R. Kelly, Mayor Goodman, Carla's Reality Update, Sheryl Underwood and more.

Published Apr 23, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We need your undivided attention. Uncle Steve is feeling inspired and find out why right here. The Chief Love Officer speaks about blended families. R. Kelly's second attempt to be released has been denied. Sports Talk with Junior covers Gronk, Tampa Bay and the NFL Draft. Mayor Goodman of Las Vegas said some insensitive things while talking with Anderson Cooper. Sheryl Underwood is begging for forgiveness from Junior and she also has her opinion on Mayor Goodman in Las Vegas, plus more. Miss Carla covers the season finale of Real Housewives of Atlanta in Reality Update. Are Common and Tiffany Haddish an item? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us to use common sense!

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Today's show is pre recorded, y'all know what time. I don't know, y'all a suit looking back down, giving them like theming buck things in it not good to mother. I don't joining. You gotta use turning. You gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out to turn the water. The water go. Come come on your baby now, uh huh, I sure will A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, okay, here's what I want to share with you. Stop complaining. So I had to let you see how I let that one sit for a second. Stop complaining. Do you realize without us even thinking about it, oftentimes we just complain about stuff and it comes up in such subtle forms. Man, I don't know why they're still letting that lady work there. Man, if they don't fire this woman, man, I don't know what I'm gonna do. She driving me. She always got something to say. I bet to day though, the way I'm feeling right now, I bet she'd been not saying nothing to me today. M yeah, yeah, because day it today it I'm sick of her running her mouth. Last time she says something to me, I should have said something to it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just giving you a small example of how it starts to snowball. Once you start to complain, It's it just carries over into so many things. Man, Stop complaining about your call, Stop complaining about your bus pass, Stop complaining about your kids can't seem to get it together, Stop complaining about your man can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining. Stop Have you noticed? I'm just asking, have you noticed that in all of your complaining, it has provided not one solution. The reason I'm telling you to stop complaining because God is able. Because God is capable. He is capable and able of fixing anything, capable and able of curing anything, capable and able of allowing you to get too adjusting to things, and capable and able to strengthen you to get through and change anything. But the key here is God is capable, and God is able. A lot of times I find myself complaining because I have not used my greatest asset and my relationship with God. You all have one now. You may not have nurtured it, but you have one because God created you as you as his child. He's available to you now. The fact that you ain't went to him. Okay, once again, who fathers that? Stop complaining until you strengthen your relationship with God and formulate this relationship. You don't have enough weapons. You ain't got a big enough shield to fight this thing called life. It just keeps coming. Man, And unless you develop a relationship with God, you need a partner in all of this. Maybe you got another route you're gonna take. But every successful person I know personally has a relationship with God. I have some really really some people pople that's kind of up there in the success term in terms of business and money and statue. I'm just talking about that portion of success. And then I have a lot of people who are very successful in their spiritual life, who have become great men of God and women of God. But look at all of them, and all of them have substantial amounts of you know, possessions and things like that. Also, most successful people I know have that even if you saw them never with a big lot of house and a lot of money or stuff like that, they had so much respect, so much love, so much power was given them from people that their life was rich in that area, you know, like a man Nu the King or something like that, or Gandhi or somebody who lived their life in service, or Nelson Mandela who came out and just man, people put stuff at their feet because of their service. So all successful people I know have that, Every last one of these people that I know, they have relationship with God. They used the tool that was available to them to give them the strength, the bullets, the arrows, the slings, the shield to fight this thing called life and have the most valuable partner right there by their side. They heavily father God because he will help you get through this thing called life. Man, stop complaining all the time. It's not fixing anything. Why don't you do yourself a favor and strengthen your relationship with God? Man? Why can I never get over? Well you have not because you asked not. Man, how come I always got problems? Well, you keep trying to solve them yourself and taking them to your friends. You keep trying to do them with your own thought process. Who are you? I keep telling you, man, you're going through stuff you ain't got no business going through. And if it's you going through something over and over and over and over, and the same problem keep coming back to bite you again. All that's saying is you still ain't strengthen your relationship with God. It's your relationship. He's not gonna make you have one with him. He is a perfect gentleman. He only comes into your life when you invite him in. But for those who do invite him, men, they have a distinct advantage on their road to success, a distinct advantage. You can do it without him, trust me, you can. How far you get. I can't promise you nothing, how well you handle it when you arrived there, I can't promise you nothing, how long you're gonna stay there, I can't promise you nothing. How difficult it's going to be without him. I can't give you that. It's going to be far more difficult. But you can. Something can happen, and you know, receive a measure of success. And you think you and this this move you made, and you can describe it as I got lucky. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I got lucky. Lucky is usually how other people describe other people's success. Poor he was lucky, he was right there. Well, let me tell you what luck is. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. If you've been working hard as something, an opportunity presents itself that comes a match. That's not luck. But now, if you haven't done that on a repetitive enough basis, that opportunity could present itself one time. You got to reconnect. Stop complaining, man, come on, listen to me. Stop complaining. It hasn't fixed a single thing in your life. And if your chronic complainer, it's because you really really have not fixed your relationship with God. He's smooth it out for you. That I can tell you for a fact. I know that for a fact He's mooved mine out. All right, let's go. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, let me have it. I need you undivided attention. I got it for you. The show shows the greatest morning show on planet Earth by nine. I bet it is. I know it is. I believe it is. It probably is. Show enough is, ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, it is it is. I Concur Good morning, Steve, oh Calor Pharrell, good morning, what's up? Crew? Hey? Steve? That dog gone junior boy. Morning everybody, ladies and gentlemen. Nephew, Tommy, do bad, Yes, do bad. That's how you started off right there. Let the ignorance begin. Brag it up, h man. You know, I was been watching Chris Chromo on Chris Cuomo on CNN, and he's inspired me. Man, I'm gonna do my radio show from the basement. Oh yeah, Send somebody over here and get all this stuff rigged up. I'm moving down in my damn basement due my show. But you know why he's down there. Yeah, I don't. I don't want the virus, Okay, I just want to basement. Yeah. Yeah, But let's let's let's open this up through what's in the basement? What's in Yeah, tell everybody what's dying a basement? Man? Ain't it a golf ciming? Later down here coming hate, pick up the basement. Hate, don't tell her what a golf simulator? That girl simulated pro shop dying? Then you you buy clothes from yourself. You gotta as fire. He got a pro shop down there, it's healed. He going in buy stuff from him out. I ever seen its cold, man? He on one side of the count of that bate it out. Then he taking money. I support the sport cold that has a store, have a store in your house. Everything in your size with tags on the short nothing tags. He got a security man too. You can't spend it. You can't do none of that. Go out. Let me see your bad. I look at the shirt. I looked at the shirt. Put it right back down. Why because you can't afford it? Everybody through, y'all having a good time. Yes, it's just fun. It's just fun. We're tees. Yes, why, thank you Jesus? Amen? Amen? Amen again? And when you get on the elevator, I mean floor down is it to get to the basic motet elevator hate you are pleased? It's all right. We are all blessed just to be here. Ah good. He loves us all the same, He don't. He definitely don't love me no more. That's right. But I do go to him with quite large request though. But he can do it. Though, he can do it, he has done it, and you can do it. Yeah, that's who you want to go to, all right? Coming up, asked the CLO that's coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, Chief Love Officer in the building. Right after this, Steve Harvey, you're listening to Steve Morning Show Time now for ask the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Ready, CLO got it right here. This one is from Linda in Florida. She says, I've been married for five years together. My husband and I have five kids. My kids live with us, and his kids live with his ex wife. When his kids come to visit, he treats them like they are royalty and buys them expensive gifts. My kids don't ever get praised by him, and he never buys them anything. He has told me that they have a daddy for all of that. We are in constant turmoil over this, and our marriage is stressful. What should I do? That's a good one. Well, I think he's making a huge mistake here in that they have a daddy for that, Because when you marry a woman, women who have children, it's a package. If you're not willing to be good as good to the children as you are to the wife, then you shouldn't marry this woman. It's not her fault, and it's definitely not the children's fault. The children are are thrown into this situation because of a decision. You ask this woman to marry you, and now you want to treat hers like they're not yours. If you didn't want all of her, then you should have left her where she was. So you're gonna have to sit him down and explain to him how that makes you feel. And then when he goes they have a daddy for all of that, then your response should be yes. But they also thought they had you also, And see, you've got to appeal to a man. Now. This man has got to have some conversations with some other men that's in these blended family situations so he can understand his share of responsibility. You have a responsibility to all children that's under your care, not just the ones you made. That's petty. It's beyond petty. And I know he tried to play Disney Dad when his kids come over because he don't live with him, But it's got to be it's you've got to make her children, and he should make your children feel just as love. Love don't have to be buying something, but he's got to spend some time. And you know, look, man, that's just not the way it goes. Pardoning. He's in a bad place right there. And he's got to understand. But until he comes in, don't understand. Well, you want to say something showing no, No, you're you're you're dead on with this one. You nailed it, you really did. No, I don't. I don't like that in men, you know this is not how this works. Brother, Sorry, manhood accompasses all things. Anonymous in Raleigh, North Carolina, says, I'm a twenty seven year old married man and I love my wife, but I have a problem with an older lady or a side piece. The lady is fifty one and we've been having sex for five years. When I got married two years ago, the lady begged me to keep having sex with her, but I refused. Lately, the stress of being home with my wife is getting to me, so I started sexting with the lady and she facetimes me when she's bathing. I miss her body and I'm about to explode. But I would never cheat on my wife. Does sexting make me a bad husband? Is it bad? Is it as bad as cheating? You got this yes some of three ways. YEA. Morally yes, it's as bad. According to your wife, it would be damn near the same thing. According to men, it ain't the same thing. Probably nobody has jewel. So, dog, I don't know what to tell you. Man, you've been on you just stayed away for five years. He's twenty seven, she's fifty one steven. You don't even say it's a yeah, yeah, she didn't done some things to him, that's you know, he can't even forget he grown woman. Yeah, he says, I missed her body and I'm about to explode over the pictures all in his phone. Sure, he keeps going through all right. He in trouble on that one right there, Dog, I would say, man, again, he's got to stop taking those calls. That ain't gonna happen. You know what's on the other end of the call. Well, he's if he wants to not cheat on his wife, he's gonna have to stop. Yeah, but he don't want to, right see, he don't want to. Kno, he's asking me, is this as bad? He says, I'm about to explode, But I would never cheat on my wife. He can you it, Shirley. You know how many men to said that? Yeah? I mean, I don't know, but I'm sure. And he twenty seven number he twenty seven? He got real, he got real problem. All right, He's gonna had to stay away from this woman because you go back and you start sexing up. That's it. Yeah, he going, y'all. He beat there so much, this virus lift through, this virus live. He over there. Uh clo A secret in Tessa Lusa. I'm a fifty three year old married woman and my man and I met six years ago when he moved to my hometown. I've always had a problem with how well he gets along with his ex wife and how much she calls him. Friday, he was washing his car and she called. I answered his phone, and she asked who who I was and why was I answering his phone. I told her I was his wife, and she had no idea that he was remarried, and she hung up. I asked him why he was hiding me, and he said she didn't need to know about me. Uh, Steve be hiding me from his ass him, Malaya, I don't know why he's had you from his wife demand and got remarried. Why are you answering his phone because I'm his wife? She he never told me he had gotten re married. I don't know why. I don't I don't know, man, I don't didn't want to do that so he could keep getting over that going over there. Yeah, because they got something going on, all this damn talking. But that's stupid though. You know that's gonna run out. You know she's gonna find that out. That's not play a player. That's just no, I ain't play a player, dog. But you'd be surprised. How stupid me? And if Tommy, Oh no, no, I'm sorry. I take that back. You shut up. I know stupid when I see it. You stopped to know. That's why I shouldn't said that. I apologize and be like me talking about you don't know how hard it is to dunk of basketball and I don't. I'm sorry, Tommy, I said, you have no idea how stupid men can be hot with hell, he don't. All right, we gotta move on. Coming up right after this, the nephew run that break back you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour and entertain aim at news. Miss Anna's standing by with today's COVID nineteen update and some national news as well. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for us. Now, your barbecue ain't right. Okay, your barbecue. You told somebody it ain't right. That's running trying to reach Gerald. Yeah, this Jill who's calling? Man? Hey Gerald, This this is Calvin. Man. You um you live a couple of blocks over for me. Man, I've been, I've been. I just want to reach out to you. One of the neighbors gaming your number, man, and uh, I just want to tell you I don't want to know. I'm sorry. I don't want to do subscriptions and nothing. Brother, I might aso to cut you off right now. Oh whatnot no subscriptions? You're calling my subscriptions something? No, no, no, no, I'm a neighbor, ma, Man, I'm I'm I'm just a couple of blocks over from you. No, I got your number form one of the neighbors I was. I was calling to let you know. I've been smelling you. I've been smelling your barbecue, man, That's what I was calling about. Oh yeah, man, you you've been grilling every day, seemed like over there, I've been smelling the smoking the are you you you over there putting it down? Huh? I mean I think thank you for the compliment, but um, yeah, I mean now you said, I mean I had nothing else to do but cook, you know, and the times I mean I might ask you, well, I'm good at you know who who gave you my number? Though? Uh it's a down on your street? Uh last name Edwards. I can't remember to do first now I call him Edwards. I think he lives on your street. I'm not sure. So what you what you when you cooking? Smooth? Man? I could I burned a little bit at you know. That's and that's why I call it like like you know, from one barbecue brother to nothing. I'll just reaching out, I said, Man, it's burning over there, so you're putting it in? Man? What are you've been cooking since? Since since we've been locked down, I mean, you know, I've kind of been, you know, experiment a little. I've been doing some uh you know, doing some some different woods, uh, cherry, you know, I kind of nixed it in a little bit of hickory, you know, kind of pills are what I'm cooking, whether it's some fish just you know, chicken, I mix it up every now and then. Sometimes I have legally been experimented with this mesquite yeah, I mean the sleeve that just fall off the boat. No, every day about after four or three. Yeah, that's that's what I've been smelling. The smoke because you're smoke. You're smoke coming to my yard. You know, I'm I'm I'm two blocks over when you'll smoke carrying a good distance man. But yeah, but it's all rights, all right. But I've been soaking my chips and all that stuff. I mean, you know, I've been just trying some new techniques. You know, crazy, Yeah, let me crazy. No, it ain't got me going crazy, to be completely honest with you, it's kind of got me up. You and you'll meet up so damn bad dog that I'm sitting there smelling this shoe and I'm trying to figure out what are you doing? You know you you soaking this, you're using cherry. Hey, man, if you ain't putting no no pecan or no oaking there, it's now you're you're a dude on the grill that don't know what you're doing. And that's my why you got cuts at mell me out because all you you you from a real barbecue man. You don't know what the you're doing. And that's that's the whole I am. I've been in competitions talking about a real barbecue, ain't it. I mean I didn't it ain't no way You've been in no damn competition for no barbecue. Dog, not with the I'm smelling. Man. Look, I talked to you because I'm bored, and you just gonna start cutting at me. I'm talking about my Hey, how you know what it is? You haven't even I can. I can smell it. I can smell a wood in the air, and no and know what's right or what's wrong, smell good? And did you just come out of nowhere? Custom? I mean, I knew we're all going crazy right now. But no, hey man, hey man, listen, hear what I'm gonna I'm gonna gonna say this. You ain't gonna cut that, Okay, cool? Cool, I ain't gonna cust no more cool, But let me say this. Don't put nothing else on that. Don't put nothing else on that grill. I swat teeth for at least some more. I don't want to smell your smoke. No mo dog, you're gonna tell me with the two you don't even know me like that. You're just gonna have to smell it. I mean, you're just saying I'm two blocks o and I'm tired of smelling your smoke. I'm tired of smelling it. You don't know what you're doing. Don't put nothing else on that pit for at least another money. I don't know what to tell you. If I'll put some rotten tomatoes on there and I want to smoke, you're gonna smell it. How about that? Man? Okay, man, talk no, no, no, no no, I'm bored out of my mind. You calling me talking because because you got the smoking add a smell like you don't know what you're doing. I do know what I'm doing. Have you tasted it? I don't want to taste it. I don't want my sut off the bone. I've been experiment Okay, okay, I did put some apple sauce, see that right there? What the kids that you did? What with some apple sauce? Hey, man, don't put you okay, I'm gonna send you some YouTube videos. You can learn how to bobeque because you're gonna quit the neighborhood up. Dog, don't tell me what to do. They don't sit right with me. I ain't got no job right now, you're telling me what to do. I ain't got the house and you're just gonna tell me what to do if your food is tight? While are you wasting it on the bottom? Just quick? No, no, I'm trying to figure out how to stop your ass from cooking. Man, I'm doing what no cooking out on your grill and everybody got the smells and that we know ain't being cook right. I'm a barbecue man. I know what I'm doing. You don't, and it bothers me. So that's why I got your number. You got a sauce with what competition you want? I don't have to be in no competitions. Everybody come to get my barbecue? Who that the bombs? No? I ain't no people? Okay, hey man, hey man, listen, let let's finish this this way. If you put something else on the grill, I'm gonna come around there. Whoop your ass. You ain't how about that? Maybe it's just my damn it's calling me with this bull Hey man, hey, this this nephew. Tell me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your cousins good sauce. This your cousin, Your cousin tray got me to Frank you man, that mother came over here gotta play. Yesterday they were in the corner snicking with my eyes just for nothing. I'm gonna tell you right now. He no, he ain't allowed over here at all. He ain't allowed over here, hate all, no more. We didn't socially distance his ass hashtagging in the front and the back. Hey, man, you gotta tell me this right here, right here, right now, Gerald, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, come brother, the Steve Harvey Morning Show man with this nine shit about the sauces. You know, man, the dude was pretty cool, man, he said, you know what it is, I'm just really bored out, my damn so I got time for this here. The whole thing was he was entertaining it because it ain't nothing else to do, right up, hung up, brother, Hold on, if you call him by a subscription, let me stop you right here. Scription. Okay, let me just top you right here. Okay, you what now? Nice? He was cool, but the lot he was cool. You ain't gonna you know, I'm gonna come out now and poop your ass. You ain't gonna see now, Oh, man. That's right, boy, you ain't gonna do NJ it jumped off yesterday the TNJ Stay at Home Coronavirus Comedy show Man. Oh my god, me and J acting so stupid. We got great comedians coming on and we just got some funny bits we keep dropping in, so you gotta tune into its. Go to my YouTube channel. It is the Nephewtimmey exp the Nephewtimey Experience and check us out. We're doing it all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up at the top of the our Entertainment and National news. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, it strike two for our Kelly, a second attempt to get released early from jail due to fears of COVID nineteen has failed. Previously, the judge noted that there were no confirmed COVID nineteen cases at Metro Correctional Center in Chicago at the time of ours first request. Since then, things have changed, and a federal judge acknowledged the coronavirus has hit the facility. But Our Kelly's lawyers didn't make a strong enough case that he is uniquely at risk to contract the coronavirus. The judge also wasn't swayed by the argument that Kelly isn't a flight risk because he's showed up for scheduled court appearances. Plus he's facing serious charges like witness tampering. Uh. Robert promised to stay off social media and where a GPS monitor at home? But wow, you don't want you to be at home? Yes, but the judge said, given the current crisis, law enforcement resources are too stretched to monitor a defendant with a history incentive and opportunity to interfere with potential witnesses. Wow, right now? So no, no, yes, Robert, just wash her hands like everybody shut up, Robert. Yeah, nobody trying to hear that. Twenty seconds Robert, So this was attempt number two? Wow? No, all that long motion. You could be a flight risk. You could witness tampering all of that. No, and no, and you could come back again. No. And finally, an entertainment news a big shout out to be Et for partnering with United Way Worldwide last night on Beet with Stars Studied Evening starring DJ Kalett, Charlie Wilson, Chance The Rapper, Tiffany Hattish, Anthony Hamilton, Ella May, Kelly Rowland, Regina Hall, and Kirk Franklin. There were just a few of the celebrities who did virtual appearances and musical performances on beet Save Ourselves. It was a benefit for African American communities impacted by COVID nineteen. Wow. Wow, that was star studed. Yeah nice Charlie Wilson and Hamilton Franklin. Folks. Yeah, yeah, save Ourselves. Yeah, I missed that. M Yeah, well you know I missed it. So yeah, so y'all don't tell me that. Y'all got to tempt to remind me, you know, because man, I'll just be doing stuff. But hopefully this will be an underman. I'll catch it on there. But you know what, man, since I've been in that line, I haven't really been watching TV. Yeah. Yeah, outside in the store, I mean, you know, we live in a neighborhood where you could walk. There's no sidewalks, but you know it's you know, it's not a lot of traffic, so yeah, it's like nice lot of trees. Man. So we do a lot of walking, you know, Like today I do too cardio sessions today. Oh cool? Yeah, to car you how long are the first ones fifty eight minutes. I did that before I came in this morning, and then the one I'll do tonight to be forty five. That's a lot of time. Hey, let me just take it from here, y'all. Hey, listen up, everybody, It's time for the news. Miss A and Trip. Okay, thank you very much, Steve, This is and Trip with the news. According to the latest coronavirus numbers, I know you want to hear them, worldwide infections have now surged past the two and a half million mark. Though many people have recovering, we need to say that. And the international death toll is about one hundred and eighty thousand people have lost their lives this year. Nationally, there are eight hundred this is our this country, eight hundred and thirty seven thousand, nine hundred and forty seven cases of coronavirus and about forty six thousand, four hundred and ninety deaths now. While George's Republican Governor Ryan kempis being roundly criticized for opening businesses up tomorrow, Governor Andrew Cuomo says New York State's new coronavirus infection and hospitalizations are declining, but while he's working on plans to gradually reopen things here. A governor says that he needs to be careful and not political. We make a bad move, it's going to set us back. We can't make a bad decision. I get the pressure, but we can't make a bad decision. This is no time to act stupidly. I don't know how us to say it. Colomo says that the goal is to create a ramped up testing and that the state can do that and also to develop a contract tracing program with neighboring New Jersey in Connecticut. So he's going to do that and take his time and do it slowly. In Wisconsin, at least seven people have contracted the COVID nineteen virus after taking part in that recent court ordered in person marimary election. Remember, the Democratic governor wanted it to be a write in election, but the Republican legislature over rules said no, no, we want them to come in person. And then they went to court and a right wing conservative judge asided with the Republicans, so people had to come out in person against Six voters and one poll worker have now been infected. Tyson Foods is suspending operation at its large park processing plant in Iowa after a bunch of workers tested positive there for the coronavirus. The mayor of the town Waterloo criticized Tyson for still running of their operation. The plan in question processes over nineteen thousand hogs a day. That closure, as well as the shutdown of several other meat processing plants, expected to seriously damage financially the nation's farmers, and effects apply to grocery stores. The Congressional Black Caucus has officially endorsed Joe Biden for president. The CBC is unanimously supporting him, coming after Biden already being received the endorsements of civil rights legend Congressman John Lewis of Atlanta. Of course, President of Obama endorsed him. Starting next week, Air Canada is to suspend all flights to the US for thirty days because of the coronavirus, suspensions beginning on April twenty six and ending and resuming rather a May twenty second top official in charge of developing vaccines for this country says he was removed from his post because he resisted President Trump pushed to offer untested drugs as a treatment for COVID Night teen. He is suing and today is English language day rain in Spain's day's namely enough play that's right, make sure you get it right. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Junior is here with junior sports talk. Okay, Junior, let's go. Yeah, well, surely a lot happening right now. We have a lot of sports talking. I mean this just some sports talk. Just just something I heard. It's just something I heard. Uh. In the NFL, former New England Patris Tidy and Rob Groun Cowsey came out of retirement yesterday. The joint quarterback Tom Brady in Tampa Bay Wi. Yeah and p books Yeah with the Tampa man by Brady working. Yeah, he down there working man. So him in Brady reunited. Uh, and they're secuting for a fourth round pick. In return, Tampa's taking a gronk f to his final year. They're gonna pay his nine million dollars contract. He come out of time and then get naught and right off the top man that man ten Yeah. Yeah, so you know, and also you don't forget tonight. I'm telling you now because you miss b T I'm telling that the draft tonight or whatever. That's gonna look like we're gonna have the draft. I'm supposed to be on the draft. You're gonna be on the draft? What do you mean I'm supposed to be. My comments on the Browns pick. They picked ten ten now, so stay calm, see I'm not If you don't want what I got, don't don't ask me, don't don't come on, don't go off. Man. Oh if you pick somebody out or the gentlemen that the Cleveland Browns picked Harold Carter? Who is we picked who? That's right? When they cut to you, No, he ain't on Man Copper draft? For what the hell is Harold Stephen got to give Harold a chance? Yeah, the chance. We can't afford chance this Cleveland. We got to get to the playoffs this year. I don't want to hear all all the eight and eight Hell no, yeah, play offs. It's gonna be that's big, right the man? Yea, they got him man Tampa back. Ye buster would be a draft with on the night to all weekend long to support COVID nineteen belief efforts with Kevin Harp and Dion sanders Man, they're doing something, prime time, prime gonna be in even prime at all. The draft probably so cool that the draft man. But he knows what he talking about. He he does, he does. I love Kevin, but I don't think he knows a damn thing about football like you love Brown. Might he might have played in school? Think he might? What Kevin might have played? What played? What? Tommy is a short term to Tommy? You know good in here will Kevin ain't played no game football? Okay? Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, Las Vegas mayor, Boy, she had a lot of craziness to say, didn't she Yesterday? She says it's time to reopen. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to show. Okay. All week we've been talking about Georgia. We've been talking about Tennessee and South Carolina. Well, now possibly Texas is getting ready to reopen. And it's not just the South. Okay, it's not just the South. Give the South a break because we can go out west and talk to a Las Vegas talk about Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman. She said it is time to open the casinos. Take a listen to Vegas Mayor Goodman's interview with Anderson Cooper from CNN. I mean, you're talking about encouraging hundreds of thousands of people to come to Las Vegas. I get the financial losses people are stuffing, which is awful, but you're encouraging I mean hundreds of thousands of people coming there in casinos, smoking, drinking, touching slot machines, breathing circulated air, and then returning home to states around America and countries around the world. Doesn't that sound like a virus? Petrie dish me, how is that what it sounds like? You're being an alarmist. I'm not. I've lived a long life. I grew up in the heart of Manhattan. I know what it's like to be with subways and I'm buses and into elevators. I think you are by saying what you have just said, so you don't believe there should be any social distancing. You don't believe that this is I believe there should be. Of course, how do you do that in a casino. That's up to them to figure out. I don't own a casino. Oh you go tell me that ain't trump, sister, that's got to be here. I'm like amazed. You know what's shocking to me. These are elected leaders, leader official Kemp. They elected Kemp, they elected this woman, they elected Donald Trump. These are elected people. People went in there and voted for these people. And when you hear this as a person which supposed me common sense, how the hell does this make sense to you? No one on this show loves and does Vegas like me. Right, If you don't think I want to go to Vegas, you are sadly mistaken. But if you opened it Friday, you won't see Steve Harvey ass out there because because you know why, America is listen to me, irregardless as to what this president said, America, we've tested more people. That's not true. That's not true. Anybody can get a test. That's not true. Testing sites are available to every American. That's not true. The peal that they thought was gonna work. More people that they gave a peal to die from coronavirus than they didn't give it to. And there isn't a vaccine vaccine, and we haven't flattened the curved. Why the hell would I go outside for what? And she just like this fool and uh uh, this governor of at A, Georgia. Man, please what's wrong with these people? Yeah, Vegas man Carolina. But the I will say, the governor of Nevada is not agreeing with Oh no, he said. She's like, no, that's like the governor in Atlanta and uh, the governor of Georgia and the mayor of Atlanta there there they have different opinions as well, right, the direct opposite of what was happening in Nevada. Yes, this fool and opened up Georgia. The man in Nevada said it can't happen. The mayor of Atlanta says, this is not wise for us to go out right now. The mayor of Vegas come out. But when I looked at her, she said, he said, would you sit there and gout? Anderson, I don't gamble, you don't care that for them to figure out what But the picture of the day was Anderson taking his glasses off. He said, I can't here. Then they elected her. Yea man, that was crazy. Yeah, do we have time to hear that one more time? No, it's too long. Coming up and next coming up, next, nephew in the building with today's praying phone call, that's right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject She's taken care of, but I'm not. She's taken care of, but I'm not. Okay, we'll get into that, but right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us, nep Well, surely call. Y'all been going through it, you know. Sometimes when I hear what you're going to do, I use that day's tidally is pop up pedicure. Oh, pop up pedicule. Oh, going to be stupid, y'all check this out. Come on. Kay. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Dana. Please, yeah, this is what's up? Hi, Dana. UM, I am calling. We're trying to get a um uh schedule an appointment with you. Your husband has purchased you a pedicure uh pedicure spot, so we wanted to get see what date, if Saturday would work for you. Um, my husband wanted to book pedicre for me. I'm I'm I'm actually good right now. I'm gonna wait un til i'm ready, But thank you very much. But no, this is a this is a this is a pop up pedicure. And what we do is we actually cool. Yeah, we come to your house. We have gloves and we have masks on and you you stick your foot out the door and we're going to disinfect everything your foot. You're talking about putting my foot out the door. Yeah, so just for safety, you stick you I'm sorry. My name is Milton with Precious Pop Up Pedicure. We do pedicure as we go around because we know a lot of people can't get out. So you know, we're small business. We're just trying to stay afloat right now. So that's but your husband called in about you know, he called us. He wanted to get an appointment for you. And but we come to your house and when you stick your leg out, we'll do the pedicure. And then you stick the other leg out and we'll do that one Melton, honey, tweetheart. And I know you've seen a lot of feet and you've done a lot of toes and hands. And then me tell you something. The I'm gonna put my feet out the window. First of all, Well, whichever's convenient, the window of the door. I don't care what it is. If I'm going to get my feet done. I'm gonna have my dump my feet done in a chair inside and I would be I'd be out of my head if I put my feet out the window. People don't see my feet out the window. That is crazy and I'm coming correct as as a businesswoman woman to a man, Milton, I suggest you just you tell her that back in maybe you could do some some buy me and advanced pettigars like that from my feet? Are you tragile beautiful to be putting out there? Well, well there there's lives the problem man, And if you don't mind your your husband, Kelvin is the one that called and he's the one that says that your feet look a mess. So that's why we're calling. He's the one that booked the appointment for you. You know what, My feet are beautiful. And again Milton, you know they are they beautiful now? Since you've been in I'm sorry, use me? Are you Are you the person who should be telling me that? That's kind of my husband who I will have a conversation with after this conversation. So I guess my question is, man, you're seeing your feet are beautiful, but are they beautiful now since they you've been locked up for a month. So I mean, evidently you. Evidently your feet are scaring your husband because he's the one calling saying, oh my god, I gotta get my wife's feet done. My feet are gorgeous, tweetheart. Okay, they're beautiful, the supple, the beautiful that's got a beautiful tone of caramel to them. They shine at the sunshine. Whether they're policed or not. My husband will love them whether they're painted clips. Well, I don't think your husband loves them because he called us. Obviously, Milton, you're not thinking, and I think you need to check with your wife, Wendy. Do you know that there's no reason you should ever have this conversation with a grown woman about her feet, is what her husband says. I don't know you, and I'm trying to be as polite as possible. You will not be stepping into my window, are you crazy? I'm not gonna come in your window. You just stick your foot out of the window of the door, whichever one is convenient for you. Okay, it's not that hard. It's gonna fifteen twenty minutes and we're done. Oh no, no, no, no, you are not getting business fifteen or twenty minutes. Do you know how much time it takes to get up? You're done? You know this is well, this is a pop up. It's a pure pop down. You're gonna be driving through with spree wos at this point, I'm not taking that. No, no, no, no no. And I'm having a conversation with my husband to never call you again. And I do suggest that you have a conversation with Wendy, who I don't know, but I think she would agree with me. Twenty ten minutes is not long enough. My feet are beautiful, and don't ever call me again and tell me that you think, for some reason that because my husband told you that they were bad feet or I needed to get a pedicure, that you have the right to tell me that you don't know me. And if you do ever come by my house, I swear to God I will stick my foot up your phone and don't ever ever trying to bring that up to me again. Don't call my house. Well, this is what this is what Calvin told us. Ma'am okay, Levin told me what you are not supposed to tell a woman that life. I said, I'm done, I'm okay, But you do you want do you want to know what else Kelvin? Do you want to know what else Kelvin told us to do? Do you want to know what else Kelvin told us to do? No? I don't. Okay, okay, but can I just can I just please tell you what else Kelvin told us? Seconds then I'm hanging up. Okay, this is a moment of true Kelvin gave us a call. He gave me a call me nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey More on the show. He told me the prank phone call his wife. No, I'm serious? Are you serious? Yo? You know what sweetheart? You're you are so on car right now because if this had actually been the fruit, I would have been throwing my husband out the door. Excuse my frankiness. First, How are how are you doing? I mean not gonna have you on the phone. Can we have at heart? Because I love you? We can have a heart to heart. How you doing? How are you doing? How are you doing? Doing this this whole pandemic? How you doing? I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm you know, my feet are looking good. But I've been listening to you on the dayly and thank you your voice there we go. I appreciate I've been saying up to beat and everything. You've been putting a smile on my face every day. Um, I feel like there's a new life here now. You know, thinks are great. I love me from Calvin. Let me tell you that I love you too. I appreciate Hey twenty twenty, come on, let the nephew know. What's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. There's nothing better than the Seed Harvard Morning Show, the Banks showing the man. Hey, Seed, Well, I'm just trying to help you know what I'm saying. She didn't give a damn yeah if you she said, if you come by here, I ain't sticking my foot out the dough. I'm gonna stick my foot straight up here my own pedicure. But she loves Steve Harvey more than show. Everybody know. I love y'all listening every morning, y'all getting us to do all of this, So big ups to you, love y'all. Man. She's gonna get that pedicule soon or later, but she will not be using to pop up pitticull. Don't it sound like a good business to me? Call just stick your foot out the dough. You ain't got you ain't gotta see me, I ain't got to see shoot that foot out there. Let me hey, let me tell you what else I started doing, y'all. Hopefully y'all all liked this. I started doing this. I reached out to some of the radio stations around them, you know, around the country that Steve Harvey Morning Show was on. I got some phone numbers from from some of our biggest fans, and I started doing a wellness check and just reaching out to people. No prank phone call, none of that, Just Tommy reaching out seeing Steve Harveys Morning Show. We love you, we miss you, Keith, stay safe, stay in the house. YadA, YadA, YadA. So if you would like for Tommy to give you a wellness check, hit me up Thomas Miles dot com go where you can submit a prank phone call on my website and just put wellness check. I'm gonna reach out to you. I ain't pranking you. I'm just saying hello and let you know Steve Harvey Morning Show, we got love for you. I want to hear some of those too. I'm gonna give them to you. I'm loading them up. I'm gonna have them for y'all, promise. Okay, all right, that'll be content. Let's talking. I have to do. We want to hear you. Thank you, Tommy. Up next Strawberry Letters. Subject She's taken care of, but I'm not. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on a relationship, sex, dating, work, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air. You hear that, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggala, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the straw of every letter. Thank you. Nephew's subject She's taken care of, but I'm not. Dear Stephen Shirley, my girlfriend and I have been together for four years and we had a normal relationship, having great sex on the regular until two weeks ago. She started tripping about us having sex and we're not married, but she lives with me, which also goes against the Bible. We were conflicted about it, but she moved in any way. After having sex with her for four years straight, I am doing my best to stop pressuring her for sex. That's hard to do with her lying next to me nude every night. I don't understand how women will practice celibacy when it's convenient to them and base it on religion, but will shack up with a man to allow him to pay all of her bills and the household expense. When she moved into my house, I took over as the man of the house and I never asked her for any financial help. If I jokingly asked her to help out with a bill or buy groceries, she would quote scripture about how man is the provider. Well, I feel like I'm pretty much in an arrangement at this point, and my payment for taking care of everything and stepping up as a man is sex. Since we've been quarantined together, she hasn't received a paycheck, so she's been using my credit cards to shop online. I love her and would never put her out or break up with her because of how selfish she is, but I need to know how to deal with her. We're already acting like we're married, so why is she cutting out sex. I can't go another day without it. Please help? Wow, I can't go another I think you can go another day, but I understand what you say. You can't go another day. Yeah, but you know what your girlfriend in this sense, she can't have it both ways. Okay, She's all the way in with you for four years and then she suddenly cuts you off. I mean people do change. I gotta tell you, people do change. It sounds like she's ready to start something new. She said, you guys weren't married. Have you thought that maybe she wants to stop just living with you and having sex with you and maybe make it legit and become your wife. Maybe she wants you guys to get married. Um, you know something's going on with her, but why only deal with part of the Bible that's convenient for you. I mean, she cuts you off, but still living with you and sleeping naked next to you. All Right, you guys need to have a major conversation about what's going on here because none of this is making sense unless, like I said, she is really trying to get you to marry her or something. But don't be surprised if she stopped sleeping with you all together other and you know, moves out. That may be what she's you know, going to do if you don't take the hint to to you know, to marry her. It sounds like that's what she wants to do, and that's what she's angling towards. I know, you know, you think sex will take care of everything as far as you're concerned, but it sounds like she wants that and and a little more besides your credit cards to shop online with. Steve. Well, this letter is ridiculous. It really is. On a lot of levels. They've got to be young. This is these couple's got to be in their twenties. Man, they have to be I just don't see how this would make any sense any other way because of the way that they both have chosen to go about it. They've been together four years, They've had a normal relationship, they've got great sex on the regular. Until two weeks ago. Now four years, something's been going down a certain way, and then just two weeks ago there's just changed. She started ripping about y'all having sex and not being married, but she lives with me. See, yeah, I don't understand where this is coming from. Not but then I do I really do you live with the man, But now you're tripping because you're having sex and y'all ain't marriage, but y'all living together. See if, if, if you're trying to say it's wrong to have sex before you're married, I understand you're saying that. You also gotta understand that you're moving in without being married would be wrong also, and then you would have to come to terms that it is wrong of you to sleep naked next to this boy every night. See, it's a lot of wrongs going on trying to get to a right situation. Y'all just did it out of order, that's all. And she says that she lives with you and you all are not married, which goes against the Bible. We were conflicted about it, but she moved in anyway. Now after having sex for four years straight, I'm doing my best to stop pursuing her for sex. But that's hard to do with her line next to me nude every night. Little girl, you playing This is an ugly game you playing? Now you know what you're doing. I don't understand how women would practice celibacy when it's convenient to them and base it on religion. But we shack up, but shack up with a man allow him to pay all the bills in the household expenses. When she moved into my house, I took on as a man of the house, and I've never asked her for any financial health. See, y'all doing a lot of little things. That's wrong, y'all. Y'all playing a game without without without setting rules for the game, y'all playing now, when she moved in, you took on the role as the man of the house, and you don't ask cut of help with none of the bills. It must be your house that she moved into. I don't know how that works, and she's allowing you to do that. I don't I'm confused. Maybe I need to go and break over this commercial break and think about this because I'm I'm confused. Yeah, but I bet I won't be when I come back think about it. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour you heard him. He said he's gonna have it together when we come back. Subjects she's taken care of, but I'm not. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve come on, let's recap this rather confusing strawberry letter. Today. She's you've been with this woman for four years. They lived together. They have great sex on the regular two About two weeks ago she started tripping of our head and sex and not being married. But they lived together because that goes against the Bible. If you're talking about what going against the Bible, a whole lot of stuff y'all doing is wrong. We were conflicted about it, but she moved in. Any way, Now, after having sex with her for four straight years, he kind of had a hard time not pressing her for sex because she laying next to him neked every night. Then he don't understand our women practice celibacy when it's convenient for them and based it on religion. But with shock up with a man allowed him to pay all the bills in the household expensive. Now here we go with a party. That got me a little bit confused. When she moved into the house, young dude, say, I took over as a man of the house, and I've never asked her for any financial health Then if you jokingly asked her for help with the bill or by groceries, she would quote scripture about how man is the provider, So I see what's happening here. Here's why I was confused. Oh, y'all just pick out sections of the Bible to live by. Oh see, I was confused, so I thought we was going by the Bible in this letter. Then I found out we was kind of picking out sections. Oh, y'all was conflicted about living together not being married. But you moved in together anyway, and you have had great sex for four years. She started tripping about having a sex because y'all not mad, so she cut the sex off. But she steady climbing in that bed, button neckt laying next to you, button neck it. You don't know how not to pursue her for sex. And now she ain't helping out with the bills or nothing, she said, cause that's the man's responsibility. According to the scripture, the man is the provider. Now, he says, well, I'm pretty much in an arrangement at this point, and my payment for taking care of everything and stepping up up as a man is sex. And see, son, what's she doing now? Is she using the sex as a as a as a as a pawn in the game to try to get what she won't which is marriage, so she can cut the sex off. And since y'all have been quarantined together, she ain't received a paycheck, so she's been using my credit cards to shop online, but she ain't we're not having no sex. Though I love her, would never put out a break up with it because of how selfish she is. Well, that's a good reason to break up with the person, though, young dog, if she's selfish. Now, when does that her selfishness have a cut off or do you know that it has one? Or is it going to get worse? Or is she gonna just remain the same. And the harder you work, the more selfish she becomes. Marriage is a partnership, Dog, is nothing else but a partnership, and you've got to act like partners in the moment. You don't act like partners, that's gonna be a split. But I need to know how to deal with her. Okay, First of all, you can't take my credit cards and just buy I'm the only one working right now. We need a budget and sence, you the man of the house, and you in charge of the finances. According to the scripture that she read, I would take my credit cards and form a budget with them. Sence, you the provider, What does the Bible say about her? So if the Bible got rules for me, and I'm pretty sure it had some for women. So and we're already acting like we're married, So why is she cutting out sex? Well, I hate to introduce you to this concept. Young man's gonna throw y'all go ahead, stew So why she cutting out sex? We already acted like we're married. So why she cutting out sex? Because when you're getting married, they can do it whether they want to or not. That if they don't want to, they're not gonna do it. Now, you can sit over that mad with your arms folded, cover up under or just cross your your your nipples with the arms outside the blanket toes pointing straight up in there. You could be you can hear. You can have that pose in the bed over there doing this head yeah until you go. But you're gonna huff puff your's the sleep party. Because if they don't want to when they're married, and they ain't even gotta explain nothing until you when they're married. Gone, now stop. No, I'm tired. I've been up all day with these kids. I'm tired. I've been a cheerleading practice in blade now. So now, bro, if it's this way now, why would it change after you getting married? I'm curious. Y'all need to start over and do a reset. Maybe she should go home back to a parent's house for wow. Maybe she should, and then y'all start and do a reset. But if you don't get this thing straighten out now, brother, this is gonna get worse and worse because selfish people don't stop being selfish unless it's bought to their attention. That's my response, hanging the dog, hanging their dog? All right? Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, our girl from the Talk Cheryl Underwood. Right after this you're listening, Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. But right now Steve and all the way from the Talk on Cheron Underwood. Hey, Steve Harvey, Hey Carla Shallas Thomas. Hi, Julia, you forgive me? Do you forgive me? Now? You forgive me? Hay Underwood. That doesn't sound like that, don't sound like forget well, okay, hold on, we're gonna put a pin in that. Let me see. I know. I'm I don't want to do it. Against shall describe allis because I don't want him to feel that way as a man. He's a grown man. I should not have spoken to him like that. But speaking of speaking, um, if you are the mayor of Las Vegas, you need to never do an interview with Addison Cooper because you, the may white people look stupid as hell. We own Team Atlanta Mayo. Keisha last Bottom's talking my stay your ass home. That's side of man. I supposed to talk right itself. That's so that tattoo I was gonna get a Junior is my man and I love him so across my behind. We'll have to wait the coronavirus. I will be I will be waiting. Huh Sorry, did y'all hear that? Okay, I'm sorry. Yeah, it's going on my on my booty. As you know, I gotta put I love Junior. He's the only one for me and the only one there will ever be. That's enough room for that time, that much behind. Yeah, I got that much space. I got that much room for him. That's how much if you want to, you know, I don't think I should that. That's close to blast fingers toy about me. It is definitely about me and Junior and why I'm trying to get his forgiveness. But speaking of forgiveness, I'd like to say, everybody need to stop make to make a beef between um Michael, Jordan and Scott and Pippins. They need to stop that. Now. Now I'm back in them days that were back in my go go days days, back to Schott gooscribe me, you and Buddy Sean listen to Yeah I'm gonta stop playing. Yeah baby, that was back. I'm back end the day when that was having let me chase something, Steve Harvey. Back in them days, we used to part and harder. All the clubs we were walking too. It used to be me, uh, Scott and Michael, you know, all the bells we used to all of them used to walk in and they used to say, look Pet yeah oh. They used to say, look, oh, look Patrick Ewing, you are not a part of this team. Carol Underwood. They would say, Patrick, we had, but you're out of part of this team. This is a bulls party. But I love you and George. I'm Patrick. I'm down for the count. All right, Cheryl, we gotta say thank you. We love you. Caroline an update and I'm coming up next at the top of the hour. Right after this you're listening to all right, tell me, come on, let's go. It's that time. It's Thursday, baby, and here we are. She is in reality update with Carl Right, thank you, Oh, thank you, nephew. I don't mean to cut you off. All right, let's get going. Real Housewives of Atlanta season finale. Oh whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. So Candy and Todd they were hosting and planning their big baby shower event. But before the shower, Candy she went to go visit her mom and Mama Joyce told Candy this weird story about how when she was a little girl, somebody stole her lunch money and so from then on she never trusted people again when it came to money. So I think she was trying to drop a hint to Candy that she doesn't trust trust Todd when it comes to Candy's money. Yeah, she could be kind of messy with that kind of stuff. And Todd made up. I know, but it sounds like they're beefing again. So anyway, later Candy Tod all she thanked God Todd came in there and stole some money off her dresser, that she was going grocery shopping during the quarantine. Okay, I'm here, I'm here for you, all right. So anyway, later Candy told her husband Todd that her mom, Mama Joyce, is not coming to their baby shower. Because when Candy and Mama Joyce were at their restaurant, you know Candy and Todd, you know they own a bunch of restaurants, Old Lady Gang restaurants. Anyway, Todd didn't come and speak to them. So Todd said that he didn't feel like being bothered. He had a lot on his mind that day. But Candy was like, you still should have come to the front of the restaurant to say hello. So Todd was like, drama, drama, drama. Keim and Candy were beefing at the shower where he decided. He said he did call his mother in law to apologize for not speaking. So that was that. Do you have an or on that, Steve or anything or Jess, you know, he really didn't feel like going out there that day. You know, Damn, y'all in the restaurant you're eating, you ain't charging you. Now, I got to come out there and kiss your behind too. Damn. I'm back here trying to make this restaurant work. You in here eating free out of compt your meal now high hell, I love or break down, Steve. I love so now Nini and Portia they are back cool. Just in case you were wondering, But the beef is still on between Kenya and Nini. Kenya basically called Ninie a bully and that was all in the blogs. And then Ninie called her friend at the time they were real friends, Wendy Williams, and she, I mean, she dropped some drama tea. I just I couldn't believe the stuff that Nedy was saying to Wendy Williams that she heard that Kenya and Mark weren't actually married and it was a handshake agreement for Kenya and Mark to have their baby. I was like, what in the world, huh? Me was saying some crazy stuff to Wendy that day on the phone. Do you have anything for that? Steve? And I ain't never shook a woman hand, I got seven kids. All right, moving on, there's your oar. So much for that theory. Yeah, I didn't get that at all. Anyway. At the shower, Kenya Nini. They all went to Candy and Todd's baby shower to support and Kenya and Nini they were arguing it was about to pop off. Things calmed down. Got all my money on Niani though if it pop off, it's too much. It was just but at the shower they calmed things down, and Candy and Todd they announced the name of the baby girls. So the family and friends they got a chance to vote on what they were going to actually name their daughter to be in her name. Out of Banks or Blaze. Out of those two. Out of those, she said, out of hell, you name your baby out of Fall. That was a country moment right there, Blaze or Banks. The winner was Blaze. Everybody picked Blaze Tucker, so that's their baby girl's name. And quickly before we run out or Banks? Uh huh, Blaze Tucker. Cynthia and Mike Hills, Yes, but they picked Blaze. But I want to say this to you quickly. Cynthia and Mike Hill have set their wedding date. It's ten ten, twenty twenty. All right, we'll be back at you're listening to show new couple Alert Common and Tiffany Hattish really well. First quarantine together. Okay, she admitted that Tiffany did that. She end Yeah. Yeah, they were quarantined together, and they went on a virtual date courtesy of the dating app Bumble. Uh. Some of the date was posted on social media. Commons sent Tiffany flowers, They danced and ordered food for themselves and the healthcare workers on the front lines, and even commons x to ry gp Henson commented on the virtual dating uh, saying it was admirable. Um, so, Junior, might be time for you to go on a virtual date and get out. You know, let me try that. I'm gonna figure out how are we going about doing anything. We'll just called Cheryl. Let me see what you do. Right then, But you had told us before, Junior. You you know, you said a couple of women have been hitting you on ding. Oh yeah, that's going pretty good. But you know, Sherley, dude, I'm making women upset, I said, you know, that's all she did. She made them upset. Now they're eating me all the time. Now, now I got here. That's why I spoke to her, like that, is she here? Who Sheryl not? That's why I spoke to her. She ain't here? You scared? Is she here? You got here? You say you have two miss ethels Now? Oh? I mean you know you know? I'm just shug my wow. Congratulations Junior. All right, No, she's here. More of Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up, and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this. I wanted you're listening Morning show. Okay, all week we've been talking about Georgia. We've been talking about Tennessee and South Carolina. Well, now possibly Texas is getting ready to reopen. And it's not just the South. Okay, it's not just the South. Give the South the break because we can go out west and talk to a Las Vegas talk about Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman. She said it is time to open the casinos. Take a listen to Vegas Mayor Goodman's interview with Anderson Cooper from CNN. I mean, you're talking about encouraging hundreds of thousands of people to come to Las Vegas. I get the financial losses people are suffering, which is awful, but you're encouraging. I mean, hundreds of thousands of people coming there in casinos, smoking, drinking, touching slot machines, breathing circulated air, and then returning home to states around America and countries around the world. Doesn't that sound like a virus? Petrie Dish, how is that what? It sounds like? You're being an alarmist. I'm not. I've lived a long life. I grew up in the heart of Manhattan. I know what it's like to be subways and I'm buses and elevators. I think you are by saying of what you have just said. So you don't believe there should be any social distancing. You don't believe that this is I believe there should be. Of course, how do you do that in a casino. That's up to them to figure out. I don't own a casino. You tell me that, I'm like amazed. You know what's shocking to me? What? These are elected leaders, leader officials camp They elected Kemp, they elected this woman, they elected Donald Trump. These are elected people. People went in there and voted for these people. And when you hear this as a person with supposedly common sense. How the hell does this make sense to you? No one on this show loves and does Vegas like me. Right, If you don't think I want to go to Vegas, you are sadly mistaken. But if you opened it Friday, you won't see Steve Harvey ass out there because because you know why. Irregardless as to what this president said, America, we've tested more people. That's not true. That's not true. Anybody can get a test. That's not true. Testing sites are available to every American. That's not true. The peal that they thought was gonna work. More people that they gave a peal to die from coronavirus than they didn't give it to. And there isn't a vaccine, and we haven't flattened the curved. Why the hell would I go outside for coming up? Our last break of the day. There's a breaker to day and we'll have some closing remarks of forty nine minutes after from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this you're listening to show all right, Steve, here we are, last break of the day. It's been a good day, been a good day, Grateful to be here a day. Thank you lord, Um, I mean really, we still got to stay home and stay safe and all that and pray and thanks to the front liners, you know to yes, everybody that you know puts their life on the line every day. Yeah, and I got some new mask coming to the house. Friend of mine sending me ten new masks because I needed the ones, I told them because I got an N ninety five mask, but it's a regular size. I said, look, man, I need something that my nose and lips can any one. I don't have to be feeling every time I move my lips they touching the cone. And I just said I need something else, and ain't gonna They actually look better with their mask. I know a lot of people better with the mask on. That is not a good thing, Okay, just now, some people really look better with the mask on. It is me. Look, it's gonna be a way of life for a minute, so I think you better get used to it. Yeah, you're gonna get creative. It's be wild. Yeah, well incredible, especially since they're opening up these cities. Which yeah, let me say this about this because I know I've been harping on it and talking about it, and I've been kind of angry about this mayor, I mean this governor of Georgia. And I've been in such a support of the mayor Mayor Kesha Bottoms, and I think that listen, man, let me just say something pointed and direct. If we don't have nothing else, we have common sense. We don't always get the best education, we don't always grow up in the best neighborhoods. We don't always benefit from the best facilities. We don't always get off to the best starts, we don't always grow up with all of the best opportunities. But the one thing I can say about us, we are we have a sense of survival in us. That that comes from a history of having to survive. Now, with that in mind, I don't want you to forego that. I that you have this thing that is borne in you, that causes you to survive against all odds. Don't throw that to the wind. Just speak cause you tired now. I'm tired of being locked up, I'm tired of being quarantine. I'm sick and tired of being in this house. Everybody is sick of this quarantine on some level, and to some degree everyone is. But y'all, don't let you're fatigue in this matter, make you throw caution to the wind and take yourself out here amongst these masses that ain't paying attention to what's really going on. You have something to live for, you have everything to lose. You can't act like you ain't got no reason to live, and you can't run around here acting like you ain't got nothing to lose, because you do. You are important and significant, and you matter to a number of people, and you have a number of people in your life who happen to matter to you. Don't you dare be so reckless as to go out and endanger the lives of someone you really care because you don't want to attend a funeral because of some idiotic move you made because you are impatient, and you listen to a man who ain't thinking. You know, it's amazing how these elected officials who voted for these people and then sent up it. If you voted for Kemp. Let's say you voted for him, So what that means you support everything he does? Do you think because you vote for somebody that that gives them absolute power and that makes them right on every single level? It don't. This dude is wrong, Like two left shoes. Man, This dude is wrong as he can be. And to tell this state to open up in bowling alleies and tattooed paul is and beauty saloons and nail shops and bob and shops and movie theaters. Are you nuts? What is your comment sense telling you? It's not telling you to run out here. You don't need a hair cut that bad. You ain't supposed to be going nowhere. I know all the ladies won't say had done, but you cannot run the risk of getting your hair done. And then when this thing is over with you dead, and you didn't bought it back in your house and you didn't killed your grandmother, your grandfather, your aunt, somebody you care about because you bought. You bought this German to the house that can incubate in your body for two weeks. That's why you have to quarantine when you go to these country for two weeks so they can see if you got it or not. But you didn't already passed it on by then. And then when you get diagnosed and you die, then later on you find out that they diagnosed two with it and they could die. That's how serious this thing is. This is life and death. All these ignorant people talking about my body, my choice. What what are you talking about? This ain't pro life options here, This is life for death. This ain't the choice of you making the decision to end the life. You may end a life not knowing, and somebody's life could end because of your recklessness and carelessness. Y'all stay home, man, fool this cat. Show him that we are thinkers. Listen to me. I know you have common sense, and I know you have survival instincts. I'm asking you to use both of them until this thing is over. We've survived much worse than this. If you don't remember, just read your history books. We've done bigger things than this, and this too shall pass. Hey, that's it, y'all. Y'all have a great day to day. I know I will. I'm gonna going guess what I'm gonna do. Same thing digested For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.