Ready To Love, Verzuz, Phil Collins, 60 Minutes and more.

Published Oct 27, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve intros the crew and somebody is speaking with their Ready To Love voice. The Chief Love Officer has a warning for a woman who slept with her daddy's cousin. 85 South will host the BET Hip Hop Awards tonight. Phil Collins has filed a cease and desist letter against the Trump campaign for playing his songs at his rallies. What are the unsafe things that your parents let you do when you were a kid? In Sports Talk with Junior, we find out Tom Brady is still winning and Russell Wilson got his first loss this week. Trump walks out of his 60 Minutes interview with Lesley Stahl. The first 'murder hornet' nest in Washington state has officially been destroyed. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us of our job and obligation as we are only one week away from Election Day.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in it shoves not true. Good to mother. Stay, I don't join jo. You gotta use that turn you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your thaw, I shall will Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on now, dig me or one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Thank God for it all the time. Too. Well, here we go today. I want to share something with you that I'll help you because it's helped me. You know. I was telling the story once that this magazine called Rob Report, that that was a statue I used to see for years. I started buying Rob Reporting magazines years ago. So I just wanted to see what a fluent people did, you know, just wanted to see what people with means did, what type of investments they did, what they bought, you know, what they traveled to. The Rob Report. It's just like, oh, it's like a big boy toy magazine. You can see what cars is out. I didn't have money for none. Of it. I was dreaming, though, you know, I just wanted to see. And there's a statue inside this magazine of this man who was coming out of this bronze rock. And he was completely bronze, and he was muscular, and you know, he didn't look nothing like me, but he was a man coming up out of a rock. And he had a huge hammer and a chisel in his hand. And as his body from the waist up was coming out of this huge piece of stone, you could see where it was him who had been chiseling and forming himself. So the name of the statue was self made man. And for years man I said, Man, I'm gonna get a big house one day, and I'm gonna put that statue in the backyard in the corner. That's gonna be my little spot where I go chill, because I'm a self made man. Well, after years of working at becoming somebody and having reached a degree of success, I would have nothing to do with that statue. There's nothing about that statue that appeals to me anymore. Because on my journey and in my quest to become what I thought would be this self made man, why I could put this statue and had a statue in the corner, be kind of cold, symbolizing it. I had made it. I realized on my journey there's no such thing as a self made man. That we all need help, and that God places people in our paths along the way that benefit us oftentimes, and it's the most unlikely person oftentimes, and the most unlikely way that He presents these people in front of you is crazy how he does it. Man. And so this is a statue now that I look at and I go, I see what the creator was saying. And that's cool, but not not for me, because I needed help. And I've learned a lot of things like this along the way. And the part I wanted to share with you all about this is you've got to develop. You've got to develop a sense of purpose. You have to develop a sense of purpose. That's different. See, your purpose is created for you by God because when He created you as an individual from whatever two parents you may have, that's not important here. When he created you, he had something in mind for you, and it was a purpose. God has not created a single soul to become a criminal. God has never created a single soul to be a drug dealer. This came about through some decisions we made as sinners, and we stayed in that place. But see what He created us. He has a wonderful idea for us. But God gives us human beings this thing called choice, and we have the power to decide. So you can decide if you're going to adhere to the purpose that God created you and made you for, or you can go ahead and make some choices on your own. So like, if God wanted to give you a life and give it to come to you and give you life more abundantly, and that's his promise if you come to him, if you choose him, then cool. But if you say, well this ain't moving along fast enough, I'm gonna get my own life of abundance, I'm gonna start slinging. Well, guess what now, Tad. You've made a decision. And see God's decisions and choices. The one thing I learned about him, God's decisions, choices, his voice, it has no sin in it. Ain't it amazing how many people it came up to you and say, the Lord wanted me to do this to you, and I'm doing it. That God is punishing you and I'm doing this to you because God gonna see that you get your day. Who is this person? Who is this person that God all of a sudden gave this authority and power to God? I didn't get that to nobody. Man, nobody, This person don't had a right to hold you to your past, the right to make you pay. So who makes them pay when they make mistakes? Because they all make them. So when I say you have to have a sense of you have to develop a strong sense of purpose. That means you have to strongly get in touch with your creator to find out what the purpose you were created for. See, it's two things that I had to learn along the way. My career was what I was paid for. My calling is what I was made for. See, it's two different things, folks. It took me a long time to learn it. Some people think that they calling is to be a performer. Well, that's what you paid for, and a big part of your life is your performance is tied directly to your gift. But what you made for, though, what you made for is to bring about some significant change in another human being's lives because we are all linked together in this chain. That's what you are here for. Everybody has a purpose to do something wonderful, meaningful, or impactful for another person. You think the guy that invented the airplane was merely inventing the airplane so he could fly. No, his purpose was to become an inventor, to come up with this invention so he could fly and we all fly. See. Sometimes God will make you successful so you can become successful so you can turn around and teach other people how to become successful. God save people, so you can turn around it tell other people how wonderful it is to be saved. You see how this thing work. That's what we have to do as people. And it's nothing that we have to go and discover. We have to go and develop it. But if you haven't discovered your purpose, it's simply because here's it. If you haven't discovered your purpose is simply because you have not contacted the creator and maker of your soul to ask and find out why you were created. It's as simple as that. If you buy a toyota, there's an owner's manual on the inside that will tell you everything you know how to best operate your toyota, how to make it work, how what to do They got a troubleshooting section. Your faith is the same thing as an owner's manual in your car. Open up that bulk man. Find out how to jumpstart your life, how to troubleshoot it and get on with your life, and find out your purpose and develop a strong sense of purpose. All right, okay, you're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen. Let me have your undivided attention. Please. This is the Morning Time, this is the morning Show. This is your man, Steve Harvey. Now I got some people with men. I am about to introduce them. Don't nobody clapped till I'm completely through. Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve. How are you doing? Obviously we're on some type of delay. Caller Pharrell, Good morning. What's up? Crow? Hasty? That damn junior morning? Everybody morning? Up here on time. Nephew Tommy, good morning, sir. Okay, using you're ready for love voice? Okay, yeah, yeah, that's not ready for love voice love ready for love. Nephew, you got a real good on your hand. Thank you so good. My mama watched that. Yeah, I'm I'm not just saying that because you're the nephew. It's really good. I appreciate really good in a shocker? Who y'all in for a shock? Really? Oh? Man? Keep my own coming in. On Friday night, my girlfriends called me about this show. They'd be like, listen, ask Tommy. I'm not asking him nothing show. Everybody was texting me, Now what time is it on again? When does it come on? When does it come on? Spoiler Like, I'm not telling y'all. Yeah, it's better and better good. You gonna show up, show out, and then really show out the natural. Oh god, but you know something, no, man, You know, man, when you see people on a weekly basis on these shows, you really do understand why some people don't have nobody. Yeah you do, you really do. You go wait a minute, wait, that's how you act, and you think that's the way it's supposed to go. Yeah, ain't nobody feeling to put up with that? So okay, you know it's it's a it's a it's a representative at first, but that wears off, you know what I mean? Then about the second or third week, you'd be like, that's who you really are right there, because they're a little nervous at first, You're saying they don't know what to expect So they're kind of they got the guards up everybodies, you know, kind of yeah, kind of kind of not saying much. Well, I thank you, right though, Tommy, I thank you right. I think it's the representative. Yeah, but that representative can't can't hold on for a whole season. No, nah, can't last long. See that whole season. You all passed the ninety days. Yeah, that's exactly real life. Gonna say something you don't like and then the representative has to take a seat. Yeah, yeah, all come the real somebody say something you like, yeah, and the representative got to go take a seat. Oh, let's do it, nady. Oh wait, you are celibate photo show start. Yeah it was a week ago. It was a week ago. But you say like weave, So I got weave. So what we white? Now? All right, listen, guys coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, get ready for Ask the Clo right after this. You're listening to show time now for Ask the Clo. Uh you're ready, Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. Okay, let's go. This one is from Serafia and Montgomery, Alabama. She says, I'm a fifty two year old woman and I'm in a situation with one of my dad's cousins. My dad has called this man his cousin all my life, but it's one of those distant down the line cousins that's neither here nor there. Because he and my dad are close. His cousin is a handyman, and he came to fix my washing machine three months ago and stayed for dinner, drinks, and sex. I really put it on him, and now he wants to be with me, and he doesn't care what my dad thinks. He said at sixty one, he's finally found love and he's not letting me go. Should he tell my dad or should I? Well, no, first of all, let's talk about a couple, because I ain't done this in a while, So excuse me for having this richboard moment. But you say he came by the house to fix your washing machine? Is the main tag man steel working making house calls. I didn't even know that, and it is it a maytag. So y'all came by fix the washing machine, had dinner, drinks and some sex. You put it on a real good your daddy's cousin and nah, wait a minute, Now down the line, distant cousin. No, no, no, no, I don't give a damn what you're saying. You're gonna have to tell No. She said, that's neither here nor there, But that's gonna be right here when you're going there, And tell your daddy. Now it's her daddy's friend. Now. She fifty one, her daddy probably in his seventies. Now, this little cousin boy, it's like me and nephew Tommy, ten year difference. Little cousin Barden came over and tapped his daughter. It's gonna be a sex in him late, it's gonna be a situation in him. Well, the cousin said, he's finally found love. Don't forget this clo and he's not letting her go okay, and he doesn't care what her dad thinks. Ain't nobody told you saying yeah, dinner dreams, He don't care. Yeah, all right, let's move on Alexi and Detroit, because that relationship is gonna be what it is. Alexei and Detroit. Steve says, I'm a twenty eight year old female and I met a thirty two year old man at my new church for our first and only date. I met him at a dance studio because he's into ballroom dancing. He had on a full leotard and he flowed effortlessly around the dance floor with his lips pursed and his toes pointed. I wasn't as good as him, so he grabbed a mail partner and kept dancing. As I watched. That date was so different, and I was turned off. He asked me for a second date. Should I ask him if he's heterosexual before the next date? C l oh, don't cloth come on. Clothe wont to be involved in this type of question due to the climate win these dates, so I have to be very careful how I answer this. So just let me go over what you said. Okay, if you own a date with a man whose lips is perched and they have on full leatage, and when you ain't dancing, ass flowing and flee freely and your tones don't point as good as his point, and he grabs a man to finish dance, shit, you go on another day. I ain't got to ask him nothing about sexuality. I don't know. I'm not gonna say that and get in no damn trouble. But you got on the four leotar set. You can point your toes better than she can't. That's because he's a dancing dancing Yeah, that was ball room That ain't that. I thought it was ballroom too, Tommy to point ain't in ballroom dance. But if leotars ain't in ball Hello that you did that yourself. If you're in the dance studio, no, not o. But that's aceptible dance. Tu see though, Yeah, that's ballroom dancing. Yeah, but stars every week though we ain't see I ain't seen nobody. Nelly didn't have on four leotars. But he's not a professor dancer star, he's the star on Dancing with the Star. Yeah, I think you're looking at this this a different way, Steve. We're looking at it through a leotard the same way you gave it to it looking at im. But the leotard is acceptable for a man or a woman if you're a dancer. Though plenty of Junior was saying, Steve, but just like Julia had listening and dancing with the stars, when they dance, they do different types of dancing because they're professional dancing, so you just never know what dance. Wait a minute, hold on hold hold on, y'all, hold on just to see say that k see how many more me? And he grabbed and finish up the dance with all right, we're moving on, Edgar, She said, I'm an older gentleman and I've been in a relationship for eleven years. It's what you pay attention with a beautiful, feisty woman. I wanted to marry be Ahead Junior. I wanted to marry her years ago, but she doesn't believe in marriage. She's cheated on me twice years ago. I forgave her, but I didn't forget. I think she's interested in someone new again because she's been talking about getting a breathlift and eyelift and boat hot. I'm more laid back, but she loves to run the streets and travel. Will she ever settled down? Or do you think she's up to something? I don't know, dude, but I'm telling you, if you can't get where you want to go with him, if you go down to this dance studio, there's a dude down there with some leotizo with some pointy toes, and when the water's right, he snatched me in up and go dancing, And you might have your problem solved. Coming up next to nephew, run that break back. Thank you see l oh, you're listening. She's a Steve Harvey Morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Missanna standing by with today's national news, and then enter Tainment News. The American Music Award nominations are in. Carla will update us inside Music News. Also on Entertainment News, Marlon Wayans told Tiffany Hattish why she was never cast in any of his films because he says she was over the top. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now the nephew is here, would run that prank back? What you got for us? Nev You can't come back to church? Who a you're talking to them? Okay, you can't come back to church. How dare you judge me? We having problems? You can't. You can't. We were not not no time soon. You can't come back to church. Let's go cat though. Hello, I'm trying to reach this to sher Reees Mayfield, who is Deacon Bobs from from the church, Deacon who bounds from from our church? Yes, yes, ma'am, okay from from from can you hear me? Good. There's old phone gonna work. We're good. Yeah, my phonal came. Okay that I called it. The deacon board didn't had a meeting as well as uh pastors and uh they didn't have a meeting. That come to the understanding that, uh, they're gonna ask you to not come to church right now because that about that the bars of your airic and James being in jail the way there is and want to want you to just stop. I don't know if they're gonna suspend you from church right now, but they they think it put a bad look on the church. My kids being in jail put a bad look on the church. Well that's what that's what's what the that's what they come up with. Now, we didn't had a meeting with the deacon board and with passing stoves. I don't understand why y'all have a meeting meeting about my kids in the church. What my kids got to do with the church. Well, what we're trying to do is show a good example to the youth that we got there. Okay, you can show a good example about me being there, paying my ties and offering. Well, that was another thing that's been brought down attention that we're gonna be calling a lot of members about it. People not paying the tie the way they fold. I pay my task. I don't know. I don't know who told you that, Deacon Mars. I don't even know, first of all, who you are. And I'm not trying to be mean to you, and I don't I don't even understand why you how you even got my phone number. I pay my ties, I pay my offering. Go on your computer at the church, call your secretary or whoever. Let me, let me, let me ask you this, just makee Do you pay your tie according to what you make? Yes? I do check the books. What now what it is? We can't check the books that we don't know exactly what you make? Is what I'm saying. What I make is my bustinance between me and Jesus. I give him his ten percent. And that's how Mars. He'll need to know understand exactly where you come from, but not to me. Ain't issue on tables about the boys and and and being you know, disrupted the way to hell. They don't want that to be to bleed over to the youth. Quiet, Wait a minute, Wait a minute, And first of all, I would appreciate if you would have pastor to tell me this hisself. And then second of all, if somebody kids is having trouble in the world or whatever, y'all supposed to pray for him, not put them at the church or they Mama, Well, I'm, I'm, I'm, we're gonna, we're gonna pray for and we're gonna pray for you too, But we don't want them shared over to the youth that we got that doing good with that. Well, I'm gonna keep coming. Y'all can't stop me from coming to the church. I'm gonna keep coming. So I don't know who you're talking to. And you tell a pastor to call me hitself and tell me I can't come to Hell, and you have nobody calling me telling me that I can't come to hell. That is a free church. I'm gonna get the pastor called up as you get the pastor to call me, because you have no business calling me to let me I can't come to God's house, which is Mayville. I don't want you to get into role with me now. I'm not getting I'm not getting angry with nobody. Did I work? I don't work eighteen sixteen hours today, I don't have half nobody calling me telling me that I can't come to a church that I pay my cars and offering that not that I own the church. I pay my casts because that's that's due to God. But y'all really making me upset by telling me I can't come now because of my kids in their troubles. Where was you this past son to you? Wasn't there? I want that church because I had over stuff that Why is that any of your bills? Now? There you go being an up road with me again. I don't know who this is. How could you call somebody about church buists over the phone. This don't make sense. Chise Mayfeld Hello, Yeah, one more thing. This nephew timent from the Steve Harvey Morning Ship. I got you, y'all. I'm like, who is this guy talking about church being? You know what I like about you? Though, Ain't nobody gonna keep you out the Lord's House. You're gonna show up and show out every Sunday. Every Sunday, I'm coming to Church of Jesus. Thank you, every baby. Let me ask you something. That's the baddest radio show in the land. Now, do you even have to ask me that the Steve Harvey more than itself. You know you can't be put out the church. You do know as possible. I did not know that. The pastor, Well, I'm just saying you can't come back to church. You know what I'm doing a prankster. It's what pranksters don't come back to church. We don't want to see you Ryan here. Your boys is just a bad influence on the rest of the kids. It's just not all right. Get y'all lives together, and then you can come on back to the House of the law. Won't he do it? Won't he do it? Really? Won't it? Won't it will? Yes? Yes, yes, yes, make a way out of no way? A man? What's next? Lily O the valley, bright and morning style will in the middle of a wheel Alpha, don't maker? I feel some kind of way. Now here's my daddy coming out of me for a second. Now that's the cue for the dude that asked for the money. Won't you give? Yeah? Read them give? Pastor, He's Adams. Here is the warner, Adams redeem Abel's been the candle, then the catle. Abraham sacrificed sacrifice, Norh's All and Gideon's Fleece Fleet, Mary's Baby Ball, Baby Ball, James and Jude's big brother, oh, big brother Matthews, King Joshua was battle. Come okay with that? All right, let the church say, hey man, coming up at the time of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news where you right after this, you're listening to the sty Morning Show and entertainment news. Carla is here with today's music news. What's going on, Carla, what's happening? Well, first of all, the b ET Hip Hop Awards are tonight, hosted by We gotta give a shout out to the crew eighty five South five Carlo Chico. Yes, yes, so they are hosting, so we'll check it out night. Also, the American Music Awards, Yes they are. The nominations were released yesterday. They were announced, making the Stallion the weekend. Roddy Rich I like his music. They all let the nominations. They got about eight nominees a piece. So the American Music Awards will air on ABC on November twenty second. And then finally, in music news, the Versus Battle is set. The next Battle is set for November nineteenth. Atlanta rappers Young Jeez versus t I and Young Jeez will be our guests tomorrow on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, so hopefully he'll tell us about us. Give a little sneak peek, that's what's gonna go down during the battle on November nineteen. I heard it was supposed to be Buster rhymes and tab some of him. Oh really, bust uncle Bus, uncle bus bus. I don't know what happened with that? Your Buster say nobody won't none to him? You know you was in leaders of the New School, like the generational gap is too far between Buster and Try. Yeah, yeah, I can see that. I can see that. I don't man, I'm talking about so contributing. You're contributed. I put earthwhere in five gifts off any day, every battle, every battle, Old Life, you play your hit. I got her, but what help now? Boy? I put her? When the fire begainst Elvis, you know, put him down, will shut his whole catalog down to for the show? What you throw? Do you remember when if a Blue Sway shoes Blue Sway shoes, would you mind? If a touch for kids? You need to be ont go to her home. Dog need to be on versus Battle battling yourself. Yeah, Earth pointing five versus battle hitting body anybody except Frank Ski Oh okay, because he knows too much. But you know too, turning tables and all that, and y yeah, ain't w and two just wars. You play yours, I play mine. That's music. I can't mess with him, and I can't messed with that boy d Nice and Kid Capri and your listens, So just say you're not gonna do it now, just forget it. Yeah, I have to stay in my age group. I challenge any sixty year old and J'll be you and j Anthony Brown. I got crush Jake. I crushed Jay like a great, like he stole something. Well, you all could do the music and sing, because both of you all can sing. He's gonna lose that too. All right, listen, come on Steve, time for today's headline. Ladies and gentlemen, miss A and trip. Thank you very much, and this is a trip of the news. Everybody, Good morning. Well, as expected, the Republican dominated US Senate did vote last night fifty two to forty eight to confirm right wing judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, and with her confirmation coming only eight days before election day and only thirty days appters she was nominated. That makes her confirmation process one of the fastest in US history. Judge Barrett fills the seat left, of course, vacant by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Clarence Thomas. Delivered the preliminary swearing into office or last night. She'll be sworn into office this morning officially as well. Barrett's lifetime appointment gives Conservatives a six to three majority on the High Court, and the right wing court will now have the opportunity to make a number of decisions on some controversial issues, including reproductive rights, Second Amendment rights that would be guns, and the affordable healthcare reacting to it, though sent a majority, Leader Mitch McConnell seems somewhat resigned to receiving bad news on election day, but with some sort of legacy, a lot of what we've done over the last four years will be undone sooner or later. By the next election. It won't be able to do much about this for a long time to come. In fact, Donald Trump has now put three people on the Supreme Court and filled over one hundred federal judge ships with conservatives. Cops in Boston say they've arrested a thirty nine year old man for setting a ballot dropbox on fire outside of Boston Public Library Sunday morning. Authority say the act appeared deliberate and that a court already had an active warn't out against the suspect. His name is World d Armad. As for the ballots, they say that out of the one hundred twenty two that were inside that box, eighty seven are legible and are able to be processed. Most of the remaining thirty five could probably be read, but as many as ten, maybe five to ten will quote badly damage. One of the three white Louisville, Kentucky cops involved in the killing of black female Lubernacy medical technician on A. Taylor, admitting that the young woman quote didn't do anything to deserve a death sentence. Sergeant John Manley two others ram their way into miss Taylor's apartment around one o'clock in the morning as part of a no knock warrant looking for a drugs suspect who'd been arrested at another location hours early. A grand jury refused to indict any of the cops involved in shooting her to death. Warner Brothers has signed one of the founders of the Black Lives Matter movement to an overall media deal. Patrise Coolers will reportedly develop and produce original programming for all platforms, streaming services, cable, and the five broadcast networks. She's also to work with Warner Brothers to create opportunities for black storytelling. Finally, our prayers good wishes go out to rock and roll legend and club owner mister personality Lloyd Price. Lloyd Price is eighty seven years old. He just underwent a diabetes related operation and we pray for his recovery. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. In trending political news in seven days now, just one week, guys before the election, Vice President Mike Penns, his chief of staff, and several other aides have tested positive for the virus. Despite all of that, pen No, he doesn't have it. He does not have it. Yeah, everybody work with him. Yeah, his staff has it. Yeah yeah. Yeah. He's on the campaign trail though, saying Having said all of that, also, yesterday the President held three Make America Great Again. Rallies in Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, singer Phil Collins get this guy's Phil Collins has had it Okay, Yesterday Phil got his attorney to fire off a cease and assist letter to the Trump campaign to stop playing his song in the air tonight at his rallies. Phil Collins does not appreciate how Trump is trivializing COVID nineteen. Okay, come on, yeah, clad hit him. Look at STIPID I know, dancing in his chair. I like that though, so crazy. Yeah, shut it down because it's not a joke. Also, yesterday Joe Biden said Trump the worst person possible to lead us through this pandemic. And he's correct and he couldn't be more right. Don't play the song no more? Bind come out on, let bin come out on. Sh say what? Let them have it right? I play it again? Trump O feel shut that down? Well did they stop? Now? They're not gonna do it again? No, because he's supposed to go to Arizona the president. You can't do that. You can't play them songs on i G. You can't play them on Facebook. You can't take a person's music and just play it and benefit from it. They getting campaign contributions. Get out of here. We're gonna switch gears here, have a little fun. Back to your childhood, guys, and I got to ask you this, What is the most unsafe thing your parents let you do as a kid? Okay, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Here's the question, what's the most unsafe thing your parents let you do as a kid. Here's a comment from JJ that we saw on Facebook. It says, now that I'm a parent, when I think about it, all of the unsafe things my parent let me do as a kid, it makes me say, what the hell? It was truly different back then. I remember my dad letting my brother and I have baby guns. We also build a mini bike out of a lawnmower engine, which we would crash on a regular basis. So, I mean, you guys, think about it. Steve, Tommy Junior, how was your your childhood unsafe compared to the kids today? Best Tommy and Steve. Y'all parents and we played outside a lot. Yeah, I got a hunted up go ahead. One of the first thing my parents they knew that was unsafe, was like in six cooky, I got the whole operation of the stove. They left me cook at six years old. You were boiling hot dogs on high water gold out the pot. I ain't got no water in here. Why you could have burnt the whole house to the hound shot. I didn't do that was put a pizza in the oven in the box. Did not know this? Oh that was a woman. I got old. You said, warming up, I've been cooking. Come onlips clips off the house, off the top of the house. My cousin got. My brother did flip off the house and on the ground. Yeah yeah, yeah, lip off the house. Problem. My brother did that. That was it, Tommy. We was we was trying to kill you. The parents never knew that, Timmy. They didn't let you do that. We told you, they said you could. That is just not nice, all right? Come on, big dog? What you got going down the freeway in a station wagon standing up in the back seat, hanging out the window looking no seat belt, no, none of that. Back then, we just standing up head out the wonder like a dog. JT A lot of bugs, I bet oh, oh I got one. I got one. I wanted this so bad. I wanted to smoke my dad's cigar, and I begged and begged until finally he said, okay, cool, you're gonna smoke the whole damn thing. I was nine. I was throwing up for three days. I was literally throwing all. I didn't want to see another sing. Wow, come on, Junior, got anything else, Steve, y'all, let you know nothing. Probably wasn't safe, but as a kid, but I'm like ten, catching the city bus to school, not the school bus. The city bus hid the hell. I was supposed to know a bus routing team. I got to find my old way school. I didn't know. Get your ass out there. I ain't. I can't take it this morning. Just get on. We know we're running behind. Just get on the bus three seven, eight Broadway. Take it to your senior school. I love your family. I supposed to know that at ten you can close it out. No, we got a minute. We lived in an industrial city, factories, Republic steel form. They letting me make and eat snow ice cream. Yeah, growing up in Chicago, I've had some of those right down the street from the steel men here. Well it's calming monoxide. Who's next? Come on, I'll tell you nothing they let me do. Okay, it's unsafe for kids to take shots of crown. I'm just gonna tell you that right now, Your love, I ain't got no love for this. It's unsafet of crowded dead. Oh my god. All right, listen. Coming up next, the nephew is here with today's Frank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Dave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, the subject I can't stand my family period period. All right, But the nephew is here right now for today's Frank phone call. What you got for us, nap, It's time to get to the roots of it, right mass Charley, Roots of the Roots? Okay, yeah, the title is nappy Hair. Okay, yeah, yeah, let's go. Kid. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to get Francis. Hey, friends, how you doing. My name is Daryl dar Our kids they go to our together. Oh yeah, yeah, your daughters Kaylin, right, yes, okay, my son DJ Darryl Jr. They I think I may have met you at the beginning of the school. Yeah, you remember meeting me, Daryl, Daryl, Oh, I met a lot of people, but I'm sorry, I can't place you right now. Okay, no problem. Hey listen, um, I was getting your call. You know, there's only a handful of black kids at the school, you know, being a private school and all, and we the black parents, we all got together and had a meeting a couple of nights ago. Okay, you said, all the black parents. Okay, I wasn't there. Why wasn't our call? Uh, well, we actually had a meeting about your daughter, Kaylin. Oh well, what about Kaylin? She is there a problem at school that she's creating or something I don't even know about. What's what's going on with? Well? Actually, we're you know, we feel privileged to be you know, you know, like I said, there's only a handful of blacks, and we try to carry ourselves in a dignified way, our presence, our attitude, the way we handle ourselves. And uh, you know, Kaylin's doing very good in school from what I understand, and very nice with all the rest of the kids. She's getting along. That's not the problem. What we're what we're trying to get is the grooming of Kaylin. You know, Kaylin has these braids, and what we were trying to do is give. You know, we had a meeting about it. We want to hold hold of Did you just say her grooming something wrong with her grooming? Well, it's not necessarily her clothing, of course, you know the kids were the uniforms, but the braids. You know, we want to represent ourselves with a lot of dignity the way we carry ourselves. We want to be um, you know, pretty much nice and clean, spitting polished. We would really prefer for her hair was straight and opposed to being braided up. You know, you mean, it kind of gives off a ghetto type of look to it, and that's what we're trying to avoid. Are you crazy? It's something wrong with you. You know, first of all, how the hell you get my num? If you couldn't call me for the meeting, why you calling me now? Well, like I said, man, the meeting was to get the general consensus on where all the parents feeling the same way about your daughter and her braid. You know, we're just trying to keep everything class here. When it comes to the blacks attended school, there's only ten of us, you know, ten children attending. I'll tell you what you can attend. You could what you can attend to. Is this phone hanging up in your grace? You tell up the parents, all of them for me. Y'all can go straight and hit rock bottom out of hell. Talk about my child with her braids. Her braids are ethnic, they are nice, she's wearing rooms and I don't know hid in the hell you got my telephone number. But tell all the parents for me to kiss the crack am out. You know what. Listen, First of all, I don't like the way that you're talking to me. Okay, I carry myself with class, with dignity. I'm spitting polish man subject you. I can just as ghetto as her hairstyle. And let me say something real ghetto to your Okay, you and all parents can hit rock from out of hell. Don't call me no more with no like this. This is ignorant. I'm far on this. My child is well groomed. She is going to go to school. As a matter of fact, as much money as it costs could go there too. Y'all should have been meeting on how we can get together and pay the tuition? How about fact? Are you turning to sit here and tell me that you got a problem taking her brains down? And wearing her hair straight so she can look a lot more classy than what she looks right now. At your pathetic look that she's having right now. You know what I don't. What's your hair looked like? Take a picture of your self and send it to me texted to me since you get folks phoned numbs and give it to you. Take a picture of your self and texted to me. I bet you look like who would have parted. My daughter's braids are gonna stay up for the rest of the years. As a matter of fact, we ain't gonna rebraided. It's gonna stay that way so it can be mad at and represent that's what we're gonna do. Francis listening. I don't I don't want to argue. I just wanted to call and see if we could actually, you know, come to a medium on this. Do you think that there's a possibility that I mean, when I'm I'm picking up DJ tomorrow after school, what would it be all right if I picked up little Calin and brought her home and let my wife do our hair. Please? I wish that you would pick my start up and see what the hell I do. I'm gonna call my husband and him to come over your house and whoop ya after he braids yo, as I wish you would pick up my thought, I call the police on. As a matter of fact, you're gonna have to call the police on me and my husband Steward and see what happens. Man, I'm just trying to get some class here. That's all we're wanting. We're not wanting to fight with you. It's just the blacks here. We think that we want a little bit more classy look of the way we are. Groom, that's the only thing we're looking for. The only person who's gonna be taking the classes. And when we get to whoop, you're gonna be kicking the class. How about back? Yeah, I can't stand up like you. Y'all get five dollars and one penny in your pocket that and think you better than everybody as you get where you came from. As a matter of fact, what's your guess? What's your name? Because I'm calling the principle on your day. Give me your name minute, mister hoole. What's your name? Uh, that's that's that's that's that's not that's not really what my name is. Well that's what told me when you first Cammy, what is your real name? My name is my name? My real name is Tommy Thomas. No, no, my last name either. What What the hell is your name? Do you know? My name is Tommy nephew Tommy from the Steve Horby Morning Show. Your husband, Keith got me the plank phone call you, I be Oh my god, keep you you got me ready to kick yours, the girls cool and everything. I tell you what, keep eat out for the rest of the queek me he told me, he said, Man, he said, it don't take but about two and a half minutes for my wife to go off. He said, it don't take for to what I had you right, a calm down, Let me ask you what what what? I got one more thing to ask you? What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You know it's a Steve Harvard Morning Show. Come on now, come on now, as five dollars in thinking you better than something? Yeah, it's so true, though, Yes, it's so true. She kept the one. Let me see your ass? Okay, would it be okay? I picked up love Kaylor Taylor and took her home and let my wife straighten her boy, she said, I would you. Oh man, man, you go with their kids is on impoper. You go in and he come over there and whip your ass and didn't break your Hey, Tom here gonna whip your ass and put you between this lags and stop, oh man, your poss steel stop stop wiggling. That was funny on his paw and all that scout time. It's just sitting between the man's leads, just crying. Now you didn't call me for the meeting? Why you call me? Now? You up in blanketed by Yes, all right, thank you, nephew. Coming up next my strawberry letter, the subject I can't stand my family period. We'll get into it. Yes, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the morning show. Well, guys, we said we get down to it, and we are down to it. Just seven days, one week, one week until the November third election. Please go to vote dot org. If you have not voted, there is still time. There is still time to vote early, get your polling locations and all of that. Please do it one week. If you haven't made up your mind yet, what are you waiting on? What else do you need to see, make up your mind and get to the polls. Okay here, yes, what's going on? All right, we're moving on time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Bug it up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject. I can't stand my family period. Okay, Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a twenty three year old woman living with my grandparents, and I have a major problem with them. Recently, my grandfather has been pressuring me to have a good relationship with my siblings, and I've told him several times I'm not interested in getting to know them better. I know this sounds harsh, but I can explain. My birth mother is a hood rat kitchen beautician working at the Dollar Store, and she dresses like she's my age. She has three children, and she's never taken care of any of us. Family members have raised her children My father isn't as bad, but he has a wife that I can't stand because she broke up my father's first marriage by getting pregnant. She and my dad have two children together, so I'm not a priority to him anymore. He helped her finish college, but when I wanted to attend college, he told me to take out loans, and that hurt. It broke my heart at first to see my father raising my half brothers and giving them the childhood I missed. I have been with my grandparents all of my life, so they're all I need now. My aunt has joined with my grandparents to make me visit my mother and get to know her. She said that since I'm the oldest, it's my job to reach out to my brothers and sisters. She has tried to get me to go to counseling because she and my grandparents are worried about me. I feel as though I'm not obligated to have a relationship and ship with my siblings. I can't stand my family period. I want to protect my peace and I'm just fine. How can I get my family to let me be? Well, it doesn't sound like they're going to let you be. You never know, I mean your grandparents. I'm sure getting on an age. They they might want you to do it for sentimental reasons. But you know what, I'm not mad at you. I'm really not mad at you at all. You have every right to feel the way you feel. I mean, you've had it tough, you know, like a lot of people, a lot of us, A lot of people have stories and testimonies and things like that. Your bitterness is understandable. You've been through a lot, like I said, abandonment by both parents, and the jealousy you feel towards your younger siblings. You know, the animosity you feel towards your mother because she wasn't there for you. But you had your grandparents, so you know you had a decent life. You have your grandparents. You're human, so you can make mistakes. It's okay. I just you know, you have to ask yourself here is is this way the way you want it to be productive? Is it mentally healthy for you? Are you happy where you are in life right now? I know you say you want peace, but do you have that piece? And what is wrong with meeting your family with sitting down with your mother? I mean they may have changed people change. People do change. Maybe your mom is a different person now, and certainly you don't blame your brothers for anything, so you can meet with them. I think there are two ways to look at this, and one way is that it could be really good. It could be a positive experience. Try it. I mean, you never know, it could be just the healing you need. Since you don't want to go to counseling because there are some issues. I'm sure you know with you you could hear it in your letters, So I say, try it. That's what I'm going with. Try it, you know, Steve. The whole time I was listening to this let, I was thinking of a sermon. This letter has sermon written all over it. So when we come back, my second half will be a sermon. But I would like to say Shirley that I absolutely agree for the first time with every single thing you have said. She has issues, you need some type of counseling. You don't want to do counseling or understand it. Then what you have to do is you have to go and try to make peace. See one of the reasons you don't have peace is because you ain't ever tried to make none. See, you can't give what you never had. So if you're not trying to make peace, you probably not gonna have it. Now. You say you want to protect your peace, but it constantly gets disrupted by your grandparents telling you to go have a relationship with your father, go have a relationship with your mother. Family is important, it really is. And when these people start leaving this world and y'all get older, you're gonna discover that you might have missed something really special. So, Shirley is one correct. You need to try to make peace with your family and just forgive. You got to forgive your mamma for being a hood rat, a kitchen beautician. You know, maybe that's all she had. You don't know what happened to her. And then you're mad at you daddy's wife because she broke up y'all's mamma near marriage because she got pregnant. No, your daddy got her pregnant. You know you ain't got to blame the woman. So and then your man cause your daddy taking better care of the other baby than he is of you. It said, Shirley, got it right. It's a lot of issues in here. You need counseling. You do need counseling. If you're not, you now to at least go and make peace. Forgiveness is not for you. Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for you. It's when you don't forgive a person, it's like you're drinking the poison, waiting on them to die. So, now that I've said that, when we come back, we're gonna preach the letter. Okay, yeah, yeah, we have come on, deacon. All right, all right, you heard it. Part two of Steve's response is coming up in a sermon of twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject of my letter today, I can't stand my family. Period. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Uh, subject, I can't stand my family. I'm already I'm not recapping. I'm preaching this letter. You just this letter. The subject Deacon read then, subject is I don't like my family. That's stand them. I can't stand ah can't stand my Framely, he tweether you old woman living with grandparents can't come on? That doesn't develop a major problem with both of them? More reasonly, her granddadd had been pressing her to have a good relationship with her siblings. Yeah, and told him several times, I ain't interested in getting to know them. No, damn better. You don't know how they're, Granddaddy, but I do. I say it sounds hard, Yes, it dies. But she goes on to explain, my mama is a hooter rat. My mama, you're the hood rat, kitchen beautician, got all over the star. Oh, I can't go in here to make a sandwich, crooked grease everywhere. She's putting a lord on people's heads. She worked down at the dollars store. Who the hell? Why mama working at the damned dollars store? And she don't give discounts when you go in there. She dressed like she my age. She got three kids, ain't never took care now one of us, all the family members, and raised a kid. My daddy ain't that band. But he got a whole wife that I can't stand. You can't work, I said, I he got a wife that I can't stand. You want to know why? Why is that? Daddy? She broke up my father's first marriage by getting pregnant. He didn't need another baby. Now he didn't add a baby. Now, he didn't broke up with the hood rat. She ain't there trying to fix her hand, the kitchen and everything. I fix it, and my daddy got two kids together. Yeah, so I ain't a priority anymore. Helped to finished college. And then when I asked him could I go, told me to take out loans. ID id to the coat when he said take out a damn loan. You helped that other health of golden school. But now you go around like you don't know me. I was your first baby until you had that hood rat got pregnant, she knew, couldn't wear. My mama worked down at the dollars, stop doing the best, so they hand the baby, had the baby. It broke my heart to see my father raising my half brothers and giving them the childhood. I miss him, So I guess you Michael Jackson, now, oh you want to be your baby again? He won't never land back. You missed your child who you can't get it back. Michael Jackson couldn't get his back. What I would do if I were you, I'd find five more girls that felt the same way. It started in Jackson five all over again. Your daddy Joe, what it looked like to me. Being your grandparents all your life, so they seem to be all you need. Nah, here come your aunt, your big fat ass on now here. She come with her big ass all up in my business. And before the congregation starts, just old fat shaming thing, get off my letter. They rolled in and asked me, I'm a scooming don't say that the honest fat but she sounds fatting the letter to me. But she's doing what big people do, eating stuff that ain't even on her plate. She he eating all up in the niece of business. You here come her ass, and he got all up into business. Told me, since I'm the oldest, my job to reach out to my brother's and system. Yeah, And she tried to get me to go to counseling. Do I sound like I need counseling, Yes, that's how I do. Hell, yes, I sound like I need counseling. But I ain't going. You know, black people don't like counseling. I don't like talking to nobody with a yellow notebook pad that winter cart home. I got to school diploma. Why but I want to tell my problems to somebody. Jeff called, there's a psychologist. Psychologists ain't had my life. I'm not gonna go to no damn counselor. I'm gonna riding out and be a toe up, distraught individual to the day I die. I'm gonna be a member of a dysfunctional last family. I'm not gonna trying to fix a damn thing. I don't give a damn by my big ass. My grandmama never got on my nerve, and the half of my brothers and sisters. I'm gonna try to go to Heaven on sliding and on the pass. I hope ther is grading on the curve. Maybe I can get in, but I want to go to heaven if my family is already. Now post your comments on today's Strawberry Let Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Now coming him a forty six minute Jackson five after the hour Junior Sports Talk. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Junior is here guys with sports Talk for today. What you got, Junior, Well, you know, Charlotte, we're in the middle of the NFL season. You know, the Cowboy's gonna have a good week. They put up three points and lost to Washington. Didn't even have a name, and nobody in Texas have a good week. We didn't have a good weeking either, pack. We didn't. We didn't have a good week either. Tom Brady is still winning. Tom Brady one, probably probably probably the second best quarterback in the league. Russell Wilson got his first lost this week. He lost down. He still number one quarterback? Yeah, man, he still lived, man, But how do you feel right about now? Though? Uh? Cleveland Browns lost Odell Beckham, junior man for the remainder of the season with a torn acl good good. Yeah'all love Oldell. I hate that happened to him. Man, he's a fine young man. But it just hid work in Cleveland, like y'all always have some bit of bad news during the season. Oh yeah, dude, Oh yeah, here YEA used to Yeah, I ain't know what's happen. One five game were for the lose five and you see it, you see it coming already. Let me listen to this. See that's why I'm riding high right now because I know the low coming. See the way that's gonna work. The Texans and the Browns it's gonna end up with the same damn record sometimes. Yeah, I don't really see. I don't know what's gonna happen up in Cleveland, but I'll tell you what. It ain't gonna be pretty because we're in the wrong division. We got to play Baltimore again. You gotta play the Steelers again. No, it's all I mean, you know, faint called season gonna faint too. I just I did. I hate that happen to him though? Man, but he said the great player. But Y'AEI and a nice guy, great teammate. Yeah, man, And tonight and other news though in sports, Uh, game six of the World Series, Uh if LA win. Now you got the NBA Championship and the World Series in the same exact city. So this is gonna be a pretty good one. Anybody, time you want to predict, you do go, You do well the prediction times whatever you think. I'm betting on, I'm betting on the team I gonna go. It's gonna go seven games. How about that, it's gonna go seven game? Ye three to one, three two three two Los Angeles. Yeah, so Tommy's gonna go seven it? Oh, we know, is that Tommy picks seven games. Everybody put their money on the dodge. It's no anything, all right, Junior, Thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show sixteen minutes. Always has an election year tradition, you know, of interviewing the president and the vice president. So this year was no different. Did you guys see when President Trump walked out of his sixty minutes interview. People have been talking about it, yeah, for a couple of weeks. Now our question is why does the president want to be president? I mean, he can't even handle Leslie stalls sixty minute interview with tough questions, and she told him the questions we're going to be tough. Take a listen, Leslie, you started with me. Your first statement was, are you ready for tough questions? Are? That's no way to talk. It's no way to talk. At this point, one of our producers interrupted to advise about the time remaining in the interview. I think we have enough of an interview here, Hope. Okay, that's enough. Let's go, let's go, let's go meet for two seconds. Okay, thanks I'll see you a little while. Thanks. Be careful. She'll still care be careful, be careful for your old last fall. But see, honestly, what was wrong with her. She let him know that the questions would be tough. He only wants to be interviewed by Fox so they can lob him questions, compliment him, tell him what he's a great job, and stay on questions that he has answers for and then massage those so they sound like he answered the questions. This is the most unpresidential person who has ever resided in the White House, and it's enough, is enough? And then he said to his girl, Hope, Hope, we've had enough. Let's go. You know, Oh you know, look, man the dog dog. If you don't want to be president, just tell us that. But see, you can't be the president just for your base. Yeah, you're supposed to be the president of the United States. This is the worst person. I don't even understand. I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't even understand why a person votes for this guy, especially if you're not in politics. I know why the Senators is pushing forward. I understand the only way I can see a person voting for Donald Trump is because you have to be just like him. You just think that the way he is is absolutely fine, and that's the way you feel and think about the immigration, about race, yeah, about poor people, about black people, brown people, all of that. You just think that way. And isn't it supposed It's not supposed to be an easy job. That's why everybody doesn't is not president. This is a tough job. You're you're you're the leader of the free world. You're the most powerful man in the world. Yeah, you know, she's gonna just spoon feeds you with you know, baby questions. I don't get it. You're the president. Could it be that he don't want the job no more? And he just said, let me ask as stupid as I can so they don't vote for him. It Could it be that I'm just trying to find something, you know, just yeah, could it be you just don't won't it no more? You just gonna act a damn food on the way. I think he wants it with everything and him he don't. You know, this is not regular behavior. This is really something wrong with Yeah. I think the first election was a complete and total surprise to him. But now that he sees the kind of power you know he has and you know he can will I just don't understand. I don't get it. He was so rude to Leslie Stall. He really was. Yeah, yes, yes, she is. Yeah. Has he been tested mentally? And if they tested, I think we all know something's wrong. Man. He's just unpresidential. Yeah, he has no business holding the office of president of United States. And for people that think he does you wrong, he can't be who you want your children to be like unless you approve of all his behavior. The sad part of it is it's forty fifty million people who think he's just fine. Yeah, yeah, all right, listen. We'll have more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after. Right after this you're listening show and trending bug news. State entomologists have warned they won the opening battle against murder hornets in Washington, successfully removing first nest discovered in the US, and officials say they found the nest located in the cavity of a tree. My cousin has a master's in entomology. She knows about every bug on the planet, which is crazy. But that's what I mean. Yes, yes, she does. My cousin Sharon from Chicago. The nest hells between one hundred and two hundred hornets got them. The state's Department of Agriculture tweeted crews tracked down the nest after weeks of searching. After receiving permission from the owner of the land in which the dead tree was located. A team of workers dressed from head to toe in protective suits, vacuumed the insects out of their nest. The hornets are less threatening to humans than they sound, The CDC says, bees, wasps, and run of the mill hornets kill more Americans each year than murder hornets kill people in Asia, where they're usually found. I mean murder hornets. It's murder. Yeah, this is crazy. I want us related to what's going on? Wow? Yeah? Years All right, listen, just wanted to let you know that we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour. It's murder. You're listening show and entertainment news. Carla is here with today's music news. What's going on, Carla, what's happening? Well, first, of all, The b ET Hip Hop Awards are tonight hosted by We got to give a shout out to the crew eighty five South. I'm fly Yes, Carlos and Chico being yes yes, so they are hosting, so we'll check it out night. Also the American Music Awards, Yes, they are the nominations where we yesterday they were announced, making the Stallion the weekend Roddy Rich I like his music. They all led the nominations. They got about eight nominees a piece. So the American Music Awards will air on ABC on November twenty second, and then finally in music News, the Versus Battle is set. The next battle is set for November nineteenth. Atlanta rappers Young Jeez versus t I and Young Jeez will be our guest tomorrow on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So hopefully he'll tell us about it. Give a little sneak peek that's what's gonna go down during the battle on November nineteen. I heard it was supposed to be Busta Rhymes and Tiapa some him. Oh really, bust uncle Bus, uncle Bus. Bust happened that your Buster say, nobody won't none to him? Tay and you know you was in Leaders of the New School, like the generational gap is too far between Buster and t Yeah, I can see that, I could see that. I don't know, man, I'm talking about sotted. I put Earth when the fire gets up, any damn every battle, every battle, Old life, you play your hit. I got her win, But what help now, boy? I put her when the fire gives Elvis, you know, put him down, will shut his whole catalog down to the show what you throw? Do you remember when about blue s shoes, blue swe shoes? Would you mind if it touches? You need to be one dog cooled to be on versus battle battling yourself. Yeah, Earth pointed five versus battle hit it body anybody except Frank oh okay, because he knows too much about you know, Toto turning tables all that in two yeahs and two jet wool coming up. It's our last break of the day, last break up the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to show, all right, guys, one week, one week exactly seven days left until election day. On November third, Please go to vote dot org to get early voting and nation for your state. You can still vote early, that is vote dot org. And you know what, Steve, we also want to remind people to vote in these important Senate races. If you live in the following states. Democratic senatorial candidate Jamie Harrison in South Carolina, please yes. Democratic senatorial candidate Mike Espy in Mississippi, Mike spe in Mississippi. Everybody get to the polls. If you're in Mississippi, Mike yes. Democratic senatorial candidate Reverend Rothael Warnock in Georgia. Rothael Warnock. Yes in Georgia, me too. Democratic senatorial candidate Marquita Bradshaw in Tennessee. Marquita Bradshaw in Tennessee. Everybody in Nashville, Chattanooga, Memphis, fish yes, Well, y'all see Marquita. Non that y'all ought to note that. Man. Come on. Democratic senatorial candidate Mayor Adrian Perkins in Louisiana. Okay, all right, all right, Steve, just we just wanted to remind people of that still time. Those are the things because y'all, listen, we've talked about this enough and uh it's it's it's it's I mean, we we are weak away. You've got to make your decision. You've got to make your move. We got to make them counters. This is the best way that I know to say black lives matter. Once they seated, this vote matters all. You better believe from now on, black lives will matter. We got a job to do. We have an obligation. Let's go. Let's go to the polls and show up. I think that we're on to something here, and I want you all to be able to say, hey, I was a part of it. I was a part of removing something from the government that was damaging to us. This thing that he keeps saying, I've done more for black people, says Abraham Lincoln. Like what like what like? One of the Trump supporters says black people ought to be lucky that they aren't slaves anymore. As one of the Trump supporters said at a rally, they ought to be lucky. Then another Trump supporters said online that black people are being treated better than ever before. I don't see what the problem is better. That is the problem. The fact that you think you have the right to decide when we get treated better, better, better, than Who better than what? And who gets to decide what better is for us? Who better to decide what's better for us than us? I'm the best person to decide what's best for me, not you. You know, Look, it's some ignorant people in this country. I mean, we're just gonna have to live with that. There are racist people in this country. We are going to have to continue to deal with that. There are tens of thousands of great policemen and women in this country, but there are so many bad ones that we have to deal with that I used to didn't think the problem wasn't as bad that it was a few bad apples. It seems to me like that few has grown. It is amazing how empowered some of these white supremacist groups have been since Trump got into office. So maybe we need to get rid of Trump so that they can slink back down in that hole they was in. Because the proud boys walking around being proud, the white supremacist groups walking around, he's our guy. All these mega hats and mega masks look okay, cool. If you want to make America great again, that's fine, but it's not going to be at our expense. I keep trying to figure out what year was it that America was great. I'm trying to really figure out, y'all, And I'm serious, what year should we go back to when America was at its best? I can't think of one, because this is as good as this ever been, and because of social media we get to see what it really is and it ain't as great as they're making it out to be. Well, I admit this. Yes, is America a great land of opportunity and a great country. Yes, but it has a series of problems, especially for people of color, because we don't get to participate like everybody else. Somebody told me you aught to shut up you on TV? You know what I had to do to get on TV? You have any idea? Do you have any idea how much better we all have to be to be where we are? Do you know what has to happen for us to stay on the air every day? You know the numbers we have to turn and flip? You have any idea what that brother or sister that's in corporate America has had to do to get that corporate position. Do you have any idea how the captain of that police department what he had to do to become the captain of the police department or the fire department. Do you have any idea? No, you don't, but he does. We have to get this playing field leveled from the top down, and the best way to do that is get the dude at the top taken down. Got to vote, he got to go for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to