Rapper's Delight, Trump Manafort Story, French Montana, Tiffany Haddish, Miss Ann, Are You Smarter Than Tommy, Andrea VS Tommy, Joseph Sikora, Who Is The Friend, NY Mets, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Aug 1, 2018, 2:45 PM

This show is dedicated to those that know all the words to Rapper's Delight. Trump's one time campaign manager Paul Manafort is in the hot seat. French Montana is targeted during a home invasion robbery. Tiffany Haddish recalls a difficult period in her life. Miss Ann brings us National News. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Andrea VS Tommy. Joseph Sikora from Power talks to the crew. Who is the friend that.........fill in the blank. The NY Mets have the most one-sided loss in franchise history. The Closing Remarks involves the wife of one time campaign manager Paul Manafort plus much more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit looking back to back down, giving them like the moking buck bus things and it's touble y'all. Do me true good at Steve hard guy listening to me to other for stoo bar quickly to listen by I don't join? Yeah, yeah, well by joining being me. Honey, say do you turn? Yeah? You go very close. You gotta turn you to turn turn you lovely got the turn out to turn water water go? Come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice? Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah do I thank God for it every day? Every day. I try to remember that too, you know. I try to remember to be grateful, you know. I think gratitude, um is you know, one of the things that helps keep me grounded. You can go as far as you want in life. If you don't mind who gets the credit. Well that applies to God too, don't it. I mean, you know, really, if you don't mind who gets the credit? Um, you know, I'm I'm surrounded by very competent people. I'm surrounded by a lot of people who work hard on their jobs, on their career, who are dedicated, uh you know, employees, and and and also just dedicated to their families and you know, you know, dedicated to their own set of aspirations. I don't expect anybody to work for me, you know, forever, I always look at my job opportunities as stepping stones because I want everyone around me really to aspire to be more. I mean, that's that's really the way I am. I'm not any other way. I'm not trying to hold you to this position. Uh you know, tell you there's no room for growth, uh any of that. But even though I'm surrounded by these people, uh, I'm grateful that God placed them in my path in my life. But in my mind, in my spirit and everything in me, the credit still belongs to God. I'm sorry, the credit still belongs to God. See if you were just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself, just for a moment. I know that's hard, but just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself and realize that maybe you are who you are because God is who he is. Maybe that's the case. Have you ever considered that you know that's that's the strongest possibility I can give to you. You know, how do you think you know you're the one that made it through? How you think you're the one after all of the ignorant decisions we have made? And oh my goodness, let's all be honest. Ain't we made some Ain't we made some crazy decisions I'm talking about, man, I have made decisions so adverse to my destiny and career and my my promises. I've made some decisions man to knowingly you hear me knowingly do something wrong, And in spite of all that, I'm still here standing. Okay, come on now, really, really, really, all the dirt you've been done, everybody done dirt, all the mistakes you've made, You're in a position you in today because of what cause you all that? What cause? It's about you? Because you work harder than anybody else. Look, I work hard, I'll be the I'll tell you in a minute. I work hard. But I don't think I'm the hardest working person out there. I'm pretty sure somebody didn't work way harder than I have. So okay, so you work hard? Okay, cool, I got all that, But man, what about his grace and his mercy? What about his faith? How many times, man, you didn't rely on that, even when you ain't know you was relying on it. How many times man, God has shown you mercy? You ain't even deserve it? You know you do? You know how many things I've done wrong? I just didn't get caught at it. Look, man, you know, Um, let me see how simple I can be. Here. You speed, you jay Walt, You cut in front of people in line. Um, you lie to police when you get pulled over that you wasn't speeding. You go to court and argue you wasn't speeding when you was. Um, you make you turns. I'm just doing trap epic violations. Um. Now let's get off traffic for a second. Let's get on human violations. You talk about people when you're not supposed to. You indulge yourself in gossip even when you don't really have all the facts. You pass judgment, You lust for people that don't belong to you. You say things to people that you're not supposed to say. So look all of us, we all, we're all guilty. Now See, I'm I'm pretty sure if if you I'm not saying you do all of that. But I'm saying I'm pretty sure I hit you somewhere in there, just somewhere in there. You to lie before you know you lied recently. I mean, come on, And I'm just saying so with all that in mind, See, I'm just looking at the little things that we do that we don't get busted for. Not to mention the chips you stole when you was a kid and nobody caught you. Well, that elevated didn't and some of y'all just didn't stop stealing. The next thing you know, you was in a car. Now you're sitting somewhere you don't want to be sitting because of a decision you made. But through his grace and mercy, couldn't it have been worse? Though? Without his grace and mercy, could not it have been worse. I know two dudes that got caught in the garage one time trying to break in somebody's house, and the person in the house they broke into just happened to have a gun and held him in the garage, caught him and hailed him to the garage to the police came. That's grace and mercy right there, because they had all full right to shoot these two people, but they didn't the grace and mercy. See, all of us have benefited from his grace and mercy. All of us have done a wrong, committed a sin, broken the law, and somehow, through his grace and mercy, got by, doing drugs, buying drugs, slanging drugs, doing something, got by, jumped on somebody for no reason, got by, you know. So see how you figure with all that that can go on in your life? And then hold on, let me throw a couple more at you. You can't wake yourself up in the morning, Mr Big Shot. You don't have the ability to control the breaths that you take. Really, Mr Big Shot, Really, let's get real basic with it now. You can't wake yourself up in the morning. That's favor, that's grace, that's mercy, that's him allowing you to wake up, just hoping we get it right. You know, God spared me through all the dirt I was doing, just hoping one day, man, can you just straighten up a little bit? When I finally straightened up, and I'm gonna just say it, straightened up a little bit. See, I ain't straightened up all the way, say I ain't gonna sit here and tell you that I just straightened up a little bit east blessing me. So the more blessings I gotta started going. Man, maybe I'll try straighten up a little bit more. So I straightened up a little bit more, and I still got a long way to go, but I'm straighter than I was now. When people judging me and as they will, and they do, cause that ain't right, but they do, and I ain't walking just the way they walk. Then here comes to criticism. I get it all the time. Stop wanting credit all the time and give out some credit where credit is due instead of get having somebody patting you on your back all the time. Why don't you tell God? Tell people it was really was God? Man, But you don't really know how you made it that really man, You have no explanation for your success or you have no explanation why you still existing today. Why don't you tell somebody was God today? Don't be ashamed? It's the truth, ain't it. I mean? Really, man, Let's give God some credit. Help give God the credit and the glory and honor. And like that plaque said, you can go as far as you want in life. If you don't mind who gets the credit. All right, you're listening to baby, it is the steam hard the morning show. Baby, this your boy jams and round and we're holding it down the show right here, you show right here, dedicated to all the people. For some reason know all the words to wrappers delight. I don't know why they know it, but damn it didn't know all the words to wrappers delight, city, hip up, hippy, hippody, hippoty in that race show the stopband. What's up girl? If you're girl ain't acting right, then we'll take her friend. Okay, good morning shade morning everyone, and that right color for real? Baby, what's up? Good morning? Ja? Hip hop hep hip hop? You down stop right to the bain Bank book to the rym mother wick. That's going right into the beat. You see me and Junior, what's up now? What you hit is not could have and last not least my main man, damn, what's up? The full of friends bang bang book and went up jumping in all the words right there writing. Do you remember the first what you were the first time you heard that was the most amazing song you've ever heard? The album? Remember, yeah, yeah, yeah, that still it's a fourteen minute song. I think it's fourteen minutes at least thirty least the first rap songs, Yeah, rappers, that's what kicked it off. Did you never go to a friend's house to eat with a chicken taste? Like? Who come on? Man? Lyrics right there? I know where I was. I first heard the song in my crib. But but I was in the crib. It was amazing. I was in the barbershop. I never forget. I was in the barbershop, man, and it had played, I guess a couple of times, and dude, you got to hit this you got and it kept going and going, going and going. You're like, wow, you're just looking at the radio man, like this amazing thing. Man. And then when you saw them, dude, up kay they sat around and thought up so true jay the song? Yeah, the look that because they sounded sexy. It was fun and sexy. My big to my mama about an album, Oh take me to the record store, and she got it for me. Yeah, that was it. That was it. You had to young people don't know you had to go get your music. Yeah, you wanted it to the record store and oh sound waves Tower Tower Power. All right, listen, coming up, we have to talk about Paul Manafort the trial. Okay, it's a very fly guy. We'll talk about it right after this at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, coming up in about an hour, we're going to play are you Smarter than Nephew? You tell me and us yesterday right in the time. Well, anyway, you can win Steve's grand prize money of one million dollars. That's right, So go to Steve Harper. Got to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register so you can play. Okay, Now, this is what we're calling the baller section of the show because we're talking about a baller right now. Let me tell you how baller balls. Okay, big headlines this morning. One time Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is in the hot seat. Uh criminal trial. He's a former campaign chief. He's it's underway in Alexandria, Virginia. The presiding judge said today a jury has been seated to hear the case against Manifort, and opening arguments began yesterday afternoon. As we told you before, Manaford is pleaded not guilty to numerous counts of bank and tax fraud and failure to final reports on foreign financial account Now listen, we're talking about thirty thirty offshore accounts in number of Okay, okay, making money, yeah, okay, in this account checks to stand the prosecution. That's right, Jr. Check that money. Thirty thirty Okay. The prosecution listed evidence of the extravagant lifestyle. Mana Fort was trying to maintain seven homes. Seven we're struggling with one a lot of us. Seven homes for those in cash cash money. Okay. This is the baller section of the show. We're talking about a baller right here, and it's not Steve Harvey. Okay, many baby, Okay. So seven homes paid for in cash and Mercedes been convertible. Several five million dollar rugs. You better put your feet off the rough rugs. Okay, several you blocked that twenty one How much does your watch cost? J oh I bet it didn't cost twenty one dollars. That's what Paul Maniforts watched. You get to hang around with you and tell you to damn time one dollar watch. Fifteen This is my favorite favorite thing on the list. A fifteen thousand dollar jacket made from Ostrich. Okay, fifteen thousand dollars? How many Ostrich A lot? A lot? Yeah, it doesn't matter. We're talking right, man. But you gotta hear Trump's response, because Trump said he must have worked for me. But maybe twenty thirty minutes tops, about three months or so? Right, No, maybe tops, maybe a minute and ahead he was in and out, come on, Mr President, fifteen thousand dollar Ostrich jackets. That's fly right there, that's fly though, that's yeah. But his defense, his defense, manaforts defense. I love this. It wasn't me, It wasn't me. And now he's flipping on Rick Rick Gates. Um, right, there wasn't that his assistant Rick, Yeah, the one that he said, I'm I was too busy to keep up with everything I got. So that's balling right then, Yes it is, sir, Yes it is. Yes. This is the baller segment of the show right here. While Manaford charges are the charges are not directly related to Russian interference in the last presidential election. This seems like a special Um council Robert Mueller's team. This seems like something that they want to do. This is playing right into their hands. Right here. They're now taking the first step toward making that connection. Meanwhile, your president is out campaigning in Tampa, Florida, okay, because he's got to get some rattying behind him. He definitely has to get some kind of You think I let him take that oscar jacket to jail with him? Why can you can you be a d block with you? Tommy? They're not even letting him take his just for men to jail. Just trade that oss for his cot Did they run out of razors too? You're looking scruffy now. Normally he looks very pulled together, very polished, you know all of that. But you're gonna meeting a rug and that five million dollars five homes payton cake. I wouldn't even want to walk on that because I don't wuldn't want to mess it up. It's like you forget your kids. I'm doing it on that, but naked on this rug. I don't know what your time side. Now. Black people they want to put plastic on everything as on that five million dollars have no other smell but new day he got He got more than one rug, Jay, several several Come on, but where is we got seven home. You forget what's stuff that is? Wait a minute? What house was that in the way? Was I? Well, Okaya just has an important Carl. Well, you wear Ostrich jacket and Austrer girl, I'm trying to figure out an Ostrich jacket like you did somewhere say to the club, but to Austria. Yeah, that makes sense. Jacket. You don't check. You don't check that jacket. So what that's where where Paul wears it, where I wear it? It everywhere? I'll play a basketball. Alright, coming up, we're gonna hear from the King of Pranks, would run that prank back? Right after this you're listening to the stew All right, here's a treat for you guys, and you're welcome. Attention to all our early riser listeners. If you're a fan of the hit TV show Power and who isn't, actor Joseph Shikura a k a. Tommy is going to be our special guest at eight forty one Eastern Time, seven forty one Central. You do not want to miss this interview. Also coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment News, Fringe, Montana's Home Invasion and Tiffany Haddish got serious in an interview for Glamor magazine. But right now the nephew is here. He is the king of pranks. Would running that prank back? What's you got? Now? What I need? All church folks and tearing the radio's up? All church folks, turning your radios up? All right, This right here is wet choir row quick quiet road. Yeah, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach miss sister Taniel Super TANIELU ship since Tania, This is UH Brian. I'm representing the youth and of course you know we're already having the uh the fundraiser on Saturday, and I would like to know are you gonna be um, are you gonna be available to come out on Saturday? Because we got pretty much most of the most of the choir you and acquired correct, Yeah, I never heard of anything about anything on Saturday. That well, we got most of the choir members coming out on Saturday, and we'd like to know if if you're gonna be available on Saturday, come out of participate in the fundraiser for the children that's going on their vacation next year. You said all the other Claire members. I never heard anything from there all of the chore members. We probably have about requirementers coming out. Um yeah, I'm I'm free on Saturday. Okay. Now we're doing from five to seven on Saturday, So are you available five pm to seven pm? It's only two hours? Yeah, what's your saying? Name was Brian? I'm sorry? They called me Brian, Brian, they called me be A. I'm sorry. Okay. Did I meet you at the church? Uh? Well, I just joined about three weeks ago and they've already given me an assignment. So I made you in marketing in school. So they're trying to get me to take care of the children and their vacation that's coming up. We put together some things, a great fundraiser, and you know, the choire members have been very receptive. You're the last one for me to call, and I wanted to make sure you on board with us. Okay, yeah, I just never heard about this stuff. Right right now? Are you able to bring your choir robe on on Saturday? Uh? Yeah, we're singing. We're singing a song. What song did you need us to um to sing? Did you tell the pastor about this? No? No, no, you guys are not actually gonna be singing a song. Uh. What it is is that we're we're having a uh and I'm glad, I'm so glad that you're you're, you're, you're ready to participate in what we're doing. So I want to first of all, say thank you first and foremost, I want to say thank you. Okay, all right, all right, and the road for I can bring my robe by, just the road. So what's gonna happen is you guys aren't singing a song, but we're having a wet robe uh contest. So what now a wet road contest? You're talking about like a wet T shirt contest type of thing. Well, it is not a T shirt, it's a robe. So you don't have a T shirt? Or what what we need you to do with? No, no, no, no, no no, not in the church. You're talking about the whole that they're gonna do. Uh, A wet robe contest. You said a wet road contest. I heard a wet T shirt contest. That's not that's not the same thing though, right, Well, no, it's a little bit different. One of is you don't have a T shirt on. You actually have your your your quire robe on and you don't have anything underneath it. You don't wear any clothes underneath. And what we do is all of ladies listen to me. We're gonna let wet all of the ladies down, and the sexiest one that went with their role is gonna win five hundred dollars and half of the money is gonna go to the children's vacation. Hello, you're talking about a wet t shirt contest in the church. No, I'm talking about a wet road contest at the church. No, I'm not there getting there and and and and be naked. It's gonna be it's gonna be out, it's gonna be road. We need you to be completely naked on the r role. I'm gonna win everybody down with the water holes in the finest one is going to be able to uh to win five hundred dollars and two hundred and fifty of that half of that money is gonna go to the children's They cald on, Hold on, what do you say your name was? Again? My name? My name is Bryanry. How long you've been a member of this church? Because I don't ever remember me. Okay, I've been a member for about three weeks. Now, like I said, since I was a majoring in marketing, they actually threw me into no Way after three weeks that they're gonna put you in charge of something. I don't understand what another problem with you trying to pitch in and help. They're trying to create and you don't want to help me. I want to help the kids, but I'm not gonna get up there and no choir road. I'm doing my best right now not to cuss you out because I'm a woman of dide. So you're too good to be naked under your rope? Is that what you're saying? You're too good? Look, I don't have to claim myself, but I'm not gonna be naked up to no church. Okay, So so you couldn't do the naked roll call God, you couldn't do that for the kids. I know you're not about to tell me what I can and can I do for no kids. Now. I don't know who gave you my number, but I think you need to figure out who else to call for this because I'm not gonna be a part of this. Were called all the other CHOA members and they don't have a problem with it. If you're at all the fire members. What are their names? What other client members did you call that? What is that were called? Were called? Sister Sister Bridge in the quair to the bridget that I have a problem with it. Ain't no Sister Bridge in the quai. Okay, how about Sister Rachel. Sister Rachel and the choir was fine with it. Ain't no sister Rachel. Sister Rachel wouldn't be getting naked. Okay, okay, okay, let me ask you to something. Look, look, you know, I don't know thinking, but I think you need to get Do you know sister there in the choir? Hello, Yes, do your little sister de Vita in the class, Yes, I know, sister Devita. Okay. So so if such a Devita said that Sister Bridge and it, Sister Rachel didn't have a problem doing it, why do you have a problem doing I'm not about to be naked in a church. But you're not getting naked in the church. You're gonna be in the back part of the church and we're gonna spray you down with a water holes on your road. That's what we're not gonna be up there. This is disgusting what Tomas said. You would do it. Tomas said, you didn't have no problem doing Who the hell it's Tommy. We don't even have a Tommy at the church. You keep making up of these maids. Tommy is nephew tom from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. That's who Tommy is. Hello, Yes, this is Tommy, Baby, this is nephew Tommy. How you do it? Oh my god, that's not real. This is not it's not real baby, that nobody was calling you about doing a wet rope. This you are. I was gonna go out on you. You were already going off on me. The Vida got me to prank phone call you. Oh my god, I'm gonna get I was holding my time. What you're saying you was about to come. I was about to cut you out right out. Maybe I gotta ask you. Gotta tell me what's the baddest that. I mean, the baddest radio show in the Late Steve Show. Come on, come on, people alone. It's my job. It's my job. I'm supposed to do it. Okay, all right, where you going this weekend? I'm in Burminham. Start don't. Friday said, this is how you sensed to be this weekend. More ignorant than that prank? Is that possible? Is that more ignorant than we can't believe all the stuff man of folk got. I'm more egnant than the more ignorant than a fifteen thousand dollar street, seven homes man, more ignorant than seven homes, more ignorant than a million dot five million dollar room, several of them. Wow, that's pretty darn ignorant right there, popid is coming to Burmingham. Get your tickets. They don't see right now to Friday to Saturday, one Sunday and tickets are rolling out. Good. Appreciate you all, Burmham. We're coming out to see you. Carla, Carla and I are Tommy? All right? Thank you? Nephew Yeah, coming up French Montana and Tiffany Hattish in entertainment news. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up in twenty minutes, We're going to play Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Let's go. Yeah, you can win a chance at Steve's grand prize of one million dollars, but you can't play unless you register. Go to Steve Harvey FM dot com. Yeah, you lost yesterday and all right, guys, it's time now for entertainment news. Uh. French montana Um was targeted in a home invasion early yesterday morning, when two or more armed robbers two or more armed robbers broken to his Calabasas, California home. TMZ is reporting that someone at French's French's spot called cops around nine in the morning. The home invasion reportedly happened hours earlier, but victims waited a while to report it. We know that French was home at the time of the crime, but we haven't heard how many other people were also at the property. TMC reports that no injuries were reported. It's also unknown what the thieves made off with. So y, yeah, it really is. They're just home invasion. Yeah yeah, and he was home. Yeah, and he was home. How scary is that? But but he's alive and that's the best news. Yeah. And in mind though, I got some fight, mommy, I don't Yeah, they take yeah anything, Yeah, we don't know. It's just yeah, we don't know what they made off. We don't know. Yeah, did they take that monkey he was playing with the other day that they said? They all right? And other news, guys, we gotta we gotta make the monkey I ain't man. This is a serious story here. Tiffany Hattish appears on the latest cover of Glamor magazine, and inside of it, she speaks on a dark time in her past. Um when she says she was raped by a police cadet at seventeen years old. He says that the whole experience put her in such a messed up place for a very long time. I ended up going to counseling. That's a very good thing. A lot of people don't go to counseling. I'm glad she did because it does help uh in these types of situations. Tiffany goes on to say that that event still affects how she deals with men even now and um, she says she notices that men are afraid of women that are aggressive. Uh, So to protect herself, I become semi aggressive. Why is she talking now? Well, Tiffany said the experience has led her to want to help more victims of sexual assault, but she's still figuring out what to do behind being vocal about it, beyond being vocal about it and uh. Another Tiffany news while everyone eventually says that Salon Nathan is a mystery Beyonce biter. Remember that story, Uh, when it came out about someone bit Beyonce in the face. Well, Tiffany wants it to be clear that she never said it was Sana Lathan. Uh and and she still hasn't said who it was. She said, I didn't confirm sugar honey iced tea. The reporter was like, SANAA Latham. I'm like three drinks in, so of course I was about to laugh. They thought I'd put her name out there, but I didn't. I never said anything, and Beyonce didn't say anything. Let the person who bit Beyonce bury themselves. I'm not trying to destroy this girl. So it's like she knows who it is, but she's not gonna say. She's not saying yea in the face, yeah, like in the face. All right, listen, j MS and is here lots of headlines to get to please and trip. Thank you very much everybody, Thanks guys, This is androps the news. Okay, a federal judge in Seattle is temporarily blocking that online distribution of blueprints on how to make a gun at a hard plastic on a three D printer. Believe it or not. However, it's not clear just how that information can be stopped, since a Texas bace company posted the information online a few days ago and has already been downloaded thousands of times. This is how to make a gun on a hard plastic gun on a three D computer. After years of litigation, in a June settlement with the Trump administration, the process was officially given the green light to start today, the attorney generals of eight states suing, calling to move disasters for public health and safety, making it easier for people who shouldn't have guns to circumvent background checks and get them. Critics say the so called ghost guns are completely untraceable, but just so as you know everybody, a gun made out of plastic can get you into as much trouble as the real thing. A guy in Missouri was sentenced to eleven years in prison recently for robbing a credit union with a plastic gun. Facebook says it shut down more than thirty fake pages and accounts involved in what appeared to be a coordinated effort to stoke hot button social issues ahead of the November midterm elections in this country, but they can't identify the source, they say, despite hints that Russia is involved. Opening statements begun yesterday and the trial of former Trump campaign magic Paul Manafort, who was accused of financial and tax fraud. The panel consisting of six men, six women, and Manifort facing eighteen council of alleged bank and tax for it and could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted. Manafort accused of laundering as much as sixty million bucks money he received working for pro Russian Ukrainian politicians. Thirty five witnesses schedule to testify, including his longtime business partner Rick Gates, who's reportedly already struck a deal with prosecutors, and an amazing turn of events, President Trump actually being dismissive of the billionaire right wing Koch Brothers. Trump's tweeted quote that the globalist Koch Brothers, who have become a total joke in real Republican circles, are against strong boarders and powerful trade, and the ads that he never sought their support because he doesn't need their money or their bad ideas. Trump's anti Koch Brothers tweet comes after the Koch Brothers network placed an ad criticizing the President's new tariffs and other things that he does. The President meanwhile, traveled to Florida last night. He was campaigning on behalf of several Republicans again in advance of that state August primary. The President has been playing a huge role in g OPI primaries around the country. He's been going around it and in most in most cases, he has been successful. A test conducted by the American Civil Liberties Union, Amazon's new facial recognition software incorrectly match members of Congress with police mug shots. According to a BuzzFeed, the false positives followed an interesting pattern. Twenty eight members of Congress misidentified, most of them people of color. Finally, today is National Girlfriend's Day. Where are my girls at? And we'll be back with more entertainment coming up in twenty minutes after the hour. Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? What on the Steve Harvey Awarding Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time to play Are youth smarter the nephew Tommy? Tommy? Let's meet our contestants, shall we? Good morning? Good morning? Who is this Andrea? Andrea? What you call him? From? Dolina? North Carolina? North Carolina? Okay, what you do for a living. Oh my men, the straight of the system. I already heard it in a voice, A big words. You know what things go? Andrea? Do you think you're smarter than me? This is how it goes. Sure, it's gonna ask both of us from trivial questions. Whoever answers the most questions correctly in sixty seconds? Wheel win. It's just that simple, all right, all right, all right, Andrea, Hang on, Tommy, please step out of the studio so you can't hear the questions. Get out now, goodbye. Leaving is getting loner and loan. It's like he doesn't want to go. Get out out. Let's go, all right, Andrea? The question the timer will start after I ask you the first question. Okay, Cat, please give me sixty seconds on the clock. What is the hot molten substance Andrea? That flows from a volcano? Lava? Cedric Levita Regina and Mr Hi Tower start in what late nineties TV show uh Pass? Where is Atlantis Paradise Island located Florida? How many inches are in two feet? U? Who served as vice president to President Barack Obama? Joe Biden? What professional sport did refrigerator? Perry play in which US city will you find the French quarter? Uh? Louisiana, New Orleans in the cable network h t O h b O. What do the letters HBO stand for? Uh? Fair? Where would you use the invisilne product? Yeah? Account got it in? Okay? Yeah? Yeah? Girl proud? Alright? So so Carla, what you what you think? Very proud of Andrea, very very proud. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah. Alright, Well you guys think she did well. I think she did well. I think she did enough to beat the nephew. We'll see, will it be Andrea? Will it be the nephew? We're playing Are you Smarter than Nephew? Tommy will be back you're listening to all right, we're in the middle of playing Are you Smarter than Nephew? Tommy? Tommy is back in the studio, Tommy and our contectant. And Drea is really smart. I'd say that about them all, but she's really smart. She proved it. So Tommy, are you ready to be afraid? There? He goes with. That means all right, the clock will start out Google. Oh he's handling. Yeah, alright, the clock is gonna start Temmy. Uh, you know, right after I read the first question, Cat give me sixty seconds on the clock, please, So here we go. What is the hot molten substance that flows from a volcano? Cedric Levita Regina and Mr Hi Tower starting what late nineties TV show? Where is Atlantis Paradise Island located? How many inches are in two feet? We four? Who served as vice president to President Barack Obama? Gangs? The bad professional sport? Did refrigerator Perry play? Chicago? Bail? Football? In which US city? Will you find the French Quarter? New Orleans? And the cable network HBO. What do the letters HBO stand for? Home Box Office? Where would you use the invisil in product on your TV? Hey? Boo boo is a famous line in which cartoon character when a drink is served on the rocks, it is served with what nice? Who was the first female? Wow? Okay? A man? What? Wow? Very certain? I gotta tally. I gotta tell man, I gotta say, yeah, that was quite impressive. It was that big wow. Alright, while we tally, which there really is no we tally? Okay, here it is. We're gonna read the questions and the answers. What is the hot molten substance that flows from a volcano lava. Cedric Levita Regina and Mr Hi Tower starred in what late nineties TV show The Steve Harvey Show? Where is Atlantis Paradise Island? Located Paradise Island, Bahamas? How many inches are in two feet twenty four inches? Who served? What's your two feet tall? Who served as vice president to Barack President? Yeah? Not that? Who served as vice president to President Barack Obama? Joe Biden? What professional sport did refrigerator Perry play? Football? In? Which US city? Will you find the French Quarter? New Orleans? In the cable network HBO? What do the letters HBO stand for? Home Box Office? Where would you use the invisilian product? Teeth? Hey Boo boo is a famous line by which cartoon character Yogi Bear when a drink is served on the rocks, it is served with what ice? Or on ice? Oh? Lord, Lord Lord, let me see carry to wonder? But girl, okay, Andrea, you got six? Temmy you got eleven? Yeah? Probably doltort genius? What Andrea? Andrea? Guess what? Baby girl? I still got a twenty five dollar cash gift card just for you for playing? Are you and we know you are. You're probably just nervous or something. Andrea, Yeah, a little miss Steve Harvey Show. I don't know. Yeah. Sorry. If you think you're smarter than me, nephew Timmy, and you want a chance to win my uncle Steve's grand prize of one million dollars, go to Steve Harvey up him dot com to register. I will be playing another loyal listener tomorrow. Whoa, I got one in the date baby, Yeah I did. Yeah, you did the thing, Tommy, bo you were smarter. He's on performance and hands and drawers. I don't care, no break phone call coming up next. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Pop that co pop that car up? You did that? Performing enhancement, drugs, steroids's it's like rapid fire though, all of them, right, all of them? And what are we talking about? Of course? Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? The game one million dollars of Steve's money is up for grabs. You can play too and try to beat the nephew. He's on a road. Well today is yesterday. Got Steve Harvey FM dot com to register so you can play. Are you smarter than nephew. Well, listen, one man, I know that was That was a tough one, right there. She was nervous, Yeah she was. I knew she was nervous. She was. We don't remember. Oh, now you want to what did she miss? Because you want to move on? All right? Listen? Coming up in about an hour Joseph Sakura from Power. He plays Tommy. He's going to be our guess. You do not want to miss that. Okay, you don't want to miss that, but right now, and the nephew is here, the king of pranks with the call for today. What you got a nephew, the Rain. I think it's sounded like, make it sound like the rings, the ring. The name of the prank is the Rain. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach an Yes, this is hi Denise. My name is Gavin. I'm I'm actually the head jeweler here, Diamond. How you doing? I'm good? You brought your ring in? What was it last week? I actually wasn't here, but you gave it to one of my sales persons and you wanted to get it resized as well as getting a praise. Correct, yes, yes, yes, And you don't have to tell him my own Okay, wow, okay, listen, I actually do the resize the ring. And first of all, let me be the first to say, um, congratulations, when when is your wedding? Thank you, I'm getting married and stuff compared well, congratulations to listen. I don't know how to tell you this now, as far as your praisers concerned, I've looked at your ring over and over and this this ring is probably worth maybe fifty Excuse me, I've been I've been in this business for over twenty years. But you know what, I'm confused on what you just said. And I understand that. What I'm trying to explain to you is that I've been in this business for over twenty years. I've seen so many different pieces of jewelry and this is something that you that you buy late night on an infomercial for this is a Cubic Zaconian stones and the gold is not real at all. It's like, wait, wait, you lost me. You lost me as much money as my hand make and as much money as my father is putting down on his win or has put down. And understand everything you're saying, but Denise, honestly do is hold on wait. I need you to hold on because we need need to convictim. Wait. Wait, man, First of all, I can't wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, hold hold on because you wait wait wait, what are you trying to what you're trying to do, sir? I need I need you to repeat because what you just said to me. Okay, I need of personal stuff. Man. You oh you hit it. It's personal now, So I need you to hold on. Okay, oh she called man, okay, thank thank hello, convictim, I need to listen to this dula that's on the front. I want you to hit it. And he just told me, hold what's what's the problem? What you mean, what's the problem? He gonna tell you what the problem is. Gonna hit on, sir, don't hit on? Hello, Yeah, who's this all right? My name is Gavin. I'm from Diamonds and actually your wife, I mean where your fiance rather, she brought her ring in to actually be re sized, and we we also did an appraisal on the ring for her and actually the ring is estimated to be only, in the words of around fifty dollars fifty that's what the man said, do sir. Obviously there's some sort of mistakes sir, Now, what you got to say about that fifty dollars? That's that's got to be some kind of mistakes from what do you say your name was, sir? My name is Gavin. I work here Domonds. I'm the head jeweler here. I've been here for twenty years. And there's there's no way that that ring is worth fifty dollars. I know what I paid for it. So obviously there's some sort of mistakes. There's out of mistake. I've been dealing with Drewry. I've seen it. I I can't pretty much look at a ring, but I actually went into detail on this one, as I do all of them, and so I promise you this is probably maybe between forty and fifty dollars for his workers. Now, absolutely not. That's that's impossible. How is that impossible? He's the jeweler. You heard him say, he's been doing it for twenty impossible. I don't understand all the money that my dad is putting down on this wedding, and you're gonna say, fifty bird third, you bought a cheap ring. No, no, no, I did not buy tea. This is this is this is obviously some kind of mistake. You didn't got it. You show that you show got that right. So what you got to say for yourself? Don't you can't? I believe that that's right. This is this is obviously some kind of mistakes. Oh it is a mistake. I'm mistake and thinking I'm gonna get married to the man of my dream. I do have the engagement ring that was purchased and bought for your wife. I don't think you I don't think you do. I don't think you have my ring, because if you have my ring, you wouldn't be telling me this is words fifty dollars. I have the ring that your wife, your fiance brought his wife. Yet hold on, hold on. The man is trying to explain. I'm trying to get to the bottom. Thank you, so you have I don't think you have the right ring. I have the right ring. Or what I'm letting you know, sir, is that this is something you buy on an infomercial in the two Ocock and the Morning on the home Dude, you don't like that ain't bottled damn ring on infomercial. I bought the ring from a reputable establishment. I have of receipt. I have the certificate. So obviously the mistake is on your and where you're mistakes out here? Search you bought a piece of jump? He's been doing it all these years. How hell he's gonna make his mistake where you come off telling me I bought a piece of jump? I know what I bought. If there's any mistakes that's been made, it's on your end world, where it's not on my end. Yeah, Hold don't don't ready? You want things that my dad is paying too much money for this wedding? You don't pay fifty Do you wait till I tell him this? Chill? Hold on. First of all, I don't appreciate you. I want to tell you this. This is a typical case of you trying to part it off on us because you bought a piece of stuff for fifty bucks? Money did you make and I get fifty worth of a ring? Then he's hold on, let me talk to this where you get talk because I never heard of it. So your wife knows exactly where is she. She's the one that brought the ring here. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna come down there to see the ring that you're talking about. If it's not the ring that I gave girl. I'm gonna take seventy six hundred dollars out of your because that's so. Now you want to jump on me because you bought your wife a piece. Come on, you want to put it on me. You don't tell me what the I'm known what the I spin on the ring and you I don't kind of trying to pull. First of all, I don't appreciate you coming to my household trying to mess my and you want to come to me with this. I know the ring better be real. If I were you, miss Deniece, I would not marry somebody that's gonna be I'm coming there, I'm looking for your pocket and you know what. You don't get the ring and a right me, and you're gonna go in it. Can I say one more thing to both of you? All better? I'll tell you what if they say that, I don't want to hear me, and you're gonna have some more problems. This is nephew telling me from the Steve Orbit Morning Show, y'all just got prank, but the niece's sister that she ain't got no man to that man. Wow, that's how clear I'm talking to you about to start with I think. I'm sorry, Baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will ring. I gotta ask you'all something. What is the baddest radio show in the low? But Steve Harvey lay too much? You gotta man who Frank's Baby King and the King this weekend in Burminham, Alabama. Baby the King is coming to Friday to Saturday one on Sunday. Get your tickets. They don't see it right now, and they're selling fast because I'm on my way. Been a couple of years and now I'm back. More ignorance, more craziness, mo jokes, Come see me, Mark stupid, same stupid. Yes, we're gonna open up with stupid or you're gonna save it and then bring it on. Put it in the middle, the springing on the back, and I need my ticket. We're coming to see you on sale. Thank you too. On saturd show, I said I sent me and Carla are coming. Did you hear that for her? All right? Listen? Thank you? Nephew. Yeah, hey, did you think you do? You think you're smarter than nephew Tommy. You could get a chance to win Steve's grand prize of one million dollars go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register coming up Strawberry Letter. My girl was intimate with another brother who right after this you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, attention all Power fans, Power Power, Power, We love Power, love us in Power. Coming up in forty one a minute. I'm coming up in forty one minutes after the hour, Actor Joseph Secora a k a. Tommy from Power will be our special guests. He will tell us everything we ever wanted to know about Tommy uh from Power. And he's gonna talk about ghosts. He's gonna talk about Canaan and uh we can't wait for that. About forty one minutes after the hour. Okay, so clear your schedules please, and now it is time for the Strawberry Letter. If you need some advice on your relationship, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. All right, buckle up, hold on tight, We got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry Letter. Subject my girl was intimate with another brother. Uh, Dear Stephen Shirley two years ago I'm at the most amazing woman. I'm from the hood and she is from a small country town, and we are very different in many ways, but we also have a lot in common. We quickly became best friends, and she is the only girl that I could see myself with in a long term relationship. But here's the problem. After eight months of dating, I was struggling with the fact that she is white, and I was scared to take her home to my mother. So I decided to take a break. But I couldn't get her off my mind and quickly realized that I had made a mistake. So after we were apart for two months, I called her and explained everything. She understood because she had the same fears because I am the first black guy she's ever dated. We got back together and our relationship was fine until recently. We were talking about our breakup and she admitted that while we were apart, she had unprotected sex with another black guy and the sex was really good. She said she regrets it, but she refuses to apologize because she said she was single at the time. Because I broke up with her, I know that I can't be mad at her, but now when I look at her. All I can think about is that she let another black man have sex with her, and I'm feeling a bit intimidated by it. All. I love this girl, but it is hard for me to get over this. I often wonder if she's thinking about him when we're being intimate. How can I get over this? Because I don't want to lose my girl? Please help? Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now? I mean she was a free agent, after all, free agent, free to do whatever she wanted to do. You guys had broken up. How did she know you would want to get back with her one day? Life goes on, People move on, They get in other relationships, other entanglements. Things like this can happen when you break up. Okay, that's the chance that you take. She's not gonna wait around for you and you know, and hopes that you may come back one day and just let life pass her by. But but what is amazing about this is that she slept with another black guy. Now I have to ask you and everybody, does this prove that you know that saying once you go black, you don't go back? Does that prove? I think she just proved that. I think she did, and she proved it to be true. But it sure sounds like that, ain't I think? Well? If I, if I were you, I would be worried less about the fact that her little interlude, let's say, her little interlude with this man was with this black man. I'd worry less about that, And I'd be more worried about the fact that she slept with him without a condom. And now you guys are sleeping together. That's what I would be concentrating on right now. Jay, there used to be a commercial a long time ago, I don't remember years ago. It was called The Other White Meat. Remember that the other white men talking about pork was about pork. And what what this brother needs to do is really accept the fact that there's other white meats out there. Sister's first white love and he's going through it, and you know, I understand what he's going through, But do do dude, dude, listen to me, Dude, pull yourself up. There's more. How can I say that there's more whitefishing to see. That's all I'm saying, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, But I'm telling she don't want him. Obviously, this other this other brother has changed nine. So what you need to do is, you know, set yourself up, make yourself more presentable to white women. Really you can do this, dude, This can be done. You need to hang out with Starbucks. You meet white women in the Starbucks. You meet nice women there, Whole Foods. You meet nice women up in a whole food you go. You're a pro the produced section. There's certain states out of very white. Can you make them out of beauty supply story? Ja, Yes you can? You can? You can you beauty supply? Yeah? I've never seen one any any stop watch man, but you're the expert on the show as far as this anybody else speaking on the Sunday, I'm the one. I'm the one. Once you go white, you great to get right, I know what it brother, You'll be all right. Yeah, come on now, I mean you guys were broken up. What do you want? What do you have to say about all of this? Junior? Your mama saying, your mama saying, if she can't use my comb, don't bring it. Not what your mama says, but the problem you have here though, for real problems. First thing you got to do, dog, You're bigger problems. You can take color out of it. The thing that got me was the refusal to apologize. I'll have my world rock. I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. I have had my whole work. He did nice to me that I have never had. It was really good. She said, we gonna get back together. You're gonna have to understand that I'm gonna be thinking about Jerome. I don't care how you feel I did, but this is what I'm gonna be dealing with because when you're looking at me, I'm thinking about Jerome. When you called my name, I'm thinking about jar We're gonna sleep. I would say good night, Jerome. You might well go ahead. You're like Jay, say find you another one. This won't go Man, you ain't changing her. Man in the house. Watch all right, Well, we gotta hear from the nephew. We still haven't heard from the nephew on this. We're gonna have part two of the Strawberry Letter. The subject is my girl was intimate with another brother. And uh, we'll be back at twenty three after the hour with the Strawberry Letter. Right after this. You're listening to the stew All right, coming up in twenty minutes. Attention Power fans, I said, attention Power fans. Coming up at forty one minutes after the hour, actor Joseph Sakura ak a Tommy from Power will be our special guest. He's going to tell us everything about Tommy, about going about Canaan. He's gonna talk a little bit about Kendrick Lamar as well. But right now, here's a recap of my letter today. The subject my girl was intimate with another brother, UM. A guy wrote in brother obviously UM. Two years ago, he met a most amazing woman. He's from the hood, she's from a small country town. They're they're different in a lot of ways, but they have a lot of things in common as well. They quickly became best friends. She is the only woman he could see himself in a life long or long term relationship with. They dated for about eight months, and he was struggling with the fact that she's white and he's black, and so they broke up because he didn't know how to take her home and introduce her to the family and she had the same problem. So they were apart for about two months. Two months they were apart during that time. During that time, she got with another brother and had unprotected sex uh then yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. She she he was the first black guy, um the letter, the writer of the letter, that she had ever been with. Then when they broke up, she got with another black guy. She was the first white woman, um the writer of the letter ever had been with. So any they broke up for two months, they got back together. She told him all about her experience with the black guy, and she said that the sex was really good and and all of that. Agize and she refused to apologize. She refused to apologize because they had broken up. So anyway, so he wants to know how can he get over this because he can't help but think you know that she was with another brother, and he just can't get past that. He doesn't want to lose his girl though, so um hey, I told her told him that he sounds pretty ridiculous because they were broken up at the time and she was a free agent, free to do whatever she did wanted to do. So there we go, Tommy, time to search for a new white woman. The title that is the title. It is time to search for a new White woman. I know what you're going through. When you hate what you're thinking about, you gotta get that behind. It time to search for a new white woman. And that's finally. Let me talk to my sister's first. This ain't got nothing to do with y'all. I love y'all to death. The preference is he wants a white lady, so it's time for time to help him out. You had a good white woman, but I'm gonna help you get you a spectacular white woman. There's a difference between the two. It's some certain people you got to hang out with to get you a spectacular white woman. Listen to me, Kanye West got a spectacular white woman. If you hang out in places where Kanye hang out, you're gonna find you an incredible white woman. They got some incredible white women in that house. Let's keep going. Pay Diggs found an incredible white woman. You're hanging out with the wrong people. You gotta hang out with the people who know we're incredible. It's some great white women out there. You can find him. He found one, Yes, he did. Now watched me closely. Michael Jordan laid in the carrel found white white woman. You can find great white women. You're just hanging with the wrong people. If you hang out with Tiger Woods. He gonna take you to waffle house. You're gonna find incredible white women. You can find them there there. Luke Cage got a white woman. Look, you can find hero Yeah right there on see anything band Jo got a white w Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, dude, you're not hanging with the right people. You're hanging with people that just so so. You want to spectacular white woman. What's that boy named cam Bell with the big hell? Yeah, got a white woman. Yes, come out, you can find great white women. Sir, you're looking in the wrong places, James, Joe, Yeah, you don't, don't yes, yes, yeah, okay, okay, okay, okay, don't don't hate, don't hate, don't hate the game. He's so happy right now here. Hang out with Ellen. Don't hate the game play. I got a cold white woman. What were talking about? What you're talking about one of the sikes on what you're hanging out with the wrong people. Hang out with people that have spectacular white He wants to be with her, he wants to be with her anything. He can't be with her no more because he thinking Warrior been with her. He keeps thinking about man Dingo. Yeah, that one down. Do you know how bold you got to be to say, I'm not apologizing you. If you if you go to a comedy show, there's a reason why the opening act don't follow the headline because he he shouldn't have broken up with her? Yeah, but if he really yeah? Yeah? Where how do you know this? Because that day white, that day white, exclusively, exclusively, you don't made any black women chase? How many times we got to keep going through this? I don't want to know you you're treating me as if I just know you're treating me as if I just started here? I mean, how long I have to work on this damn job as a woman. I want to know. Okay, what's the name of that place? The last part of it is Fitch, but I can't pronounce the first Amber Crombie. They full of him up in there. That's what they'd be shopping with. The keys them the store, sullove them where else Jay Well or any bed, bath and beyond. Let's just go there to Okay, guys, we gotta go. Yeah, email us your Instagram? What's your thoughts on today's crazy strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M coming up in ten minutes. It's promised anyway, that's a wheat grass in the kara a k A. Tommy from Power will be our special guests. He's going to tell us everything about the show, everything about Power. Oh j that's coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh I'm not ready for us one. What Season five of the stars hit drama Power is well underway? We all know that, right. Yeah, the plot got twists, we got new characters, we got shootouts and all kinds of stuff going on. Our special guests this morning stars as Tommy on the show I'm on. But the first time in his life he's got his daddy in his life? Or does he really? Let's find out and see what we can expect for the rest of the season. Puts your hands together for the one, the Only, Mr Joseph the Cora yea on the show Man. We're all big fans. Let me tell you that that. Um, we're glued to the TV every Sunday night checking you out. You got your father in your life now, yes, straight out of prison. So tell us about what can we expect with this relationship? Is just gonna turn and go crazy without spoiling it? Well, I think that Tommy, and I think we all know that Tommy is giving his dad a little too much credit. You know. I think that when you grow up without somebody in your life, when they come back in your life, it's not dissimilar to when Kanan got out of prison and Tommy was like, Hey, look look at what I did. Look at how much I've grown, look at everything I've accomplished. Because you respect that person, or because you would respect what your images of that person, you know, you want to show him all this stuff. So I think Tommy is letting his dad in and giving him passes on all this stuff because he wants to show him look at look at everything I did, Look at everything I accomplished. But he's also keeping him a little bit on distance. I mean, the old man keeps asking, uh, you know you need help for this, you want to do this, and tomm He's like, no, I got this, I'm good. So he is hesitant, but he is He's definitely giving him a little bit of extra leeway because of this position. Yeah, Tommy, don't kill his dad, I think so, I say, Tommy, we're so caught up with the show. I mean, Joseph, we're so caught up with the show. We we love it so much, we really do. In your great actor, I appreciate it. I think last week such a good time. I have fun. So that's my default and I think people can tell. And in this this past episode, man, you you had, uh Tarik in the car, who's played by Michael Raney Jr. You had to wreak in the car and uh, we all are waiting for Tarik to get a good old fashioned butt whooping. But is he turning into a little tough guy now? Uh? You know, I I think he's so representative, at least to me, of UM a lot of a lot of his generation, UM, you know, wanting the immediacy of of gratification, UM, you know, media gratification of stuff. But I think that that's something that's prevalent in youth, um society right now. And I think that that is it's honorably reflected in the character of Tarek Um. I think if it was written a little bit more severe, I think Tommy would have happily given um a couple of spankings to Tarik in that ride. But that was Michael Arney Jr. Is a fantastic actor. He's such an excellent young actor and he's only getting better and better. And that was one of my favorite scenes of the of the season for sure, was that one in the car I Love. I have a question. I have a question. Okay, Joseph, I know you can't really answer them, but if there was somebody you could take out on the show, who would that be? As Tommy, I think that I haven't taken out Dre yet the world. He said that on the episode Sunday he wanted to kill Dre that day. Yeah, Joseph watched the show and said, I can't believe Tommy ain't taking Jake. You've heard him. Yeah, it was good man. Was Kanan up to man? It seemed like it seems like Kanan is playing everybody the whole time. Yeah. Yeah, that's kind of what Kanan does. Um uh, you know. It's it's interesting. He plays both sides of the sense. It's something that he does really well. And I think that his duplicitous nature is something that wasn't lost on Ghost and Ghost set him up with the police to go to prison. Um you know, because he always said it was either that or kill him, and he didn't want to kill him, but you know, so it's always it's interesting. I think that I think that you will see and I don't think this is ruining, and they say, I'm pretty pretty sure this isn't the spoiled but you'll see that Tommy isn't getting played as much as we think that Tommy is getting played by canaan Um. But Tommy does have true respects for Canaan. I think that when Tommy was coming up, canaan style of kind of bopping for each corner and making sure that he would just go one street at the time, I think Tommy enjoys that kind of stuff and enjoyed that method, but he's seen that the finest that ghost brings to the game is something that works as well, and it's a way to expand yourself. So Tommy's kind of, uh, you know, Canean fifty percent ghost in a lot of ways, because most people that we are trying to all become ghost um like like Tarik is really kind of a reflection of ghost. Courtney Kemp, the show's creator, actually said that what she does with a lot of the characters is create these alternate ghost characters like Dre, like Tarik that are kind of becoming that character, But I don't think that that ever. Tommy, you know, Tommy keeps becoming more common. Yeah, you know what, Joseph, I just want to say it is it is really hard for me to watch Ghost unravel. But by the same yeah, rock Bottom on the show. I'm really emotionally invested in the I think I need help, but but it's it's hard, and I love how you're playing your character as well. The two of you together. It's such an interesting, uh you know, exchange between the two of you. Guys. Do you think Mari Hardwick and I Maria Hardwick obvious? Who please Ghost? I mean, he's just a tremendous actor and he and I have just real true chemistry. You know. It's rare that you find that in your career. It's rare that you find that in your people in your life. So, um, I think we take advantage of it. We approached the craft very similarly, and we're kind of all in actors and very loose, you know. Um if Omari goes, if Omary digs isazag and we just have a real natural chemistry on screen together. So I love having the scene. So I missed the scenes of us together. But you know, it's a testament to his acting. Um, how well he's playing goes, how well he's able to play the highs and play the lows with you know, equal accuracy. Oh, this is good high Let know a lot of behind the scenes. Let's ask him, how does it he and the whole Somebody gonna call him in the office when you get back. We're gonna have more Tommy from Power at the top of the hour. I can't wait, juicy, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh, we're so excited, ladies and gentlemen. Actor and we can call him friend now. I think Joseph Sakura from Power. You know him as Tommy from the hit TV show Power. Yes, he is our special guest. Come on, nephew, we gotta get back into this. Let's get used to have an opportunity to watch Kendrick lamar Um I did. I thought Kendrick killed it. I thought he crushed us. He was educated. You know what he's you know, the black or the berry. You know, he got it one. And we want to see you and Keisha get back together too. Joseph, what was the struggle? I mean, Keisha keep saying that she's not about that light. She doesn't you know this this is she's not built like that. She keeps and constantly says that. So it's it's it's a really well traded up that you know. It's is he going to respect her the distance she wants to have, you know? Or are you just kind? And did you give into whatever kind of chemicals and whatever kind of attraction you have to somebody that superceed did so? I think that you know, we'll we'll see where that relationship goes. Man, you you you are you are so dead on your character. Man, I mean you you're nailing it. What where are you? Where are you pulling that from? What kind of background did you have? Did you did you have a life at all? You know A little bit sure? Yeah, I was a graffiti writer and I got my hands dirty and a couple of little things, um, you know, so you know it's it's alternate lifestyles here, urban lifestyles where I just I you know, you have to really navigate. I grew up in Chicago, and you have to navigate all the different streets of Chicago in different neighborhoods, and you're going to every area of the city to go put your name on stuff. You gotta really know where you're at and what you're about. So people often ask me that question, and I said, man, I used to roll through all these neighborhoods and people in Chicago as they would say, what you be about, and I'd say, man, I'm riding new charm brother, just trying to get to the bug. And that's usually respected, but sometimes it's not. And then you gotta fight or flight. So you know, there's a little bit of that. And I faced a lot of Tommy on the guys I was heard of growing up. All right, is Tommy gonna have anything to do with concilman? Take? Please tell me? So? I know that church team, That church team boiled me a watching it. I was like, Tommy grew up because he actually said, Okay, I'll go sit in the sea. Yeah at the funeral. Yeah. If that catches up a councilman, take sneaky little that yeahs take show. Yeah. And Tommy working with his enemy here, Angela, it seems like, well, I would attest to this. I would say that Angela is working for Tommy right now. I like it. Yeah, you know, yeah, because Tommy, I mean, we've seen Tommy for five seasons say that he would rather die than that. He would rather you know, he's not, but he's this is this, and we've seen him put that into practice. So for him to do a full one eight on something like that is absurd, you know what I mean. It's just it's not this guy. He'd rather shoot himself in the mouth than um work with the FETE or anybody in the government. So but I think that, like we've seen Tommy growing up and learn how to manipulate UM better than we ever have before, and when he sees an opportunity, and this isn't like you know, there was a guy, a real real gangster called Um Johnny and machine Gun Johnny in Chinatown in New York um in the eighties, and so what he would do this is not what Tommy is doing. And what the machine Gun Johnny would do is he would call the police. He would inform on his competition, so the police would go get him. This is see, this isn't what Tommy do it. Tommy's like, look, give me that tracker. You know what you're doing with that track or all you and you and if you think you know where I'm going, then that's on you. So Tommy's like, you know, if you can keep up, keep up. If you can't, you can't. But you know, make no mistake, that's Angela working for Tommy and and chasing Tommy, you know, still chasing Tommy around. Tommy's not like, hey, look I got information on this. I got information on this. Tommy's like sink or swim, you know, so you know you better get start doing the press stroke. Well, I jose, what about what about that new police lady that's that's kind of dibbling and dabbling around. Yeah, Blanca, Um, she's great. I'm just fantastic character. But she's um, she is you know, you as you can tell, incredibly intelligent, and she is putting everything and all. It's gonna it's gonna be a very difficult challenge for Angela to escape get getting at it from both sides because angel But Angela has done and she's now kind of because she's like, well I'll work with Tommy on this or I'm you know, she's now put herself into two really dangerous worlds with people coming at her from both directions. So she's gonna pretty precarious position. Yeah, we can take a hand. Just tell us We can talk to you all day about power, but we know you have to go go ahead. Tommy, thank you for Colin Jones. We really appreciate you. Don't miss power. Lovely show guys, keep doing your thing, and thanks so much for having me on man, Thank you you man. Don't miss power with Sunday Nights only on Stars or catch up on on on demand anytime on the Stars. App Wow, we know a lot now about power, right right. I just hang with him. That lady donna die. I don't care what nobody said. That ain't gonna die. The little girl's gonna say something. When she does speak, she'll make more sense than fit the sin. I'm here to take that. Wait, Tommy, you're saying the little girl. You mean the st patrick at other little girl. Okay, we got one that passed away. Now she started talking. We really got I'm surprised they haven't done that yet. But I like the fact that he was still open about everything. Yeah, because he's told us a lot, but he didn't give anything away. He really didn't. Yeah, he really. Yeah. We gotta get caught up and see what's gonna happen with Proctor with that investigation. They are all right well, listen. Coming up in twenty after the hour, j Anthony Brown is here with a segment called Who's the Friend that da Dad? Dad? Right after this, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, here we go. Jay is here. He's written another fabulous segment for us. This one's called who's the friend that died? Died? Alright? Alright, everybody. It is very simple, very simple. Who's your best friend? Rounding room? Let's go round the room. Who's your best friend? Well, my girlfriend Tory name m hmm. I was gonna say my husband, but I'll say my best friend Debbie. Okay, j I'm zech Butther okay, all right, Tony, I got more than one. But over Walter crying, that's my that's my that's my that go back to tenth grade. Yeah, man, would be James House and Smoke, my two best friends. All right, who's a friend House? James House and Smoke. Who's your best friend that got your back? Right? A wrong? The same person? Yeah? Alright, here you go, here go. Who's your friend? Is good friend? They're a good friend? Today started drinking oh, I'm out on this one. Teacher boy, it's you and minded you. Here we go. There's another one who's a friend and always gets in a fight. Don't you tell me it's you again? You got a cousin like Shun Mac Shunny Mac will fight. I mean he don't care, boy, j Ryan Craig. Again, all right we go again. Who's the friend that can't keep a job? You know it laid your boor I'll forget. I can't say, Jay, they're listening. I know, yeah, you know, working on that didn't fit my lifestyle. I just you know, I just can't work no anywhere, no no, Jake, you know they're talking. They want me to do eight hours downe Hey, let me answer by saying my cousin that lives in Louisiana in New Orleans? Did that narrow down on a who's your friend that owes your money? Come on, do you know how long that list is? None of it never gonna get It's the same person that can't keep a job. That's all right? All right here, who's the friend that if you really need money you could get it? Steve Steve, Steve, Steve, my friend. I ain't never asked I've never asked you, but I never asked about that. If we do, he would give it to it. Yeah, you don't hear about it, but I mean we would really need it. Yeah, oh yeah, yeah yeah. We wouldn't ask him for anything. I don't ask him for He gave me some money. We will oversee though. They cut my bait card off in that, Junior, I remember that last one, last one, good friend. But who's the friend that will blow your bathroom up? Terry Gross? Terry Gross, he will will, Terry Groth. You gotta do that stuff at home. You can't tell Gros. We come back, Junior is gonna talk to us about the Mets. What happened? Junior, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, here, and you're before we get out of here, we only have two more breaks left. We have to talk about the New York Maths. What happened. I didn't see this last time I saw that. We happen to do New York meds. In the Washingt Nationals had a football game last you need baseball, Yeah, but it was a football game. The the Men's had the worst loss in team history. They lost twenty five to baseball. In baseball, they read out on pitches in the eighth, they had to take the short stop Jose Rays and let him pitch. He gave up six runs. Feels short stop bad day? Did they say? Why? How many people out of work start? First of all, with to catch it? First base, second base, third base, cent field, left field, right field. Everybody who started, I don't work. What about the front office, the front office, l press manage. It was a hit. It was nine holmes last. They was catching balls everywhere, but five to four that but we didn't even know the scoreboard worked that time of Faith day. They look, they were catching balls everywhere. Everything was leaving the park. I mean, what did you say on the plane ride back home? Works? They're not looking the ball, try contact at all at all. You can't say nothing on the plane. I've never heard of score that. That's a quiet play. That's a quiet play when the flight attendants had nothing to do. Dude, that's two dozen balls and four runs. They scoring four runs. I don't understand that long you in the outfield for five you know how much stuff you didn't see, how much stuff you didn't notice? Oh my god, I didn't even know they even advertise it in this ball stuff. You didn't stay? Is that baby picking his nose? You get out there? Oh my gosh, twenty five runs long. I'm talking about I'm talking about the umpires, the umpires that come on, now, come on, come on, now, come on, come on. I'm just gonna start calling strikes. I don't care win a ball, I'll just gonna start calling strikes. Queens. Queen, Oh, they all upset, don't say nothing. Calling for everybody's job up in New York today. Well, when they got a game tonight and they recovered all of their pitchres pitched last night, every last one off that you had to go get your short stop. Huh And he gave up six for us to get the day off. Yeah, all right, we'll be back to close out the show. We're coming back at forty nine. After the hour we're out. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve Harvey is still a vacation enjoying himself. You can check him out on the Graham And don't forget to go to uh Steve Harvey fm dot com to register so you can play. Are you smarter than nephew Tommy, don't forget tomorrow seven twinstern. Thanks to a central we're going to play yet again. Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? Okay, a loyal listener and the nephew love clean us. They will each be giving sixty seconds to correctly answer our trivia questions. And if you think you are smarter the nephew Tommy, let us know. Go to Steve rv FM dot com and register so you can play. All right, one million dollars is at stake. Okay, million dollars. That's Steve's money, one million dollars. All right, We can't play unless you register. Yes, it is all right, um, junior. So you're still upset about the New York men. Cannot believe it, but they lost. They lost four last night to the Washington National twenty five in a baseball game. And Jake go out and play and get three outs. A matter of fact, they played the day. But I just got an alert. It just came to my phone, New York Mets and washing that they played the day. But the score is already five nothing. It's already five nothing. I just got hit it. Oh my gosh, you said they made history, right, that did That was the worst loss in team history. Wow, So I didn't even know you could get We never seen a baseball score? Boy, how many hot dogs? How long they had to cook? Yeah? What any wind? The third? The third? The third? That is crazy. I feel for a long, long day they saw so many birds fly by. Love but queens, we love you, queens, we love it. You'll get him to day. You had a Mets fan. Yeah, it's just one game. Yeah, boy, what game? Yeah? I mean that's crazy. Aren't you guys ready with that closing remarks? Our closing remarks? Is now a man off on trial right now. I don't know if he's guilty. But what I do know, what I really know, is that he has definitely one understanding woman, because I don't know the woman that's gonna find out you got thirty bank accounts and you got seven houses, and you got an Ostrich jacket that didn't nobody know about, and she not on camera clowning, I mean, just just straight acting or fool what she find out you got how many? Because you know, whenever they you know, sometimes women can't hear they know they know what you said, but they can't hear you got dirty bank account in the right time, I'm sure. And countries, yeah, around the world. Yeah, she is so understanding, because I I don't think I know the woman I ever met that would be that understanding if you haven't seven houses. So you got seven So you got seven houses. That's paid, Yeah, get paid in full? Yeah yeah, Well maybe she'll do thirty of these banks, Jane, thirty of them, man, thirty different credit cards right there. That's thirty different credit cards. You do know that. Wow, that's a dream right there. I love that. Yeah, we can handle that. You think y'all think it was something useless that he bought with all that money? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that jacket, k But once he bought a lot of that stuff and seen on TV. When you got that much money, you didn't boute some of that stuff. He got my copper copper pots. I bet he did his whole front yard. One side is big, gigantic chia pitts. You he ro. He got seven houses in the backyard. He got seven bouncy houses in the back I love it. I love it. He gotta he got above ground pools everywhere. Man, But there ain't no way you're gonna have an Ostrich jacket and not going on and try to get you an armor della jacket. It just seems right. You gotta hang him next to each you know what I mean, your wildlife closet. You know that monkey French Montana got metaphor got fifty they drive. But Temmy, I wanted to ask you back to the Ostrich jacket for a moment. Where do you get a jacket like that? I told you before, girl, Australia, du you go where the Ostriches are? Sure, it just makes sense, actually said Austria. But it's all good. Changed. Yeah, they changed Austria Australia. If it sounds like that, that's where the austri And they also come in socks pot belt. Yeah, but you don't stop there. You got the belt us just flying guy. Yeah, I betcha Paul Manaforth the on the whole purple rained outfit. Prince was And y'all remember Bubbles, that your right? Uh he lived with Paul, not Tommy Bubba Bubba baby Bubba's baby. Okay. He had a bunch of them long jacket suits with the wide pan. Ye don't judge him on his fashion sense. He's got the money for it. But one thing, he's not getting born. They did not let him get in his headcale products in jail at all. He got the elephant man bones, you know, he got buying crazy stuff with all his money to prison for not paying taxes. Yeah, well they'll get a pardon from the President. Ward. Well he's gonna happy. Yeah he might, he might. Alright, guys, we gotta get out of here. Thank you, it's been a great day. We love you. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye bye. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot. You're listening to the same Harvey Morning Show.