Regis Philbin, Houston Viral Song, Which MTH and more.

Published Jul 27, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Clappin', hummin', whistlin' and sangin', This is The Nutty Steve Harvey Morning Show!! The Chief Love Officer cuts through on and off, married men, strip clubs and more. A special request for a blender was made at The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem. TV legend Regis Philbin passed away. There is a viral song about Jesus in Houston. We vote on our favorite murdered hit from Fool #2. Someone stopped by Magic City and paid the price. The WNBA dedicates the season to Breonna Taylor. Today in Closing Remarks, the goal still stands and Big Dog reminds us that now is the time to turn protest into policy and so much more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bus bus things and it's not through good Steve hasten to mother for star, don't joy. You gotta use that turn you arm. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, Uh huh, I sure will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, oh man, oh man, God being good to me. Man. I can't explain it all really, Hey, you know, I want I want to remind everybody or something that I need reminding of myself all the time. And I'm I'm dealing with a couple of things now and I had to remind myself, you know what I have to remember to constantly remind myself to stay in constant communication with God. Constant communication with God. You know sometimes you know, I have a tendency and maybe we do all the people. I don't know, but I know for me that when it's going okay, I slack up in sometimes having conversations with him because I'm not coming to him on the daily with something that's pressing or something, and I find myself slacking up in the communication. The danger I have learned in that is this, I think, you know. I mean, we've all heard old people say, you know, you got to stay prayed up, you know, And you know prayed up means you know you got some store it up. You just got an abundance of them. Where you don't you're putting it in. Because what happens is is when you're not in constant communication with God, when you're not constantly praying, doing those good times, that allows for the enemy to slip in and do the little things that can be upsetting. And then the next thing you know it, you get several little things in a role. Now you got an issue you dealing with. You know, I have to remind myself when it's going like that, Man, Have I really been praying though? Have I really been in constant communication with God? Because you know that that helps God against that little bitty stuff coming in. Sometimes it's big stuff, sometimes it's major stuff. But I've noticed, man, that when I get on a more of a smooth plane in life. I have a tendency to slack up in that department, and that ain't the time to slack up. I'm really learning that I have to stay in constant communication with God because it enables me to ward off those little things coming up that can get in the way. And so I just wanted to make you aware of that as I'm learning it myself, that staying prayed up is important. That you try to stop prayers, you know, you try to you know, have some prayers in the bank, so to speak, and just constant communication with Him because it'll just safeguard you against a lot of stuff back doing you. You know, I just wanted to make sure you understood that because on your journey, it's gonna be many obstacles. I've said this a hundred times on the show. The road to success is always under construction. I say that all the time, and it's to let you understand that it's not going to be easy, but we can make it more difficult than it has to be. You know, when you go out strike out on the journey. You know, Uh, let's say I got in my car. Let's say I'm in New York and I get in my car and I say I'm going to LA. I know, if I drive west and continue to drive west, eventually I should get to California, or I may wind up in Portland or Seattle or something like that. But if I drive west, I'm going to eventually get to the West Coast. Now wouldn't it be smarter though? If I mapped out the route, which saved me a bunch of driving, I don't need and figuring that I don't have to calculate when you know the way to go. You know, if you know you want to cut cross on the twenty, or you want to cut cross on the seventy, or you want to cut cross on the ten, you know you got to devise a route. Now, if I want to go visit some people I know, then I know I got to I need to go down. You know, I might go through on how I'll come down on the eighty, then get on seventy one and take that all the way down to the Tin and then ride across. Or I might take it to the twenty cut through Texas and then and then let it link back up on the Tin. I know a lot of different ways, but guess what the best way is to map it out. You can go anywhere, but if you go with a map, it's more precise. You save yourself a lot of time. And that's what prayer has taught me that when I wouldentify, continuously pray that I stay in the in the I stay in a prepared mode, I have more idea of where I'm going. I'm more secure with my route. If you just take off driving heading west, Yeah, you'll eventually get to the west coast if you out east. But guess what though, had you mapped it out, you can see when you're veering off, you may stop, come out and not be paying attention. Next thing, you know, you're on a route and you go on another where you're going north when you could easily still be going west. You've got to constantly be aware of that. And I'm just pointing that out to you because I know that on your journey a lot of times you get sidetracked. And part of the ways we get sidetracked is we lose out on that very the very beneficial resource of prayer. We lose out, we die connection with God get strained. The thicker you can keep the cord connected to God if you thin out your communication with God. And instead of having a big, thick cable, now you're dealing with a little thread. You know, a cable is stronger than thread, and so it just decreases your opportunity. And so you know, I wanted to just make you aware of that, and you know, to ever be encouraging to say to everybody out there and just keep your head up. It is going to be dark days for you. There are going to be situations where it's going to be daunting and hard to face. But man on man on man, everybody has to face these challenges. Everybody get dark sometimes. You know, look, if you didn't lose, if you didn't lose, you wouldn't even appreciate winning because if it all went your way all the time. Do you know how complacent and content and how easy life would be if it just went your way all the time. So when it kept going your way, you wouldn't even appreciate it because guess what, it's been going this way the whole time. So what life does is as its checks and balances. These hard times are coming, and you need the hard times to appreciate the good times. You need the clouds and you need the rain to appreciate the sun and the flowers. It's just when it comes to prayer, though, just stay prayed up, stay constant with it, because the challenges of life are coming, whether you prayed up or not, they're coming. Understand that you could pray every day all day. When you get through praying every day all day, something gonna happen to you. That's gonna be challenging. Now. I would rather have been in communication with God on a regular than wait till every time something pop off to have to go to and reintroduce myself. Okay, it was over at a little around the board with it today, but that's how it came to me, so that it is. I ain't mad at it. Y'all have a great day. We're gonna have a good one day. Let's go. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen. Let's have it your undivided attention. Get it together. Clap fum me, so clap, that's sola. Now sing fum me now, hum from me, whistle fum me, Ladies and gentlemen. This is the nutty Steve Harvey morning showing clapping, harmy whistling is saying yeah. Sherley Strawberry I can't whistle anymore for some reason. Good morning, Steve. Your eyes and your eyes surely close them and then yeah, close them and then try to whistle. Your body. Can't have a bunch of stuff barging out the one time. I know you can't whistle with those lists. Okay, I can't whistle, you can. Oh, I can do way more than whistle, though. Colin Pharrell, all right there, good Monday morning. What that mean you wish? Junior? Come morning? Up morning everybody? Five? J Anthony Brown? What's good on Steve Hobby? What's happening with your boy nephew? Tommy? Yeah right here, whistle, do what you do? It's Monday, baby, Yo. Well I would say how is your weekend? But you didn't have one, so I'm on same day now. I got the quarantine blue. I'm so tired of staying at home. I'm so tired of being alone. Won't you help me? Girl? Just as soon as you can. I just wanna go on a plane. I want to go somewhere. Dun It, I go to the stove, Dunna. I'm tired of go when Dunna, I go to the park. But baby, where is que? Yeah? You just sit there. It's just you're just sitting up here and going straight nutty. Yeah. I do have a friend though, Steve, that's going to Vegas tomorrow. Okay, that's stupid. I think so, and I love Vegas. I mean I understand wanting to go, yeah, but I not yet. Yeah? How are they doing that like every other gambling table? How does that work? Not wearing masks? I do know that it's a commercial where they had masks on the chips. How do you do with your hands? But somebody else hands was on that chip? Yes, I don't know. Oh, I'm gonna have gloves on. I'm gonna have a restorator mask. I have an oxygen tank. I just have fresh oxygen in my nose and the mask. All right, Uh, listen, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, more of them, we'll talk more, and we'll welcome a brand new affiliate, Steve. Get ready for Steve's asked the cello segment right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Guys, it is time to say good morning Saint Louis and welcome back to the ride Magic for nine. Yes, today's R and B and throwbacks. It's been a minute. Hush, Steve back in the lou Homer said to the entertain the guy Torre, Joe Torre, Yeah, all in board, Yeah, all y'all we back, Uh huh, keep on, keep on him all his own off, keep on when you're gonna learn. Ain't nobody bad like we I've been trying to tell you now it's Steve Harvard Martin Shaw. I ain't even got that. I know. Good. Hell where you missed us? It's hard to replace something that's irreplaceable. Yeah, and guess where we missed you too, Saint Louis. Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course Magic one four nine, Today's Morrow Beat and throwbacks. Yeah, we did pad a favorite barbecue. All right? You ready? All right? It is time now for Steve to help some of our listeners in our segment we call asked the clo Saint Louis. You can submit your questions at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. Are you ready? Closly? All right? This one is from BT in Biloxi, Mississippi. He says I've been messing. She says, I've been messing with this guy off and on for ten years, and I just found out he's married. We live about an hour apart, so we meet in the middle to hook up. I always google men when I meet them to make sure they're not serial killers, and I google my sex buddy from time to time. Two and I saw a wedding registry that led me to his wife's Instagram page. According to all of her posts, he's happily married. My problem is two weeks ago we had unprotected sex because he begged me too. I gotta check up since then, and I'm fine, his wife doesn't deserve this, should I tell her? Wow, his wife doesn't deserve this. Okay, So question is what you're doing it for? You said, keyword messing. I've been messing with this man for ten years. I just found out he married. We live a hour on a part ten years and you don't know what dude married because you didn't care. All you was doing was messing with him. So now he didn't bege you to have unprotected sex. You said, yes, now you found out he married. Now you want to tell his wife. Girl, go sit down somewhere. Thank you, go sit down somewhere. You messing with a man for ten years. Messing is to keep So now you've been in some mess. Now you find out he married What what you think was happening for ten straight years of not asking you to marry him? Right there? I love it? Story from iHeartRadio says I'm twenty nine years old and my fiance is weird. When we met three years ago, we went everywhere together, even to the strip club. It's harmless fun and I was able to learn a few new seductive moves to use on my man. As our relationship got more serious, we stopped going to strip clubs. Instead. He ordered me a lot of stripper outfits and cheap heels, and he wants me to perform for him. He has suggested I take pole classes too. It was cute at first, but I'm not going to dance for him every time we have sex. Is this an obsession or just role playing? Should I be worried? He wants you to take pole classes? He'd have bought you stripper outfits. Y'all was going there for three years, banking his funds. You learned some new moves. Yeah, he wants you to strip for him all the time. Stripping turns him on. Ye, Yeah that's what he likes. And yeah, he's gonna ask you to do it. Is it weird? Yeah, I don't. I don't know, she said, isn't Is it an obsession or just role playing? And should she be worried? It's all of that. Yeah, you role playing, It is an obsession and your ass ought to be worried. Now what should she be worried about? Well, A lot of times you just don't feel like dancing, unel. You know, sometimes I just want to have sex. I don't want to have to I don't want to performance. Yeah, to do that. I don't feel like whipping you wait, what take that feather off of my I don't want the feather to night. It's too much. You can't go in with a problem and expect the problem to go away just because you got married. A matter of fact, that it's gonna get magnified. All right, you're on fire tonight, sir are Yeah, Well, I mean it looks like you're helping Jay ask Yeah. Yeah, yeah, you're on fire tonight. Clo. All right. This is from Quan and Kentucky. Quan says, I've been driving trucks for the past fourteen years, and I needed to make more money as our family expanded. I studied to get my CDL license and I started driving long hauls during the pandemic. My wife loves the money, but she doesn't like me being gone up to twelve days at a time, and she doesn't trust the truck or lifestyle and the cheating that goes on. She knows I'm not like that. I make my money and go home. She wants me to find a job in our area, but I told her the money isn't the same. I'm sick of the nagging. Should I give in to my wife and park the big rig or keep on trucking? Well, that's a that's a dilemma because we have a problem now. The real money is when you if is if you go outside your comfort zone. The other money is if you stay in your comfort zone. So if you stay local, this is how much you can make. If you expand, that's how much you can make. She liked the money, but she don't like the cost of making the money. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You have to make a choice. What would you do? I'm gonna keep driving the truble. I've been faced with the alternative many times in my life. Several people YA do this on me? Well, yeah, all right, thank you cello. Tonight coming up next, church complains with the court taking def Jam right after this, Yeah, you're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne will be here with today's national news. Protests continued in Portland, Seattle, Austin, Chicago, and Louisville, and some very sad news from the Innertainment World TV host Icon Regis Philbin has passed away. Our condolences to the Philbin family. We'll also tell you about celebrity baby news for Sierra and Russell Wilson and all the stories at the top of the hour. But first, it is Monday, Saint Louis. Get ready for Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf Jam. They are here with church complaints. We m Father, oh woa Father. We gavel on this Monday morning to hell complaints from the Congregation of ungratefulness, lack of gratituity, and he is their leader, their profound bringer off complaints death and Jam. Deacon excoose me, Deacon deaf Jam, go ahead, right all right, Pastor, Let's get right to it. Sister Betty Barkins, last time, last two teeth. He is all gums now now she wants to church to buy her blended. She wants to blend some fried chickens the blender sixty five dollars. YO, call passed. If you want us to get that for sister Barkin. Well, we're gonna go ahead and make that contribution. And ye take it out of two Fairy fun that was created for the children. We're gonna move that over to the Betty Bunkin Fun. Because of Betty, I think if we keep her health and she do make the best fried chicken. Yeah, I know it's gonna taste blended, but when it's fried, lordest, she gotta blend the crunch out of it though, because you ain't got no teeth, that crunch gonna cut your mouth or pretty bad. Yeah, but we will donated from the two fairs refund for the children. All right, very well, put that in motion. Now, we got some members that are complaining about you doing our church on zoom. They say, you're standing who close to the camera and they're looking way up your nose, up your no, they want to shoot. You're gonna have to back up up. We're not doing that. Or cameraman or Deacon Brown, Jaffery Brown is our cameraman and that's how he shoots his shots, all of them. He's an old school cameraman. He he acts like his zoom is a VCR and that sport is going on. So we can't fix that right now until we get some more young people at the church because right now videographer for zoom his damn this seventy and he not technologically gifted yet, so we need a video ministry. We got another issue. Pass a Sister Wander Jeffers. She i borrowed the church band on Saturday. Now, Brother Titus told her he gave her the Keith. He told her to put some all in the car. Apparently she knows nothing about car. She went to the grocery store about groceries and then came outside and put some canola all in that name. The van is in the Kroger parking lot as we speak. It's gonna cost twenty five hundred dollars to get it back working. What you want to do about that, Well, you say that was Sister Wander. Sister Wander Jeffries, Okay, well we go. Oh, we're gonna send the whack or the whack crew down that w w ac or committed down, then picked the van up, committed the w wac that's the whoop. Wanda ask committed because that's what it's gonna be. Yea, because that's what the hell gonna help putting that down. Cannola in the church bad like she ain't got no sense, damn mind he's doing here? Will wistna go in that car? Shouldn't have many regular terms, shouldn't make me damn make no damn ship all right? And other members, Uh, there's quite a few of them. I asking iftate doing church serpence on zoom when they turned the sound down, does it still account? Is it out right? They just a message you don't. I don't care if you cut the sound down. Just as long as you pay that mission fee for the zoom. You can put it on mute, cute, dilupe. I don't give a damnat, but it is required to zoom in. You must make at least a twenty dollars donation plush ties and do we not letting no restreat me? And you zoom? Yeah, you cut off? You want to Okay, Hey, your twenty is zoom out. You can commodore zoom after that. I like to fly oh way? Yeah, come on now, all right past that's what happened when I let him just use me, just come to me like that. Critical that's one of our one of our members is back at work since the Misty, since the Mistery Williams just back dancing at the strip club. It's it's changed to a drive through strip club. You pay ten dollars and drive through the building. The girls on poles and they on each side of the car. Now I went through, they are ten times trying to talk to her, and I ran out of money, But you grant me two hundred dollars powder. I think I can talk her off that poet. But yeah, I just need We're not gonna be able to do that for or your better fit. Oh just had No, let's just come to the conclusion. Everybody not gonna stay saved. Oh see some people, some people have to backslide, and Sister Misty then obviously backslid. Yeah, so what I'll do the mars, I'll swing through the all right pastor night. Our less fortunate members are coming online for they're not coming online for the Zoom Church service due to the houses look a mess. Now they I guess what we're trying to do and see if we can spend some money so we can get them some fancy backdrops so they won't look so bad. But it's it's a lot of just just nasty housing that's in the background that well, and they don't want to come on that, but that's okay. We're gonna train them how to come on anywhere, and we're going to create a new ministry out of the people, the less fortunate people's houses. You're gonna show their backgrounds, and we're gonna have a committee called that. Ain't you blessed? Now? Committed? We see how other folks is living. Maybe that'll shut you up from all the complaining. Ain't you blessed? Now? Look at Sister Cecilia's house now, ain't you blessed? Now? All right? Thank you pastor thank you deacon for church complaints now coming up at the top of the hour, so you're listening Steve Morning Show, we want to welcome our newest family member, Saint Louis Magic one O four nine Today's r Andbing Throwbacks. Welcome Saint Louis. We have missed you. Yeah yeah, and now listen to me. St Louis. Don't go no damn more. That's right. Stop trying stuff damn sit down somewhere a better radio show and quite hide people that think we ain't the answer because obviously they asked, ain't that oh far back? St. Louis Steve Robin Holliday at the Lub. I love Saint Louis too, man, Yeah we do, yeah, we do. Uh. Some sad news to report. Um TV legend you knew him right, Steve, Regis philbin uh former host of Live with Regis and Kathy, Lee and Regis and Kelly who wants to be a millionaire. Well, he passed away this weekend, this past Friday, of natural causes reaches. His family thanked his fans for their incredible support over his sixty year career. Sixty years. Wow. Well he was a really, really kind guy. Man. We've talked a few times and it was always about neck tie. He see, man, Steve, you gotta teach me. I'll tie your tie. And that was that was just our little running gag every time we saw it. Just a really nice man. I didn't know him other than in passing, you know, when we were talking everything. Always just a kind gracious guy man. Major star though, major star Yeah. And funny he yeah, funny yeah, he would he could laugh at himself take. He was just a funny. I loved watching him on Reach to Kathy Lee and Regis and Kelly loved him. And Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? When it first started out too yeah like the Phone a friend. Yeah, that's a hard show to dude, man, I did it once posted it? Or yeah, I wants to get to the like fifteen thousand dollars, twenty five thousand dollars. I can't read the questions no more because they had words and I have never heard it didn't work out three grands? Man, Yeah, I get up to three grand And then after that, man, man, they had a little earbud in my ear, and they were saying them words to me. Because what you're doing before the show, you're going in and you practice the questions and any words you're have in trouble with, they make note and when they're right, before they get to the word, they say it in your earbud. And I was messing it up to dude, was saying the word from me, and I couldn't say it cut because you know, you got to get it right, because this is people. Once they get up to that fifteen thousand, you know, twenty five thousand. Yeah, yeah, that's usually where people leave. Yeah again, our condolence is going out to the family of Regis Philbin eight. Yeah what a pro eighty eight Yeah. Okay, we're gonna switch gears now and talk about some celebrity baby news. We gotta say congratulations to Sierra and her husband Russell Wilson. On Thursday, they welcome their baby boy when Harrison Wilson w h W weighed in at eight pounds and one ounce. He's a couple's second child. See yeah. Sierra also has a child from a previous relationship with future of course, but just you know, it's just congratulations of them. Yeah yeah. Hu. Also Nellie, we have to say congratulations to him. Saint Louis's own he celebrated his twentieth anniversary of the Diamond certified album Country Grammar. He performed it live yesterday and it's on YouTube if you want to check it out. Ye Downtown baby, Yeah damn yeah, all right, Steve, take us to miss Anne. Please get the ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Trump. Thanks guys. This is and twer for the news. Good morning everybody out there. The body of the late Congressman John Lewis was brought, of course, the infamous Edwin Pettis Bridge in Selma, Alabama, yesterday by horse drawing carriage that suspended where the civil rights icon was almost killed. In nineteen sixty five, a group of young people attempted to cross the Admin Pettus Bridge and sell My Alabama to dramatize to the nation into the world that people wanted simpler to register to vote. They came toward us, beating us at night stakes and bullwhips at the foot of that bridge. I was beaten. I thought I was going to die, But you've dined. Was necessary to make it possible for hundreds and thousands and millions of people to be able to particip beat in a democratic process. It was their priors to pay that sound courtesy of CNN. The police viciously attacked the peaceful protests with sticks and clubs that day. It became known as Bloody Sunday. It marked a critical turning point in the fight four civil rights, though, leading to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of nineteen sixty five. Edmund Pettis, by the way, was a Confederate general and a KKK leader as a petitioner renamed that bridge after John Lewis. Lewis's bodies lying and stayed at the Capitol Building in Washington, d C. Today in tomorrow. His funeral takes place on Thursday. In Portland, Oregon, there were weekend clashes between police and people protesting police brutality, racism, and President Trump's continued deployment of federal forces to the city, something the local officials say has made the situation worse. Protests continued in Seattle, where police Chief Carmen Bess's things went from bad to worse, she said, Demonstrators refused to leave and through rocks and bottles at the officers. And in Austin, Texas, authorities say a motorist drove into a crowd and one person died when he opened fire. Witnesses say there was a car honking, five gunshots, moments later, three more shots. The drive has been taken in custody. More than one thousand COVID nineteen deaths in the US for the fifth consecutive day on Saturday, By the way, at the White House, a cafeteria worker there has tested positive for COVID nineteen. According to the Census Bureau, four out of five. At four out of every ten households in the US have not sent in their census figures. Sally, longtime TV show hosts a reach of Regis Philbrim has died at a year, Regis Hilburn and Kelly Yes, and he will be missed. He was there for a long long time. And finally, actress Olivia to Havelin has died in Paris and at age one oh four. Olivia to Havelin the last living actor from Gone with the Wind. Yes, actually I love it is. It's more than a house. It's a horn world. It wants only to be graceful and beautiful. Oh and they were the curtains for their dresses. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Houston. Nigerian rapper toe Beni Wigwi and his new song try Jesus Not Me went viral yesterday. Take a listen, Try Jesus not Me because I throw hands. Hi jed please don't dry me because I'm fined. I know what he's saying about getting slapped, but if you touch me a mind, we're gonna have to scrab So Hi Jedus, please don't try me because I'm fined. I have no problem laying Jesus. Try Jesus. Don't try me because I throw hands. Try Jesus. Please don't try me because I find why you say sund the other tea life is one point of the babe that just don't sit the array with me. So try Jesus. Please don't try me, because I find I have no problem leading Jesus. Can't you crazy? My favorite song man? Do you know how many times I played that song today? Yesterday, yesterday, Man, I played that song man, probably fifteen times. I sent. I sent that song to Bishop Olma, I sent it to Pastor Charles Jenkins, I sent it to Bishop td Jake's. I sent it to Tyler Perry Thomas. Man, thank you, man, just what I need? Yeah, what did I said? Man? Kenneth Olmer said, Man, me and my wife laughing so hard we almost wrecked out car. He said, Man, you like an oasis in the middle of a desert. He said, boy, I needed this laugh today. Bishop Jake said, hilarious. All right, coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening to Steve Harvey Show. According to the Atlanta According to the Atlanta Journal, Constitution Alabama bid farewell to Native sun and civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis. The remember and service began on Saturday in Troy, Alabama, where Congressman Lewis was born and raised. Then yesterday, a military honor guard accompanied Congressman Lewis's body across the Edmund Pettis Bridge in Selma, Alabama. That bridge became a landmark if you recall for civil and voting rights, where John Lewis was beaten on bloody Sunday while marching with other demonstrators for voting for the voting rights fifty five years ago. Congressman Lewis will lie in state in three capitol buildings in Montgomery, Washington, d C. And in Atlanta. The John Lewis Voting Rights Act of twenty twenty will be introduced to the how today, You know, this is just one of the things I think they should do A small gesture. They should rename that bridge. Oh yeah, for sure, because the bridge right now has the name of the Grand Dragon of the KKK on it, right, Is that correct? I believe they should change the name of that bridge to the John Lewis Bridge. That's that's one small thing I should do, yes, because he spent his life. You know, since Donald Trump wants to let's take credit for doing so much for black people, which I don't know anything he's done for black people. Then you know, I heard him the other day. I heard the other day he say that the Prison Reform Act, and I said, well, that was for black people. But you know what, that's not doing anything for black people. Because you know what sickens me is when people say, you know, you know, we're trying to help you fight for your rights. No, wait a minute, man, why do we have to fight for our rights? For our rights? Yeah? Why don't we just have rights as human beings as Americans as part of the constitution. So I get tired when I hear people say, we're gonna help you fight for your rights. Why do we have to fight for them? Where's our nameable right to the pursuit of happiness? Where's that that's what we're supposed to have. White people ain't got to fight for their rights, So why we got to fight for our rights? So don't act like you're doing a favor when you try to correct an injustice and now we're doing you a favor. It ain't a favor, it's a right. It's wrong to incarcerate people with with with lengthy sentences, that's unjustly done. And to incarcerate innocent people, that's wrong. You ain't doing no favor when you let nobody out. It should have never been in. So y'all listen to me. We got to be careful with this man and allowing him to just lie, and we accept it. He ain't done nothing for black people, and I want to know what he's done for black people. So all y'all supporters that's talking about Trump done more for black people than President Obama? What did he do? What? I'm just, I'm dog. I give him credit if you just tell me what he did. Tell me what he did now, and I'll be quiet. That passed in Cleveland should act like he hadn't done a lot. I tell you that. Yeah, he didn't gave him a check of some kind. Yes, I know he's done a lot for his black behind. Yeah, well, this is something we can all do, Steve, because it is a hundred days until the presidential election, so we can go to when we all vote dot org and get registered to vote day. We're okay, that's one thing, the most important thing we can do. Yeah to Congressman, easy, that's easy, man. We can honor him. He died for voting rights, for civil rights. Come on, y'all, Mama, Luther King, Rosa Park. The list goes on and on. We have an obligation here, let's go and vote. And she's right, Michelle. Obama's right. When we all vote, dot org is where we go. But do you know what would happen when we all vote? When we all vote, Oh, Lord, have mercy. We can change the game. Change. We can change the game, man, And this time the game has got to get changed. Yeah, we have to do our part. Steve, you're right, all right, we're gonna switch gears here and nephew Tommy is here with the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening Stave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject love can make you do some crazy things. Love can make you do some crazy things. Wait for this letter, hey man, Right now, Saint Louis the nephew is here with today's Frank phone call. What you got for us? Nef f P okay IF Funeral Pitching Company. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Darwin Darwin. This is he Hey Darwin, how are you doing? This is Frank with FPC. We're trying to come down and see about making an appointment with you within the next week as that's possible funding for what there Uh we're supposed to come by. I'm with FPC. We wanted to Uh we have f PC. What what what is that? What is FPC? Uh? Sir, your name was left with us and you're you're you're on on our file to actually come out and make an appointment with you so we can UM so we can get your picture taken. You must have your own number. I'm not I'm not signed up to take no picture anything. So okay, Well you are you're darling? Correct? Yeah, yes, I am daring. So you call it darlin and that's what you call it. But anything about a picture? What what's up with a picture? We've got you on our schedule here, FPC. We have you on our schedule to UM to actually for us to come out to your home and take your picture. Okay, FPC? What's company is that? What's what's your what type of picture? And would I be taking? I'm not taking no picture? But what what is FPC? Okay? You don't know anything about a photo being taken of You need no Okay, uh sir, FPC is uh we are this is a funeral Picture company, Funeral Picture company. And what we do is we come out and take your picture and we actually keep it on file. That way, when you do pass away, we have your picture for your program and we have a nice picture for you. Look, I'm not dead right now, you're not taking no picture? Me? Who is this again? My name is Frank. Frank. Okay, Frank, you mean to tell me y'all taking pictures of people before they dath just so you could have the picture. Oh foul. So we're keeping on file and then you have a good picture on your program. And that's what that's what that's what we do. Ain't signed up for nothing like that. Who the hell signed me up for something like that? I'm quite sure. But we're trying to schedule where we can come out beginning of next week so we can get your picture taken next week. Week after you get picture when I'm dead, You're not taking no picture me before that. They don't sound right, sir. Don't you want to have a good picture on your program? So you're not taking the picture of me for no funeral arrangements that I'm not dead yet. I don't understand that. What the hell is this about? Nobody who signed me up for it? Then tell me that much, sir. I don't have the actual person and listen here on who signs you up? But I do have the number and you are Darwin, mister Darwin, so I didn't sign up for that. I'm not taking the picture. You guys running around taking pictures of people before they that just to have a good picture on fail. That's sala man. I ain't never heard of no like that, sir. Okay, sir? Are you? I mean we have your address here? Are are you? Are you available? No? I'm not available. I'm not available at all to take picture for a funeral that I'm not even dead yet. I don't. I don't get that that. That sounds like a much of more and ill, who the hell gave you my number? That's what I want to know, sir. I'm not quite sure, but one thing we have to do is we have to follow through with our job. So what we're gonna have to do is week I have to come out there and take a picture now. So I don't want to, you know, create a problem, but I have to get a picture of you by next week. Oh it's gonna be problem because you're not getting no picture of me for no funeral arrangement. Mister Darwin. I have to come by your house at least by Friday, at around twelve Newon. I'll come by and get a picture of you. Ain't coming by my gout house no Friday, you gonna lie. I gotta me come over here to try to get my mother pitching. I got plenty of got pitching in my house to put on the mother funeral program. I'm not taking the pitching. That mean I'm claimed to be digging. I'm not dead. That's some more bad look got dead. I don't know whe you worked for, Frank, but you got word. I worked for FPSC, Sir, I worked for FPC, FCC. Mike, you ain't not taking no picture of me. Don't come over here Friday. Talk about no guy pissing, Okay, before you get piss them and you, and I hope they got Joe got pitch your on file. That's a stupid got the company you worked for. I ain't never heard of nobody taking a picture before they die. I got meias and pictures in here for that program. And when I'm growing care about what a picture looked like or who hasn't my guy? You know that's a nickna. You tell whoever you worked for they need to go find another occupation. I don't make no guy, just you're not coming over here Friday, buddy. You come over here if you want to. Okay? Uh missus Darwin? Yes, are you familiar with with Glinda? That's my wife? What you about to say? Now? I want all I want to do is say this man. I just want to say, Glinda, the one that got me to prank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy baby from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Huh, I bit up boy yet, I ain't never heard a business like preso FTC Funeral Well man, I said my New year resolution, I was gonna cut back on drinking. But you got me over here about the kip a bottle? Right now? Are you crazy? Man? And come over here to day before get a picture Clintical. You y'all got me, Baby, you got me. I ain't never heard of no company like that. You ain't putting me up to it, but you're gonna. I'll tell you what you're tune in tomorrow morning. Man, You're gonna catch yourself on national radio. I'm gonna tell everybody. Boy, they had me hot over here. I'm gonna don't tell Clanning, but I'm gonna have me a drink anywhere I was looking for an excuse to trayner Dick. They'll put on foul Boy. Y'all. Y gotta have lost half a mine in your head with that and that. Buddy, Man, I gotta ask you something, man, dam and tell me this here. Man, what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Wick Up Show? Buddy, everybody needs a picture taking for the funeral? Why not get it now before you pass. That's a nice company right there. If you come back, huh, what if I go at eight? It? What you gotta night? You got a better picture? You know what I'm saying. You won't look like you do now exact probably taken care of don't Tommy, check that out. That's gotten how you picture. At least you got to picture the way you wanted to be on your program. You see what I'm saying. My family won't have to worry about that. Let's stress for them. Yeah. Whatever you get to wear, it's like a service. Your picture done. Don't matter. You're eighty. You really don't want to pitch. Don't matter what was it shape? At least it's the picture you won't it. Okay, come by the house, take your picture, Get you a nice suit and everything you got you that's your program looking good, and I pose you on. You can be polls pointing at stuff. Watch poles, you know, prisoner? What's that? Jay? Let me see the watch two fingers out? Oh? You know? You know the picture you take when you when when you with the boys and everybody stooping down. I don't know whyt like that? That's prison and the concert, the throwback concert, poles, whatever you want, any of them you can do. Try Jesus not my jail man. Play that one more time for the show. It's gonna be unclosing remarks, right, all right, thank you, nephew, coming up. Strawberry letter, subject love can make you do some crazy things. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steven Show, we gotta say welcome once again to Saint Louis Magic one oh four nine, Today's R and B and Throwbacks. Welcome back Saint Louis, and get ready it is time now for my Strawberry letter. Now, if you need advice to show you had before, didn't hand no strawberry letter. Bet to show you had before. I ain't hand no prank that to show before you have faux damn comedians on it. I bet it. Welcome back Sat Louis Quinn leaving who made that damn decision where he worked? Now? They shouldn't have tried you, Steve, They shouldn't have. Let's try Jesus Lord, not me today. Anyway, It's written from one of our audience members. They need advice, usually on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. So. You can submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could read your letter Saint Louis on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter, Thank you Nephew. Subject Love can make you do some crazy things. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a beautiful black, twenty nine year old woman and I'm in love with a deadbeat dude, but I don't know how to get him out of my system. He's thirty six years old and would currently live with his parents. When I met him, I was the side piece for a year. I got pregnant and had nowhere to live, so he let me live in his car. His parents found out about me and they let me stay with them. Now he's divorced and our relationship is complicated. I found him at a bar with a female recently and I poured his beer on him. He pulled my wig off and we ended up in the middle of the bar arguing. Last week, he went out and came in at five am, and I was waiting up with a pot of hot coffee and I dashed it on him when he walked in. We always forgive each other afterwards, and we know we love hard, but something's got to give. I have lost myself in this relationship, and I know this is not how I'm supposed to act. The worst part is that I cheated on him, trying to beat him at his own game and backfired. I ended up getting a sexually transmitted infection STI and had to tell him about it. My doctor said my boyfriend could have given it to me, which is highly possible, and that maybe why my boyfriend didn't get too upset when I told him. He keeps saying he needs me to be patient with him and give him one more chance. I want my child to be with both of his parents and his grandparents, so that's why I haven't left him. Do you think this relationship can get better or is he too old now to ever change? Please advise? Woo. This is a whole bunch of crazy in this letter, isn't it? Where do I start first? Okay, you said you're in love with the deadbeat dude. I gotta ask you why you were his side piece for a whole year. He's thirty six. You guys live with his parents, but before that, he lets you live in his car, and you were okay with that. Like I said, a whole bunch of crazy in this letter. That is crazy. I mean, there's just so much going on you with the fighting and the throwing, the beer on him in the club, arguing in the club, then waiting for him to come home at five am, throwing hot coffee on him. He wasn't scalded and burned badly, him snatching your wig off. I mean, it's just so much. I mean, why are you guys even together? Why? Oh, that's right, you have a baby together. You have a baby. Wow, this poor baby. I tell you, what kind of example are you guys setting for this baby? You guys are cheating on each other, sties. Like I said in the picture, a mess, just just a big old mess. I really feel sorry for the baby though. And if you guys do not get yourselves together, and you know, don't bank on him changing, because you can only change yourself. Someone needs to be the mature adult in this matter, someone and put the well being of this baby as the top priority and stop with this ridiculous, ridiculous behavior. I mean, I appreciate the grandparents for letting you stay with them, giving the baby at home and all of that, but you guys have to do better than this. I mean, you know, are you planning on staying together? You want to stay together? All you can say is you know, we you love hard This is a little bit more than love and hard. This is some crazy, crazy, kind of sick kind of love going on here. And I don't think you guys need to be together with all of this because the baby's going to grow up eventually and start seeing this. You need some counseling. You guys don't need to be together without that and doing better and getting better putting in the work that needs change. Steve. Yeah, first of all, let me just talk with you. People like this don't go to counseling. They don't, but they need it. No, people like this don't go to counselor. I don't recommend they go to counseling because it's gonna give oh people who need counseling a bad name. So stay y'all's ass out of counseling because done. Nobody needs to be going in behind y'all. See, because the patient that go in after y'all, the therapist is gonna be so jacked up from this ignat as story that they're not gonna be able to help the patient after y'all. See, you can't seeing everybody the therapy. Everybody can't go to therapy because they give patience a bad name. These two ignat asks. People don't need to go to therapy because whoever decline is next day session ain't gonna be worth for damn. Now, when I come back, I'm gonna read this letter. The name of the letter is love can make You do some crazy things. The name of the letter should be everything wrong, cause ain't nobody right. All right, you heard it. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's strawberry letter subject love can make You do some crazy things. But Steve changed it, and we'll talk about it when we come back. Right, everything wrong because ain't nobody right. That's it. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. That's subject you got it, Go ahead. The subject of the letters love can make you do some crazy things. I've renamed the letter to it everything wrong because ain't nobody right. Right now, I will just read this letter back to y'all. Everything in this letter wrong, ain't nobody right. I'm a beautiful black, twenty nine year old woman. I'm a twenty nine year old, beautiful for old woman, and I don't know what's wrong with you? I'm in love with a deadbeat dude. Wrong, but I don't know how to get him out of my system. It's called leaving. Okay, he's thirty six year old and we currently live with his parents. Wrong. The name of his letter is everything wrong, because ain't nobody right? I was the side piece for a year? What wrong? So he was married? You was the side piece for a year? Okay, wrong? Here we go, y'all ready? Yeah? I got pregnant and had nowhere to live, so he let me live it his car. What wrong? You pregnant? Hey? I got an idea, stay in my car? Dog? What his parents found out about me and they let me stay with them. Okay, that was the only right thing I saw on this letter. That was it. After that, let's get on back to horse roll. Now he's divorced and our relationship is complicated. Wrong. Your relationship was complicated when you was a side piece for a year and got pregnant and he made you live in the car, and then you moved in with his parents while his ass was married. That's where it got complicated. I found him at a bar with a female recently, and I poured beer on him. Okay, that's fair. Then he pulled my wig off in the middle of the ball. Now you roll for that dog. You good in hair where you ain't puposed to pull a wig on the middle of the ball. You know she had a stocking cap on. See dog, that ain't that ain't even right. So now here you find him with a woman, you throw bill on him. He pulled your wig off. We end up in the middle of the ball, argu Last week, he went out and came in at five in the morning. I was waiting up with a hot pot of coffee, okay. So you went in his mom and them kitchen and made the coffee okay, And I dashed it on him when he walked in. So now you don't al greened his ass with coffee instead of grits. Okay, I got you. We always forgive each other afterward. I'm sorry I put them third degree birds on your baby. Baby. I'm sorry I snatched your wig off at the ball while we was well, baby, I didn't mean to throw that bill on you right there. I don't know, baby, I'm sorry I got you pregnant. You do kids. That's a lot of damn apologizing. And we know we love hard. This ain't love. This why it's so hard. See when you hear people say we love hard, that ain't love. Y'all fighting. I have lost myself in this relationship. This is not a relationship, I notice. Is not how I'm supposed to act. This ain't how you supposed to live. The worst part is I cheated on him whatever the worst part. No, that ain't the worst part. The worst part was when you was pregnant living in that car. That was the worst part. The other worst part when he had his your wig in his hand in the middle of that damn. It's a lot of worst parts in this letter. It ain't that you cheated on him, trying to beat him at his own game and it backfired because he go the worst hard. I ended up with a sexually transmitted infection. I don't know what that is. That's STD. Don't try to change you had. That's as no infection. That's a damn disease. That ain't corona, that's virus. Now, yeah, this is a sexually transmitted this is STD. Don't call it s t I. This ain't still. This is STUD. Don't try to change this. That's the other worst part. My doctor said, my boyfriend could have given it to me. Oh that's your out now, which is highly possible, and that may be why my boyfriend getting to to upset when I told him, baby, you know we got an infection. Really, I cheated on you with a man and you might have something I ain't. Then I guess what he said? That's cool? Hey, baby? So what's for dinner? He keeps saying he needs me to be patient with him and give him one more chance. What he didn't flipped it on you. I want my child to be with both of his parents and his grandparents, so that's why he left it. Do you think this relationship can do better? Or is he too old and to change? Y'all just wrong for each other. Y'all wrong for each other. You need to get out of there, all right? All right? Post your comments at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Coming up in forty six minutes after the hour j Anthony Brown's Murder the Hit voting results. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, Jay, on Friday, you asked the listeners to vote on which Murder the Hit song they wanted you to finish right, Yes we did. We had to. You'll first time to vote, the second time you vote will be to get Trump out of office. So I gave you three songs. The first song was Dumb Brother. Stevie wanted to check it out. Don't you are dumb? You are? You are? Brother? Take on that best, take yours home. You need to leave politics alone because you're coming off like a real rim dumb brother. Okay. The second song we did was ain't on sports, ain't on sports, and on sports sports time is gone? Hit it ain't on fun Time Sports, sing until this virus goes away, ain't a fun time Sports, ain't on? And Lebron top hair is gone and someone played. The third song was to the to the tune of Will smith Men in Black. Song was we don't want you back? Hit it. It's from the jab, It's from the j A B. You never really had a back and that's a fact. And really need the marks up our country back. So take a tip from me, ja be with other lines your tone. We could not believe. We don't want you back, and eat back. We gonna want your back. You're eating no building back, love it Jao the votes are and we've we've talented up all the votes and the winner is we don't want you back back, baby, Glad. We all want something. Ga. He did a break what voting can do, and that's gonna be our theme song for the next one hundred days. Okay, we don't want to We can't take four more minutes of it. We don't want you back. Coming up at the top of the hour, junior sports talk, I said, a junior, an NBA player, left the bubble in Orlando and went to Magic City in Atlanta. We'll talk about it. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior, come on with your sports talk. Surely, Anne, I told you this is not sports talk, but it's just something we heard going on in sports. What we have to that's all we got. We got no games on son. You heard, all right? Louke Williams of the Los Angeles Clippers will have to quarantine for ten days after he left Orlando, and get this, went to Atlanta to go to Magic City. This boy here gonna throw your whole career away behind Magic City. He had an excused absence for a family matter. But when he got back the NBA security asked lou where did you go? And then he just said Magic City to get something to eat. That was it. And then then he said and there were no performers there. No performers, wasn't now no glitter, wasn't now had to say it was no performance us had to say that. But why would they be open under Steve. But there's no reason for a strip club to be open to sell chicken wings that ain't want to like their money. When he don't know if no dancers are in Magic City, the kitchen help will come out and dance for you. Why not the same It's not the same, but you will get a dance they get well. Rapper Jack Harlow Crazy rapper Jack Harlow posted a picture of lou but then deleted it, said it was an old picture of Loui and he was just reminiscent. Now this sounds crazy. I don't know he come on late. They already saw it, said Steve. So again, Luke got a quarantine for ten days and we missed the first two games of the restart of the season. That's uh July thirtieth, end of the the game against the Lakers and the first game August first. He'd been playing the New Orlean Pelicans. So that's what he did. That's what you know. All for them, Chicken waite and chicken whine is strong the make. They are good. But there's other places in Atlanta you can get way he got. He was in Orlando. You left Orlando. He went home first, y'all. Man mad, but immediately bust the right to Magic City. Hey man, gonna pull him. Let me go ahead and get the win. I need what he good dozen, We get the dozen he wants. He bought everybody win. I know. Coacher's coach. Yeah, I'm sure. Yeah, man, that's your point guard. Yeah, man, he's two games. That's two. That's two games they're gonna You have to think, man, you gotta think. It's consequences behind everything. Man, that's probably the toughest lesson to learn growing up. M Oh yeah, you're right, Stu, for all of us. I mean that was that's a tough one to learn. The consequence And the older you get, the more severe the consequences. And that's the thing I try to tell my kids. I say, hey, look, man, you're gonna make mistakes in life. You're gonna make them till you leave this earth. I just want you to know, the older you get, the more costly those mistakes costs. So you want to try to limit them. Now, families, you got all of that going on. They got to drive you. You you shut up? Well it's crazy. Then I'm just saying they have a draft? Okay, okay? Does does he have a new nickname? And wing man? I mean, hey, lou, you're running wing with anything if you ain't got them wings, not say if they change change the recipe to them chicken wing, you would still say they were delicious for reasons. They can take wing stop wings in that which has very little meat on them. Same response. They're not the same, They're not the same size. It was a hanging down. Well, thank you, junior. What time for the birthday? Girl? What time coming out? Marrow? Today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Stry Morning Show, all right and trending w NBA news. On Saturday, during the w NBA game between the New York Liberty and the Seattle Storm, the Ladies walked off the court into their prospective locker rooms as a sign of solidarity for the Black Lives movement uh and also both teams held a twenty six second moment of silence to honor Brianna Taylor, who was murdered we know, by Louisville Metro Police when she was only twenty six years old. The w NBA has also dedicated their entire season to Brianna Taylor. I did not know that. Oh yeah, yeah, stuff, Yeah yeah. Everybody's making statements and they're not allowing the president to change the narrative. They had Black Lives Matter on the pitching mound. I thought that was a boy. I mean, he's going and we ain't breaking the lawns. We're just protesting. It's a big difference. And you know something, y'all, And that's why the role that we have to play now in this whole protest is at the polls. Oh yeah, when we all vote dot org, everybody should go. There's real simple. It is easy to do when we all vote dot org. I'm telling you the best message to send to him in November is to vote. We don't. Won't you back You're leaving in November. You're right, Steve, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. We want to welcome our newest family member, Saint Louis Magic one O four nine Today's r and Bing throwbacks. Welcome, right, Saint Louis. We have listed you, yes, and now listen to me. St Louis. Don't go no damn more. That's right, Jeeves, stop trying stuff, damn sit down somewhere better radio show and Quinn hide people that think we ain't because obviously they asked, ain't. Oh five back Steve, Robbie Holland at the Lub. I love Saint Louis too, man, Yeah, yeah, we do. Uh some sad news to report, um TV legend you knew him, right, Steve, Regis, philbin Uh former host of Live with Regis and Kathy Lee and Regis and Kelly who wants to be a millionaire. Well, he passed away this weekend this past Friday of natural causes. Reges's family thanked his fans for their incredible support over his sixty year career. Sixty years. Wow, Well he was a really really kind guy. Man. We've talked a few times and uh, it was always about necktie. He see, man, Steve, you gotta te me on tell you tie. That was just our a little running gag every time we saw it. Just a really nice man. I didn't know him other than in passing, you know, when we were talking everything. Always just a kind, gracious guy man. Major star though, major star. Yeah. It's funny, yeah, funny, fun Yeah he would he could laugh at himself take He was just so funny. I loved watching him unreach to Kathy, Liam and Rechison, Cali loved him and who wants to be a millionaire? When it first started out, oh yeah, like phone a friend. Yeah, so you're fine. That's a hard show to dude, man, I did it once posted it or yeah, yeah, I wants to get to the like fifteen thousand dollars, twenty five thousand dollars. I can't read the question no more because they had words and they have never heard it didn't work out three grand, man, Yeah, I get up to three grand. And then after that, man, man, they had into the ear board in my ear and they were saying the words to me. I was messing it up. The dude was saying the word from it. I couldn't say it. Cut coming up. It's our last break of the day. All right, magic one on phone in out, in out. You don't stay Ustad, we need you to right, all right, Saint Louis in my Grandma. Also coming up, Saint Louis closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, here we are, guys, last break of the day on this Monday. Yeah, it's got a good Monday off. Any anytime you take the Monday, it's a good Monday. I mean yeah, affecting you that one is a good money right. Okay, that's where I get keep it perspective, Grandma. All right, as usual, Um, as as as I promised I do. Um, I'm I'm gonna do everything. We are going to do everything in our power to get all of our listeners, every last one of them, to the polls. And as you go, I want you to make sure that you take five people. Look, man, we cannot afford to miss this opportunity to so to show Congressman John Lewis, that we appreciate all he did for voting rights, for the Civil Rights Act, that we are going to show all of the people Rosa Parks, Mary Luther King, who gave you, who put it on the line for us, the all of our ancestors in the years before, just so we could vote. This is a critical election you all. Staying at home is not the way to do it. Staying at home will only give this man four more years. We cannot afford four more years of this guy, because I think that he will forever change the way politics is done if we allow him for more. Because the all he's gonna do is create another impostor. Someone is watching what he's doing, someone has watching all the stuff he's gotten away with, and we're gonna have a worst president than that if we don't stop this type of type of behaviors as we see it, If you let him get back in office, what it says to that young senator out there that is looking at the president saying, Wow, when I get in there, I'm gonna do this, this and this then, But if he don't get re elect that that will send a clear message to them. No, if we see this, we're gonna We're gonna rescind it. We've got to get to the polls and vote. Man. This is such a very, very important election. We are one hundred days away from the election, just one hundred We have got to vote. Go to when we all vote, when we all vote, dot org and register to vote. There are some states where you can start early voting. Right now. We're gonna be giving this information out, but listen to me, man, We've got to vote people. We've got to take all this. Do you see what's happening in im Portland. Those aren't massive numbers of black people. Those are non African Americans protesting. Do you see what's happening in Major League Baseball? Do you see them kneeling before the Star Spangled back? Do you see before the national anthem? Do you see them holding head? Do you see what's happening in the w NBA. Did you see what's happening in the soccer leagues around the world? Do you see what people are doing on our behalf. We've got to take it across the finish line and finish the job. This should not being more important to them than it is to us. Can't nobody be hustling on this issue harder than us. We've got to out hustle everybody on this issue so we can turn these protests into policy. And the only way to turn this into policy, we got to vote these people out of here man, these people in here man that don't really care about us. President Trump said he's done more for black people than any other president other than maybe Abraham Lincoln. Do you know how ignorant that statement is to make to black people, Like the last time someone has done something really big for you was they freed you. What do you understand what he's saying and me giving you prison reform, I'm helping you fight for your rights, sir, do Why do we have to fight for our rights? That's what's wrong. Don't you get it? The system is jacked. If we have to fight for our rights, why are we fighting for something we should already have? When you make that statement, when black people have to tell you that we're fighting for our rights, that's an injustice right there. We shouldn't have to have to fight for some rights. Just rights, man. The right to the pursuit of happiness, the right to vote without obstruction, the right to live where we want to, live, go to school where we want to go. Man, those are just basic human rights. We have to re up on the Voters Rights Act. Do you know that that's up again? The Voting Right Act is up again? Are you kidding me? We're waiting on the Senate House to bring that to the floor to pass the Voting Rights Act again. Why do we have to keep passing the damn Act for us to be able to vote? Are you kidding me? Y'all? We got to vote, man, We have to vote. Brothers, sisters, we have to vote. We didn't protest it, we didn't done everything. It's time to push these people. We got to show them our power. Black lives matter. But they'll really believe they matter when they see us at the polls. Oh, when you hit them in the pocket, when you hit them in a position of power, when you start threatening that you have the undivided attention. When we all vote dot org, go today. If you're not sure, if you registered, go today. When we all vote dot org, don't late, don't wait till the last minute to do this. Let's all go now. When we all vote dot org, Thank you. I'll be back tomorrow, same damn message. Thank we gotta do our part. Steve, You're right For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void, We're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com you're listening to