Regina Hall took timeout of her business schedule to talk about her new movie, “Girl’s Trip”.
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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all back all, suit all looking back to back down, giving them mo like the mozing buck bus things and it's Cobley'll be true good at Steve h Yeah, listening to me together for ste Barbey. Why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, by joining me have same way. You gotta use that turn Yeah, you y'all go. You gotta turn to turn turn lovey got to turn out to turn turn want to go? Comey, come on your thing at it? Uh, that's your will. A good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on, dig me now one and on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Hey man, back in business too? Man Man? How good is God? I mean, really, if you think about it in spite of all that's going down in your life, first of all, it could be worse. But secondly, sometimes you have to remember. And I've just had to have this conversation with myself this morning. That's how I'm fresh on this one right here. When a challenge faces you, are you going through a difficult moment or you didn't hit a bump in the road in the middle of that. If you could manage to be grateful, it would take you a long way. Gratitude is a powerful resource if you can be grateful in the middle of it. Gratitude is a powerful resource when it's dim for you. And a got a little bumpy on the road and he ran into some obstacles, and you didn't ran up into some d tools signs, and your journey ain't smooth as it was last week or or last year. You gotta be grateful for the things that are going right and that have gone right, and for the thing that's wrong right now to get right? Man? Can I share that with you? Man? Is that a tough one to learn? It is for me. It has been one of my toughest challenges is to learn how to be grateful because it's a powerful resource, but how to be grateful in moments of despair when it ain't going right. See here's a mistake I would make. See when something go wrong, I want to focus on the wrong so much in an attempt to fix it. But even then the focus ain't always in to fix it. The focus becomes, Man, this is bad. Man, I can't believe this is happening. I just keep going down. That doesn't fix anything, you know, mealing over it, going over what's wrong, explaining it, sharing it with your friends, you know, making it sound worse than it is, tell the story for pity from other people. All of that right there, has nothing to do with the fix. Sometimes you're just mulling over it. You're just making it worse. You're just making it a bigger problem. You're you're manifesting it into your atmosphere, You're putting it out there in your spirit. Now all of a sudden, it consumes your day. Next thing, you know, you're having a bad day. If you're having a bad day, it's because you've been having some bad thoughts. So what I've had to learn how to do, and what I'm working on this morning is I'm working on the situation that's been cropped up. I was going kind of smooth here for a minute, and now I even got real bumpy in the road, you know, and all this here. So what I'm thinking about now, though, is even though I've hit a bump in the road, and even though I've ran into a detour, and even though I've hit this love, I'm going down into a valley. I ain't up on the peak. Can I not still be grateful for all the things that God has given me, for all the things He's done for me, for all the things he's brought me through, and realizing that even this that's happening to me again is going to pass too. He gonna get me through that attitude. Come on, man, God is a good god. Man. It's a lot to be grateful for. So while I'm tripping on this bumping the road out and here, what I gotta remember is all the things He's done for me. And like I said, my saying is joined depression cannot reside in the same place. So instead of being down about this new bumping the road, if I'm constantly filling my mind with the thoughts of how good He's been to me, of what all He's done for me, of all the things he's brought me through, of all the blessings He's presented me with, when I go down that list, I really don't have a lot of time to mull over the situation. Now. Do I have to fix this bump in the road. Of course I do. Are There's some things I'm going to have to do the straighten it out, of course it is. But Steve just going to get the business of doing it and straighten it out. What you're mulling over and wearying about it for you know, old people. I heard old people say something I was growing up in the church. They say, if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it. But if you're gonna worry about it, don't pray about it. That's an amazing thing. And prayer just happens to be my weapon of choice. Now it ain't always been that way. I want you to understand that my first weapon of choice was you do it to me, I do it to you. You called me out. I called you out. You say something bad about me. I've tried to find you say something bad about you. That was my weapon in the past. How did that work out for you, Steve? Not so good? Because you know what, I spent a lot of time fight back, kicking back, swinging back, when I could have spent all that time climbing. See, all you're trying to do at the end of the day, folks, is have a better life than the one you got. All you're trying to do is to improve your position in life. You know, it's not my business to make sure you don't get where you're going. Ain't got no time for that. It's not my job to assure that you ain't as high as me. I ain't got no time for that. Your real mission and purpose is to have the best life that you can have, to as sin to the highest plateau that you can get to, to make your family as comfortable as you can, to provide as much as you can for your family. But legally, see, those of us are sitting up here trying to come up with sideways. You can ask a couple of million men sitting in prison today how they wish they hadn't have done that, and they'll tell you, Oh, man, I wish I never had did it. I knew not to go down there. Something told me not to go down there. Man. If I could change things, I would. But they're sitting somewhere doing some time that had they made another decision, they wouldn't have to do now. I don't make them throw away people, no man, because everybody makes mistakes, and God is in the forgiving business. And some of us have done some things that really broke the law, and a whole lot of other things and deserve to do some time. But through the grace of God, we didn't. But now we set up here and we passed judgment on people who got to do something that I don't care. I don't care what you've done. God can't forgive anything, but our position, our motivation in life is to try to have the best life we can have and provide for those around us and make it comfortable. If that's your ambition, you don't have time to worry about or concern yourself with another person. And I wasted time doing that, and that's not the way to get it done. It's simply mine to your business. Taking care of you and getting yourself right and tight. Is twenty seven so that's a full time job. So what I had to learn was and what I've the reason I've chosen prayer as as my weapon of choice now is that now prayer helps me that I don't have to fight back. Now, if I get cornered, I'm gonna fight you. I ain't even gonna lie to you. And now I'm still working on some things that trigger me. You know, you know you know and and and and so I'm I'm I'm I'm slowly getting better at that. But I've learned that my weapon of choice is prayer. Now, So when it happens ugly for me, I pray about it. When you get tight and dismal for me, I pray about it. And the thing about prayer, man, is prayer changes things. Yes it does. Now you ain't got to believe me. Read about it and try it. Prayer changes thing. Every faith, every faith implements prayer. If you are in a faith that's about anything. Say, I don't care what religion you choose, don't make me no difference, but all religions are based around this. Here there is a God, there is a connection to God, and there's a relationship with God. You gotta get all them three things together. I don't know if I explained it right, but hey, listen to me. Man, I don't care what you call God, but you do have to call him. And when you call him, whatever name you got attached to it, that's your business. But the deal is the relationship is in the prayer. Is you talking to him, waiting on a response, him asking your back, that's a relationship. Try to have a relationship with a man or woman without talking back and forth. See how long that one go for you, See how well it goes. That's the deal. Okay, come on, prayer as a wonderful weapon. You're listening to top top top top top of them owning. That's right top of the owner. It's Steve Harvey Mourner show and Stevens out. But the crew was in and We're gonna make it do what it do. I'm gonna make it do what it do. Not We're gonna make it do what you do. It's the one and only the nephew holding it down, and the crew is here. The beautiful ladies, Oh, ladies, ladies, latest ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies, ladid the ladies in the bill and call the ferrel and Shairley Straw Barret, haughty nephew. Good morning everyone, Happy Thursday, Happy, happy Thursday. And the bars are here. Money out there Now what is going on is thay? Yeah, I know almost there, almost to the finished. Almost hump day, that's what they say from way behind on my humping on hump Yeah that was yesterday. I cared all the messed up. What you're saying, I care is the hump all the way into the weekend. I don't win. Well, I'm dating a humpback drop, So that's a whole you don't see much of them anymore. She's the last, the last one, the last stupid. That is so wrong, That is so wrong. But the people that I'm dating Wilson right, I got taber. Yeah, opened the back inconvenience or is it? No? Not at all? No, no, no. The we take a shopping at humps Us. It's a clothing store out in Santa Monica. They sell to only the humpbacks. Well, you can show up online if you don't be seen, and humps shipping to the house people dot com. Yeah, it's kind of confused because it hasn't depend on what side your hump is own. You know, if your humps on the right side or the left side, you just you can't just buy stuff if you got a hump on the right side or a left side jacket, you know, you have you have to go on the left side hump part of the store. Okay, so my bad. I thought it was just in the middle. Someone middle humps some middle hump. Yeah, okay, wow the things. You can have a low hump. You can have a low hump, yeah, very low. Yeah, it looks like a high ask but it's not. It's just say, did that have anything to do. Tommy would know that that, Tommy would know we know that area. Yeah, okay, I'm not a humper, a butter backer, you are. They got back? Oh my god, Jake, So the relationship is going well, you look happy you're asking because al right, listen, it's that time of year, everybody. We're going to talk about family reunions when we come back. Alright, family reunions. A lot goes on in those family reunions. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, as promised, a lot of family reunions going on this time of the year, you know, summertime, fourth of July, all of that, Carl, You're going to one this weekend, right, family reunion. Well, family reunions this weekend in New Orleans. Yes, my Ami, it's time to celebrate families all over the world in churches, backyards, restaurants, amusement parts, and yes, a summer meeting at prison. Nevertheless, it's it's a family reunion. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't know that people do go to the prison to have a little gathering, a little gathering. I don't want to leave nobody out. Nobody should be left. So so in lieu of all of that. In light of all of that, The Steve Harvey Morning Show is going to take you to the sounds of every family reunion. We'll give you the sounds of what it sounds like. Yes, that the mood. Yeah, this is what you're here. Yeah, these are some of the things you'll hear at the family reunion. I can't come of them. Leave she's pregnant, little that. Oh, I cannot stand her with her booze yourself talking about me. I didn't stop the woman for coming here. They're coming here? Has the boy? Mama? What the hell are you doing here? They always breathe, they always take more did they bring? I tell you what I always knew even different. I always knew she was different. Okay, all he was doing was dancing. That's how we're going dancing. We can't dance. Look, look, you're trying to break you're trying to break me up with my family. All right. I told you I'll call you later, and I say that all right. Okay, Now this is after the alcohol. That was before alcohol. As we take you through the sounds of the family reunion is after alcohol. Okay, here we go. I didn't say your baby was stupid, I said, he was acting stupid. He all I said is you you didn't pay me? All right, whatever, whatever. You wouldn't have this problem if you dated your own race. We leave when I say, we're ready to leave. Okay, I don't know why she said that. I ain't never seen that woman in my life. I don't know what. Damn it. Next year, y'all picked the T shirts after alcohol I designed, get that making prone from her, I don't get it from my dad. Get her from up dead. I need to hear that. Get her from up dead? Everything is everything robbing, Go get that baby from up dead. When we hear that, well, why do you have all that foil? Robert? What did all that? You're not taking all that food this year? She's not in the boom shocking out of hell. No, no, the white lady you would like? I said, like I said, he wouldn't have had that problem had he dated his own race. I'm not gonna say it again. Can't stop the one from coming. Yeah, I really don't like the shirts. What's wrong? I'm telling all right now, tell you right now what Margaret made him his happen? Did that Larry's boy free? Right? Yeah? Keep talking when you go to the restroom, because we know how you are. Keep talking, we know what you do. You still and take the spoons, which come come in, come in, because I nobody ever said come in. That ain't your dad, that's not you. I'm tired of it every year y'all think that's that's not your daddy. Wait a minute, I don't know. I don't know if she sleep or is she dead. I don't know. Dad. Right here, come in, come in, come in. You're on that stuff again. You're back on that stuff again. Oh my gosh, Look at Betty. I thought he was. If you don't we want to last? Why she got that on? What? Why does she's too hot? Out of here for a let cheeks? At the family reunion, she's standing in the kitchen an hour and half. Ain't wash your damn plate? Not one plate? Ain't will Is there a beard you on your kids? What is that? What is that? That's wrong? And now all that tworking on any Look at that they ain't dancing? Get your hands off your knees? And whose baby is that? Right? There? Is that? Ah? Y'all don't know nothing about this. No, we don't know. We don't know nothing. About that. Don't know about it, Sit down, don't know about your kids, don't need to see that. I ain't question. I got a coition ship. But how long are they gonna wobble in their versions? They've been wobbling for seven minutes. Now, I know you ain't been drinking my crown. I know, damn well, you ain't been in my purple bay. It's out here for everybody, the family. This ain't in the budget. We laid out money. We could drink what we want to drink. How many places is she gonna get? How many? Listen? Everybody got to eat everybody clubs lay it. Okay, you can't cut down clubs late. Don't go with the book, go back right now with the boat. I don't want to start nothing. But these are some ugly shirts. I heard that. I heard about a T shirts. And they say it one more time, say T shirt on time. Let's see what happens. They look at big Mama, Look at big Mama. She's keeping up. And you can wobble, but your fail in school wobbling all day? It up like I said, Like I said, we wouldn't have this problem if he is stuck with his own race, right, girl with me. That's who she went. Okay, this problem uncer line, un Uncle Ray in the back with your wife. New you, Timmy's run that break back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with today's national news. But right now the nephews up with run that prank back next you. This is Apollo Awsome trumped up charge Apolo? No knocked that Appolo a mild Polo? Hello? Hello, uh this yeah, hey man, my name is Virgil. Who is this right? Who? Who is it you're speaking to? Marcus? What's no? Okay? Marcaus? Let me ask you something, man, y'all. Y'all, y'all have messed up. Y'all, y'all didn't got Apollo arrested last night on some trump up charges? Man, hold on, I'm lost head? What what what is this you're talking about? You gotta Polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges? Who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa? Sure you got it right now? Man? No, man, y'all, you you and you and you and a t C H. Yeah, okay, this is a TC now telling Now what is this about Apolo. Who is Apollo? I don't I don't know what I'm talking about. You got, y'all got a Polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. You know not he down come and and and and if there is somebody present charges. So now I got to figure out how we're gonna I'm gonna get Apolo out of jail. Hold on you, I need call to go down. Tom ain't going in, so Apolo can come on bunk the brakes. Boss. Listen to what you're saying. Now, you calling me about somebody that I don't even know. I ain't even I don't know no Apolo, you know your I'm I apologize for your homeboy and and and and everything going down, But I don't know nobody name Apollo. I really don't know. I don't know what you're talking about. So you know, y'all, y'all y'all ain't called the police last night. Ain't nobody called no police? You you ain't called You're gonna sit here a lie to me and tell me you ain't called no police last night. Let's take this back. Now, Now, what's your name? Man? My name is Virgin And now now how you come about getting my number. Don't worry about how I got you know, my guy that you're the one I know you're the one got Apollo arrest on these Trump charge, don't worry that how you know? Well, how do you know where I live? So I live a boy of you? I live in nineteen nineteen ninety so or you're the one that got the loud barking dog. I don't he My dog gives a polo, My god, Apollo. Man, you got me thinking that you're talking about some human being. You're sitting here calling me about something animal, something my dog. Listen, man, First of all, charge, no ever deally you pressed in charge. Hey, listen to get my dog out of jail. Man. And then you need to listen to what you're talking about. Man, you're calling me about some animals. Listen, we called the front dead people about disturbing. Every time we look around, we hear your dog. So you might need to take it over with whoever that's in charge with the apartment complex, because that's who we informed about Joe Lio dog. Now you know you're calling me. How you got my name? I don't know, but you need to check this out. And and and talk with the people that's in charge of the apartment complex. I'm taking it up with the person that cubs that father complaint. They got my dog arrested last night. Not my dog down there or some trump really charged really really ain't even read read Apolo he writes or nothing like that. Really, you're really talking. Listen to what you're saying dogs, man, and it's all let's call to you, man. I think you need to huh you need some counselor or something box because you're talking about a dog. How can a dog get arrested? You need to Uh, this is crazy. Listen. I don't think we got anything else to talk about, man, because now we got we got to talk about a polo. Man. How how you gonna go down there to get him out of jail? And you need to have him be here back to by the this this evening. I ain't even to go through this without my dog being here. This man sounds crazy, baby, this man calling me about a dog being arrested. This is the dog that be balking. There's a point Alo, man, Apolo is as as a family member and you have got him arrested. Bad football? What and man, why would you do something like that. Man, how about this you and that dog. Don't be calling me no more talking to me about some dogs that I ain't got no control over. You need to take this out with the police or whoever called. Ain't nobody calling the police? Did you just safe? But Polo? Man, listen, did you just say that you heard what I said? Okay, okay, hey man, I'm not trying to argue. Okay, look, look, let's let's just let's just do this ship. Is it anyway you could just come down there with me this evening and drop the charge. Come down, well, come to the police station. Man, Well, Polo went dog? He done. Listen, listen, I'm not trying to hollow he down there on some trump up charge. If you came, pick him out in the line up if you want follow they got no friend? Man. Uh listen, man, do you really hear what you're saying? Now? I know they say man best friend is a dog, But you're taking this a little bit too far now. You need to really listen to what you're talking about. You did and all this what you got a problem with this instant the front death and the police. If you got your dog, just really don't make any it's right now to me. Now, I apologize once again about your dog, but I think we have our business finished, right man, because I tell you something. Let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you this right here, Okay, Markers right, yeah, okay, let me tell you this here. You're trying to testify against try to testify against against Polo and see whatever in the world. Listen, man, I'm gonna tell you like this, you Apollo, anything else that you got to say about this situation right here? You found my number, you found you know where I live? You just come to see me? You you really want that. I'm about to be through with phone call. Man, I tell you what. I'll tell you what. Let me say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here to try to try to try to get on the stand and testify against a polo. And I promise you, dog, you're gonna have some problems on your hands. You listen. You really talking some nonsense right now, You really hit what you're saying to me. Apollo is a dog. I know, he a dog. He my dog. You know what I tell you? What? Hey? Man, how that U how that pretty little wife for you was doing when they be at home while you're gonna work all day? Did you just say to me, is that pretty little wife for you that be gone, that be at home when you're gonna what's your what's your name? Told you my name? Version nine team see where you are right? Well, please believe that's what we're about to me right now, because not in there couldn't come up here talking to me about my wife. So if it's any other dogs you got up in the plate, please believe that dog is gonna get stuck right along with your Okay, I got one more value to say to me because you and took a little too far lying with me and a dog. Now you're trying to talk about what's going on in my household and my wife sleep believe nineteen teas were you about to find? Let me tell you who else up her? Nineteen? See that is waiting on all I'm about to get who else is all up int nineteen? Okay, let me tell you who else here here? You want to know who else is here? Man, I'm gonna tell you this here. Nephew Thomas from the Steve Harvard Morning shows up in here nineteenth safe? What the hell this? Nephew, Tommy Man, you got me cuting and I'm gonna be listening into this station your neighbors, Gerald got thank you about the neighbor towns. Man, Hey man, you gotta tell me this baby, what's the baddest radio station in the lane? To Steve Harving Morning Show and Nephew time is crazy? Get either. I gotta follow down here on some trump up charges. Man, come on, not the dog, I keep it stupid. July twenty second, we will be stupid. It is Southern frid Comedy in Delaware. Tickets are on sale right now. I get your tickets at Southern Fried Comedy. The South is coming to the North. I like that. Yeah, I like that. The South is coming to the North. That's all the Southern Fride. That's me June and all I bought straight about age time. Yeah, but that's North. Just run with it, boy, that we're going to the North Atlantic. Yeah. Yeah, with the Game of Thrones. We're on the way to Delaware. And then, of course I told you Huntsville, Alabama is the eight and twenty ninth of July. Tickets on sale right now. All miss Anne will be next with our national news. We'll be back. We'll be back. We'll be back with miss Anne likeere not to her though you're listening to stew All, Right, miss Anna standing by with today's national news. But this is for my ladies. Ladies, Carla, listen to address Elba on the cover of Essence magazine for August. Okay, okay, and this I don't know. It depends on how you feel about interest address. We love him. He doesn't think he's gonna get married again. M Yeah, well he's been married twice. He doesn't do anything. We're both married, so it's okay. Yeah, so we're single. Would you like him to settle down if he had to make a choice with you? With me? Yeah? I mean, I mean, I can't wait to look like Indress. What do you think that's going to help? Yeah? Is going. I don't know what I'm working when you think up and don't have women like women like Indris, i'ten to look like al Right, Okay, you know what I'm doing. He's just gonna wig up one morning to look like get some We're that happened. You need to go back to sleep because you dreaming and you don't tell you what a nobody said. You want to look like Jay timing. That's a show. You got a chance. I'm looking like meal. I pass my ski. It ain't recal yet, he said. It just says he's been married twice before. And he says it's not his calling and he has two chills, dren uh. And he says marriage is an institution of sorts, of sorts, it is a marriage. It is an institution. And he says he's done it. Uh. He explains it's not for everyone. It may not life's calling. Yeah, so let's go around the room. How many times married is good? Before you say no more? I know your number? Jo? Are you one and done? None and none? Tommy? You want to do? Don't work? Does it twice? It's nice? That's that's me. Twice as night, third times a charm that's Steve of course. Jay, we didn't get a clear We don't really have a clear number because you've been married. What was three? Like? Let yeah, three? Would you get married again? Asked Junior, something kind of keep doing Remember my ex boss told me after his fourth marriage, Well, you gotta keep doing it till you get it right. Because you're asking a question, ask him anything, what how is he gonna look like it should? Be that's yourself number six number from the number cha he folded his top between you and uncle Steve has been six wins if you yeah, I'm twice as nice starting five and you can have it. It works for some people. I'd like to see happy people married. That's great. Huh. Do you ever go back and look at all your video tapes of every every week? No? Yeah, I like running back, which did not see when I was happy. All right, let's bring in with and come on here. I see he's here with National News that one and only Mina and trip. Thank you very much, all right, by good morning. This is and trip for the news. Let's start out with this a cold one in iceberg and iceberg the size of the state of Delaware has broken off from the ice mask that makes up Antarctica, and scientists say that makes it one of the biggest icebergs ever recorded and weighs some one trillion tons. And they say they're watching closely to see whether global warming is to blame for this one. President Trump's choice to replace James Comey as FBI director on Capitol Hill yesterday as the Conners considers his nomination. Christopher Ray worked in national security during the Bush administration. He told lawmakers that he has not been asked to take any loyalty pledge like the one Comey says he had to, but that Trump tried to make him take before he was fired. Ray says his loyalties to the Constitution, the rule of law, and the mission of the FBI would just say. Anybody who thinks that I would be pulling punches as the FBI director should unknown me very well. Also, when I asked, Ray said he did not consider the current investigation into alleged Russian eddling in the election to be a witch hunt, which is how Trump has been describing it. Joe Scarborough, the co host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, says that's it for him and the GOP. Scarborough, a form Republican congressman, expresses anger and disappointment with his party to Stephen Colbert on The Late Show, and Donald Trump supported a Muslim band. I said on the air, said I can never vote for anybody in my party. They would say they were going to ban people because of the god they worshiped. When he talked about David Duke and pretended that he didn't know who David Duke was, and didn't know what the ku Klux Klan did. They always overlooked that. When he called a guy from Indiana, he attacked him, said he can ever be fair because he's Hispanic. Republicans didn't come out and say I can never vote for Donald Trump because he's a racist. Time and time and time again, they turned the other way, and they're doing the same thing. Now. How much of this country and our values are they willing to sell out? But aren't you a Republican? I am a Republican, but I'm not going to be a Republican anymore. I've gotta become an independent. President Trump recently suggested that Scarborough's co host and fiance Mika Brazinski had been bleeding due to a bad facelift, So I mean that was really it for him. Far President Obama schedule to attend a Democratic fundraisers tonight in washing In, d C, one of the first times Mr Obama has appeared on behalf of his party since leaving the White House. Tonight's event to benefit the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which is focusing on unfair jerry mandering, and Tonight's events to be chaired by former Attorney General Eric holder and a lot of folks are going to be in attendance. Bill Cosby, searching for a new lawyer, the attorney representing from his June sex assault trial, has filed the motion to withdraw as his counsel apparently doesn't get along with Cosby's publicists. And today express your geekness day and beans and Frank's Day. I like my beans of corn bread. What you're gonna do? This has been a trip, and we'll be back with Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hours. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're saying, Steve Harvey Morning Show, alright, but Flat the Butterfly. It is Tad Butterfly. Good morning to my public. I want to say good morning to all of my public, the people that listen to me, that love me, um public, just my fans. I want to say good morning to you all that is who I'm speaking to. Good Morninguene. Today we're gonna be talking about devastating moments because that's what I'm going through. Devastation. Um. I rewinded. I rewinded the tape yesterday and I looked at it over and over again, and it was just of the Steve Harvey Morning radio morning show on the Steve Harvey Talk Show, and it was very ev stating, and to my public, I just want you, I just want you to know, it is a It is up there with all of the great devastating moments that I was not invited on this job to let it go. It's up there. When when Kevin Durant left Russell Westbrook, It's up there. It was just devastating. Is that big. It's right up there. When when when lebron left Cleveland, they was burning new jerseys in the street. It's devastating. These are devastating moments. That is right up there with that, me not being on this show, with the rest of it's up there. With the night Hillary Clinton lost the election is right up there there. Yeah, that's a stretch out there with the greatest devastating moments of all time. It's out there. When Michael Jackson left the group, It's out there. It's up there. WHOA, everybody don't go through this, but he's a devastating moment. This up there with James Evans died is up there. Damn damn Dawn. Already devastating moments. Me not being with the rest of the curo on Steve Wannabe talking to show was a devastating moment. It's right up there when Russell Wilson would not give beast my old de boo on the two yard line and devastated sports analogy and make no damn sense. It's devastating everything you'll get past this moment. It's right up there. It's right out there when Tim joined the lost Jay Anthony Brown devastates. Now we can relate to what you're talking about. Still, yea, even though even though I'm upset with him right now. It's devastating. But all I canna say, I'll be with I'll be with Tommy and Alabama here all right, coming up next to time for a segment from Carl. It it's called kids nowadays versus when we were kids. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve, all right? Uh, here we go. We all know on the show that Carl is a mother of young Tasha who's nine years old. Uh so, um, come on, Jay, explain this now you do. The thing is is that when we were kids and as opposed to having a channel now, it's totally different in terms of what you gotta buy prices things they want. You know, if you gave a kid a toy from back in the day, they would look at you like you crazy. What I'm gonna do with this? What I'm gonna do with skates? All of that? I hate you, mommy. Jay and I were talking about this, Shirley, so being like you just said, I'm a mom of a younger girl, Tasha, she's nine years old. I've noticed the difference, also, Jay, between things when I was a kid, we were kids, versus how things are for my kid. So, for example, when I was a kid, if my mom, if she wanted to send me to the movies, she could the movies, no problems to the movies, to the movies. That's what That's exactly exactly. If I wanted a Barbie doll, it was under what ten dollars? Nowadays they're about twenty dollars. Twenty dollars. Don't even get me started on American girl dolls. They're about man, those dolls are about a hundred dollars. Don't even talk about the accessories, their clothes, the gear. I was and they have them dolls all the time. It looked just like that. Yeah, reminds me of Chucky. I wasn't happy with that paddle and that rubber band in that ball. I don't know what you'all called a paddle mall. That's all I needed right there? Yes, yes, Now if we played video games. Now, if you guys you know how these kids are into video games, if we played video games at home, they were like nine dollars you remember, tar Red went back. Yeah, yeah, dollars yeah, all day long with that right. Yes. Nowadays Xbox play, Xbox, what man Xbox? No, you will get the box. The Xbox came in, has an Xbox and the mine Craft and the Crazy Man. It's so expensive. Now, okay, think about this. If I lost a tooth as a kid, the tooth fairy. You remember tooth fairly maybe about a quarter or like it was changing. It was a little change. Now you cannot get the tooth fairy to come by your house for less than ten dollars. Baby, these teeth are expensive to my daddy. Would whatever in my pocket? Yeah, if you ask for something else, I'm a knock another tooth. You. Now, when I was a kid, I thought about this to j when I damned my homework, I would ask my mom for help, and then she it helped me. Right now days I can't help my daughter. We don't carry the one I told you all that you didn't carry. The girl said, where's your kidding too? I see, did not say that. That's funny. I kicked out. I'd help my baby with homework. Scienst baby please. And also wait, wait, so since we're talking about homework, if I need an answer to something you remember back in the day or when we were doing homework, you could look it up in the botanica what they thing called catolic car the Cadillac thing where you put it up sister yeat gaglet. I don't know, just a I don't know. You could just say, Alex, yeah, that's what my daughter does. All right, thank you, Carlin nephew. Tommy's prank phone call is coming up next. You're listening to show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour. To be exact, get ready for today's strawberry letter. And when I said get ready for it, I really mean just that The subject is from sugar Daddy to husband. Question mark from from from sugar Daddy or splendid daddy to husband. Okay, all right, but up next, Come on, nephew, tell me what this frank phone call this ignorance? What do you have today? What do you what's on the menu? This right here is called condom cleanse? Oh mommy, sure is. Sometimes you just gotta make condom sense. You know what I'm saying. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach to Mikajamka. How you doing. I'm I'm Brad from Quality Cleaners. I'm the manager over here. H Listen, um, did you bring some clothes in this morning? No? I didn't bring anything into you this morning. Okay, well listen. We we got an order that was dropped off this morning here. Uh, it's a couple of suits, some business shirts and a few other things. But there's actually been some articles actually left in the clothing, so that down. Okay, he this morning. It was dropped off like around seven this morning. But we got it's got let's work. It's like about a hundred bucks cash in the pocket. There's a couple of business cards. Uh, there's there's a cup link here. I looked all over, as only one cup link and then there's two condoms in here. So I wanted to see if you guys wanted me to put this in a flashy bag or something and have it, have it? Can you repeat what was left in there? Again? Well, like I said, we gotta Uh it's like right out of Hunter maybe hunting five bucks of cash. Uh, there's a business card from an insurance company. There's another business card for um, what is this? This is? Uh? What else was left right right? I'm trying to tell you about all the business cards. I don't I'm not interested in the business card because you said something else. Okay, No, there's a couple link that we can't We can't find the other couple link if it's here. We're we're looking all over the bag to see if we can find it. But we don't see that either. What else is in this pocket? Like I said, you gotta you gotta hunted dollars in here? There's some no, no, no, no, you have said something to me. Yes, there's business cards. There's an insurance card, business cards. You said something else, a couple link. Now there's a couple link in here that we can mean. Okay, well the last we there's two condoms in here. Hello, what did did you say? Uh? Like I said, there's a hundred dollars in the year. Did you say, did you say there was some condoms in there? There's two there's two extra large condoms in here. Hello, I'm here. I'm just trying to dodge this all the stuff that you had just said that that was in my husband's pocket. Now you sure that this is my husband? Chriss uh, well it has I mean maybe you know the items man, this is there's a there's a gray suit. There's also a solid blue suit that that sounds from that sounds familiar. But I'm not understanding that some condoms. The phone number, that the phone number that I called, the number that attached to this actual order. So I mean, this is the number we have on file? Is this is his number or your home number? Or was you say or what the number is this? This is our house number. I just don't believe you know what what you're telling me, because we just celebrated our our anniversary last week? Is what? What? What? What? What? I mean? What's what's wrong? Man? What's why? What's first about we married and we never used condoms and then you look that called to me talking about he got condoms left in his supcoat pocket. I'm not under I'm oh, I know he ain't cheating on me. Well not not, I mean not necessarily. I mean, you know they could have been there. Why he would have was in his pocket? I just don't make any damn sense. If we married and we don't use doesn't want of what do you have condos in his pocket? I don't know. Man, you'd have to talk to Chris about that one now. But I guess my main reason is it you want me to wait a minute. I wanted to know did you did you clean anything? Yeah? Did you clean the sup? No, we haven't cleaned it. I just I just started. I'm starting stuff and on. I don't want you. I don't want you to clean them thing and all those articles that that you said. I want you to put it. I want you to I want you to put everything, including the damn kinds. I want you to put it in the bag. I want you to put it in the bag. Don't clean up, because I'm gonna come up there and I'm gonna pick everything up. Okay. I mean I'll be here all day. Like I said, my name is Brad, and I'll be here if you want me to um, if you want me to put him to the side. I won't clean them. I just put him to the side, and I leave him in the same laundry bag you had when you dropped them all. I don't Chris, I don't believe that I gave this. I'm a good years of my life and he gonna turn around cheat on me. You make sure you know I'm clean up secause I'm a serious side on my damn self. You put on that in the bag, I'm gonna call my job and let him no, I'm not coming into that. I don't want to slow down. I don't want you to get to get to hysterical. I mean, you know you're getting a little I regar you, okay, I'm I'm I'm gonna be all right. I am gonna to be all right when I get up there. Who Chris is gonna get? That's all I got to say. You make sure you have all that stuff not clean. I don't want you to clean it. I want you to put all that other that you said that you found in the pocket. You put all that in the bad because Chris is I don't know who that What do you think what you like for me to call Chris? I don't want you. No, no, no, no, look, Bobby, I don't want you to wait man, wait wait wait wait. My name's Bread, I'm Fred. I don't give a damn what your name is. So I really jo't okay because Chris is gonna get up. You just put everything in the backside like I had asked you to. I am all my way down there and Chris, no, this ain't going down this way. We just renewed our vows and man's that don't condoms coming three and you know what they're talking about, Davis. That's what I'm not understanding that I'm not to the man. Okay, Chris is gonna get when you get home tonight. Here's here's something else in the pocket too. There's a note in here. No, what does this day? Okay? Man, you know what? This has gotten way way out of hand. I don't want to and you need a quick come at rocket. What you mean to me? Not a fact? I want that in the bad too. The more evidence I have, the better off is gonna be from me. What did the note say? The note says, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve harpin morning to show your husband Chris got me to play called shoot what I want? God, Chris was going to die tonight. I was we was gonna have a ribecue in him. Do you Tommy, do you hear me? Oh my god, Chris, I don't believe this is to me? Oh my god. Radio show show, Oh Man, Tommy, Oh this one makes this one right here, this one right here. You could just hear it in her voice. I was just feeling wrong. Time to understand. But she couldn't believe that her husband was cheating us. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Jay coming three, He got to what you don't and get ready, Mama's Boy is coming to town and your boy nephew, Tommy, it will be in the building the stage play Mama's Boy, That's Johnny Gil Robin Givings, Jack Harry, Shirley Murdoch, Don Robinson from in Vogue, Gospel Sensation Anthony Brown and guess what tickets are on sale right now? Making George and Miami flowder sacking Off in Jackson, Mississippi, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The list goes on, go to Thomas Miles dot com and get ready this fall start in September. All the way to December. You want to see the hid play Mama's Ball, Yeah, and the nephews in it. And Eugene isn't it He got attitude right now, but he'll be there, he'll beat them. Strawberry letter coming up next subject from sugar daddy to husband. No, you haven't what I've been a sugar daddy and what is the problem? What now you haven't your wife sugar? I wasn't sugar did oh god? But I was somebody? Oh man, you know what? You know what? You amaze me that can't nobody to tea you about the pass and you're not to stop talking about yours. That was amazing to me. It's the president. It sounds like that's the problem. Yeah, all right, From sugar Daddy to husband. That's the subject of today's Strawberry Letter. We will be right back. You're listening to the Steve alright. Coming up in about an hour from now, our girl, Regina Hall, actress extraordinaire, beautiful, talented, all of that. She's gonna tell her tell us about her summer Blockbuster Girls trip. Okay, so stick around for that Girl's trip in theaters next Friday July. All Right, let's get to it. Buckle love and hold on tight. We gotta subject From sugar daddy to husband do Stephen Shirley, I am a forty five year old woman who has been in a relationship with a man for ten years. He is fifteen years older than me. When we first met, it was strictly business. I was an exotic dancer and after time passed, yeah, I was an exotic dancer. Yeah with those air quotes, You're right, Jake. After time passed, we became a couple and I allowed him to move in with me after three years of dating because he was paying all of my bills. Recently, he has been asking me about marriage. For the past ten years, he was married to a woman that lived hundreds of miles away. I knew he was married, but I didn't care because I only wanted his money. The next thing, I knew he was retiring and he told me he was finally getting a divorce. Now he's begging to marry me. Now he's begging me to marry him. But I'm having doubts. Do you think he wants to marry me because he's older now and on a fixed income. Since I've been with him, Um, I have gotten two degrees, landed a great job, and I bought my dream bachelorette condo. I let him come over once a week, and all he does is begged me to marry him. I was at his hospital bedside during a recent medical scare, and I don't know if I can do that again. Now he may not fit into my current lifet isle. So what should I do? Should I marry him or say heck no and end this relationship? I need your advice. Well, you, my dear, first of all, are definitely not ready for marriage. You're not ready for marriage at all. You've just brought your bachelorette condo. You want to be single, and you want to mingle and all of that. You know, and you it just wouldn't last today, you know, with that kind of attitude. So if you don't want the man, you gotta let him go. You you, you have to let him go. I don't think you're gonna be there for him when he really needs you. He's already fifteen years older than you, you're forty five, he's having medical scares. You don't want to be there for him. You've said it in your letter. You only wanted his money anyway. So Let this man go. Uh, don't keep stringing him along and taking his money. You've got your degrees, now you have a great job. You move on with your life. Let this man go and let him do the same. Jay. Hey oh do oh, do oh, dude, I'm telling allowed because the old it's over. Dude. It is. Sometimes you get cookies in the in the cooking job and it's full of cookies. Then you enjoy yourself and then they empty, all the cookies are gone out to cooking job. Yeah, time to grow up, move on. Yeah, it's it's over with. She had fun. It's memories. Now you can sit down. Time about back here in the day, I had it, I had him my way had You don't know what you're talking, my boy, back in the day, back two thousand ten, whoa at? Shut up, fool, You had no exocting. I did have an exocting your dance though there's boys. Let it go. It's just memories, man, move on. Yeah. I don't know if he can, but she certainly she has. Definitely she's about to not give you that coat. Let you She's about not to buzz you up. That's about to happen. She doesn't want to do the medical thing at all anymore. She doesn't want to help him. So, yeah, you had fun, right, it's doomed. You're right, all right. Come on, nephew, I can't wait to hear this ignorance. You stink, You just stink. That's just you're just so fine. You know what, you know what's amazing to me. He was cool when you were stripping and needed a place to stay. Everything was good. Now you got a couple degrees, Now you got you lit apartment. Now you don't want to play your role no more. See this is what I'm talking about. This is when women get out of control. You take him for a long period of time, and now now the table has turned, you can't take him me. Huh. She fought it by he was that made him uh sixty five sixty Now he didn't got too old. Now you don't want to show old school no love. He was sugar. That it why you can't still be sugar. Daddy. You owe, you owe, and you got to pay back what you was, what you was given from the beginning. You stink. You just don't care about this old man. No. All the loving he gave you and all the money he gave you them his degrees because he paid for him, he put in school. It wasn't just your stripping. It was some money from him. He put a roof over your head and the whole now yours. Now you're gonna do this to him at the last minute, because I know where he's going through. Sugar, the sugar honey iced tea. It's terrible. You don't feel it, you don't see it. You don't see what's going on. You. I've been treated this way before. No, but you've done it before to someone happened you. Yes, you want her to move on? Girl. You got your place, girl, you got your degrees, you got your You are that girl. You don't do. Nobody care about old school. Old school need love too. And I'm feeling that way because I was a little older. Now old school need love to. That's it. I'm out. All right, all right, let's hear from the young one in the group. I'll tell you what some questions that's unanswered here, and it takes a detective. What, when, where and why? Okay, all right, let's go the old man. Uh huh, what happened a recent medical scared? Yes? When wasn't it was recent? Now? Two questions. We don't know is where and why? I think it happened at the strip club. Now why what do you have a heart of day? Because she was doing some dings. Don't make a hard race. See upside down booty popping. We'll give anybody heart attack. It happened to be almost went on. What was she upside that? Okay, leading falling heart attack. She's very talent, but a heart attack recent medical scale. Okay, strip there's nothing and she he catch a cold and went pneumonia. She was doing something and now she feels guilty. I can't do this no more. Alright, alright, we'll be back with part two of the Strawberry Letter from Sugar Daddy to husband. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Okay, don't forget. Coming up at about twenty one after the and about twenty minutes, I'll say it like that. Our girl, Regina Hall, it's gonna yeah, we're gonna talk to her about this summer Bloodbust and Junior's Bay. The Girl's Trip is the summer movie. You see. Regina Hall will be here to talk about that. But first let's get back to this crazy strawberry letter. Subject from sugar Daddy to husband Nick question Mark sugar Daddy to husband h. If you do have relationship issues, make sure you email us at Steve Harvey dot com and we will help you out, just like we're trying to help this woman out. She's forty five years old. She's been in a relationship with a man for ten years. He is fifteen years older than she is. Yeah, okay, do the math yick don't carry the one because they don't. No, no, no. So when they first met, well yeah, yeah, when they first met, it was strictly business, she says, because she was a what jay, she was an extension. So after time passed, they did, you know, become a couple. And she did allow him to move in with her after they dated about three three years, because this is why she let him move in, because he was paying all of her bills. So that's where the sugar daddy park came in. But recently, she says, he's been asking her to marry him. Okay, so, uh, she she was married and she knew it, but his wife lived hundreds of miles away, and now he's retiring, he's divorcing. I have no idea divorcing. Okay, when I hear that part for the past ten years, it says for the past ten years he was married to a woman that lived a hundred miles away. She knew he was married, but she didn't care because she only wanted his money. Yeah, we're talking about the exotic dance. Are you crazy? Right now? You like living? You just way over there and I'm way have you done your bucket list? You're out of here. You keep talking like that. Okay, So, so this woman wants to know if we think he wants to marry her because he's older now and on a fixed income, and since she's been with him, her life has changed. She's gotten two degrees, she landed a great job, she brought a dream condo. You know. Just yeah, but you know he's older, so he's been in hospital, he at a medical scare. She doesn't want to do that anymore. Heart attack, Yeah, it doesn't say heart attack. Dances give heart attacks, they don't give pneumonia. Talk about an exotic Yeah, you're never the same. Her question is her question is should she marry him because he doesn't fit into her current lifestyle, she's saying, or should she just end the relationship? Yeah? I just have one thing to say, Can we just make a roundn't make many rules around you because you're just I just got it. And then with six seven days from now on, we have like letters that have age over sixty. Could you run needs by me? Just to make sure this is not my life just saying about me, somebody writing in about me. No, I've never had a heart attack. It doesn't say heart attack. And you never had a medical shore. You know I'm sorry about you, ja, oh my god. And you want to fix j I'm not. No, No, I know that you say chicken everybody. I know you gotta you know. I know I'm not gonna because that can get all my medication one time. You know how I know this? You know I know this isn't about you. You know, because he keeps asking her to marry him. Do you go, Jake, you're off. Yeah, you're off the hook, Bruce. Wayne keeps saying he wasn't Batman either, keeps trying to mislead us. Yeah, so let this go break up, guys, And she's not work. She doesn't want to about She still says she about that, like, yeah, she's not. She doesn't want to be bothered with your medical stars. Yeah, and you're all of this. You got your little she's still breaking him off once a week though you might bring him my one. That's all he can take. Medical. You really don't want to move that bed in your kindo alright, chained the top, all that lifting turty all right? Instagram and my girl Shirley. If you want to comment on this letter, come on, tell me introduce that girl. She is here. She walks to walk and she talks to talk. The one and only Sheryll Underwood. That get that tired little up. Listen, I'm tired. Okay, wait, let's okay. So I'm at Londie Love birthday party last night, but on my way to I gotta do to talk. So please watch the talk. Uh so we can all keep our good TV show jobs. Amen. Speaking to CVS. I'm on my way to America's Georgia. We're having our Sisters in Service event this day, salute to the four sororities of the National Paedalytics the AKS that Deltas, Zaidas and Sima Gamma Ros. We salute sisters in service doing good in the neighborhood. And it's connected with this local cd AS affiliate the local cv AS affiliates w m a Z Channel thirteen in Making Georgia. So I'm on my way to do that. Shout out to my dear saw Rus, Robbie Lattimore and the president of Alpha Omega Zaida Chapter. Oh no, I'm sorry, oh Macron Alpha Zeta Chapter of America's Georgia. And that's uh, Sarah Kena Davis is the bastard. Okay. Now back to Lonnie Love's birthday party, child party, who had a stroke? Rodney Parry? How Rodney Perry drinking? Henni see he then had a stroke at the late Okay, so everybody sitting did I hear more? Cheryl Sarah and then jack A Harry behind me waving going and here go Vivica not him, threw down the garden for Vivica to pull her dance team together, and I'm gonna pull my dance team together new Big Nights and I'm gonna challenge her dancers so we could benefit for charity. Right, So everybody that they're talking about Lonnie like a dog, Everybody asking me do I want to go up? No? Why? Because I gotta temper a butcher knife and a gun in my purse so everybody's getting up. Uh, what's the boy to do? The prince impersonation? Tommy? You know? Yeah, who's that who's at the door and he's so short he gotta jump up. I thought it was like a Willis name or something. I can't remembering he because I'm so hungover. Let me tell you something. So Sherry hosted it. Sherry Shepard hosted Got some good job, everybody. I hate to interrupt you. We gotta go. Yeah, okay, Jeff Tellingboddy stopped asking me, why do I look like George Wallace? You're listening, Steve har Oh, the fellas ain't ready for this one. Yes, I am, y'are not ready? Alright, all the fellas in your cars and your trucks rolling around, turn your radio up here. It is sexy Is on the phone up next is an outstanding versatile actresses. Oh my god, she's so classy and funny and we love her in any roles. Her newest movie is Girls Trip and she stars as the Boss Ryan in the movie. She's telling us now to tell us all about the movie and the cast. Please welcome to the show. The one and only Sexy ms Regina Good Hey baby, Hey baby, it's me. Hey, baby, I was I wanted to when I was listening A love so much. Hey Regina, welcome back, girl. Thank you guys so much for having me. I'm excited. I'm so excited. Can I say, y'all are the best, like so supportive every every time. I mean, you all do not fail. I mean so thank you all for being just loyal, supportive, smart, I mean everything all in one. Thank you for your prayft girl. Yeah, it's not hard. It's not hard with you. We're huge, huge fans of yours, Regina. And this movie Girl's Trip looks like so much fun. Carl and I can relate to the Girls Trip of course with our girlfriends and everything, but like in the Girls Trip movie, we don't get to do it as often as we'd like to because of our jobs of course, in our family. In the movie, you and the girls get together for a trip to the essence. Best tell us about the movie, Regina. Please you play Ryan in the movie? Right? Yes, I play Ryan. Ryan has a she's a she's um, she's a author, and she's written a book called You Can Have It All. So she's kind of like this self Huru whose wife she's married to a former you know, huge football player in her life. Just it's like she has it all, it's perfect. And then of course, you know one thing that's missing is she she hasn't you know, been able to hang with her girls. She goes on that weekend and then a lot of stuff just comes out, gets revealed, and it's kind of it's I mean, it's a hard art. You know, there's some there's some there's some of some bad words, ye, bad words, and some some moments that my mama blushed that. My mother looked at me last night and she said, y'all are healthy in this movie. And I was like, Ollama, but she smiled too much, which which made me know she lived some of those moments. So I was uncomfortable. I was like mine, mommy exactly. But we had you know, we had so much fun. Shooting in New Orleans is great and and and essence fast. You know, it was great and we love getting an opportunity to show really how um you know the complexity of black women. You know, I think that's kind of one dimensional portrayals where we're there for that, but you know we are I think I think uh, earlier today, Will said we're pious and ratchet at the same time, and you know, and loving and supportive and and we like to have fun too, and we'd like to see it on the screen. Would you say you like your character or another character in the movie? Which would would you say you're most like? I probably would say I have a lot of similarities to to Ryan at this point. But you know, there's a point where you know, I've been a little bit of Dinah, not a mommy yet, so um like, well how long is it yet? You know? You know, Regina, I'm not even a father either, so why not? Hey, Regina Jr. Is your man in his mind? Okay, let me. I saw her at and I'm talking. I was praying about myself. Nobody talked to me a nut. I said that she is. She is. Well, you know, we might have to make it happen, but I like that, so you know. But but you know what, I loved watching you know, Jada as Lisa. I love that kid, all of them. I think there's a little piece of me and all. You know, that's all. And for the ladies, you know, we do have Lorens and we got Kofi and yes, yes, girl, what was it like? Are you guys friends on and off. You know, the movie said, what was it like to to get all of you ladies together and and put this movie together and work with these talented women? Well, you know, I had always been a big fan of Jada's and Latifa's, you know, just from watching them, and I did not know of before. I mean, the world's gonna know her now. She is extraordinary in this movie. And you know, I think it's gonna be the vehicle where people are going to be like, wow, Tiffany Hattish is, Yeah, you know what she's been doing it. But I think finally the platform for her to you know, for people to be like, ah, there she is. And so all of them before, you know, I didn't know I had met them, but I had never worked with them. But now I love them now I'm friends with them after the movie still and that that yeah, that's really great because I just respect them. Girl's trip to well, Regina, just know that we on this show, anything that you do, we are there to support you because that's how much we love you. You're a very talented, beautiful young lady, and we just can't get enough of you. We love your movies, we love everything you do, and and that's just the truth. We stalk you as well. Girl, I have an adult film that I want to come on. You says you love me so much? Right, no, thank you all all the time for everything. You're amazing and I love your show. I love I love your voices, which is so important. I love how you make me laugh and smile like waking up to that. So just know from my heart genuinely, I love you, guys, and you're my favorite. Thank you so much, thank you. We appreciate that so much. She's the absolute best. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, let's jump to it. Everybody, buckle up and hold on tight. Here it comes. It's that time reality update. Yes, I'm caught up, alright, so good. We got a power in a minute for you. Ask me alright. We're gonna start things off with love and hip hop Atlanta the Reunion Shine. How about your girl Joscelyn. She's beeping with the producers. She's been very difficult. Did you see when she was outside the venue of the actual reunion show but didn't want to take to take the stage and sit by certain cass Smith girls. I'm like girl, well, you need to talk crazy because she's out there real bad crazy. This is not kind of crazy is always good though, it really is. This is not. Yeah, she's a little more to the drop by. You don't want to. Yeah, you're not gonna like this. Yeah, but anyway, moving on, Carly and Tommy, they're trying to get each other back. Act your girl Tommy revenge by using young Jock. They did that the entire season, going back and forth. That was silly schirlie or girl lovely me Me. Tried to get into it with Jessica Dimes. Sit down, have several seats. Jessica Dimes says, you know, like a major red sit down or the record. Tommy is my girl for the record. I love her crazy, I love her crazy. Fight somebody look like, what are you a high stepper? Yes, buddy, I love Dime, I love Jessica. Alright, your boy Kirk has still still come on, tragging his feet taking the DNA test to get the paternity results to see if he is the father you know of the secret baby, this love child. Well, he feels like this girl Jasmine, his alleged baby mama uh and her boyfriend and her crew are scheming up to try to get paid. And so that's why Kirk, I guess that's why he hasn't taking this DNA test. That's kind of like what he said. And did you see Shirley when our girl Rasheeda Rasheeda was brought to tears when talking about her husband Kirk's infidelity, it was, oh lord, I cried right with or take a listen. When you're a marriage and the commitment and I grew up with this man and he's hurt me and it's crazy because he's also helped me grow to become the woman I am today. But when you hurt somebody and you dismantle a bond, that's the hardest thing to get over. Heartbreak is like the worst thing to get over. And I don't want to cry no more. I promise you all I said, I didn't want to cry about this no more because at the end of the day, this is a lesson. But more than anything, this is a lesson for you, for you to understand what you've done. You know, we have children, and that's the main thing that bothers me is we have children who look at you like a superhero. You are a father and for you to do this. You didn't think about all consequences of this, and not only did you hurt me, but you broke me. Yeah, she was talking man, another dry eye in the house. Yeah, the entire cast cried when Rada broke down like that because together together. Yeah, they're still married, but they're still married, Jay, and you know his infidelity and possibly having a child outside of their marriage. That that you know, you just heard from his wife for that, that broke her. And it was really sad because all the couples on that show and all the cast members, they're rooting for them and they want them to work it out and and build their family back together. So we'll see. Part two is coming up next Monday. Now, Jay, we're gonna move on. Talk about the script, the show, power something Okay, okay, Well let me ask you this ghost. He's looking a little weak. It seems like prison life is getting to him. But what do you think you think things are looking up for ghosts? You know what, you're looking weak because I've been I watched four episodes. I'm caught up. He has not had a meal in any episode. Note I had that one man when the dude ticket corn because you know, they found it to take for the traffic stop. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, he told Angelus. So the DNA got thrown out. So that's a good look for I need to be directing that show because I changed some things in that show. I want to see the white guy with with the is it the white guy with the sister? What's her name? Ever seen? They got to hit it every scene. I don't get what they talk about. They got to get it on. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah. They make a kid the first sister either her first, her first white guy. As he said, do you play? Have you played for you? I was? I was kind of mad too. Angela had the nerve to question Keisha a lot knocked us knocked up behind out and did you also see Angela and Ghosts? They had that face to face meeting. Yeah, I know. Fifty cents low down a wood man, Yeah, stand, I know. He's just yeah, can we can't stand here? And in his father's absence, I am so sick of Tyrek. I want to put a bell cross tree behind something. Oh man, oh I choked my TV and need three Yeah yeah, your mama like that. Yeah, but you know that your dad in jail boy, you know there's a camera in the office at the club. Yeah, planted that exactly, So we're gonna find that's gonna come up in the minute. Yeah, so we'll see you. So we've been watching Power and you guys, I know you've been watching to tweet me, tell you, tell me what you think is gonna happen next hit me up at lips Bar Carla. Moving on from Power, I'm done now, Yes, you got to say with Ja listen to this, another scripted show is coming back baby. Why yes, you have to Jay seeing when the dragon starts mine. No, no, no, you better get on that dragon with this girl, Mr Jake. Yes, we love Game Throne so quickly before we run out of time. Season seven this Sunday night. And according to actor Kicked Harrington, who who plays John Snow, he said, this season is for the fans. You will finally get to meet the people you've been waiting to meet Game of Thrones this Sunday night on HBO. And did you see finally reality star dance mom Abby Lee Miller. She had to turn herself in to begin her three hundred and sixties six day prison sentence. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show. All right, here we go. I want to ask you guys something, uh, because you know, these are some cool questions that I found on Reddit dot com. You know, how we go, Look, okay, what job do you have zero experience in, but are confident you could do it successfully? Just right? Experience my first radio job I got. I got the radio job I do that. You're just talking doing it talking, But that's what people think though. People think that, and it's a short amount of time. You got to get in and get out. You know, everybody can't do it, but you can do it successful. What about you? Now? Yards becauting yards didn't have no experience but up and down the street with that lawn mow in that gas game. Yeah, man's the money too many shade tree mechanic. I ain't got no experience in that, but I swear they never fix a car. They don't never get your car ready. And they all got the it's that corperator sound like the coperator. Yeah, the one to get me. You just want to give me time. We got a man on it right now. And you go to and there's a man sitting on your cop eating the sandwich. I could do that job. Confident experience. All right, here's another one. What's the biggest I can't ask you this, Jay, but I'm gonna take a chance. What is the biggest relationship advice you could ever give? Don't? Don't do it. You're not against relationships, You're just against Okay. The biggest relationship advice is I think spending time and having fun doing things together, doing things, church, movies, dinner, doing things together, and then don't. But you know, if you do that long enough, the woman is going to want to get married. You do know that, don't you. You spend a lot of time with each other, the feelings developed. Come on, Jay, or is it Reverend? He's done here? He just left? If I see you have some sort of relationship phobia, you know that intimacy about the guy? All right, Tommy, that's relationship. Excuse excuse you cheat. I promise you it makes the relationship better. And can man, why father getting married? If you're just gonna cheat? What sense does that make? It has nothing to do with you not loving the other person. Sure that you want to be with them the rest of your life? An't that cool? But I'm the ridiculous one, Yes you are. See the logical thinking is the people that get divorced stop thinking. The crazy part is so there are people that agree with that crazy part. Yeah that one. Come on, Junior, just gonna sound crazy, but I'm telling you be getting badient of the time. Don't be outstanding all the time. Oh don't, don't. Don't put that much fresh on yourself. Put fresh on your stay right now when you get to that bed, Junior, when you get married, y'all ain't really in it being a lot to trust. We'll be back after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, right, did you guys know this? You know we just had a presidential election. Another one's coming up. Um. Paperwork has been filed on behalf of Dwayne the Rock Johnson. He got a possible and a possible run for the White House. What what? Yeah? Yeah, campaign committee is filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on behalf of the Rock and Smack that Candy campaign slogan slow, what say that all the time? Wrestling? When you're wrestling? Almost smack that Candy? I thought it was can you smell what the rockets the cooking? And then he raised that I like that. It's called run the Rock campaign. So far, though The Rock hasn't responded to the filing. Can you imagine those saying President the Rock, President Trump, Yeah, didn't get any worse. Yeah, gotta be a step up. Gotta be a step up for president. Now, get up a president. Take the way we're going on? Yeah? Where is this country going? Come on? Bring us back President the Rock, Dwayne Johnson. It could happen. Yeah, it could happen. So maybe maybe you'll get more votes. And he did for the last movie. Because I didn't think that was a good Yeah, it was not good. I didn't think it was a good fit for him. What was that making these movies? Do they know they're gonna be bad? No, they don't. They have no idea to this all put together, and they don't care. They're making so much money. Yeah, yeah, this was a movie. Nobody should have got out of the water and you see everything. You don't get a movie past me? Okay if you love him, yeah yeah, I should just say that it's bad. But I have to see him running for president. Yeah, I mean you could have president phase on. I could see it. I beat you anyone, President, Kanye. Anyone can throw the head into the ring. Anyone can remember back in the day when Reverend Jesse Jackson ran, let everyone please stand for president. Shocking game. Really, you know a lot of people have asked, no, I don't. I'm not going to run. He says that because the background check. Steve says he won't get past. And they go through every yang, everything in your life that you've ever done. Well, I'm not tax is a parent? No parent. Well yeah he got away with Donald Trump. Trump, he got away with it. But but they do become president. Anybody can make it. Absolutely, that's the message. Test Frank un from a House of cor John from from a Game of three. Yeah, President, he has my vote. President, President Freeman, Sir, I like it. I like it. He played god, he played the president. Okay, stop hating. Okay, we're gonna be back to wrap up the show with just one more thing. You're listening to the String show, all right, here we are with the last break of the day. Love. Another morning that went by we quickly. Yeah, so's it's time for just one more thing. Um wow, we got a letter from a guy. Well I'll just read it. Remember the other morning, Uh, the entire crew, all of us were on the Steve Harvey Talk Show for the first time in five years. He had us all on the show uh together, just for the first time, and one of our faithful fans of the show watched the episode and and wrote us this letter, very very touching letter. I'll read some of it. It says, hello, my morning show family. Today I drove home from work and was determined to end my life. Wow. I felt so alone, unattractive, unloved, and unwanted. I just didn't want to be here anymore. I've been through so much and I'm tired of fighting. All of a sudden, I heard Shirley's laugh and saw her excitement on the talk show today. I watched the show and enjoyed all of your smiling faces and all of the joy. I just want to say thank you for brightening my day and the majority of my mornings today. Your smiles made me smile and brought me back. I just want to say thank you for the laughs today. They saved a life. Take care and God bless you all. I mean really serious letter here, you know, yeah, but this is something right. I mean, you know, you never know who you might, you never know, you never know. We just get up in the morning and do our jobs every day and we thank god watching another show. Yeah, thank god, you know, like Conan or something like that. You know, perspective, what's important. You know, it's so bad day. Oh my god, I cannot stand you. I really can't. I mean, she's the guy's good. He's here, he's here. I'm glad he listens to when I watched Cony. That's what you that's your takeaway from this letter I just read from our listener. Nothing, Tommy, get your boy, Get your boy, Tommy, get your boy. Let him run, let it run. He's springing. Good thing. Alright, show anybody here? Watch Conan? No, you mean the news show before he left NBC. Now woman, since he's left NBC. I watch the late night saying what are you saying? I'm saying, hello, people have to speak, So what do you say? No, that's pretty straightforward. There, pretty clear. Yeah, that is. That's something. Laughter's healing. It really is. And as a comedian, is this the first time you've ever heard something? I mean, did you do the show? You never know how many people type of people you're touching. You we're just having fun. Absolutely thankful to god that um, you know you decided against what you were thinking, what you woke up thinking about. You know. But as a comedian, though, you you do bring laughter. Yeah. My grandmother used to say we were like, um like ministered because we ministered to people. Is that what we do is minished. I'll tell you what happened one time, though I was in doubts, I had a show in Dallas while back just long times, about twelve years ago, and I was thinking about not going to do the show. It wasn't no money, but it was like, you know, like a hundred fifty bucks drive from Houston all way to Dallas. I drove all the way to Dallas. I did the show and as I'm coming out the back door, there's a guy who meets me in the back of you know, the improv up there in Dallas, and I'm thinking, I was like, Okay, this can't happen, said I talk the guy about to rob me in there. So I walked into my car and he was like, hey, man, can I speak with you for a minute. Said yeah. He said, man, I just want to thank you for the night, because I really was gonna end my life. I went home and called my wife the man and he was like you know, He's like, you know, um, I just want to come and get a laughing man before I left, and I'm just gonna go and get out of here. And I was. His car happened to just be parked right next to my car. And the crazy part about it was the gun was sitting on the armrest right. He said. But thanks to man, I feel like I can go on and that lets me know that no matter where the gig is, I go, I gotta go do it. You never wos in there, That's right. That's why you can't say no, that wasn't forming that night. He did not say that. He did not just say that. What you try to say, jay So what are you saying? The Lord knows what he's doing it saying after that story you had to say that good. That was a moment, Jayous. It was a life lesson for Junior. He makes every gig because of that moment. You never know whose life you may save. The dude behind no man. We talked about it went had break, We talked about man, you can only get another white. None of that would have happen that night. What none of that would have happened had Conan been performing he would have went, I'm doing this je ten minutes and he walked out. Yes, well, Junior, I'm glad you know that he learned a lesson out of that. What we do, what we do. Maybe don't listen to j do not listen to here she thank you, thank you for listening. We love you. Bye bye. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Dame Harvey Morning Show.