Rebuilding and Praying for Hurricane Victims - 09.14.17

Published Sep 18, 2017, 7:48 PM

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Y'all know what time is. Y'all don't know. Y'all bag all suit long, looking back to back down, giving the mo like theming buck bus things and it's touble y'all true. Good to Steve Hoy yeah listening to me together for sto bar quickly to Moby. I don't join yeah by joining me, honey said you got turn be hurting, do ye. You gotta turn't to turn the time, lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harley got a radio show. I gotta tweet the other day from a young dude named Cortez. Uh. I can't remember his Twitter handle, but Cortet is something. And he tweeted me and he said, uh uh. When Steve Harvey used to get to preach and I used to just turn the radio off. And then he said something to the fact that, but now is different. He said, old dude be bringing it, he'd be bringing the truth. I appreciate that. That's what he said. Well, Cortets, if you out there listeners, morning. I appreciate you too, man, because see I understand what it is I used to you know, man, when I was younger, Man, when I when I wanted to do what I wanted to do. Man, I just man, I didn't want to hear nothing else. I didn't want to hear nothing, and that contradicted what I wanted to do, you know. So it's a funny thing man about me. Man, I was I would hear the truth, I would know it to be the truth. But because I had another plan, another mission, another goal, another set of dudes I wanted to get done, I didn't want to hear that. You know. It's a funny thing, man. It's like it's like when I was a little boy and I used to get scared sometime at night, you know, the booker. Man. So I thought that if I just pulled the blanket up over my head, that that meant that if I can't see the booger, man, he can't see me. That's the theory. That's an ostrich, you know, sticking his head in the sand, thinking Wow, if I don't see this dude, he can't see me. A lot of Ostriches didn't die with their head stuck in the sand. I just didn't want to be one of the people that left this world with my head in the sand. And so you know, he kind of fostered that thought in my mind this morning. So I want to send the shout out to my man on Twitter. Courteil is whatever. I think. I'm gonna look his real name of hold Owners while I'm piddling through this trying to find it, so I can get this real Twitter handling and give him some love. But I just wanted to say, man this morning, that quit talking about change. Y'all listening, because because because this is real right here, quit talking about change and let's make a change. You know, man, I don't I don't mind giving people advice. I really, I really really don't, because so many people along the way have handed it to me freely. Man. Some people just saw me doing wrong and say, young man, come here, let me talk to you for a minute. Some people say, hey, bro, look man, I know what you're trying to do. Man it when have you thought about it this way? So I've had a lot of favor in my life, a lot of grace been shown on me, a lot of mercy, A lot of people and came to me helped me a long way, So I don't have no problem with this part of what what I'm what I'm obligated to do in the mornings. But let's quit talking about change, y'all, and let's make a change. She changes growth and ain't no growth without change. You've got people, Man, You ever met a person that's just insistent on doing it they way? I mean, no body in the building think they should go that way, but they're so bone headed. Oh this is how I'm gonna do it. But bro, listen to me. Man, that ain't highs done. You're gonna run into this distance I show you heait a minute. Man, you can't do it that way. Man, listen to me. Change is growth and ain't no growth without change. It cannot happen. If you are sick and tired of where you are, then you have to change. Change can only come from within. Can nobody make you change? Now? We got a penal system in place that can make you sit down. If you don't want to change, we'll sit you down and we'll restrict your movement and your communication to the point where if you want to continue this foolishness, we're gonna put you in this building with a whole lot of people. That's foolishness, and y'all just trick each other all day long. But if you are sick and tired of your situation, you've got to change, man. And listen to me, y'all, how do you bring about change? Steve? How do you change? Man? When you didn't thought of everything? Well, hold up, man, pray for it. Pray for change. Ask God to help you change. Ask God what he wants for you instead of always telling God what you want. It's an interesting prayer to have with God. When you quit going to God with your list and check in with God and see what his list is. That's a very interesting prayer. If you're a praying person, I suggest you try that sometimes. It's so interesting. Man, do you know what he did for me? When I started asking God what he wanted for me? Instead of telling God all the time. I still tell him what I want, but instead of all the time going to Him with what I want. You know what it did for me? It freed me up. It took a lot of pressure off. I no longer had to think of everything, and what I was thinking of a lot of times wasn't work in no way, and when I opened myself up to what he wanted to what his wheel was. Man, do you know how much simpler my life? God? And do you know how much bigger it God? I'm trying to tell you, man, if you pray for change and you allow God to help you with the change, or if you let God just produce the change, the changing you was would be amazing. If you've been listening to me, especially out in l A, since I was on the radio since two thousand, can't you here to change? I'm flat out telling you that a change has come. But I had to pray for the change because I couldn't make the change on my own. And then after you pray for the change, you gotta work towards your trade change. You know it as a faith without works is dead. Everybody wants something from God. Always want to talk to God about something. But then man, ain't ain't don't, don't want to do nothing about it. Faith without works is dead. You can't do it that way, man, It just does not happen. So so after you didn't pray to God about it, what you gotta do then is you gotta turn around and go, hey, man, all right, now, what is it I got to do. You know, you got to do something to bring it about. So after you pray for it, work for it, and do something today about it. Stop procrastinating. Don't procrastinate, folks. The change can start today. Man, I want to change? How about today? You know? Then you see them saying people, Man, I want to change. That's next week. How about today? I see people years later? Man, I'm still in its aim old situation. Man, I'm gonna do something. How about today? Today is a good day. There's nothing stopping you from changing today, nothing except you. You can begin the process of change immediately. And change is growth, y'all. And ain't no growth without changing. It's a simple thing. And I'm talking to you in broad strokes because everybody got something about them they need to change. That's why I'm not specifically talking about anything. I got some things and me didn't need to change so I can grow further. Everybody has something about them that they need to change in order to grow further and then go further. Now we're stopping you is you won't start to change today. Don't hesitate. Make that change, And then I want you to watch something. When you change, watch the difference in you. Notice the difference in you, feel the difference in you, and guess what you're gonna be different it If you're watching for the change, if you're feeling the change, then guess what you're gonna be different. Man, Watch for the difference, feel the difference. You will be different. If you're sick and tired of your situation, folks, you can change that. But the change is in you. It's a simple decision you have to make. I'm gonna change. The change is up to you. You can decide to day if you want to change, you want to be different. If you're sitting behind the wall, I love speaking to the brothers and sisters behind the wall. If you're behind the wall, man, and you're sitting tired of being behind the wall, man, why don't you change? You have thought about that change? Man. If I get back out there, I'm gonna just do the same thing. Stop saying that. Stop breathing that negativity into your life. Decide today that you want to change. You can do it. Everybody can change. If you don't know how to change, pray for it, man, ask God to help you with the change. Or you get some movement, then partner you get a whole lot of movement. Then all right, let's right, you're listening to Welcome to the Ride. It is the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. It's the nephew holding it down. So we're gonna keep it the way my uncle does it. We're gonna we're gonna dedicate this show. Were dedicated you know what, Junior, We're dedicating this everybody that work at the fast food, that worked the window, everybody at the window. We're dedicating it to them. Everybody that's working the window, the window, the people at the window, that's who were dedicating the show to. When people when w I N daw, everybody working the wind anybody ever working window, anybody works fast food. Everybody. I didn't stay up there long stealing you're stealing food, right, and it's at the windings. What happened you got caught? Yeah? Well, you know, I said, anybody that works with cash on their job, here's what you do every day. Steal a dollar. That's all you gotta do. One damned dollar. But don't they like tally at the end. They don't miss they're not miss the dollar. And they're gonna do a whole year. You got three six. You know what I'm saying. That adds up. But I'm also stilling lightbulbs, toilet paper my heads for no reason. But never food. No, no, go bad with you. Sometimes you'll shift go along. And you got that meeting you. I learned the hard way about meat man. You know, he's supposed to get off at a certain time, but that me is still in the trunk of your car, right and it's getting funky, and so you gotta get about it. And meat, no meat, not good going right at home. And this is man with a restaurant who had people stole from me. So yeah, I did, you did, But look at you now, okay, let let's let's let's do this go around the room. First job, PAULA very first job. I worked at a grocery store for a day a day. That was it. What happened. I couldn't balance that red just was too much. How I was way off. I was about sixteen. First job, I didn't have to work a lot, but I did work in a boutique and I was modeled a model closed all right, junior boy. My first job was a slave. I had to work for my daddy man cutting y'alls a weekend. Man, we have to don't cut deep people, y'all. Weekend. I hate this job. Oh I was watching cars. I watched cars and a Caddy Caddy. That's why I hate golf to this day. Oh, my dad, I hate my first job. I was at the Gap. I worked at the talked about me. That was good. All Right, we gotta go something funny. Junior's truth be told coming up and we'll discuss we had they got. We'll be back at two after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for something funny. Junior's truth be told first, then we'll discuss and Jab will explain before we do it. But first year up Junior with truth be told. He is listen, um, and I mean this to truth be told. I'm just gonna tell y'all, you can't hire your friends. I just want you to know. You can't hire your friends. Now. You know, Proud my assistant, my boy, you know since I six states, he don't need to be working for me because I see how yesterday I seen Jay's assisted and what Jay's assisted do for him that's not getting done for me. See if I asked for too much it's an attitude. Come back with mine. That as a little truth. Yesterday, yesterday I was there, I saw so Jay's assisted, my's your beautiful girl. We're trying to wait on, you know, get lunch. But it's about a couple of hours where we could eat lunch from the show The shaw Fetus for Free. Well, I was like, that's too long. It those a good little walk away. So they're gonna get us something to eat. They come back. I eat. He don't even you just throw it in any kind of way. Ain't no you know, no, ain't no sauce, ain't none of that. It's just it's just into to go to contain that. However it comes no, no salt, no, you know, not even a straw. But it's all good. I'm in here. I gotta go fine a plastic four because he didn't want in there not eat right, So now it's time for lunch from the show. So Jay was like, man, you're going walking down there and go get something eat. I don't know, man, I don't really know. They's like, I'm not going down there, and my Issia is eager to go get his women to go get it. I'm gonna get to Jay, I gonna get you something to eat. And I was like, I'm to day so sitting there watching that, but he said I'm going They like all right. I turned to my boy brid I said, I to be man, go down there with my asia man and get me something eat. He said, I am dog. He just I just want to know you cain't hire you're free. I'll give you again. Oh, I mean without a beat man, you just ain't him. You just hate man. Mind you. The check ain't over late, okay, but yeah, but he'veen knowring me since our six days, so you don't even give assist in your help trying to look at Caie. I mean, he said it loud in front of everybody, was allowed, people came in the room. So what's going on in here? He's not going to get you the same? That's it. Truth. Damn, that's funny. All right, Thank you Jr. As always. Now we're gonna move on to what you got, Jack. We had they got. This is breaking down. How did you said just a few minutes ago you said it was something old school news is basically old school new school. We're calling it. We had they got This is for the millennials, Am I saying that, right, millennial millennials we had. You have a millennial? Are they hard to talk to or what? Yeah? And you have to have money a lot. Oh my god, I don't think they're listen at all. They want everything. This is called what we had. They got for instance, for instance, very take when we go round room. We had record stores, remember that wanted music. You had to go get the music. You had to stand in line and wait for the music. You had to get the little thing that went in the middle to play the song. The the albums came out. Albums came out, remember Tower Records, and they have the pictures up there and yeah on sunset. Yeah, that's what we did. We put the work in to get our music. You know what they got? They downloads and down low ain't win nowhere, and you ain't win nowhere something. They don't even download it. They sent it to somebody else. Yeah, I just downloaded this here. You listen to where's the word? What you got? What you got ahead? Then they download, Then they ask you for your security card number on your credit card. About five things that they didn't bold and you like minute, Yeah, all right, we had got ja. We had water holes water. You know what I'm talking about. We had water, water, whole water. You don't stand, you stand in line. But first you know water holes. Water was tricky. You turn it on and you let thirty five forty five seconds ago to get that hot water out, and then the cool water kicks in it. That was the cool water we drink. They got bottle water. See they got something, dear friend. Yeah, drink behind everybody. Yeah water, and then got a yard and they got oh my god, he had water. Hold water. Sometimes it wasn't a war, just the right to the stick it and turn it on right there. That's my grandmama called it the zank day. I love it all right back growing up, I know you guys probably won't believe it, but little girls had things called easy bake oven. What yes, I wasn't looking back in the day. Okay, yeah, you better talk about that light bulb. Easy bake oven was actually the first, very first, Michael, It was the first. Thank you, thank you, thank you, And I used to use it. I used to put you guys are not gonna believe it. Dog believe so how loan did the hot dogs? Yeah, with the lightbulb went in. It was a couple of like thirty seconds and it was good eating. Okay, now they have microwave. I'll tell you when it's more personal to me. I used to work at a video used to love going to when the new movies came out of the one I was been in the theanom that isn't in the stove. You got the tape, You got the tape, they got netflick, yes, we had they got all right, we'll be back with the nephews. Run that frank back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, miss, and we'll be here with our national news, including the latest on recovery efforts with Hurricane Irma. But right now, the nephew and run that prank back. It is your time. What you got your new boss? Your new boss? Yeah, you're weird. I thought you knew that, ye did? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach Jason Place yesterday. How can I help? Hey Jackson? Uh, this is Lyle. I'm giving you a call out of human resources. Right. How you doing? You're the former the project guy out there? Yes, I am on the project managers. I cannot help you. Listen, Um, you've been training an individual out there. I think for the last month or so you have you've been training Uh? Yes, great guy, um doing great work, doing good. Okay, I was how was he is? He coming along pretty good with everything? Oh? Man, he picking up real good man. He learned and trade. I mean he's picking up. Just let us love from pick up O. Excellent young work. And here's how many more weeks of training out there? I will say, father, about another week or two. Well, we let him, you know, punch, put him on his arm. Okay, and you think he'll handle it efficiently? Oh? Yes, I think he would be a great great employees. Okay, you've been with the company how long? Uh? Going on about seventeen years? Yeah, my records are telling me somewhere around sixteen plus, right right, Okay, you've been with us quite a while. And let first of all, let you know we're grateful of you, of the work that you're putting in. Well, man, I appreciate a man made man. I appreciate it. He has the company, man, and you know, being here to eat many years man. He let you know, Man, I love my company exactly. Listen, we got a few adjustments. We're gonna be making out there on the plan. Here's what we're gonna do, now, you say, gonna be done in about a week or two, about a week. Okay, here's here's what we're gonna do on that particular day that he gets released. And you you you definitely know he's ready for everything. Um, I'm gonna want you to give him your key art as well as the key to your office. I'm gonna want you to give him your key card that gets you actually onto the property. And and you have you have your own parking space too, don't you. Yes? Okay, Now we're gonna need you to give your key card in your office key and we'll we'll find you another place to park. He's actually probably gonna be parking in your space. Hold hold, what you mean you're telling me to give him my key parking right, I'm talking to your parking space. But your key card to get you onto the property, a little electrical card there, right that as well as your office. He's gonna actually be taking over as project manager. No, no, sir, I'm not giving up nothing, sir. Nobody Just think over the parket managin. Let's let's first of all, so let's do this the stone the language down. Okay, we're gonna find a place for you, but for the time being, we're gonna put you back into play until we find some find the place of my places were there right now. I'm not moving from nowhere. That's okay. I'm not getting said to sign me nothing. I got seventeen years. Ain't nobody said to sign me that plays to move. You got to understand that part down. I got seventeen years up in here and train the young guy and this guy got a couple of months and you're telling me the other want to do what to me? Move me, Jason, this is a temporary move. We're gonna find something better for you. No, you ain't know what this is the project, man. Ain't nobody movie got that understanding. This has come from the head and the head and here it is. I know the head of people. This decision actually come from the vice president. They ain't told me none of that. It comes to me first. I'll tell you what, Jason, this is something I'm supposed to probably not tell you. But let me let me let you in on a little something. Let me hand on something, because this is gonna be some bull him because I set the whole place up out here, And I mean, let me explain something to you, Jason. This young guy that you've been training, he's actually the nephew of the vice president. I don't give a about no nephew or no vice president. Man, do you think I care about some president? Tell him I'm the president? I said what I said? Yeah, man, the next you? Who care about the next you? They ain't never told me. Well, can I expect you to give your key over to him? Oh? Hell no, I ain't getting nobody nothing. Don't get the law to come and get it. Ain't nobody getting nothing. I ain't leaving. How that sounds. So all I can ask you for is I need your key card, and I need the key to your office. I need you to empty out your things so we can move Victor in there on you a place. This is just a temporary slop right now. You them all ain't nobody getting nothing saying okay, and I've been here. I'll tell you what I gonna do. I go out there and I temp slap this wove something, okay, And then I find out who the boll says or whoever the nest you both to be and kick him because I ain't giving up nothing. And I'm talking about job y'all with the wrong one, okay, with the wrong one at this time. But you're talking about beating the vice president's nephew. You're you're you're losing control here, Uh, Jason, No, I ain't losing nothing. I'm gonna think control. I'm a lot And when I kicked, how that sounds? And they'm gonna kick the ball to see you? All of them? How that sounds? That makes sound clear to you? It makes no sense. We're we're trying to just give you someplace to be temporarily until I find you another slot. Ain't no other. My slot is my slot. I'm gonna kicking gift rat. Not how that sound to you? So all I'm asking is I need your key card and I need the key to the office. Get all your things out so I can get Victor moved in within the next week. Ain't he's okay? All of them, I don't give it now that sounds I don't care nothing about him, Okay, because I see you made somebody out here today. Okay, I'm tired of it and this ain't gonna happen to me. I'm gonna get security to come over and walk you out. Okay, No, ain't no security to walk me. No how that sounds. I came here and buy myself. Ain't nobody to walk me about the end. Are you having problems moving out for the nephew the nest okay, and nephew is not gonna come in here and take Okay, there's another that you need to be aware of. Do you know who the other nephew is? Hell no, I ain't never seen no other after you. I ain't know that wasn't their few. Let me tell you who the other one is? Who the other one of the other one is left? You tught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Jason, you just got Frank y'are lying with me? Man, Come on, man, don't play me Mann. This ain't no Tommy Man. Y'all need to put up man. And y'all don't know how long the brother man I worked I worked on up man. He man. Ain't me no just baby y'all. But maybe man, y'all got me good man, I got you, Man, I got I got one thing to ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the last that's Steve Harvey Morning Show. What y'all think? We think you're crazy? Am I stupid? Call? Yes? Yes, sir. If they ever give out a stupid prize, will I get it first? They ever made a company called Stupid, you'd be the president and ceo. He takes first second answer show and Julia and Julia and I'm pride that Shirley. Yes, yes, I have two tickets for one of your family members tonight and Little Rock Arkansas, the Deep stage play Mama's Boy. We're in a Little Rock tonight. So, uh, Shirley got some relatives dying there. Well, it's actually my daughter's counselor, Mrs Reeves, So thank you very much, Ms Reeves. Reeves, if you was listening, Miss Reeves, you're gonna be on the fourth row in the middle seats, right the seats, Miss Reeves. All right, Tomorrow Tomorrow I'm in what your tok Kansas? Uh, Saturday, I'm in Kansas City, And Sunday I'm in St. Louis. I'm gonna let you all know my Mama's Boy. That's why my boys sound crazy. I've been I'm working on both sides. Um, how do you want to Steve keep his voice? Together with him. He's bigger. He's bigger than you. I think that's what it. Also, if I was taller, it wouldn't be bob his muff. His muscles don't got to work out. Yeah, you're little, Tommy. I see you got your back, man, got your back. But it ain't my back, it's my front. They hit me from the from the front, so you can see it coming. Yeah. Man, that was very rude to them. You know, he has a body going. All right, we gotta go keep keep on joint see him over at all is up next with our national news and we'll have the latest on Hurricane Irma. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning shows. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, Jay's trick or treat signs. Wait till you hear these. Yeah, that's Halloween. Halloween that's coming up. Can go on Candidas, Yeah it is. It's amazing out. So Jays, they're not nice, all right, Miss Anazon Deck with today's headlines. But first, there is a long, long road to recovery for Houston and Florida after Harvey and Irma. The constant removal of debris, not to mention millions, I've said, millions are affected by the sweltering heat in Florida. They say, um nineties and the nineties. Uh. Down in Florida. They don't have electricity, they don't have air conditioning. Yeah, Florida, Yeah, Florida. Florida Power and Light is working around the clot to restore power. We do want to bring awareness to the desperate situation going on in the Caribbean as well. Paradise was devastated by IRMA, I mean devastated. The power is out, supplies are running out. US Marine and sailors are bringing food, water and supplies to US Virgin Island as instructed by FEMA. However, residents and visitors from other Caribbean in independent islands and territories with various forms of associations with France, the Netherlands, they're criticizing these European countries for the lack of organization and they say that there's no urgency there. You know, these people are are in dire straits right there. They need help, they need food, they need water, they need things. Uh So they're criticizing them for their lack of organization and urgency in response to sending the help. If you want to help. Please make sure you do your research on various charities before you give. There are a lot of scams, a lot of frauds out there, so yeah, yeah, so make sure you do. Country music star Kenny Chesney, Uh, Robert De Niro and former NBA and San Antonio Spurs legend Tim Duncan have all vowed to help rebuild islands in the Caribbean. And if you want to donate St. Thomas, he's a work for me and our you know, good man, he's in St. Thomas. You said they got hit really hard done Burly and Carl. Y'all men, we were in the Virgin Islands, y'all met I really okay, we were in St. Thomas. Yeah, we were hanging out. I've been trying to reach out to him. Anybody know where he is, Email, text me, let me know if he's okay, man. And that's been the thing to j with the Caribbean. They're depending on their friends and families here back in the States, and they're communicating through social media and things like that. So we have to get the word out and bring awareness because they feel like they're being forgotten about in the Caribbean. So this is yeah, this is very important. And I saw CNN they had delegates on the air and it's part of the States, so hey, let's help them up right. And they were talking about, um, you know, the hotel's being down, and they were like, well, why are you talking about hotels, you know when families. They said, well, remember these people work in these hotels, so they have to you know, the hotels are destroyed, so they don't have any place to work to make money to provide for their families. So it's a lot going on there that we don't know about it. And anyway we can help. And thanks to Robert de Niro and Kenny Chesney and Tim Duncan of course, who are already who have already vowed you know that they're going to help. So they got let's do what we can. They got this slogan. It's not really a good slogan. It's like water everywhere and not a drop to drink, you know, so that's like crazy. They really need drinking water down Yeah, so I know, um, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines they're sending cruise ships of supplies down there. But we gotta keep it going. So on this show, we're going to keep awareness going about absolutely absolutely and our our prayers for sure will never stop. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. It is that time. Jay, you're up introduced the Butterfly? Do you know the better fly? Because yet about forget well he forgot it, but do you know? But oh my god, I love it so much. All of my friends are doing when I walk in the red Do you know that? Every time I watch it? It's OK. I'm having a moment. I'm still having a moment. I haven't told you all this because it's been so Shirley Carlin, you, Anthony Brown, Oh my god. We did Mama's Boy, um Tuesday night in San Antonio, Texas. Okay, guess who came and saw me and loved my part in the show. Janet Jackson. Out my god, what what I am not? Miss Jackson? If you master the baby? Let me tell you something. I came in my dressing room and she said, oh my god, the Butterfly and the you know because her and Johnny Yellow very good friends. And she came Shirley. She said, Butterfly, you are still in this show? And I said sure. That's how she talks right, hold, hold on, I wish j When I came out of my dressing room, she was looking dead at me and she said, oh my god, I just went would have been there and Jake, what you would have done when I want you know? But dude, oh my god. If she was standing right there and she looked at me, she said, you are stealing this show. I love me some butterfly show. God, I love me some butterflyer. He don't say it. You're still in the show. You're gonna make me old. She got time, pet good get toashed from it. Yeah, well, I'm not anywhere. I just want to say Jackson came out to shut up June. You went out to believe you who never had a microphone in the jet? Peto face. I get ready, I get ready, Little rock we will be I'm a little rock tonight. Get ready to get ready little Rocky. Obama gonna be there. Know the Clinton's probably all right. I'm gonna do it as Jennet Jackson, Thank you, Butterfly. When we come back from the break, Anthony Brown has main trick or treat signs after the hour, I'm Janna jack Miss Jackson. If you're nasty you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. I just hard to believe that Halloween is right around the corner, right and he's in the store now, yeahs and everything. Halloween is like a huge holiday in the US. Okay, Jay, what's up with these mean trigger treat signs? Well, first of all, I'm a diabetic and I've been for quite some time, so I had this sign in my yards. It's the real sign. It says, dear tricker treaters, I'm a diabetic. If I can't have candy needed, can you have Halloween? That's the sign in. But you know what, here's the thing. Everybody, everybody don't like Halloween. We well tell me. Okay, I want you to step up and introduce Jay so we can hear the rest of his mean trigger treat signs. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are here alright. Have the one and only Jay Anthony Brown with the me treat. This is these are signs for everybody because everybody don't like Halloween. Everybody is just you need some signs in you and I got one, but it don't stop him. Is one candy rotting your teeth? Go next door? One? Some of you that rascals don't need candy. He's a sad You see my lights out. It's obvious. I'm trying to act like I'm not home. Pay don't teach you to car the driveway. I called it uber to a party. All that's on the side. Different signs. There's a different sign. Didn't your mama take you? Not to take candy from strangers. Y'all don't know. I'm just doing a trick part this year, not to treat I put a actatives all my candy. Somebody killed us yesterday. We're not giving that candy. I gave my candy to the people next door. They're giving it out. Why don't you do this, man, Why don't you at least why don't you make your house like a haunted house and just scared the hell out of the keys. Why don't do that? You know what I did do One year, I had a projector in the yard and I showed I used the house to show an old movie, like an old Frankenstein movie. So that was but that that didn't stop him from coming. So that you know, I don't want him to come. So here's my last sign. Boo boo, let's take your ass away. From here. Boo, you got one more jack so mean you know you might have big for that Spider Man costume. Get your fight, you little fat spider Man. Fat spider Man. Please make yours look nice? What was yours again? No? Yours? Oh yeah, my mind is a dear tricker treaters. I'm gonna diabetic if I can't have candy. Neither can you? Happy Halloween? I don't care. They don't care. They don't care, They didn't want. Remember when we were we could actually go trick or treat. Yeah, now you gotta have you go by yourself back costume. Yeah, the worst thing that I had a costume, Yeah, costom a real costume. Yeah, I didn't. I had to make it. Yeah, we had to make them. Yeah, we had to make them. Like well, y'all. Was one of the fat boys because all the killers off my bad a walm up and my dad and walm up with one gold chain. Fat boys back killed every minute. My sister was an old man. We both put on ads and dick jacket and what are you we old men? Give us some candy? Yeah? I remember one time it was called so cold growing up in Chicago. Cold we went trigger treating but we had costumes, but we would have to put them on over our clothes, right, Me, Me, didn't listen to my mom. I didn't want that. I just wanted the beauty of my costume. I didn't put them over my clothes. My little skinny behind I was dressed as a skeleton. It was horrible. I should have listened to mom. I love Halloween. Yeah, yeah, you've seen some of the characters that some people like put a lot of money into a l A. Halloween is on a different level in l A. Alright, yeah, coming up next, the brank phone call from the nephew. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it is two days Strawberry Letters. Stay tuned for that. But first, come on, nephew with the today's praying phone call. What you got? Your baby too fat? Your baby too fattime? What what your baby too fat? It's gonna be an instant fight on is your baby too fat? Okay? Here you go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Cathy. Please. Um, this is hi Cathy. This is Curvy. I'm actually the the owner at the daycare, Mine's daycare when your son comes. Alright, I'm sure you're familiar with my wife Anita. Al Right, how are you doing today? I'm good. Oh, how's a little little Divine? How's he doing? He's good. He's laying down taking the nap. Okay, you guys been coming here. I guess about a year now, right, yes, since he was one. Okay, listen, I need to give you a call. I'm looking at some some information I was I was Divine doing at home? Is he is he eating properly at home? When you say eating, what do you mean? I mean? Is he getting uh meals every time he's supposed to get them while he's at home? Yeah, he's doing pretty good. Okay, now there's there's there's no situation where you guys may be a shortage of food or anything like that. Are you uh short as the food? No, sir, my husband works real good. We don't have a problem with as short as the food. Is there a problem with him? Well, you know, we're looking at the records and look levines too. Have you looked at the comparison of two year olds? The majority of two year olds and in comparison to I guess I should say size in comparison to divine side. You mean, like in body way, buddy size. Yeah, I mean he's a little tall. You know, he wasn't a small chat when his barney was ten pounds. But no, he's on the scale of right where he should be. He's just a little you know, taller because his daddy is tall. But he's doing so. You're you don't think he's anywhere in the in the ballpark of of of of obesity at two? You mean fat? I mean, I didn't want to be blunt, but but but miss Cathy, you're I mean, I mean your son. Let me just say on a Sunday, I'm relaxed and we're talking about you think my son is a little overweight or what he's what's the problem? Well, I mean I think he's fat, you know, and and and the problem I'm I'm noticing the records of everything. Wait wait, wait, wait, we need to back up to you think he's sat I've never spoken to you, Mr Kirby. Is that what she said? My name is Kirby. Okay, so every morning that I dropped him off for a year and I give my daycare money. Ms. Benita has never said anything about his eating habits. So you're telling me that you think my son is fat. With him, you deal with him on a daily basis. I don't do what him the daily basis. What I'm looking at is records that are showing me that he's eating way more than the rest of anybody at the daycare. And not only that, he's drinking probably a gallon of milk a day. The milk. Y'all only get snacks two times a day, and he's there only for breakfast and lunch. And how in the hell is he drinking a gallon of milk? And if he is, ma'am. But all I know is this, No, No, I'm blown away by this because you're calling me on a Sunday, calling my damn child fat. That's the problem. And your wife has never said a damn thing. Never has she said one thing to me in a year when she collected my damn daycare money. She ain't said my son is eating y'all at a house at home. Okay, Well, you know my wife is a different person and she tries to be cordial with everyone. He's the one who deals with me, Mr Kirby. I've never met you never met you on a Sunday. The reason why I'm calling you on a Sunday, ma'am, is that I know tomorrow if you're gonna be trying to drop your son off, I am gonna drop him off. I am. No, no, no, that's that's kind of the reason why I'm calling you. Now, here's what we mean. Learn it it was here. Either you can keep him at home. No, I'm not keeping him at home. My husband works and I work. I'm dropping my damn son off at six that he like I do every morning. Man listening, if we can't get him, if you really on the side, because obviously you ain't the one that need to be talking to me, because if you're not there every day, and I did with your wife, I'm telling you that your son is too big to be's coming every morning if that's the case. And if he's eating at a house at home, I'll send him some extra, But what I paid my money for is what you're gonna feed him for to full meals and two snacks. And if he needs extra, I'll put some in his bag. But he's drinking a gallon of milk a day. Are you looking here? I don't care there's no way possible that he can drink a gallon the milk a day. Here's here's here's the deal. I don't want you to have to stop bringing your son now, and I'm not, and I'm not. Here's my second alternative. I will put him on a diet. Okay, I'll give him an apple in a you ain't, no, damn, you ain't. Are you from the health food program? I will. I will give him an apple and a glass of water in the morning, and I'll give him an apple and a glass of water in the evening, and then you guys can feed him when he gets wrong. You must be certified in the food program, especially if you're sitting the pire telling me my damn son is on on a diet and he's not drinking no water and no apple. He needs a full snack. If the other kids is having an apple and water, then that's what you better be serving him. But if that ain't the case in here, I'll know he better get the full snack. So if that's graham crackers and apple juice, well, damn it, that's what my son better be getting. And if he won't extra, he better get it. Listen, all I'm trying to tell you your son drink too much. Drink well, well, whoa you need to back the top. I know you did not cussing me. I know you ready to cut to me. Let me tell you you ain't got to worry about it. We don't have nothing else to talking about. My husband, me, your wife, and everybody that works at damn daycare better be there in the morning because that's six dirty. We're gonna be there, and my son he's coming um week and he gonna eat all week. If he walked two gallons of milk, he gonna drink it. If he walked two plates of food, he gonna get it. Because I tell you what, we pay them good money to come to that daycare. So you're gonna bring your child up there that I'm gonna have to put him on some swim fast. Now, I will put your child on swim fast. I was trying not to give him to suspected, but I will ask gives him some slim fast, and you're gonna get a slim fast swooping. I'm gonna whoop y'all that whoever gave it to him, whoever gave it to him, they're gonna get a slim fast slipping all the little kids that have some slim fasts. If he getting some, he better eat whatever they eat. And if they eating steak, well, damn it, he better have something too. If we had steak, he probably eat the whole damn cow. He didn't care. I pay for it, but he been like getting the slim fast. I will shut it down about my child. I got something else you need to know about your son? What else do I need to know besides you think my son is overweight? What the self can you tell me today? I need to tell you this. I need to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend Lucresia got me to prank on call you. What did you just say? What did you just say? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Tell your girlfriend Lucretia got me to prank phone call you. I'm gonna beat that to that. She. No, I don't play about my nemn son at all. That's my only son. I don't play about him. I'm gonna be is she there? It's on? After this? It's all it is? Hey, I got one more thing I gotta ask you, baby, what is what is the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show wasn't it's all I hope you can hear me. Whatever you atlantic. Some people got fat babies, some people got scared babies. You know what you gotta tell think your baby too fat? All right now, to get your hat when you're talking about people your baby too fat? Even if your baby answer who fat? What are you saying? What are you saying with that statement? Jay, I'm calling you little Rock Arkansas tonight, Mama's boy to get stage play. People are loving it all over the country. Make sure you get your tickets and come out and see the nephew as well as Eugene because we're clown it up in there. Who knows where Jannet Jackson might show up. That ny boy Jannet showed up dropped. No, it wasn't. I'm telling you it was. He'd like to meet you. I'm gonna have Janet alright coming up next. Fellas, be careful with the new iPhone ten plus the Strawberry letters on deck. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up next, Today's crazy Strawberry Letter. You do not want to miss this one plus check me out on Facebook A Live today one pm. That's right, join me there, I'll be there. It's gonna be fun. We'll talk about today's letter. This is interesting today's letter. Um and yeah, and and we're gonna we're gonna discuss that I have a hot topic, a trending topic of the weekend, a fresh strawberry pick of the week. But did you hear about this? I'm sure you probably heard this by now everyone has. Apple has introduced the new iPhone X or or the eight, and they've also introduced the ten. You know, that's the same it's the same phone, the iPhone phone. It's the same phone, the iPhone that calling it the iPhone eight or the apphone or so, it's all the same. It's the same phone. But there's no nine. There's no there's still no nine. Okay, the iPhone X is the ten and the eight they skipped the nine. And it's how much, Oh it's a thousand dollars. Yeah, go back to the pay phone eventually. Problem with what do you mean you don't have a problem with the j am Apples rhymes with which apples. Apples put out a phone that calls five thousand dollars. I'm saving up to get it. I've got the heavy Why are you Apples? Because Apple has got me? They below the Apple. I work for Apple. Yeah. People were saying, Wow, Steve Jobs would not like this, the phone being so high, thousand dollars. Basically that's just for us. Gig do you want to get five twelve gigs that can be up to? Wow? You are, don't matter, don't matter what I'm Apple's rhyme with the weird they need to be sitting your check Now. I love it. I gotta have it. I'm a Sam song dude. I'm sorry, I'm sam Y. Y'all paying too much? Now? What what does the phone do? It does a lot? All right, Okay, this is crazy. Okay. It has improved battery life two hours longer than the iPhone seven. It has its own charging system, no plug need it, just lay it down on the inductive pad. Perhaps the most revolutionary feature is face i D, which replaces your fingerprint. Now you have to use your finger which replaces your fingerprint, as the method of unlocking the phone. You simply hold the phone up to your face to log okay, face print? Okay, yes, okay, Lets can I just say something? Yeah, you can either put the code in or you can use the face recognition. Let me tell you put the code in. Your lady can put the phone up to your face while you sleeping and going your go through your text and open your eyes. They open your damn eye. Yes, whatever it takes. Yeah, you can come over here a simple modelationship, do not do face recognition. Okay, I'm telling you you've been on it, and then you've got old players with new technology. Y'all needn't leave us alone any damn with. I mean it's basically all screen, like you say, except for a little small notch up at the top that houses a selfie camera, lens and sensors. Okay, So I mean you know what got me new? The world new word, new, new Apple. What it said? It's new. I'm on it. But did anyone here I heard it? I don't know if you guys heard it. Did anyone here? When we're talking about faith print? What the nephew said? Go ahead, and nephew say what the booty print? What is that? What? Take your phone? Put it on your butt and that unlocks it. What do you know? You don't what he using your phone? Because if you're using your face cheek while you can't use your you's been phone your Actually just some time. I'm don't make it, don't matter what I'm apples rhyme with the wind. I'm gonna take my thousand dollars and go get a vacation. Yeah all right, come on, time for the letter. Let's go buckle up, hold on type. We got it for you, We got the strawberry. Thank you. Subject my boyfriend's sex therapist or my boyfriend's sexy therapist. Okay here Stephen Shirley. Yeah, I am jealous of my boyfriend's therapist. She's attractive, the same age as us and his type as far as looks go. He is also drawn to women who are supportive. He insists on seeing her every two weeks to discuss issues. He is seeing her for stress management because his business is struggling and he has problems with addiction. I personally do not see any improvement and is drinking because he still drinks heavily when he is stressed over the business. I wonder what she does for him and am I jealous? Um, that she might encourage or support him in ways that I can't. I am jealous that she might encourage or support him in ways that I can't. Am I wrong to feel threatened? I believe men and women can't be friends without strong sexual urges, and therapy requires a deep intimacy. I would feel different if it were a man counseling him. What are your thoughts? Is this more than just therapy? Please help? Well? You know I'm with you if you feel a certain way, al right, it may not necessarily be true, but if you feel this way, we of course have our intuition. It could be something underlying and going on here, especially if he keeps seeing her and he's not improving. I mean, the whole point is for him to improve and you know, distress and and get rid of some of his issues. So if that's not happening, then yes, it is time for a new therapist. And I would do, if I were you, do my due diligence and look for someone, look for another therapist, because um, and and let me say this as well, just because she's beautiful and attractive in his type does not mean that she's not doing his job I'm just going by what you said in the letter. She's not doing her job. Um, it's not working. So maybe he's caught up because she looks a certain way or whatever and he can't and he's feeling some kind of way. So if I were you, I would get another therapist. There thousands and thousands of therapists out there. Uh, And you can just explain it to him as you don't think this is working and his problems are getting worse instead of better, because that's exactly what it sounds like. Your proof is right here in this letter, and say I found another more reputable therapist and maybe we should go take a look at him. Okay, keyword in that sentence him all right, nephew, come on, you want me to do it right now? Okay, I'll tell you what you show. You want me to do it right now because I got a lot, I got a lot built up, I got a lot because I'll understand what this brother going. Okay, maybe you need a therapist. So um, Okay, we don't have a lot of time. We'll go to break right now and come back and I'll let you have as much. Okay, okay, okay, all right, we're gonna okay, all right, we'll be back at twenty three after the hour with nephews answer to this letter. My Boyfriend's Sexy Therapist is the subject you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, don't forget today at one thirty pm, we will be discussing this very letter for you. Okay, I'm sure you guys have your own opinions. I like, you know when you hear our opinions, but I always love to hear from the audience. So one thirty today, please join me for the Strawberry Live After show on Facebook. Alright, alright, nephew, let's go. Uh. My Boyfriend's Sexy Therapist is the title of the subject of this letter. A woman wrote in She's jealous of her boyfriend's therapist. He has to go there because he's so stressed and he needs it for stress management. His business is struggling, he has problems with addiction. She the therapist, is attractive, She is the same age as they are, and she is his type as far as looks go. So the young lady his girlfriend that wrote the letter is jealous and she wants to know, um should she be jealous? Is is more than just therapy. Um, she would feel differently if it were a man unsling him. And she thinks that men and women can't be friends because of the strong sexual urges, especially you know, if there's an attraction or both parties are attractive. So what do you have to say now? Yo, man is doing it with her every two weeks, and it is a beautiful thing. It is a beautiful thing. It is a stress reliever. What it's a stress relief. They're doing it. What you know what women can't see when somebody doing it. They're doing it people. They're doing it every two weeks. And if you don't mind, can you send me her number because I'm stressed too and I need a number for some stress relief to all them asking for is to send Why you didn't send us the number when you wrote the letter helped a lot of people out. Yes, I need stress relief. I'm going through something. I do radio in the morning, I do a stage play at night. I'm trying to get a sitcom I'm doing all Will Packle won't call me. I'm stressed. Bitley Evans won't call me back. Tom Singleton has not called me back. I'm stressed. Right now. Yes, I need this. It's relief to fix every two weeks from a beautiful, beautiful thing. I dropped out. That's what I'm talking about. That's stress. That's stress. If I drop out, it's stressed. The number when you si the let, when you sent the letter. Sending the number, you could have helped some people and some people stressed over here? What city are you in? What do y'all live? I might fly down there? I want you know what if I can actually fly down there every two weeks and relieved this kind of stress, that's what I'm looking for, stress relief. How long did Steve give Tommy's marriage? Right before y'all got a problem with organized ass? This on your This is what I need. I'm stressed. Sure, okay, can you help a brother out here? I kind of agree with him because to get better and it takes time. And that's why he's constantly seeing her every two weeks. The good work takes time. You're not gonna be cured instantly. How long have you been seeing this lady? Get a new therapist? No, no, no, no. He's putting the work in and you don't see a change right away. To take time, that's why he's got to see her constantly. He's working on his problems. First you asked him. Man, to go get help now because you don't see the change right away. You got a problem. He's working on his addiction. Come on me one, okay, he's working on it. You have anything to add I'm just gonna go to listen to me. Please get a new therapist for you, man, all right? Why the ladies don't see it? Take time? We have to move on. Thank you guys, before we do it seriously, can you get we got a job, Tony. Join me on Facebook Live today at one thirty pm Eastern time. We're gonna talk about this particular strawberry letter. All right, come on, Jay, please introduce that girl. She is here, the one and only Chryl Underwood. Do you know Sharlanderwood? Yeah? Sound go ahead. Now, what's up? My brother James Better said, what's happened? Wait a minute? That's as good winmen were, Oprah had I think. So we're patting about to get with the program. Yeah, okay, I'm gonna need that forever right now? Hy are we up? Lifting? People? Call us? Did you Janet Jackson marriage was? Yeah? Let me tell you something say the worst was flying and everything I want. Janet Jackson, remember that she from Gary, Indiana. We don't take that. If Manwest, we don't take that. In shot down, we don't take that. If you have a party that the genesis convinced, you know, old school, it's like, we don't take that. And you've got too many brothers in your family that somebody didn't come over and handle that. And your marriage still stay together and don't let nobody talk against your sister like that. Speaking of sisters, Big up Eastern Ray. Now she's the face of cover girl, Joy Queen latifas Uh, Janelle Monnai's all of them on the cover girl. I am announcing that I am now a cover girl from Barbara Walden cosmeis Lurid Roberts, Lauria Roberts Cosmetics, coming fashion Fair. Men when Fashion Fair had to go Shirley were lacking the eyeliner, the eyelight, the brown. Oh yeah, you know, I had to say, Floyd Roberts, you have on my man. He speaking to bake up clowns. Donna get their asso girls, black children, Black children ain't going down to no sewer for no paper ball, say say man man and them. You're gonna get it. You're a clown. Maybe that's right. That's that's that's exactly right, unless it's holming the clown because don't like that, Hoppy, don't fla that. Man. I'm so happy we are together. Hey, next time, we got to talk about the reunion of Death Comedy Jam on Netflix. We gives inside stuff and I'm just so proud that everybody squashed beef. We was all hugging and it was nice to see a bunch of black millionaires get together and reminisce and stay woke at the same time. Alright, Cheryl, thank you girl. Coming up next, some funny highlights from Martin Martin was one of the ones that was at def Jam. Well, we'll be back at forty one after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Martin Show. You don't want to miss a moment of Steve's new talk show. It stars Studded and yesterday Martin Lawrence Martin special guest. He talked about def Jam and being Jerome on his hit sitcom Martin. Take a listen. This year Martin the sitcom Martin, It turned twenty five this year. Man, queen, when did you realize that this show was a cultural phenom. I don't know. It's it's still just hitting me that is still on and it's doing what he's doing. It just it hasn't hit me yet. I guess I'm still surprised by you played characters, man, But do you miss any of the characters. But a lot of the characters, A lot of the characters that I did, like oldest Jerome. I love doing those games, Jerome, the pilp. Oh, I sin't you're wrong now, I th't you're wrong to watch your Man. It was Man, it was the best I've never seen anybody do what you did. You know, what you were doing was so special, man, so different from anybody else. You had the best guest stars, you had Biggie baby Face, Snoop Goal. You connected with the hip hop community most definitely, most definitely, and love having him on the show and hip hop Man means everything thing to me. I get motivated on hip hop. Wow, oh my god. Mine is one of those shows no matter what time you watching at night, Yeah, it is definitely thinking the show you've seen. This is my favorite. It's in my top two. It is my top two favorite sitcoms of all time. I did the warm up five years, I did the warm up. I did Laura's first a minute. Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, Michael was cool him. They hugged him. Man good good. People still looks great than him, Mark Man, he rich down nothing like. People don't look like they're worried about nothing. Martin has his own emojis. They talked about that. Yeah, wow, that's cool. No. My favorite Martin episode which one that dog on Dragonfly? Oh yeah, but he's always getting over not paying this part man. My favorite one was with Tommy Tommy with Tommy Davidson. Did you miss me? It was a two part I remember Martin goes out Tommy. Yeah that show. Yeah, because he gave me the audience and I was like, they're doing the warm up, They're gonna miguil noon is pretty ricky. Oh yeah, theylled what they called. Man, There were so many. I mean, remember Tracy has to be on the show. One way. He fought is it Tommy Davis episode baby I won't fight on? Remember pimp episode when he was a pimp and he touched like this what you want baby? I don't know what you're talking Aboby when the baby shot out of gena man, Oh my god, he caught it. Yes, man, that was hilarious and he and Pam used to get into it. Man do th harmony? Everybody had everybody he had Baggie on their scary scary j block that show. I think that show was before It's time. Me and my husband set up and watch Martin watch Market every single night. I love that show. What was the one way did you go to go to the nail shop to get a feat done? Miss Marnet? How about the New Jack City episode? Oh yeah with that dog that nothing? No? Mine and brother go to say teachers at the Whitney Houston Country Brother man spell with yeah, we could go on and on. No, no, no bird, no, no, Mama, bad biscuits. She called the bird too. Yes you did ye character Yeah, serious kick and he rolls up like the whole ever working on the air condition man and characters, drones in the house. Look at the white ship oldest, Yes, oldest, I meant, I mean so so many. What was the little boy's name, the little Rosco? Yeah, Rosco blow his nose was the white dude name? What was the white dude name? Oh? Because he was in the hotel, he threw the body. Yeah, he made the marguerite. Yeah, like dragon, you got my money. But every time but he getting whooped over. Do y'all remember the episode when the heat when Martin wouldn't pay the heat went out of ye yeah yeah, and they were with him, Tommy paym and all of them. They thought that he was holding out for a five percent increase, but it was for five Yeah. The white dude name was Bob Running. Tommy you know you go man, Rest in peace, time, boy, Make sure you watch Steve today. Check your local listings. We will be right back with Carlo's reality updates. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, let's get it, let's get it, let's get it. It is that time. She is here with the one and only reality right now. I've been working, I've been working. I've been working nights and days. Okay, so let me try to get reality. Okay, let you do it. Let you do it too. Don't don't feel that you didn't you know that you didn't write that infringement up fellows. Alright, Tuesday, and let's talk about scripted shows. First, Let's go to being Mary Jane, you know, shout out to Gabrielle union Wade. I said that last week her and Michael Eally the whole clue, the whole cast, they are putting it down. Yes, being married, it's a very very good show. Now Justin, who was Michael Eally's character, and Mary Jane, they on this past episode on Tuesday Night, they take their love to the next level. You know, they seemed like they were always like holding back and trying to sabotage the relationship or whatever. But he made a huge confession about his ex girlfriend, Simone. Now, you know, Justin the character, he has thirty million dollars, he's rich, and so it seems as he dated this woman and her name is Simone, and she had a battle with cancer, stage four cancer. So she left this fortune. She left all of this money to Justin. And the tough part of Justin holding back, it seems like with this relationship with Mary Jane was that she begged his ex girlfriend, begged him to help her take her own life because she was suffering so much with cancer, and he eventually gave into her wishes. And so now he confessed this to Mary Jane. So now that's what I'm saying about them taking their relationship to the next level. They are now closer and uh richerted well, she's a talent. She's an on air talent. It's like a morning show, Good Day US, a kind of like Good Morning America. And he's a producer. He's a producer on the show, and her best friend as a producer, And which brings me to this situation. Now they are both up for at the next job of being Mary Jane's boss, and now Mary Jane has to choose between her best friend and her man. He always is in that position. But yeah, the best friend is a great actress. Man. Yeah, he's doing a great job. Everybody's doing a fantastic job. So in this situation for Mary Jane, if it was me, I'm just gonna keep it real and keep it one hundred, I would have to stay out there. There's no way that I could pick between my best friend and my man to have the job. So she's gonna have to tell the big boss that says she cannot know. What would you do? Decision? What do you do? You do? You don't have to change. I have to get out of it. There's no way there's you got to pick. You're gonna have to pick, I wouldn't be produced. I got so to me. He's what I'm here for. Yeah, why am I justin? Justin is uh? He likes to work, that's his thing. That's my bes friend. Appreciate a couple of thousand dollars. You can have it on a ballplayer. So let's move on. You're here j though, Carlo, you gotta hear what I'm gonna get my best friend a couple of thousands. Now you can move on. I just want everyone to hear that you're gonna turn on a couple of thousands. You didn't have a dollar man in my bank account. Come on, carl and ignored the cheapest. Alright, loving hip hop Hollywood, listen to some reality foolish its. Ray J is working with an artist and you know what good that's what he's working with. Okay, so you know ray J is just being ray J. So they're shooting a video. He's working with this artist and they're shooting a video. No, before you say, it not a sex tape video. It's a music video. But it's not a sake say video. It's a music video. It's a ray J. You know, he's trying to make moves and making Yeah he really is. Well, his wife Princess and Bray you know, they've had some infertility issues. You know, they want to start a family. She wants to be a mother and ray J, you know, his swimmers weren't swimming. You know, his firm count was low. But he's doing good now and so last week swimmers back in. Well, you know, they really did get into that as to how he did it, if he changed his lifestyle. What they did talk about what I can remember remember he stopped smoking. Yeah, he stop smoking, and that was part of it. To the toxic things that he was putting in his body. Yeah, yeah, so just trying to have a healthier lifestyle. Ray J decided to babysit his business partner's baby to show his wife Princess that he is serious about wanting to be a dad. So ray J is really committed to starting a family with Princess. So we will see what happens with that. I mean, he was working on this video set and told the people he had to go because Princess called her and said she was ob be lating. So he left. Alright, yeah, say I gotta go, So there you go. And then Keisha Cole's ex husband Booby. Uh does he have a thing for R and B singers? What's going on? Because now yeah, now he's pushing up on Brook Valentine. I think Keisha gonna be both of these behind you better stop on that foolishness. And finally, j Anthony Brown our show. Surely you love this show as well? Greenly, Yes, miss catch me up to date, let me know what happened that? Okay, So Greenleaf on own. This is a fantastic show. So Bishop Greenleaf, j and Shirley gave Pastor Skanks and love the past name. Yeah, Pastor Skanks, but he's stilling. He has a gambling problem. So Bishop told him to give the church to his son, Jacob. Jacob is now head pastor of Bishop Skanks Church, and we will see what's going on Charity green Lee, she has a Yeah, she has a thing with the music producer ex husband Jay. He just vanished. He turned gay and had to go somewhere. Yeah he did, that's what I know. I know. But where is he? So you turned gay and leave? What has a lot of issues in the church. We gotta go. Sorry, time's up twenty after. I'll catch you up next week a reality updates you're listening to Steve he I has taken some shots at Wendy Williams. Wendy Williams, of course, made a name for herself back in the day on a radio show when she was gossiping about celebrities, and now when she got SIPs about celebrities and puts their business on glass. Well, the paparazzi got some. They're saying, no, too flattering pictures. I'm just saying, the paparazzi got some pictures of Wendy while she vacationed in Barbados in a bikini. Well, t I got those pictures. He reposted them on his Instagram with the caption, Okay, now as much sugar honey iced tea as this sister talks about people, myself included. I know what you all expect, but I'm not going to do the obvious and fire her. But nope, I'm gonna be respectful because regardless of her flaws, she's still an independent black businesswoman that's had to fight her way through life. He took the hill road he did. He took the road he did. I want to see the pictures, though, what the pictures that let me see what she's looking. Well, you could probably go to his instagram or someone. Yeah, and yeah, she was in Barbadoes yet. But the stories I know good whale tea didn't not type sugar honey iced tea. He didn't he typed s h asterisk ta. I'm just saying I didn't soundite, yeah as much. Let me see. Oh yeah, I mean you go look at it. Make your own assessment. You know, I got it. You got the pictures. Also in entertainment news, Janet Jackson is back. We talked about her earlier in the show and how earlier in the week she actually visited Tommy's play. She did it for real, Junior. Yeah, Junior didn't believe it, but she was there. Yeah, she was actually there, Junior's man. Janet. Of course, we mentioned last Friday that she was in Houston visiting Hurricane Harvey evacuees, and she donated part of her concert proceeds for hurricane relief. But according to People magazine, since April, Janet has endured a bitter divorce battle. She's demanded soul custody of her son. According to Janet's family, her husband is unfit to be a parent. I don't know. And I always say there's two sides to every story. I have no idea. I mean, I don't know. Um. Her older brother, Randy Jackson, told People magazine how badly Janet's marriage deteriorated. Uh, this is Randy talking. He said it was, quote an abusive situation, verbal abuse, being made to feel like a prisoner in her own home. No pregnant woman needs to be going through being called the B word every day. Now this happened. Until you in that situation, you just say, well, how could you have five brothers and gold for that? You've never been in that situation, don't So you don't know what you don't know? Yeah, and you don't know what happened. Um, this is horrible. I mean, this is bad. This is if she went through that, this is this is horrible. You know, absolutely verbal and physical abuse. In January, Janet gave birth to a son at age fifty, which was a really truly modern medical miracle. Uh. You know you know that when and that old can give birth, that is wonderful. That's when it gives hope to so many women yes to give birth. And we saw what size Janet was. I just saw Janet too, Dan. It gives I swear two R four. I mean, you don't believe it. Who Junior does is not the size. He doesn't believe that. You actually saw Janet? Did you take a picture? I didn't want to. You always freeze up when you get around your female. I did it with halle Berry. I did it with Janny. I can clamb up. Oh my god, I swallowed my tongue all this trash. All right, we'll be back after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here's a question for you, guys. Hey cleaning, Yes, yeah, I do too. Al Right, here's something that can motivate you to get those chores done. Alright. Researchers found that doing two hours of intense cleaning can burn about six hundred calories. Yeah, that is a lot. You only burn about half that running of five Kally's cleaning. Yeah, what does it call it? What is it? Clean? I got like on your knees with some fabulo, love me some fabulous. It's this cleaning solution that smells really good, like you can like clean clean. Okay, So, researchers use fitness trackers and participants to determine the intensity and calorie count of each task. So to answer uh your concern, JR. Here we go. Here's how you can clean your way to being fit. Vack me for twenty minutes. I love I'm telling you, I'm making a kid. You just like making the las. Are your lines in the road? They all over the place? Yes, just love it. Tell you man, mama had on an old with a bag on the outside. Oh my god, let us vacuum. We had that much much. My mom was so strict about how you vacuum those so okay, so that burns eighty calories. Eighty calories cleaning the bathroom for twenty minutes. Anybody guess how much galleries? You know what I know because it made me do it at team. It took me late on in life. Get it. That's what is wrong with you? Get that? Okay? Yeah? Sure, you see a fat cleaning lady. Is she not doing a good job? About the right or wrong? My mom was a house cleaning and she cleaned house. But she's been aheaded all right. You love vacuuming, How about mopping? Jay? If your mop for twenty minutes, that's a hundred and seven calories. I hated mopping. Well, if the warder was really dirty. And then you're doing your the mop, put your head this, this, this flea like that. Yeah, that was way better than mechanical stuff with your hands. Cleaning windows for twenty minutes. Oh yeah, we did that newspapers. Yeah, a hundred dusting for forty minutes equals a hundred and ninety four counts, So there you go. Minutes a minute. That means you've gone from your house for a while. No, you on an episode of Hoarders, So that's pretty cool. I mean people who love housework, but they say, I love this show. The animals, and it's hard to watch. Yeah, and to see them cry when they take that jump at the don't touch that clock. My daddy gave me that clock. It don't work. It don't work. I don't yeah. Yeah. And then a lot of them after they clean, they end up they end up going back to Yeah. All right, we'll come back to close out the show. We'll be right back with just one more thing. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. Time for just one more thing. Guys, is our last break of the day. Do not forget to set your DVRs to check out the brand new season of Steve simply called Steve. Steve will be back tomorrow. And have you guys been watching this show? Well, I know, ye who watched cur named critics. J It feels pretty good, guys, you're famous. It feels really pretty good. I mean, um, but it's a lot of fun though. It is a lot of fun. On what's the writing room like? Guys? What's the writing room like? That's great? Yes, great, small, but it's great. I mean, I mean what I mean is how does how does how does the day go in the writing room? Well, we get there, we see stuff in the paper, and we we we write a monologue or we talked to Steve. Steve will call us up and say I want to do jokes on X y Z, And that's how it goes. Okay, whatever he tells you want to do jokes, I like this. I don't like that anymore on us And you know that's not okay. Well it's monologue at cussing. There's a lot of cussing in there too. Well, I'm glad it doesn't make it to TV because so he walks by every day. Oh yeah, he when room? Yeah, when he gets me to go to the stage. He passed by the writing room, and he made sure that me and j C this lovely gesture of affection that he gives us on every show, every walk to the show, He'll take the time, he'll wright, he'll stop untill we look up and look out the window, and van is for us. Yeah, you gotta love it. Got it ain't change from here, It has not, It has not changed. Let me tell you this. Let me tell about me and cat Dog used to write for Steve on What's the show? Big? Steve Harvey's a big time. Yeah, that Steve har big time. We wrote for that show. And I'm telling you out of the monologue, Steve might do three lines that we wrote. He might do three lines. And after that he owned his own to go down and he got He's got it from the man. I mean he's And that just shows you how awesome of a talent. Yeah, this guy is so fast. When he sees something that he liked, always gone. You stopped talking to him. The other writers had learned that, especially we want to go, oh my god, and they keep talking. But he said, I got it, guy, I got it. Okay, Yeah, Well it looks like he's got it checking out the show every day, So again, don't forget to set your DVRs to check out the brand new season of Steve Steve Steve And I'm gonna call Janet later on the day guys for what see how the tour is going? You know, just you know, just what are you talking like that? You know, just that's how you talk when you know people, when you know Janet, when well Junior and Temmy and well Jay too. I guess, uh, get ready for Thursday night football? You just got yeah night, It's it's Houston at Cincinnati. Yeah, the big guy from Kansas. Is he with Houston? Or you know what, You're gonna quit this. There's always you know, it's always a big guy from kids, right you j just stinks that's the thing. Are the big guy from me? I mean, I've cleaned it up a little bit of time. I do it like this. How's that big white guy? Okay, So I'll tell you if it's boxing. If it's boxing, what do you say, Oh, the guy in the dark trumps That's what I'm going. Yeah, guys, boxing, I go for the darkest guy. Okay. In basketball, Oh, that tall fellow, I like that tall Yeah. Pretty good. He just that tall guys. Pretty good Okay, Okay Tennis, Oh I love his rackets. He has his rackets, his own rackets. Can't think he is an endorsement with racket, asked me, go, oh yeah, oh you've seen his balls, all right, so who's your money on? Like, uh, you know it's not rocket science. So I know the Bengals let down, yeah because I saw him play last week. But do you know what, we'll check this out. The new kid though they didn't put me into the third quorde, I know, and he's doing man, so you know what, he's gonna want to stay started starting him. He's starting to night Okay, cool, Yeah, yeah, I'm going how about that guy from Clempson. How's he doing? That's the one that starting to Night is always a guy you can never go wrong. One more thing, you guys, we want one more thing, one more thing, one more thing. We want to remind everyone. You know, even though the hurricane is gone, we still are rebuilding and recovering. So you know, our listeners are in Florida and in South Carolina and Georgia. We're still praying for you. You know, you guys can still donate Steve Harvey Nation folks still need your help. So if you want to donate where everyone donate to Red Cross, or if you want to donate to another organization and stuffed any water, they any food, So yeah, do you do your research and make sure that you continue to support and the Caribbean. We want to bring awareness about our friends and we have a lot of listeners, especially in New York, have a lot of family in the Caribbean. Make sure you donate and do what you can. Just do what you can and we appreciate it. We have to take care of each other. Baby, that's right, That's right, all right. Well, as we mentioned, Steve will be back tomorrow. Um, have yourself a great weekend and all of that. Like he normally says, we love you for listening. I mean, we really do appreciate And let me say this, if she's listening, uh Janet, uh no, pitch listen to Jane and I'm overwhelmed and very cool that you liked my show. Shut up. Please join me today at one thirty pm. I'm gonna have to get out of here for a Strawberry Live after show on Facebook. Find me at my Girl Shirley or Shirley Strawberry on Facebook. Come and join me. We're gonna have to, sorry, my girl Janet. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, hysit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.