Good morning and welcome to the ride! Do we have a check in from across the pond? The Chief Love Officer has some words for a working lady that is torn. The Queen of Hip-Hop Soul got a documentary on the way and she was honored at The Apollo. NYC mayoral candidate Ray McGuire is on the show to talk to Steve. Today is win or go home Wednesday and Junior can't help but talk about the NBA playoffs. We Can Do This Day is today and the crew talk about how the COVID-19 vaccine can be the first step to fill in the blank. Mike Lowrey gives us an update regarding his #BigWillieChallenge. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us about blessings and where they can be found.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them just like theming buck things. And it's not me through good it. Steve has to mother for star. Please don't joy joining me. You gotta use that turn very You gotta turn to turn them out, turning. Got to turn them out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one It only Steve harvey Man got a radio show. Real glad about it too, you know, um um. I hope that God always keeps me in the frame of frame of mind to try to be sharing and try to be motivational, and even when it's not felt or wanted by some people. I have people around me who seem to not benefited off anything, and I can sit with them and talk to them or take meetings with them to try to encourage them, and for whatever reason, you know, they want to just keep going the way they're going. When you run into people like that, you have to pray for them. You have to just hope that one day that they release the chains on their mind and open up your mind to a new way of thinking. A couple of things I wanted to go over with that I want you to all today in terms of motivation, I want you to be aware of statements or old sayings that have been created that you hear over the course of time, and you may be applying them to your life. And I want you to be careful of some of them because some of these old sayings, man, are not designed for people who are dreamers, are not designed for people who have any aspirations of being extraordinary. These are not designs or sayings that people who want to be extremely successful at anything or have high aspirations to put these sayings into your life. Let me give you an example. Statistics say that's it. That's the one who want you to be careful about statistics, say be very careful of stats. When a person says, you know statistics, say one out of every what see, listen to me. These are things that sound like they're good, sound solid advice, but they're setting you up for failure. And you can't adhere yourself to a lot of these sayings that's been passed down from generations and it's not scripture. It ain't in the scripture nowhere that statistics say. It's just some people, and a lot of people who have lost have come up with these sayings to justify why they keep losing or why they lost. When I was arst got started in the business, there were more stand ups around now than it is today because the comedy boom in eighty four eighty five was it was gaining a lot of momentums, comedy club, comedy nights everywhere. The statistic that a guy told me, I told him I wanted to be on the Johnny Carson Show, the Tonight Show. The guy said, one out of every two thousand comedians ever make it to the Tonight Show. Okay, Now, when he told us that, some of the comedians in the room went, well, wow, man's oh that's rough. Because a guy had also said that there was approximately six thousand comedians in the country at that time. I don't know if it was true. I'm just telling you guys out the sputing numbers. I have no idea how many it was. But he said one in every two thousand will make it to the Tonight Show. And he let the air out of everybody in the room button me. So every night before I went on stage, I used to do this right here, but thatapa bada la la la la Badampa ba la la la da. That was the tonight theme song. I was young, opening act nowhere near Hollywood, didn't. I was in Cleveland telling jokes at one night us. But that was my thing because I was bent and determined that if it's one in two thousand, okay, why don't I just be the one? Be careful when people say statistics say because they are set up to ful failure. If you're gonna adhere to him, see that one in so many it wasn't so many people win the lottery. But if you don't play the lottery, you ain't gonna be the one to hit. Now when the dude hit you go while he was lucky, but he played. Here's another one. Maybe it's not meant to be. All right, let's go one step further. I guess it wasn't the Lord's will. Don't you dare blame God for something you may have not done yourself because you didn't get the proper education, because you didn't do the things you were supposed to do, because you didn't stay to the task because you quit, turned around and went the other way. Now, maybe it's not It wasn't the lord's will. These are all statements that sound like sound advice, but they ain't all the time, got nothing to do with you. Stop letting these old fogy sayings get in your way of what can happen in your life. Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Who came up with this? Who came up with the If you don't pour all your efforts into one thing, how are you gonna be great at that one thing? If Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird had not played basketball sun up to sundown. Magic Johnson didn't go to Michigan to get an education. Land Burry didn't go to Indiana to get an education. These casts was bawling. Michael Jordan didn't go to North Carolina get an education. They went to play ball. They went to do one thing. Tiger Woods didn't go to Stanford to get an education. He went to play golf. As soon as he got good enough, he'd gone. These are guys that put all their eggs in one basket. See what's what's cool with putting all your eggs in one basket. Is you now can maximize your effort and laser beam what you're doing. Your problem is all you gotta do is make sure what is your basket made out of. If your basket is made out of faith, hope, hard work, and belief, then guess what, that's a good basket. I'm dumping all mine in it because ever since I was a young dude, I've been telling jokes. One thing, one thing only. Even when he got ugly and I was living in a car, I never quit telling them jokes. Man. I just kept believing that them jokes was gonna pay me one day, and I'll be dog gone if it didn't. I ain't take no time off. Go work at the Walmart, give me a job, go back to forward and beg for my job back. Hey man, put all your eggs in a basket. Just make sure that your basket is made up of faith, hope, belief, hard work. Your basket woven by God. What you're tripping for, you're defeating yourself. Where is your faith? Where is your belief? Where is your trust? At one point in time, you got to believe that God could do what he say gonna do because he didn't done it for others, He'll most certainly do it for you. Be careful of these sayings that's out here, that's aligned by losers and people to justify why they are not succeeded. Don't apply this stuff to your life. And it ain't got nothing to do with you. You're gonna mess yourself up, all right. Okay, you're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, Hi yay, hi hey, well about to start the Steve Harvey Morning shall ladies and gentlemen without five do Heve is Hell the Earl of Artingham, Earl Hei ya hi hi hi Now today ranging you the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Ladies and gentlemen. Charley Strawberry, top of the morning to you, cheerio, all of that tea and everything, crumpets, good morning, call of Herral, Good morning, Duke. How are you, darling? Wonderful winder hold out salotely winder holler now that damn joe Ya good morning Duke. You look absolutely star I know it, And of corse you cannot call you king because you're in England. Now the court gesture of brank phone calls ladies and yo Tommy, thank you, Duke thank you, thank you. Good morning. Beautiful day to be black in this country, isn't it. Donald Trump is no longer president with doing wonderful things now, Yes, we are happy he is not the president. Yes, guys, I said, to hell with Megamerica great again while you're trying to take it toe. It's the bestest ever been. And if it ain't sugar honey iced tea, it's your fault. Okay, Duke. Have you talked to the Prince, Prince Harry and Megan, I've talked to I support his move quite honorably. I would have gotten away to Helle heart, Well, I've gotten well. I wouldn't have black. I'm glad he never never hell would I leave the palace fall. Someone's got a black somehow. Yeah. Hang with the Houns. Do you play polo? Dude? Do you do all that? Oh? God No. I take the hounds hunting hunter, and when no one's looking, I make the hounds chase white people. Oh. I call him off before anything happens. But I just want him to get the feeling, know what it's like to have the hounds after you. That's all it is. And just having a wonderful time. I love your show. By the way, I just wanted to stop in this morning and say Terry, all carry on, continue to be wow and not jo Tommy. You're doing wonderful with the pranks. And I've cost your television show. I watch it all the time over there in England. Thank you, Duke. Yes, I want to be on the show once though. I want to be one of the dates. WHOA wow, we didn't know you were not a sup to get our hands on a real hell blah blah. Totals all right, totals to you, Duke. Coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the cello with the Chief Love Officer of Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next hour in YC. That is New York City mayoral candidate Ray McGuire will be our special guest. We cannot wait to talk to him, but right now it is time, yeah for the cello Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building him. Yeah, all right, So here we go. This one is from Tanjula in Mississippi. Tanjula writes, I'm a thirty two year old professional woman by day and at night I'm an escort. I keep a low profile in my city and go to the neighboring city for my escort business. I've been dating a guy for almost three months, and he thinks I'm a school teacher and model because I met him at a casting call for models for a music video. I need my side gig to pay off my student loans. But I know this guy won't like it. Should I be honest with him or keep the lie going? Oh? Wait a minute, what? So she says she does what in a daytime? She's a professional woman, she says, she didn't say specifically, but she's an escort. Yeah at nice. So what is the last she's trying to keep that she's in schort, that she's Wait a minute, she's an escort to pay off her student loans. Well, wait a minute, how did he meet her? Um? It says she she met him. Um, she's been dating him. He thinks school teacher. She thinks he's a school teacher at a model because she met him at a casting call for models. Oh a video? Oh okay, so he didn't call the escort service and meet him, No, sir, Oh okay, he met her at the thing. So he thinks well he doesn't know uh the junk the jello man. Oh wait, dude, do her name sound familiar to you? Ain't like her? Damn name was Denise and I missed. Don't get bad. Well, first of all, change your damn name. Yeah, yeah, everybody gonna know who you are. Your name' at the escort service, all down at the school board to googlers. Very rare. So look, look, hey, look, young sister. You can't be so desperate to pay off your student loans that you will do anything. Your reputation in your life forward after this is far more important than the present. And always understand that what you're doing the dog today gonna come out in the light tomorrow and it may ruin an opportunity with a career move or a man. So if I were you, I would double think this escort service business. It's paying off student loans, ain't that important? They got all types of things available because of COVID. Now with student loans, you need to go online and research some of this stuff. They got programs and help you pay off student loans. You ain't got to sell yourself to pay off no damn loan. Think about your life moving forward to thirty two. You're an attractive girl, so you think you should she should be honest with him. No, hell no, no go. Your job is doing today. You're a professional woman. That's your damn job. Do not tell this man you an escort. Okay, just get out to escort business. This ain't the time for the truth. Well, y'all keep getting this phone that gets man. Now this truth, y'all be trying to tell nobody. Want to hear that? Do be liking you? Now? You're gonna tell him you a damn escort, even to take your meet his mama. Okay, all right, all right, So we're moving on Ginger and Mobile, Alabama, says. My husband and I bought a town home and a part of town with a lot of young families. We're in our early sixties and downsized when we retired. The family's two doors down has a daughter that's a senior in high school, and she's got a boyfriend that's always around Saturday. My husband and I saw this girl and her boyfriend making out in the car parked in front of our house. My husband is the type to mind is business, but not if it's in front of our house. Should we tell her parents? About this. No, that ain't your business. You ain't never been in house. That ain't your damn business. What what is you talking about? Mind your damn business? Y'all want to move your old ass down there with all the young people. Now, if you should have stayed your ass where old people can't climb in back seats and do nothing? No, tell tell her parents what stop? It ain't your business. Your husband is a type to mind his business. You should too, And what good is telling it gonna do? All they're gonna do is go somewhere else and sneak. You can't raise that little girl. That ain't your business. The hell is you over here? Fall? If they downside? Downside? Go to senior citizens home? If you batdamn old god, Philly, we're moving on. Candice in Philly, says my mother and my crazy aunt maybe sharing a man. My aunt and my stepdad have an inappropriate friendship. My aunt introduced him to my mom, but I think they used to mess around before that. We all went to my aunt's house last month for a cookout and my aunt was sitting on my stepdad's lap. I noticed her suddenly grinding on his lap, and when she realized I saw it. She jumped up. I told my mom what happened, and she said they liked to joke around like that. How could my mom be so blond? Cause your mama like jokes. She said, they joking round. Yo, mama probably laughing her ass off somewhere. Once again, If this ain't yo damn business, what is wrong with these letters today? These grown ass people consisting adults? Yo, Hunt was on hush sister's husband's lap grinding, saw you and jumped up. Now he had to stay seated obvious reason. Then you didn't already went and told your mama, and your mama told you they joke around like that. Your mama might already know what's going on. Your mama might be playing as something. Stay wise, your young ass murder, that's right to see. The other people was too old to be in this, and now you're too young to be in the worst damn clo question we knows to ask people. Everybody mind your own business, man, your damn business right in here, about something about your life? Coming up? Thank you? Philo coming up next enough, you tell him he's run that prank back right after this. You're listening, say morning, Shout New York City mayoral candidate Ray McGuire. Get used to hearing that name. Ray McGuire will be our special guest. We cannot wait to talk to him. That is coming up. But right now it is time for the nephew and run that prank back what you got for us, nep We need to borrow cast. Can we use your cast? Going do a little something and you let me use your cast? Get to like, get on my feet, come on, let's go. Ca Hello, I'm trying to reach Vicky. This is Vicky. Hey, Vicky, how are you doing? Are you the Are you the niece of uh? I think it's ain't ain't your aunt? Yes? Okay? And you're you know you aren't passed away? I mean I mean years ago, y'all are passed. It was about five years ago. Okay, listen, I don't know. We're here at the funeral home. My my, my sister just passed away, and they gave me your phone number, did you guys? We're going through a little bit of a situation here, did you guys? Aren't you know your aunt was a heavy set woman? Is that right? Yes? She was? Okay, Now they had to did they have to put her in a in a Did they have a bill of a special casket for her? Yeah, okay, that's what we're kind of going through with my sister. We ordered a special casket for for for my sister, and I'm assuming this is the same thing that you guys went through. I called several of her children, but I wasn't able to get in touch with anybody. But the funeral home actually had your name on file as well, so they gave me your number where I would be able to talk to you. Is that is that? Okay? Yeah, that's okay, you can speak to me, but you know, let's things to be a problem. Well listen, uh we we The funeral is actually in two days, okay, and we ordered one of those special caskets, but it doesn't look like it's gonna be in for another week. So you know, it's almost like we're gonna we're gonna we're not gonna have a casket for her, um, you know, for the funeral. And you know, like I said, the funeral home told us about you know that you guys were the last ones that ordered a casket of that size, and you know, me and the rest of the family has been you know, we're trying to figure out what to do and what to do. Do you think it's any way possible we can borrow the casket that your ain't is in, and then when the casket comes in and we ordered, we can put her in that casket and put her back down to rest like she's always been. Do you think that's excuse me? Hello, Hellolf? What exactly how are you asking me? Well, what I'm saying is, do you think we can borrow your ain't casket? Because you know, the funerals in two days and the ask it is not gonna be in in order for us to be able to bury her in a in a casket for you know, to accommodate her size. That's what I'm asking. What kind of this you're talking about? First of all, who is this? Okay, No, my name is Larry, Like I said, My name is Larry. I got you, I got you guys. Like I said, I tried to call some of her kids, but nobody ever picked up when I called. Had her niece's number on file too. You you are her niece, Vicky, right? Yes, I am. Okay, That's what I'm saying. Do you think that maybe you can talk to the children and see if we can maybe use that particular casket. Okay, wait a minute, what the talking about this? The first of all, who who is this? You? You gotta be losing your mind if you think I'm gonna let you big up my any so just to bury yourself. But I understand where you're coming from. But what I'm trying to say is that we don't have a casket's big enough. And they were they they let us know that you guys were the last ones that had a a casket that you know I'm gonna do with us. That'sh You don't trust stuff figuring out have you lost you? No? No? Well, okay, first of all, what I'm trying to do is this the family been grieving pretty hard and I just wanted to make sure that the funeral will be right. And it ain't gonna be right, and we don't have that. We don't bring my family gonna feel digging any of you lost your They don't call me with this. Who is the funeral home that gave you my number to ask me to use the casket so you can bury your sister? Who is the name of that person? I can't remember, but it was it was a guy. The funeral director let me know that you guys had went through a situation where you had to bury your your your your aunt. Like I said, I try to call what's your name again? My name is Larry. Okay, Larry. This is this is a stupid I don't know what. Give you my phone number to call me asking you just dune. Can you believe her? They called her asking me to then bear it's here's some don't have a Cassie? Hello? No, no, what i'nderstand that's your fault. No, I understand it's not your fault. What I'm trying to say is will y'all show some sympathy and some love for me and my family going through because we don't have a casket, Like I say, my tuster, my tister wasn't was you know? Was it? If the heaven was a heavest walks God? You know. My conduless go out to you and your family. You know I'm trying to be as reserved as I can with this whole situation. But do you understand what kind of stupid you're asking me right now to actually dig up my art? Whose army, who's been and what out for fun? Years? Because bury your sister. Let me let me ask you this. If this, if we you that you ain't ain't gonna know she ain't gonna know where you for you to say to me, But you stupid, you're smoking on you smoking crack. I don't know. I don't know more. First of all, you know what I First of all, I appreciate you trying to work with me, but I want to say this. You don't even have the authority to make that decision if you give me one of the numbers to one of your cousins. Because I was really trying to be nice and be calm. But guess what, we're not doing this, stupid. I'm trying to be nice to you and tell and trying to help you out. But no, you won't need to get ignorant and ask stupid with you. I was trying to be nice and sympathetic, but we're not doing it. I'm not giving you the number. I got the authority to tell you right now. No, we're not digging up so you can bury your fluster. Okay, so so so so, so that's just it. I can't talk to now one that it now you aren't talking to know, but you're talking to me. Okay, I got, I got, I got something else. I need to tell you though, I need, I need to tell you something else or you live, but tell me. I want to tell you this. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harbin mart It's your VICKI Yo, suster. Sheila got me to prank phone called you. Huh, who is this again? Big By? This isn't nephew call me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister Sheila got me to plant phone call you. Oh oh, y'all. You got me over, y'all worked up. I'm I'm gonna keep played at much. She ain't got. I got oneman thing to ask you, baby, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning. Y'all y'all, I mean the nervous some people. I mean we're talking about the cask it for a few days, you know you, But good good, good cast gets are hard to find. You know. It is a big cast. Big cast gets. You think, big cask is hard to find. It's even harder to find somebody gonna let you dignate people up. It's just temporarily. I mean, good God, I'm not asking for funny, all right, nephew whatever. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news right after this, you're listening to show well today in entertainment news, June is Black Music Month. It is upon us, and Carla is here with today's music news. What you got Carla? All right, let's talk about Mary J. Blige. She dropped a trailer yesterday to promote her upcoming documentary about the iconic album My Life. So let me just say this. All of you, all that are Mary J. Blige fans like I am, we cannot wait for this documentary. This was the album My Life. This was the album I'm talking about. What's the four one one? Mary Jay? My Life? Every cut on there was the jam. So she is releasing this for her fans, so we can't wait for the documentary. We also also have to give a shout out to Mary J. Blige. She was inducted into the Walk of Fame at the Apollo Theater on Friday. Congratulations, mey love us, So Mary Jay, I can't wait for this documentary. Also, Music News making the Stallion the Baby. They all lead nominees and nominations for the Beet Awards. It's going down June twenty seventh. Curtie b and Drake is up in that piece as well, with five nominations a piece. BAT Awards twenty twenty one, June twenty seventh, APM on b ET Now. It was previously announced that it will have a live audience at the BT Awards as opposed to last year, you know, the virtual format, So we shell see. It'll be interesting to check it out. Can't wait. Seems like awards shows are backs of the BT Awards And that's that. That's what I have for music news. Yeah, and other entertainment news. And the first episode of the latest season of Lebron James The Shop Uninterrupted, jay Z revealed just what an impact the birth of his daughter, Blue Ivy had on him. Would you say, Steve, Yeah, yeah. He did a cold story about following DMX. It was very good, funny yeah, oh jay Z, oh oh oh, okay, Well, well this one's cute. This one's a cute story. On the show, he shared that he didn't learn how to swim until Blue was born and why you ask, Well, for jay Z, it was a shift in perspective if she ever fell into the water and I couldn't get her, I couldn't even fathom the thought. He also says that his accomplishments are no big deal to Blue. Telling the story of when he received his nomination to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame back in February, he says he told her this ain't no celebration, and YO, give me a kiss. I'm in the Hall of Fame. He says, she just said, my dad, not by Blue got a Grammy. She was like, yeah, so so now you can tell the DMX story. Go ahead, we have time, you know what I mean. No, I mean it's it's old that it's better if he tell it. I just like where he told h Yeah, okay, okay, let's check it out. He's not here. Well, he ain't here. We got thirty seconds. So when we ain't telling this story, shot that's too much and bring it up. Well, because I thought that's where you was going. We didn't. I ain't know. I didn't. I didn't hear the whole interview with Blue Ivy story. That was cute. It was cute. We like ignorance stuff on you, like like Blue Ivy told her dad, I'm gonna tell you by Steve Okay, I'm I'm for headlines. Go ahead, you do it, Na, gentlemen, it is time for our headlines. Please welcome to san Trip, Okay. Thank you very much. Well as promise, President Biden visit Tulsa, Oklahoma yesterday. He spoke clearly as he mourned one of the worst acts of racist murder in the US history, the massacrel a hundred years ago of some three hundred black men, women and children and what was then called Black Wall Street. The history of what took place here was told in silence, cloaked in darkness. But just because history is silent, it doesn't mean that it did not take place, and social studies teachers never taught it or any of the massacres. Some twelve hundred black owned homes businesses were looted and then burned to the ground by vicious, jealous white mobs mobsters. The victims insurance claims were denied, so over ten thousand residents were left destitute and homeless and placed in internment camps. The President says, quote literal hell was unleashed on that nighborhood. By the way, the destruction of Blackwall Street was not the first or the last massacre of upwardly mobile black Americans in this country. There were two a dozen at least others, including Rosewood, Florida, and Wilmington, North Carolina. And the object was always the same, to keep African Americans living conditions below that of even the lowest and dumbest whites. The usual reason used some black man supposedly assaulted a white woman, which was usually, if not always, a lie. I have a map marking many of the mass murder sites on my Facebook page. Check it out. One that's not on the map, though, was the massacre in the town of pont San Puerto Rico on March twenty first, nineteen thirty seven, where police shot a peaceful protesters there, killing nineteen and entering over two hundred. On another matter, the presidents still hoping to work out a deal with the Republicans on infrastructure. Mister Biden's schedule get together later today with West Virginia Republican shelleymore Capital and last look. The Democrats wanted one point seven trillion bucks to fix the nation's roads and bridges. Republicans, though, offering only nine hundred twenty eight bi in with a b dollars. A man who works for CNN who works security for its broadcast in the wake of the murderer of George Floyd, has followed civil rights lawsuit against two white Minnesota state patrol officers, one male, one female, who arrested him and held him for twenty hours. Michael Cooper is black. He says he was standing among a bunch of other credited news crews when he and the only Hispanic, Omar Jimenez, were arrested. None of the white news crew members was taken into custody. He wants a jury trial and monetary damages and get this, are you listening? Sit down? According to a Business Insider story, Donald Trump is telling friends he's going to be reinstated as president in August. Pro Trump is like that my pillow guy, Mike Lindell had been pushing this new, baseless claim for months. The New York Times reporter Maggie Harman says Trump's been telling friends he will be a sitting president in a couple of months, even though that's not how things work in this country. And finally, when is coming back? The Atlantic hurricane season officially started yesterday. Meteorologist are predicting as many as twenty name storms between now and the end of November. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening, Hey, everybody, I distinguished guests this morning. Is one of the highest ranking and longest serving African American business executives on Wall Street. He broke barriers by throwing open the doors of all White Wall Street boardrooms and rolls to the top of his profession while mentoring the next generation of leaders. And last October, he announced that he was running for the mayor of New York City, and he pledged to leave the city into his greatest and most inclusive comeback in the history. I'm gonna introduce him to y'all. I've known him for years. This is a personal friend of mine. I got him on the show because I'm vouching for him and giving to him my one support, because I know who this man really is. Please welcome to the show, New York City mayoral candidate mister Ray McGuire. Welcome, Welcome death to Steve Harvey's family. I'm live now, y'all. Listen, Yeah, bro, you you fully lit? Now understand say it? Man. Ain't nobody gonna plead us from where I come from Man and they won't be okay. Yeah, And speaking of that, because you're from Dayton, Ohio, four and a half miles south of Cleveland. Man, I've been knowing you for a long time. Man, you was raised by a single mother, graduated from Harvard University with your degree, and then you got an NBA, made you the first person in your family to earn a degree. What motivated you, Ray MacGuire to excel? You know, Steve, you talked about my mother. My single mother raised me and my two brothers along with my grandparents, and we had define foster children's siblings in our home at any point time. And I can remember mother raison, uh you know, working three jobs at any point in time so she could make the end met and she had to debate whether or not she's going to put food on the table. Okay, the gas and lecture fille tied and offered in the church. And what motivated me was the only thing we had, the only way out was education. Well, it was prayer. You know, this is this's been a walk of faith from the start, you know. You know I had to go to school and I had to go to church. That's it. I mean that that combination. Pretty potent combination, right Daniel, you know, and I gotta tell you yeah, no, no, no, go ahead, I gotta tell you, man, the in that combination. I can remember my grandfather who who you know, got a third grade education and learned to read by reading the Bible. I can remember when I came home, actually when I got into Harvard, and then important when I came home from Harvard. And the first time I ever saw that black man shared a cheer was when I showed him that degree from Harvard. Man, can you imagine all those years, all those years, right, Yeah, that that's that's that, that's the type of thing that pushes you. Hey, Ray, hold on one second, man, we're gonna take a break. We'll be back with more of the new mayoral candidate for the fabulous City of New York, New York City, future Mayor, Ray McGuire. Right after this, you're listening. Hey, we're back, everybody, and we're talking to one of the mayoral candidates to become the next mayor of New York City, Ray McGuire. Now, Ray, I've been I've been knowing you for a long time, and so now we're running for the mayor of New York City. You got a specific plan to renew small businesses, to help unemployment, housing, public safety, education, the art. Let's talk about what everybody is calling the Ray McGuire Comeback Plan for New York City. Tell us about it. Yeah, I call it the greatest, most inclusive, and I say most inclusive by design, economic comeback planning, the history of New York City. What's behind that is New York has been hit hard, right. I got five or six hundred thousand people out of work. If I look at the unemployment rate in New York, it's two times for the national average, right, and so New York has been't hit bad. It sall go big, goes small, go forward, go biggest, fix and infrastructure. It is, you know, affordable housing. It is fixing the sewage mains and the fractured bridges. Yes, it's getting me and a half of New Yorkers, many of us, many of them look like us who don't have broadbent or access to tablets. And it's also addressing a hundred year flood that comes every five years. Hey, go small. Let's focus on those small businesses. Fifty thousand jobs in the small businesses because small businesses represent a half of New York's workforce, and so we got to focus on that. And I got a whole menu about how I'm gonna go and fix the small businesses, invest in the all that this is a cup of deureaucracy. But the theme that's gonna get big is what I'm going to do going forward, Go bigg smoke, go forward, and go forward. It's got to be focused on mwbe's the minority and women owned, black and brown owned businesses. And what my view is there is that we've been out that for so long that when they give us crumbs, they want us to feel full. I'm not interested in the crumbs. A matter of fact, I'm interested in the case. I want us to own the bakeries. And so we got to be focused on that, right, That's what we've got to be focused on. We got to be focused on the future technology. You know, it's important to get that type of support because the people who you have name reference came up the same way I did, and they came up from the bottom. And so to give that kind of endorsement, and there have been others from the bottom who have less name recognition. I will give you Sean Belle's mother, Valerie Belle, or when car Eric Garner's mother, or Robert Rodriguez, who represents the ATOM. I go through the list of people, and these people are on the ground. Some people have arisen from the bottom and gotten to the top of whatever it is they're doing. Jay and Nas and Eddie and South Valorie clearly as a distinguished personality, and I mean just a distinguished talent and huge public servant. And I look at those people. I look at the other people who stepped up. This is all about what takes place when you call the common man, it's me, it's you, it is the people, right. This is all about that. What this journey is about is making certain that, as my words say, by the least of these get representations. Hey, rate, I'm gonna give you one last thing to say, Man, what's one thing you want to leave our listeners with this morning? Listen, This ain't about me. This is about we. We got one shot to get for us right, and we need to come together now in order for our best days to be ahead of us and not behind us. And so this has been a walk of faith. I neither support and go to raid fromare dot com, but Steve, coming from you and your crew and all that you will represent. You will represent excellence. You all have made it against the highest level of screuting, against the most difficult odds, and those of us who are fortunate and blessed to be inspired by you every morning. I should recognize that you're a gift from one high and I am honored to speak with you, to be with you. I've admired the show, I've laughed for the show. I don't want you to call me up and frank me. I guess that's gonna happen, though, mister b I know, I know, I knew, nephew. I know you can't help yourself. I know you can't help yourself. I understand that. I know I can't listen. I got enough words to curse you out. Okay, I know, I okay dot Com old school style. Okay, Oh you don't. You're gonna hear you forget hey, listen to everybody. If you want to learn more and you want to help him out, it's Ray Fromaya dot Com, Ray MacGuire, we love you man much, appreciate y'all. Thank you. Wow. He sounds like a great candidate. I look to hear more from him. Coming up next, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject I married a social media thought. It is not what you think. And we'll get into that in just a little bit. But right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, neph I got mister Reggie. Mister Reggie, why why are you pranking? Riggie? This is mister Reggie. Let's go take a listen. You see Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh de beyond. Who's calling? How you doing? Man? This is mister Reggie. Have you heard of me before? No, you don't, Frank the raya Bell night. I'm a friend of your of your mothers. I'm a friend of Yolanda's. You're a friend of my mother. Yeah, yeah, mister Reggie. She's never she's never mentioned me before. No, she okay? Everything cool? Oh no, no, no, your mom is good. Let me let me tell you what's happening. So you you're getting ready to graduate you're feeling to get your masters, right, yeah, I'm giving my mba. Okay, first of all, let me just say congratulations to you. I'm proud of you. Your mom been telling me about the whole journey, you know, from from undergrad to getting your you know, you're getting your masters in business. So I just want to come in and say congratulations. All right, thank you, brother. I appreciate that. But your mom ain't never she ain't never mentioned mister Reggie to you. Huh No, sorry, bro, Okay, I got a little a situation that we got here. Man. You know, I've been seeing your mom for probably you know, five six years now, and I just that's yeah. Yeah, So it kind of puzzles me that she never brought up mister Reggie to you. No, No, she never brought up the name mister Reggie. You know, I didn't even know she had dating, to be honest with me. Okay, So when you started undergrad, I'm the person that you know, stepped up and gave your mom some money so she could put you through school. You know, I knew she needed some money to get you through school and started out, you know, like I guess, around your freshman year. So I stepped up and you know, helped your mom out. Man. This is bugged out, bro, because hold on, you're telling me you gave my mother the money because she told me she got a couple of extra jobs on the side to get the money that face for school. I'm the person that stepped up and through your undergrad I'm the one gave your mom the moneys for you can go to school. And I knew when you graduated from undergrad and then she came back told me you getting ready to do grad school and I stepped up some mode. Here's one I'm getting that. Man. I'm not even calling mister Reggie mister Reggie and called money when I get a job. No, no, nothing like that. So here's a deal, man, I didn't give your mom all this money for six years. Now here it is now you've been to graduate and now that you find the graduation she called herself want to break up with me? So, I mean, I don't know nothing about that. That's between y'alls, bro, I mean, what do you want me to do? What I wanted? You heard your name before, so I mean, and I understand that. But what I'm saying, what I'm getting that is just right here. I would like for you to least call your mama and say something to on my behalf, because you know, come on, man, I didn't put six years in put you all the way through school and tell your behalf. I really don't. I mean, I don't know you. I mean, what do you want me to say on your behalf? But you don't understand what I'm trying to tell you. David, mister Reggie and stuck his neck out for you for the last six years. You see what I'm saying. Risten, Man, I don't even know you. You calling me out the blue talking about you gave my mama some money and Ben went up for five years. I don't know you. I never heard your name, never heard of mister Reggie. You just called me out the blue. It's some trippy right now. Man, Okay, okay, I understand, I understanding. Look at authors call you your ex girls fun like come on, hold on, hold on, this ain't no ex girl. We we've been up up up to lands week, up to last week. I didn't pay for you to go to school six years. Now here it is she want to break up with me. I don't know about that, man, Like I don't know why y'all broke up. I don't know nothing about that. Maybe and then you called me out the blue and I don't even know you. She never mentioned you at least you at least you can do it's call on my behalf and say, hey, what's going on with you? Nobody's gonna have I don't know who you are. I'm the person. I'm the person and put your little last through schools. Hey, the check that went to the school, we had my mama's name on them. Not no, damn mister Retchen. So hey, bro, I'm sorry, No, it ain't no, he is what it is. I don't put your little lands through school. Now your mama want to run out on me, I don't want to date me. No, Mo. That's some boys right there, man, And you need to have a little respect for somebody that then took care your last back. I don't even know you. What are you talking about to care of me? I don't even know you. Guys, who are you? Mister Reggie? What kind of the name is that you usually go by your last name Reggie, people go by my first name. My first name is. My first name is Reginald. People call me mister Reggie, and you're gonna do the same. I just called you red man. Come on, redch I'm good like I don't know what Okay, let let let me say this here. All I'm asking for what you need to call her and take care of this yourself. Leave me out this sorry, brothers, No, no, now look here, you owe me a little respect, and you owe me at least you know whatever I'm asking you to do. I don't. I don't know who you are. You calling me talking about called my mama? You used to date. I don't know who you are. You're talking about how old? You some respect? Are you crazy? You get my number anyway you wish you're going to my mamma. Don't I been had your number. I've been had your number and I didn't spend I didn't spent thousands of thousands of dollars on your little lass. I've been had your money. You didn't call. You ain't come to an undergrad graduation? What I need to come to that for? I did my job. I took out of your little ass. Man. You ain't take care man. You need to get a phone off my phone. Bro Okay, you know what I'm gonna go by your mama house. I'm gonna go by there, and you know what, I'm gonna deal with her ass today. My damn sir. Look, I'm trying to be as respectful as I care. But if I hear about you going about my mother's house, I'm gonna whoop your ass. I'm gonna whoop your mother ass. You're gonna get your ass with by somebody with an NBA must be asked. I'm gonna you up if I hear you went by my mother's house to mister Red, No, I ain't listening to you. I don't know nothing about you. Once I get off this phone, I'm gonna call and ask about some mister retchie. But by there, I'm gonna you up. I'm going by your mama house because you ain't gonna just break up me up to six years I down and put the little board through school. Well that's what you get for being a sucker. To sound like you put up a victim of Why I know you ain't sitting here calling me, no sucker down like a sucker. Let me hit you win. By there, it's gonna be a problem. There's gonna be some smoke in the city. What about what about Jarvis? Jarvis, Jarvis gotta do what this God is a few up to you go by there. He grew up with my mother. How do you know Jarvis anyway? Because job has called me. He told me to call you. This is nephew, taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Jarvis. What old to hold on? Hold on, hold on? Jarvis told you called to say you shun do my mother and pay my way from college. Jars of this. This is Tommy baby Steve Harvey Morning to show your boy. Jarvis got me to prank you. Man, he said, Man, my boyfriend to graduated. He getting his NBA. He said, you got to do it, mister Timmy. I said, all right, all right, tell me all about it. So I came up with this little story. He said, Oh my god. He said, man, his mom is his heart. Man, that's his heart. I said, all right, cool, that's where we're going with. My grandmother always said, don't be friends with hey. Man. You gotta give it to me, baby, Give it to me right, mister MBA. You fend to get your your paper in the next week. And so what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Vrvey in the Water Showgie, mister Reggie, what's the prank er? Yeah? You let me here. It's like you're going by my mama house. I'm a blank. You like it's gonna be some smoke in this city. I'm like the rest. Somebody with an NBA must be asked. Yeah, I'm a sucker. That was a good one, nephew. Oh yeah, that was really good. Hey, what it's June? What is it? June? The second? Second time? Doing the second going to going to Tampa, twenty fifth, twenty six, twenty seven, Soul out Tampa. Y'all hold tight, I'm gonna make up phone call. We're gonna add a couple of more. How about that. It's getting good out there. Oh yeah, it's getting good back on stage. You don't understand. I am back and I ain't leaving ever again. All right, nephew, Well thank you for that. Coming up a strawberry letter subject I married a social media thought. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. You know the drill submittures Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Could be never know. Hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Sub I married a social media thought. Okay, Dear Stephen Shirley, I really hope you can help. I am forty one and my husband is forty three years old. We've been together for a total of thirteen years and married for ten. Throughout our relationship, there have been situations where my husband was getting attention from lots of different women and entertaining them on the side. This is all before social media got amped up. I would notice him buying new clothes or working out more, and I just knew some women, some woman must have complimented him or told him he had nice arms or something. He has always been thirsty for attention, and my mother tells him he's a big flirt. Within the past four years, he joined three social media apps and just and he justified it by saying Facebook was to keep up with his old friends, Instagram was to get news alerts and sports news, and Twitter was to keep up with our former president. From the very beginning, I knew I was going to have problems if he was able to connect with females through these apps. He went from posting for self posing for selfies to having photoshoots with me taking pictures of him no matter where we work. I jokingly asked him to get in the pictures with him, and he always tells me next time. My male coworker has an Instagram account and I asked him if he follows my husband's account. He said he unfollowed him because of all the stuff he posts. I look at it. Looked at his page, and he's got pictures of himself shirtless, pictures of himself flexing and muscle shirts, and a whole lot of selfies. He looks like a thought that single and ready to mingle. I joined Instagram without him knowing, so now I see what he posts every day. I told him that he's doing way too much on social media. He said what he's doing is fun and harmless. Is this normal for a man or not? Well, okay, it is rare. I have to agree with you that men are are thoughts on Instagram, So no, this is not normal. You see female influencers, you see female models all the time, but men not so much. And for someone like your husband, who you say loves attention, this is a perfect vehicle for him. He can get the likes from all over the world several times a day. And this is the problem you His wife had had to live with his newfound fame every day. I mean, you know you said he was cheating before. Well he's brand new now it's all about him and he's caught up. I mean, he doesn't even want you to take pictures with him. You could take pictures of him, but not with him. You're his wife, so you know there's a problem right there in his mind. A picture with you would probably be blocking. You know, all the tension he's getting your attention. Your mother sees. Your mother sees it. She said, he's a big flirt. And yes, that's what he's doing on social media. He's letting the ladies slide into his dms, comment on his posts, and follow him. All of that. Now does he need that much validation? Does he? How insecure and narcissistic. Is this man you married? I mean, not too many grown men have time or money to do all this that he's doing photo shoots and stuff selfies all the time. Your marriage is in trouble. It is because your husband is immature and his attention is elsewhere and it's not on you, and you recognize that problem. You got to tell him, you know, this is not fun, It is not harmless. It's very harmful to you. You know that's what he thinks, but that's not it. It's hurting you, and you need to let him know. He's a grown man. He needs to be off Instagram posing, you know, and paying attention to you in his marriage. Steve, you know this letter right here. I just want to help you out, sister. With your words. I've diagnosed this entire letter. Just Stephen Sherley. I hope you can help him. Forty one, husband's forty three, been together, thirteen years married ten. Throughout our relationship that had been situations where my husband was getting attention from lots of different women and entertaining them on the side. What do you mean by entertaining them? And you know this and you been going along with it, calling it entertaining, that's what you called it. Okay, all right, lady, this was all before social media got amped up. I noticed him buying new clothes or working out more than just some woman mustn't complimented him or told him he had nice arms or something. He's always been thirsty for attention, and my mother tells him he's a big flirt. Now, let me ask you a question. How does your mama know that your husband is a big flirt? I mean, hold on, lady, If you can't keep it from your mother in law, you ain't even trying. How is your mother in law diagnosing your husband for you? Like all of a sudden, your mama bringing you some brand new news? Lady, you and denial. Within the past four years, he's doing three social media apps. He's justified by saying Facebook was to keep up with his old friends, Instagram was to get news alerts and sports news, and Twitter was keep up without former president. What okay, Facebook to keep up with old friends. Got that, that's common? But don't know, damn body get on Instagram to get news alerts and sports news. Dad ain't even who Instagram is about, right, So how you fail for that? You stupid and then he got on Twitter to keep up with our former president. What he don't have a Twitter account? Hang god, we'll have part two of you, Oh are you stupid? Coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour today's Strubberry Letters subject I married a social media thought. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today quickly. Maybe have been married to this man for thirteen years, had trouble throughout the relationships, been in situations your husband getting attention from lots of different women and entertaining them on the side. So you want to call it entertaining them on the side. So he's had women on the side and you know about it, but you not called it cheating, You calling it entertaining them on the side. Okay, that's like this was all before social media got up, and then you knew someone was complimented by his nice arms and stuff. In me, he's always been thirsty for attention. My mother told him he's a big flirt. And my question was, how does your mama know that your husband is a big flirt? Because if you can't hide that from your mother in law, you ain't even trying, so your mother in lawst them diagnose your marriage for you, and you act like it's brand new news. Now, he didn't got on Facebook to keep up with his old friend, Instagram to get news alert and sports news, and Twitter to keep up with our former president. Like I said before, keep it up with old friends on Facebook, that's common, okay, but don't nobody go on ig for news alerts and sports that ain't. I don't know if you're familiar with. They got this thing out not called sports Center that really tells you everything you need to know. They got an app that breaks the news for you, so you believe. And then he asks a Twitter to keep up with our former president. I don't know how smart you are, but Twitter has banned Donald Trump. He don't have a Twitter account, so how you fail for this is beyond me. From the very beginning, I knew I was gonna have a problem if he was able to connect with females through these apps. He went from posing or with selfish to have taking photo shoots with me, taking pictures of him no matter where we were. I jokingly asked him to get into pictures and he always tells me next time, excuse me, Why are you joking? What's funny about this to you? And secondly, why are you the photographer? I don't understand. He got you taking pictures of him everywhere he going. You know he's gonna post him, but you taking the damn pictures you in on the crime, you're aiding and a betting you are assisting you in the car with the robbery picture with him because he didn't told you. Next time, here is a next work. My male co worker has an Instagram account and I asked him if he follows my husband's account. He said he unfollowed him because of stuff he posts. Now, I'm gonna give you two reasons he told you this because number one, he don't like men who take manhole shots. These are called man whole shots, and we ain't on Instagram looking at me and taking man whole shots. And then secondly, I got some new news for you in case you didn't know this, because you obviously don't know a lot of stuff. Your co worker like you exactly. Your co worker got feelings for you, so now he trying to drop some knowledge on you because obviously you ain't that swill. So I didn't quit following your husband calls the stuff he posted. I looked at his page, and he's got pictures of himself shirtless, flexing and mustle shirts and a whole lot of selfies. He looks like a thought that's single and ready to mingle. Keep that line in mind. I joined Instagram without him knowing, so now I'll see what he posts every day. I told him he's doing way too much on social media. He says he's What he's doing is fum fun and harmless. Is this normal for a man or not? Let me answer that question first. Hell no, it ain't normal. The only friend I got that takes his shirt off on I G is Kevin Hart. And as soon as I get his body, as soon as I get Kevin Hart's body in adult size, I'm taking mine off too. That's it. But Kevin makes money because he into fitness. So now let me take you, so let me teach you soon. Remember this about men. When he say he's just doing it for fun and this harmless, remember this about men. We don't do anything. We don't do nothing without a reason or purpose. And you provided the reason or the purpose and the letter yourself. Because he's looking like a thought that's single and ready to mingle. You said that. Now, if it's fun and harmless, then what are you doing it? Fault? See what is the purpose and the reason If you say it's for fun, I'm just listening to you. See is he doing it just to read the comments? You need to read them comments, because that's what he's doing it, Faults. I want you no, No, he knows who who's dm to slide in? See that that's you need to read these comments. If he doing it for fun and it's harmless. And remember, men don't do nothing without a reason or purpose. Every thing we do got every woman has got a man. No, I'm telling the truth. We don't do nothing for fun and harmlessness. That ain't what we do. I'm lame. Let me just play something else. Yo, Mama know why he's doing it, Cause he a big ass flirt. She certainly knows. Now he's gonna stop, or you're gonna leave and let him take a little big ass arm somewhere. El all right, we'll stop it right there. Steve. Thank you. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, Junior and Sports Talk right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got Junior? Okay, surely, But first of remind everybody it is race week. Race week. We have three days away from June fifth, the Curious Hope five k Fun Walk at five K Run we'll be having in Dallas, Texas at the margat hunt Hill Bridge, and then also after the race, I didn't put together day part. If everybody come relaxed to just running. Yeah, man, we're gonna have jazz Man in a tribute to Prince because you know his birthday is on June seven, So we got a band together, man, playing some Prince songs. Everybody come to have a good time. Man. It's at Sandaga eight one three at Sandagga eight one three in Dallas, Texas. Man. So we're gonna have that going on all day Saturday, man, So come on out. Uh a little is uh you know when to go home Wednesday? So I just want to go over these games. But y'all, it's three series that's going on the night. That's three one and you don't think they stay alive or they're going home. First off, Wizards verse to seventy six. It's Philly Leagues three one, Joe. If Joel Ambi is playing, they got their Finni call. Okay, Joel Mbid is out because they won and Russell didn't have a great game nor that Bill. Yeah, but without Joel Mbi filling, gonna be able to hold in boiler on again. So they're not going on. But if Joel mb come back, they got to play Hawks versus the Knicks. It's a three one at leader by the Knicks. See it like that, just dog, ain't they ain't Julius random Man not having a good series at all. This is first time being a star and the way that the playoffs is on it, they doubling n. He ain't shooting percentages low. He ain't having the season he's been having the playoff basketball. They doubling n. He don't know what to do back Knicks, Hawks Ice trade too much for him. They got them. They got them boys down in Atlantic. They do man Grizzlies versus the Jazz and Utah leads three one. Yeah, you know they Donovan back and he getting better and better so he ain't injured, no hope, but ran cole Man, I love him, I love him for him. I liked the Grizzlies, but they ain't ready yet. Day too young. They ain't. If you walk the ass on some money on Brooklyn all the way this year. I mean they got three six stars over the slaying Boston right now. They just beat Boston last night. Yeah, you know what I mean out of the West. Yeah, oh, I don't. I don't tell you something. Lest gonna be strong man, but you A D and Lebron had to be healthy for them to come out of that. They struggling right now. And if a D don't come back, Lebron gonna have to get thirty nine for them to beat Phoenix, if if if a D ain't there, but a man. But let me tell you something, Brooklyn ain't gonna guarantee out that Easton. Damn Bucks, then Bucks playing something right now? Bucks them all right, Junior, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour. We can do this day is today, and we'll talk about that right after this You're seven show, The Steve Harvey Morning Show is celebrating we can do this day. It's today. Okay, we want to get back to seeing family, right, haven't we missed our family. We've missed our friends, our loved one, some of them, not all of I've missed them. I've missed my family. We want to do live shows, Tommy, you talk about that all the time, going on tour. You know, all the things that we love doing, just being around people, having people over, that sort of thing. Well, getting the COVID nineteen vaccine is the first step to getting all of us there faster. Okay, we can do this. Day is today. Find a COVID nineteen vaccine near you at vaccines dot com. All right, guys, what do you look forward to doing the most? Let me ask you that now that you now that we all have our COVID nineteen shots, our vaccines. Ah, Man, this family, I would say family. Family. I mean I just came back from seeing my in laws and I had seen them since November Thanksgiving twenty nineteen. Yeah, so when we're all vaccinated, some family. Yeah. And a side note, Carla, next up Vegas, since we're traveling, were traveling ready, I'm looking forward most too, surely, But because I live alone, I'm looking forward to seeing anybody. I don't care who it is, just cut anybody looking at the tree having company again, it'd be good for me. Yeah, oh, I thought you was you tired of your shelves. What are you looking forward to, Steve, I'm just looking forward to live audiences on the sholves. I need crowds. I'm i talking to these eight people with ded mask on, uh huhestants and stuff. Yeah. Now, will you go back to shaking hands at some points? No, they got me. I'm eight feet away from everybody. I ain't touched the contestant in two years. You know what, I do miss hugging, though I do miss hugging. I don't but I won't be doing that. But I miss it. I don't miss hugging. He'll stay off me here. We're doing it all right. Listen, Steve. Earlier you spoke to the US Surgeon General, doctor Vivic H. Murphy, about the importance of getting the COVID nineteen vaccine. Take a listen. Today is we can do this day now, Special guests. This morning, this doctor Vic Murthy, the twenty first Surgeon General of the United States, and we're talking about the vaccination. What are the major things that we can do to help in this pandemic. We have a way to turn this pandemic around the next of vaccine, so they the keeping to we've got to do is number one, get vaccinated ourselves. Number two, turn around and look at the people in your life or family, your friends, and people you care about and ask them if they've got a plan to get vaccinated. So have a conversation with them. If they want information, help them get information, if they want help. Finding a place to get vaccinated. Now it's really easy. You can go to vaccine dot gov just putting your zip code and then you can find places near you where you can get vaccinated. To the person that's wanting to say something to their family members of friends to convince them of this vaccination, what would you consider the top selling points they might mention, The first thing I do is go in there and listen first before we judge. The second thing I would do is to remind people that again, over one hundred and fifty million people have got this and we're seeing that it's really effective in dropping depths. And the last thing I tell them is that remember, ninety percent of doctors have either gotten vaccinated or planning to. These are the people that we go and see about our health. And people that we trust, they trust and believe in this vaccine. They're getting at themselves and that's why one more reason why we can trust in it. And finally just remember this, what we all want is we want to turn this pandemic around. We want to protect ourselves, the people we love. We want to get back to doing the things we love doing as well, getting together with friends, getting back to school and work, being able to go out to a ballgame. The path path this way for us to do that is to be get vaccinated. And the government can help it. Turning this pandemic around, helping our communities heal kind of keep all of us standing up, looking out for one another, supporting one another. That's how we not only get through this pandemic, but how we come out on the other side stronger and even before this pandemic. But yeah, find a COVID nineteen vaccine near you at vaccines dot gov. We'll have more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to this Dave Harvey Morning Show and trending fitness news. Get a load of this guy's. Will Smith is giving us an update on his Big Willie Challenge progress. Posted an update video on Instagram, including clips of himself at the gym. He's making some progress on his dad bod. We'll get sweaty in the gym as he does leg presses, back squats, bicep curls, dumbbell overhead presses, and yoga. You know, keep limber, will keep it limber. He gonna be real. Oh yeah, he's done well. Uh huh huh. Boys, body again that Jada was so crazy about. I like it when black women do that, when black women do me a lot from a black woman. Yeah, Mike, what's his name? What was his name? Mike, Mike, Mike Loud, my loud, bad boy boys. So go Will, We're happy. You know that right now. I don't like none of it. I don't know the exercises, everything, you leg princes, backsquash, bicep k No. I don't like nothing, but you like about it. That's not a excile. People really liked you just got. But there are some people that like to work out. There are some people that you're very rare. I like the sauna swift, I like seat there and just sweat come out of there and won't to weigh myself. Yea, all right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now, it is time? Yeah for asked the cello chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. All right, so here we go. This one is from Tanjula in Mississippi. Tanjula rights, I'm a thirty two year old professional woman by day and at night I'm an escort. I keep a low profile in my city and go to the neighboring city for my escort business. I've been dating a guy for almost three months and he thinks I'm a school teacher and model because I met him at a casting call for models for a music video. I need my side gig to pay off my student loans, but I know this guy won't like it. Should I be honest with him or keep the lie going? Oh? Wait a minute, what so she says she does what in a daytime? She's a professional woman, she says, she didn't say specifically, but she's an escort. Yeah at nice? So what what is the last she's trying to keep going that she's an escort, that she's an escort. Wait a minute, she's an escort to pay off her student loans. Well, wait a minute, how did he meet her? Um? It says she she met him. Um, she's been dating him. He thinks she's a school teacher. She thinks he's a school teacher at a model because she met him at a casting call for models. Oh a video. Oh okay, So he didn't call the escort service and meeting, No, sir, Oh okay, he met her at the thing, so he thinked well, junk the jeller manhole way, dude, do her name sound familiar to you? Ain't like her damn name was Denise and I missed. Well, first of all, change your damn name. Yeah, everybody gonna know who you are. Your name at the escort service, all down at the school board, Ghoula. It's very rare. So look, look, hey, look, young sister. You can't be so desperate to pay off your student loans that you will do anything. Your reputation in your life forward after this is far more important than the present. And all always understand that what you're doing, the dog today gonna come out in the light tomorrow and it may ruin an opportunity with a career move or a man. So if I were you, I would double think this escort service business. It's paying off student loans. Ain't that important? They got all types of things available because of COVID. Now with student loan, you need to go online and research some of this stuff. They got programs and help you pay off student loan. You ain't got to sell yourself to pay off no damn loan. Think about your life. Moving forward to thirty two, You're an attractive girl, so you think you should she should be honest with him. No, hey on, no, okay, your job is doing the day. You're a professional woman. That's your damn job. Do not tell this man you an escort. Okay, coming up, it is our last break of the day, and of course at forty nine minutes after we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are the last break of the day. It's been a good day, and you know what, I changed my mind. I do have a close Okay, very positive and uplifting one. I was thinking today during my meditation, how fortunate I felt. I was just thanking God for having survived twenty twenty. I was thinking God of all of the blessings that came my way during the COVID. And I know some people suffered some hard times during the COVID. I know you the loss of love ones is premium. I know the loss of jobs and business is closed, and I know it's been challenging for a lot of people. But there's a blessing in everything. And I want people to look at the fact that if you had what you're saying was a rough twenty twenty And as some young person told me, it was the roughish year of his life. And when he asked me, he said, mister Harvey, just gotta be the roughest year of your life too. I said, son, it ain't even in the top ten roughish years of my life. I got something to go back over. But I was also thinking of the fact that didn't something good happen to you in twenty twenty. Don't you see the blessing of twenty twenty. Don't you realize that you survived it. I realized it's been challenging. I realized that some tough things happened. I realize there's some setbacks. I realize there's some people as not here or I get it, man. And I'm not saying that's easy to deal with, cause it ain't. But I'm talking about you though. Ain't you got a moment that you can pause and say thank you for just keeping me. How about thanking God for just getting you through it, even with the loss of love, even with the loss of jobs and opportunities, even with the loss of income. I lost income last year. But man, I found the bright side of it. I discovered something, man, that being off is okay. That sometimes, man, you need to stop and smell the roses more often. Steve Harvey, I learned a lot from COVID. I paid attention to the blessings. And I've often said this a million times. Behind every moment of adversity, that is a lesson and that is a blessing. You just got to hang in at and get them. And I got him in twenty twenty and twenty twenty one is a new opportunity. The fact that you are still here is a sign from God that He ain't through with you yet. That He still has something for you. So get optimistic, get hopeful, get prayerful, get watchful, and start looking for what God saved you for. Why did you survive COVID? Why are you still here? Why did you make it past twenty twenty? You got to get watchful, y'all. God is doing some things. He's doing some things that you ain't even aware of. I'm telling you, man, God is still going to make your dream come true. Business. Don't let the devil deceive you. Don't let the devil make you think it's hopeless, that it's over. That God doesn't forgot about you, nor he ain't. No, he ain't, He ain't. Most people that get the feeling that God ain't close to him, it's because you ain't trying to get close to him yourself. God is always available. You think about it. You just think about it for a minute. If you're sitting here listening to me and you think God don't care about you, could it be because you don't care about him? Just think about it for a minute. When have you ever gone to Him and he turned his back on you. Give me the time, Give me the time. You can't think of one you know why, because You're still here in spite of the fact that you don't think him on a regular basis, in spite of the fact that you won't talk to him on a regular basis. Through his grace and mercy, he kept you anyway, and he still loves you. He still loves you in spite of how you are as a person, in spite of all the dirt we've done. And I'm talking to myself right now, in spite of all the mistakes I've made. Man, God just keep on, man, He just keep on doing stuff for me. Man. I just I just want people to understand that you don't look. Man. I read something other day that said I made some mistakes I can't change, but I changed so I won't make the same mistakes. Now who did that apply to? I'm gonna say it again for you. I made some mistakes I can't change, but I change so I won't make the same mistakes. And you know how I change. I went to God and I asked for forgiveness, and he gave it to me over and over and over and over. A kid. God is in the caring business, y'all. God is in to be right there when you ain't even Hey, Look, let me tell you something. You know why. You know why we made it through twenty twenty because God put his arms around us. The virus didn't get to you. The virus didn't take you out. God has a purpose for you. That's why you still here, because He ain't threw with you yet. God is in to make your dream come true. Business y'all start dreaming again. Stop writing your visions down, get your paper. I'll tell God what you want. Take all your request to him. Tell him what you want, tell him what you need. God is in to do it, business man. But God gives it to those who ask for it. Ask and you shall receive. That's a fact. But if you don't ask him for it, that's probably a good reason you ain't got it. If you've been trying to figure it out yourself, and you've been trying to work through this thing by yourself, could it be that you ain't got the answers you need? I'm just asking you. Could it be? Look? Man, come on now, God is available. Quit listening to these people on i G talking about God. Ain't just God. Ain't the Luminanti. I don't even know what they'd be talking about. I don't even try to find out the definition to that foolishness. Because God has showed me too many times who he is, what he do. He didn't kept every last one of his promises. I'm waiting on the rest of How about you turn to God. I bet, I bet you see him. He right there. Y'all have a great deal. Okay, thank you for all Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.