Relationship Questions, Right or Wrong, When To Shut Up, Doomed Wedding and more.

Published Jul 5, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We know what we do and we do what we know. Are there limitations in a threesome? The Chief Love Officer has questions that apply to those that are in a Long Term Relationship. Tommy's ignut ways knows no bound! How do you know when it is time to shut the F up? The CLO has to be candid with a virgin that is looking for a great guy. The signs of a doomed wedding are also discussed today. Is vacation glow real or nah? Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog points out that some people must be escorted out of the VIP section of your life.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like amzing bus things and it's not doing me through good it. Steve Hart to mother for ste don't joy y. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water. Ya come, come on your back, h I sure will. A good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Hey man, back in business too? Man, Man, how good is God? I mean, really, if you think about it in spite of all that's going down in your life, first of all, it could be worse. But secondly, sometimes you have to remember. And I've just had to have this conversation with myself this morning. That's how I'm fresh on this one right here. When a challenge faces you, are you going through a difficult moment, or you didn't hit a bump in the road in the middle of that, If you could manage to be grateful, it would take you a long way. Gratitude is a powerful resource. If you can be grateful in the middle of it. Gratitude is a powerful resource when it's dim for you, And it got a little bumpy on the road, and he ran into some obstacles, and you didn't ran up into some detooled signs, and your journey ain't smooth as it was last week or last year. You gotta be grateful for the things that are going right and that have gone right, and for the thing that's wrong right now to get right? Man? Can I share that with you? Man? Is that a tough one to learn? It is for me. It has been one of my toughest challenges is to learn how to be grateful because it's a powerful resource, but how to be grateful in moments of despair when it ain't going right. See here's a mistake I would make. See when something go wrong, I want to focus on the wrong so much in an attempt to fix it. But even then the focus ain't always in to fix it. The focus becomes, Man, this is bad. Man, I can't believe this is happening. Why just keep going down? That doesn't fix anything? You know, mealing over it, going over what's wrong, explaining it, sharing it with your friends. You know, making it sound worse than it is, tell the story for pity from other people. All of that, right there, has nothing to do with the fix. Sometimes you're just mulling over it. You're just making it worse. You're just making it a bigger problem. You're manifesting it into your atmosphere, You're putting it out there in your spirit. Now, all of a sudden, it consumes your day. Next thing, you know, you're having a bad day. If you're having a bad day, it's because you've been having some bad thoughts. So what I've had to learn how to do, and what I'm working on this morning is I'm working on this situation that's been cropped up. I was going kind of smooth here for a minute, and now I didn't got real bumpy in the road, you know, and all this here. So what I'm thinking about now, though, is even though I've hit a bump in the road, and even though out and ran into a detour, and even though I've hit this love, I'm going down into a valley, I ain't up on the peak. Can I not still be grateful for all the things that God has given me, for all the things He's done for me, for all the things he's brought me through, and realizing that even this that's happening to me again is going to pass too. He gonna get me through that attitude. Come on, man, God is a good god Man. It's a lot to be grateful for. So while I'm tripping on this bumping the road out and here, what I gotta remember is all the things He's done for me. And like I say, my saying is joy and depression cannot reside in the same place. So instead of being down about this new bumping the road, if I'm constantly filling my mind with the thoughts of how good He's been to me, of what all he's done for me, of all the things he's brought me through, of all the blessings he's presented me with. When I go down that list, I really don't have a lot of time to mull over the situation. Now. Do I have to fix this bump in the road? Of course I do. Are There's some things I'm going to have to do the straighten it out, of course it is. But Steve just going to get the business of doing it and straighten it out. What you mulling over and wearing about it for you know, old people. I heard old people say something I was growing up in the church. They say, if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it. But if you're gonna worry about it, don't pray about it. That's an amazing thing. And prayer just happens to be my weapon of choice. Now, it ain't always been that way. I want you to understand that my first weapon of choice was you do it to me, I do it to you. You call me out, I call you out, you say something bad about me. I've tried to find you and say something bad about you. That was my weapon in the past. How did that work out for you, Steve? Not so good? Because you know what, I spend a lot of time fighting back, kicking back, swinging back, when I could have spent all that time climbing. See, all you're trying to do at the end of the day, folks, is have a better life than the one you got. All you're trying to do is to improve your position in life. You know, it's not my business to make sure you don't get where you're going. Ain't got no time for that. It's not my job to assure that you ain't as high as me. I ain't got no time for that. Your real mission and purpose is to have the best life that you can have, to ascend to the highest plateau that you can get to, to make your family as comfortable as you can, to provide as much as you can for your family. But legally, see, those of us are sitting up here trying to come up with sideways. You can ask a couple million men sitting in prison today how they wish they hadn't have done that, and they'll tell you, Oh, man, I wish I never had did it. I knew not to go down there. Something told me not to go down there. Man. If I could change things, I would. But they're sitting somewhere doing some time that had they made another decision, they wouldn't have to do. Now that don't make them throw away people, na man, because everybody makes mistakes, and God is in the forgiving business. And some of us have done some things that really broke the law, and a whole lot of other things and deserve to do some time. But through the grace of God, we didn't. But now we set up here and we passed judgment on people who got to do something man, I don't care. I don't care what you've done. God can't forgive anything, but our position, our motivation in life is to try to have the best life we can have and provide for those around us and make it comfortable. If that's your ambition, you don't have time to worry about or concern yourself with another person. And I wasted time doing that, and that's not the way to get it done. It's simply mine to your business taking care of you and getting yourself right and tight. It's twenty four so that's a full time job. So what I had to learn was and what I've the reason I've chosen prayer as as my weapon of choice now is that now prayer helps me that I don't have to fight back. Now, if I get cornered, I'm gonna fight you. I ain't even gonna lie to you. And now I'm still working on some things that trigger me. You know, you know, you know, and and and and so I'm I'm slowly getting better at that. But I've learned that my weapon of choice is prayer now, So when it happens ugly for me, I pray about it. When it gets tight and dismal, for me. I pray about it. And the thing about prayer, man, is prayer changes things. Yes, it does. Now read about it and try it. That's the deal. Okay, come on prayer as of wonderful weapons. You're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, man, have your attention please. Uh it's Monday morning, it's the beginning of a new week. But it's the same damn thing up in here, reeving to turn up this volume, create this ignorance and be botted bout it, dog gone it, Shirley Strong. We let Steve, we let Oh, that's so that at one time we let Steve Man. We didn't live fun. That was fun. It's young people listening to this show going, uh, we live back, and they probably ain't even saying that. No ball, they say, still saying we live. I'm scared to use modern day slang. I'm still going I'm still doing you know, what's happening with a playoff that way? I know, I know it's out of style and all my talk is out of style. We let bla for rel what's happening? We bought that life? What's going on? Junior? You got one? I just gonna say more than one, Tommy, you got one lit light lit? I'm living my bathlight man. Yeah, now, dude, this one still work turn up? Yeah, that was still work on what it is? That? Good? Was good? Everybody cool? Man? My man? Slapping five? You did that that you may as well throw it right on in their Still I still say right on. I still say amen. When I'm talk to my older brother, it's it's like talking to Marvin Gay. Serious, man, I'm talking to them, Hey, what's up? Drunk? What's handing with you? Up? Man? Give me some of that skin? Man, some skin, don't that's five on the black hand? Keeping like that. It's all right, man, right on. What's been going on with your players? You still doing it? Ain't you? You know, people ain't easy. But somebody kind of doing it might be me. Yeah, what's up? What's up? Tommy? One of my little girls? What are friends of the house saying? Miss Timmy? You lit? I said, baby? I said baby, I don't, I don't. I don't smoke. I don't know what you're talking about. Say what that couldn't be a drop either way. I wasn't there. I don't know. I don't know what lit meant. Yeah, especially in front of your kids. No, but you gotta stay fresh and hill, Timmy, you we got younger kids too, you know. Hey, hey, hey, let me tell you what I did one day in Atlanta. I came out my office with my shirt open, and my kids friends was in the house. When you say, Dad, your shirt is open, I said, I live here. Tell all your little flat stomach ass from to turn around quick looking over here. But it's so funny, Steve, You're right because we're at an age now where everything we do embarrasses our kids. There's nothing that we can do that where our kids think we're cool. Nothing. All right, listen, coming up at thirty two after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Shop right after this. Wait, we let turn up. You're listening to show, all right. I want to ask the guys something. What is something you wish you weren't too old to do anymore? Like, for instance, Carla, you jumped in a bouncy castle with kids at a festival. You did that? Yeah? Uh oh wait, too much and too old to be doing that. I was exhausted. Jay do a flip flip? I tried knocking all the kid yes, yeah, yeah, all of that way too old for so okay, Steve, we'll start with you. What what what are you too old to do? But really wish you weren't too old to do anymore? Some of them. I wish I could just stand here and pee on myself, wish being a baby and infect man, and then somebody changed me. You know they got people that do that, Steve, They got professional Oh yeah, no, I don't want that. No modo. But you don't want to care. Oh but they be cussing when they do anything. Oh well, yeah, that's that's a difference. Steve's not sick or anything. That's what he want to do. No, I don't. I don't. I don't. Matter of fact, I don't really want that to happen. Yeah, okay, you want to do all you want to do? A Yeah, well for real, what would you really? Let you roll a skateboard like you're Why can't you do that because your knees? Well, no, I can't fall. Nobody follow them, none of us on fall? Now, man, you fall, it's actually yeah it is jay day. When you fall, you could bounce up. You can jump right up. Oh no, different. Yeah, And there's some noises that go with that fall. What about you like right now, if you fall, you don't bounce up, you lay steel your body got and just start seeing what works. Yeah, take your time, start checking up. Do we have a goal for legs? Jack? Can I see that's the bigger one? Can I think? How long I've been laying down? There? Your question A good question right there? What about you? J's something you might be too old to do now that you wish you were. Steve took mind. But I really wish I could like to ride. I can't. I cannot ride a bike now. I'm scared. I'm a fall. Like Steve said, I would like to ride. Oh you can. I'm somebody gonna hit me with a card. And you know, I just see it. I see bad stuff. When somebody with a car that has his point of view for his life, something major got to happen to him. We mean just a regular bike, not a motorcycle. Jay, I was you could go on a bike trail back in the day. I really could roll escape, really really good. I couldn't do it now, No way. You can't hit the knees. The knees don't want to break anything. Fall back fault. Yeah, and you're trying to stop the fault. You could break something, and it's way slower nowadays. If I get on some skate, it's really slow. Did you get your You think you're going around the rink at a You are not moving? You know you're not moving at all. It's baby STI in the gap behind you said, dude, dude, way, that's the way I feel like youposed to be on the inside, sir. Yeah, what are you supposed to be on the inside? What about your nephew threesome? I can't even I wish I could steal? Dude? What you for that? I can't. I can't. I can't really perform. What what do you say, Jake? Not Team Timmy day? Now? What did you say? I said, I thought you was gonna say run, but you didn't. Oh pop team Yeah, tom that I was about to do it, but you did. President and CEO of Team Tommy said that, Oh we got a meeting on him. Okay, so ro skating and shirt just I can't. I can't do it no more. I wish I could. Wow, I never could it, Tommy. Yeah, you had bad experience. How many times did you deal with that? Steve? It was just one time that one time, or he did try no more after this one time? And I knew right away this is not for me, did you my damn confusion? It is. It's a lot of fun, confusion fun. Kiss you for ten seconds, kiss you for ten seconds, rub you three times, rub you three times, pat you five times, pat you five times. So you thought it had to be even he trying to distribute you. Ain't got to do that in your ass. I couldn't keep tracking the damn play you was staring your what in your eyes? Staring your ass for thirty seconds. Then stan you same damn you was look much better than mine. Miles like, ladies, I'm here, okay, lady, ladies, it's a threesome. They crossed bag like you wasn't there, ladies, Hello, get something neat and I'll be back up. Maybe y'all be done? Hello, But Steve, how did yours end? I can't remember how yours ended? Was everybody satisfied on when you left? Y'all? He'll know what ended was? One girl said, I really don't think you're into me. I was so happy she got up, man. Then I went to work. Yeah, right, track one man, Let's go uns now, Yeah, all right. Never you tell me he's run that prank back. He's coming up right after this. You're listening right now, It's time for the nephew to run that prank back. Let's run it back to all you all you praise dance. As I said, this goes out to all of your all upset some people on this one. Yeah? Did that run go out on the radio? Yes? Yes, yes? Do you guys do what I like? Praise dance? That ain't for me? Ray, we'll talk about the minute praise dance for y'all. Hello, this is the day that the Lord is made. Let us rejoice and be glad in And how you doing? I'm looking for uh Stania. This is Sitana Stania. This is brother Fuller from the church. How are you? Oh, I'm with brother. How are you? I'm good? I'm good. Um. We wanted to give you a call about the about the praise dance and that's at the church. First of all, I wanted to really show you how much uh you're doing a great job over there with the praise dances and you you definitely do a great job on uh on on on every third Sunday that you guys actually perform everybody seemed to really like it. Well, thank you, thank you. What can I do for you today? There is a bit of a situation with um. You know, it's been brought to our attention. We actually had a small gathering, a little meeting about it and wanted to I've been elected to act to give you a fall and who was this a keeper? I'm sorry? Who are again? Brother full of uh huh? And and and who had a meeting uh some of the brothers at the church and uh paths to actually sat in for a moment on it. And I was actually elected to actually just give you a call that nothing that I don't think we can't get uh rectified and you know, move on slothly as we normally do. But I just think it's we wanted to reach out to you and kind of make you aware of it. If it's if you don't mind, okay, um? And what things are those? Well? Since a Tania has any of the praise dancers before they became praise dancers? Was was was was any of them strippers? I beg your partner, was any of the praise dancers that at the church that you have on the praise team right now with any of them strippers in the past. I'm sorry, sir, I don't I don't really know who you are, um, and I don't really saying this line of question. Like I said, I'm brother Fuller. I don't think we've met. But uh, like I said, I've been electing to give you a call. It's saying what happened is this past week when you all actually danced, it seemed like a couple of the girls was actually gyrating during the praise routine. Hey what jat raiding? Brother Fuller. I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you saw. None of my girls with gy rating. They would dancing for the Lord. And I think if you look through your lord's eye perhaps you would see them better in staid, maybe you were looking through the gyrating. Aye, Look, some of these girls a cold A couple of the girl we can point them out. A couple of them now, uh, strip girl tendencies of it then, because some of them has been strip girls tendency? You know what, sir? I think we need to complete this call. Perhaps I need to call Bishop and speak to him myself, because you know, I don't know what you do all days, but I have a real job, and I'm sitting here holding a conversation in my office about jar rating strippers in the church. Are you keep me bam? Listen, listen. Now here's a couple other things that they're talking about. Some of the girls feet a real ass you when you are a performing and they want to see it, Maybe you can, you can. I don't know. Maybe I don't know if y'all need to grip or whatever that y'all don't. Y'all don't put lotion on. We're not sure what that is. As well as the totally alpiler. Everybody asks three four, five different designs and everything. Is it? Any way, y'all can be in unison with you're totally apolers. But the most important thing ill to Ji Raden doing the dance routine. I don't know what your feet look like. I don't need you calling me talking to me about my girls their feet, their nail pilers. Perhaps your man should be on Jesus instead of on them. How about God man? From my mind, I have time, I don't have time, mama, and to be on Jesus when somebody shaking them. But at the church, now that's the problem, I know a look, I'm at work now. I'm trying to keep a work tone. You're gonna make me curse up here and let me tell you something. Don't call me anymore. I will deal with pastor. If he has something to say with me, he can say it to me personally. But I'm done with this conversation. Are you gonna deal with the jy rating? Is what we want to know? Maybe you know what? It just hit me. Maybe you're one of the ones that's doing the gy rate. Look, let me tell you something. My girls ain't doing no damn jar rating, and neither am I. Now I am done with this conversation. Do you understand? But listen, I'm done. Are you're done with the ratings? We want to stop so we can we can't praise the Lord. If the boot is it shake? You know what? I gotta go to work now again. I don't know what your issue is. It sounds to me like you have an issue which I reading booties and I heard so much gy reading booties in one conversation in my entire life. Now my mind is set on Jesus. I don't know what your mind is set on. What's to tell you? Before you was a praise, then a ministry over the ministry? Did you ll use to strip? Hu didn't do no stripping? Now that did you? Why I do any stripping? What did you? I'm gonna do any stripping? Whatever you heard what I said? How do you like to somebody call? You would ask you if your mom wa get some stript and how do you like that? Oh? I'm saying you know what I want to know? When is the next rehearsal? Then the way I can come and pick out who it is that's doing this. Jill, you don't have You don't have any vistes at my rehearsal. I don't want to see you at my rehearsal. I don't want to. I don't want to see any part for you in my rearse if I see you near one of my girls. That's why I'm coming after you myself. Do you understand me? I need to find out who's doing that job? Damn thing? You need to say? Your body yawn high and I'm glad y'all ain't this? And when the when the when the plate is being played? Because I ain't not telling her? You act with them? One is coming through it? You know what that's it. That's it. You call me disrespecting me. I'm at w I can't even have this more. You know what, don't call me no more, don't look at my girls no more. Man come to the church and see what I got for it. I don't want to know. Is you're gonna stop the job? Rating is doing that, and that's what I'm doing. Who they you're talking to like that? You're supposed to be a mine of your say, yeah, have died listening to tell you? Now I'm getting ready to get when I got one more thing to say to you? Fold your league. Now you ain't got a damn thing to say to me. I said I was telling, and I said, I got one more thing to say? Is you listen? You know what? Men, get off my phone. I'm gonna say it anyway. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your entire praise and ministry congregation, all your girls got me the frank phone called you. Oh I'm a shooty. Oh I think I'm ursing on the radio. Oh wait, why you know it was all over five of Now I got some explaining this show. Lord ha Mercy, you did good, though, you did really you in there. Oh wait, I talked to Bishop. You might want. Oh, I think I'm gonna have a show. I got one thing to ask you. Tell you what it is the baddest radio show in the land, nobody else but the Steve Harvey Morning the Show. Huh you know. I mean when you're listening to the again, you don't think to get some people up there. Don't need to be up there. Absolutely, that's not for me to say. I'm just judging church a praise dance limit. What do you agree with? Time in which I seldom do, but we have got to limit the time that praise dancers can be up down. It's never moved me. It has never made me want to join. It ain't never made me want to do better. It always has made me want to go home. Really, I want this service overWe I want y'all stop all that waving. Can tell you the real thing. It ain't like synchronized women women own key. I don't like watching people ain't all at the same time. Thank you. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right up to this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, the Chief Love Officer, the CLO is in the building and Steve, it's a big decision, you know, to enter into a long term relationship, and before you take that step, make sure you are on solid ground. Would you agree with that, Steve? Well, yeah, okay, all right. The commitment doesn't need to come with a ring, but you should present your boot with certain questions and it helps you both to know what you're getting into. So, Steve, what about these questions? I'm going to read the questions off to give me your opinions on these questions. All right, you can ask your your your significant other this what are you willing to sacrifice for this relationship? Good question, not necessarily because that's an open ended question because if you ask a guide what are you willing to sacrifice for this relationship? What? What? What's the answer you would expect other than everything? You know? And nobody means that. Yeah, you know, everything is everything, and so I don't know that. That's a great question, this question. Yeah, let's give us one that we can that we should ask what are you willing to for this relationship? Because you know, you're almost like you know, because how can you how can you answer that correctly? Okay? So just cross that out altogether. So okay, So instead of saying, what would you be willing to sacrifice? You know, I think a better question is, what does this relationship mean to you? Like that? You know, okay sacrifice? On top of that, you would say, and on your on your list of priorities, where is this relationship for you? You know? I think that's a better way to phrase, Yeah, that's all, or what would just do you know? You know, you can throw that in it. I'm just saying what would just exactly lie? Okay, do you have the original product? Do you have another? Here's another question, Steve, do you have anything that's no negotiable? I'm assuming you're talking they're talking about deal breakers here. Well, okay, now this is for what tell me what this is for again, Shelly? Okay, these are you know, it's a big decision to enter into a long term relationship. So when you're you've decided that you're going to be in a relationship, you know, you and this person, you want to make sure you're on solid ground. So these are some of the questions that that's, you know, maybe we should ask. We're trying to figure out what should you asking forward to find out you're moving forward into a long term relationship. I think these are This question right here is not a bad question, but it should actually happen later on. See why invest a lot of time in the relationship to find out about the deal breakers? So should you already know the answer to this if you've been in the relationship, if you're considering a long term relationship with somebody, you probably should have had this conversation beforehand about what's the deal breakers? Because what you don't want an old guy? He loves me, I love him. Oh God, we're going to spend the rest of our lives together. I don't like women who have babies. Well, my baby back that sleep. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Hey, that ain't the time to get that, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, okay, I like these. Okay, this is if you have decided to be in a long term relationship with somebody. Here's another another question. What are your financial goals? That's not before you get into that's in the relationship somewhere? Can I tell women a women a slick way when you meet a guy. Yeah, you know, when you talk about your financial goals, that's you got to be in the relationship. Pretty good to ask that. Yeah, here's a question I created for women, especially women in our age bracket and thirty thirty something and up. This is not a twenty year old question. You can ask, okay, but in the thirties. If you're a lady and you're dating in the thirties forties, up, here's a question you ask if you want to know how much a man makes. Here's the question I created for that. Without asking you, how much do you make? Ask a man what he does in his downtime? Say it again, Ask a man what he does in his downtime, so like his hobbies and stuff. Yeah, what he does in his downtime. That will tell you a lot about his financial Still if he says, play video games or catch up on my reality shows or yeah, okay, that ain't what you want sing out. You know. I play golf, I collect wine, I read a lot all these things about money. I travel, I go, I jump on a plane and go places. I like seeing different parts of the world. You know, I all and mc coin collected your things like that that require some type of investment. I collect, I collect vintage cause you gotta have extra money. Do all this kind of stuff. Okay, so instead of asking a man first night, you know, what do you do? How much you make just asking what he's doing the downtime? If he's a good and grown man, his downtime will be spent. I create things that didn't happen. Yeah yeah yeah. Or you know I pay for assaults on myself. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. If you could pay a nice amount of for the assault, you got a lot of money. I high African meuny to do different things. You know you could do that. Yeah, you got some money. Has nothing to do with relationship questions. I just want you guys to know that. All right, here's the last question. They stoopid both. This is the last question. If you're thinking about entering into a long term relationship with someone or a serious relationship with someone, what do you think? What do you think of this question? Do you have a history of mental illness in your family? You should have been the name. How you gotta do is go over the house to the holiday and then you're do Steve. You got to ask nobody have you been over the house and seen anything that came out as Craig? Has anybody come bust out some double doors? And you were, oh yeah, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening to Steven Show. All right, Steve, we need you again. It's time for right or wrong with your nephew and junior. So you need to be the judge, ladies and gentlemen. This is right or wrong. This is where decisions get made. Debatable issues come to the forefront. And I'm a decision as to who's right or wrong. Tommy, it's always the one who wants to know whether he's right or wrong. Now, so far it has been a ninety that he has been wrong. Well, I think ten percent of the time I have agreed with him, but the ninety percent of the time, So go ahead turn check this out. So and actually, for u s split second, he agreed with me last night. I said, Amber is a little girl that got lost a long time ago and death when amber Ler came from He agreed with me on that. I did not agree with you on that you did. What did you say? I said, they named it that just because let people know that people miss That's all I said. I say nothing about this being no Amber alert. What made you even think of that? Christ ball. I'll let you know. It was a little girl named Amber, and that's what that's where Amber alert came from. Then I told you, I said, Foster is a little boy who didn't have his mind his daddy, and that's where Foster Home came from. Oh no, right there, But Foster and Amber don't know each other. Do you know what? Well, he's correct on Amber, Yeah, give him that. I might right about Foster though Amber is actually a color. Amber is also a young young girl's name right, my name is his name Amber? Right? So that led you to say, what, Now, Foster was a little boy who didn't have no mama, no daddy, and they were trying to find a home for him. I can't right, that's where Foster Home comes from. Well, I thought that was a serial foster flake, right, the wrong worster what we were saying that for? I have Foster place quickly, not love me. It's a Foster flea. I know that, you know, since we're just gonna be ignorant there. I thought it was a sil foster flat we called it though. That's how he said it. Foster means to develop y ring about to nur falter, to nurture a situation. Foster is a definition. It's not a little boy. There's people named Foster, most of them don't end up in cal was the lead singer of the Silvers One. He wasn't lead saying the singers. Now he played Dr Mean in u King of Scott. That was Forest cart you see where he gets from. And then Forrest Griffin was fighting in the UFC. Let the Stepar and Barner has some epic. You're listening morning show. All right, it's time for comedy Roulette Jay now quickly. It's very simple. You guys test our ability to be comedians. Give us five subjects. Anything you want. Let the wheels stop. We put it out on Roulett wheel. Wherever you stop. We do a couple of minutes on. That's how good we are, all right, that's how good we are. All right, all right, we'll see about that. We have five topics for you, all right. Number one the movies. You got this one, No Steed. Number two being dumped, all right, that's on the wheel. Number three, bad wedding's been there, I got that one. Number four, bad grades. Number five when to shut up cats beend the wheel? Bad grades week I like movies. Steve whoa, okay, okay, that's a good one. When to shut up? When to shut up? I'll tell you when you shut up. The minute you look in your redume mirror and you see that blue light, it is time. And I don't want time for you to shut up. You make an announcement of everybody in the damn card to shut the hell all right. We don't let that. There's gonna be one person talking, all right, and the sober is one if they gotta lean from the back and talk. The rest have been told to shut the hell up. In that same lane, yes, the same lang in the neighborhood, when you see somebody running from the low, when the low look at us, we don't know nothing. I had one fring on points he went that way? What did you telling them? Down already? Know up? Now you're sitting the laws the same way down with you could have pointed the other way that way? He seeing us? Who you think he looking fun? You didn't see Nash, shut the hell up? Got it? Well, I'm gonna going another route. Let me just do too quickly, fellas you know, it's time to shut up. When you're feeling guilty and you want to confess that I don't know what this moment you have pardon, We're not going in there to do that. Yeah. Something. When my first marriage, I went out one night, me and my pardner. You know, you know, I just told told me I was going out right, I'm over with the house. A couple of days later, my partner reged I went to club with This is what he said. Hey, man, tell your wife about to club we went. You're looking at like what I just just something? Just go what are you talking about? Wrong with you? Hell? My wife the club went to you. Never shut up. I never supposed I'll tell you another time to shut up. And it's a trick too when your mama say, say something else. But then did you hear me? What were I'm supposed to do? Yeah, I'm gonna answer y'all just supposed to be quiet. I'm just gonna take my chids on shutting. He play something else? Something else? You got one? You got one time to go ahead. When you on the phone with a woman and you hear the hell are you talking to? Man? Shut your mind? Hang up up. I'm not doing you as far as my mama. When my mama say, I guess I'm landing shut up, shut up, got shut up? All right? All right, you guys did it again. It's always all right. We'll be back with the frank phone call from the nephew right after this. You're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today subject when role playing goes to wait till you guys hear this letter. All right, but right now it is a nephew in the building with today's frank phone call. What you got neat roommate Betty? Okay, a roommate Betty running, cad running Batty. Hello, must be to Devin, Yeah to see okay. Hey man, this is Chris a live above you. I ain't ever met you before, but you you you have. You've been calling the leasing office about complaining on me about I'm making too much noise away. Yeah, man, I'm my bad, bro. I was trying to catch you, man. I could never. I could never catch you at home. Man. It's just like you know, bro, I work at nice I work at night. Yeah. Yeah, you're saying. I say I work in a day, but I can't sleeping night brocking. I'm I don't know what's going on your apartment. I'm saying, I ain't trying to be in your business. I'm not trying to be in your business. Player. I just can't get a sleeping night, man, because it'd be a lot of noise, a lot of noise, a lot of talking. And what you do is your business. Bro. I'm just saying, pleased, man, But you ain't have to go to the leasing office. Man, all you had to do. You know what's hall at me? You ain't the you know they got me written up, like you know, one more complaint on me, they're gonna put me out of something. Well, yeah, die. Like I said, though I was trying to get I was trying to find you. You know what I'm saying. But we I guess we miss each other because you you work at night. I work in the day. So you know when you're going, I'm coming, and when I'm coming, you going. I'm saying, Brian trying starting. I'm just trying to, you know, go to work and pay my pay my bills. Man, it's time. I'll be at work at night. Man. You know what I'm saying, I'm trying to get my hustle on, like you're trying to get yours on doing lalla hala hala hala on. Okay, okay, let's make it my sense. Bro, if you are working night, somebody in your somebody in your apartment, howking loud in them keeping me up square bidding? Okay, you've got a roommate us long, No, No, I ain't got no roommate, man, Benny, somebody in the talking loud holding a conversation. It's like two people in the talking loud every night. That's Bro's Benny man Beatty be talking. Okay, you say you ain't got a roommates? Now, who who is Benny? Who is Benny? Benny is my bird? My parents? Does Betty be talking? It's like, man, stop doing me dive listen mine why why wait a minute, you're trying to tell me um bird that was bearing. Man, I don't have pity ten years that's my bird. Fires don't even live that long. So so now I'm sucking night. I'm at the work because because a bird, that's what you want. That's what you called me to tell me. Don't call you to tell you. You ain't gonna be putting these complaints on me, man, But I'm I'm gone and that's been in talking, man, I bit it in yo, Penny, Wait a minute, hey, look, I'm telling you now do something with the bird then, or that's gonna be some consequestions and repercussions. I'm talking about some fried chicken round it, and man, Penny is like a family member to me. Birds too, can sam the chicken on the car flake box, can tuck your chicken bride. Hey, man, you don't tell me nothing better about my bird? Okay, brother, you know what, Maybe me and you need to square off from front of each other because you don't you don't disrespect betty man? All right, all right? An taking something? All right? All right? I bet that be on my table when I get home. If it's a bird, then I bet that beyall my try the table, man, a man, They ain't gonna sit in disrespect me and try to tell me what you're gonna do to my bird. But you ain't gonna do nothing stupid to better tell you what I tell you? What? See, you can date you at home right now? What you got to work tonight? I bet you get it. I'll bet that tomorrow I bet you we'll be fingering liking good tomorrow man, ain't. Man, Hold on a minute, man, wait a minute, though, what you played do and start talking about what you're gonna do to my bird? Not and told you you file for going to the listening office calling me y'all and now you're on the phone. I'm trying to work this out with you, and now you ain't trying to work right now. First stop you you called me and tell me that it's a bird holding a conversation with itself. I'm I'm a stupid right now. I'm I'm a stupid even continue this conversation excuse with me? I fly to night? Are you serious? Man? Man you do some areas or something like? Man, listen, bro listen, whatever it is, this is a bird or recording whatever if you gotta do, stop to waiting. Its an bird, man, I'm gonna be solid softed if this is a bird. I'm really it's a bird. It's spinning, man, it's spinning you. All you got to do is come to me and we could have had a little like me. Hola, hola, hola. Okay, okay, okay, we're gonna have it like me. And then, first off, leasing office wouldn't give me a name. What's your name my name Chris. Okay, Chris, I'm different. There we go, there we go. Listen, doal I ain't for the past three months, you know what I'm saying. I ain't really been getting no sleep because of this bird. You say it's a bird. I don't believe that. But a bird like a bird. Come on, dog, that's birds for two years. We'll take to work with you is I don't care. Figure something out, but whatever going on up there with you and your bird needs to come to an immediate house or it's gonna be something. Hey man, hey man, what you can't do is threatened me by what's going on in my house. Home man, look kill you ain't been it's being in minny whatever the nine meals. You need to do something with that. It's gonna be some reader. It shows like why am I going back and forth with you about this? You keep telling me something about a virus. It's a bird. What's the problem with it? What's the problem? I understanding that people have pet birds? Say man, I don't give them if you have a pet bird, But really, this how all night long? How do you? How do you? How do you live with this? Then? Come Y'll never shut up, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what Benny told me to tell you, though, God'll tell you what Benny told Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait waite. Chris White White Brother, I don't want to hear what no bird told you to tell me? Can I tell you what Benny told me to tell you? What? What? What? The Benny told me to tell you? This? That? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You took God pranked by your boys, Sean these things? Did I get your? Man? Got me? You got it man, that guy, I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna I'm gonna have to wait to this dude, get armed out and talk to him. I don't talk to much shot about some posing bird. I don't know what's or staff man. I may even do go. I'll be up our night and I'm saying I'm missing, I'm missing my sleep, I'm missing now. I'm saying I'm missing y'all in the morning because I'm broadly hitting the flues. But I got one more thing to ask you. What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, man Steve Harden More in the shot we never something. You know. Your roommate does not have to be a human dude. You know that though there's some people with the other kind of roommates, there's people with ostriches in the house. I got a pair. That's my roommate, Benny, Benny, All right, we gotta get out of here. Thank you, nephew. Coming up next, it is the Strawberry Letters, subject when role playing goes too Far. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the morning show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're reading this one today. And I guarantee you we haven't had one like this up. Hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, all right, subject when role playing goes too far. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am in my early twenties and I'm dating a guy that I've known since high school. He was my high school crush and I always dreamed of being his girl. He had a longtime girlfriend and they broke up last year, so I may the first move to see if he was interested. He was, and we've been dating for five months now. He is a good boyfriend and the sex was as good as I thought it would be. Everything about him was pretty normal until recently when I noticed he had a couple of furry animal costumes in his closet. We were lying in his bed talking and I noticed them, so I jokingly asked if they were some old Halloween costumes. He said no and jumped out of bed to show the costumes to me. He said that the dog costume was his favorite and he loves to wear it during sex. Then he asked me if he could try it out on me. I was so turned off when he put the dog costume on, but I didn't want to let him know right then. I went along with it, and it was by far the weirdest thing I have ever done, and I was just glad that he did not start barking hot during while you were doing it. Afterwards, it was very awkward, so I just turned over and went to sleep. That was a few nights ago, and we have not discussed this incident at all. I do like him, but this has shattered the dreamy image I've had of him for all these years. I'm not into this kind of weird, kinky thing, and I'm afraid he might want me to wear the costumes, wear costume to bed too. I want to ask him if he plans to keep putting on costumes for sex, or or if it was just a one time thing to see if I'd like it, or should I just leave him now and find a man that's not crazy? Please help. I told you we've never had a letter like this, Okay, I gotta tell you, guys, this is kind of a thing. This is kind of a thing, the whole furry costume thing. You know, the thing where where in certain circles in they're called furries and furry circles they have like first, Yeah, it's not I didn't say it was a black thing. I didn't say that. They have furry conventions, they have furry parties, all of this kind of stuff. You've been to some of these parts. No, I'm not into this. Yeah, I've heard about things like this. I just have I don't know on YouTube. You heard about it on YouTube. I've heard about this sure, and you'll just at no, no, no, you type that in, Yeah, you got it in because I've heard about him before. Yeah. Well, yeah, we'll send it. I'm gonna let you see it right now. It's called fury, they're called furries. But I just can't help to laugh at it. Help but laugh at this because the visual of him barking and a dog costume is just funny. I'm sorry, it's just funny. I'm not a furry. I don't think anyone on the show is a furry. But it seems strange, but I don't know. Otherwise, pretty harmless, right, That's all he does is put on the has during I don't know. It is weird, but I mean, he's not harming you or any in any way, or harming himself. Uh. He just he just seems to be a guy who enjoys furry costumes. I'm not judging at all. I don't know this. It's crazy to me, but that's all he did. You guys haven't talked about it. You do have to talk about this at some point, and maybe he'll open up to you. I don't know, but if you don't like it, it's okay not to like it. If you're not comfortable, you have to let him know that too. You'd rather not, you know, do do this. You guys have only been together for five months, so I mean, you know, hey, if you don't like it, if you don't like it, tell him and move on. If you're not interested in this, it was he was okay up until this point. And if it's a thing with you, it's a thing, it's okay to let him know that you don't like it. This hill. Let somebody send me some pictures of fairies. I got that. Yeah, I'm not let me google this first. Girls in her early twenties. This is I needn't introduced this into your sex life when you're in your late FARTI or something. You don't start this in your twenties. I mean where we're going up. First, we got dog costumes inn where we're gonna in. We're gonna end up with a dog in the room at the wire, a real damn dog. Because this type of stuff has to graduate. You know. It's like drugs. If you take enough astra over and over and over, you're gonna need more than two to get rid of your headache, you gonna need more than eight out the wire. So if you start with these costumes, where we going with this now? As we're really gonna be outside killing deal, wrapping up in real deerskin? Where we're going high school? Sweetheart? She had a crush on this man. He was dating this girl. They broke up. She wanted to see if he was interested. They was. He's a good boyfriend. The sex was as good as I thought it was. It reminds me of a song. Why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat? Nothing but the dog in me? This is a story about the dog, famous dog, rhythmic dog, Tommy Dog. Anyway, when you notice a couple of fair animal costumes in his clothes, now see this ain't no one time stop because he got more than one suit hanging in there. He got a few, and there ain't costumes. There is out fits. You jokingly asked if there was some old Halloween costume. Hell now, the ain't Halloween. Jumped out of bed, show you the costume, said the dog costumes and favor he loved a wad doing sex. You should have got your ass about the bed right there. Put your damn clothes home and took your ass. All right, listen, We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Right after this. You're listening, all right, Let's recap today's Strubb recap. Crazy Fool lay in the twenties and messed around, had sexual this boy. Everything was pretty normal too. Recently, I noticed he has a couple of fairy animal costumes in the closet we end up in here laying in bed one night talking laughing, and I noticed, and I jokingly said, today, was you know the mold Halloween costume? He said, hell no, jumped out of bed and showed him to me. He said that the dog costume was his favorite and he loves it wearing doing sex. Then he asked me if he could try it out on me. I was so turned off when he put that dog costume on, but I didn't want to let him know right then, so I went along with it. So you had something with the dog outfit on. I went along with it and was by far the weirdest thing I've ever done, and I was glad that he did not start barking while we was doing it. Afterwards, It was very awkward, so I turned over and went to sleep. That was a few nights ago, and we ain't disgusted at all. I do like him, but this is shattered the dreamy energe I had in him for all these years. You didn't know what he was. Girl, he got way more. There a dog suiting there, a monkey suiting there. Yeah, he gonna come out there. He gonna be caeesared from planet at the age tomorrow next week. Then he gonna be king Coom. Yeah, they ain't gonna come out then. You really are gonna like when he when he come out there with the big ass shoes on, he goofy. Yeah, you're not understanding he got he got feathery too. He gonna be Donald Dug one day. I don't know what to say to this side. This letter to me is ridiculous. I think it's crazy. I don't have no suggestions. If you go to a party, how do you know who under that? You just it's not good. You ain't supposed to be attracted a person attracted the fur right. But you know what, I just think if she should use her voice. If you're not into this and that's not the guy for you, just you know, get out into stuff for you. Right. He liked to wear suits. I see, I'm a neck it man myself. I've done some of my greatest moments have been naked. Nothing, Ben, I don't even want to sock on go that's too much. I stick my toe down there on the on the inside of my ankle to what that little creasy is why I can get that other damn soccer. I can't be in there. I don't want nothing in the where I need my toes, right, yea, no, because I need my toes. My toes grabbed the sheet, I get a little bit more, pushed one of my toes out. But it's dark and here long and somebody coming here with this suito mark, what happened? Now? Well, someone are gonna get the ad because I don't know who he is, and I don't know who ire him. And I just said I do my work naked. Now I see this first suit in him, I'll probably run out that damn window because I'm gonna thank you something. Trying to eat out here now bigfoot in hill. Yeah, I can't do no, it's hard. I don't even like this letter. And shure he's like leave him. Yeah, if you're not into it, just yeah, you don't have to stay around, stick around. Yeah, you don't have to do that. Use your voice. Yeah. And if you don't like the suits, he gonna go find somebody who do. Even if y'all get together. Yeah, And it's a show on Vice lamb about the people to get get this. Got fetishes like that, and fetishes is real. Ain't you're spitting fur out three foot later? Ain't you steady spitting all that out here? But it is a show guys on Viceland called furries fandom, not fetish. Yeah, surely you saw that. Yeah, it ain't nobody from the Washington they doing. I knew I had seen it somewhere. I didn't. I haven't seen the show, but I knew I saw something about furry doing a whole thing. But I don't know. I'm on Viceland, TV Land and no other day, I don't give waters. They dress like jaguars and shark. I wouldn't even wear a movie you was telling me about the other day, Shirley, which one what's the name of that movie? With a man slept with everybody that it's serious that I don't get it may be serious, but I don't see how it happened. Well, he slept with a little girl. It's called mother and the father. Ye, it's called abducted in plain sight, and uh it's a true story. And he was get your ass to This guy was a master of manipulator. I'm just telling you how he did it to that family. It's no way, not really, I don't understand. Back to the okay, yeah, yeah, letter, nobody's stating this little boy with this damn monkey suit on the dog suit, dog suit, monkey suit, cheetah suit. What do you want? You can't come in the bedroom with a damn football suit on't for me? Let long damn monkey suit. Yeah, yeah, she doesn't like it. Yeah. The other costume in there was your simity Sam that they just fury. Yeah, he got all that must so it's called yeah furries. Can't you're talking about boys? Man, tit tried to push upon me. You getting ug to play this man? Say, man, who are you seeing now? Can't say none of it's done. Got a little road run in my life. This was a different kind at the party last night. Yeah, who just get it's funny? All right? Listen, you can email us your Instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM. You're listening all right, So Steve, we had a question for the clo. Actually, it's from a twenty three year old woman. Her name is Linthia from Chicago. She's a virgin. She said she's had the absolute worst experiences with dating. When the topic of sex comes up, the guys usually run. Her most recent experience was with a guy that she had been dating for three months. They had the sex talk, but he didn't pressure her about it, so she didn't tell him that she was a virgin until the very last minute when they were about to do the deed. She says, I told him it was my first time, and he laughed hysterically at me, and he didn't believe me because I was acting so dominant the whole time. He told me that he didn't want a girl that didn't know what she was doing. She says, I was ashamed and I left his house and he hasn't called me since. I don't want to be a virgin anymore. But why is it so hard to find a good guy to help me out? Well, you know, it's the same problem that every woman has in finding a great guy. That's the number one thing with most women who don't have anybody, it's finding a great guy. You'll have a guy that'll that'll be the right guy for you, that'll be patient with you, take his time with you, be understanding, and want you all they want. You just haven't met the guy yet. And if you keep having the same experiences, it could possibly be with the way you're breaking the news and how you're explaining the news, maybe your approach to expressing yourself is a little bit off. Because a dude that kicks you out because I want somebody know what he's doing. He just wants somebody. That's freaking that's all it was. And Steve the fact that she just doesn't want to be a virgin anymore, I mean right, I mean she's aggressive. Yeah, you know you're not. You don't want to be a virgin anymore. That's your decision. I can't not the one to tell you to hang on to your married because if you've made that your mind up, why why would I tell you anything else? You know, but you haven't found mister Wright, you're twenty three years old, You're still very young. Please take the pressure off yourself, because you got the rest of your life not to be a virgin. You ain't out of time, No, Tommy, anything you want to say? Oh no, no, no, no, sir, no, sirly why how are you answer for me? Sir? Yeah, sure, it's the best thing to do at this moment. Trust me. I'm sir, I'm smart. Stop and I know the question. Tommy. I don't think Shirley's gonna let you interject here. You don't realize how smart I am. That's exactly right, Eddy is right there, Okay, exactly right. All right. We'll be back at the top of the hour with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steven Show. All right, Here we go with something funny. This is a story about marriage though um signs a marriage is doomed. According this is according now Jay to wedding photographers. Okay, there's no doubt wedding photographers have seen it, all right, We all hired wedding photographers. Was that the police? Yeah, you guys can't call the police. Sirens and stuff, all right. Anyway, wedding photographers have seen it all and since they spend a lot of time getting to know a couple before a big day. Many can see the signs of a doomed relationship even before the IDEs, even before they're even said okay. Wedding photographers have shared the red flags that tell them a couple maybe headed for divorce. Red flags include here we go, a partner who's completely uninterested in taking the pictures in the first place, could be already married. A couple who doesn't spend any time together at a reception. All right, that's another sigh. That's another relay when her family, he's with his family. You know how it goes. Yeah, here's another one. And couples who aren't on the same page over money. That definitely a red flag. Any relation that was James first, that first man. All right, here's another issue. If a couple has between a twenty and twenty five percent rejection rate plus in fighting amongst the wedding party. Wow, yeah, but other people said that he's not good for you and she's not good for you. Of your friends that you shouldn't beat up with that. Yeah, And a couple couple who makes, you know, like little tiny, little bitty subtle digs at each other throughout the wedding. Not that when we had stuff like that you're an expert at you get a fixed don't get that as I don't think you're gonna be to get in that dress to be which what think you, daddy? Bet so Jay and seems here of course we want you to chime in. It's your I mean when you get through. Yeah, okay, well I'm just about through. But I do have a question to ask you. Did you guys have any doubts? Did you see any red flags? Yeah? Before you got married? The best sign ever ever. And I didn't listen. My daughter said to me. She said to me, Daddy, you ain't got to go through with us. We can just have a party and lead. I have the reception, but not win. Another friend of Matt, Stephanie, said, this was my honey times match you've been married? Which one? Yeah? Yeah, about thirty for Stephanie says that Stephanie's coming to my witch. Stephanie said, and I repeat, now, dog, I catch the next one like it's a movie a flight. Yeah, I'll catch the next one. No, No, I have a short list of things that I have discovered that can happen during the wedding day or reading up to that. We'll let you know the same thing to work. Come on from the wedding photographer perspective. Okay, if at no point do they want to whole hands for pictures, here's another sign at the wedding. If it ain't but one person on top of the cake, the kind of make a cake like that? Yeah, just a bride or just the groove what I'm saying, don't you know? You gotta put me up? And here's the biggest way you could tell this. This this weird and ain't gonna last. If at the reception ain't no gifts on the table, that's a people and just said I'm not wasting my money. Somebody says, so what day is that? Again? Really getting Marie? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. That vacation glow. It is not just being on vacation that makes you happy, that joyful feeling, you know, the one I'm talking about. It starts a week before you leave. You know when you say you're in vacation mode. That's what we're talking about. Seventy percent of people in a new survey said they got into vacation mode Carla several days before they leave. Can we not relate to that? Or what? No? Right? Ten percent said their vacation glow lasts up into a month after getting back from their trip. Fifty four percent said they felt lost if they didn't have a vacation to look forward to, and seventy percent said they need to book a vacation now more than ever. Amen to that. Okay, now, Carla, does your vacation glows start? When? Does it start week before you leave it, you know? Or is it that week of stress with you packing and trying to get everything done at work before you leave? How long into your vacation does it take you to finally relax the whole thing, the count packing, turn in, the memo saying I'm leaving all of it, the above, the above, the countdown, what I'm all vacation, leaving all all of that on the way airport. Social media posted, don't hay baca bayc bayca, and it takes so long for us to get to vacation, but vacation is over like that? Yeah, all right, all right, if you're going on vacation, happy vaka everybody coming up. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening. All right, Steve, we need you again. It's time for right or wrong with your nephew and junior or so you need to be the judge. Ladies and gentlemen. This is right or wrong. This is where decisions getting made. Debatable issues come to the forefront, and I make a decision as to who's right or wrong. Tommy is always the one who wants to know whether he's right or wrong. Now, so far it has been a ninety to him to stay fast that he has been wrong. Well, I think ten percent of time I have agreed with him, but the ninety percent of time, so go ahead tur check this out. Me and him. Actually, for a split second he agreed with me last night. I said, Amber is a little girl that got lost a long time ago, and death one Amber alert came from. He agreed with me on that. I did not agree with you on that you did. What did you say? I said, they named it that just because let people know that people miss That's all I said. I say nothing about this being no Amber alert? What made you even think of that? First of all, I let you know it was a little girl named Amber and that's what That's where Amber alert came from. Then I told you, I said, Foster is a little boy who didn't have his mama or his daddy, and that's where foster home came from. Oh no, right there, But Foster and Amber don't know each other. Do you know what? Well he's correct on am Amber, Yeah, give him that. I might write about Foster though, No, Amber is actually a color. Amber is also a young young girl's name right, My name name Amber? Right? So that led you to say, what now, Foster, it was a little boy who didn't have no mama, no daddy, and they were trying to find a home for them. That can't be right, and that's where a foster home coming. Well, I thought that was a seal foster flake, right, the wrong worse. We were saying that for years. I had a calling foster flack. I love me a foster flake. I know that, you know, since we're just gonna be ignorant, I thought it was a seal foster flake when we called it. Though, that's how you said, foster me to develop y ring about to nurture, to falter, to nurture a situation. Foster is a definition. It's not a little boy. There's people named Foster. Most of them don't end up in care the lead singer of the Sibe, he wasn't the lead saying the singers. Now he played Dr Mean in King of Scottland. Now Forest, let me see where he gets from. And then Forrest Riffin was fighting in the UFC. Stefan and Bonner had some epic back. You're listening all right, Steve. Here we are last break of the day on this Monday. It's been a good day. We've had some fun today. Thank you, and now it's time for you to take us home, get back to work with some closing remarks. You know what, um again. I like to use things that are happening to me in my life to encourage people that might be going through some of the same things in theirs. It's just a couple of piece of encouragements I got this week. So many people have reached out to me man given me love. It's far ways anything else that's going on in my life. I'm actually surrounded by a lot of love and prayers, and I'm actually actually really not even privy to a lot of the swirl that goes around me. Like I was saying, the other day. God's peace keeps me in the center of the hurricane. And I do understand that there's a swirl going on out there, but it's none of my business. I can't stop the swirld, but I cannot participate in the swirld. And by not participating in it nor acknowledging it, it has it has no room with me. If you stay the center of the hurricane and the swirl is going around you, if you're gonna stay, if you don't step out into the swirld, you stay in the center. It's peaceful in the eye of hurricane. The problem is when you get caught up in this world. A couple of people will sent me something. I'm going to share a couple of them with you. You talk about people in your life that you need to kind of get rid of. Somebody sent this to me, says sometimes people have to be escorted out of the VIP section in your life and you just have to put them in regular seats. Sometimes people have to be escorted out the VIP section of your life and you just have to put them in some regular seats. Sometimes we place too much importance on people, period, and we give so much people so much importance that they now have a say, so, they have authority, They got ruled. They get comfortable all of a sudden day in a position and they don't even really mean. There's no good So now here they are they in your life? You then gave them permission to sit in the VIP section, But you know sometimes you need to escort them out. You say, you know what you know? Longer welcome in the VRP section. You could take a seat right over here. Those are only seats that's available. I got the view ain't that good from over here, But those are the only seats that's available in my arena. As a matter of fact, security, could you escort them out? Please? See what I don't do is but I can't stop some people. I just I let people sit up in the stands and say what they want to say, because they're not on my stage in my life. You're not on the same stage I'm on. So why do I allow your insults from in back of the room that I can't hardly nobody here but you and your little fourteen followers. So I've learned that that the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with dust, blood, sweat, and tears. Not to those cold and timid souls in the stands who know neither victory nor defeat. I live like that, all right. Next thing I'm gonna share with you, I'm gonna share with you something about somebody told me about trusting in God. And this is what they sent me. And this is really nice, and it says I asked for strength, and God gave me difficulties to make me strong. I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to solve. I asked for prosperity and God gave me brain and braun to work. I asked for courage and God gave me danger to overcome. I asked for love, and God gave me troubled people to help. I asked for favors and God gave me opportunities. I've received nothing I wanted. I received everything I need it trust in God. Do you know how rich those words were to me today, that someone sent to me, Because what that says to me was, Steve, you gotta trust the process, man, I don't care how it looks. What you're asking for. God is working on your behalf. Now. It might not look that good to some people. It might not even look that good to you. I would imagine those on the outside looking in just look kind of crazy. But you have no idea the what God is working. So when you ask God for strength, and then God give you a bunch of difficulties, guess what to make you stronger? So you ask God for wisdom, and God give you problems to solve. You're asking for prosperity. God give you a brain and some braun to go to work. I asked for courage and God gave me danger to overcome. I ask for love, and God turn around and gave me troubled people to hell what it is. I asked for favors, and God turn around, give me opportunities. I've received nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed. You got to trust in God, man, You got to trust in the process. Y'all. We are all in the middle of the process. We're being processed. God ain't through with none of us. God ain't through with you yet. Do you know if God was through with you that you wouldn't wake up in the morning. But as long as you're waking up, to put a smile on your face, because I mean he ain't through with us. Man, God is processing us. We all in the process. You got to trust the process that God knows what he's doing. I'm over here grinning because of that. Cool because guess what, I know he working on my Yeah, you know why, because he processed me. You know why he processing me because he ain't through with me yet, ain't through with you either. Those are my clothes were remarks. Y'all have a good weekend. I bet you I'll wheel drop it. Man been drawn. Whoever sent you that. Thank you for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.