Pure Ignunce, Ask Steve, Angela Bassett and Omarosa, Jets and Browns, Are You Smarter Than Tommy, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update, 10 racks, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Sep 20, 2018, 2:45 PM

Pure Ignunce is what today's show is about and that is how it opened. Ask Steve any type of question. Angela Bassett and Omarosa are mixed up. Tonight The Jets play The Browns. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Tommy VS Junior. Sheryl Underwood is on the show and she talks about Steve, Julie Chen and more. Miss Carla's Reality Update covers Basketball Wives The Reunion and more. Somewhere in the world, a 16 year old finds $10,000. Today, Closing Remarks talks about putting air in your bubble, plus much more.

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Y'all know what time. If y'all don't know, y'all ball suit all looking back to back down, giving them mo like American buck bus things. And it's to me true good at Steve Hardy listening too for Stearle Hoby w don't you join? Yeah? Hobby joining me said do you turn to go? Yeah? You go. You gotta turn you to turn about turn lovey got to turn out to turn water water yall come come on your thing at it? Uh huh, I'm sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now? Wanting on this Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay. I was thinking about it this morning and I said, um, um, what can I share in a different way today? You know, it creates a challenge every morning to come up with something different. Um. And at times, you know, I feel like I'm reiterating myself and and I am, and I find different ways to say the same thing almost. But I do that because you know, sometimes if you hear it a different way, it impacts you differently. I've heard people say stuff to me my entire life, but somebody came along said the exact same thing, but they said it a different way, and it struck a chord in me. It wrung a bell. And so that's that I attempt to do. And you know, some mornings I I play back some ones that I think are just memorable or order I want to reiterate. And there's nothing wrong with that. So I hope everybody understands that. Today though, I got one for you. I want to I want to ask you a question, what choices are you making? See, life is full of choices now as creatures. God is the God gave us the humans. Of all the creatures created, the humans, we have more of a power of choice than do any other creature he created. Fish have to live in water, they have to. Men have gone to out of space. Men have gone underwater for days and weeks and months at a time. You know, I mean, we we got choices here. We we we can we can live in a hot climate, we can go live in a cold climate. You know, most animals are created for certain regions, certain climates. They don't do well. And you know, you don't find a lot of animals in in the polar ice, But then you don't find polar bears down in there. You know, South Arctic or a south equator. So you know what choices are you making? That's what I'm saying, because we all have the power of choice. Now, I've made some bad choices in my life. I want you to understand that clearly. And I still every hour and then I'll do myself a disservice with another bad choice. But I have tried to narrow them down through life experiences and and and and reduce the amount of major mistakes I make. But let me tell you something. You're listening to a person who has made major major mistakes in his choice. This. In my decision making process, I have thrown myself down the cliff. I can't tell you how many times when I decided not to pay attention in college, when I didn't develop steady habits in high school, when I I chose this woman over that woman I chose man, I I can't tell you, y'all. I did it. I did it to go over here and get with this girl, this woman over here, when I should not have. Clearly man should not have. But I made the choice to do it anyway. I made a decision. Um, I did some things that caused myself to be homeless for a period of time, I made some decisions that messed up my credit for a long stretch of time. I made some decisions that you know, just had people just kind of, you know, not not even wanting to help me. So the question is what choices are you making? When I changed my decision making process, I changed the entire direction of my life. When I made a conscious decision to look at life differently and make better choices and better decisions, it changed my entire life. I decided, instead of going down the path I was going on, I decided to choose life. First of all, I wanted to live. So I decided I wanted to choose life. So I'm not gonna do the things that could bring about my demise on my death. I'm out. I ain't with this, this is not no. I choose life. Then I made another decision. I said, I choose life, and I choose it more abundantly. You know what that means. God comes into your life to give you life and give you life more abundantly, So that means just more of it. So I chose that. I said, Okay, man, I need to start talking to God a little bit more because the way I've been figuring this thing man has gotten me to this point. I ain't really cool with the point I'm at. See, eventually, you just got to be uncool with the point you at. So I chose life, and I chose it more abundantly. Then I chose to start showing mercy to people because I needed some more people to show mercy to me. So you remember why I said. I was going through a period in my life when it seemed like when nobody helped me, nobody seemed to exhibit mercy towards me. Well, I wasn't creating that much mercy myself, I don't guess. So I decided to choose mercy. I decided to choose forgiveness. I started forgiving people who had wronged me, who told me I wasn't gonna mount to nothing. I forgave him who tried to talk me off the path, who went by my mother's house and told my mama, your son, Steve he lazy. He don't want to work. That's why he out there struggling like that, trying to do that comedy thing. I wasn't lazy, man, I just didn't want to work for you. I'm willing to work. Look at me. I work hard, trust and believe that, but I was not willing to work for them. I wasn't willing to take the route they took, so they labeled me lazy. I'm not a lazy person. But I chose forgiveness though. I chose to forgive them because I didn't have time to break them. And then I chose moving forward. I decided that I wasn't gonna go back, that I wasn't gonna live my life in my past, that I wasn't gonna let my past determine who I was going to be. See I was who I was, but I am who I am, and I'm cool with both of them people I really am. I'm absolutely fine with the person I used to be. God got to save you from something, so I'm cool with that. But all that was the ingredients though that got me to this point. So I'm fine with my past. But what I do not do is allowed my past to dictate what I am, where I'm going, what I can be. God forgave me, so I forgave myself. I chose to move forward, not stay in the past. I choose laughing. I choose laughing. I decided that I was gonna laugh more every day. I chose learning. I wanted to open myself up to new things. I wanted to open myself up to knowing something that I've never known before. I allow people to teach me things. I chose joy. I decided to quit seeking fun all the time and sit down somewhere and be all right with me. See, I ain't got to go and do no more to I ain't got to go out here and hook up with this per and then get this in my life. And man, let's buy this and hook this up. Now, y'all come in here and we're gonna have some fun. No, man, I stopped doing that. I chose joy. I chose to be sitting somewhere with my girl with a cigar and I'm just all right, just me and her. I chose joy. Man, I see fun, You got to go do something to have fun. But joy joys within joyce when you're sitting there with yourself because you didn't connected with your creator, you didn't found something with God, and you're cool with you now. See. I chose to be cool with me. What are your choices? You gotta make better choices. You make better choices, you have a better outcome. You change your attitude, you change your altitude. It all ties together. But we gotta make better decisions. What are you deciding today? Watch it? Okay, be careful, make sure you're making better to start making better decisions today, ladies and gentlemen, Today it's going to be different. I have decided, without conferring with anyone, that today would be a day well come once every day, thank that this no, not like every day to watch this? Watch this? What our food? But nothing right front and wait? Hey ladies, hello, Steve, stay out away, try to control it, do your best. All right, Well let's okay, Well then, if this is going to be a different day of ignorance, let's have it. Don't back up now, don't back down now. Okay, what you need. Let's start with any question you want to ask me. Let's just get this started right now. Any question you want to ask me. This can carry over in the six thirty four. These are all ignorant, non responsible answers. Oh okay, tell junior, I don't just but tell junior. You can see how fat you are the most when you are wiping your backside. That's when the most of your fat leans forward and you're able to really see how much fat really is you? So you still so you still reaching behind yourself? Yes, you're reaching back learned, So that's how we're still okay, all right, all right now you're still jamming your hand down the back of the level of ignorance. Okay, you win? Oh that want you the fattest that. I didn't think. I didn't think you can talk yourselves. I really didn't. But man, oh man, you gotta put your hand on the wall in front of It's early, guys, it's early in the morning. Yeah, people are having they're eating or they're just getting out what they're about to go breakfast time. Wow. Really, okay, let's start this again, Steve, because you speak to us again again. That was that's unacceptable, too far, say it. I just wanted to be there. Ain't nothing I beg to differ with you, girl. You know the stuff on inhale back. Give you credit for that. Just try that you don't. Okay, okay, how about this. Let's not let's not do bodily function. Let's not do a be quiet tommy a second. You got thirty seconds, all right, that's we just said. All right, Steve, I'll just ask you anything. What kind of day are you expecting to have today? Absolutely? Okay, that's a perfect perfect We come back. You're gonna see how incredible in you be right, We'll be right. Got to mess around with this. We're gonna continue to ask the segment right after this. It's gonna be good. Let's go. We'll be back at thirty two after Jesus help us all. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, so listen. When we first opened up the show, you said today was going to be really ignorant. You said that, and so I came back with what's different about today? They're all ignorant every day we're the show. This is gonna be most Yeah, so I got questions. So I just asked you a simple question. I just wanted to start off with a simple I said, what kind of day are you expecting to happen? All right? Tell me absolutely fabulous day. Okay, now let's go and get some real Okay, Now that's not ignorant if you steal it, no, it's absolutely fabulous. Be quiet, boy, and let the questions come. He had a question. Let him let them. Yeah, see if you say, oh lord, if you steal from a thief? Ain't there cool? Because you know these questions that's supposed to be coming from sure supposed to be questions that we can answer to. This ain't that's deep Corey, that's a deep question. But I deserve an answer. But that's all right if you don't want to answer. Okay, let's see. I'm just asking you normal questions. Yes, man, this normal question, but they're gonna get an ignorance. Alright, your your next book? What are you going to write about in your next book? You've written about success, You've written about telling women decided. Okay, what is it? Steve at farming? I'm gonna write about how to farm? And how do you turn these perfectly normal questions into this ignorance? I told it's gonna be next question. Everybody want to add? Phone, just email. I've seen you the book. I ain't even charging for. Okay, how's your vegan diet going? You know what, It's actually going pretty good. That's a normal question. A vegan now for three weeks. But I've created a new term. I'm actually not a vegan. I'm a vegan X. Vegan X is different. I'm a vegan to the next time I eat me coming. I want you to know that, but only after I reached my certain goals. Okay, all right, how long are you planning on keeping your beard? I don't know. I probably keep this for a while, you know, depend on you know. My girl said she liked, uh, you know what made me sound would keep? Monica complimented me on it this morning, Mississippi Monica, were you considering shaving it? Well, no, it wasn't. But just hearing it from her because her being from Mississippi and being around a lot of hell Buillis, you know, and they have long beards, you know, like Appellachian people and all that. If she mowed a beard expert because she didn't have seen him down that everybody got a bid at the catfish convention. You gotta Mississippi be here? Is that what you're saying? Missippi? Minica know a lot about being so when she complimented me, I take it as an ultimate something. Yeah, yeah, coming from her. She didn't seen some beards in Msigan at all the catfish competitions and you know, crack in competitions, pigs Bobby at the red Neck Games. Monica was queen at the red Net game. Yeah, she was missing the Queens game. They live Monica. I don't see how that works, but she was a queen at the fair. Okay, all right, okay, well you're gonna keep the beard then. Okay, So so you said you were going to change your wardrobe this year. Yeah, the new suits is already on new cut ye And what does that cut? More tailored, more European, huh more, you know, just more. It's just you know, I just it's reinvention time. You thought he gonna look like Kim Newton or something like that. Look right there, Yeah, the short pa cam f Cam Newton by fly because he can do that. Why don't you try some shorts like Lebron Steve Well, Tomas can't wear short. That ain't got nothing to deal with me as no question, I perfect. I mean talk about how good how Cam Newton looking, you know, talking about shorts, and I just said, Toma, kame West, you can't be just short, And you just heard the word short, and you automatically went to how are you gonna be you have on shorts? Shorts? Well, what do they call call little man? They can't be called short? Little You show them ain't penis. Go ahead, next question, next, nice panting me out let. I asked the question. I didn't accuse you, sir, I didn't say you had. I asked the question. This is a normal conversation. I like it. You haven't really gotten ignorant yet. Yeah, okay, all right, here go next question. Year ago. Let's go um Okay, what's your favorite news source? I like fake news. I like c N Yeah, I like seeing it good old fake music. Okay. Is there a chance that if Kanye were to throw his hat in the ring to run for president, that you would? I'm not Kanye. If anybody else black run, I'm voting for them. Okay, So anybody else black run other than Kanye. Kanye doesn't even understand how much money it takes to run. He ain't gonna have a commercial on TV. He'll do all social media, probably many. Yeah. Yeah, and his wife will make a beautiful first lady, that's no doubt. I'm okay, I'm cool with that. In nothing, I ain't the wrong kill being in there. If there was a way we could make President Obama run again, if we could change the laws and he could get back in the legally. Now, listen to this if Joe Biden ran legally president, Obama could run as vice president. Yeah, just like Hillary Clinton and Bill and Bill Clinton she had one, Yeah, then he would be our first man. But oh yeah, that's right. Let's being a fair lady. That's gonna I don't do no background chick on the latest, do it first, lady to do it. They don't hull. It's been civil. This has been very civil. I like it. It's been very civil. See, you've made me happy. All right, coming up, the nephew is gonna run that prank back right after this you're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you know, worries. That's what Angela Bassett said. Beautiful Angela Bassett said this to The New York Times. Uh, somehow they mix her up with Alma Rosa. We'll talk about it. Uh but what yes, yes, yes, we'll talk about it coming up in entertainment news. But I got her confused with that. I've been really Uh the nephew is here to run that prank back. What you got, king of pranks? You've been riding in my car, that's what you've been doing. You've been riding in my car. Let's run no one. Hello, I'm trying to restore this place. Yeah, this is Curtis. You do want to work at the hotel and you do ballet parking? Yeah, okay, let me tell you something. You're the one that park my seven fifty BMW. You just took the change out of my carter the loose change guard head in there. And you also didn't put a hundred miles on there. And I know you the one did it because you're the one I tipt I tipped you. You parked it, and then when I came back, you the one brought my car back, and I tipped you. I know you to walk put them down myth on my call on man, hold on, wait, wait, hold on, hold on? Who is this? My name is Sason Man, Jason Jason. If you get my number. I got your number from the hotel manager. I told him I needed to talk to Curtis, who do the ballet parking, and they gave me your number. You're the one put these miles. Man, you put a hunt of miles on there. A hell, thein't put up moss in your car. That's all I do is uh, just get the cars and park them that ship. I ain't. I ain't taking no change to no boy the cars. The one took my change I had, I had t d takes in there in the in the in the CD player. When I got in there, it was the biggest smiles or somebody in there. You're the one was in my car. Man, Man, I don't even know how to worked that video. And the man, look you went, I probably pluck your car because I parted a whole lot of cars. Uh, just well you can get you maybe somebody else probably kicking your car and droving around, but I don't know. We can. How many manager work at the hotel and do balet parking. How many of my favorites working in valet parking. But that's how I do is park the cars. I don't take nobody car and driving around the town or still at them from their car. Ain't no thief, man, Hey, man, let me tell you something. Man, I knew you the one put the miles? Are you hear me? I know you was the one man put on the hall. Look look look man, I'm on probation right now, right so I mean, ain't got no time to be stooding nothing about nobody calls. I'm just I'm just part time job. Man, Just fucking call them trying to take care of me and my little girl. That's it. I'm telling you, if if somebody did take your car and drive it around and steal something from your car, we can we can figure out, you know what I'm talking about. If you just bring the car and you're just coming, we can talk to the managers and figure that out. But I promise you, I promise you wasn't me. Man, Mom, you should just got it. You know, we'll find out what happened with your car. You're the one did it. Man, You're the one put the Hunter of Miles on my car. You had that red vessel, you had the main tagaste Curtis. You pulled off it and you pulled back up, and you're the only one told me you as the one. Hey man, hey, Laya's washed a little bit. Man, hold on, I can't I can't hear you know. I know you can hear me. You're gonna hear me when I get in you. So you're gonna hear me when I do that telling me, I said, you're gonna hear me when I get in, you know, because you put that hunt of miles on it. I'm gonna come up to that, damn man, I tell you, hey, putting a hundred of miles in your car, right, I'm just hey, man, you know what. I just scared nothing from your car aping the hunde of miles in your car. Right. I told you I'm on probation right now. Now, that's how I don't do. I go to work, I park the car, and I'm come home and take care in my girl. All right, ain't putting a hunch of miles on your car. May, I didn't take your car. That's what I did was rolling your car and park the man that ship Now that it was what you losing nothing loose saying out of down and you're also put a hundred miles. It was like a hundred four miles extra on that car when I got back then it let me tell you something, man, I'm gonna come up with where do you work again? When do you work? I work tomorrow night. What time do you get there? I'll be at six o'clock. Okay, I'm coming up there in five, four to five. And guess what, Mr Curtis, I'm gonna deal with your lilo by myself. Man, come up to that job. That job is bringing up to the job. What what what kind of call you said you have to get said? I got a black cell and fit the BMW. I'm coming up there when I get out of it. How are you ready here, Curtis? How you're ready already? Already? Now I'm gonna be ready to be ready. I'm having a little verse off for you too. It's gonna say Curtis didn't bring your black up because of your sound like you're black? Yeah, I'm black, I'm black, my car black, and I'm gonna get it. You're black tomorrow. Tell you with me just today and today I'm like, I'm telling you, I'm trying to shoot. I'm I don't black purple just talk. I'm telling you this. You want you dog, I'm telling you it wasn't me, but I mean you want to take it down? Mate. I got one more thing I need to say you, Curtis, you're listen to me? What is you listening? Sure? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy TC who do valet parking with you? What's what's you say? Hey? Curtis, Oh boy, did you do that? Is it? Another guy worked there named t T to do ballet pocket? Yeah, hey man, this isn't a few time. And from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. He got me the prank phone call you man, I'm gonna get that. Oh lord, Jesus man, my heart was beat. Man. Mom was beating so fast. I thought I was about to go back. Now. Oh lord, you knew you you was going back. Lord. I'm chilling, man. It was about to be over. It was about to be over. It was the first person I saw I got out. He was about to get it. I'm chilling. Curtains. You got to be strong, man, You're gonna be strong show for show this man. Push your buttons, man, just be strong. I'm not gonna you know, I'm gonna keep it straight man. You know, all right, Man, stay strong. You gotta take care this little girl. Boys, you can't go back in there. All ridden? All right? I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, man, what he is? What is the baddest I'm talking about the badest right to your show in the lane? Man, that's Steve will Have the Morning Show. And I think the title came the title came from my uncle because I've written his car so many times, and then every time i've got out, I've heard that that you've been writing in my car. Yes, nephew, get ready to Ashville next week. I'm coming baby. The nephew was coming to town, and I said it before. I'll let you know if the nephew added the show. I'm still on the brain car. Well, when you're gonna add it? Man? All the shows are sold out? When is you gonna? I don't know, Uncle, I just like seeing those two words up there, and I just if you're just going and add the show. Quit being scared of success, boy and the show. You've been sold out at the show? You know? You know this would really go well if you didn't do if you went to aggressive. You know what I'm yelling at you? Is that the work? Yes? Yeah, you know. His nerves are bad. I'm really trying to figure out what's wrong. I don't I don't want to. So what's the damn debate? That's the Tommy question. Uncle. We'll discuss it over Lynch. We're good, I'll talk to you about it. And who are you? I don't know who this white man? I don't know who. Oh, you know, I'm gonna think about it over the cave on. When I'm done, I'll think about adding the show. And I think I might. I just might do it. Oh did he just say caviar You're back on the caviar. You're back on a break. But I ain't got out he's back on Caviar. Well, one thing, Steve, if he adds another show, you know he'll be m I A on Monday. I'm gonna make it. That's a debate right there. I will be here. Sure. I think you should just take your uncle's advice. He's made a success out of this, Tommy, But you do you know how big that is if he just add one more by the time he gets that desk show Sona, Okay, I'm not Why are you talking about him like he's not here, like because if I talk to him, I get mad. I don't want to be angry mentor Alright, I overhealed the minute. All Right, we gotta go, We gotta go. Maybe it'll sink in one day. Coming up. In entertainment news, no Worries Show sid show, Don't worries. Angela Basson said this to the New York Times about the mixing her up with Amar Rosa. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So the New York Times mixed up Angela Bassett and amar Rosa. Okay, Angela Bassett and amar Rossa, they don't look anything alike. Okay, they're both black women. Uh, and they're both ones in politics and ones in entertainment. Okay, that's about where their similarities stop and start and stop, I should say. However, the New York Times mixed them up in their Emery Emmy coverage. Uh, there's a photo of them which featured Um, there's a photo which featured Angela Bassett with Tiffany Hattish and a brand new Emmy winner, Rachel brush Nan Brasnahan Brasnahan, I should say. And yeah, they appeared in the early edition of the art section. It should be noted that Getty Images made the mistake first, but the fact that no one at the Times caught it it was just shocking. Okay. Once they did catch it, they tweeted out an apology and promised to issue a correction. Uh. And you know, Steve, how the corrections are there useful to be a small blurb in the paper under the classifies of a dump trunk. Exactly, exactly right. The correction is never bigger than the mistake or the same. Uh naturally, you know everyone on Twitter, they just went in on the Times. One Twitter user said, do all dark skinned black women look like look the same to your editors? Well, Angela Bassett ever classy, and she's she's always classy and and so eloquent and elegant. She tweeted off a picture of Carrie Washington as Olivia Pope with the caption it's handled and she accepted the Times apology. So there you go. I don't know how she could take a difference. We already know. I haven't seen any anything. Yeah, she's probably happy if they made that mistake, if if her name was mentioned. Yeah, she could probably sell a few more books or something. Yeah, she don't have nothing to Yeah. And may I say that Angela Bassett looked beautiful. She was stunning beautiful. Yeah. And they were saying she's sixty years old. I find that so hard of the lave. Yeah, she looks fantastic. She looks fantastic. Yeah, And and they said something, see this would be of interest to you that when she cut out dairy, that's when she started getting more muscle definition. Angela basseid, Yeah, she's very, very toy to remember how great she looked when she played Tina Turner her her arms. Yeah, so she I read somewhere that they said she cut out dairy. She said she cut out dairy and that's when she really started getting muscle definition in three weeks. Okay, I'm just trying. But my problem is I have so much Indie day. You should get out of so man. I got some stuff in meat man. But Angela Bassett looks fantastic. I'm just a big ash trash. Yes, we love you, love you definitely. Another entertainment news from the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Porsha Williams has announced that she is pregnant. Congratulations yea, and her baby daddy is her new Man entrepreneur Dennis McKinley. So we sat congratulations to you guys. Alright, alright, mommy, Yeah, she wanted to have children. Yeah, She's always talked about the fact that she wanted to have children. Yeah, I got my too, Dad, What that is it? I'm just telling you the truth. I wanted to put the hair left one of mine back. Well, Steve, it is time to get caught up on today's headline. Ladies and gentlemen, miss and Trip, thank you very much, everybody. Good morning. This is the President. Trump went to both North and South Carolina yesterday to personally survey conditions in the wake of Hurricane Florence. North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper says things are bad. I've talked to people who have lost their entire home, people who really don't know what to do with the fact that their business has been washed away, Farmers who had a majority of crops in their field that they were not able to harvest in time. President Trump handed out meals at a local church. In other words, he didn't throw out rolls of paper towels, and he promised help from Washington. We're ready to do whatever we have to do to make it this perfect. Unfortunately, the money will be a lot, but it's gonna come as fast as you need. It's gonna take care of everybody. Rescue teams have now begun turning their efforts with right. The death toll has risen to thirty seven deaths. A woman who went to the same high school as the college professor who says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her, says she remembers hearing about the incident and she's pretty sure it did occur. In the Facebook post, Christina Miranda King says she does remember hearing about that alleged incident, although she had no firsthand information. She says that the professor Ford, when they were in high school, was a year or two behind her, but she remembers her and that quote. Many of us heard buzz about it on campus, and she feels the accusation is true. Meanwhile, Brett Kavanaughs accused her has until Friday at ten am to submit testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee if she intends to appear before the panel next week. However, the woman says through her attorney she's gotten death threats and will not appear until the FBI investigates. In Florida, the death of an African American woman who had just assumed the rank of Navy Chief Petty Officer being investigated as a murder. Police say they received a medical emergency call the night Andrea Washington was found dead, but they think foul play. Chief Petty Officer Washington was a nineteen year veteran mother of three. She was found dead in her Jacksonville home. Officer Watchington had been granted a temporary restraining order early this month from a guy who she said had kicked and pulled a gun on her. She was to appear on Monday in court, but never showed up. Expect to get a text from the President this afternoon. Yes, the President Donald Trump. Starting around to eighteen PM today, Americans should get a message with the header Presidential Alert followed by a text. It says this is a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action, by the way, is going to be needed. Which You're going to get a test starting around to eighteen this afternoon. Apparently the government wants to make sure that the system they have now in place will actually work as intended. Finally, today is National Punch Day. No the drink, the drink. Here's up Steve Harvey Nation. Find out if Uncle Steven Smart and his nephew will be back twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning showd herbs dot Com. D herbs dot Com that's the company, that's the website. Let's clean out the process, foods and toxins dragging you down. Go to de herbs dot com and do the full body cleanse. The de Herbs Cleanse is no fat diet. It's been the number one selling cleanse online for over a decade with over four million formulas sold. We've all done the cleans. We love it and know you will lose weight and feel great. And right now you're going to get a major discount at checkout with promo code Steve de herbs dot com promo code Steve or called eight six six four d hers. All right, Tommy, it's Thursday night football. Let's go what you got well? You know, it brings me great privilege to let my uncle know that the New York Jets we'll be playing the Cleveland Brown. We've friend warm they drawls train Jets brain Donaldson brain nay D because the Brown's got a D fist. Let's go, okay, will we will we get on this wind and out chest. I'll swollow up. What's all that? Hey? Don Hey you're from Houston. Yeah, shots fired? Shots fired? Don't let you a little tapoo you okay, Hey, you ain't one a game at least, I bet you, I bet you'd rather have a tag than a loss. I bet you that the Jets are one and one, yallack, we owe one in one, y'all? Oh too, see how that drop? All? And these games count right, these early games, these real early games, were in the draws. You understand why does mine foot as you use so much by me, you'll hear bragging up attack in. It's not as Tommy, it's not a laws. That's fine, you can't bring it off. Well, he might have a chance. He'll have a chance coming up to brag about something. We'll win right now to everybody and all that. But see what But see what bothered me by time? He is when I have my enthusiasm for my team, I've been riding and die we lose a draw, and they've been all losses, so finally we get a tie. We played the Pittsburgh Steelers all the way down to the last minute. We ain't got no damn kicker. I've been trying to figure out is the kicker still on the team. He got him, I've been trying to find out. So we don't care who we got. But see they can get rid of him and bring me in that I can mix. I can miss the next kick. You can make that chick. But you are a die hard fan though you really right? Or die right or die Cleveland baby cutting made in that city. Y'all gotta kick in that name Greg Joseph. Now that's good. Yeah? Are Joseph? Greg? His name? Everybody? But who the hell? We have? All? Right? Coming up next, Tommy, you may have a chance to brag. Who knows? Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Who ain't got to do before after the hour? Why is this game so stressful? I don't get it saying yeah, it's coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show and it's time guys now to play. Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Uh? This game is so stressful and it shouldn't have to be because what it's a game. It's stressful to me because I keep winning that it's frustrating because I want so desperately for my nephew to win something because he family. It's a bad look. I'm saying the same thing right behind you know, it's who plays? You want to play? Tommy? Okay, we've decided this, Junior and Tommy today. All right, I'm just because Steve kept stretched out. Yeah, you need to break Steve winning. It's too much. And we got a tweet. The first lady behind that is her Twitter handle. That's what it says. Steve got grandchildren, That's why he knew finding nemo. Tommy, you short, that's all you got. That's why people about to get the heads right there. I see you on the streets. This is very out there streets. Tommy, Okay, here we go. Tommy and Junior listening carefully, Yeah, listen carefully, Pat say, Jack and Vanah White are stars of what? Which supermodel created the baby that clothing line simmons. What legendary group released the single dancing machine into. What type of animal is the cartoon character Bernie a dinosaur? Which daytime talk show regularly does d n a praternity test? What colors? What color is used to represent breast cancer awareness? What city opened the first Starbucks coffee we all dread going to the d m V? What do the letters d M motor vehicle? Are you here? What do the letters d m V stand for depart? What city has a caddy? What I'm sorry, what sports has a caddy? What nineties sitcom started the characters Alan Peggy Bundy Love the Marriage Mary? That's a fame song. Yeah, that's all I could come up. I got tally. Yeah, Tommy did beat you on this one. Well he Tommy got to actually read your questions again. All right, here we go, Pat say, Jack and Van and White are stars of what TV game show Wheel of Tortune? Uh? Well, our official tally says Tommy got that one. Uh yeah, yeah. Which supermodel created the baby fat clothing line? Tommy got? He said in Junior said Simmons, that is true. Tommy got damn. Okay, okay, um, that's it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Go ahead. What what legendary group released the single Dancing Machine in nineteen seventy four of the Jackson five five? That was? Junior? What type of animal is the cartoon character Barney a dinosaur? Junior? You were right? Which daytime talk show regularly does DNA paternity test for his guest, Mari Povid? You are the father, you are, right, Junior? Uh? What color? Yeah? You did? Yeah? Fighting fighting? What colors you used to represent breast cancer awareness? Pink? Junior? What city opened the first Starbucks coffee store back in nineteen seventy one. Junior got this one, Seattle, Washington. We all dread going to the d m V. What do the letters d m V stand for? They stand for Department of Motor Vehicles. Tommy got that one. Yeah, what sport has a caddy golf? Junior were right, yeah, said what city? I'm sorry, what sport has a caddy golf? What nineties sitcom started the characters Alan Peggy Bunday. We ran out of time. It was married with children and Steve got it. Yeah, alright, so um, let's see. Junior got six, Tommy got three. Well, Tommy seven questions. You ain't satan? What is that? Happy? All right? Well, the nephew, he's great at this, always king of pranks. We've got to prank for today. Coming up with the nephew. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today's subject. My husband's drinking is no longer a secret, but right now it is the nephew. But we don't know who wrote it. Steve right, now, nephew Tommy is here with today's prank phone. Yo trash thank yeah, yeah, yo trash thank Hello. Hello, Hey, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to reach swerve. Yeah. Well how you doing, man, I'm on it. I'm one of your neighbors, but I'm I'm one street over from you, you over the off river trying. Yeah, that's a little this rico. Man, how are you doing? I'm I'm one of your neighbors on the next street over. How are you doing? Okay, I'm doing good, but how you how you get my Another? One of the neighbors on your block gave me the number. Man. We was we were having a little situation. Wanted to reach out and to tell you, uh, some stuff going on here in the neighborhood man, and wanted to try to make you aware of it. Well, what's going on? Uh? It seemed like, um, well, you know the trash man run on on Tuesday, okay and Saturday right now. The problem me is that that that that a lot of people, I guess since the holiday just pays, you know, a lot of people got their stuff out on the on the curve already right right now. The problem is that that that they're saying, man, is that yo yo, trash is actually really really fouled. It's smelling and smelling pretty bad. And we wanted to call you, man and see if you do not hold on, hold on, hold on. You say you calling me because you sail my trash. Well yeah, they say, yours is the one that's really speaking man, and if you could actually maybe put it in, put it back in the in the in the garage and tip tuesday, you know, yeah, trash and no garage. That's why I put it outside. I didn't have enough room in the garage. Okay, what do see? And who is everybody saying my trash? Hey? Listen, I'm I'm not saying you know what I want to tell you. If everybody in the hood, I gotta fire with my trash? Thank you? Sell contact Okay what what what? What? We we we've discussed that too, but listen, listen, we don't want to trouble man. If we could just get you to put your trash back in, I'm not moving over trash. I paid rent over here, my brother. Hey, we're not gonna go back, and I'm not gonna go back. What you're gonna do I'm telling you where I paid rent that I'm telling me to just over here. Okay, well, listen, man, aren't you concerned that your trans is thinking and reading through the whole neighborhood. I don't give a damn who smelled my chances they got a problem with it, tell them come take it out still the end and staying out there. Okay, Well, that's the problem. The problem is that you took it out, and you took it out too early. You shouldn't have put this out till Tuesday morning, and that's who did it. If I put it out there and saying out that's today, come get it. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you many even damn what you're gonna do. You ain't even to call me telling me take my chance, y'all, I say, right over here, okay, how if everybody is smelling my chad out of everybody on the street, I don't know for my understanding, it's just a couple of holes in it and some food or something else that got out. I don't know if one of the roads or dog got into what the case may be. But you know, we need to try to get your trash in the backyard. My trash ain't going no damn well, and how come you the one? I come on next though, They think, how come your around corner and you called? Who put you up to this? Everybody smelling it. I was just fortunate enough to get your phone number. I said, well, look, I'm just going to call it myself. I tell you that you and you my phone not take what I'm thinking that the okay, what we listen, little swerve. This what we decide on the case we got to this situation with you, I touch that. I just come over there and put the trash in your backyard, and just tunesday morning and tunesday morning. I'll come back over there and take it out that way. All the smell of being in your backyard, and you say, you go, I'm gonna come over there and put the trash in your backyard. So the so the smell that fun, I mean, that's that. Let me say, let me take it this there. If you come over here, you might well call the police. That's who you're gonna needs to come over here. Bring all of the They had a father saying, my chance to come over here and take it out. You I mean you you're trying. You're trying to you're trying to act like it. Don't smell the man, I don't give it. If it's mell, I'll tell you what I do. I'm glad to poolboy when that, when that when they helped you out of look okay, but see does not want the people in the neighbor who want we want you to tell give a damn what they want. I'm telling you what I'm gonna do. And how do did you get my phone? However? Any down? I'd already told you, man, I got your number for one of the neighbors on your street that said they don't want to get should have left. One to the right, said me, which one? Listen, listen, listen, sweve. Won't you get to the meet of the problem. The problem is your trash? Think don't how is my chance? How to hell y'all pinpoint my saying? How to everybody else trash on the block? And how to hell you smell? I don't know, man, I don't know what it is. I don't know if you're trads busted, open up? What the deal is? But everybody's saying everybody's saying it swerve trash. That's that stink. That's too much chads that needs to be going to time to see what think is that chad out there? And it's gonna say out there I said the ain't come get it and you ain't coming over there. Okay, No, let's see that's where you're wrong. Swam out. I ain't robbing over there. I'm coming over there and I'm gonna take that trance to put it in the backyard to too. Now you're gonna try to get in my way whatever, but I got to come on and get the chans and I tell you what, pend y'all over here right now. I'll put on my shoes. I'm standing on the pouts right now at the close. Come on, wec over whatever you we go. I'm reco one street over and I'm smelling your name, trash man. Take your chansh out my make smell, but you ain't there to come take it out and set you that a listen sword, I'm gonna say this word that I call them like, excuse me? Tell calling about that? Who in the hell told you called me swerved? Called me back that? Okay? What that's what they call you? What's wrong me called? What's wrong with me? Called you. You're donna call me the name? Now? You saying my chance? Come over here and take chances out. Hey man, I ain't I ain't nobody sitting there scatter you swim. I'm trying to get don't try to get that. Didn't not just say you talk about of my name and swear. Come over here. I'm gonna show you what I'm on the two okay way, and then then it is what it is bottom round. I'm on my way over at the mood that damn trash. Come over, Come over here. I'm over here moving. I'm on the port right now, come on over and meet me about Thank you trash. You guys, I'm standing right, do it now? Okay, Well, I tell you what I'm on my way. Nah, and guess what I'm gonna do when I get over there. You ain't gonna do. You're gonna do. I'm gonna tell you my damn name when I get over there. My name is Niphew tim Me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got franked by your cousin or Reese. Oh out of here. Hey man, I gotta ask you something, dog, what is what is the baddest And I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Trash trash. Yeah you can over beat stinky trash, don't but it's still trash. Beat over over phone, it's over phoned happen. Okay, but you got checked about it though, didn't you? You just got checked out checked. I mean that's you know, I'm gonna get checked during the break. Just's gonna happen. You look for that, Yeah, that's I'm going for that. You want them to do that? Yes, well, how would you do? It's Steve a great job. How would you do it? I don't need to know how he would do anything, Shirley, wouldn't you want to know? He's six on TV all day, he's he's a king of comedy. You don't me to take a page out his play? Have you always been like this? Timm? Me not listening to your uncle? Hear him? What do you want me to hear him? They want you to listen? Yes, okay, I'm listening, Linda. You can hear the train coming. But if you ask, don't get off the track. Why am I you want check? You don't listen, you don't get in, So now I ain't got my call? Alright, listen safety. So I ain't got my call a right, nephew, listen, thank you so much. We love you. Up Next it is the Strawberry Letters. Subject my husband's drinking is no longer a secret. Right after this year, I don't have You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at forty one after the hour. She has had a tough week, but our girl from the Talk, cherryl Underwood, will be here right now. Yeah, yeah, she's gonna be here. Well because her friend Julie Chen uh you know, yeah, quit the Talk. Yeah she left that girl, and yeah that's why, Steve. But right now it's time for the Today's Strawberry Letter. You come and you found out they got ice cream truck in your pocket, You'll just say anything that comes out of your I'm just saying that's a bad week. Well it's a bad week. If you're friend, I'm gonna get over you being going way faster than I'm going, duly noted, sir. Alright, right now it's time for the Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on sex, on parenting, on work, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey. F M dot com and click submit Strawberry letter. Please tell him Steve Man today where she's everything, and we could be reading your letter on the air live, just like we're reading this one's right now. Let's go, nephew, hold here. It is a strong. My husband's drinking is no longer a secret. Dear Stephen Shirley, My husband and I have been married for fifteen years and we have two children. My husband is a functioning alcoholic. He can work a full day without drinking, but as soon as he's off the clock, he starts drinking. He drinks in private. He doesn't leave his alcohol out where I can see it, but I can always smell it in his cup. This started shortly after we got married, and I allowed it and never confronted him. I can always tell when he's been drinking by the changes in his behavior and how he treats me and the kids. It's gotten worse recently, and I brought it to his attention. I told him that I know exactly what he's up to. He says that he drinks too unwind every now and then. Well, a few weeks ago, he left work early for a doctor's appointment, and later that evening, he came home in an uber and he was totally wasted. He could not stand up, and he was talking so much trash that I had to tell the kids to leave the room. He called me all kinds of names and told me that he was miserable in our marriage. The next day, I took the kids and left him. I've been staying with my mom for three weeks, and during that time I encouraged him to get some help. My husband is great when he's sober, but he needs some professional help with his drinking. I have checked out, and I'm no longer trying to keep our marriage going. He visits me and the kids and we still do some things as a family, and he's always sober when we see him. He wants more, but I don't. Neither of us can or to live on our own. What should I do well? I mean, the obvious thing is there's no kind of marriage if you're just staying together because you can't afford to live on your own, you can't afford to live apart. That's no marriage. I mean, what about real love and real relationship and a real marriage. I mean, you're absolutely right as his wife and as his friend, hopefully to encourage him to get some help, because UM, that and the Lord himself, it seems, are the only things can that can make this situation better and work this situation out. Um, you know you've you've allowed it. You've been married for fifteen years, you've allowed it. He started drinking shortly after you got married, and you say you did allow it and never confronted him about it. You can always tell when he's drinking because you you can smell it. This thing has blown up. It's blown out of proportion. Now he's stumbling drunk when he comes in. He can't even drive home. At least he has a wherewithal to know that. Um, he shouldn't be driving when he's that wasted. So, UM, I encourage you to continue to encourage him to get some help. And if he doesn't get any help, Uh, it does look like this marriage is over. Uh. And that's unfortunate because you guys have kids. But he says he's been miserable since the very beginning. What Steve, Yeah, he says he's been miserable since since the very beginning. And you're not willing, you don't want anymore either. Um, But the part about you can't afford to live on your own. You're gonna have to work that out. Get a second job, do whatever you have to do, because it looks like this marriage is doomed, especially if he doesn't get any help and change his behavior. Steve, let me, let me, let me just read something to y'all. Okay, my husband and I have been made fifteen years. We have two children. My husband is a functioning alcoholic. He could work a full day without drinking, but as soon as he get off the block, he started drinking. Do that sound for me? I don't know what you're saying, Steve. I hope, I hope. I don't know. Feen years got two key. No one we know wrote this letter, Steve. I didn't ask you, do you know who wrote it? I asked you that this part right here sound from milion to anybody other than me? No? Well to me, well, it sounds familiar to me. What are you saying? Just say it anyway? He started. Here's another one. This started shortly. I'll say it again. This started shortly. Oh word everybody that that sounds like anybody? We know why? Because of the word shortly, shortly, m this letter is full of clue. It is not a mystery that we're trying to solve. We're trying to help this lady. And this is what she said. I can always tell when he'd been drinking by the changes in his behavior. Who the hell came? Everybody? Everybody knows somebody when they start drinking. She's sitting up here like she'd a had a damn revolution or revelation comes in here talking about No, I can always tell when he's been drinking. Who can't. I'll be back, Uh yeah, with part two of your response. Today's subject is my husband's drinking is no longer a secret? Will be back at twenty three after the hour you're listening, Steve Show. All right, Steve, let's go. Let's recap. The subject is my husband's drinking is no longer a secret? That is the subject of today's Strawberry Letter, and we're waiting for part two of your response, Steve Harvey. Let's go. Well, here's a dude who this woman claims as a functioning alcoholic. He drinks in private. Uh, he never leave alcohol out where they could see it. This started, uh shortly know, this started after they gotten married, and uh, she never confronted him. She can always tell when you've been drinking, because it changes in your behavior and the way you treat me and the kid has gotten worse recently. I bought it to his attention. I told him I know exactly what he's up to. He says he drinks unwine every now ned well. A few weeks ago, he left work early for doctor's appointment. Later that evening, he came home in the uber and was totally wasted. This when you drunk, when you leave your car, and you don't leave your car voluntary some apole after, Hey, hey you can't dry, we're calling you a uber and let's thank God for stuff like that. He couldn't stand up. He was talking so much trash. I had to tell the kids to lead the room. He called me all kinds of names. See, when you get drunk, it come out. And finally he told me, this is what I was thinking the drinking was about. He was miserable in our marriage. Yeah, that's what he said, miserable. But let me share something with you, old lady. You've been miserable too, if you honestly think about it, and I'll show you why. I know you've been miserable because the next day you took the kids and you left. Okay, you threw that's how you feel. You're gonna. I've been staying with my mom for three weeks, and during that time I've encouraged him to get some help, and he needs help. My husband is great when he's sober, but he needs some professional help with his drinking. I've checked out and I no longer try to keep our marriage going. That's cause you've been through for a long time. This was just the tip of the iceberg. This was just distraw that broke the camel's back. You got sick of it. This was the last time. See, you've been miserable too, So don't wear this just cause this drunk dude and came in here and had a revelation in front of you and a kid. I've been miserable. Let the marriage. You went soberly, you went, well, I'll be damned. I have to and me and the kids is over mama's house. Now you're gonna have to go on theo act like a girl. Now he the one got to move you go back to the hour. Let him move it for a long time. Yeah, he visits me and the kids. We still do some things together. The family, and he's always sober when we seen. He wants more, but I don't neither of us can afford to live on our own. What should I do? Well? You fit to be roommates with alcohol? That's pretty much it. You ain't got the money to go nowhere. He ain't got enough money to put you out. Something you're feeling live with an alcoholic as a roommate. Text telling kids quick calling him daddy, started calling him Jerome. Yeah, let's telling kids and hit your daddy no more. He's a roommate. Uh, don't do nothing together as a family. No more. When he come in the room, y'all cut the TV off and leave. But he's sober when they see him when they go out on family out, and he's gonna get drunk unless he gets some help. Yeah, yeah, he definitely needs and if he wants more, he's gonna drink when he gets off work, and you're gonna have another episode. My suggestion to you is follow your hearts. He has to get help before he can come back. He probably a great guy, like you say, But after he gets help and completes the program twelve step that every winds he probably had to go on in I'm Jerome, I have an alcoholic and you really just gonna have to go and say that because they make you say that at the meetings. I ain't ever been to the meetings before. I've seen it on TV, like I had to go into I was in the group one time that was, you know, with physical disadvantages. I was in the group one time when you had to stand up and admit your flaws. I've had to do that before. And what did you stand up? Steve? And I have big lips. I've had to say that, bignonymous. Yeah. And then but the ladies standing next to me, how I'm Claire and I have a huge nose. And I looked at her and I went, damn, man, you should have been in this class where you be. I don't know how you deal with this. Can you see anybody on your right lifting with your other group? Is there problem is? You know? I was looking at getting into him. You know what I'm saying. I just try to stay abreast to these types of help groups cases. People out there listening in straw Bed letter that need help. You know, they got they got class with high Yeah, I'm Harold and I'm ugly. That class hasn't waiting this though. You can't just go get in that one to get in that. Yeah, why do you get help for that though? I mean from being ugly? You know what you do. You can't get help form being ugly? You have you heard you learn coping cooking how to deal with it? Like, you know, don't don't stay in the mirror longer than ten second because you can't time to second. Just do your hair and get on. Don't you brush your teeth in the mirror and stuff? And I don't. I'll be in my calls and brushing my teeth because I know, not standing there and look at it, because I'm gonna see something wrong. Because if you start yourself long enough, you know, one of your eyes ain't the same size as double one. Yeah, yeah, you just kept it too. Yeah, one of my lips is bigger than the other one, which one top of bottom the bottom easily to bottom me candy bottom around like walking around with five sugar face that you're crazy. Well, I know, when we try on shoes, sometimes one of our like our left foot can be larger than our right buttter vice versa. Sometimes that is the case, you know, So maybe there's some truth to what you're saying, some validity to what braws too on that. Yeah, yeah, again, it definitely can happen. It's you think. All right, well, listen, we gotta go. Thank you for that, Steve. You know I'm here for you. Yeah, I see. You can email us or Instagram what's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can go to My Girl Shirley and coming up in ten minutes, it's our girl from the Cheryl Underwood will be here. She's had an interesting week. She'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla will be spilling the tea with Carla's reality update. But right now, Steve, please introduce our girl from the Talk. Hey, Hey, hey, Carrol, it's been a tough week for you, girl. Oh hold on, let me catch my breath cause I'm trying to put my blouse. I'm trying to squeeze on that fat in this little bitty shart I'm trying to wear. Carol. What well? Okay, as we all know, your friend Julie Chenn, farewell to the Talk. Fairwell this week and schol you were really broken up about it. We want to remind uh the audience what touching and loving words that Julie Chen said about you. Take a listen, Cheryl. Thank you for being the perfect go to partner for the last seven years. I opened you close and you always bring down the house. We called ourselves the book Ends, remember, and we always laughed when we said it to each other. Your wit and timing and humor and compassion and intelligence is simply unparalleled. You are incredible, am I'm gonna tell you something. When you hear me talk about two friends among my other friends in the show, they have two of them. Steve Harvey is one and Julie Chen is the other one. When you're talking about somebody that is saved my life more than I know, because I'm about to cry. You know, people go through things in this business and uh, it looks bad and people say, oh, they got everything they could deal with it. I did not get to see the footage before it aired, and I'm ready to be the meme. You know, it's gonna be me and Michael Jordan, know Michael the Red Eyes, and then gonna be me and Michael Jordan and I didn't know what was going to happen. So I'm trying to wear a mob or what they called it, dad the bond to Not. I'm trying to wear my bond to not with my whop ear rings. And I didn't want to juxtapose that image of me crying in something. Now you're sucker and everything that you're doing. No, this is a person that I've been sitting across for seven seasons that we laughed when we first would tell them Joe about being black and yellow. When the Black and Yellow came out, we was joking to each other, you know, when I wanted to call somebody when crazy rich Asians came out, and I was like, I should call Julie, we should go see and he was like, Nae, that's like if somebody called you and let's go see Black Panther, I don't know how that's gonna go. You know what I'm saying, When you're friends with somebody, you care about what people think and say about them. Because she's really for everything she had, She's always been a friend to me. She was the person when I first got on the show, I was writing to joke Stephen. I was taking a profound to the out of him. And and this dude named Kingsley was standings in practice and say, and you know, they clear the words you could say. And he was like, that's not funny because he's British. And so I said, he said, how did Joe go? So I told how to Joe go? About my best girlfriend Peaches Vanessa Granberry, how to Chicago crying over my husband funeral, good joke, hilarious, right, And so I told him without the profanity, said that's not funny. So then they said, hi, go and I told the Joe with the profanity, and they was dying laughing. They said, say it like that. It was Julie that was step up and go. Clearness for her to say let her have this spotlight. She was always the person that when she got a good lab because she was supposed to be the chin box, you know, the person that's not funny. Then she became funnier and then she impersonation. She got all my references. And I'm not saying this to be no sucker, you know how we say in the streets. I'm saying that because never in this world do you think you're gonna have a friend like this. And when your friend is going through something true or not, whatever you're feeling about it, that's still your friend. Just like in my mind, Steve Harvey, it's my big brother. Who is my closest, dearest friend. Like that song Pepper Beard you got son and I saw on your show where you're helping middle aged women. Fine, dudes, what is happening? What is happening now? Steve Harvey, come out, man. I would like to somebody's shoulder question. What's the question? Julie Chien made a statement when she was leaving that she thought a good replacement would be for her was for Carrie, a novel carry. I had her on my show yesterday on my straight talk panel for and I asked you about it. What she say? She was really moved, she said, Wow. Just for her to even mention her Asian sister, it speaks volumes to the quality of person she is. That's right, because it's not that we have to look out for one another, right, But for her to look out and point directly, and I know I'm an Asian woman and I know she is, And for her to think that the ideal replacement would be another was just to say, hey, we are all valuable, And she said, of course, I would be honored if they asked me, right, she said, you know, but it was more of what she did that was more moving. Absolutely a class act, a true boss in this business. And listen, just because I'm pro me and my people don't mean I'm anti somebody else. So if you qualified to get the job. But we got to open the door. People of color have got to open the door for each other. What is wrong with her saying that? To see, they don't have to open the door for each other because they owned the door, the building and everything to go around it. We have to open the door for each other. So I was proud of her. I was proud the way she said it. I was proud that people can see that she had feelings. I was proud to see that this was a bitter sweet moment where she has to go on and live her life in this town when station in life and how people feel about you in relationships and connections are She's done nothing. That's right, She's done nothing. She is standing by her husband absolutely, who is uh absolututely brilliant businessman. Right, that's nothing about nothing else. That's why I haven't really been following the story and so like you know, once again, before I say this, the side of him, I know, that's right, that's something that's happened. I don't know what it's got to be dealt with. That's how I look at the stage. This dude was I had never been to a super Bowl. Less Moon Vest invited me to the super Bowl in Miami. I've never been to. This is the nineties something. I'm sitting up there just in awe, you know. And then just I saw him at the fight. We talked that morning, so you know, thank you so much. Okay, Okay, Timmy, Hey, I'm already strong and prayed up and I'll be sitting at that table as long as they turn the lights on me. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Tommy, you know what to do. Yep, it's that time. She is here. Carlin Ferroll with Carlin's Reality Update. All right, thank you, neph you. Let's talk about Basketball Wives the reunion show. Really, so, Jennifer Williams, she was not there. She has been, you know what, surely she has been at the center of a lot of drama this season, starting with you know, getting into it with Shawnee. Apparently Jennifer. She said she didn't feel safe enough to attend the reunion show. So Jennifer she um, I don't know, she didn't get a chance to say her side of what happened this season, And how about I started the mess? How about hell? How about being the instigator? Her biggest regret, I think was exposing that rumor that ever Lozatta allegedly slept with Shawnee's ex Shack. That remember when all that went down, That was ugly, That was very I don't know what I did. I didn't do anything, didn't do it. I don't know whatever we're talking about. You know, I'm just I'm doing with it. Don't need a holiday, Kobe, Jennifer. She also denied that she told Shannie that Evelyn was a bad mother to her daughter. Shanis, did you see that when they went on that trip to Amsterdam? And uh, Evelyn jumped up because you know, you can't be talking about folks who you know, being a parent, parenting and all that. So that was ugly. That was ugly, and things went back and forth that Jennifer wasn't there. And then Tammy Emmy apologized. Remember she made these comments about Evelyn's domestic altercation. You remember that we talked about cha. You remember when she said that she in and she Tammy apologized. She said she was out of order for saying that she did not have a right to speak about what happened between Evelyn and Chad and the whole domestic case. But Evelyn did not want to hear her apology. Finally, Tammy had enough. She walked off the set during the show. Yes, they do that a lot, Yeah, they do. They do. It's dramatic, tramatically dramatic. Yeah, and she just said she had enough. She asked where her flat shoes were walked outside the Carla, Can I just say that they have flat shoes in the basket on the side. I'm not mad at that. Can I say her favorite? You know, I love Jackie. Jackie is the crazy one on the show, Christie white Man. She's so But can I say she was? She was? She was looking fabulous. I just want to say I loved her. Yeah, she was looking good. She was looking good. And I love Malaysia. I love her. I love Malaysia. Um, Tammy posted on the Gram. You know, everybody was like, well, what's going on? She walked off the show. Shanny didn't know what was happening. And you know, she is technically the boss. She was one of the executive producers on the show, and she posted on the Gram it's been a wild ride, but she was just ready for something else. Now some people are speculating too, because you know, Tammy has lost a lot of weight. She talked about having diabetes, and so people are saying maybe she's just trying to focus on her health and she didn't want to deal with the drama anymore. So you don't really know if she is coming back to the show. So hit me up at lips by Carla. Who do you think should leave basketball? Why? Look healthy? Right? Yeah? Yeah. Some people are just saying she didn't want to be um and she came on my show. I didn't even know who she was for a minute. Her face was very different. Yeah, yeah she's but um. You know that's what people are saying. See, maybe she just want to focus on other things and not I just don't I know it much. Yeah, yeah, I can't have no show like that. Go live your life. Yeah, I gotta have some peace. So back to basketball. Wife's real quick. This is my social media question. Who do you think she'll leave the show? Some folks feel that Shawnny should probably go even though she's executive producer, she's the boss. I don't think she's gonna go. She's not gonna fire herself. But Evelyn, Tammy, Jennifer, who do you think the New Girls? Hit me up at lips by Carla and finally sure you're talking about this? What? Yeah, she's Beau. I don't even but if she ain't on it, she was so upset with Tammy because Carla remembers she mentioned that, Um, she was mad that Tammy said that about Evelyn and Ocho Sinko because Evelyn said she has a permanent scar on her forehead. Now because yeah, behind you know the fight between her and Chad. How are you doing in the day. I just don't see that. Man. I don't understand a man. I just really don't. Man. I don't care how hot it gets. Your job is as a man is to walk away. Look, man, you can defend yourself by blocking it all like that. I'm okay, but dog, your job as a man is to walk away. Now, I'm sorry that times have changed and all this here, and ain't nobody teaching young dudes this? No more? But dog, if a woman hits you, man, walk away? How bad can it be? She hit you? If you got enough to punch back, you got enough to walk away. Period. Man hidding a woman, man, it's of no value. And Steve, you're absolutely right. But as parents, now parents have daughters. I always tell my daughter too because of what you said. Everyone wasn't raised the same. Do not put your hands on a man. Not a parents told us that told us that, don't ever put your hands on him. Don't do it. But now let me tell you this though, if my daughter do put her hand on you, I hadn't told him all not to. And so far I think so good. I think so I think so far, so good. But if she do slap you, you can't slap a backk just go you come over here and tell me, man, hey almost trip your daughter slap Let me call Yeah? All right, all right, Carl, thank you, thank you so much. That was good. All right? Come up next. A teen returns a purse with ten thousand dollars inside. Yeah, teenager will never do that we'll talk about it. I've talked about it at twenty minutes after the are when we come back? All right, right after this. Okay, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So Steve, guys, listen to this. Uh. Tommy Jr. A California teenager found a purse with ten thousand dollars inside, Okay, and decided to be a good Samaritan and return it. His name is ramy Z. He was driving home from school when he noticed a black bag in the middle of the road. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. He was to California black teenage? Is it Calihornia black teenage? Ramy Z ramy z Uh. He searched the purse to find the owner's info and was shocked to see the money. To shot to see the ten thousand dollars. When he couldn't find the owner's number, he and his parents turned the bag into the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's office. The sheriff the law. Yes, how would I dragged the law into ronie Z is sixteen years old, Steve? Why would I tell my mom and dad about it? What is they doing? Though? Okay? When I was six, I have found ten dollars. It would have been a brand new Maverick in the drive, because you can get a brand new Maverick back then for about six I had a brand new Maverick. Wow back left the black Roma. Tom what out man? Yeah, he's sixteen years old, he says. Now listen to what he says. You may agree or not, but he says to me, I figured this is the right thing to do. Well, listen, this is what what else? He said? Steve? If the role were reversed and I had lost something with a significant sum of money inside, I know I would want it back for sure. Where you still be, won't it? You have to do better. Keep up with your people, understand when they got a blessing to standing right in the face. Well, okay, eventually the police officer he did the right thing. I think he did the right thing. When you found something right not necessary? Okay, we listen. Listen. They found the owner, The police found the owner. The sheriff got you pack the stuff you didn't. Owner was grateful. Let me show you how grateful the owner was. The owner gave Ramy one hundred dollars. I see right there, right there, head had a whole drop in the middle of the school year. What I walked back in the hall. I'd a bought the house across the street from my mom. Yeah, you would have left your parents. The owner believes she left her purse. You know how sometimes when you're getting in your car, your hands are full. You might have something in your hand and you put it on your roof of the car and you forget. You get in the car. And do you know how many girls I would have been treating down at Dippy's Wings. Don'twhere dipping shot? If I find ten thousand dollars, I'm gonna be the most popular ugly ass dude at the school. I might be ugly, but I got ten friends. Anybody hungry want to go to Dippy Man. So you guys would have given would not have given the money back? Surely this wouldn't even be a story, because wuld nobody know if I have took that money and out of my daddy and told my dad I found them thousand, He said, come on in the back room, alright. First, we'll be back right after this with more. Man. You're listening to the Steve Show, all right? So the New York Times mix up angela basset and Amar Rossa. Okay, Angela Bassett and amar Rossa, they don't look anything alike. Okay, they're both black women. Uh, and they're both ones in politics and ones in entertainment. Okay, that's about where their similarities stop and start and stop, I should say. However, the New York Times mix them up in their emery Emmy coverage. Uh, there's a photo of them which featured Um, there's a photo which featured Angela Bassett with Tiffany Hattish and brand new Emmy winner Rachel Brush and Brassnahan, I should say. And yeah, they appeared in the early edition of the art section. It should be noted that Getty Images made the mistake first, but the fact that no one at The Times caught it, it was just shocking. Okay. Once they did catch it, they tweeted out an apology and promised to issue a correction. Uh. And you know, Steve, how the corrections are. There used to be a small blurb in the paper under the classifies of a dump trunk. Exactly, exactly right. The correction is never bigger than the mistake or the same size. Uh. Naturally, you know everyone on Twitter, they just went in on the Times One Twitter user said, uh, do all dark skinned black women look like look the same to your editors? Well, Angela basid ever classy, and she's she's always classy and and so eloquent and elegant. She tweeted off a picture of Carrie Washington as Olivia Pope with the caption it's handled and she accepted the Times apology. So there you go. I don't know how she could take a difference. We already know. I haven't seen any anything. Yeah, she's probably happy if they made that mistake, if if her name was mentioned, Yeah, she could probably sell a few more books or something. Yeah, she don't have nothing to be man. Yeah, and may I say that Angela Bassett looked beautiful. She was stunning beautiful. Yeah. And they were saying she's sixty years old. I find that so hard to believe. Yeah, she looks fantastic. She looks fantastic. Yeah. And and they said something, see this would be of interest to you that when she cut out dairy, that's when she started getting more muscle definition. Angela Bassett. Yeah, she's very very toning. To remember how great she looked when she played Tina Turner. Her her arms, Yeah, so she I read somewhere that they said she cut out dairy. My problem is I have so much in me one day you should get out of monsters. So man, I got some stuff in meat. Man. But Angela Bassett looks fantastic. I'm just a big as trashy love you definitely. Another entertainment news from the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Porsha Williams has announced that she is pregnant. Congratulations, and her baby daddy is her new man entrepreneur Dennis McKinley. So we said congratulations to you guys. Alright, Mommy, Yeah, she wanted to have children. Yeah, she's always talked about the fact that she wanted to have children. Yeah, I got my too, Dad, What that is it? Alright, hang on, we're coming up the last break of the day and some clothes thing remarks from Steve Harvey that's coming up at forty nine after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Hi, it's your girl, Carlor Ferrell and the future of at home hair color is here with Madison. Read listen to me, ladies. 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Alright, Steve, Right before we get to your closing remarks for today, UM, we still want to remind everyone to please still keep giving to our friends and neighbors and the Carolina's affected by uh Florence. Please donate whatever you can't to the Red Cross by texting the word Florence to nine zero nine nine nine. We have to mention that President Trump went out there to the Carolinas and uh, yeah, he gave a speech. He was giving out food to the people, talking to them, asking, yeah, asking them how they were, how's the house? Because you know, he had gotten so heavily criticized for throwing the paper towels when he went down to Puerto Rico and just not being there. You know, the people didn't feel like issues didn't get abolished, flood water with the right. So he took a different approach this time around him. Actually, somebody showed him the film. Yeah, this is you may have been millennia. This is you talking to some people who no longer have anywhere to live. Yeah, so good for him. Yeah, all right, Steve, we're ready for the closing remarks. Uh. This is uh for everybody, including myself. This is for anyone who aspires to get more, or to have more, to be blessed more, to acquire more. How do you want to look at? Here's a deal. All of our lives, we live, our lives in in bubbles, so to speak. This is just an analogy everybody. We all live ribs in the bubbles. And what I mean by bubble is not a negative thing. It's that I'm saying. This is the space that we operate in. This is the gym we go to. This is the Starbucks that we like. This is the church that we like to go to. These are some of our favorite restaurants we like to frequent. This is where we go with relations of our relatives and all of this. These is our clubs we go to for drinks and stuff like that. This is the school we attend. This is where we got a gym membership. This is where we socialize and live. That's what I mean by bubble. Now here's the deal. If you want more then what's in your bubble? Then what you have to do is put more air in your bubble. It don't bust, it expands, but you got to breathe more air into it. How do you breathe more air into your bubble? Steve, you gotta start dreaming bigger. You gotta start wanting bigger. You gotta start keeping hope alive. You gotta hope for more. Now you gotta be willing to put the work behind it. But in order to expand your bubble, you got to breathe some air into the bubble. You got to put something any whereas not the same old church, the same old Starbucks, the same old restaurant, the same old club, the same old gym. You've got to breathe some air into that bubble. Expand your bubble. I'm talking to myself. As good as a bubble as I have. I would like to be able to do some other things. Believe it or not, there's limitations to what I can do. You may be looking at me to my wow, man, what you got a limitation on? You? Ball ain't talking about that. There are still things I want in life. That's more to this. So if I want more, including myself, I got to breathe more and to the bubble. The bubble is yours to control. That's the beauty of it. You have a say, so in what what size bubble you got. You ain't got to keep going to the same star books. You could try to want somewhere else. You can expand your bubble. You ain't just got to go to that gym and hear that mess, that train of talking. You don't go to another gym. You tied to that pass something. He ain't talking about nothing. You ain't growing heat feeding you spiritually blow some air in your bubble. Go to another church. You know when you're hearing the same thing, when it ain't working for you. You ain't got to go to the same happy hour. You ain't met nobody over there since you've been going, but since it's the happy hour closest to the house and it's convenient, you keep going. You ain't met nobody. You ain't net work getting passed out of business call. You ain't did nothing. You need some more and your bubble, and the only person that can add more in your bubble is you. You have got to change your attitude. You've got to put more and your bubble. You got a dream, bigger. Stop wanting just what's in your paycheck, because that's inside the bubble already. You already got what you can afford. It's already in your bubble. You need a bigger bubble. The only person can breathe and into your bubble is you. You blow in this bubble. It's like if you got bubble gum then when you was a kid used to bubble zooka bubble gum, and y'all be sitting around trying to blow bubble. Who had the biggest bubble? Well, guess what. Nobody can affect your bubble but you, you the dude. You gotta put more and your bubble. If you won't more, you gotta believe more. If you won't more, you gotta imagine more. If you won't more, you gotta see more for yourself. Now do you get through seeing and won't and believing and tripping and hoping? You got to go to work. You've got to go to work. But guess what your bubble will explain. And when your bubble explance, your existence will spend. You will expland your your whole being will Expland next thing, you know, guess what you're gonna want? Some more animal for all Steve Every contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.