Houston, St. John's Church, UH. This today is a celebration of survival. Beyonce said, she always comes through for her city. She represents um. She is there for Houston. Take a listen to what she had to say. She was at her home church church. I was maybe nine or ten years old orst time. I said. It was my daughter city and I s year and I just want to thank you for my family and for being such an incredible example with light and love. And this day is a celebration of survival. Family you s Janson. I just want to see I love Africa all right. True words have never been spoken. Your health, your family, your life. Also on Friday, Janet Jackson arrived in Houston, UH to visit with Hurricane Harvey evacuees at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Yeah. Janet dedicated her concert at the Toyota Center on Saturday to the victims of Harvey. She will donate a portion of the proceeds to the local flood relief efforts. Janet's post baby body is looking real good. Yeah, yes, let's hear it. Side side note, My wife went to the show and said, Janet Jackson is she's deal, got it and still off the chain. Oh good, that's good to hear. That's good to hear. I love it. Took my damn y You could have drove your own damn car. That's all, but go here. I'm sorry, that's just it. Sat right now. Hey man, welcome to mad life. Yep. Should have took her own damn car. Was she gonna drive to the concert? Why wouldn't you take a road road? Just to me? Yeah, I mean, Tommy, come on, man, you had two of them, you wouldn't have that problem. What'd you say, Junior? I guess him off, I'm ready for the fire off. I said, what do you say? I missed it? Yeah, I said, Tommy, if you had two of them, you wouldn't have that problem. I'm not buying boy too. I'm witholds on it. By that way, where you drive still at home? Big dog guy? Like, I mean you got dog three or four? I mean got three forms and ghosts and we have not right now, let's just let's just stay on what you ain't, but don't ask you. Junior said you need another one. I'm not buying another. I want to ask you this though. Have you have you seen Floyd's playing? Why does your Why is your car better than your wife? Well, look at the time, we've got to go, we're not going to discuss it. I bought her the car she wanted. No, she got a nice car. Okay, some we went about the one you wanted and she said, oh, I didn't know we were spending that much because her car don't call as much as your all right, we gotta go. We we really do have to. We'll be back in to you. I didn't say it out loud. Huh. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, don't forget to tune in today to Steve's talk show. Is brand new talk show set in week of the brand new show. It's simply called Steve And to whoo out of Think Gate. You have a great guest today, Steve the one and only Floyd Money may Weather. He doesn't do a lot of talk shows, so this is pretty special. Right here. Huh No, this is big. He hasn't done anything since the fight. Yeah, you know that's good. But this is the second week of the top show week too. How you feel mean? You know what? Look, you know, to be honest with you know, we've got to get these numbers up. But we've also understand we haven't been getting numbers out of Florida because nobody's sitting down and watching Enjoyable TV. There's no numbers out of southern e uh Texas, which is a huge market falls and so you know, we understand it. But every day the numbers are getting higher, so that the business part of it is coming together. The creative part is getting better and better every single day. So I'm very very happy. Exc anything is that a personalized part of the Team Championships team over there, I just said, thank you. I didn't have been taken all of He still got to go do the show. He's still in front of the real They don't know we're back there. They don't know. They have no idea because you move inward a lot over there, and I think it becomes ritual that Stein like to come by and give us a really coming gold team. It ain't nothing. It ain't none of that every time, but it shocks to people who don't know. You don't see if you're off the quiry now, I don't you know, I've learned after the memo, I don't come so you don't comment on the staff anymore. I ain't said it, damn. One of the co workers said, is he upset with that? Love you okay, Junior? Ain't. Nobody said that. Don't start that round. Don't be a staff now, you know. Uh, like a lot of the people are a lot they're just surprised because a lot of people actually thought the memo was me. But what they didn't know was I really just wrote the memo for two people, you know, and I joked with people. I talked to people all the time. You know. They just so you have a new staff, a lot of new staff members, and oh yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Let me tell you something. That person that took the memo to the press, the memo had been out for a year, took it to the press, found out he wasn't getting the job in l A. So he took it over to the to the guy feeder, so he was better. It was that that's feet has always been fair to me, so I couldn't say nothing. You know, the guy took it over there and put the wrong angle on it to spin like this is how he treats his staff. Oh man, get on out of here, dude. So naturally the media is going to eat that up. No, no, they didn't. No, no, they ain't that up. They eat me. That's a different type of chewing. Media eating something else up. It tastes when they chewing on you. It's really different. That's really disheartening sometimes. Man, I'm sure it is, Steve. I'm sure it is. Uh And we'll be back to wrap up the show with just one more thing. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Hurricane Irma roared into Florida. The winds, the rains, the tornadoes. We are praying for our listeners down in Florida and West Palm Beach and Tampa Fort Myers in Jacksonville. Did I get him on Carla surrounding areas And there's a lot of Tallahassee around. There's a lot of a lot of cities forget Yeah, alright, man, it really really is. Now, what's the difference between Well Harvey and let's say Hurricane Irma. Now, um, Harvey was a system that just stalled. So when you usually with a hurricane, it comes, you know, you see the wind, the rain, and then it moves on, you know, it does this, does its thing, and then it kind of moves on to the next area where Harvey just stalled over Houston. And that's why we got forty of rain. That's why we're just unbelievable because it's just raining. And what what what we hope Irma does. It's it's still gonna be destructive. It's still gonna be devastating because right now it's the winds that right now, you know it. Look there's a Category A forward it hits, you know. So the thing we got to remember is this is very devastating and hopefully it doesn't linger. You know, hopefully it will as it moves up and just it will eventually just I mean it will, but you know, fizzle out. But you know in Miami yesterday when Gus was up to a hundred miles an hour in Miami yesterday and it hit, and I mean, man, there's some devastation. Man, there's some people out there, little loss of power, you know, a lot of flooding going on, so, you know, and it's been tough, and there's another one brewing behind IRMA and you know, just hopefully hopefully that one right there just you know, dies out. But man, it's been tough hurricane season so far, really tough, tough run. Yeah. Uh so again, um, you know, if you want to help um in any way, you can. You can text the word Irma to nine zero. That's text the word Irma to nine zero nine. You can go to red Cross dot org red Cross dot org and donate. If you can't donate, you can volunteer. Uh. They need so much help, they need so much, but they have to wait till you know, Irma does everything that she's going to do, and then the rescue workers will come in. And that's who you dedicated the show to this morning, Steve, when we first cracked the mics to the rescue workers. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, we know him have fun in the morning. We want to make sure we gave him some love about there because they do so many great things, you know. So congratulations, no, thank you to everybody, absolutely, thank you. Can I also give this website out to you guys, you caring dot com you know San Antonio Spurs player Tim Duncan. You know he was born the Virgin Islands and he is doing a big fundraiser. He was raised in St. Croix and he's doing a big fundraiser too. He is sending a plane full of supplies and food and water. He is dedicated to help rebuild the Virgin Islands. And so you can go to you carrying dot com and make a donate to Tim Duncan's Hurricane Irma relief efforts for the Caribbean, for the Virgin Islands. We have to take care of our neighbors there as well. You know what we gotta understand is the Keys, the Florida Keys is a part of us. You know. The Hurricane Irma really slam the Key West Florida Keys. The reports in USA today everything is underwater. I mean everything. That's the headline. Everything is underwater, I mean everything. They had fifteen foot surges. You know, the Keys is really small, really narrow. Man. There was one road in one rolled out. It's beautiful down there when it's beautiful, but they took a tough One man slammed into the Florida Keys on Sunday morning as a category four storm down there, uprooting and snapping off trees, uh, flinging waterfront, filling waterfront streets with a surgeon seawater, knocking out power. And they really concerned that Ama uh sustained winds of a hundred and thirty miles an hour down Can you can you leave? I just can't. I can't imagine. And these reporters that are down there bringing us the news, I mean, how brave are they? They're like in the midst of everything. But let me tell you the danger that they're concerned about. They're talking about these winds at hundred thirty that a series of like what they're calling low lying sandbar islands that's falling off the southern tip of Florida, that it will come and just wipe out so much of the key. That's just wow. That was tough, man. And see, you know you haven't heard from anybody down there because there's nobody down there people because it's completely underwater. Wow. And you know we're we're not. It hasn't affected us like it has them down there. I mean, Carla, Tommy and of course Junior are from Houston, but we're not down there, So we have a tendency sometimes to go through our daily lives. But you know, while you're going through your daily lives, say a prayer. I mean, you know that's all. You just say a prayer for the people down and we definitely know what they went through because we just went through, so we definitely and you're still rebuilding from hard you know, Harvey wasn't done before IRMA came and you know, but yeah, just say a prayer. Do what you can do because this is very very serious, right, Donate what you can, like you said earlier, with the donation, whatever your budget is, Steve. You know, we talked about celebrities giving back, but you gotta do what you can and volunteer, like Jay Anthony Brown said, if you can't afford to donate, volunteer services. Thankies and gentlemen, have yourself a great weekend. It's money off the weekend. We enjoy the weekend. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.