Rayshard Brooks Funeral, Trump in AZ, Miles of Giving, Chicago and more.

Published Jun 23, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are here in living color. Steve is exhausted from talking about racism. Black tired, been tired. BT'd!. Is daddy perverted or harmless? The CLO helps a young couple translate. A statue of Theodore Roosevelt will be taken down and there is more trouble in Nascar news. Rayshard Brooks funeral will be in Atlanta today. 45 heads to Phoenix, AZ. Miles of Giving gave COVID-19 tests in Houston. Chicago had 104 people shot in random shootings across the city during Father's Day weekend. The fight for justice for Breonna Taylor continues. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks to us about generational racism and so much more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all all suit the don giving them like the milling bus things and the stubbings to be though, good Steve listening together for ste Please don't join with me. You gotta use turning, you are you gotta turn to turn them out, turn got to turn them out to turn the water to the water. Go come come on your baby. Uh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice I come on dig me naw one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. I was. I had my head down and it was thinking of what I wanted to say this morning. But it kind of it's kind of be something I've lived for a long time, and you know, for a long time, you know, I had a lot of faith in people. You know. It's strange too, because you know, you know, my mother was a Sunday school teacher, so of course I grew up around it, knowing the scriptures and things like that. Not not a lot of them, but you know, the ones I retained. But having her as a mother was was a huge help and understand about faith. But even with that, as I grew up, I began to put a lot of faith in people, and you know, I figured, you know, just like everybody else, you know, man if I could just meet this person, or if I could just sit down with that person, or man if I could just get this person to hear my ideal, or man if if this person could hear my track, or man if I could just get this in the hands or somebody in the know. I was, like everybody else, I thought that way. You know, I actually thought that if I could get in a certain situation with a certain person, that if a certain person were to meet me, that you know, it could change everything for me. Oh man, Oh how wrong I was? Oh how wrong I was? How long did I spend feeling that way? And how many of you out there possibly have felt that way before? You know, like even in a relationship, this is the person for me, and you know, you just lay claim to that, you know, not necessarily being a fact, but you just lay claim to it. This is the person for me, This is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You know, sometimes, you know, we just lay claim to stuff and it's not always what's in our best interest or it's not always a fact, it's just what we decided we want it. And I was guilty of that just like anybody else. And I spent a lot of years in my life putting faith in people. Man, if I could tell you anything this morning, it's to stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God where it counts the most. I mean, you can get something out of this one. See, here's a deal about a relationship with God. It's the same all the time. He never changes. His word is one absolute. His word doesn't have loopholes in it, none of that. It's this is what it is. He's very clear. Now, you can deviate off your end at a bargain, but it don't stop what he says from being true. But if he asked you to do something, if God asks you to to be a certain way, to do a little something a certain way, and you don't do it that way, then you know you could still possibly get by for a while. But don't you understand that his end of the deal stays the same, and as long as you're not doing it the way you're supposed to, the results are not going to be what you wanted to be. And I did this for years and years and years, and I counted on people, and you know, I got myself in a lot of situations. And I got out one a dire situation that I'd been in for a number of years. But he had protected me from years prior to that. I didn't even know what was going on, and then he made it away. It made me aware of the problem. And then, man, lord ha mercy, I was in a dismal situation. And then at the end of the year, I was free, free from it all. But it was a decision that I had made that led up to that, and in going through that process, I had to learn something. Man. I learned a lot about people. See, if you want to learn about your friends, if you want to learn about your people people around you, get yourself in some trouble, get yourself in a situation, Oh man, you start looking around. Man, the field get real clear when you're in trouble. The field clear is out when you're in doubt, when you don't know what to do, when you need help, it get real clear on the play and field, then don't it. Ah. But when things is going right, it's time for a party. We throw on a celebration. We were gonna, we're gonna do one down here. Oh man, there's plenty of people on the field. But but but get yourself in a situation. You find out rather quickly that old no, old no, everybody ain't here. And that's when I started learning. And I'm telling you, I had to start learning this for real until I finally got it to stop putting my faith in people and put all the mine in God where it counts the most. Now is that to say that there are people that you can't trust. No, that's not what I'm saying. I ain't say you can't trust him, but you can't dump your faith in him. I got it all riding on what he say. I got it all riding on what she say. Na, Na, No, I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna keep my own this situation because I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna take this faith of mine and instead of putting it in people, I'm gonna put it in God where it counts the most. Because his word is absolute. What he say he gonna do, he gonna do what he say. He's not gonna tolerate, he's not gonna tolerate. Now, you can make it, you can make it tolerable for yourself, but he's not gonna tolerate it. And that's just the end of the line. And so you know, I'm wondering how many people out there find themselves in a situation like me. Or maybe you've gotten yourself in a situation because you put your faith in some people and now you wound up in a different type of situation. Now, let me ask you, whetting people, at the only one that I found when I was in my deepest trouble, when me and my wife were in our darkest situation, was God. It is the only one, was the only one who was just right there, right there all the way through. Now, let me explain something to you. Because you have this relationship with God, it does not mean, it does not mean now that it won't get it won't still be a situation, you understand. But what He will do is protect you during that period. He'll cover you during that period that it is a situation. He will give you the strength to overcome the situation when it turns into a situation. Then when He cracks it open for you and the sun is bright and shining what he don't want you to do is when he gets sunny again, to forget about him, who was there when it was dark for you. See, I used to do that too, you know I was Oh, man, I did it. I'm telling you right now, I did it. But I'm telling you man, when I learned a very serious lesson and I watched some people I thought were friends of mine just sort of casually remove themselves from the situation. Then I said, okay. Me and Margie looked around. We said, okay, it's just me, you and God. And when we started conducting ourselves accordingly. So when it's sunny for us, we remember God. We stay prayerful, we keep talking to him. We thank him for the sunshine, we thank him for the dark days that he allowed us to do, who allowed us to survive it and turn it into sunny days. And we talked to him constantly to protect us of our future enemies. And that's what the deal is. So if I was everybody, I would stop putting your faith in people and put your trust in God where it really does count the most, It really really does. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen, it has begun to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Live and Living color. We are here available, inspiring, informing, enlightning, uplifting, motivating, and when all that get out the way, Lord ha Mercy just was a funny show, Ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve. Yes it is, Yes it is. And then that was Carla Farrell, Good morning, Steve. What's up? Krim? And alone came Junior Kill Spates, Yeah, jealous King breaks nephew, Tommy, Yeah, yeain't in the building baby, Good morning everybody. Yeah, how you feel, Steve? I feel good? You know? Um uh? Can I be honest though, Yes, I'm exhausted. You just got here so early earlier the morning we walk up. I'm talking about from just talking about racism. Oh yeah, and you know, yeah, I'm really glad that there are so many people out there understanding and trying to empathize and and and identify with what the problem is. But again, when you see them lined up outside with Confederate flags into the race, and you see them hanging nooses and people's y'all, you just you just know it's not going away. And so we have to just continue to fight, man and get some laws in place. The one law that I'm really going to be pushing for is mandatory police sentenzing, so that they have to be enforced at the same way that we are forced to obey the law. That's only fair. If you're hired to serve and uphold the law, then you should have to uphold the law. What is you too? And you should not have the right to just decide if we die today, not as a police officer. Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. So everybody have a one today. Black tide is what you're saying. You just black tide, black tide BT BT. It's been. It hasn't just been, you know, this year. This has been going on our entire live Shirley and BT stands for ben tide, oh man, man not back tied tie. Yeah, our entire lives that's all, huh moving. We just keep it. And I wish I know it can't happen, but I wish if everyone could just imagine if it were happening to you, Yes, a man, what would you want to happen? Yeah, well that's what we want to happen. I don't want a lawless society. I don't want a whirl without police and anybody asking for nobody wants to. I hope you don't please them killing us. Yeah, you think we were coming outside because of cope. Let's let them get rid of to believe. Please, I'm really not leaving home. It's always deadly forced, it seems like when it comes to us. Yes, yes, yes, that's the issue. Yes, try some other methods, you know, don't kill us. Right, but when you practice all keel shots, all of your targets is keel shots, chest in head. Yes, that explains a lot, and the targets happened to be black. Yeah, all right, we're gonna switch gears here, Steve, as we always do around this time, and coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, get ready to ask the CLO chief Love Officer in the building right after this you're listening to show. All right, Steve, it is time. It is time for ask the CLO. And if you want advice from the CLO, some love advice, please submit your questions to Steve Harvey sm dot com. Here we go, Steve. This one is from Kim and Hampton, Virginia. Kim says, I'm thirty two years old and I've been dating a guy for seven months. I met his parents last weekend and his mom is very sweet, but his daddy is a pervert. And dad cornered me in the hallway as I was leaving the restroom, and he whispered that he's a bad boy. Then he told me to rub him to see what he's working with. What I was wanted daddy. I went and told my boyfriend. He laughed and said his dad is harmless. He asked me to chill before I made a scene. I think my boyfriend should have checked his dirty old daddy. Am I wrong? It's not that you're wrong. It's just a son to his father. He don't He don't see that side, and he don't want to see that side. Man, my daddy harmless. Well, he don't really know his daddy like that, you know, he just know him as the father son. He never seen him flirting with chicks before. He don't know his daddy perverted. He don't know. And for you to bring it up, he just ain't. He gonna check his father. Pop, you won't be up in here talking to her like that. The respect level and that respect has a little bit of fitted for your father, and I believe that's what it is, and you know, just avoid his father, stay away from him. He could be a good guy. I mean, you de dude you with and he didn't took you to meet his mama. That's a good sign after seven months. So just avoid the dad. His dad could be perverted and his son don't know what that's like. Yeah, hopefully it don't go no further than that. I'm gonna seeing what I don't work. And then you find to the boy and the daddy. Yeah, so congratulations, But just stay away from the daddy. That's the best I can do. And then if it happens a dead then you're gonna have to point it out to Yah. Might heading your husband. Your husband touching my ass every time I'm coming in the hallway, and I needed to stop, Miss Peterson pervert. Yeah, all right, we're moving on. Joanne and CAREN's Texas says. I'm a twenty nine year old Caucasian woman and I love your show. My problem is with my husband. All he wants to do is go fishing and hang out at the lake with his buddies. Since we aren't quarantined anymore. I asked him what's the problem, and he said, I nag him constantly. He said, we need some time apart. And he's been staying on our boat. I know he's not cheating because my brother and my cousin stay on the boat too. He's been home to shower and change clothes, then he leaves. Will he snap out of this eventually? Yes, he didn't. Got tied to you in the quarantine people, stevebody, black and white. He tied to your aunt. He downed at the boat with his your brother. Any damn body even got on his nerves in the corner, and he will snap out of it. But give him a minute, though, Give him a minute, y'all was locked up for a long time. He downed that fishing. Now he said his job started stressing him out. I mean, she is a job, all right. Here we go. This one's from anonymous in Northtown, Pennsylvania. She says, I'm a fifty six year old woman and I was happily married until January of this year. That's when my husband's job started stressing him out. And he gradually gained weight. As he got bigger, he started outgrowing his clothes and uh, he usually wears sweatpants now, all right, he works from home, so it's not a problem as a woman that takes care of her insights and outward appearance. It's hard to watch my husband turn into a slob. How could I motivate him to get up and get moving to lose the weight. Well, you got you gotta use persuasive powers of a woman. You know this unattractiveness that he's turning to is obviously not attractive to you, and you gotta let him know it. But you just got to sit him down and say, hey, look, sweete, can we talk for a minute. What's happening? What's going on with you? I know your job is stressing you all a baby, you're letting yourself go. That's not who you are. I've always been proud of the way you work, the way you handle your business. I want that man back. Don't let yourself go. Don't let this situation be he working, what he's tripping for. Hell, it's COVID nineteen for everybody. He the only one. Now that's what you can say, Or then you could go route to your fat ass getting on my nerves. Now there we go. Thank you can pop bell ass. And I don't want you own me, Joe, Damn, hands off me. Ya, don't touch me, stop it. Raise some lights on his ass. Yeah, Joe, stomach off me. If the situation were reversed, surely the husband would say something to the wife you can lute, or he would do something cheat or something next. I'm trying to prolong it. Men complain all the time about their wives gaining weight all the time. Come on, now, not today's wives. I mean I know that. Nobody saying that's okay. I'm fine, it was fine. Off. I'm just trying to you know, lost your place in the latter name. Now you're drinking. I'm watching your zoom. You're turned off that bottle? Is it waters? That gen? This is water? I don't drink the gin. I'm sitting about it, complaining. You got a lot of nerves. I've been vitting all damn morning. I'm going to do some things over you. Not I am, get off me. All right, So that's your answer, okay, all right, coming up, never you tell me we've run that prank back right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss and will be here with today's national news and in trending news. Teddy Roosevelt statue is going to be removed from the Museum of Natural History in New York, and the FBI and Department of Justice. They're both investigating the news that was found in NASCAR's Bubba Wallace's garage. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now the nephew is here to run that prank. Back when you got on now canvas so much, you spent my credit card. This my dude right here, This this prank right here. This is my dude right here. Yeah, make no mistake about this partner. He was about it about. Yes, uh, here we go. You spent my credit card. Let's go catch doctor. Hello, I'm trying to reach Anthony. Anthony Anthony. This is uh, this is Jay Will. I'm the bartender here at the club. Yeah, man, I've been calling y'all all week man about my card. Yes, yes, I got your card. You actually you must have loved here Saturday night, is that right? Yeah? Look I lift up this Saturday man. But I've been calling you a week man, trying to get normally come back in until Thursday or Thursday morning. We get to look ready for Thursday night. So nobody's actually here. I just have to be coming. But y'all under the business man, ya gotta get somebody to answer the phones. Man, I need being my card, all right, right, Why I let y'all that right now so I can pick up my cart y'all at the club. No, I'm not. I just left the club. Actually, I'm actually almost home. But I do have I do have your card with me. You got you got my card with you? Yes, I have. I have your credit card. You took my card to the house. Well, I saw all the messages that you left on the machine, so I was assuming that if I reached out to you, maybe we could meet up and I can actually help you out and get it to you before Thursday. Yeah, but that's cool, man. But I could have just met you at the club. He usually he saw my carm. You should have just called me back. I could have came running into the club, man, I mean, okay, well, I apologize. I got a lot of running around to do. But if if you don't mind coming out and picking it up from me here at the house, you know, I make sure I'll get it to you. Okay, cool? Cool, Well let's check it up. What's your address, man, so I can just come over to you right now. I'm gonna put it the GPS and run over there. Okay, hold on, hold on right street, all right, all right, all right, cool little man? You want get there now because I can just shoot over there right quick, man. And I've applied you a little so man for taking care of it. Man, after I've I really need my car, man, I got some urgent minutes I need to take care of. So I just shot you a little something when I get over there, and I appreciate it again. Man, okay, well, I appreciate you, you know, wanting to slide me something since you said that, you know, maybe uh you know, maybe you don't have to because I actually I ran into a little jam man, and hopefully you you you'll be understandable about it. But I ran into a little jam and I actually had to I actually had to use your card. Oh hold on, hold you said, what, Well, you know, I got into a little, a little situation and I actually had to use your cards my card, right Well, well, yeah, I mean I mean I'll be here to to to uh be to give it back, pay it back to you your what hey? Man? What hey? What? What? What what do you ya got kind of opportunity I got going over there, Man, use my car for what. I closed my tad that I don't say it to night man. Yeah, you closed your tab out, you know. And and and like I said, I was going through a little bit of a situation. I needed some gas, so I used it for that. And my little my little girl needs some uniforms for a school. And I my check hadn't come from the from the club yet. But as soon as the club or as soon as he hey, hey, hold hold shutdown, bro, you wut you you put you for gas? And you you buying somebody somebody tear tutors or clothes on my color right. And I had to get my car out of the shop. So I mean, once I your car of the shop, they're gonna tell you so many put my family man with my family money. Man, you want for that, bro, don't I don't plum for it. Man, I'm gonna tell you what I tell you what. Man, I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna I'm a front of the fund. The police report up, man, you need to have I can I can, mister Anthony. Put just calm down, man, I know it's a little down nothing. But at least at least at least I got the non, I got my whole kids to take care of. But at least I'm telling you what happened, and you're not. You're telling me you should have he was my card. My caution't been at the court where I live at that I can pay you back in payments. Man, every every weekend. I want my money and I want my car back. I'm a bushop, that's what. That's what it's gonna be sure. If your card was that important, you wouldn't have left it at the club. I believe that card up time. Well, you wouldn't have been so if you wouldn't want the girl I had my card the whole time. She was gonna save it for me and get me to me. I signed my pain. She didn't give it to me. If you wouldn't have been so drunk, you wouldn't if you would have left your card at the club when the man I had two tricks. But that don't excuse if I had some pressing me. As I to league, I thought, I don't excuse you to use my car. Man, I understand that if I'm telling you how you went right now, Man, were you you Yes, I am. I'm on the way over there, man, and I'm telling you what wasn't man to fight. We don't have my card and my money. When I get there, I'm gonna bush flout open. I understand. I didn't you I had him. It took me four hundred dollars to get my card the shot I was my card? What? No? Well no, it was actually six hundred on your car because I had to get the other stuff that I told you about. But crazy, you playing you even you know, you know, you know he don't really messed up, man, I say, man, look man, that's my wife. That's me and my wife joined Savid's account. Man, it's for my keys. I got two keys, take care of man. I don't know what's up a game you're trying to run, man, But I promise you this, I got something for you. I want all my money on my account and if any money, I'm telling you right now, I swore to guard. I've already told you that I use this money. What do you mean is it if it's not there, it's not there. I've used it, Anthony. Hey, but I'm asking you to let me put a place and me tell you something I swore to guard right now. I promise who I swore, if you, if you, if you, if you don't have my together one I get over there, I'm gonna put my hands on you. Man, I don't know who you think keep playing with man, I don't play the boy games. I I know. I hope. I think it's gonna go. I'm a superpends. I think I'm a super black off. I want my car and I want my money real. Go get my money and back on my car by the time I get over there. By the cash in my hand. By the time I get over there, We're going out for real seas from him, I'm done talking. Hello, Hey, you ain't got to call me. I'm already on the way. I swear the guard. Let my money be off my car. Let my I'll be there. I hope it's not right, because go up, man, I'm I'm I'm telling you right now. I put I put my get right in the guard on my daughter right now. If my money ain't on my car, gets the card and in my hand. With my money in my hand when I get over there, don't even worry, abody. I want to way over there. I'll be then let the kingdom. I want to be honest about this. Somebody actually gave me your card. What somebody actually gave me your card? Somebody gave you my card. I don't give it them. Who gave you the card? You like I'm seeing when I get over there. So that's fine. I hope y'all had fun with the game. Ye'all played, that's fine, that's just cool. Man. I ain't got time to play making me out. The other person has the card my car man, he told me run around, y'all. Okay, do you have something you can take his name down so I could mean. I don't want to know because I'm a car man. Okay, the guy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, he has your car left you Timmy from Steve Harvey Morning So you just gotta pray man money on that car Mann your boyfriend all we can man, he said, you've been calling the club every single ten minutes. My wife. Man, let me leave you down, man, she man, Hey, let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the land, baby, Steve Harvey Morning Show? And then you haven't. Oh no, he was good. You got it good. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Theodore Roosevelt statue will yes, it will be removed from the entrance of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The statue features the nation's twenty six president, Theodore Roosevelt. He's on a horse with a Native American man standing on one side and an African American man standing on the other side. This move comes as a nation in several states deal with the handling and removal of Confederate monuments and other controversial statues. And that's definitely a controversial statue because have you seen it, See if it looks like he's high above above both of the Native Americans and the African America. I don't know if this is true, but I heard they're going to replace the status a black sculptures that's carving out a statue of the two of them pulling him down off the horse, hooking his age. That's a nice look. They're pulling him off the horse and set the hole free. Yeah yeah, and the horse gallops all free. Peter's gonna love that because they don't see why you would be riding horse any Damn that the horse. But he's a Mustang. So how many statues are coming down? Now, that's a lie. Take them all down. The pigeons ain't gonna have no way to go to bad food. Took all the toilets out. This damn pigeons going. Hey taking the tarlet down? Hey, president does. But they have to come down, you know they have to. Yeah, the President don't like it, so he went again. They're gonna take all them Trump towers down. You got digging problem, man. You better be careful as president. Get them all and other trending news. As we told you yesterday at News was found in Bubba Wallace's garage stalls Sunday at Talladega and now NASCAR, the Justice Department and the FBI are investigating the case as a possible hate crime. On Monday afternoon, Bubba Wallace fought back tears as all of his fellow drivers rallied behind him at the starting line Indega to show the world they stand with him, and there was a prayer of unity. The drivers all lined up to hug Bubba. Bubba Wallace, of course, is the only black driver in NASCAR's top circuit and he's a very outspoken supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement. You know what, I really hope that they can find some cameras. See when the FBI get involved, you have a big problem because they busy, man. And if they can find some footage of somebody walking somewhere making a turn in that garage that didn't belong in there, or can show some film footage or something, they're gonna find this guy. Yes, but nashcars behind it where they are really making sure they want to find out who it was. I saw some flags that they flew that they wanted to defund, the defund NASCAR. Did you see that y Confederate flag? And ye, A lot of vendors to outside still want to sell their Confederate flag. The flag ain't coming back, and then it's out, Yeah we're selling outside there. I like Junior he on flag patrol. What you say, the flag ain't coming back, it's not. I'll get over that. Let that go find something else. Man. It's all right. We've had to get over a lot of come on, don't get over the little flag. Confederate flag. Yeah, it's done. Take it down at the Old k Cafe in Atlanta. Yeah, Yeah, time to get caught up on today's headline. Plus, ladies and gentlemen, Miss ann Trip, you're good morning, everybody. Voters are going to the polls today in several states. Primaries are being held in Kentucky, New York, Virginia, with runoffs in North Carolina and Mississippi. President Trump travels to Arizona today for a raleigh and also a look at the border wall. A former President Obama's getting virtual today with his former VP Joe Biden at about five fifteen Eastern time. They're gonna be talking as supporters and asked and answering questions as well. In Atlanta, yesterday, mourners played their last respects to Ray Shard Brooks, the man who was shot to death by a white cop who sought to arrest him for simply falling asleep drunk in his car and a Windy's parking lot. The cop who shot him, Garrett Rolfe, has been fired. He's charged with murder. He's also jail without bond. Funeral services are being held this afternoon for Ray Shard Brooks at the famed Ebenezer Baptist Church. Of course, that's a church where doctor Martin Luther King preached mister Brooks's gold coffin in going home services, all being paid for by Tyler Perry Old Weekend. Lawmakers in Minnesota tried but failed to pass any police accountability legislation. Meanwhile, several proposals inspired by the horrible police killing of George Floyd. However, both houses of the Minnesota State Legislature have adjourned their special sessions without passing a single proposal. Democratic lawmakers submitted nearly two dozen packages, including changes in the legal standards for deadly force, turning over all police officer prosecutions to the state Attorney General. They wanted to ban on choke holes, and they wanted the elimination of so called warrior training. Saint Paul Representative Carlos Mariani, as chair of the Public Safety Committee, he had hopes of routing out the real problems and also avoiding the old stories and the old excuses. It's not the apples, it's the tree. And the tree doesn't have its roots only in Minneapolis, it has sprouted all across our nation. Democrats are criticizing their Republican colleagues for adjourning these special session before any compromised bill could even be reached, and they say something he needs to be done. By the way, roughly nine million coronavirus came has reported around the world. One million were reported in just the last week. The World Health Organization attributes the uptick in cases to the coronavirus pandemic now hitting highly populated countries, areas of countries in Latin America, now South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa all at the same time. So it's a pretty bad thing. President Trump, by the way, freezing green cards and also special work visas until the end of this year. By the way, Alexander Kung, one of the four fired Minneapolis cops accused of murdering George Floyd in that video scene around the world, he went shopping the other day but found himself confronted by an irate woman. What's your name? It is you? So you're out of prison and you're comfortably shopping and c food as if you didn't do anything. I don't think you should have that right. I don't even think you should be out on bail, Like you're literally outside here comfortably as if you didn't kill that man. This is the officer who was let out of jail today for shooting George Floyd. I'm sorry suffocating him. Yeah, he has the nerve to literally come outside. Think. We don't know what he will fight. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show. Well, yesterday, family, friends and members of the community attended a public viewing for Ray Schard Brooks. He was, of course, the twenty seven year old black man who was fatally shot in the back by police in Atlanta. That happened in June twelfth. The viewing was at the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church. A private funeral will take place today at the church and will be streamed live on the church's website. Tyler Perry is covering the full cost of a funeral and as we know, Ray Schard Brooks was found sleeping in his car at a Wendy's drive through. He was arrested after failing a sobriety test and was shot twice in the back as he was scared and tried to flee. The officer who shot him, Garrett Rolfe, was fired and charged with felony murder. The other officer, David Brosnan, is charged with aggravated assault. So there you go. Yeah, wow, you know, I mean, it's so much going on in the world right now, it just is you know, I mean, it's just yeah, it was just what last week or week before that we at one time. Yeah, it's very heavy. It's a lot. It's a heavy time right now, everything that's going on. Yeah. And as soon as you've following, as soon as you follow in one case, you look up, here come another case, another case, another case, you know, and it's like, for example, you know, it had another incident where police officers had another black man in the choke hole in New York. Yeah, you know, listen, the training of police officers, they're taught the choke hole. The training of the police officers, they're taught the knee on the back of the neck. They're training of a police officer. All of their targets are shoot to kill, chest and head shots. And the picture that they're shooting at is always a black image. If you are if these people do not think that that's tied to this, they're sadly mistaken. Man. And then when you incorporate the racial attitude that so many of them have towards black people period. Look, man, for example, Brianna Taylor. You go in with a no knock warned, you start firing shots, twenty seven shots. This woman ends up dead and the person you were looking for was already in jail. Let me explain something to y'all. If Me, Junior and Tommy fire shots into a house and somebody winds up dead, we're going to prison immediately, all of us. See while they holding knees all they're going through their process, what do they call it? Trying to investigate everybody that was there was an accomplice to murder. They trying to find out which bullet shot. All of them got gunpowder residue on their hands. Everybody to fire a shot, fire a shot and don't know which one killed him. Somebody got to pay man. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the Hour and trending political news. The President is headed to Phoenix now and we'll tell you more right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. After the Trump campaign's embarrassing weekend in Tulsa, today, the President will be in Phoenix attending a rally hosted by students for Trump at the Dream City Church with about three thousand seats. There are also fifty two thousand cases of COVID nineteen in Arizona. We doubt the president will focus on the coronavirus cases. We doubt he will wear a mask. All of that. The President will also visit a section of the order wall with the Department of Homeland Security. And don't be fooled by the Supreme Court ruling on DOCCA, the Dreamer's Bill last week. The Supreme Court simply declared that mister Trump failed to end DOCCA in the correct manner, not that he couldn't end it. Okay, that's a big distinction there. The President has a legal authority to end the program, but that he had technically gone about doing it in the wrong way. The Supreme Court gave Trump a roadmap to do it correctly next time around, and Trump said he will follow the instructions and refile. And the President signed an executive order to suspend work vitas visas through the end of twenty twenty. A lot going on. Yeah, you got to really pay attention, you know, to what's going on and what he's doing in the moves that he's making. Yeah, you know, he because you know, if you look at it, he does nothing positive. What do you mean nothing positive. I don't care what Fox says. I don't care what Hannity says. He does nothing positive. I don't care what Rush Limbaugh says. He does nothing positive. Man for people who need help, for people who want help, for people who are oppressed. He does nothing for people who are downtrotten, which is a vast majority of Americans. He does nothing. Has what has he said to try to heal the feelings of the protesters, to even understand why, to even begin to deal with it. He doesn't go over there. That's a subject he does not broach. He does he doesn't go over there. He doesn't because yea, and yeah, it'll offend his base. He doesn't want I don't know anything right. And then the fact that he's to sign this executive order to suspend work visus. His wife was on the work visa. She well she's not now, Carla, she's the first lady. Now see something else? Yeah, he really is. And it's not that I think I expect anything different from him. It's just that I would I would expect something different from some of his followers to go, you know what, I've had enough of this. This ain't right. I mean look, man, I don't care who you are. You've got to look at this and go boom instead of trying to justify. But I understand why they justified because it keeps them in power. Power. Yeah, they like the power. Ana And he's gonna go visit that wall, that border wall today, Yep, yep, yep. And he's not gonna wear one. But he needs um today. Also, since you brought that up, Steve, it is super Tuesday. It's election day in the following state to New York, Kentucky, and Virginia. So please get out and vote. If you are not registered to vote, go to when we all vote dot org. That's when we all vote dot org. Please get out and vote. This is a prelude to what's going to happen in November, and we can't take anything for granted at this point. We just can't. We don't know for sure. Yeah, you know, we got to do our part. We have to vote, not to give granted. We have to get ready to vote in November because this information that we're talking about with the Supreme Court. You got to watch the messaging and watch what they're seeking in presidents appoint he appointed in his first term yeah, so you know, yeah, all these things we have. Yeah, we have to do our part. We have to do our part. So when we all vote, if you have not registered in Kentucky, Virginia, and New York, we're counting on you today to get out there and vote. Please, Steve. I know you used to get mad because used to say you hate it to beg. But we gotta. We gotta do what we gotta do. We have to beg. We got a beg at this point, man, I get tired of it, but we gotta do something. We gotta be got. We gotta do it. I ain't up form years whatever. I don't feel like it. All right, coming up next, we're gonna switch gears here, nephew Tommy is gonna be here with today's plan. Yes, that's coming up something stupid. Yes, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes afterwards today's strawberry letter. Uh my subject today is he here for me or just the baby? All right, that's the subject. Right now, nephew here with today's prank phone call which you got for his nephew, your son paid in the pool. You know what, Before we go to this prank. Let me just ask my my co worker. Have y'all paid in the pool? Phone? Carl, probably her son's age, Yeah, Carl, No, you ain't. Never still there looked off in a far distance and just Shirley, oh I have Yeah, Okay, okay, your boy. I couldn't hold it. I couldn't hold good in hell where we want to be, I couldn't. I'm talking about the man on this show, you know, come on, Okay. As a female now the most younger, though, it's a different story. I think everybody has at some point. Yeah, I try to make sure I got a little more chlorine, and then you put your supposed to have just corner. If you see anybody in the kids look at Yeah, you do it when you're a kid. But the kids do not get out in a run nothing. I've I seen one get out of my pool to run to the bathroom. They've been there two three hours? Do three hours? I'm like, come on, yeah, I make them go on. Yeah, you go first. You can do that. You can do that. But I'm just saying, by the time three hours go by, you've been flipping and flopping in the pool. Come on, now, somebody then win. I bet you with my boy at Wentford. All right, all right, here we go, your son Pete and the pool. Let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach it. Can you hear me? Yes, I'm trying to reach Anastasia. This is she? How are you doing? Listen? I'm Glenn the lifeguard over here at the pool here in the apartment complex. Yes, sir, do you have a you have a sort name? Yes, sir? Is everything go right? Yeah? Yeah, everything is fine. I mean a quick question, man, we got a situation here with it. What's going on? We're not we're not gonna be allowed to to let him swim here at the pool and the complex anymore. What we got him from me? Your son? I mean he swims it pretty much every every every other day. You know, I'm always in seeing him swim, but it seems like he is. You know, we've been trying to figure out who it is. You'll your son keep peeing in the pool? Slim man. I don't want to get into it with you, your son. We finally narrowed it down. Your son is the one that's pining in the pool every day, and you know it's really a bad thing. Uh. We can't continue to keep letting them come over here. We gotta ban him from the pool. My son, we ain't nash it like this. Did you check the to be He's gonna say it's my song and then the pool. But your son is the one to be making faces and stuff, and I know that's what he's doing here in their pin Your son is the one that's pinning making faces. He'd be making faces, so I know here in their pay got to do what we should be making faces too. Oh, it's something that you're gonna saying in the pool because he's making safe I'm not gonna go back last and like that. I teach my kids better than that. He ain't been a pool lady. I'm not gonna All I'm saying is he can't come over here and swim anymore. He's ben from the pool until we rectify this problem. Not y'all's not saying when he gonna be in the pool and we are pool were gonna be there. And that's a mind made of fact. I'm thinking, I'm kids to the pool. No, we're gonna a man. I'm not gonna city and go back and forth with you all. I'm trying to tell you was this right here? Your son has been peeing in the pool. My boss wants me to bed him. If he's not the one, then we will allow him to come back later. But right now with singling people out and your son, you know, it just seems like he's the one that's doing it. What's your say name was? My name is Glenn. I'm Glenn the lifeguard. That's who I am. No, what's the real name pen that I was supposed to be calling me? You ain't got no bit this kind of my I'm talking about my son, No fool, how you can everything to get out? I'm not at liberty to give my lad's name. The bottom line is we can't call in the bool. What but you aren't liberty to come but you can't give me your own name. Okay, listen, I'm not. All I'm supposed to do is call you gonna let you know that we're banned in your son from getting in the pool. Once you're talking about you can't bann my father playing the life board. Get a real job, a summer job, give your bro job, and I calling my fall. You said him you don't want you ain't aboudy and you can't stop nobody who's come next pool? And we're gonna be damned though tomorrow again. And if you did do your job and clean that man, let me say this to you. If your son comes to the pool tomorrow and get in the pool, I'm snatching your son out of the pool. I unless you m I wish you would because you don't need a lifeguard. You said trying a pool. I wish you would. What kind of pool open at ten o'clock. We're gonna be the nine Saturday. You got me up, talk about you gonna snatch my son out the pool? You know mine? Everybody pool? Yea mine, lady. The problem is whatever has been singled out all the other kids, appointing us and saying he's the one that's doing it. Your son is the one that's being our boat. He's fearing whatever whatever. For Right now, all I'm asking is is keep your son away from the pool for the next two weeks. If we fell not that it's not him, will allow him to come back. Okay, ain't he ain't staying away from the pool for two weeks. If he do, he gonna come back and do some motion pool. I'm gonna getting the whole two weeks with it and go back to that talking about my son to pool. You can tell you about his face. You said what you Bob said, he's probably watching life you watch then the pool? You know fine, you must not know what you're talking to. I will be down as a model me and I don't find my kids, and then I'm gonna too. Don't hang on a little kids go without getting them in the pool. Let me tell you something. Don't you bring them kids over there and bring them in the pool. No, none of your children. I don't give it. And what you say, you don't run life guard, get rid of lady. Listen, lady, I'm not gonna go continue to go back and forth. I got one more thing I need to say to you what I'm done. Okay, one more thing that I'm done. You ain't got to say to me. I do have one thing I do need to say to you what you have to say to me. I need to say this. This is left you Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got Frank from your homeboard. You Hello, we kid, look man, look it up time of doctor man. You want to get this like this, y'all play to mus Yeah, I know, y'alla play too black, No ray my little pleasure. No, I'm walking towards them now. I thought you was coming to the pool tomorrow. I was coming to the office today. They stay. It was opening the foecast. I'll tell me, I'll my files myself in the pool. I was for the comer. Now take care of them kids, baby. I got one more thing. I got to ask you, what is the baddest radio show in the land the s And now you have it? You have it? Yeah, you got it. I got what was coming to me, and I'm comfortable with that. You play any here with us? Does he even here with us? Your son Pete in the pool? Crazy? If you want me to prank somebody, go to Thomas Smiles dot com. That's Thomas Smiles dot com. Click on my prank button, and this is the way I do it. You leave me your number, you leave me the information on what you think we're gonna do. I'm gonna call you. We're gonna work it out, because nine times out of teen what you think gonna be good ain't gonna be. We're gonna work it out between us. And then what God, No, I was gonna ask you who wants to prank someone the most? Like wives and husbands or best friends. You know, star wives love pranking their husbands. Huh. But but co workers really like prank and co worker. Yeah, that's that's what I got a lot of. Yeah, that would be good. Everybody trying to play play a prank on each other at work? Uh huh. Now when I when I see church members, though, light up. We're out. Let live Strawberry Letter. Thank you for my music? Bed subject? Is he here for me or just the baby? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So today is Super Tuesday, and it is election day in the following states. That's New York, Kentucky, and Virginia. That's right. Please get out and vote. Please get out and vote today. If you are not registered, go to our Forever First Lady Michelle Obama's voter initiative site. It is called when we All Vote dot org. When we all vote dot org, take the next step to make your voice heard. All right? All right, today, yes, super and we're gonna switch over to the Strawberry Letter. Now it's time. If you need advice on relationships, on work, on sex, parenting, dating and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is strawberry letter. Thank you nephew. Subject is he here from me or just the baby? Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a twenty seven year old woman and I have a one year old son. I met his father almost two years ago, and when we met, I assumed he was single because he approached me and spent a lot of uninterrupted time with me. Come to find out he has been in a relationship for eight years. It was too late to cut him off because I was already pregnant. We argued over and over again about how he lied to me, and he said he never lied, He just didn't tell me that he had a girlfriend. He became very involved with the pregnancy, and I fell in love because of all the attention and my hormones. His girlfriend found out about me and the baby during my second trimester of the pregnancy. He started to change because of a constant arguing between him and his girlfriend. I felt bad about it, but there was nothing I could do. Now he became more distant, so I moved back to my hometown so I could have family support to raise my child. He came to see me every month and went to most of my doctor's visits with me. When I had the baby, he was there in the delivery room and stayed two weeks after our son was born so he could bond with him. When he left town, I was heartbroken. He came to visit a few more times, and I'm not sure what he told his girlfriend, but she never bothered us. Every time he's with me, he tells me how much he loves me and wants to stay, Yet he still leaves me every time. He says he's only staying with her because she forgave him for cheating, so he's having a hard time breaking her heart again. I'm so confused. I need to know if he's just here for our son or if he's really working on being with me. Do you think he's just leading me on so he won't have any baby mama drama. Well it's a little late for to talk about baby mama drama, because you know, he has a lot of that. He has a lot of drama in his life. You know, he doesn't want any baby mama drama, but he's got all kinds. His life is drama filled when you think about it. You know, he's with you, he's with her for eight years, he's been with you for two you're pregnant now. Then he doesn't tell you that he's with her, I mean with you and with her. He doesn't tell her that he's with you. That's what I'm trying to say. So she finds out about the pregnancy in your second trimester, and that's a mess according to him, because they're arguing all the time. But again, she's still with him. So is she his girlfriend? Is she his wife? I'm confused, really, I'm confused too. It's a lot of drama. He didn't tell you that he was in a relationship for eight years. Why not? Did you not ask or did he not act like it? You said, he's spent a lot of uninterrupted time, and then you know the fact that you guys didn't wear condoms and you got pregnant. That's a lot of drama. I will give him credit for one thing, and that's wanting to spend time with the baby. But you know, I mean, you did the right thing by moving away and having some support to help you raise your child. But this whole thing is confusing and it's a mess because she's still in his life. He's telling you the only reason he's staying with her is because of what did he say? That is ridiculous. She's not your wife or is she? Is that the lie that you're not telling, because this sounds more like a wifie situation than a girlfriend. She forgave him for cheating. That's the only reason he's staying with her. Does that make sense to you? Because it doesn't to me. Who does that? I don't know. You say, you're so confused. I'm so confused with this. The main thing is your child should be taken care of. So I hope you're getting child support from this man. I like the fact that he is spending some time with him. But you guys, relationship it's nothing, It really is nothing. I think you need to get your child support, like I said, and move on. Steve. The question is in the subject is he here for me or just the baby? Well? I think he's there for both. This letter is so interesting because It even exposes to me as a man, the depth of which some of us will go. And this one is pretty impressive, I must tell you. I know a lot of dudes can pull a lot of things, but this one here is impressive. You've been with him, you got a baby, one year old son, met his father two years ago. Now here's the part, ladies, when we met, I assu boomed he was single because he approached me and spent a lot of unerupted time with me a lot. See you assumed he was single because he approached you. That ain't nothing. And he spent some uninterrupted time. What other time can he spend with you? Hold on, my girl calling, hold on, I'll be right my baby. Oh hill, a lot of interrupted hold on? Here she go again. Man, I'm trying to talk to you. We'll be back. I'm gonna straighten it out for you, all right. Yeah. Part two coming up of Steve's response too, is he here for me or just the baby? We'll be back at twenty three minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Is he here for me or just the baby? He here for both of y'all. And this dude right here is amazing as a man. This that he's pulling off. This WA's pretty good here dog. When we met, I assumed he was single because he approached me and spent a lot of uninterrupted time with me. That's nothing. He approached you married me and do it all the time. And he spent a lot of uninterrupted time with me. That means he didn't answer his phone, he didn't return no text. He stayed over there for a while. Come to find out he's been in a relationship for eight years. It was too late to cut him off because I was already pregnant. Here we go. We all get over and over again about how he lied to me. And he said he never lied, he just didn't tell me he had a girlfriend. Come on, boy, that's the line of lines. Wait a minute, I didn't lie to you. I just didn't tell you I had a girlfriend. So watch what he did. This is the truth. Man. I'm crazy about you. He is. Man God, I can't believe I met you. He can't girl. You you the finest woman ever, Matt. You are. I can't believe I met somebody who left you. He can't. I don't know what I'd do without you. He don't know all that's true. He just didn't tell you he had a girlfriend. That's all. What a line, my man, that gotta go down in the books. That got to go down as one of the great lines. I did not lie to you. I just didn't tell y'all had a girlfriend. Come on, boy, all right, now, let's move on. He became very involved with the pregnancy, and you fell in love. Because of all attention and my hormones. His girlfriend found out about me and the baby. Second try, Mester, he started to change because of the constant argon between him and his girlfriend. I felt bad about it when nothing I could do now, so he became more distant. So you moved back to your hometown so you can have family support you raise your child. He came to see you every month and went to most of my doctor's visits with me. When I had the baby, he was there in the delivery room, and he stayed two weeks after our son was born so he could bond with him. When he left, I was heartbroken. He came to visit a few more times. I ain't sure what he told his girlfriend, but she never botheredt us. Now, I don't know what he told his girlfriend, but I'm gonna take a shot at it. Say I got a job out of town company retreat. Yeah, I got a transfer. Yeah I'm back, transferred in last long Yeah that's I'm assuming that's what he told his girl, because you got to tell him something. Now, every time he's with me, he tells me how much he loves me and wants to stay. This is how he holds you, right, because he tells you what you want to hear, how much he loves me and he wants to stay. Yet he still leaves me every time. But when he come back, he tells you the same thing. Because this line holds you, It keeps you in hope, he said. He said he only staying with it because she forgave him for cheating. So he's having a hard time breaking her heart again. Not seeing this line right here. You need to stop. This the worst line I've ever seen in my life. And I can't believe you told it to it and I can't believe she typed it. Bo. This is the most ignot mess and surely had it right. I don't know how you think this is acceptable. I would stay with her, but since I broke her heart before, she forgave me for cheating. That's why I'm staying with her. Because I cheated on her and it hurt her. But whatever me. But I ain't cheat on you. I cheated with you, boy, she said, I'm so confused. I need to know if he's just here for our son, if he's really working on being with me. He's there for both of y'all because he can come see his son. He's I've actually gonna be probably a great dad. You know he probably is, But he ain't got to work on being with you because he can be with you whenever he comes to see his son. This is a man who's getting it, getting his cake and eating it too. He got you every time him he come and see him something. How good is this? I can come see my son and get sup. I can come see my son and get sop and then go back to my eighth year relationship and tell her that job didn't work out. I'm back. Is he just leading me on so he won't have any baby mama drama? Listen to me, Sister Shirley said this, and I'm gonna say it a different way. Anytime you leading two lives, you and drama. His whole life is a bundle of lies. He can't sleep good and now he'd told me to lies. He don't know what truth is. He leads two lives with her and with you, and now there as a baby included this dude. I don't know how he's sleeping at night. It's rough over there. Yeah, it is all right, Steve. Thank you. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letters Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. They're coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, or tell Me Something Good News segment right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for our tell Me Something Good segment. Here is some good news a very own nephew, Tommy. Steve, you should be proud of your nephew and his foundation miles of giving well. Tommy and his foundation hosted a free COVID nineteen testing public sight events in his hometown of Houston. Local and public health officials say that younger people going out to bars and clubs and things like that, they're just not taking the virus seriously. So tell us. You know why you decided to do what you did, and it's important, you know, for all of us to give back. But it's important to you why. Well, I did it mainly for vets, you know, because I opened it up for them, for them to be able to come out. But it was open up to all the people to come out and do it. And I actually did it. I did it with the test. Yeah I did. I saw your picture. I saw your ass try to flinch when she jammed the thing up your nose. Did you flinch when they did it to you? Dog? I damned the slappits hands. I grabbed Tommy, I grabbed his wrist because he stuck it up in my nose. It made a left turn in mind, Steve, I think the Steves was longer, you know what I'm saying. I think since he got his done, they've changed it a little bit because mine wasn't as long I've seen like the Steves. It was a little shorter than your. No, seriously, man, this thing they put in my nose, you mean, the length of the sway was damn near straw with that little clinkly part where you can bend it. Yeah, but I got it done. Got tested, had like about two hundreds some of our cards to pull through, and we did this. We did this in Houston, Texas at my UM at my old high school that's now high school. So that was that was cool to go back to my neighborhood and do something. Big Man's good job. Side by side were the veterans. Tommy the vecheans was good, took pictures with him, hung out with him, talked to him through the mask of course, of course yes, and then some of them want to take the mask. Called for a pitch. You'd be like, man, if you don't put this man's background, you good, Tomlan, because I can't haul. I can't do it in my high school. Anybody gonna come, Steve, you just did a graduate zoom oh virtually virtually anybody going one hundred and thirteen disappear man in Cleveland. Lord Jesus, well that's the issue. I'm glad that you guys. You did that. Timmy, you put you gotta go to the neighborhood and open it up because a lot of people are not having what you can get tested in the neighborhood. And that's the key. Come on out, let's get that's great. Really good access to Yeah, gair access to it. That's great time. And you took yours and it's all good and you're mine. Yeah. I got home my wife and I said, and I'll sit your ass down. You ain't gonna know what not. We know you straight. You ain't leaving this house. I'm all right. Well, coming up at the top of the hour. What's going on in my hometown Chicago. Wow, we'll talk about this right after this. You're listening to show. Wow, this is craziness going on in Chicago. One hundred and four people were shot over the Father's Day weekend. There were fourteen fatalities. Five children among those killed, including a three year old boy. This all happened, Yeah, just last weekend. Over the Father's Day weekend, Chicago saw its highest number of gun violence victims this year. Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown is saying there must be a change in sentence for violent offenders, and home monitoring systems are not working. Take a listen, let's keep violent offenders in jail longer, and let's revamp the home monitoring program. It's not working. For God's sake. Wow, when the police ye so surely all these this is not like one big event something happened. This is just different. Yeah. Random random shootings across the city. Random shootings across the city. Yeah. You know, we have enough to deal with. We really do. With the racial injustices that's going on with the COVID nineteen. We've got to find a solution. Uh. The thing that's happening though, is this is something that only we can fix. Yeah, we we have to. We have to find a way to reach our young people. I mean, we have got to find a way to reach our young people. And we can't sit around and say, well, they listening, well, because they listen to us to get started. We cannot take the attitude that they won't listen to us because I found in my mentoring program the young men will listen to you. They just need somebody to want to talk to them. Yeah, and you can reach these young people. Man, we just got to get real serious about it. I don't have all the answers to it, but we've got to do something. We have got to do something within ourselves to read it is. And it's going to take black men to go home to fix this. The government is not coming. They never have, they never will. The laws are not coming. We need black men to step up and get active in these young people's lives and provide mennership to them. We've got to do that. We've got to give them some type of guidance and some type of moral compass to go by man. Because when you don't have a moral compass man, when you have no faith based background, when you have no sense of conscious or value of life, this can happen so readily. And I understand the conditions out there, their conditions perpetrate this type of attitude. I get it. But these conditions have been the same for a long long time. Speaking of faith leaders, Steve, they said that we're hurting fathers, we're hurting parents, and we're and fed up black men. Enough is enough. They're saying that enough is enough. So they're agreeing with you. This is in Chicago. Yeah, it's I mean, one hundred and four people shot. That is an incredible number right there. I don't understand how everything that's going on we got time to fight each other. I don't get that. Well, that is Fortunately, an innocent child has life before it even gets started. Yeah, yeah, five children, three year old killed. This three year old boy was in the car with his stepfather, so they obviously the police think he was the target. There was a young girl, I think she was like eleven to twelve of a young girl in a house watching TV. Yeah, shot and kill it's in your house. Yeah, unbelievable. We're just dealing with so much. Yeah, fourteen fatality, five children among those killed, including the three year old boy that Carla just spoke up. But one hundred and four people shot in Chicago over the weekend. Unbelievable. Gotta do something, Yeah, it really does. I mean, with everything else we're going through now, I mean, come on, come on, Yeah, we have to do better. We to do better. I mean, we have our issues with the police. All right, Wow, coming up, we'll have more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening to this Dave Harvey Morning Show. The fight for justice for Brianna Taylor continues this Thursday, June twenty fifth attorney Benjamin Crump, civil rights activists Tomka Mallory, and Brianna's mother, to Mika Palmer, and other community members and activists for a march to the Kentucky State Capitol Building in Frankfurt. Are demanding Attorney General Daniel Cameron arrest all of the Louisville Police officers involved in Brianna Taylor's murder. All of them. Okay, one of the officers involved, his name is Brent Hankison, will be fired. A G. Daniel Cameron is African American, and we are demanding justice for Brianna Taylor, whether he's African American or not. Bar If five of us go into a house and we shoot it up and somebody dies, five of us are going to prison that day. That day. They don't give a damn about the investigation. You were there, which makes you just as accountable because if you had not been there, we don't know. But this person could still be alive. That's what happened to this woman, Brianna Taylor, And so we see. That's why I'm screaming, man, I've got to find a way. I don't know how to do it, but I'm gonna get it. I'm pushing from mandatory police sentencing because just like we have mandatory sentencing and they are hired to uphold the law, they shouldn't have to uphold the law. And not only uphold it, they should have to abide by it, just like we do. Right. And it's hard, but it's not impossible. It's hard because they've been doing it this way for so long, but it's not impossible. It's easy not to kill a person. Yeah, it's really easy not to kill a person. Hell, just say no magic trick. I've managed to not kill nobody for sixty three years and I had no damn. Please Train, you're listening all right, Steve, It is time. It is time for ask the clo. This one is from Kim and Hampton, Virginia. Kim says, I'm thirty two years old and I've been dating a guy for seven months. I met his parents last weekend and his mom is very sweet, but his daddy is a pervert. And dad cornered me in the hallway as I was leaving the restroom, and he whispered that he's a bad boy. Then he told me to rub him to see what he's working with. What I'm going, daddie. I went and told my boyfriend and he laughed and said his dad is harmless. He asked me to chill before I made a scene. I think my boyfriend should have checked his dirty old daddy. Am I wrong? You're wrong? A son to his father. He don't see that side, and he don't want to see that side. Man, my daddy homeless. Well, he don't really know his daddy like that, you know, he just know him as the father son. He never seen him flirting with chicks before. He don't know his daddy perverted. He don't know. And for you to bring it up, he just say he gonna check his father. Pop. You won't be up in here talking to her like that. The respect level and that respect has a little bit of fitting for you farther and I believe that's what it is. And you know, just avoid his father, stay away from him. He could be a good guy. I mean, you de dude you with and he didn't took you to meet his mama. That's a good sign after seven moments. So just avoid the dad. His dad could be perverted and his son don't know what that's like. Yeah, hopefully it don't go no further than that. I'm gonna see what I don't work. And then you find to the boy and the daddy. Yeah, so congratulations, but just stay away from the daddy. That's what being stuck to do and then if it happens add then you're gonna have to point it out to it. Sign again you might have to go your husband. Your husband touching my ass every time I'm coming in the hallway, and I needed to stop Miss Peterson in pervert. Yeah all right right, Joanne and Carence Texas says, I'm a twenty nine year old Caucasian woman and I love your show. My problem is with my husband. All he wants to do is go fishing and hang out at the lake with his buddies. Since we aren't quarantined anymore. I asked him what's the problem, and he said, I nag him constantly. He said, we need some time apart, and he's been staying on our boat. I know he's not cheating because my brother and my cousin stay on the boat too. He's been home to shower and change clothes. Then he leaves. Will snap out of this eventually, Yes, he didn't. Got tired of you in in the quarantine. Yeah, he white people, Steve, they got scared everybody black and white. He tied of your ass. He downed at the boat with your brother, any damn body. Huan got on his nerves in the corner and he will snap out of it. But give him a minute thought. Coming up, it's our last break of the day, last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to morning show. All right, Steve. Here we are guys, last break of the day on this Tuesday. Don't forget to get out and vote in the Tuck States for Kentucky and New York. Please, but really Kentucky, right, Entucky, Come on, Kentucky, don't let it down. Virginia, Virginia too, New York. We need y'all, We need them all. Get out and vote today. Please clean sweet, there's just a dress rehearsal. Can you ready for the fall? Because you know, let me close by saying this, and every day I've been not really thinking about my closing marks, but just really speaking from on the inside. So I've decided not to change that. But you know what, man, as a black person in this country, what I am increasingly disheartened by. First of all, before I say that, let me say this that I am a bit optimistic doing this protest because, like I've said, almost every day, this is the first time I've ever seen these many non African Americans protesting for something that affects black people so deeply, and for that, I'm actually grateful. I'm very, very proud of the young people that's out there pushing as hard as they have across this country. And I'm really really appreciative of the non African American support that we've gotten. I really appreciate that because I said in the beginning, when it's all started, I said, the only way this is ever going to be dealt with effectively is if we can get some white outrage. I remember a few weeks ago, I was doing closing remarks with the title, I'm just looking for a few good white folks, because I know they out there. I know they are, and they showed up. They have showed up. The disheartening part is the sheer number of non African Americans who have no empathy for this cause at all, who want things to remain as they are, no matter how painful it may be for us. It's some people don't care how you are affected by the Confederate flag, how you are affected by our history, how you are affected by our statues. How you're affected by our laws? How do you affected by our voter suppression? How you affected by the way we call you when we call the police? How were affected? How even they don't even care how you feel about your kids getting shot because it ain't happening to them. And it's disheartening when you see it over and over and over again, even in the light of protests, in the light of all the changes that corporations are making. They taking ancient Mima off the box, Uncle being off the box. They're trying to make changes everywhere. Nike. When you go to Nike's website, which I tried to go through the other thing, the first thing pop up is black lives matters. That's never happened before. If you remember, just a couple of years ago, when Black Lives Matter came out, they destroyed that slogan. They came back with all Lives matter. See, black Lives Matter does not say to you you we don't think that nobody else's lives matter, or we don't think that our lives matter more than yours. We just want you to feel about us the way we feel about it. Our life should count just like everybody else's life count. That's all black lives matter. Saying, see, you got to quit passing this justice out like this pie. I heard somebody said, man, and that then stuck with me. Justice ain't like pie, where if you give us too big of a slice, that means less for you. That's not how justice works. Justice should be for all people. We built this country. We're the reason this country prospers. There's so many families that are non African American that have substantial wealth, and it was built from the slavery empire. That's a fact. That's a fact. When you have generational wealth in this country, in the textile business, in the service business, in the in the cigarette business, in the alcohol business, in the cleaning business, in the farming business, in the church business, you can trace it back to slavery. You can run it all the way back to slavery. And the reason you had slaves in the first place, because you didn't want to do the work. You brought us over here for free. Label. It's disheartening the number of people who are hanging on to that. It's disheartening, man, But in fact, it's past disheartening. It's right out damn sickening, and you make me sick. You make me sick with your hatred of us, You make me sick with it. A person has the right to ask for equality. We ain't asking for superiority. We're asking for equality. God, what's wrong with that? We're just asking to be the same as everybody else, not more. But we want to quit being less. My children should not. I shouldn't have to feel when my children lead a house. I'm tired of talking to my sons about this. But you know, the sad thing is, it looks like I'm gonna have to tell it to my grandsons because it's enough for y'all that don't give a damn how we feel. So could you not understand when they turn around and don't give a damn how you feel for just a moment, Because if it was happening to you, I bet you would feel the exact same way. As a matter of fact, you would feel worse because you've had a life of privilege and to watch your children going down would affect you even more, I believe. But it really can't affect you anymore because we as hurt as hurt can be, and we just seek up for all Steve Harvey Contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.